
Ageism in The Interview Process - Are You a Victim? 

A Life After Layoff
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@alexsinov 3 года назад
This channel should be more popular.
@lairjuniortv 3 года назад
I’m doing my part on that! I use to share many of its videos. It’s a great channel.
@kaym7704 3 года назад
It’s kind of satisfying to see people who age discriminate get discriminated themselves once they reach that age.
@Jz-sv1ju 3 года назад
Thats called Karma.
@jeremiahmitchell6420 3 года назад
I didn't SO GO TO HELL
@nutech1810 2 года назад
It's amazing. The young people that do this will face the same obstacle. It will be glorious.
@cuivre2004 2 года назад
Age discrimination- when they discriminate against their future selves.
@minnie4218 2 года назад
I never discriminated. I had the best people for the roles and they happened to be a huge age range, ethnicities and all other things. Shame these supposed young high flyers who look down on older workers will be replaced in probably a much shorter time span than we were.
@douglasstrother6584 2 года назад
Another gripe is "resume filters" by HR. Before these existed, the opportunity to study candidates who didn't have the right keywords could be considered by hiring managers. Now it's all "Apply online". Who knows how many seasoned veterans and newcomers have been ignored?
@MichaelAivaliotis 3 года назад
We want someone to grow with the role seems like they want someone young they can work to death.
@repro7780 3 года назад
...and pay alot less to start.
@belssage 3 года назад
That's not the case where I'm working. It's the opposite. We, older workers, are "worked to death" and paid a great deal less than those half our age. The older workers have a good attendance record. The younger do not. The young were 'trained', the older were not. The ideas come from the older as well as initiative. The young are paid, literally, tens of thousands more than the older. I've been at my current position 3.5 years. My last day is this Friday, the 16th. I was spoken to in an unprofessional and immature manner when I submitted my professional resignation.
@siongheeleong8078 3 года назад
"We want someone to grow with the role," - that's the response I often get. Effectively, that message tells me they want someone younger due to: - Pay is lower - Able to get a longer working commitment and thus, rotate to other roles where needed - Would be less set in their ways and able to fit in better - Succession planning
@sandbar3000 3 года назад
Yes, I had it EASY in 2003 and 2004 looking for work and getting hired. Why? In 2003 I was only 27 years old. That's young. Now at 46. Shit. I'm over the damn hill. As if I'm going to die tomorrow. I didn't know 46 was OLD. Damn fuck me.
@sandbar3000 3 года назад
@@belssage that's HORRIBLE to train the younger ones then NOT train the younger ones. What's up with that bull shit?
@KevinPanet 3 года назад
With my advanced degree (MS HRM) and senior certifications (SPHR / SHRM-SCP), I didn't think ageism would be an issue for me. I was wrong. It definitely got tougher to find a job as I moved past age 45. However, I keep adding skills, taking on new opportunities, and try not to let it get me down. :-)
@DemonsCrest1 3 года назад
I'm a victim of ageism. i keep getting older every year. stupid calendar >_
@douglasstrother6584 2 года назад
During a phone interview several years ago, I got a bad vibe of ageism due to the nature and repetition of the questions from the interviewers; it sounded like they were reading an unrehearsed script. Ironically, it was for a company that I delivered critical products for their system during my prior gig. Their loss: I enjoy working with, learning from and teaching my colleagues. Doing that now.
@keith2o9 3 года назад
Still a college kid, turned in a resume at a restaurant nearby. And the person who took in my resume automatically asked me for my age.
@TheSnerggly 3 года назад
completely illegal
@maxhouse2409 3 года назад
Establishments that serve alcohol are age sensitive.
@keith2o9 3 года назад
@RU-vid Censors pretty sure. But im over 21. Probably just age discrimination or just appearances.
@johnthompson7548 3 года назад
I had one ask what is my hobbies. While that seems innocent, it’s not. They can tell your age based on what you do.
@Otherwise88 3 года назад
That's interesting to consider...I can see how collecting Pokemon cards might give age away, but what about playing with your dog, working out, or reading? I only mention hobbies that I think will make me look good like reading, travelling and learning languages. I've never thought of those as being indicative of age.
@remlatzargonix1329 3 года назад
Yeah, but I wonder what their face would look like if you said "my hobby is kickboxing people who ask stupid questions"....you are not getting the job anyway..you might as well have fun with it?😀
@csc1641 Год назад
@@remlatzargonix1329 LMAO.
@DonnasAdventures Месяц назад
I have said said my resume was not getting looked at because of my age. After watching and listening to your video I’ve got some changes to do. Thank you so much for all the info.
@howiesfunware 3 года назад
I find it amazing corporate recruiters are not smart enough to look at the first date on your resume to get an idea of your age. I can't help but notice their initial shock when they first meet me.
@a.r.r.5626 Год назад
Guess that I should not include a link to my MySpace site then? 😂
@ALifeAfterLayoff Год назад
Is your name Tom?
@a.r.r.5626 Год назад
@@ALifeAfterLayoff No, sir....
@jenmck8146 Год назад
@KungFuChess 11 месяцев назад
After a certain age you want to be your own boss, starting your own business or being self employed. Look at every job as just training for that eventual goal
@NR-vx1de 11 месяцев назад
'The Intern' and 'The Internship' are good movies that describe agism problems even after you are actually hired.
@heleneg525 3 года назад
It seems that companies are more concerned with a candidate "having the right fit" than if they can actually perform the role. My Dad had his own business, and he was definitely more concerned about the latter than the former.
@ccoslor 3 года назад
Ageism is a thing, and it's not going away. A few ideas for tech types from another Gen X'er : - As noted, the only well-known free email provider that doesn't carry a stigma is GMail. Watch out for usernames that date you (birth year, etc.). If you're a tech person, consider a custom email domain. - If you have a beard, and it has a lot of gray in it, consider shaving it off. You can always regrow it after you land the job. - Only go back 10 or at most 15 years on your resume. Most employers don't care about 20-year-old experience anyway. - On that same note, show that you have recent, up-to-date skills. Get an online cert, work on an open source project, somet that shows you have some up to date skills. - Good luck!
@aceb9479 2 года назад
Am in my 50s. For the past 20 years have worked for myself in online sales. Previous to that, worked in IT as technical editor and network admin. Have considered updating my skills and going back to the workforce working remotely but have a feeling it will be impossible unless in contract work or being a recruiter myself.
@darthkouskous3365 2 года назад
My age is the first info they see about me... it's way better than being called for interviews and rejected because of it... if they call me, it is because they are ok with my age.
