
A Professional Editor Breaks Down The Rise of Skywalker 

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Come check out the writing choices (and missteps) that led to the conclusion of Star Wars!
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Bill Wurtz- History of Japan: • history of japan
Shitty Flute- Star Wars Theme: • STAR WARS THEME - shit...
Morpeef- Star Wars Theme Kazoo cover: • Star Wars Theme Kazoo ...
MVDB- Breeze: • mvdb - breeze
Less.People- Gyoza: • Gyoza
Mello- Nova: • mell-ø - nova
I'm Sorry: • I'm Sorry
Imagiro- Wool Gloves: • Video




16 янв 2020




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@MajoradeMayhem 4 года назад
Finn was such a WASTE. They had solid foundations there. Ex-Stormtrooper, naive would-be Jedi, and Rebel pilot dude. This should write itself! What numpties.
@LMoftheCoast 4 года назад
100% this.
@patana256 4 года назад
The monkey writers didnt want to have Finn be the star of the series instead of MaRey Suewalker. Shame, they sacrificed his character potential for hers only for it to flop spectacularly.
@MatsubaAgeha 4 года назад
@@patana256 "MaRey Suewalker" ---- Too funny!!!
@Tareltonlives 4 года назад
After 15 minutes into the very first film he goes downhill. Man, what a letdown.
@williamsapong81 4 года назад
Funny thing is, someone on RU-vid actually made a rewrite of the sequel trilogy, and Finn actually has quite a large role in the story. The rewrite itself is surprisingly well made, switching people’s roles around so that they all have some part in the story.
@NATESOR 4 года назад
My favorite part was when Finn would risk his life to run and yell "REY!" and then make no impact on the plot.
@rainmanslim4611 4 года назад
Meh it's Disney. Finn was only there for the posters that Disney could point to and say "what "song of the south"!? Lookie here we put a black guy front and center for star wars! We're so woke and progressive! The force is female! Never mind accusations of out executives extorting sexual favours from young girls for a chance to star in movies! Buy tickets! We're so woke and progressive! Buy our merchandise too!"
@RoamingAdhocrat 4 года назад
Reminded me of the Heavy Rain "Shaun!" bug, where you could get the player character to continuously bellow the name of his missing son long after the moment he's found, making the following cutscenes much less tragic…
@dirkdar1 4 года назад
If it makes you feel better he did it twice. Double the heroism.
@ryuzakithecrux9652 4 года назад
@@RoamingAdhocrat Press X to REEEEYYY!!
@greasybumpkin1661 4 года назад
@@RoamingAdhocrat that comparison cracked me up
@AstroBoy2020 4 года назад
The whole basis of the trilogy was literally "Oh that thing is gone? just bring it back" - Empire defeated? oh here's the first order! - Death star destroyed? Heres a bigger one! - Palpatine is dead? sike you thought - Oh you weakened the first order after episode 8? here's a literal massive army that appeared out of thin air. Feel like i could write an infinite amount of these. Piece of shit trilogy
@Sportnugget 4 года назад
[cough] All decisions that were made by J.J. [cough]
@AstroBoy2020 4 года назад
Sportnugget hate that guy lol
@marcusappelberg369 4 года назад
"History repeats itself first as tragedy, then as farce." Karl Marx. From this perspective, Star Wars have always had an element of rhyming, as Lucas called it. A Hegelian view of Star Wars. But Abrams philosophy was to take that farther, to literally make history repeat itself in the sequel trilogy with Ren as Vader, Rey as Luke and so on. And just like Marx noted, the second time it often turns into a farce. It did in his time with the moron emperor Napoleon the third of France, and that philosophy turned Star Wars into a farce too.
@andresbarea-torres4131 4 года назад
Really don't get all the hate jj gets for these movies. JJ did exactly what Disney asked of him for the movies. TFA was supposed to introduce new generation characters without alienating old fans, and TROS was supposed to bring back fans that felt alienated by the TLJ. TLJ was a terrible sequel. If it had been a standalone film doing its own thing, that's fine, but as a sequel it built itself up by crushing everything that came before it, and it wasn't even that great. The themes it wanted to explore were really cool, but they were almost all executed terribly. It was RJ just wanted to shove his own ideas into SW without trusting the next director to run with them. Which makes sense, since he did the exact same thing to JJ, who wasn't even supposed to direct ep 9. I'm not saying that excuses the bad writing in his movies, but trilogy was ruined by ep 8 and only a perfectly written ep 9 would've fixed that, except that would've required proper setup and planning, which it obviously didn't have
@clocked0 4 года назад
@@andresbarea-torres4131 Exactly. If JJ directed all 3 movies most of the problems people have had with TROS wouldn't exist, as plenty are there out of necessity due to Rian's actions with Last Jedi
@melhupby 4 года назад
Around the 7 minute mark do you know what I realized? Having Rey join Kylo would have been thematically amazing. Kylo becomes central, Rey becomes sub, and the third movie involves Finn and Po battling to turn _Rey_ back to the light and having her take up Vader's mantle in casting Kylo down.
@williamstark9568 4 года назад
Not a bad idea.
@Flowtail 4 года назад
That wouldve been a bit of a tough sell, and required some clever writing to come across well Clearly something that the House of Mouse didn’t have in abundance
@masterzoroark6664 3 года назад
But they let J.J direct this shitshow and "mystery box" fucked everything up. And when The House of Mouse forced him to finally deliver he shait himself
@bunniesbunniesbunnie 3 года назад
this is all they had to do and they didn't. like god forbid we get a BAD ASS EVIL CHARACTER.
@speci4lforce 3 года назад
Alternatively, they could have had her make an actual decision and join the sith temporarily to defeat Palpatine. Would have been more interesting that way
@samleheny1429 4 года назад
If there's one lesson Disney/Lucasfilm/whoever needs to take away from this trilogy, it's that if you're going to have different writeres/directors tapping in and out, for godsake, have them coordinate with eachother.
@lanny7683 4 года назад
Name Here it’s like it was conceived by 6 year olds, smashing action figures together and then ripping each other’s faces off over the control of the trilogy. Would explain the power creep at least....
@neropunkt 4 года назад
it's sad that they have to learn that... it should be the most basic thing...
@marredcheese 4 года назад
They will not learn because they have no incentive to do so. These terrible movies are still fantastically profitable. And with tens of thousands of fake reviews posted to Rotten Tomatoes to achieve a stellar audience score, criticism doesn't seem to matter either. Finally, there is no escaping how Star Wars is simply such an institution that people (myself included) can't resist checking out the next movie, even though we all know it's probably going to be garbage. With the franchise still raking in the cash despite at least 8 of the 11 movies being somewhere between mediocre and terrible, I think it's clear that no amount of bad writing/directing/planning can fell this beast.
@gufu21 4 года назад
Seriously. How does a company that's planned an interconnected cinematic universe of 20-ish movies never say, "Hey, can we just hash out a rough outline, including who our main antagonist is, for three Star Wars movies?" Honestly, one of my first thoughts after seeing TLJ was that it felt like it was directed by someone who had never seen TFA but had someone briefly describe it to him once.
@zaphael7238 4 года назад
MarredCheese I wish I could agree with you that there were thousands of fake reviews, I watched TROS with my Dad and his friends and they enjoyed it, my sister who has always been a fan saw it twice and liked it. I was so angry I would have left the movie theater if I hadn’t been with someone. To me Star Wars has a problem with understanding what it is. We’ve had the same problems in every iteration of a Jedi/Sith storyline, plot contrivances that feel unnatural because they are. You have clunky dialogue, last minute saves that shouldn’t work but do because of plot armor. Villains that never learn from their last defeat (except for the PT because it was not about a hero rising but falling). I think in a lot of ways that Star Wars has become synonymous with it’s worst aspects not it’s best. I think this is in part to the fact that the PT was supposed to mirror the OT, that was how George constructed it and if ran together thematically. I think Disney has a management problem with Star Wars we keep hearing the same thing on all of the shoots not having enough guidance having to call outside help to move the project in the right direction. In the ST I think JJ was actually the problem it gave us films that felt like we were retreading ground, TFA while different it feels like a re-skin of ANH, TLJ felt like three movies in one with it’s pacing and plot lines while I felt like it was the best out of the three it did not mesh well with the others. TROS was a dumpster fire, it was JJ not knowing what he was doing besides pandering to the fans on superficial level, and that is what JJ is good at, he does well in a genre that winks at it’s audience and says guess what’s in the box? But his ideology on story telling aka a mystery box doesn’t suite Star Wars, and if no one including yourself knows what’s in the BOX and they try to work with what you gave them well... you have problems.
@jamiedutton7257 4 года назад
"I am all the sith." " And I Am all the jedi." That is something I would have come up with as a kid playing with my toys.
@Th3SmartAlec 4 года назад
The audacity of this movie to try to pull an "I am Iron Man."
@werdarsenal 4 года назад
@@Th3SmartAlec guess it's the same when lando said the line when all the rebels arrived Falcon to Capt, on your left
@Terapagos3000 4 года назад
"may the force be with you" "tHaT iS sOmEtHiNg I wOuLd hAvE cOmE uP wItH aS a KiD pLaYiNg WiTh My ToYs" Your childish insulting judgment doesn't demonstrate you're not still doing exactly that, for sure.
@jamiedutton7257 4 года назад
@@Terapagos3000 It wasn't an insult, it's genuinely how I saw that scene. Contrived like a child wrote it.
@Marinealver 4 года назад
I am still waiting for Rey Hitler to fight Adolf after he becomes all the *****.
@Engineer_Who 4 года назад
I've said it before, I'll say it again: _This is why a trilogy of films needs _*_one storyteller_*_ with _*_one vision_*_ to tie everything together._ Otherwise, it's just a constant tug-of-war to get out of the corners created by the previous filmmaker's mistakes or unexpected choices.
@basketballgirl723 4 года назад
Thank the filthy prequel haters for driving Lucas out. “Why would I make anymore when everyone is yelling at you all the time about what a terrible person you are?” -Lucas Just a shame that the true fans had to suffer.
@thund3rbird738 4 года назад
@@basketballgirl723 Yeah, and nobody was hating on prequels until people told them to. Like, wtf is wrong with people? George wanted to tell a story, but just didnt execute it well. Yea his writing of dialogue was crap, but what about the overall Anakin's tragic story? The amazing battles? The overall expanding of the lore? Nah we just gonna hate THE PERSON, NOT THE MOVIE for trying to explain his worldbuilding better (which George Lukas is amazing at, give me another universe that is as good as 1-6 episodes of star wars), for trying to tell a story behind the first coolest villain ever. It's just so fucked up how people are so aggressive at things. Poor George, I hope people will apologize to him.
@calexander7495 4 года назад
@@basketballgirl723 Prequel hate got out of hand at times, but it also shows the benefit of the one creator, one vision approach. Lucas made changes based on feedback, like how Jar Jar was a badly implemented character that he minimized in later films. He still had a major part to play, getting manipulated into proposing giving Palpatine expanded political power, thus driving the story. Attack of the Clones had its own flaws, but Revenge of the Sith tied the vision together in a way I felt made it one of the best Star Wars stories. He stayed true to the story he wanted to tell, made mistakes but improved until the overall story became something great. Unlike the Disney Trilogy which started off as a shallow ripoff held together with nostalgia, then responded to criticism in The Last Jedi by essentially giving the fans the finger and undermining all prior lore. Then in Rise of Skywalker they tried to tie it together with a mixed model of shallow fan service and salvaging the broken story arch, resulting in a mess that is both simplistic and convoluted. I think a trilogy can work with multiple creators, but not when one is just using nostalgia as a crutch and the other is working in opposition to both the prior lore and the other trilogy director.
