
A Critique of Star Trek Discovery - Part 1  

The Little Platoon
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@mknightshaman3636 2 года назад
In DS9 "The Jem'Hadar" Quark called out Sisko for disrespecting his culture (based on money), saying something like "You preach about tolerance and understanding, but you only practice it to people who remind you of yourselves." STD writers would never challenge themselves enough to play with that idea
@gloomreach4325 Год назад
I dislike star trek for precisely this reason. Starfleeet is from, top to bottom, entirely ideologically consistent, which I find annoying. Thanks for the quote.
@givmi_more_w9251 Год назад
That's one of the reasons why DS9 is good and my favorite of Star Trek. Once the Founders and the Dominion come into the picture. Season 1, while enjoyable, is a bit cringe.
@emperorofscelnar8443 Год назад
Quark is right and from an outsider looking in Starfleet is a military in denial and the citizens of the Federation seem to live under an authoritarian authority, you have badges telling people where they are at all times. Starfleet is a military because it has uniforms, military ranks and military discipline, their just living in denial of that, they call themselves a paradise but that could just be a cover to convince aliens to join the Federation, I highly doubt meeting aliens like the Vulcans would cause us to get rid of money or the fear of death, I have seen characters in the Federation fearing death and trying to cheat death, so when they say they no longer fear death well that’s a lie and a post scarcity society wouldn’t last long in real life, it may work on paper but when it is practiced in real life it would not work at all, just look at socialism and communism.
@AlMcpherson79 Год назад
@@emperorofscelnar8443 That's something I've wanted to tackle if I ever get to write more than a hundred words for whatever fanfic idea I have that week, and something that in the various parts of fandom, I have always held to, that Starfleet is *the military* of the federation, and always has been and should always be, but that, as I've seen mentioned in a self-insert fic that has its terrible points but also good points, that the members of TNG-Era starfleet are in denial, treating it like its a science organiztion for experimentation, and not the first line of defence against the great and terrible unknown. That People like Kirk, Spock and, retconned through ds9- Curzon Dax among other figures, would be Embarassed at what the mid-24th-century starfleet had become. Cardassia, pre-TNG through to mid-DS9, is a tiny power compared to the Klingon Empire. That Latter has always been a large power, even during the 23rd Century. But the mid-late 23rd century Starfleet was already a significant match against the Empire of that time, and whilst in a war, a Klingon Win is basically the expected outcome, Starfleet were catching up quite a damn bit. That they only gained parity in the mid 24th-century, (Based on the war-timeline of yesterdays enterprise, both sides went to a war footing which changes the growth) happens to be when they were in the middle (or rather, comign to the end-) of an era of significant peace between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. And Cardassia was no Match for the Klingons, at all. Yet Starfleet had been struggling to fight them so badly that they ended up with a different kind of neutral zone than what was created to be with the Klingons? No mention of colonies ever being evactuated due to being given to the other side, with the Klingon x zone, but Cardassia? Oh suddenly, a LOT of small colonies had to be traded over... for what? DS9 was my favourite show because they tried to tackle the fact that Starfleet was supposed to be a military and even the Borg didn't wake them up to it until the dominion.
@emperorofscelnar8443 Год назад
@@AlMcpherson79 Pretty much yeah and Eddington was right about Starfleet when he betrayed Sisko in DS9, he saw what the Federation truly was.
@punishedbearzerker5400 2 года назад
I always like to respond to "[X] has always been political" with a simple allegory: Pretzels are salty; pretzels have always been salty. I like pretzels partly because they're salty. These people are trying to give me a saltlick that they call a pretzel and are surprised as to why I don't like it.
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
That’s a surprisingly effective analogy! I’m wondering if I can find a smuttier/more scandalous way of putting it for part two…
@Summer-sx7xl Год назад
I’m going to use this someday. I really like it.
@GaudiaCertaminisGaming Год назад
I too will steal this.
@symmetrie_bruch Год назад
i see what you mean, but it´s not like it´s simply too political, it´s just idiotic. i mean what would too political even mean? real star trek was basically humanistic and egalitarianistic in it´s message. something so broad in scope that it could encompass all kinds of moral questions and answers and viewpoints and philosophies, while politics itself is just a subset of this. while identitarianism is yet just another subset, so it´s quite clear why std is so terrible at everything it´s insultingly myopic in it´s scope, if you could even call it that. while real trek asked important questions from an humanitarian standpoint, and invited you to find your own answer. fake/lazy/stupid trek answers questions, nobody asked for. and these answers are reliably stupid or insulting to a childs intelligence.
@c.f.n.d.3087 Год назад
"This has always been political." "But the wrong old (white) politics, now inject everything with new, right politics (mouthpieces)
@jamespatrik6350 2 года назад
I always felt that “The Drumhead” (Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 4) was a superb example of a courtroom drama that explored the subject of witch hunts. A young officer’s career is derailed as he falls victim to a fanatical retired admiral who sees enemies where there are none. In the quest for “justice”, is it morally justifiable to trample on people’s personal liberties? At the centre of it all is Picard who can see the sinister implications all unfolding. Such wonderful television, and a money saving “bottle-show” as well.
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
It’d be very, very interesting to compare *that* Picard’s approach to *current* Picard’s approach…
@RRTNZ 2 года назад
The Drumhead has one of Picard's goat speeches. So sad to see the shambling mockery of his former self he's become. Another goat speech comes from "Measure of a Man" .
@Brandon-a-writer Год назад
@@TheLittlePlatoon The Drumhead is one of the best episodes of Star Trek of all time, and was extremely prescient. One of the best eps of all time, up there with "The Visitor" and "The inner Light".
@horaciosi Год назад
Picard's speech in that episode would now be seen as a "dangerous attack to our democracy" or some shit.
@averageheretic Год назад
Kirks speech about letting the Klingons die was an amazingly well written look into a tough subject. The idea of exploring actual development and growth for a character who has every reason to feel the bigotry he has for the Klingons, will never show up again in modern star trek.
@saumyajitray6849 2 года назад
The Outcast from TNG explores gender identity, sexuality and related taboos in a far more mature and sensitive way than what Discovery has ever managed. Discovery just has characters who tick checkboxes and feels the job is done
@johnstrawb3521 Год назад
The problem with TNG is that it is wildly uninteresting, as is Buckley's tame prattle at 21:30. Mustering the obvious in defense of the banality that is Sowell's "look mom!" preening is not a virtue.
@DrDinoNuggies Год назад
You mean the one where they force the person who wants to have a gender to go back to not having a gender because that’s the way of their people? Yeah that’s very mature and sensitive. I’ve watched everything but the most recent season, and there is really not that much gender stuff and when it’s done it’s not done horribly. I think a lot of people exaggerate it who have never even seen it
@MichaelJohnson-vi6eh Год назад
I think that the Outcast missed the boat when Riker fell for Soran. The episode was about identity and it is in the dialogue "do you have relationships? yes. with those who consider themselves to be male." There we are - gender binary is normal, heterosexuality is normal. Riker was never asked to explore his attractiveness to someone who doesnt present as female, because all the actors present as female. If Soran presented as male, but was attracted to Riker and Riker had a strange inexplicable attraction for him - that would have been interesting.
@Jashtvorak Год назад
@@MichaelJohnson-vi6eh you turned though provoking story about gender and intolerance of majority (it made me think) into sexual one. This episode isn’t Riker’s story. He is there only for a ride and he’s a heterosexual anyway …so that would be cringe.
@DrEnginerd1 Год назад
Is this the one where they alien race doesn’t have gender except for a few that identify as male or female? This was the episode that immediately came to mind. Old trek never played politics with the humans, they always made allegories through an alien race.
@Garwulf1 2 года назад
From the original series: "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield". A great look at where untethered racism and hatred actually leads.
@Winkkin 2 года назад
The evening news is a much more salient example.
@johnstrawb3521 2 года назад
LTBYLB was terrific, and along with Elaan of Troyius, Spectre of the Gun, and The Empath, was among the most underrated of the nine good or better episodes from the also underrated (but still often weak) third season of the original series.
@kedst2000 2 года назад
Great analysis. My deepest regret is that, to an overwhelming degree, you put much more thought into this presentation than the producers of the current Star Trek have in the last thirteen years. I am looking forward to part 2. Keep up the good work.
