

Hayley Alexis
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@BeWeRo Год назад
Yes, you´re right: For me as a German women talking about Nazis is no joke at all, because it is such a terrible part of our history and it hurts me very much, if someone makes a joke out of it.
@lonespokesperson7254 Год назад
reopening the wound.....reopen.....reopen......reopen......reopen.......reopen......reopen......
@lonespokesperson7254 Год назад
Depends on which country you live in - I mean, I respect your opinion.Granted. Even the jews - and this was on German TV - joked about concentration camps. Why? Because humor is the best way to SURVIVE. Do you have any idea how many Germans i knew pointed the finger at me due to medium range missiles stationed in Germany - and, being American - in the early 80's? - And history proved that Ronald Reagan was right. We are still here. In the final analysis - it is about jumping on the bandwagon - in the right way - at the right time.
@niniel9209 Год назад
​@@lonespokesperson7254good idea. Start by yourself. We don't denie our past
@lonespokesperson7254 Год назад
@@niniel9209 BY that statement alone - that is perfect proof - of your denial - often a person who says he/she doesn't do something - does - the exact opposite - I DON't deny my heritage - and - having lived in Germany for 50 years - gives me perfect proof of how you - like a dog salivating - chase after trends, ruin the beautiful English language - let your own values be flushed down the TOILET - and try so hard to show the world you are NOT German - you end up _being German_. t is all about your IMAGE - and how you want to be seen - and - above all - how you 'believe' the world sees YOU. That is SO IMPORTANT for your survival......more important than anything else. - Sie können ihr Deutschtum nicht entkommen, und wenn Sie sich noch so sehr bemühen - werden Sie jeden Tag DEUTSCHLAND im Spiegel - SEHEN, FÜHLEN, HÖREN, SCHMECKEN und - RIECHEN.
@brettbuck7362 Месяц назад
@@niniel9209 But, you also appear to have learned nothing from it. Half these "germany is better" videos talk about how superior Germany is, how they have better "discipline" they are, even the funny ones are about guys waiting to cross the road until the sign turns, etc. That is *exactly* the same sort of behavior that caused your "problem" in the first place. You don't want to relive the past - and then you make a law to not say certain words, not show certain symbols - which is exactly the same mindset. And best/worst of all - you don't even see it. You banned symbol, etc. were never ever the problem- the problem is that you are so willing to micromanage yourselves via authority, and are still doing it, proudly.
@blauchiliblau7591 Год назад
Not only that Germans bring dogs to much places. If Germans need to leave their dog at home, the dog walks around in the whole house alone. I’ve never seen a dog in germany in a cage like a bird or hamster. And they are trained from the beginning to do their pee and poo outside.
@uggelebuschele4570 Год назад
It’s crazy to me that many Americans leave there dogs in a grade all day.
@melcraig9855 3 месяца назад
That’s something that always shocked me. Because many leave them in a crate all day, then think the backyard is enough to move around and THEN wonder why the dog is hyper or destroys things when not crated… 😞😞
@ronaldleo8808 Год назад
I hope you continue your channel back home.
@HayleyAlexis Год назад
I will!! It just will take awhile until I am back on track ☺️☺️
@gerhardbrey3524 Год назад
Its sad that circumstances force you to leave. You belong here. I'm sure it's not just me who feels that😵‍💫
@vo.thomas1116 Год назад
Me too!!
@lovelyisabelle2028 Год назад
Calling us nazis is like the most hurtful thing you can say. In that case even saying all the time that our language sounds super aggressive (whose language doesn't when yelled?) feels like a pat on the back.
@RustyDust101 Год назад
Yepp, calling a modern, non-Afd, or non-NeoNazi German a Nazi is right along the level of hurtful as using the N-word in the company of a POC.
@dennisbohman3848 Год назад
Norweigan 🤪
@lonespokesperson7254 Год назад
depends on how one uses it - which might make it sound super aggressive. - The German language, i MEAN - and devaluating the AfD won't help either.
@jochenrudiger Год назад
Some people even use this expression when talking about others that have a different opinion than they do. In both cases, I get angry, because I wish that the original ones only had different opinions, but instead they became part of terrible crimes and brought terror.
@Anson_AKB Год назад
the usa have an "N-word" too, and this is another "N-word" in germany. but just halfway hiding the use of these words by only using their first letters doesn't change their bad meaning at all. it doesn't get better by hiding it, but only by being aware and not think and talk in derogatory ways.
@Orangebicycle7887 Год назад
When I moved back to Sydney, Australia after living in Germany for 8 years the thing I never gave up was bike riding as transport. Used to get abused a lot for bikeriding by Sydneysiders but attitudes are slowly changing here too.
@joeaverage3444 Год назад
I was an exchange student in the U.S. many years ago, and I remember one person asking me when I got there, "So what's the deal with you guys... are you still Nazis?". Granted, this was out in the rural Midwest, but I was a bit shocked that people there knew next to nothing about modern German culture. They knew about German beer, Oktoberfest and the Autobahn, but with quite a few people there, that was almost literally it. The town's staunch Southern Baptist pastor, of all people, was one of the few who were following international news avidly, and he would ask me quite educated questions about Germany very regularly. But most other people, well, America was all the news that mattered to them.
@lonespokesperson7254 Год назад
Well, with all due respect - what do you expect? the MIDWEST is out in the country. Taking a trip to Europe is not affordable to most Americans, and low income Americans probably won't even leave their state, let alone their home town. The United States has enough problems of their own, and living in the United States feels like there is ONLY the United States - because other than Canada and Mexico to the south - that is all there is. Has nothing to do with the fact that people 'are dumb', that is just the way it is. If you watch i.e. the Tagesthemen, it is virtually ALL BAD NEWS - and - about the EU - which isn't even a COUNTRY. Certain countries are always bad, the war in the UKRAINE must go on and on until the Ukraine WINS.
@petercollingwood522 Год назад
That's pretty much still the case everywhere in the US unfortunately.
@axelst.776 Год назад
I have been in the US for close to 30 years. I remember decades ago somebody asking me: Do you build cars in Germany? I looked at him like he lost his mind - since he drove an old VW Jetta. Sadly, today I am no longer surprised by stuff like this.
@lonespokesperson7254 Год назад
@@axelst.776 why would you be surprised - after 30 years. - After 50 years of Germany - plus the respective changes - plus merging 2 Germanys in to something unrecognizable - and - furthermore - taking a go at ruining our beautiful English language - the 'spelling reform (Rechtschreibreform) - and - having the Green party governing us - which 85 % of the people that voted did not even vote for. Please cut our fellow Americans some SLACK. if you watch the news, CNN excluded, there is mainly U.S. news. Good education costs money, but student loans are obtainable. I could have gone to college or to a university when I lived in California in the 80's. I didn't. My only lifeline to Germany was the Deutsche Welle on short wave - and - the very, very expensive telephone. Surely you can watch German TV from where you live. You tell me, what happened here? Been living in the biggest city in Germany since 1988 - at the time you were in Germany as well. I have seen real changes since then - not all for the good. TV (öffentlich- rechtlich/public) is now totally government friendly and coverage now is totally 'GREEN' Germany and the U.S. are different. Your run of the mill German would say, "if the circumstances were different, we could - and would _do something_. In America - even the poor - were a lot more optimistic in GENERAL and knew 'the ropes' very, very well.
@Eysenbeiss Год назад
@@lonespokesperson7254 And even there, they got INTERNET; moron.
@GlenHunt Год назад
I'm thankful that my dog is a (legit) service dog and we get to go everywhere together. However, the downside is that I need to have my dog with me EVERYWHERE whether it's convenient of not.
