
#99 The Breakfast Smoothie I Drank For 6 Years To Reduce Arthritis Pain | Collagen Rich Food 

leBoosh Diaries
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17 окт 2024




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@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
Wow, that leg stretch and shake at 2:12 - CUTE. I developed osteoarthritis in my fingers starting a long while back as a result of damage from severe manual physical overwork in gardening in a previous house, but I did not know that damage was occurring at the time. I mean I spent hours and hours every single week weeding by hand, digging and such (and I hurt my knees and ankles at the time too from this). I would work until my fingers were really hurting, and I would keep on going until I completed everything I wanted to do, not realizing that it was way too much and I should have severely relaxed my standards and my intentions. BUT, by the time the damage was showing up several years later, it was too late and the damage was done. So this brought me to around 7 years ago, when it all exploded on me with arthritis symptoms in the hands, swollen fingers and everything else that goes along with it, and daily pain so severe that I just felt like crying all the time whenever having to do dishes and all kinds of other things. The thumb in my right hand even fell out of place from where it is normally supposed to sit in that carpometacarpal (CMC) joint and gave the thumb area of my hand a sort of deformed look. Sad. And the pain was the very highest there of all. So I began a lot of research and started on a massive slew of supplements for this, including all the usual things like collagen powder, glucosamine, chondroitin, herbal supplements, on and on too numerous to list here, as well as tried a large number of tools such as compression gloves, splints and braces for the hands and fingers, etc. Some things helped and some didn't, and over a long period of time the pain was reduced to where I could function most of the time without pain severe enough to cry, and eventually I got to the place after about a year, (which is also where I still am now) where I rarely have any hand pain and can do all my duties with just occasional twinges and short-lived brief small flareups of slight pain that are more of an irritation in passing. My thumb joint will never look normal again, but at least I don't have too much trouble out of it in functioning. One final thing that I learned about and began doing several months back is a specific daily routine for the lymphatic system that takes something around I guess maybe 4 minutes to do, and this was the final piece that gave me the little extra added improvement, not only to reduce swelling in the fingers (and my hands are the most comfortable now that they've been since this all started), but this routine also completely alleviated sacroiliac joint pain in my lower back that I had begun having for the last whole year and a half. And it is now completely gone. I had done many different kinds of specific stretches and exercises over the last year for that S-I joint pain which helped, especially during flareups, including visiting a chiropractor regularly for adjustments, but nothing could ever get rid of this completely until I started this newest short daily routine. Apparently I have had lymphatic system stagnation or blockage for a while and didn't know it! (Soooo many people do.) And this routine has totally rid me of that problem as well as given me further improvement in the hand arthritis. So I know that you have your own certain routines, foods and supplements, and everything you choose to do for your own arthritis situation that works best for you to give you results, but I would like to suggest this lymphatic routine to you just in case you may be interested in learning more about it and giving it a try to see if it may help you even further, too. There is a really great short video on YT called "Big 6 Routine for Lymph Flow by Dr. Perry Nickelston" in which Dr. Nickelston, a chiropractor who is the developer of this routine, is interviewed by the channel Think Flow Grow, and he demonstrates all the steps of the routine and gives instructions. Good luck in your arthritis journey!
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
I will certainly look at the video. I have been massaging my behind her neck area in a way for better lymphatic flow few months back (watched a video on it) and somehow then stopped and forgot to do it. I will look at your recommendation. I definitely know the importance of better drainage and like doing it. Just perhaps i've been so distracted and tired. Your story reminds me of me but in relation to housework and cleanliness of the house. But it also brings me back to the time when i was a little girl, being taken care of my aunt during the day while my mom was at work. I would go to her house after school, eat lunch and spend my time there till 7pm when my mom drives up to take me home. My aunt would be like you, pulling out the weeds in her garden one by one and i have to help her. I didn't enjoy it tho! I never do garden work at this house now. We just have people come and cut the grass every 2 months, shovel the dead leaves from the drains. They don't pull out weeds either because there is too much. We also live nearby the forest reserve so there are a lot of weed spores floating and after a year or so after moving into this house, the weeds came up. It's all weedy now but the piece of land is too much to manually pluck. We can't apply weed killer as well as it is not good for environment and our cats. Good thing is, the cats love to eat some of these weeds. But yea, housework, i am like you during your gardening phase, I still am. At the height of my health, when my helper goes back to her home country for a month, i'd do the entire 3 floors within 1 day. I'd work from 10am till 8pm starting with ground floor, first floor then 3rd floor where my study and bedroom is. Then i'd finish with washing my bathroom and bathe, then head out for dinner. I'd work till my back is sore and my arms hurt but it's like i can't stop until everything is clean. Now, I cannot do so and would do each floor per day. So that's 3 days of housework. It's still very tiring because when u have more time per floor, u tend to then want to do more. Am working on seeing if i can clean only every 2 weeks but i haven't been able to. Still a wip. The house's really dirty after a week. Every time i mop, the water's all black. It's the open windows and cats, their vomit, fur, the next door construction dust...everything just feels so icky after a week. It doesn't help that dust bothers me, even a bit of dust bothers me. So how do you maintain your garden now?