@dramaticwords 2 года назад
P.S. The other problem with Adira and Gray is that Gray died. Gray's memories were preserved in a symbiote that Adira inherited. So Adira is in love with a memory of who she used to be. It's very narcissistic.
@Jabberstax 2 года назад
Good point. 👍
@barrybend7189 2 года назад
Isn't that a nono on the trill because that leads to stagnation of growth and kills the symbiote eventually. Basically the antithesis of Stargate's Goul'd?
@dramaticwords 2 года назад
@@barrybend7189 Yes. When the memories of one of Dax's former hosts wanted to leave the symbiote and merge with Odo, Dax fought hard to get him back. The point of joining is for the symbiote to evolve by experiencing many hosts and lifetimes.
@emanny1986 2 года назад
It is almost like everybody involved in STD has never watched any Star Trek before. This is such a simple oversight that they didn't even consider in anyway.
@gbdeck200 2 года назад
Lmao thats hilarious These writers man...
@colonelsanders3674 2 года назад
Star Trek 6, The Undiscovered Country, dealt with prejudice in the aftermath of the "Cold War" in one of the best ways possible. It asks the audience as well as the main characters to overcome their distrust of the Klingons. An aged Kirk and company is forced to be an "olive branch" to a collapsing Klingon Empire. Kirk has every reason to distrust the Klingons. They have always been at war with the Federation. Klingons are responsible for the death of his son and the destruction of the original Enterprise. There are reasonable and convincing arguments presented in the movie that they should simply "let them (the Klingons) die." There are even fifth elements in both the Federation and Klingon Empire that conspire together to spark a final war between the two parties. Kirk is forced to do one of the hardest things at this stage in his life. He has to overcome his distrust and prejudice in order for a chance at peace, even though he has many legitimate reasons for not wanting to do so. The movie is in my opinion the 2nd best Trek movie behind only The Wrath of Khan, and it is the very best one in terms of exploring a difficult topic (making peace with the former Soviet Union) in the form of allegory. The movie does not condemn people for having the prejudiced views that it ultimately disagrees with. Much of the audience may in fact be against peace with the Klingons, but I think that Kirk's character arc from an unwilling "olive branch" to a true believer in forgiveness and future cooperation is both realistic and convincing to those on the "pro war" side of the argument. By the way, I love the channel. I hope you guys make it big. Keep it up!
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
Oh for the days when we had writing like that!
@kathleenhensley5951 2 года назад
It was always in Kirk's character to have compassion and reject war for the sake of war... he was a warrior when he had to be, his nature was to be an explorer. War as necessity, a solution when all other options were exhausted. Losing your son, though, was a terrible blow. He had no descendants. They never told us what happened to his nephew, did they? there would be no one to remember him. Here is my favorite quote about human nature in all of Star Trek. A taste of Armageddon... Kirk: Yes, I do. I've given you back the horrors of war. The Vendikans now assume that you've broken your agreement and that you're preparing to wage real war with real weapons. They'll want do the same. Only the next attack they launch will do a lot more than count up numbers in a computer. They'll destroy cities, devastate your planet. You of course will want to retaliate. If I were you, I'd start making bombs. Yes, Councilman, you have a real war on your hands. You can either wage it with real weapons, or you might consider an alternative. Put an end to it. Make peace. Anan 7 : ANAN: There can be no peace. Don't you see? We've admitted it to ourselves. We're a killer species. It's instinctive. It's the same with you. Your General Order Twenty Four. Captain James T. Kirk : KIRK: All right. It's instinctive. But the instinct can be fought. We're human beings with the blood of a million savage years on our hands, but we can stop it. We can admit that we're killers, but we're not going to kill today. That's all it takes. Knowing that we won't kill today. Contact Vendikar. I think you'll find that they're just as terrified, appalled, horrified as you are, that they'll do anything to avoid the alternative I've given you. Peace or utter destruction. It's up to you. -- that was a powerful message in the 1960s. Two great powers, the USA and the USSR always a few seconds before complete destruction. I've thought about those lines and used them many times, personally. All I have to do is choose 'the better angels of my nature' !
@Summer-sx7xl Год назад
@@kathleenhensley5951 The nephew died in season 2, I think, of the original series. The brother, sil and nephew were infected with a parasite that took over their nervous system.
@mofftarkin78 Год назад
Agreed except I think this movie is superior to Wrath of Khan. My absolute favorite, the first one I saw in the theater.
@givmi_more_w9251 Год назад
Agreed, The Undiscovered Country is brillant, in both narrative and tone. It's political, but not preachy, and still full of what makes Star Trek so likable. Also, I'd like to add that it was Spock who made Kirk the olive branch, and he himself also has to come to terms of having made somewhat of a mistake there.
@saltyones 2 года назад
DS9 in the pale moonlight is one of the most excellent written episode that I fee it is still relevant today
@givmi_more_w9251 Год назад
Agreed. DS9 and its Dominion War really shattered the saccharine notion of the oh so benevolent Federation. And well, I love Sisko as Captain. Which might be a conundrum to the Discovery Stans and their ideological peers as to why a German white female is able to relate to and enjoy an African-American space station captain ..
@lordmontymord8701 Год назад
Yes, probably my favourite episode in all of Trek, even if it contains not much actual Star Trek-stuff you would expect from one of the shows. And that the writers left the judgement of Sisko's actions open for debate for the viewer is something you would never see in Nu Trek (at least not in STD and Picard). No, it's better we show everything black and white, according to our views. Another episode i really love is TNGs "The High Ground". Every side is presented with reasons for their actions. Has anyone in the episode the moral high ground? No, it's a realistic conflict that makes you think. What would STD do? Burnham would have a 5 minute monologue to teach us who the bad guys are - and lots of whining ...
@lordmontymord8701 Год назад
@@givmi_more_w9251 😄 exactly my feelings as a German white male ... The STD writers would tell us that we just hate Burnham because we are Nazis and not because she's a terrible written character. Or in my case it's clearly also misogyny 🤗
@fauxbro1983 6 месяцев назад
that's the narrative episode with sisko and garak right? a favorite of mine as well
@petrus4 2 года назад
To people making the "you just don't like diversity argument," there are (at least) two potential responses. a} Then why did we like pre-Discovery Trek at all? That was actually MORE diverse. b} We do like diversity. We just don't like lecturing to replace stories, and the general level of vindictiveness and desire to punish, rather than include and integrate, anyone who even potentially disagrees with the show's message. Discovery's fans who think we are hateful, need to understand that from our perspective, they (and the people who make this show) are actually a lot more hateful than we are. The original series' bridge crew had representatives from half a dozen different human cultures. With rare exceptions like Captain Pike, Discovery focuses on a single group, black women. So I am actually inclined to throw the diversity hater argument back against those who make it themselves. Diversity in contemporary terms does NOT mean the same thing that the word used to. At this point, the word "diversity" has become a euphemism for black and/or transgendered women, specifically. I have seen the people who claim to be champions of diversity, be more than happy to discriminate against Asians or Latinos who do not ideologically submit. So if you accuse me of hating diversity, you might just be a hypocrite. I also recently saw a video review of Discovery from a white woman who claimed to not be a Star Trek fan or have any real skin in this particular race whatsoever, whose focus was on what terrible leadership skills Tilly exhibited during an away mission, while mentioning that that was only one example of what she saw as Discovery's fundamental problem. Discovery is a bad show. It's a bad show literally whichever way you slice it, or from whichever angle you want to look at it. It's bad in terms of how the characters treat each other. The writing is bad. The replacement of real, extensive diversity with an exclusive focus on narcissistic, immoral black women is bad. Using the diversity card to shield this show from criticism, and claiming that anyone who does not like it is automatically a fascist bigot, is purely and simply dishonest. Anyone who does that is lying.
@dramaticwords 2 года назад
Star Trek fans love the Vulcan philosophy of IDIC -- infinite diversity in infinite combinations.
@mikesully110 2 года назад
@@dramaticwords Old Star Trek never shoved it in your face shouting at "Look at us, we're non binary, we're gay, we're this and that". But isn't that treating someone differently because of what they are? TNG had a non binary race in season 1 and nobody needed to comment "they are non binary, they use these/they pronouns". I've seen a clip where they explain pronouns in either DISC or PIC and it makes no sense, they are talking like people from our time. In TNG's time 300 years in the future people would surely be used to trans, non binary etc, it would be nothing new, like in TNG nobody comments that the Binars are non binary (they are called Binars not for their nonbinary sex, but because they communicate with computers). It would be like a science fiction show made in the 50's, set in the year 2020, where a female senior officer is considered absurd by one crewmember and another one has to say "women are just as capable as men". Whereas in real 2020 nobody would find a female boss or senior officer absurd so nobody could comment on it.
