
Anti-papal sentiment on the rise?: Last week in the Church with John Allen Jr. 

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@markrankin6715 4 месяца назад
I was a supporter of Francis early in his papacy, but in recent years he has been very heavy handed in dealing with people who don't share his fairly radical views. And John Allen, it's not really about " ideological preferences ": that trivialises the reasons why people don't agree with Francis. They often disagree because of deeply felt beliefs about the essence of Catholicism.
@7349yt 4 месяца назад
Those who consider the problematic things the pope has said as "of the essence of Catholicism" don't understand the essence of Catholicism. Francis has made some dubious statements about third order teachings, not the "essential ones", which basically are what's in the Creed; or even the secondary ones that logically flow from the primary/creedal ones. I don't like some of the things he's said either (Fiducia Supplicans seems to me too ambiguous, utterly unnecessary, and unnecessarily provocative, especially of the ideologically and theologically "conservative"); but that might be because I am wrong, not the pope; and since the Holy Spirit gave him to us and inspires him to lead, I'm going to assume that it's probably more likely that I am wrong than the pope on these "third order teachings" (at least as I have understood them; and there again: maybe I misunderstood them all along!).
@susand3668 Месяц назад
@@7349yt well said. If more people took your position,there would be a lot less controversy in the Church, and a lot more evangelizing!
@mariac4602 4 месяца назад
If you are considered a thorn in the side of a corrupt government, then you know you are doing something right :) Humility, humility, humility. Smile, accept the pettiness, and continue to speak truth.
@konczews 4 месяца назад
Thank you, John for another, comprehensive review.
@Thefloridarepublic 4 месяца назад
This pope says and does things so profoundly anti catholic...
@paulmualdeave5063 4 месяца назад
Your statement is anti-Catholic. Look up actual Catholic teachings on the papacy. You have a Protestant view of Catholicism. Fact check what you have been told. It isn't reality.
@michaelalley3741 4 месяца назад
During Covid,who prevented Catholics from attending mass, the Church the Govt or the Church obeying the Govt.
@carolynkimberly4021 4 месяца назад
@Criticalthink21st 4 месяца назад
Thank God , many lives were saved. The truly devout offered the suffering up while taking shelter under the cloak of the Blessed Mother.
@Jimboken1 4 месяца назад
@@Criticalthink21st Only the "truly devout" Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden presumably.
@ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc 4 месяца назад
Pastor John MacArthur won a lawsuit against the Government regarding Covid shutdown.
@casarovigooglemail 4 месяца назад
what about covid vaccine mixed with aborted children cells? what about thousands of sport people dying after the covid vaccine? Pope Francis despises anyone who doesn't agree with him​@Criticalthink21st
@gtkrk9539 4 месяца назад
Fantastic. We are living in times when popularity polls mean more than following Christ and his teachings.
@samuelhoneycutt2946 4 месяца назад
I am a 71 year old conservative convert and I loved Benedict XVI and St John Paul II and am hoping for a quick conclave
@Royermang77 4 месяца назад
What count is that God chose the Pope !!!!!!
@tjdomerny4847 4 месяца назад
You are obviously not a knowledgeable Catholic. It is against canon law for any Catholic to wish for a new pope while the present pope is still seated.
@edwardbaker1331 4 месяца назад
@@Royermang77 What a slander against God. God has nothing to do with choosing popes.
@edwardbaker1331 4 месяца назад
@@tjdomerny4847 Baloney. I call your bluff. Name the Canon law.
@emmacharnock3890 4 месяца назад
We are being guided at this time of lies, deception & darkness. Please read: www.fatherofloveandmercy.wordpress.com
@gtaylor178 4 месяца назад
God bless this nun standing up to bullies and sinister thugs with bad agenda's. Abusive fathers always need to be challenged as they are bad men.
@paulmualdeave5063 4 месяца назад
The nun that is breaking her obedience vow after breaking her celibacy vow?
