leBoosh Diaries
leBoosh Diaries
leBoosh Diaries
I am a silent vlogger.
Sharing whatever wisdom I have about housekeeping, cooking, self care, cat care and plant care.
Hi, I am Sarah and I am a work from home merch graphic designer, pet portrait artist and Giphy sticker artist.
My husband and I have no children but we share our lives with 9 charismatic cats.
I produce aesthetic and cinematic silent vlogs for longer format videos and funny content for shorts.
Join me as I share parts of my routine at home, cooking, cleaning, living the minimalist and slower paced of life now.

In my twilight years, I hope to look back at all these videos and smile. Hope it brings some form of peaceful entertainment to you too.

What does leBoosh mean? Well, 'boosh' is an expression of awesomeness and I use this word a lot with my husband. It's our internal self expression of happiness without having to say more. I just added the word 'le' in front to represent 'the'. So leBoosh is the place of happy moments, cute moments and awesome moments.

@SunrayStar 6 дней назад
I have especially commiserated with Billy throughout all these videos, even moreso than Sesame. I watched Parts 1 and 2 before coming back here to comment. These videos were kind of hard to watch because of sad feelings for him. And I didn't even previously know about the problems with his eyes; the main thing I had known about was the constant digestive troubles. Of course, by now (present day) I know about the more recent diet change with cessation of dry kibble that has really helped him with improvement change. But what about his eyes - how are they doing this year? I hardly recognized him in these 2 videos because of how wide open his eyes are. It seems like every time I see Billy in other videos, I am used to him having his eyes pretty much closed, like in vlog #56 at 10:42; this is how I know him and how I always see him! I'm now thinking that maybe I've even subconsciously thought of him a little like "Blind Billy" even though he isn't blind. I have never thought of it as him having his eyes closed; it's just how he always looks. Do you think this is because of the eye trouble he has had, or does he just prefer to sit with his eyes closed often? It gives an especially bright look to his face.
@lebooshdiaries 5 дней назад
Billy's always sleeping or even when he's sitting on the dining table hoping for a table scrap, he'd close his eyes while he waits for us to finish our dinner. He sort of "powers down" or go on standby mode with eyes closed but ears perked up so that he can hear what's going on despite closed eyes. I'd say he has the lazy eye, he likes to keep it closed for most of the time. This year no major eye issues but once in a while he does get some redness and it's always his left eye. So, so far so good. But i am sure u have seen Billy with eyes opened before like vlog 90 where i made an artwork of him based off his photo at 9:17. Big huge eyes.
@SunrayStar 5 дней назад
@@lebooshdiaries I went to look at that in vlog 90, and I would have never recognized Billy from what he looked like there with the huge eyes. I always think he looks so cute with his face like that when his eyes are closed! That is so funny - "standby mode".
@SunrayStar 17 дней назад
2:36 - Soft and cushy! Do you make up from your imagination all these recipes that you're always cooking and making, or do you look up recipes online or in books? You have the best-looking combinations of things that all look so good, and I'm not really creative because I would never be able to think up these food combos to try. The egg and rice meal, the apple and yogurt etc. snack/meal... Is that matcha tea there that you made and then poured it into milk? I wonder what that tastes like...
@lebooshdiaries 17 дней назад
Some are from my imagination, like the apple with ice cream and greek yoghurt. I used to make fro yo using whipping cream, sugar and greek yoghurt and it's easy to think of substituting the whipped cream with ice cream, since the latter is mostly made of whipped cream anyway. And it has sugar so essentially, it has all the ingredients to make fro yo. Great way to finish my ice cream too. These days, i don't buy ice creams anymore so it's just apples and yoghurt for me lol. As for the egg with rice and seaweed, i think that's pretty normal tho. I don't remember where i learnt that. But for the last one, i did watch one pot rice meals long time ago and then decided to make my own with whatever sauces i have. Most are usually from what i've seen online (i don't read cookbooks as I prefer to watch videos) and i adapt it to my own. I do think i can be more adventurous because it's kinda boring and safe these days. I would love to cook more delicious things but it all takes time to learn. Yes, matcha poured into milk! It's slightly nutty, only slightly bitter from the matcha. Mixed with whole milk, it's delicious. Next time i will try with whipping cream. Matcha with milk and ice is one of my comfort drink ever since i stopped drinking boba tea.
@SunrayStar 13 дней назад
@@lebooshdiaries There was an attempt on Trump's life this evening at a rally he was speaking at. His ear was nicked and injured; they took him to the hospital and he is doing fine. But someone back behind him lost their life. I was cooking dinner and husband was watching the news on TV when they interrupted the show with the announcement.
@lebooshdiaries 13 дней назад
@@SunrayStar yes, i saw. news are pretty quick to cover. Kindly excuse me as i had been sick since wed with fever. Just resting. I think my body just needs to rest, not doing much, just sleeping.
@SunrayStar 12 дней назад
@@lebooshdiaries Yes, of course! You mentioned a few days ago being sick but continuing to clean, but I didn't realize you were that sick. So sorry! Resting/sleeping is the smartest thing to do. I hope you bounce back really soon. Well, about the original comment, I will now be trying the egg, rice and seaweed meal sometime soon because it looks really tasty, and I am also going to be ordering some matcha powder on my next order and trying that comfort drink, and I'll be using my "cream-milk" (whipping cream + water mixture) in it. Thanks for describing what it tastes like!
@SunrayStar 8 дней назад
@@lebooshdiaries Hi, I just wanted to check on you. You aren't still sick, are you?
@SunrayStar 17 дней назад
(#2 of 2) So today I had my dental cleaning, and I had 2 bitewing x-rays taken. The hygienist again saw no need to do 4. HOWEVER, the plastic thing I was biting on one side must have moved a little out of place, so after she took the x-ray, she wasn't happy with it and said she needed to re-do it! Bummer. So I actually had 3 bitewings taken, to only get 2 usable ones. That happened to me once before a long time ago in a different dental office. That is so annoying. Anyway, I saw the x-rays, and they showed the back teeth, about 4 teeth on top and 4 teeth on bottom of both sides. One showed 3.5 teeth on the bottom. I asked how many teeth they really need to see on x-rays, and the answer was that they are generally only concerned about getting x-rays of the back molars because those are very hard for them to see with the eye; it's just hard to be able to see that far back in there and they can't see the whole tooth. They can easily see all the front teeth by eye. My teeth did not show any issues on x-ray or by eye, so the dentist said I was in good shape. I did ask the hygienist to use the thyroid cover, and she had already laid a lead apron on top of me, so she said she would switch to the other one hanging up that had a built-in thyroid cover flap on it. (See, they never just go ahead and cover the throat on their own without being asked; why not? That is ridiculous. It's no extra trouble for them to use the other apron instead.) The only big problem I had was that leftover glue on the backs of all my front teeth, from where the orthodontist removed those permanent retainer wires from the back of those teeth back in December. Apparently the orthodontist did a very lazy job and left behind a whole big bunch of layered glue for the dentist's office to have to remove, and I could tell that they were not very happy that the orthodontist had done that to them. So my cleaning lasting for 1.5 hours, and she spent an extremely long time scraping and chipping off that glue manually. I would have thought they would have sanded it off or something, but she just used her manual tool and kept at it. It was not too comfortable, and now my teeth are sore for the rest of the day! But they'll be fine. It was very hard to get off, like super glue. The thing is, there's no way my teeth could remineralize through the backs of those teeth with all that glue blocking the way, so it's really great that it has been removed. There's only a little remainder left now that she said should mostly wear away. She said she's often unable to get every bit of glue removed in a situation like this, and sometimes she will have to remove more at a later future cleaning. I would have thought the orthodontist's office would have done a much better job than this of getting the glue off. I've already been living with the left-behind glue for about 8 months. I also asked the dentist about that one lower front tooth in which the gum underneath it came down lower, but just ever since I've been on the CMCS, it has grown up higher at least 1mm (gum regrowth), and I asked him if he thought that gum looked receded now. He said that it was completely normal looking and not receded. So I guess technically it does not need to come up any higher now, although it is still a little lower than the gum surrounding it on either side. He said it was like if you naturally have one ear a little lower than the other or something, like that. He was not very pleasant-acting to me, I believe because he likely thinks of me as a difficult patient who is always resistant to all the stuff they want to do that I won't allow, and that really frustrates him. He really doesn't like it that I won't allow yearly x-rays "just in case". But hey, today showed that I didn't need all those yearly x-rays! I'm sure he would still not see it that way. It is all about protecting him from liability, as I mentioned before, because last year he was trying to pressure me to do x-rays and when I explained that I was in charge of my own health and took personal responsibility for it and would not place any blame on him if something came up, he suggested my signing a form in his office stating that he would not be blamed, ha! That told me for sure that it was all about not wanting to be sued. I said I would have no problem signing the form, but then the front desk person never asked me to sign anything, ha. But I really like the hygienist a lot; she is very friendly and easygoing and even though she normally pushes x-rays too, when I decline, she doesn't keep aggressively going on. And I took a couple of xylitol mints on the way out of the building! Sorry but this was really llllooooonnnnggggg. Oh my gosh, heck it, but I'm not finished, heh. I just now remembered I didn't tell you about the tartar and gum pockets. I still had some hard tartar way back on my farthest 4 back molars that must have been too tough for the system to fade away on its own (or it hasn't been long enough to do so yet), so she scraped tartar from those teeth, and the front teeth where the permanent wires had been glued on still had tartar between the teeth, although when I would look in the mirror I couldn't see any tartar buildup on them because it dissolved off the tooth surfaces. And there was only just a very small amount on some other mid-way teeth. But the gum pocket thing was something else I was so interested in finding out about. Over these last 10 years or so, I had begun developing some gum pockets (which came up coincidentally when I started going for more frequent cleanings and had them use pumice for the polishing agent, which I recently found out courtesy of Dr. Ellie is one of the most abrasive things to use on the teeth and should be avoided!! I had been trying to avoid all fluoride for a bunch of years then), which of course the pockets started out small and gradually deepened until by last year all 8 of the most back teeth, 2 upper and 2 lower on both sides of the mouth, were at 5's for pocket depth, and then also one mid-way tooth was a 4. So today she probed and told me that although my very farthest 4 back teeth are still a 5-rating (but no worsening), all 4 of the molars next to those farthest teeth have improved 1mm each this year and are now rated at 4 for pocket depth. And the mid-way tooth that was rated at 4 last year has now "normalized" and improved to a 3-depth. So I was very happy with that and attribute the improvement only to the CMCS with xylitol, as I have not done anything else differently (and totally stopped string-flossing). I suspect that the very rear 4 teeth are still the same instead of improved maybe because of the hard tartar that was in the way and needed to be removed? and possibly because I need to pay extra attention to getting all the mouth rinse liquids farther back in the mouth more? Those could be 2 possible reasons. The dentist's office didn't act like the improvement was any big deal, haha. They still aren't very happy with my only going for cleanings every 2 years or every 1 year; they want every 6 months, which I will not do. Dr. Ellie told me on that recent call that she advised not even telling them about being on her system, because they never believe you anyway, and also she said to just let the hygienist use whatever fluoride paste she wanted to (I knew I needed to have them stop using my requested pumice on my teeth); she said "just let her have fun with what she wants to use" because the one-time use of fluoride paste would not do me any harm at all; but she did say to not let them use any baking soda. So no pumice or baking soda. And she just used the standard fluoride paste to polish the teeth. Also, another Dr E video comment I saw yesterday was from a woman who said when she went to her dentist for a regular cleaning, they took her blood pressure before doing the cleaning. Her blood pressure showed as just slightly too high, which she said was because she had "white coat syndrome" (stress/fear of the doctor's office), and because it showed a little high, they refused to clean her teeth and sent her home because she was not taking some kind of established blood pressure medication! Things are getting even worse, apparently. She did not say where she was from. OK, end of message! (Sorry, had YT trouble again posting; would not let me add to previous thread in any way.)
@lebooshdiaries 17 дней назад
Oh gosh, way too many threads from you. I hope YT don't ban you eventually! I think doctors don't like people like us who question and say no to certain treatments. They prob refer to us as Karens. Sigh. I know my vet does. Even when I ask just a few questions, he says don't be such a karen. I believe it is always important to ask and be sure, to be aware. I was not aware for most of my life and just followed what doctors say blindly. Good for u that u advocate for yourself even tho it makes the doctor feel annoyed. I am not sure what my dentist use to polish my teeth, but i am not sure if i can say no to that. sometimes they just won't allow as it is their procedure. Of course when u ask them, they'd say it's ok. I can't see your (#1 of 2) comment. Did it get deleted?
@SunrayStar 16 дней назад
@@lebooshdiaries haha! I laughed at what you said about YT banning me! Have you realized that there are now 50+ comments on this video?!! And of course they are almost all from us, hahaha. Really I was surprised when I noticed the number. Wow. This is making me laugh - can you imagine when someone else comes to look at your video (they do, you know, because you've got 103 views on this one) what must they think when they see all these dental detail messages?! I am laughing OUT LOUD. OK, you said you can't see my message (#1 of 2) that I left. Does that mean that you did receive a YT notification, but when you came here you couldn't find it? I'm a little confused by that, because I can still see it here on this page. It's a really long message! But it's not a part of this particular thread - maybe that's why you didn't see it? Since I had to start a new thread to talk about these dental things as it would not let me post any more to the previous thread, I had to post it as if it was a brand new message on your video. My comment was so uber-long that YT wouldn't even ACCEPT the message. So I had to split it into two comments, and I had to post the other one like a new separate thread also, because there was no way for me to "reply" to your name as you hadn't commented on the new thread yet. Confused yet? HAHAHAHA. Lookit, just see if you can see the comment on this page in a thread all by itself, and it does start out with "(#1 of 2)". Let me know if you really can't see it and I'll repost it, but I think you'll be able to find it, because I can see it here.
@lebooshdiaries 16 дней назад
@@SunrayStar i can't see it in anywhere, no notification as well. I only know of it because u put there (#2 of 2) so i was looking for (#1 of 2)...perhaps YT is not showing it to me
@SunrayStar 16 дней назад
@@lebooshdiaries Hmmm, interesting. OK, I'm going to copy it all in right here. Let's see what happens. (#1 of 2) Well, I am so sorry that you can't easily get the system products! However, it's my understanding from what I've read that xylitol is the most important part of the whole system. I just checked my book notes to call up this one thing I remembered, and I hope I didn't already tell you about this before, so excuse me if I did, but here is something she said: "Xylitol's purpose is to stimulate the flow of saliva. The saliva heals teeth, along with not eating/drinking afterward for 1-2 hours. The other products in the Complete Mouth Care System work in harmony with xylitol to boost the speed of your results." and: "Xylitol makes the mouth instantly alkaline, raising the pH to between 7.5 and 8.0, which is healthy and safe for teeth. At that alkaline pH, minerals go into teeth and repair weakened areas. Anything that takes your mouth pH below 6.5 is damaging, and at a pH of 5.5, minerals will be stripped from teeth, making them softer and more likely to stain." So from that, it sounded like xylitol is the main star and that the CMCS works alongside it to give faster results. So if you have xylitol, that is the most important thing. But do let me know if there is ever anything you can come up with that I could help you in any way to get the products to you if you want them. Also, when your husband travels for work, is there any chance that he would be going somewhere that does have the products that he could bring home to you? Finally, I remembered you once said you have ordered from i Her_. (I can't write that whole word; it's one of the things YT doesn't want me saying!) Do you know what that is? Well, I have gotten lots of things from them through the years, and I know they always talk about low international shipping rates. Anyway, I checked on there and put in as if it's shipping to Malaysia, and yesterday (I'm revising this comment right now) they had in stock the correct Crest Cavity Protection Regular Paste and also one version of the 3 different approved ACT mouthwashes, the Bubble Gum Blowout flavor (that's my favorite one!). ACT makes a bunch of incorrect versions also, so you have to be very careful. (If you were to want to order at any time, feel free to let me know first and I could check it for you to confirm they're the right products.) They do have the correct Mint version of ACT listed, but it says it's out of stock. But the Bubble Gum was in stock yesterday. (Right now I checked again, and now the Bubble Gum is temporarily out of stock again just since yesterday, but it says that it's due back in stock on July 15.) The Bubble Gum says it's a kids version, but that doesn't matter; it is one of the 3 approved versions of ACT. It's definitely a fake bubble gum flavor, but I think it's delicious anyway and I love it. Oh, I just went back to your previous message and saw where you said you could get the Crest toothpaste but that it would cost more - was that through the same place I mentioned? Well, could it be that the periodontist does not believe that decayed teeth can remineralize unless you catch it extremely early for the sole reason that he's never seen it happen, combined with the fact that the majority of people on earth do not do the correct things to enable the teeth to heal? I mean, it's a fact that the majority have teeth issues, going by everything I've been reading lately, and not hardly anyone knows what to do about it other than damage control, so it would make sense that the periodontist (and most all other doctors, too) would just believe it wasn't possible? And that he would just assume that you would be having more trouble out of those two teeth, because that's what usually happens with people? But if you are able to maintain them as they are now, or even get further improvement by simply strengthening them more, then you don't necessarily have to ever have trouble out of them again. So the point is that these doctors are only so much help (getting correct and true information out of them on your situation), but that they can't really be a good resource for helping you know what to do in future, because they really just don't know themselves. That's where Dr. Ellie is such a good resource, because she's seen all these positive improvements in her patients from her alternative treatment throughout the years and knows that it is possible to not have to just go the conventional route and watch the oral health get worse as time goes by. I don't know if "hardened" also means "remineralized" but it makes sense that it may, because when I hear the word hardened, I also think strengthened. Something harder than it was before has been strengthened. And remineralizing means putting needed minerals back into the teeth, which strengthens them. I was just now doing a search online to see if I could come up with anything on that regarding Dr. Ellie articles, and I ran across an old one from 2008 where the person was asking about having decayed teeth and no dental insurance. Two things stood out to me in what Dr. Ellie told her: "Teeth can heal themselves but it takes time 6 months to two years most likely. You must be consistent in your care" and "Teeth can repair themselves with xylitol and ACT mouth rinse. Using the complete program can speed this repair and also helps heal gum problems." Interesting! That using only xylitol and ACT together do the most (the rest just speeds the results up). Anyway, I would do the same thing you have decided on, to leave the teeth in and take care of them. Unfortunately, it appears that most dentists are $ motivated at the expense of their patients. This is truly horrible. Do you know, I just read in another of Dr. E's video comments yesterday where a subscriber said that her dentist told her she needed to pull a tooth out because of a gum pocket. I don't care how large a gum pocket is, to actually pull the tooth out because of it?? seems excessive and wrong. And another commenter replied to their comment that she was so so upset because she had just recently had that very same experience, a 9mm gum pocket that her own dentist said she needed to have the tooth pulled because of, and so she allowed the procedure, the tooth was pulled, and now she is looking at having a $6,000 implant procedure coming up, but the worst part is that right after having that done, she has now learned that she should not have let him do it and that she could heal her gum pocket and keep her tooth! (And save loads of money.) Yes, I am more concerned about UVA than UVB also. I have not ever easily burned, anyway.
@SunrayStar 16 дней назад
@@lebooshdiaries OK, just to cover all the bases, this message is to let you know that I just finished reposting that long missing comment just a couple minutes ago, and I put it in this same thread, right before this message. Let me know if anything's off about it.
@SunrayStar 20 дней назад
I'm trying to reply on that dental conversation, but it keeps deleting it. So let me try starting a separate thread... Hey, as you were describing that, I just now remembered that I have a bunch of husband's older bitewing photos on the computer. I think some other doctor was interested in seeing those x-rays of his teeth a few years ago, so the dental office sent pics of them to us in a message to send to this other doctor. They sent several years' worth. For him, they took 4 bitewings at a time, but this dental office is all about taking as many x-rays as they can. (This same dentist is always trying to pressure me when I go for a cleaning to let them take x-rays and it is very tiresome. But the last time I let them take x-rays, I reminded them that they only do 2 on me.) Anyway, I just now looked at all these bitewings. The majority of them show 4 teeth on the bottom and either 4 or 5 teeth on the top. There was also one panoramic (OPG) image taken 5 years ago. I looked up bitewing info online, and what came up does pretty much match what I'm seeing on husband's x-rays. The online info says "Bitewings show most of the tooth, but if the dentist needs a good look at the very entirety of your tooth or the jawbone, a periapical X-Ray is a better choice. This type of X-ray captures an image of the entire tooth, including a little past the tooth root. Not only does a bitewing x-ray give clear pictures inside the top and bottom crown portions of the teeth, but it shows the root depth and allows the dentist to measure the height of the bone between your teeth inside the gums and jaw. Bitewing x-rays show most of the tooth, but they do not show the complete root surface that is surrounded by bone. They can show the root depth, but not the entire root. Bitewing x-rays are typically used to diagnose dental issues, but they are not taken for the purpose of showing the complete root surface." So his bitewing photos did show either some or most of the tooth roots, but definitely did not show the whole roots in entirety (the ends were outside the frame). There were a few other photos included in there that showed close-ups of some of the lower back teeth in entirety in the shot, including the whole roots, but those pics only showed two teeth at a time. So that makes me assume that they can zoom in with the camera when taking a bitewing and narrow the focus to show entire teeth including the whole roots. I say "assume", because for all I know maybe those particular shots aren't even called bitewings, but maybe could be called some other type of x-ray. The only time I can remember having a panoramic done was a number of years back when I got that second round of braces as an adult. They didn't show it to me and I didn't ask to see it. But ever since that time period, I have been focused on receiving as few x-rays as possible going forward in the future, so I have not given it any thought to be curious about what my teeth roots, etc. looked like. I still would not want to get one unless I was having some kind of big issues (symptoms) that warranted looking deeper. Like I said before, I'm not too big on a whole lot of extra preventive tests other than just very basic stuff if the extra stuff could harm me at all. And if I did have bone loss and I had an x-ray taken that showed that, there isn't anything I'm going to do about it other than continue to use Dr. Ellie's system, so in my case it really wouldn't help anything to know. She has talked about that even bone that has been lost can regrow.
@lebooshdiaries 20 дней назад
Thanks for the bitewing clarification! Yes i remember my dentist said something like that to me too, that the roots of the tooth cannot be seen. I hope u have a good time soon in the clinic. I definitely appreciate my panoramic xray but i think next year my periodontist may want to do another one (of course, why not, it's expensive). If he does, i would say no, let's wait for a few more years. All dentists say it's very minimal the radiation but...i dunno. No one will say yes it is dangerous! I think there's pros and cons of having a pano xray. U can see things brewing in there that u can either take preventative methods either by doing a procedure if only necessary or at home via more careful oral care. Don't necessarily have to jump into doing a procedure immediately, esp given the fact we are both more informed via education thru Dr Ellie. I definitely know u are more informed than me. I still have to catch up on a lot of her videos. I found the email i sent to zellies and the reply was from Megan. I will paste it here as it is. Hope it goes thru. Hello Sarah, Thank you for being a Zellie's customer and for reaching out about Zellie's and the sourcing of our xylitol! When it comes to our xylitol selection, we have two main goals: 1) use high-quality, high-purity xylitol from a trusted source and 2) source the xylitol that works best for our products (ie. texture, consistency, reliability). With those goals in mind, the xylitol we use in Zellie's comes from different sources depending on the product. For our mints, because of the way the mints are pressed, it is very important to find the best powdered xylitol. We have found this from a non-GMO corn derived xylitol. It is from a very reputable company and the product is very reliable and is tested multiple times for purity. It is a fantastic product! And for any worries about corn, the xylitol is extracted from the corn husks, and after it is extracted, there are no corn proteins left in the final xylitol product. It is just pure xylitol! Our mints are made in British Columbia, Canada. For our gum, we source our xylitol from a company that uses Birch hardwood and this is from the US or Austria/Finland -- depending on supply. And just like with our mints, the final xylitol product is tested multiple times for purity. Our gum is made right here in the USA. There are a lot of marketing pushes out there alluding that one source of xylitol is better than another. What is most important to us (& we believe to our customers) is that the source of the xylitol is a trusted company and that the final xylitol product, whether from corn or hardwood, is a high-quality, high-purity xylitol. Hopefully this helps answer your question about xylitol. I did write back to say thank u and asked her to about the mints because she didn't mention the country where they sourced from. She only said they were made in Canada. Made in and raw material sourced may not be the same. She did not reply me. That was 7th Nov 2023. I also asked if they constantly tested their source of xylitol before production each time or did they just do random tests or tested only at the start of the relationship (ie, the very first batch of order). I am definitely very concerned because sometimes suppliers can still cheat on raw material. Esp if it's from China. I've worked with China before and well...their ethics are not always in the right place most of the times. It has changed a lot recently but still...brands will always want the best for their customers but if they do not constantly check their supply chain...this is what happened to the Purito sunscreen scandal. Brand thought they are selling SPF50 but actually not because somewhere along the supply chain, someone kinda 'cheated' in the testing. And the brand owner did not check, did not realise, so they claim. Then it became he says, she says, a lot of finger pointing. As it is too expensive to buy zellies directly from US, i've changed to PUR gum. I don't know where their xylitol is from, but i suspect it is from China. So is Epic, who replied my email to tell me so. I do have a lot of worries every time i eat xylitol gum/mints. I also buy xylitol crystals to mix in with drinks and food and those do not even want to tell u where they get it from. but 90% of raw materials come from China so...i always ensure i am diligent with my brushing in case. I sometimes think, am i really chewing on xylitol or xylitol mixed with normal table sugar? So worried because i make my husband eat it too after every meal and if he gets more carries, he'll never trust me on xylitol again.