@Kristina_S-O Год назад
Hey Hayley, I am looking forward to see your "new" life in the US and how your point of view may change after some time.
@tmalloy9 Год назад
I am more interested to see how you change other people around you. ❤
@wallerwolf6930 11 месяцев назад
Why should she? After all, she has spent most of her life in the USA and knows the differences. There will “not” be a positive change in the USA. Especially if a certain Donald “Pinocchio” Trump moves back into the White House. Then why would she change her mind?
@user-cr3fz8lz2i Год назад
Success, happiness, acquiring good karma, however you want to put it, isn’t that hard. Be nice and respectful! EVERYWHERE! Good points Hayley!
@Julia-lk8jn Год назад
Nope. "be nice" is a good way to be walked over and end up doing the work of people'll then have time to promote themselves to the boss.
@JouMxyzptlk Год назад
Thanks for those videos - I love that "real authentic person" view. I don't understand how anyone can attack you for whatever... Different opinion can happen, but a civilized tone is a must. As for insurance part has been talked about at the "LebenUSA" channel several times, and he gives a lot of hints how it is now. There are a lot of possibilities which came up in the last decade, including state financed or state supported. Deutsche Welle has an English speaking channel, even on youtube. Same goes for ARTE Journal, and 3sat news which both offer a European-wide view.
@TabithaElkins Год назад
My ex used to imitate Hitler, and I didn't have the guts to tell him how terrible insulting that was, especially since my Mom was scared to death of the Nazis as a child (she was threatened for refusing to go to Nazi meetings).
@wallerwolf6930 11 месяцев назад
Did your ex do the Hitler salute for fun or because he himself adheres to this Nazi ideology? Then it wouldn't be insulting but stupid and disgustingly naive. Unfortunately, there are demonstrably many supporters of the Nazi regime and an AH in the USA who openly display their sympathies.
@TristouMTL Год назад
Always love seeing how much thought you put into leading your life, from small to big things, from toast to nazis :)
@HayleyAlexis Год назад
@MsXlr8urself Год назад
Yes, I use a VPN for most of my browsing now because I’m paranoid about data collection. Websites from other countries are much more transparent about it.
@Pewtah Год назад
"[Toast] is not bread." 10:19 - Wow, this out of the mouth of an American! I as a German was suprised positively. 😄
@rompofotters0915 Год назад
People bringing their dogs everywhere surprised me when I studied in Germany. I admit I thought it was weird at first, but then I realized that dogs were much better behaved in Germany than in the US (in my experience). I wonder if that has to do with the fact that people can bring their dogs to a lot of places in Germany, so it's part of the social contract that you will train your dog to behave well since it will be out in public. It's something I have been thinking about for a while. Great video as always!
@moonmoon2597 Год назад
I personally think people in Germany are way more interested in how to raise your dogs, comparing the methods of Germanys most well known dog trainer and US dog trainers shows, that most US trainers are were our trainers were in the 80s or 90s, so there is a difference in knowledge. In my opinion, when watching US based influencers having dogs, people in Germany are way more serious about the process of getting a dog. People in Germany walk their dogs at least 2-3 times a day and your neighbors will notice if you don't, while in the US I have a feeling they get walked every other day and people think a big yard is sufficient. Also we have some laws regarding dogs, so in certain areas if your dog is larger than 40cm and heavier than 20kg you have to get a "Sachkundenachweis" so basically a test (that gets critizised for having outdated information) you have to take to ensure you have basic knowledge about dogs. Moreover when driving around a dog is considered a piece of luggage which you have to secure. So you will see most Germany having their dog in the back of the car in a box or on the backseat but secured with a safety belt. Meanwhile I saw many US based influencers having their dog run freely around the car while driving, which can be highly dnagerous, since when having to do an emergancy break, your dog can become projectile like, endangering you or just flying thraight through the windshild and probably getting fatal injuries. Moreover there is a dog tax, so if you have a dog you have to pay taxes for them. There is also a differentiantion between "regular" breeds and "dangerous" ones (also something people (in my opinion rightfully) critizise). "Dangerous" dogs are either a certain breed or dogs that have a past of attacking people, these also have to wear a muzzle, unless they past a test.
@emiliajojo5703 Год назад
To me and my family it was always the most important thing to be able to take our dogs anywhere,without issues.
@elisabethdorrer4831 Год назад
Maybe I missed something.
@nancywillaert5129 Год назад
Germany never had problems with my dogs being able to be in the restaurant, or camping or camper parkings, not a lot of kids just touch our dogs they ask first before touching, we go often to Germany for city visits, hiking the wine tasting, and the food. We noticed that German dogs don’t often pull their leashes, and had the opportunity to ask more when our dogs played they said long leash it gives the dog more self awareness and confidence, and they are more likely to look after their owner. So we bought two new ones and our summer hikes where so much more relaxed! We often laugh that our dogs are served first than us, but I’m happy they can join me in the restaurant because I have anxiety attacks even when walking in cities, and our boy does react by coming closer or even want to hang over my lap to calm me down, the girl is more in tune with the fact if my blood pressure drops. Than she blocks me. They never had those trainings and a German lady said it’s because you have a close bond with them. An other couple those two of ours wanted to say hi and I asked if they where okay with it it made their day because they had to put down their beloved dog and lost a family member all in one week, it was like they knew they needed a cuddle. Last year my couple got puppies and one of them is in training for a girl with autism and the other one is in the sport world. I’m happy and proud of the families that take such good care of the two boys.
@wallerwolf6930 11 месяцев назад
That's how it will be. In Germany there are also many dog clubs and training places, almost in every town. Not every dog owner is so active, but their dogs are considered social creatures that also need their "contacts" outside the house ;-))
@sonjak2395 Год назад
You are so right when it comes to kids on the internet. I don‘t know if I would have liked it if my parents would have put me online. Parents should put themselves in their kids shoes and think about this before acting.
@newnobee Год назад
Before I start reacting to your Video, I really have to say, that I'm a customer of NordVPN for about 1,5years now, and you're right in every single point you stated about NordVPN! I AM really happy that I've choosen their service, and NO: I'm not paid by them, I'm just a Fan of Hayley. Alright: now I'll enjoy her latest Video and maybe I'll react, if I get the feeling that should do so 😉 P.S.: huge huggs from Linz/Rhein. 😉😘
@HayleyAlexis Год назад
Thank you ❤️ I’ve had it for over a month now and use it every day!!! It’s awesome. I have been able to watch Hulu with no issues and have searched the web as incognito as possible 🥸
@newnobee Год назад
​@@HayleyAlexislook: there's another big positive aspect, which you've might not thought about... you're now able to watch and enjoy german TV in the US, therefore you won't loose your ability to understand our language when you can HEAR it on a regular basis 😉
@joergfritsch3700 Год назад
Supossedly I wouldn't had made your aquaintance surfing through the web incognito.@@HayleyAlexis
@k.schmidt2740 Год назад
Dear Hayley, I wish you all the very best for your moving "home"! One thing I would like to offer for consideration, however, is that you think very thoroughly about acquiring a dog, if you want to go back and forth to Germany occasionally, having a dog would be a constant concern. In addition, you could lose access to quite a few people, as there are many of us out here who are (really, physically) allergic to dogs. It makes my life very complicated that Germans take their dogs literally everywhere! Fortunately, my allergy requires quite a long exposure to kick in, but when it does, I am out of circulation for about a week, which is really no fun at all. To top it off: I like dogs! The whole matter is very distressing. Oh, well. Have a happy transition, in any case!
