
An Expert's Guide to Managing Familial Hypercholesterolemia 

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Hi. I'm Seth Baum, a preventive cardiologist and clinical lipidologist in Boca Raton, Florida. I'm also the past president of the American Society for Preventive Cardiology and on the faculty at the Florida Atlantic University Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine.
I'm happy to be here today to talk about familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), and specifically homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HoFH) and heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HeFH). However, before getting into that, I want to first recommend a wonderful website that can help clinicians and patients alike understand FH, work through insurance issues that can sometimes occur with certain medications, and access collateral materials and patient support groups: TheFHFoundation org. I highly recommend you go there and avail yourself of their excellent resources.




30 сен 2021




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@datanerden1057 10 месяцев назад
My dad who was physically active and ate very healthy died early of heart attack, most likely because he didn't take his medications because he didn't think he needed it... please take your medication! Not just for yourself, but for your friends and family!
@mariathunberg4743 Год назад
I finaly got Rephata injections and have no sideeffects any more. Take rovastantin once a week to, but that is not Every day as before when iron statins Every day and got bad sideeffects.
@forester057 Год назад
Yeah they cause Alzheimer’s and diabetes. Great medicine. I guess you won’t remember the malpractice.
@1aliveandwell 10 месяцев назад
So if usually had "normal" cholesterol and LDL then at retirement age it started going up "too high" that might be another reason or cause then genetic?? Did a CAC with a score of 4 but didnt do imaging to ck fatty plaque. Did notice PCSK9 snp on 23andme test results . Most of relatives didnt have heart problems till late 70's or early 80's. My Dr asked if I had FH, which I dont know.
@gabrielleattwater9941 9 месяцев назад
No you most probably do not have FH as you just don’t develop it over time , you are born with the disorder and it’s not curable but is treatable. In your case there must be other contributing factors causing your elevated Cholesterol levels as with FH it would have been elevated throughout your life 👍
@sabby123456789 6 месяцев назад
I have diabetes and need to be on a low carbohydrate diet because even healthy carbohydrates on a low fat diet raise my blood sugar levels. But low carbohydrate foods tend to be higher in saturated fat and cholesterol. How do I go about this?
@joelhodge8384 2 года назад
In talk about familial hyper-cholesterolemia (FH) understand: let me first apologize for my ignorance; but i have somewhat of an inquiry... can this condition be affect in anyway by covid; given the relationship to the heart, and the resent speculation of the virus contribution to two particular types of inflammation of the muscles and the outer lining of the heart (i.e. myocarditis, pericarditis)... again i ask your forgiven for the awkward inquiry, i do not expect an answer; i simple sort to ask: from an observer perspective...while "the science" and the medical world may directly purport a holistic approach because of the severity and the condition being inherited...with all the advancement of today isn't it probable to remove the genome sequence coding of any aspect of [FH] consider the current comprehensive awareness?...their has to be some sort of primordial tree(presumably)...
@jamesmangano4809 6 месяцев назад
i was diagnosed with FH I also have a Block artery because of it. please people get test for this FH Disease
@jackiegorman6872 Год назад
I’m recently diagnosed with FH my dense bad particles were at 447 and I’m allergic to statins. I recently started a Praulent injection and got a bunch of bad side effects within days and my doctor is taking me off it. I’m scared cause there isn’t much left for me to try that will help. Any suggestions?
@rawcurls1 11 месяцев назад
Wanted to respond to you as I've known about my FH since I was 9 and I am now 56. I found out my cholesterol was so high as my father had suddenly died of a heart attack when he was 39. My lipids remain very high to this day, however I eat a plant based diet to try to keep my arteries clean, as I too cannot tolerate statins. I am a little fearful of the injections, as I am concerned about side effects as well. I'm also searching for answers however I thought I'd pass along to you Dr. Esselstyn who advocates a special diet that helps with arterial health.
@jackiegorman6872 11 месяцев назад
@@rawcurls1 Thank you so much for responding and recommending Dr.Esselstyn and the plant based diet to me. I will for sure look into it. I’ve been doing keto for now as my lipid Dr recommended it to me. However, with all I have read so far about FH and based on what my Dr. told me it can’t be lowered through diet alone. Has this plant based diet helped lower your numbers at all? I’m so nervous about this whole situation because the medication they offer for FH (Statins, injections etc;) are all giving me issues. My dad had a heart attack at 48-49 years old (my current age) and he survived but, he’s had 3 heart attacks altogether and unlike me he’s able to tolerate statins with no problems whatsoever. I don’t blame you for being nervous about the injections either! They stay in your body for a long time and if you’re allergic or having bad side effects you are basically stuck with those issues for awhile until the medication runs it’s course. The praulent gave me a UTI, joint pain, a red burning rash, my lip swelled, my throat and nose were so dry and my glands got all swollen in my neck. The statin I had a horrible allergic rash and I stopped that quickly. But, at least with a pill it’s out of your system in a few days. My allergist said she can try to desensitize me to Statins or Repatha if I want to try again but, I’m so scared of what might happen. This whole thing is so stressful and nerve wracking for me. It’s truly appreciated that you reached out and gave me that recommendation.
