
A $10 DIY solution to Improve Our RV's Air Flow System For More Cold Air! 

Dude RV
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Is your RV Air Flow lacking? In the middle of the day is your RV still hot when the RV A/C is running full blast? We have 2 A/C units on our new coach and it never really seemed to be any cooler than when we had just one A/C units.
I found out that we had an RV Air Flow issue! Our A/C was not really blowing air into the duct system. Something had to be changed in our RV's Air Flow system!
With a little time, creativity and some ridged foam I crafted and simple solution to the RV's AC airflow system.
Come along with me as I walk you through this simple 30$ DIY RV air flow improvement. .
How about a cup of coffee?
/ dudervtexas
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/ duderv
#DudeRV #RVAirFlow #RVAirConditioner



3 окт 2024




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@Nick-mh6iy 2 года назад
Retired Mechanical Engineer here in Houston area, you are spot on with modifications made. Your simple but effective design accommodates intake and exhaust flows, well done. I purchased the material and will be installing soon. Thank You.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Wow, thanks! Very welcome! thanks for watching!
@bradleyrupska4988 Год назад
Thank you for the info. Also thank you for your service! I am a Army Cobat Medic myself! Thank you
@DudeRV Год назад
Thanks you for your service! Army huh? Check out the Pickles On The Road channel, Michael is/was Army I think airborne but Im not sure about that. I do know that he had a helicopter fall down on him and mess his day up...ru-vid.com/show-UCKGCT7oK_aGGGfp7cBfAp6w This AC mod is truly a game changer! Thanks for watching and subbing!
@austinsaunders4426 2 месяца назад
You sir, are a gem. And I appreciate you. Worked like a charm
@DudeRV 2 месяца назад
Glad I could help!
@sewelleric1994 2 года назад
*Works so well **Fastly.Cool** for rv that it only requires daytime operation until high temp and humidity are overnight. It is difficult to get to side filters, but back is easily accessible.*
@DudeRV 2 года назад
not sure I understand
@felipevazquez123 Год назад
We replaced an old Dometic in our 36 foot camper (vented). ru-vid.comUgkxDDbPbIlwLRcX_ntp51ui5UMtAUGpHYxE The install was a simple swap, all holes lined up, the electric plug back in with no trouble. Getting it on the camper was the most "difficult" part of it, and my friend made it look easy. I've seen people "sled" them up ladders as well though. I watched a RU-vid video for instructions, very easily done. Some say it doesn't come with instructions, but I found the instructions under the ac in the box. I didn't need them, but they were there.It works well to keep a 36 footer comfortable, all by itself. It doesn't seem to be any quieter than the original, but it isn't any louder either. We're very pleased with it. Esp with the ease of swapping them out.
@DudeRV Год назад
brace the Styrofoam?
@gracerodriguez3516 4 месяца назад
That is great news to help in these hot days Below a Gift for you and your loved ones; “Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: and that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: after that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time.” 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 KJV Eyes on Jesus… tomorrow is not Promised… Be right with the Lord today … His Sacrifice on the Cross to pay for our sins past present and future sins… He is the Lamb of God… the Last Sacrifice… The wages of sin is death -Hell… but Jesus paid the fine… That’s why his final word was It is Finished… Gave up his Soul… He resurrected on the Third day to Conquer death and give the repentant Believer Eternity in Heaven with him and the Father… Eternity is a long time and your Soul after you die lives for Eternity but the key point is Location Location… Location! Heaven (With Jesus) or Hell… for God will give you what you want Hell which is Torment without God or anybody else … Complete separation …in the hands of the devil and his demons… In Torment… first thing that happens is you no longer have a name there… For you denied the Son of God and his free gift of grace Sacrifice on the Cross! Reconsider for tomorrow is not promised today is the day… don’t wait! For today is a Present… Ask God to Help and guide you towards his presence…🙏🏼🕊❤️ instagram.com/reel/C1hBt85O0TC/?igsh=OG90amczZDhpaDRm The Devil can’t make you do anything you have free will he can only Tempt you… you say yes or no!… the consequences are yours! Please ask The Lord Jesús into your Heart today and accept His Finish work on the Cross… spilling his Blood to pay for your Sins (The Lamb of God) cleansing us from our sins so we can stand before a Holy God… Resurrected on the Third day to Conquer Death and Redeem the Believer Eternity in Heaven with Him…His Precious Blood… The Lamb of God… The Perfect Sacrifice!!! Thank you Jesus… In the Bible He calls us Beloved… Saints… Jesus is Our High Priest! Ask God to Open your eyes because if you are not seeing everything that is Happening World Wide is because the devil has a hold on you and has blinded you! Please Fight ! The devil is not your friend… Come to kill, steal and destroy! He is a Lier!!!Please Friend!Love Grace Matthew 5:14-16 King James Version 14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 10:33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. The phrase “reprobate mind” is found in Romans 1:28 in reference to those whom God has rejected as godless and wicked. They “suppress the truth by their wickedness,” and it is upon these people that the wrath of God rests (Romans 1:18). The Greek word translated “reprobate” in the New Testament is adokimos, which means literally “unapproved, that is, rejected; by implication, worthless (literally or morally).” ”Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.“ Romans 1:24-32 KJV bible.com/bible/1/rom.1.28.KJV
@sailmailman 4 месяца назад
Thank you so much for this tutorial! We had a second A/C on order when I saw your video. Fortunately I was able to cancel the order. I did my plenum exactly as you described. I took a grinder to the extra metal on the lower mounting bracket instead of bending them over. I also redid the tape in every vent. It's amazing how poor tape installation can affect air flow. Use GOOD tape. I re-taped the end of the duct where the second A/C would have gone and used some of the foam to make a dam inside the duct and just past the last ceiling vent on the other side because I didn't trust the tape job at the end of the duct I couldn't access. I hope that makes sense. The result is amazing cold air flow and so much quieter! Well done Sir!