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries Oh, thank you for sharing that memory of staying regularly at your aunt's. I was just now trying to picture it. I had a much older aunt who loved to garden, but she didn't have a whole lot of it to do; it's just that those shrubs and plants she did grow and those little plots of annual flowers and green peppers she would plant every year, she enjoyed that so much. Wow, only every 2 months for cutting the grass; we can't go that long here except for late fall through winter, until spring when the grass comes out of dormancy and starts to grow again. It depends on which month it is and how much rain we get during that month. Sometimes it has to be done every week and even then it has started to get too tall again, but during summer drought it could be once a month. Husband is in charge of mowing the yard. How much rain we get really is the difference, as that is what makes the grass grow really fast. We don't use any weed killers, either, or any other chemical pesticides or herbicides; we want to avoid anything that would damage our health.(So we do have weeds throughout the lawn.) However, all around us other people do douse their yards with chemicals, so I hate that but we can't get away from it. We are always seeing dead birds and rodents just lying out in unlikely places all throughout the neighborhood, and the good insect populations have just been simply decimated, and that all makes me very sad. One of my dogs loves to eat dandelions (the fluffy white seed heads) during the times they are actively growing in that stage. Well, I do totally understand what you were describing with all the rigorous cleaning, because I used to be just like that, too, except that house I lived in back at that time was still not as large as yours is, so it didn't take me quite that many hours to do the whole thing. But it did still take the majority of a day. I wanted to get it all done in one day, too. That house had stairs in it (more than one floor). That house made me never want another house with stairs, haha, so now we are back to one story, which I think is easier living. At that time, we had a dog that was a Siberian Husky, and when he got older he developed hip arthritis and I would have to get behind him to help push him up the stairs because he had a lot of trouble with those. We've also lived near construction in the past, and that is a real mess. Gardening now is the easiest for me it has ever been. I now have as the majority of my shrubs, flowers and plants those kinds that are drought-tolerant and can fend more for themselves, with only a very small number that need watching more closely for wilting and need of supplemental water or additional fertilizer. Also, I have changed the type of mulch I use on all the planting areas to big pine bark nuggets instead of finely shredded hardwood mulch. The fine type breaks down so much faster and needs to be replenished with a large mulching job every year or two, but the large nuggets lasts so much longer without breaking down fast, and a plus is that I actually think it's prettier and more decorative, too. So I no longer have as much weeding, either. I would say that I now do not have to do gardening any more often than once a month, which will normally take me at least half a day, or sometimes most of a day. That would mostly be for things like weeding, deadheading, cutting back or pruning, etc. But I rather enjoy that now and don't mind so much any more since those sessions are so infrequent, compared to in the past when I had to regularly go out and take care of the yard once every week (and I'm not counting those crazy years where I was working in the yard several days per week). I chose to stop collecting those kinds of plants that required so much more care and tending. During busier seasons of plant growth, I will have to go out and take care of much smaller jobs as needed, outside of the full-yard sessions, and that is no big deal. Actually, it's much preferable to do the smaller jobs as needed rather than lump a lot of stuff all together for one longer day.