@AntiOTRS 6 месяцев назад
Are you both alright?
@juliel8720 2 года назад
my cardiologist wants to test me for fh
@1cleandude Год назад
Do it and get ahead of it good luck!🙏
@threeworld Год назад
Before I try medicines I’m gonna cut sugar and seed oils and see if ldl goes down
@yl1487 Год назад
Wise intervention, quite independently of whether the LDL outcome that you seek is achieved. LDL seems to be more misunderstood and maligned than ever. Peace
@1cleandude Год назад
First see a Dr and get your numbers good luck!
@jamesbirch6522 Год назад
Any update?
@forester057 Год назад
Cut most carbs and your ldl cholesterol will get larger and less dense which is safer. Insulin is the cause of heart disease. Cholesterol is just present - it is involved but not the root cause. Without inflammation caused by chronic high insulin cholesterol does what it’s supposed to - it feeds the cells of the body and the brain. Very necessary for healthy brains. Don’t kill your brain with extreme low cholesterol. You will regret it.
@rawcurls1 11 месяцев назад
I highly suggest Dr. Esselstyn, I try to follow his plan that has helped a lot of recovering heart attack patients. My numbers are still high but I'm hopeful that it helps with me arterial health.
@chloe7seven22 2 года назад
a Dr told my son it's statins or death. He gets neurogical problems and kidney dysfunction from statins. none of us can tolerate it any longer. So we have no choice.
@yl1487 Год назад
The lipoprotein paradigms are being shifted on their head (deservedly, they were built on imaginary foundations) - with rare genetic disorders aside (though far from uninteresting, and indeed possibly relevant personally to your son ... ?) it is about epigenetics / modifiable environment factors (food, electromagnetic wave input also known as light - both visible and beyond in both directions: UV as well as IR) so much more than popularly acknowledged by the overly specialised professions of modern times. LDL - elevated LDL - has a correlation with survival and overall health in advancing age for humans. Repeat that again? LDL has been demonstrated to have a direct causative role - never. Vindicated again and again ... Baum mentioning specific characteristics of different subcategories of LDL particles? He should. Dense oxidised LDL is a proxy for damage (staying in circulation for prolonged durations). And yet LDL is part of the LP transport system, doing its job correctly, you get to benefit from the immune system relying on it (and especially on LDL). Reducing spontaneous glycation in blood, a good start ... what factors lead to spontaneous (enzyme-independent) glycation ... ?
@the_master_of_cramp Год назад
Putting healthy children at age 5 on statins just because fh, impairing their whole growth and possibly implicating a miserable life full of weakness and other diseases, seems to be quite bad to me. How about making sure to have a healthy diet and lifestyle and measuring real heart disease evidence at first?
@kurthaeusler1343 Год назад
Stop spreading the 50 year old lies about LDL and how dangerepus it is. Which drug company is sponsoring your platform? Merck?
@sergiodario58able Год назад
Tell that to actual people with FH like myself who've already had an heart attack aged 62. Now i'm 64 and taking high potency statins. I did take statins before my heart attack, then i foolishly stopped taking them because i followed the advices of some presumed health gurus here on Utube, who said that statins do nothing other than cause severe side effects. And look what that led me to!
@lmuns2507 11 месяцев назад
@@sergiodario58able wow so sorry to hear that i have high cholestrol of 246 and im 30 and cant get it down im nervous to take the statin
@rawcurls1 11 месяцев назад
@@sergiodario58able I'm so sorry that has happened to you. A blessing that you survived and are here to share your story with us. I lost my father from a heart attack when he was 39, they tested my brother and I to see if we inherited it, I had just turned 10 and my cholesterol was 415. My brother's was normal It is a constant battle for me, I follow Dr. Esselstyn's heart disease reversal plan, as I cannot tolerate statins. Are you able to tolerate them well?
@Teal_Seal 11 месяцев назад
@@sergiodario58able I’m sorry to hear about your heart attack. That must have been scary! 😮 My cholesterol has always been high and 1.5 years ago I started the keto diet, then carnivore to try and improve it. My cholesterol went even higher (500+), but HDL and triglycerides are better. All my numbers are good except for high LDL. Had a CAC scan last September, score: 0. Had one this month, score: 0. I’m 54, never smoked, don’t drink, moderately active, average stress, no insulin resistance. Pattern A & B LDL is good. Blood pressure so low I’m often asked if that’s normal for me when I donate blood. We do know plaques and buildup take time to form, but it’s completely individual as to how fast… My doc ordered a genetic test to see if I have a hereditary condition. Regardless, I’m going to keep an eye on it with self-tests and an angiogram in 6-12 months. Cholesterol is a good thing, as you probably know. The question is do I have too much of a good thing? Considering my first test showed elevation back in 2018, my arteries should show some narrowing. But they don’t. We’ll see if this keeps up. Do you know what your arterial status was before changing to a high fat diet? Did you have risk factors like smoking, stress, insulin resistance, sedentary, etc? I guess what I’m asking is are you sure it was the diet? Or could there have been preexisting buildup due to other factors?
@utarian7 10 месяцев назад
What was your diet, exercise etc like@@sergiodario58able -- Did you actually get your heart scanned and see what's going on... What were your triglycerides. What was your LDL type A vs LDL type B.... Statin is anti-inflammatory and that could be what was helping you as opposed to LDL lowering. It seems to still be complex and contentious topic.
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