
Amazing: Christian Pastor vs. Jehovah's Witnesses 

Apologia Studios
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Watch this powerful new video of Pastor Jeff Durbin vs. two Jehovah's Witnesses on the street in downtown Salt Lake City. Pastor Jeff talks to these Jehovah's Witnesses about the true identity of Jesus Christ and challenges them. We hope this conversation is a blessing to you and encourages you to get engaged with the Jehovah's Witnesses around you! Tell someone about the video!
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@ApologiaStudios Год назад
Want to learn how to defend your faith? Apologia Studios is dedicated to equipping you to reach others with the Gospel and to know what you believe and why you believe it! Go to apologiastudios.com/all-access-sales/#signup and get special courses on defending your faith, additional content, and exclusive live-streams for all of our ministry partners. We would be honored to join together in ministry with you!
When you speak about what Paul said, do you also refer to the six books falsely, lyingly, attributed to Paul? How about 2nd Peter and the Epistle of Jude, which all serious academics also say are forgeries? Does your god really spread his word thru forgeries? It's like starting an economy using a mix of genuine and counterfeit currency. Makes zero sense.
@sammia4227 Год назад
@@eew8060 I pray that some of the folks that this pastor speak to reach a saving knowledge of who Christ Jesus really is. One life saved from hellfire is absolutely worth all the hard work. God bless.
@rongopaihiku369 Год назад
​@@sammia4227 Yes it is 🕊✝️❤️😊
@dansaber4427 Год назад
You can be LGBT and Christian 👨‍❤️‍👨
@fernandovriese6409 Год назад
Do these women know you are filming them and that you are putting them on the internet?
@LivingWaters Год назад
Perhaps the most amazing and cordial conversation I have ever seen concerning the Deity of Christ. Great job! -Mark Spence
@deiu9999 Год назад
Indeed, I know people that are believers but still say there is no point in discussing with JW people becuause the discussion will lead nowhere, very disappointed by this way of thinking.... Well, I think with a little bit of research, love and full guidance from the Holy Spirit, it can be done so nicely. Jeff surely proves how discussions with them can be so fruitful and eye opening even for those who grew up with these teachings.
@AskRemy Год назад
than clearly you do not follow Jeff - still doesn't matter - these women do not want the truth and are incapable of following logic, they do not want God
@deiu9999 Год назад
@@AskRemy So then, leave them in their deceitful state becuase they are a lost case anyway? I think we are to sow the seed as we do with other people in general. Indeed, if you want to speak with them, you need patience, knowledge about their teachings, great knowledge of the Bible and a humble heart and the motivation NEEDS to be love. Let's remember we have the Truth, we are to deliver it then it is God's job to convict their hearts. There are quite some examples of JW members who came to faith after the true Gospel was transmitted to them.
@kelliemicheley Год назад
​@@AskRemy of course they want God! They're just deceived. May God have mercy and guide them. Jeff is deceived too. The One God is Jesus Christ's God. And Jesus is the Son of God. May God have mercy and guide all of us. It isn't that believers don't want God. My heart weeps. For the oppression and confusion both false Watchtower and false trinity dogma have caused.
@deiu9999 Год назад
@@AskRemy I get what you say, they are so rooted in their false teaching that many times it seems pointles talking to them but often we can see this level of hardening in unbelievers, but we do our duty of shining the light. That's our job. People may not show on the outside but the truth may do its work slowly from the inside. God can make them see also and He can do by His people who are willing to be used. We so often wait for immediate results but often God works not as we might expect.
@Namato360 Год назад
I need to watch more of your channel, 2 Mormons just came to my doorstep to preach to me, and I didn't try and convert them and stop them from preaching false Gospel because I didn't feel I was equipped enough to do so. I need to read and prioritize the Bible, pray for me and these Mormon missionaries.
@ginamiller6754 Год назад
I watched an Apologia Studios video for the first time almost 5 years ago. It was Jeff speaking to Mormons. I was very interested because my mil is Mormon and my husband exmormon. What hit me was I did not know the Bible well enough and didn’t feel I could share the gospel. It was extremely convicting and pushed me to begin spending time in Gods word daily. I have watched many videos from Apologia Studios and some other Pastors that help me understand the culture of that time. I hope this video has the same effect on you. Apologia Studios has tons of videos on witnessing to Mormons and other no Christian groups. Praise God that you clicked on this video!
@1lunifyd Год назад
Watch the Bible vs Joseph smith this will help shed some light on how to reach the mormon
@RustyShackelford261 Год назад
dude i feel you, you feel guilty when you dont answer or have nothing to say
@candicebowles5203 Год назад
I would say rather we should stay in the Word more to have them ready on our lips. I am struggling a little with that myself and watching to Mitch RU-vid
@reynaldoperez7285 Год назад
ISSAIAH 42:8 New Living Translation “I am the LORD; that is my name! ( I WILL NOT GIVE MY GLORY TO ANYONE ELSE,) nor share my praise with carved idols. New International Version Matthew 16:27 (For the Son of Man IS GOING TO COME IN HIS FATHER ’s GLORY ) with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done. JESUS AND THE FATHER SHARE THE SAME GLORY. TOP 2 VERSES ◄ John 17:5 ► New International Version And now, (Father, glorify me in your presence WITH THE GLORY I HAD WITH YOU BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN.) ISSAIAH 43:10 New International Version “You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, “and my servant whom I have chosen, (SO THAT YOU MAY KNOW AND BELIEVE ME AND UNDERSTAND THAT I AM HE.) BEFORE ME no god was formed, nor will there be one AFTER ME. THERE IS ONLY 1 GOD, THE TRIUNE GOD, THE, FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. King James Bible acts 17:29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that (THE GODHEAD) is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. ◄ John 8:24 ► New International Version I told you that you would die in your sins; (IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE THAT I AM HE,) you will indeed die in your sins.”(these are the words of JESUS.) BOTH JESUS AND THE FATHER SAY (I AM HE) < Issiah 43:11 > New International Version I, even I, am the LORD, and (APART FROM ME THERE IS NO SAVIOR.) ◄ Matthew 1:21 ► New International Version She will give birth to a son, (and you are to give him the name Jesus, because (HE WILL SAVE )his people from their sins.”) JESUS IS THE SAVIOR. ◄ John 16:15 ► New International Version All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.” WOW, EVERYTHING THAT THE FATHER HAS BELONGS TO CHRIST. EVERYTHING. ◄ Acts 20:28 ► NEW KING JAMES Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed (THE CHURCH OF GOD, WHICH HE HATH PURCHASED WITH HIS OWN BLOOD.) HOW DID GOD PURCHASE THE CHURCH WITH HIS OWN BLOOD? ◄ Hebrews 10:8 ► New International Version First he said, “Sacrifices and offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not desire, nor were you pleased with them"-(THOUGH THEY WERE OFFERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW.) GOD DOESN'T WANT YOUR WORKS EVEN IF THEY ARE OFFERED ACCORDING TO THE LAW. ◄ John 6:29 ► New International Version Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” ◄ John 8:24 ► New International Version I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.” ◄ Hebrews 10:5 ► New International Version Therefore, when Christ came into the world, he said: “Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, (BUT A BODY YOU PREPARED FOR ME; ) GOD MADE A BODY FOR JESUS. THE WORD WHO IS GOD. JOHN 1:1 New International Version In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, AND THE WORD WAS GOD. GOD THE WORD TOOK ON FLESH. ◄ John 1:14 ► New International Version (THE WORD BECAME FLESH) and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. philippians 2:6-7 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. HE TOOK ON THE FORM OF A SERVANT MEANS HE WAS NOT A SERVANT BEFORE HE TOOK ON FLESH. JUST THINK ABOUT IT, HE TOOK ON THE FORM OF A SERVANT. HOW CAN SOMEONE TAKE ON A ROLE OF WHAT HE SHOULD ALREADY BE. New Living Translation JESUS GAVE HIS LIFE FOR OUR SINS, JUST AS GOD OUR FATHER PLANNED, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live. ◄ John 10:18 ► New International Version NO ONE TAKES IT FROM ME, -(HIS LIFE)- (BUT I LAY IT DOWN OF MY OWN ACCORD.) I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.” HOSEA 6:6 FOR I DESIRE STEADFAST LOVE and not sacrifice, THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD rather than burnt offerings. WOW THE ONLY THING GOD REALLY WANTS FROM US IS TO KNOW HIM, AND LOVE HIM AND LOVE OTHERS. King James bible ecclesiastes 3:17 I said in mine heart,(GOD SHALL JUDGE) the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work. Ecclesiastes 12:14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil. Acts 17:31 For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead. King James Version ISSAIAH 32:22 For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us Psalm 100:3 Know that the Lord Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Isaiah 66:16 For the Lord will execute judgment by fire And by His sword on all flesh, And those slain by the Lord will be many. James 4:12 (There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy; ) but who are you who judge your neighbor? ◄ Matthew 10:28 ► King James Bible And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. ◄ Revelation 1:8 ► New International Version (“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says THE LORD GOD,) “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” ◄ Hebrews 1:8 ► New International Version BUT ABOUT THE SON HE SAYS, “YOUR THRONE, O GOD, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom. JESUS DIDN'T HAVE TO SAY HE WAS GOD, BECAUSE THE FATHER SAID IT, AND WHAT THE FATHER SAYS IS TRUE. JOHN 8 17-18 In your own Law it is written that the testimony of two witnesses is true. I am one who testifies for myself; my other witness is the Father, who sent me.” ◄ John 14:1 ► New International Version “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. King James Bible We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. ◄ Romans 7:6 ► New International Version But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that WE SERVE IN THE NEW WAY OF THE SPIRIT, and not in the old way of the written code.
@BlackConservatives101 9 месяцев назад
Was a baptized Jehovahs witness for years. Happy i left, Jesus is my lord and Savior! I accept
@Jack-bi8mg 4 месяца назад
What was it that made you convert?
@TheGameSmith 4 месяца назад
@@Jack-bi8mg prob emotional
@Amigo650 4 месяца назад
Igreja secundária de Jesus Cristo RU-vid.
@viviandasilva8520 4 месяца назад
Because of the truth!!! Jesus has power!!! Acts 4:12
@TheGameSmith 4 месяца назад
@@viviandasilva8520 amen
@Matt-iy2cf 10 месяцев назад
I don’t know what this man is trying to prove? The scripture sounded exactly the same. Jesus himself said he was the son of God and if he was the son he was born/created at some point. Man go back to the drawing board because your reasoning is weak at best
@paulbrennan4163 10 месяцев назад
The argument that Jesus cannot be God because he is the Son of God is totally invalid because it presupposes unitarianism. You cannot refute someone else's beliefs by presupposing your own. Also, you miss the entire point of why Jesus is referred to as BOTH the Son of God AND the son of man. It has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus being created. If what God wanted to say was that he had created Jesus then why not just say it? Instead, what It has to do with it the fact that Jesus HAD to be both God and man in order to fulfill his earthly mission. Let me know and I will explain why.
@Matt-iy2cf 10 месяцев назад
I was not trying to make a point that Jesus was not god. I saying that your denying of Jesus birth/creation was ridiculous. Is Jesus a god, of course he is, all people are gods as God created us and the Bible supports that idea, but that does not mean that either Jesus or anyone of us is the Almighty God, as there is only one Almighty God in the whole universe.@@paulbrennan4163
@HuggyBono Год назад
I am 62yrs old. I was always confused about Jesus and God. I thank you very much for this information. It truly was heart felt. Your words brought some tears to my eyes. I thank you Sir for your words again. God bless you and your family.
@hischild8899 Год назад
Saw in a movie where a guy in a vision saw the three, Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit. He asked which of you are God. They simultaneously said I AM. A friend used the example of cutting an apple. Can we comprehend this? No... but we accept it by faith, and relationally, we experience it. How does God dwell inside every human in a personal way? We can not.
@emmanueluzu-u2t Год назад
1 Corinthians 15:24-28 is very clear about Jesus being subject to God. There are more of this kinds of verses in the bible than there are of those used to explain the trinity. Jesus prayed and relied on God to have his assignment on earth to be successful
@tongakhan230 Год назад
(John 8:40) But now you are seeking to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Why did the Jews want to kill Jesus? Because he spoke the truth which he had heard from God. Why are people trying to 'kill' JWs? Same reason. (Matthew 24:9) “Then people will hand you over to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be hated by all the nations on account of my name. Like Jesus, JWs just cannot be ignored.
@hischild8899 Год назад
@emmanuel uzu There are just as many that say He was God in human form. BOTH are true. But let's use the passage you chose, 1 Cor. 15. This passage affirms the trinity. When all prophesy has been fulfilled He, as Jesus Christ will return to where He was before creation. In Genesis God said 'Let us make man in our image'. Jesus said 'Before Abraham was I am'. There are several passages that affirm this. John 1:1-2 agrees with Genesis. John 17:5 Col.1:17 Jesus Christ was God's miraculous revelation of Himself. Once all has been completed He and the Father will return to their original ONE. Can we really understand this? Can we explain how He did this in human logic and reason? No. All who are born again KNOW He is God in flesh who gave Himself for our sin because no 'son of Adam' could.
@dasdrei5059 Год назад
@@emmanueluzu-u2t Jesus Christ is: 1. YHWH and Elohim (Hebrews 1:8-10)(John 20:28) 2. YHWH of Hosts (Isaiah 6:5)(John 12:41) 3. Elohim (Genesis 1:1)(Colossians 1:16)(John 1:1-3) 4. The Great I AM “EGO EIMI” (John 8:58) (Exodus 3:14) 5. ADONAY (Isaiah 6:8)(John 12:41) 6. EL GIBOR “The Mighty God” (Isaiah 9:6) 7. The Alpha and Omega (Revelation 1:8) 8. The Beginning and the End (Revelation 1:8) 9. The First and the Last (Revelation 1:11) 10. The ALMIGHTY GOD (Revelation 1:8) 11. The Creator of EVERYTHING that has ever been created, including Lucifer and the entire angelic realm. (Colossians 1:15-18) 12. Jesus was and is the one and only God in a human body.(Colossians 2:9)
@tactiks7468 Год назад
My mother was a jehovahs witness, at one point her brother who was a Christian was praying for her, she got sick and had a vision of two angels fighting for her, one of the devil and one of the Lord, the Lords angel won, and she immediately left Jehovahs witnesses and was led to follow the true Jesus of the Bible.
@tongakhan230 Год назад
Sounds a scam comment if ever there was one. Please! Not everyone out there is a moron.
@Mr.DC3.1914 Год назад
THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5 Isa 9:6 the word Prince in the Prince of Peace means PATRON ANGEL also Leader. WHO IS the ONE LEADER that we have? Jesus. Now, that same exact Hebrew word was used for Daniel 12:1 which is used for Michael the Archangel. So are you saying there are MANY LEADERS now?
@sethgowen Год назад
@alexanderkane3960 Год назад
😂😂😂😂😂 that’s funny
@apostolik1god 11 месяцев назад
Praise God
@jameshunt2499 Год назад
It's absolutely stunning how interactions such as this can remain cordial throughout the extent of the conversation. When both parties remain level-headed and sincere. Not being heady or quick to anger. This was an incredible video showing people of two differing views on a subject. The gentleman that came up and interjected 20min in was right on the money. This was a beautiful dialogue.
@ralphangel561 Год назад
The only major problem is one is right and one is wrong
@Xbot4Life Год назад
That is how it tends to go off the internet. People respect each other face to face
@tongakhan230 Год назад
The question is not who can speak cordially. Who has the TRUTH?
@Xbot4Life Год назад
@@tongakhan230 Depends on YOUR definition of the TRUTH. For you the TRUTH means being baptized into AND in the name of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. If im wrong, correct me, it ALWAYS comes back to the organisation.
@tongakhan230 Год назад
@@Xbot4Life : Here is some help. (John 8:31, 32) Then Jesus went on to say to the Jews who had BELIEVED HIM: “If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples, 32 and you WILL KNOW THE TRUTH, and THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE.” Obviously there is only ONE TRUTH. Once the Christian Congregation was organized after Jesus' resurrection, TRUTH became apparent. How many organizations is Jesus the HEAD of?
@foster7517 11 месяцев назад
They called him Emmanuel which means God with us
@chasemash9089 Год назад
This is what I love about Jeff, he’s not a heresy hunter, he speaks truth in love, he practices love in evangelism and teaching
@BaptistDiscord Год назад
He also doesn't get anyone saved because he's a Calvinist dog.
@thizz707gr Год назад
Yeah I like Jeff. It's a shame he's a calvinist
@James-li8cm Год назад
have you seen how he behaves when the same approach is used on him... it doesn't turn out well... he dodges, he says he doesn't have time, he says to send him an email that he will not respond to... and the other person exercised even more calm and humility than Jeff offers...
@Mr.DC3.1914 Год назад
Jesus is NOT God himself. Hosea 11:9 states "For I am God and not man,The Holy One in your midst;" GOD is NOT MAN/HUMAN. And GOD does not change, so are you thinking GOD is a liar and changed?
@James-li8cm Год назад
@@Mr.DC3.1914 I see we found one of the Muslims....... however, Jesus is God "incarnate" or God in Flesh (see 1 tim 3:16) God's nature does not change God's character does not change God's plan does not change and yes... God planned from the beginning to manifest himself in flesh at the foundation of time.... but Jesus is not your King is he?
@ugoboss6898 Год назад
I thoroughly enjoyed this. No rudeness, no anger, just discussing the bible. And by His grace they will know Him better. Which is the essence of it.
@marmar7255 10 месяцев назад
no rudness is one thing.....talking garbage is another..
@DJSKdr18 10 месяцев назад
​@@marmar7255who's talking Garbage here?
@chefgav1 8 месяцев назад
The issue I have is the insertion of people to make it look an organic conversation.Happens quite a lot in his videos to make it look random but there clearly inserted
@Lsmoove21 6 месяцев назад
Psalms 83:18) Jehovah is the Most High. (King james Bible) (luke 1:32) Calls Jesus the Son of the Most High. Jesus is Jehovah's Son (John 17:3) Eternal(Everlasting ) Life. Have to know them both.
@ugoboss6898 6 месяцев назад
@Lsmoove21 , Jesus is Jehova's son, born of a virgin Mary. One of the Trinity. Died and woke up from death. Is God. So, what's up???
@niki_mart Год назад
MORE STREET MINISTRY!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 love seeing these interactions
@allabouttheracks Год назад
@christophercundiff2667 Год назад
I second this! I’m glad Jeff is hard at work to end abortion, but I really miss his evangelism videos. Very gifted.
@mattr.1887 Год назад
He's a con artist.
@christophercundiff2667 Год назад
@@mattr.1887 Mind expanding on that?
@Contendthefaith2 Год назад
Read our comment - both parties sold out to their TRADITIONS. Jeff did not HEAR Paul when he read from Colossians and has an ERROR in spirit. Paul's clear teaching is found preserved for us in 1 Cor 8 v 4 to 6. Time to flee tradition. 1 John 4 v 6. Please do due diligence and read our extensive comment. ❤ Paul and Lynda
@iane.salazar8480 Год назад
Love this video! As a former JW this hits home. Thank you Jeff and Apologia for continuing to preach and display love to those who are lost and deceived.
@haroldbailey9011 Год назад
If you don’t mind, anyway you could share what pulled you out? Besides obviously the Lord dragging you out. I guess I’m asking from a human level, what started to open your eyes and what eventually was the final straw? I ask because I have really close friends who are stuck in the watchtower society
@iane.salazar8480 Год назад
@@Johnnyprc Thank you for the question. I did not come to the decision to question and change my faith lightly. I prayed, studied, and did my own research to come to this conclusion. Everyday JWs ask people to research their faith, if anyone believes they have the truth, it should stand up to scrutiny. I encourage you to pray, to look at unbiased sources, research the history of the religion, take a close look at the bible translation you are using, and let God lead you. 1 Cor 15:20-28, The divinity of Jesus rests on the resurrection of Jesus (Romans 1:4) The sovereignty of Jesus rests on the resurrection of Jesus (Romans 14:9) Our justification rests on the resurrection of Jesus (Romans 4:25) Our regeneration rests on the resurrection of Jesus (1 Peter 1:3) Our ultimate resurrection rests on the resurrection of Jesus (Romans 8:11) v.27,28, "For He has put all things in subjection under His feet. But when He says, “All things are put in subjection,” it is clear that this excludes the Father who put all things in subjection to Him. 28 When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son Himself will also be subjected to the One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all. (NASB)" The submission the Son does not come from "inferiority," Jesus existed in the form of God. (Philippians 2:6) While Christ was on earth, He did not seek His own glory but the Father's. In the same manner the Father also gives glory to the Son by placing "all things in subjection under His feet." The subjection is in administrative order of the Godhead. A son will always be in subjection to his father, even if both are equal in substance. God the Father will always be God the Father, and God the Son will always be God the Son, and for all eternity they will always relate to each other as Father and Son.
@iane.salazar8480 Год назад
@@haroldbailey9011 I do not mind at all Harold. Unfortunately we cannot will our friends and loved ones away from a false religion. My initial desire was to prove that the Watchtower was correct, if it is the "truth" it can be questioned, it can be scrutinized, it can be challenged. I asked God for guidance and wisdom. My first question revolved around the deity of Christ. The same names for Jehovah in the OT are used for Jesus in the NT. Jesus claimed to be God, the religious leaders new this and they tried to stone Him for blasphemy. I encourage you to keep speaking with your friends, plant those small seeds and hopefully it will urge them to do their own research and come to the correct conclusion. It is not in God's nature to lead someone in the wrong direction when they sincerely ask Him.