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar I am with you on smaller place, no stairs. When u are all the way down, and then u realised you left your phone or something important upstairs in the bedroom, oh man. It makes me tired even to think of it. My knees hurt so much going up the stairs at one point. Luckily now, after doing weight and resistance training, i've rebuilt my calf, hamstrings and glute muscles and my knees no longer hurt for now. 2 months before the gardeners come to cut the grass. It isn't pretty, for sure. But because we have walls and gate, no one can see how unruly our grass is. Cutting grass is a noisy affair and it stresses the cats too, so we try to stretch it. Having a beautiful lawn is something i like but i am also ok seeing overgrown grass and weeds everywhere. Some are quite pretty! My OCD does not bother with lawns, thank god. Anyway, speaking of lawns - i remembered this video i watched last year. It's by Future Proof and title is How America Got Addicted to Lawns. If u have time to watch it, u can tell me if its true. Also, my most preferred garden look is the pretty potager garden. I used to love In Beth's Garden, if I ever was a green thumb, i would love to make my garden look like this. More stones on ground, less grass, very neatly organised. U can watch her Beth's Winter Vegetable Garden Tour 2015
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
@@lebooshdiaries Unfortunately every single thing he said in the lawn video you mentioned is true. Husband and I do not agree at all with all of the lawn craze. We live in a standard subdivision with an HOA, and it is true that they do have a lot of rules, one being that your grass should be kept at a reasonable height and not allowed to get out of control. One year they sent around a message to all residents that highly encouraged everyone to kill all the weeds in their lawns by either hiring a service or at least going to the store and getting a bag of chemicals yourself to apply to the lawn. (We ignored that and did nothing other than to just keep the yard mowed as usual.) There must have been some people complaining about others' lawns with weeds for them to send that around. And it seems to me that maybe half of the households pay companies to come and treat their lawns with chemicals, and lots of other people put out products themselves, so that means the number of people not doing any of that are in the minority (like us). I really dislike it because their use of dangerous chemicals affects others also. The products they use wash out of their lawns and onto others', as well as into city wastewater drain systems. It is concerning for the dogs walking on public sidewalks where they've recently applied products as well as our own yard that would get washout or overspray from neighbors' yards. The other issue is the broad expanses of nothing but just grass. I guess some people must think that the gold standard is to have a yard full of grass as perfect as you can make it, with only the barest minimum of other yard plants, usually only a line of plants in the front foundation of the house and a tree, if that. We have a very small yard, but I have it chock full from one end to the other with trees, shrubs and flowering plants. There is grass covering the yard outside of all the mulched planting areas, but there are no weed killers used, so there are weeds growing all throughout the grass. It's not all that noticeable from a distance as the yard is routinely mowed before it would get too overly tall, but if you're up close, you can certainly see all the weeds and be able to tell that it is not treated grass. I prefer the look of a yard with some weeds as it looks healthier and more natural to me. The pristine grass lawns look bare, lifeless and antiseptic to me (but really they are poisoned). This year when 3 of my yard trees leafed out for Spring, they had deformed new leaf growth, and those twisted, curled leaves are still on there now. The ends of the branches did eventually start growing some more normal-looking leaves, though. I learned from the county extension agent that we had sustained chemical damage by either a person or a company who had used some kind of herbicide chemical in the neighborhood that was blown in the air and affected a huge number of neighborhood trees. He said the damage likely occurred last year, but it gets in the trees' vascular system and then really showed up when the new leaves emerged this Spring. That was so upsetting that you can just be minding your own business and have things like that happen to your plants out of your control at the hand of someone else. And if it happens again, it will further weaken the trees, until they could eventually die. That's really interesting that In Beth's Garden is the exact look you would prefer to have. When I saw her yard, I thought "English" (as in the country of England) at first, but I saw that she was influenced by the French parterres. The English manicured estates seem to me similar to the French in both countries' formal gardens. Now as for me, I'm not too big of a fan of the formal look. It just feels fussy to me and comes across as high maintenance. But it certainly is interesting and pretty. If you might be interested in taking a look at something similar, yet slightly different, there is a channel called Garden Sanity that I used to watch a whole lot, and this woman's home is grass-less. She and her husband removed all grass from their entire yard and put in lots of planting beds full of trees, shrubs and plants. In the front yard, they placed pavers as the hardscaping material to walk on between all the planting beds, and in the backyard they used gravel (kind of like In Beth's Garden) in between all the planting beds. I fell in love with the look of her entire yard from the beginning and watched her channel for about 2 years until I moved on to other things, but I still do watch it every once in a while. Her yard is still on the fussy side, but not as formal as the English and French formal gardens. Here are 2 of her videos showing parts of her yard; one video focuses on the front yard and the other one on the back yard: "Mid Summer Garden Tour: Backyard Garden" and "Panicle Hydrangea Garden Tour in Mid-August", both by Garden Sanity.