@DudeRV 3 месяца назад
I am so glad this helped Yall out! I really like the idea of the "dam" I think I shall do that as well, thanks for the suggestion and thanks a bunch for watching!
@paraglidingprospector 2 года назад
You saved the day! Thank you! It’s 106F today and my Carrier Air V tripped overnight. Your instructions saved me a bunch!
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Im so glad I could help! thanks for watching!
@paraglidingprospector 2 года назад
@@DudeRV - Heyo Heyo! I just realized my last comment somehow made it onto this video (another YT channel posted a fix for my Carrier Air V), but after seeing my mistake I watched your video and found it helpful too! My older camper has a single Dometic AC unit and no in-ceiling ventilation, so your improvements in this video make perfect sense! The air ends up recirculating right back into itself and doesn’t do a great job at cooling the entire camper, but your improvements would totally change that. I’ll give it a try! Thanks!
@DudeRV 2 года назад
@@paraglidingprospector i was wondering how this helped with a tripped A/C! LoL!
@deweygravesjr.122 2 года назад
Thank you for this amazing video. I just finished one AC unit and WOW what an improvement. I watched others and choose yours for the extra intake air. Thanks again Dude!
@DudeRV 2 года назад
you are most welcome! thanks for watching!
@jerroddooley374 2 года назад
First off, thank you so much for your service. I'm forever in your debt. Secondly, I full-time rv in Texas, this video is going to help me so much. It's already 100 degrees here
@DudeRV 2 года назад
You are most welcome, It was my honor to serve. You will truly love your A/C after this mod! Thanks for watching!
@bjsimpson5568 2 года назад
This is such a good ides. I was looking into buy the air spliter and it cost $180. With your idea this save so much money. Thanks alot and keep up the good work.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
You are most welcome! I know you will enjoy all that air you set free! thanks for watching!
@vincentrisalvato9921 2 года назад
@DudeRV 2 года назад
I hear ya! This is the best thing you can do for the air in your RV! Thanks for watching!
@kevin58texan32 2 года назад
Have tried this on my front unit and it seems to be so much better now , great DYI project at little cost . Thanks
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Great to hear! Thanks for watching!
@MarioMartinez-is1cg 3 года назад
Mine came out similar to this one! This does not have to be perfect people! Just jump in and do it! You will not regret it! Works SOOOOO MUCH BETTER!!! thank you for the video!
@DudeRV 3 года назад
Totally agree! no one but you will ever see it but they will certainly feel it! 😂LOL thanks for watching!
@petiteHD 3 года назад
🥶 wow… “somebody” need to learn this and make our Rv “cold” in the summer woohoo . Thanks for sharing your tricks 👍🏻
@DudeRV 3 года назад
You bet! that somebody might need a little kick in his short driveway! LOL!!
@rickymccafferty7840 Год назад
I just picked up my Winnebago Vita this week. I’m headed out on a trip this weekend, and did a modification similar to this with a small piece of cardboard. I’ll use foam when I get back from the trip. Just putting the cardboard in has made a huge difference!
@DudeRV Год назад
Good for you! remember to check the vents! everyone of my vents only had about 1/4 to 1/2 of the Styrofoam insulation cut out! Thanks for watching!
@Markks2000 3 года назад
Well done sir! I will be digging into my AC system soon. It works pretty good already here in California, but I need to increase the airflow to the individual vents. Thank you!!
@DudeRV 3 года назад
You can do it! and you will be glad you did! thanks do much for watching!!
@justicemckinney3769 2 года назад
Awesome awesome awesome! Saved me from buying a $200 piece of plastic lol.. this is great
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Glad I could help! Thanks for watching!
@Iamk2jones 2 года назад
I really like the way you did this as opposed to some of the other DIY videos i have seen. I like that kept the warm air intake side as large as possible.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Glad you liked it! It works so much better now. I just did an install video on installing a SmartStartRV unit on both A/Cs and am so impressed! thanks for watching!
@xmudcat 5 месяцев назад
I will be trying this soon. It’s fixing to be summertime here in Oklahoma. It will be getting into the hundreds + Humidity
@DudeRV 5 месяцев назад
The clock is ticking away! LOL! Thanks for watching!
