
All Foods Clean (August 3-9, 2024, Q3 L6) 

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Commentary of "Inside Out" (August 3-9, 2024, Q3 L6)
Weekly Sabbath School Lesson Commentary and Adventist Fact Check with Colleen Tinker
This weekly feature is dedicated to Adventists who are looking for biblical insights into the topics discussed in the Sabbath School lesson quarterly. We post videos and articles which address each lesson as presented in the Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, including biblical commentary on them. We hope you find this material helpful and that you will come to know Jesus and His revelation of Himself in His word in profound biblical ways.
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@jimliley8850 Месяц назад
Here is a companion article that compliments this video. blog.lifeassuranceministries.org/2024/08/01/august-3-9-2024/
@fernvaldevilla9145 Месяц назад
Amem! All foods clean. Thank God for the abundance of His blessings! No food can defile us.
@tasiaflynn3549 Месяц назад
Excellent teaching message 🌹🙏🌹🌹✝️🌹🌹🕊🌹🌹🙏🌹🌹
@epsyuma Месяц назад
Excellent teaching!
@BibliayFe Месяц назад
@jimmymwel5510 Месяц назад
The points you are discussing normally come out from members during Sabbath school discussion. The pamphlet itself doesn't have the capacity to bring about anything. Why don't you create your own lesson?
@douganthes6250 Месяц назад
Mark 7:18-20 says that nothing that enters a person from the outside can make them unclean. This is about ritual traditions and not about now being able to eat unclean meats.
@jimliley8850 Месяц назад
Nope! You are reading into this text your false interpretation of scripture. By your understanding then when a person participates in an *‘unclean’ ritual,* that then passes through the body and is expelled in the waste of the person. This is how you understand Jesus’ explanation? Those caught up in the SDA counterfeit organization have been deceived and this post is just one example of the false teachings they are exposed to every week.
@michuanni Месяц назад
Hi Colleen, thank you for your comments on the current lesson. You always refer to the Bible in what you say. On the point about the unclean food, you say that Jesus wants to prepare his disciples for the mission to the Gentiles. Can you tell me where I can find this conclusion in the Bible? Where does Jesus say that he declares the food clean because he wants to prepare his disciples for the mission to the Gentiles?
@ColleenTinker Месяц назад
@@michuanni , it’s context. Jesus deliberately took them into primarily gentile territory and had them serve food to a mostly gentiles crowd of 4,000 at Bethsaida. He placed them in proximity to the gentiles and had the disciples serve them. That was not an old covenant model. Gentiles could come to Jews and submit to Jewish requirements, but Jews could not go to gentiles and engage in table fellowship with them. Jesus was preparing them for their new roles as apostles of the new covenant.
@michuanni Месяц назад
@@ColleenTinker Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my question. I really appreciate it. Did I understand you correctly to conclude from the context that Jesus cancelled the food commandments? This interpretation can be correct, but it can also be wrong. There are 613 commandments and prohibitions in the Torah. Why would Jesus have chosen the food commandments in particular? Why don't the Pharisees and lawyers protest that he has just cancelled a number of prohibitions? The translators also disagree on exactly how this text should be translated. The NKJV says: " MK 7,19 because it does not enter his heart but his stomach, and is eliminated, thus purifying all foods?" I don't quite understand why the churches have to criticise each other's interpretations? We all have one goal. To make Jesus Christ the centre of our lives.
@ColleenTinker Месяц назад
@@michuanni Jesus did not CANCEL the Mosaic law. It was in place until He rose from the grave having fulfilled all of its shadows. But He did declare all foods clean. In other words, He wasn't telling the Jews to feel free to start eating pigs; He was telling them that pigs do not make a person unclean. Intrinsically, pigs, shellfish, and all that moves does not make a person unclean. The Jews were under the law until Jesus rose from the dead, and Jews were not about to go and embrace unclean foods. Their identity was built around the law! But Jesus was saying that when the new covenant in His blood was inaugurated, no Jew would be considered ritually unclean for eating anything-and even more importantly, no gentile believer was to brought under the law, including the food laws. Food would not make them unclean. Knowing the Lord Jesus and being born again, on the contrary, would make them CLEAN.
@normanbenjamin9739 Месяц назад
Good teaching !