@wallerwolf6930 11 месяцев назад
Unfortunately, allergies are becoming more and more common and are a result of our eating habits (civilizational diseases), which are difficult to avoid. I'm glad I don't have an allergy to dog or cat hair yet, because it's just nice to have a lovely, loyal, playful dog around sometimes ;-))
@emiliajojo5703 Год назад
My favorite is still Hochzeitsrücktrittsversicherung, in case you change your mind in the last minute😂
@menuka2669 Год назад
What I’m mostly missing after leaving Germany three years ago is german bread. And as I see, I’m not the only one 😂 There’s nowhere better bread than in Germany 😅
@maja-kehn9130 Год назад
I think the Nazi one can be explained to people from the US as it is like our N-word.
@TubeYou-kx6yi Год назад
No, it's more like calling an Italian a Roman, with the thought that they also conquered Europe & more 2,000 years ago. But Romans and Nazis are all (or very shortly before) dead. The idiots (Nazi) with the same thoughts are called Neo-Nazi today.
@GeeShocker Год назад
Isn't it also a N-word 🤔
@maja-kehn9130 Год назад
@@GeeShocker Well yes, it is liturally also a word that starts with N.
@scarba Год назад
Deutsche Welle is on RU-vid in English for news.
@MaskedBishop Год назад
Interesting. I specifically buy "deodorants" with aluminium, so antiperspirants, because aluminium compounds are what makes you stop sweating. Actual deodorants though are just cheap perfumes and absolutely don't work for me. You just have to take care that it stays on the skin and doesn't enter the body through wounds.
@wallerwolf6930 11 месяцев назад
As always, a very insightful video. Thanks for that! In Germany there is also "special" bread for the toast machine, i.e. the shape is adapted and also the American style. However, this toast bread is also available as whole grain bread, which I only use. There is also a heated debate about how unhealthy bread is in general, the topic of gluten and of course carbohydrates in particular. I (we) only eat whole grain products and rarely made from wheat. Luckily we have this enormous selection.
@siggi248 Год назад
Many ideas about today's Germans are based on stereotypes. People who have never experienced our country get all their knowledge from US war films (Nazi films). The same applies to the idea that Germans "yell". In fact, when it comes to German music videos on RU-vid, many people ask what language it is because German sounds so different from what they learned. When I was in the USA, I noticed from the questions I was asked that many Americans didn't have the slightest idea about our country (sometimes not about other countries either). They didn't mean to be rude, but many of these persons have just never visited Germany / Europe. Last but not least, today's Germans themselves have a stake in the way they are viewed, as they tend to belittle themselves and even applaud when horrible things are said to them.
@lonespokesperson7254 Год назад
why would they have the slightest idea about your country - duh - how - ? especially if they live in the United States - it has enough problems of its own.....So does Canada.....they do the same thing in Canada as far as residential schools are concerned - reopen wounds. Not saying it is right. It is like attacking yourself for something you never did - out of principle......and getting a kick out of it. - Nobody, but absolutely nobody - told them to belittle themselves do to their history. And look: German propaganda films weren't any different - take -> Jud Süß - and -> The eternal Jew. Historically, any enemy, whether factual - or potential - will be critisiized or mocked - WW II propaganda - thick German accent - Japanese with buck teeth. I mean, gimme a break - look at what is happening in the Ukraine - it goes ON AND ON
@siggi248 Год назад
@@lonespokesperson7254 I've rarely read such incoherent stammering that doesn't address my post in the slightest. and what does Ukraine have to do with it? As to your question "Why would they have the slightest idea about your country ": What about education?
@lonespokesperson7254 Год назад
@@siggi248 Sigrid, for your information, it is not coherent - but incoherent - please take some English lessons from a native speaker - coherent is something POSITIVE - not NEGATIVE - no offense
@siggi248 Год назад
@@lonespokesperson7254 Thank you for your advice, but as you may notice, I have changed this one day ago, already. This error occurred while dictating. Of course, my English could be better, though. I am sure your German, French or whatever skills are much better.
@dagmarfrerking2235 Год назад
Completely agree on the toast and deodorant issues. I also avoid aluminum in baking powder, as I don't see how eating that metal can be good for us. Speaking of baking and toast: I finally, after decades of grumbling about the 'bread' here in the US, realized that I needed to learn to bake my own. So I took a sourdough baking course. It takes some time but it's really not that difficult and sure beats the horrendous price of good bread here.
@Julia-lk8jn Год назад
I'll never forget the first time I came across "European Bread" in the US. Me and a few other Au-pairs (live-in exchange nannies) were in some sort of shop where they had a small freestanding basket of bread loafs - with an actual crust!! - and you'd have thought that we had come across the Holy Grail, standing around it and going "ohhhhhhh, _real_ bread" 😍😍 I think up to that point, none of us had realized that we'd missed it. It's not like you can't eat standard US bread, it just that on it's own, it's a bit like eating bread-flavored /something/.
@charlotteinnocent8752 Год назад
As a parent, I share a pic of my kids maybe once or twice in a year. My social media is private so I don't worry about people who shouldn't seeing my kids, but I DO feel it is unfair on the kid that his or her entire life has been daily documented on the internet. That's weird. I can send more pics via email for family who want them.
@-----REDACTED----- Год назад
For news I can genuinely recommend ground news as a comparator and overview tool helps by to recognise potential biases in sources
@ghlscitel6714 Год назад
News soure: Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Hi reputation. You look stunning in this lovely blouse!
@HayleyAlexis Год назад
Oh thank you! It is so old but I love it so much!
@ghlscitel6714 Год назад
@@HayleyAlexis I hope you come back one day. Have a prosperous and interesting time and a good health always.
@yt-viewerfromger320 Год назад
​@@HayleyAlexis Weiß doch keiner, daß die Bluse alt ist. Steht Dir jedenfalls perfekt..!
@FlaneurSolitaire Год назад
Lol, I love the "toast is not bread" rant: I hereby now officially declare Hayley to be more German than the Germans!
@SalyLuz-hc6he 3 месяца назад
Could you please, possibly explain to me how toast is bad for you, if you start out with a healthy, tasty, high-fiber homemade bread? I mean we do also like ours fresh out of the oven, but it’s equally good when toasted! More than half of my ancestors were German, with our favorite bread recipe coming from my third great grandma a German immigrant. I knew her daughter and granddaughter very well, they are the ones who taught me to bake bread. This makes the best toast I have ever had! I grew up on a farm, and most of our bread has always been made from whole grains, honey, milk, eggs, butter etc. that was raised on one of the farms in our extended family. Are you saying that Germans are opposed to toasting their yummy bread?? That just seems very odd compared to what I observed among my German ancestors who moved to the US. I learn to bake bread as a child from my great great grandmother, my great grandmother and my grandmother, starting out with this German recipe. I can assure you it makes wonderful French toast, sandwiches, garlic bread, and traditional toast as well as great fresh bread!
@queenbuzybee4074 Год назад
Glad to hear that you could incorporate some of our into your daily life! I totally agree on your views, especially pets, world news, kids and insurance. And bread, toast just isn’t bread. Only time I‘ll eat it is with peanut butter!
@allanarellanes1726 Год назад
Bagel with cream cheese toasty! Especially if they have raisin or blue berries
@SalyLuz-hc6he 3 месяца назад
Can you explain to me what is the objection to toasting your bread, if you start out with Healthy, tasty whole-grain bread? I don’t quite understand that. I grew up on homemade bread using most often a recipe that came from my third great grandma, a German immigrant to the US. I made lots of different kinds of bread starting around age 6 with help. We almost always used whole grains, seeds like poppyseed, sesame seed, cracked grains or rolled oats, sometimes nuts like sliced almonds or smashed walnuts. We enjoyed this healthy whole-grain high-fiber bread out of the oven, but we also enjoyed it toasted. Are you telling me that no one in Germany actually toasts their yummy bread? It just sounds a little puzzling to me, as more than half of my ancestors are German and they still ate toasted homemade bread here in the US.