@jeffoosse4373 2 года назад
Yup.... this will be my next project... just got a 2022 Momentum 28G with 2x Dometec 13.5K A/C units and some of the vents are very weak... thanks for the video... liked and subscribed now.... and from a fellow Vet, Thank you for your service...... keep on making these videos
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Thanks for the sub and thanks even more for your service! You are going to LOVE! the new A/C when you finish! Thanks for your support and watching!
@tomfoolery9977 Год назад
Best video out there ! Ive watched a bunch and yours is the best explained and best "how to" as well. Plus its cheaper than buying the kit thats available. Good job Dude!
@DudeRV Год назад
I am glad you found some value in my little video! Thanks for watching and subbing!
@annaluera1357 Год назад
@@DudeRV rv airflow sells essentially the same product you made, at a $180 price tag. For Styrofoam. Thanks for making this video, you just saved me $170! Not that I was going to buy $170 styrofoam anyways…
@DudeRV Год назад
@@annaluera1357 I did not know that! someone is selling a block of polystyrene for $180.00?!! OMG! That seems a little bit high for less than a pound of Styrofoam, I could be wrong though. Regardless, I am so happy my little DIY video help you out! Thank you so much for watching and subbing!
@jacklongo3599 Год назад
Great work soldier!! I'm going to do this on my 2020 Entegra Quest!! Thx for your service sir! Jack in so. cal.
@DudeRV Год назад
You will be so happy once it is done! Thanks for watching!
@yogibeer9319 2 года назад
I love this channel almost as much a pic-a-nic baskets! Great video!
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Glad you like them! Thanks so much for watching!
@dandurig8181 2 года назад
Worked well on 100 degree day. I only have the 1 AC and it kept up great. Before if I closed the dump vents the compressor would just freeze up. I wanted to buy the single foam unit to do this but it was expensive if it didn't work and I didnt want to risk that much. This fit my budget to try and worked to boot. I liked the extra return space as I have had filter problems previously. I also found an uncut piece of roof material blocking the airflow some as well. Great video and thanks for sharing! One additional note on the dual straight track roof vs u shape track is make sure ends are blocked a few inches after the last vent to get more equalized pressure on all. Bocking AT the vent will result in higher air flow for that one vent but lower for others. Sometimes the factory doesn't even seal them so check!
@DudeRV 2 года назад
I am so glad this video helped you! Thanks for watching and stay cool!😎
@rtpickett 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing. I need to fix mine now. I would also like to thank you sir for your service!
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Very welcome 2X! thanks for watching!
@melizagarcia2291 3 года назад
Thanks for this DIY..we did learn alot...love your freezing facial expression!
@DudeRV 3 года назад
Glad you liked it!! Nothing better than a genuine facial expression frozen in time! LOL!! so glad you found some value in this video! thanks for watching!
@ChrisCowles 2 года назад
Yours is the only RU-vid video I've seen that replicates the scooped out area of the RV Airflow kit that increases the return surface area.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
i was not "replicating" anything, just using logical problem solving to get more cold air! thanks for watching!
@kj1721 3 года назад
I enjoyed visiting with you Saturday at Fairfield State Park. Right after I left from talking to you we had a 3.5 to 4 foot timber rattler come into our campsite! Thanks again for all the work you put into these videos
@DudeRV 3 года назад
I really enjoyed our brief visit as well! Timber Rattler! LOOK OUT! they are bad news! I am so honored that you spend your valuable time watching my videos, I can not express my gratitude other than to say, THANK YOU! You are why I do what I do! Safe travel and I will see you down the road!
@jboxjbox 2 года назад
I have been battling this Texas heat and humidity struggling to keep it cool in our travel trailer in the heat of the day. I have been thinking something was wrong with the design every time I clean my filters and see that it’s primarily only one side collecting dust. Seems pretty inefficient to me and I like how you modified the airflow in yours to take advantage of the entire intake and push more air from the ducts to spread it around. Thanks for really going into explaining the design as well. As a guy fascinated with the “why?” it helped a lot. Much appreciated. You earned my sub.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Thanks for the sub!! I am glad you found this video to be helpful! It really is a game changer when the temps and the humidity are maxing out. Did you see the Soft Start video I released a few weeks ago? When it is really hot and everyone is running their A/C at max the brown out will reduce your A/C output. With an RVSoftStart system your A/C requires less power and is therefore less effected by the brow out. here is that video.... ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-W1_Dvgu37u4.html Hope this help and thanks so much for watching!
@tomshaw7447 2 года назад
My daughters camper was icing up and it was due to poor air flow. It was a mess. Than I saw your video and got some foam and fixed mine up!!! Amazing difference it made after adding the foam to seal things up. Wish I had a wind speed meter to do a before and after. Plus at the end of both runs I blocked off the duct after the vent so no more wasted air flow traveling past the last vent.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Great job! You are going to love that A/C now! thanks for watching!
@bjterrell8356 2 года назад
Dude rv I just did this and it made a drastic difference thanks for Sharing it was awesome I was almost ready to sell my camper until now
@DudeRV 2 года назад
That is awesome! Im so glad I could help you! Thanks for watching!