@SunrayStar 19 дней назад
@@lebooshdiaries Well, when they are saying that the dental x-rays are minimal radiation, that is actually true, especially the bitewings, but the big problem is the cumulative damage that I mentioned earlier. That is the real issue because the previous radiation damage does not go away. So all future exposures are added to the previous, to get larger and larger. They simply take way too many x-rays (here, I mean). I know that your situation is different. Well, I totally agree with what you were saying about the value of a panoramic, except in my case I would rather just take the small risk that there wasn't something serious going on instead of getting the x-ray. What I mean is, if I had no symptoms, I'd rather not go looking for something. Now if I had a dead tooth and didn't know it, then surely the bitewings would give some indication that something was wrong, and then a panoramic could be taken to look further, but really, a periapical would probably be better in that situation. But then there would be a real reason to have the further x-ray - because something was suspected. Now in your husband's case, he had the symptom of bad breath, so you already were suspicious of something being wrong in there. So that was a good use of a panoramic. The other point of why I think a panoramic would not be of value (for my case in particular) without further suspicion is because of where you said you could find out if something was brewing and take closer care at-home - I don't believe it is possible for me to take any closer care because I'm doing everything I can and I just simply could do nothing else that would be any better or an improvement; there would be nothing else for me to do. But certainly, in the case of someone who slacked off on oral care who could do better, that would be a time that a bad x-ray could prod them into taking more effort with their mouth. If I am more informed than you, then it would only be because you hadn't yet gotten around to reading or watching everything of hers that I had, haha! Thank you for that communication you received. That's interesting that they use different forms of xylitol. I would also assume, like you, of the one type being from China because of not coming out and telling its source. This may surprise you to hear, but I prefer the non-gmo corn-based xylitol. I know that they pass around marketing info, like she said in her message, about birch being better, but I do believe that is just marketing and that it is not true. As far as how xylitol works, I believe that both forms work exactly the same and there is no difference. However, from another standpoint and why I prefer the non-gmo corn cob based xylitol, one reason is because this one is more ecologically-friendly, since the corn cobs would otherwise be sent to the landfills. And I prefer to avoid the products from birch trees, because the birch trees used for extracting xylitol end up dying. They have to strip the bark to get the xylitol from it, and when a tree has enough of its bark removed, it dies. Trees cannot live without their bark. I think our world is killing off way, way too many trees. So I do keep some of the Zellies mints for carrying in my bag when I go out and uses like that, but I prefer the 100% xylitol granules/crystals that I buy in 1-pound or larger bags for daily use. And not only because it is more cost-efficient, but I really just like the taste better, too. No flavorings, just sweet taste. And I really like the crunch of the crystals, too. I don't ever think things like "this may be counterfeit and not really xylitol". I just trust that it is. I feel like with the mind-body connection, to be too suspicious of something may hurt the efficacy of how the product works in my body even if it is 100% authentic. So I just have fun taking the xylitol and enjoy it and assume it is what they say it is, and I trust both companies (zellies, and the Now Foods brand of my granules). I don't ever chew any gum at all, mainly because chewing gum may make my teeth move out of place (you know, previous braces and retainers and all), and I find it kind of tiresome to keep chewing and then the taste goes bad, haha. Also, I feel like I would be able to "feel" the difference if I was really continuously ingesting plain sugar, because I do not do well with plain sugar on an empty stomach, which can tend to make me have a sort of low blood sugar kind of weak feeling, and I often take doses of xylitol on an empty stomach to get all my daily doses in because I'm not eating and drinking things frequently enough for that. I have been answering more comment questions on Dr. Ellie's videos because I told her I would come back and do some more, and I ran across in one where she wrote some replies to someone who asked about wisdom teeth. I thought you may want to hear what she said. The person wrote "Do you happen to know how to go about wisdom teeth if removal is really necessary or not? Also how to keep wisdom teeth clean while they are growing?" and she replied: 'The "prophylactic" removal of wisdom teeth was done as a preventive measure about but today it is falling out of favor. When I graduated dental school it was believed that wisdom teeth served no purpose and only caused problems. This is completely untrue and new studies suggest that it is best to keep them if at all possible. I believe the answer is that you need to use my Complete Mouth Care System to maintain wisdom teeth clean and healthy - because they are so far back in the mouth. My mouth rinses reach everywhere and its not difficult to use your toothbrush to massage around the gum area around these teeth. The benefit of leaving wisdom teeth is be that you will likely grow and retain more jaw bone - which is good - especially in the upper arch where it may help expand the arch and aid in better sinus health and possibly also aid nasal breathing.'
@SunrayStar 19 дней назад
@@lebooshdiaries I was too afraid to finish out Dr. E's comment because she put a link to a study at the end of it and it would have shut my comment to you off for sure! But if you want to see that and go to it, it's in her video titled "Fix your sensitive teeth", and it's the second comment up from the bottom.
@lebooshdiaries 19 дней назад
@@SunrayStar ok i will check it out soon! thank u
@lebooshdiaries 19 дней назад
@@SunrayStar See I knew that wisdom teeth is better left alone if there is no real issue. In my case, my periodontist said these two teeth have carries. And said it's better to pull them out. I asked him to show me pictures of my teeth and saw these two with black stains on the biting surface. Now of course i was distraught so i sought 2nd opinion with another dentist. He poked that the black area so hard i felt like he was damaging my teeth and then he said, it's hardened. But best to pull it out because it can restart and as i grow older, it may be not so optimal to pull out these two if it gets infected again since it's really hard to reach these places. And i'd be putting my 2nd molars at risk. I went back to my periodontist and asked him if it's hardened. He looked at it again and said yes it's hardened. And let's then KIV, he said. So now i am diligently brushing my wisdom teeth with single tuft brush every night. Next dental visit, i will ask them to check again. Now...if i hadn't asked "has it hardened?" then i wouldn't have known that the infection has stopped and sort of remineralized. Even tho the area is black, it has hardened up. The dentist say "u have carries" - implying that i have ONGOING carries on these two tooth but actually it's not. It was, then it remineralized. He had not told me that. Do u think that is how dentist 'mislead' patients into thinking they need to pull out teeth? Let me check out NOW foods xylitol. How much do u put into your mouth each time? I don't mind xylitol even thru corn. I am only and only concerned of the source country. I do take xylitol confidently but i am still cautious. Like i don't take xylitol at night before bed. The idea of sugar in my mouth before i sleep is uncomfortable to me, in case it's not 100% xylitol. Neither would i encourage my husband to do so as well. if he has more carries because of me, then i'd never hear the end of it lol. But if i know that the xylitol ingredient is from USA or another country, i'd have no problem taking it at night before sleeping. At this point, i think 90% of xylitol in raw form is sourced from China. I used Purito sunscreen for over a year or more when the scandal broke out. Turns out the SPF 50 was more like SPF 7 or something. When u have been deceived once, it makes u less confident. When u have been deceive twice, thrice, many times over...u become cynical to marketing claims. I've worked with China on my brand (yes i used to sell something 12 years ago which one day i will share) and they took my designs and sold it to others. They also substitute the material i sourced for something cheaper which i could tell when i received the mockup. There is no end to their unethical ways. But at the end of the day, it's just business to them. Therefore, one must always be vigilant.
@SunrayStar 24 дня назад
Oh! This video features the lovely little pennywort again! This is just so great, that some of them like to go outside every day for a while and fool around (1:24). 7:41 is SO cute! That little hand covering up the mess.
@lebooshdiaries 24 дня назад
Thank u! I think 1:42 where Pikachu bit Max's neck, that was very cute and naughty of her. My routine's changed so much in 2024. Ever since I started making wet cat food, I now wake up at 6.30am daily except for Sunday. Some days I wake up at 6am. After eating homemade food and very little kibbles, everyone (except Mango) now wants to go to the garden for a while, not just Itsy and Pikachu. I let them out 2 times in a day now, after their breakfast and dinner. It's a good that they are more active!
@SunrayStar 21 день назад
@@lebooshdiaries Yes, that was naughty and cute! Haha! And Max was just quietly minding his own business! How interesting that most of the rest of the cats began wanting to go outside after their diet was changed; that could not be a coincidence. Do you have any insight into why a better quality of food would change their mindset on something like going outside? And did you ever have a good idea of why the others did not want to go outside previously; like for instance, was it fear-related of the outside, or that they just had no interest in spending the effort on going outside because the mainly kibble diet may have made them feel sluggish and uninterested, or if the increased nourishment in the new food has simply caused the brain to work better and show interest in something new that didn't used to appeal? (Just trying to think of reasons for the change.) I think that is a very good sign that they are enjoying going out for leisure! I would love to get up at 6 or 6:30 in the morning. But I need to get to bed even earlier to do that. But that is my goal! I have already been getting to bed quite a bit earlier for a while now. For an extremely long time, I had been like you were previously, staying up half the night, with the resulting sleeping later in the morning. In your case, you were working, but in my case, it was varied - partially doing personal work like paying bills, researching needed info, even little jobs around the house, along with a large amount of YT video-watching, but I have had a hard time changing my bad habit because it is so FUN to stay up so late, when all is so quiet and I can do whatever I want! (Dogs just follow me all around and sleep in any of the many pet beds all over, haha, but that is not good for them, either, to have their nighttime sleep disrupted so much.) So I did scale it back and have been getting to bed mostly around the 1-1:30 AM time frame and then waking up earlier than before, which varies wildly as to when I wake up (that may be because I haven't made myself have a firm enough routine), but I am definitely still not getting enough sleep per night, like on average getting only 6 hours, sometimes up to 7 hours, sleep. That is not enough for me now as I have sleep-deprived myself for way too long as it is. So I am now trying to move everything back earlier; it is hard to do! That means make dinner earlier, so I can get all finished with cleaning it up earlier, then I will have more time to do things after dinner without having to stay up so late. My goal is to get to sleep by 11 PM at the latest. Oh, guess what I just learned when I went to call up a Niko video to watch while I eat my lunch? I am now up to the episode called "Solo Travel" where she visited Karuizawa a week later after she announced her video titled "I have been diagnosed with mild depression". You and I had already discussed this, about how that seemed way too soon to be able to do these kinds of things after just coming down with depression. But I had never yet worked my way up to this solo travel video (when the depression video came out, I got out of line and watched it right away because of the subject. And I'm glad I did, or else I may never have been able to see it!). So I thought "was that depression video really the one right before this one" and went back to check to see if it was, and she has removed it! Isn't it exceedingly rare for someone to remove one of their videos from their channel that they make money on? Wouldn't they lose "credit" for all the views and comments if they remove it? (I have never actually learned how they make money from views and comments - who pays them for this? I used to think YT paid them, but I never understood where YT would get all the money.) But she apparently did not want that one video on there any longer for anyone to see, I guess because it had served its purpose (in preparation for the launch). I found that so interesting that it had been removed.
@lebooshdiaries 21 день назад
@@SunrayStar I believe it's just the homemade food and B complex (which contains B12) that I put in. Previously, le Poo did go outside, so did Max but not all the time they want to go. Billy always preferred to stay inside but once in a while he will creep out and then run back inside. But once i started them on high protein, lots of moisture and removed kibbles out of their diet, I see the biggest change in Billy. After eating, esp the first month, he would go to the grill and pull it, wanting to go downstairs to the garden. He never did that. I think he was not feeling good, with all that diarrhea and prob inflammation. The kibbles being cut out of his diet helped. I wished I had known that earlier. In between wet food, i also supplement raw food that's gently dried (to remove pathogens) to them all which includes fish or chicken + inulin, natural vit e, turmeric, cod fish oil and coconut oil. Everyone but Mango loves it. She refuses to eat so i had to source for another dry kibble which is slow baked and only has 1 starch in it. She gets a bit of that. She didn't change much. She doesn't really enjoy going outside, she hates touching the grass. Once thing is for sure, they are a lot more hungry than before! Esp Billy and even Sesame who never like to eat much. I guess no carbs - more active, more hungry. They are always asking for food! It is a bit scary at times how much they harrass me for food. It is good that u are making effort to sleep earlier. That is the first step. Hopefully, u are able to reach that goal of sleeping at 11pm. I used to sleep at 11pm at one point after starting kefir, i was very good at it. Now that I clean all 3 floors by myself and started making homemade food and feeding them, letting them out for the 2nd time in the evening after their dinner, i find that I finish up my day 1 hour later. I used to be able to go up to my study by 8-8.30pm, but now, it's mostly 9pm or at times 10pm. So now i am sleeping later at 12midnight, sometimes 1am. This is not good. I got to go back to 11pm. So much to learn, so little time! I used to have a weekly helper come and clean ground floor and 1st floor. I let her go since Jan 2024 due to attitude issues. Even when she was helping me, i pretty much still had to clean a lot of things, like the windows, high spaces, floor traps, garden patio, etc. Hah, she took it down huh? I am not surprised. It is not rare for anyone to take down videos that they think it may implicate them later. They have something to hide. She prob realised how she acted in that video and the title 'mild depression' does not match. I watched her launch video after u told me and she can cry without red eyes. It felt like the tears were already there before she started talking and she just let it roll down. Sigh, i am a marketer too, i am just too jaded with all these text book type of marketing methods. How YT pays? Brands advertise on YT. This is ad revenue to YT. YT will then distribute these ads to the videos they have on their platform. When you watch an ad that comes on before or in the middle or after the video WITHOUT pressing the SKIP button, YT will pay ad revenue to the creator 55% and YT keeps the 45%. How do they pay the creator? based on the number of views the creator gets. Why would they pay creator, why not pocket 100%? Well then, no one would be motivated to post videos on YT. Here, i copied and paste what is on google (lol because i am lazy to explain) : "The amount of money a RU-vidr earns per view varies greatly and depends on several factors, such as the type of ad, the viewer's location, and the advertiser's budget. On average, RU-vid pays around $0.01 to $0.03 per view. This means that for every 1,000 views, a RU-vidr can expect to earn between $10 and $30" So the more views, esp in millions, means better ad revenue for creator. Because most audience might not want to watch the ad and press the skip button. So more views, means a better chance of having people who may watch the ad the whole way thru. YT does not pay based on comments. Comments is only to show how engaged the audience is to the creator's video and that may tell google it is worthy to show the video to more audience. But it is not true, comments don't really make YT show your videos to more. It's more complex than that. But only eligible creators are eligible for ad revenue monetisation. Eligible means u've 1000 subscribers and achieved 4000 hours of watch time in a period of 12 months. Means from Jan 2023 - Jan 2024, u must have 1000 subs and 4000 watch hours. And when Feb comes, it's counted as Feb 2023 - 2024. Now we are in June 2024. So YT will look at the time frame of June 2023 - June 2024 to see if one has 1000 subs and 4000 watch hours or not. If u have met these two criterias, u can apply for monetisation and someone in YT will check out your channel and decide if they want to approve or reject your channel for ad monetisation. I am definitely not eligible for ad revenue monetisation even tho ads do appear on my videos and u've watched it whole way thru. It seems like how things are moving, i guess even after 20 years of doing videos, i may still not be eligible HAHAH. if u fall below any of these 2 criteria after being approved for monetisation, u will get demonetized, means u lose the chance to earn ad revenue. This is why...most creators do not always depend on ad revenue money. They go for sponsor deals which is just between them and the brands, affiliate links, sell books, subscriptions, services, classes, products, etc etc.
@SunrayStar 16 дней назад
@@lebooshdiaries Well that is just fantastic that they are so much improved on the new diet, and I'm thrilled that Billy is doing SO much better! That's really neat about him going to the grill and pulling it. So about them harassing you for food, yes, it could totally be because they're feeling hungry, but here's another thought: they could find your new homemade food so much more delicious and interesting than dry kibble that they just want to eat more! (It's fun to eat.) When my rescue first came here 4 years ago, at first she was just plain afraid. In general. And just kind of had a beaten-down demeanor about her. But she started getting all the various "special" meals from Day 1, and she took to that like wildfire. I'm sure she had never been given anything before other than dry kibble, and all of a sudden here was all this interesting and tasty food, and lots of variety, and she was SO excited every time it was meal time (and still is). It makes me happy to have them enjoy their food so much. The cats could feel that way about the new food too. Hey, I never knew that you used to have a cleaning helper! Was it just too hard to find a replacement when you let her go, or did you decide you didn't want someone coming in any more? Wow, thank you SO much for explaining all that to me about how people make $ on YT! That has answered so many questions that either I never knew or that just didn't make any sense to me. And I'm going to read what you said to husband too, because we have mentioned that subject a few times over the last several years, not understanding how on earth people made $ from YT. And especially for that .01 to .03 per view info, which really gives a good understanding of how easy it is to make a lot if you have one of those highly-viewed channels. I'm going to bring one thing from the last video discussion over here, because I'm now getting wary about posting too much more on that one, haha. It's about the bathroom construction style there. So I understand how you can spray and wash the bathroom walls if they're made of tile and marble (pretty!) whereas most walls here are drywall (same as sheetrock, gypsum board), and they are dry and kind of crumbly/dusty on the inside, so they would be able to easily soak up moisture. You can't spray drywall or wash it except for just rubbing a wash cloth over it if there were some marks you wanted to try to remove. It is always painted and it's very easily marred with dirt/marks. (I've just told you all that, and now I realized you may have drywall in your home also! So you would already know exactly what I'm talking about.) But what I still wonder about is the flooring and drainage system. We don't have floor drains at all unless it's in a house that has a basement. Basements will often have a floor drain somewhere (but still not bathroom-related). So how are your bathroom floors set up with the drainage system that you can spray or hose water all over the bathrooms and then not have to worry about big mold growth in the flooring, especially because it's tropical and so humid? I understand that the floor drains would be an outlet for the water to flow into, but what about all the excess water that didn't make it into the floor drain, and then the flooring would stay wet for a while until it eventually dried, for mold to form in? And around things that could trap the floor water under them, like toilets, for instance, or cabinets that reached to the floor?
@lebooshdiaries 16 дней назад
@@SunrayStar Your dogs are really happy with your choices of meals. I would be too if i were a dog. Different meals daily, never get bored. It's easy to get anyone to come and clean house here and it's not too expensive. But it will never be clean the way I want, despite gently reminding from time to time. Some times, i don't even tell her, i'd just clean the dirty parts myself. And i'd climb up the high windows in my living room to clean because that one, i wont let her clean, it's too dangerous. However, the biggest reason i let her go is her attitude, one of which being - constantly taking photos of things in my house and sending it to her daughter. She'd show that she took some photos once in a while but i don't know what else she took. It is one thing to film myself and show on YT, it's another thing for someone to take photos of my belongings and share with people, they all know where i live. Do i want to have another person come in? Maybe when i cannot cope. Like this week, i am sick and i still force myself to clean. 3 floors is quite a lot. It's too tiring at times so i will see how it goes eventually. But not having anyone come in makes me feel more at ease. At least, if anything breaks, it's because of me, not a helper. She did break quite a lot of things. I do have dry wall on selected areas like the ceiling where i can punch a hole to hang things. But all the vertical walls are concrete. All the houses here are built like this, it's safer from harsh winds. I am sure u have a floor drain when u have a shower. Or a bathtub. Ours is no different. We have a floor drain where our shower is, and that is just it. Only one drain. if we chose to hose everything down, then it could get moldy, no one said it won't. And also, calcified stains on the floor over time. I learnt the hard lesson on the latter because my current floor is dark grey and calcified stains can be seen very obviously. After endless days of scrubbing and scrubbing, i finally removed them. What i do to prevent it from happening again is to use a floor squeegee after every bath and sweep all the water off the floor towards the floor drain. I'd squeegee the walls as well or if gung ho, wipe walls with cloth. Then i'd wipe down my shower head, knobs and all my bottles down. I only wash my toilet flor and the walls once a week, so the other days it remain quite dry, after squeegeeing. My husband does it too because he doesn't want to see my scrubbing and scrubbing the calcium deposits off the floor again like that. We've also removed our shower glass wall years ago to lessen the work of cleaning them. My shower area is slightly lower than the other parts of the bathroom so i can squeegee the water towards this area easily and then into the drain. So yes, previously in my earlier years, i never squeegee the floor and it will be left wet for a while before it dries. Some mold would appear but not a big deal because my bathroom windows are huge. But i can remember growing up in my parent's home - the bathroom was always wet, had a wet smell and it wasn't so pleasant. And dangerous too. Even today, after squeegeeinh the floor, i can still get some mold at the area where the drain is but it's very minor. I am not sure about the other creators' home u had watched - maybe they don't always hose everything down or they really wipe up everything properly after cleaning. For sure, if u factor in wiping down, then would take more than 10 mins. As u don't know what they do, u cannot assume that their bathroom is always dry and not moldy. Some toilets have exhaust fan to blow humid air out and keep things dry. They may have it, u just don't see it. Cabinets - i don't have cabinets in my toilets. I keep all my towels and things away from the toilet seat. I don't put anything on the floor that can soak up water. Even plastic stuff is removed before washing the floor and then put back after squeegeeing. I have a floating toilet so i never have to worry about water ponding around the base. But yes, in my old house, i'd have to use brush to scrub off some mold there. When it comes to bathroom, i think Asian toilets are more designed around being able to clean as fast as possible. Any cabinets, wicker baskets to nicely stack toilet rolls is usually kept outside the bathroom.
@ouraussieanimalfamily 27 дней назад
Good morning Maxi!! Billie loves that scratch and lePoo makes me laugh hahaha She's certainly a heavy sleeper lol Ahhhh your favourite drink to go with your meal 😊 PIKAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Nah the vloggers just move the set off camera hahaha I've done that a lot in the past hehehe Since we got Kiarah, she sits like a human as well!! When she first started doing this I thought of lePoo hehe You always make such great looking food!
@lebooshdiaries 27 дней назад
le Poo can sleep thru anything hahah. I would like to think the vloggers are that neat in real life but u are right. Always trying to get husband to keep this table neat. It used to be worst when we had those long tables before changing to this shorter one. I can imagine Kiarah! Does Boston sit like human too?
@ouraussieanimalfamily 27 дней назад
@@lebooshdiaries No, Boston sits like a typical dog. He's very solid whereas Kiarah is quite flexible and bendy
@lebooshdiaries 24 дня назад
@@ouraussieanimalfamily Awwww!
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
I read your last message and will comment on it later, but I wanted to send a new short unrelated message. BTW, every time I open this video for comments, I hear that beginning sound all anew - the music with the crisp crunching sound of the jackfruit! Today I watched Honeyjubu's video from April 11 called "organizing the refrigerator", which had a paid ad for storage containers, and she claimed that they would keep fruits & vegs fresh for 31 days! I hardly knew what to think. She did, of course, still do all of her usual veg prep work, including adding other non-food items to the containers, but still... The other night after dinner, I was still a little hungry so I ate a couple of dates slathered with cream cheese - yummy! I thought to have those because of our recent conversation about dried fruit.
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
I didn't watch that one. Lately, I don't feel like watching her. Because she reminds me of a robot, very efficient bot doing all the house chore motions at lightning pace, without any emotion. A very efficient robot ideal for product demonstration. This is why she gets so many paid ads because she demos them like a robot. I hopped on to watch a bit here and there. First thought 1) Gosh so many containers in her fridge 2) Gosh, even more containers in her cabinet - are they the same as the ones in the fridge? if not, how many containers does a family of 4 need? What happened to the Muji ones that goes shooosh when she presses the middle button down? 3) The volume of food she buys, feels like it's for a family of 10. Just the box of cherry tomatoes - huge! 4) Kimchi in plastic container (no...) 5) Kimchi in metal container (big no...) I store mine in glass snap on lids similar to lock n lock. 6) She was cutting up red chillis and storing it with zucchni and onions...but then in another scene when she's cooking dinner, she chops up the chillis on the spot to cook. Why didn't she take the chillis that she had already cut? 7) Why do I want to store so much produce/food for 31 days? I'd rather buy less and eat them within a week. Nutrients degrade over time so it's better to just eat it than keep it for long. 8) Chopsticks and toothpicks? I hope she reuses them and not buy new ones, throw and then buy more. What a sheer waste. From what I can see, she keeps pulling out chopsticks from its paper packaging, indicating to me that these are new chopsticks. I won't do this tho, it can just cause mold to grow in the chopsticks inside the container with the veges it is stores in with, esp if its 31 days. Mold still can grow in cold conditions, albeit slowly. But if u give them something like wood, it's like party heaven. In fact, i have one very old lock n lock glass container. I still use it! but the non branded one these days are just as good and easier to pull out the rubber seal. Does she have like many fridges? If one fridge is just full of containers, where do smaller items go? Like nuts, seeds, cream cheese, yoghurt, sauces? It's never ideal, i can't stack boxes in my fridge like this because when husband comes home with something like a cake, there is no space to stuff that cake into. I do like her white cotton cloths tho! This is what i had mentioned to u for your salad box. I don't have such clothes but when i really need to put cloth on top to protect fragile veges, i'd use my tea towels. I don't believe things can be kept for 31 days and still look as good as day 1. If anything, containers that have the ability to pressure seal, means air is pumped out of it would be better to keep things longer. Even for me, I can keep push my veges to 14 days in my take away boxes but not everything stays nice. Usually peppers, brocolli and cauliflower stays quite well up till 14 days. But something relatively inexpensive that can keep onions and garlic long is those brown bags. I get them from buying mushrooms and i reuse them for my onions and garlic (before i mince those garlic). Onions can stay up to a month in these brown bags without sprouting shoots. I keep them at the coldeest part of my fridge in the wet kitchen i cook.
@SunrayStar 29 дней назад
​@@lebooshdiaries I agree; I have gotten less and less interested in watching her videos and may have to just give them up completely. It seems like I'm gradually losing the great joy out of these particular channels that I used to enjoy so much because they have changed over time to become more and more commercialized while moving away from what made them so great to begin with. I mean, promoting products is fine and doesn't really bother me until the whole focus of a channel comes to be on selling product. I'm not interested in watching people just promote products. I've told you all the channels that I regularly watch; do you have any channels you really like and watch a lot that you would care to recommend to me in case I could give a try and maybe like them too? Also, good comparison to a robot. I have thought for a long time that she works way too hard for just normal living. She moves fast and hard and her movements are often harsh, like the way she slaps things down fast and jerky. Getting up at 5 am every morning to make a FULL DINNER for breakfast, then go out to walk the dog, go to exercise class, do a bunch of cleaning in between all those things, come home and make a big personal lunch like a dinner for herself, clean more, make a dinner-sized "snack" for when the children come home from school (how much can these thin children eat?), do more house chores, go to more swimming classes, come home and make a dinner fit for 10 people, work after dinner until bed (what time does she go to bed?) She can't get enough sleep. I have often thought she is working herself to the bone and may get sick. I mean, no question, you and I both work harder at home than most other people do, in my opinion, but she beats us hands down. Is it really necessary to serve 7 side dishes in addition to 2 main dishes at one dinner? Is it really necessary to fill up your whole refrigerator with vegetables to that extent? She said that the new storage containers didn't take up much room, but they took up several whole huge cabinets from bottom to top, and there was no more room in the fridge to squeeze in anything else besides the storage containers except for the door of the fridge. She does have what looks to be a "wall" of refrigerators. I remember each time LG gave her a new fridge to promote. One was a regular fridge, and another one was a special full-size "kimchi refrigerator". But when I see that wall of fridges, it looks to me like even more than 2 full-size fridges. I wonder if there are 3. This last video I watched (on the containers) was rather tedious and boring because, going by what you said that you didn't think many people would want to watch you scrub little lettuce leaves in detail (haha!), I wouldn't think people would enjoy spending their time watching a whole video of packing storage containers and then fitting them into fridges and cabinets. You asked about her previous containers - I remember those ones that she pressed a button in the middle to release air! (I liked that - "shooosh") At least those were always interesting to watch them seal when the button was pressed! These new ones were boring. I saw no sign of the good old ones in the cabinets now; were they all thrown out to make room for the new promoted ones? I don't feel very good about a practice she started with Lucy the dog - she now always leaves a little sealed plastic storage jar that's full of dog treats out on top of Lucy's doghouse, so Lucy is now often shown sitting up on top really wanting those treats. Lucy is always carrying that thing around trying to get the treats from inside (she can't), and bringing it to her to ask for treats, but she can rarely have one. I think that's kind of mean, but I'm sure she doesn't realize or think of it that way. And in this video Lucy was playing by herself, chewing on a stuffed dog toy, and she went up and just took it from her mouth and left her with nothing and said "Lucy, you can't chew on dolls." Boo! Sorry, those things made me feel sorry for Lucy. Yes, I noticed that about the chopsticks. Well, I do of course store some opened/cut things in glass storage containers with lids, and I use some plastic Rubbermaid containers for dog things (I choose the type with #5 type of plastic, polypropylene, because I feel it's the safest for using with food and the safest to come into contact with any heat), but you know me - I mostly prefer to keep all the vegs in their original packaging and take out what I need for each meal and clean and prepare it at the time I need it, so I keep as many things as possible squashed into the vegetable drawers. It saves a lot of space so other things can have room in the fridge besides just vegetables. Things like carrots and celery, for instance, I will wrap an outer plastic bag around the bag they come in and squeeze every bit of air out that I can, and boy does this help them last and last (I can actually keep them for 31 days!) Apples and oranges and lemons and onions and radishes last forever, too, in the drawers. Hey! You keep whole garlic bulbs in the fridge? I didn't know they would do well and last longer in there!