@corruptangel6793 4 года назад
Legacy of the Force books series. 9 books written by 3 different authors over the course of 3 years. Each author wrote 3 books. Author 1: books 1, 4, 7 Author 2: books 2, 5, 8 Author 3: books 3, 6, 9 But by working together and focusing on what was best for the story and characters, they created a cohesive story that is honestly one of my top 3 favorite series in Star Wars.
@corruptangel6793 4 года назад
@CHAOS CHAOS she gave them complete creative control. That's the problem.
@Ivan-gt4ln 4 года назад
8 year old me: then there was 10 Death Stars. NO. THOUSANDS.
@kossettereaditte7552 3 года назад
Pitch it to Disney you might become a millionaire
@sebastianking5271 3 года назад
Honestly sounds like the next trilogy. Does Darth Vader come back for no reason to?
@hyperion3145 3 года назад
@@sebastianking5271 No. TWO Vaders.
@gufosufo337 3 года назад
@@hyperion3145 no you idiot, a hundred vaders.
@jeremyc4811 3 года назад
@@gufosufo337 they've cloned Vader a hundred times but removed all the good midicholorians so he's super double evil now. This is great storytelling!
@carltontaylor6500 4 года назад
They need a “show runner.” You can have different directors, tv shows do it all the time, but you need a voice to say, ” this is where our characters start, this is where we need them to end. You can hang the string how you want but start here end here.” Feige, and to a lesser extent, the Russos became the show runner for the MCU. You had wildly different movies from Takia Watiti and Ryan Coogler but where the characters ended from one movie to the next made sense within the universe. This felt like an anthology series...same actors but wildly different stories from one movie to the next.
@ApostleMan222 3 года назад
You’re describing Kathleen Kennedy’s job
@BigMac0369 2 года назад
@@ApostleMan222 But she ain't doing much, eh?
@criticalrants 4 года назад
That breakdown of Palpatine’s plan was absolute gold
@lanny7683 4 года назад
Critical Rants absolutely. Just categorizing it as nonsense, I hadn’t realized that by breaking it down, it’s multi-leveled, layered pure big-budget nonsense.
@Chatrbuug 4 года назад
It's that meme with step 5 "???", step 6 "Profit"
@lorcan0c 4 года назад
@@lanny7683 It's even worse than that, as the "plan" for Rey to reach Palpatine involved an Assassin killing her parents with a Knife that is also a map that leads to the Death Star Wreckage containing another map, which leads to Palpatine.... And Palpatine somehow expected her to get the Knife, get the Map, find him and force this confrontation, even though this runs completely opposite to the first thing Palpatine does in this movie, wherein he tells Kylo Ren to kill have Rey killed. Like, what if Kylo did that? What if he, or the Knights of Ren- or the many, many Stormtroopers they encounter throughout the plot, managed to kill Rey, per those instructions? Now Palpatine can't do his... body-hopping/life-draining nonsense anymore. Unless he can do that, in which case "why was Rey important?" I see what they're going for, they're implying that Rey can be a new "host" body for Palpatine because she's in his lineage. But, like... again, what if she was killed? Did he set this all up knowing that Kylo and his boyband twerps would be incompetent at this one task? The 'plan' requires so much stuff that he couldn't possibly have foreseen, even with the Force. Compare this to say, Ep. 6. Palpatine used himself as bait to lure the Rebel fleet into a trap. He allowed them to learn about the Death Star and where it was being built. as well as letting it slip that he would be there. Because he knew this would lure them into a fight they couldn't win. And credit to Disney here, they actually worked to retroactively reinforce this plot point. As the first level of Battlefront 2's campaign mode has you playing as an Imperial Spy who prevents the Rebels from finding out that the Death Star at Endor is a trap. The question of "Wait, what if this-" is raised, and answered by its' inclusion. But I defy you to explain how Palpatine could have foreseen allllll this stuff aligning just right, because it does not work. At all. He wanted Rey to find the map to him, but Kylo destroys the map, but luckily there was a second map that Kylo luckily had, which he left... on Mustafar apparently? (Yeah according to the Visual dictionary, that planet at the start with the trees was Mustafar). Which means Vader was in on this, since Mustafar was Vader's evil lair? Good lord, this hurts.
@louislux 4 года назад
@@Chatrbuug It's from south park. Underpants gnomes have a three phase business plan. phase 1: collect underpants phase 2: ??? phase 3: profit.
@Chatrbuug 4 года назад
@@louislux hello, Louis-fren, yeah I know it's from South Park, but I was more or less trying to get the idea across.
@IcarussArtss 4 года назад
how i thought the ending was gonna be like: -rey kills palpatine -rey becomes evil -kilo ren fights rey -rey kills kilo ren -rey is like "oh my god what have i become?!" -rey shoots big badguylasers to the sky, destroying the sheevfleet -rey revives kilo ren and dies.
@mairuzo 3 года назад
Never thought I’d say this to a random RU-vid comment with 2 upvotes, but that is actually a better story outline than what we got.
@hlairan 3 года назад
Wish Jar Jar Abrams saw this
@sadface7463 3 года назад
They fkin kiss
@hlairan 3 года назад
@@sadface7463 I laughed and so for the Cinema where I watched this GG movie when that scene played
@concernedcommenter8258 3 года назад
Wouldve been better.
@mactwolf 4 года назад
"I'm going to discuss bad writing professionally." "He got yeeted"
@dylantbsmith 4 года назад
It's in the Cambridge dictionary 🤷🏽‍♂️ The modern state of the English language 🤦🏽‍♂️
@mactwolf 4 года назад
@@dylantbsmith while the word "yeeted" or "yeet" may be recognized by the oxford language, "he got yeeted" was perhaps grammatically in correct. Perhaps "he was yeeted" or "he has been yeeted" sml
@Missingno_Miner 4 года назад
@@mactwolf the grammatically correct past tense of "yeet" is "yote"(like smite and smote), or so I'm told, so if you want to get technical....
@willigagbob8243 4 года назад
Is there any other way to describe it?
@Cryogenius333 3 года назад
@@Missingno_Miner Damned be your cursed "no no square", knave! Thou hast been yote! Away with thee!
@KM-dk5gn 4 года назад
"If ever there is an episode 10, 11 and 12, maybe the writers should experiment with having a plot and a message developed as a course of the three movies" - WHOA! What an interesting and original idea?
@maximk9964 4 года назад
Disney: We already payed $4.1B and we still have to come up with a plot?!? Ugh...
@ZillMob 4 года назад
No more trilogies! Please? Not that 7 8 9 were
@jinkisaragi874 4 года назад
Whoa stop that, we as a society aren't yet ready for such radical ideas. Just add more explosions , fast moving lights and kisses to make the fans happy.
@therwfer 4 года назад
Hi! I'm an average western world consumer and I don't think I like that whole "developed plot" idea. However I did like this rising Skywalker movie because all the critical thoughts I had were numbed by the breathless spectacle that was hard enough to follow. I'm pretty sure the next installment should include more explosions, more lightsaber fights and raise the stakes by making a thousand of the fleets we've seen here.
@jamiebraswell5520 4 года назад
They can all sit down in front of a white board and throw random ideas into the mix!
@AbelDuviant 4 года назад
Honestly, Rise of Skywalker gave me the same vibes as a bad fanfiction written by a 12 year old. Fleet of planet destroying ships and all.
@emberfist8347 4 года назад
Nah it is just a rip-off of Dark Empire but forgetting what made Dark Empire work. In that comic for instance the superlasers on the Star Destroyers weren't strong enough to destroy a planet just crack the crust and kill everything on the surface. They were also only two Star Destroyers with a superlaser with the second being a replacement for the first and finally, the Star Destroyers were as long as the Executor.
@blakecook9266 4 года назад
Tbh, I’ve seen better fanfictions, because usually they add something new (probably an OC or an extra chapter they would have liked to see) and make it work. This movie adds nothing new and nothing works. Writing quality be damned, at least the 12 year olds had ideas.
@AbelDuviant 4 года назад
@@blakecook9266 That's wh it gives the same vibe as a BAD fanfiction
@kilroy987 4 года назад
I think they wanted 12 year old fanfic wanters driving the viability of the trilogy.
@thedarkestfateful 3 года назад
As soon as they started force dyad’ing in the second movie, I just had to check to see if some fan fiction somewhere had the same idea for a romance story. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was one before TLJ tbh.
@majin.clarkk 4 года назад
The only explanation for the movie is “the dark side of the force is a gateway to many abilities some would consider unnatural “
@gigachad-1 4 года назад
How dare you use such a perfect quote for such a bad movie!
@zulumike3228 4 года назад
Palpatine had the thickest plot armor of all Antognists. He was a literal personification of a god that could create life, manipulate society to do his will, and remain immortal.
@lieutenantjacobin 4 года назад
@@zulumike3228 At least, in this film. Before it he had an understandable power level judging by who his master was. This film just ups him ×1000000000000000000000.
@alexturlais8558 4 года назад
We know the dark side can be used to create life, maybe he could also create a gigantic fleet too?
@misterjei 3 года назад
..or "Somehow Palpatine has returned."
@kellylingro3288 4 года назад
I would have really preferred: •Rey being the daughter of nobody important. •Kylo going completely dark (hello saber battle to the death 3.0) •Finn turning the Stormtroopers by using his specific knowledge and experiences. •Chewie and 3PO actually dying.
@lieutenantjacobin 4 года назад
While I hate the Last Jedi dearly, I would've absolutely LOVED if she was a nobody. If they stuck with that, AND had her training for longer than 5 minutes on screen, it couldve conveyed a message on how anybody can be great. *but no dump it in the drain, here is Palpatine.*
@godofspacetime333 4 года назад
Kelly Lingro you get one more 👍
@Mhats 4 года назад
Rey needed to be a Skywalker because she was naturally gifted in the force by being a descendant of the chosen one, every other force user had to study and train there ass off to be powerful in the force. it was also implied in The Force Awaken trailer 2 when Luke said " *the force is strong in my family, my father has it, i have it, my sister has it... you have that power too* ". but Kylo had to be redeemed and needed a head honcho bad guy so bring back palpatine and make rey a Descendant of him because he's powerful. that's like if your grandfather was a Doctor you just know medical lingo without going to school.
@lieutenantjacobin 4 года назад
@@Mhats That is a bullshit explanation because being a Skywalker doesn't ensure strong force abilities. Also, no matter who, you still need training. They actively shit all over the canon by making her good without training.
@benv7933 4 года назад
Apparently in Treverrow's script she was going to be a nobody from loving parents and Kylo Ren kills them. Rey Palpatine felt so desperate.
@fanaticpharaoh6689 4 года назад
"The Climax is meant to be where questions are answered not presented" So basic.
@Silas_MN 4 года назад
You'll learn in any class about professional essay writing NOT to bring up new points/information in your conclusion. Send Abrams back to school!
@memesjack3615 4 года назад
@@Silas_MN What about cliffhangers?
@@memesjack3615 Cliffhnangers are not a climax of a Narrative, its one of a story. Narrative can span multiple stories. If your story has a cliffhanger, the Narrative isn't over :)
@memesjack3615 4 года назад
@@METALGEARMATRIX Thank you for the response. What about open endings? For example, Inception has an open ending and it's a great movie even though that ending breaks the rule of the comment above.
@@memesjack3615 Id say its actually the opposite of a clifdhanger in a way, if a Cliffhanger ending is a story ending but allows the narrative to continue, an open ending is a Narrative ending but a story is allowed to continue. In this context I suppose the 'narrative' is the arc or journey of a particular character or set of characters
@scrawnyclownsnatch9656 4 года назад
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="637">10:37</a> not only did he get "YEETED" down a shaft to explode. He was also on-board the Death-star that EXPLODED. so this man survived TWO explosions. One larger than a NUCLEAR BOMB!.