@sashanealand8315 4 месяца назад
I also hit the same age discrimination wall when looking for rooms to rent. There potential housemates just flat out asked my age and sex befire interviewing for a room.
@lovelyletter7460 3 года назад
Great and informative video! I have a yahoo email address from 1999! 😫 I’m 46 but I look like I’m in my 20’s. I always thought I needed to have my college graduation date on my resume (which will immediately date me) so that’s good to know that I can delete the date and just keep that I have a degree.
@germancavelier8434 Год назад
Wonderful subjects and recommendations! Thank you!
@Thom5972 10 месяцев назад
I think thats the reason im not getting hired. They've asked for my birthdate at the beginning of the interview. I've removed the date I graduated and jobs I've had that are older than 15 years. Hopefully I will get a job after 6 months of searching.
@nawakaida7499 Год назад
What do you do if you’ve reach a point in your life where you’re no longer interested in working 24/7 as head of a department and just want to step down into a lower position without all those responsibilities and demands? I’m constantly told I’m over qualified but I don’t want another upper management role. I’m not looking to climb that corporate ladder or advice in my career. I just want a job without all that stress.
@4Rascals321 Год назад
Companies don't train like they used to, and so the trainers do not know how to train for that role. Companies want a person to just walk in and do the job. Every job is different as a human personality. Poor or greedy companies will not train.
@janelleetsitty36 Год назад
Not much of an education, but updated to show name of schools and that's it. Thanks for that recommendation. 🙂
@jackson12802 3 года назад
How do you deal with being a new grad at 35? My husband graduated last year with an undergraduate in accounting and another in business management. He hears this so much. But, then he doesn’t have any experience in his field for higher level jobs in his field.
@xchpstang 2 года назад
Let it work to his advantage. They can think he is younger than he is since he just graduated college. Maybe it won’t command the highest pay but hey, at least he won’t be discriminated because he sounds too old.
@picklerix6162 2 года назад
I didn't graduate from college until 35 with a four year technical degree. I had an Associates degree and went back to college at night. My boss told me that he would promote me when I received my degree and he did.
@napoleonbonaparte4396 11 месяцев назад
I earned my B.S.. in Accounting at age 55 in 2019. But nobody needs me.
@fremontpathfinder8463 8 месяцев назад
One of the reasons I won't leave my unionized teaching job is fear of ageism. I do like my job and have related skills that could be used in another job and an allied health care license as well, but I wouldn't dare leave my job. I'm almost afraid to retire. i wanted to mention that there are companies out there who want to hire older workers and those companies should be sought out.
@jolanhowes3604 5 месяцев назад
I found work in decent paying factory jobs at 70 years old. Many older people work in them. Even though I have a degree and experience, I didn't even try for more professional work. What I found is that I enjoyed the stress free work in factories. My colorful co-workers kept me laughing. Just saying, if you're older and really need some money, factory work is an option, even if temporarily. It can as boring as heck, but a nice, weekly paycheck helped me ignore that.
@BreezyBellefu 2 года назад
Definitely. Only 45 and getting lots of ageism responses. So it’s starting younger
@xinesita 11 месяцев назад
I have been through a process on which you had to go through several (5+) interviews just for someone to tell you they wanted someone more experienced (older).
@rondale8110 5 месяцев назад
I have been on several job interviews. All of the interviewers are about one third my age. Like you say they are not direct when it comes to agism. They have said things like "are you sure you can handle the job."? Also something to the effect of can you handle getting up early or saying something about how much work the store requires the employee needs to do. I am in great health and have watched people who work in these stores. I know I can do their job. Almost all of the applications want to know my birthday instead of just asking if I am of a legal age to work. they see my gray hair and they are not interested in even considering me for the job. I have filled out roughly 20 applications so far.
@fuzzylon 10 месяцев назад
I suppose, being 63, I am in the "twilight" of my career, but I really don't feel that is a good word to use. I'm looking forward to new challenges, new people and a new role that I can bring my experience to. I don't feel remotely twilight-y. But I suppose some recruiters see someone of my age and assume I just want to tread-water until I retire - for me they're wrong. While we're talking, is "40 years in IT and 20 years in project management" a good thing or a bad thing for me to have on my CV ? I thought my experience was one of the strengths I bring to a new job, but now I'm wondering if its someting I should be playing down.
@Bethabanks 8 месяцев назад
@fuzzlon, as long as you are on top of the latest technology, and can find a potential hiring manager with a strong ego, you will find something in tech. I think where you live makes. a difference as well. For example, I find Europe + UK more open to older workers than the Americas. Good Luck!! If you are looking in the UK, maybe we can share contacts and opportunities.,. I am in Product Management in FinTech.
@amanacatandhisdog8836 3 года назад
You might be willing to take less for a different but related job. I have a lot of customer service experience but wanted to leave the food industry and get into retail. I didn’t care as much about the salary as the experience.
@MrNightpwner 3 года назад
Game stop said this to me when I was 24. "Overqualified"
@robertj2 11 месяцев назад
100% yes I have
@brendaechols5929 Год назад
I hate the race, culture, gender, pronouns questions. They say you dont have to answer but you usually do cause the application says to answer all questions fully to be considered for the roll. Sometimes its just one question. "Are you of hispanic decent?" What? Thats a weird question. Underneath that in small words it says they dont discriminate. THEN WHY ASK THE QUESTIONS! I dont know if they are using that to discriminate against me or not. They can and i will never know. Also they ask you to upload your resume and everything will prefill the application. Then the next section ask you to write down the position of the job and the duties. WELL I JUST DID THAT W MY RESUME! I dont know what to say?
@johnthornton4591 3 года назад
I am certain I have been discriminated against because of age. The reasons why are irrelevant, and I have no proof of ageism that would stand up in court. I wound up giving up completely.
@johnthornton4591 3 года назад
@@jeromehenry4484 My point exactly.
@Spring_Forward_Fall_Back 3 года назад
I read an article years ago that said in the future, people will have aged out of the job market at 45 and they better have all the money they need saved by then. That's not scary at all... :(
@chelebelle2223 2 года назад
Gosh, it seems like we are rapidly approaching that point.....Jeeze Louise! 😟
@theodoreroberts3407 8 месяцев назад
What if it's both? I have a lot of skills and it seem it scares a lot of employers, to the point I have almost nothing on my resume just to get interviews (a lot of high tech), plus I'm almost 74 years old. A querk in social security says I have to return to work to exercise my FRA. I get nothing from employers, not even interviews now. Fact is older people will show up and many (like myself) are trainable, while kids will stay for a few checks and walk! Employers aren't looking at their turnover rate.