@alwslate Год назад
Thank You for your service sit.. and I needed your vid... see what I can do now..
@DudeRV Год назад
Glad I could help! You can do this!
@matt46512 2 года назад
Dude my ac in this camper works soooo much better. It’s AWESOME!!
@DudeRV 2 года назад
That is awesome! Did you watch my Soft Start video? I can now run both A/C units on 30 amp or one on 15 amps! see it here.... ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-W1_Dvgu37u4.html Thanks for watching!
@NormRidg Год назад
Seen several of these types of air flow improvemt videos and you got me to do mine today. Had to finish the taping job into the ducts, but then came the oh no. I have a domestic and the air chamber is not rectangle. Has some kind of internal winged baffle system. So I impromised using your method. About a bit of weird shape fitting, back and forth trimming, and then success! Really made a noticable improvement. Looking forward getting out this summer. Thanks for the inspiration.
@DudeRV Год назад
You are most welcome! I know you are going to be most happy this summer!
@robertayres682 2 года назад
Thanks Brother, and Thank you for your service 🇺🇸 Maranatha 🎚
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Very welcome! thanks for watching!
@ThePackDad Год назад
Good work !! Did the same in my 2018 GD 2800BH. Down flow would hit the plastic cover straight on so I built a splitter (tent shape) in the middle, but lined the entire interior with reflectix and tape creating tunnels from the down flow with shallow curves directing to the sides.
@DudeRV Год назад
I just have to wonder why the manufactures never made these simple modifications. thanks for watching!
@nedmorris9794 3 года назад
Perfect! First time “duck tape” lol actually fixed something :) Great vid.
@DudeRV 3 года назад
I always have a roll of duct or is it duck? tape with me, Ya never know when you are going to need it! thanks for watching!!
@nedmorris9794 3 года назад
@@DudeRV many call it duck tape lol - too funny.
@DudeRV 3 года назад
@@nedmorris9794 I am guilty!
@sleeper5815 2 года назад
I saw the "kits" they sell and was saying why can't I just make something like it... Dang you solved it for me.. Will be doing it very soon.. Thank you so much....
@DudeRV 2 года назад
You are most welcome! It really made a huge difference! Thanks for watching!
@USMCdad470 Год назад
Thanks brother for the info. Me and my wife are new to RV’n. We just bought our first trailer. Looking forward to seeing some new places.
@DudeRV Год назад
You are most Welcome! Where abouts are Yall?
@USMCdad470 Год назад
@@DudeRV in SoCal.
@DudeRV Год назад
@@USMCdad470 Cool! I know Yall are going to enjoy that new rig! head for the high country! Thanks for watching!
@fondalogston2772 3 года назад
Oh wow! Hubby is going to try this tomorrow!
@DudeRV 3 года назад
I know Yall are going to love the results! we sure do. thanks for watching!
@amyscherle2663 3 года назад
We will be definitely be looking at ours when we book next spot in fall we leave summer for kiddos and heat tolerant folks. All said, a trip to Kerville to to play in Fredericksburg was a haul and it was that temp so us and two dogs sat under that main duct till the dogs were good . Thank you thank you again for all info!!!
@DudeRV 3 года назад
make sure you take care of those fur babies! They get hot real fast this time of year! Thank you so much for watching! this little Mod will truly change your RV life!
@harold1316 2 года назад
Thanks for your service. We have the Coleman A/C also. I am going to do this on my rig
@DudeRV 2 года назад
You are welcome and thanks a bunch for watching! You are gonna the new A/C!
@RichardCWard 2 года назад
Thank You for your handy man successful project. I would probably be sharing this information to the RV Manufacturer or Dealer and point out the "factory" ductwork /air conditioner issue.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
The manufactures are well aware that factory quality control is sub-par. They would rather produce low quality high volume RVs knowing that the majority of issues will be overlooked by new owners until the one year warranty has passed and those issues that do show up can be disputed and worst case "for them" fixed. Thanks for watching!!
@BubbaBrownNC 2 года назад
Great video! My 2020 Heartland Mallard kinda addressed some of this so thankfully I didn’t have to dive into this project. Plz keep posting! Love your videos and especially your accent! (Coming from a NC boy)
@DudeRV 2 года назад
I am glad to learn that at least one RV manufacture is making an attempt to improve upon the age old faulty design! thanks so much for watching!
@testersbc1 3 года назад
i have watched several videos about the A/C mod. i like your design much better than most!
@DudeRV 3 года назад
Wow, thanks! I was very surprised at how much of an improvement it made. On our last trip it was over 100 during the day outside and a constant 72 inside. We actually had to raise the thermostat in the afternoon. Thanks so much for watching!!
@testersbc1 3 года назад
@@DudeRV i live in mckinney also. saw you once up at the Buc-ees in melissa!
@DudeRV 3 года назад
@@testersbc1 Gotta Love Buc-ees! one of the few places where you are guaranteed to have enough room to gas up the RV! Did I give you a channel sticker?
@testersbc1 3 года назад
@@DudeRV you were pulling out as we were pulling in
@treefiddy2470 2 года назад
Nice. I'm gonna do this to my new trailer.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
You will be so glad you did! thanks for watching!