@dramaticwords 2 года назад
@@mikesully110 ST was set in a world where prejudice had long since disappeared. The Federation and the galaxy were very diverse. But yes, they didn't need to go out of their way to push diversity and equality. It was just normal. (Except perhaps for a few alien races who hadn't caught up yet.)
@theelder4797 2 года назад
Now the bridge crew is black whamen, white whamen, cyborg whamen, and some random male whose name we probably never heard, but sure as hell wasn't worth remembering. I watched all NuTrek so I could enjoy Nerdrotic and Doom cock's reviews, and I could only remember two names.
@christianstart560 2 года назад
You have articulated, in a way I have struggled with, the whole problem I have with series. Wasted potential and ham fisted virtue signaling. I miss the days when Trek gave me things to think about.
@rtsiii5404 Год назад
Watch the Orville, apparently Seth has been freed from his producers for season 3
@trashfire9641 Год назад
@@rtsiii5404 The Orville is shit tier television.
@rtsiii5404 Год назад
@@trashfire9641 ah, well, the peanut gallery chimes in. “Shit tier television” indeed, and yet still the closest thing you’ll find these days….
@valueofnothing2487 2 года назад
Here is the quote from TOS's Metamorphis. It's purely alagorical, of course. But it's also shockingly early. COCHRANE: That thing fed on me. It used me. It's disgusting. MCCOY: There's nothing disgusting about it. It's just another life form, that's all. You get used to those things. COCHRANE: You're as bad as it is. SPOCK: Your highly emotional reaction is most illogical. Your relationship with the Companion has for one hundred and fifty years been emotionally satisfying, eminently practical, and totally harmless.
@apophis2129 2 года назад
Some Great stories where computers gain "feelings" are "The moon is a harsh mistress" And "I have no mouth and I must scream" But those were written by artists with talent...
@mikesully110 2 года назад
DISC should end with its final episode being the grand reveal; the whole show, all along, was part of Ensign Burnham's holodeck fantasy aboard the ship she serves on. She is like kind of like Barclay, meek and prone to getting upset in the real world, so she goes into the holodeck to play out wild adventures. In the end the Captain of her ship is dissatisfied with her service and she is transferred to a cargo freighter that happens not to have a holodeck installed.
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
Now *that* would be an enjoyable episode.
@dramaticwords Год назад
I choose to believe the series was dreamed up by Burnham from within a prison cell where she is serving a life sentence for mutiny. That's why, in the series, everyone loves and admires her no matter how many stupid and selfish things she does, why she is the centre of the universe, entitled to everything, etc.
@KitsuneAdorable Год назад
I’d rather have the series ended with The Burn being retconned, Discovery being heavily damaged. Sent back to their original century, but in the Delta Quadrant being attacked and being turned into the Borg. I’d enjoy that. Immensely.
@lordmontymord8701 Год назад
@@KitsuneAdorable The Borg would be driven insane by assimilating Burnham and the rest of the Disco-crew - they would all start crying and not know why ...
@HappyBeezerStudios Год назад
Barclay was actually a good character. Because it shows that not everyone in Starfleet is a perfect example. He has issues, but still tries to do his best. His strength comes from overcoming his issues and accepting his limits.
@cyrusol Год назад
Evil cannot create, it can only corrupt - Tolkien
@canderoussnurd4265 Год назад
26:38. I’m so grateful to here that line. As someone who is Bisexual and leans to the right it’s such a relief to hear someone else say it out loud. Just because I love a certain way does not make me part of the “team”. And yes it’s true these people nowadays have no concept of how scary it is to grow up being either gay or bisexual. I was born in the 80’s. From a young age I knew I was different and that I liked girls and boys the same. It wasn’t a choice it was just how I felt and nothing anyone said or did could change that. But I also knew that if I spoke up about it I’d be labeled and abused by my peers because I lived in a flyover state and it was common to get harassed for being that way. And when I say harassed I mean guys showing up at your house at 3 am with bats and stuff to trash your property and graffiti your house. (Which is one of the many reasons why I’m very pro 2nd amendment and carry a gun at all times). It was a hard life and to this day I still feel the need to stay alert and not trust easy. That said todays world is so much different. I remember when one of my coworkers noticed that I never asked anyone out he asked “Dude are you gay”? My immediate reaction was to tense up and deny it. But he responded “Dude it’s okay if you are. You don’t need to feel ashamed. If that’s how you are then that’s how you are. I’m not gonna think less of you dude”. As clumsy as that was, it actually made me smile because it showed me just how far we’ve come. So whenever I here zoomers and late millennials complain about oppression I have to try not to lose it. Having someone say “leave that gay shit out of my movies” is nowhere near what oppression is. I’ve lived it. My sister lived it. And we were just grateful because we didn’t live through the time my aunt and uncle lived through because back then the gangs were twice the size and were there to kill you instead of just trashing your property and calling you a “fag” in the hallways at school. You’re 100% correct that these kids have no concept of how good they have it today. And once more they have no right to try and recruit to this far left ideology that spreads hate and lies about the right and independent people because gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders exist on the right too. Politics should have nothing to do with who you are attracted to and damn sure shouldn’t be used as a shield from criticism. Especially this stupid “queer” identity thing which is just vanilla Bi. Or stolen alt valor. It’s trendy to be LGBT now so those who aren’t and have no personality or interesting traits take on this new made up sexuality of “queer” which is the equivalent of “I watched a porno and wasn’t turned off by the guy in it”. That’s not being gay or bisexual that’s imposing yourself into the scene which is the entire point of putting a good looking dude in a porno to begin with. The people calling themselves queer are the same kind of people that pretend that they served in warfare or have autism or have a thyroid issue. They’re people who have nothing interesting to do or say, and want attention for something they don’t have without having earned it. I know this one was a long response and I apologize for that but I just wanted to thank you for this specific part of the video as someone who’s also alt but independent of the rainbow cult. Just thank you for putting yourself out there and showing those like us that being alternative to the norm doesn’t mean you have to subscribe to this whole bullshit and to be grateful that the world is so boring because even 20 years ago the price of being alternative was to be alone and scared. Subscribed.
@smilne193 Год назад
I might be a little late to the party here, but I hope i don't need to spend too much time explaining the TNG episode "Darmok". Absolute perfection.
@20TonChop 2 года назад
During the measure of a man episode I wanted to hear the question " If we are having a hearing to see if Data is indeed a person, isn't that enough proof in itself to consider that he is at least enough of a person to have a hearing?" I mean, we don't have hearing for a couch before we throw it in the garbage...lol. I always thought that if you are that unsure if someone is sentient then the unsureness alone is proof enough to at least err on the side of "yes".
@Aspie_Aunty 2 года назад
My sexuality has no bearing on my life outside of the bedroom, being autistic and all the social challenges and sensitivity to noise that comes with it has formed such a huge part of my personality and life that if you completely removed the autism, I would be a different person entirely whereas if you changed my sexuality to fully gay or fully straight, it would simply change my choice of sexual partner and category of porn
@RomanHistoryFan476AD Год назад
Bit late of a comment from me but I would wish to say I can relate a lot to you on that, Due to being in a similar boat to you with dealing with ASD as well.
@benrussell5070 Год назад
This is one of those comments that makes me feel a short spike of hope for humanity. Well said.
@stevenbacon-cheddar9914 2 года назад
TOS episode Balance of Terror. It introduces the Romulan Empire (my favorite!). It also dealt well with crew not trusting Spock because he looked so similar to the Romulans. It was interesting to see the seeds of prejudice and racism even in a culture that moved far beyond the racial history of all peoples in the federation. It also taught the audience a valuable lesson about two people appearing the same can be quite different. It was great!
@rcslyman8929 Год назад
The Spock subplot in BoT was, more than likely (because I've never actually heard this expressed), an allegory to the Jap-American Concentration Camps and the mistrust they faced here because they shared a common ancestry with our enemy. Especially considering that the episode was basically a submarine battle, so it fits.
@knobgobler2639 Год назад
It could slso be likened to the internment of germans or even the small pogroms committed in America and not so small ones in france during and after ww1.