@PurePuritan Год назад
@@Johnnyprc He was born again. The organizations lies went out the window by the redeeming grace of God.
@missinterpretation4984 Год назад
@@Johnnyprc Do you believe that Jesus was resurrected or recreated?
@stephanytaylor4767 Год назад
Love this, was raised JW, left on my own around '99, been a Christian since❤
@tongakhan230 Год назад
That is ironical? JWs are the only True Chrsiatians Jesus is leading in the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14. Can one let us know what God's Kingdom is?
@BasicBiblicalTruth Год назад
Tonga is a very confused JW, so you have to exuse him. Mat 24:14 is a parable, as is made clear from Luke 12:41 when Peter says, “Lord, are you telling this parable for us or for all?” Who is the faithful and discrete slave (FDS)? Is it the church, the 144,000, a slave class, the GB, etc.? If Mat 24 was prophetic instead of a parable (as is clear from the context) then wouldn't it be clear who the FDS is? If Jesus chose a group to be his FDS, wouldn't they (and others know)? Yes! Yet JW's keep changing who the FDS is. Today the GB claims to be the FDS using circular reasoning (begging the question fallacy): 1. How do you know God chose the GB? Because the GB said so. 2. How do you know the GB are telling the truth? Because God chose the GB. So unless you drink the cool-aid, you know that the GB isn't the FDS. What is God's Kingdom: The kingdom of God is the present dynamic rule of God which exists alongside the eschatological hope of the full manifestation of God’s rule on earth when Jehovah Jesus comes to rule physically on earth (Rev 20:4). Contrary to what JW's teach, Jesus began his rule in 30/33 AD when he ascended to the right hand of the Father where he rules over all reatioon (Eph 1:20-23).
@nessy3338 Год назад
out of the fire and into the frying pan, you've learned nothing
@derekjohnson8428 Год назад
JWs are Christians...you didn't pay attention. To be honest though, I grew up JW, and didn't pay any attention either.
@BasicBiblicalTruth Год назад
@@derekjohnson8428 JW's are not Christians. To be a Christian, you must believe that Jesus is Jehovah (Rom 10:9-13; Kurios is being used in place of the divine name).
@katemcknight4009 Год назад
I needed this. I'm coming back to my faith in Christ and was challenged by a coworker about Jesus' divinity on Monday. Thank you
@reynaldoperez7285 Год назад
ISSAIAH 42:8 New Living Translation “I am the LORD; that is my name! ( I WILL NOT GIVE MY GLORY TO ANYONE ELSE,) nor share my praise with carved idols. New International Version Matthew 16:27 (For the Son of Man IS GOING TO COME IN HIS FATHER ’s GLORY ) with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done. JESUS AND THE FATHER SHARE THE SAME GLORY. TOP 2 VERSES ◄ John 17:5 ► New International Version And now, (Father, glorify me in your presence WITH THE GLORY I HAD WITH YOU BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN.) ISSAIAH 43:10 New International Version “You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, “and my servant whom I have chosen, (SO THAT YOU MAY KNOW AND BELIEVE ME AND UNDERSTAND THAT I AM HE.) BEFORE ME no god was formed, nor will there be one AFTER ME. THERE IS ONLY 1 GOD, THE TRIUNE GOD, THE, FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. King James Bible acts 17:29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that (THE GODHEAD) is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. ◄ John 8:24 ► New International Version I told you that you would die in your sins; (IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE THAT I AM HE,) you will indeed die in your sins.”(these are the words of JESUS.) BOTH JESUS AND THE FATHER SAY (I AM HE) < Issiah 43:11 > New International Version I, even I, am the LORD, and (APART FROM ME THERE IS NO SAVIOR.) ◄ Matthew 1:21 ► New International Version She will give birth to a son, (and you are to give him the name Jesus, because (HE WILL SAVE )his people from their sins.”) JESUS IS THE SAVIOR. ◄ John 16:15 ► New International Version All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.” WOW, EVERYTHING THAT THE FATHER HAS BELONGS TO CHRIST. EVERYTHING. ◄ Acts 20:28 ► NEW KING JAMES Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed (THE CHURCH OF GOD, WHICH HE HATH PURCHASED WITH HIS OWN BLOOD.) HOW DID GOD PURCHASE THE CHURCH WITH HIS OWN BLOOD? ◄ Hebrews 10:8 ► New International Version First he said, “Sacrifices and offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not desire, nor were you pleased with them"-(THOUGH THEY WERE OFFERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW.) GOD DOESN'T WANT YOUR WORKS EVEN IF THEY ARE OFFERED ACCORDING TO THE LAW. ◄ John 6:29 ► New International Version Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” ◄ John 8:24 ► New International Version I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.” ◄ Hebrews 10:5 ► New International Version Therefore, when Christ came into the world, he said: “Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, (BUT A BODY YOU PREPARED FOR ME; ) GOD MADE A BODY FOR JESUS. THE WORD WHO IS GOD. JOHN 1:1 New International Version In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, AND THE WORD WAS GOD. GOD THE WORD TOOK ON FLESH. ◄ John 1:14 ► New International Version (THE WORD BECAME FLESH) and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. philippians 2:6-7 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. HE TOOK ON THE FORM OF A SERVANT MEANS HE WAS NOT A SERVANT BEFORE HE TOOK ON FLESH. JUST THINK ABOUT IT, HE TOOK ON THE FORM OF A SERVANT. HOW CAN SOMEONE TAKE ON A ROLE OF WHAT HE SHOULD ALREADY BE. New Living Translation JESUS GAVE HIS LIFE FOR OUR SINS, JUST AS GOD OUR FATHER PLANNED, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live. ◄ John 10:18 ► New International Version NO ONE TAKES IT FROM ME, -(HIS LIFE)- (BUT I LAY IT DOWN OF MY OWN ACCORD.) I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.” HOSEA 6:6 FOR I DESIRE STEADFAST LOVE and not sacrifice, THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD rather than burnt offerings. WOW THE ONLY THING GOD REALLY WANTS FROM US IS TO KNOW HIM, AND LOVE HIM AND LOVE OTHERS. King James bible ecclesiastes 3:17 I said in mine heart,(GOD SHALL JUDGE) the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work. Ecclesiastes 12:14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil. Acts 17:31 For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead. King James Version ISSAIAH 32:22 For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us Psalm 100:3 Know that the Lord Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Isaiah 66:16 For the Lord will execute judgment by fire And by His sword on all flesh, And those slain by the Lord will be many. James 4:12 (There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy; ) but who are you who judge your neighbor? ◄ Matthew 10:28 ► King James Bible And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. ◄ Revelation 1:8 ► New International Version (“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says THE LORD GOD,) “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” ◄ Hebrews 1:8 ► New International Version BUT ABOUT THE SON HE SAYS, “YOUR THRONE, O GOD, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom. JESUS DIDN'T HAVE TO SAY HE WAS GOD, BECAUSE THE FATHER SAID IT, AND WHAT THE FATHER SAYS IS TRUE. JOHN 8 17-18 In your own Law it is written that the testimony of two witnesses is true. I am one who testifies for myself; my other witness is the Father, who sent me.” ◄ John 14:1 ► New International Version “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. King James Bible We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. ◄ Romans 7:6 ► New International Version But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that WE SERVE IN THE NEW WAY OF THE SPIRIT, and not in the old way of the written code.
@reynaldoperez7285 Год назад
Of course there is a lot of things we can't explain. Like all the prophecies ever since the book of Genesis. But the truth is the truth, so far all the prophecies have come to pass. The bible says that Jesus became a man. New International Version Therefore, when Christ came into the world, he said: “Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, (but a body you prepared for me;) In other words before Jesus took on human nature, ( flesh). What was he? He was God, one member of the triune God. Because God exists in 3 father, son and holyspirit. So before Jesus took on flesh he was one with the father. Sharing the glory with the Father , self existing with the father in total harmony, union. THE bible says Jesus took on the form of a servant . In order to take on the role of a servant You could not have been a servant. Jesus said if you don't believe me believe the works the miracles I done. New International Version But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.” It is clear that Jesus was doing the things That only God can do. If doing the things that only God can do Is not good enough for someone to believe, they must be blind. What more can you possibly want he lived out a life greater than anything written can explain. He lived a sinless and perfect life. No one on earth has ever done the works that he has done. He done it all. NOONE ELSE HAS EVER DONE ANYTHING CLOSE TO WHAT HE HAS DONE. HE LIVE THE LIFE THAT ONLY GOD COULD LIVE. HE DONE THE THINGS THAT ONLY GOD CAN DO. HE FORGIVES SINS. HE GIVES LIFE. HE IS THE SAVIOR.
@Drizo41 Год назад
Keep pushing and dive in. Remember Christ meets a women were she is. He will meet you. 🙏
@GospelwithElijah Год назад
I’m struggling a bit, I’ve given my life to Christ. But I’m struggling cause I don’t understand if we’re supposed to worship Jesus, i have been. But would He correct me if He were here? Cause He always pointed to the father and I guess i just need help a but
@Drizo41 Год назад
@@GospelwithElijah one God. Don’t over complicate things. Worship of Jesus is worship of God
@Wheelcooldiecast-u8n 9 месяцев назад
If Peter was given the keys and He was authorized why is it that most churches do not believe his words? Peter did not preach that Jesus was God or did He ever subscribe to God being a Trinity..Acts 2:22 ¶ “Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves also know A man attested (approved) by God which God did through this man.. yes this is in your Bible..
@jamesloughran9350 Год назад
That was amazing/not just what you said, but the way you said it....may the "Lord of Glory" keep blessing your ministry ⭐
@ghosty8210 Год назад
I thought you thought Jesus was lord, so why don’t you just say thank Jesus said I think the Lord? You guys are extremely confusing with your belief because how can you believe that God is three and three and then say that Jesus did this and then, in another breath, say that the Lord did this.. protestant Christians literally make no sense, despite them always trying to judge JW’s for their beliefs. 🤡😂
@danstephensen9032 Год назад
AS LDS (Christian) it's always a pleasure to speak the Glories of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jehovah, is the great Equalizer OF the masses. He doesn't desire there to be any disputations among us. Love and Bless each other always. I minister WITH ANY one who need my help. It could be a prayer, a meal, yard work, fix a gate. I don't care ~ We just love serving in a pure way. I pray everyday to bless the life of someone. Miraculously our paths cross, and we are all EDIFIED together. We also serve those who are recovering addicts, even gay couples. We did 12-Step meetings in County Jails for 3 years. ABSOLUTELY LOVED these incredible Citizens. Their FAITH IS PURE. Be Brave and BE NICE. Stop ragging on the LDS Church. It's just not "in the Christian way". Rejoice in the commonalities. There is no need in what you are doing. None. Major on the Majors, Not the minors. Just SERVE, more doing, less yacking, Please.
@@danstephensen9032 He will continue to do the work he is doing because that is what the Lord has commanded us to do. The key word in “Christian” is “Christ”!! He is the center of things, and we follow Him, and what He and His Apostles taught us. Your opinions on religion and tolerance are less than “minor”.
@aw4724 Год назад
We’re all doing our best to understand the incredible power the Bible possesses. I will say though that it makes no logical sense that Jesus would communicate in such a complicated way regarding whether or not he was God, when all the rest of his time on Earth he spoke in simple illustrations, out of LOVE, assuring that all levels of intellect could understand, granted they had the right heart condition. If you’re trying to win over as many people as possible then you’re going to make your words simple. He did not mince words. This one (out of many examples) is literally all that is needed: John 20:17 “ Jesus saith to her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended unto the Father: but go unto my brethren, and say to them, I ascend unto my Father and your Father, and my God and your God.” In every Bible it says “...My Father and your Father, My God and your God” How elementary is that communication? How critical was it (so obviously) to Jesus that the message he ordered to be passed on, be intelligible? Science is the language to explain the workings of God’s creation. Do you not think Jesus knew what a father son relationship means scientifically? And how being consistent with that would be consistent with his intent to communicate in intelligible illustrations. AKA, The Father and the son are two separate identities. I and MY father are not one. That’s the way a human understands that concept. There is no possible way in the universe to get around that, unless you possess the power of Satan to start such a confusing lie. He was the first liar, the first actor, the first mincer of words and he’s passed that on to many trusting people. Catholicism and the like have been passing down their original 5th century lie all these centuries, which was originally to steer the masses away from God. I prefer my doctrines to be written immediately after the fact, not 500 yrs later. No scholar denies that Catholicism does not follow the 1st century Christians. They blatantly disobey many of Jesus and God’s simple orders. One of the biggest ever is to not worship false idols. The cross is one. There is literally not one single mention of the cross anywhere in the Bible at all. Check for yourself. The literal Hebrew translation for starros is stake. No scholar denies that either. Jesus died on a stake, not a cross. The T in cross represents the Pagan God Tammus. That’s not honoring Jesus. Also, why would you ever want to be remembered by the horrible thing you were poorly treated and murdered on? That’s not a loving way to remember our savior. Jesus never requested that a single soul do that. Not one character in the Bible gave permission to do that. Read it yourself so you can be sure to not be had by people that claim to know better than you. Another example: Matthew 23:9 “And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.” - Jesus Christ Religions that believe in the trinity also disobey this order. Catholicism calls their priests “Father”. Again, Jesus did not mince words. When he says not to do something, you do not do it. At all. We all know that Jesus and God could see the future. Do you not think one of the biggest things they wanted to warn us against was “the false friends of Christianity.” One of the most worldly iconic expressions in the religious category is the Catholic people calling their priests “Father”. Jesus also said, “By this all will know that you are my disciples- if you have love among yourselves” Jesus also said, “By this all will know that you are my disciples- if you have love among yourselves” Why do you think so many people hate Christianity? Because all denominations but one participate in one or more of these things as regular practice: war, divisive politics, high levels of revenue for their churches, child molestation, divorce, etc. Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t participate in any of these things.
@raygsbrelcik5578 Год назад
@@alexandernathanielruvalcab2411 And WHO/WHAT, is, GOD the FATHER; Chopped Liver?
@NewyorkerRican 9 месяцев назад
As an ex-Jehovah's witness this was the hardest thing to understand but I'm glad it's making more sense the more I watch these kinds of videos. Thank you for explaining so diligently. I am so glad I moved on from the religious trauma and finally believe in the trinity.
@swayzy762 9 месяцев назад
That's something I wrestled with for a while and only in recent history came to appreciate. God knows you and I perfectly and deeply, yet, no matter how hard we try to understand and grasp Him, we hardly can because His being is far beyond our own. Sometimes I wonder what my dog thinks of me / my life. She sees me get dressed for work, leave, come back 8+ hours later, sometimes come home with groceries.. She can try all she wants to understand me and my life, and never can or will, yet I understand her immensely. All she NEEDS to do is trust me.. love me.. and knowing why I work, where our house came from, and all that extra stuff is beyind her ability to comprehend and doesnt matter. But I'm just a tick above her 'glory'. & My 'glory' is likened to a filthy rag compared to God's glory! The Trinity isn't easy to grasp because we have an infinitely powerful and incredible God who's capable of things we can't realistically wrap our heads around. The ground doesn't understand the flower. The flower doesn't understand the bee. The bee doesn't understand the dog. The dog doesn't understand the human. The human doesn't understand God. It's a beautiful dynamic you can't help but appreciate because it's the cost of having an all perfect and all powerful God. ❤
@headsofhiphop 8 месяцев назад
Can you expand on the religious trauma and what you mean by that?
@davidantonucci1161 8 месяцев назад
So you believe in hell fire also now 😂😂
@NewyorkerRican 8 месяцев назад
I had to deal with a lot of fear opening up my mind to learning what others believe. And it was hard to actually validate that I identify with another interpretation of scripture. @@headsofhiphop
@NewyorkerRican 8 месяцев назад
No, I believe in the interpretation of hell / heaven through an Orthodox Christian viewpoint. @@davidantonucci1161
@jeacardona4869 4 месяца назад
His technique is compliment then attack. Jesus did not believe in trinity. All his minsitry focused on Glorifying the father Jehovah. He reads the bible not with a humble heart but the goal of supporting his pre existi g belief that trinity is what the bible taught. If you read the bible thoroughly, it is clear that Jesus never wants to be worshipped. He is not equal nor would never want to be equal to Jehovah. Please research the origin of trinity belief. These ladies for sure did not consent on being videod like this. I dont think he cared enough to ask if they consent. Is that a loving thing to do for a christian?
@joemarialmarines1761 9 месяцев назад
I believe in Jehovah witnesses Jehovah and Yahweh are one in Jews they call Yehowah hi is the god the father Jesus is God the son in my heart Jehovah is the answer of all the question
@tbl8560 Год назад
Simple question to ask those that do not believe Jesus is God - Why was Jesus crucified? Why did the Pharisees and High Priests condemn Jesus to death? For claiming to be God!
@bobbyfischersays1262 Год назад
For claiming to be the Messiah and the Son of God, which they considered blasphemy. Nowhere does Jesus claim to be God.
@tbl8560 Год назад
@@bobbyfischersays1262 Correct - There is not a verse that Jesus says, "I am God". Jeff did a great job pointing out the scriptures that show where Jesus and the Father are One. When you read your complete Bible to the point you understand the intent God desired in the writing you will understand. This will require understanding Greek and Hebrew words since English is unable to fully convey the intent. Example - What does it mean to be the Son of God? Hint - it is not the same as the son of Bobby Fisher.
@bobbyfischersays1262 Год назад
@@tbl8560 so your argument is: the original Biblical languages cover up the true esoteric meaning of the Bible and deep word study will reveal that "Son of God" = YHWH, which is a contradiction in terms. Cool. Thanks for the virtue signal though: guess I just don't know the Bible as well as you do!
@tbl8560 Год назад
@@bobbyfischersays1262 not an argument, just providing insight. Most read an English translation and interpret the writing based on the English language and they're perspective of it. When you read the word love in the New Testament, what meaning do you apply? How do you know what the intent of the passage is if you don't know which of the 7 Greek words was originally used that are translated to love in the English?
@IAmisMaster Год назад
Both JW’s and Reformed Trinitarians are wrong. All ante-nicene Christians correctly believed the Father is the One God of the Bible just as Scripture states (1 Corinthians 8:6, John 17:3) but Jesus is “Theos” (God) in the sense of being the true Son of God with His Father’s divine nature. Read the Nicene Creed in Greek, it says there is One God, the Father, and One Lord, Jesus Christ, and Christ is “Theos” from “ton Theon” (The God), showing they are not God in the same sense.
@jenniferpaul1832 Год назад
It was a beautiful encounter. Jeff was polite, loving and cut with the truth. It 100% takes a work of God to change the heart and open the eyes.
@fernandovriese6409 Год назад
Polite is telling the women that they are being filmed and that you will put them on the internet.
@jonsherman9248 Год назад
@@fernandovriese6409 these women are promoting satan. They do not deserve anything except a trip to hell
@TruthIsTheNewHate84 Год назад
@@fernandovriese6409 you're being filmed my numerous cameras every time you leace your house.
@hudsonbartley2493 Год назад
​@@TruthIsTheNewHate84Loooool. Exactly.
@hudsonbartley2493 Год назад
@nicholastv5543 Greeting5 brother. How are you.
@akindefisayo3267 5 месяцев назад
When Peter asked Jesus: He asked when he will show them the Father, Jesus answered and said have I not been with you for long that you do not know me?
@keyneyjaynacilla6963 5 месяцев назад
Jehovah's Witnesses preach according to the Bible's advice, not according to the desires of those who disagree with or hate them. 1 Timothy 2;8; 6:3-5 8 So I desire that in every place the men carry on prayer, lifting up loyal hands, *without* anger and *debates.* 3 If any man teaches another doctrine and does not agree with the wholesome instruction, which is from our Lord Jesus Christ, nor with the teaching that is in harmony with godly devotion, 4 he is *puffed up with pride* and does not understand anything. He is *obsessed* with arguments and *debates* about words. These things give rise to envy, strife, slander, wicked suspicions, 5 constant disputes about minor matters by men who are corrupted in mind and deprived of the truth, thinking that godly devotion is a means of gain. 2 Timothy 2:23 23 Further, reject foolish and ignorant *debates,* knowing that they produce fights.
@user-ys1jr3et9i 6 месяцев назад
Why has a pastor never come to my door like jesus did and paul. With the truth,,,yet jws are regular at my doorits because jws have the real holy spirit, have a nice day see you all at Armageddon,, ,,
@paulbrennan4163 6 месяцев назад
Jesus told his disciples NOT to go from door to door.
@user-ys1jr3et9i 6 месяцев назад
@@paulbrennan4163 so why did Paul go door to door and he said i have followed the steps of my lord closely
@user-ys1jr3et9i 6 месяцев назад
@@paulbrennan4163 enjoy your ministry,,im out ...have a good day ..ill see you in the fields that are white,,, Jesussaid go to all the nations and make diciples,,thats what ido and I love it its very joyful service.