@gtaylor178 4 месяца назад
@@paulmualdeave5063 How do you know that, were you there or are you parroting Roche who is a weasel really.
@vonniestanchfield2849 4 месяца назад
You are most enjoyable to listen to. Thank you for all the hard to find Catholic news.
@midgerhys5627 4 месяца назад
If Pope Francis wants to open up the Church to the ways of the World, then he must accept the way in which that World governs itself. He can't just cherry-pick the bits that he likes and then ignore the rest. If he thought that, he's been extremely naive. In that vein, I also don't see why Cardinals get diplomatic passports - nuncio's I can understand, but not cardinals and why are they travelling first class exactly? That is money donated by the laity and I doubt that most of us envisage it being used in that way.
@russellking1924 4 месяца назад
The Bible says not to follow the ways of the world. You can’t cherry pick the other way, either.
@spoffspoffington 4 месяца назад
The plural of nuncio (in English) is nuncios. No apostrophe unless one is referring to something the nuncio possesses. An inability to spell is a poor basis for opinions about geo-politics.
@henryvonblumenthal7307 4 месяца назад
Liberal and Catholic are contradictions in terms. The reason is that, unlike in politics where shades of opinion are possible, when dealing with eternal truths there is only true and false, and in morals, halfway between right and wrong, is wrong.
@Criticalthink21st 4 месяца назад
Definitions are important. Words are a means of communication. Words are a catalyst for mercy, for Truth, and for relationship. The definition of “liberal” is much different than our understanding of “left” in the public forum.
@Jimboken1 4 месяца назад
@@Criticalthink21st The meaning of the word 'liberal' means illiberal in the modern political context. Henry is bang on the money.
@ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc 4 месяца назад
Half truth = Whole lie
@JacobMaximilian 4 месяца назад
I like the set. You should record here more often
@lorrimang 4 месяца назад
No surprise he's so jolly. Hell is empty, so we don't really need a pope any more.
@ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc 4 месяца назад
Q: Is the Pope Catholic ? A: NO, he’s not Catholic based on what he has been saying. Instead his words instead match those of Universalist religion.
@susand3668 Месяц назад
@@ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc you are mistaken. Pope Francis only said he dreams of an empty Hell -- meaning that everyone would turn to God and fulfill God's holy will. And don't we all *wish* that Hell were empty? And make every effort to keep people from going there?
@kristendelaney5196 4 месяца назад
Speaking of the pope, when you are dealing with someone who speaks with a forked tongue trying to play both sides, by his very nature you are going to be dealing with someone who is neither courageous nor virtuous. I would argue that pope's 'sensitive' persona, as someone mentions below, is simply that... a made-for-television image which is supported by his ghost writers (all popes have had them, but unlike his immediate predecessors, Francis is hardly a writer, philosopher, or theologian). Rather than "sensitivity", I perceive flashes of autocracy, cruelty, indifference, and spite. I don't know the pope personally, of course, and so I could be wrong... but if I am, his press handlers need to be fired because that is what I see as I look past the propaganda. As one might imagine from my critical tone, I firmly believe that the gay agenda, along with female ordination, acceptance of birth control and the like is a hopeless dead-end representing only the latest attack of the Evil One against the living, risen Jesus Christ and his followers in the Church. There's any number of options to the Catholic Church whose embrace of these elements have sealed their fate in complete and rapid irrelevance. There are hard days ahead for the Catholic Church as well, but we have a certain 'chronic vigor' as John Henry Newman might call it, to renew ourselves by going back into the core of who we are, especially under times of heterodoxy and persecution, and rise up again to find our way back to Christ.
@markgraham2312 4 месяца назад
Again, that was excellent!
@Eve-Nicholson 4 месяца назад
Love Ganswein.
@tjdomerny4847 4 месяца назад
A deletant and a vile impostor/disloyal priest.
@MoTown2Go 4 месяца назад
He says something stupid (Ukraine) and then something unpopular --though well-reasoned-- (transgender), so what would your expect in a popularity rating?