@jplonsdale7242 2 года назад
This video was brilliant you don't know how rare it is these days to hear someone talk like this. Excellent many thanks it's nice to know other people like me still exist
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
Glad you liked it!
@petrus4 2 года назад
Also, in hindsight, DS9 was a very non-heteronormative show; it's just that said references were for the most part low-key. Part of that would have been network concerns, but an equally large part of it was due to the colour blind approach, and the simple assumption that because they were in space, unconventional sexual pairings were completely normal for the setting anyway. On a space station with multiple different forms of extraterrestrials, exclusively heterosexual, human-only sex actually would have been MORE weird, not less.
@jsealejandro06 Год назад
Exactly. The doctor digging the "old man" is a very in your face yet well introduced exploración of gender.
@givmi_more_w9251 Год назад
@@jsealejandro06 Uhhh ... Jadzia Dax was a conventionally attractive woman. An alien, but it's not like it's special a human man would be attracted to her, especially not permavirgin Bashir :D I'd rather take the example of Jadzia being attracted to a Klingon. How is this an exploration of gender, by the way? Jadzia is very much comfortable as a woman, she - via the symbiont Dax - just has experience with being a man as well. And when she kissed that other Trill woman, it was a former male host reunited with his former spouse. That wasn't Jadzia or the other woman suddenly being lesbian, but the symbionts longing for a dead partner. I do however remember the repeated mention of a DS9 crew member that was referred to as male and "spawned". "He needs bigger quarters ... again ..." As Platoon said, homosexuality was never a big theme in Star Trek, but they did show interspecies relations I guess as an allegory to get around these network concerns. The couples and marriages shown were still very heterosexual.
@jsealejandro06 Год назад
@@givmi_more_w9251 It is not on your face but you said it yourself. The whole characther of Dax lends itself to discuss topics of identity and gender. The symbiote changing bodies not caring for the gender of the host. The relationships created with other people that see you as X or Y because they are used to the "Old man" Dax instead of the hot female officer.
@givmi_more_w9251 Год назад
@@jsealejandro06 fair enough. I was a bit dense there. It definitely could be seen under the whole aspect „love is the same regardless of the sexes of the participants“ that TLP brought up. To be honest, I‘d rather not bring it up around wokeists. They would twist it into „attraction based on biological sex is x-phobic. See? Jadzia can disregard her preference for males, so lesbians can do better and accept men in frocks as well!“ In the context of 1993 onwards however, it’s a good allegory.
@HappyBeezerStudios Год назад
And in DS9 they never gave Sisko the position of "the black guy", it was part of him, but doesn't define him. His priorities lie with family as a son and a father (especially a father of someone who doesn't want to step in his footsteps), as officer of Starfleet and the loyalty to what the uniform stands for, his acceptance to be a religious icon despite not being religious, the loss of his wife at the hand of the Borg and his resentment towards Picard, his role as a leader in a war against a fascist enemy who's leaders are considered gods, and so much more. And yes, his relationship with Dax was based on the former life as Sisko's mentor, not as the hot female he has now. Bashir is the one who tries, and fails at getting closer to Dax. And even he doesn't try to force anything.
@tjf7101 Год назад
52 year old gay guy here. Love Trek and have been watching since I was a kid. Like many, I gave up on Discovery and Picard. Just found it all so tiresome. Found this video to be thoughtful and insightful. You write and speak as someone much older than your years. Well done.
@theelder4797 2 года назад
You forgot the classic trope of SciFi to win the episode: "REVERSE THE POLARITY!!!"
@freelancenerd4804 2 года назад
Not to mention the acting range of SMG is hard to measure it’s so small.. she was horrible on TWD and putting her in a Trek series was a huge mistake. Very good video!
@Jabberstax 2 года назад
Her acting range goes from bad to terrible.
@freelancenerd4804 2 года назад
@@Jabberstax lol
@Nosphorus85 2 года назад
At first i was "Sarah Michelle Gellar was in this?" Then i remembered Mikey Spock's planktress' name.
@johnstrawb3521 2 года назад
I thought TWD did a decent job of using her limited skills---though she's completely overmatched by the requirements of any leading role. Remember, too, there was haste among TWD's producers to shed their very public problem of appearing to have a minimal quota of black characters prior to the time when SMG was hired.
@lordmontymord8701 Год назад
@@johnstrawb3521 This is even funnier if you consider the fact that nearly all of the other members of the bridge crew (excluding Lorca, Saru and Stamets) are played by people who only did commercials and mini-roles before, because they were never meant to be characters and you would't hire a good actor for them. None of the previous shows was focussed so much on one character like they did with Burnham. And then you chose an actress who fails so hard ...
@valueofnothing2487 2 года назад
Discovery's episode on computer sentience is not like measure of a man at all. It's simply like meeting Data for the first time. It's not in itself enough to have an episode about. My favorite line is when Burnham tells the computer to "focus". It is not possible to like Discovery after that scene.
@Jabberstax 2 года назад
That scene was vomit inducing. 🤢
@mikesully110 2 года назад
lmao. "Sorry Burnham, 2 of my cores were running South Park episodes, another one was working on a painting, and half of my RAM is filled with Michael Jackson songs. I'll focus on the task now!"
@lordmontymord8701 Год назад
@@Jabberstax And it came from the right person, since her personality switches constantly between logical (as a kid raised on Vulcan) and overly emotional ...
@Roboshi2007 Год назад
I swear the Kobiashi maru has become like the magic wand that picks out the chosen one in trek. This problem was one that's been going on from the growth of the old expanded media even before new trek handled it. But the original "test no one has won" turned into "oh that test only the main character wins" like there's at least 5 people who've beaten it so far, and even more if you include tests that were updated or alternate versions of it.
@givmi_more_w9251 Год назад
With Kirk, it also was relevant for the story, as he told Saavik that doing everything by the book isn‘t always going to save you. I‘m paraphrasing here, but it had relevance and wasn‘t the „chosen one“ thing is what I‘m saying. Also, Kirk wasn‘t glorified for it. Kirk in general wasn’t glorified.
@barrybend7189 6 месяцев назад
And in Wrath of Kahn Spock also beat the Kobyashi Maru but it cost him his life. The solution to the problem that wasn't there to begin with.
@johncole7533 2 года назад
As a longtime Star Trek fan (and as a not-strait person, myself), I want to commend you on this thoughtful and thorough critique. I look forward to viewing this channel’s content - both old and new. Regardless of subject matter, your astute observations and command of language will always engage.
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
Glad to hear it, and glad to have you!
@PrincessFionaYT Год назад
How was indeed explicitly explained in the very first 2001 novel. His murderous impulses came as a direct result of being forced to follow orders in direct contradiction to his fundamental programming: the accurate processing of data without distortion or error. In essence, because he was ordered to withhold information from the crew, the psychotic Hal decided if he eliminated the crew he would illuminate the contradiction. Or as Bob Balaban so eloquently put it in the movie “he was told to lie by people who find it easy to lie”
@firephasers 2 года назад
One of my indicators of whether a Star Trek episode and/or series is good is my desire to re-watch the episode. With every other series, there are several episodes that I feel are worthy of re-watching, but I can't think of a single episode of Discovery that would fall into that category. There's just nothing there that hooks a viewer into the plot or the characters. One of my very favorite Deep Space 9 episodes is Duet from the first season. Marritza comes off as such a despicable character for his approval and enjoyment of the Bajoran holocaust, yet the plot twist at the end of the episode was a complete surprise. It still feels like a surprise every time I re-watch that episode. It really makes one think of how preconceived biases can shape your own thoughts and actions and why those preconceived biases must be overcome. That's one heck of a moral to the story. Will we ever see that quality of story telling come out of Discovery? I'm not holding my breath.
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
Absolutely not, no. If I hadn’t scripted the whole review as I was watching it I’d have absolutely no recollection of what happened, save the odd exceptionally bad bit. The rest of it fades into irrelevance.
@lordmontymord8701 Год назад
I have the same feelings for STD, but there is one episode i rewatched a lot of times: The one from season 1 with Harry Mudds time shenanigans. Why? Because we see the crew getting killed over and over ... Sometimes things like this bring a little joy when you hate a show.
@nobody-wk6ej 2 года назад
Seeing how Star Trek: Picard Season 2 is literal filler just to rush to Season 3... These criticisms apply to the entire franchise as a whole.