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
@@SunrayStar Thanks for watching. Everything you said about the gold standard - perfect weed free grass and minimal plants, etc...is often shown in American movies. The ideal suburban home yard. It's clean and organized. I do quite like that look but i know it's not easy to keep it like that. One good thing about Malaysia is. we have gates and fencing/walls. And u can do whatever u want in your garden as long as it is within the fence/walls. No one can complain unless there are snakes breeding in your home as a result of your jungle-y garden. Oh i love beth's garden so much. I always tell husband, i want a french potager. And he's like rolling his eyes - who will maintain it? My heart likes the high maintenance look but my brain says no. But most of all, i like it because there is lack of grass, mostly gravel. Due to my fear of worms and anything mollusk, i definitely love more gravel than grass. But i know weeds can grow out of those gravel too as how they grow out of my garden gravel. It's a losing battle. I wonder how her garden looks now. She had never posted anymore videos after introducing her garden. I guess it's too much work. I do LOVE Garden Sanity's garden! No grass yea! I didn't dare to watch too much because it will make me yearn again to have beautiful blooms, and most blooms i want cannot be grown here. I used to watch Garden Answer and i love her estate. She works with Proven Winners and always show off really beautiful blooms from them. Always huge, always vibrant. At one point, I actually emailed Proven Winners and asked if they could ship their seeds to Malaysia. Of course they replied NO. The flowers i want won't be able to grow here.
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
Just a note that I posted two other separate messages on this thread today, just in case one of them doesn't show up! I didn't think to number them 1 of 2 or whatever so you would know. :)
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
I saw them both. You know I like watching health related videos right. I dislike going thru research journals because the words used are so snore inducing. Lately, it feels like everything that is good is just bad. Or everything bad is supposedly good. I feel the more i watch, the dumber i become. This video by Jill Ritchie popped up on my feed and i watched it. Would you like to watch it and tell me what u think? I think recently because I've been looking more into extra virgin olive oil and seeing if i could cook with it instead of olive oil, this video popped up. These days, seems like in order to get views, people need to make topics that go against the normal understanding. And is it real? Every doctor video i have watched is selling something - a course, supplements, book, exercise program....u end up not knowing who is telling the truth, and who is spreading FUD to get eyeballs. If u have time, watch it, since u also cook with olive oil. On a separate topic, i've bought whipping cream 2 times to drink with black tea and matcha. Definitely very tasty and delicious, quite addictive. But because i noticed that every whipping cream in my grocery store has carrageenan, i've stopped using it with my teas. I'll prob treat myself from time to time with it, sparingly. Does your whipping cream have carrageenan? I'm trying to also move away from drinking tea with milk as it is supposedly better but...still trying.
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
@@lebooshdiaries (#3 of 3) Yes, I do know you like watching those videos. I always dread if the only info that comes up on something is a research paper, because they are so wordy that you waste so much time even trying to find the results! haha. And even more, sometimes even after looking through the whole paper, you really can't ever determine what their results were! I agree with everything you said there, which is why I do research separately off YT for at least 90% or more of stuff and really do not trust YT unknowns in general (I didn't even learn about Dr. Ellie through YT; that came from non-YT articles). I usually read lots of individual articles in trying to learn things and compare the info in them, and consider who is writing them as the source is very important. One newer variable that has popped up in these last 4 years is much more sinister than just trying to make $ off people, which is the technocratic agenda (globalists). C-ship is rampant (can't say it), as is people spouting their agenda everywhere with wrong info that they want to convince the masses of. I don't think that everyone involved realizes what they are doing, as they may have been fooled already and/or derive gains from doing so. So all info now must first be carefully considered and possibly suspected, not just assumed to be correct. (You already know this.) You didn't say the name of the video, but I think I found it as not too much came up - is it the title including the name Bryan Johnson? I checked my heavy whipping cream (from TJ's store). I do know that they used to include carrageenan in the ingred. for a number of years after I began getting it, and somewhere along the line they made the change of removing that and including gellan gum instead. So now it contains only organic heavy cream and gellan gum. I would use it (and did) regardless of carrageenan because that was my very best choice of organic cream, but I am happier that they exchanged that carrag. out in the last couple of years or so. But when I was using it with carrag. all that time, I could not find anything better at the time and chose to just ignore that rather than do without it. Everyone has to decide these things individually. I never had any troubles that I knew of from the carrag., but even though gellan gum is thought to be safe for consumption, it is still another thickener/stabilizer and better to limit it in the diet because all food additives may alter intestinal bacteria and cause issues. So I understand your current plight on this type of cream. But let me tell you about something I learned from a search that may help you out with cream if you're interested in trying it. It sounds very interesting and potentially a great substitution to avoid the carrag.; it's an easy recipe to make your own fresh cream out of butter and milk. Here is what the person said, and this is not common knowledge: "You can blend together melted butter and milk in a high powered blender or immersion blender and basically reconstitute it into cream. I blend 1 cup of melted butter with 1 cup full fat organic milk, and it makes a super thick, delicious heavy cream that holds its emulsion. Just blend them together for a couple of minutes until they heat up a bit, then chill in the fridge 4 hours to use as pouring or spooning cream, or chill in the fridge 8 hours or more to be able to whip the cream." Let me know if you ever decide to try this what the results are! I don't want to add more to this one comment, so I'm going to do a 4th one (!) right after this. So now there will be 4!
