
Adam Savage Reorganizes His Workshop's Material Storage! 

Adam Savage’s Tested
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@fauxgt 3 года назад
I like how the Swiss army-knife in the background is dancing and moving with the beat
@BriceDeegann 3 года назад
That's all I could focus on lmao 🤣
@Ylriell 3 года назад
Actually it is of by a tiny amount. And it's driving me crazy 😂
@curtismeskus504 3 года назад
How come it seems to move smoothly and Adam does not
@marleenhoncoop4188 3 года назад
I thought that it was doing a great exercise. I really had to unfocus on the knife.
@libertyauto 3 года назад
@Michael Vogt Right on man, came here to celebrate the dancing Swiss army-knife myself. grin.
@aitchpea6011 3 года назад
There's an editor somewhere who's very happy all you commenters noticed their work in syncing the music to the swiss army knife and timing the coughs and sneezes perfectly.
@killerbreadsticks 3 года назад
Sounds like a thing Norman would do lol
@Draw54 3 года назад
You mean nose blows? Ew
@nicko4785 3 года назад
The knife isn’t in time with the music. It’s very close though.
@-MrFozzy- 3 года назад
I missed everything Adam was doing! Just eye locked on that happy little knife daaaancin! Mesmerising
@jasonlib1996 3 года назад
why is it so therapeutic and relaxing watching a man tidy and sort his material storage?
@kgchrome 3 года назад
there are three things one can watch forever... fire burning, water flowing, and other people working
@brankin421 3 года назад
Because it's easier than tidying your own space bit gives you the satisfaction of yours being cleaned?
@loucatozzi7656 3 года назад
"Workshop organization is not a problem to be solved. It is a paradox to be managed." A. Savage A sign with those words is going up in my shop very soon.
@Duckless23 3 года назад
My shop sign said “artists flourish in an atmosphere of studied chaos, it’s taken me years to achieve this mess”
@tantamounted 3 года назад
And mine.
@pinkcupcake4717 3 года назад
I moved into a larger apartment, and we’re converting a room into my first crafting space! I’m so excited to have it put together and have a dedicated spot to be creative. Watching Adam in his space is getting me hyped for my own!!
@itsnothardev 3 года назад
My favourite part of this build is knowing all those materials will be used for new builds! What's that great quote? "If you can't see, it it's not there."
@jaredmulconry 3 года назад
The free spaces for storage at the end is very satisfying to see
@melissaforget8831 3 года назад
I don't know why I find organizing videos so therapeutic but this was GREAT! I got my fix for today.
@ThomasWachter 3 года назад
and the Oscar for best editing in a timelapse ever goes to...
@drewhunt9205 3 года назад
Murphy's law #43. No matter how many pieces of scrap you keep. You will never have the piece you actually need.
@WilliamGreen 3 года назад
I'm solidly trying to disprove that theory, however, I'm quickly running out of room on my boat.
@aitchpea6011 3 года назад
#43 addendum 1 - ...untl you realise you threw it out yesterday.
@WilliamGreen 3 года назад
@caodesignworks2407 3 года назад
@@aitchpea6011 You always discard that one weird thing you've had for 10 years, but could never find a use for, the day before you need it, which always happens to be the day after garbage day.
@michaelyackovich155 3 года назад
Or a inch too short
@tchevrier 3 года назад
"you can't save everything..." As he takes a deep breath and his blood pressure and anxiety levels rise.
@mintylikethecandy7881 3 года назад
Yes you can!
@westrim 3 года назад
As he puts his hand on the control of the trolley.
@crappymeal 3 года назад
i hate throwing things away :(
@jbrown4424 3 года назад
I love how the timeline is synced to the Swiss Army knife
@YagiChanDan 3 года назад
Thank fek I'm not the only one that noticed!👊👍🍻
@muntedgraham 3 года назад
I had trouble watching the video because I was mesmerized by it being so well synced
@muntedgraham 3 года назад
Although not so well synched later on in the video
@spiedermensch3582 3 года назад
Not so much synced as much as how slow he swiss army knife moves
@djhakase 3 года назад
I'm pretty sure Veritasium has a video about our irrepressible desire for synchronisation
@katelights 3 года назад
I think all wood shops should have a wood burning stove for heating. It really drives your scrap threshold because you are deciding if a piece of wood is more useful as material or fuel.