@user-ys1jr3et9i 6 месяцев назад
Jesus sent 70 to many towns he said seek out those in those city's worthy of the good news,,,seek out door to door,,
@paulbrennan4163 6 месяцев назад
@@user-ys1jr3et9i *" to many towns he said seek out those in those city's worthy of the good news,,,seek out door to door,"* That is totally incorrect. What Jesus prescribed was to work on a town-to-town and villiage-to-villiage basis and then explicitly told them NOT to go door to door: "Stay there, eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wages. *Do not move around from house to house."* (Luke 10:7) Whenever they _did_ enter someone's house they were to make sure first that it was a "worthy" person. This makes _perfect_ sense because anyone who has knocked on doors knows how irritated people can be when you intrude on their personal space _uninvited,_ like some annoying door-to-door salesman. Doing so does more damage than good. It makes God look desparate, and most often puts the people you unexpectely impose on in a defensive mood. That is why JWs have such a bad reputation. Notice also Paul's concern about preaching in areas that have already been covered: "Our hope is that, as your faith continues to grow, our sphere of activity among you will greatly expand, *so that we can preach the gospel in the regions beyond you.* For we do not want to boast about work *already done in someone else’s territory."* The Watchtower seems to shows zero concern that the same patches of threshing floor are being beaten over and over again to the degree that people are getting tired of it. *"so why did Paul go door to door and he said i have followed the steps of my lord closely"* There are actually two places in Acts that the Watchtower uses to justify going from door to door, and if we just glance at the text, it does actually seems as if Paul is doing just that: "You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly *and from house to house."* (Acts 20:20) And "Day after day, in the temple courts and *from house to house,* they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah." (Acts 5:42) So why did Paul disobey Jesus? The answer is that he DIDN'T! In the following verse we see what "houses" Paul was referring to: "Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread *_in their homes_* and ate together with glad and sincere hearts" (Acts 2:46) Who is Paul referring to when he says "they" and "their homes"? He is referring to the people that the apostles were meeting daily in the temple courts. They were being invited into the homes of believers to eat _after_ the gospel had already been preached to them. Surely, if this was referring to a door-knocking activity that the WT forces you to do then they would have been constantly breaking bread and eating! The resulting obesity would be alarming! Before Christain churches were built, the apostles had to meet and teach in other locations - in temple courts, and in each other's homes. So there is no reason to believe Paul deviated from anything Jesus told his disciples to do.
@thaaking11 11 месяцев назад
This is lame. Going up harassing, looking for a debate with prepared talking points.
@christservant7051 Год назад
Perfecting timing! I work with a Jehovah witness and I share the gospel to him all of the time. Besides sharing the true gospel and the true Christ which is first and foremost the number one thing. Being an example of a Godly Christian is also a powerful testimony. He couldn’t comprehend a time that I forgave someone at work. He couldn’t for the life of him wrap his head around the fact that I could have mercy one someone so quick and so easily. It’s because he has never been eternally forgiven. Pray for my friend Matt please.
@jbazile6873 Год назад
Praying for Matt. Thank you for being a faithful witness of our Risen King Jesus Christ.
@rollmops3113 Год назад
​@@janetcavazos3133 oh boy...😢 Yours is the typical, defensive, unloving response from a JW who completely misses the point. It's sad and illustrates the OPs point. Be blessed
@Mr.DC3.1914 Год назад
THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5 Isa 9:6 the word Prince in the Prince of Peace means PATRON ANGEL also Leader. WHO IS the ONE LEADER that we have? Jesus. Now, that same exact Hebrew word was used for Daniel 12:1 which is used for Michael the Archangel. So are you saying there are MANY LEADERS now?
@Real_LiamOBryan Год назад
@@janetcavazos3133 He already said who his coworker is that is a Jehovah's Witness, Matt. Did you not read his comment before replying?
@virginianixon3680 Год назад
@johnschaefer1503 Год назад
I was not blessed with the ability to memorize verses or bring up truths from the bible. This is a wonderful video showing the love of Pastor Jeff.
@annelieseharrison9027 Год назад
What do you mean you were not blessed to memorize verses or bring up truths from the Bible?
@johnschaefer1503 Год назад
@@annelieseharrison9027 I dont have a good memory
@azurephoenix1997 Год назад
@@johnschaefer1503 nothing's impossible with God! Just keep studying it and keep praying! The Holy Spirit will help you.
@danl9134 Год назад
​@John Schaefer ask the holy spirit to help you, brother! Scripture says he will bring to your memory everything he said. Receive and believe it, and stay in the word!❤
@tongakhan230 Год назад
JWs regularly use the Bible. That is why they can recall scriptures quickly. Study the Bible with them. It will come naturally.
@davidantonucci1161 8 месяцев назад
If Jesus is a copy of the invisible God ? What does that tell you a copy is of something,end of debate, Jesus is the son of God end of It’s funny how this guy jumps over verses to make his point and ignore the In between
@jamesnewton9859 4 месяца назад
it amazes me every time i see one of these videos. this pastor was very respectful, however his interpretations are incorrect. I will just comment on Isaiah 9:6. He said that El Gibbor is explicitly reserved for Jehovah, that is incorrect. In the Hebrew text, Jehovah is explicitly referred to as the God of gods , also El Shaddai (Almighty God). Jesus is never referred to as such.
@BasicBiblicalTruth 4 месяца назад
Jesus is Jehovah, so he is El Shaddai. Second, you didn't actually deal with the claim that, "El Gibbor is explicitly reserved for Jehovah." Instead, you just said that the claim is incorrect. However, El Gibbor is a title that is reserved for Jehovah alone in the OT. If you think that claim is wrong, then show me a single place where it is used for someone other than Jehovah (Isaiah 9:6 is not a valid verse since I'm claiming that Isa 9:6 is referring to Jehovah Jesus).
@StretchMn 4 месяца назад
As Ac. 3:13,26 clearly show, Jesus is not Jehovah. Jesus is the servant of Jehovah.
@BasicBiblicalTruth 4 месяца назад
Notice that Mark can't deal with the challenge presented. Instead, he must deflect and misrepresent the NT. Jehovah the Son became human so that he might be the perfect servant of Jehovah the Father (Isa 52-53; Phi 2). This doesn't preclude him from being Jehovah.
@StretchMn 4 месяца назад
Notice how Kevin claims there are two Jehovahs. 😲 Keep in mind that even the trinity theory states that the Father is NOT the son and the son is NOT the Father. De. 6:4 says that Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. Not 2. Not 3.
@BasicBiblicalTruth 4 месяца назад
I don't claim that there are two Jehovahs. This is a lie that Mark continues to tell. Why do JWs have to lie if they have the truth? JWs make it crystal clear that they are not children of God by their lies, but show themselves to be children of the Devil. There is only ONE God, not many as JWs proclaim. The name of the only God is Jehovah. The only God subsists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each of these persons share the name of the one God (Mat 28:19). Notice that Mark and Mames have still not dealt with the challenge of this post-the question of El Gibbor.
@melvhintonjr.1824 Год назад
I really appreciate, how gentle he was with them. Glory to God alone.
@RajdevTakhar 3 месяца назад
What's God's name?
@MitchJenkins-uv7lj 3 месяца назад
BIBLE TRUTH Do you wish to learn the truth? Are you hungering and thirsty for it? Like a great boat, the stern of the world is fastly sinking. But the bow is the only way you can get out of it. Many I tell you are at the stern and crying out, this is where you need to be, this is the way. Matthew 7:13 But God is forewarning you all, there'll be many false teachers in the time of the end. 2 Peter 2:1 But the true worshipers will be recognized by this. John 4:23 Isaiah 43:10 They will go about preaching the Good News of Gods heavenly Kingdom. John 4:23 Matthew 24:14 It is written about them, that you may recognize them. They will go publicly preaching and how to house. Acts. 5:42 20:20 It is written about them, that God's name will be attached to them. Acts.15: 14-17 Psalms 83:18 Jehovah God takes no delight in the death of anyone wicked but that he should turn back and keep alive. 2 Peter 3:9 For anyone who listens to these things will keep living. Have faith in the true God, The sovereign Lord, JEHOVAH. John 17:3 Isaiah 65:13 Take a look, please at this video, tap on the link below. You wish to learn the truth? Are you hungry and thirsty for it? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-L_GqkD4VLq0.htmlsi=1EcTDtl--wKRa_rZ
@hocasio7357 8 месяцев назад
Ask yourself after each scripture Is Jehovah & Jesus the same, equal or different? Psalms 83:18 Matthew 3:16,17 Matthew 20:20-23 Matthew 26:39 Mark 12:28-30 Mark 13:32 John 1:1 John 1:18 John 6:38 John 8:17,18 John 14:6 John 14:28 John 17:3-5 John 20:17 Acts 7:55 1 Corinthians 8:5,6 1 Corinthians 11:3 1 Corinthians 15:27,28 Philippians 2:5,6 Philippians 2:9-11 Colossians 1:15,16 Colossians 3:1 Hebrews 10:12,13
@alexanderkane3960 Год назад
Does apologia studios like to put the witnesses against pastor so and so? These videos always say VS or against. That’s weak like the pastor.😄
@TruckerGerry Год назад
I love that another stranger, a "passer-by", stopped and sat down to listen to the evidence of the trinity, and more.
@patrickc3419 5 месяцев назад
Very cordial but bold in his proclamation and exegesis of the Gospel. Thank you, faithful saint Jeff.
@Amigo650 4 месяца назад
Igreja secundária de Jesus Cristo.
@LetsTalkChristMinistries Год назад
Jeff’s street evangelism is how I was introduced to Jeff’s ministry. Needless to say, it’s been a huge blessing and I’ve learned a lot from not only from his debates, sermons, and podcast, but also from watching him share the gospel with Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, pro choice advocates, and everyone in between. Seeing him use apologetics with real life application is inspiring. He’s one of the very, very few I watch doing this that truly exhibit the fruit of the spirit when he hits the streets sharing the gospel. Firm, consistent, but with a posture of grace. May God continue to bless his entire ministry. I pray the seeds planted grow with these JW.
@Mr.DC3.1914 Год назад
THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5 Isa 9:6 the word Prince in the Prince of Peace means PATRON ANGEL also Leader. WHO IS the ONE LEADER that we have? Jesus. Now, that same exact Hebrew word was used for Daniel 12:1 which is used for Michael the Archangel. So are you saying there are MANY LEADERS now?
@LetsTalkChristMinistries Год назад
@@Mr.DC3.1914 Sir, Jesus IS God as explicitly taught in scripture. I encourage you to look at Greek and Hebrew objectively and not through the lenses of false doctrines. You spamming, copying and pasting a comment throughout the comment section doesn’t make it true, either. Micheal is a created being, not Christ, who IS God.
@Mr.DC3.1914 Год назад
@@LetsTalkChristMinistries FACT - The BIble NEVER called Jesus as CREATOR OR MAKER but the Bible called Jesus as MADE, COME INTO BEING, GIVEN LIFE. FACTs that you cannot deny
@LetsTalkChristMinistries Год назад
@@Mr.DC3.1914 👍🏽Keep telling yourself that. #delusion
@Mr.DC3.1914 Год назад
@@LetsTalkChristMinistries DELUSION? maybe you are having one,. pls notice what I quoted are from the BIBLE which you obviously reject
@iameverest7744 Год назад
These women and men identified as 10:47 Jehovahs witnesses spend countless hours as demonstrated in this video to seek those out who are not versed in the law and eager to learn with humility of mind and heart . They seek not to me know or draw followers to them but to Gods kingdom and message . They do this voluntarily and are not paid to do this work . They pursue peace with their neighbors and are good citizens who most neighbors would enjoy having . The are law abiding citizens and their goal is simply to honor Jehovah God I’m word and truth backed up with action . They don’t claim to be perfect and humbly will listen to others and they use the Bible as Gods authority not lording it over others . They recognize it means everlasting life taking in knowledge . Accurate d knowledge of Gods word and are willing to study with others who do not know the Bible . Jeff it seems knows the Bible as do others. The devil too is knowledgeable of the Bible and uses what he knows to confuse others and mislead as the Bible teaches . I don’t get Jeff’s point in recording these women who committed their to gone God by volunteering their time free of charge . Jessie didn’t seek those out were versed in the law but those starving spiritually and lacking knowledge. It would see on the surface he is having a peaceful conversation with them but is drawing attention to himself . I assure you he didn’t ask their permission to record this video of them and post it . This is a violation of their rights and perhaps sate law . What’s the point but to draw attention to himself and draw followers to him . Jehovah’s Witness also honor their God by not giving glory to themselves as other religious leaders do . It’s interesting that we know Jehovahs witness’s when we see them but they give their glory to God . They don’t attract attention to themselves specifically as Reverend or Most holy father so and so ..as others do . They are the only ones who we know as group of people that give credit to God and seek not to attract others to them as reverend or priest . They don’t attract followers or members . They don’t take up collections of money that are entrusted to one person . They money they do have is used for the worldwide work education work to teach others and give to others freely the knowledge of God by means of books, magazines, Watchtower track, magazines, awake magazines that harmonize with Gods authority the Bible . Who really is the faithful and discreet slave, dispensing the food at the proper time and not for profit? Jehovah’s Witness give freely because they received freely from their Heavenly Father .
@timothystoneham3234 Год назад
First of all, there's several improper words within your first comment. You can reread your words and correct them, if you want. Secondly, it looks like Jeff and the Jehovah witnesses are within a public space, as well as the camera. He is allowed to record in a public area without their permission, as long as they are within the public view point. Otherwise the Jehovah witnesses can sue Jeff, which hasn't happened yet. Thirdly, a general amount of people are recognizing the problems, that the Jehovah witnesses are holding onto beliefs that carries contradictions without explanations from the Bible. For example, Apostle Paul writes in his first letter towards the Corinthians when talking about the communion, ( 1 Corinthians 11:26) " For whenever you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, UNTIL HE COMES". Why do Jehovah witnesses still observe The Lord's evening meal If they believe Jesus has returned invisibly within 1914?
@MaximCherkashin Год назад
After shooting you MUST tell them that they were shooted and ask them for permission to put this video on youtube. It is according to USA law. So you broke the law and you are not real christian
@BasicBiblicalTruth Год назад
Can you provide the law that says that it was illegal for him to film the women without their consent? Or are you making this up?
@MaximCherkashin Год назад
@@BasicBiblicalTruth I have already provided it for two times. But for some reason these messages were deleted by someone I'll try to say it by my own words. In some states (such as California for example) you MUST ask for permission to shoot someone even in public places. In another states you can shoot in public places without permission. BUT in any state, in any part of USA you MUST ask the person you shooted for permission to upload video with him on youtube. I had relatives in USA. The lived there for many-many years and they know the law very well. To cut the story - you may consult a lawyer. Just think logically: my personality belongs to me and nobody has right to publicate it in video or photo format on youtube
@BasicBiblicalTruth Год назад
@@MaximCherkashin You might want to do some research into one party consent laws in the USA.
@MaximCherkashin Год назад
@@BasicBiblicalTruth Is it possible to proove anything to a man who calls himself christian and pastor and at the same time has tatoo all over his body? “‘You must not make cuts in your flesh for a dead person, and you must not make tattoo markings on yourselves. I am Jehovah. (Leviticus 19:28)
@BasicBiblicalTruth Год назад
@@MaximCherkashin Do you have the mistaken impression that I'm the pastor in the video? Instead of dealing with substantive issues from the video, you have focused on nonsense issues so you don't have to deal with the false teachings of your organization. The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus is Jehovah, the second person of the triune God.
@therealraulcamacho6260 4 месяца назад
Trinity still makes zero sense to me even after this
@BasicBiblicalTruth 4 месяца назад
I suggest you watch or read something by Fred Sanders. Or perhaps watch something by InspiringPhilosophy.
@StretchMn 4 месяца назад
You're right Raul, and it never will, because it's pagan and not in the bible. What is in the bible, however, is Jesus' own words. Jo. 4:22,23 is where Jesus says to worship the Father only, just like he does. And at Jo. 17:1-3 Jesus says the Father is the only true God. And even the trinity theory states that the Father is NOT the son and the son is NOT the Father.
@DanielTorres-bs8dx 4 месяца назад
​@StretchMn so let's ignore John 1:1 "In the beginning was The Word. The Word was with God and the word was God" Jesus is being referred to as "The Word"
@StretchMn 4 месяца назад
@@DanielTorres-bs8dx Who was Jesus WITH?
@DanielTorres-bs8dx 4 месяца назад
@@StretchMn with The Father and The Holy Spirit. All 3 of which is God. The Son is NOT The Father and NOT The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is NOT The Father and NOT The Son The Father is NOT The Son and NOT The Holy Spirit
@sambacarlson Год назад
So much information in this video. I especially appreciate the mutual respect between them.
@SuperRabbidrabbit 10 месяцев назад
Jesus himself says himself in revelations he says " I am the Omega and Alpha the beginning and the end , the Lord Almighty " Jesus literally say it in revelations. He is The Omega and Alpha beginning and the end. Which is the exact quote GOD the Great I Am says. I do believe it says all this in Revelations chapter 1.
@brettmciver432 6 месяцев назад
Nope Yhwh gave the revelation to Jesus right? So that title when applied to Jesus is a title given under authority from a higher power. Plus it also shows Jesus is not God because he is being given knowledge and he, Jesus is not omniscient because he does not know everything. Quoting this does not help the trinitarian view.
@phantp78 4 месяца назад
Explain Mark 16:19 After the lord Jesus had spoken to them he was taken up to heaven and sat down at the right hand of god.
@roeltingzon758 2 месяца назад
The Alpha & Omega quote in the king James bible was a corrupted one.
@sevensieteS 2 месяца назад
You are not believing that because Satan is called the god of the world, it refers to God THE MAJESTY... what are you reading?
@sevensieteS 2 месяца назад
At least Paul says that Jesus is not God THE MAJESTY. You want the exception to break the rule... something that the Bible does not promote or people as intelligent as Paul never promoted by being Explicit.
@jeffnoble9757 5 месяцев назад
Jesus is the Son of God Jehovah is Almighty God! Jesus asked Peter who am I Peter said you are the Son of God, Jesus said you answered correctly! If Jesus was Jehovah Jesus would have corrected Peter, by saying No Peter I'm actually Jehovah in the flesh, BUT JESUS DIDN'T, because Jesus is the only BEGOTTEN son of Jehovah
@kevinfromcanada4379 5 месяцев назад
Wow. Just when I think I've heard all the ridiculously dumb arguments from JWs, they come up with another one. You said, "If Jesus was Jehovah Jesus would have corrected Peter, by saying No Peter I'm actually Jehovah in the flesh." That's like arguing, "If Jesus was the Son of God, he would have corrected John the Baptist by saying, 'No, John, I'm not the Lamb of God, I'm actually the Son of God." Do you see how ridiculous my statement is?! Jesus is the Lamb of God, the King of Israel, the Christ, the Son of God, and-YES-Jehovah in the flesh. The NT identifies Jesus as Jehovah, the second person of the triune God, by taking OT Jehovah passages and applying them to Jesus: Mar 1:2-3 (citing Isa 40:3 & Mal 3:1), Rom 10:13 (citing Joel 2:32), Phi 2:10-11 (citing Isa 45:23), 2Thes 1:9 (citing Isa 2:10), Heb 1:10-12 (citing Psa 102:25-27), 1Pe 2:3 (Psa 34:8), 3:14-15 (Isa 8:12-13). The disciples understood that God subsisted in multiple persons (ie, was triune), which is why thy could confess Jesus to be “MY God” (John 20:28) and call him “OUR God” (2 Pet 1:1) and not compromise their Jewish monotheism. If Jesus wasn’t Jehovah, then they were polytheists who had broken the first commandment… is that what you think?
@jeffnoble9757 5 месяцев назад
@@kevinfromcanada4379 everything I wrote was from the bible and you called it a ridiculous argument? The word trinity is NOT IN THE BIBLE, Jesus NEVER called himself God or Jehovah, in the Lord's Prayer Jesus said OUR FATHER YOU are in heaven HOLY IS YOUR NAME(Jehovah) Jesus said only the father knows the day and hour, he also said his father is GREATER THAN I am. all this is in the bible you just ignore it! The Catholic Church turned Jesus into a BUSINESS called Christianity with a paid clergy class always begging or demanding money and claiming that the 33yr old is coming back very SOON but never does and people in general are SICK OF THE LIES, every year fewer and fewer people go to Christendom's church's. Watch video HOLY KOOL AID it's informative
@kevinfromcanada4379 5 месяцев назад
Wow. Another ridiculous argument. Unitarians raise the objection that the Trinity is false because the word “Trinity” isn’t found in the Bible. Is this a valid objection? In the March 8, 2005 issue of Awake! Magazine, the Watchtower says, “God is fittingly described as omnipotent and omniscient​-almighty and all-knowing. Yet, when attempting further to describe God’s greatness, some add a third term​-omnipresent. They believe that God is present everywhere simultaneously. _While none of these descriptive terms are found in the Bible, the first two are clearly supported by Scriptural teachings”_ (emphasis mine). The Watchtower confirms that it is acceptable to use terms that are not found in the Bible to describe God when they are supported by scripture. Therefore the objection raised by JW’s that the Trinity is false simply because the word “Trinity” isn’t found in the Bible is hypocritical. Furthermore, this objection is an extremely ignorant objection. The word “trinity” is used, by people who read the Bible, to describe how God has revealed himself in scripture, just as people employ the words “omnipotent” and “omniscient” to describe how God is revealed in scripture. For this reason, it does not matter that the word “trinity” is not found in the Bible. Judge for yourself, is it false to say that Rome was an empire at the time of Augustus because the word “empire” isn’t found in the Bible? Or is it false to say that Israel was a “theocracy” at the time of Moses because the word isn’t found in the Bible? Obviously not. The question should not be, “Is the word ‘Trinity’ found in the Bible?” Rather, the question should be, “Does the Bible support the teaching that God is triune, ie. a trinity?” The answer to that question is a resounding, “YES!” What to look at scriptures that identify Jesus as Jehovah, the second person of the triune God, or are you not done pulling out bad arguments?