@lebooshdiaries 29 дней назад
@@SunrayStar For all that u have said, honeyjubu still gets a lot of views. I hope my candid-ness is not killing your enthusiasm for silent vlogs. Just remember that these women are doing a job. They are not just vlogging for fun. They get paid for it either thru ad sense, affiliate commission, sponsorship payment or in the case of actors, then they are paid by the company who owns the channel. It is what it is. Sponsorships is very lucrative, like it can be USD20k- 50k for one video depending on size of audience. This is why most creators will do whatever it takes to grow their channel by showing incredulous things like HUGE food portions, unbelievable cleaning routines, etc. I don't think honeyjubu is working herself to the core, please do not worry about her health. I believe she only cooks and cleans like a robot when the cameras are filming. I mentioned before i don't believe that the lunch box she makes is actually eaten by husband, it's not possible to cook so many variety and pile them in on time for him to take and go. Its a topic that gets views so she repeats it again and again and it grows her channel which eventually benefits her ability to ask for a high sponsorship fee. U are right about the dinner sized breakfast, dinner sized personal lunch and dinner sized snacks. It made me chuckle. I just feel like there's too much food waste and while i do waste stuff too in my life, i am always careful to never waste food. So preparing too much and not able to eat it all, is a no no for me. With that and the robotic way she does things, is why i feel not too interested to watch but once in a while i hop on to watch. In fact, most of my time watching silent vlogs is just for creative inspiration - i look at their camera angles, their topic, how they start and end the videos, etc. It's not so much like u, for enjoyment. It's for continuous learning to improve my technique. But i don't have too much time these days so I basically just watch honeyjubu and hamimommy once in a while. As for others, there is one i watch for learning too but she constantly promotes products so i do not want to tell u in case u go crazy.There was another one i watch but hers is mainly just cooking and cooking fried foods, lots of processed food, etc. She gets tons of views with very basic camera skills but tons of views. I watch just to learn what makes people like watching her. Everything is education to me. If you like something less unpretentious, i do like @키미 Kimi I found her last year but she's not regular. I don't have time enough to watch everything but when i do, i appreciate the tranquility of her farming life. She doesn't do paid ads, at least not yet so far if I am not mistaken. But then again, I have never been able to watch many of her vlogs due to time. Most of my time is actually spent watching lol - doctors and nutritionists on YT! I like to listen to them while i wipe furniture or work on computer. I can share these with u. Dr Ellie - this one u know of course hahah The Dr Doug Show | Bones, Hormones and HealthSpan The Bone Builder System Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall Dr Berg Dr Rupa Wong Helpful Vancouver Vet And other informative channels like : Future Proof The Diary Of A CEO Jennifer Myers Donna Schwenk Chubbyemu Brew Yogabody Precision Movement Evil Food Supply And many more. Any topics related to brain and bone health is my current thing now as I want to learn as much. Yes! I keep garlic bulbs in fridge wrapped with brown paperbag. But they won't be stored too long before I bring them out to peel and mince and keep in the freezer. I still do that every 2 weeks. The longest i've kept garlic in fridge because i had no time to mince was...1.5 weeks. They are ok. Nothing can be kept outside in malaysian weather. As much as I love to display onions and garlic outside, it's only for a few days. I used to have onions and garlic on my countertop in my older videos but...they will sprout within a week. So now, my countertop is clean, no onions, no garlic!
@SunrayStar 26 дней назад
@@lebooshdiaries Oh, no! You haven't been ruining anything for me. I have really enjoyed the conversations about these other channels, and I would always rather know the truth about something than stay in the dark. Wow, that is a huge amount of money per successful episode, just hard to fathom really. Well, yes, here I was always believing that she really got up at 5 AM every morning to begin working, that the husband's lunch box was really always taken to work, all of it! Thank you so much for that long list of channels you listed! I will most definitely give @키미 Kimi a try, and I'll also check out the other ones you listed as I have not heard of any of them already besides Dr. Ellie and Dr. Berg. I have watched a large number of Dr. Berg's videos over the past couple of years. I subscribed to his channel for a while, but then later I unsubscribed because he was posting a new video every single day and it just became too much and I didn't want to keep receiving all those notifications! But I will occasionally still go back to his channel if I'm searching for something or if something sounds really interesting. He has lot of good-sounding recipe videos on his channel, too. Have you seen any of those? They are really short videos done with his wife while they taste food that they made and then give a quick recipe for it. Sometimes they say funny things on there that really make me laugh! But I've tried a small number of things, like some of the Fat Bomb candies, some cookies once, and oh my gosh I got the BEST recipe from him for easy-to-make corn bread (it uses almond flour, not corn meal); the name of that video is "Ketogenic Corn Bread". I have made that several times now (I don't put any stevia or any other sweetener in it, and it doesn't need any sweetener anyway; I slather butter on top of it when it's hot and I'm serving it. Also, I halve the recipe when I make it for us to eat with dinner.) It is so delicious eaten alongside any kind of recipes for chili, or any kind of soups or stews, etc., but I've also made it as a side addition to a meal consisting of meat and vegetables. He also has a second YT channel called Keto Recipes that is just all recipes. I don't eat specifically keto; I just eat a huge variety of all kinds of things. I'll tell you about what I ate for lunch today because it is probably currently my favorite yummy lunch out of everything, but I only eat it once a week, so it's always really special to me. I cook oats (either steel-cut oats or regular rolled oats) and then fill a cereal bowl with them, and then I add all this to them and mix it together: a small amount of mixed frozen berries (I let them sit out for a little bit ahead of time to thaw and soften before adding the hot oats), butter, salt, pecans, cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of pomegranate powder (it gives an extra little tang), a really big dollop of cream, and then I add to the very top a sunny side up egg that I cook in the same pan I used for the oats after I remove them. Bliss! Gosh, I don't know how you even have enough time to be able to squeeze in so many different channels, but then again, I spend a huge amount of time on K-Pop videos. I'm an obsessed fan for a few years now, ever since my first exposure to them. I also really enjoy ASMR videos, especially tapping sounds. They are s-o-o-o-o-o-o relaxing and often it is hard to even stay awake while sitting up.
@lebooshdiaries 26 дней назад
@@SunrayStar Not hard to fathom at all! about the sponsorship fee! Some of these information are shared by You Tubers. Recently a YT guru disclosed few of her sponsorships, some range from 8k to 20k and she only has less than 1 million subs. Imagine those with million and above. How huge they are and advertisers can throw big money at content creators if they have a lot of subs and views. But sponsors are demanding as well...so I understand that you don't like that honeyjubu focuses on paid sponsorship product for the entire duration of her video, but it could also be dictated by the sponsor that they don't want just a small segment, but entire video and they are willing to pay. When they pay so much, they want everything good to be mentioned. This is why working with sponsors can be very challenging and one has to be ready to sell their soul to the devil. As a marketing person in a skincare company, I've approved payment of RM30k before for a local content creator to create video for the skincare brand. And that is just a small segment. When YTuber is up and rising, hot thing, they can also command a lot. If i ever get to monetize my channel, I'd just be happy to rely on ad revenue because I know how demanding it is to work for brands. I didn't know that Dr Berg has recipe videos! I don't watch all his videos on sequence, just those topics i am interested in. I will go check out his corn bread video, sound interesting. Thanks for sharing your oats dish. It sounds all good except for when u topped up with sunny side up egg...sweet but with egg...interesting! I don't have much time, esp since 2024. My life now revolves around kefir, homemade cat food, exercising and making videos come as last priority. How I do is I listen to them speak, i don't watch the screen. I listen while I edit videos, this is how I make time. If i need to look at the screen, say if they are referencing a chart, I will pause editing and look. I also listen while I exercise. Sometimes I put on my headphones while laying in bed and listen till I fall asleep. No choice, not much time these days but I don't want to be too ignorant, moving towards 50s. Before that, I was just all work work work and led an unhealthy lifestyle with little sleep, eating chips, drinking boba and all the good stuff containing maltodextrin. It was when my mom fell down that I went down the rabbit hole on all things bone related. That is where I eventually found Dr Doug, ex orthopedic surgeon. I really learnt a lot of things from him, more than any fitness coach here in Malaysia. Then my mom got misdiagnosed with periodontitis. I went down the rabbit hole on all things related to perio disease, bio film and i eventually found Dr Ellie. Now I know a lot more than before. Can u believe that before my mom's incidents, i didn't even know what periodontitis and gum pockets are? I mean, who would know unless they are interested in teeth? In Malaysia, we do not have dental hygienist. Only dentists and specialists. And dentists here do not do perio charting because it is not required (which is terrible). They are only reactive, never preventative. Up till last year, I never knew one should at least do a full mouth OPG xray once a year. I never even knew i had wisdom teeth as dentists I visited never told me to do one! I didn't know to brush only after 1 hour of eating. I was that ignorant. I've learnt so much from the doctors on YT. So...even if I don't have time, I still try to learn as much as I can. That is why I hardly watch silent vlogs esp this year. I rather learn more about health, esp bone health. When I do watch silent vlogs, it's more of a technical breakdown for me, not so much for enjoyment purposes. I need to ask u - when u say u drink tea with cream, is that the same as using whipping cream? Because here, there is no such thing called cream. It's either 'whipping cream' or 'heavy cream' or 'cooking cream' or 'half n half' (which by the way is not widely sold in malaysia. It's imported and only 1 place sells it because half n half is not an Asian norm. I used to drink boba tea with whipping cream - is that the same as what u are using, called cream?
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
I know so many of these things were not good, but I found the playing at 1:13-1:15 MOST hilarious and had to keep replaying this part several times. It put an automatic smile on my face.
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
Awww, that's Mango being playful, she loves playing with my broken rattan bits...rest in peace my poor rattan stool...
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
7:01 - It's so pretty! It looks like you're at a park. Ohhhh, figs, figs...every time I see figs I almost want to swoon. They are SO delicious, and I really can't get them ever, except for one store (Trader Joe's) that gets them in for about 2 weeks, once every year. And the ones they get in are always sooooo tiny. They would be a whole lot easier to get if you lived in California. Of course one issue is that they are only available seasonally, but the other is how delicate and easy to bruise they are.
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
U like figs huh? I love the shape of it and the way it looks when cut. My first intro to figs was via the dried form. i like it (altho very sweet) but husband was like meh. Then when I got the chance to eat fresh figs, i was surprised that it hardly had any taste to it, no sweetness at all. But i don't mind eating it. It's very rare here too and when you see it and it looks fresh, gotta buy it. I would love to go to Trader Joe's if i ever am in US just to see how fresh things are there.
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
@@lebooshdiaries The first form of figs I was ever able to try was dried figs. I liked them quite a lot, but since dried fruit is so heavily condensed with sugar, I generally avoid dried fruit except for just a couple of bites not too often. I thoroughly dislike raisins. Most of the time I keep some prunes (dried plums) and dates in the fridge, but I would say I only have either 3 prunes or 2 dates at a time, and I don't eat this type of thing any more often than once every 2 or 3 weeks, usually after a meal when I want a little something extra. Yes, I agree, fresh figs are beautiful inside! I don't think I liked dried figs nearly as well as prunes or dates. I was always wanting to try fresh figs after having the dried ones, and I searched online but found out that they are almost impossible to get unless you live in an area where they're grown as they don't travel well. But then I ran across them at the right time in Trader Joe's! They had 2 varieties of them. I bought a couple packages and loved them instantly. They taste so "special" to me. Wow, I was so surprised to hear that you thought they had hardly any taste or sweetness, because I think they're bursting with their special fig flavor, a little bit tart and a little bit sweet, mixed together. They are mildly sweet, not overly sweet, which makes me like them even more. I wonder if the ones you were able to try were not all the way ripe, possibly, so the natural sugars may not have been formed enough yet, especially since you also said they had hardly any flavor. That makes me wonder if they were just bad figs. Or have you eaten them more than once and always think they taste that same way? You did once tell me that in your diet, meals are really oily, spicy (I really like oily & spicy food too), and desserts are heavy and really sweet, so maybe it also could be that you are just used to tasting more sugar and so that's why you couldn't taste sweetness in the fig? But really, I more tend to wonder if they were just bad figs, picked way too early or something. The only thing that makes Trader Joe's special is that one of their policies is to not sell anything that is GMO, and that they offer a huge selection (in very small stores just packed full of food) of so many different healthy organic foods all under one roof, and overall they are a much better option than regular grocery stores, from the standpoints of overall healthy food options as well as lower prices. Their prices are extremely reasonable as compared to other stores. However, not everything is healthy in there! even if it is non-GMO. They also sell plenty of non-organic food that would be expected to be grown with the usual chemicals and so forth, and processed convenience foods that are not really healthy. So I pick and choose and read ingredient labels, as usual. Their fruits and vegetables are no fresher than any other usual grocery stores, but they do offer a little bit of just about everything, and they sell a large number of food items in there that I just can't get anywhere else. I do the bulk of my grocery shopping there, and that's where I buy all of the organic heavy whipping cream that I told you about back when we talked about that. I also order a whole lot of other kinds of food of the non-fresh variety, like packaged and canned foods and things like dried beans, condiments, etc. from online net sites because I can use discounts and get them for a lot less than local stores, especially when it may not be easy to find organic options for some things in local stores. It's easy to find organic online.
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
@@SunrayStar Oh prunes! In my upbringing, i formed the opinion that when one eats prunes, it's for constipation. That's generally what my parents taught me. So i never eat prunes for fun and actually, i rarely eat prunes. I was made aware of research that shows eating 6 prunes a day helps with bone growth and density. I thought that is indeed good but 6 prunes every day seemed too much, esp for people at advanced age. Dates - yes, i keep them too but i stuff them with peanut butter. I recorded that video but it's not yet near to being edited and published. It's usually stored in the freezer for my husband as emergency snack, esp to bring along when he brings his dad to the hospital at night/early hours of the morning, those long waiting hours and nothing much around to eat. I don't dislike raisins and i don't mind a bit in salads. Actually, i prefer dried cranberries in salads. I've had fresh figs a few times in my life. Sometimes in hotel buffets. It's always the same, just soft, moist and bland. Maybe slightly sweet but it's hardly noticeable. So I don't know where the super sweetness comes from in the dried form. I don't think the figs i ate is bad, u can see, they look pretty fresh. I suspect it's different species. Like, jackfruits are not all alike. Mine is a species called honey jackfruit where it's super sweet, but there are other varieties. And same with mangoes and many other fruits too, even apples, berries. I always buy Pink Lady apples from new zealand and at first it was all sweet with tartness and crispy but now it's just sweet and powdery. It could be Pink Lady from another country. Trader Joes - non GMO? Does it mean they sell non GMO bananas? That's pretty hard to find because actually bananas are full of seeds which you have to spit out. So far, all the bananas we can buy these days have been modified - small and edible seeds, sweet plump flesh...
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
@@lebooshdiaries Yes! Constipation is what prunes have always been known for! But you know what? I don't think they're any different than any other similar food with a lot of fiber, and I have never eaten prunes and had any kind of diarrhea reaction or whatever. And I have eaten up to 6 prunes at a time before. It's just like eating any other dried fruit, as far as I can tell. I wonder if that's one of those old wives' tales focused on prunes in particular, when probably eating any kind of healthy food with a similar high amount of fiber in it would be good to relieve constipation. I think they're yummy. And they are very nutritious. "Eating prunes for fun" hahahahahha!!! But I do know what you mean. Hmmm, I don't believe I've tried PB on dates, but I have had cream cheese on them. Did you mean you shot a video that talks about dates stuffed with PB? And do you mean your husband is still having to go on emergency visits to take his dad to the hospital? I thought he had gotten relief from having to do those kinds of things when his father was placed in the nursing home. I'm sorry that difficulty is still happening. Yeah, I'm not totally sure what it is about raisins; for one thing, they are so ultra-super-sweet that they almost make me feel like I could get a low blood sugar attack from causing a big insulin spike and then sugar crash. Plus, they always seemed to be really dried out, just not appetizing at all, and way too chewy from being dry, which would easily get stuck in the teeth. Finally, I just don't think I even like the taste of them at all. Nothing good about raisins, for me! haha That's actually likely - that the figs available to you are from a different variety than the ones I got from Trader Joe's, because I know that mine were grown in California. But the figs I got from them during that little span last year when they were available were not NEARLY as good as the ones the year before! I was kind of disappointed in last year's. They just weren't as tasty or as good of quality as the year before. I have no idea if they came from the same Calif. growers or different ones, but it could have even been a bad crop that didn't do as well, or yet still a different variety. I will be interested to see what they will be like when they come back again later this year - I think it's usually around September. Have you seen the figs that Koreans are able to get? They are humongous! And they look so delicious, moist and perfect, I can hardly stand it when I see those. Oh, I love Pink Lady apples, and they are one of my very favorite varieties right now. I don't know what that means about a powdery apple, but it doesn't sound very good. Cosmic crisp is another really good current one available. There are no GMO bananas in the U.S., yet anyway. Any that they're possibly working on would have to go through an approval process before they would be offered for sale. And we don't have any bananas with seeds in them that have to be spit out. I didn't even know about this. Do you know what variety banana you have? The Cavendish banana variety is pretty much the exclusive banana available all over the U.S. The only other sort of "banana" that's easy to find here is plantains, but I guess that's not really a banana at all, although a lot of people think of it as one since it looks a lot like one.
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
@@SunrayStar Prunes - yea whenever someone's constipated, prunes will magically appear in fridge. I think last time I ever ate one was when I was a child, before becoming a teenager. I think it's part old wives remedy but i was made to understand that prunes has something in them that helps to draw water into the gut. Now u make me feel like eating prunes! Cream cheese on dates huh? Hmmmm...maybe i might try that. I know husband will sure say hell yeah! Yes, I was restocking my freezer with emergency snacks a month ago and decided to shoot it. Besides making peanut butter oat bars, i make peanut butter + nuts stuffed dates and freeze them. It's easy to put into pocket and bring along to anything, including hospital. Father in law has been going to the hospital for CT scan and then numerous consultations with different specialists because from the last time he went to the hospital for emergency, they saw something in this xray that required CT scan and then consultation with this dr, that dr....all eventually to conclude that he is too old to have a surgery and just have to monitor. I think it has been about 6 times since xmas last year that he's gone to the hospital. Nursing home doesn't have a dr attached to it. Some homes do but these are just general doctors. For internal issues, still need to send him to the hospital. Definitely there will be emergencies along the way for this and that complications as he's not healthy and also has dementia. So snacks are sometimes quite important to have at home because I literally don't stock up on things like biscuits, crackers, etc, which is not the best. Sometimes he'll sneak in some Snickers bars and keep in the fridge for emergencies...lol. I rather have him eat dates stuffed with PJ and nuts or my oat bars than Snickers. And he gets hungry pretty fast too, so sometimes he'll eat it before lunch or dinner while waiting for me to finish up my chores so that we can go out to eat or I cook. Powdery apple means when u eat it, there is no crunch. it's just all crumbly and powdery in your mouth. There's no hardness to it. There are apples like that, and it's not nice! Here in Southeast Asia, we have many many varieties of banana. Cavendish is widely exported because it travels well. I don't eat cavendish because it's pretty tasteless. The bananas we have are in Malay names so it may not mean anything to you. I always think bananas are in a way still modified. Because as said, wild bananas do have seeds. Commercial bananas do not and they are cloned. Someone (some corporation), long long time ago must have changed its genetic structure to remove the seeds so that they cannot reproduce naturally and have to be cloned. To me, that is genetically modifying something. But i am not against nor pro GMO. I think there are good and bad to everything. All in moderation. You might be interested to watch these videos : 1) Wild banana sold in India market - Eating a Wild Banana full of SEEDS - Weird Fruit Explorer Ep. 304 by @Weird Explorer 2) Bananas Are Not What You Think | The Shocking Truth by @SciShow at time stamp 0:46 when the host said that the banana he was holding is "not created by god or nature, but by people (for the ones seen at the stores).
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
I'm going to try starting a new thread and see if my comment will post this way. I have tried replying twice on the other thread, and it ends up deleting it. Here's my reply: Yes, most of the baking soda here is Arm and Hammer, but it is also quite easy to get generic store brands of it so many places, which is just a little bit cheaper. But it isn't a big difference in price. You can get a 1-lb (454g) box of A&H for $1.47 (RM6.93) or store brand same size for .92 cents (RM4.34) or a 4-lb (1.81kg) box of A&H for $3.34 (RM15.76). I was surprised about A&H being expensive anywhere and am wondering - is there a big issue with all kinds of brands that are shipped into Malaysia costing a lot more than if they are sold elsewhere? I know that you've mentioned other things being really too expensive once they were shipped in. Do you know about how much A&H costs now in Malaysia? That's convenient that the one size you buy fills the auto pourer well. Zippers on bags always used to work so well before! That looks like a really nice little detergent storage box with the spout. I had never noticed that in any videos before. I did see what you meant about too much being able to come out at once, but was that the cap that goes on top that you were using to pour the detergent out into? I guess if too much came out into the cap, you could always pour some back in since the hole is so large as long as it was still dry. I'll have to come up with something - it's a small 1.2kg bag that said it would do 100 regular wash loads. I could get something similar to yours; one idea I had so far was an old plastic canister with screw-on lid that whey protein powder came in that I could keep a little measuring scoop in. I went and looked at the little saved bottle I have of those moisture absorber canisters. There were 3 different brands in there. One was called "Splack" - what a funny name! One type said silica gel right on it. I am currently using a certain brand of magnesium powder that you mix in water, and they are putting one of these canisters in each container. I never have any clumping of the powder at all, even to the very last bit, so it works. But I don't know if there is any difference in the way they work as compared to the little Tyvek envelopes of desiccants, because those work well, too. Do you know, recently when I bought that salad spinner, the manufacturer had enclosed a HUGE desiccant envelope inside! It was like around 8cm long or so! That was surprising to find one of those inside the plastic bowl.
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
YT notified me on this new message! Thought I'd better reply as thurs - sat, am super busy. Arm and Hammer being expensive because it's imported. Our currency is weak against the USD. Also, factor in cost of shipping, import duties, taxes, etc...the local distributor who imports it in needs to raise the price to a level that they can have profit. Therefore, it's always better to buy local, esp if it's something as simple as bicarbonate soda. I can't remember how much it is but if i remember, i'd go check it out in the next grocery shopping trip. I normally just pour the powder detergent straight into my pail with rags or anything lol. I only pour into the cup (yes it came with the box) when i wash the litter boxes as i don't want to bring the entire detergent box over to where i wash the litter boxes and get it all wet with the water sprays. I could always make it a habit to pour the powder into the cup for anything i do but it's like an extra step. And when they come out too much, it's not easy to pour it back unless you open the whole lid. Which is all extra steps to do lol. I think they whey protein powder with the scoop could work well! At least there is a scoop. I hope the new laundry detergent is going to be good.
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
@@lebooshdiaries Oh good, I'm glad the notification worked on the last message. See, that's so weird that I just earlier mentioned about sometimes having to reply to the original thread comment because it would delete what I tried to post if I replied directly to a sub-comment, and it happened shortly after I said that! Wow. Except in this case, I just decided to start a whole new thread instead of risk typing the @name and having it show in black and not notify...what shenanigans! Buying local whenever you can makes sense. It makes no difference what brand of baking soda is available, in my opinion. I've not seen any difference in the characteristics between them. No worries about skipping days replying! Some days there just aren't any spare moments for relaxing or anything. My Fridays and Saturdays are the busiest days of the week. Have a great weekend!
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
@@SunrayStar oh i just went to the supermarket and Arm and Hammer 454g is RM7.55 and the smaller one is RM5 something. But my 500g baking soda that is from a baking supply store is only RM2. So that's why i said it's expensive. It used to be RM1!!! Inflation is a pain. Have a good and productive weekend!
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
@@lebooshdiaries Well it seems then that the price of A&H after being shipped in to Malaysia is surprisingly not that much more than it is here (although you did tell me that you can't really convert), but the super-low price of your baking soda from the baking supply store seems almost free to me! Like money someone would just throw in a wishing well or something! (not me, heh heh - I'm not throwing any money away) To me, anything that costs around $1 (RM4.71) is so low it's almost nothing. But that brings up the other point you said about the cost of living being so much lower in Malaysia. I always used to hear that same thing about Puerto Rico - a lot of people seemed to want to retire there because of the cost of living. Inflation has gotten completely over-the-top out of control, with lessening quality and quantities; I complain about it often.
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
@@SunrayStar Yea don't convert lol! Just think of it as dollar to dollar. Say, example, u earn USD5000 monthly and I earn RM5000 monthly. U pay USD1.47 for a 1lb and I pay RM2 for 500g (a bit more than 1lb). Makes sense right? But I am buying non branded, no brand baking soda here. The packaging is just clear plastic with just the word bicorbonate soda 500g. I would say then in the case of baking soda, you are getting quite a good price for a well known, highly commercialized brand. i'v known of Arm and Hammer since i was a teenager!
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
@SunrayStar oh, i just want to update you about my baking soda in a bowl. It's crazy how long this video's comments have been between u and I...further from the time u asked me if my baking soda in bowl gets wet, i replied and said yes but i use very little and it will be all soggy towards the end of the week and i will wash it out and then refill. Have always been doing that but i also wanted to get something for a while now. Have been looking at it for a year but never got to buy it because of other more important $ commitments. Finally in may, i saw it on very good discount and had to get it. I bought 4 auto pourers which is mainly meant for sauces and oils. But i bought 3 for my soya sauce and others and the 4th one to put baking soda. When you tilt the bottle, the cap automatically opens and you can pour. once poured, the liquid will flow back without any spills. It works well for my sauces but for the baking soda...well it keeps it dry (good) but it doesn't pour out as smoothly as liquids. I have to do the action of pouring salt from shaker kinda movement to get the baking soda to come out. It's fine because i don't want too much to come out as well. It's been a few weeks now of using, so far, so good but a video on this won't be coming out so soon as i want to properly use it for at least 2 months or more before showing it. I don't know if my baking soda will clump up inside the bottle from humidity because even the ones i store in a big container clumps up over time from the constant opening and closing of it. If it clumps eventually, then it won't be able to pour out! I just saw hamimommy using the auto pourer in her latest video and she used it for oil and vinegar instead. I almost wanted to buy the same design that she has because it was significantly cheaper than the one i wanted but when the latter had discount, i had to get it. My spout is stainless steel and i prefer it over a plastic spout. Just to let u know - do wait for my video so i can share if baking soda in an auto pourer works well. Then u can decide if it's something u want to get, if you want to put baking soda next to the basin like I do.
