
Allegations in the Fitness Industry 

Ben Carpenter
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Recently someone shared a video of a chap called Ryan Read.
In this video of Ryan Read, Chris O'Donnell (Creeohdee on Instagram) posted some private messages that other people had shared with him and some other creators.
These creators included JPG Coaching, Beefcake Brina, Adam Pecoraro, Fit With Bren, and others.
These messages were very disturbing. They included voice notes and screenshots from clients and prospective clients where Ryan Read allegedly solicited intimate favours in return for coaching services, said he wanted to have intercourse with them, and many other things.
Since posting this video I have also received messages from people claiming that Ryan Read had been very aggressive in asking for "progress photos" in underwear, even when they did not want to share progress photos.
The reason I wanted to revisit this video now is because it actually shows how easy it is for people to get away with stuff like this.
Personal training is a VERY trusting job. Personal trainers (like myself) are working in close proximity with people which makes the line somewhat blurry and easy for people to tiptoe over.
For example, do you think EVERY coach who asks their clients for progress photos is doing it purely for professionalism? Men who exclusively coach women and make it mandatory for them to send them photos in underwear, are they all just doing their job or are a little subset of them being creepy?
Do you think EVERY coach who is spotting or touching their clients is doing it purely to help the client? I have seen countless videos of trainers being far too handsy, especially when touching their client's glutes and thighs.
Unfortunately, the fitness industry has its fair share of creeps, and even when MULTIPLE people speak out about the same person and even when MULTIPLE popular influencers amplify their messages, nothing happens.
Be warned.
P.S. At the end of each post, I remind you that my best-selling book, ‘Everything Fat Loss’ is currently on sale as an audiobook, plus digital/print versions from Barnes and Noble, Apple, Kobo, Google, and Amazon with an extra 15% off in the US. Please feel free to grab it before the price goes up.



25 сен 2024




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@_negentropy_ 4 месяца назад
Thank you for caring. Truly.
@BenCarpenter 4 месяца назад
My pleasure. Always a little nervous making videos like this because I know people who have been sent legal letters for talking out about certain issues, which is one reason why these often fade into darkness after a while.
@_negentropy_ 4 месяца назад
I thought you articulated the problem very well, especially at the end. As a psych student I find it equal parts fascinating and disturbing how followers of people like this can’t see how they are being lured into cult-like attachment to their influencers. So when influencers are exposed, even as criminally abusive, their followers’ reaction is to defend them or create some palatable narrative they can live with so they can still remain in some weird parasocial proximity to them. It’s a similar response addicts and victims of abuse have when they feel threatened someone is trying to take away their drug or abuser. And in those cases it’s largely due to them having no control over their attachment to the drug or abuser.
@ArthurTugwell 4 месяца назад
Mike O’Hearn claiming to be 275lbs at 17 years old is the funniest one I’ve ever heard.
@BenCarpenter 4 месяца назад
Easily one of the fitness industry’s greatest lifetime naturals
@Qwer-eg1rj 2 месяца назад
Could be true tho
@ArthurTugwell 2 месяца назад
@@Qwer-eg1rj go away Mike
@purplechinchilla 4 месяца назад
Thank you for calling out this behavior. It is helpful to know what to look for to stay safe!
@ronylev-ari3219 4 месяца назад
Thank you for speaking up and for the moral clarity ❤
@Frank_Jones314 3 месяца назад
Ben, Thank you for posting this video. People should be aware of this person's predatory behavior. I wrote a lengthy (and polite, somehow) reply to lamddanebula's unhinged post, but it seems to have been deleted. This has happened before, and always when I have responded negatively to someone else's post on a video made but someone other than the person making the post I was replying to. I was disappointed to see that my post is not there. Do you have any insight into why this happens sometimes? Is it RU-vid deleting my posts for some reason? Is it the channel owner (in this case you, and I would be surprised if you had deleted my post), or, can a person delete replies to his own post even if it is not his channel/video?
@BenCarpenter 3 месяца назад
I never ever delete comments on RU-vid. Sometimes they are held by a spam filter (if it senses certain words it puts them in a separate folder to be approved or denied) or sometimes the person who made the original comment deletes theirs and the thread disappears. I would only delete comments for a couple of reasons: 1) spam, people advertising things that often aren’t even related to the video 2) actual insults directed at me or someone else that aren’t warranted, like racism, homophobia etc. In a lot of my comment sections you will see people insulting me, which just goes to show how little I delete. I can’t think of a single comment I deleted in the past 12 months 🙂
@barts6386 3 месяца назад
Thank you for the video!