@frankcasarez7492 2 года назад
Hey just wanted to say thanks. Just got done with the project. I like the design. And it was simple. Now bring in the Utah heat!!’
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Great to hear! Can you tell the difference? Did you watch my video about the Soft Start?.....ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-W1_Dvgu37u4.html Install was so simple and now we can have A/C on a 20 AMP plug!
@williambrest529 3 года назад
I've been incredibly blessed with my camper ac. My coachman is a 98, I live in it full time in south Florida and even on LOW my air will freeze you. Its great!
@DudeRV 3 года назад
That is awesome! you are one in a very small minority that can actually say that! you better not make this mod to yours unless you want to get rid of your fridge and turn the RV into one! LOL thanks for watching!
@davidharris9077 2 года назад
@@DudeRV That's the truth. My family, friends. and extended family have always had RVs at a lake in Alabama. There are a couple of RV parks right on the water. It is RARE that a camper has a good a/c straight from the factory. We have been modifying the a/c for more than 40 years. I'm now in Florida and Hurricane Michael damaged our house. We had to live in a camper for nearly a year. The first thing I did was a a/c mod. We are still waiting for the insurance company to finish fixing our house 3 1/2 years later.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
@@davidharris9077 Man I hate to hear that! Well at least your A/C is cold! LOL safe travels!
@dartht.3736 2 года назад
My new Thor Challenger 2021 is just like yours before you modified it. I park at 3, and the temp inside is 95 in the back (My Generator shuts off without a reason) and it takes from 3 til about 8pm to get to 85 degrees. I also live in Texas. Mines in the shop now for 3 other reasons but as soon as i get it back (in a month or so) I'm going to do this DYI. I'll use my power tools and be at my house so - without all the sweating.... I Like your attitude. The "DUMP" setting lets the cold air out right next to in huge return, so my theory is that what little cold air I get, goes right back in the intake. I thought the ducts sucked. The dribble air out, but I don't have the air meter. I'm a engineer, (I was - now I just golf). Your insight on a 4" x 5" air duct blowing into a 5"x 1" plenum is dead on. That air wouild have to go to 4x atmospheric pressure to get out that plenum. You just can't squeeze the air molecules closer together without some other impact. (Bernoulle did the math). So the idiots at Coleman and Thor came up with a pretty, but worthless design. Your mods bring it back to close. The two duct opening looked abouit 5" X 2" so that woiuld imply a constant pressure transfer. The issue of turbulance may hurt a bit, but far less than the original design. The "after action" report you gave was excellent. In 30 minutes you cooled. your RV. It woiuld be good to know if you ran your Generator and AC's and what the starting temp was when you docked. Thanks for the info.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Your most welcome for the info! I did not run the A/C units before I "docked". I have found that the whole system cools so much better overall since I did this mod. I have since installed soft start units on both A/C units and are pulling less power overall. I really appreciate your comment and even more I am grateful that you stopped by and watched!
@dukmn2000 2 года назад
Thank you. Buying a new fifth wheel this week. Can't wait to do this upgrade.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Your wife will love you for it! LOL! Congrats on the new rig! I am so surprised at how much this improved our RVs air flow system and I know you will be as well! thanks for watching!
@kerrymartin5514 2 года назад
I'm going to do this to my roof ac and vent system, THANKS.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Glad to help! You will really enjoy all of that cold air! thanks for watching!
@herbwhitmore4482 Год назад
Dude you nailed it !
@DudeRV Год назад
Glad I could help you cool off! thanks for watching and subbing!
@rotwiler7674 2 месяца назад
I found a $17 solution for my primetime tracer. The bedroom has a plug in right next to the vent for ac. The ac puts out very little flow to the bedroom. I bought a 4 inch square(they call it inline fan) looks like computer fan, has a knob to adjust fan speed. The screw holes in the fan line up 100% with the vent holes. I just removed the diverter cover, bought longer screws, 5 minute install and plugged in. On high, flow is crazy good and whole setup cost me $17 with having to get 4 screws. Fan claims 160cfm but is plenty to increase the airflow to that vent. I would say it can increase airflow from 2x to 10x. If I want I could add a 4 inch inline connector and a pvc elbow to guide air where I want it.
@DudeRV 2 месяца назад
SWEET! That was a fantastic solution! Thanks for sharing and thanks a bunch for watching!
@dalvarad116 2 года назад
This is awesome! Thank you, will be looking at mine soon.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
It really is a game changer! thanks for watching!
@johnmaida160 2 года назад
Hey! I took my A/C cover off to see if it was the same inside as yours. Turns out the manufacturer used an entire can of spray foam insulation to put the unit in! Almost all of the return was clogged with hardened foam! SO glad I looked, I could have burnt out my unit. Took me an hour, but I cut most of it away. Next step, make your baffle. Thanks again!
@DudeRV 2 года назад
It is a good thing that you found that! You will love all the cold air once you have the baffle in place! thanks for watching!