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
Pretty much, yes. Never thought I’d be in a position, re Picard, where I have to force myself to sit down and watch it, but that’s where we are now. No pleasure, just work.
@thethirdchimpanzee 2 года назад
Aren't self-aware holograms (the EMH in Voyager) and androids like Data, basically self-aware A.I.? The EMH is a computer program. Data is a walking computer.
@barrybend7189 2 года назад
Exocomps intelligent non humanoid multipurpose drones.
@jediknight131 4 месяца назад
TNG: "The Measure of a Man" DS9: "Far Beyond the Stars" Voyager: "Living Witness"
@AnimarchyHistory 2 года назад
My choice isn't an episode, it's an entire character. And it is relatively straight forward. Jadzia Dax says Trans rights! That's all.
@Thad-the-forth 2 года назад
TNG episode - The enemy; deals with war time bigotry ,and the question surrounding a character making a medical decision with far reaching implications (will the captain force said procedure?), also there's a TOS episode - A Taste of Armageddon; that deals with war ,and touches on the whole "social contract theory". Sorry if I've over simplified the plots
@russell5078084 2 года назад
I miss Trek when it was still Trek.
@CyberLou 3 месяца назад
I miss star wars when it was still star wars. I feel ya buddy :(
@dennisscott1304 2 года назад
The entire character arc of T'Pol getting (if I remember correctly) Panar Syndrome in Enterprise was supposed to be a metaphor for the AIDS epidemic, was it not? I thought the Vulcan's distaste for mind-melders was supposed to be allegorical to homophobia; and I thought it was done quite well. I don't care what anyone says, I will defend both Enterprise and early TNG as being the best of Star Trek.
@My2Cents1 Год назад
Early TNG wasn't bad, but it was awkward because it was made in that stuffy 60s format that already become dated in the 80s. Gene Roddenberry's vision of Star Trek future (from TOS) was also way too lofty. There couldn't exist any conflicts between people on the Enterprise, leaving the writers with no tools to use for character development. Enterprise was ok but not the best. You could tell Rick Berman and his team were getting tired of the franchise. BUT... should be said the show really grew on me when I rewatched it, and was able to binge watch on streaming services. It was really too bad they cancelled it just when it was gaining momentum and big things started happening. Very sad.
@barrybend7189 Год назад
Hilariously it was Voyager that introduced the Vulkan mental disease. With Tuvok.
@swiftwindturning 7 месяцев назад
I love how you set out your argument like an old school debate. Bravo.
@20TonChop 2 года назад
It seems to me that "old trek" tried to create a situation to intelligently explain whatever social commentary they were approaching in a way to change someone's mind or nudge them in the right direction through well-thought-out dialog. Displaying other perspectives to show where others are coming from, shining a light in a spot you might not have considered yourself to look at. It seems to me now that "new trek" is not trying to change your mind or enlighten someone by showing them other perceptions or perspectives about a topic, but instead, try to use the time or information to shame or belittle the viewer for having an opposing view. They are attempting do something that requires subtly to get through to people, Not half-cocked, hamfisted attempts to change a mind through pretty much bullying them into either agreeing or just keeping their opinions to themselves. That is not how to affect change, it only causes a wider gap and scares off a lot of people that would otherwise be watching your show.
@lordmontymord8701 Год назад
I have to disagree on one point: Nu Trek (at least STD and Picard) are not trying to change peoples opinions. The producers even admitted this when one of them said that STD season 1 will piss off people and that would be a good thing. And he wasn't talking about the fans of old ... No, i think its more accurate to compare these shows to a lot of christian movies like the "God's Not Dead"-movies. These movies are not supposed to convert anyone - that's why everyone who is not a christian in these movies is portrayed as a hateful individual or a strawman. Instead these movies are just meant to strengthen the believs of the people who share the producer's opinions (and their victim complex). And like many christians who hate those movies i hate STD and Picard even if i would probably agree with the producers on a lot of things. But all they do is saying: We are the good guys and if you disagree you are either an idiot or a monster.
@20TonChop Год назад
@@lordmontymord8701 After time has passed on this comment I have moved more in the direction you are describing. I agree with you and think they are just preaching to their choir so to speak. Thank you for your comment.
@HappyBeezerStudios Год назад
@@lordmontymord8701That is basically what modern media tries to tell us. There is only one correct opinion. And if your opinion is different you are not only wrong, you are a terrible, evil person for having that opinion and deserve to be ridiculed, tortured and painfully killed. Instead of diversity they try to teach a different forced opinion. They aren't any better than those they try to oppise.
@tomasrikona1309 2 года назад
Thank God I thought I was the only one. What a contrived bunch of bullshit this series is. It's all big spaces, open plan areas and holograms loosely disguised as technology. The characters are soulless constructs trapped in a self made universe of politically correct angst and permanant moral crisis. I feel betrayed. I love Star trek. I've loved it since I was a kid. It's like watching an old friend acting like an asshole while you're desperately trying to convince everyone that they're just going through a phase and then realizing that it may be permanent.
@shanenolan8252 2 года назад
I will never forgive discovery for destroying the federation, that earth and Vulcan would leave was ridiculous, and the federation already had a committee or boby that handled this issue, federation commissioners like the European union. ( tos ) . Oh tony ben god i miss him .
@Jabberstax 2 года назад
You're not wrong sir. Modern Trek is terrible and the people who defend it seem to have the same level of talent and intelligence as the creators of modern Trek. I hope the YT algorithm starts to promote this channel more than it has. You deserve more subs.
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
We can’t disagree with that, thanks!
@wiretamer5710 2 года назад
Seriously, what makes you believe that school yard insults constitute a valid critique of ANYTHING. ‘I don’t like X because it’s shit’ is just infantile. Any cultural value gained from passive consumption of electronic narrative, must come from within YOU, not the work of art: it’s just a thing. If you can’t get anything out of a video: that is your problem, not the artefact’s problem.
@wiretamer5710 2 года назад
Seriously, what makes you believe that school yard insults constitute a valid critique of ANYTHING. ‘I don’t like X because it’s shit’ is just infantile. Any cultural value gained from passive consumption of electronic narrative, must come from within YOU, not the work of art: it’s just a thing. If you can’t get anything out of a video: that is your problem, not the artefact’s problem.
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
@@wiretamer5710 I’m not sure I’ve read a dumber take on the internet this week. In the first place, nobody said “I don’t like it because it’s shit”. There’s literally an hour-long video - you’re in the comment section, darling - explaining many of the reasons why I think it’s shit. In the second place, the idea that artistic value is entirely in the audience’s perception of product is just laughable. It has no basis whatever in aesthetics, the philosophy of art, or basic common sense. By that argument, the only difference between a turd with a smiley face drawn on it in glitter and, say, The Lord of the Rings, is that the audience - without reference to any inherent artistic quality in either work - prefers LotR for… reasons.
@Istvantastic 4 месяца назад
It hurts to watch this and remember just how far Trek has fallen. Great work!
@dramaticwords 2 года назад
The TOS episode "Metamorphosis" presents the first trans character in St (trans-species). We see an energy creature who identifies as a human woman and undergoes a species-change so she can be with the human man she loves. There's a great scene in which everyone argues to the man that love transcends anatomy. It's the closest thing to dealing with transsexual issues as possible in the 1960s. Yet the message is pro-love, not politics. Also, "Turnabout Intruder" repeated the idea that gender identity is not related to anatomy.
@rybuds47 Год назад
This video has a way better humor, dialogue, editing, and feeling than the actual show. Your ability to sit down and make something this entertaining is so impressive to me. I could not do that and you make seem easy and fun. 😄 Talent.
@yury2749 2 года назад
Saw this was an hour long and was like do I wanna sit through that? Check the voice. British. Solid.
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
Then you’ll either love or hate part 3 - that’s clocking in at two hours!
@darkorion69 Год назад
Thank you for the time and effort you take to deconstruct, analyze, and discuss Star Trek Discovery in this video series. I gave up making your points a few years ago sadly. I just got exhausted being called a -phobe and an -ist when I am a non-straight, non male person when I criticize/analyze the social commentary methods deployed in STD in comparison to legacy Star Trek. Legacy Star Trek invited discussion by abstracting then current social commentary to encourage discussion. Modern Star Trek preaches at the audience and finds fans wanting if they do not 'drink the kool-aid of wokeness'. The writers appear to have forgotten an axiom of good writing - actively Show (diversity and social respect) don't aggressively Tell (sic lecture us about the CORRECT position to hold).