@lrc4263 4 года назад
Rich Hopkins there wasn’t enough of the Death Star 2 LEFT to fall through the atmosphere. It was blown to dust. This is why it’s strange to see such large pieces of it on the moon. That said, this isn’t earth. The atmosphere may not even be hot. But the impact with the moon/planet would’ve been devastating to a person’s body. But like I said... the Death Star 2 didn’t have pieces that big after it blew up. It was damn near vaporized.
@itmademesignup9508 4 года назад
It wasn't just larger than a nuclear bomb, it was an explosion that destroyed a small frickin' PLANET!
@deponensvogel7261 4 года назад
Um, are you stupid or something, the dark side is a pathway to many abilities some consider unnatural.
@itmademesignup9508 4 года назад
@Stellvia Hoenheim No, Doomguy killed Palpatine in every single continuity that has or ever will exist. "Palpatine" in Estonian translates into "Cyberdemon".
@Okay-wc6mx 4 года назад
ScrawnyClownSnatch he survived because he hops UNLIMITED POWER
@Sams.Videos 4 года назад
"Those three characters where there to op-Poe-se, Finn-ish and Rey-solve the conflict."
@colinluckens9591 4 года назад
@ArcNine9Angel 4 года назад
What, no dad jokes from Papa Palps?
@Cryogenius333 3 года назад
@FlackNCoke 4 года назад
I'm still so mad that they wasted the juicy, brilliant, beautiful, freeing, powerful, and potent idea of having Kylo Ren step up and claim his own destiny by becoming the main antagonist of Episode IX... in service of resurrecting Palpatine via dark side power handwaves. But then again, this is a script by the same writer who wrote a movie with Superman, Batman, and Lex Luthor in it, and didn't even once think "Hmm, Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor are both billionaires who hate Superman at the beginning of the movie, maybe they could be foils for each other!"
@Laura-fr2wx 4 года назад
I love the way you described Kylo facing his destiny!
@Draezeth 4 года назад
Amen, man. Kylo being the central antagonist was *not* a problem to be "solved", like so many people seem to think it is.
@oliviermitton3035 3 года назад
I agree. Having Kylo choosing to still embrace the dark side of his own accord even after overthrowing his master was a great idea, and it would have helped to differentiate this trilogy from the ones before. But they just had to turn him into Darth Vader 2.0.
@gajbooks 3 года назад
I was so hyped at the end of that movie for crazy Kylo and the subtle power struggle with Hux, but JJ Abrams managed to even ruin that awesome ending with a clear path to the next movie.
@tyrant-den884 3 года назад
Forget Kylo, I was pissed off by how they wasted Phasma first.
@carterf3585 4 года назад
"You are a Palpatine" Supposed to be a monumental twist but I just laughed in the theater along with plenty of others. Embarrassing when your big twist is met with bemusement.
@darkravengames9394 4 года назад
Yeah. Half of the people in our theatre laughed too. And I was one of them.
@Jack_Stafford 4 года назад
I did a big fist bump in the air and exclaimed yes! I loved the theory that she was a Palpatine since it was first put on RU-vid examining her fighting style, and somewhat explained why she was automatically good at everything including understanding Droid and Wookie languages. I guess I was just happy that they found something that somewhat patched all the holes ever created previously.
@drewb5396 4 года назад
@@Jack_Stafford wow thats a stretch
@bethanylaurenreads 4 года назад
Carter F I laughed so hard
@carterf3585 4 года назад
@@Jack_Stafford She understood droid because she scavenged electronics for food rations. She knew how to fight because she grew up poor and alone on a harsh planet. Wookie... you got me there, but it seems damn near everyone speaks Wookie in Star Wars. Most of your complaints are still reasonably explained by her upbringing
@inf3243 4 года назад
Great points about Finn's character being useless. Just think, if Finn did lead an uprising of First Order stormtroopers they could've marked themselves with the bloody hand. Could've been iconic!
@Silas_MN 4 года назад
The Band of the Red Hand? Hmmm, where have I seen that before?
@bluesolace9052 4 года назад
Grant Hoggan You mean that one Clone Wars Episode where the clone has the commando droid hand mark on him?
@DionsTravels 4 года назад
Or if Finn didn't get stopped by Rose on the ice planet...
@Silas_MN 4 года назад
@@bluesolace9052 I'm making a reference to the Wheel of TIme here
@Xentillus 4 года назад
@@Silas_MN Been a while, but was that Mat's group of mercs?
@AnnaBloom972 4 года назад
“Somehow palpatine returned” I literally burst out laughing in the theatre. Other people were shushing me
@Flowtail 4 года назад
Can’t believe they didn’t join in
@oliviermitton3035 3 года назад
The moment I recognized Palpatine in the beginning of the movie, I was like ´´Wait, is that Palpatine? Where did he come from?´´
@01sevensix 3 года назад
You can see Oscar Isaac's soul die.
@willmungas8964 3 года назад
Jakob Nielson yeah but those times are generally considered the worst of the EU, and there weren’t other characters who STOLE Anakins legacy
@OneRadicalDreamer 3 года назад
I LOL'd so hard at the text scroll in the theatres. It just read like bad fan fiction.
@godofspacetime333 4 года назад
The first scene of this movie is literally a monologue saying “Forget that stuff that happened in the last one...” Exactly what we all expected from JJ Abrams.
@georgegrogee5991 3 года назад
RJ set nothing up for the finale, aside from a romance between Rey and the major war criminal. No one could've written a satisfying finale to follow RJ's self-indulgent wankery
@timy9197 2 года назад
All 3 movies in the trilogy were that
@UnremarkableMarx 2 года назад
@@georgegrogee5991 I could have. JJ is so cartoonish
@sillygoose9791 2 года назад
The same guy who thought to put "This will make things right" as the first line of TFA as a middle finger to the prequels
@virgogaming6488 Год назад
@@sillygoose9791 And then that hack went back to remembering them in the last movie.
@baracuta3279 4 года назад
"Never before had a Star Wars film focused on the mental and emotional struggles of a Stormtrooper". No, but we got 6 seasons of the mental and emotional struggles of Clone Troopers.
@moretestmorebreast7654 4 года назад
Make that 7
@wxedsanddokx 4 года назад
Which they ruined but implementing a brain chip instead of letting the clones betray the Jedi because they're socially conditioned and genetically designed to follow orders blindly. It meant more. TCW contradicts the prequels more than anything
@jolam8028 4 года назад
@@wxedsanddokx I think the brain-chip-concept makes the betrayal of the stormtroopers much more easily digestible to the fans. Which is not necessarily good, I just think that's why they did it. Because now, whenever thinking of their betrayal, it seems less "real", more like they were betrayed as well. I think it is fine, not the best way to go maybe, but ok
@bigblue207 4 года назад
Jen Lucille ugh I liked that change because I love the clones and I hated thinking they could turn like that but at the same time the heart wrenching feeling it gives makes it have more emotional weight so I’m kinda torn on that
@BurkinaFaso69 4 года назад
Except that the clones were the good guys. You'd feel bad if they died and you're supposed to. Meanwhile you're not supposed to feel bad for the evil henchmen, the storm troopers.
@maureenbouterse 4 года назад
It's mind-blowing how well Avatar the Last Airbender, a decade's old children's show holds up compared to movies and series that have so many well known directors attached to them. Amazing isn't it, what a properly constructed plot with beautifully fleshed out characters can do? Time for another rewatch. As for Star Wars? It's time for me to move on to greener pastures.
@kcrtxbw.4349 4 года назад
That show was a piece of art..
@shosty575 4 года назад
@@kcrtxbw.4349 I love it! It's just the greatest!
@dmitriygryaznov9210 4 года назад
"A decade's old children's show". That sounded SO condescending towards children. They are not stupid, they are just in the beginning of their way to discerning good from bad; and without good and thought-provoking things as examples their ability to learn that would be hampered. And... while I see reasons why it's harder to make/find quality art/books for children, that's no reason to just give up and feed them trash, hoping to make up for your parenting mishaps later.
@alexricky87 4 года назад
Can't wait for the Nextflix version of the show.
@matthewpahnke2613 4 года назад
@Neil1770053 has that ended yet? I'm so jaded by bad stories that I only watch shows that have wrapped up so I'm not burned by incompetent, lazy writing in the final seasons.
@kristiano100 4 года назад
To be honest when I first watched The Force Awakens I thought Finn was the main character, not Rey. It just felt like they spent so much more time with him instead of Rey and he had a more interesting backstory as a Stormtrooper until they shoved him in the backburner for The Last Jedi and the Rise of Skywalker. It would've been so great to explore him as a character since he was Force-sensitive and an had an interesting character dynamic.
@reneemujica142 3 года назад
I wish he would have had to fight Rey when she turned to the dark side
@kajamiletic3223 Год назад
It would have also been cool to have a different character "lead" each installment: Finn is the lead in the first movie, Rey in the second, have Poe or Kylo take it up for the third.
@jzahk1072 4 года назад
Just a thought: I'm not sure Kylo developing into Central Antagonist would have been a problem. Not all Star Wars Trilogies had a redemption arc. The prequel ends in a dark place setting the OT (in which the redemption arc occurred). The sequels could have gone the same way with Kylo; developing the character even further into darkness and giving the trilogy a dark end, setting up a future trilogy's redemption arc.
@Flowtail 4 года назад
That would’ve completely contradicted everything about how he was set up, though. It would’ve taken a lot of thought and clever writing to pull off, which as evidenced by what we got, was not in the cards
@devan_danger 3 года назад
Maybe not a redemption arc but I could imagine a case for kylo to become ever more powerful to return as the central antagonist of another trilogy. Being as Adam driver was the strongest element of this trilogy it stands to reason that you could develop a strong story around his ascendence to the pinnacle of evil.
@kylemaw988 2 года назад
Another way it could have gone is with Kylo Ren pushing the First Order too far, with him realizing that it has become something beyond what he is willing to take part in anymore, causing him to try and atone for his actions. An arc like that in the final movie of the trilogy could have worked really well.
@TheMNbassHunter 4 года назад
I agree about the Chewie death scene being a potentially powerful moment, but instead of sharing your emotional experience, I was suspicious and confused. The trailers showed Chewie flying the Millennium Falcon with Lando so he couldn't really be gone and the moment in the movie was just confusing for me.
@hellwalker301 4 года назад
It was potentially a powerful moment, if Hans Solo's death wasn't predictable from Harrison Fords dislike of the character, Luke death from Rian Johnson's character assassination and Leia's death from real life circumstances. The direction taken by the Last Jedi to ridicule the character development of all legacy characters (including Leia as a general of the rebel army) and the regression of all male characters from the force awakens effectively promotes alienation and apathy from many different groups of fans from previous. The death of 1 main character from the episode 4,5,6 era per film was predictable. The treatment of Admiral Akbar who to some is a meme character deserving of his off screen death and urology sets the tone for any other memorable popular positive supporting character. Low expectation for their welfare was established in that movie and only morbid curiosity keeps me commenting on this waste of potential. Any of the episodes 7,8,9 could have delivered their message more effectively with better attention to internal consistency let alone treated as a single film told in 3 film length segments.
@zaphael7238 4 года назад
The movie was a disaster, I never felt for any of the characters while watching the movie because nothing was allowed to breathe, it was run here, chase that clew, look for that character, run away, fight, retreat run some more. It was such a shame because I felt like the sequels could have ended on a high note. JJ screwed the pooch again, in the worst possible way. Which is you look back at TFA you can see that oh he did what he always does a reboot or re-skin yeah.