@rabbi7933 3 года назад
I cleaned up the ducting on my last RV. The exhaust was spilling into the intake internally. But I’ll make sure to do this on mine new rig.
@DudeRV 3 года назад
cooling the cool air! now that is a novel idea! Thanks for watching!
@michaelosmon 2 года назад
Thank you for your service to our country. I appreciate you. This was an excellent observation and solution. Also, I love that you filmed the fog on the lens like if my glasses fogged up when I walk in to cold from hot
@DudeRV 2 года назад
You are most welcome and very appreciated! the foggy lens was not planned but when opportunity arises I will take advantage of it! LOL!! thanks for watching!
@michaelosmon 2 года назад
@@DudeRV I was thinking it was such a cool effect and makes your point perfectly. How awesome that it wasn't even a thought. You have a beautiful rv, congratulations on the great life you've made for you and your wife, I look forward to watching more of your videos. A good friend of mine is a nut for ac...he works in the industry and has a nice class c winnebago, he keeps his house 66 in the summer but I've gone atv riding with him and we've taken our Harleys to the smokies and his ac in the winnebago is just like you said. I can't wait to fix it for him, I appreciate you showing me the way. I read in the comments that the vent ports have the same gap issues in the ceiling, have you done a video about those too? I will take one apart and check it out. My wife and her mother and I rented a bigger class c and took it to Springfield and Shelbyville and back home. It was honestly one of our favorite road trips just for having all of our conveniences with us like a kitchen and bathroom and a couch and a bed, it's like traveling in your house. The passengers can watch tv or sleep comfortably in a bed or stretch out on a couch and read or make lunch...even the dogs are welcome! That alone is enough for me lol. We stayed at a campground in Shelbyville that seemed like a great group of people and tons of things to do. We've wanted to buy something for a long time but currently we don't have space to park it. There is a plan in place tho... I appreciate you sir. God bless you. Have a wonderful day
@DudeRV 2 года назад
@@michaelosmon I was happy with the fogged lens for that exact reason! Yappy gets a lot of credit for what we have, when I was really sick she carried the load and became the primary provider. As for the vent issue, our ducts are basically just channels in the Styrofoam roof and the vents just snap into the roof covering. to improve on this set up I would have to completely remove the ceiling and that is not a simple project. You will blow your friends mind when you show him this simple solution!
@bentosuner5189 Год назад
thank you. I will do exactly the same. Dude yo da man!
@DudeRV Год назад
Glad I could help! Thanks for watching!
@craftingwithjean5599 2 года назад
Thank you for this! Will be making moderations to ours.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
You are going to love the improvement in in air flow! We can now operate both air conditioners on a 30 amp site now check out the video... ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-W1_Dvgu37u4.html Thanks for watching!
@astrorad2000 2 года назад
Great video Dude! I enjoyed your great sense of humor too.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for watching!
@nike12000haha 2 года назад
I love this guy I got the taping done… I got some tape… it’s ugly but it works haha
@DudeRV 2 года назад
In my book, ugly is OK if you are getting more cold air! GOOD JOB! and thanks for watching!
@kimipoo 3 года назад
Well GOD Bless You! If I can't hang meat in it..its going back! 😆 Very useful information, I just assumed when I see these beautiful rigs at campgrounds that the owners are just hanging inside in 70° bliss..when I get my dream rig the AC will definitely be priority..Thanks Again ☺
@DudeRV 3 года назад
Im not too sure if I will ever be able to truly "hang meat" in my RV but on that last trip I really did have to step outside several times to warm up my feet! and that makes me so very happy!! there is a reason why it is easy to get a campsite at the state parks in July and Aug, the RV A/C cant keep up! now that I let the cat outa the bag I guess we will have to really plan ahead for our camping trips! FYI there were only two tent sites occupied at Fairfield Lake SP this last Saturday and the RV sites were only maybe 40% occupied!
@kimipoo 3 года назад
I was wondering about that. Was able to get a site next to the water at Inks Lake SP last week..and there were plenty of great sites available..BUT was 102° those 2 days..even on the water its so hot! Happy that you got your AC going go
@DudeRV 3 года назад
@@kimipoo do you have a small window unit for your tent? I have seen a lot of camper doing that. probably not much value during the heat of the day but at least at night sleeping would be cool.
@kimipoo 3 года назад
@Dude RV Yes Sir I do..I modified a suv tent that i bought from Amazon..just slips right in, sits on a milk crate..works great at keeping the cords dry too..but once 2 o'clock comes around even with the rainfly on and fans going its just too hot..but at night it's awesome! We sleep all night bundled up..the windows to the truck get condensation even 😆 i still get hot flashes from time to time, so AC is very important hahaha..
@DudeRV 3 года назад
@@kimipoo well now arent you just the crafty one! LOL!!
@LindaKamminga 3 года назад
What a great fix! We're going to try it! Thanks for another great video 😄
@DudeRV 3 года назад
You will be so happy! I know we are! thanks for watching!
@johnmaida160 2 года назад
Awesome video! I cannot wait to do this in my RV!
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Very few RV mods fall into the "life changing" category but this one really does! thanks for watching!
@keithpitts8759 2 года назад
Great work what an improvement!