@Stettafire 3 года назад
It depends, in some areas city ordinances prevent you from having a wood stove (as is the case with the city next door to me) the rules around wood stoves in my country are quite strict but generally you are allowed them in the countryside so long as you get them inspected.
@OriginalMomo 3 года назад
Shop materials storage is a never ending process. What if you think you finally have it figured out, and suddenly you’re into projects with materials you’ve never had reason to save before? This is why I love the shop infrastructure videos as much as the builds. Makes me look back on my own lack of organizing lol.
@Darkbirdy 3 года назад
Your infrastructure videos are often my favorites. I have a very small workspace, and making it function at all within the space I have is a constant challenge. Understanding how others - especially those for whom it is a profession - approach theirs is invaluable. One of my favorite things to do has been to load up Tested VR and pause after each of the different artisans' segments has a cut, then just look around their shops and see how they approach things.
@log234 3 года назад
I had a couple ideas for how to manage scrap storage, somewhat inspired by computer science. Would be fun to hear experiences from people who have tried one of the approaches, regarding how well it worked. One option is, whenever you have a scrap piece that you are convinced might be useful sometime, put it to the left of all the other scrap pieces in the stack and get rid of the right-most scrap piece in the stack. Whenever you are looking for a piece of scrap that can suit your need, start looking from the right to the left until you find a suitable piece. Over time, the scrap pieces you add migrate from the left to the right and when they reach the end, the assumption is that if you didn't find a use for it yet, it is probably safe to get rid of. Another option is, keep the scrap storage sorted by size, and whenever you add a new piece, get rid of the smallest piece you currently store. If the piece you considered to add is smaller than all the pieces in storage, then you can just get rid of it. The good thing about this approach is that you can feel pretty safe about that you keep the pieces that are large enough to use. There is a tradeoff between the two approaches, however. The first approach requires very little energy to add new pieces of scrap, which might be nice when you are low on energy and just want to clean up. But it takes more energy to find a suitable piece, and it runs the risk of getting rid of some pieces that could potentially have been usable. However, you can always compare the piece you add to the piece you get rid off and switch them around if you think the old piece was better. The second approach requires more energy when inserting a piece in storage, as you will have to compare the new piece to see where it fits in the stack. It also faces the challenge of two pieces that are roughly the same size but have vastly different shapes, but I guess you would build up experience regarding what shapes are generally more useful. On the other hand, it is very easy to find pieces that are just big enough for a project, as it is always sorted by size.
@michaelscott2789 3 года назад
Ah, reorganization. Done it many a time with my work van. Every summer and winter. Everything comes out gets cleaned sorted and put back in. It's amazing the junk you tend to keep for that "what if" moment that never comes UNTIL you've thrown it out. Probably happen here but that's one of the joys of reorganization.😁👍🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
@MichaelKloepfer68 3 года назад
I did my scrap Purge a couple weeks ago and it made a ton more room in my storage shed and now I can actually see what I have and take out what I need without a huge project
@t1msguitar 3 года назад
I love how he's not really a woodworker, but he has a nicer table saw than I'll ever be able to afford lol I love that saw. Wish I had that in my shop. Love your vids!
@WideAwakeHuman 3 года назад
Having a shop that's outfitted like a hardware store is the BEST.
@patricksanders858 3 года назад
This is why lumber prices are so high! Its the Savage Effect! Whenever Adam does something or uses something, the item (or in this case plywood) ALWAYS SELLS OUT or goes up in price cause everyone else is inspired to do that same thing or buy that tool! Its real! The Savage Effect!
@grivinex5990 3 года назад
"Marie Kondo-ing" as a phrase, has got to be one of the most entertaining implications of an action I've ever heard of.
@peteman-ur9gi 3 года назад
Thank you scrap of wood for the service the rest of your board gave to me.