@cellevangiel5973 Год назад
People love to think that if you send something to somebody, that he is the only one that has access. But everything go"s in huge severs, out of your control and you can not delete it. You throw it in the public.
@natmanprime4295 Год назад
wow as a brit i have to say, your accent is amazing, your feminine energy is off the charts, literally healing my spirit. i wish all american women spoke like you. you can shave your head wear what you like, whatever. it wont change anything. i can see why people wish children on you...i guess youre having too much fun
@HayleyAlexis Год назад
well dang.... such a compliment to receive! Thank you so very very much!
@SalyLuz-hc6he 3 месяца назад
@@HayleyAlexis maybe many people just think there should be more people like you in the world! It could make the world a better place! 💙💛
@Julia-lk8jn Год назад
6.08 - advantage? improvement? _(language teacher reflexes, sorry.)_ I could imagine posting some stuff about a child, like a long distance shot of them happily tumbling down the same hill again and again, but never something personal that they might feel embarassed about. Even so, I can understand parents using social media to share with relatives who already know their child; that's what "visible only for XY" options are for.
@wheezingjuice 3 месяца назад
Yup a dog is not only an animal it's a friend, even part of your family. It needs to be around its humans because they're its pack substitute. But I don't like dogs in a restaurant because most people don't train their dogs well and don't handle them properly and they just misbehave. A restaurant is just not the best of places to bring animals which are not properly trained.
@riaconradt2554 Год назад
For toast, I actually like french toast with egg and bacon. I also like grilled toast with ham and cheese in it. But admittedly I haven’t had them in years. We normally buy Brot and/or Brötchen. I wonder, though, how easy it will be to find other breads besides toast or those soft white bread rolls in the U.S. because when we used to vacation in the U.S., we rarely found other types of bread.
@charisma-hornum-fries Год назад
I useitfor breadcrumbs in various dishes. Otherwise I haven't had any for +20 years. 😅
@Orangebicycle7887 Год назад
I never showed my kids on the internet. It really took off about the time they were born. Everyone in my orbit found me upright for not sharing photos of them online and I’m so glad now I’m retrospect that I never did.
@LythaWausW Год назад
Although I wouldn't eat a Toastbrot sandwich, Toastbrot is perfect for making Thanksgiving stuffing or croutons. Because of the square shape and sticky texture, it's easy to cut into cubes. It also makes great cheap horse snacks.
@wallerwolf6930 11 месяцев назад
The toast might be suitable for a filling. But if they fed it to a horse in Germany (there are more than many foreigners would think), they would get into big trouble with the owner. In some paddocks there are signs warning you not to feed the horses, but especially not with sticky toast!
@SalyLuz-hc6he 3 месяца назад
@@wallerwolf6930 Can you explain to me please, why do you assume that toast would be sticky? I grew up on a farm making bread from the age of six with the help of my great great grandmother, my great grandmother and my grandmother. This was a German recipe that my third great grandma brought with her when she came to the US from Germany. I learned to make other recipes as well, but they were always a whole grain recipe with ingredients from our family farms, ground into flour right before baking. Most of the additional ingredients were also from one of the family farms in our extended family. If there was milk, butter, honey, pumpkin, rye, oats, or walnuts etc added, it came from one of our farms. Why should we not toast this wonderful bread? I can assure you it tastes wonderful toasted, with homemade butter and homegrown eggs on top! It’s also great with homemade cheese, or homemade jam on top! The bread is very tasty, full of fiber and nutrients, and it tastes excellent whether it’s fresh from the oven, or whether it is toasted! Probably 1/4 of the time we might put homemade jam on it, and maybe 1/12 of the time we might turn it into homemade French toast with our homemade maple syrup or homegrown fruit on top. But those are the only times I can think of it actually ever being sticky. I feel like there is something being missed in communication here. My German immigrant ancestors toasted their homemade bread and enjoyed it this way. Are you telling me that nobody in Germany today ever toasts their bread?? 🤔🤷🏼‍♀️
@elliotsmith9812 Год назад
Well done. Thank you.
@HayleyAlexis Год назад
Thanks for watching!
@daffyduk77 11 месяцев назад
Why is personal liability & legal protection insurance necessary in Germany ? I could understand needing it in the USA
@simonspeechley2859 Год назад
took me a while to understand what you had against 'toast' until I realized you talking about sliced bread - you were obviously talking as a German and their brotchen culture.
@stefanweilhartner4415 Год назад
toasted toast with ham and eggs and added other stuff is ok every now and then, but good, REAL toast bread is hard to find. the plastic sponge wrapped in plastic foil - especially untoasted - is crap.
@renesalinas9491 3 месяца назад
In germany I just have those insurances wher I can't handle the risk by my selfe.
@Phiyedough Год назад
That was interesting about not being able to get informed consent for showing children online. One thing I wish my parents had not done to me when I was a baby was have me Christened. It was just the normal thing to do in UK back in the 1960s but I wish they had waited until I was old enough to decide whether I wanted it. They were not religious and were just paying lip service to cultural norms.
@tic-tacdrin-drinn1505 Год назад
Being Christened without consent is not as bad as being circumcised without consent...
@hoWa3920 Год назад
@@tic-tacdrin-drinn1505 Happens for the same reason - pressure from society.
@MomoPersikka Год назад
I got Christened too, so I don't understand what the big deal is? I mean it's just a bit water you got on your head which you don't remember and it's doesn't mean anything if you don't believe in it.
@GeschichtenUndGedanken Год назад
Thanks Hayley.
@IngridRosario-n5h 4 месяца назад
I think, it is about time to let the nazi "jokes" rest! There is nothing funny about being called a nazi! Friends do not call you a nazi, not even as a joke! Give it a rest, people!!!!
@moki4541 Год назад
I would also add to look up reliable news sources in germany and not the "Springer-Presse" aka BILD etc.
@HayleyAlexis Год назад
Never ever a Bild reader unlesss it’s for drama/gossip
@bavariancarenthusiast2722 Год назад
We will miss you over here ! And you special view on all German, that gives me at least a very different perspective . How do you get those ideas - a wide spectrum today 😅 Toast? you will miss our bread over there 🥖 Deodorant with aluminum can cause cancer ? I had no idea - I only take without for a long time.
@HayleyAlexis Год назад
hahahah I sit down and make random lists... I start with a title and then just brainstorm for a few days about ideas/experiences I have or had in Germany :p
@bavariancarenthusiast2722 Год назад
@@HayleyAlexis well it works 😅
@noelcatanzaro3405 Год назад
If you come back to the US just look up your closest hometown bakery and buy some real bread there, I made bread at bakeries when i was studying, so yes you can !! or check the bakery section at grocery. You have to look but they have small selection of Italian breads in there. Had renters insurance mandatory for my first apartment in 1984 so you lost me ????? Good video
@_-martin-_ Год назад
Haley.. What the heck! What about aluminium soda bottles??
@HayleyAlexis Год назад
Those will be banned as well 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@_-martin-_ Год назад
@@HayleyAlexis That's it! From now on I will only consume stuff that comes in glass bottles or containers!
@elisabethdorrer4831 Год назад
As someone who has been attacked by dogs twice, the fear of dogs is deeply rooted in me and I am glad that Belgians don't take their dogs everywhere. When I invite people to my house and garden I do ask them not to bring their dog. I was shocked when someone did! Luckily it was a small one and I just avoided it as much as I could. I never visit any dog-owning friends at their house with one exception for people who really need my moral support. I am shocked at how thoughtlessly Americans monetize their children on the internet while exposing them to pedophiles! I hate it even more when suffering and crying kids are exhibited like circus animals. I often react along the lines of: Sweet kid. But why not respect their privacy. Upon which I get very angry answers!