@StretchMn 5 месяцев назад
​@jeffnoble9757 Theres a very easy and clear way to prove the trinity theory false. The trinity theory states that the Father is NOT the son and the son is NOT the Father. At Jo. 17:1-3, Jesus is praying to his Father, and he says that the Father is the only true God. Since Jesus is not the Father, Jesus is not the only true God. But trinitarians say that EACH are worshipped and EACH are God. Thus ignoring Jesus. Jesus also had stated that we are to worship the Father only, just like he does at Jo. 4:22-24. Thus proving that trinitarians worship multiple gods.
@kevinfromcanada4379 5 месяцев назад
Lol. Trinitarians believe there is one and only one God (1 Cor 8:4). We believe that ONE God subsists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. One God, not three. That's monotheism. JWs believe in a pantheon of gods, like the pagans. That's polytheism. But JWs are not honest people, so they misrepresent the trinity and call us polytheists... all the while they are claiming there are multiple gods.
@jinggarcia3146 10 месяцев назад
How can you explain this Matthew 3:16 16 As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. 17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”
@jinggarcia3146 10 месяцев назад
@JamesVoice-s2m 10 месяцев назад
Leave them alone and go and help others ,u don't need r9 preaching h to them they sold if there faith,go seek people like u ,and help them ,,all distractions ,they got work to do u holding them up,thanks u know alot about the Bible, so sldo they ,have nice day
@michaelcarydakis790 6 месяцев назад
the original old greek text does help but many bibles have removed gods name ok
@BasicBiblicalTruth 6 месяцев назад
God's name was never in the Greek NT, it was in the Hebrew OT. When they translated the OT into Greek, the scribes didn't know what to do with the divine name so we see a lot of variety in the Greek translation of the OT. But there is complete uniformity in the Greek NT ... because the divine name was never in the NT.
@PWarriors-Truth Год назад
Thank you Jeff, i just met a lovely JW and this conversation equipped me to have a meaningful and powerful conversation with them 🙏
@deanshepard8821 Год назад
Pastor Jeff, what a gracious dialogue with those lost Jehovah Witnesses. Blessings to you and your family
@verum-in-omnibus1035 Год назад
Jeff is not a pastor. He is a representative of the fairly recent heretical Protestant 30:17 religion. The term pastor is reserved for those who have apostolic succession as sacred scripture teaches us. Christ said he would protect his one holy apostolic church with the spirit of truth - and it’s not Jeff’s Newfangled processing version of so-called Christianity. I wouldn’t even consider Jeff a Christian, he’s a protestant. He has rejected those who Christ sent. His Bible is missing seven books! For goodness sake. Anyone who actually knows church history knows that protestants are new on the scene - they are the wide road that Christ warned about straight to hell.
@deanshepard8821 Год назад
@@verum-in-omnibus1035 I'm sorry you're deceived. Come back to the truth of Jesus Christ
@deanshepard8821 Год назад
@@verum-in-omnibus1035 I'm so sorry you're deceived. Come back to the truth of God's word made flesh.
@mattr.1887 Год назад
Dean, how do you know he's deceived? What if you're the one who's deceived, but your pride prevents you from seeing it? Lemme guess - not possible huh?
@deanshepard8821 Год назад
@@mattr.1887 I have been studying my Bible every single day for the past 3 years, and four to five days a week for the two years before that and I can tell you without thinking twice about it, He is 100% deceived. I have almost crucified my pride all the way down to little or nothing. I don't think pride has anything to do with it. Blessings to you
@jonaspersson9621 10 дней назад
I will just say, check the facts about the cross you have around your neck. The Babylons and the Egyptians used that symbol,long before Christians started to used it. Interesting detail of history. Check for your self. Have a good day everyone.
@doinksinthePM Год назад
This was beautiful to behold. God bless you all and may the Holy Spirit lead these two women to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ! Praise His name!
@jmark7390 Год назад
They already have it. The so called pastor is pushing a pagan doctrine. Research the origins of the trinity and you will see it is as pagan as christmas.
@GodsKingdomrules Год назад
LOL.. Like they need to be lead!
@jsalcido61 10 месяцев назад
@celticmarmite6048 9 месяцев назад
The holy spirit belongs to Jesus' own God. The spirit *of* Jehovah had to settle upon Jesus. Isaiah 61:1 " The spirit of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah is upon me, Because Jehovah anointed me to declare good news to the meek." The spirit is not a seperate person.....the Jews never taught that..the Jewish/ Christian. ..the apostle Paul taught me that there is one God, and names the actual person, who consitutes the wholeone namely the Father alone=God. Which person did Paul teach was God at 1 Corinthians 8: 6? The Holy Spirit, the Son, or the Father? " To us there is One God, the Father...." Paul's words. In contrast to this man tickling your ears. Psalm 83: 18 also states that Jehovah alone ( singular ) is the Most High over all the earth. The divine name is minted on ancient coins. Father glorify YOUR name...Jesus words. ( John 12 : 28 ) Jehovah will glorify it again.!
@vijdamvsichko9077 8 месяцев назад
@@celticmarmite6048 You are just another puppet of the demons... You are using 1 Cor. 8:6 to disprove the deity of CHRIST, but you are ignoring the end of this verse "and one LORD Jesus Christ..." Deuteronomy 4 and 6 and many other chapters are clear GOD is ONE LORD and there is NO other Savior.
@jahankhan8190 Год назад
Why was this filmed secretly from a distance and a hidden mic. People do not appreciate being recorded without their permission.
@Bruhman514 Год назад
Snake in the grass
@DarlaGuyton 11 месяцев назад
They're in public.
@CarlosOliveira-rw6bx 10 месяцев назад
Let's consider a very important point in this approach. The JWs are preaching the gospel in a passive way and do not charge anything for it, including all the literature they have is free and even Bibles are distributed free of charge. The pastor who approached them already has a website to sell his literature and invites people to give it a thumbs up and sign up, which brings him followers and money. How can we believe in a person with these interests?
@paulbrennan4163 10 месяцев назад
The members themselves most likely think that there serving God, but they are not, they are serving the Watchtower. The Watchtower society is good for at least 2 billion dollars and most likely a lot more than that, so what does that say about them if having money is evil? Trust me, they can afford bibles! And what exactly is the "gospel" they are teaching? It isn't the gospel that Paul preached, that's for sure! Take note of what Paul wrote here: "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!" (Galatians 1:8) All they are doing is spreading a curse around the world.
@CarlosOliveira-rw6bx 10 месяцев назад
In fact, they don't buy Bibles, they have the best printers in the world and they make them themselves and all the literature, which is many. They do not charge tithes from the faithful. Today we see many more evangelical pastors boasting wealth than TJ members. Many of them have planes. JW`s do not get involved in worldly politics or wars. The Bible they use is the same Bible used by other religions, they simply have a specific group of translators so that the editions are always faithful, unlike other translations that present differences between one translator and another. WJ`s don't stay on RU-vid or Facebook channels blasting other people's religions. Yes, that's a thing of the devil.@@paulbrennan4163
@paulbrennan4163 10 месяцев назад
​@@CarlosOliveira-rw6bxYou need to click on the Reply button if you want to inform me that you have responded. As it is I just happened to go back and saw this. Again you are casting stones in a glas house. Firstly, it isn't the members themselves that are the problem here, is it? That isn't true from your perspective either since it the "pastors" who are trying to fault (that is, if they ARE at fault because it all depends on what they DO with the money). But it's the same problem with Governing Body, and even WORSE because *_NOBODY_* outside the GB actually knows how they spend their money! This is because they only produce the most rudimentary, minimal accounts necessary! Yet not a single JW seems to have a problem with this and they all claim various things that are either misleading or that they don’t know such as: 1) The GB members don’t get any salary or financial benefit 2) All the money is spent on furthering the gospel 3) Everything in JWorg is free (forgetting the HUGE pressure JWs have to give!) 4) JWorg helps people outside of JWism (yeah, right!) Why aren’t JWs angry that they don’t know where their money is going? Why is JWorg so secretive about where the money goes?
@paulbrennan4163 10 месяцев назад
@@CarlosOliveira-rw6bx *"The Bible they use is the same Bible used by other religions"* No it isn't the same! They have manipulated the text thoughout the NT in order to diminish Christ, even ADDING words that do not exist in the original text. *"They simply have a specific group of translators so that the editions are always faithful, unlike other translations that present differences between one translator and another."* That doesn't even make sense! How do you know that THEIR translation is any more "faithful" that the others? After all, it is just ANOTHER version. And even that version has versions! The only difference here is that the NWT refuses to identify who has worked on their translation. How is anyone supposed to know whether or not they are qualified to translate?
@jahtruthdefender 10 месяцев назад
⁠@@paulbrennan4163The NWT is often criticised with manipulation of scripture. Not sure why you don’t know that *every* bible is guilty of adding words not there in Greek. Instead of trying to judge the translation based on their credentials, try judging their translation itself.. You speak as if having them having doctorates and scholarships would somehow sway your thinking of the NWT. Present *one* example of scripture you have researched and can verify by means of Lexicons, biblical history, definitions, bible writer styles, etymology, or the like where the NWT has manipulated.
@bettyshaffer8289 Месяц назад
Pastor,you are mistaken. Jesus said ,"the Father is greater than i "john 14 : 28. Jesus is created by his Father. Colossians 1 :15. He is the FIRST BORN OF ALL CREATION. Plain as day . Jesus was given all authority by his Father. Pastor is confused & trying so hard to confuse others when it is plain that Jehovah is the Almighty God.
@ginamiller6754 Год назад
The first Apologia Studio video that I watched (5 years ago) was Pastor Jeff witnessing to Mormons. I’m already a Christian, BUT the video convicted me that I did not know the Bible well enough. I’ve been sincerely working on that! Daily reading Gods word. Thank-you Jeff and Apologia Studios!!
@rhondal8887 Год назад
Praise the Lord for that!
@Contendthefaith2 Год назад
A true Christian has the right foundation and listens to Paul. Jeff read from Colossians but did not HEAR. True Christians are of 1 Cor 8 v 4 to 6 and I Cor 11 v 3 and will NOT receive a different Jesus and spirit - see 2 Cor. Read our comment to avoid error in spirit - 1 John 4 v 6 ❤ Paul and Lynda from Earnestly Contending for the faith Ministry
@Todd-eu4sb 3 месяца назад
BIBLE TRUTH Just as it was with the wicked Pharisees, they argued with Christ on a daily basis. No matter what he spoke or did. It meant nothing to them. Because truth was not in them. I tell you the truth a great multitude will not listen to the things of God because truth they don't want. They don't hunger for it, they don't look for it, They want the glory of men and so, it would be given them. And so they continue senseless, bickering arguing and fighting. If you continue to fight that Jesus is God Almighty and not the son of man in a normal sense, the son of God. You will by no means enter the kingdom of God. For the kingdom of God draws the humble, the simple, uneducated and the teachable. Those hungering for truth, God's word is truth. Many is roving about in this time of the end and the abundance of Truth is being poured out. This scripture you just heard is fulfilled. Daniel 12:4 Be a partaker of everlasting life instead of a partaker of everlasting destruction. Jehovah doesn't make it difficult for people to get the sense of these things. The devil and Men, wicked men make it difficult to get the sense of these things. For your argument is equal to the wicked Pharisees. It is empty, vain and futile. Just as Jesus said "why do I even bother to speak to you at all" John 8:25 (nwt) the wicked Pharisees had their reward in full. The glory of men. They are dead, unconscious of nothing at all and in this state, they shall remain forever. If this is what you want by your fighting, then, continue doing so to your last breath. I have told you the truth, so I only speak from the scriptures and not from the opinion of men. Just as it was with the wicked pharisees, your fight is not against us Jehovah's Witnesses, oh no, in fact, it is against God and his name is Jehovah. The universal Sovereign of the universe, our grand creator.
@adamlopez3561 7 месяцев назад
Jehovah's Witnesses are the ones fulfilling Matthew 24:14
@bratmucha 6 месяцев назад
That's what I thought when I became JW. I just wanted to preach about Jesus. But then I learned that we preach a different Jesus. A Jesus that's not real, that's just an archangel...
@adamlopez3561 6 месяцев назад
@@bratmuchaJohn 13:16 says that Jesus is nothing but a servant. So it's trinitarians the ones preaching a different Jesus.
@bratmucha 6 месяцев назад
@@adamlopez3561 well, he showed a beautiful example on how to serve others. I'm glad we have that right 😉 If his words remain in you, then John 8:31-32 you will be freed 🙂
@adamlopez3561 6 месяцев назад
@@bratmucha You're worshiping a messenger that was sent when you ought to be worshiping the one that sent him.
@bratmucha 6 месяцев назад
@@adamlopez3561 I know that you say that Jesus is an angel, but he is much more. To which of the angel did God ever say: you are my son, I have become your father today? And later: let all the angels worship him? Hebrew 1
@MitchJenkins-uv7lj 2 месяца назад
BIBLE TRUTH Food for thought. It is said in the Holy Trinity that God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost are equal and in one person, God. Trinity is not the case, Deuteronomy 6:4 Jehovah is one. Psalms 83:18, Jehovah is the Most High God. ISAIAH 40:25 STATES, JEHOVAH DOESN'T HAVE AN EQUAL Jesus Christ is simply, the son of God John 10:36 in a sense of normality like Gabriel is. Isaiah 9:6, Jesus is a king and a "PRINCELY " ruler or "KING ANGEL". (Angels of God are sometimes called a PRINCE Daniel 10:13) Revelation 9: 11, this is Jesus Christ, he is an angel. 1 Thessalonians 4:16, Jesus Christ is Michael the Archangel and the Bible teaches only one archangel exist. Holy spirit, it's simply God's active force, an energy, his power. Elaborating further on Holy Spirit, at Isaiah 40:26 the Bible states that God is full of dynamic "ENERGY", power. This is what Holy spirit is, it is God's actove force or controlled energy. One day Jesus blew onto his disciples Holy Spirit, (John 20:22) was Jesus blowing out the so-called godhead Holy Spirit onto the disciples? No. One day Jesus was surrounded by a crowd of people and a woman with a flow of blood touched him. So Jesus responded and said 'who touched me".... "because I felt "POWER" go out of me". Luke 8: 45 Once again, was it the so-called godhead Holy Spirit that Jesus felt coming out of himself? Absolutely not. As you can read Jesus stated he felt "POWER" go out of himself. (godhead has been inserted in some Bible translations. It is a spurious title that was omitted in some modern translations.) Just as man has electricity and he controls it. A man can turn on the light bulb over 100 miles away with a flick of a switch. Likewise, God can do the same thing but with something superlative. How? He does it with Holy Spirit. In fact, it is not a being but it's "ENERGY" or an active force that God controls. A car battery, it stores raw energy, power. But when it leaves the battery it's a controlled power, it operates your radio, your car seat, Windows etc. The Bible says that God is full of dynamic energy, power. He created the physical universe which would take tremendous energy, "POWER". The famous scientist Albert Einstein said energy can produce matter. It took tremendous "Energy" to produce the physical universe which God contain. So why do the Bible sometimes call the Holy Spirit he? And why is it said to teach and remind one of God's word? Just as a man has figurative expressions, Jehovah God has figurative expressions. So, in a figurative expression holy spirit is sometimes called a he or said to teach and can remind one of God's word. To illustrate, sometimes we as humans call our car or toy animal a particular human name. Does that make that toy animal or car a living person? No. It's just a figure of speech. So likewise, "HE" "TEACHES" ls just a figure of speech by God. What justifies that Holy Spirit is not Trinity but an active force or controlled energy of God? As a reminder, the Bible refers to the Holy Spirit as God's "power" Isaiah 40:26 Jesus stated that he felt "power" go out of himself when a woman with a flow of blood touched him. But the Bible also refers to Holy Spirit as something else that cements the fact, Holy spirit is an energy, it's a something. If you take a look at Numbers chapter 11 and verse 17, hear God refers to Holy Spirit as an ....."it". Would you call your mother or your father an... "it'? How much more so God wouldn't refer to himself as an.."it" Here at Numbers 11:17 Jehovah said he would take SOME of his Holy spirit and place "it" on the 70 elders. If we apply the Trinity notion, So God then, divided himself up, one part is on Moses, 70 pieces is on the 70 elders and then, let's not forget Trinity is three persons one God. So then, God is going to divide himself up 74 times. Does that make sense? And then he's going to lay on top of these individuals or possess them. The only thing that possesses humans is demons this is what the Bible teaches... good angels and God possesses no one. Now let's apply Bible truth. An "ENERGY" or "ACTIVE FOTCE" This makes better sense. That's why God said underscore "SOME" Holy Spirit and refers to his Holy Spirit as an... "it", controlled active force of God. Jehovah is not trinity no more than Casper the friendly Ghost a living being. Be humble and accept the reality that God is not a trinity in any variation.
@flourishers Год назад
I love that last commendation from the white hair lady..."you truly know your Bible"🙌
@Iamforulive 9 месяцев назад
It’s a practiced phrase they use to keep ppl from getting angry 😂
@pamelasloan1664 8 месяцев назад
No it's not, it showing that it's nice that they love the bible where as many say they know the bible but it's just empty words
@elsiesaunders4607 Год назад
I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses all my life. I only started questioning it when I read H M Sealey's Kingdom Rising novels - they seemed to hold a mirror up to what I was doing and who "the King" actually was. I really had to wrestle with myself and God. I now believe JW theology is a human way of trying to understand God without the Holy Spirit. It sort of makes logical sense until you actually start studying theology, then it all falls apart.
@Mr.DC3.1914 Год назад
THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5
@shaynefowley5689 Год назад
The Holy Spirit is the weakest argument of the Trinity. For God’s breath the ruach is taught by Trinitarians to be a person instead of emanating from God. You remember reading Genesis 2:7 and how God’s breath caused Adam to live. “The One who gives breath to the people on it” is the same one who Jesus identifies creating man and woman -Jehovah. See Mark 10:6. It is completely misleading to read into the Bible a third Person, the Holy Spirit. The spirit of Elijah (Luke 1:17) is not a different person from Elijah. Nor is the Spirit of God a different person from the Father. The Holy Spirit is the operational presence of God, His mind and character. The spirit of God and the mind of God are beautifully equated in 1 Corinthians 2:16 where Paul refers to “the mind of Christ,” quoting from Isaiah 40:13 which refers to God’s Spirit. “Who has taken the measurements of the spirit of Jehovah, And who can instruct him as his adviser?” The third Person was asserted at a Council of Alexandria in 362 CE and ordered to be deified by the Council of Constantinople of 381 CE. Continue armed in our warfare against the cosmocratus - the demons waging war against God - and turn away from the Trinity.
@celticmarmite6048 Год назад
Angels are also called gods. Psalm 82:1 Brenton Septuagint Translation A Psalm for Asaph. God stands in the assembly of gods; and in the midst of them will judge gods. Aramaic Bible in Plain English..Psalm 82:1 "God stands in the assembly of the Angels and among the Angels he will judge." 1 Corinthians 8:5 " For even though there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth, just as there are many “gods” and many “lords,” 6 there is actually to us one God,the Father, from whom all things are and we for him;and there is one Lord,Jesus Christ, through whom all things are and we through him." GOD the Father , always uses others to do his will....including his firstborn Son . And firstborn is the written word provided ....not to be replaced with another word. Firstborn really means firstborn...that's why it has been used here in this context of Colossians 1:15. In fact, Jesus refers to himself as “the beginning [arkhé] of God’s creation.” Rev 3: 14. All revelation was given to Jesus...even in heaven. " A revelation by Jesus Christ which God gave him. " Rev 1:1. There is no scripture to support 3 persons of a tri (3) une God. God is only One. One whole one and not 3 persons...not fractions. Trinitarian God is 3 persons. The true God is One the Father. Ex tri(3) nitarian .
@shaynefowley5689 Год назад
@@celticmarmite6048 correct. One person - unitarian monotheism, the belief that God consists of one person as God. When you say one also include person. Otherwise you will argue with the compound unity gang. At that point you can highlight Isaiah 43:13, “Even from eternity I am He, and none can deliver out of My hand. When I act, who can reverse it?” Berean Standard Bible.
@daviskaloo296 Год назад
Satan really knows how to make use of the divide and conquer principle. As for you gentile believers, who bewitched you??!
@princechukwuma9686 Год назад
Sir I think you met the best witnesses ever. Loved how they were so free to air their views. Most of them don’t . I love their energy, it’s a proof they both seek Truth.