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
Ooohhh, I was kind of upset when I found that YT had not ever sent me a notification for this message, and I literally just ran across it totally by accident because I had wanted to come back to your last comment above and read all through it again, and at the end my eye caught the new message down below and I was like "what is this?" and found it was a brand new message! I'm so glad I saw it. I wonder if you could possibly have sent me any others that it never notified me of? I hope not! Well, if it happens that you send me a new message unconnected to another thread that I don't reply to, please be suspicious that I may not have received it. I did notice that my name was in the usual black print, not the blue print that shows when the message is sent as a "reply", but I myself have had to occasionally send a message the same way because every once in a while for whatever reason it will not let a comment go through in a direct reply to a sub-comment, so in those cases I have had to hit the reply button on the main originating comment at the top and type in the @name in black in the message. (I have had to do that a few times in the comments on Dr. Ellie's channel when I was answering questions, and YT apparently does not like me on there! and there was only one or possibly 2 times I had to reply to one of your messages here this way to get it to go through.) But what I've found is that if the comment is added to an existing thread in this roundabout way without clicking reply directly on the person's sub-comment, I think it usually notifies the receiver of the message only because it notifies you of any new comments from anyone that have been added to a thread you have commented on, but it doesn't seem to recognize a new comment as needing to notify the person it's for, if the @name is typed in black and not "replied" to, which will show up in blue. Does this make sense? That is a little confusing to try to describe in detail! But to me, it's a flaw in their communication system. Anyway, I hope I didn't miss any other messages from you. It's too bad how we have to always be double-checking this system now for if the messages will actually go through or not. Anyway, about your comment! Thank you for letting me know! I had not watched her new video yet because I'm currently up to about April 28 in her videos (catching up soon!) but I went and found the bottle you mentioned in the new one. This looks like it will be a good video. I have never seen a bottle like that before that will actually open on its own; what a great idea. One thing about glass bottles with screw-on caps that olive oil and stuff comes in is that they can be messy and there's always the potential for drips down the outside. Do you know those large plastic canister-type jars that a lot of health supplement powders come in? (The larger size ones.) Well, those larger ones have plastic screw-on lids that are pretty wide as compared to small vitamin bottle lids. I save many of those lids to use for other things, and one of those uses is to sit a bottle of olive oil on an upside-down lid inside the cabinet, so that way if there is ever an olive oil drip down the jar that I don't see in time to wash it off, the cap will catch it and keep it contained. I use those lids for all kinds of things. I have used the bigger ones before for holding very small houseplant pots (protect from water underneath the pot), and also inside larger houseplant pots used like a cachepot with a smaller potted plant inside, to lift the small plant pot up inside the larger pot and hold it - I may need to stack a few lids of different sizes on top of each other to lift a pot up. Or hold something small in the bathroom to dry like a drain cover. All kinds of things. All that to say, this bottle that will open by itself sounds like a great invention! And that could be a great use for keeping baking soda in. I have not yet come up with some small kind of closed container for keeping at the sink, but I would still like to. Recently at the sink I thought I would like a little baking soda for something, but my hands were soapy and wet and I would have had to dry them to get the large canister of it out from the cabinet to get some. Yes, I can see what you mean about needing to shake the bottle to release baking soda, and if the baking soda clumps up in the bottle, then it won't be able to flow out. Well, what about this - do you know those little moisture-absorber packets (desiccant paks, and sometimes they call them adsorbents) that come in vitamin/supplement bottles? They are generally ageless (they say that on a lot of them, anyway.) You could put a few of those at least in your larger container of baking soda that you store the bulk of it in and they would surely help your baking soda to last longer from humidity in the air. I'm not sure if one placed in your small sink bottle of baking soda would get in the way of the pour-spout or not, but it could be worth a try. I save those all the time out of finished supplement bottles to add to new bottles that don't come with any, and also to add a larger quantity of them to bottles that come with just one packet already inside, to keep the products fresher longer. I have by now accumulated a whole bottle of just extra packets, and another small bottle full of the other type that are like little hard plastic canisters instead of flat envelope packets. Do you have any of those? I'll look forward to seeing what happens with your bottle.
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
@@SunrayStar gosh! I didn't know all that about the blue name and the black name...now only did i notice it...it makes sense altho i have to read what u said like 3 times. Kinda understand. I never realised it. I always thought as long as I typed your alias properly, it would notify you. Good to know and i'll be more mindful in future. Glad that you found the message tho! I don't think i ever sent you anymore messages that is not a reply from a thread. In any case, if u read and didn't reply, it doesn't matter but if u hadn't known about it to even be able to read it, then it's wasted effort. Yes, indeed, many times when i needed to dry off my hands to open the bigger tub of baking soda to get some for tenderizing my raw meat before cooking...it's a hassle. I don't scoop the ones in the bowl to tenderize my meat because it would be all exposed and a bit soggy, dirty. So having this auto pourer is good. Now, i can use it to remove oil from pans, clean my wiping rags, pour into my laundry and tenderize meats, all using one source of baking soda in the pourer. I think it's fine that it doesn't pour out continuously but more like salt (even without clumps at this stage) because i do admit that i tend to use more baking soda than necessary when i was scooping it from the bowl, hence it runs out fast. So this helps me get a small amount at a time and if not enough, i will shake it again and again to get the amount i need. Now it's not clumping but i don't know if it will after a few months, so we shall see. I don't think i want to put the absorbents into it because that is what i did for my powder detergent container (with a spout) and it keeps coming out because the spout is very big. I forsee that the absorbent will definitely block the opening of the auto pourer therefore, making it harder to get the baking soda out. If it did clump up eventually due to humidity, i think i'll open the auto pourer and use a chopstick to break up the clumps. With the auto pourer, i will not be storing anymore baking soda in my larger tub. I will store it in the auto pourer, use it all up and then open a fresh pack to refill. I'll use the tub for something else. I have never seen the hard plastic canister absorbents. Just the packets and also flat piece of plastic (for cat food).
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
@@lebooshdiaries I totally agree that it would feel like wasted effort if I wrote a long message and then you were never even able to see it. Because it's a conversation. I laughed where you said you had to keep re-reading what I said; it was a little hard to keep everything I was trying to describe straight and say it right! Yeah, it seemed to me like it may not work to put one of the desiccant paks inside the baking soda bottle because of it falling to the opening. Since you said you won't be keeping a larger tub of baking soda any longer, does that mean that your auto pourer is large enough to hold a whole box of baking soda at once? I don't know how your baking soda comes, but ours usually come in cardboard boxes of different sizes. The smallest is 8 oz. (226g), then 1 lb. (454g), and even 3-4-5-and even 10 lb. or some other different sizes, but they've started putting the 4 lb. and up sizes into plastic bags sometimes instead of boxes. On the bags, they'll put a resealable zipper, but I have been finding for at least the last 2 years that those are rarely any good any more (on all plastic bags of products, not just baking soda)! The zippers on the bags are all being made so cheaply that they will not properly seal, or else they'll open up with barely a movement, which could lead to a powder disaster, so I basically have to pour everything that comes in a plastic bag into a different container for storing it. You mentioned your powdered detergent container with a spout - did you mean laundry detergent? And is this the container that it originally came in or did you transfer it to another container? Just recently I bought a new kind of laundry detergent that I had never heard of before. It's called Charlie's Soap Laundry Powder. I am finishing up my liquid laundry detergent first and will be starting the new powder soon. I was intrigued when I read about it, because #1) I haven't used powder for the laundry in many, many years, and #2) this one is unscented and says that it deep cleans and rinses completely with no brighteners, perfumes or fillers, totally non-toxic, etc. and gets outstanding reviews. The company even says that their detergent will cause your washing machine to stay deeply cleansed and odor free. I'll be interested to see how it does. I don't think that modern-day washing machines clean all that well because they changed them hugely to run on hardly any water, and they just don't clean near as well now as a result. BUT the one thing I consider a big problem is that the new powdered detergent comes in a small plastic resealable bag! There is no way I'm trusting that bag with something like powder. It may not seal well, it could get a hole in it, seems like it would be hard to get the proper amount of detergent out of the bag for a load, and be awkward to handle being a bag. I want to transfer it to another container after I open it, but I don't know yet what the best kind would be to use. Those hard plastic canisters used in some supplement bottles are not very often used any more, but occasionally you'll open a new bottle and find one in there. I used to get them frequently in bottles a long time ago. Sorbicap is the name of one kind used. They are really small, not any longer than around 12-13mm or so, and round with flat ends, just like some kitchen storage canisters. They are really sturdy and last for ages. I forgot about those flat pieces of plastic you mentioned. I have seen those before in food packages. For sure I've seen them before in dog treats.
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
@@SunrayStar The baking soda i use is non branded, i get them from a baking supply store that packages them in see thru plastic for very affordable price, way lower than in the grocery stores. 500g is the only size they sell now, previously i could get a bigger bag of 1kg. My auto pourer is 500ml capacity, so it can contain most of the baking soda, there was a bit left in the bag, so i took a food clip and clipped it and kept it in the cabinet. I can always refill my auto pourer. Having it clipped and inside a cabinet where it's not always opened and exposed to air, keeps the baking soda dry and nice. But it's a small amount left, like a small scoop's worth. Cardbox box baking soda - Arm and Hammer, yes? It's so expensive here! I know what u mean by useless zippers, i have those issues too. Yes, i meant laundry powdered detergent. I keep mine in a plastic box with spout. I think u can see it in most of my videos when i wash things at the wash trough. U can see it in vlog 91 at 8:04. The spout's big tho and sometimes i pour out way too much, straight into a bucket of water, There's no saving that. My absorbents usually fall right thru so now i don't put it anymore. The tedious thing about this is i always have to remove the cap to pour and remember to put the cap back on in case i splash water into it while washing or in case I left it out and it rains...I may consider putting cello tap across the spout's mouth to make it smaller so that i don't waste powder detergent or eventually place the powder into an auto pourer as well. Still a thought at this stage. For clothes, i normally use liquid detergent. Powder detergent is used for washing wiping cloths and rags, cat beds, litter boxes and everything else because it's cheaper. Your newly bought laundry powder sounds like a dream! No scent is a plus. Never seen a sorbicap before. I googled it. Maybe it's only for US supplements. I only buy collagen peptides and inulin powder and they don't come with anything like that, not even absorbent paper. Thanks for sharing.
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
Yummy-looking meal! I wash my hands sooo many times during cooking meals. It gets tiresome, but there's just no other way to avoid spreading food around on things. Do you remember a long while back talking about that bar soap I had gotten for using at the kitchen sink? Seems like ages ago! Well, that soap is on its last legs now and is almost gone. It is so thin and just a little scrap of a piece now, so it will likely run out within a week. I bought two at one time, so I have one more bar left (the super yummy-smelling citrus one next). So I'll get it out to use it next, but after it's gone I will not plan on buying any more bar soap. It is just so much more trouble to use than liquid or foaming soap in pump bottles; the pump bottles are way faster also. Oh, that was so funny at 6:00, what you said, and that noise he made! Hey, and he spoke at the end of the video, too! That was a first.
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
yes i remember about your soap bars. Hope u had been enjoying using it! It's very pretty before use, once used, esp the artisanal ones with flowers and all. U just don't even want to use it. I think my husband didn't know i was filming. Sometimes the camera is there but it may not be turned on. He might have thought the camera is not on lol. If he knew it was on, he'd speak softly...he made that noise..i couldn't hear it but i think that is because when he was mixing the sauce into the bowl of chicken, one piece fell out and landed onto his rice! It was a stroke of luck that it didn't fall onto the table, the red color would have stained badly. We have spilt all kinds of gravy, liquids and stuff onto this poor table.
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
@@lebooshdiaries What I have enjoyed most from that bar soap is its beautiful natural rose scent (and it doesn't come from any kind of synthetic ingredients or perfumes, so it really does smell natural) and its soft, cushy lather. I say "soft" because its lather really does feel soft and cushiony, a little bit creamy, when using it as opposed to the feel of liquid soaps that leave the skin more squeaky-clean. The scent is so faint that you have to put your nose up to it to smell it, so it definitely is not an overpowering scent. And it leaves the hands feeling not as dry as liquid soaps. Those are the big +'s. But it does take much longer to use than liquid soap (picking up the bar, rubbing it on after wetting the hands, putting it back), and it is also harder to get all rinsed off, so that means more time and more water usage, which made me feel a little bad. So those are the reasons I don't think I want to keep using it after what I have is all gone. This brand doesn't put any visible things in the bar soap like flowers; it just looks like solid-colored soap. Oh, well that explains it! (That he didn't know the camera was on.) I remember your saying earlier that when the camera came out, he closed his mouth, which made me laugh! Oh well, that table is an outside table, so it's going to take the wear from the elements, anyway. But I understand that you still wouldn't want to have to see a red stain on it. That's how I would feel, too. There was one video where you couldn't eat outside that day because it was raining all day and it showed the wet table. Does sun ever hit the table during any part of the day or is that area normally in shade? The sun would have a bleaching effect (plus sanitizing).
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
Hey! Tonight we had your cheesy salmon pasta for dinner, and it was delicious! I've added it into my recipe box. I used feta for the cheese. I didn't know which herbs you selected in yours, so I just picked basil and Italian seasoning at random. Also, several nights back I made caesar dressing to eat on top of my "chicken salad" (that's the large garden salad with diced cooked chicken on top). I used lettuce, cucumber, radish, carrot, pumpkin seeds, salt & pepper, and then the diced chicken and caesar dressing. It was very tasty. Here's what I put in the caesar dressing: anchovies, garlic, salt, mayo, lemon juice, Dijon mustard, Worcestershire sauce (haha), olive oil and parmesan cheese. So this was my first ever purchase of anchovies! As long as I have them, I'll also try them sometime on the garlic toast instead of the sardines I have been using. (But I will NOT be eating a side bowl of mashed anchovies along with it, haha.)
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
Oh nice to know and sounds yummy too! Did you hubs like it too? My herbs for the pasta was just dried oregano and thyme. But basil sounds nice too! Glad you had a good meal and enjoyed it!
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
@@lebooshdiaries Yes, he did! In fact, I believe he commented 3 different times during the meal (without ever being asked) about how good it was. I never would have thought of putting fish on top of pasta on my own. Thanks for relaying which herbs you used; I was really curious about that.
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
@@SunrayStar awwww!
@ouraussieanimalfamily Месяц назад
They look HEAVY as he is cutting them off the tree...! I've never seen Jackfruit before. I've heard of it though. How did your husband not cut his fingers while cleaning the knife with his fingers?? Awwwww Pika.... It's ok honey.... It's just a little storm.... Interesting way to drink your drink at the end of this video with the dried jackfruit in it
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
happy June! Time sure flies right? Jackfruits are super heavy, heavier than the cats! I brought it out to the living room to see if the cats would be curious but they were meh! The photo in the thumbnail was me carrying it back to the kitchen at the back because no one was interested to sniff it lol. Jackfruits very sweet and the aroma is quite pungent - it's sweet and a bit metane-ny. Yea, i don't remember seeing it in Australia when I was there. But i've seen it in UK because it made viral news when someone took photo of it in a UK supermarket and they had cut it like how they would cut watermelon! Not the right way tho. Husband's pretty lucky he hasn't cut his fingers yet....No choice to drink it with jackfruit in my kefir, there's just too many and every week another huge one ripens!
@ouraussieanimalfamily Месяц назад
@@lebooshdiaries You know, I would probably be that UK person to cut it like a watermelon 🤣🤣🤣
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
@@ouraussieanimalfamily HAHAHAHA!
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
I am really sorry that you had such a terrible treatment by that person to still have that awful memory to this day. As hard as it was mentally (and I'm sure the mental effects carried over into physical as well) on you to have to go through that, you can be sure that that person has been gradually eaten up inside with damage stemming from her anger and vindictive attitude and hateful mindset. If she does not change, she will likely end up as a very sick and bitter old person. Why don't you give a try to something like either the "letting go" procedure or EFT (emotional freedom technique) tapping exercises to once and for all clear these negative memories from affecting you, so you will no longer be bothered any more with any bad feelings as a result of that terrible person's treatment? I do know exactly what you went through feels like as I had an experience extremely similar to yours. The only difference really was that you had to live with your bad situation for a much longer length of time than I did. But otherwise, the same.
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
Thanks for the EFT mention! I doubt it can really release any negative memories but then again, it doesn't really bother me much anymore unless I think about it. it's not just the sour face but the way she turned people against me. That's quite a big, indirect bully. I remember we went to a conference in Vietnam years ago and after the seminar on the last day, I asked if she wanted to go to the day market to look for gifts and stuff. I really wanted to go. Like let's all go together. She's like don't know, not sure....but the instance i got into a conversation with my boss for a few mins, she gathered everyone, including the 2 executives reporting to me and told them let's go to the market. So everyone went to the market and I was left alone with my boss. Who then left to join other bosses and I was all alone till they got back. I am not very good with directions and at that time, there was no google maps or anything like that. Pretty cheesed off by the way she had purposely excluded me out despite knowing that I reallly wanted to go. It's good that i went thru all this because it shaped the way i am today. I may be strict when i work with people but never unfair or bias or intentionally hurtful. I also believe when we do something bad, karma will get us eventually.
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
@@lebooshdiaries Yes, that is exactly the kind of thing I would expect someone like that would do. That is just despicable. Well, I just thought I would suggest both of those things in case you were interested, because I find that it personally feels painful emotionally when you remember really bad things such as that, that you have strong emotions tied to. I mean, it feels bad when you think of those memories! These exercises won't make the actual memories disappear, because you can't erase your memories. You'll still always be able to remember something that happened; what they do is help you process your remaining bad feelings connected with the memory to clear the negative feelings, so then in the future if you think of those things, they will become sort of neutral-feeling and like "who cares?" or "it doesn't matter" so that you no longer feel the negative emotional pain (or however you would describe the bad feelings) connected with those memories any longer. Many people do the quick EFT tapping exercise on things and have a lot of success with it because it sort of releases "stuck" feelings in the body's energy system that you never fully processed and allows those feelings to be released, but after I read David Hawkins' book "Letting Go" and put his mental exercise into practice, I found that it worked for me even better than EFT tapping, and these kinds of things are really easy to do and not at all time-consuming. It's so interesting to me how this helps. For instance, if there's something that's bothering me or worrying me a lot that keeps coming to mind, instead of keeping on thinking about it and feeling the terrible feelings from it, or instead of trying to reject the feelings or to make myself stop thinking about it (in which case it will come back again sometime), I just concentrate for a few moments and do this letting go exercise on it; and while I'm thinking about it and feeling the really negative energy or painful feeling, all of a sudden I can feel the energy starting to dissipate and just disappear, and I'm left with no painful feeling and a sense of relief, and a feeling like that bad event or worry or whatever doesn't have any importance any more, or that it just doesn't matter any more, something like that. And then that thing just isn't bothering me any longer. So it feels freeing and healing. There is a specific way to do the exercise, what you're concentrating on and how you're thinking during the exercise that makes it work. And it works not only on bad memories, but also worries, and all kinds of things too numerous to mention from regular daily experiences that make you feel bad or frustrated. So many people refer to it as life-changing. It's just a tool to help you live happier. I'm sorry if I didn't do a very good job at describing my personal experience with it, but I was trying to just put a little synopsis of it into words. It's hard to describe something like the whole book in a short snippet, but just to give you an idea.
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
Gosh, you had SO many of the cats curious enough about it to all gather around at one time to inspect it! That's impressive. I really like the new layout; it looks good. And it even adds a little more interest to have the desks separated in different areas of the room. It actually makes the overall desk area look so much smaller than it was before as one long set, which is really weird that it would look smaller because they are the same desks. But I'm saying it is really a good improvement in interest and looks, in my opinion, and I thought it looked good in there before. When I was little, and then when I was a bit older but still young, I got so much sun exposure it isn't funny. When I was a teenager I used to lay out in the sun on purpose to tan and would get super-dark every summer there for a while. So I did not wear any sunscreen until much later. Even when I did realize the importance of not getting all the sun you could, haha, I began wearing sunscreen some but was never very strict about it. However, I would always put it on my face every time while gardening, and also I've always had a habit of wearing long sleeves and long pants (jeans) while gardening, along with a hat with a wide brim. I've worn sunscreen on my face for a long bunch of years now, but I only went through one or two stages of also wearing it daily on my arms, hands and upper chest. I really hate the stuff (sunscreen) because of its residue and slight greasy feel that never goes completely away (and I've tried all kinds) and how it rubs off on things and can ruin them (including furniture). So I have to say I definitely gave up on using it daily all over, except for my face and upper neck, where I do wear it daily. I would still wear it all over, of course, if I went on a trip and was in the sun a whole lot. But I have a funny story. Back when I used to work in an office, I was going through one of those stretches of wearing sunscreen covering more area. So one day I applied it to my arms and hands because I was soon getting ready to leave the office to run an errand, when a co-worker came into my office, stopped, and said with an odd look, "it smells like suntan lotion in here." And I said "it is." (well, it was sunscreen.) And she really thought that was unexpected and weird, haha (it wasn't even summer yet). I'm laughing now just remembering that. I went to a dermatologist for a mole removal about 5 years ago, and while I was there she offered me a free program of a particular pharmaceutical product for the face that was not tretinoin but something else kind of similar. Being the health nut I am, at first I refused it, but then I thought about it and I thought, "well, it's free" (although to be honest, I was always suspicious of that and did not understand it!) and I had begun to get fine facial wrinkles and the beginnings of sagging, etc. and I thought it sure would be neat if something improved all that, so I ended up trying it. It was a terrible mistake! And it left me with some permanent damage that has never gone away. While I was using that product, it super-super-super dried out my face so terribly and made it red and actually caused visible wrinkling (from the over-drying) that wasn't that bad before. I kept on with it for a while because I had read in the literature that things could get worse before they got better, and I thought it was a necessary process. But after about 2 months, I gave it up for sure because things were not improving. Although the over-dried wrinkles it put under the eye area did go away after getting off the stuff, and the overdried skin and redness eventually returned to normal, the damage it left on the lower cheek area just out from the sides of my mouth is still there! On each side, there is a really small area of skin that is kind of wrinkly-looking and slightly saggy; it isn't really dry skin, so no amount of moisturizing products have made it go away. I wondered if that product affected the elasticity and flexibility of the skin worse in that area for some reason and if that's why that happened. Oh, I couldn't remember the name of that product until just now - it was Adapalene. I would not recommend it to anyone! My undereyes are in pretty good shape, but I definitely do have the same things you mentioned above regarding signs of aging such as early signs of jowling, downturned mouth and saggy skin here and there. I use a number of moisturizing serums and creams daily on my face and neck. A few of them are the same base products I use every day, but I have an assortment of finishing (final layer) creams and oils that I alternate frequently, like use one of them one day, switch out for a different one on the next day, then yet another different one the following day (and one would be used in the a.m. whereas I would use another in the p.m.) ... I figure it can only help to get as many different kinds of hydrators with different ingredients in there to do their different purposes on the skin. One time a salesperson at a skincare company said to me on the phone when I was asking if it was OK to alternate a bunch of different products "yes, it's a good thing to do - it all gets in there." That phrase stuck with me. The big variety I use seems to have really improved the overall look of my skin as compared to what it was like before I started doing that.
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
Wow, what an interesting story! I heard of Adapalene thru this you tuber Jennifer Myers. She loves using it. We cannot get Adapalene here so I buy Tretinoin. Both belong to the same category of retinoic acid, which is the most potent for the skin. Essentially, what i am using is same as Adapalene. Just that because i've been using retinol, retinaldehyde and Bakuchiol over the years before starting retinoic acid (tretinoin), my skin's more or less ok. Just my fingers applying tretinoin to my face, neck and arms suffered a bit. Regret that u had such a horrible experience. Maybe u didn't start slow and applied too much and too frequently? Pity tho that retinoic acid doesn't help much with sagging. It's more of to prevent pigmentation, ensure skin stays smooth and refine... Despite me working in the beauty industry, i didn't start using spf religiously will much later. I really regret it and regret my lazy attitude. I do agree, it's quite uncomfortable almost icky. No matter how elegant the formula is, it's still that layer of sticky feeling and yes! the furniture! My mobile phone! My door handles! It's not a nice feeling but am committed to wearing it everyday now, even when i am at home. I used to not wear it at home, I regret this very much.
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
@@lebooshdiaries I don't know; I followed instructions exactly and did start off slow as recommended, and early on I actually took a break completely for just a really short time to allow the worst of it to abate before restarting it, but yet that's what still happened. The next time I went back to that dermatologist's office, the assistant asked me what my experience was after the Adapalene and I told her, and she simply nodded her head and said something to the effect of that she wasn't surprised as a lot of other people had had these same experiences! I thought that was terrible, in that case, that they were recommending it, and it really made me highly suspicious of that free program! Like, was this an experiment on that particular product? I found it very odd that she asked me that question with a sense of purpose, like she needed to get my response or something. So maybe it was for some nefarious purpose like that, but I'll never know. Oh, how interesting that you worked in the beauty industry! I never knew that. I've always been curious about Japanese sunscreen, because they always talk about it having a truly non-greasy feel, like you don't even have it on your skin, and I've wondered if that is really true or not. However, once when I looked up ingredients on those, I was uncomfortable with them and so didn't feel comfortable with trying them after all. It's hard to remember what the offending ingredients all were, but it seems like, among others, that it was high in alcohol? Which is not good for the skin. I hope I'm remembering that right.
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
@@SunrayStar oh i can assure you that there is nothing nefarious about her asking u. Most skins will not be able to tolerate it but i think most of the time, professionals advice to push thru that horrible period and it will get better as your skin adjusts to it. I am suspecting that either you put too much on your face (only a pea size or half if very sensitive). If you have super sensitive, then face cream first, allow to dry and then only adapalene. I guess my skin's pretty used to it because i started with rosehip oil which is a form of vit A and then when on to retinols, then many others before tretinoin. Over here, it's not by prescription, u can get it from the pharmacy without any dr's letter. At the end of the day, not everyone can tolerate or push past the purging period. And that is ok. If you are ever interested to use something like this, you can you slow release retinaldehyde or backuchiol, which is milder and more tolerable. But still need to be careful and sunscreen always. I would admit that Japanese and Korean sunscreens are quite elegant, like face cream but there is still that tackiness, stickiness. It's not 100% like a face cream but it glides super smoothly like it. However, since the Purito scandal where spf declared was not real (u can google about it), a lot of people are skeptical about korean sunscreen esp. I don't think i've ever since alcohol being used in sunscreen but it could be for the watery version (aqua line) that is supposed to be more cooling and light for those who prefer a less heavy spf. Alcohol is used quite frequently and cosmetics and skincare as a solvent and also to give a cooling effect but it's used in very low %. Still, that can irritate some with super sensitive skin. Aloe vera gels are quite notorious in having alcohol in their formulation - so best avoid that if u cannot tolerate.
@SunrayStar Месяц назад
​@@lebooshdiaries How neat that you don't have to have a prescription for these things over there! And thank you for all the info! I've been using a super-simple sunscreen for at least 2 or more years now - just Olay Complete Daily Moisturizer for Sensitive Skin (because the sensitive skin version contains no added fragrance). It is only SPF15; originally I would have preferred higher than that, but that is all that product comes in. However, it is totally enough for me as I also wear a hat when I walk or garden, and I don't spend any time in the sun without the sunscreen on my face. I use it as the last step every day after all my moisturizers have been applied, and I only apply it the one time. It keeps me from getting any new sun spots/age spots, and actually I have had an improvement on those, probably from all the other products I alternate, along with healthy diet and so forth. Since it's working for me, I haven't tried to find any higher SPF products that would feel less greasy, because in fact, this product is the least greasy-feeling SPF I have ever used before. It mostly feels like just a really thin moisturizing lotion, with just the barest faint bit of the usual sunscreen feel. So I'm very happy with how it feels and performs. After I apply all the products to my face in the morning, including the sunscreen, then I use a plain tissue (like Kleenex, etc.) to blot my face, and that removes excess moisture that would otherwise make my face shine. That is a makeup artist trick. I have a number of products (water-based liquids like a toner and a serum, creams, and oils) on my face. The toner and light serum I use first every day, and then depending on whether it is am or pm, I will next use a moisturizer, and I alternate different products all the time to get a rotation of different ingredients into my skin. The final moisturizer I usually apply in the am is call B Oil by The Ordinary. Then I apply the sunscreen, let it set for a few moments, then blot. In the pm, after washing my face I apply that toner and serum again (I use a Paula's Choice toner called Enriched Calming Toner, and the serum is The Ordinary Marine Hyaluronics). Then I apply a different moisturizing oil every night from my rotation and follow it with a thicker moisturizing cream. My oils are currently either rosehip seed oil (like you mentioned above), marula oil, argan oil, or a product I have that is a combination of oils in one bottle. I also have The Ordinary's vitamin C powder (100% L-ascorbic acid powder) that you can mix with other products at the time you are applying it. I only use it about once a week or so. About the cream products I alternate, I have a whole bunch of those. There are so many that I love the feel and effect of. I always go with products without harsh ingredients. I would say that vitamin C powder is the harshest item that I have. One thing I do that has made a big difference ever since I began doing it is to press all products into my skin. I apply them generally and spread them over my face and neck, and then I go back and lightly press with my fingers all over the entire area, product by product (I do each one individually, then go on to the next). It really helps to get the products into the skin and leaves less sitting on top. I have two different aloe gel products that are mostly just aloe gel (not too many extra ingredients added), and no alcohol in either. I use them usually for specific reasons, like a booboo that needs to heal for example, but I also have a whole arsenal of different things to use for healing, depending on the need. I'm a huge label-reader and research everything before buying. It takes so much time!