@wallerwolf6930 11 месяцев назад
I feel sorry for “every” person who has had such bad experiences with dogs. As a rule, this is up to the dog owner. I also recognize a person's character from a dog's behavior. Dogs really behave the way their owners suggest they do. Luckily, I only know dogs (people ;-)) in our area who behave completely peacefully and extremely sweetly. We don't have a dog at the moment, but we are in contact with friends (neighbors) who have one or more. These are full-fledged family members who behave very excitedly, sweetly and cuddly and are always happy when they see me and my wife. Well-behaved, friendly dogs are good for a family atmosphere and this is proven. It's a shame that they will never have this experience because they generally keep their distance.
@stefanweilhartner4415 Год назад
hayleycopter parents alert
@mattesrocket Год назад
nice video!
@HayleyAlexis Год назад
Thank you!!!
@SalyLuz-hc6he 3 месяца назад
I am new to your channel this week. I have watched a LOT of your videos, and look forward to seeing very many more. One thing I don’t get is your opposition to toast, and then showing several photos while talking about that subject, where nothing was actually toasted?? Several of the photos you showed, for example the PBJ sandwich, you called it toast but there was actually zero toasting on those pieces of sliced bread. It was just white, without any area darkened by toasting. We have certainly made tasty French toast and put our own maple syrup, homemade butter, jam or homegrown fruit on it, but it started out with healthy bread, full of nutrients, fiber and whole grains. French toast almost always includes our fresh farm milk and eggs. But you seem to be saying that German bread cannot ever be toasted, only American bread!? Your statement and photos are a bit confusing to us! I’m certainly 100% for the right of each person to choose what they eat and not be forced to eat things they don’t like! But what are you trying to tell us- that none of that good, healthy, whole grain tasty German bread is ever toasted?? I grew up on a farm in the US, and I learned to bake bread at an early age. We used entirely natural things, most of which were from one of the farms in our extended family. We raised our own whole grains, froze them and then ground them into Flour right before baking bread. Sometimes we added cracked wheat or rolled oats, sunflower seeds or sesame seeds, sliced almonds or smashed walnuts, & other whole grains like rye. Our homemade bread was always full of nutrients and very tasty! It tasted excellent fresh out of the oven, but it was also wonderful when toasted! Our favourite bread in my family is actually a version of my third great grandma‘s bread. She was a German immigrant around the Civil War time. I learned how to bake this bread from her daughter and granddaughter, as well as my grandmother, her great granddaughter. I was baking this bread without help by the time I was 8, Because I liked it so much and loved seeing how it would raise, and how I could create some thing so good from what I poured into a bowl. This is a honey whole wheat bread with cracked wheat kernels. Sometimes we added some almond flour, and it always included fresh local honey. Someone in my family was always a beekeeper, so we had a good source of honey from the hives my uncle kept at the back of our Fruit Farm. I certainly think our homemade bread is better than most breads I can find at my local grocery store, but more and more of them in the US have their own bakeries now, and make healthy, tasty whole-grain bread. Maybe if I understood exactly what kind of bread you prefer in Germany, then I could understand what your objection is to toasting that same yummy bread? Perhaps you just prefer the taste of bread in a softer form, not made crispy by toasting? We love eggs and homemade toast with tea for breakfast, or juice, or fresh fruit, homemade yogurt, homemade granola, etc. Just thinking about this and re-watching your video, trying to understand it has inspired me to start baking bread again! tomorrow. I hope you can find some bread in Florida that you really enjoy!
@svenjaserafin5242 2 месяца назад
The opposition is not against the process of toasting the bread but the kind of bread that is mostly sold in the US for sandwiches. Germans refer to it as "toast" and to a some/a lot of us it tastes like cardboard. 😂
@teestees1115 Год назад
toast for me is bread that that is toasted but you were showing white bread im confused
@HayleyAlexis Год назад
Where I’m from white bread is called toast 🤣🤣🤣
@teestees1115 Год назад
@@HayleyAlexis weird its right there in the name TOAST😀
@MrLunarlander Год назад
This was confusing to me too, but Hayley explained it in a previous video. It seems they use the word "toast" to refer not to the grilling method but to the kind of soft white loaf (usually sold sliced in the UK) that's produced using the Chorleywood bread process. Soft, cheap, tasteless, additive-riddled pseudo-bread that's really only of use as a vehicle for other ingredients e.g. in sandwiches - and even then it's pretty sad compared to real bread.
@Wintermaus Год назад
@teestees1115 In Germany we say that is Toast Brot, meaning it is bread meant for toasting. Horrible stuff, not worth the name "bread" in my opinion.
@martinmarheinecke7677 Год назад
The kind of soft, sweet wheat bread that's so popular in the US that it's often called simply "bread," is consumed almost exclusively toasted in Germany. Therefore it is called "Toastbrot", "bread for toasting", short "Toast". In my experience, a typical "Toastbrot" still tastes better than the heavily sugared "bread" in the USA. When I say "white bread" I think more of a tasty wheat bread with a crunchy crust - something like a baguette, only with a larger diameter.
@lonespokesperson7254 Год назад
never say never, Hayley
@CreativepreneurJourney Год назад
I agree if I have kids and an entrepreneur, I will never show my kids to protect them.
@littlebrit Год назад
I think these jokes come from the movies after WW2. Not really to blame any person for that. People didn't know anything about Germans, so these movies played some role. Anyone remembers those times?
@IngridRosario-n5h 4 месяца назад
People definetely bringing their pets to the grocery store in the usa, like Walmart.
@Manorainjan 4 месяца назад
*VPN:* Yes, You can access more media. No, Your data is not protected but collected!
@aprilshowers2165 Год назад
Americans always make jokes about Nazis. Almost makes me think they've forgotten about what their soldiers did to the women and children in Vietnam...
@petercollingwood522 Год назад
Agree on the News. US news is garbage. At least on TV. I've not turned my TV on in decades unless there is something specific and local I want to see. Otherwise happily the internet is at your fingertips.
@jha6783 Год назад
Hi Hayley, ich wollte auch mal fragen, wie Du Dich in Deiner neuen Umgebung fühlst, nachdem Du solange im Ausland warst? Du bist daheim aber auch irgendwie in der Fremde. Nach so vielen Jahren in Deutschland, bzw. Europa.
@rora8503 3 месяца назад
Making jokes calling a German a Nazi is the eqivalent to calling an American a some who uses slaves. Americans won't like that either.
@Katja2138 Год назад
Hi! Can you recommend a quality news source from the US? :)
@dominique8233 Год назад
Are you ok? Just checking in. Your eyes aren't as sparkly as usual. Sorry if this is too personal, just concerned.
@tinabraxton4906 Год назад
Can hardly hear a word.
@piccadelly9360 Год назад
Und jetzt 8 Dinge die du in Deutschland gemacht hast und nie in der USA machen werdest 🤞
@ingvarjensen1088 Год назад
... die du nie in den (nicht "der") USA machen würdest (nicht "werdest") - gib dir mal Mühe, für Hayley richtig zu schreiben😉
@ramblingmillennial1560 Год назад
Don't let them scare you. Alluminum deodorants are safe unless you have sensitivity to that ingredient. In which case you'd probably get irritation and maybe a rash at most under your arms. :) I've done research on it as well and recently heard a dermatologist talking about it as well and there's no evidence. I personally think since deodorant is so widely used we'd actually be able to find conclusive evidence by now if it was indeed dangerous.
@HayleyAlexis Год назад
That is actually 100% true.... It is a daily item for millions of people on this planet....