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Glad you think so! Thanks so much for watching!
@jonwelch1096 2 года назад
Hello Dude RV, it's funny l didn't see your video until today August 13, and l did the same modification on my ac unit last week. Pretty much identical. I have the same Coleman Mach you have the only thing l did differently was l rotated my grill 180 and now l can look straight up into my return and there is a larger area for air to flow straight up. I haven't tried my ac yet, due to where my camper is parked but I'm sure it's going to be a lot more efficient. Anyway thanks for your input. It's nice to see someone else with the same idea.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Great minds think alike! You are gonna love the added air flow! thanks for watching!
@to5mith 3 года назад
You just saved me $140 bucks! Don't let them bully you! This works exactly the same as that other product and at a fraction of the cost. Thanks Dude!
@DudeRV 3 года назад
So glad my little DIY project👍😎 helped you out! thanks for watching!
@mtnn4459 2 года назад
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Thanks for the sub! and thanks a whole bunch for watching!
@roseredm6663 3 года назад
Thanks for the tip! Keep cool.
@DudeRV 3 года назад
Thanks, will do! thanks for watching!!
@djphx0001 3 года назад
Great video, great personality 👍
@DudeRV 3 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for watching!
@lancelong1069 2 года назад
I see your using foil duct tape which doesnt adhere very well in my opinion and will come loose quicker with use. Instead get some foil mastic HVAC tape. Its more expensive but sticks and seals like no other tape on the market! Great job on the design and install!
@DudeRV 2 года назад
actually it is not foil it is a metal-ized ducting tape. It really sticks well and so far none of it has released. here it is ...amzn.to/3zKnWyl Thanks for watching!
@ginnawitters-evans5156 Год назад
Nice job 👍🇺🇲
@DudeRV Год назад
Thank you!
@Tsiri09 3 года назад
I love it when consumers improve a product. Hopefully, the mfrs will take note.
@DudeRV 3 года назад
On this one I will be very surprised if they do make any improvements. heck they have been doing it this way forever why change now? thanks for watching!!
@Tsiri09 3 года назад
@@DudeRV At least YOU"RE making a difference!
@DudeRV 3 года назад
@@Tsiri09 I do what I can and you are helping to make it happen so that means you are doing something too! thanks for your help!
@horseman1968 2 года назад
Dude! I know you are correct in doing this having replaced one and realizing how sloppily they are assembled. We have a 2021 that is almost worse if you can believe it. Our second bedroom which is my wife's office has no ac vent! It must've been built on a Friday.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
NO VENT?!! That is crazy sloppy craftsmanship! Sounds like it was built by the same week end detention crew that built my last two RV's!! What a sad thing to say when we want to buy and support built in the USA. Thanks for watching!
@horseman1968 2 года назад
@@DudeRV Yeah, and we live in Texas so it is an oven in there. You have to leave the door open and then you can't get down the hallway. I went round and round with the manufacturer to no avail.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
@@horseman1968 Does the duct extend into that room? is there a window that can accommodate a portable A/C hose
@horseman1968 2 года назад
@@DudeRV I've no idea about the duct or the path it would take. I think there is a window we can use our portable ac in but it takes up a good deal of space.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
@@horseman1968 feel free to reach out to me at dudervtexas@gmail.com and we can take this conversation to a more personal level.
@JonasTroyer 2 года назад
Great idea!!
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Glad you think so! It is making a huge difference in this heat! thanks for watching!
@vasshawnr 2 года назад
Good video sir, good information and kept me entertained
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it! thanks for watching!
@frankperry1543 2 года назад
I started to do the same your our units earlier this week. Our covers are a split style, so you can uncover the outlet and inlet separately. Anyways, I had just the outlet side off, and because I was curious, I turned the unit on. WOW! It blows like a tornado and it makes about half the noise. Anyways, I stopped right there. I may go back later and actually close off the opening to the ducts so that all the air just dumps in one spot.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
That is great! You might check the intake side just to be sure there is no obstruction in the way. thanks for watching!
@jeffzink8083 2 года назад
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Thank you Jeff!! and thank you so much for watching!!
@boondock6055 2 года назад
Nice video fun to watch thanks
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it! thanks for watching!
@richardmccrary3182 3 года назад
Thanks for sharing this. August in N. Texas is never any fun, well until now 👍
@DudeRV 3 года назад
I am one of the strange people in that I love when it is hot. one of the best things is that the campgrounds are almost empty! I am rarely ever inside even when it is over 100, I have a whole wot weather camp set up with high flow fans and blowers combined with misting systems and lots of cold water and an occasional adult beverage, I love it! thanks for watching!! here are some camping in the heat hacks...ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-80bmBtsedzA.html
@suepeacock2857 2 года назад
Headed to Lowe's
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Have fun! thanks for watching!
@jonathanrobertson4969 3 месяца назад
With the price of RVs, you'd think some better engineering went into them....but NOPE! Nice upgrade!
@DudeRV 3 месяца назад
You are correct about that. Such a smile little thing can make such a huge difference. Thanks for watching!