@procinctu1 4 года назад
I have read people got so angry at test screenings they walked out of the movie theatre. So, they decided to make it a fake out.
@Arquinsiel 4 года назад
I had noticed the second lander too, so it was really weird to me that nobody else did, including the characters in the damn movie.
@sinej901 4 года назад
this exactly why i cant watch trailers anymore
@fastfishtoo4991 4 года назад
The choice of Rey being a Palpatine kind of actually undermines the whole inclusivity/feminist 'agenda' that I see some people claim to be a problem with these films. By making Rey a Palp, they are basically affirming the fact that bloodlines matter; what you are born as matters. Being born a Palpatine makes you a certain way. If they really wanted a more inclusive and feminist story (feminism in the broad sense), rewrite the perception of the Force being a genetic predisposition, don't rewrite Luke being an old hermit who ran away from his friends.
@alexturlais8558 4 года назад
Personally I dont mind Luke running away, but I wish they made Rey a nobody. The best decision of TLJ was ruined by ROS.
@Flowtail 4 года назад
I don’t understand how Luke running away undermines inclusivity? He ran away because he had the thought that killing Kaylo could keep him from becoming a problem down the line (technically true), who understandably freaked out at waking up to see his uncle standing over him with a laser sword and turned against him, presumably taking a bunch of Luke’s students when he left the burning ruins of whatever school Luke’d managed to set up Besides he had a whole trilogy to himself, having him take up a protagonist slot i this one would be kinda silly
@oliviermitton3035 3 года назад
Agreed. Making Rey’s heritage matter makes the Force itself a lot less interesting, as it tells us that only people like Skywalkers or Palpatines can be strong in the Force, and thus that your bloodline is what makes you special.
@fastfishtoo4991 3 года назад
@@Flowtail Yeah sorry, I didn't mean to say that Luke running away undermines inclusivity, just included that due to my butthurtedness lol. But Luke running away is a problem in my mind because the fundamental driving force for him in the originals is to help his friends and the people he cares about, and one of his final lessons is that he can rely on his people. Therefore it makes little sense for him to abandon everyone to a destruction that he indirectly caused. That could indeed happen, but then, I think, they should have explored why he chose this and exploring that would take too much runtime away from the new gen. He certainly doesn't need to be a protagonist, but they didn't need to destroy his character. Like, just leave him be, man, we love that fella.
@willmungas8964 3 года назад
Fif Gallag it sorta makes sense and was an interesting move until you realize that Luke as he is established would never have tried to kill his nephew after merely sensing darkness in him. Why? Because goddamn it he actively wouldn’t let himself kill his father that he KNEW was evil because of the chance to redeem him. It’s not entirely Rían Johnson’s fault though, the idea of Luke being a hermit is neat but they really were written into a hole by the decision to have him hiding in TFA
@corruptangel6793 4 года назад
By making 9 movies split into 3 trilogies that tell 1 story: the Skywalker Saga, they essentially made the equivalent of a single trilogy. Part 1 (book 1, season 1, first arc) the Prequels. Part 2 (book 2, season 2, second arc) the OT. Part 3 (book 3, season 3, third arc) the Sequels. The problem (for me at least...one of them) is that the first 2 books, seasons, whatever, work together as you'd expect them to. Palpatine rules the galaxy and must be stopped. Anakin, the prophesied savior is still around, though he needs help as he's become lost to the darkness. And there are still characters from the first book who's arcs need closure, IE Obi-Wan and Yoda. Not to mention how the main hero in the second book (Luke) is set up in the first. As well as his connection to the story. All the set-ups in the first book are paid off in the second. But the Sequels have no real connection to the first 2 books. It feels tacked on and clumsily forced. Hell, the main protagonist had no reason to even be in the story until the final act (TROS) and neither does the main villain! Not to mention how the 3rd book is effectivly just a copy/paste of book 2. I don't mind them using the same plot beats, but when it's so damned obvious it becomes a problem. The Prequels for example did an infinitely better job of using plot beats from the OT in new ways. Such as the assault on the Droid Control Ship in TPM obviously being a combination of both Death Star assaults.
@pedrorenault5335 3 года назад
Totally agree. Another awesome way that the prequels use OT concepts in new ways is the Battle of Geonosis. The ending of Attack of the Clones mirrors the beginning of Empire Strikes Back (both being the second movie of their trilogies). In Empire, the great political force who owns is the villains, who attack the rebels (heroes) in a desolate planet while they try to escape. In Attack of the Clones, the great political force with an army is the Republic (heroes) who attack the “rebels” (separatists) while they try to escape
@jemm113 2 года назад
The sequels should have frankly been focused on the New Republic being in a Cold War/stalemate/uneasy cease-fire with the remaining imperial remnants and the tensions rising from a rumored power entering the conflict to re-establish a connected imperial force. By establishing that circumstances had forced the Rebels/New Republic into being unable to wipe out the empire the circumstances that establish something like the first order are far more believable. If one of the imperial remnants fled to the unknown regions under Palpatine’s post-humous orders and encountered a well-trained inquisitor that was groomed to become the new Emperor we would have a basis for Snoke! Alternatively the imperial remnant would have gone of their own volition into the unknown regions to hide from the NR where they encountered a Sith cult that fled when Palpatine rose to power (since they’d be competition) and either combined forces or entered a strange alliance that grew into something bigger. Sith religion could have been an internal conflict for the Empire/First Order too! Hell, the old empire remnants absorbed by the NR would inevitably have Empire supporters that weren’t found guilty of crimes and would be eager to enter politics as a new or multiple new political parties; and sandwiched in between all them could be the First Order infiltrating as a political party to drum up support passively while working to unite the imperial remnants already absorbed into the NR. These remnants could then be coordinating with the sovereign remnants to create a United anti-republic front that gets absorbed into the FO completely The entire trilogy could have ended with the galaxy split between Empire and Republic, put into a stalemate where the hero’s stop the Empire/FO from overtaking the republic completely.
@oya7524 4 года назад
I quite like the idea of Finn trying to start mutiny among the First Order's soldiery. Could've been a plotline for movie 8 & 9. Shame they didn't do it. Good call!
@rileynicholson2322 3 года назад
It might also help with all the thinkers in the audience going: "Wait is this genocide? There's a lot of stormtroopers/clones on those ships, are we going to let them surrender or just burn them all?"
@NeonPhyzics 4 года назад
The only thing I would disagree on is the way you have the Emperor / Vader as the pair in Star Wars...I actually think its Tarkin / Vader - we don't get anything from the Emperor in that film, but Tarkin destroys planets, orders Leia executed and tries to destroy the rebels...
@Ruylopez778 4 года назад
I agree, but Tarkin does mention the Emperor in one line, even if he doesn't appear as a character.
@kossend1 4 года назад
@@Ruylopez778 I always saw it as Tarkin being the Emperor's on screen representative. The Emperor is made all the more fearsome for being off screen but Tarkin carrying out all of his actions gives him some form of presence as opposed to being some passive guy in the background
@parangaricuchillo 4 года назад
@Kosdan I agree with NeonPhyzics. Tarkin was the one taking action in the viewers' eyes, not Emperor Palpatine.
@billdestroyerofworlds 4 года назад
You're right on that one. You have to give Peter Cushing his due. He is a fantastic actor and is a great villain in the original Star Wars.
@PsychadelicoDuck 4 года назад
@@kossend1 I think it's actually the reverse. _Vader_ is the Emperor's onscreen representative in IV. He's the one who physically embodies evil (as the Dark Side of the Force and a six-plus-foot guy in pure-black power armor), who escapes at the end to fight another day, while Tarkin gets blown up real good, and is the one who drives most of the conflict (as the builder of the Death Star, and the commander of the Empire's local forces, including Vader, nominally). I also seem to recall that Tarkin and Vader have a bit of a spat where Tarkin calls Vader the Emperor's lapdog, or something along those lines. Vader is basically an elite mook and an ambassador representative of the unseen Emperor. Look at it from a plot perspective: What would change if Vader was removed? Obi Wan's death, a few X-Wing pilot's deaths, some cool imagery, and a bit of exposition about Obi-Wan and Luke's father's pasts and the nature of the Force. Vader's not meaningless, but he really doesn't contribute much to the plot, and is more of a greater scope villain.
@TheDarthDestruktor 4 года назад
First Film - Finn escapes First Order Second Film - Finn defeats Phasma and makes speech about freedom to Stormtroopers Third Film - Finn is a "silent hero" to Stormtroopers, many defect the army. Finn leads the ex-stormtroopers against final enemy.
@squidlytv 4 года назад
Final Enemy should be Hux or Knights of Ren.
@Marinealver 4 года назад
Sorry, we can't have a man show up Rey, Finn must be the useless comic relief.
@JoelJoel321 4 года назад
Agree. Imagine a scene where many Stormtroopers unmask like Finn did. Swell music. The Rebellion is reborn.
@DaDunge 4 года назад
Except except one line those ex stormstoopers had nothing in common with stormtroopers. At least they could have used their old gear (excluding helmets so we could tell them apart).
@rosanayr 4 года назад
TheDarthDestruktor Something I didn't know if wanted until after I left the theater
@AnnoyingMoose 4 года назад
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="385">6:25</a> "Star Wars is fundamentally based around 2 things." I seriously expected you to say that 1 of those things was toy sales.
@redherronrecords 3 года назад
Bro word haha
@Gadget-Walkmen 7 месяцев назад
For lucas, yeah!
@davididiart5934 4 года назад
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="360">6:00</a> Damn... this makes me so mad they didn't do that exact thing. Kylo becoming the Central Antagonist would have been utterly brilliant.
@olijess_ 3 года назад
They actually did do it for the third act of The Last Jedi. I was caught so off guard when I watched it the first time in the movie that I actually liked it a lot :)
@hefoughtabear118 2 года назад
TROS is the one that messed that up. Woulda been great if they just went off what TLJ set up
@davididiart5934 2 года назад
@@hefoughtabear118 This right here. Committing to what was done in TLJ would have been infinitely better.
@kirk001 4 года назад
Jeebus I wanted the non-redemption arc so much.
@jonvart6136 4 года назад
i could have been fine with the redemption arc, but if he survived and had to work to redeem himself instead of just redemption via death which weve seen before and is boring
@glass12 4 года назад
This is what Colin wanted to do as well :(
@nihadanwar2 4 года назад
Same I was intrigued by the way The Last Jedi set up Kylo to be the main antagonist with full moral responsibility so much. Such wasted potential.
@matti.8465 4 года назад
Gotta please the Reylo fans, I guess. Tho it's so dumb to put Kylo in the EXACT context Vader was redeemed, just to have him reject that redemption......aaand later redeeming him in a way that parallels Vader even more, Palpatine and everything.
@glass12 4 года назад
@@matti.8465 They could have even redeemed him and leave him alive so he could face the resposibility of his crimes and try to fix them or something like that... but no they did exactly as before. Too scared to leave out the template :(
@blokey8 4 года назад
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="540">9:00</a> WORD. I was so ready to see Adam Driver go full Shakespearean tragic villain.
@ChongtheNomad206 4 года назад
“because [avatar] does a lot of what Star Wars attempts, but better.” YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
@Satherian 4 года назад
"because [avatar] does a lot of what Star Wars attempts, but better.” "Shut up baby, I know it!"
@barneywiggins479 4 года назад
The fact is they walked into this trilogy with absolutely no plan and no overarching story to make the trilogy cohesive. Plus they let the directors write whatever they wanted to write, instead of submitting to the overarching story line/plan that still to this day does not exist. This is why in of themselves each movie as individuals movies are good. But as a trilogy its THE MOST disjointed garbage I've ever seen.