@natalyd9674 Год назад
Except that convenient "shift change" lol. And the prodding from one of the women to attend one of their services to "change your perspective". And the "we agree to disagree". They seemed pretty hardened in their views.
@jimross1765 Год назад
@@natalyd9674 The Trinity believer was no less hardened in his views.
@natalyd9674 Год назад
@@jimross1765 Exactly. Because the truth cannot be compromised. He had scripture to back him up. They had tradition and a book written by a man who claimed to be a prophet and nothing he said came true. Don't let tradition get in the way of salvation.
@jimross1765 Год назад
​@@natalyd9674 On the contrary it is christians who have a traditional belief in the Trinity passed down to them by catholic dogma and adopted by its many offshoots of christian belief. JW reject this tradition as I do and I also have scriptures to back this deception of 3 gods in one. It is one of many pointless and fruitless discussions. It was Roman doctrine that started a belief in a Trinity and became widely accepted. Any who questioned it were put to death by burning at the stake alive. Both John Calvin and John Know did just that. Consider this if you believe that Jesus is God? John says: “No man has seen God at any time.” (John 1:18). But men have seen Jesus. Therefore, the expression “God” refers exclusively to God the Father. Jesus never refers to himself as God; he reserves that terminology solely for the Father. When someone called him “Good Teacher,” Jesus replied: “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God.” (Matthew 19: 17). I will declare your name to my brothers.” (Psalm 22: 22). Jesus is: “the firstborn among many brothers.” (Romans 8:29). Believers are the brothers of Jesus. But we are not the brothers of God. God is our Father. The Holy Spirit is neither our brother or our Father. The Holy Spirit is the word of the Father that dwelt in the flesh body of Jesus. John 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. Jesus is the second created Adam who never sinned and obeyed his Father. He is the first born son of a new creation into the Kingdom of God.
@dbugged Год назад
@@natalyd9674 Keep in mind he was the one that approached them with an agenda and was prepared. They had no idea this was coming.
@MitchJenkins-uv7lj 2 месяца назад
BIBLE TRUTH Let's be honest here. During the apostolic age, no one sounds, preachers, or use expressions and titles like Jeff. I repeat, when they preached, Whenever Peter spoke about the truth orJames, Jesus himself and the apostle Paul. No one, absolutely no one, sounds like Jeff durbin. The style, the sound, the language is a spewing off a tangent completely in contrast, different. Look at all those special expressions and titles he uses, Jesus EQUAL with God, God man, God incarnate, holy spirit is God, Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead, Jesus raised himself from the dead, triunity, three Eternal persons, three persons one being of God, Jesus shares God's glory. Take a look at all these expressions and titles above and go to your own Bible, please and see for yourself. Does the bible say that? You will see the answer is absolutely Not. How can you trust what Jeff is saying, when nothing he says matches the Bible. Let's go on to Philippians 2:4, here is a great mistake as well. Jeff is teaching that this scripture is saying, Jesus to be EQUAL with God. Really? This scripture is NOT implying that Jesus is equal with God. How so? The new world translation of the Holy scriptures, I will put it out there, it's the most ACCURATE Bible in the world with powerful CLARITY. (Bible translation, processes and procedure, applied to the fullest degree) Let's examine Philippians 2: 5-6 clarified - it reads, "KEEP THIS MENTAL ATTITUDE IN YOU", that was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, although he was existing in God’s form, did not even consider the idea of trying to be equal to God." Now when you take a look at it with clarification, do it sound like Jesus to be equal with God? Absolutely NOT. Besides, look at verse 5 CLOSELY, it's an Admonition to you, meaning to everyone who's reading this. This is an INSTRUCTIVE or ADMONITION that we do the same as Christ. Keeping this mental attitude, what attitude? HUMILITY. To be HUMBLE. Since the scripture is saying an Admonition for all, if we were to apply trinitarians notion, then the admonition would be keep this mental attitude that was also in Christ, that you're equal with God. Is this the case? Of course not. But with the Bible, with clarity, now it makes sense. Keep this mental attitude that was in Christ, May you be humble like Christ was. Makes sense? Absolutely. So Philippians 2: 5 - 6 once again, this text is an Admonition instructing us to be, HUMBLE like Christ was. Though Jesus is the second greatest percentage in the universe, the Bible teaches he didn't try to seize equality with God as Satan the Devil did. Satan, he's a very lower ranking Angel at that. If anyone was to try to be God would it not be more likely Christ? But he remained humble and this is what we're instructed to do. Philippians 2:4-6. Get it? The part that states he existing in God's form the Greek word used was mor·pheʹ which basically means, nature, likeness. shape or form . God is a spirit, and in this sense, Jesus is a spirit just as the other angels are. No more or less. John 4:24 1 John 3:2 Please call your local congregation of Jehovah's witnesses and request a Bible study. It can be done via video zoom, e-mail, letter or in person. It's absolutely free and flexible. You can also request a Bible study through our website.
@zacrussell609 Год назад
I had my first encouter with JW's yesterday since they blacklisted my previous house. It really reminded me of just how much a works based salvation simply does not work.
@Skulk93 Год назад
Why were you blacklisted?
@zacrussell609 Год назад
@@Skulk93 Literally just chatted with them a couple of times, i let them give the speal and then went to the bible and history of the watch tower, i wrote one guy a letter after he wrote me detaling why i was in heresy and needed to come to the only true church, and after that they stopped coming to my house, they would still do my street (and get turned away everywhere) but they would walk past without even looking at the old house after the 3 meetings. I can honestly say i was respectful, honest and polite during the whole time, and my wife befriended one of the older ladys in the group that visited, it was just enough to present the gospel and to be able to give a counter argument and know the history of the watchtower org that did it i think.
@snail847 3 дня назад
"Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" - a Bible verse ! And examine the Bible book of James if you think faith isn't proven by works.
@meomy29 Год назад
One thing I fear is that those who fervently think they’re Christians but who believe in a different Jesus are the most resistant to the Message. Those who know they’re not Christians know it and don’t argue that point.
@radcliffnorth7754 Год назад
Jeff be honest...let them know you are filming!
@jonathansaucedo1924 8 месяцев назад
If he did, No JW would talk to him in fear of getting expelled from thair congregation, family and friends. Their cult prohibit them to be challenged. They are only allowed to teach but never to be taught.
@GrzlyBeard Месяц назад
​@@jonathansaucedo1924 wrong, people that do this, do so in bad faith. Jeff goes from knowing nothing about them to giving them a Greek crash course and pointing out textual differences in their bible. JW shouldn't enter to debate with these ones, but instead go on making "the best use of their time" in seeking out right hearted ones. Seek sheep, to bring to the only true God Jehovah and the lord Jesus. We're not in the business of sawing the horns off goats.
@MitchJenkins-uv7lj 2 месяца назад
BIBLE TRUTH Jeff, the King James version was translated by trinitarians so sometimes you use expressions or titles that doesn't exist. So I asked you this question. Where does it say that Jesus would share the NATURE of God? At 1 john 3:2, the bible says that once taken from the earth they will appear before God's person and they would see him for what he truly is and they will BECOME LIKE HIM. Jeff, according to you, they'll be sharing God's NATURE. Therefore, you're teaching polytheism, I thought you to be a trinitarian? Surname apologetics?
@Todd-eu4sb 3 месяца назад
BIBLE TRUTH Jehovah taught us Witnesses very well his way. We Jehovah's Witnesses can reason powerfully like a dam, we hold back the fullness of our power of reasoning from the scriptures. We could overwhelm one in an instant in knowledge, if we wanted to. But we're admonished not to do so out of respect of the listener. We hold back the dam of our full might that our listener will be respected and dignified, therefore, more willing to listen. We are not out to destroy but out to fulfill the kingdom message. Matthew 24:14
@BasicBiblicalTruth 3 месяца назад
LOLOLOL. Todd, JWs are typically uneducated and are not encouraged to receive higher education. Even your leaders do not learn Greek or Hebrew. So the claim that JWs "could overwhelm one in an instant in knowledge, if we wanted to," is laughable. JWs refuse to answer simple questions and run away once they realize they are speaking to someone who knows their Bible. Pay attention to these verses and then I'm going to ask a question. Let's see if you answer honestly. “Who *alone stretches out the heavens,* And tramples down the waves of the sea” (Job 9:8 LSB). “Thus says Yahweh, your Redeemer, and the one who formed you from the womb, ‘I, Yahweh, am the maker of all things, *Stretching out the heavens by Myself And spreading out the earth all alone”* (Is. 44:24 LSB). “Thus says Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker…. It is I who made the earth and created man upon it. *I stretched out the heavens with My hands”* (Is. 45:11-12 LSB). These verses say nothing about being the source behind creation but say that Jehovah was the one actively doing the creation. When Jehovah says, “I stretched out the heavens by myself” he is not claiming to be the source but the one doing the action as Isa 45:12 makes explicit: “I stretched out the heavens with my own hands.” If someone said, “I built a house,” you could interpret that as them claiming to be the one who commissioned an agent (a contractor/builder) to build them a house (ie. they are the source). But if a person says, “I built a house with my own hands,” then they are claiming to have physically used the hammer to build the house. Now, Jehovah claims to be the one who physically created all things with his own hands, BY HIMSELF. When we come to the NT, we hear the Father speaking to the Son in Hebrews 1:10 saying, “You, Jehovah, laid the foundations of the earth, and *the heavens are the works of your hands.”* So, here is the question: If Jehovah alone stretched out the heavens BY HIMSELF, and the writer to the Hebrews says that the heavens are the works of the Son's hands-who is the Son?
@StretchMn 3 месяца назад
Jer. 19:12 - He is the Maker of the earth by his power, The One who established the productive land by his wisdom And who stretched out the heavens by his understanding. Notice the phrase "by his power" and "by his wisdom" and "by his understanding." At Ge. 1:26 - Then God said: "Let US make man in OUR image, according to OUR likeness,.. Us and our are plural, which means multiple individuals. BUT!!! (Of Jesus) Jo.1:3 - All things came into existence THROUGH him... Jo. 1:10 - the world came into existence THROUGH him... 1 Co. 8:6 - ... there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, THROUGH whom all things are... BUT!!! (Of God) ...there is actually to us one God, the Father, FROM whom all things are... How did Jesus create? By God’s power Mt. 28:18 - all power is given unto me So the one God alone is responsible for creation THROUGH his son.
@777Tralfaz777 3 месяца назад
@@BasicBiblicalTruth Acts 4:13 Now when they beheld the outspokenness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were men unlettered and ordinary, Spiritual education is of the utmost importance. Isa 43:9...Let them present their witnesses to prove themselves right, Or let them hear and say, ‘It is the truth!’” Who was God inviting here, asking to present their witnesses?
@BasicBiblicalTruth 3 месяца назад
Notice, Todd, that neither of your buddies addressed my question. Neither did they deal with Isaiah 44 or 45. If Jehovah ALONE (Job 9:8) stretched out the heavens BY HIMSELF (Isa 44:24; 45:12), and the writer to the Hebrews says that the heavens are the works of the Son's hands (Heb 1:10) while citing a Jehovah passage (Psa 102:25)-then who is the Son to the writer of Hebrews? Ps. Gen 1:26-27, John 1:3, 10, and 1Cor 8:6 is why I believe that the one God is triune, subsisting in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
@777Tralfaz777 3 месяца назад
Notice, Todd, that your interlocular Kevin couldn't answer my question, that would answer 68.4% of his previous post. Kevin cannot follow a logical progression.
@jakefarber9287 Год назад
What a lovely demonstration of a caring Christian. I learn so much everytime I listen to you!!!
@AaronRayVaughanOfficial Год назад
I love the guy sitting near them just listening and soaking it in! God bless you Pastor Jeff.
@RJR1787 Год назад
The holy spirit placed him there. He must of needed to hear that conversation at that time 🙏🏼
@vaxrtz Год назад
the only god is jehovah
@paulbrennan4163 10 месяцев назад
@@vaxrtz One God three persons.
@celticmarmite6048 9 месяцев назад
You contradict the apostle Paul's words with your 3 persons in one God claim. The apostle Paul said: " To us there is one God , the Father...." ( 1 Corinthians 8: 6 ) This one God the Father is Jesus' *only * true God, whom he prayed to and taught that the true worshippers would be worshipping. ( John 17: 3; 4: 22-24.) As regards, Jesus, the apostle John concludes his chapter in connection to Jesus' identity: " But these have been written down so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and because of believing, you may have life by means of his name. ( John 20: 31.)
@paulbrennan4163 9 месяцев назад
​@@celticmarmite6048 Why don't you guys read the *_REST_* of scripture instead of parroting the same scriptures over and over again? Do you think such a superficial and shallow reading of scripture is enough to disprove the trinity - a doctrine that has survived down through the centuries? Let me show you how verses such as 1 Corinthians 8:6 and 1 John 17:3 do not pose any problems for trinitarians. The problem with how John 17:3 is being used is that it doesn't prove anything at all unless you first load it with a unitarian presupposition. You have to first start off with the assumption that only one *_person_* can be the "only true God". Otherwise the argument fails completely. From a trinitarian perspective there *_IS_* only one true God. Therefore, Jesus calling the Father the "only true God" no more disqualifies himself as being that same one true God any more than Jesus addressing someone else as "man", means that he himself is not a man. Jesus saying that the Father is the only true God was not only a truth statement that in no in way contradicts the doctrine of the trinity, it was all Jesus could possibly utter at that time. Jesus could not POSSIBLY tell anyone at that time that he was God incarnate. For those people who are perishing the gospel is "veiled", which means that Jesus TRUE identity was deliberately hidden until AFTER his resurrection. Why otherwise do you think Jesus repeatedly went out of his way to hide his identity and hinted that something way too controversial for him to say would only be revealed after he returned to the Father? What do you think he was referring to? Similarly, 1 Corinthians 8:6 does disprove the trinity: "Yet for us there is but *one God,* the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but *one Lord,* Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live." I don't know why unitarians even bother refering to this verse, because using the SAME ARGUMENT we would have to conclude that the Father is not "Lord", which we _know_ from verses such as Matthew 11:25 simply isn't true. Despite this fact Paul says that there is only ONE Lord. If rather than creating a contradiction in scripture you look at the context of what Paul is saying you will see something completely different than what unitarians want this verse to say. Instead of trying to pit the Father against the Son the preceding verse shows us that Paul is actually pitting the "ONE God and ONE Lord" against "MANY gods and MANY lords": "For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”) (1 Corinthians 8:5) This passage has to do with idols, not with with whether or not Jesus is God, and the fact that he places Jesus with the Father rather than among the "so-called gods" proves that Jesus is NOT "a god" as the Watchtower would have us believe. Furthermore, the word Lord, when applied to Jesus, actually _MEANS_ God! Paul consistently used "God" and "Lord" because calling both of them "God" would be confusing and lead to polytheism which is a false teaching. If you don't think Lord means God then why do you think there are multiple verses in the NT concering Jesus where "kyrios" cross-references to YHWH in the OT? This is one example: "a voice of one calling in the wilderness, *‘Prepare the way for the Lord,* make straight paths for him.’" (Matthew 3:3) Compare it to Isaiah 40:3 and see who it refers to. Here is another: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:13) See Joel 2:32. We also have entire passages in Hebrews 1 that in the OT refer to YHWH being applied to Jesus, where the author claims explicitly that they were written "about the Son". This is because Jesus IS the YHWH of the old testament! If you want more evidence of this fact then ask me and I will show you something that stands in TOTAL contradiction of the Watchtowers "Big God/little god" theory.
@MitchJenkins-uv7lj 2 месяца назад
BIBLE TRUTH😅 *All statements 1 through 9 is founded to be untrue. 1 "Jesus and the Holy Spirit are God" 2. "Three persons one God' 3. "Jesus being god, raised himself up from the dead" 4. "Three internal persons" 5. "Jesus is equal with Jehovah" 6. "Shares Jehovah's Glory" 7. "Jesus is God" 8. "Jesus is the Creator" 9 "Everything God was the word was" Nowhere in the Bible does it state these expressions used by Jeff. listed above 1. through .9 CHALLENGE - show me scriptures to all these expressions and words listed above. It Doesn't exist, you would not be able to find it. Trinitarians use a lot of counterfeit expressions and words not mentioned in any Bible. God incarnate, God in the flesh, god man, Christmas and Easter etc. These or expressions sounds like something religious or in the Bible but it doesn't exist. This was prophesied about by the apostle Peter. Preaching counterfeit words 2 Peter 2:3 At John 1:1 'in the beginning was the word". Trinitarians say in Greek, it is embedded in this text that it means the farthest in the past. This is incorrect, there is no Greek word listed at John 1:1 that ties in*forever in the past" in meaning. In reality Arch", Greek word it's used in a normal vernacular as we use it in our vernacular in English meaning the Chief or leader. There is no connotation or text permission to such thought of "farthest in the past" at John 1:1. Jehovah doesn't have a beginning. So the question is, what are they talking about, beginning" it is something for you to review. I could explain the beginning but that's another story. Trinitarians believe that Jesus Christ and Jehovah is a Mighty God, so, therefore, the same person, really? Mighty God,(El Gibbor) is a relative word. Other words, it can be applied to any person or thing. Example, the mighty mountains, mighty Angels, mighty Sea, mighty warriors etc. In definition only - Jehovah's mighty meaning with great power, great strength or much responsibility. The demarcation between Jehovah and Jesus is the word "Almighty" God. You would never find this title attached to Jesus Christ. This is an absolute word since it can only be applied to Jehovah God. Almighty is supreme the highest in power and authority. Exodus 6: 3 Genesis 6:4 Revelation 19:18 2 Thessalonians 1:7 2 Kings 24:14 Trinitarian state, Jesus is claiming to be God in relation to John 8: Here at John 8: 56 to 59 Jesus is not identifying himself as God the "I AM" of Exodus 3: 14 based upon the discussion that was going on between Jesus and the Jews. They were not talking about IDENTITY but they were talking about TIME. How so? John 8:57 the Jews said to Jesus "you're not even 50 and yet you seen Abraham"? This is why the Jews wanted to Stone Jesus because he's not even 50 and yet he's saying he saw Abraham which would make him hundreds and hundreds of years old. Get it? The King James version, the vernacular is sometimes ambiguous, it's difficult for the scripture to be understood properly. Here's a few Bible translations that will help you get the correct understanding of John 8:56 to 59 Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, before Abraham came into existence, I have been" -New world translation of the Holy scriptures 2023 1935: “I existed before Abraham was born!” The Bible-An American Translation, by J. M. P. Smith and E. J. Goodspeed 1869: “From before Abraham was, I have been.” The New Testament, by G. R. Noyes Straight to the point. Jesus is the son of God in a normal manner. If you take a look at Isaiah 9:6, it's latter portion. It mentions that Jesus will have a PRINCELY rule. Emphasizing on PRINCE, WE DON'T HAVE TO DEFINE WHAT A PRINCE IS BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW WHAT A PRINCE IS. JEHOVAH, OUR GRAND CREATOR is not a PRINCE. The only existing beings in the heavens referred to as a prince are angels, and that's inclusive of Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 4:16 Daniel 10:13 Therefore, Jesus is a king and a prince or King angel. So do the Bible ever mentions a king angel? Yes! Turn over to Revelation chapter 9 verse 11. This is no other than, Jesus Christ. Hear this angel is a king at the same time!!! Jesus said, at Matthew 28: 18 "all authority has been given me in heaven and earth"and that would include the abyss. Genesis 3:15 the first prophecy uttered says that Jesus will crush the head of Satan, ultimately killing him. At Revelation 9:11 it gives the angel of the abyss two other names ABADDON, Hebrew for destruction and A·polʹlyon, Greek for destroyer. The demons know that Jesus will soon destroy them. Mark 124 Some religions teach that the angel of the abyss is Satan. Really? Turn over to Revelation chapter 20: 1-3 Emphasizing on a KEY that was given to the angel of the abyss here's the key again and this Angel which is Jesus Christ is chaining Satan and throwing him into the abyss. The demons know that Jesus has the authority even over the abyss Matthew 8:31 Trinity has been shown to be fraudulent and it acquired its start at the council of nicea of 325 A.D it's full blown version at the Constantinople meeting of 381 A.D. the decision made at the Constantinople meeting, were they correct? According to the bible, absolutely not. Frankly, at Isaiah 40:25 the Bible States Jehovah God doesn't have an equal. So if God doesn't have an equal, how could he be Trinity? Also, first John 3:2 the Bible States that even the apostles didn't know what God's elaborated form was. The elaborated detail of God's form, his Spirit body is not granted for us humans to know. This scripture above is mentioning that once a person dies and is granted access to heaven and appears before God's person, then he will come to know the elaborated form of God. He has granted us that he is a spirit John 4:24 BIBLE TRUTH Jehovah God is not a trinity in any variation. He doesn't have an equal Isaiah 40:25. Nor is he three and yet one Deuteronomy 6:4 Besides, Jehovah says at Isaiah 46:9, 10 ' I am God and there is no one else, I am God and there is no one like me and I will do whatever I please". In contrast, Jesus says "I cannot do whatever I please"and you wonder why? Just as it is with other angels and humans, we cannot do whatever we want to. Not even demons can do whatever they want to. Jehovah, our grand creator is the ultimate in authority that we all will answer to. Romans 9:28 Jesus is the son of God in a normal manner. Matthew 16:16,17 At Isaiah 9:6 in the latter portion he will have a PRINCELY rule. Since he is a king he will also be a PRINCE a king prince or a king angel. Angels are sometimes referred to as a prince Daniel 10:13. Jehovah God is never called a prince in this sense and we know what a prince is, it needn't be defined. Isaiah 9:6 states that Jesus will be a king, as well as, he will have a princely rule. He then is a king Prince or King angel. Does the bible ever mention of a king angel? Yes!!! at Revelation 9: 11 the Bible talks about the king Angel of the abyss, this is Jesus Christ. Revelation 20: 1-3 3 He also has two other names mentioned in this text which means in essence a destroyer or destruction. The first prophecy Genesis 3:15 Jesus will soon crush the head of Satan the devil destroying him. And so this Angel of the abyss is given these names meaning he is designated to soon destroy Satan. Since Genesis 3:15 says Jesus will kill Satan, do it make sense an angel will do it? Jesus is the Angel of the abyss. It is up to you to be humble and accept what God is telling you this day. For the Bible and it's truth can remove deeply false entrenched things. 2 Corinthians 10:4 simply put, the story of Abraham and Isaac foreshadows the reality above. Jehovah, our grand creator, is the greater Abraham. Jesus, our appointed King by jehovah, is the greater Isaac. No more no less. It was a great sacrifice that the almighty sent his first born son Jesus other known as Michael to the Earth that through him him we have the hope of everlasting life. The sacrifice of his dear son was the greatest pain the almighty have ever experienced that Satan inflicted. Satan would love to destroy his chief enemy, which is Jehovah God, but he can't. So he does the next best thing for himself, he hurts those whom God loves, therefore, he hurts God. Get it? And as long as people believe in Trinity. Satan hides this greatest act of love of God; that he sacrificed his only begotten son for us. John 3:16 .So this is what Jehovah has said get up and get out of the mist of her if you do not want to receive the plague that is destined to come upon her, false religion 2 Corinthians 6:17
@williamlaws9955 5 месяцев назад
That was one of the best none belligerent conversations I have ever seen beautiful....