@lebooshdiaries Месяц назад
@@SunrayStar Your skincare sounds very meticulous and disciplined, just like how you make dog food, it's amazing. Thank u for sharing what your routine and what you use. Paula's Choice, definitely heard of it. I wanted The Ordinary too but it's very expensive here after conversion. There's a local brand that looks like The Ordinary that I use, so it's friendlier to the pocket. SPF 15 - well i guess if you don't go out much and your home is not like full of windows like mine, then it's ok. I am sometimes disturbed by the amount of windows at home, seems like everywhere i go, this vampire cannot escape windows. The only sanctuary now i have is my bedroom where I had to remove all the plants and put them elsewhere, so we can draw the black out blinds and it's dark in there. We have to do this not because of me, but because next door's empty land is finally being built into a home and my bedroom window no longer looks out to the nice green view but someone's home and the builders can look into our bedroom. So now less place to put my plants! If u can, just reapply spf before going out because 15 is not enough despite wearing a hat. Sun doesn't shine down on your face but also can hit the ground or other surfaces and shine onto you indirectly from bottom up. It's definitely icky to reapply spf, i can assure u, i don't even like it but i do that. Not as religiously as before but i still do it. Be careful when blotting because spf is supposed to sit on your skin and do its thing, if you blot, u may unintentionally take off some spf and leave unprotected gaps on your face.
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
I have a huge lot of glass jars I saved, too. One of the biggest uses I have for them is to store all kinds of dry food products in the pantry that are either bought in bulk (by the pound from open bins in the store) or that come in plastic bags with those terrible cheapy zip-lock closures that do not work well and are hard to store anyway. Examples are a large assortment of uncooked grains such as oats, buckwheat, quinoa, etc.; loose teas; honey; nutritional yeast and many others. In the fridge I use them to store flaxseed, arrowroot powder, leftover unopened packages of ketchup from restaurants, etc. I also use them all the time for liquid or paste products I mix up for temporary use for humans and dogs for health purposes. I use the really really small glass jars for dog supplements or when I need something to hold a small amount of leftover pressed garlic or whatever. They have so many uses! I also use some for junky purposes like holding liquids for gardening purposes in the garage, like liquid seaweed for plants, for example, or rubbing alcohol for gardening tools. Here's a couple tips for labels on jars if you haven't tried these: For any that are really resistant to removal, I soak the jars in hot water with sudsy dish detergent in it (you could heat up some water for this). Cold or warm water won't work as well as hot water. Soak for as long as necessary until the paper of the label has been soaked through and softened, sometimes an hour (it doesn't matter if the hot water cools after a while). For really tough paper that doesn't start to disintegrate and loosen in the water, you may start it coming up by just scraping the edges with a fingernail, and usually you can peel strips off, if not the whole label. For thick paper labels that you can peel the top layer off but a bottom layer of stuck-on paper is still left, do a second round of sudsy water soaking to soak into and soften the remaining paper. Sometimes it's helpful to rub the softened paper with a soaking wet dishrag, which really helps push off the remaining paper, and for glue that remains on the glass jar, the dishrag is very helpful for manually rubbing that off (some glue requires hard rubbing, but I'm very often able to remove it this way if it does not easily wipe away). The water soaks in and helps to soften the glue, too, so that's why some glues can be rubbed away after soaking. For any glue that couldn't be removed after soaking and rubbing, or for dry labels that you can just pull away from the jar without soaking in water at all, but that leave behind hard glue residue (like your green bottle at 1:50), one thing that always works well for me is to rub a light layer of olive oil around to cover the glue, let it stand for just a bit, and then rub the jar kind of hard with either a small piece of paper towel or a small piece of dry rag. Then you can wash the olive oil off the jar. Glue residue that is kind of sticky rather than hard can usually be removed with a piece of duct tape by sticking it down hard and pulling up fast, over and over repeatedly until the last bits of glue have all been removed. GooGone and all those similar things will definitely be able to remove lots of residues, but I'm afraid to use them because of their ingredients, so I found that these natural things will work too. It's a pennywort! (1:30 and 1:35) - that's probably the one your husband had to go plant outside, right? I love those.
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
Thanks for sharing! I have used hot water with suds, even baking soda, and all the other methods suggested by you tubers here. None of it works for Bunderberg bottles. They are like insanely strong. Lucky we don't drink them anymore! I haven't used the olive oil one tho but it makes sense. We normally remove sticky sap residue from the jackfruit with oil but we use cheaper frying oil instead of olive oil (doesn't hurt the heart too much) Thanks for sharing all your tips! Yes, that is the unfortunate pennywort that had to go to the garden. It survived initially but then it wilted away after 6 months.
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
!!!!!!! You did a gimbap video!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much! I am going to get out of line in the chronological order I've been watching your videos and go ahead and watch this today! !!!!!
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
Yes! Hope it can help you in any way! I bought a rectangle pack of nori sheets fir this. It's almost square but this is the most rectangle I can find here
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries Thank you again! I feel so honored that you made this. I already found out from you previously that I was not using the correct rice for this, but now I see also that the way I cooked it was way too moist for making gimbap. I can't tell you how much I laughed at these cats' antics. At 2:00 Billy is the cutest ever. And hilarious. And Pikachu rotting in the corner! HAHAHAHAHA - so she does this a lot, you said? I've never seen this before! And Mango kept intercepting the bites. What an absolutely hilarious rice bag picture. I don't consider it OCD at all to use filtered water for the rice cooking water; it's just safer. It's what I do, too, to keep the tap water chemicals out of the food. I like sesame oil in the rice, too, but I never thought of adding sesame seeds in there also. I've just added them near the end of making gimbap, but I'm going to try them in the rice next time. I haven't made it in a while now, ever since I started making your folded gimbap! Another thing I have never done is to press the rice down hard onto the nori sheet. I will definitely do that next time. I have had an awful time getting the rolled gimbap to be super-tight, in spite of trying to squeeze and roll as firmly as possible, and so I've really had major trouble with the stuffing always trying to squeeze out the ends. The rice part could be the answer to all this. I used bulgogi ground beef, cooked carrot strips and egg strips each time in the gimbap, and I used some mango once. I'm glad you included that, because I had forgotten all about mango and am definitely going to add that again, and also cucumber. Cucumber will be great in there!
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar It is my pleasure! I wasn't thinking of making a gimbap video but u had a lot of good questions, did make sense to do one. I am glad you told me you'd prefer a long format video vs shorts. It would have been hard to fit all that info into a shorts! Pikachu does rot at that spot esp these days. But they constantly change spots after few weeks or months. This far end corner is her go to spot at the moment. If not, she'd be rotting in the cat tree box with the cushion covering the entrance instead of her sleeping on it. Try to get a small pack of korean or japanese rice. I don't eat short grain rice everyday but whenever i feel like sushi or gimbap or just something stickier, i'd go for it. It's really nice, that sticky lumps of rice with asian style stir fries and vegetables. I normally just get a small pack and it will last 3-4 months. On other days, i normally eat jasmine rice, thai fragrant rice and recently, purple and red rice. One thing I never do tho, is use short grain rice for fried rice. I'd use long grain rice for that. I know Koreans use it for fried rice but i don't think i am skilled enough for it. Prob turn out all lumpy and soggy. It's nice to add sesame seeds into the rice for a bit of texture but it's quite negligible in terms of taste. Most of the taste will come from the oil itself. But in the 2nd half when i made gimbap for dinner, i added fried garlic bits into the rice with sesame seeds and oil. Just that elevates the gimbap - very nice. But i didn't fry the garlic bits, i used a store bought one which from time to time i have in my fridge. Best to do yourself of course but it's purely convenience for me to just get a bottle once in a while. I had forgotten to put salt in my rice hence that is why husband said not salty enough because the carrots, enoki and scrambled eggs were very lightly salted. Yes, press rice down so that it sticks well onto the nori sheet. That way, when u roll, the rice won't be slipping and sliding. Just think of it as a foundation to a house. The foundation must be solid, then only can u build the house. At least this is the way i do it. I see most people don't, they just place the rice loosely on the sheet and they can still roll. They are more expert in it to be able to do that. I just prefer to firmly press down my rice because it's very easy to roll after that initial work. With my way, it's ok to layer the rice all the way till the end, it won't get squeezed out at the end because it's firmly sticking to the sheet. Stuffings will always squeeze out no matter what if they are small and not long. That's why most videos show gimbap made with long strips of food. My scrambled eggs kept oozing out lol! Another thing I did - i didn't neatly place all the food one after another on the rice. I pile them up loosely and somewhat messily. Just to show you that it can still be rolled up. Just need the rice to be set well in place and it's good. On the first fold when u roll, spend time tucking the sheet under and press down onto the rice. Then continue to roll and press down as u go. I hope u like my double sided tape hack at the ends! It's not necessary but it's nice to have. Thanks for watching!
@rudranildas6955 2 месяца назад
Watering frequency in a week for Spanish moss??
@december1034 Месяц назад
Once to twice depending on how hot and dry the climate is
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
I loved this video because of all the thundery weather, which somehow is relaxing to me and always makes me feel safe and cozy to be inside. However, weather bad enough to cause damage, like what you talked about, is another story. If there's a storm going on and you're really concerned that your home and property may be damaged, that is extremely worrisome. I'm so sorry you've had recurrent damages! But I still enjoyed the video, nonetheless. This scene at 3:12 was scary-looking. Your bowl of lettuce mix at 2:35 looks so good! What kind of seasonings/oils did you dress it with? (The meal looks good, too.) 4:16 Oh, the monkey!! At 4:30 you said "I don't really like being in a tropical forest". Is this mainly because of the humidity, or wild animals that come out of it into your yard, or some other aspects?
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
Thunderstorms here are very fierce and getting fiercer every year! Poor cats hate all these lightnings and thunder, esp Pikachu and Mango. The salad dressing is aged balsamic glaze, olive oil, pinch of salt and pepper. It's the balsamic in vlog 49, when husband came home from from Italy. It's a huge bottle so i try my best to always use it. Sometimes i get bored so then i'd do lemon juice + oilive oil + salt and pepper + nutritional yeast flakes There was a baby monkey too somewhere but I didn't film it lol I don't like tropical forest lol - leeches. I should have mentioned it in the video. Am constantly worried if one attaches itself to me. Am constantly looking and checking my legs the whole time, everytime we go into the forest. I always tell my husband, look at these non tropical forests, they look so nice. And the trees look very pretty too esp during fall. Some vlogs romanticize walking in the woods with nice hat, pretty dresses....lol...my husband just rolls his eyes. Humidity is also a big factor, in just a few mins of walking, u'd start to sweat profusely, all sticky and wet by the end of it. When I wear a hat in the forest here, i end up with wet head and flat sticky hair all over my face!
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries Well, it turns out that I was asking what you put on the salad, when what I use more than 50% of the time on my own salads is almost exactly the same! The only difference at all is that I have balsamic vinegar rather than balsamic glaze, and I also use olive oil, salt and pepper with it. The other times I will alternate red wine vinegar instead of the balsamic for a change. It must have been the actual lettuce mixture you used that looked so special. The only other salad dressings that I make occasionally are one that contains olive oil, a crushed garlic clove, balsamic vinegar and a little Dijon mustard, and salt/pepper (very tasty!), but I don't do it nearly as often because it takes a little longer to make as I have to crush up garlic (I know, that's a good argument for keeping prepared garlic in the freezer like you do). And the other one is an herbed balsamic vinaigrette that contains olive oil, balsamic or wine vinegar, and a little of each of the herbs basil, thyme, marjoram, paprika, and also a dash of either dry mustard or Dijon mustard, and pepper/salt. Those are the only salad dressings I ever use. Yes, haha to the baby monkey! Yikes! Leeches. That is something I have never seen in person and I certainly did not know that they would be that easy to get or that they just lived in tropical forests. For some reason, I always thought they lived in water because I saw some show once where someone went in a body of water and got them all over. I'm so curious about this - do they fall out of trees, or are they on the ground and somehow they are able to get on you as you walk by? I just can't picture how they could do that from the ground, though, as I picture them being extremely slow and not able to move well, like a slug. We do have slugs here, but they don't ever try to get on you and only eat holes in plants (they are also much smaller than leeches and they can barely get around at all they are so slow). However, we do have ticks all over our forests. You don't have ticks there, do you? Ticks have been rampant for years now, not only in forests but anywhere that there's a lot of grassy weeds growing that isn't kept cut short. They hide in the weeds and if a person or animal brushes by close, they're waiting to just attach to the person for their meals. The theories on why they expanded and are out of control is because of reasons such as no longer having enough natural predators, environmental conditions, increase in deer populations as they are a good source of meals for ticks, etc., and the most terrible thing about them is that they carry and spread several pathogenic tick diseases (Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and a big handful of other different diseases) that can almost ruin the rest of someone's life if they get a bad case of it and their immune system can't fight it off. I have always truly loved hiking, but it is so sad to me that for a number of years now I have been afraid to do any hiking in forests any longer due to the ticks, and also because of this: I had a horrible experience with my previous dog when we went to a state park and took a walk with the dog in the forest on a trail, and as a result of that walk, 2 or 3 days later we found out that he had been infested with hundreds of microscopic seed ticks on that walk (they are the larval stage that is too tiny to see), as they grow fast and then became evident, and tons were showing up and dropping off every day as they got big enough! It was horrifying. Rather than use poisons on him, I did the alternate treatment - I used gloved hands with tweezers to handpick over 300 of them off him over 3 days' time. I felt so terrible for how they must have made him feel and from then on was too afraid to ever take a dog in a forest. It is definitely a loss for me, and it really is a shame it has gotten this way, because being in the forest is so relaxing and peaceful, and it is definitely extra-beautiful in the fall. I still enjoy the fall colors from a distance, though. Yes, your husband is right to roll his eyes at a silly thing showing sauntering through a forest with a flowy dress and fancy hat - a dress would be a super easy thing to brush up against plants to get tick transfer (or poison ivy or similar), and big hats would get caught on low-hanging tree branches (as well as the dress). And I'm sure they don't wear proper shoes, either, and it would be really easy to trip over a tree root or rock on the trail. Sometimes you will see a snake laying on a trail if you come up on one. The good thing about the snakes is that they don't go after anyone; they don't bother you if you leave them alone. But you can see snakes coming out of forests and ponds or lakes anywhere. In a previous house we lived in that had a very small forest running along the bottom end of the yards, I would routinely be gardening in the yard and run up on a snake that had made its way up from the forest. It was always startling! And once, with a Siberian Husky dog I had even before the previous dog, in that particular yard this dog came up on a snake and curiously nosed too close to it and came away with a foaming mouth! That was really strange. It kept on foaming for a while and I think it startled the dog. I called the vet, and he said from my description that he didn't even believe the dog had been bitten, but rather by touching the snake that he had gotten some kind of snake chemical (I can't remember any exact wording) off the snake that caused this reaction! It may have been some natural protection the snake had to be able to do that to a predator. Well, apparently I'm back with a bang on another long comment! HAHAHA!
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar U don't use caesar? Occassionally I crave for caesar salad so i'd just buy the dressing but lalely, i just use strained kefir mixed with raw garlic, salt, black pepper and a pinch of lemon if needed. If i didn't have strained kefir, then i'd sub that for mayo. So many recipes for salad dressing but i always just revert to the balsamic glaze one for convenience and speed. And that I need to finish that big bottle. Oh gosh, what a horrible story about ticks. I cannot imagine 300!! Just makes my hair stand thinking about it. Yes we do have ticks of course. They love high humidity but even that, it seems quite uncommon to get one vs a flea. Fleas are more common for pets here. But that said, yes, there are ticks. I heard of lyme disease from ticks but i never really knew in specific about it. Just that it's really bad if you get it. With all this, definitely ticks wins hands down on being more dangerous than leeches but because of my phobia on anything that moves like worms...i just worry getting one attached to me. They live in any place that is damp, muddy, wet. With tropical rainforest, it's never dry, very high humidity and muddy here and there. Not some place u'd want to walk barefoot or sit on the grass, at least not for me.They don't climb trees but if it was raining and the leaves on the floor are wet, u might find them under the leaves. I'd walk a few mins then pat my legs to feel if there's anything! It's an irrational fear. They are slow but they can lurch themselves forward by "jumping". They'd jump towards anything that smells like it has blood lol. They are not slow like slugs, which i am also deathly afraid of, Leeches can also "stand up" like a meerkat to sniff the air for potential human beings or other mammals.Just typing this gives me the creeps so i will stop. I don't know what would happen if i ever had one attached to me in the forest - everyone who's hiking would be alarmed by my blood curdling screams. Yea, i've seen enough of you tubers romanticizing the forest/woods by walking prettily in their pretty dresses, hats, picking wild flowers and all that. Not a bead of sweat, no curly long hair out of place, no shoes, everything's so dry and pretty. The trees are so lovely to look at and the grass is so pretty, speckles with small flowers. TheCottageFairy is one of them. She walks in the forest wearing pretty dresses. How many times have i told my husband - look at me, all sweaty, short hair clinging messily to my face - look that them, like Snow White. Let's move to a cold country! He'd be like sure!
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries I have never thought about making Caesar salad dressing, but I probably should try it, because I looked it up and it sounds like it may be good (I've never had it!); but I found it just a little confusing because the recipes vary so widely. Some of them were yogurt-based, with a small amount of added olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, garlic and pepper (with optional Parmesan cheese added in too), while other recipes were really totally different, like mayo-based with garlic, Parmesan, anchovies, lemon juice, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, olive oil, salt and pepper. I have to say, I am not very likely to make that last one because of all the ingredients!! I mean, I will make many different main meals with all kinds of ingredients in them, but for a side salad, it seems that it would just add on too much extra time to make me want to do that second recipe. It already takes so long to cook dinner as it is, plus preparing the dogs' dinners. So which kind of Caesar recipe are you referring to that you like? Now, the one you mentioned above that's kefir-based sounds like an easy one to put together. It sounds like you don't really need to worry much about ticks there, then; maybe you just don't have large numbers of them there like we do here. Many years ago, that Lyme disease just appeared in the New England states and then spread out from there, but we have a number of different kinds of ticks, and not all ticks are everywhere. You'll only find certain ticks in certain states. And the diseases they carry are specific to each tick. One tick would not carry all the tick diseases. But there's a big assortment - at least 8 diseases. However, I looked it up, and it was saying that Malaysia only has 4 tick diseases and only 3 kinds of ticks, and that each of these has been found on snakes and rodents, which I found very interesting. I'm really surprised about snakes getting them. It said there are over 90 (90!) species of ticks in the U.S. (I had no idea that many) but that only a few are known to transmit diseases to humans. I think it's hard to get a tick unless you go in the areas they are plentiful (shady forests and any weedy or tall grassy areas, particularly shady weedy areas). And even if you get one on you, it's still not a high percentage of people that would actually get a disease. Also, if you have a strong immune system, your immune system can fight off a disease. OK, that is seriously creepy about leeches being able to jump. I would definitely be afraid of them! I would do what you do and keep checking my legs, but that's also what I've done regarding ticks whenever I used to hike. I just now remembered a piece of information I forgot all about - ticks normally need to be attached to a person for at least 24 hours before they can transmit diseases, so that gives a good amount of time to be able to find and remove them first, something about the process of how bacteria moves through a tick's body before it can be transmitted. Probably best to stick to talking about salads - hahahahahahaha
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries Wow, I can't believe this, I started out wanting to specifically ask about your pasta recipe and completely forgot about it in the midst of that parasite conversation! I rewatched this whole video because I wanted to see that meal again - I want to make that pasta. I could tell what the vegetables were, but what about that cheese/olive mixture? I can get feta easily, and I saw the olives. It looked like you mixed in probably olive oil? And what about the herbs for this mixture - what did you use?
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
Wow, you mean those plastic containers from the in-laws' came from restaurants? Way back in the earlier videos when you mentioned these, I just assumed they were food storage containers that they had bought at local stores to use at home! And that you came to have them because they sent food home with you after you visited. Your restaurants use way, way better quality containers for putting take-out food in than they do here, where nappy old styrofoam (plastic #6, polystyrene) (gross, bad) is still commonly used. And any places that use plastic instead of styrofoam use the thinnest and crummiest plastic imaginable that is normally not fit for reusing. A few more environmentally-conscious restaurants use a thin cardboard-like material, but it isn't fit for reusing either and is not sturdy at all, and sometimes there is a shininess on the outside of that material that makes me wonder what they coated it with. Hey, I use wool dryer balls, too! I keep mine on the counter in the laundry room in a pretty basket I just love. I really get a lot of enjoyment out of seeing that basket every time I use them. What does it say on the back of the CU mart cup at 5:21? Wow, nuts came in those pretty little boxes at 6:50? They are even decorative, with a diamond jewel-like pattern on the lids! I would want to keep those for permanent storage, too. Oh, the pair at 8:05!
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
oh no, i replied u on this but it never showed up. Now i know how u feel! Did u get my reply by any chance?
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries Oh shoot, no, I never received any earlier reply - just this one!
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
​@@SunrayStar Gah, this is not good. Now I have to be cautious like u too, to copy my reply and paste it somewhere just in case. I was replying to say that these takeaway containers are norm now here because since more than 10 years ago, our govt banned styrofoam and approved this sort of plastic takeaway containers. Some use cardboard but food cardboard containers usually have a plastic coating on it to prevent leakage - those cannot be recycled. In any case, i always prefer to eat out than takeaway to avoid receiving any form of containers. Or use my tiffin carrier. However, with in laws and even my parents, they just do not care. So when there's a birthday, husband would buy all these food and bring home to celebrate and once eaten, they will be thrown without washing. I just don't feel right so one day, I decided i would just bring them all home, wash (with baking soda and detergent) and find ways to reuse them. I've been using them since early 2023, some have cracked over time and sent to the recycling center...each year i get new ones during in laws' birthday but it's getting lesser now as we only celebrate MIL's bday. FIL is in a nursing home with dementia. I don't know what those words on the CU cup say because I can't read korean. But it's definitely something positive and cutesy. I used it so much it broke so that is the end of it. Good cup tho! Never bought another drink from CU. Those two pigeons are so adorable, right? They were right outside the window where i cook.
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries Right, it's kind of a pain! And of course, shouldn't be necessary to have to do that. About the takeout containers, Wow! That is really outstanding that they outlawed styrofoam! At least it's possible to reuse the current type they're using. Yes, that plastic coating on the cardboard ones is exactly what I was talking about when I said shiny, but I never knew that was plastic. I had to look up what a tiffin carrier is. Those look really nice. So I guess restaurants will put your takeout meals in there if you take them in and request it? HAHA! - I can't believe you never tried to find out what the cup said! That makes me laugh. Oh, I'm sorry to hear about FIL's current condition. I remembered from your Christmas video, which was the very first one I ever watched when I found out about your videos, that in that video you had mentioned your husband was having to leave numerous times to go tend to his father with health ailment emergencies and all. My mother died around 6 years ago with dementia, and she had it for a number of years. (Time to copy the comment before hitting Reply!)
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries Oh, I forgot to add in the last comment - you mentioned using baking soda and detergent to clean these containers, like we were recently talking about in the other video. Well, tonight when I was just starting to cook dinner and had the vegs cut up, I went to get the brand new glass bottle of olive oil out of the lower cabinet (I had only used it once so far), and something happened, not sure exactly what, when I was reaching for it. It got knocked or tipped or something and fell over and onto the hard tile floor and broke! It was a big mess that got worse because the big round of olive oil in the floor kept running farther along the grout in the tile. It took me around an hour and a half to clean it all up because some got under my shoes and I was tracking it farther around the kitchen to get things to clean it up with, and it even started to run under the fridge. I had to use a ton of napkins to get up what I could as fast as possible, but there was still a hugely oily mess, and the grout! So I ran some hot soapy water in the sink and wet the floor with that, and then I went to get the baking soda and poured a bunch over that and then cleaned over and over again with a rag, going back to the sink many times. Well that baking soda really helped the detergent a lot! I'm not sure if I'll have any trouble with the grout later on or not, with any oil that could have remained in there, but I got it as clean as I could and the tiles felt completely clean. So I thought of you right away with the baking soda when I was thinking what to do.
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
I really liked this. I always wash and cut up all vegetable immediately before using them because what I heard years ago was that if you wash vegs prematurely, it removes something natural on the outsides of them that gives protection from breaking down sooner and causes them to go bad faster, but I'm wondering now if that is really true or not. The Korean videos I've been watching for a long time show veggie prep like you did, storing them washed in containers, but not the Japanese ones. Hmm, that's kind of interesting. I have always scrubbed vegs and fruit with a scrub brush under running water and have never soaked, really the main reason was to avoid wasting a whole bunch of product you would put in the soaking water, but you were using bowls and not filling the sink with water like I would have done, so I'm sure that using bowls uses less water & product. How do you determine when to use salt and when to use vinegar? Have you ever used baking soda? You may be interested to know that just last week Dr. Mercola had an article on cleaning pesticides from vegs, and he cited studies and the results of one more recent one where they tested different cleaning products and determined that soaking in water with baking soda removed more pesticides than vinegar or salt. We touched on this subject once a while back about how long you dried the vegs before putting them away, but do you air-dry all the vegs or only some of them? For some reason, I came away before with the idea that you air-dried them all, but I don't know how you could get the lettuce dry. I don't own a salad spinner; I guess I could probably use one. Did you cut the little holes in the plastic lids? To help with ventilation? I never have to throw any food away because of the way I keep track of it, but it sure would be nice to not have to be scrubbing vegs all the time. I do dislike how nappy it can get in the veg bin in the fridge from bits and pieces falling out of the packages they come in. But what about fruit like apples, oranges, etc., that may be eaten as snacks or as sides with meals rather than cooking with them - do you wash those kinds of things in advance too, or just as you would use them, since they last really so long on their own? Oh by the way, the way I keep track of the vegs is that I usually plan about a week of meals in advance, or at least 1/2 week in advance, so I will note it all down on a small note pad, like Sun. - Sat. and what I'm planning to have for dinner each day. That also helps me know in advance what meat I may need to thaw in the fridge the day or two before. And any vegs I have that I haven't listed to use in the weekly plan and will last longer, I list over on the right side of my little note paper as "available extras" whenever I can work them in to a future meal. If I use one of those, then I mark it off the list. That way it's on my paper and I don't have to rely on just being able to see it in the veg drawer. I plan my meals in advance, too, to help me use up what vegs I have, as well as know what I will need to buy for the meals that I don't already have. Your tea towel at 5:25 is pretty! So I guess the netting around the jackfruit protects them from birds? But what about the fabric on the inside that you put around the fruit? Is that for protection from other animals (monkeys, etc.)? And the fabric doesn't encourage rot?