@stevedaley3107 Месяц назад
In the chapter of Mark chapter 7 what was issue was it dealing with clean and unclean food or was it dealing with traditions
@ColleenTinker Месяц назад
Jesus was dealing with FOODS. He overtly stated that what goes into a person's mouth passes through the body and is eliminated through the digestive tract. He said no food makes a person unclean, but what is IN The HEART makes people unclean or designates them as clean. By "this He declared all foods clean". In other words, people cannot be contaminated by what they eat. Those levitical food laws were given to Israel for the specific purpose of keeping them separated from the gentiles so they would not have table fellowship together and develop intimate relationships. He was protecting the holy seed from which the Lord Jesus would come and was keeping His chosen people separate from the unclean, lawless gentiles. But with His death, burial, and resurrection, He destroyed the barrier between Jew and gentile and removed the wall of laws that kept them separate (see Ephesians 2 and Colossians 2). Jesus was foreshadowing what was about to take place as He went to the cross and rose from death: there would be "no distinction" between Jew and gentile, and all food would be clean. People could again eat "everything that moves" as God ordained after the flood in Genesis 9.
@SimulukaBartherumell Месяц назад
Great teaching always loving it, please when you come to Zambia visit us here in gwembe, Jesus bless
@swordthroughsoul Месяц назад
"Eat whatever is sold in the meat markets without worrying about conscience" "If you are invited to eat with an unbeliever eat whatever is put in front of you without worrying about conscience" These verses are irreconcilable if dietary laws are still in effect.
@ojotut Месяц назад
It seems that your primary purpose is to tear apart the SS lesson and disagree with it. Probably most passage of scripture can be looked at from several different angles, and there are a number of lessons that can be learned. No one human being can think of all perspectives or focus from every angle...there just isn't time in one week for starters. Am I crazy to think that your audience would be much better served by just teaching lessons on Mark the way that the Holy Spirit prompts you to do it, emphasizing the lessons that you believe are the most important?
@ilovecats9336 Месяц назад
Not necessarily, the point of this ministry is to demonstrate Adventist doctrines that are wrong. Primarily to help former Adventists work through those false doctrines. I have worked with former Adventists, from my experience this kind of break down is very useful. I get your point…this kind of teaching is not going to appeal to everyone. However for former SDAs and those who interact with them this is vital information.
@camillaa.5231 Месяц назад
"Most passages of scripture can be looked at from different angles" - you say! "No one human being can think of all the perspectives...." you say! Yet this IS exactly what EGW did - IN HER OWN DEVIOUS WAY - and set it down as God's truth for her church....and she wanted EVERYONE to believe in her too....when some didn't, that didn't sit well with her. Among the numerous false beliefs she taught her church, then , and so it continues, that except for SDA'S, all other Christians are "infidels, unclean..." and whatever else she wrote - which are ABSENT in the Word of God! In closing, there is but One angle and One perspective in that it ALIGNS with the whole counsel of God. There is UNITY in Scripture because "scripture interprets scripture" and there is UNITY in the BODY OF CHRIST - HIS CHURCH - for He has made all believers ONE in HIM. Any teaching and preaching that deviates from that cannot be right; it can never be truth!
@morrisonmichael10 Месяц назад
Bible defines food. Unclean food is not food. End days people worship and are slaves to... their belly.
@aosigal8704 Месяц назад
SDA put peoples same as or lowest then unclean animals if not inline with their doctrines, absolutely evil teachings. Tame or tahor animals only for the purpose of sacrifice during worship and through only Israelites until fulfilled by Lord Yeshua on the cross. “But meat commendeth us not to God for neither, if we eat, are we the better; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse.” (1 Chorinthians 8:8) Don’t blame others or believers of Lord Yeshua Hamasiach with what they consumed you have no right for blaming other peoples.
@johnp3081 Месяц назад
This text has nothing to do with animals BUT KOSHER practice
@Jessaba Месяц назад
Thank you! ❤
@Adrian_Mason Месяц назад
Thank You!
@onyenkwereokwandu7017 Месяц назад
What is the purpose of your ministry?