@pinkcupcake4717 3 года назад
Marie Kondo is a verb and a Cryptid in the US, and it amuses me to no end.
@broadstken 3 года назад
I watched this right after I came home with a new nailer for my arsenal. I have a shelf area for nailers, and adding in the new one means that around half of them need to shift to the left on the shelf for it to fit in where it needs to be. The left end of the shelf has been a catch all space for other things that didn't have a dedicated home of their own and now there will be a little less space so something needs to live somewhere else. This has turned into a decision to build a new shelf, which has turned into a need to rearrange some things to put the shelf where I want it to be, which has become thoughts of fundamentally changing the layout of that part of the shop to make things more efficient..... One tool.... has led me to be sitting here pondering a complete shift of everything. So this video hit home in a very real way
@RjWolf3000 3 года назад
I like when the swiss army knife looks like its going for a run.
@RPRsChannel 3 года назад
I think this is the first time I see you clean your shop, even if it's just a few square meters, it's a good start.
@stevendelvecchio3721 3 года назад
I Love that the big Swiss Army knife in the upper left corner moves in time with the music.
@dustincover8678 3 года назад
GOD, You've remained such an inspiration to my mindset for so long that time just seems to vanish. I'm coming up on my 28th birthday this year, and it seems like every week I've pushed to learn something new with your incredible value for knowledge always in the back of my head. WHY NOT understand fiberglass, and I SHOULD work with masonry this week, and YES I do need to know how everything I encounter works. I truly hope to meet you one day, the things you've created have remained inspirational due to your methodology and amazing outcomes.
@shaydeinsun 3 года назад
This is just a humble flex. Look at all that wood! This man rich
@vikto1994 3 года назад
I am so happy you are donating what you will not use anymore! I think that makes getting rid of stuff so easier.
@shootthemoon6072 3 года назад
With that crazy hair at the beginning I thought Adam was going to start ranting about flux capacitors and jigawatts.😂
@theessentialguideforblokes7960 3 года назад
@MorrisonManor 3 года назад
Refusing to cut his hair till COVID is in the rearvierw?
@tantamounted 3 года назад
@@theessentialguideforblokes7960 Nah, Minecraft's still only up to about 1.17 ;)
@mdaddyw_1323 3 года назад
That scrap threshold comment is on point. If you don't set a limit, eventually you start looking at more scrap than stock. Because I live in a rural place, once a year or sometimes sooner, there's a clean out and bonfire.
@lisadaugherty8520 3 года назад
Wise words re: organization is not a static state, I wish more people took this idea into their homes. It should all change according to need. I was also reminded of the wonderful Jamie-ism “If you can’t find it, you can’t use it.” Thanks so much for all the projects 😀
@jimmysgameclips 3 года назад
The problem is only solved for now... Thanks, I needed to be reminded of this as someone currently organising the scientific stores at work. People are naturally messy, they have places to be and things to do! I've seen managers expecting perfect cleanliness but that won't last, but a good system will help
@magreger 3 года назад
Love the wide angle of the shop. I feel like I'm gazing upon Adams mind in physical form. Everything that is there is there on purpose. It's the narrative Adam is always speaking of. Everything tells a story.
@Quetzalcoatl999 3 года назад
Cue Adam needing every piece of scrap he just threw out. Always happens, "Oh I've got the perfect piece for this....oh thats right"
@crappymeal 3 года назад
the fear
@bender2430 3 года назад
I love how the Swiss Army knife is keeping time with the music! :D
@jaylesage8011 3 года назад
I literally stressed out over the cleansing of material in my garage today. And as nerd hobbyist and a new homeowner, I relate and learned so much from this and all your videos. Adam, you are seriously my hero. I struggle daily with my IT job and look forward to coming home and watching your videos, from lego builds, cosplay creations, or just methods of thinking to make my life as a creator better. I hope this comment make is way you you personally because you really are an inspiration and you bring light, hope and drive to the creative brain I have stuck in an office job. I wish I could afford to be your patron because you really are my hero. Every video you make has a lesson to be learned, regardless of specific subject matter. Never stop. I can only imagine there are many more like me. We need you. Thanks. Jay. Jedi.