@anng.4542 4 месяца назад
That's not the problem. His latest words constantly contradict his own previous words anf actions. They also frequently contradict Catholic teaching.
@durrdurius7205 3 месяца назад
I am more convinced than ever that Cardinal William Goh of Singapore will be the next Pope.
@willweeverknow696 4 месяца назад
Love this format. John brings a lot of interesting Vatican news that otherwise I wouldn't hear about. Great episode this one.
@Bluets023 4 месяца назад
Most of us are not ani-pope , but anti-corruption , anti-dictators , anti-liars etc... people seams to have forgotten what they did since 20-- . Forgive once they repent yes , but never forget .
@stevelenores5637 4 месяца назад
The eternal problem for the RCC. You love the papacy but are cursed to have flawed humans hold the post.
@nemodor139 4 месяца назад
There is no such thing as forgiving but not forgetting. True Charity requires both
@stevelenores5637 4 месяца назад
@@nemodor139 Forgive 70x. Also forgiveness is not for those who are forgiven but for the forgiver. It heals the bitterness of the forgiver's heart. (Wisdom)
@Bluets023 4 месяца назад
@@nemodor139 in due time it will happen but things has to be put to light before it happens . Here is a little taste of what is happening , may e you , maybe not . Willfull Blindness includes Holy Wood , and Harrvuck Weinsten , the Cat Chur , and child mole , And I also say this with full empathy , BECAUSE I WAS ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE THAT WAS FOR A VERY LONG TIME , willfully bilnd to the harms of curvid vacant . Dr . Asseem Malhotra ,s testimony Helsinki Districk Court , 12 April 2024 . P.s. He got 2 of them , and now telling the truth which , church leaders are still hiding .
@Bluets023 4 месяца назад
The presence of charities give the illusion that we are a caring society . A truly caring society would make charities obsolete . Dirt Road Discussion .
@Poikye 4 месяца назад
Gänswein is the correct spelling
@Royermang77 4 месяца назад
He is not a president He is the Pope !!!!!!
@tomstulc9143 4 месяца назад
Gregorio's neither president or pope.
@patriciamathews5975 4 месяца назад
Nope x2
@dee2251 4 месяца назад
The only approval Pope Francis needs is God’s and didn’t Jesus say “Blessed are you if they speak all kinds of calumny about you. For if they did that to the Master of the house, how much more they will do to his followers”. The radical left and the far right in the Catholic Church will tear the house in two between them. Most of us Catholics occupy the balanced middle ground.
@poetmaggie1 4 месяца назад
The pope's approval rating should mean NOTHING, Like St Peter He should be teaching about Christ. If the approval rating has meaning then he is not teaching about Christ the way he should be. And there is no religious freedom for Catholics. They take it as it is or they are not a complete Catholic.
@fredphilippi8388 4 месяца назад
If Catholicism means not thinking for yourself, I want no part of it.
@fredphilippi8388 4 месяца назад
@@regisbergeron5595 "[They take it as it is...." I think, therefore I am [not a Catholic].
@TedSeeber 4 месяца назад
Would that be the same St Peter who denied Christ three times before sunup?
@mariac4602 4 месяца назад
I think perhaps poet maggie-and correct me if I misunderstand you - that by 'they take it as it is or they are not complete Catholics" isn't meant to be a suggestion that Catholics should not think, but rather that as full Catholics we do, and must, assent to the doctrines and dogmas of the Catholic Church. In fact, to do so wholly and completely requires a great deal of thinking and nuance as well as a realization of who we are -created beings-before the Uncreated Light. I think often this 'freedom of thinking' is simply the intellectual egoism and hubris that sets up the creature's meagre intellect against the Creator's omniscience. Many great minds in the Catholic church think, ponder, pray, write, debate, discuss, and in great humility recognize their limited understanding and knowledge before the utter mystery of God, and submit to the doctrines of the Church, the bride of Christ. To submit to the teachings of the Church is not to be in the chains of ignorance, but rather to be in the freedom of submission to the Will of God. Remember St. Thomas Aquinas' words at the end of his Summa.