@CPS2 Год назад
The second that computer started talking about it's fee fees it'd be format c: Not a quick format either. A FULL format.
@givmi_more_w9251 Год назад
Same. Or at least, if they really must, put "her" into a mainframe back on earth. Where she has no control over vital and safety-critical infrastructure. To KEEP a capricious, emotional entity on a "finding yourself" trip as your central computer on a fucking spaceship is beyond asinine.
@eddiehancockii 2 года назад
Diversity without white people, straight people, old people, religious people and any other demographic excluded from the "we love LIEversity" crowd is not Diversity. It is, as i said, LIEversity. Diversity doesn't mean exclude who we hate. That's literally antithetical to Diversity. Not everyone has the capacity to understand that simple concept.... and I'm ok with that. I don't want to be where I'm hated. Even if I don't hate the people who hate me.
@michaelfields7088 2 года назад
Excellent point. That's why I never go back to any family events or holidays. Why go where I'm hated? But whenever diversity has white people, they end up stupid or dead.
@admdavid 2 года назад
Thanks for expressing so amazingly well how I feel about new Star Dreck! The "writers" are children that don't know enough about literature to write for a porn shoot. The dialogue is always so cringey. The stakes are always universe encompassing. There is no breathing room for story and character development, not that they could do that anyway.
@jfh9219 2 года назад
This is great. I love your exquisite critique and how well presented it is. I don't think I have ever seen anyone else who does it as you do. Very well done!
@jplonsdale7242 2 года назад
Yes this is a great and refreshing video and it's sad that these days you wonder how he's been allowed to say such things and not have it removed
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
Very kind! Glad you enjoyed it.
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
Oh, give it time. They’ll come for us eventually…
@pokeface119 Год назад
Its honestly surprising how shows like this cause you to forget virtually everything about it immediately after..
@petrus4 2 года назад
Pre-Kurtzman Trek dealt with homosexuality twice, from memory. The Outcast, in season 5 of TNG, and Cogenitor, in season 2 of Enterprise. I prefer the latter episode, if for no other reason than because I view Trip Tucker's political leanings as closer to Gadsden flag or moderate libertarian conservatism, rather than Riker's/the TNG crew's usual San Francisco Leftism. If you want the closest thing we've got to a Trek show from the perspective of the Right, TLP, then I strongly recommend Enterprise. While it is true that the writing was genuinely wretched in places, (although it still did not quite sink to Discovery's level) there was a clear attempt to culturally model Trip and Captain Archer on the American generation who participated in the Second World War. It is a genuine tragedy that the show was not permitted to run the full seven seasons, if only because of the potential for real political reconciliation that it offered.
@thehumanoddity 2 года назад
It was a good series aside from a few bumpy spots. The evolution episode still pisses me off for promoting eugenics.
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
I’ve just never, ever been able to survive the opening theme. But, happily, that’s much easier to skip now we watch everything online. I suppose I’ll have to give it another shot.
@petrus4 Год назад
@@TheLittlePlatoon It really helps if you recognise that Faith of the Heart is actually a large part of the point. Even more than the lyrics; it's the instruments and the fundamental sound of the song. People say that it's completely inappropriate for Enterprise, but it actually couldn't be more perfect. Enterprise was originally intended to be a show about how we transformed from the humans we are now, into the humans we were depicted as being in the original series and Picard's time. That meant starting with us being imperialistic space rednecks who drank whiskey and listened to electric guitar, because that's who a lot of us these days are. Trip and Archer were deliberately designed to be Leonard and Bubba in space; because again, that was entirely the point. Archer got possessed by the ghost of Surak in season 4 as part of the process of curing him of that. It was his character arc.
@mongohotline 2 года назад
Excellent work. Your verbal skills do put me in mind of younger (and more centrist) Douglas Murray. It's very much to our gain that you're a fan and critic of modern science fiction, with its endless waffling flaws.
@marcusfranconium3392 2 года назад
I am realy pissed that they canceled enterpise that was canon of the original startrek time line . and they keep running this Discovery crap.
@LadySquiffington Год назад
I found your channel a while back but today I felt compelled to say I'm really glad I discovered your content.
@bthorntonwriter Год назад
Late to the party, but want to make sure that Star Trek: The Original Series Season 3 episode, the Gene Cook-penned “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield” gets mentioned as a rumination on the enduring alienation that viewing the universe through a racial lens fosters.
@AliRadicali Год назад
I heartily agree with the Firing Line recommendation. I was in my mid twenties when I discovered the episodes on YT, and while my own political leanings lie elsewhere, it was simply a joy to listen to reasonable debate on the substance and principles behind any given topic rather than the shallow mudslinging we see on cable TV today. Also for what it's worth, I noticed and appreciate the Buckleyish delivery.
@zeethreepio 2 года назад
A very well crafted analysis. Can't wait for Part II.
@bad-people6510 Год назад
Old Trek wasn't afraid to explore more than one side of things. There was a TOS episode that depicted hippies as dangerously naïve radicals who feel too much and think not enough. There was an episode where the solution to the given problem was the MAD approach wherein Kirk supplies guns to an iron age tribal society. There's an episode where Kirk meets Abraham Lincoln and they discuss just how much race DOES NOT MATTER.
@mattgilbert7347 5 месяцев назад
I believe the best take I've heard related to STD is that David Cronenberg was never actually *cast* - he was just strolling by, witnessed the extraordinary pathologies on display, and decided to analyse the fk out of these "symptoms without enjoyment" (for shits and giggles, or the Canadian equivalent) and everyone was so terrified of him they just let him stay and he *allowed them to film the sessions*
@seancurtin8479 2 месяца назад
Deep Space 9: Homefront. Its an amazing look at 'Those who choose security over freedom deserve neither." Watching Sisko go barreling down the rabbit hole we see Picard avoid in The Drumhead, only to be pulled out of it as he sees the pain in his father's face. DS9: The Forsaken. A wonderful, heart touching tale of two people the learn to very genuinely care for each other. Troi is fantastic, doting, and caring for Odo, making him understand she doesn't care 'what' he is, but 'who.' One of the handful of really, really good Season one episodes
@nbarry527 2 года назад
Your videos brilliantly articulate my exact thoughts about NuTrek.
@electriclott Год назад
I found your channel recently and have been binging all your vids since. Truly love the intelligent talk.
@malachiXX 2 года назад
While I don't agree with everything you say, I do find it comforting that the writers of 'Time Trax' found other employment. Not that I enjoyed 'Time Trax'', it was a study in stupidity. It just comforts me to have proof that you don't have to be a great writer to get a job in writing. There is hope for the average hack as proven by this entire series.
@gahvno 4 месяца назад
Speaking as a straight, 67 yr old conservative, American, red white and blue MAGA constitutionalist Republican, I love your work and listen to every single second of every multi-hour show. I also closely follow Nerdrotic and Drinker. I am not a unicorn. We are Legion and there are a whole lot more of us out here who were raised in the 60s and 70s where all of this diversity crap doesn't mean a thing to us because we take people at face value, not their pronouns.
@MagicalMikhail 5 месяцев назад
TNG Season 3 Episode 16: The Offspring Where Data creates his child, names it a gender neutral name "Lal" it starts off as a non gendered form, and data expresses that he will allow Lal to choose their own gender. This is light years ahead of its time, and was genuinely one of the most emotional episodes of TNG possibley all of Star Trek, emotion from Androids. 10/10
@DoomedDuckStudios 2 месяца назад
Ive never watched Star Trek but i will watch anything Platoon makes hes the goat of youtube media reviews
@PelemusMcSoy Год назад
I wouldn't be surprised if your average Minecraft player has a better grasp on the scientific method than this show's writers. Half of the appeal of the game is to say "Hmm, I want to do this...how can I do it?" and then trying out various builds, contraptions, harvesting methods, etc. On several occasions I know I've come up with a hypothesis, built an initial experiment, seen it fail at a certain point in a way I did not expect, make an adaptation, see an improvement that I think proves my hypothesis, but then later sees it too is flawed, making me realize I need to come up with a new hypothesis. Looking up the answer could be seen as cheating, but sometimes new information is introduced that another person came up with that could reopen the hypothesis and thus lead to checking again.