@bikebudha01 4 года назад
No, individually these movies all suck in their own right....
@Missingno_Miner 4 года назад
@@bikebudha01 Each one has some individual appeal, if you also remove the title of star wars from it. But yes, overall they are mediocre individual movies at best
@oliverford5367 4 года назад
It's ridiculous. You have JJ in TFA setting up mysteries that need to be answered. Then RJ in TLJ scrapping them all and apparently making a point that the Force is for everyone (which is a good idea to get away from bloodlines and Chosen Ones). Then JJ going back to bloodlines, forgetting Broom Boy and bringing Palpatine back!
@gajbooks 3 года назад
@@oliverford5367 It makes a ton of sense what The Last Jedi did when you listen to how JJ Abrams builds up his "mystery box". Basically he generates hype around something even he doesn't know the answer to, so Rian Johnson was just like "fuck it, Kylo is cooler and actually makes sense", and chopped Snoke's head off.
@robertmaybeth3434 3 года назад
K I had to stop reading when you said "the individual movies are good." No, they just suck, they suck even worse as part of Star wars canon that used to mean something until they turned it into "Plan 9 from outer space".
@hurtchain5844 4 года назад
The entire sequel trilogy is a rather fascinating case study in how not to write a story or make a film. While it sucks a franchise had to be sacrificed for this, we now have three films that excellently show how to fail and what you need to avoid.
@Stratelier 4 года назад
There is a certain motto called "fail faster", and the whole sequel trilogy should be regarded as a case example.
@colinluckens9591 4 года назад
@AchtungEnglander 4 года назад
yeah....I am not sure Bob Iger saw it that way
@theflashgordon193 4 года назад
also how not to handle a trilogy
@filmtoppings 4 года назад
Even tho I love 7 and 8 I do agree w that statenment
@almostshawn3230 4 года назад
The more I think about, the more I realize that Rey should have taken Kylo's hand in Last Jedi.
@glass12 4 года назад
It would have been so cool! and taken the story on a very different direction :) but oh well.. u_u
@hairflames 4 года назад
Tha'ts why I can't take the argument "TLJ is a new word". It's tries and promises, but the anticipation is for nothing. So what's the point? I disagree with SB that TLJ was a step forward or whatever. It was just a thought, a try, an effort, that was subverted by movie itself.
@glass12 4 года назад
@@hairflames In its eagerness to deconstruct the Star Wars mythos, the Last Jedi forgot to actually build something else to look forward to. It feels like an incomplete film IMO.
@almostshawn3230 4 года назад
@@hairflames I honestly am not sure what you're saying, but I think The Last Jedi was a step forward. Force Awakens is New Hope but bigger, The Last Jedi tries to expound upon the ideas about the Jedi brought about in the prequels. I just wish it did more. Point is the Rise of Skywalker could have been better, but J J Abrams and company really wanted Kylo Ren to be redeemed.
@NPrinceling 4 года назад
Imagine it: Rey is convinced he can be saved and joins him. Finn shows a flash of the Force in rescuing the last of the Resistance. Rather than train Rey, Leia trains Finn. Finn faces Rey as the secondary antagonist. He finally convinces her that Kylo Ren cannot be redeemed, so she rejoins the light and defeats Kylo Ren and mourns his destruction of the Skywalker legacy.
@SnatchBandegrip 4 года назад
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="1551">25:51</a> "Han died meaningfully in Episode 7. Luke died in Episode 8." Probably over-analyzing here, but the omission of the word "meaningfully" in the second sentence seems deliberate.
@zulumike3228 4 года назад
Luke deserved a better close out than what he got. He was basically written off to push Rey to the forefront of the story since no one gave a shit about her and were simply waiting for Luke to return to the main story line.
@e.l.norton 4 года назад
Luke's death was completely pointless. It achieved nothing.
@JACKTHEBBTFAN 4 года назад
@@e.l.norton luke saved the surviving resistance members and sparked hope in the galaxy. Not pointless
@colinstewart3531 4 года назад
@@JACKTHEBBTFAN I think he meant narratively it achieved nothing.
@TheKaiminator 4 года назад
@@e.l.norton did you watch the epilogue? His death inspired the children of the galaxy! His death was the "spark that will light the fire that will burn the last order down." One man facing off against an army and becoming a legend is a powerful symbol that the everyman/underdog/galaxy can rally behind. His death wasn't pointless in TLJ but it was made so in RTOS because the people of the galaxy didn't come to fight the final order because of power of Luke's legend, but because Papa Lando said: "hey come with me."
@StephensCrazyHour 4 года назад
The sequel trilogy was a huge opportunity missed. There was one moment though that could have redeemed it and turned it into something that at least was interesting. In Episode 8, in the throne room, after Kylo Ren had killed Snoke he offered his hand to Rey and asked her to join him. And she said "no". What a waste. They had been foreshadowing this moment right throughout the film and she straight up turns him down. The whole series could have become way more interesting at that point. The girl we thought was the protagonist then becomes the new antagonist. The resistance is left with Luke and Leia as the only two force users (although Leia really should have been dead at this point). One of these is in a coma and the other one is a hermit who refuses to engage with the universe. All of a sudden the stakes become real. The most ridiculously powerful force user we've ever seen is now a bad guy and the potential for interesting things to happen is boundless. But Rey says "no" without a second thought, Kylo does what he does and nothing interesting at all happens for the rest of the series. I actually enjoyed Rise of Skywalker, but mostly for the visuals and musical score. It was a bad movie that followed on from a bad movie, which followed on from a bad movie.
@geoffstemen3652 3 года назад
Every choice they made was simultaneously bland and maddening.
@ARandomSpace 2 года назад
TFA's flaws could be built on to turn it into something great, but instead we got this...
@sillygoose9791 2 года назад
This was the last chance we had with the original cast, and Luke, Leia, and Han don't even share one frame of screentime together. Absolute joke.
@blueshattrick 4 года назад
Jar Jar Abrams: a man with SO little creativity and imagination that he 1) did an almost exact re-make of A New Hope, then had to 2) bring an old character BACK FROM THE DEAD.. because he couldn't think of anything better! Sad.
@persona83 4 года назад
Sure but TLJ didn't left much for JJ to work with.
@derfalschelennox365 4 года назад
@@persona83 well thats just not true now is it? A clean slate with no Snoke so you can really explore Kylos character and the way he leads the First Order. Rey having to fight for herself since Luke is dead, making it a more difficult and therefore interresting struggle. The Rebelion in shatters having the need for them to rebuild. ( The return of the Jedi did the same thing, where everything is basically fucked at the end of The Empire strikes back and did a fine Job with it) Exploring infighting in the First Order other than "Oooh im the Spy because I hate Kylo so i want him to lose" I mean Jesus. Thats some weak ass motivation. So I wouldn´t say JJ had little to work with. He just dropped everything he had to work with because fans lost their shit over The Last Jedi and Disney got cold feet and wanted to please fans and nothing pleases them more than name dropping and the return of already established characters (example for that were the constant fan theories who Rey is related to and the outrage when TLJ revealed she really was a nobody. Because you cant have a power full Jedi/Sith without him/her being related to someone we already know.) Classic example of a big corporation bending to the will of the people. Sadly people are idiots who dont know what they want most of the time.
@VonJay 4 года назад
@@persona83 Plenty of stuff to work with in a star wars universe with a shit load of ideas. What I think most people don't understand is that, JJ's derivative ignition into the Disney era, constrained the imagination of future writers and directors. Very few artists in history copy stroke for stroke the artistry of another. He passed a torch that featured no new ship design, derivative plot, a wanna be darth vader, an old man's jason bourne in Rey, a storm trooper that lies and runs, several desert and snow planets, a bootleg palpaltine...he essentially impeded the imagination of the people who'd like to create for the universe. The force awakens feels like it was made by a comittee and or research groups that scan social media sites for requests. Like most art in history, The Last Jedi feels like the artistic expression of the individual.
@lrc4263 4 года назад
It’s heavily speculated that either Disney or Kathleen FORCED him to use Palpatine. No tangible proof of course, but wouldn’t surprise me that they would force him to use an established character instead of a new one.
@lrc4263 4 года назад
Grapthar's Hebrew Hammer aside from plot holes and the boring casino planet stuff... if “The Last Jedi” had been a Star Wars side story about different characters but with the same story it would have been MUCH more well received. Probably even loved by fans. Of course you’d hafta change the beginning and ending a bit so it doesn’t seem like a center-of-trilogy film, but the story itself had fantastic potential. But what was done with the characters was absolutely insulting to fans and the legacy actors.
@nealezeringue1582 4 года назад
Plageius would have been a good alternative. He’s alluded to in episode three as learning how to cheat death.
@allanthomson9372 4 года назад
Neale Zeringue yeah if palpetine had died in a different way maybe they could’ve brought him back with the explanation palpetine learned it but he was blown up and in the middle of space no way he survived that lol
@gwendytequiere 4 года назад
I still don't understand why they didn't go this route. It would have helped soooo many things. Given things more meaning, and could have raised the stakes.
@enumeration 4 года назад
@@gwendytequiere I feel like the premise of the story told by Palps is that he murdered Plageius once he taught him everything he knew. I know that's the part that could be explained off as him cheating death, but Palps literally says ironic he could save others but not himself. It also is central to the rule of two that Plageius dies there, the sith gain control by killing their masters. Third, whilst you would get around the problems faced with Palps coming back from death (although introducing the same problem for another character) you get another problem of: okay so you mentioned this character in one line 6 films ago, which was already used as the means for Palps to tempt Anakin to the dark side (so it already had a purpose that was used up) now he just suddenly becomes the big bad for this final movie? You have the exact same thing of a villain appearing out of nowhere with extremely tenuous logic. Palps appearing out of nowhere cheating death, making a huge army somehow, while avoiding being discovered by any of the good guys, becomes Plageius appearing out of nowhere cheating death, making a huge army somehow, avoiding being discovered by any of the good guys OR the bad guys for 6 films worth of time.
@willigagbob8243 4 года назад
No, it very specifically stated he never learned how to cheat death. You know, because he died.
@Chance57 4 года назад
Even Darth JarJar Plageius would have been better than the garbage we got.
@martinhajek5895 4 года назад
Good god, the rebel inspiring Finn sounds so heckin good, that could have been so awesome...
@Satherian 4 года назад
Imagine if it was Finn and Poe at that casino, with Finn explaining the horrors of war to Poe and the whole trip being a way to teach Poe about how to be a good leader. Then, when they get back to the ships after failing their mission, the explosion takes place and kills everyone in command, including Leia (No force mummy BS) With all the leaders of the rebellion dead, Poe steps up to become the second-in-command beside Holdo, who eventually teaches him that sacrifices must be made to win when she does the hyperdrive maneuver. Now, you've got Finn and Poe in charge, with Poe being the leader and Finn as his second-in-command and helping them plan a way to convince the First Order soldiers to join their cause. To make it even better - Imagine if Rey *was* tempted to the dark side (aka Kylo becomes the main antagonist and Rey becomes his apprentice) and the third movie was about Finn and Poe trying to bring her back to the light! And better yet, if Rey is the one to kill Kylo, this fits with the whole cycle of Sith apprentices killing their masters! (Kylo killed Snoke, Rey killed Kylo) Which also fits why Kylo would want to 'kill the past', because he want to break the cycle so he doesn't die to it. And it would give a good explanation why Rey is so powerful - she's trained in both Light and Dark. And her redemption is choosing the Light
@crowningtesla 4 года назад
Just the image of Finn getting others to defect by using the comms towers nearly made me cry! They wasted so much potential on him. This is the first of your videos that I've seen, definitely gonna check out more!