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
@@lebooshdiaries (#4 of 4) I didn't do that numbering right; the last one should have said 3 of 4 - but I keep adding on! I forgot to comment on what you said about tea without milk. Yes, I learned several years ago (from that natural doctor I previously mentioned that I had been learning info from for so many years) that putting dairy into tea (or coffee, which I never drink) supposedly changes them and cuts down on whatever beneficial properties you can get from drinking them plain. But I have to ignore that one and add cream anyway (haha), or else I would not enjoy them nearly as much, to the point I just don't believe I would want to drink them all that often. Herbal teas are different; some of those can taste terrible when I add cream, and others taste fine. So I do believe it's likely true that it is better to drink all teas plain, but I just don't want to do it. Thank you so much for suggesting that Kimi channel to me a while back. I have finally gotten caught up on Hamimommy and Niko to date (except for Nami, which I'm up to July and will just continue to watch during some of my meals until I'm caught up on that), so I was finally able to try out the Kimi channel. I like it so much! So I will add those in now. I had to give up Honeyjubu as I'm just not very interested any longer because of all the videos seeming to be about the exact same things except for whichever product is currently sponsoring the video. The videos are still excellent quality and she's really good at what she does; I just feel like I'm watching the same things over and over except for the product of the day. I did notice that more recently, she has gotten really heavy on showcasing Lucy (the dog) throughout the videos, I suspect to add some interest to just the usual cooking and cleaning routines. When I went back to the beginning to see if there were videos I never saw, or if I would want to begin watching older videos again, I found that the only ones I never saw were the earliest ones that were not nearly as good as what came later, and that the best ones in my opinion were from the time period of around Spring 2022 on, which I believe is when I first found her channel and loved it so much. Boy oh boy, her videos were super-heavy on Costco early on for a really long time! So I have to wonder if Costco was sponsoring her then. But I wanted to pass on a few titles with some things of note if you've never seen these, because her photo was shown! In "A gift came from RU-vid", she is shown as creator of the month in a photo at 1:10, the first person with the red background out of the row of 3. She commented earlier in the video that she was shown "laughing awkwardly" - haha! And in "Unboxing with a special gift sent to me by RU-vid", at 2:18 she showed some statues of her own self that RU-vid had made. In "Comfort a lethargic burnout with sweet fruit juice", starting at 7:46 she talked about why she ate so much. I did not really know what to think about that based on the tremendous amount of food we see regularly put on the table, but it does appear that she eats a lot when she serves only her self at lunch, so I don't know...but it was interesting that she brought this up. And in "Small garden decoration for a 30 year old apartment" at 10:31 she mentioned editing videos taking about 3 days (she was talking about putting a lot of houseplants around her desk to look at because she has to spend a lot of time there), so she must be editing her own videos. Or anyway did at that time. I was watching all those at super-fast speed, haha, to see what I may have missed and whether I was interested in watching any again, and caught those things I found interesting. OK, that's it for today! (4 total) - I feel like I've been writing to you on and off all day today in between duties and such - haha!