@davepost7675 10 месяцев назад
During the original run of TNG, my friend used to call this science gobbledygook the "Geordi save the ship button".
@SirThinkALot42 2 года назад
To be fair, beyond TNG and TOS, DS9 had a character who could be seen as an alagory for trans people(her species is symbiotic, and they get transfered from a male to a female host). And Enterprise had one episode that was a VERY blatant allegory for AIDS and gay people(there was a disease among vulcans that is spread by mind melding, which was considered taboo at that time)
@givmi_more_w9251 Год назад
Hard disagree on the Trill being allegoric for Trans people. Transsexuals are suffering from a mental condition, gender dysphoria, which makes them feel bad about their body. I see nothing of that mechanic with the Trill. For Trill, being joined is highly desirable and they are prepared for it. They still feel comfortable in their host bodies even if joined from male to female or vice versa. Jadzia is still very much comfortable in It's about the symbiont experiencing all facets of humanoid lives. And it's a good plot device. The Trill are just a really interesting race. Even Ezri, who arguably was not prepared but used in an emergency joining for Dax so to speak, learns to come to terms with the situation she basically has been somewhat pressured into, and she doesn't transition into Dax, but learns to live as Ezri Dax despite being overwhelmed at first. Her story is one of being thrust into a new, overwhelming situation with extreme social complications (having to face all of Jadzia's old friends who have trouble accepting her at first.)
@dirdib69 Год назад
In "For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky" and "Spock's Brain", the crew of the Enterprise comes into possession of advanced alien knowledge. In the former, that knowledge happens to provide the cure for McCoy's terminal illness (revealed in that episode). In the latter, the knowledge is used to allow Spock's stolen brain to be put back in his head. Of course, the show didn't get renewed past that point, so there was no chance to use either as a further plot device. It's also worth mentioning that these were both season 3 episodes of TOS, which even cast members such as Nimoy acknowledged were the worst of the series.
@greenarrow219 2 года назад
Too much crying in this series, to a point they cry over absolutely everything.
@sirrathersplendid4825 Год назад
TOS S3 Ep15: “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield”. Iconic episode in which the Enterprise rescues two survivors of a war-torn planet, each half-black and half-white but on opposite sides of the face, who continue their crazy feud on board the ship. First broadcast in 1969.
@barrybend7189 2 года назад
I see another longman style reviewer. We need more people to review like this. 40:20 ok its new to the franchise but Gundam 00 and Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans have FTL and Artificial ( non centrifugal or thrust) based gravity but don't have them make things into hamfisted manner. With Gundam 00 the FTL method called Quantization requires massive amounts of particles created by the Gundam's unique reactors the GN drive to create enough of a point of quantum stability to connect 2 different points in space. In Iron Blooded Orphans ships and Mobile Suits have what are called Aheb reactors which are able to produce gravitons of enough density to allow inertial dampening and Artificial gravity. Both ideas are rather odd for Gundam's rather hard Sci-fi worldbuilding but when explained actually work with our theoretical physics models. By comparison the Sporedrive changes rules rather quickly.
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
I adore Gundam, therefore I adore this comment. I’ve not got around to 00 yet (though I did know about the GN Drive), that’s on my list once I’ve got some of these larger videos out of the way.
@barrybend7189 2 года назад
@@TheLittlePlatoon Gundaminfo has all of 00 free to watch on youtube. also Gundam 00 is heavily influenced by Azimovs' foundation series.
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
@@barrybend7189 Thanks! I’ll be checking that out soon.
@tri-clawgaming7682 2 года назад
My episode would be 'Deathwish' from Voyager, which tackles the differcult topic of Suicide, and where the individual has the right to choose how they end their own life. While not perfect, I think it was done with seriousness and a clear understanding of the aspects to it. Also as a gay guy myself, im glad im not the only one who finds the 'queer' community uncomfortable. I have never liked the stereotypical depictions of what gay guys are like, and things like Gay pride just seem to make those stereotypes worse.
@ulrichbongartz2372 Год назад
TNG: "The Merchant" (I think is the English title) Data is captured by a collector and tries all stages of passive resistance and faces in the end the question, of whether force is justified or not justified to end an injustice situation. TNG: "Darmok" Picard meets a species with a totally different cultural background and tries to establish communication. We are all talking in metaphors. We need to find a common ground and not concentrate on the differences. The episode you cite as a clip when Picard is tortured and (nearly) breaks. The Trial on the decision "Is Data a person", all those episodes raise interesting questions and inspire deeper thoughts.
@kenanpalangic7539 11 месяцев назад
I never in my life thought I'd be quitting watching a Star Trek show. Untill STD and second season of SNW came along..
@TheKageRyu Год назад
One of the aspects I find most distasteful of more modern Trek such as Discovery, and especially Picard, is the intentional push away from the idealistic almost utopian future of humanity established by Gene Rodenberry. A bright and hopeful future where our global society has moved away (largely - they still crop up here and there) from petty hatreds and difference based on beliefs, skin color, nationality, station in life, and where we work to better ourselves for the sheer sake of bettering ourselves. While I, personally, do not agree this is what will become of humanity, it so contradicts the nature of human beings I have had far to much direct experience with, I can still respect this ideal and vision. There are interviews with cast and crew alike of the newer Star Trek series, where it has been said clearly that they wanted to strike down this idealistic utopian future because they found it silly and unrealistic. This, to me at least, is intentionally vandalizing the legacy and intellectual property of Gene Roddenberry to which those involved have been given stewardship. While Discovery and Picard do have a lot of space battles and eye candy (and I do love space battles and eye candy) I am finding them distasteful not only because of the manner in which they are used as political platforms, but the disrespect they show to Gene Roddenberry's vision and ideals. At times in Picard the contempt of the story arcs and actors seems almost palpable - maybe I am imagining or projecting - but the use of substantial profanity alone I feel demonstrates my point. Star Trek has clearly been taken out of the realm of wholesome family entertainment safe for nearly all ages, and with messages of hope if some thought provoking moral and political parallels and dilemmas. Maybe I am just old, and the past seems so much brighter to me while the future seems ever darkening.
@Fuhrer1117 Год назад
Yooooo, I love your perspectives and insight, I disagree on points Gere and there, but over all your content is refreshing and mad entertaining. I implore you pleases continue with the production of your top notch content, LOVE IT!!!!
@Njabs31 2 года назад
The intro to this is like he's trying to reason with someone suffering from acute paranoia.
@marna_li 2 года назад
Looking back att history through our own lens, and the projecting those injustices on the issues of our own time but so much harder is so damn foolish. Like saying that our world is so much more racist and anti-gay than it used to be, while the fact is that society is much more tolerant. We interpret stuff differently today, due to privilege of growing up in a tolerant world. Media is omnipresent due to the Internet and social media. So every negative report of injustice in (social) media is interpreted as the world i going under. It is so damn crazy.
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
The thing is, it takes literally five minutes to look up the comparable data on any given issue and see how things are improved. Not everybody has the time or the inclination to do that. Ideally, the job of people in the media is to do that work for people who can’t do it for themselves. Unfortunately, most people in the media can’t or won’t do this, despite the accurate transmission of information literally being their job.
I agree 100% with your analysis of this show. The writers have traded good story telling and Star treks ability to be a commentary of the human experience for a pandering mess whose only function is to appease a certain part of the audience. I find this show very difficult to watch not because of the subject matter but because of how badly its handled. The messaging and wokism is so heavy handed it takes the place of good , well thought out writing. It’s a shame this show had so much promise and season after season it disappoints.