@dubious_gal 3 месяца назад
Wow I follow that guy and had never heard this stuff about him before. Definitely unfollowing him immediately. What the actual fuckkkkkkkk????
@allenm9775 4 месяца назад
I think most personal trainers are ok people. It’s a job where most want to help others. But then there are these dumb bags who are in it purely for their ego and benefit. Not worth a penny of your money and there are good trainers out there here to help you become a better version of yourself.
@CurrentBeatle 4 месяца назад
@BenCarpenter 4 месяца назад
Yes, very very ew indeed. I have also heard that allegedly, he has threatened to sue some people who have talked about this. Allegedly allegedly 👀
@azulsimmons1040 4 месяца назад
Slimy behavior.
@lambdanebula8473 4 месяца назад
I know it's callous, but honestly, I don't care. What do you want to do with him? You want him in jail? Okay then, go to the police. You want him dead? If so, then surely you'd support the death penalty for people who make sexual comments to children, but if not, you have to accept that he's going to have to work somewhere somehow. If you want to institute some sort of licensing (I don't know if trainers need a license) and use that to stop him training, then sure, that's a decent enough option, but if so, you have to recognize that discriminating against people for non-convictions means it'll inevitably be use for political targeting against anyone who isn't extreme progressive which means you wouldn't be able to be a personal trainer because you don't accept the fat acceptance idea of healthy at any size. That is, unless you have it set up specifically under the rule that you can't discriminate politically, but that'll mean a lot of law suits to keep them honest. Even if you get all of that set up, he'll just move to another industry or work around it, probably through social media. You can get social media companies to ban him, but the more you push for that, and they go along with it, the more comfortable they'll be with banning you for fat-phobia. The closest you can get to removing him from the industry without it being a political move in favor of people who hate you is if you require him to be convicted before action is taken against him, but then you run into the problem, he hasn't been convicted of anything, and no one seems to want to take him to court, which don't get me wrong, there's perfectly valid reasons for that outside of fake allegations, but either way, we have a legal system for a reason. So lets say you expel him from the entire industry, and he has no ability to have a substantial social media presence, he still needs work, and that'll almost definitely be with and for other people. On top of that, he's still got the internet, and he's still going to be talking with minors. He's going to keep doing this over and over, and posting about it does literally nothing to stop that. If he literally can't get a job anywhere then he's just going to die, and if that's what you actually want, then just be honest, say you want him dead, advocate for killing him, and vote for the death penalty for this kind of thing. The point I'm making here is that, anything short of a conviction, all of this cancelling nonsense, is not going to do anything to stop his predatory behavior. All it does is give power to hateful political groups, and let's be honest, serves as virtue signaling for those who talk about it, which is 99% of the reason people are talking about it. Maybe you just want to become a drama channel, or you've decided you hate straight white men and want to destroy society, but if you actually want to help, you'll have to actually get involved, helping these people find legal counsel, physiologically move past the abuse, and get this guy thrown in jail. Everything else is worthless at best. And maybe I'm being pessimistic about it, but I'm tired of people just posting shit like this to virtue signal, and I'm tired of politically motivated canceling. Besides, we all deserve our day in court. He should have his before his life is completely ruined.
@BenCarpenter 4 месяца назад
Please don’t imply I am “virtue signalling” by trying to make my audience aware of someone within my industry that is known for shady tactics. I literally have people on my following list who message me about this guy, saying other things he has done or thanking me for making a video about it because they had no idea he does these things. Saying I can’t stop his predatory behaviour so it’s virtue signalling for me to make a video is akin to saying I can’t stop VShred trying to scam people so it’s virtue signalling for me to warn people about their shady marketing. I am simply doing my bit to try and keep my audience safe.
