1.Determine candidate moves first. 2.Calculate lines for three moves ahead. 3.Caculate forcing moves 4.Pay attention to forcing moves 5.Start calculating the moves that makes sense 6.Calculate for both sides 7.Try not to let the king escape 8.if the combination fails, reorder the moves Definitely watch the video as he says some valuable things about those rules!!
I love this type of video where you give us puzzles and then ask us to think about the solution before you reveal it and why. I think it really helps. so thanks for posting
Wow! that was really a nice lesson! You taught some basic winning principle! Thank you, Igor, again for another great lesson. The puzzle seems easy than the other positions, because, to me, it requires less calculation. The solution is 1. Qxh8+ -- Kc7, 2. Qc8+ -- Kb6, 3. Qxb7#
Puzzle using your rules: The most forcing move & logical one 1- Queen takes rook Qxh8+ Now calculating 3 moves ahead: King has to move since there is no decent way to defend king then: King c7 is forced. Is there another forcing move? Yes queen c8 check Then king b6 is forced Is there another check or checkmate 🧐 ? Yeah Queen b7 checkmate.. and finally thanks Igor!!
0:17 Black only has two legal responses to Nf5+. If they play Kf7, then White plays Kg7#. If they play Bxf5, then White plays Qg7+. This forces Ke6, so White plays Qd7+. This forces Ke5, so White plays Qd6#.
I've got Qxh8+. If black interposes his queen, then white has Qxd8 mate, so black will instead play Kc7. Next, Qf8+ forces the king to g6, the only move available. Qxg7 delivers the mate. This is also a lesson on looking at the whole board. I initially focused on moves towards the king, and I missed that the rook was hanging. I had considered Qxa7+ and f7+, but neither of those went anywhere. In each case, the checking piece is captured, and it is over. Qxd6+ made a little more sense, but after Qxd6+ exd6 (or Bxd6), the only forcing move left is f7+, which still fails.
Can someone send me a link of video that has a link to blitz video made by grandmaster. Explaining how to win blitz games. I would be really grateful thanks
Very nice work and great educational video! One question though , if you drag arrows it seems easier to calculate or to make combinations etc ..but if you play from mobile and the opponent plays from pc how is that works ??? Isn’t it more fair to pair opponents by device ? ??
You had an error in this video. Where black king was on h8 and you had black rooks on g8 and g7. If you play rook on g2 and take black rook on g7the black rook on G8 must take white rook on g7. After that if you move h1 rook to g1 you have mate in 3. Black can delay the mate in 1 by 2 moves by blocking with bishop g2 then queen g3 but after that queen to g7 is check mate.the black rook on g7 can’t take the white rook on g1 because it is pinned by check mate by the white queen on f7.
Great video GM Igor! Thank you for sharing the wisdom! 👍 Edit: I've beaten a stronger opponent that i wouldn't beat before watching this video, this is how good it is.
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LOVE YOUR videos GM. Just started my chess classes and they are really helpful. All the way from KENYA and you're really rocking. The best chess teacher ❤❤❤. Kindly pin me 📌📌
That is so horrible bro Firstly, the king can just play ke5 after Rd6 Secondly, After the king takes horse, Qg4+, there is Ke5. THIRDLY, QG4+ GIVES UP A QUEEN IN ONE MOVE!!!!!!!