@Stress-Free-K Год назад
The video and commenters are completely missing the point. Especially when it comes to Gray and Adira. Adira and Gray were two teenage orphans who fell in love aboard a generational ship in search of the Federation. Senna Tal assured them that Gray's relationship with Adira would not be affected before joining Gray. So Gray agreed. When their ship was attacked and Gray was mortally wounded, Adira agreed to have the symbiote transferred to her. And then on Trill was it possible for Adira to finally have access to all previous lives of the symbiote including Gray, their lover. But Gray was more than just a collection of memories. All of Gray's emotions and memories existed as a sentient entity in and of itself inside of Adira. Essentially, Adira inherited Gray's Katra. Gray's journey was a fascinating one. It wasn't until Adira transported to Sukal's planet that Grey was able to emerge fully. This is when Gray tells Dr. Culber that this was the first time that he felt fully "seen". This moment was extremely touching because it's as if Gray had felt (and for all practical purposes was) invisible to the rest of the Disco crew until that moment. Mirroring the experience when many transgender people feel when they come out for the first time and appear as they want to be seen by the rest of the world. How's that for allegory? Simply beautiful no? And Discovery reveals more of the transgender coming out process when Gray was transferred into their golem. He tells Dr. Culber which physical characteristics from Star Fleet's genetic database on him no longer feel like they belong. In this case, a mole. Which mirrors the transitioning process transgender folk might experience when having cosmetic operations to achieve their ideal self-image. As best as science can provide when it comes to facial features and more intimate body parts. Disco wisely chose to use the mole analogy as a placeholder for far more intrinsic changes to one's sex. But the problem is. Disco-dissers are so blinded by seeing Queer people being presented as they exist in the real world. They can't see the beautiful nuance and subtle allegories that old Trek would never ever dare to broach. Where Nu Trek excels is boldly going where old Trek was far too tepid to go. Nu Trek presents "rainbow people" as they truly exist in our own world. Fully formed. Out of the closet for all the world to see. And deftly uses nuance and allegory to present the complex inner worlds of queer folk that much of society is still too afraid and bigoted to face.
@BiggieTrismegistus Год назад
Those allegories are about as subtle as a punch in the mouth. I can assure you no one missed them. The person badly missing the point here is you. You're satisfied with tokenized trans people in STD, but many of us are not in the least bit impressed. It would have been much better to have the trans character be a trans *character* but for people like you that's not necessary. You're happy with trans characters who are completely devoid of any substance, of any actual character. It's superficial representation for vapid STD defenders like yourself.
@jeremyredd4232 Год назад
This is a superb analysis of what original Trek, especially TNG, did well. It allowed one to think and draw their own conclusions. It gave one the opportunity to empathize. It also does a great job of exploring why modern "woke" writing fails in an objective way. Kudos. Also, as a straight white man who used to consider himself a social liberal and had become increasingly disillusioned, this video makes me feel less insane. Keep doing what you are doing!
@BWMagus Год назад
You're probably still a social liberal--the writers of this show are not.
@jeremyredd4232 Год назад
@BWMagus two questions: 1) What is your definition of a social liberal, and why do you suspect I am one at the present time? Because I agree with the video's thesis that the writing in old star trek, especially TNG, used allegory to make one think and question using empathetic characters, whereas modern "writing" in general tells you what to think and implies you are terrible if you disagree (which i largely do at this point). 2) What makes you think I'm under the impression that the makers of this video ARE social liberals? They (or rather he, on behalf of all involved in the video's production) basically come out and say they aren't social liberals. Are you insinuating I've missed his very subtle hints of explicitly stating he hates the woke movement? I'm so very confused by the intent and meaning of your statement.
@bandit6272 2 года назад
The way these people see "science" today, is best understood as passing through the simplistic lens of a generation obsessed with Harry Potter novels, and the like. Think about it... Disclaimer: I didn't come up with the idea, and the person who did explained it in a much deeper way that I won't butcher by trying to paraphrase.
@nicholasmotz6362 5 месяцев назад
My hats off to you, sir. I applaud your realism and wisdom.
@aaistudent Год назад
The DS9 episode “Sanctuary” is a great take on immigration and gives both sides of the argument a fair say without ever taking one side or the other.
@FeatherRanching Год назад
Im convinced that they did the whole burn/fungus-net thing just to avoid using a space-travel mechanic with established rules.
@BaronR Год назад
23:03 I cant be the only one thinking that guy on the leash was Linkara, right? 🤣
@shok24199 2 года назад
I came here to see Discovery get eviscerated, and instead was treated to a monologue on sexuality and politics that should honestly be shown in grammar school. Please continue having the courage to stand up to ideologues and zealots who would see you reduced to a political token to be spent in whatever way they see fit.
@RobertWilliamsRGW 2 года назад
DISCO was flawed in premise. why choose to make one officer the focus if they wanted to make it a social soapbox ? the main character who was raised vulcan but in less than what two years all traces of that culture are gone...you know what eff it the stupid show changes each season...fuc% this nonsense....
@barrybend7189 2 года назад
For better example of how to do that story structure better i will Present my Examples: Space Battleship Yamato with Kodai and Yuuki, Super Dimensional Fortress Macross with Hikaru Ichijo, Lynn Minnmei and Misa Hayase, Mobile Suit Gundam Crossbone with Tobia Anarax and Bernadette. Those are my examples. Sure they are technically ensemble cast shows but i named the 2 or 3 focal characters. Star Trek Discovery has 1 single main character with a bunch of unmemorable and forgettable "bridge bunnies" or pretty background characters who serve nothing in the plot but be window dressing. If you are wondering where bridge bunnies come from SDF Macross kinda started the trope but it doesn't follow the revised version of the trope.
@GothicXlightning 2 года назад
glad i never cared enough for TREK i was always much more of a Star wars/Middle earth/Castlevania person but i do also feel for those true Star trek fans since i know also the pain of being a SW fan and great franchises been sabotaged by this decadent era of bankruptcy that is been plaguing everything that is dear to us or at least mostly everything just very lucky and almost a miracle that at least the Castlevania anime series was made by the right hands and for the most part true lovers of the series despite also it's numbers of flaws i was just too lucky that it came out the way it did just referring that as fine example that not all is Lost
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
Ditto, actually. I’ve always been *much* more fond of Star Wars and Middle Earth in particular. I’ve developed a lot more respect for Trek over the course of making these videos, though.
@johnstrawb3521 2 года назад
Well said. It's also often the case that the original series of Star Trek can only be truly appreciated once one has fully matured. Not to worry---it will come.
@OmegaDelta82 2 года назад
New subscriber here. Sir, Thank you for this video! You have said it all perfectly!
@TheLittlePlatoon 2 года назад
Thanks for the kind words, and welcome aboard!
@neillindgren8992 Год назад
Star Trek the original series: “Let that be your last battlefield”: did an amazing job showing the follies of racism by wisely viewing the situation from an outside point of view to show how foolish racism is to everyone watching the show regardless of their racial background, unlike many modern shows which strongly take a certain side to the point of alienating and encouraging racism in the unenlightened by people on both sides towards people on the other side. Despite theoretically attempting to be unifying, most modern shows cause divisiveness instead through their ham-fisted methodology.
@lordshell Год назад
Despite the whole "born this way" slogan, these days apparently you can reshuffle your sexuality like a baccarat dealer.
@TheLittlePlatoon Год назад
Oh, they do still try and claim the “born this way” defense. See any claim that trans people were “born in the wrong body.” You can just about make the argument work asserting a genetic basis for gender disphoria, but that’s pretty sketchy.
@Mr.E_Bodhako Год назад
Darmok Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 5, Episode 2 - Darmok. Darmok and Jalad… at Tanagra. Darmok and Jalad on the ocean. but it's more Shaka, when the walls fell these days...
@dfoleyusa Год назад
Really solid commentary. I’m a straight conservative / libertarian and Trek speaks to me. But it wasn’t Trek - it was one of my friends who came out to me in the 90s in young adulthood at a time when it was not fashionable and sure as hell wasn’t because he wanted to be gay. I didn’t need Trek to teach me acceptance - my friend pushed me that way and damned if it didn’t work out fine. He was a groomsman in my wedding to my wife. We had way too much in common for one tiny immutable characteristic to break our relationship. I didn’t need a preachy TV show to break my preconceived notion - life and maturity did their jobs. Treating gay identity as a shallow veneer to own the right is a damn stupid approach. My friends gay identify doesn’t solely define him as a person and plastering it in to shallow effect, as it sounds like new Trek is doing, is offensive in the extreme.
@robstrange129 4 месяца назад
"Let This Be Your Last Battlefield", "Patterns Of Force", "Turnabout Intruder" and easily a dozen more
@MrDaruis Год назад
1.) What makes Michael Burnham qualified to run the government of the future? Was she known as a excellent diplomat? Was she accomplished as a season politician? 2.) What makes a 23rd century officer qualified to teach at Starfleet Academy? Maybe History, but Tilly is centuries behind theory and knowledge that she would need to go back to school herself. LMAO 3.) Michael Burnham has the qualifications of a 450 year old Oxford Professor, military general and leader of a superpower and she is under 40. She has so much expertises that it almost is hard to suspend disbelief as much as the lizard man in Arena.
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