@davidjenson4512 5 месяцев назад
The JWs are non-belligerent up to a point. Once the congregation learns who you are and detects that you are a challenge to the "flock", things get dicey. I studied with some local JW leadership for about six weeks. Eventually they got up and stormed out calling me a "Wolf-like one". The congregation was instructed to have nothing to do with me.
@johnfal1849 Год назад
I want to see Jeff talk with the Hebrew Roots Movement people next.
@gadielcedenoerazo Год назад
Thank you brother for sharing The Truth, The Life and The Love
@MitchJenkins-uv7lj 2 месяца назад
BIBLE TRUTH Colossians 1:16 with applied Bible translation procedure we are persuaded that through Christ all things were created. He being one of those creatures. The connotation gives us that idea that he was the first created is by the previous verse :15, which mentions he is the IMAGE of God, similar to Adam made in the IMAGE of God Genesis 1:27 and it mentions he is the FIRSTBORN of creation. When we look at the word FIRSTBORN, the connotation translation process tells us it's in a sense of normality. If you overlay Colossians 1:15 and 16, in original Greek text. This is exactly what the Bible writer is conveying. Christ is the first of God's creation, no more or less. And it mentions the word All in verse 15 twice. Put both together Jesus FIRST BORN in ALL in relation to CREATION together, what do you have? The first born and through him All things. Now put it in a vernacular making sense. That through him all other things was created. Get it?
@CWC_Apologetics Год назад
This is the kind of content that hooked me on Apologia years ago
@Stuburn1954 5 месяцев назад
John 14:28 near the end of that says: I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I am.
@danpetrari2329 5 месяцев назад
But is the father better than Jesus
@FrankLee-gq8yc 5 месяцев назад
​@@danpetrari2329 better? Do you mean greater? Or better? He's without a doubt greater.. "better" is an interesting word. He displayed his father's qualities perfectly... so maybe the same "better-ness" but not the same mighty-ness. Jesus is always subject to his father.
@777Tralfaz777 5 месяцев назад
@@danpetrari2329 You said "But is the father better than Jesus" What does the Bible show? Mark 10:18 Jesus said to him: “Why do you call me good? Nobody is good except one, God. John 5:19 Therefore, in response Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, the Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever things that One does, these things the Son does also in like manner. ... 30 I cannot do a single thing of my own initiative. Just as I hear, I judge, and my judgment is righteous because I seek, not my own will, but the will of him who sent me.
@MrZeuqsav 5 месяцев назад
Agreed, Jesus never spoke figurative words to his apostles,while he used SWORD,,figurative statements to those not allowed to know the secrets of God's kingdom,@Mat,10:26-28/13:10-11/Mark,4:34/Mat.10:34-36.
@MrZeuqsav 5 месяцев назад
And how did John knew and wrote this, if Mary did not do Jesus instruction to her "stop clinging to me, and go, tell my apostles that I will ascend to my father and your Father, to my God and your God, was John only invented John,20:17. ??????
@jamessewell2672 11 месяцев назад
@paulaferris7859 4 месяца назад
@MitchJenkins-uv7lj 2 месяца назад
BIBLE TRUTH You think superficially. David is referred to as the firstborn is actually not referring to David but it's referring to the the prophecy of the greater David, Christ to come, A prophecy by Ezekiel who was not a contemporary of the time of King David. David foreshadowed, represent Jesus the greater David if you take a look at the scripture of when it was prophesied by Ezekiel David was long dead so it wasn't talking about David but was talking about the greater David the Christ the first born of God.
@Chong760 Год назад
Lord, please awaken the hearts of these precious women….. They don’t know how desperately wicked they are, and how much they really need your grace and truth….. Lord Jesus, help. Grant them the true gospel. Amen.
@Chong760 Год назад
@@mancunianmartin558 Both!
@aestheticbae3333 Год назад
@@gordianknot9595 no one is good, no not one
@Chong760 Год назад
@@gordianknot9595”All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23 and “There is no one righteous, not even one.” Romans 3:10 and “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately, wicked: who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9….. If you don’t agree with those passages, then my friend, you have an issue with the Bible, and that is VERY dangerous grounds…
@robmc120 Год назад
@@gordianknot9595 "why is the Bible trustworthy?" God's word is supernaturally prophetic (Romans 1:26-31/2 Timothy 4:3/Matthew 24:6/1 Corinthians 1:18 fulfilled in reality today), historically verified (archaeologically & anthropologically by Christians & non-Christians w/enemy/early/multiple attestation, internal consistency, embarrassing reports, etc.) & transcendentally/objectively moral (Exodus 20/Matthew 22:37-40) along with the most consistent/cohesive explanation for objective reality regarding all it's facets (origin, meaning, morality, destiny, logic, order, reason, sense, beauty, etc.) "And how do you know?" The Bible is the objective foundation for truth as explained above, how do you know your worldview is objectively true? What is your objective foundation for truth? May the infallible God bless you with faith in Him, not fallible man (Ephesians 2:8 & Merriam-Webster, "belief , trust in & loyalty to God”)!
@aestheticbae3333 Год назад
@@Chong760 Thank you for the scripture!
@francesnelson9746 7 месяцев назад
At John 14:28 Jesus says "the father is greater than I am". At Matthew 3:17 After Jesus was baptized GOD said: This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved.
@BasicBiblicalTruth 7 месяцев назад
And? Is this supposed to prove something?
@cheryl-ms8it 7 месяцев назад
@@BasicBiblicalTruth It doesn't prove anything to bible illiterate people, so I guess it didn't prove nothing to YOU.. 😅
@BasicBiblicalTruth 7 месяцев назад
Oh, Cheryl, you definitely have JW influences. Man is greater than woman because of the position he has been given in the divine order: man is the head of woman. Does that mean that woman is ontologically inferior to man? Sorry, that's a big theological word. Is woman less human than man? Yes or no? If woman is equally human, then it is the biblically illiterate people who are using John 14:28 as a proof text to claim that Jesus is ontologically inferior to the Father. Ps. Cheryl, running away from our previous conversation because you couldn't answer hard questions while popping up on other threads to snipe is a JW tactic. Biblically illiterate people who can only regurgitate what their leaders tell them and when faced with questions they haven't been given answers to, run away.
@StretchMn 7 месяцев назад
​@cheryl-ms8it What's hilarious is when trinitarians try to argue with the husband and wife analogy. So let's look at that. They are 2 individuals. Each their own being, their own brain. They are to be one. Which means to be in agreement and purpose. The husband is positionally greater. He is the head over the woman. The husband is also greater in make up, being stronger. But, they are always 2 individuals. When they go to the theater, they are required to purchase 2 tickets. They even can share the same titles. Parent. Teacher. Cleaner. Etcetera. But still 2 individuals. 2 parents. 2 teachers. 2 cleaners. Just like Jesus AND Jehovah. Father and son. 2 individuals. One is head over the other. One received his power and authority from the other. One is obedient to the other. One sits at the right hand in submission to the other. If Jesus and Jehovah went to the theater, they would have to get 2 tickets.😂
@BasicBiblicalTruth 7 месяцев назад
What's hilarious is how ignorant JWs are. An analogy is not perfect correspondence. An analogy is "a comparison of two otherwise unlike things based on resemblance of a particular aspect." Mark says, "Duh, look at the differences!" Ya, man and woman are _ANALOGOUS_ to the relationship between Father and Son. My goodness, JWs are not very intelligent people.
@jimrylander9143 Год назад
I grow a garden every year at my home. I go around the neighborhood & give away vegetables. I came across a JW couple. Just gave them some vegetables. They wanted to talk about the kingdom of God. Unexpected blessing the two showed up to my house today. We talked for an hour. I learned a lot & so did they. Looking forward to sharing my faith again & keeping the door open for future discussions about Jesus.
@Mr.DC3.1914 Год назад
WHO IS OVER ALL? Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. GOD and FATHER is OVER/ABOVE ALL and that "All" includes the SON so they are NOT EQUAL THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5 Isa 9:6 the word Prince in the Prince of Peace means PATRON ANGEL also Leader. WHO IS the ONE LEADER that we have? Jesus. Now, that same exact Hebrew word was used for Daniel 12:1 which is used for Michael the Archangel. So are you saying there are MANY LEADERS now?
@MitchJenkins-uv7lj 2 месяца назад
BIBLE TRUTH Jehovah God is not a trinity in any variation. He doesn't have an equal Isaiah 40:25. Nor is he three and yet one Deuteronomy 6:4 Besides, Jehovah says at Isaiah 46:9, 10 ' I am God and there is no one else, I am God and there is no one like me and I will do whatever I please". In contrast, Jesus says "I cannot do whatever I please"and you wonder why? Just as it is with other angels and humans, we cannot do whatever we want to. Not even demons can do whatever they want to. Jehovah, our grand creator is the ultimate in authority that we all will answer to. Romans 9:28 Jesus is the son of God in a normal manner. Matthew 16:16,17 At Isaiah 9:6 in the latter portion he will have a PRINCELY rule. Since he is a king he will also be a PRINCE a king prince or a king angel. Angels are sometimes referred to as a prince Daniel 10:13. Jehovah God is never called a prince in this sense and we know what a prince is, it needn't be defined. Isaiah 9:6 states that Jesus will be a king, as well as, he will have a princely rule. He then is a king Prince or King angel. Does the bible ever mention of a king angel? Yes!!! at Revelation 9: 11 the Bible talks about the king Angel of the abyss, this is Jesus Christ. Revelation 20: 1-3 3 He also has two other names mentioned in this text which means in essence a destroyer or destruction. The first prophecy Genesis 3:15 Jesus will soon crush the head of Satan the devil destroying him. And so this Angel of the abyss is given these names meaning he is designated to soon destroy Satan and all that submit to his rule. Since Genesis 3:15 says Jesus will kill Satan, do it make sense an angel will? Jesus is the Angel of the abyss. It is up to you to be humble and accept what God is telling you this day. For the Bible and it's truths can remove deeply false entrenched things. 2 Corinthians 10:4 simply put, the story of Abraham and Isaac foreshadows the reality above. Jehovah, our grand creator is the greater Abraham. Jesus, our appointed King by jehovah is the greater Isaac. Get it? It was a great sacrifice that the Almighty sent his first born son Jesus other known as Michael to the earth. Through him, we have the hope of everlasting life. The sacrifice of his dear son was the greatest pain the Almighty have ever experienced, that Satan inflicted. Satan would love to destroy his chief enemy, which is Jehovah God, but he can't. So he does the next best thing for himself, he hurts those whom God loves, therefore, he hurts God. Get it? And as long as people believe in Trinity. Satan hides this greatest act of love of God; that he sacrificed his only begotten son for us. John 3:16
@j-ferrell144 Год назад
Jeff I just wanna say that I am grateful for the work u are doing out there ! You are a great representative of Christian’s with the way you conduct yourself ! You know the Bible inside and out and you also come across very respectful ! Thank you for all the work you do
@Contendthefaith2 Год назад
Jeff did not HEAR Paul when he read from Colossians Paul shared a COMMON FAITH with Titus which Jude says that we MUST EARNESTLY contend for the faith delivered ONCE to the saints. Paul's faith is still preserved in 1Cor 8 v 4 to 6 in the Authorised King James Bible a word by word translation from the original scriptures. We are in the Father by Jesus Christ our Lord from heaven now made a life-giving spirit. One spirit even as you are called in one hope of your calling. In 2 Cor Paul was concerned about a different Jesus and spirit Read our extensive comment. Much ❤ Paul and Lynda
@BillMorganChannel Год назад
What about John 1:18?
@geraldlindgren4173 Год назад
I am just another EX. JW here. I an 77 years YOUNG. Fantastic discussion,really the best I have seen and heard. I thought i really MUST explain how I came to make sense of the TRINITY. So here is my story. God himself, for whatever reason decided to explain it to me using a simple illustration that even I could understand. When I was a young guy I was dating a girl who later became my wife. Now only a young guy could understand this. BUT; . . . Here goes. I bought a 1967 Chevell (Chevy). And I loved everything about that car. When I finally got around to meeting my then girlfriends parents, I found out her Dad was a very passionate FORD guy. Bought a new ford every year. As far as he was concerned a Chevy was a piece of junk. For the next thirty years , right up to the day he died I drove Chevy's and he drove Ford's. OK. Now here is GOD's illustration spoken audible to me. He said "Gerald if you wanted a new Ford" ? ? ? "Who would be more important; The guy digging the "iron ore" out of the ground. Or the guy working in the "steel mill" making the "iron ore" into "steel" or the guy working at the "Ford factory" making the "steel" into a new "Ford" car. So I realized immediately that GOD has a sense oh humor. But even more than that. He wanted me to make the connection that the new "Ford" in this illustration was really "Eternal life" in "Paradise". Soooo, If I want to have an opportunity to live fore ever in a good place and not a bad place I must realize that the "FATHER" and the "SON" and the "HOLY SPIRIT" all play a role in this. If even one were to go missing. Guess what? ? ? NO NEW FORD(eternal life in "HEAVEN" with GOD) ! ! ! :( :( :(
@ThankGod-hq4fe 7 месяцев назад
@michaelhaigh9182 7 месяцев назад
You Jehovah carnt die he’s immortal so Jesus died there no trinity he’s 2 he needs to check Hebrew 1 3 he’s the very being in print a copy jehovah is God Jesus is the son of man no he did not say that he was God iam what he said before said Abraham I was or excited yes he lived in heaven
@MansterBear 7 месяцев назад
That’s pretty close to the modalist heresy, which most analogies of the Trinity end up in rediscovering some old heresy. The Trinity is true bc there is one God, Yahweh. Obvious the Father is Yahweh. Jesus is equated with Yahweh, fulfilled prophecy about Yahweh, Jesus is uncreated (John 1:1, Colossians 1:15-20), etc. We need to base our belief on the foundation of scripture. Analogies are sometimes useful, but hearing the Word is how people are saved. Many people say “God told them” something, Mormons say this all the time. They get feelings or “personal revelation”, etc. Truth (and the more sure Word) has been given to us in scripture.
@michaelhaigh9182 7 месяцев назад
@@MansterBear rev 3 v 14 Greek word archi says he the beginning of the creation of God also Hebrews 1 v 3 says he’s a inprint or a copy of Jehovah a copy means he’s not as old has jehovah who can be Jehovah is from time indefinite to time indefinite outher words immortal so as we no Jesus died so he was not immortal but after his resurrection jehovah gave his son immortality means he carnt die so he has life in him self just like Jehovah
@jamesjustice7820 7 месяцев назад
1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, John 16:23 In that day you will ask me no question at all. Most truly I say to you, if you ask the Father for anything, he will give it to you in my name. Matthew 24:36 “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. 1 Corinthians 15:24 Next, the end, when he hands over the Kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power. θεόν,God θεὸς, god John 1:18 No man has seen God at any time; the only-begotten god who is at the Father’s side is the one who has explained Him. Exodus 33:20 But he added: “You cannot see my face, for no man can see me and live.” John 6:46 Not that any man has seen the Father, except the one who is from God; this one has seen the Father. 1 Timothy 6:16 the one alone having immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see. To him be honor and eternal might. Amen. Revelation 1:1 A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him,... John 5:43 I have come in the name of my Father, but you do not receive me. If someone else came in his own name, you would receive that one. John 12:28 Father, glorify your name.” Then a voice came out of heaven: “I have glorified it and will glorify it again.” 1 Corinthians 11:3 But I want you to know that the head of every man is the Christ; in turn, the head of a woman is the man; in turn, the head of the Christ is God. Acts 2:32 God resurrected this Jesus, and of this we are all witnesses. Acts 4:30 while you stretch out your hand for healing and while signs and wonders occur through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” Acts 4:27 For truly both Herod and Pontius Pilate with men of the nations and with peoples of Israel were gathered together in this city against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, Acts 3:13 The God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob, the God of our forefathers, has glorified his Servant, Jesus, whom you handed over and disowned before Pilate, even though he had decided to release him. John 14:23 In answer Jesus said to him: “If anyone loves me, he will observe my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him. John 10:36 do you say to me whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You blaspheme,’ because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’? Luke 22:70 At this they all said: “Are you, therefore, the Son of God?” He said to them: “You yourselves are saying that I am.” Matthew 27:43 He has put his trust in God; let Him now rescue him if He wants him, for he said, ‘I am God’s Son.’” Matthew 27:46, 47 About the ninth hour, Jesus called out with a loud voice, saying: “Eʹli, Eʹli, laʹma sa·bach·thaʹni?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” At hearing this, some of those standing there began to say: “This man is calling E·liʹjah.” John 20:17 Jesus said to her: “Stop clinging to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God.’” John 8:54 Jesus answered: “If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing. It is my Father who glorifies me, the one who you say is your God. Luke 4:8 In reply Jesus said to him: “It is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’” John 3:16 “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. John 17:3 This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. John 4:22-24 You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, because salvation begins with the Jews. Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for indeed, the Father is looking for ones like these to worship him. God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth.”
@micahmartin4762 Год назад
Thank you for this. There have been JW around the corner from my office for the past few months and I could not figure out how to approach them. This encourages me to do so. What a pleasant conversation. To Christ be the glory.
@tongakhan230 Год назад
How may I ask is one going to approach JWs? With what? JWs are being pulled out by God from all religions. They know what the religions they left teach. They have taken this command seriusly. (Revelation 18:4) And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.
@georgemalhiot6884 Год назад
Hello sister how are you and how’s the family?