@JTVPaul 2 года назад
Thank you!!!!
@DudeRV 2 года назад
You're welcome! Stay cool! thanks for watching!
@dbottita 2 года назад
Sub’d...you earned it. I will be making this mod ASAP!
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Thanks for the sub! You will love your "new" A/C! I just installed soft start units on both A/C's and now we can use both on a 30AMP pedestal! Thanks for watching!
@olhesty2196 2 года назад
Sure beats that $170 RV Air Flow system. Thanks
@DudeRV 2 года назад
you are welcome and thanks a bunch for watching!
@janebray9392 3 года назад
HI BOB‼️🙋‍♀️😍🇨🇦❤ You are Awesome! Thx for sharing this awesome tip!!! Im banned on fb or I would sooo share this!!! When I get unbanned, I will def share it!!!
@DudeRV 3 года назад
You are so welcome! Banned on FB? who have you been hanging out with? LOL! Thanks for watching!!
@rickaustin5065 2 года назад
Good Stuff
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Glad you enjoyed and thanks for watching!
@dclelectric7003 Год назад
@DudeRV Год назад
Thanks for watching!
@robertdl 3 года назад
Thanks for the video! Hit the subscribe. Thank you for your service Sir!
@DudeRV 3 года назад
Thanks for the sub! And welcome to the channel! You are most welcome and thank you for watching!
@allenpardon8211 5 месяцев назад
lol, I was a BT in the navy and the heat don’t bother me but the wife is another story.
@DudeRV 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for your service! Thanks for your support and Thanks for watching!
@allenpardon8211 5 месяцев назад
@@DudeRV thank you for your service brother
@davidharris9077 2 года назад
Being from Alabama, I also say "hun-erd" instead of hundred. LOL You must be in East Texas if you have high humidity. Thanks for the video.
@DudeRV 2 года назад
Right now we are in north central Texas and are planning a move to central east Texas. Un less you head way west Texas you are going to be hot and humid and have highs in the hundereds! LOL Thanks for watching!
@thelonestarranger 2 года назад
@@DudeRV Come on up to Wichita Falls and I'll get you some cold water or cold beer! Stay safe, Dude!
@DudeRV 2 года назад
@@thelonestarranger A Cold beer or two sounds divine!
@cpwatching5647 4 месяца назад
Go tell the countries that back the garbage trucks to the rivers banks edge and dump to "knock it off". That would help....
@DudeRV 3 месяца назад
I have to say that I have no idea what you are refering to but I do appriciate your watching!
@lexluther1323 2 года назад
Makes you wonder what else is half assed
@DudeRV 2 года назад
I dont have to wonder, I have a list! Thanks for watching!
@mrtosh 2 месяца назад
Great video! How has this been holding up? Any condensation or freezing up issues?
@DudeRV Месяц назад
So far it is holding up very well! No freezing or sweating issues. We really like have the filters work the way filters are supposed to work. On 100+ days we hold steady at 78. I did ad a Shade RV cover that really makes a huge difference.
@OutlandishLady 3 года назад
Taking our Magnitude to the lake this weekend up here in Oklahoma, can't wait to give this a try and see how much cooler we can make it. Thanks!
@DudeRV 3 года назад
Sounds great! What lake? We will be camping and exploring Lake Murray next week end. thanks for watching!
@OutlandishLady 3 года назад
Tenkiller, but Murray is gorgeous too. We have some pretty lakes but some are a little red. Enjoy!
@DudeRV 3 года назад
@@OutlandishLady I have never been to Tenkiller....YET! I will visit someday soon!
@OutlandishLady 3 года назад
@@DudeRV we are trying to find a park here that we really like. A lot of the COE parks need some TLC. If you like a great view, peace and quiet, Lake Wister is a great choice.
@DudeRV 3 года назад
@@OutlandishLady I shall that to my List! thanks for sharing!
@capconserv 3 года назад
I did what you did but I have thirteen ac vents that I had to remove and then retake all of the openings and some other leaks to the ceilings
@DudeRV 3 года назад
13 vents to re-work? WOW! what a pain in the rear! I hope it all works out for you. thanks for watching!
@72FrostyOne 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this very informative video, it helped us big time. However, I do have a question. Do you think it would be any more beneficial to use 1/2” material to increase volume for air movement? Or would that 1/2” even matter?
@DudeRV 3 месяца назад
I personally dont think that will make much difference. I am glad this helped!
@commanderfootball Год назад
It's funny af6er watching this now my ac is mak8ng a noise ,sounds like the suction fan, uhhhgg niw gotta take all them bolts off that sheet metal, hope it's not bad
@DudeRV Год назад
I hope I did not curse your AC! LOL! thanks for watching!
@boondock6055 2 года назад
I'm thinking about wiring a window unit in
@DudeRV 2 года назад
They can be a big help for sure! Thanks for watching!
@Gellybeanb1974 2 года назад
It is hotter then hell here in TeXAS!!!!
@DudeRV 2 года назад
You go that right! I am heading out tomorrow to do some tent camping! can you believe that? I must me nuts! Thank goodness I have the Zero Breeze A//C!
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