@bobyjoecraft1 3 года назад
man im glad i found your channel. you brought me good memories. glad to see you keep going.
@davidp2888 3 года назад
It's amazing that Adam's shop is roughly half the size of my condo and he fits all that stuff in the space.
@fleamarketkeanu 3 года назад
I couldn't help but watch the swiss army knife during the first time lapse. It was matching the beat of the music perfectly!
@efenili 3 года назад
Looking at it while you were explaining and imagining it cleaned in my head before seeing it ... Was so excited. It's odd, but I love organizing my shop 😁
@Stettafire 3 года назад
I do textiles, but me too. Nothing more annoying then having the correct sewing needle and not being able to find it. I've organised my space, I can find all of my wool, fabric, sewing needles, threads etc. Going back a few years all of my wool was packed into a single box all tangled and horrible. Nowadays it sits on a shelf where I can see it.
@drewdane40 3 года назад
2:08 Adam is always flexing, saying things like "I bought a bunch of plywood."
@Belboz99 3 года назад
No joke... I wanted to build some new storage shelves, but not at $60/shelf... just plywood, not including verts and lateral studs.
@jescowan26 3 года назад
A shop is a journey where the end result is only a great experience... peace out ✌️
@aitchpea6011 3 года назад
Costumes, prop replicas, props and fave tools are all well and good, but what I'm really here for is shop infrastructure videos. Keep 'em coming, Adam, and thanks for seeing us through this weird time in our lives.
@mpwithad 3 года назад
Haha. During the first timelapse, I noticed that the Swiss Army knife was doing a kind of dance in time with the music. Literally could not tear my eyes away or stop smiling 😂
@beltrandelcampo2474 3 года назад
During your first time-lapse of the video I noticed a pile of scrapps looking like an artsy modern birdhouse. I would love to see how Adam Savage goes about building a birdhouse!
@rolandgdean 3 года назад
REALLY want to see MORE OF YOUR WOODWORKING!!! please :)
@michaelmcadams6904 3 года назад
I like how you said "you can't save everything" 😂 my dad was a tinkerer and rebuilder of antiques and other collectibles. When I cleaned out his shop... He saved everything. 🤣
@garrettnoelparsons 3 года назад
Love the knife dancing to the music!
@Jimorian 3 года назад
For me a big part of organizing is allowing myself to have a pile (or 4) of stuff I literally have no idea what to do with. But it ends up away from the stuff I do know what to do with, and that alone makes everything else easier to handle.
@garthor 3 года назад
I like the fact that the pocket knife in the background is swinging to the beat of the timelapse music, while adam is dashing around... that's a nice effect... XD
@YoRHa2Bx 3 года назад
I always say it’s easier to keep something clean than it is to clean it.
@TheKnightArgent 3 года назад
Love how it looks like the swiss army knife is dancing to the music.
@86fifty 3 года назад
Marie Kondo-ing TIIIME! Yesss, I'm super excited for this! Dude, props for the slow-fade out of the music over the first time lapse happening at around 7 minutes in. That music was pretty interesting, too! I've watched enough of these Tested vids that I know now what all the go-to JinglePunks music is that you guys use regularly - but you mixed it up this time! I notice and appreciate. :)
@AndrewChernauskas 3 года назад
Loved the tidbit of wisdom at the end there. 👍
@fiveminutewoodworker8443 3 года назад
Namaste. Thank you for taking us on a part of your shop awakening journey.
@alicebingham9796 3 года назад
at 5:50 the swiss army knife moves to the beat of the timelapse song
@alexwafer1717 3 года назад
i noticed that to i was gonna comment that
@jacklougheed4561 3 года назад
Are you ever planning on updating your google maps tour of your shop? It would be very cool to see what it looks like now.
@joshuamartin7756 3 года назад
Does the tour go into the workshop part? I could only go through the museum-y part. Maybe I was missing the path to the workshop?