@Villani_AV 4 года назад
The force lightning in this movie was just straight disrespectful
@harrisoncora4259 4 года назад
Anthony Villani why?
@jaysimpson3767 4 года назад
@@harrisoncora4259 I hope that cleared it up because his answer was very in depth and accurate.
@tyfoster1599 4 года назад
Emma Kielty pi
@brynleys1 4 года назад
Emma Kielty thank you so much for this! This is a perfect explanation of how the film destroys current cannon and lore. If the Dark side was just so easy to acquire then the whole of Revenge of the Sith and the transformation to Vader would not have happened. Anakin had to commit terrible acts, kill younglings and fellow Jedi...why...because the dark side of the force allows the user to harness such power some consider to be unnatural...powers that can not be learned by a Jedi...then just like a wrecking ball in comes Rey...😣 I want to enjoy these films I really do...but as much as George messed with Cannon an lord and special editions, the man cared about the lore and universe for it to make sense.
@jeck8005 4 года назад
@@emmakielty5552 that was just a hint at reys true heritage and showing that she is definitley not a true jedi.
@Movie16Master 4 года назад
The ending to episode 6 leaves you in the exact same place as the ending to episode 9. There was no progression in the story, and that's what bothers me the most. The sequel trilogy is useless. Episode 7 was interesting in that it presented the first order. It showed that even though the empire was destroyed that there were some that were still trying to keep it's reign. It would have been far more interesting if the movies told the story of the republic coming back into power and the struggle it would take to gain the control over the galaxy. Instead we got 3 movies that told the story of basically two rebellions going at it. Sure planets got destroyed, but it was a quick scene that didn't mean anything. Never explored to show the impact of that action. What was the point in destroying the first order if you aren't going to try and fix the galaxy yourself? What have the rebels been doing this whole time? Why hasn't someone tried to re-establish the republic? The rebels can be seen as terrorist. I'm sure the galaxy would have been a lot better without them. It's not like the rebels want to rule. They just want to destroy things because they don't like how things are ran.
@ryanblack8392 4 года назад
You look like the physical embodiment of r/niceguys
@Movie16Master 4 года назад
@@ryanblack8392 it's that hat isn't it? Psh, shit is classy. I look like I was just dropped from the greatest generation ever.
@dreamof_me 4 года назад
I agree if the movies were going to portray the rebellion as a benevolent cause, they didn’t portray it well
@BlackHowl1 4 года назад
I thought the republic was re-established? Isn't that what the New Order is going after with their intra-galactic laser gun in that 10 second scene? I think the fact that I'm not even sure myself indicates that even if that were the case, it wasn't very clearly communicated. I agree, I would have been really interested to see some focus on how the republic had been rebuilt, and actually clearly define the resistance as being this fringe group who are solely committed to fighting the New Order.
@bethanylaurenreads 4 года назад
Jeff Stiff agreed
@Wolfways 4 года назад
Rey: "I'm Rey Skywalker." Me: No you're not. You don't deserve that name. You're Rey Palpatine.
@zulumike3228 4 года назад
That should've been the old ladies next line...."BISH you lying....the Skywalkers were cool.!"
@johnythefox100 4 года назад
she can't be a Skywalker, she never lost a hand!
@Wolfways 4 года назад
@@johnythefox100 Even Palpatine lost a hand (Mara Jade) :P But what about Leia?
@bikebudha01 4 года назад
Lei even told her to 'own who she is'. so much for that....
@onespicysauce6599 4 года назад
bikebudha01 Yeah the entire moral of the story was that no matter where you come from their actions don’t define you
@syystomu 3 года назад
Retconning major aspects of a story to completely change its trajectory is almost never a good idea. I had mixed feelings about TLJ but my main worry about the final movie was that they'd chicken out and backpedal on those choices. And it seems like that's exactly what happened. In contrast, TLJ changed the trajectory but did it in a way that didn't conflict with what came before, just recontextualised it. It was a twist, not a retcon. I think they could have executed it better but the concept itself was good. Especially Rey's parentage because the non-answer was actually the most interesting answer. Bonus points for also being the least expected. It doesn't work perfectly to me because the metatext distracts from the text but that's the fault of Force Awakens for setting the whole mystery up without thinking of an answer in the first place.
@hikikomicklori9290 4 года назад
Just wait till they do the collector edition re-release where they cgi Snoke into Palpatine, add baby Yoda and a musical number during that festival in the desert.
@southpaw117 4 года назад
I already have my preorder paid in full!
@polyemphis 4 года назад
Palpatine being in the movie and Kylo Ren welding his hat back together were the dumbest parts. There was no point in their inclusions besides JJ Abrams being a bad writer
@thalloutboy 4 года назад
Jake Micheletti I think Kylo welding his mask back together was included for the sole purpose of sticking it to Rian Johnson.
@Aredel 4 года назад
Thall For Life this whole movie was designed to stick it to Rian Johnson.
@kaptenlemper 4 года назад
@@Aredel and the paying moviegoers.
@Articuno54 4 года назад
The idea of Palpatine coming back as a clone with the desire to possess a new body happened in the old EU/Legends stories, which I know doesn't necessarily make it good but let me explain. What made it work was: 1. It was given a definitive explanation. The original Palpatine is definitely dead, and he had been working on cloning vessels of himself during the Clone Wars. It wasn't just waved off as "Cloning...secrets only the Sith knew" and "The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural". The first we hear of the Clone Wars IN CANON is A New Hope from Luke. It's common knowledge, not a secret. Also, Luke had to destroy all of the Emporer's other clones before even attempting to kill him, which could have been a cool conflict in the sequel trilogy if set up properly. 2. The remnants of the Empire actually stuck around and garnered power through the likes of the Thrawn campaign, rather than being an Empire rip-off that we only know is an off-branch of the Empire during RoS, and even still only really gets context from Battlefront II. Again, if built up properly, it could have been interesting. 3. His desire to possess a younger, powerful Jedi (in the EU/Legends case, Anakin Solo, newborn son of Han and Leia) doesn't require a "ritual" or "murder from someone who hates him", but was more a physical attack in a sense. A dying Jedi character forces Palpatine to move into him, and since he is dying, Palpatine is "dragged" into the Force with him and is defeated forever. I'm obviously glossing over a lot other events within the EU/Legends story (Dark Empire and Dark Empire II), such as Luke's temporary stint as the Emporer's apprentice, and I mainly just wanted to show that Clone Palpatine can work when you get people who actually plan out what they write. It does still kind of rub against that "Luke and Anakin's struggle was ultimately a failure" thing. When reading the comics, it's so soon after RotJ that reads more like Palpatine's last breath than the continued machinations of the all-knowing Sheev.
@darthtroller 3 года назад
There's also the fact that the prequels hadn't come out therefore no prophecy established, and it was Luke who handled Palpatine, not a bunch of nobodies
@robe9759 3 года назад
I was totally down for Palpatine coming back in ROS, the problem is, the only lines saying how the fuck he is alive are throwaway lines that you can easily forget. Plus in a perfect world, It would've been hinted since 7 that, Palpatine was secretly controlling everything. He feels to rushed into this movie, and it lowers the value he has when watching.
@Raigan_Avalon 3 года назад
There is another problem with Ray's use of Force Lightning. She's never used it and has no reason to know it. It devalues the ability because as far as the movies go, it is the highest level dark-side force power. Only three characters had ever used it at that point, all of them Sith lords. Those being Palpatine, Snoke and Dooku. And it furthers the argument that she doesn't work for her abilities.
@Gdach 4 года назад
Making Kylo villain would have been the best option, but there is another problem: Kylo never won. You can make any excuses as to why he didn't win, but the fact remains that he still didn't succeed in anything against main protagonist. It cheapens the threat he posses, especially after Luke is making fun of him in Crait. Snoke dead, Phasma dead, Luke dead, Hux is a joke, Finn and Poe arc seemed to be finished, there's little to work with.
@notsohandyandy 4 года назад
You're right that Kylo as the villain would have been the best option, but the not-winning problem could easily be remedied in IX. Just have him win a number of times leading up to the finale, at which point Rey finally defeats him or whatever. TLJ presented a number of masterstrokes of writing, and TROS just totally flubbed the catch on most of them.
@maulok8441 4 года назад
He was kicking Rey's ass with ease during their duel and the only reason she jabbed him is because Leia died and for a brief moment he was caught off gaurd. He also was stronger when pulling the transport with the force... Not sure what you mean. He was obviously more powerful than her in this movie.
@Lashb1ade 4 года назад
In the first film Kylo was pathetic. In the second he is still kind of a mess, but he is finally able to kill Snoke. The third film reaches a climax with him finally, unambiguously winning. The trilogy thus becomes the tale of Kylo Ren's struggle against the odds to reach the top despite all doubts. ... obviously we can't actually have a villain winning in the end so at that point we needed to have him be defeated mentally rather than physically. We actually almost got this with him defeating Rey in their duel, before being redeemed by Leia's sacrifice. Before TRoS I had the idea of having Rey, lying broken at his feet, asking him "Are you happy now? Was it worth it?" causing him to look upon his empire of ashes and finally being redeemed, prompting some heroic sacrifice.
@MegaHI32 4 года назад
Actually he was mostly even against Finn in the first movie, after having apparently years of training, and the loss to Rey made consistent the idea that Kylo was a joke
@thaThRONe 4 года назад
Exactly. Rian Johnson did a piss poor job setting up Kylo Ren as the main antagonist. You erase the Crait scene and we may have a chance to make Kylo Ren respectable. After he acts like a unstable man child he can't be Supreme leader of anything.
@Edax_Royeaux 4 года назад
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="1448">24:08</a> "They did the best that they could" I'm afraid I'm going to have the push the disagree button on that one.
@underwearrr 4 года назад
Great comment. They literally do this for a living. If that was the best they could do they should try their hand at selling cars, because their best at film making isn’t good enough!
@timothymclean 4 года назад
I'd argue that Kylo's redemption was still possible; he'd just need to be re-exposed to the Light. Maybe make it something about how real change takes time and needs guidance or something. (ATLA comparison: While Zuko is still influenced by his hope for paternal love when he returns to the "dark side" in season 2, it doesn't go away before his final return to the "light side". All that changes is his self-perception.) (Less important: Given how many common Star Wars tropes were averted it subverted in TLJ, I suspect Johnson was trying to disrupt the two-antagonist structure of Star Wars. Criticizing it because it doesn't mesh with extant structures would be silly. Criticizing later films for how badly it handled the plots and characters attached to the new structure...is different.)
@darthtroller 3 года назад
In my TROS fanfic I wrote it that Snoke was possessed by Plagueis and didn't anticipate his death so his only way of surviving was through the Dyad he created so his soul is between Rey and Kylo and he pushes them towards different extremes, the dark one will be the one to embody him, he's also ampliphying adversity among them, they then both go in the World Between Worlds and there's a long ass sequence I won't entirely bother explaining since it'll confuse you, but eventually Rey will sacrifice her life while having absorbed Plagueis' life, Ben then truly broke free of Plagueis' influence and had the choice to redeem himself and during the final act he helps Finn inspire a Stormtrooper rebellion against Hux and the remaining Knights of Ren (some of them died earlier in the story), it may sound like rushed fanfic but when you get the whole context you'll see how Ben could earn his redemption
@astroknight5 3 года назад
Han and Luke's confrontations set Kylo on the path to redemption. Kylo couldn't fire at Leia. She was orginally supposed to play an important role in ep9, which I guess was related to Ben's redemption. So from the first two movies, Kylo was on the path to be redeemed.