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
Thank you! I've not seen many Koreans washing veggies before but i've seen one where hamimommy did salad for a week and she put them into glass tubs. But that was a salad prep where she placed cucumbers, tomatoes and salad leaves all into one tub, ready for eating. She only did that once, but am not sure. There were some others (can't remember the name) but they were promoting these storage containers that makes the tub a vacuum by pressing down something on the cover. Baking soda - yes, i do. It was my mom who told me about it, like 8 years ago. She saw some you tuber who advocate using baking soda to remove pesticides. So we bought started using. But I didn't use it in this video because Iran out of it at that time. I rarely ever plan my videos ahead, so was just doing this and decided, why not do it nicely and film it. I only use baking soda on non leafy veges like tomatos, cucumbers, egg plants, zucchini, brocolli, cauliflower, etc. In my experience, it doesn't work well with leafy vegetables like chinese spinach, morning glory, bak choy, choy sum, etc. It makes the leaves wilt if u put too much baking soda or u soak too long. it's a fine line. Put too little, then is it effective? Soak too fast, then will anything be removed? So eventually i only use salt or vinegar on leafy veges. When do i use salt vs vinegar? Which ever is available lol. I prefer salt because i don't have a big tub of vinegar with me all the time so i don't like to use it because it will run out fast and i won't have it when i want to make dishes with it. I air dry all of them for a few mins to an hour if i have time. I'd go and do other chores, leave them to dry a bit. But they never fully dry u know, esp salad leaves. That is when I will pop them into the spinner before i keep. But some salad leaves can be quite big and i only have a small spinner, so i will hold them securely and do the chinese praying motion to fling as much water away (if that is even the right word) If u get a salad spinner, get the biggest one. It will definitely be more useful. i've been thinking of changing to a big one but i have this small one and i don't know if i should. As for fruits - i wash them mostly when I want to eat them except for grapes. I'll wash it all with baking soda. Similar to limes, lemons and oranges, baking soda. But if i don't have time, those citrus things can be washed when they need to be used. Mangoes is a regular in our fridge, that one we only gingerly wash because we will peel it anyways. Most of the other fruits we eat are local fruits which u've prob never eaten before - mangosteen, salak, rambutans, duku, langsat - those cannot be washed prior. U don't wash them, just peel off the skin and eat, being careful not to lick fingers. But most of these local fruits i buy are from villages nearby. they do not use presticides. We do not wash our jackfruit bulbs either until we want to each them to ensure they don't turn soggy. No, i didn't cut holes in the plastic lids. They came like this from a restaurant selling fried noodles. It helps to let the steam out. I only have 2 lids, one broke two weeks ago, now i only have 1. I love these holes, they are my fav to use! I used to plan meals in advance too but more of writing down on my mobile phone what to buy. Like a grocery list based on what i want to cook each day. It's not as sophisticated as yours. But when covid came and we couldn't go out freely and had to buy a lot of meat and veggies at one go, that went out of the window. It was impossible to plan any meal. We just ate what we have. After covid, i never went back to my preplanning way and decide to just wing it and decide on the day itself what protein to cook, what method and which veggie to go along with it. The fabric are my old t shirts! The netting was not enough to discourage squirrels. They bite thru the net. So husband used the old t shirts. But he quickly realised it's not suitable to use for our weather where rain is heavy and frequent. Yes, it gets all soaked and then doesn't dry and make everything all soggy. And squirrels and ants still bite thru the net and t shirt. So currently, he's just using the net, no more t shirts.
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries I saw those Hamimommy videos where she made a week's worth of salads all at once! I have seen Honeyjubu washing many vegs lots of times. She is really wild with slinging the water around, ha! She has also often used those glass storage containers with a button in the middle of the lid, and you can hear the air expelled when it is pressed. But she also uses those Lock & Lock glass containers a lot too - with the 4 sides that all snap down. She has loads and loads of storage containers. I buy 2 kinds of vinegar - organic apple cider vinegar for medicinal purposes and also using as a food item, and distilled white vinegar mostly for cleaning purposes, but also for things like adding to foot soaks. Occasionally it will be needed in a food recipe instead of the apple cider vinegar. I buy the distilled white vinegar in one-gallon (almost 4-liter) jugs and go through it pretty fast! I use it as my only fabric softener in the washing machine for all loads - it makes fabrics softer, cuts down on static electricity in winter, and makes everything smell fresh. Thank you for the salad spinner recommendation. I will probably end up getting one. I know just what you mean about already having the smaller size, so you are hesitant to go buy another one that is bigger. That sounds like me; I would normally inconvenience myself a little to avoid buying something else, when I can make do with what I have. And it is very hard for me to "waste" money by having an item and just setting it back and not using it because I'd rather have something different. I can't wait for eating mangos again! They aren't available in stores year-round here.
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
It took me for-evah! to find this video again with the toast in it! (1:34) I had originally asked you what you put on it because it looked so good. So today I finally made it! I didn't have anchovies, but I always have sardines packed in olive oil in the house, so I used them instead. I did everything else the same (butter, minced garlic, Italian seasoning, and the sardine bits) and cooked it under the broiler of my still-working oven, haha. Since I had to open a tin of sardines anyway, I just mashed the rest of the sardines in a bowl and ate them with the toast. Oh my goodness, it was so yummy, I will definitely have this again from time to time. AND because your berry "milkshake" was a part of it and looked so good, I tried to recreate this also. I had on hand blackberries, and mixed those with my cream-milk. So good! I always think of you when I have these meals. By the way, we love the folded kimbap so well that I have been making it about every week and a half or so. So I watched this toast and berry shake part of the video again just now - I think that's Pikachu at 1:41 but I'm not totally sure because it's a back view plus the words on the screen are partially covering her, but it's so funny how it looked like your hand kept hovering over her back because you couldn't keep yourself from trying to pet her, but you couldn't really do it because of the toast residue on your fingers! :)
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
Oh, sorry that it took u so long to find it! You could have asked me lol. It's also shown in vlog 55 at 1:17 where i made it with soft buns instead of a slice of bread. However, in that one, I didn't put in anchovies. In vlog 59 at 9:27, I made it again with anchovies but didn't show me chopping the anchovies. I usually use just 1-2 pieces and chop them up real small because they are super salty! i do hate cleaning up the board after tho, all oily. Not sure what oil they submerge the anchovies in but i rarely use the oil. Interesting alternative, the sardine! Maybe i can try that one day. I can imagine the sardine's a hefty amount on your bread, that's definitely a good and filling lunch. As for the blackberries and cream, that is even yummier than my mulberries with milk! Thanks for sharing! I rarely buy sardines but few weeks ago i was hunting for some that is in fresh water. But u can't find that here. It's usually in oil/brine/tomator/hot spicy chilli sauce (which is yummy). I wanted to put some sardines into my homemade cat food for the omega 3s, instead of squeezing in fish oil but there were none in fresh water. Sometimes there are fresh sardines from the fish section but there are so many tiny bones! Speaking of cream, just 2 days ago i was trying to make ice cream with whipping cream. I normally make sherbets with yoghurt or kefir but this time i wanted to make something creamy again. Unlike before where i just mix the whipping cream in with sugar, i tried to whip it this time into peaks. My bowl was not big enough and the cream when splattering everywhere once i turn on my hand held mixer! Luckily i didn't film it or my camera would have gotten splattered with cream! Now am wondering if i should get a bigger and deeper bowl...
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
@SunrayStar Oh i didn't reply u on the Pika part. It's actually Itsy sleeping on the table like a long brown log. I was poking her with my non oily finger saying hello sleepyhead!
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries Oh! I never did connect any of those with being basically the same since all of the breads used looked different. I went back to see what those looked like. Also, I didn't realize that you mixed it all up in a small bowl and then spread it on the bread, so when I made mine I put all the items onto my bread individually one-by-one. As for the sardines, I mashed those in a bowl all by themselves (with the olive oil they came in), and then I put little dabs of mashed sardine bits here and there all around the bread. The reason I did that is because in your video with the toast, I could not see any fish bits, so I just assumed that you dotted it onto the bread and didn't use a whole lot. I didn't load all of the sardines onto the bread. For all the rest of the mashed sardines left in the bowl, I kept that in the bowl and ate it with a spoon at the same time I was eating the finished toast. It was so yummy together! It's pretty easy to find sardines in water here. I buy that kind for the dogs, but I buy the sardines in olive oil for us. I eat them for lunch frequently, mashed up in a bowl same as above, but I'll mix in a teaspoon each of nutritional yeast and lecithin granules, just for some extra nutrition, and I eat them with along with blue corn tortilla chips. Here for the last 6 months, I've been able to get broccoli sprouts at the store, and I've been adding some of those to every bowl also. If I'm really hungry, then I'll finish the meal with some fruit at the end. Oh, another way that I've eaten sardines that is really yummy is to slice open a tomato but keep it whole, and stuff the inside with a whole bunch of mashed sardines mixed with mayo. And also I've eaten a tin of mashed sardines mixed into macaroni and cheese, which was really tasty. Oh goodness, I hate it when I have a mess like that in the middle of making something and have to stop and clean that up before I can go on. And I just finished leaving you a comment on the other video about my olive oil mishap tonight! I just kept saying to myself, "oh, no... oh, no...."
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar Lol...slices of bread, buns, croissant...the butter garlic mix is more or less the same. If u like extra, can mix in mayo as well. Anchovies (at least the ones I keep buying) are super salty. Like super duper. I usually just use 1 or maybe 2 small pieces to cut up real fine and then mix it into my butter with garlic. It's just for the salty taste as my butter is sometimes lightly salted or unsalted. If i were to put as much anchovies as u did with the sardines, it would be unbearable. I use these anchovies to flavor my tomato pasta sauce too, sometimes. They come in super small jars and only maybe 10-15 anchovies in there. How do you spread each ingredient one by one when it comes to the garlic? I would assume u would spread the butter first...then garlic, then herbs and lastly sardine. But the garlic would be hard to spread on top of already spreaded butter...no? I like mixing everything up then putting it on as it's faster. Also because, I never plan ahead and my butter's always hard from the fridge. So by putting it into a small bowl, i can soften it using microwave for few seconds, just enough to get it spreadable. Sardines for lunch with tortilla chips huh - very healthy! We have here sardines in curry, chilli oil, tomato sauce...quite delicious but i wished there are just plain sardines in water. Thanks for sharing your lunch!
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries Well, let's see, the first thing I did was to cut off the appropriate amount of butter I would need and let that just sit out on the plate until it softened up enough so that I could spread it out over the bread, which normally doesn't take any longer than about 15 minutes at most. While that's sitting, I can go on and do all kinds of other prep work. Even things like getting vitamins, utensils, and other needed food and such out. So that was the first thing I put on. Then the garlic was next. One time when I made the toast, I crushed my garlic clove in the garlic press and then scraped all the garlic onto the buttered bread into one pile, then used my knife to move the garlic all over the bread. The second time I made it, I just diced up the garlic clove on the cutting board until it was in really tiny pieces and then applied that to the bread and moved it all over to cover. After that I sprinkled on Italian herbs and then dotted the whole piece with sardine bits from my bowl of mashed sardines. It didn't seem too important to do it all in a certain order, except that the butter had to be put on first. And no, it wasn't hard at all to put the garlic (either form of it) all over on top of the butter, I guess because I had spread the softened butter on in a layer; it wasn't globby. Well, doing it that way saved me dirtying another bowl, haha! Then I just stuck the bread under the oven broiler for a minute or two until the bread just started to crisp a little on top. I'm telling you, I love this butter garlic mix on toast so much along with the sardines that I'm going to be having it often with my sardines; I'll rotate having the toast vs. the blue corn chips. I've never mentioned this to you before, but I purposely threw out my working microwave way back in the 90's. I learned a lot about where they came from, the original purpose of them, and how they work, and I was just plain afraid of them from then on (radiation, and it commonly escapes, or "leaks", out while in use). And besides that, the microwave radiation reduces nutrition in the food terribly. So any warming up of things I need to do, I do on the stovetop or cook in the oven. I really don't use the oven that often; probably a couple of days a week most weeks. I do the majority of my cooking right on the stovetop.
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
Hey, I just now noticed from the main thumbnail photo for the video that you cut your hair! It looks really good.
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
Oh thank u, appreciate it! my hair has always been that length. Just that after i left full time employment, i was too lazy to go cut it and left it long then cut only when i am in the mood.
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries I had another comment a while back, but I just now noticed that it's gone. I believe that (combined with your super cleanliness) you probably haven't had any flea infestations because your cats are healthier, due to the foods you feed them and other variables. Not giving them flea medication for all this time has probably helped them have stronger immune systems to resist pest infestations because of cutting down on chemicals. I haven't ever given flea medications/treatments, but if I thought I needed to give some added protection, I would probably mix up a homemade pest repellent spray using essential oils, apple cider vinegar and water. (I know that you have to be really careful and particular with any essential oils that may be used around cats.) However, after every dog bath we use a very diluted apple cider vinegar rinse that dries in the hair, to repel potential fleas or ticks. It smells fresh and clean once the hair dries. I only had fleas once; it was with my previous dog, and he was getting older and had some health issues. I felt he got the fleas because he was weaker and his diet was not the best at the time. I dealt with it by bathing, frequent hand-combing with a flea comb, and house cleaning, and right after that I further improved his diet, which helped his health. He lived his remaining years without ever getting fleas again. I have a houseful of carpet, too! The current dogs have never had any fleas or ticks. I also add a vitamin B-complex powder to all of their meals that has additional B-1 in it, which is supposed to repel fleas and ticks. Whatever it is that you're doing with success in the flea department, congratulations! It totally makes sense that your cleaning would be quickly snapping up any pests if any did make it inside, and there's hardly any place for them to hide. But it looks that your cats are able to repel them from themselves, too.
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar what was that comment that was gone? I am also trying to find your long reply on your dog meal routine but can't find it. I am glad to know that B1 possibly is repellant for ticks and fleas. I just started the B complex since making cat food at home. it's been a month. I am glad that u never had fleas again after that incident. It is interesting the way you go about to treat your previous boy. It is eye opening that flea meds is not necessary, i always thought it is a must, like a necessary evil that needs to be given, you know, like deworming meds. And that i didn't really give because i had been lazy plus it costs a lot for 9 cats! So i selectively give, sometimes alternate months and all. It is an eye opener that it is not necessary to put that into the pet's body. Also, the apple cider, this is a first for me. I will check it out. Thank u!
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
@sunraystar btw, how much ACV do you put into your dog's bath water?
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries That comment that disappeared was basically the one right before this one, about fleas; I just tried to recreate it. I found the video you're looking for - it's #56. I had two different super-long meal routine comments in it, down near the bottom. Oh, how interesting that you're now using B complex in their food! The one I have is formulated for dogs, and they put a little extra B1, more than usual, in there, specifically with the intent to repel pests. For the ACV, I got out my notes on this. For the finishing rinse after shampooing, it's 1/8 cup ACV per 16 oz. water. I usually mix it separately for each dog in a measuring cup and pour it on from there, and for each 10-pound dog, I just use half that, or 1/2 oz. ACV per 8 oz. water. And pour it over the neck, coat, legs and underside (avoiding the face), working it in with the hands. Do not rinse out, and then I pat dry with a towel and let them air dry. I also have in the notes that for a minor flea infestation, after bathing in herbal shampoo (soap drowns fleas), rinse with water, then pour on ACV diluted half and half with water (equal amounts) and allow to dry. It said that an ACV rinse makes the skin too acidic for reinfestation. As a side note, I don't think I mentioned this before, I put raw smashed/minced garlic in one meal every weekend (Dr. Becker says 1/4 tsp freshly chopped garlic per 15 pounds body weight, or about 1/8 tsp for a pet under 15 pounds). If they had any pest troubles, I would use it once a day, but as it is, I just use it once a week. Garlic repels pests, too.
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
Hmmm, what am I missing? Right after I just finished leaving the other comment here, I noticed that the total number of comments tallied on this video by YT is one more comment than what is actually here. I wonder what disappeared?
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
Sometimes there is a comment but it's hidden. It could be a spam or a hateful comment. So YT doesn't show it. I can't find the 5th comment on my backend either...it just doesn't show. Either that or it's a glitch
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
2:07 Hey, it's a little pennywort! Wow, this is really very interesting to me about keeping a dish of baking soda out all the time at the sink. So is there no problem with a) any wind blowing it, b) the baking soda ruining from any splashing water or the like, c) ever accidentally turning the dish over, or d) the cats messing with it? I like this idea and may have to incorporate this somehow around the sink; I don't have hardly any available extra space there. So far to date, I have really only used baking soda for specific tasks and keep it in a metal canister with a lid under a cabinet. I have never thought about using it in washing dishes. I have a small leftover plain glass jar that looks like a duplicate in size and shape of the one you're keeping the toothbrush in (2:55) that I keep in a drawer near the kitchen sink with the dog toothbrushes in it!
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
Yes, that is the 2nd pennywort i bought which the tiny red worm slid out when i was watering it! Husband helped me plant it in the garden after. Yes i still have the baking soda in that bowl but i am exploring another container soon. It does get wet after a while, not from water splashing on it but from my wet hands holding the spoon and the water drips down onto the spoon into the baking soda. But it's ok, usually there's enough for a few days and by the end of that, it's usually very little left and gunky, i'll use it all up, wash the bowl and refill once dry. Asian dishes can be quite oily, esp when we fry or make dishes with sambal, curries, so adding baking soda can cut thru the grease very efficiently. But if what i am cooking is not too oily, i will just use normal liquid detergent to wash both plates and wiping cloth. So the baking soda is only used when needed, not for every wash. Wind - so far no. Accidentally turning the bowl over - yes, i have done that sometimes when i placed it on the window sill...but not often. I'll just use it up. That is why it's important not to put too much at one go. Cats messing with it - this is my wet kitchen where there is a glass door. Remember u asked about that grey strip? The cats will usually be outside at the living room looking into the wet kitchen where I cook. Previously we allow few cats to come in when I serve their dinner, more of like to separate the fast eaters from the slow ones. But I don't do that anymore. I just serve everyone my homemade chicken paste + liver combo at the living room area currently. Even back then when they did come into the wet kitchen to eat their dinner, they never jump up because they'd be shooed off. I do not have baking soda at the living room area sinks because yes, they do jump up on those and it will be risky to put baking soda there. Thanks for asking these questions!
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
​@@lebooshdiaries I just finished talking about baking soda in the other video where I was talking about plugging sinks, haha! I guess I should have put the baking soda comments here. Which room, kitchen or living room, has the double smaller sinks and which one has the single larger sink? Besides the bathroom sinks, I only have the kitchen sinks (side by side double sinks that are smaller, not one larger sink). I am still trying to think of some small container to put near the sink with baking soda in it, and preferably with a lid of some sort, because I am really bad about accidentally turning over something like that with such a small limited amount of space right around the sink area. Plus it seems like there is a lot of splashing during washing dishes, even though I try to be careful and keep splashing down.
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar I have 3 sinks in the living room area where my dry kitchen is. 1 is a double sink and the other is a single. In the wet kitchen where i normally cook, i have 1 sink. In the outdoor area just right outside my wet kitchen, is a double sink for mainly washing clothes. I do sometimes use these two sinks to wash plates tho, when i've cooked many dishes and ran out of space in my wet kitchen. I call this space the wash trough area even tho it's not really a trough! The 2 sinks here have the plugger but they leak! 6 sinks in total - non of them are larger.They are all standard size to me. that is great if u find the baking soda at the washing area helpful, if it's not, don't need to. It just works for me and i always have baking soda because i add that into my washing machine as well with the detergent to get rid of musky clothes smell and i sometimes use it to tenderize beef and pork.
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries That's a lot of sinks!!!!!! (6 ! for 6 sinks, silly...) In my mind, I can picture one of your single sinks; it is the one I've seen you pulling the large metal "canister" out of the drain to clean around. (That sink is huge to me, since I'm used to smaller double sinks.) I've seen that same sink drain style with 1 single larger sink in a number of Korean kitchen videos, so that must be a common sink style in Asia. They are always SUPER clean looking, whereas I feel like our sink drains are all filthy and extremely hard, if not impossible, to really clean, because the drains are not large open holes with a large "canister" that comes out. What is that canister for, by the way? I've always wondered. Instead, we have a closed-off SMALL drain hole, meaning it isn't nearly as large of an opening, and it isn't an open hole - rather, it is metal that is formed all one piece with the circular rim that is puttied permanently into the sink. This metal piece is like an x- or plus-shape, and I guess they may do it on purpose so that there's something to stop utensils and things from just going down the drain where you couldn't get them out without taking the plumbing apart. So you cannot get anything down past that metal "grate" (but it isn't a true grate) to clean. The other kind of sink I've often had, and have one now in the kitchen on only one side, is the kind with a disposal installed underneath the sink, so that drain hole IS open. You can look down in there and see the disposal parts. But it's still filthy and really impossible to clean. There is a rubber flange that sits right inside the drain hole opening, and you can pull that rubber piece out and clean it, but it's not like stainless steel; it is very hard to clean and stuff sticks to it and it stains and, well, it's rubbery! And disposal parts always rust down in there. Really, it's disgusting to me. So I don't fool around much at all with the drains! I'm rather envious of the super-clean drains in Asia, and how easy it looks to clean them. About the pluggers that leak, have you seen the replacement silicone sink pluggers that don't actually fit down into the drain, so there's no need to try to get an exact replacement model for your sink drain? They are just flat discs made of silicone that you set right on top of the drain, and when you run water, the water pressure closes the silicone disc down against the sink and so it doesn't leak. You do have to be careful with those, though, not to dislodge them accidentally when you're washing things in the sink or they will move off and then your water can empty. But they are really low-cost and easy and they work.
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar no, that sink which u saw me pull out to clean the cannister is the outdoor sink. It's slightly wider than usual because it's made to wash clothes but it's not as long and big as the korean ones. No one has that sink here because it needs to be custom made. In Korea, everyone has a large long sink, sort of like 2 single sinks combines into 1. Mine's standard size maybe just a lil bigger but not much. I think it's the angle at times! Metal canister is to trap bits of pieces of food or anything else. But there are other variations too of this. In my apartment, it was just a simple metal mesh trap. It differs, depending on the manufacturer. I'd rather prefer a simple shallow mesh trap because sometimes it's hard to dig out the food bits inside the canister. I'd knock it against the trash bin but some bits don't come out, so i have to use my fingers. Most Korean/Japanese vloggers move every 2-3 years, that is why their sinks are always clean. They rent a new apartment/home, then they use it for YT videos and move on after. I've noticed this trend of moving because the content of moving to a new home itself can create lotsa fresh views and revive a stagnant or declining channel. These people are professionals, they do this for a living, a clean home is a must. Some are not even real, but actors paid by big companies who sell things on Amazon/Rakuten/etc to do this and they are very professional and fast. I have korean friends - trust me, they are just as dirty as anyone lol! So...don't be envious. As for me, i am a real person and that is my husband, those are my cats and i can't move because this is our home, not rented. But as i said, i do intend to move 10-15 years down the road. I cannot handle this house when i am 70+. it's too much. Yes, i have seen those pluggers but i never thought of buying it because it's for my wash through and i do not like to soak things in there unless there is a bucket. I prefer that way.
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
I really enjoyed this video. At the immediate start, I love this plant!! What is it? When I first saw it, I thought it was a red pepper plant. Some pepper plants have the fruit growing pointed upright instead of hanging down, but then I noticed the texture of the (flower?) and it didn't really look like a pepper. It is such a pop of color. Our butter here most often comes in one pound size consisting of 4 butter sticks rather than one block, so I always get 2 sticks out at once and put them into the butter tray. Whenever I need butter, I slice little "pats" off. I can see how this would be more difficult to get a small amount of needed butter from a whole loaf of it. I remember waaayyyyy back your mentioning those takeaway storage containers from your in-laws, and you are still finding uses for them! I also dislike fooling with garlic each time I need it for a meal, and I'm intrigued by the little storage containers with tiny "ice cube" trays and snap-on lids, but I've never tried it this way. I have a manual hand-held stainless steel garlic press, and each time I need garlic I have to peel a clove (that can be hard to do) and use the press on it, which is fine, but the worst part for me is having to clean and dry the garlic press because there are so many places on it and in it, and rims turned under and such, to have to work the dishrag around and then later the drying towel. I guess I dislike washing and drying that tool more than the rest. I do not have a garlic chopper like that. I always liked the wash-as-you-cook way, and I've tried to do it, but somehow I can't make it work for me as I never have enough time to wash any dishes while I'm cooking. Plus I keep needing the sink that would have sudsy dishwater in it. Or do you have some other way of soaping the dishes rather than running a sink of soapy water? So I always have a whole lot of dishes and pans to wash all together after dinner. I really dislike that dishwashing time every day immensely!! Oh, those mulberries...yum. I remember those from the video where you made the drink with milk mixed into it, along with the garlic toast. Yum! How fantastic to have your own tree outside for these. What is that at 6:45? I know it can't be (because you said it's for syrup), but it looks like some of the garlic rounds that you froze! And finally, what kind of thin-sliced meat is that at 7:25 that you're rolling around mushrooms? Isn't Pikachu sitting really funny at 8:04? And one arm is underneath and the other is hanging off - this made me laugh.
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
Thank you! That red flower it's a flowering ginger or ginger flower. Doesn't grow ginger underneath, it's just decorative. It's a tropical plant and it's one of the easiest things to grow, very hardy. The soil in our garden is very soggy, so a lot of flowers don't grow, but these ginger flower can grow anywhere! Previously, i had flowers that looked like lavendar planted in, they died after a month! Definitely not a pepper plant lol! I did have a garlic press when i was living in the apartment! But i don't like using it and eventually i think it broke. I do still hate having to peel the garlic and then pressing it when cooking, i'd much rather do it this way and have it last for 2 weeks. Those are ice cube trays i no longer use, so i use them for this purpose. The pink one has broken a while ago, so am down to 2 yellow ice cube trays, which is enough. But yeah, it does take time to peel all these cloves and then the washing. The garlic chopper is just a normal food chopper. U can use those that has a pull string and u just hold and pull the string, which will then spin the blade. Much easier to clean. I dont soak the dishes in soapy water in the sink. I don't even have a sink plugger! I don't know where mine went. But i did think of doing it your way but not in the sink but with a big container where i could fill up with water and soap and then put the plates in. This was when i had issues with my index finger which was inflamed. But my sink is rather small and i don't have such container so what i did during my inflamed finger incident was to put all the dirty dishes aside, eat dinner then wash all of them at one go, wearing gloves. Since i don't soak, i'd run the plates quickly thru the running water, then squirt some detergent onto my sponge or plate, then scrub. I can scrub few plates before i need to squirt the detergent again onto my sponge. Then wash everything off with running water. My husband does most of the dishes in the living room, so i mainly wash the prep plates, cooking utensils, pots and pans used for cooking. But now, my index finger is healed, i am back to washing on the go...i can wash in between food simmering or frying as i now cook on lowest heat possible. I'd wash and strain it so the workspace is clear of clutter. But as i grow older, i'd like to soak them and wash all at one go while wearing gloves. So that hands are not so dry and rough. 6:45 is rock sugar lol! 7:25 is pork slices that are sliced very thinly, ideal for soups and stews. Pikachu is always very cute - she's a copycat actually. she emulates everything she sees of other cats. That one arm hanging down is a signature Sesame pose lol. Pika is copying her big bro! I saw your long comment on the other post - i will read it when i am able to, i want to go thru it properly. Appreciate it very much!