@MitchJenkins-uv7lj 2 месяца назад
BIBLE TRUTH Many trinitarians misunderstand what Bible translation is all about. How does Bible translation take place? listing a few steps, not all, the Bible vernacular, converted to the language desired. The use of Figurative expressions, idioms, slang and so forth, matched to the desired language. It's not about word for word, letter for letter, verbatim as most people think. But it's about translating the message of the Bible writer coupled with clarity, the vernacular of another language without altering the Bible writers view or message. Good example. A teacher tells a student to read a certain paragraph. Then the teacher afterwards says now explain what is being said in your own words, that's Bible translation. There is no known Bible that is an exact match of original Greek and Hebrew. And so Bible translators where words are missing, misunderstood or unknown in the time that it was being translated. We look at the context, subcontect and connotations throughout the Bible. Word comparisons to other words used in other parts of the Bible. Word connectors that broaden a particular word and its meaning to get a correct rendering of that word. Example, you take a look at the word that Jesus is the omly-begotten. We look for word connections or special characters surrounding the word that would broaden the scope of its meaning. Is there any word connectors to that, no. How about special characters around that title?, no. We look if there's any connotation or anything surrounding the word that would give it a different meaning, none found. Then we check and see how only begotten is used elsewherep and it's spelling. Eventually, we come to the conclusion based upon all the various elements in Bible translation that Jesus, the only begotten of God is in a sense of normality and the Bible does not give us any grant text permission to deviate from a sense of normality. Once again, how did the trinitarians get the grant permission to deviate from its normal sense, we don't know except the ruler of the world granted it to them. This was just a smal gleam of how Bible translation take place but there's a lot more involved. As a summation of things, the Bible will either give you a grant text permission to insert a word that highlights or clarify what the Bible writer is trying to convey or it will not give you a permission. Bible translation is about converting to one language to another language with clarity, not about altering and changing the scripture at all. In fact, the Bible was written in part koine Greek, they did not use the indefinite article "A". Try it. If you were to state that Jesus is just a God how would you say it in koine Greek? And remember, you can't use the indefinite article "A". It would be a difficult task. And so Bible translators are given the permission to insert the letter "A" that lends to the thought or connotation of subordinate or qualitative of something. Good example, at Acts. 28: 6 in original Greek, the Bible says Paul to be god. Therefore, based on trinitarian principal of John 1:1 let's apply it. Since the Bible stated in koine Greek that Paul "to be god'. We might as well say Jehovah, Jesus, the Holy Ghost and the apostle Paul is God and it's not four God's but one God co-equal in power and wisdom. Is this notion correct? Of course not. The process of Bible translation would not permit it. At acts 28: 6 it is read with clarity that Paul was a god. King James version. Lastly, koine Greek all the words were in lower case, none was capitalized The translator inserted capitalization where necessary based upon the process of Bible translation. The Bible grants permission to do so if it doesn't change the fabric of what the Bible writer is trying to convey. Bible text conversion to another language language with Clarification is the objective. This is Bible translation. Get it? Colossians 1:15 Bible translation process was used at its fullest. The new world translation of the Holy scriptures of Jehovah's witnesses is not an addition of the Holy Scriptures. It is a Bible converted in one language to another language with clarity, that's all, nothing more. If you take a look again at Colossians 1:15 along with John 1:1, now add Bible translation processes, it will come to the conclusion just as we stated that Jesus was first and through him all other things came to be. An exact match of what the Bible writer is conveying. Jehovah wants a close relationship with everyone. And in order to do so, everyone must know how to worship him acceptably. So CLARITY is a must without change of what the Bible writer is conveying.
@AnthonyAaron Год назад
I am teaching an apologetics class tomorrow on the JW's. The approach and discussion were spot on. I love your heart for the lost and confused. Thank you so much!
@watchman8644 Год назад
Deuteronomy 4:35 Jehovah is the true God Exodus 3:15 Jehovah is God’s name, forever Colossians 1:15 Jesus is the firstborn of all creation. Proto is literally first, as in prototype. Tokos is the root word for “to give birth to” or to bring forth. It literally means that Jesus is the first one being created. The trinity didn’t come about till the 4th century. Monogenes is from the root word mono, meaning one or only, that is the part that means one of a kind. Genes is the root word meaning to father or to beget. So monogenes does mean only-begotten, or, the only one created by God. Jesus himself said on multiple occasions that the Father is greater, that he didn’t do his own will, but the will of the one who sent him. 1 Corinthians 11:3 the head of Christ is God. Hebrews 9:24 After his resurrection, Jesus entered heaven to appear before God on our behalf. Acts 7:55-56 Stephen see’s Jesus in heaven, at God’s right hand. Not as God, but next to God. Revelation 3:14 Jesus is the beginning of creation by God. Ephesians 1:5 talks about the God and Father of Jesus. He has a God, so he cannot be God. 1 Timothy 2:5 there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Jesus. He is the mediator between us and God, so this shows him to be a separate being from God, therefore, not God. John 20:17 Jesus himself says he has a God. John 4:23 tells us true worshippers worship the Father. Only Jehovah should be worshipped. John 1:34 Jesus is the son of God. There is not a single scripture in the Bible that says the Holy Spirit is God. There’s not a single scripture in the Bible that says Jesus is “the only true God.” There are hundreds of scriptures in the Bible that say Jehovah is the only true God. The trinity is a false doctrine.
@Mr.DC3.1914 Год назад
THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5
@shaynefowley5689 Год назад
@@Mr.DC3.1914 the linchpin is Revelations 3:14 - created. No other Scripture is direct as Apostle John’s revelation about eschatology. You can argue night and day like the Bereans (Acts 17:11). However, the Trinitarians will either accept κτίσεως - creation (pronounced ktiseōs) - or they will engage and debate. When you do engage in their debate explain Matthew 19:4 and Mark 10:6 where Jesus refers to our Father as the Creator. Thereby, you can reintroduce how Jesus is the beginning of creation as depicted in Revelations.
@dogelife7901 Год назад
In the beginning was the word and the word was God. Jesus is the word.
@Mr.DC3.1914 Год назад
@@dogelife7901 of course Jesus was the Word and WAS was used which is PAST tense
@JoeJoe1170 Год назад
Isaiah 9:6 6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
@Run4Ever77 Год назад
Interesting that Jeff stopped at "The mighty God" and said that applies to Jesus. But the very next title in this verse is "The everlasting Father", and he says that Jesus is not the Father.
@JoeJoe1170 Год назад
@@Run4Ever77 I found this... Jesus is “Everlasting Father.” Isaiah is not saying that Jesus is God the Father. He is talking about Jesus, in relation to Adam, our first father. Adam is the father of us all, but he sinned, and his sin brought death to all humanity. Jesus is the father of a new kind of humanity.
@HartyBiker Год назад
​@Gavin Smith he stopped there to place emphasis on the term "The Mighty God" to show that that particular term was used in the same book of Yahweh, not to exclude something else about Jesus.
@celticmarmite6048 Год назад
@@JoeJoe1170 That's exactly what Jehovah's Witnesses teach.
@JoeJoe1170 Год назад
@@celticmarmite6048 Don't they'll say Jesus was Michael the arch angel
@Todd-eu4sb 3 месяца назад
BIBLE TRUTH In Trinity, the vernacular of our common language. Has been altered by trinitarians. They broaden the scope of its original definition without any connotations or scriptural text permissions. Case example, the word ONLY-BEGOTTEN has been altered by trinitarians to mean something more than its origination. In more RECENT times some scholars have advanced the view that the Greek word μονογενης (monogenes) DOES NOT mean 'only begotten', as in the Authorised (King James) Version, but 'one of a kind' or 'unique' or something equivalent which omits the concept of 'begotten'. Where do trinitarians get the grant permission to alter the normal vernacular sense of the word? Absolutely the Bible does not grant them the text permission based upon Bible translation processes.
@BasicBiblicalTruth 3 месяца назад
“μονογενης, ες: pertaining to what is unique in the sense of being the only one of the same kind or class - ‘unique, only.’” Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 2nd ed. Vol. 1, by Johannes P. Louw and Eugene A. Nida Do JWs think that a butterfly is a fly made out of butter? That would be silly, wouldn’t it?! Yet this is the kind of nonsense that JWs bring to the Bible. They say, “Monogenes is made of ‘mono’ (only) and ‘gennao’ (beget). Therefore, Jesus is the only one directly created by God.” Now that sounds impressive to the ignorant but the problem with that argument is threefold. First, the word monogenes (μονογενης) is from ginomai (γινομαι) not gennao (γενναω). Second, even if the word was made up of “mono” (only) and “gennao” (beget), it does not mean “the only one directly created” anymore than butterfly means a fly made out of butter. Third, Christians are begotten (gennao) of God (1John 1:13), which demonstrates that μονογενης has to do with Jesus’ uniqueness as Son of God. In Heb 11:17 Isaac is called Abraham’s only begotten (μονογενης) son, but Issac was neither the firstborn nor the only son. Therefore the idea is that of his uniqueness and not procreation, making it clear that the idea of “begetting” is not there. JW’s try to get around this by saying, “Yes, Abraham already had a son but it was the first son of Abraham AND Sarah.” The problem with this argument is that Sarah isn’t mentioned in the text of either Heb 11:17 or Gen 22 at all. Writers contemporary with John clearly used μονογενης to indicate uniqueness rather than procreation. Consider Clement (d. 99 AD) for instance when he says that the phoenix is a unique (μονογενης) bird (1 Clem. 25.2). Or Plutarch (46-120 AD) when he said, “for this reason its Maker made neither two Universes nor an infinite number, but there is and will continue to be this one generated Heaven, unique (μονογενης) of its kind.” (Plat. Tim. 31b). But more significantly (at least for John) is the use of μονογενης in Ps 21:21; 24:16; 34:17 in the LXX where David describes himself and the messiah as the μονογενης. Josephus also uses the word “only begotten” (μονογενης) in reference to King Monobazus son (who wasn’t his only son, but his “unique” son). The Father has many sons: Adam was called God’s son in Luke and Angels are called sons in Job. Both are sons because of creation. Israel was called a son in Exodus and Christians are called sons. Both are called sons because of redemption. Jesus is the unique Son (μονογενης υιος) because he is neither created, nor redeemed, but is the Son of God by nature. He is the uncreated creator (Heb 1:10; cf. Isa 44:24, 45:12)-Jehovah the Son. Paul Enns points out that, “Only-begotten” (μονογενης) “does not suggest a beginning point in time but rather means that Jesus as the only begotten Son of God is ‘unique,’ ‘the only one of its kind,’ ‘the only example of its category.’…Only begotten does not suggest a coming into existence, but rather it expresses the uniqueness of the person.” (Paul P. Enns, The Moody Handbook of Theology : Revised and Expanded (Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2008), Doctrine of God, ePub.)
@777Tralfaz777 3 месяца назад
@@BasicBiblicalTruth You said "Do JWs think that a butterfly is a fly made out of butter? That would be silly, wouldn’t it?! Yet this is the kind of nonsense that JWs bring to the Bible. They say, “Monogenes is made of ‘mono’ (only) and ‘gennao’ (beget)." Mmmmm... Butter. 🤣 So, because a word like butterfly exists, the name of an insect, that gives you permission to alter the obvious meaning of Bible words? 🤣 You Said "First, the word monogenes (μονογενης) is from ginomai (γινομαι) not gennao (γενναω)." From Strong's: Transliteration: ginomai Definition: to come into being, to happen, to become MINE: _kind of like begotten._ 😀 Transliteration: monos Definition: alone Usage: only, solitary, desolate. Transliteration: genos Definition: family, offspring Usage: offspring, family, race, nation, kind. So, Jesus is the "only" "come into being" son. Or the "only" "offspring" son. *Correct?* You said "In Heb 11:17 Isaac is called Abraham’s only begotten (μονογενης) son, but Issac was neither the firstborn nor the only son." It was with Abraham's actual wife. The free woman. You said "The problem with this argument is that Sarah isn’t mentioned in the text of either Heb 11:17 or Gen 22 at all." And this is a problem because you forgot it was his only offspring with his legitimate wife? You said "which demonstrates that μονογενης has to do with Jesus’ uniqueness as Son of God." Wouldn't being the only one directly created by God make Jesus unique? YES? monogenes? Only offspring? YES? Is it your claim Jesus being "monogenes", "only begotten", or "only offspring", is an exception, and not the rule? Does not the very concept of "Father" and "Son" not reveal the fact that Jesus was created by his Father? Or is this another "butterfly" moment for you?
@StretchMn 3 месяца назад
​@BasicBiblicalTruth Only = sole, one of a kind Beget = to produce or cause; to be the father of There are two words: Only & begotten Word 3439 is Monogenēs and means only born, sole - only (begotten child) Thayers says single of its kind, only a. Used of only sons and daughters (Viewed in relation to their parents) b. Used of Christ, denotes the only-begotten son of God. Now look at each word alone Only is word 3441 and is monos. It means sole or single Begotten is word 1096 and is Ginomai. It means to cause to be (generate), to become (come into being), to be made. Only-begotten means Jesus was the only son God created on his own. Trinitarians ignore the begotten part of the word. Only the word only mean unique, one of a kind. Begotten still means created, produced, made, IF, and its not obviously, that word meant what the trinity said, then 2 things happen: 1) the trinity theory lied because it says they are equal, and since only Jesus is called only-begotten (and don't forget he also called an only-begotten god), and the other two are not, that makes Jesus superior to the them. 2) it shows they are not "ONE" but separate and distinct since ONLY Jesus is called only-begotten. Another thing, only those called only-begotten were created. Let's look at a few verses. The Scriptures speak of “the only-begotten son” of a widow who lived in the city of Nain, of Jairus’ “only-begotten daughter,” and of a man’s “only-begotten” son whom Jesus cured of a demon. (Lu 7:11, 12; 8:41, 42; 9:38) The Greek Septuagint uses mo·no·ge·nesʹ when speaking of Jephthah’s daughter, concerning whom it is written: “Now she was absolutely the only child. Besides her he had neither son nor daughter.”​-Jg 11:34. Hebrew Scriptures in Septuagint Jer. 6:26 - Mourn as for an only son, with bitter wailing, For suddenly the destroyer will come upon us. (In Greek, it is monogenēs.) Am. 8:10 - I will make it like the mourning for an only son, (monogenēs) (Also used at Ge. 22:2,12,16; Jg. 11:34; Zec. 12:10) This is the kind of logic we can expect from trinitarians: A butterfly must be made of butter?? (So then we can ignore the only part and look at begotten only? Still created!) A butterfly is called that because they said it stole butter in the olden days. A horse fly is called such because they like to bite horses, not because they are actually horses. 🙄
@StretchMn 3 месяца назад
​@@BasicBiblicalTruthGe. 22:2 - Then he said: “Take, please, your son, your only son whom you so love, Isaac Ge. 22:6 - ...you have not withheld your son, your only one, Which is why Paul wrote: He. 11:17 - By faith Abraham, when he was tested, as good as offered up Isaac-the man who had gladly received the promises attempted to offer up his only-begotten son- But you say Sarah is not the mother of Isaac???? Ge. 21:2,3 - So Sarah became pregnant and then bore a son to Abraham in his old age at the appointed time God had promised him. Abraham named his newborn son, whom Sarah bore to him, Isaac.
@StretchMn 3 месяца назад
​@@777Tralfaz777Kevin can't help but refer to pagan and fiction, like the Phoenix, because all his beliefs come from pagan!😂
@movingup6175 9 месяцев назад
Hello mr. Jeff! Have you noticed the chapters and verses you're quoting, none of those explicitly said the trinity or it's concept of having one being 3PERSONS? Jn 17, php 2, etc., they discussed only 2persons? Nowhere to implicate 3n1 Perons. You may supply it but It's not trinitarian, perhaps BINITARIAN beliefs. Don't you? Unless you're ADDING to the Word of God. Trinitarian belief doesn't fit all of your proof text. In any angle, they tell only two persons. Not 3persons, am i ignorant here or we both?
@justinwatkins2004 5 месяцев назад
The greatest tool you have to use is to implore them to research themselves. It's discouraged by the watchtower and nearly every single concert states they started to question JW after researching questions they had on their own.
@Joel-Ram Год назад
I used to be a Jehovah’s Witness and now I am a Protestant Christian. One thing I learned is what save us is believing that God raised Jesus from the dead and confessing with the mouth that Jesus is Lord. We are going to be judged by what we have not but knew .. that is what Jesus said.
@nessy3338 Год назад
What you are is hopping between one false belief to another, that's what you are. Fraudulent. There is no god as we know it in the bible or the quran or whatever else.
@Scott48-m7e Год назад
Jesus was not crucified John 19:36 KJV Psalm 34:20 KJV
@organlover1988 Год назад
@@Scott48-m7e Galatians 2:20 Paul says under divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit, "I am crucified with Christ." That's impossible to do something with someone if the other is not doing the same thing. I realize that Paul was not literally crucified with him, but to say that Jesus was not crucified is just plain incorrect. The literal definition of crucify is to nail to a cross. Philippians 2:8 Hebrews 12:2 Colossians 2:14 These are just a few other references that dispute your claim and misinterpretation of scripture.
@Scott48-m7e Год назад
@@organlover1988 the first three gospels say nothing about nails it does not say his arms were stretched out
@GingerBear88 Год назад
I wish the title wasn’t so click baity but I’m guilty for clicking. This conversation was excellent! So respectful and loving, what a picture of love. Well done Jeff!
@Kyroblox 7 месяцев назад
Not so amazing. You seem to be very confused about God because Jesus said "all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me " So the question is WHO gave this authority to Jesus ? So God has entrusted HIS SON to bring judgement to this earth and has appointed his son to judge the earth, and so Jesus figures so much in the outworking of God's plan that people often think that Jesus is God, but this is not the case, and to prove this I am going to show you one chapter out of many in the Bible which proves Jesus is not God. Take a look at 1 Cor 15; and Vs 24 to begin with which says: Next, the end, when he hands over the Kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power. For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet. QUESTION: So WHO does Jesus hand over the kingdom too ? WHO puts all enemies under his feet ? Now Vs 28-7-28 which says For God “subjected all things under his feet.”But when he says that ‘all things have been subjected,’ it is evident that this does not include the One who subjected all things to him.28 But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone. QUESTION: WHO does the son subject himself to ? Does it look like Jesus is God here, considering God does NOT have a God himself ? Please give your witness, Jesus has a God, so now please show us from the Bible were it tells us that Jehovah has a God himself ??
@gwengwen4535 Год назад
JWs and even LDS are some of the most passionate people for their faith, working so very hard to live their faith out in every way. But their faith is built on lies, and even one tiny little lie about God, changes everything. They don’t really know the God they think they know, so how can they even be saved? Most of them are not saved, sadly. It is such a tragedy. The wolves in sheeps clothes, the false prophets, they will have the millstone and the sea to face..
@rollmops3113 Год назад
Witnesses sadly cannot or will not wrap their head around the Trinity. They always automatically go to Modalism, because that is what they are taught that the Trinity is. I believe it's a spiritual blindness, we need to pray for them. My parents and many family members are in it. Please pray for them
@antonioterrell354 Год назад
That's because the Trinty is actually impossible for any rational thinking individual to wrap their head around. ... For instance, right at the start, Jesus is supposedly both "God" and the Son of that same God? Or at Jn. 1:1, 2 the God he is supposed to be "with" at the same time? Or an allegedly multi-personal God, referred to by singular personal pronouns, "he", "him", "his", etc. ...? Shouldn't it ever be a "they" or "them?" Or there's only one God, Jehovah who's allegedly revealed in three Persons. Yet the Father, Son, and HS are also each fully this same one "God" or "Jehovah?" So wouldn't that make each one of them the Trinty then? I mean, the contradictions and totally nonsensical assertions by Trintarians are mind-numbing and endless this way. ....
@Kai-ye6zu Год назад
Trinitarians can't wrap their head around the Trinity and then pass it off as being a Mystery. It's not a mystery, it's just contradictory. I'm a JW and understand it from the classical orthodox sense, its not difficult, its just nonsensical and nowhere expressed in the Bible.
@IAmisMaster Год назад
Both JW’s and Reformed Trinitarians are wrong. All ante-nicene Christians correctly believed the Father is the One God of the Bible just as Scripture states (1 Corinthians 8:6, John 17:3) but Jesus is “Theos” (God) in the sense of being the true Son of God with His Father’s divine nature. Read the Nicene Creed in Greek, it says there is One God, the Father, and One Lord, Jesus Christ, and Christ is “Theos” from “ton Theon” (The God), showing they are not God in the same sense. Monarchical trinitarianism (taught by all ante-Nicene Christians, the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, Dr. Beau Branson, etc) is true. The false Nazianzan/Augustinian definition of the Trinity in which the trinity itself is collectively the One God is a demonstrable false developed doctrine of man.
@toddstracke9267 Год назад
@@IAmisMaster could you explain more how Jesus could have the same nature as God the Father and yet not be God? If Jesus is not the true God along with the Father, would that make Him another God? I’m genuinely curious because it seems as though you believe there is only one God and that Jesus is more than a mere man, but I’m confused how that would make Him anything other than God. The term Son of God denotes equality with God and also describes the nature of the person described as the Son as being the same as God.
@IAmisMaster Год назад
@@toddstracke9267 Jesus is “God” (Greek “Theos”) but in a different sense then His Father. His nature is the same as His Father just as a human son to a human father. We don’t say there are two or three gods only because it gives a false impression, but all ante-nicene Christians (Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Hippolytus, Origen, Eusebies, etc.) would readily agree that, when we address the Father as “God”, we are not refering to the Son or the Holy Spirit, and when we say the Son is God (“Theos”), we are not saying he is one living entity with the Father or in all ways equal. You may need to get out of your head that there is only one being which can be properly called “God” (ie “Theos”). Jesus Himself said “ye are gods” (John 10:34-36). The question is “gods in what sense?” The Father is the One true, ultimate being of the universe from whom all things come and owe their existence to. The Son of God, is God in His nature by virtue of being begotten and also in unity of action as His Father’s agent in the world. As Christ says in John 5, Jesus can do nothing apart from the Father and is thus wholely dependent on Him. He also does as the Father commands, being sent into the sorld by the Father as His agent. Similarly, the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and spoken of by Jesus as a divine person in John 14-16. He is a lesser being in rank than the Father and Son and “God” by nature and power over believers, but being sent by the Son and under the Father’s authority as well.