@Sketchblopp Год назад
@@HayleyAlexis From what I heard one issue is not necessarily only the existence of aluminum, but also that these things just stuff your pores. Yes, nobody wants to be wet in there armpits and all, but in the end sweating is a very important body function. I doubt you'll have a heat stroke because of that stuff unless you bathe in it, but it's not exactly helping either, especially in the moments where people are most likely to use it, in summer or during/after sports.
@wallerwolf6930 11 месяцев назад
That may be the case at the moment, but knowledge is constantly changing. We have been lied to so many times about the dangers of all kinds of substances. Because a lobby will always have an interest in disinformation. However, I would avoid aluminum in any form, just like other heavy metals that can accumulate in the body. It has been proven that this happens.
@alexanderroth1427 Год назад
I guess i never ever saw a car chase in germany live on 'TV ofc they exist but you don´t see them wich speaks for your point that american news have to be dramatic and entertainment.
@jha6783 Год назад
Hi Hayley, I didn´t get that part of your video about the thing talking or making fun about germans. Did you mean talking about Nazi-time or about the lack of german humor or what? You didn´t explicitly say that. Maybe it´s just my bad english.😊
@tramper42 Год назад
9:41 I wonder how many Germans would NOT toast this toast-bread and eat is „raw“ 😂 white bread in square shape is MEANT to be put in a toaster to become toasted bread. P.s. cutting of the crust from toast, is like cutting of the crust from a cake = waste of food… remember kids: A toast is not a banana 🍌😉
@wallerwolf6930 11 месяцев назад
Even toasted it is not a good bread and as American wheat bread it is also very unhealthy!
@chrisjeanneret5091 Год назад
Speaking of the N word, I remember watching Raiders of the Lost Ark when it first came out, and being impressed when the government agent referred to "National Socialists" in the conversation, because that was the proper term that an agent would have used. I have been disappointed when re-watching the movie to hear it dubbed over with the N word. Maybe it is just things being dumbed down.
@danny80867 9 месяцев назад
Du bist so hübsch! Die kurzen Haare stehen Dir so gut! 🤷🏻🙈🤩
@HayleyAlexis 9 месяцев назад
danke danke :)
@danny80867 9 месяцев назад
@@HayleyAlexis Bitte bitte :)
@davenwin1973 Год назад
I have normally agreed with you on many things, but the fact you got germanized on one topic struck a nerve with me, and Germans won't like me for this. It's that you refer to the typical loaf of bread as toast. It's not toast, but sandwich bread. It isn't toast, unless it's has a brown, and crunchy texture, and you can make any bread, into toast. That includes the breads that Germans prefer to get, over sandwich bread. I know North America has a loaf called, Texas Toast, which are thick slices of sandwich bread. I don't get that type of bread at all for myself. I don't know why North Americans call that type Texas toast, other than it's thick slice, but I don't even call that toast, unless it's brown, and crunchy. No one will convince me otherwise. The only sandwiches I use sandwich bread for, are peanut butter and jelly (or jam, or preserves), and this is the only sandwich I make with sandwich bread exclusively. Other sandwiches I'll use other breads, including turkey, ham, and cheese sandwiches.
@HayleyAlexis Год назад
That is a cultural difference. I don't think I will ever change the way I refer to that type of bread as toast- even if it is incorrect... That is just how I was raised to say it and it sticks. Also you are referring to a verb (not a noun) which means the item could not be called toast by your standards because toasting is what you do to the item and the item itself would not be called toast but toasted bread ;)
@irinigago 2 месяца назад
Sorry, ich will nicht verallgemeinern, aber ich habe keine allzuhohe Meinung über das amerikanische Volk. Ich hatte das Vergnügen einige kennen zu lernen. In der Allgemeinbildung hingen die sehr weit hinten. Sie haben mir das Gefühl gegeben, über ihren Horizont hinaus, nichts zu wissen. Ich war echt verblüfft. Hätte ich so nicht erwartet. Und das waren studierte Leute. Über Europa, Kultur, Geschichte hatten die keinen blassen Schimmer. Nur: wir in Amerika 😂
@lillic8522 10 месяцев назад
Children on the internet: I completely agree with you, there are way too many channels featuring kids and their life. When I stumble upon them I also feel that their personalities get damaged, they feel like superstars and will in the end often be some entitled Karen/ Ken because they think the world owes them special treatment.
@charlievetta1385 Год назад
Are the insurances in Germany actually worth a 💩? Do they actually cover 💩? Is it like bronze, silver, gold, & platinum standard insurance plans here in the states; by income basically?; Or an Example: Walmart offers insurance on electrics. I paid $63 dollar to insure a very expensive microwave & of course it caught on fire due to some idiot in my apartment building never turning off his ceiling fan even when he wasn’t there. They did not cover my microwave so it was useless. It just seems like a scam to me but u talk about insurance a lot.
@HayleyAlexis Год назад
Yes they actually work here and cover a lot.... Dependent on the situation you might have to argue a little with the insurance company but most of the time it is a streamlined process in Germany.
@charlievetta1385 Год назад
@@HayleyAlexis Thank you. I appreciate your reply & the info. 💖🌸
@heinruh9788 Год назад
Hi, be true to your self..........bless you!
@valitsenimimerkki Год назад
About dogs. For me an absolute no in restaurants and makes me want to switch to another place. Yeah, Germans disagee with me. Wrong thing to bring to the US :)
@stefanweilhartner4415 Год назад
hot dogs are ok.
@HayleyAlexis Год назад
I actually dont mind dogs in restaurants... maybe not sitting inside a closed space (due to other people's allergies etc) but outside at a booth or table I don't see the issue?
@newnobee Год назад
Great Video again Haley 👏🏻 But: please tell us, what the heck is "aluminum"? C'mon, there's no such thing on this planet! It's ALUMINIUM, and IF that's to hard for you to pronounce (just kidding, I'm very aware that you're able to do that!), just say "Alloy" 😉😁
@tic-tacdrin-drinn1505 Год назад
Alloy ist eine Legierung.
@reinhard8053 Год назад
Only in German and British English. The US skip the i.
@anonymusum 3 месяца назад
Thank you for your Nazi-comment. For example: I really like the Stephen Colbert show, but whenever he says something about Germany or Germans - especially the German language - he does it with a certain Nazi-attitude thinking it may be funny. But he does it all the time and I can´t stand it anymore as I feel like being discriminated. Yes, I think comedy or humor should have certain limits when it comes to issues like this one.
@annefrance9282 Год назад
Did you say that there is no aluminium in deodorants? If so, I definitely cannot see why you do. In nearly every deodorant (spray) there is aluminium, I've had a real hard time finding one without aluminium...
@Likr666 Год назад
In Germany I buy Nivea or Axe as aluminium free deodorants. The main reason is, that aluminium is supposed to cause brain deseases, (asheimer, dementia) because the particles are so small, they can move through the blood-brain-barrier.
@jennyh4025 Год назад
A deodorant (stink less) should be without aluminum, while an anti-transpirant (sweat less) usually has it.
@SalyLuz-hc6he 3 месяца назад
In the US it’s not hard to find. To start out with, you can look for Arm & Hammer brand. Another one I use is Tom’s of Maine. Another one I use is a hard mineral salt crystal. You were at the exterior of the salt crystal, apply under your arms, and let it dry. It works very well for me. There are many other natural deodorants as well, made without aluminum. Perhaps in Germany you might need to look in a natural foods store, and organic store etc.
@pkorobase Год назад
regarding news: its so easy, watch BBC, DW, maybe even NHK from Japan. ;) not only great news mixture, but also really entertaining. and the nazi matter: people calling us so just for fun cant be taken seriously anymore, thats only dumb.