@Tuffsmoygles 4 месяца назад
Found the incel! Let's destroy your points one at a time shall we? (this isn't for you, you aren't going to change, you aren't capable of change, it's for everyone else to expose you for what you are and embarrass you, which to be honest is worse than death for someone as insecure as yourself). 1. You don't care. Well, you seem to care quite a bit to go off on a right wing victim signaling rant. So Maury is gonna call that one a lie. 2. You think that any curbing of his behavior by pulling licensing but that would eventually lead to all licenses being pulled for fringe right wing scapegoating reasons.(which you couldn't be bothered to google for 3 seconds to see there is no national governing organization for personal trainers). If this was true than every doctor on the planet wouldn't be certified. This is a straw man argument with a hyperbole of ridiculous slippery slope fallacy thrown in for good measure. Lots of industries can keep out the sexual predators without firing everyone for not liking the color orange. Try again. 3. If he works in another industry he'll still be a monster and nothing we say about him changes that. Wrong-o boy-o! Like you said, the internet still exists. This will follow him to EVERY industry he works in and he will be under greater scrutiny than ever where ever he ends up. Now not saying anything and him moving onto another industry is how catholic priests were able to do so much damage over and over again. You don't have to kill someone to effect change, in fact the death penalty is rarely a deterrent for the people it's given to as their lives are usually under threat of deaths much worse than state sponsored ones every day. 4. Nothing anyone does short of criminal prosecution matters. Yeah, a lot of people use this excuse to not do anything b/c it doesn't matter right? Wrong again. Criminal change is rarely actual change. Society dictates it's own rules, and changes over time. Talking about things, having a general consensus of what is acceptable behavior is how things change. I especially love that you took this personally as a straight white man (go ahead, pretend you aren't, it'll be funny and sad) b/c secretly you identify with this man. You want to be him. But you can't, b/c dollars to donuts you don't look like a fitness influancer....at all. So you cannot attract women with your looks, and it's clear to everyone here your personality is week old dog vomit, hence why you are so angry for being 'persecuted' for having an opinion (it's the that you have an opinion, it's the shit level of that opinion that everyone has a problem with). In short, we're all going to laugh at you now, b/c you're sad, and sad things can be funny, like the clown you are.
@ArtistFormallyKnownasMC 4 месяца назад
If it weren’t for the video I wouldn’t have known. That’s how grassroots awareness works. Doy. I’m mid 30’s. If this helps save a young woman from getting fucked literally or figuratively, or raped, this kind of content is a win. IF 🚨 ALLEGEDLY 🚨 BLAH BLAH Boo hoo move along. If it ain’t for you, it ain’t for you. I’m all for documented bad behavior living in memoriam forever and ever amen until RU-vid burns to the ground, where these jackasses can’t control scrubbing it from the internet. Humanity has a short attention span and a short memory. This will help people remember when they forget. Or if someone’s curious about him, they’ll find the good and the bad.
@Frank_Jones314 4 месяца назад
This is an astounding reply. I do not mean that in a good way. What does Ben want to do with him? Some possibilities: 1) Publicly shame the creepy scumbag, since that is often the best recourse against such behavior these days. 2) Call attention to his creepy and disturbing behavior in case there is potential legal action to be taken by others who know more about the law than Ben does. Ben is not a lawyer or prosecutor, but maybe someone who is will see this video and decide to take further action. 3) Deter potential victims from talking to or hiring this guy. A person who opposes violence or vigilante justice and opposes the death penalty can still take action to counteract someone's creepy and predatory behavior. To say otherwise makes no sense. Why would publicly outing a creepy person's creepy behavior be an action limited only to those seeking violent retribution against the creepy person? The second paragraph is a bit puzzling; it seems to me as though you have committed a slippery slope fallacy. Why would preventing Ryan Read's behavior inevitably lead to targeting people for fat-shaming? You said, "either way, we have a legal system for a reason." Yes, that reason is so that innocent people cannot be put behind bars without a trial. I am not sure why that is relevant here in this situation. As for your next paragraph - what an absurd reach in logic. Trying to put a disgusting predator out of business is not even remotely close to advocating for him to be executed. Your last paragraph just seems like unhinged nonsense. What exactly are you referring to when you say, "all this cancelling nonsense"? How are you equating the overzealousness to persecute people for expressing legitimate opinions on a controversial topic to the "persecution" of a creepy disgusting predator? What a ridiculous false equivalence. Hoe exactly do Ben's actions "give power to hateful political groups"? And what is your basis for referring to Ben's actions as "virtue signaling"? You seem to have redefined "virtue signaling" as, "any action that raises public awareness of a disturbing person or problem but does not result in a conviction or a death penalty." Your hypothetical remark about Ben hypothetically hating straight white men or wanting to destroy society is baffling. What was your basis for that, and what does that have to do with this video or this topic? Your final two sentences are just utter nonsense. "Besides, we all deserve our day in court." That is your opinion. I disagree. Scummy predators do not "deserve" anything. And why should this particular predator (or any other predator) "have his day in court before having his life ruined"? Says who? You? Well, why should anyone care what you think? You said you honestly do not care about this. Then you wrote a lengthy essay explaining why you do care that this predator has not yet has his day in court? WTF?
@danielcoetser3664 4 месяца назад
"decided you hate straight white men and want to destroy society" Wow. That's certainly one of the thoughts ever had.🤣
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