@sl2608 3 года назад
One major clue in job postings: "Looking for a ROCKSTAR" . . . yuck, that word just wreaks of ageism.
@ccoslor 3 года назад
When someone says they're looking for a "rock star", think about how record companies treat rock stars: give them lots of perks and attention so that they FEEL rich, encourage them to build their entire life around their job, and then dump them for someone younger who will work for less $.
@sl2608 3 года назад
@@ccoslor ROCK STAR: Young, hyperactive, "I am invincible, I can do anything" act, lives on caffeine/Red Bull or various stimulants to keep up the "I can do anything and never tire" act. Go quickly from Rockstar/Office Superstar to burned out/bored, then "Bye-bye, adoring boss."
@stevenwalter1255 Год назад
Where I'm from the pecking order is 1. Family 2. Friends 3. Nobody
@nickjerrat Год назад
great content!
@terriwallace6032 Год назад
@Brian, When you are applying online, what dates should you use on grad dates? Isn't' this considered "lying"? So far I have not been asked by any recuriting when I graduated. Only on online application. Thanks
@ALifeAfterLayoff Год назад
I wouldn't include dates of education on my resume.
@frankcorrea8691 Год назад
I know a man that looks like a professional model and works o In corporate ,he will always have a job brcause of his looks and his personality@😅
@millertime6 2 года назад
It’s funny he reveals so many unfortunate truths here. The idea of “over qualifications”, “flight risks” and “culture fit.” The irony is that the younger people are the ones leaving jobs more frequently.
@jtixtlan Год назад
You are correct! The US data proves it: The median number of years that wage and salary workers had been with their current employer was 4.1 years in January 2022, unchanged from the median in January 2020 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Sept. 2022). Since 1996, surveys have been conducted biennially in January as a supplement to the Current Population Survey (CPS), a monthly sample survey of about 60,000 households. Median employee tenure was generally higher among older workers than younger ones. For example, the median tenure of workers ages 55 to 64 (9.8 years) was more than three times that of workers ages 25 to 34 years (2.8 years). Also, a larger proportion of older workers than younger workers had 10 years or more of tenure. For example, among workers ages 60 to 64, 53 percent had been employed for at least 10 years with their current employer in January 2022, compared with 9 percent of those ages 30 to 34 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Sept. 2022).
@JasonTaylor-po5xc 11 месяцев назад
LOL - yeah - and that's my recommendation for them to do so. It's nearly impossible to advance within the same company so you have to jump ship every 2-3 years early on in your career.
@vl4n7684zt 10 месяцев назад
Employers want someone to 'grow with the company' but within 2 years the younger employees are already job hopping. The increased culture of disposable employees has led to the increased culture of disposable employers.
@JasonTaylor-po5xc 10 месяцев назад
@@vl4n7684zt I can’t speak about other fields, but anyone in IT working for a large corporation is losing money the longer they stay after a year. Only 1-2% raises is pretty common and the IT market often pays way more.
@bubbasouth69 4 месяца назад
And the older people have a better work ethic and will run circles around the younger ones! Problem for the employer is that the older people are much too wise to get manipulated and jerked around by those power hungry bosses on a big ego trip!
@melissam6037 Год назад
“Growing with a role” you can grow at any age. I am 58 and still learning new things all the time!
@TheSupervillain316 8 месяцев назад
By the same, if someone is stubborn they'll never grow into anything regardless of age
@CraigMilesYoutube 2 месяца назад
@@melissam6037 Absolutely, many countries are moving retirement towards age 70. Therefore you have not only years of experience, but years left to work.
@DavidLLambertmobile 2 месяца назад
I do security, 2020s I see a lot of "recent" college graduates, GWOT/9-11 era veteran. They want younger applicants, people 25-35. Not over 45.
@jsmall5952 2 месяца назад
I just turned 50 and looking for employment I honestly feel I am 90. I have 3 previous jobs and I can honestly say the older individuals hired ran circles around the younger ones and actually stayed in their positions some with promotions that wanted them . Seemed like a running bet with all of us how long the younger person would stay. There is no way to hide your age before an interview which for me has meant practically no interview. It really is frustrating to think I am not intelligent enough to know exactly what is going on when they say that they were very impressed with my skills ?!?! Really my skills were too impressive for the position sure that makes perfect sense next time I will apply for the CEO position smh smh . Meanwhile keeping that revolving door revolving door but hey that is job security for that person I guess
@Missglam67 Месяц назад
@@TheSupervillain316Same. I am in. My 50s and love the idea of learning new technology.
@joylynch5204 Год назад
Sucks since the age of retirement is constantly being pushed higher. What are we supposed to do?
@cptcosmo 6 месяцев назад
"Handle your shite." "Grow a pair." That's about the amount of compassion you'll get. That's all I get.
@sashanealand8315 4 месяца назад
in the US you are supposed to move into your car as you age and become homeless.
@DebiSmithPouliot Месяц назад
@@sashanealand8315 But now the government has made homelessness illegal in the US so I guess they would FINE us or prison or both.
@pointnIaugh 3 года назад
It's sad, because in my experience I have found that the best workers are the old ones.
@jensz9360 11 месяцев назад
100% the most loyal and the best. Too bad they get treated like garbage by idiot employers.
@johnr5252 Год назад
I’m 67 and had hoped to continue working past 70. My job was eliminated ending a 33 year career. I can’t even get an interview for jobs I could easily do.
@fremontpathfinder8463 8 месяцев назад
Hence my fear of leaving my unionized job. I'll work as long as I can.
@Blakpepa 3 года назад
Every single online application I've applied on asks date of birth, gender identity, race and you have to put the dates of your education...they do that and then brag about diversity when it's never the case😩
@sugarsugar475 3 года назад
Exactly. The state of New York asks several questions on gender identity. This whole topic is a waste of time. Ageism exists and it will never change. Best advice, shorten your resume, use a gmail account, and contact web people search sites to remove your info, including date of birth.
@remlatzargonix1329 3 года назад
Yes, indeed!....that is true. I can top that;....I mentioned that to any agency that is a government anti-discrimination agency, and they said that is NOT a form of discrimination?...So, if your bar for rejecting the candidate is their age, rather than whether they can do the job, that is discrimination....they STILL did not get it.....
@Blakpepa 3 года назад
@@remlatzargonix1329 they say this is for statistical reasons🤣 I think that I'm going to start identifying as white and non binary or identify as a white male on my applications. I've been tracking my job hunts for over 10 years on spreadsheets (I've applied to over 500 jobs 🙃) and not one where I had to complete the app and answer those questions replied when I indicated heterosexual black woman... NOT ONE. I actually invest so much time and customize my resume and cover letters for those jobs so it's an exact match. If I don't have to answer those questions I get a call...my data doesn't lie!