@thefinne6737 4 года назад
Did anybody else laugh their asses off when rey died
@tbryan344 4 года назад
I know it's a simple compliment, but I really enjoy how well structured, organized, and logical your videos are. Great content, guy. Keep it up c:
@justnoah2073 4 года назад
It makes me angry that the only scene that could've expanded Finn was cut from the last Jedi.
@rodneylane952 4 года назад
Ya know, this is my third time watching this video and I'm just realizing that in RoS, Kylo could stay the Central Antagonist and have the Knights of Ren as the Sub Antagonists
@joshf8231 4 года назад
The movie was a wreck. Case closed. I’m just so done with star wars. Sad really. It was a great love of my childhood.
@geoffstemen3652 3 года назад
Stay tuned. Filoni and Favreau are becoming the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy
@shoogamoogaman 4 года назад
I would argue Tarken was the Central Antagonist of A New Hope.
@destinygalearies7382 4 года назад
Kinda have to disagree with the idea that Kylo "chose [the Dark side] with no ambiguity" argument. 1. In his dialogue to Rey he specifically mentions the Sith among the things of the past that need to die (can't remember if that also included the Empire, but I won't add that because I don't remember the exact lines well enough). Aka the "old ways" of the Dark side. Which is interesting because around TFA the creators of the ST mentioned that Kylo and Snoke were specifically not Sith, and a lot of people speculated around the time of TLJ that a new "Gray Jedi" could be created at the end of the ST. So who's to say Kylo couldn't have tried (or at least intended to do such a thing) with Rey at his side? 2. He doesn't ask Rey to join the Dark side, he asks her to join him. It's explicitly coded as a romantic proposal, not like Palpatine's "fight your father and take his place as my servant" thing Palpatine did with Luke in ROTJ. 3. You forget that earlier in TLJ, Kylo stayed his hand from killing Leia yet watched her be (as far as he knew) blown to smithereens by another First Order ship. This means that his parents are both dead and his uncle is still against him. As far as Kylo knows, joining the Resistance isn't an option, because the only link who could possibly reconcile the rest of the Resistance to the idea of Kylo/Ben being good all along was his mother, and she's dead. 4. Luke and Leia's dialogue on Crait. "I can't save him" from Luke implies that Kylo is irredeemable at first, but then Luke says "No one's ever really gone" in response to Leia saying "my son is gone." 5. The final shot of the movie shows Kylo kneeling in the dirt with his back to the light, clenching his fist around his father's heirloom dice as they disappear from his grasp, and then staring brokenly at Rey through their Force bond. That's not symbolism that indicates a fully dark villain who has no regrets about his decisions. On top of that, TLJ already set up Hux as the next main antagonist from the scenes where he tried to shoot Kylo before he woke up, their constant clashes of command on the battlefield, and then Kylo being humiliated as a leader in his first battle as the Supreme Leader. It would've been a bit weird to have the threat of the final movie be a political/purely mundane threat, but the writers still could've played on Kylo and Rey's Force powers, ESPECIALLY Rey's butchered potential to fall to the Dark Side. I just take umbrage to the idea that TLJ "established Kylo as the main villain"/irredeemable when everything from Adam Driver's acting, the visual symbolism, the themes of the Star Wars franchise, the budding romance with Rey (you can't tell me they would put in them learning about each other's pasts and touching hands just to throw it away and be like "nah he's too evil, not gonna happen"), and the actors'/director's commentary on the story indicated that Kylo wasn't gone for good yet. ANYWAYS I do still agree that throwing in Palpatine was a bad idea and seriously compromised the idea of Kylo's redemption being pulled off solidly. It's even more egregious since why would Kylo team up with the guy who put his family through hell and manipulated Kylo himself his whole life, when in the last movie he just demonstrated his willingness to kill anyone who tried to make themselves his master?
@MS-ys1rp 4 года назад
TL; DR all of it but the first couple of paragraphs, I concur. It WAS ambiguous and hence TROS was a complete let down for the Skywalkers and storytelling in general.
@polyhymnia701 4 года назад
DestinyGaleAries This is spot-on. Thank you! 👏👏👏
@smurfette_blues7922 4 года назад
Yeah i was really confused that he had virtually no emotional reaction to palpatine revealing he was his sole manipulator. As much as i enjoyed driver's performance, his character was heartbreakingly robotic in tros. It was so disappointing because up until this point, his performance as kylo has been the most complexly emotional and expressive character to ever grace star wars.
@jesperburns 4 года назад
The First Order are literal space Nazis. Asking Rey, romantically or not, to join his genocidal regime is 100% a move to evil. Also, I just watched that dialogue between Luke and Leia again, and I had forgotten how much of perfect example it is of how tone-deaf Rian is. The bathos in that scene about her hair is so ludicrously out of place in an otherwise melodramatic scene - that even continues after - it's just ... mind boggling. But to your example. Luke: *I can't save him* Leie: *I know my son's gone* Luke: No one is ever really gone The above is not an example of how Luke thinks Kylo is redeemable and it's quite a stretch to pretend it is. Especially considering Luke then goes on to antagonise and mock Kylo even further.
@FeuerblutRM 4 года назад
Agreed. Plus: I hate the concept of the SW movies "if you are dark side you can't be good" when in reality dark side was just ajother aspect of the force with a different approach of using it and being strong. Dark side users are not necessarily evil.
@ProfSir1 4 года назад
That idea to have Fynn convince the stormtroopers to turn traitor is one of the finest ideas I've ever heard.
@Skye_Writer 4 года назад
Ohhh, I am so with you on the analysis of Finn!! It broke my freaking heart to see that they had started so promising a story with him and that it just fell apart so badly. His story could have been something unique in the SW universe, something like the stuff Timothy Zahn did with his Hand of Justice troopers in the EU novels. I was so disappointed to see him go downhill like that.
@maxschapiro4460 4 года назад
Fun fact: originally, rather than the kazoo-and-shittyflute combo of the SW them, Savagebooks and I recorded us just screaming the theme, off-tempo, and with fart noises. He elected not to use it in the end. Perhaps for the best
@petercarioscia9189 4 года назад
@Dragonage2ftw 4 года назад
@blackRXrider 4 года назад
The kazoo fits perfectly with Disney star wars.
@jamiebraswell5520 4 года назад
It couldn't have been any more annoying than what was used in this video.
@dccalling5960 4 года назад
I really wish that the sequels had gone a more sociological route with the narrative, kind of along the lines of the prequels but good. I also wish the story of the sequels were about how to preserve democracy/community in the face of it's own flaws (a timely subject). Like, we got the story of an empire falling, and a democracy falling, and I thought the idea of a story about how a democracy is preserved would be a good endcap to the arc of the star wars narrative. Then the republic dies in movie 7 and I realized that we were just going to have a rehash of the originals.
@SKyrim190 4 года назад
Yes!!! I went into The Force Awakens imaging stuff along those lines. How did the First Order even attain such power in such a short period after the fall of the Empire?
@diegowushu 4 года назад
@@SKyrim190 You literally had to go home and read about it in Wikipedia. That's how bad JJ is as a film maker.
@Sergeant_Camacho 4 года назад
Actually the PT did a good thing with the politics and the context with the world building. Watching the fall of a republic and the rise of an empire was well structured IMO.
@emrahkahraman3495 4 года назад
Because of this reason, I loved the Canon book “Bloodline” as it depicts the struggles within New Republic through the eyes of Leia. It shows how Resistance emerged opposing to First Order that was unheeded by the Senate. I really dislike how the Sequel Trilogy wanted to handle things by sweeping aside the political sides of the story. I hope they make a film based on New Republic and how it fails.
@StubenRocks 4 года назад
There was something in the Finn/Rose plotline of TLJ that could have been a very cool thing to explore. While talking with DJ, its implied that the rich folks hanging out in Canto Bight are funding BOTH sides of the conflict. Like, imagine how mind blowing it would have been to look at this seemingly never-ending conflict in terms of who is ultimately profiting from it? Imagine how Finn could have used that information in a third movie as character motivation and giving him plot line? It would fit in with the idea of this video in using Finn to convince the foot soldiers to lay down their arms because the real enemy wasn't each other, but the hands that were pulling the proverbial puppet strings.
@27DJMA 4 года назад
I don't think 8's writing was short sighted at all. If "let the past die" and snapping Anakin's lightsaber aren't just taken intertextually, we're being told that Lucas's "rhyming" is over and the series can do whatever it wants and potentially have the final film be like the Dark Knight with ONE irredeemable but compelling and complex villain. The growth Kylo WOULDN'T have would have to happen somewhere else (*pans to Rey Maclunkey and Finn*)
@Obi-Wan_Kenobi 3 года назад
But it was shortsighted. Lucas's rhyming is what made Star Wars genius, it's what makes Star Wars unlike any other franchise. You can't just throw that all alway, that's throwing away Star Wars's core identity. Last Jedi was Episode *8.* That "8" necessitates a connection to previous films. To severe that connection betrays everything about Star Wars. You don't even deserve to call yourself Episode 8 without the connection which is why so many fans are hostile towards the Last Jedi. Because it is a betrayal of everything that came before.
@Alias_Anybody 4 года назад
"Duel of the Fates" would have been the better movie hands down.
@picard-xw3km 4 года назад
In JJ Abrams' defence, this was always going to be a JJ Abrams film. What were you expecting, a coherent story ?
@Nimelennar 4 года назад
My reaction to hearing he was going to direct IX was, "JJ Abrams couldn't deliver a satisfying conclusion to a knock-knock joke."
@haydentravis3348 4 года назад
He's a hack that makes distracting lightshows, not movies.
@Sportnugget 4 года назад
That's... actually the most convincing defense of JJ's Star Wars I've ever witnessed.
@Gadget-Walkmen 7 месяцев назад
LOL Screw off. JJ KNOWS how to make a coherent story, it's just there was alot of baggage having to be dealt with this last film! That's ALL!
@kasF 4 года назад
Even as someone who disliked The Last Jedi, the ONE THING I loved was the fact that Kylo was the main antagonist by the end of it and I was really looking forward to seeing how this would play out in IX. But no, Disney/Lucasfilm walked back on their own word of changing things and played it safe.
@HussainAl--Khalil 4 года назад
As a filmmaker and writer thank you for making this well thought out and out together video. I’ll definitely be coming back to it to digest the information and further perfect my crafts. A lot of what I felt was explained greatly and even shown more info to notice. It’s a shame there was so many issues with the story of this film and trilogy overall but has allowed a platform for you and other craftsmen and artists to showcase their perspective and skills. Thank you again
@WastelandBowman 3 года назад
“...and that is why scenes like this:” “DRAFT KINGS!”
@atreestump 4 года назад
I'm grasping at straws here, but I really liked how confident we got to see Finn become in Rise of Skywalker. And that's the most positive thing I have to say about that movie
@MrNrj6490 4 года назад
I'm surprised you didn't include Rey stabbing Kylo and then healing him immediately after, along with Rey dying (for... no reason?) after she kills Palpatine and Kylo bringing her back to life, when you talked about fakeout deaths.
@Harrier42861 3 года назад
I would have LOVED it if they let Finn die in Episode 8 in a classic Heroic Sacrifice. Once Rose somehow saved him out of nowhere, it told me that no one important was going to die in the rest of the films.
@jgg0207 3 года назад
One of my favorite videos on your channel! Super awesome! love the long analysis!
@TFalconwing 4 года назад
In TLJ, I think that there is potential in having Finn have to infiltrate the First Order fleet sabotage it. As a former stormtrooper he is familiar with customs and would be able to blend in well enough to maneuver around the ship. However, he is not an engineer and so having Rose accompany him for complete the mission is actually not a bad move. The problem is that, while this is EVENTUALLY what the film ends up doing, it requires a ridiculous side quest that seems to serve only the purpose of pushing the morality of warfare and innocent suffering. This takes away from the actual mission that Finn needs to complete for his roll. It also means that he gets minimal time with his nemesis, Phasma, which then further wastes her character's potential as a villainous counterpart to our heroes. And then she gets killed (again) and her best moment in the film is cut in the editing room for reasons that still confuse me.