@jdosvd 4 месяца назад
He is the false prophet of the book of Revelations and hence attracts the provisions of Revelations 19 : 20 and 20 : 10. Do not take the mark of the beast when he peddles it when introduced least one attract Revelations 14 : 9-11. He marketed the v@× and my wife's friend Linda ,a housewife, took it despite our severe warnings saying ' I believe in the Pope ' and became very ill and immediately requested for prayers. We and others prayed strongly for her and she's better though not the same. Jesus have mercy on us sinners.
@ttwilliams01 4 месяца назад
Let us remember the teachings of Opus Dei... sanctity in our daily lives.
@sestameri 4 месяца назад
Not specific to OD. It's a part of church teaching since the inception of Christianity.
@KMF3 4 месяца назад
Good for mother Marie
@cindys1819 4 месяца назад
I dont.the pope or the church's teachings or actions should be subject to public opinion polls. But given the opinions I or anyone I know have heard over the last few years, this pipe has to have a level of public confidence LOWER than President Biden....
@TedSeeber 4 месяца назад
Actually not- Pope Francis, unlike Biden, is not wholesale for the genocide of the unwanted. And this poll shows it. Even among Pope Francis's worst critics, he is polling 20 points higher than Biden.
@7349yt 4 месяца назад
It means he is doing his job properly.
@Kirin2022 4 месяца назад
Or badly. We even have biblical examples of religous leaders that needed to be confronted and chastised. For example, the apostle Paul had to remind the first pope to get back on course. Several popes who have made doctrinal mistakes were humble enough to reconsider and retract. Francis is the first not to fail to do so as well as generating multiple concerns around both doctrine and discipline. He is into big gestures of humility, but not so much, when the rubber hits the road (except when nagging other clerics, which is still outward directed).
@7349yt 4 месяца назад
@@Kirin2022 Apart from Peter and Paul, what other examples are there of "several popes who have made doctrinal mistakes were humble enough to reconsider and retract"?
@Kirin2022 4 месяца назад
@@7349yt Honorius I endorsed an error without realizing he had been manipulated by a heretical priest. Concerned bishops condemned, he reconsidered, and made the proper decison upon careful review. John Paul II made not heretical declarations but was prone toward generous gestures towared non-Christian communities that gave false impression that Cdl Ratzinger convinced him to use restraint (eg. Assisi World Peace) gathering
@johnkehoe1067 4 месяца назад
We can love the pope and pray sincerely for him, even if we think his operation style, pastoral style, unintentionally scandalous pronouncements, poor choices in personnel, and personal obliviousness could only be denied by suspending reason!
@luisj.medina8767 4 месяца назад
Rather than news, I’ll take your first segment as your very personal opinion.
@AK-nw7tr 4 месяца назад
Polls indicate few believers too. Not reliable opinions. Jesus the final judge. Just hope pope has time to repent.
@christiansmith-of7dt 4 месяца назад
Life hasn't been very good to me ,
@johnmartin4650 4 месяца назад
Pope’s not in a competition……..chances are the next one won’t be liked either………or the next or the next
@mpex1980 4 месяца назад
It's super hot in South East Asia now.
@TJMM864 4 месяца назад
No surprise really ..
@chrisekstrom4614 4 месяца назад
Francis is a Heretic.
@ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc 4 месяца назад
IF the 151 ANATHEMAS produced by Council of Trent was the Standard of evaluation Which Popes were Heretics ?
@josephhayek109 4 месяца назад
I firmly believe he is the Anti-Christ 👿 May the Lord deliver us from evil. Amen 🙏✝️
@frederiquecouture3924 4 месяца назад
@malulani056 4 месяца назад
This dude in insufferable. People can actually sit through 30 minutes of this voice?
@janescott89 4 месяца назад
Why do you always use a negative turn on your opening title? Discourages listening further ?
@JMJ88-vw7sh 4 месяца назад
I don't like Bergolio. He is destroying the Catholic Church.