@KyleTO7 3 года назад
I'm 31 but look 21, I just finished my last few highschool credits in 2019, all my last employers thought I'm like 20 years old unless I tell them my age.
@bob_fifi 3 года назад
@@remlatzargonix1329 Ageism is very prevalent in todays workforce. You may have ton's of experience in the position your applying for but they pick the young good looking blond or the young good looking guy even though they have no clue..and most kids as I call them have " no clue" today..I can work circles around them but that still does't matter.
@Kristopher342 3 года назад
Ageism,nepotism, and cronyism I’ve encountered it all and continue to, it will never change.
@bp-ob8ic Год назад
We are all invited and encouraged to participate in cronyism by milking our networks for the inside track to job opportunities. Even the young whipper-snappers
@DemonsCrest1 3 года назад
"you're overqualified" is an employer's way of saying "it's not you, it's me" xD
@DemonsCrest1 3 года назад
@@jamesthompson7282 ^_^ or they really want you, but they think they need to neg you xD
@nunyabeezwax6758 2 года назад
Which is never helpful and is just her being a snob/having too many options...
@12litwin 3 года назад
I had an interview about 10 years ago when I was 49 & the employer (who was near my age) asked me how old I was. I asked him if it would have any bearing on the position & the whole tone of the interview changed for the worst. I was polite in the way I asked it but ageism was clearly apparent because I saw the position re-posted hours later.
@twosteptothatyo 2 года назад
It’s illegal to ask that question in the US.
@lluewhyn 2 года назад
I had one a few years ago where the hiring manager obviously seemed startled at my age (we were actually the same age of 41 at the time) based upon the fact that my resume only included about twelve years on it. For reference, I hadn't *started* my professional career until 29 and got my Bachelor's at 32, but he still wanted to know where "the rest of my resume was". It seemed evident (along with the fact that I had hear prior to the role that he was wanting to mentor the person) that he saw my resume and figured I was in my early 30s. I did not get the job, and I saw that it was re-posted several months later.
@imalwaysme4332 2 года назад
@ghost mall You can sue someone asking that during an interview.
@Bucinka8 2 года назад
I had one like that in 2019. The recruiter was obviously from another country (won't say which country but they are common in my line of work), and I flat out said to him, you may be unaware that in the US that is not a legal question to ask. I didn't get the job. I don't sweat when organizations like that won't hire me, because I don't want to work for such organizations anyway. (The pay for that one was about 1/3 below the industry average anyway, so it doesn't take a genius to know they're looking for someone young and entry-level.)
@minnie4218 2 года назад
@ghost mall Nearly every application form in the UK asks your age, marital status, ethnicity, sexual preferences and gender identity. All things we were advised years ago not to ask as it could lead to discrimination. You were supposed to sift cv,s and do interviews based on job knowledge, experience, qualifications, good work ethic etc one application even asked what my father's occupation was when I was 14! Wtf has any of that got to do with my ability to do the job? Now when I put in my age, I instantly know I wont get an interview. I'm now officially in an alternative minority who faces discrimination.
@cathywestholt5324 2 года назад
I am 68. Now I need the assistance of a rollator walker. I went on an interview, and things were ok with the supervisor of the department. When the hiring manager came into the room, she looked down at my walker and said, "Do you really need to use that thing?" I felt so embarrassed, humiliated, and defeated. I have not gone on another interview since. My first impression is an old lady with a walker, and not a candidate with value for their organization.
@WhoBeSilly Год назад
Hold on there! Ageism is certainly underlying, but you might have a case because of a disability, which is a major crime. I would look into bringing a lawsuit because of that - check with a lawyer, I think you have a case.
@jensz9360 11 месяцев назад
What a disgrace of the hiring manager. You should have recorded it and then sued them for disability discrimination. RECORD everything, these peopel now are out of control.
@Sheisme120 7 месяцев назад
As if you would be using a walker if you didn’t need it?? Why would someone even ask that?🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m so sorry you went through that!
@t.h.8475 4 месяца назад
No one ever used a walker just for the fun of it.
@bubbasouth69 4 месяца назад
If more people would make a video of these discriminatory interviews a lot of this nonsense would stop.
@RadioLaPrincess 3 года назад
Yep, starting around age 35. It got so bad I returned to school to work on a master's in counseling because I couldn't find jobs in marketing or website design. I encountered everything from "I only hire recent grads" to "your skills are outdated" to point-blank "Way too old". I can tell I won't get the job when everyone is much younger than me. Granted I pass much younger (I just turned 50 but people think I am much younger) but even so, once they see my resume they know. Also, employers are sneaky and will ask you questions about movies, tv, music you liked as a kid, had this happen.
@ahmedhashmi3584 3 года назад
Your last statement’s answer: They are trying to see if you fit in their company’s environment..
@RadioLaPrincess 3 года назад
@limelight81 I don't have all of my experience, I couldn't. However, I have the last ten years because it's relevant.
@grazynawolska8160 3 года назад
For women I agree. For me it was at 37.... I tried getting hired at a place for an Officer role (had officer experience on a contract that was ending) but they said they had someone with soooo much more experience but I was so great (said my rejection email lol). So I said thank you, since I'm so great could you recommend me for another job at your place? This time assistant and contract only? Sure they said and so I got hired. Whom did they hire for the officer permanent position? A 25 year old with a few months experience at a similar business. Hmmm.... So then a full time position comes up in my department. I'm now 38 and still assistant on contract. I apply and interview for the permanent assistant role.... and who gets it? 22 year old straight from the agency! She had 6 months office internship experience and her last job was a cashier at a reno store which she described in interview as "I handled the finances of a major multi-million dollar corporation" lol. Jokes on me cause it worked. She got the job, they paid extra 5k to agency to buy her out. She immediately went on vacation. Not even kidding she said after they hired her she had it booked and paid for. They were mad. Then she came back and behaved for 3 months. Those 3 months passed and she maxed out her entire 12 sick days in less than 6 weeks! After that she would only show up to work 4 days a week. 5th day was always some emergency. Of the 4 days she came in, 2 of those she came in at 10, 11 or 12.... not even kidding. By my estimate she only shows up for work 60% of the time. It would kill me to see how hard I work for the same money and they still didn't want me. She still works there btw. I have since quit and found a job that has a better title, pays a lot more and has a real pension. Before I left the HR asked me if I'm gonna apply to permanent assistant role in another dept. I said no, I tried getting a permanent job here twice. It didn't work out, so I got a permanent job elsewhere. You should have seen her face. To be honest she was always rooting for me but she is still HR. She has since quit this place also and so did the man they hired to replace me. He didn't even last a year. I think he saw how the lazy girl is working.... and they lowered his pay by the time he replaced me by a lot while lazy girl got paid a lot more to do next to nothing. I would have never believed age discrimination is real until I experienced it and saw it for myself because I was working along side the girls who got hired instead of me. Most women don't see it because they just don't get hired and never see whom they hired instead of them.