@kungolaf4499 4 года назад
Do you know what? Phasma could have tracked Finn and Rose to Canto Bite and have her troops chase them off instead of the boring casino troops.
@luchomscyfy 4 года назад
@@kungolaf4499 that was a really cool idea.
@Bombasaur101 4 года назад
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="1980">33:00</a> - This video really proved to me how they had so many great potential plot set ups and resolutions and completed ruined them. Finn helping turn the First Order against the Sith ships would have concluded his character arc and also mirrored the Prequel trilogy with the Clones turning against the Jedi.
@ethansumner688 4 года назад
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="465">7:45</a> I haven't finished the video yet, but I'd like to make a note. When Kylo chose the dark side, though he had a lot of agency, still had an external force motivating him. As we see at the battle of Crait, Kylo still holds massive anger at Luke for his betrayal. So technically, choosing the light means choosing Luke. And Kylo has not forgived him.
@Halliwell0Rain 11 месяцев назад
That's a damn good point, it could have worked as Sith-Kylo.
@daphneblake8957 4 года назад
I absolutely love how detailed and intricate this video is. The best part was how you used great vocabulary to describe everything in minute detail and then used the word "yeeted" in such a calm and serious way 😂😂😂😂
@ZeroheartX 4 года назад
Actually there is a way to defeat Palpetine without killing him, freeze his ass in carbonite! It is part of the lore and can set up for more sequels. The sequels where it shows that it was Jar Jar Binks controlling everyone!!!!! TRUE DARKSIDE
@Vasharan 4 года назад
I defeated Palpatine by skipping TROS at the theatres, but that might be a bit meta, and requires too much audience participation and coordination.
@emberfist8347 4 года назад
Or you could throw him into a sarlacc.
@Urdnot_Wrex_Fan 4 года назад
@@Vasharan nice time skip. I forgot to do that skip
@astrocatch720 4 года назад
The fact the three main characters were just three people that got caught up in an epic adventure together, I couldn't wait. They weren't bound by destiny or family to save or defeat, join or betray, it was just them and their experiences that dictated it all. There were so many possibilities! But it looks like they had never decided which route to take, even by the end of the last movie. And that's what really killed it. Also, I think Rose was tragic lost potential. She was like... the people's champion I thought. The war was very personal for her, not just morally right. The things the First Order did to planets and their people directly affected her as a child growing up. She lost her sister to them. She was mourning but angry and determined. They could have replaced Lando with her in the end to bring in that enormous civilian fleet because she WAS one of those civilians. Rey was the powerful force user, Poe was the fighter pilot and potential leader, Finn was the ex-stormtrooper with First Order intel, and Rose could have been their connection to the people.
@Rannos22 4 года назад
Our three new main characters didnt even meet together until the end of the trilogy
@oinkleberry 4 года назад
Rose could have been great... but then she released a bunch of animals instead of the enslaved children & I couldn't take her seriously anymore. Also borderline sexually assaulting Finn, like wtf...
@emberfist8347 4 года назад
@@oinkleberry Not borderline it is flat-out.
@dreamslove1184 4 года назад
Poe was destined to die in tfa, they decided to change it but they don't change his story, so he just appeared some minutes and alive in the final. That one of the main characters was one that was destined to die said a lot of the plans for this trilogy.
@tergartcunninghan2013 4 года назад
I never thought a serious and honest review would include the genuine use of the word “yeeted”. Yet damn, here it is
@paolobarrerolira4665 3 года назад
dude I love your content. It's really great, keep it up!
@burgscratch6301 4 года назад
The new trilogy would be better known as "The Fractured But Whole".
@JDNicoll 4 года назад
@dmsviola1 4 года назад
The Fractured *Butthole*. Ftfy
@judsonfranklin6167 4 года назад
The movie was good. Liked better than the Phantom Menace. We talk about what we didn't like but the movie made millions.
@Stratelier 4 года назад
Too bad, South Park already called it.
@Boyzby 4 года назад
@paula I was laughing and getting angry at how stupid The Last Jedi was. That movie is terrible.
@BubblegumCrash332 4 года назад
4 billion dollars spent and it has a story my 7 year old nephew could have written better
@toulouse572 4 года назад
Otha Bojangles no he couldn’t have and you’re just triggered
@BubblegumCrash332 4 года назад
@@toulouse572 yeah I'm upset but I'll get over it. Hows your defending a dumpster fire comment campaign going. Is it fun try to convince people your beloved turd smells good
@JamesTheFoxeArt 4 года назад
Toulouse5 It’s a joke
@_JayRamsey_ 4 года назад
And that four bil was only to buy the IP! I'm sure the films recouped their production/advertising costs, but I reckon it'll be a long time before Disney breaks even on purchasing the rights.
@JamesTheFoxeArt 4 года назад
Jay Ramsey You know toys are one of the biggest markets for Star Wars, so I think they already recouped it
@patrickmcdonald8513 4 года назад
I love this editor. Can't wait to hear more of his stuff.
@HasanDervish 4 года назад
Brilliant. An hour very well spent. Thanks for an excellent, well laid out analysis.
@boobooweezlz5764 4 года назад
Kylo said “ I gave everything to you”. Paused and corrected “to the dark side.” Remember he never knew why his parents sent him away. They didn’t want him. But he knew his uncle tried to kill him. Snoke was Kylo’s only belonging? It was never about evil or dark side for Kylo. Nobody wanted him as far as he could tell, except this abuser who said terrible shaming immasculating things to him. I feel like the Writers started on a real path of redemption and then forgot about this. :(
@illyann4669 4 года назад
Yep, this another plot point they could of explored.
@nicholasmaslennikov2128 4 года назад
If this trilogy wanted a redemption arc so badly, then what about the Knights of Ren? What if they were actual characters from the beginning, with their own personalities and motivations. Then in Episode IX they could've followed through with Kylo being the pure evil central villain, and have some/all of the Knights getting redemption arcs. But no, JJ introduced them in TFA only for them to have a throwaway appearance. As such, Rian had no incentive to use them in TLJ, which meant by the time of TROS it was too late for the Knights of Ren to have any sort of character.
@viscountrainbows6452 4 года назад
They got pimped out to sell toys
@EstebanMataVargas 4 года назад
They were Padawans, man, so they were actually "characters from the beginning, with their own personalities and motivations". I completely agree with you. They lost the chance to introduce the redemption arc through one or two of these guys (instead of introducing two new characters and showing Rose Tico again).
@cardellkenith 4 года назад
Implying that Rian would've tried to use something that JJ left him anyway?
@kungolaf4499 4 года назад
@@EstebanMataVargas They weren't padawans; they are all older than Ben Solo and The Knights of Ren existed with a different leader before the temple was destroyed.
@EstebanMataVargas 4 года назад
@@kungolaf4499 Ok, thanks for the explanation.
@Pabloreyescardenas 4 года назад
When I saw the force awakens I remember I thought "wow two new Jedis, let's see how rey and Finn find their path to the force" then Finn became a hollow husk yelling Rey through all the galaxy and 3 movies.
@nigethejedimaster 4 года назад
Thanks for your video. Constructive conversation not filled with vitriol towards the creators of the films. It's a refreshing perspective and well worth an hour of my time to learn a few new things along the way. Thanks.
@zachsvp 4 года назад
When I seen TROS, I have never felt so mad at movie as I was when I seen the Chewy scene. I actually had my mouth wide open when Rey had killed him. I felt this rush that a Star Wars film had not given me in a while (besides maybe the first time I seen the Holdo maneuver, but the lore quickly made that fall apart for me.) When it was shown that he still was alive, I got so mad at the film it was unreal. Finally something that could raise the stakes only to go right out the window.
@kungolaf4499 4 года назад
I hated it too. I was starting to get interested in the film after the transport blew up but then he came back...
@elijahdeaton-berg49 4 года назад
I hated how they edited those scenes together. They show Chewy "dying" and then show that he's alive on the star destroyer, and then show Rey and Poe and everyone "mourning" him, which we as viewers can't feel because we already know he's alive. If they switched the reveal that he's alive to after the scene where he's mourned, it would have been more impactful.
@Nick-4K 4 года назад
The best thing about this trilogy existing. Is that will never see one like this again. I'm sure Disney learned their lesson.
@bloodysimile4893 4 года назад
Nah, Disney will just blame the fans before admitting their mistake. History has shown people in power generally will blame another then apologies. At least Avatar the last Airbender is still an awesome anime.
@jesperburns 4 года назад
@@bloodysimile4893 Exactly. They're doing that already with the "toxic fans" mantra. These sequels have sparked an entire movement of bashing older material, not only SW. Sidenote: Avatar: TLA is not an anime.
@hairypancake4425 4 года назад
NET Alliance we said same thing about prequel trilogy and here we are with sequel trilogy
@pills- 4 года назад
Ha... I don't share that optimism. It sounds like Disney only learned that "trilogies are too complicated."
@jamiedutton7257 4 года назад
@mukullataroy2195 4 года назад
aside from poor finn being sidelined like that, i actually really liked TLJ precisely because it was so different from what i expected from a star wars movie... idk, maybe that's just because i was never really a fan of the formulaic approach that the star wars franchise took with its plots
@R4ULTR 4 года назад
I agree. TLJ is actually the only movie of this trilogy that actually tries to develop characters with logic, but people just saw that as "a slow movie" and "not Star Wars" . TROS is just a fan fiction that makes absolutely no sense.
@littlefishy98 4 года назад
Tlj was my favorite of this trilogy!!
@Adamantium93 4 года назад
I think everyone's opinion on TLJ comes down to two things, and one of them is wether they wanted 1) The new film to shake up the established order, break the mold, and offer a fresh take on the franchise and its themes which, after seven movies, were becoming stale or 2) Wanted another chance to return to the galaxy they loved with the characters who had inspired them and all of the trappings that entails which had not been seen since Episode 6. TLJ is definitely for people who fall in the former camp. (The second criterion being wether the viewer prizes theme, message, and purpose more than technical acumen or vice versa). TFA is in the latter camp on both accounts. TRoS is...neither.
@alexturlais8558 4 года назад
@@Adamantium93 that's a perfect summary, that's why I loved TLJ (despite it's big flaws).
@hlairan 3 года назад
TLJ had a nice direction to be fair. Johnson had a good vision that whe should break the mold. Even in the OT, the "I am your father" reveal was subverting expectations. However, what he did wrong were these: 1. Execution of the story. 2. Scrapping Jar Jar Abrams script. 3. Approaching the film like an original, standalone movie.
@Yoda-wf6bu Год назад
I thought Finn was excellent in The Last Jedi. His story is a vehicle for conveying theme of choosing which side you fight on. Rose and DJ were the angel and devil on his shoulder. Rose symbols the selfless light side, and DJ the selfish dark side. He started off only wanting to save Rey and not being a part of the resistance, and ends up becoming a rebel. He didn't fall for the 'useless character syndrome' because we thought Finn and Rose's mission was necessary for the resistance to flee. It might could've been executed better. Maybe it would've been more interesting if Finn also discovered his connection to the force on this mission. Perhaps Rose shares an interesting understanding and point of view of the force, as if it was closely related to love. Although not being force sensitive herself, the fact that she and her sister put a lot of faith into their moon-like symbol could suggest that they strongly believe in it. Rose could then say that it was actually the force, a feeling of love, that made Finn stop fighting for the first order on Jakku.
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