@peteyharpi7827 Год назад
Have to laugh about how you say aluminum. You need to watch the Matt Rife crowd work about it’s being called aluminium and not aluminum.😂 Regarding calling a german a Nazi, we are very serious about remembering what our ancestors were capable of. In Australia they said ‚German huh… don’t you have like a lot of jews over there?‘ So someone was not really paying attention in history class.
@wallerwolf6930 11 месяцев назад
Remember and don't forget. Of course! But people who didn't live in that time or were free of guilt (there were those too) can't be called Nazis! Chancellor Helmut Kohl once spoke of “grace, late birth,” and non-Germans should respect that too. Anyone who has learned something about history will not find a country or a people that did not already have dark sides. One thinks of the Romans or the many European states that colonized other peoples to a much greater extent than Germany did. Everyone should know the examples. When it comes to the violent exploitation, oppression and destruction of entire indigenous peoples, no one can easily fool us Europeans. In a negative sense! US Americans in particular (i.e. descendants of such conquerors) should be aware of this.
@LETMino85 Год назад
About showing kids on social media/internet 👏👏👏 I always wonder if these US family vloggers are really that naive 🙈 In Asia it's the same as in Europe. I've seen influencers blur their kids in the background, rightfully so. It's so cringe showing kids... Often naked... Like people, stop!
@TheTuubster Год назад
7:40 You can use GPT-AI chatbots to test the quality of news articles. As example I post an AI evaluation of the CNN article "27 Donald Trump election lies listed in his Georgia indictment" done by the AI "Claude-Instant" as replies to this comment.
@TheTuubster Год назад
Q: List the usual evaluation criteria in regards to the genre of the document and perform an evaluation per criteria. A: Here are the usual evaluation criteria for a news report/fact-check article genre and my evaluation of this document based on each criterion: - Accuracy - The document precisely quotes legal/official sources and directly attributes all facts and figures to substantiate claims, meeting high standards of accuracy. - Objectivity - The tone and language remain neutral and impartial in presenting verified facts without opinion or argument, maintaining objectivity. - Balance - Both sides are represented as it fact-checks specific claims while also including response/context from the other position. - Currency - As a report on a recent legal development and timely issue, the content is extremely current and relevant. - Clarity - Individual claims are clearly numbered and explained for easy understanding without ambiguity or confusion. - Conciseness - Key details are presented concisely without unnecessary filler to stay focused. - Attribution - All facts/figures are attributed to identified primary sources, meeting standards of attribution. - Organization - The logical checklist organization structure facilitates following and evaluating each individual claim. In summary, based on evaluating it against the usual news report/fact-check criteria, this document is highly successful in the genre based on its accuracy, objectivity, balance, currency, clarity of presentation, conciseness, attribution of sources, and organizational structure.
@TheTuubster Год назад
Q: Evaluate the quality of the document. A: Overall, this document demonstrates very high quality in terms of its fact-checking of Donald Trump's claims related to the Georgia election indictment: - The level of detail and sourcing is extremely thorough, directly attributing each specific claim to its occurrence and providing precise rebuttals. This shows a depth of research was conducted. - It objectively lists 27 separate claims made by Trump to provide a full accounting, evaluating each one individually on its merits. This comprehensive approach allows for a complete fact-check. - The logical, clear organization of numerically listed claims is easy for a reader to follow and evaluate each point systematically. This enhances the readability and utility of the fact-check. - Authoritative sources like legal documents and letters from officials are cited to substantiate the facts presented. This lends credibility since it's not just an interpretive fact-check. - Context is provided around the various false claims, like previous refutations, to show they have been consistently disproven over time by different authorities. - No counter-arguments seem to have been omitted and rebuttals directly address specifics rather than resorting to generalizations. - The tone remains impartial and factual to allow the information to speak for itself without apparent bias. The only minor critique could be including more metadata like the author's expertise. However, substantively it sets a very high standard for fact-checking quality through comprehensive sourcing, precise rebuttals, logical organization and impartial presentation of verified information.
@TheTuubster Год назад
Q: Evaluate the perspective of the document. A: This document takes an objective, third-party perspective in fact-checking Donald Trump's election claims: - The author/publication (CNN) is a third-party observer not directly involved in the election or legal proceedings discussed. - No first-person language or narratives are used - only detached third-person descriptions of facts and events. - No opinions, conclusions or speculations are stated beyond direct factual rebuttals. The focus is simply on verifying or refuting specific claims. - Multiple sides are represented through citing Trump's assertions and responses from state officials and investigations. - No inherent bias is apparent in simply listing Trump's claims next to factual corroboration without editorialization. - The legal/government documents and letters from officials serve as the ultimate authorities, not personal inferences. - The multi-sourced evidence used suggests the aim is objective accuracy over partisan allegiance. While CNN likely has its own editorial perspective, this report sticks strictly to just presenting irrefutable facts regarding the claims. No inherent leaning is evident beyond committing to verifiable reality. In summary, through detached language, even-handed sourcing, and focus on plain fact-checking only, the document maintains a disinterested third-party observational perspective rather than an openly ideological or partisan point of view.
@TheTuubster Год назад
Q: Evaluate the ethics in the document. A: This document demonstrates strong ethical standards in its fact-checking approach: Accuracy: Only verifiably true facts from authoritative sources are presented, avoiding speculative claims. Transparency: All factual assertions are transparently attributed to specific incidents or evidence. Impartiality: No apparent bias in simply listing assertions next to factual responses. Multiple sides represented. Fairness: Each individual claim is evaluated on its own merits rather than lumping arguments together. Honesty: No facts appear slanted or misrepresented in rebuttals. Raw data speaks for itself. Integrity: Objective presentation of empirical evidence prioritizes truth over partisan narratives. Accountability: Thorough sourcing and contextual rebuttals hold assertions accountable. Privacy: No sensitive personal details are disclosed without public significance. Minimal harm: Factual corrections pose no unjust harm, only counter misinformation. Consent: Public figures' widely disseminated claims are reasonably subject to fact-check. Balanced: Provides proper context, not just facts that support one conclusion. In summary, through its strict commitment to accurately represented and properly attributed empirical evidence presented with impartiality, fairness and respect for all parties, this document demonstrates strong adherence to journalistic ethical standards.
@TheUlli1964 Год назад
As deodorant i am only using baking powder and my favourite perfume. Really try it out. Just dip ur wet finger tips in the powder and aply it under ur armpits. Greatings
@HayleyAlexis Год назад
and if I smell like a turnip can I blame you?
@TheUlli1964 Год назад
@@HayleyAlexis yes ofcourse😄but i dont mean the german Backpulver, its Natron. My aunt in Greece, where its really hot, couldnt use Deo and an old Dr 50 years ago toll her to use Natron. She never smelt,and same with me. And i like to use my favorite parfum instand of a bad Deo scent. Greetings
@SalyLuz-hc6he 3 месяца назад
@@TheUlli1964 Aluminum free Baking powder, or baking soda with essential oils added is also a good option! Some people add enough liquid to make it a paste, others leave it in the powder form but add essential oils from flowers or trees. This does smell very good, and it’s all natural!
@allenatkins2263 3 месяца назад
So no "N" word, got it!
@lazyperfectionist1 Год назад
Dr. Abraham Erskine: "So many people forget that the _first_ country the na is invaded was their _own."_ I mean, of _course_ it doesn't make sense to refer to a German as a na i. The objective in the European theater, in WWII, was to defeat _fascism,_ and in so doing, to _liberate_ Germany and Italy therefrom. And the fact is that the neo-na i movement, nowadays, is _much stronger_ in the US than in any part of Europe.