@nunyabeezwax6758 2 года назад
I'll lie about the lattermost and answer early 2000s stuff. But still ridiculous cheats like asking year of graduation and making it mandatory...
@tiagodagostini Год назад
Well I had the satisfaction of once being rejected with that excuse.. I started my company. Years later we were hiring for HR and surprise who was the candidate... as one of the owners I vetoed and went myself to say... you are over incompetent and too false of a person for our company.
@DawnH123 3 года назад
I started getting grey hair in high school. I used to let some grey hair show so I would not look too young in interviews. Now I’m coloring all that out so I don’t look too old. 😂
@waterbottle4782 3 года назад
I wish I still had hair!
@remlatzargonix1329 3 года назад
My niece suggested to me that I dye my hair, in order to avoid age discrimination. I am giving it a consideration, but I don't know where to start......I mean how do you know what shade or colour to use and how can I know whether or not it looks fake?....Also, I don't think barbers dye hair.
@DawnH123 3 года назад
@@remlatzargonix1329 your natural color and/or the color of your eyebrows is a safe bet. I suggest going to Sally Beauty Supply if you want to do it yourself. Barbers may not do coloring but most salons have colorists that will be happy to do it for you.
@bigvalley4987 3 года назад
@@remlatzargonix1329 You can go to a colorist. and they are considered a Cosmetologist. With additional licensing.☑️
@stewartleslie3292 2 года назад
@ghost mall There is a scientific study on balding. They discovered that if your mother farther has a full set of hair during life, then all of her sons will have a full set of hair through life.
@bonefishboards 3 года назад
Ageism happens all the time and is rather blatant in many circumstances.
@erinh.665 2 года назад
As a workforce trainer, I have been saying this for years, make the question about education dates illegal!
@jsmall5952 2 месяца назад
Absolutely after searching for employment for a while now at 50 I wish there was a way to hide my age until after being hired. I have aged gracefully so I feel confident that I would be safe in zoom interviews IF I could get them. I get frustrated when I get an email stated we were very impressed with your skills. Sure makes perfect sense you needed someone who did not have any knowledge of that position smh
@nancysmyth9686 2 года назад
My current supervisor, who is 20 years younger than me, is being super-sneaky about getting "rid" of older employees who have been at the college for a long time. One of the tactics he uses is intimidation, poor reviews, micro-managing, gaslighting, not answering emails, etc. I know at least five people who have been targeted by this guy; the college ignores. He 100% annihilates anyone who doesn't share HIS view of a "positive work environment". He pits people against each other, assigns unbelievable "coaching" plans, and is overall a real tyrant. Just when you think you've gotten to a place of "peace" with this guy, he throws something else at you that requires a lot of effort to defend. I never had poor reviews prior to this guy; so many of us are fearful and are just "marking time". He has a "Rules for Thee, but Not for Me" attitude. I've been to HIS supervisors six times now; about to do my 7th. He is a bully. So debilitating to have to keep this up after so many years of hard work, dedication and innovation.
@Dweeble233 Год назад
I've dealt with a bully once. Have a good cash reserve.. Never show fear and always be ready to walk. And most important, be on a first name basis with THEIR boss.
@nancysmyth9686 Год назад
@@Dweeble233 I did report him 7 times; he finally left! Thank you!
@frankcorrea8691 Год назад
Wait for him in the bathroom and dunk his head in the urinal lol@
@jensz9360 11 месяцев назад
Sounds like you have to play his gaes against him. Dont let him scam you out of your job. That toxic bastard needs to get fired before they ruin lives.
@Sheisme120 7 месяцев назад
That supervisor sounds like a total narcissist!
@jimsalmon5158 2 года назад
I took a roundabout route to finishing my engineering degree and didn’t get my masters until age 31. One of the companies I applied to, I received a call from the HR manager who only wanted to tell me that I am too old and I should be in the middle of my career by now. No questions about my qualifications, nothing. I was actually glad I didn’t get that job as there were more red flags than a Chinese communist parade.
@larasmith5723 Год назад
Hahaha...you make me laugh about RED FLAGS...Chinese New Year have so many red flags & dragons too...at least it's festive. You are absolutely right about your thoughts. Our parents sent us to school to become a professional only to be employed by someone to do underpaid jobs for work experience.
@Strider9655 3 года назад
Here in the UK, the problem with age is that in my line of work (engineering) management just want yes men. They want people they can rail road into taking the fall for their bad decisions, and as you get older you start to realise that managers are not gods, they're just people, and in engineering they're usually technically clueless. You get to a point where you start being realistic and they don't like it, they don't like people who ask questions, people who tell them the truth. They'd rather hire young graduates who are a) programmed to never ask questions and b) cheap to hire c) naive and easy to push around.
@bigvalley4987 3 года назад
Very true. And adaptable to their company culture, and become a “Team Player”.
@Strider9655 3 года назад
@@bigvalley4987 No, never give up your individuality, you just become a coward, doomed to a miserable existence, too afraid to speak out, too afraid to do the right thing.
@Jz-sv1ju 3 года назад
That's Corporate Globalism and at the end of the day employees are a resource and are to be squeezed every last ounce of productivity from them. Greed for money is their number 1 priority.
@obgfoster 3 года назад
Not just the U.K. and not just engineering! Insecure leaders want people who know less than they do.
@cuivre2004 2 года назад
I have seen that exact thing! The boss gets threatened by you outshining him in his role. They love sycophants and toadies.
@allendaniel2748 3 года назад
People can be discriminated on all bases that’s a fact of life! I worked in trades and because I had to go for hip replacement I needed to find a job in an office. The personalities I came across made me wonder if there are still people out there! There are plenty of animals in some offices, sometimes it makes one wonder if you are in the zoo?
@askingwhy123 3 года назад
Great content, yes, but I want to highlight how well you connect through your videos. In a world of shouty, salesey RU-vid content, it's nice to feel spoken with and not berated.