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
@@SunrayStar Yes, sorry i forgot to include the title. Yes it is the one with the Bryan Johnson name, about olive oil. If u can find time, do watch it. And let me know what u think. I find the video a bit scammy. In fact, the whole channel feels a bit scammy. No explanation who Jill Ritchie is, just that she's a 50s expert but what entitles her to that? At least spell out her credientials, is she a doctor or physical therapist, a scientist? When you go to her official website, there is nothing there for you to see except to sign up for her workout. So i wonder if she's just purposely making such claims to get views. Gellan gum prob could be a lot better than carreegenan. I can't find any whipping cream that has gellan gum. All is just carrageenan. Butter and milk? I think i saw that before long ago. I've also heard of mixing milk with corn starch, euw. I didn't think too much of it. Now, would u say butter is healthy? I think it is but again, so many videos say it isn't and this saturated fat will cause heart attacks...I eat quite a lot of butter these days as it is delicious and easiest to eat with sourdough when busy. I just don't know who is right anymore. Wonder how it would taste like.
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
@@lebooshdiaries Milk with corn starch doesn't even sound like it COULD taste at all like whipping cream, and just sounds like milk with tasteless thickener put in it, euw is right. Seems like arrowroot powder as a thickener would be better than corn starch, but that all sounds no good anyway. Those people in the blog that were talking about the butter and milk recipe had already been using it for a while and said it was delicious and tasted like fresh cream and that you could even whip it after refrigerating thickened it, so I thought it sounded like it had a lot of hope. I would give it a try myself if I need to sometime. I just normally don't ever have any milk in the house (I only kept milk when I was doing kefir). Yes, I believe butter is very healthy. I use many different healthy fats in cooking and in just eating on foods - butter, cream, olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, nut butters; I currently even sometimes use duck fat in cooking that I was able to get, and I have been able to get beef tallow before, but can't find it now. I try to use a lot of different fats, each in moderation and with variety. Focusing on only one thing is too much of that one thing and then can become unhealthy. Notice earlier I said I use 'healthy' fats. Fats are only beneficial when they're a healthy fat. I avoid what I believe are unhealthy fats, like of course all the trans fats, and many processed vegetable oils like canola, soybean, corn, cottonseed, sunflower, safflower. Most of the vegetable oils produced are from GE crops and full of glyphosate, contain pesticides and herbicides, are already rancid by the time someone buys them, and cause body inflammation and lots of other effects. Of course, I do get some of the bad oils in my diet even if I don't want them, from eating any restaurant food and occasional processed junky foods. Even organic blue corn tortilla chips, that I view as healthy and eat regularly, contain some of these oils I'd rather not have - normally safflower and sunflower - so it's hard to stay away from all of it. (You may remember me mentioning before about usually eating those blue corn chips for lunches alongside sardines packed in olive oil and then ending the meal with fruit. I also started throwing in some pumpkin seeds and broccoli sprouts to the bowl of mashed sardines and sometimes diced tomato too. If I was using sardines packed in water instead of in olive oil, then I would probably add mayo to the sardines.) The few doctors who focus on natural health that have been my main trusted source of info for many years have always said that we need saturated fat for our health and that it does NOT cause heart attacks. (Dr. Berg was not one of those original drs. I learned so much from as I only learned of him a couple of years ago, but he has several videos on why sat. fats are healthy.) That info that used to be spread around so, so many years ago that sat. fat caused heart attacks was later determined to be incorrect, but once the "disseminators of info" jumped on that and pushed it all around all those years ago, no one would ever let that one go, so it persists and keeps on going. After that became widely accepted, then companies came out with the dreaded trans fats as replacements, which actually did harm health. And then also to try to keep people off sat. fats, they began saying that all fats were bad and caused high cholesterol and such, and so companies everywhere began removing fat from all kinds of processed foods and replacing it with sugar, because when you remove fat, most of the good flavor is gone, and so you have to replace it with something that people think tastes good or they won't want to eat it, so that's why they chose sugar. And then artificial sweeteners often in place of sugar, because sugar has a bad reputation too. So that's how the low-fat way of eating was born. But low-fat food (removing fats from food that naturally has fat in it) is very unhealthy, even though so many people still believe it is the way to go because they believe eating fats will make you fat. Those people are also eating the wrong kinds of fats when they do eat any fats. And none of that ever helped any people to lose weight or be healthier, either. I'll send another message later about the video you mentioned.
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