@SalyLuz-hc6he 3 месяца назад
I don’t see a lot of difference between the MAGA movement in the US, and AfD.
@ArchieArpeggio Год назад
Well the US toast is terrible. In Europe we have so much better breads like finnish ryebread, swedish polar bread or french patongs... All these wonderful freshly baked tasty breads. Shame that there ain´t carb free bread. I started ketogenic lifestyle 5 months ago and i´ve improved my life and healt hell of alot just simply dropping carbs off.
@SalyLuz-hc6he 3 месяца назад
There are keto friendly bread recipes, and in the US some low keto breads are available by such brands as Ezekiel bread and Joseph’s bread. Ezekiel bread is made with beans and sprouted grains, & with other healthy ingredients. I occasionally buy heavy, healthy whole-grain Ryebread in the US, but my favorite bread is the recipe my family has been making for five generations, based on a German immigrant recipe my family brought over. I started out watching my great great grandmother, great grandmother and grandmother baking the spread when I was a young child. It seemed magical! I’ve made many types of bread beginning at age 6. I loved to see how the dough would rise, how many different ingredients you could grow & add, & in my family most of the ingredients were healthy, natural and grown on our farms. We grew many types of grain, and would store them in sealed 5 gallon buckets in a deep freeze. When we wanted to bake bread we would go dip out the amount of grain we needed, and grind it into Flour right before baking. Additives were usually whole grains, nuts like walnuts & hickory nuts from our woods, seeds and sometimes other vegetables like pumpkins that were also from our farm, or one of my relatives Farms. Milk, butter, eggs, honey- all these things are fresh & homemade or home grown. Sometimes we add other things like sliced almonds, sesame seeds, poppy seeds etc. which may not be growing on our farms, but those are not the majority ingredients. If it was rye, oats, wheat, spelt or corn, butter or eggs it came from our farms. This kind of bread is excellent fresh from the oven; but it also makes the most wonderful toast! Some of our favorite breakfasts include this tasty, nutritious whole-grain bread, with farm fresh eggs, butter, homemade jam etc. on top. So I still don’t really understand the problem with toast, because for us toast always begins as healthy, nutritious and tasty whole-grain bread. Are you trying to tell me that no one in Germany ever toasts their healthy whole-grain bread?
@taghiabiri3489 Год назад
A Dog has nothing to do in a shopping center.
@celin1363 9 месяцев назад
This woman asks for friendly comments and leaves fictitious accusations and hate comments even on German sites! If she leaves another hate comment on my private or business profile or the profile of my business partners, I will report her to the police for intentional damage to my reputation and sue her for high damages! The way she behaves towards people from the country where she lived is unbelievable!
@Linoxus Год назад
"8 things I will never do in the USA", "15 things germans hate about americans", "256984 things that germans love about the USA"...🥴
@enemde3025 Год назад
You don't " BRING" your dog ! You TAKE your dog (or anything else). AL U MIN IUM !
@HayleyAlexis Год назад
It depends on the sentence but both are movements.
@HayleyAlexis Год назад
and no that is not how Aluminium is pronounced in US English 🤷🏽‍♀️
@ramblingmillennial1560 Год назад
@@HayleyAlexis idk why you respond to those types of comments XD Like geez are they for real??
@stailbail6609 Год назад
Hallo Haley, my link does not work. Here is the tilte of the advertisment from the Telekom about your first topic. Nachricht von Ella | Without Consent higly recommended to watch
@KoboltVombach Год назад
ich hasse dieses billig toastbrot auch ..esse es auch nur wenn ich nichts anderes habe ;)
@wallerwolf6930 11 месяцев назад
Kann mir nicht passieren ;-)) Weil ich es nicht kaufe ;-))
@wtsalive8210 Год назад
Ich hörte, daß in den USA vernünftiges Brot schwer zu finden ist. Darum hier mein Vorschlag: Backe Dir selber Dein Brot! Es ist zwar zeitaufwendiger als Brot zu kaufen, aber es wird auf jeden Fall besser schmecken als die „Ami-Pappe“. Hier auf RU-vid gibt es ein paar sehr anständige Kanäle, die sich ums Brotbacken auslassen. Ich werde Dir per Facebook-Messenger ein paar Links meiner Backsammlung schicken
@wallerwolf6930 11 месяцев назад
Guter Tipp, selbst für einen Deutschen, da wirklich gutes Brot nur von einem Bäcker zu haben ist und genauso schwierig einen guten Bäcker zu finden, wie einen guten Metzger ;-)) Die Preise dann zudem "gesalzen" sind. Ich hatte vor Jahren mal einen Bericht gesehen, wo es darum ging, in den USA Brot nach deutschen Rezepten zu backen und es schwierig war geeignete Mehlsorten zu finden und wohl noch andere Zutaten. Keine Ahnung ob dies heutzutage noch so ist.
@SalyLuz-hc6he 3 месяца назад
⁠This is how I grew up on the farm. I learned to make many bread recipes when I was young, because I was fascinated by watching the bread baking process that my Great great grandmother, great grandmother, grandmother etc used while I was staying with them. Almost all of the grains we used were raised on one of our extended family farms. At grain harvest time we would go to the wagon with large 5 gallon buckets, scoop out as much as we wanted, and store them in our deep freezer. We scooped out the grain and ground it into flour right before using it. Our favorite family recipe is one that came over with my third great grandma from Germany. All of our recipes were healthy, nutritious and tasty! Excellent organic, non-GMO whole grain flour can be purchased at local bulk food stores in the US. You can also purchase the grain, store it in your fridge or freezer to preserve the nutrition, and then grind it right before you plan to use it. In my area we have three Good Bulk Food stores to choose from, with wonderful selections. If you live in an area with Mennonites, Amish, Plain Brethren or Hutterites, likely you can also find a bulk food store in the country near you with good selections. But we still try to get as much as possible from family sources. One of my uncles has always kept beehives at the back of our Fruit Farm, so our honey comes from there. Others in my extended family have cows and milk goats. Our milk, butter, yogurt and ice cream are made from these sources. Our walnuts and hickory nuts come from our woods. We like to make pumpkin bread and pumpkin pie, using pumpkin raised in the family. Some of the seeds we need to purchase, especially if we want to bake with sesame seeds or poppy seeds; but my great grandmother used to grow her own baking poppyseeds. I really highly recommend baking your own bread! This way you can put in it what you like, and not the things you don’t like! Two types of wheat kernels/flour that are available at Good local Bulk food stores are grown naturally by Wheat Montana farms, friends of one of my uncles. The 2 types I’ve used with great success are Bronze Chief, and Prairie Gold. I recommend you don’t ever use white processed flour with the exterior of the grain & the wheat-germ removed; only use whole-grain flour. We usually add also some ground flax meal, and often such things as sliced almonds or sunflower seeds. You can make excellent homemade bread, from many whole grains with wonderful nutrients and flavor!
@tic-tacdrin-drinn1505 Год назад
It's surprising how often Americans (yes, especially Americans) use the word "Nazi" out of proper historical context. "Grammar Nazi" is the first definition, but not the only one that comes to mind. This word is often used to denigrate people, sometimes jokingly, and its true meaning is relativized and forgotten. It's almost the same when the word "mafia" is put in an Italian context and seen as a folkloric and funny thing.
@jessicaely2521 Год назад
Mafia isn't just for the Italians. Russians, Cubans, Venezuelans, and I think Brazilians have mafias. Italian mafia is tame when compared to the Venezuelans or Cubans. With Italian mafia you just disappear if you piss off the mafia. The Venezuelan and Cuban mafia will shoot anyone and everyone that's in their way. You aren't the target? To damn bad.
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