@aosigal8704 Месяц назад
To avoid you being deceived by SDA false prophetess with her false gospel.😊
@Jessaba Месяц назад
Also to help those who have been brainwashed by the SDA movement to unlearn its false gospel through the teaching of the Bible
@killiansayi2162 Месяц назад
To save the lost/deceived SDAs
@Swimdaddycycle Месяц назад
Some Bible study on food if interested Sinless World Genesis 1: 26-31 ; 2: 8, 9, 15-17 After flood Noahic Covenant Genesis 8: 20-22 ; 9: 1-4, 8-17 Mosaic Covenant Exodus 34: 1-28 ; Leviticus 11 ; Deuteronomy 14 ; Deuteronomy 5: 1-6 New Covenant Jeremiah 31: 31-34 ; Hebrews 8: 8-13 Paul, Peter, Barnabas, Acts 9: 43 ; Acts 10 ; Acts 11 ; Acts 14: 24-28 ; Acts 15 John Mark Paul correcting Peter Galatians 2: 11-14 ; Mark 7: 14-23 ------ The scribe's note makes sense because, Mark witnessing Paul rebuking Peter and Barnabas and Barnabas before (v-19) Mark's gospel was written New Covenant 1 Corinthians 10: 23-25 ; Colossians 2 ; 1 Timothy 4: 1-5 ; Romans 14
@jerrys.8926 Месяц назад
Long before mount sInai God distinguished between clean and unclean animals. Read Genesis chapter 7:2 Seven clean pairs two by two and one unclean pair two by two. So if you want to eat buzzards, rat, snakes, tasmanian devils. you go ahead and eat. God does care about our health. 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all thing that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth . And quit bashing S.D.A.'s you are the one that is at fault. Our health was not nailed to the cross.
@jimliley8850 Месяц назад
True Christians also want to have a healthy lifestyle, as best we can, while living in this fallen world. However we also know that our health whether it be, good or bad, has no bearing on our eternal security that we receive when we believe. Unlike the teaching of the SDA’s counterfeit organizations false “messenger“ E.G. White when she declared those who eat meat could not be translated. "Those who indulge in meat-eating will not be translated to heaven. *Those who have indulged in meat-eating* will be proportionately weak in moral power, clarity of discernment, and firmness of principle, in comparison with those who have lived in a manner simpler and healthier. *The carnivore will not receive translation."* *Counsels on diet and food, specifically from the 1890 edition, page 49.*
@Searcher-z5e Месяц назад
You seem to have missed Genesis 9:3 3 Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.
@reidveryan9414 Месяц назад
Jesus (God Almighty) says one just eats food and crap it out, thus food doesn't defile a person. It what is inside a person's heart that defiles himself or herself.
@aosigal8704 Месяц назад
No one unclean persons or nations before LORD God after receveing Lord Yeshua as their savior. Do not let you faith being deceived by SDA false prophetess with her false gospel.
@douganthes6250 Месяц назад
So if you eat unclean foods you are better Christian?
@Swimdaddycycle Месяц назад
Wrong question. Eat whatever and however you want. If you want to follow Old Covenant Law go for it. But if you insist that others should also, you might be advocating that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ isn't enough. But it most certainly is.
@johnp3081 Месяц назад
​@@SwimdaddycycleNT TOUCH not the unckean thing and i will receive u unto myself, saith the LORD!!!
@douganthes6250 Месяц назад
@@Swimdaddycycle So the reason unclean meats were not eaten before Christ died was? And since Jesus died now it's okay. Someone has some explaining to do. Seems like there is more logic in eating unclean meats before Christ died, sinners/pagans and gentiles were considered unclean. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God". What God has made good he doesn't turn around and say it's bad. Adam and Eve did not eat unclear meats: snakes, crab, catfish, animals that clean up garbage, even today we have made cow illness in clean animals. Why would encourage eating something that could make you sick.
@douganthes6250 Месяц назад
​@@Swimdaddycycle Jesus said, Unless you eat My flesh and drink My blood you have no part with Me" This would not be physical but Spiritual. This would be clean not unclean.😅😅
@Swimdaddycycle Месяц назад
@@douganthes6250 Some Bible study on food if interested Sinless World Genesis 1: 26-31 ; 2: 8, 9, 15-17 After flood Noahic Covenant Genesis 8: 20-22 ; 9: 1-4, 8-17 Mosaic Covenant Exodus 34: 1-28 ; Leviticus 11 ; Deuteronomy 14 ; Deuteronomy 5: 1-6 New Covenant Jeremiah 31: 31-34 ; Hebrews 8: 8-13 Paul, Peter, Barnabas, Acts 9: 43 ; Acts 10 ; Acts 11 ; Acts 14: 24-28 ; Acts 15 John Mark Paul correcting Peter Galatians 2: 11-14 ; Mark 7: 14-23 ------ The scribe's note makes sense because, Mark witnessing Paul rebuking Peter and Barnabas and Barnabas before (v-19) Mark's gospel was written New Covenant 1 Corinthians 10: 23-25 ; Colossians 2 ; 1 Timothy 4: 1-5 ; Romans 14
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