@QuëstionšnÅňşwęŕż 4 месяца назад
You dont know Greek grammar I mean I respectfully disagree with your references to Greek. Colossians 1:15 & 16 is proper in the New World Translation because there are other instances that "other" is added where it doesn't exist in the Greek because context allows for its use. (See Acts 5:29. "Other" is not in the main text in Greek) As regards John 1:1 it is well established that the last part of John 1:1c should read "καὶ ὁ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος. For English to read "and God was the Word." However the definite article "ό" or "τόν" is not in the Greek text in reference to the second use of God (θεός), God should be translated in the c part of John 1:1 as "a God" or "like God" or "Divine" And possibly either the earliest or one of the earliest translations from Greek; DOES INDEED TRANSLATE John 1:1c as "and a God was the word" The Sehitic Coptic translation from the end of the first century to before the second half of the second century had and uses the indefinite article (ⲩ) before the title "God" (ⲛⲟⲩⲧⲉ). While John 1:1b uses the definite article (ⲡ) before (ⲛⲟⲩⲧⲉ). This is very important because prior to this debate and before the Nicene Creed; John 1:1c was understood in the first and second century as the word was like God but not the God he was with. "ϩⲛ̅ ⲧⲉϩⲟⲩⲉⲓⲧⲉ ⲛⲉϥϣⲟⲟⲡ ⲛ̅ϭⲓ ⲡϣⲁϫⲉ. ⲁⲩⲱ ⲡϣⲁϫⲉ ⲛⲉϥϣⲟⲟⲡ ⲛ̅ⲛⲁϩⲣⲙ̅ (ⲡⲛⲟⲩⲧⲉ.) ⲁⲩⲱ (ⲛⲉⲩⲛⲟⲩⲧⲉ) ⲡⲉ ⲡϣⲁϫⲉ." ( ) mine to highlight "God" vs "a God" ⲁⲩⲱ = and (και greek) ⲛⲉ = imperfect converter prefix and converts following verb to the imperfect tense ⲩ = a - singular indefinite article (no greek equivalent)
@HenriettaMRiley 4 месяца назад
What a complete pile of nonsense. Acts 5:29 is correctly translated other as it was to describe how Peter wasnt with ALL the apostles at that time. 1 Col 15 isnt in your own interlinear which you failed to state....i wonder why. Simply put the Sahidic is a GNOSTIC translation., Even before the Apostles died, false teachers were appearing and Watchtower just latched on it (funny that).. As Christianity spread various belief systems sprang up that did not always reflect correct interpretation. One notorious school in which allegory was the primary hermeneutical tool was the Alexandrian School in Egypt. For centuries the region had been influenced by Platonic philosophy which had been mixed firstly with Jewish thought (Philo) then later with heretical Christian thought viz. Gnosticism. Far from being a simple translation from Greek to Sahidic dialect of Coptic the translation process is always subject to the authors personal presuppositions. If as the J.W. apologists insist the Coptic translators believed Jesus not to be God, then from a historical analysis the author automatically aligns himself with the Gnostic School which separated the O.T. God Jehovah from the N.T. Jesus. So in this case you are appealing to Gnostics for your erroneous faulty satanic translation....well done! You failed here miserably. The NWT is a perversion which is why you have to give it away for free. BTW try not to copy and past from JW. Borg in the future, its quite sad.
@QuëstionšnÅňşwęŕż 4 месяца назад
@@HenriettaMRiley copy and paste? Lol prove it! I know my Greek son. Attach the link, let's all see how i copied and pasted. I never said anything about 1 Corinth. Let me rephrase what I did say in more of my own words. At colossians 1:16 OTHER does not exist in the original Greek just as "other" does not exist in Greek texts such as: Acts 5:29 where it discusses "Peter and the OTHER apostles". The word OTHER is added because the context allows for it just as in Colossians 1:16. Why does Greek work like this? Simply put, Greek translation is context based. For example In Acts 5:29, Peter is an Apostle and is already mentioned so obviously the following Apostles are the OTHERS in addition to Peter. This is why the NIV and KJV add “other” to the text despite it not being present in the Greek. In Colossians 1:15 Jesus is referred to as the image of God rather than God himself as well as being the firstborn of creation. This allows for the use of "other" just as in the example of Acts 5:29. So in Colossians 1:16 the following creative works are OTHER creations besides the firstborn mentioned in verse 15. It is also in harmony with Revelation 3:16 where Jesus is revered to as: "the beginning of the creation by God:" The same thought is conveyed with or without “other”, however the use of “other” distinguishes the image of God and God himself; the firstborn of God's creative works and “the (πρωτότοκος) first (Proto) act of bringing forth (tokos) of all creation”. Any act or creative works after the first are OTHER creative things apart from the πρώτο or first. Since YOU brought up 1 Corinthians let's talk about this also. At 1 Corinthians 15:27 other could also be used but its not because again, context clarifies the distinguished relationship between God and Christ. It says in part: “For God subjected all things under his feet.” it could say “all [other] things” because When God says that everything has been put under Christ's authority, this clearly excludes God. However you will never find the word “other” in any Bible translation. Why? Because the context in verse 27 and 28 DEFINES and EXPLAINS the obvious relationship between God and Christ. Since the context explains it, the English translation doesn't need further clarity. “Other” is not needed because its defined in context. See the translations of 1 Corinthians 15:27, 28 at Biblehub. As regards the coptic translation. Its important to recognize that 1st and 2nd century Greeks understood John 1:1 as the word being LIKE God. Because the translator was a fluent speaker of the old Greek and he knew to add the indefinite article into John 1:1 when translating it into Coptic. Again, prove my copy and paste by giving the link of what I copied.
@BasicBiblicalTruth 4 месяца назад
First, Col 1:15-16 is not correct in the NWT. In the places where "other" is inserted in the text it doesn't change the meaning, but it most certainly changes the meaning in Col 1. Second, the Greek article isn't in front of "God" in John 1:6, 12, 13, 18, etc. but the NWT doesn't add the indefinite article in front of God in those verses, demonstrating the inconsistency and dishonesty of JWs. As for the Coptic: The Coptic use of the indefinite article in John 1:1 is being used qualitatively, the same way that it uses the indefinite article in John 6:63 which literally reads, "my words are a spirit and a truth." In English we don't include the indefinite article because we recognize that "spirit" and "truth" are being used qualitatively-just as "God" in John 1:1c is being used qualitatively. The Coptic use of the indefinite article is not used in the exact same way English uses the indefinite article. For instance, "God" in 1Cor 8:6 has the indefinite article. There "a god" in Coptic means "one God." The JW appeal to Coptic betrays ignorance of both Greek and Coptic and a willingness to accept anything, even erroneous "proofs," so long as it supports their a priori theological assumptions about the text. Cf. Wright, Brian J., and Tim Ricchuiti. “FROM ‘GOD’ (ΘΕΟΣ) to ‘GOD’ (ⲛⲟⲩⲧⲉ): A NEW DISCUSSION and PROPOSAL REGARDING JOHN 1:1C and the SAHIDIC COPTIC VERSION of the NEW TESTAMENT.” The Journal of Theological Studies 62, no. 2 (2011): 494-512.
@QuëstionšnÅňşwęŕż 4 месяца назад
@@BasicBiblicalTruth actually colossians 1:16 doesn't need other as well, by adding other you obtain more clarity. For just as at 1 Corinthians 15:27, 28 doesn't use other, the same manner of reasoning can logically be applied to colossians 1:15 & 16. 1 Corinthians 15:27 & 28 reads: "For he “has put everything under his feet.” Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. 28 When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all." (New International Version) Similarly when colossians says the son created all things it is clear that this is apart from his own creation. Jesus created all things obviously after and APART from his own beginning. 1 Corinthians 15:27, 28 clearly rules out equality and Jesus is the image (or icon (greek)) of God, not God himself. (Colossians 1:15) Regarding your understanding of Greek, well according to your reasoning then Moses would be God also. Its Interesting reasoning but your way off!
@BasicBiblicalTruth 4 месяца назад
Jesus wasn't created and Col 1 doesn't say he was-this is a simple case of JWs being dishonest about what the text says. JWs insert "other" into the text of Col 1 to imply that Jesus was created, but that's not what the text says. If JWs were consistent, they would insert "other" in Rev 4:11, but they didn't-demonstrating that their insertion of "other" in Col 1 is theologically motivated to change the meaning of the text.
@MC-sd1uy 11 месяцев назад
Jeff, You are so messed up in your theology. All your arguments actually prove the trinity to be false and pagan. As an example, Hebrews 1:3 calls Jesus Christ “the exact imprint of God”. This term is TEMPORAL, which means he had a beginning. Need some more examples ?
@andrewajuzie9619 Год назад
Glory to Jesus... Keep doing what you are doing sir.
@raygsbrelcik5578 Год назад
Why do you IGNORE, or, BELITTLE, GOD the FATHER?
@andrewajuzie9619 Год назад
@@raygsbrelcik5578 we christians don't ignore or belittle God the father. We have an understanding from the bible that when you call the name of Jesus Christ, you are calling both father, son and spirit at the same time. After Jesus, God have no other name. Read philippians 2:9-11 , Acts 4:12-14,. The name of Jesus have been given to our dispensation. In the face of trial and temptation the only name you call is the name of Jesus. Once the name of Jesus is called both the father, son and spirit gose to war.
@raygsbrelcik5578 Год назад
@@andrewajuzie9619 Between GOD the FATHER, and Jesus Christ....which ONE is the, "One TRUE GOD," according to Scripture? Am I to understand that, according to YOU, GOD the FATHER answers to Christ? Funny----As I Study the Bible..., it's the diametric OPPOSIT, my Friend!
@frosty1947 Год назад
@@raygsbrelcik5578 that’s the problem my brother. you study but you do not see; you do not hear. studying the bible SOLELY for history and debating and not for the purpose of deepening your relationship with the Lord is fruitless. I pray God softens your heart and opens your ears and eyes. i love you
@raygsbrelcik5578 Год назад
@@frosty1947 Mr.Frosty----You do not Know me, therefore, you Assume, just because I have a passion for exposing this Post Apostolic, Dark Age Doctrine, that I lack a Personal relationship with my GOD, and HIS, "Only Begotten Son." Not SO, my friend....Quite the OPPOSITE! If you were to bother to Read/Study all my posts, you would See for yourself----We offer a Very STRONG Apologetic, my good brother. And I am Fully willing to engage you in a Deep, and Lively conversa- tion. Are you willing, my friend? With utmost respect.
@fabulousgerro661 Год назад
He certainly got his point across and was polite.
@MitchJenkins-uv7lj 3 месяца назад
BIBLE TRUTH you say much that means nothing. Can a man speak many words that's empty, without meaning? Many, I tell you are without understanding. If you continue to fight that Jesus is God and not the son of God in the sense of normality. You positively will not inherit God's Kingdom. For the children, the humble, the simple and uneducated will go in but not you. Who is without understanding.
@BasicBiblicalTruth 3 месяца назад
Only people who are born-again can inherit God's Kingdom (John 3). Are you born again?
@777Tralfaz777 3 месяца назад
@@BasicBiblicalTruth You said "Only people who are born-again can inherit God's Kingdom (John 3). Are you born again?" Among the first fruits of the congregation yes, they must be born again. But also, those who support the first fruits, Christ's brothers, will inherit the kingdom. Matt 25:34 “Then the King will say to those on his right: ‘Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world.
@BasicBiblicalTruth 3 месяца назад
What did Jesus say, Tralfaz? Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3 LSB) Jesus said that a person cannot see the kingdom of God unless they are born again. I'm born again, I know Trafaz isn't, which means I'm a child of God and he isn't. What about you Mitch?
@777Tralfaz777 3 месяца назад
@@BasicBiblicalTruth You said "Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”" Jesus was preaching to those who would have been first fruits (and I addressed this), and had that opportunity. If Nicodemus accepted Jesus' teachings, he would have been anointed, like the rest of the first century congregation. So, it is a matter of timing. Once that group is filled, then the subjects of the kingdom are gathered. People were anointed to be kings and priests. *If there are kings, are there not also subjects? YES or NO.*
@MitchJenkins-uv7lj 3 месяца назад
@@BasicBiblicalTruth BIBLE TRUTH You are mistaken. You don't know my father nor do you know what born again is.. neither do you know who enters God's Kingdom. Like the Ethiopian eunuch who did not know what he was reading you are such a man. Are you willing to learn what it means? And who inherit God's Kingdom?
@andrewgraham6496 6 месяцев назад
When it comes to Col 1:15 what the pastor does not reveal, hides or is ignorant of, is the fact that Col 1:15 is a Partitive Genitive, just as we see in Rev 1:5, where Jesus is "the firstborn of/from th dead, he is of class, group, category "dead", likewise, in Col 1:15 Jesus is of creation, he is of class, group, category "creation", he is "of creation", just as he is "of the dead"! Trinitarian translators know this and try and hide the Partitive Genitive in Col 1:15; the NIV being a perfect example of this: "The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation." The Greek adjective "pases" does not mean "over all", this is a deliberate attempt by Trinitarian scholars to deceive their readers, "pases" is in the genitive form and therefore means "of creation", not "over creation", not only that, those biased Trinitarian translations that do have "over all creation" contradict other Trinitarian translations which translate the Greek properly as "the firstborn of all creation"! The KJV and other translations have "Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature", did the KJV translators and other translators get it wrong! The Greek noun "κτίσεως" (creation) is also in the Genitive Form and correctly( technically) be "of (all) creation" and is based on the root term "ktisis" when conveys the thought of an act of product... We see the same the same word used in Mark 10:6; 13:9; Rom 8:19; 2 Pet 3:4... and carries the same meaning as it does in Col 1:15. I've come across pastors like "Pastor Jeff Durbin" and they pounce upon unsuspecting Witnesses; what he needs to do is to pounce upon a seasoned Apologist JW, who understands how Greek works, the average person who reads the bible, any bible may not understand the niceties of Koine Greek! Pastor Jeff Durbin, is biased and slips up in other matters too, not just Col 1:15, which I selected as an examples, as it came up early! A. Graham (Apologist JW) [Former Trinitarian of 20 years]
@StretchMn 6 месяцев назад
Excellent research! Thank you.
@BasicBiblicalTruth 6 месяцев назад
No, Col 1:15 is not a partitive genitive, it is a genitive of subordination. Have you taken Greek? Are you familiar with Dan Wallace's Greek grammar?
@andrewgraham6496 6 месяцев назад
kevinfromcanada: “No, Col 1:15 is not a partitive genitive, it is a genitive of subordination. Have you taken Greek? Are you familiar with Dan Wallace's Greek grammar?” Reply, Of course, the information below will have no effect on you whatsoever, as you, like Wallace have an agenda and proof to the contrary has no effect on most lay Trinitarians , who are ignorant of how Greek works! I have come across Wallace several times and he refuses to answer my emails! Oh, I wonder why? This is another example of lay Trinitarians relying on biased Trinitarian scholars, like “Prof. Dan Wallace! Wallace tries to make out that Col 1:15 is in the Genitive of Subordination, this is entirely false, as I will show! Dan Wallace was the Senior Editor for the NT part of the NET bible and at Col 1:15 we see “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation” Here is where the so-called Genitive of Subordination “over” comes from and this is Wallace’s attempt to remove Jesus from the created order of things; Wallace has to, he has no other choice, anything else leaves him between a theological rock and a hard place! So, by inserting “over” into the English text (which the Greek of Col 1:15 does not have or is implied) Wallace wants his readers to accept his view, but his view is untenable! The problem for Wallace is that not all Trinitarian scholars agree with him and see Col 1:15 as a “Partitive Genitive”, this immediately poses a problem for Wallace, as scholars just as qualified as he is (and they are Trinitarians) these translators and their translating teams and committees (again Trinitarian) render Col 1:15 in this way: “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.” ESV, NAS, NASB, ERV... There are some ten popular Trinitarian bibles (biblehub) that insert the term “over”, others “supreme, pre-eminent, superior”; these are attempts to do away with the Partitive Genitive and replace it with the Genitive of Subordination and for obvious theological reasons! There are other translations that have “...the firstborn of every creature”! From my research notes on the Sahidic Coptic of Col 1:15 of the 2nd century ce (c. 180 ce) only 80 years after the death of John the apostle. “The Sahidic Coptic translators performed their work with a background of 500 years of Koine Greek history, and at a time when Koine Greek was still a living, spoken language. So it is instructive to note what the Coptic translators saw when they rendered the Greek text into Coptic. Did they see a "genitive of subordination," or a partitive genitive? The Sahidic Coptic translators rendered the Greek text's πρωτότοκος πάσης κτίσεως as ΠϢΡΠΜΜΙСЄ ΝСШΝΤ ΝΙΜ. The use of Ν.СШΝΤ marks this clearly as a partitive construction in the Coptic. "N- marks...partitive relationship (the relationship of individual to class...)" --Bentley Layton, A Coptic Grammar, p. 164 Therefore, the Sahidic Coptic text of Colossians 1:15 says "the firstborn of all creation." -- George W. Horner, volume 5 "Over" is expressed in Sahidic Coptic with the use of ЄϪΝ-, which is not used at Colossians 1:15 in the Coptic text.” (Contributed by: Memra) A reader contacted “Memra” giving additional information on Col 1:15: “the "genitive of subordination" requires that verbal action be implicit in the head noun. The only idea implicit in 'firstborn' is "being born first" compare Col 1:18 where the -tokos element is clearly present considering the application of Ps. 2:7 to Jesus in his resurrection (which also shows firstborn is not being used figuratively). Jesus is 'placed as firstborn' in his resurrection, notice the three fold allusion to Ps. 89:27,37 in Revelation 1:5. I would also point out that PRWTOTOKOS PASHS KTISEWS would be the only gen. of subordination with an anarthrous head noun in all the examples given by GGBB.” It is of interest to note that at Col 1:18 (See, also Rev 1:5) that the NET bible renders it: “He is the head of the body, the church, as well as the beginning, the firstborn from among the dead, so that he himself may become first in all things.” “the firstborn from among the dead” Would Wallace deny that this is a Partitive Genitive also? In Luke 2:7 we read: “And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.” NET Here Jesus is the “firstborn” in relation to the other children Mary bore! “Firstborn” here means that it is a Partitive Genitive, baby Jesus was the first (Part) of a “family, group, clan...” and that other siblings would follow and indeed they did, we know the names of three of them “Jude (Judas), Simon, Joseph and James” the writer of the letter called “James”! Jesus was the firstborn of many, as he also had sisters!
@andrewgraham6496 6 месяцев назад
@@BasicBiblicalTruth It must not be forgotten that Jesus has one who is God to him, so say three of his apostles and himself! John 20:17 Rom 15:6 2 Cor 1:3 Eph 1:3 Heb 1:9* 1 Pet 1:3 Rev 3:12 Be careful that your reply does not impact on your Hypostatic Union of natures!!! How will you harmonise Heb 1:9 with Heb 1:8; bearing in mind that Heb 1:8 is a reference to Ps 45:7 where King David is called: "You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You With the oil of joy above Your companions." NASB So, before you answer, what you apply to Jesus in Heb 1:8, you must also apply to a man in Ps 45:7! Thus, if Jesus is God in Heb 1:8, so then is a man, a human king also God in Ps 45:7! Trinitarians can't have it both ways!
@BasicBiblicalTruth 6 месяцев назад
First, can you respond with just one post at a time, please? Second, you didn't answer my question. Have you taken Greek? Yes or no? Third, the reason it is a genitive of subordination is because Paul tells us why Jesus is called "Firstborn over creation": Because he is the agent of creation, the one who created ALL things. He is outside the creation as the one who created it. Fourth, You seem to be hung up on the fact that Jesus was human and has a God. Your point seems to be, ‘how can Jesus be God if he has a God?’ The answer is simple. God the Son became a human (Joh 1:14) and has two different relationships with God the Father. I’ll give you an example. I’m a Christian. My father is also a Christian. Therefore we have two separate relationships. He is my biological father and my spiritual brother. Similarly, since Jesus is both God and human it can be said that God the Father is Jesus' God and Father. Jesus possessed a divine nature from eternity past (Joh 1:1, Phi 2) and assumed a human nature at a specific time in history (Joh 1:14, Gal 4:4). Jesus did not, nor could He relinquish His divine nature when He assumed a human nature. And once he assumed a human nature, He did so for all eternity. Therefore, Jesus possesses right now a glorified human body in heaven. Therefore, what can be said of either nature can be said of the one person. Not that the two natures are confused or mixed with one another, but what can be said of one nature can be said of the one person. For this reason, there is no problem for Trinitarians to say that God the Father is the God of Jesus. You seem to have no problem accepting that Jesus was human, but you deny that He is also God. Which is the opposite problem John was dealing with in his first letter. John repudiates the docetists saying that "the true God and eternal life" (1Jo 5:20), "which was from the beginning" (1Jo 1:1) "was made manifest" (1Jo 1:2) and "has come in the flesh" (1Jo 4:2) and 'we have seen him, heard him, touched and handled him.’ (1Jo 1) In other words, John says, 'God really and truly became human.' The Father is Jesus' God. Humans by necessity have a God and since God the Son (Jesus) really and truly incarnated himself (became human), he too had - and has - a God. The reason He still has a God is because Jesus is one person with two natures - divine & human. He was always, by nature, God (John 1:1) and at the appointed time, added to himself a human nature (John 1:14). With His death and resurrection, He did not relinquish His human nature - just as He did not relinquish His divine nature at His incarnation - but now has a glorified human body in Heaven. He is, as he was at His incarnation, both God and Man. Therefore, what can be said of either nature can be said of the one person. Not that the two natures are confused or mixed with one another, but what can be said of one nature can be said of the one person. For this reason, there is no problem for Trinitarians to say that God the Father is the God of Jesus.
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