@nutech1810 2 года назад
I would say just start posting bad reviews about the company and maybe start considering lawsuits about ageism. Companies need to learn a valuable lesson. Just because someone is 40 or 50 that does not mean people are dead or lack in adaptability. Everything you are saying is pure age discrimination. I am 42 and in very good shape, and I can feel it. I had to hire a lawyer. I have applied to many jobs on LinkedIn, emailed managers and people within the company, and it does not work lol - I do not get how people have all this time in their lives to network. Employers wonder why people are quitting like crazy and do not want to return to work. I have had multiple people refer me to jobs, that never worked. I am introverted and do not really enjoy networking.
@neenahlacroix9869 2 года назад
I'm an introvert too..we have to become actresses and actors to work with others..its hard to put on a grand Oscar winning performance everyday but sometimes we have to unfortunately.
@HeadHunterSix 3 года назад
If companies are really concerned that older employees are a "flight risk" because they'll leave if they get a better offer, the solution is to pay them competitively, not to low-ball them because they can get a college kid to do it for less. And honestly, in what way does that differ from a younger person who can do the same once they have some experience? As for "fitting into the culture", is the company's stated culture one of inclusivity and equal opportunity? If so, then age discrimination does not fit with the alleged culture. Honestly, I'm not sure I'd even want to work for a company that has these reservations in mind - if they won't treat you fairly in the hiring process, the reason you'll soon leave has little to do with your "overqualification" and more to do with the concerns I mentioned above.
@obgfoster 3 года назад
Maybe the best question to ask is how long the previous person was in the role!
@HeadHunterSix 3 года назад
@@obgfoster an excellent observation. And how they respond to that challenge says as much as the answer.
@rechitsapivo Год назад
The problem with diversity and inclusion", it's about hiring diversity hires like black-women-lgbtq, not older straight white males.
@Fast_Eddy_Magic Год назад
It's not illegal for employers to discriminate. It's illegal to say that's the reason.
@NYRyder1983 Год назад
It's wrong no matter what.
@tracygrenier359 9 месяцев назад
Have you considered doing a video about companies that request one-way video interviews? Personally, I refuse to do them.
@metastract Год назад
Great share. Employers have actually got a really weak argument for choosing younger people over older steadier, more experienced workers on the basis of "we want them to grow in the company" since Millenials and Gen Z are known for "job hopping" and looking to move on after 2-3yrs.
@TheSupervillain316 8 месяцев назад
I see this a lot at my company. I started there in 2000 and even then you'd see a few here and there move on, but in recent times the average stay is 3-5 years. The exception has become the norm there.
@image30p 3 года назад
This is frustrating, because there's no acceptable response. If you've done the hell out of the work already, you're overqualified. If you're ready to try a new skill set then you're underqualified. This is why I have severe misgivings about corporate culture. They don't allow a person to be honest. We have to figure out these elaborate lies. When the truth is that everyone has to pay rent. Even people over 40! *gasp* But I'm listening and I will try to use the advice. Thank you! And btw yes I have been a victim of ageism several times. I remember once I had to give my birthdate over the phone and my colleague exclaimed, "Jesus!" That infuriated me.
@buda3d2007 3 года назад
They want someone to mold and grow with the role AKA you want someone you can control and does not know any better, understood.
@sl2608 3 года назад
@davidbrewer7937 3 года назад
I am 57 with 30+ years post qualification in electronics/electrical. My technical quals are old... but in my area of expertise, the stuff in education above the core physics quickly becomes obsolete. I would reckon academic stuff is valuable for about the first 10 years at most, after that it must be based in experience & proven history. In my whole working life I have spent most of my leisure time with a technical book learning new stuff, so much so that I have only ever had time to read a handful of non technical books over the last 30 years. Then the firm I worked for (8 years) made a bad change & it ultimately cost me my job. The timing was such that it worked for me as I had to take a break from my career for a couple of years. Now trying to return, I feel like the market has decided to knock me off the ladder & take that ladder away altogether...
@Longlostpuss 2 года назад
Had to take a break for a couple of years, or had no choice but to take a break for a couple of years?
@davidbrewer7937 2 года назад
@@Longlostpuss House fire which destroyed our home. I left to rebuild it & it was no hard choice to leave the job which had turned bad anyway... I have since started a dream job & love it. The key here is: don't give up, it is a candidates market at the moment. There has never been a better time to find a job & the wages are going up to attract the right people.
@Longlostpuss 2 года назад
@@davidbrewer7937 Sorry to hear that, house fires can be devastating, particularly if they destroy family heirlooms and stuff like that. Good to hear it worked out for you in the job front thought, every cloud and all that.
@davidbrewer7937 2 года назад
@@Longlostpuss Yes, the personal bits & bobs were the real loss. Everything else we replaced with new or something else if we didn't want to replace it. The house is nice & new, no surprises...
@suzyjohnson2974 3 года назад
I feel like the question “are you willing to relocate?” is just code for “are you under 40?” 😬
@suzyjohnson2974 3 года назад
@limelight81 I wouldn’t know about that because I have never applied for a job that offered remote work. I have, in the past, applied for MANY local jobs that have asked this question. Owning a home, having older kids, having elderly parents nearby who might need help, etc are all reasons that would make relocation for a job- especially one that doesn’t pay particularly well- not desirable. And much more difficult and complicated as you get older.
@GreenCrim Год назад
At 37 I decided to chase my dream career after going through work place bulling & management gaslighting in retail. I did my 4yr bachelors and completed my masters at age 41 & have been applying for jobs for close to 8 months now. I have previous qualifications related to my field of study but NO industry experience & I'm getting minimal bites from applications. Meanwhile I'm watching the 20 something year old kids that have only got their bachelors and no experience get snapped up within 2 months of graduating. The feedback I have managed to get as to why I'm not suited was "overqualified", yes this might be true but I have NO INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE so in that sense I'm no different to a 20 something yr old graduate, the only difference is an extra 6yrs of schooling and life experience. There's defiantly something else at play & ageism would be my bet 😕 You would think employers would be interested in someone who is dedicated, persist and know exactly what they want to do for their career, instead of some 20 something yr old kid who was pressured into doing a degree by their parents & is going to hate the job or change careers in 5 to 10 yrs... but unfortunately this doesn't seem to be the case 🙁
@mohammedamine3298 Месяц назад
How is your search going? i hope you were able to find a job.
@1983jcheat 3 года назад
I'm 37. Not Old, but not 25. I'm too Old to be a new hire in many places, but too young to be a CEO allegedly. Confusing stuff. There's a lot of "You should of had the push (big break) by now." as if I didn't want a break. People act like I just sat around waiting for a job. Life is funny.
@MrNationalWonder 3 года назад
The most common form... "We are looking for someone with two years prior experience before you apply with this entry level Job."