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries You don't have a sink plugger? I don't know what I would do without mine, because I am constantly running water in the sink (to hold water). Somehow I think I would waste a lot more detergent if I squirted a little on every few dishes than one squirt into a sink of water. And then greasy cooking pans would take more to get clean if doing them by themselves (of course, maybe that's where baking soda comes in like you use it at the sink). In addition to putting pots and pans down into the sink of sudsy water, I almost always sprinkle Barkeepers Friend powder onto these items to scrub them clean. I tried baking soda instead the other night, but even though it helped clean all the grease off along with the detergent, it did not remove all the hazy signs of cooking like Barkeepers Friend and give that mirror finish of stainless steel. I haven't had something yet to try baking soda on like an oily plastic storage container; I'm going to try it when I have something like that again. What do you do when you have to wash things out, either to soak or to have enough copious water to really wash it well - haven't I seen you use something like a plastic tub that you set in the sink? If you are dealing with your really large single sink, I can see where filling that huge sink would be too much water. I have a double sink (side by side) with both sinks being pretty small; I don't have one huge sink. Oh, you mentioned rubber gloves - yes, I do use rubber gloves to wash dishes. It helps out on cutting down the wear and tear of water and soap on the skin. Oh now that is just hilarious that Pikachu is always copying actions of the other cats! And very interesting.
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar i did have a sink plugger. But over time due to not being in sure, i prob chucked it somewhere or it broke and we never replaced. 2 of my sinks still have pluggers but it's not where i cook. Where i cook there is only 1 small sink and a working space of 2 feet for me to cut, chop and place my raw ingredients ready for cooking. Hardly space. That is why i prefer to wash on the go instead of soaking them in the sink. But this sink is also where i wash raw meat, my cleaver and cutting board after preparing the protein for the night. If u remember, i am a germophobe and even tho i sanitize the sink quite often, i don't want to have to do it everytime after i wash raw meat, in order to plug it and soak dishes. But your way is definitely something i want to do in future, hands get so dry as i age. I would look for a nice tub to put them all in, instead of into the sink. U have seen me use bucket to soak clothes/rags/cat toys/cat pillows/beds - that is at this double sink right outside where i cook. I rarely wash plates there because I want to keep that space less oily. Some days I wash soiled cushions in there too so the ick factor is also high, despite sanitizing it after. Besides, this space with the double sink is an open space, so it gets rained on. I can't wash there at night because more days it rains in the evening. My dish strainer rack is there though. Because i have no space to put a dish rack on my cooking countertop. So what i'll do is clear my cooking space after dinner, wipe it down and then bring in the rack and continue washing whatever plates and pans left that i couldn't wash on the go. The rack will be left there to dry overnight, safe from the rain and in the morning, i'll bring it out again. At this moment, i'd rather wash and go as much as i can because after dinner, i need to go to the ground floor (with my husband) to give some love to Shamu and Ocky, then come upstairs to visit Sesame in his room, then also give attention to the remaining cats in the living room. I have to do the last litterbox scoop of the day and all the small things for the next day. By the time i go upstairs to bath, it's usually 9.30pm.
@SunrayStar 2 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries You're right, that is not a lot of space to prepare your food in, but when I think about my own available counterspace, I don't think I have any more than that. That whole counter to the right of the sink is partially taken up with my dish drainer (what a waste of space really, but it is a permanent fixture that stays there 100% of the time). Then a small amount of space is used for the dog's dirty dishes, awaiting my later dishwashing. I have to have some space between those and where I do the food prep. So there just isn't a lot of space left. I do not ever soak fruits or vegs in the sink; I use the scrub brush on them under running water in the left side sink. I save the right side sink for all kinds of dirty utensils and other things that will have to be washed, so the left sink is where I do the washing of the vegs, my hands, any draining of pots from cooking, etc. Oh, yes, I do completely remember that you are a germophobe and would not forget that. My way of treatment of the sink is not something you would be comfortable with, because I don't actually sanitize the sink before running a sink of water to wash dishes. The water is hot and there's plenty of dishwashing soap suds, so I consider it clean enough, that the soap and my dishwashing rag will be enough to clean the dishes and sink, and I don't worry about any germs. I also rinse all the washed dishes in running hot water in the right side sink before placing them into the dish drainer. The very first thing I do after running my washing water is to use the soapy rag all over the inside of the right side sink to clean it out before placing washed dishes there while waiting to be rinsed, and the last thing I do after washing all the dishes, but before letting the water out, is to run my rag all around the sink inside to make sure the soap gets anything off that may not have already come off. Oh, you mentioned washing soiled cushions in the sink. Now, something like poop or vomit is different to me even than rinsing raw meat things and such. If I were using the sink to wash extra germy things like that, then right after washing whatever it was, I would spray undiluted white vinegar all over the sink and let it sit at least 10 or 15 minutes before rinsing it out. Hydrogen peroxide could even be used in the same way after the vinegar was rinsed out. I learned once that one of those should be rinsed off before applying the other one, and that they should not be mixed together, because the chemical reaction from the mixture of them will form corrosive peracetic acid. But they are really good at disinfecting, using one after the other (in either order) as long as the first one is rinsed off before applying the second. For general cleaning of the sinks, I just use dishwashing liquid. Oh wow, I didn't even know that you had an outdoor sink. Also wow, that is a lot of cat duties to still need to do after dinner! Of course, I have my own duties to do after getting done with dishwashing. Each night there are numerous miscellaneous little jobs that still need to be done that I didn't get to during the day, could even be things like laundry I didn't get finished with, but I also have dog duties every night, teethbrushing being one of them, which I do most nights. And I may have to do some kind of treatment on them, mouth or ear treatment or something else. And like you, all the small things for the next day.
@lebooshdiaries 2 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar a job of a mom is never done, right? I always say that aloud when i am tired but still could not retire to my bedroom to bathe at night. You are a great momma. I admire the teeth brushing part. This is one thing i have not done and I regret. If i were to start all over again with kittens, i would do it. But not with 9 cats. Gosh, too many to handle with all their antics and temperament. Yes and outdoor wash trough/sink area because in my apartment, i had that too, altho it was inside the apartment, next to the washing machine. To wash my delicate clothes, those i can't throw into the washing machine because they are too fragile or too precious lol. And anything else that needs manual washing like rags, mop pads, etc.I rescued Sesame when he was only 2 days old and there was a lot of soiled cloths during that time. Washed them all there. I can't live without an outdoor sink, very useful! Thanks for the info on vinegar and hydro peroxide! I didn't know that. I have both but hardly use vinegar. What i usually do is spray bleach or cleaning alcohol diluted with 20-30% water. This is after washing soiled stuff there. I also use this on all the other sinks once a week. I must get hot water for sinks in my next home. I would love that. Now it's all cold water. It's something i would appreciate. I guess u do not have dishwasher?
@ouraussieanimalfamily 3 месяца назад
I’m watching again, but from this channel now 😻 The dogs are running around wondering where the meowing and hissing are coming from. They even checked out our own 2 cats lol
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
hahhaha thank u! I can imagine Boston and Kiarah's face! Even when i watch it to check the sound, le Poo and the rest would be like huh, what? who is that? I am tickled that they went to look at Motley and Tortie!
@ouraussieanimalfamily 3 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries 😍
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
All of your plants are so pretty, but the pennywort is my total favorite, as I have seen this one pop up in a number of your other videos, and I always love it. I used to have a houseful of plants spread out all over, but I never did have as many at one time as you have now. It was quite a lot of work, especially the repotting, my least favorite houseplant chore, but I did not fool with mine frequently, either. Except for special needs that would come up, it was normally around once a week. The low total number of plants I've had for the last year is four. I just got tired of all the work after years of keeping them, so as any would die, I would just not replace them, until the number of them got down really small and much more manageable for me. I do love the look of a houseful of green, though! Plants really add a lot of interest to a room. Over time, I began buying a few artificial silk-type plants to still have more punches of greenery than just four. They just require some occasional dusting, which I do with the vacuum cleaner. As far as the artificial plants, I have 3 floor plants, 3 vines really high up over things, one table plant, and 3 small African violets in baskets. They certainly aren't as fresh-looking as live plants, but I still enjoy them.
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
Thank you! I haven't seen silk type plants yet. Most that I could find here are plastic. I do have a few but they don't look as good. Maybe one day I might slowly increase to more artificial plants. Can u wash them? Oh the pennywort! Glad you like it. It's my fav too, those disc shaped leaves are too cute. It is an aquatic plant so it can be submerged in water as well. It is one plant that you can dump a lot of water in it and it thrives. Unfortunately, so much water mean very soggy soil, which invited fungus gnats. I hated the sight of them buzzing around the pennywort and then the other plants. U can't see them in videos and i believe when u saw them, the gnats haven't come yet. There was a point that i couldn't stand it and brought the pennywort down to the kitchen, so that i could save the other plants. It also needs a lot of sun, like direct sun and my study only gets sun after 4pm, shining thru the window. This resulted in the pennywort growing taller and taller to receive sunlight and then flopping down because the stem could not hold up the leaf. It wasn't pretty at the end (bawling). I really did love it. Lemme tell u a funny story, i did buy another pennywort from a different nursery but somehow, that one did not grow up well. It was like a weak one. I also placed it on my kitchen windowstill. One day while pouring water into its pot, a red worm slid out! I let out a bloodcurdling scream and that was the end of it. My husband had to plant it in the garden. Since then, i've been wary of all my plants, scared another worm or two may be incubating inside each pot. So far so good. I am deathly, irrationally afraid of worms, slugs, snails, leeches...i think it's called vermiphobia or something.
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries Oh! I'm so surprised that only plastic are available for the most part there, because silk (they call them silk, but most of the time they aren't really silk; that's why I called them 'silk-type') has been available here for as long as I can ever remember. They usually look more realistic than the plastic type, but not always. Some of them are not very good quality and don't look too good. And some plastic types are excellent looking! Yes, you can sort of wash them! I don't think it would be a great idea to spend a lot of time rubbing each leaf with a cloth or else the leaves may eventually come off, because they are glued on. But you can do a really quick upside-down dunk and swish in lightly sudsy water and then a rinse and air-dry on small plants. However, I don't know how you would do that on a large plant! What I have done before is to take one outside and spray the whole thing off with water from the hose sprayer and then let it dry out of direct sun, but I still don't think I would do that often. If water gets down into the artificial "soil" material (it's hard) in the pot it's in, that could cause some problem. So normally I just use the brush attachment on the vacuum cleaner and gently go over them. They do say you can spray them with a white vinegar and water mixture and then wipe them, but I'm not big on having to individually wipe leaves on a whole plant (too tedious), and I just feel like that's too much manual rubbing. Yes, the leaves on the pennywort are too cute! Wow, that's amazing that it will thrive in lots of water. Oh, I really dislike fungus gnats. I have dealt with infestations of them twice, and I found that no kind of spray-on product ever worked. And I harmed a few plants by spraying vinegar heavily on them or pouring it into the soil to get rid of the gnats, which still didn't work well on the gnats! What I did both times to get rid of them was rather time-consuming and I had to work on it every single day for an extended period, but eventually there weren't any more. What I did was to carry each plant outside one at a time and then disturb it a lot outside so the gnats would fly out (they don't like to be disturbed). I would shake the plant, tap or rap the pot all around the outside and bottom of the pot, use my hand to "fluff" the leaves, and for any that didn't fly out but rather ran across the soil surface, I would give a direct quick mist from a spray bottle of vinegar to the gnat itself. The vinegar never harmed any of the plants when I used it judiciously this way and didn't douse it or overuse it, and most of the time the vinegar would stop the gnat in its tracks (but not always). It also helped to spray the outside bottom of the pot where the drainage holes are. So I did that twice a day for every single plant, and after a while the eggs all hatched out and I got rid of the new ones as they emerged this way, and eventually there was no more activity. It was worth all the work, because otherwise I would have had to throw the plants out as I couldn't live with those gnats. That was a funny story! I have one similar experience. Back when I bought one of the 4 houseplants I have now, I found out the first time I watered it at home that it had some little tiny earthworms already in it. I was disgusted. I was able to get rid of them pretty quickly and never had any trouble again with them in the plant, but I can't remember for sure now what worked. I do remember that I allowed the dirt to get really dried out before I watered it again, so that could possibly have been it. If that hadn't worked quickly, I would have not been able to keep that plant. I am very squeamish about worms also. I try to appreciate them outside in the soil, but that's as far as I can go. I have been known to help an earthworm stranded on dry concrete back to the grass when I see that because I find those particular worms so beneficial.
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar wow u did all that work to get rid of the gnats? What i mostly did was to squash them with my finger when i see them crawling on the pot or if they are flying, clap my hands together to kill them like how u would do for mosquitos. But after I moved the pennywort, they dwindled to nothing after a few months. Which is great. When they first appeared, i thought they were fruit flies and kept wondering why flies would be swarming my plants. My first plant many years ago which was in the living room never had gnats, even tho we overwatered it. Your story about earthworm - just reading it made the back of my hair stand....u were kind to help that one on the concrete.....i'd just run away screaming...earthworms are worst than tiny red worms!
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries Oh, that really made me laugh, your earthworm comment. About the gnats, nothing else I tried would work to completely get rid of them. I could get their numbers down temporarily, and I did do a lot of that same clapping motion you described, but they would never go completely away, I suppose because new ones kept hatching out. That is very interesting that after you got the pennywort out of there, they eventually stopped; they must have really been drawn to only the pennywort. I'm guessing you had to keep the pennywort soil moister than the rest of the plants? And gnats are drawn to moisture. I believe I've read that they won't live in a completely dry soil environment. Who knows what the conditions were regarding the overwatered living room plant that never got them.
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar oh yes, tons of water. They like their soil watery because they thrive in water. Some countries label it as weeds because it can clog up rivers via aggressive growth. I don't think you can buy pennywort in USA, right?
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
2:50 - "Hey lookit, mom's passed out on the floor!" "Well, poke her and see if she comes to..." 6:07 - Hahahahahaha! Now what kind of pan material is this? It looks like it has non-stick qualities but without being the unhealthy non-stick material. Your omelet looks so delicious. As a matter of fact, you make soooo many scrumptious-looking meals. How long do you have to air-dry the washed veggies until they're dry enough to put away? I am the same way about not wasting any food. I make sure to use it all before anything ever goes bad, so I never throw ANY uneaten food away. It would make me feel too wasteful and bad to throw out food.
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
Lol, i wasn't flat on the floor, i was sitting with my legs straight, it does look like I have passed out! The pan material is maifan stone. It's a new thing that's catching on but sad to say it also has a non stick coating. Nothing is non stick without a non stick coating. it does claim that it is free of PFOA, which is one of the more common PFAS materials in non stick pans. But u'll never know. These days, I cook on lowest heat if using non stick and if i want to sear or fry something, it'll be stainless steel or glass Depends on the type of vegetable. Some, like cabbage or cucumber or eggplant that is hardy, i can flick off as much water by shaking it vigorously in the air before leaving it to dry. So maybe 15 - 30 mins. It's hot here so it dries faster. But for delicate veggies like lettuce, arugula, those that u can eat raw, i'll put them into the spinner and spin for 3-5 times, then i'll pack and put them into the fridge asap. Definitely we are the same. Wasting food makes me feel so bad. So far, it's been all good. But in the past, when I was working long hours at the office, some things I bought didn't get eaten on time due to no time...that was wasteful.
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries Oh, haha! I had thought that because you were super-tired from getting up at 5 AM, you decided to just lie down and rest your eyes for a bit while the cats were eating, before you had to get up to do something else with them. That is really funny! Oh, well I guess that looked too good to be true about the pan, then. Yes, I also read in an article online that you can't ever know about the truth of claims made by manufacturers on these non-stick materials; it said that even though they may say that they are PFOA-free, for instance, some can still be found in it anyway when others test for it. I forgot to say earlier, I really liked the night-time filming (and outdoor noises) in this video. Where you mentioned (about the veggies drying) that it was hot there, what are your daytime temperatures there right now? We just got finished with a whole week of unseasonably warm weather here, in the 80's every day. It normally doesn't get that warm in April. Now, it is back to the 60's for one week, and then it will raise again for Spring. During this last week, it has been really uncomfortable while cooking dinner every night and for a bunch of hours afterward. I didn't want to turn on the air conditioning yet for just one small spell each day.
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar thank u for liking the outdoor sounds of cicadas and all! It's not night time though, it's really early morning, by the time i get downstairs, it's 5.30am. It's that dark here. The usual temperature is around 90 degrees farenheit, sometimes 104 when it's a heatwave like El Niño. And it's humid. So hot and humid. U sweat a lot fast and it's super uncomfortable. I once almost cried when I was cooking in the evening when the sun was setting, it was so hot even as it was setting and it was coming thru the window and onto me as I cook on the stove. It was so unbearably hot with the sun rays as well as the hot stove. My next apartment - NO WINDOWS where the stove is!
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
Wow, weren't these really fun to cook? That is amazing how you put them in and they just instantly crisp. I've never had anything like these! Oh, my gosh, 1:08, Itsy: "For Me?!" I had to watch this one twice in a row - I could not stop smiling throughout the thing. And another holey shirt! hahahahha!
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
Hahahah, he does have a lot of holey shirts! He needs new at home clothes! I always have rice paper to make vietnamese spring rolls which i love to eat. But they get soft and soggy real fast when fried! Itsy's expression is so cute...
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
Wow, you were starving me with the fish crackers and sauce. The crackers sounded so crispy delicious, and I have no idea what they taste like because I'm not aware of anything like that here. Are they mainly fish-based, or flour-based? The closest thing that I can think of that I'm familiar with and love is tortilla chips with salsa, but I know that your thing is not going to taste like that. Other than that, this is the funniest video of yours that I think I've seen yet, and I'm up to video #74! I laughed over and over throughout the whole thing. I'm always saying that the cats don't seem too interested in most of the things they're offered to eat and they're normally shown just barely taking a sniff, but they are CERTAINLY up for those fish crackers!!! First big laugh, hubby getting comfy on the floor at 2:43 and then the little chickie at 2:50 - "mommy" - hilarious! (But oohh, poor little lizard...) le Poo at 6:25 - hAhA! And I had to keep ON laughing at the holey shirt!! There were holes all over it!! And I saw your comment that you were laughing while editing it; how could you not? And then the hilarious comment at the end about le Poo...
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
Thanks for laughing! That is the best stress reliever right? It's fish + flour. Flour needs to be there so that when fried, it can puff up and be crispy, crunchy. U can watch this channel JustCraftiness and their video titled "CNY Special: Fish keropok | Making Malaysian fish keropok | How to make local fish chips" It shows how to do it, most people put tapioca flour or sago flour. I used to get the dried ones from my mom and then fry it in oil. But now, i'd rather just buy a pack that is already fried because I don't like to use so much oil for frying. As for making it my own...well, yea...too much work and need a lot of trays to place them flat to dry before frying them. Since i don't eat this often, maybe once in 6 months or sometimes once in a year, it's easier to just buy a pack and eat it. Not the healthiest snack so i keep it to the minimum. It's really yummy tho - taste is fishy and salty but not overly salty. Same method applies to prawn crackers....which is delicious without any chilli sauce! Oh cats do love to eat almost everything we eat! Esp anything crunchy, fishy, prawny...ohhh...that is why we holed up in the bedroom to eat but le Poo unfortunately ran into the study and meowed incessantly to come in as she could smell the fish crackers. We were watching Gudetama, the talking Japanese egg yolk lol. That holey shirt - i didn't noticed it during dinner, so i laughed till i cried when i saw the video recordings...the cats do destroy everything, including clothes!
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries The talking Japanese egg yolk!!! Well, I watched the JustCraftiness video - that process was really entertaining. But oh my gosh, how labor-intensive! The "chips" all needed to be dried for days before even frying them, and they only fried ONE chip at a time. How long do you think it would have taken them to fry every single chip they cut? Because they made a massive number of them; trays everywhere. I was wondering what would happen to all those trays of chips outside - wouldn't animals eat them? That cutter they had was just about a necessity with the quantity they did. I cannot imagine slicing all of those by hand because they were cut so thinly. I just can't fathom it. They sure did look delicious.
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar Yea, the drying part is tough, that's why i don't bother to do. To lay each one, no overlapping...u'll need a lot of trays. I dont have many trays and it's not worth buying just to make it once in a blue moon. But u can do a small one and cut it by hand. It is possible, just not as thin. But still, u'll need to make enough because if it's just 20 slices, that will be gone in one seating. I was thinking the same as u - won't animals eat them? And all that dust, bird shit, etc. My outdoor cats will try to eat them as they smell like fish! Those chips do not have to be fried all at once. They can keep dry and only fry when needed to the amount desired. There are sellers here who make and sell them dry, so you go home and fry it yourself. There are sellers who sell them already fried. I tend to buy the latter for convenience, but the risk is that it could be all soggy when u open it to eat!
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
Why do you have to pick out the tiny little bits of tree bark from the soaked resin? You mentioned that you didn't cook the lasagna in an oven because you don't have one. (This is a kind of follow-up comment to our oven discussion a while back.) Guess what? I may need a new oven now. The other night when I was baking dinner in the oven, I noticed that the overhead broiler came on, but I was not using the broiler - just the regular oven. It cooked the food too fast and hot and I had to remove it prematurely before it burned. Then when I tried to turn the oven off, I got an error code on the display. i checked the manual for this, and one possibility that it gave a fix for was to unplug the electrical cord for a minute and then plug it back in, which would be expected to reset it. I did that but need to test it. I'm afraid to test it on an actual meal in case it really is broken - I guess I'll try testing it empty just to see.
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
Oh, because it's not nice to eat bits of tree bark...the resin is supposed to be smooth like jelly, and if there's tree bark in it, it won't be so nice to chew on and swallow. Will be a bit gritty, depending on how many pieces of bark stuck to it. I can imagine husband making a face while trying to spit out bits of tree bark! The other thing is also the visual presentation. Yes, well technically i do have an oven, just that it's broken and we never removed it...not yet anyway. Just simpler to say I don't have one. I hope your oven is fixable. Broiler is one part of the oven i've never learnt how to use. If it's broken, will u get the same oven or try those modern stand alone ones? Would u consider an oven like the Wonder Oven from Our Place dot com? I was thinking of this in future to replace my air fryer but definitely not Wonder Oven because they do not ship out of USA. But there are local brands here that is similar to Wonder Oven. Lemme know what u think because it'll be good feedback to hear from your perspective.
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
​@@lebooshdiaries Oh, yes, I totally remembered everything we talked about in the oven discussion and that your oven was still there, but you just didn't use it because it was broken and you didn't really need it. Well, when I test mine, if it is still acting up with the broiler coming on instead of just the oven heating feature, then that will be the end of that and I'll get a new oven, because this one has already had some other issues for several years. For instance, the oven timer buttons on the display have not worked for this long time and I've had to use a little egg cheap manual timer instead, and one of the stovetop burners seems weak and doesn't cook at full force. Whenever I cook on that burner, it takes a lot longer to warm up to the hotter temperature. This oven is 14 years old, so I guess it has reached its projected lifespan, and it would really just be a waste of money to call for an expensive repair appointment. Those places charge outrageous labor prices, in my opinion, and a replacement part alone can be hundreds of dollars. Technically, my unit would be called a freestanding range or stove (combo oven with cooktop), and I would get another similar and would research to see which brands would currently be a better option. I would not consider any portable countertop ovens at this time because of what we talked about before - lack of reliability and performance, and poor manufacture. I often have two pans in the oven at the same time, so there could be a space issue with one of those, too. I looked up what the Wonder Oven is. I ran across the following synopsis someone who owns one gave; you may be interested in hearing their opinion: "We got one. It’s a bit of a social media marketing gimmick. Basically it’s a toaster oven with a fan, with a few extra features and missing some important ones. The airfrying function is not comparable to an actual airfryer. The nonstick baking tray is nice, and it actually toasts up pretty well. The biggest downsides: (1) no automatic shutoff or cancel button. You basically have to unplug the machine when you want it to stop cooking, or wait for the timer to run down. This is a massive oversight given what this is marketed to do, and I expect the next generation (if there is one) will have to fix this. (2) The timer is coarse (up to 60 minutes), which makes timing the actual toaster or other shorter cooking times tricky (e.g. only a few minutes). (3) Like many toaster ovens, it is not well-insulated - it says it needs an inch clearance on all sides but this will melt your cabinets if you tuck it underneath one in your kitchen. You’ll need to find an open space to place this, which kind of goes against its intended audience of people who want an attractive, smaller appliance in smaller kitchens. On the plus side, it looks nice, and does do its job, but it’s also pretty basic for the price point. They should have put a lot more thought into the design and features before selling this thing." They mentioned liking the nonstick baking tray it has, but you'll probably remember that for me anything with those nonstick chemicals would be a deal-breaker and I won't use them. One other person mentioned liking this oven because it was cute when it sat on their counter, which I think is just a ridiculous reason for choosing an oven over function. I would truly love to have one of those really small countertop ovens, but there are none that have really excellent reviews across the board without really bad stories and corresponding terrible reviews. I have never used the broiler feature in ovens except rarely, so that feature doesn't matter to me. Broilers do make really delicious buttered toast, though. A broiler melts the butter and browns the toast, but it keeps the bread a little soft underneath the buttered areas and crisps the surrounding bread. Have you ever had toast like that?
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar Oh my parents use to have that integrated cooking stove oven combo. I remember it fondly, i used to help my mom cook on this stove but never learnt how to use the oven. On the right side, there is a space for gas tank and every so often my mom would order the gas tank and the delivery guy would come and replace it. Thanks for your insightful thoughts of the Wonder Oven. I appreciate it. I didn't read the reviews because am still not really thinking of buying it yet, but will look into it more when i need to. Just on surface level, it looked good and matches my lifestyle. I do hate cleaning the big oven and i rarely use it much so having a small one like this which can also double up as a toaster seems good to me. I do hate the conventional toaster where i have to keep emptying the bread crumb tray having the top part exposed to dust and all. Some local brands do not offer non stick trays, theirs come with metal trays or ceramic trays, which is good. Overall, i like this oven more than the air fryer i have, being that the entire thing inside is non stick. It would be ideal for me in my next home, which we will downsize considerably into an apartment. Husband thinks it's better to rent instead of buying (20 years later) Definitely something easier to move around should we move from one rented place to another, if needed. By then, maybe something better will be created! i hope you get a nice new oven soon!