@rolithesecond 3 года назад
Would be a great project to 3d scan the entire shop, and make it able to visit in VR.
@GusGoosegrease 3 года назад
@@joshuamartin7756 I'm really curious where that doorway behind Adam at the 17 minute mark goes to.
@jacklougheed4561 3 года назад
@@joshuamartin7756 if you google "google street view of Adam Savages cave it comes up in a reddit link. the other option is to go around looking at all the manhole covers in the missions district of San Fransisco
@MethosOhio 3 года назад
All that metal sticking out at head height sets off alarm bells for me.
@ScrubsIsee 3 года назад
... and meanwhile the SAK (Swiss Army Knife) is dancing on the shelf ;-)! Thank you Mr. Savage for this wonderful timelapse. Nice music though.
@chemcody5119 3 года назад
The Swiss Army Knife was dancing to your music during the time lasp shot! Love it!
@StephenTurnerVlogs 3 года назад
That gave my head a lot of peace to watch. 😊😊 You're right about not being able to keep everything. I've been going mad holding onto vegetable containers, yogurt tubs, etc. for my garden and seeds. I've piles that aren't in any order and no visible spaces to just stack them into. This is just a kick in the backside to get more work done on that. Great sneezes by the way 👏🤣 when you get full body reactions they're always good. I'm so glad you swept your floor. It was making me feel sneezy too.
@Sheridantank 3 года назад
Organising and reorganizing are 2 of my favorite pastimes.
@tonyrenouf7898 3 года назад
...4 minutes in and I'm feeling your struggle Adam...am having a similar clear out at home....all those little bits that "may" come in handy!...thank you for videos...they inspire and entertain....and kill time when I should be cleaning out the shed!....
@modelcitizen1977 3 года назад
The synch between the Swiss Army knife and the music during the time lapse is pretty fun.
@Riley_Mundt 3 года назад
Ahh, he's finally addressing "that shelf" that we all have and avoid rectifying.
@projekt6_official 3 года назад
So satisfying.... I've been trying to clear out and organize my garage for a while and every time I start to stall in the project, another one of your videos like this comes around and gets me feeling like I need to get back to it again. I'll be working on it again tomorrow night (because hockey tonight).
@JS-rp7qb 3 года назад
Three most-used tools in my shop: Cabinet Saw, Dust Collector and Fire Pit.
@thethan302 3 года назад
"organization sets you free" - Alton brown
@marcbarash6045 3 года назад
excellent evaluation of the issue and ongoing solution. It does feel like a breathe of fresh air when you organize a space, but always some second thoughts on material you discard.
@WalkRobotFilm 2 года назад
Right now I’m about to get a pallet of 3/4” plywood through my uncle’s hardware store and I’m beyond excited. If you were in Miami I’d gladly hold plywood for you!!
@stampydragon2739 3 года назад
Adam your videos are wonderful there helping me get through the days while I’m waiting for my back to heal
@WolfWithAGun1 3 года назад
Adam Savage flexes by showing his immense wealth in wood products...
@Cameramanandy 3 года назад
I appreciate that your Swiss Army knife was synced to the music 🙌🙌
@theessentialguideforblokes7960 3 года назад
Strangely I reached this point myself last night, it’s 7am Sunday morning and I’m itching to start tidying up, I can barely get into my shed for offcuts and scraps I might use never... fantastic inspiration for the day!
@andrewledford3865 3 года назад
Please tell me I'm not the only one who noticed the swiss army display keeping time with the best of the time lapse music.... That was great.
@chrismanuel9768 3 года назад
That storage went from "what the fuck is that mess?" to "material storage". Much better!
@Horror_Hero 3 года назад
FINALLY! The episode I've been waiting for.