@westdu5961 3 года назад
Very true lol When you complain about that, people say "Oh, the employer meant doing some school work or volunteer work, you know, count them towards experience". I was like "Ok alright". Opens Glassdoor, look for Volunteer work, "2-year experience required for an ICT helper at xxx event, or xxx project, or xxx charity/school". Then I somehow managed to lie my way into the volunteer work, got the 6-month experience, the recruiters tell you: " Sorry bud, unpaid jobs don't really count as experiences". I go "Fk this world, with a smell :)". Finally, I realized: this is an employer's market, supply < demand, they can pull whatever the sht they want and there's nothing you can do about it, unless you are either hot as a supermodel, or got over a million fans on Insta coz you look like a hot model.
@allnfun6315 3 года назад
And they don’t want to train you even in an entry level. Just go to work then berate you when they question you on details a year down the road.
@napoleonbonaparte4396 11 месяцев назад
What is a problem with a person if s/he is overqualified? Is he going to ruin a company reputation or what? I never understand it. Can anyone explain?
@stephaniedudley1646 3 года назад
I just had an interview last week where I looked at my interviewer, she looked at me, saw my age, I could practically see her doing the mental calculation (because I was very qualified for the role and it was clear on my resume that I was) and then after that nothing I could say would be in a direction towards it being a good fit. I think it's super important to practice bringing it up with the interviewer so you can "break the forth wall" and if they still don't like you, well, you've done everything that you can. If you can't do anything right, it's probably not a place you want to work for anyway.
@nawakaida7499 2 года назад
The only way to avoid discrimination would be to not include your name since that reveals your race and gender and possibly even religion. You would also not include your address since that shows your financial status. You would not include the dates of employment or the year you got your degree since that reveals your age. They wouldn’t be able to ask about your availability since that reveals your maternal status and family obligations. And they wouldn’t be able to reject you based off of what previous employers said since that would be seen as retaliation. The entire hiring process is set up to discriminate otherwise resumes wouldn’t require your full name, Address and dates and you wouldn’t be required to meet in person for that examination. The pay-rate would just be listed in the job posting too since the pay shouldn’t be TBD depending on who they hire. The pay should be what it is regardless who you hire otherwise your discriminating if your willing to pay one person far less even though the same is required from all applicants.
@Narnia1963 2 года назад
I’m having trouble with being discriminated because of my disability. I was constantly harassed in one job about my diabetes management, and in my last job, they refused to let me treat a low, and I passed out and now have permanent nerve damage.
@Miz-Newsy 2 года назад
You should sue them. Thats terrible!
@barose1 2 года назад
As a returning student (went back in my mid-30s), I feel I have an advantage if they have to know when I graduated with my graduate degree. :) Of course, my work experience goes further back, but my recent “schooling” is sometimes a head-scratcher. Then again, it’s their fault for assuming that everyone goes to college directly out of high school.
@Native722 10 месяцев назад
Agreed, went through this myself.
@joyphillips1821 3 года назад
I've had a manager tell me she doesn't want to hire someone with more or the same experience as her because she doesn't want someone too independent and telling her what to do.
@nfspbarrister5681 2 года назад
That's dumb and be thankful you did not work there. I would love if my hires are people i can discuss and have brainstorming meeting.
@mmeeozzzaaa3421 3 месяца назад
It's interesting in that more and more people are opting to work beyond 65 for a variety of reasons, ranging from not wanting to be bored at home, having not saved enough to retire, to not having planned to retire because those in your social circle don't retire at 65. As for ageism, a while back someone did want to know when I had graduated college. He was the hiring manager, and he wasn't native to this country, so he may have genuinely been ignorant of the implications of the question he was hiring, but I was quite put off by his question.
@adude7050 3 года назад
I just went through 4 interviews with the same company for a job identical to what I was currently doing. The first interview was with corporate the next three was with the location manager. They usually separate the interviews with the location manager into three separate ones. The location manager told me I impressed them so much that if I had the time they would like to put me through the remaining two right then.. At the end, he was basically telling me where my desk was going to be. Next thing I know I get an email from corporate saying they were looking for someone better suited to the position. ??????.
@legeriniowa1 3 года назад
I have actually had a company tell me they were concerned about my age, and the fact that I have asthma. Granted it was an HVAC company who did a lot of older homes, which meant attics and crawl spaces, but I was only 45 at the time, and I always have my rescue inhaler on me. I think the owner just didn't want me to be honest.
@minnie5301 2 года назад
Absolutely a victim. Job searching for over 18 months. I've kept my skills current. I have gone for many roles and I certainly don't mind starting at the bottom again. I have only had three interviews. I've revamped my CV with help but getting nowhere. I do voluntary work to meet others and enhance my skills further. Now I have a big gap in my resume to explain as well. I will certainly look at your other material. Thank you for your videos. They are excellent
@Longlostpuss 2 года назад
Maybe the problem is that you're undervaluing yourself by your willingness to start at the bottom again. When you really think about it, what impression does that give to employers when you've had a long career and supposed to be putting yourself forward as the best candidate? As you approach the twilight of your career, you should be at your best. Taking a role that puts your right back to where you started shouldn't even be a consideration, it doesn't make any sense. The employer will just give it to someone fresh out of school, much cheaper and makes more logical sense for the level of role.
@neilmcdougall4927 Год назад
I’m done with the carousel. Money talks louder. So I’m on the path to becoming self employed. I do x for £y. Make £y competitive. Handle all aspects. Help people 1:1. Pick and choose clients and disregard if be. Contract means to reduce. Expand and Forge a path forward without being caught up in the nonsense and their never ending agents
@mikerusby Год назад
well I am pretty much doomed, aged 55 it seems impossible to get a job now ( video games industry) Even freelance stuff is hard to come by now. I know how to get stuff done, so its really unfair
@mindbodysoul340 3 года назад
This means I'm screwed :-(
@rickh8380 Год назад
I was laid off from my position and I am in my twilight years of my career, but I don't really care because I can collect unemployment insurance until it runs out. That money will be put into savings to help me relocate to a different state were my social security money will go further. If I get called into interviews of not I'm fine with that because that will be one of my three contacts per week I need to get my unemployment insurance. To the other folks trying to find a job...hang in there. I wish only the best for you in your lives. Take care.
@fuzzypicklez 3 года назад
Correct me if I'm wrong, LinkedIn wants the dates of everything.
@CaToRi- 3 года назад
Linkedin is almost a virus. If the person is not aware, he /she will end giving too much information, information that can be used to steal your identity
@taiuqsab 3 года назад
You don’t have to put dates on education. I don’t because I don’t want people trying to guess my age. I’m very young to be where I am in my career and it’s because I don’t tell my age.