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
​@@lebooshdiaries I have not heard of that particular gas-type of range that has its own gas tank; do you know if that is a model only made many years ago, or if it is rather something that is available in other countries but maybe not mine? The options here are generally either a gas range or an electric range, but the gas ranges are for houses that have permanent gas service (from gas lines underground leading to their house). Some people could have a huge propane tank sitting outside that would supply their house with gas. I am on all-electric (no gas), so my range just plugs into the wall outlet (easy!). Where you said "I do hate cleaning the big oven," I believe you may disagree with this, but I only cleaned an oven one time in my whole life, and never did it again. never! I just don't do it. It's too much trouble, and it would just get dirty again (you are probably really rolling your eyes at this!) 😸 I don't normally have spill-overs in the oven, but whenever I have had any food drop, the oven just burns it up, and it shortly turns sort of to black ash almost and so there is never any food rotting or going bad or any smell from it; it's just like some black residue on the floor of the oven. I just leave it! I can understand if you wouldn't stand for that. It has never bothered me, however, and I don't have to worry about it. I have a very small regular 2-slice toaster (not toaster oven; just toaster) that serves my needs well if I just want some quick toast. Each time after I use it, I hold it over the sink, open the trap-door bottom and shake the crumbs out, run a damp washrag over the top and outside, and it's clean. I keep it inside a cabinet. I will admit, I am a little envious of your airfryer usage that doubles as a toaster - small and easy and it works for you so well! If you end up finding a unit that works well and does not use the non-stick materials, that would be great. That's very good that you may have some good local options without non-stick. So do the apartments in your area not already come furnished with ranges (the combo oven/cooktop units) for cooking? I'm guessing not? Then that would likely be a difference in the ways that different countries do things. If not, do they just come with cooktops but no ovens, and all apartment dwellers are expected to get their own countertop ovens? (Incidentally, rent prices here have gotten so out of control that I believe they are higher than actual mortgage payments for owning a home. I don't even know how renters afford it.) Here, you really can't find an apartment to rent that does not have a range in it. Or possibly, less commonly,. a cooktop and separate wall oven. When I was little, my mother had a gas cooktop (with flame burners) with cabinets underneath it, and a separate wall oven next to the cooktop with some little cabinets above and below it. The wall oven had a broiler right underneath it, but she did often use her broiler, for toast, steaks, hamburgers, bread and buns, etc. Just like you remember your mother's stove setup fondly, I also remember my mother's very fondly, too! It's funny the things you really appreciate remembering from your childhood that you probably didn't think too much about at the time.
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar Malaysian homes do not have direct gas lines underground to give permanent gas service. It's just something that is not practiced. Currently, there are some housing areas that do this, but majority of houses, if they need to use a gas stove, will need to buy gas tanks from sundry shops. That is why my mom's unit came with a place for gas tank on the right. I believe it's tailored for countries that don't have direct gas. I don't know what is the reason, just that it could be for safety from gas leakage (poisoningm explosions) and that the govt may not want to bother with maintenance of gas lines. I like that it doesn't bother u to clean the oven. U don't mind the oil splatters on the oven door? I don't clean it often but when i do, it's just so annoying because i have to mix baking soda and liquid detergent, scrub it all well, wipe down and then wash the super oily cloth. i think u asked about toast that is crispy on the edges and soft inside. I can do that by toasting the bread lightly on a frying pan. Low heat, slowly and increase heat when needed because it can be pretty slow. I love toasting it this way, letting the bread soak up olive oil or butter but husband sometimes become impatient because he's hungry and has to wait. Hmm, for rent, apartments and houses could be furnished with ovens, stovetop and all if the owner installs it, but it could also be totally empty with no stovetops. It all depends on the rent price and the area. I think I would prefer not to have these appliances so that i can get my own and bring them along should i need to move. But having said that, i have no experience in renting so it will be an eye opener when it comes to that time.
@FrankskinOrweed-ep4ij 3 месяца назад
Your vlogs are so peaceful. Thank you for sharing! Where would we be without our kitties?
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much for the kind words! Indeed, the kitties make our lives more interesting ❤️
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
There are those "S" hooks again - for Sarah! 💕 My favorite item out of the whole thing is still the plain branch itself. That was a great choice.
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
oh yes, the branch itself is already lovely! I lucked out in getting this branch. I had been looking for a while.
@OurBusyAussieFamilyOBAF2 3 месяца назад
Awwww le Poo, you're so precious 💖 Shamu's little tongue sticking out is so CUTE! Mango is exactly like Motley lol I like that donut pillow though. I need that for Motely when I take him to the vet! PIKAAAAAAAAAAAAA! 💖 Tortie prefers my husband over me as well lol I think it's a girl cat thing - daddy's little girl and all hahaha Awwww look at those 2 all curled up together 🥰
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
oh Motley is the fierce on huh? Mango's fierce with us but an angel at the vet's unfortunately. Do get a donut, altho i must caution u, it comes off pretty easily with a bit of struggle. Yeah i think it could be a girl cat thing but my other girl cats, they all prefer me lol! Only pika. i believe he smells good to her, she's always licking him.
@OurBusyAussieFamilyOBAF2 3 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries Motley is MORE possessed at the vet! Lol He has a note on his file that says “Caution will bite”
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
@@OurBusyAussieFamilyOBAF2 then Motley is not like Mango. He's like Sesame, who is a monster at the vets! Like literally a rabid dog growing, hissing and showing his fangs, swatting, spatting, foaming mouth. My vet always said I spoil him during his baby time. I think the donut won't work for Motley. I hv seen those see thru plastic balls where u put the cats head in, like an astronaut head gear. I was thinking of that for Mango when I cut her nails. With those thick gloves, it is very difficult and slows me down. Hope Motley is not like Mango when trimming his nails.
@OurBusyAussieFamilyOBAF2 3 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries I just don’t trim lol He tends to bite his nails anyway. Motley has to be wrapped up in a towel 😢 I HATE taking him to the vet for his yearly vaccinations…
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
I use that exact duplicate lambswool duster. I have used this same kind for so many years that I can't remember; I have replaced it a few times when they get so worn out. I have washed them before when they've gotten ratty-looking, then blow-dried them while brushing out with a hairbrush. Seems like they're a little frizzier doing that, though.
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
Oh that is so cool! We have the same duster! I got mine for pretty cheap and i've kept it so nicely till late. I used to stuff it back into this plastic that it came with to keep the wool in place. I would wipe it down before stuffing it back and kept it inside my closet. But lately, being pressed for time, i removed the plastic n just hung it in my study. Mango saw it and hissed! Billy saw it and pounced at it, took a big bite, it was really too cute. They thought it was another cat.
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries I hang mine from the leather strap on a nail right inside a small closet where I also keep a dry mop (that kind you dust the floor with), etc. Before I ever purchased my first lambswool duster, I previously tried several other things like a feather duster, a synthetic-fiber duster in the same shape as the lambswool duster, and dust rags, but nothing ever worked as well to keep the attracted dust in as the lambswool. I remember one broke down in the handle and cracked from repeatedly rapping it hard outside against my hand to remove the dust; I glued it and kept it for a long while still, but eventually had to replace it. I do a combo of rapping alternating with spinning fast between my hands to get the dust out. That rapping is probably a little hard on the duster. That is SO funny and cute-sounding about the cats' reactions to the duster! I used to do this thing with a previous dog I had for his whole life (a Maltese) when I was dusting - if he was nearby I would extend the duster out and touch the top of his head and say "Ding! I crown you king!" Well, it always amused me, ha.
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar did you have those traditional feather duster that looks like chicken feathers? It has very thin cane which my parents use to hit us with when we were naughty lol. Your dog, i am sure he was amused too, that is very cute indeed!
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries The kind I had was the type called ostrich feathers - those bigger feathers. I never had one that was made of chicken feathers. I wonder if those would work a lot better, though, because of the feathers being smaller. You know, I looked it up online to see what the chicken feather ones looked like, and you would not believe the number of net sites where people were recounting their childhood experiences of being punished with dusters!
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar lol!!! It is the weapon of choice for most parents in the 80s!
@janeloh2952 3 месяца назад
So lovely
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
Hey thank you very much!
@CatStories-ky7wy 3 месяца назад
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
thank you!! have a good weekend.
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
You're not alone! Lots of this stuff is the same for me (timing, eating, etc.) I don't think it's a bad thing at all to sometimes skip lunch (gives the digestive system a break and allows some detoxification), and in fact I only eat two meals a day every day. I started doing that for intermittent fasting, but I actually came to realize that I was not even interested any longer in eating breakfast as I used to. I drink a lot of water first thing in the day.
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
Oh nice to know! It's not sometimes i skip lunch, it's most days. I am amazed u don't eat breakfast anymore - i am so hungry in the morning! I really can't skip breakfast. Looking back at this video, so much have changed over the course of a year. For one, I wake up at 7am and recently 6.30am. I no longer do art for commission. I sleep at 11am, sometimes 12am, no longer 3am. I can feel the effects of arthritis now in my hands when i wake up but it's still mild. I eat lunch consistently now (still late) but with better meals that have a good combo of fat and fiber so that it aids the effectiveness of vit d3 absorption. So many things have changed wow..
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries All I was saying was, please try not to feel bad or beat yourself up if you skip lunch. If you are really hungry and would rather eat, but you just feel like you don't have time and so you go without, then that is something to work on. However, if you would feel better not eating lunch, then you don't have to! Or, if you feel happiest eating lunch at a later time every day, please let yourself feel comfortable and happy doing so, and not press yourself to eat earlier if you really would rather not. There is no rule that breakfast or lunchtime must be at a particular time for the best health, and what works for one may not work for another. I, for instance, stopped eating breakfast after a lifetime of eating breakfast because my needs apparently changed, and I no longer desire to eat that early in the day and feel better and happier not doing so. I don't get hungry at all until at least early afternoon. I do, however, drink a good amount of water throughout the morning. I am so happy to hear the positive update of how things have improved for the better in your life over the last year! I knew from your earlier videos that you were not at all happy with the particulars going on at that time, and I have really wondered how things may or may not have changed and how you were doing. I eat really good quality meals, too. Healthy, whole foods with lots of nutrition. My one huge problem now that I am working on changing is getting to bed earlier (and so getting up earlier, too). The big problem is that I love to stay up really late! I mean I really love it, it is so fun. However, it is not good for me. So I am serious about this, and I will be changing this!
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar Thanks! I think u misunderstood me, I do need to eat. Just that my previous lifestyle, waking up at 9-10am, sometimes 11am depending how late i sleep, I was still full from breakfast smoothie by the time lunch came. I would get very hungry by 3pm, then i'll eat but it ruins my appetite for dinner around 5.30-6pm but i have to eat that time because husband's tired and hungry and cannot wait till later to eat at 8pm. And I look forward to eating with him so i cannot have him eat first then I eat later unless it cannot be helped. So i stopped eating lunch and would snack on junk food between breakfast and dinner and that is so bad. But when he's not home, then i am very happy to eat whatever time I wish. But now, it's all better. Some days I manage to eat at 1pm and feel good till dinner. Proper food and no more junk food, no snacking unless really needed, then it'll be apple or kefir, not cheese puffs lol. I needed a big push to change my bad habits and i sincerely have my mom to thank because every other reason did not work until her incident happened. I did tell u i wanted to vlog about her story earlier...it's still in the works! Hope u will still be around by then!
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
OK, I now see your vacuum here (2:29). We were talking about vacuums a while back in a previous video. I was saying how I have to take mine outside to empty the dust cup because it is so filthy, and such an atrocious amount flies out when it is opened that it is impossible for me to do it inside. Now that I see yours, I see the difference and why it's possible to empty yours inside. Yours has a neat little cup, even with a little cup handle, and you can "pour" the dirt out. Mine is a much larger container, really not a "cup" at all, even though they call it that. There is no handle to pour with, and no neat little cup-shape to pour out of. Mine has a flap on the bottom; you press a button, the flap (which stays attached on hinges) flies open and dirt flies out widely. You can't catch it all in a bag. The flap gets in the way since it stays attached, and all the gunk falling out falls all over the flap; then I have to use another vacuum cleaner to vacuum it off after I'm done emptying. I have to stick my hand way up inside the container to pull out all kinds of stuck gunk (disgusto). Whenever this one wears out, I think it would be best if I could find one with a cup more like yours.
@user-qe4zq5bp4e 3 месяца назад
Они не боятся прямых солнечных лучей?
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
No, they are not afraid of sunlight, but indirect light is best. In the wild, they live draped on tree branches, and the tree leaves provide shade for the spanish moss. If it's under direct sunlight, it can dry out fast.
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
Нет, они не боятся солнечного света, но лучше всего непрямой свет. В дикой природе они живут на ветвях деревьев, а листья деревьев создают тень для испанского мха. Если он находится под прямыми солнечными лучами, он может быстро высохнуть.
@user-qe4zq5bp4e 3 месяца назад
Здравствуйте, я вот тоже купила, сама из России.Приедут недели через две. Скажите пожалуйста вы чем нибудь удобряете их ???
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
Nice to know you bought them. You don't really need to fertilize them. But if you want to, you can fertilize them with orchid fertilizer or bromeliad fertilizer. Maybe once a month or once every two months. No need to fertilize too much or it can cause spanish moss to die. Hope this helps.
@user-qe4zq5bp4e 3 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries пожалуйста на русский язык переведите
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
Приятно узнать, что вы их купили. Вам не обязательно их удобрять. Но если вы хотите, вы можете удобрить их удобрением для орхидей или удобрением для бромелии. Может быть, раз в месяц или раз в два месяца. Не нужно вносить слишком много удобрений, иначе испанский мох может погибнуть. Надеюсь это поможет.
@user-qe4zq5bp4e 3 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries огромное спасибо за обратную связь 🌹
@SunrayStar 4 месяца назад
Love the cat games! (3:33) They're so comical. I was really wondering about the balled air plant at the beginning; I was glad you save it a segment. What you cut away looks really healthy! What did you end up doing with all of these - or do you cover it in a later video? Also, I wanted to say that it was very satisfying to see only Spanish moss all across the branch now, and that's so great that you were able to make a bunch out of the existing ones that ended up matching the rest. Good job!
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
Thank u!! Unfortunately, as mentioned to u earlier, the spiky air plants all died, one by one...and the weird thing is, it's like today they are ok, tomorrow they are not kinda thing. So one by one they wilt. I had placed them on my dresser, on my wicker cabinet....i didn't film them to make a video out of it. I believe they were already poisoned by the rusty mental that held them together and also when I soaked the whole ball, the insides didn't really get to dry properly. This has serious consequences to the plant. I wouldn't have bought spiky air plants but it came attached to the spanish moss and at that time, most nurseries sold it like that. It was pretty hard to find just bunches of spanish moss alone, most of the time. If i were to buy them again one day, i would just buy them individually, and not tied together like a ball with metal wire. Nurseries don't know how damaging it is, they just sell it like that, sigh.
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries Oh that's right, I had forgotten all about the spiky ones later dying when I saw them still alive in the video. They were really cute while they lasted. Yes, I remember your stressing in the videos about how damaging that metal wire is. That's important information to disseminate so that people will know what to do when they buy air plants with that wire inside. I remember in the other video, you tried to show a little of the inside of the spiky plant ball and mentioned the frustration. Do you think it may have been possible to save it if you had tried to completely separate it and cut away the brown parts early on? Or was it just an impossible situation that couldn't be reversed?
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar I think I could have saved it if i cut it all up when I came home from the nursery. Or at last save more at a healthier state. But i didn't realise at the time that metal is damaging until i watched a you tuber's video on spanish moss (i've credited him in one of my vlog when i made the spanish moss branch. So basically, i bought spanish moss first without knowing much about it, then came home and started research lol. That's only because I didn't go out to buy spanish moss intentionally. I went to buy a boston fern to place on my dresser because i like ferns. Saw a nice bunch of spanish moss hanging nearby and i was like oh my, let's get that too! After watching tons of video about spanish moss and then that you tuber's video, I knew I had to remove the wire, a few weeks have passed then...having to think what can i do with it when i remove it from the wire...how would i hang it...it took a while to decide, then going about to buy the jute, hooks, etc and find the branch and so one. More weeks have passed....so it was unfortunate that the spiky air plants didn't survive because it went on in that state too long.
@SunrayStar 4 месяца назад
Gosh, I'll bet you were a million times happier with the aesthetics in the room after making those changes, because it is so inviting looking! You can do everything in that room - you can work, eat, and then rest in the recliner. The new cabinet is beautiful, and it wouldn't have been the same over there without it. This is so funny, but when you were hanging the chandelier from the S-hooks and the second one was still unattached (10:06), I hadn't even seen the first hook yet, so I honestly thought that the one on the right was a decorative letter S (for Sarah), like another one of your whimsical things. I was kind of disappointed that it was just an S-hook, haha. Oh my, I would so love to have one just like the lovely little wicker/rattan pet "tent" with rooftop perch at 11:01. I have had trouble with one of my dogs wanting to hop up and lie on top of one of their plush fabric pet tents, which isn't for that purpose, and the whole thing just collapses when she has done that. I had to attach a piece of paper with some lavender essential oil applied to it on the top of the pet tent for a while to break that habit. But your pet bed is made for hopping up on top to rest. (Bonus: cat inside!)
@lebooshdiaries 4 месяца назад
Felt like a million years ago! Thank for watching, such a hard video to film. My fav moments are 1:53 sitting with pika, itsy and then max watching the scene outside lol and 9:18 when le Poo was not impressed when she saw my artwork of Pikachu! Such cute moments that i am glad I captured. I also really love that yellow flower in 0:09, it's the first time in 9 years i live here that i saw it. It's a weed and very small but so pretty! My neighbor opposite of us has pink ones on his curb outside, they looked like mini cosmos! Yes, i wanted a nice study for a long time but i was working in a demanding job. never had time. Then i started you tube and decided let's do it now and film. Having standing desks was something we needed a lot esp husband who had slipped disk many years ago and back has always been weak. But to remove that hunk of a chunk desk was something that prevented me from changing because it was such a stressful thing to remove it. I didn't even film because i was everywhere, running here and there during the removal. Then the cleanup was omg. And the fridge, it took a while to convince him to move it because he does love his cold water and junk food upstairs! Lastly, lusting wicker furniture for so long but never got to buy it because of the cats. If it were in the living room, it will be torn to shreds, like in 0.44. Sorry about the bummer on the S hook tho! That got me laughing! Yes the rattan bed is nice but inside, it's all broken here and there because Max loves to bite and pull at it. That's why i decided to keep it in the study so they don't destroy it any further. I think this bed is about 7 years old, still good, i've only sprayed it once with water because someone puked on it. That is a cute thing about your dog lol!! I can imagine the tent collapsing.
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries"Hunk of a chunk desk" - hee hee! I'm curious - what was so stressful and messy about the removal - did they have to cut it into pieces, or was it potentially damaging to the door frame and other things to get it out? Well, even if the little rattan bed is bitten up inside, you can't tell from the outside and it is just adorable. "Someone puked on it" - all this stuff has me laughing.
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar Oh the desks, each were 8 feet long and i don't even know how they got it in when we moved. I wasn't around. It was custom made for our apartment. And there is 8 feet of thick glass on top of each desk which was super heavy. But i knew it would be impossible to get it out. Before the removal guys came, we protected the door frame, parts of the stairs, our black grill doors that led to the ground floor so that nothing got scratched. On the day itself, the guy came + 1 girl and i was like what?? Apparently the other guy was ill so the other guy brought the only person he could find. It was super heavy, she almost couldn't lift it up the glass. She almost dropped it by the time they got down to the living room and i was shouting at my husband to "hold the glass, she's tired!" The desks really couldn't fit thru the door despite my husband giving instruction to flip it to the side...so the truck driver hammed it, kicked it and used husban'd power saw to saw it down...it was brutal and very dusty. We all helped eventually. I carried all the broken up parts down, there were nails everywhere. Then after all that, I had to vacuum and mop at least 5 times to remove all that dust.
@SunrayStar 3 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries What a horrible story! All of it, except for the fact that you finally got rid of it. I'm sure when it was finally gone and you had gotten over it plus all the work cleaning up, that you felt relief it was gone. And I would have felt an extra level of nervousness about the girl trying to do that job, about what if she caused something to get damaged.
@lebooshdiaries 3 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar I feel for her but she was so inspiring that I wanted to make a vlog about her one day...when i ever find the time.
@OurBusyAussieFamilyOBAF2 4 месяца назад
From earlier on in the video I forgot to mention that our 2 cats LOVE belly scratches - especially Motley, our black and white cat
@lebooshdiaries 4 месяца назад
Ahhh pls give Motley a belly scratch for me! Do they have limits or u can scratch and rub as long as you like?
@OurBusyAussieFamilyOBAF2 4 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries the way Motley acts is like he’s high on catnip lol He is in kitty heaven haha
@OurBusyAussieFamilyOBAF2 4 месяца назад
He knows I’m filming so doesn’t want to do it hahaha that made me laugh lol Our dogs also leave puddles from their drinking too!
@lebooshdiaries 4 месяца назад
Defintely! Sesame's very evil and aware. He doesn't want his bad habits shown to other people. When I don't have my camera with me, he'd pull so damn hard, the water would splash out onto the floor.
@OurBusyAussieFamilyOBAF2 4 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries hahahahaha
@SunrayStar 4 месяца назад
This was a fascinating video, so many things to see. Since I'm watching all of these now, about a year later, I won't have to wait long at all to see the chandelier video coming up, heh! I searched to see if you had done your one-year Spanish moss update but didn't see it. Is it there somewhere inside another video, or do you still have plans to do a video on this sometime yet to come? About the preserving, many years back I did a lot of air-drying one summer of plants like lavender, globe amaranth, and strawflowers. I did the method of hanging them upside-down in small bunches. They turned out so well and I was so pleased with them. I placed them all around in vases and arrangements, and they lasted years. I remember reading about glycerine and silica gel preservation, but I have never tried those methods. Is that stainless steel bowl you used heart-shaped?
@lebooshdiaries 4 месяца назад
Oh gosh, i really wanted to make a 1 year update for the spanish moss as they've grown longer now and still doing well. But many things have since happened in my life that prevented me from doing videos fast enough. Or sometimes am so tired, i dont' feel like filming. Doing a vlog with many camera angles is a lot of work and filming in a tropical humid country is...let's just say most days i would be sweating, even tho i may not look like it. It's super hot! But yea, i do want to make, just that i may not be 1 year update. Maybe a year later lol. I've shot so many videos back in 2023 that i haven't edited yet and i am trying to clear them first. The spanish moss video has been one of my better performing videos but it's also a double edge sword. A lot of views, not many subscribe. Some think i am a plant channel, subbed and then leave when they see my content is not all about plants. The ones who stayed don't watch the other non plant related videos so that prob makes YT think, my other content is not worth to be shown to more audience. So that is why even tho i want to make a video update on the mosses, i am kinda ok to drag it out a little lol.
@lebooshdiaries 4 месяца назад
Oh i would love to hang dry those flowers. But did they turn brown or their colors retained as vibrant as it was when it was fresh? Only thing i don't like about dried flowers is - i can't wipe off the dust accumulated over months/years. My dried wheat and flowers have long gone, they grew mold and le Poo also likes to chew on them, she's destroyed quite a few. Max destroyed by glycerin leaves. These cats destroy everything. I know about the silica beads preservation method but this way is best for individual leaves and flower heads. Not as a whole branch or with the long steam. Because you gotta bury them under the silica and let dry for a period of time. No, the stainless steel pot is not heart shaped! That would have been so precious!
@SunrayStar 4 месяца назад
@@lebooshdiaries It depends on what the flower is as to how good the end result is in air-drying, but these 3 are all excellent candidates. None of them turned brown at all and kept good color, but when air-drying the colored softened just a bit, not quite as vibrant as fresh. Over a long period of time (years), the globe amaranth did eventually gradually fade out to mostly like pale beige with bits of faded color, but being exposed to bright light was likely a part of that. I used those in a dried flower arrangement that I made in a basket and it was kept up high on top of a piece of furniture, so I would occasionally take it down and vacuum the outside of the basket and lightly touch the plant tops with the vacuum brush to keep it visually acceptable, but with more passing time it eventually degraded and was thrown out (but I got years out of that and enjoyed it the whole time). The lavender, which I kept all by itself in a small off-white stoneware creamer pitcher, and used other of it in a couple of dried flower arrangements, never did brown and just faded out a little more over the years to a pretty blue shade, but I eventually threw it out when it had become a little raggedy looking from having some pieces break off, and just looked too aged. I think I normally tried to clean dust off the bunch in the little pitcher by taking the bunch out and holding it in my hand outside and waving it around and blowing on it, haha; that did pretty well and kept it looking good for a long time, and something about the lavender sort of disguises dust from the eye, so that helped. However, the strawflowers stayed perfectly preserved in shape, and dustless, as I kept them in a small bowl in a curio cabinet, and even though the color was not as vibrant as when fresh, they kept a beautiful soft color for so many years until eventually when we moved and the curio cabinet went into a location that received some sun, they bleached out closer to the color of muted straw, but still kept a hint or faint wash of the original color on some areas of petals and down in the centers of the flowers. In fact, I could not remember if I actually ever did throw those all out or not, so I went and looked in the curio cabinet, and I still have about 7 really small ones in a little decorative cup! They are still clean and really pretty, just very faded from what they originally were. I had kind of forgotten that I still had those and was happily surprised.
@lebooshdiaries 4 месяца назад
@@SunrayStar Amazing, thanks for sharing. I had to google strawflowers because i didn't know what they were. So pretty! We don't get strawflowers here, hardly see globe amaranths too. Have u tried hydrangea air drying? I once bought it in a flower shop, they had placed it in a chiller and when i got home, i place it in a vase and the next day, it was dead. Today nurseries have cultivated hydrangeas that are more torpical heat resistant but it is needed to grow in pots instead of on the ground. I hesitate to get some because I do love those that grow big and bushy on the ground. But great job on your air dried flowers!
@SunrayStar 4 месяца назад
​@@lebooshdiaries You actually don't see any of those flowers coming up around here by themselves, either. The strawflowers and globe amaranths are annuals, so they will always die when wintertime comes around, and the only way I know of to have them is to grow them from a packet of seeds started in Spring. Although I was at a nursery once that had really small globe amaranths growing in tiny pots for sale, so I guess someone could luck into those in a nursery occasionally. Yes, I have dried hydrangea blooms many times, and currently I have several baskets around the house with them inside! I have hydrangea shrubs in the yard, and normally I leave all the blooms on the shrubs all through winter for interest outside. But there have been a few times that some plants have flopped over and would not stand back upright due to the weight of the blooms and heavy rain making them fall over, and in those instances I thought it best to remove those blooms, which were otherwise going to just stay flopped on the ground and in the way. Instead of throwing the blooms away and wasting them, I just put them in a big brown paper bag loosely and set them aside somewhere inside until they had dried out, and then I removed them from the bag and put them in a basket. They always end up turning beige after a while dried like that, but they are cream-colored for quite a while before turning beige (most of my hydrangea shrubs have white blooms). They are beautiful nonetheless, whether cream-colored or beigey brown. I keep them around forever, usually until I happen to need to cut some more off and then replace them. For some reason they don't ever show any dust, and so I don't do anything to them. That's probably as easy as it gets. Mine are the paniculata types of hydrangea. I have grown the macrophylla (bigleaf) types in the past, but I often wasn't thrilled with their performance and they are much more finicky as to conditions. The paniculata types are much tougher and easier to grow. What you said about bringing home a hydrangea bloom sounds about right. If I were to take a bloom on a stem, bring it in and place it in a vase, yes, it would wilt and the petals would all flop right over limply, and it would shrivel and die shortly afterward. I once tried hanging a few upside down to try to air-dry them, but they acted the same way as trying to dry one in a vase. Just placing them loosely on top of each other in a brown paper bag and leaving them alone until they get sort of crisp and dry always seems to preserve their shape, weirdly! I'm not too awfully careful about how they go in the bag, either, I just lightly keep tossing them in there on top of each other without pressing any down.