@_WillCAD_ 3 года назад
It seems absolutely ridiculous to non-makers and disorganized people in general, but it's hard to overstate the warm glow of satisfaction you get from properly sorting your stuff, being materials or tools, and creating a storage solution that makes everything easily inventoried and accessible. Something as simple as a pencil organizer you your desk, or a drawer organizer in your kitchen, or a piece of peg board on a wall, can make a person feel such contentment, they're generally worth every penny and every second they cost to implement. FIY: Adam, you should get in the habit of sneezing into the crook of your elbow and get away from sneezing into your hand. Obviously, the sneezes you had in this vid were a reaction to the dust you stirred up when you moved the table saw and attacked the task, not from an illness, but even so, sneeze into your elbow instead of into the hands that you then use to touch shop equipment, materials, food, and utensils. Keep it consistent, and it will become an automatic habit that will prevent spreading germs in all situations.
@MikeKitchenman 3 года назад
Starting at 6:15 watching the square tube just slowly melt away at the front of the view is kinda hilarious
@aaronpreston47 3 года назад
I work in a cabinet shop, if the customer wants to use MDF we try and get the customers to use Pro Core, it’s a three ply plywood sheet sandwiched between two layers of MDF, it has the strength of plywood but it’s paint grade on both sides.
@InnerFrei 3 года назад
I LOVE this kind of videos!
@toby9426 3 года назад
Looks great! But as someone prone to getting distracted and walking into things I might hang a high vis flag off the end of the longer metal stock on the left hand side or better yet maybe find an upright storage solution for them.
@ericdage 3 года назад
My shop organisation process is mostly moving the mess around to clear a working spot, until that spot become the mess receiving area, for a different project.
@JordanStAndre 3 года назад
Hey Adam! Looks good! Organizing and Timelapses are pretty satisfying
@peterkelley6344 3 года назад
There's a point in a reorganization like this where it expands (like a supernova) and then abruptly contracts like a dwarf star! AND ITS abruptly done! Seeing three vacant slots makes me smile because I know they will be filled with in 2 months.
@bmccall30 3 года назад
The fun thing about the timelapse was watching your victorinox display knife dance to the music. It's got a can opener and rhythm.
@ethobbyshow 3 года назад
Adam makes sound, Adam completely in shock from sound
@HRConsultant_Jeff 3 года назад
I love watching your Swiss Army Knife at hyperspeed while you are cleaning up the shop.
@bestarmujaj 3 года назад
I have been waiting for this moment for so long
@microbuilder 3 года назад
Ahhhhh thank you...the orderliness is very soothing to my brain. The Swiss Army Knife being slightly out of sync with the music was less soothing lol
@plakor6133 3 года назад
Time lapse. The music is in perfect time with the giant knife. Well done!
@Peanuts87 3 года назад
I wonder if it was deliberate that the music of (the first one at least) timelapse is synced with the movement of the swiss army knife in the background. VERY satisfying
@stealerob3420 3 года назад
Watching u walk around reminds me of why I'm a huge I'd urs adm he the best builder
@PhillipDanner 3 года назад
I really love the shop reorgs/rebuilds. Totally love them. Because I feel the same shitfights with my own shop and I'm always rebuilding lol
@RobDucharme 3 года назад
I build cat trees on the side (practically full time lately). I had a garage (10' ceiling!) built in September 2020 (there's no way I'd afford to do it now with the lumber prices). I'm STILL finishing the inside as far as being organized is concerned. Still have some infrastructure to build. But it's coming. I am juggling tree builds with keeping things organized between builds (always sweeping the floor, otherwise you track the sawdust EVERYWHERE), and building seemingly random infrastructure solutions to problems like "this ladder is always in the way" or "I have nowhere to formally put all my hardware+tool consumables like sandpaper, screws or drill bits.." But I love it. Yesterday I was tired of stepping over my quartz work lights (which I never really use) so I built a quick and dirty rack for them to hang up high on a wall. I already want to build a better one.. lol
@kiwdwks 3 года назад
You have inspired me...I have to follow your lead.
@davidwitwer4559 3 года назад
You timed the music with the dancing Swiss army knife
@paulbuchanan3406 3 года назад
Nice edit to match time lapse with the speed of the music so the Swiss Army knife blades dance to the music.
@garrettscott4748 3 года назад
The Swiss army knife is moving to the beat of the overlay music.
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