@learning2bcivil Год назад
I’ve actually had a hiring manager ask how old I was during an interview.
@ashleydarby7678 3 года назад
I noticed that saying I'm a recent college graduate has been hurting me more than helping me
@TheSupervillain316 3 года назад
In 1991 I was 18 and applied for a job assembling bicycles. There were 8 other applicants and all were 20 years older than me. Each type of job had particular questions about the products.. I was the only one who answered all 6 of the bike questions correctly if at all, I've been working on bikes since I was 4. I was asked about reliable transportation and answered with the year and make of my 2 cars which were 10 years old and got a side eye glare. I suspect too since it was a recession that the people with families were already getting the sympathy vote. I was just a kid in their eyes, despite owning thousands of dollars in tools and knowing all the answers on the application
@fremontpathfinder8463 8 месяцев назад
Sorry but during the recession, older workers never got a sympathy vote. They were treated callously.
@TheSupervillain316 8 месяцев назад
@@fremontpathfinder8463 keyword, suspected. It could easily be I was seen as the youngest there and not one who would responsible like the others. Or maybe nothing of the age was a factor, who knows
@TheSupervillain316 8 месяцев назад
@@fremontpathfinder8463 to be fair I did see that in the late 1990s after my father retired from a job at age 54. He was not called for interviews or not hired for a long list of jobs he was qualified for and often suspected ageism
@freckleface954 11 месяцев назад
Yes this has occurred to me many times. When asked about age I respond with are you sure you can ask that and then follow up with i could be the same as your mother or older sister. Then ask them their age and control the interview according to how they have responded. It was already predetermined i wouldn't get the job and i made the interviewers squirm.
@ewanfraser 3 года назад
Have experience but don’t be old :(
@dvillebenny1445 Год назад
And this bias is exactly why so many companies are in trouble. They don't have employees with wisdom and the "life experience" to steer the ship around the storm or know enough to stay away in the first place.
@designlady1732 2 года назад
I legit submitted a quick-apply job application on LinkedIn where the employer had added a few preliminary questions in addition to the upload of resume + salary requirement: "Are you above or below 40 years old?". I withdrew my application. That's discriminatory no matter how you slice it.
@veronicperemore688 3 года назад
Just seems employers are the problem and wondering why they aren't getting good people. Using stupid criteria to judge someone.
@stephenbayer3909 3 года назад
On your resume and LI profile, do not include your dates of graduation, just put the school names and degrees. If an employer presses on your dates of graduation, ask how that information is relevant to the job for which you're applying.
@user-rs6ln7nc4g 3 года назад
A lot of online apps require you to fill in ALL the info or you cannot advance it to the next page.
@HungSingUSA 3 года назад
I have had recruiters tell me I was lying about my degree, because I left the dates off.
@stephenbayer3909 3 года назад
@@HungSingUSA What was your response?
@HungSingUSA 3 года назад
@@stephenbayer3909 I did ask what the year had to do with anything and then was then told a lot of time, people who leave dates off are really making it up. This annoyed me, I put a lot of effort into getting the degree, so I asked them if they were trying to figure out how old I was. They would not answer that part. They kept pushing, so I finally told them 1989. I work in technology and the belief is, that anyone over 50 cannot learn. I started programming when I was 13 and am still learning, I just got a Masters degree. On my resume now, I have the date on the masters degree, and left off the Bachelors date. I also removed my work experience before 2004.
@stephenbayer3909 3 года назад
@@HungSingUSA I really would have taken this as a big red flag and sign that the company was unethical and toxic to work for.
@VielofDarkness Год назад
I was age discriminated against while IN a Job. People were choosing not to use me for their projects because I "Cost too much," and giving it to young employees because they were "Younger and less expensive." This was all despite I had an abundance of experience, and was extremely efficient for those projects. They essentially phased me out due to "less work available." Thing is, I wasn't that OLD, but age was already working against me.
@BlackDim100 2 года назад
My wife is a recruiter in the tech industry and has said that Ageism doesn't really exist that much. However, she has changed her tune watching me try to land a new job after 26 years with one company.
@tiagodagostini Год назад
oo it exist and it is rampant. I have a friend that worked in HR of several tech companies.. she said almost all have a rule of No hires over 40, unless you have direct internal recommendation
@dcocz3908 Год назад
You didn't watch his other video about loyalty did you?
@jtixtlan Год назад
You are correct! The US data proves it: The median number of years that wage and salary workers had been with their current employer was 4.1 years in January 2022, unchanged from the median in January 2020 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Sept. 2022). Since 1996, surveys have been conducted biennially in January as a supplement to the Current Population Survey (CPS), a monthly sample survey of about 60,000 households. Median employee tenure was generally higher among older workers than younger ones. For example, the median tenure of workers ages 55 to 64 (9.8 years) was more than three times that of workers ages 25 to 34 years (2.8 years). Also, a larger proportion of older workers than younger workers had 10 years or more of tenure. For example, among workers ages 60 to 64, 53 percent had been employed for at least 10 years with their current employer in January 2022, compared with 9 percent of those ages 30 to 34 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Sept. 2022).
@Bethabanks 8 месяцев назад
After 30 years at a large financial services firm, I lost my position.. took 2 years off to fo retrain in fintech and AI and have landed 2 positions at smaller fintech firms. Reasons, Global Experience, Tons of client-facing experience, Lots of public speaking, and the latest technology skills...Am on the market again wish me luck.
@the8u9 3 года назад
Often times, overqualification is indeed overqualification. If you're a 35 year old manager and the guy applying for an associate role under you is 46 years old and was an executive in 3 startups before this application... well... let's just say it's not simple "ageism." There's SO many red flags. I think what's more important in this day and age is for young professionals to not think that a title raise is a good thing. If you can get paid the correct wage at a proper or lower position title, that is the way to go. It might feel great to be COO at age 26, but you just shot yourself in the foot unless that company you are COO at becomes the next Uber.
@ForgottenKnight1 3 года назад
What are the red flags ?
@the8u9 3 года назад
​@@ForgottenKnight1 Red flag meaning something that might be indicative of something but not necessarily true, some flags are: smaller growth potential and malleability, skillset difference than role requirement, personal obligations, cultural fit, potential to have higher qualification than hiring manager themselves which creates confusion and dissent, communication difficulties (manager being unable to properly critique due to qualifications commanding too much respect, this is more pronounced in creative fields where the leader's vision needs to be realized), among many others. All hiring searches are adversarial, so given that the above could be true of a candidate, they wouldn't have an easy time competing against those who meet the expectations perfectly?
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