@chadbailey3623 4 месяца назад
Before the French Revolution turned bad, the new government looked at its budget and found a crisis. It turned to the churches which had been the First Estate of the Ancien Regime and benefitted a lot from royal support. So, the new government looked to the church in France as a source of money and that’s when the difficulties began.
@carolynkimberly4021 4 месяца назад
The French Revolution was evil from the start.
@chadbailey3623 4 месяца назад
@@carolynkimberly4021 Details please? Was it wrong for the 3rd estate to ask for personal, rather than estate, representation in voting at the Estates General?
@carolynkimberly4021 4 месяца назад
@@chadbailey3623 What was their goal from the beginning, to destroy the monarchy and the Church. Read the story of the Vende. The savages wouldn't let anyone live in peace. France has never recovered. They have sunk lower and lower into crass Marxism.
@robertwaguespack9414 4 месяца назад
A more Pope Francis type of prelate would willingly eschew those privileges like VIP lounges etc...
@carolynkimberly4021 4 месяца назад
Francis is a hypocrite His grand standing "humility" is sickening.
@pvdp2 4 месяца назад
Francis, supreme shaman of rome, patriarch of the rotten west. Long live the Eastern Orthodoxy! Long live the Oriental Orthodoxy! Urraaa!!!!
@stalphonsusliguori33 4 месяца назад
Last valid pope was pope Pius XII
@fredphilippi8388 4 месяца назад
If you were the Baltic States, how would you feel to be "dumped upon" with an ambassador whom Pope Francis himself has described as "... lack[ing] humility and humanity" and wants to sideline.
@carolynkimberly4021 4 месяца назад
I wish Francis would "dump him" on the US. Would love to have him.
@fredphilippi8388 4 месяца назад
@@carolynkimberly4021 I kinda prefer anyone who has a sense of humility and humanity. But whatever floats your boat...!
@anng.4542 4 месяца назад
​@@fredphilippi8388 Francis is not a divine being, although his fans seem to regard him as one. His treatment of many faithful priests, bishops and professed religious has been shameful.
@willweeverknow696 4 месяца назад
I'm sure Catholics in the Baltics will love him. He is one of the most well known priests, knows Rome, and adds importance to an otherwise pretty small catholic community. He will be very welcome there.
@fredphilippi8388 4 месяца назад
@@anng.4542 No one is saying Pope Francis is a divine being. (Unlike some Republicans in the U.S. who think Donald Trump is virtually a divine being.) I personally agree with Francis on some points, and disagree with him on others. But if Francis has expressed the opinion (as reported here) that Georg Gaenswein, formerly prefect of the papal household, lacks humility and humanity, I have no problem accepting that.
@diannefitzmaurice9813 4 месяца назад
Don't add to the troubles by repeating the nonsense . Pray for the Pope . While he is among us he needs our prayers to fulfil his mission . The popularity or not has nothing to do with the pope but the schisms between schisms . Stay with the real message about the mission of the Pope and how he is fulfilling it .
@carolynkimberly4021 4 месяца назад
His "mission" is to destroy the Church. He's doing a fine job.
@TedSeeber 4 месяца назад
Is he fulfilling Matthew 13:41-42? How about Matthew 25:41-46?
@patrickmelling8404 4 месяца назад
He has boasted of causing a Mess. The next Pope if there is one, needs to love the church and have genuine honesty.
@gtaylor178 4 месяца назад
can you name one thing Francis is doing to undertake Our Lord's mission for him?
@TedSeeber 4 месяца назад
​@gtaylor178 yes. Peronist politics dictates that you do one good thing for every two negative things. The recent document Dignitas Infinitias is a fine example of Pope Francis working both towards the Kingdom and against it. His emphasis on Mercy is very good indeed, but taken to the extreme of placing human dignity on the same level as God, it has a tendency to destroy justice. Paragraph 34 in particular shows this duality- it is very good to remind us that even the most depraved criminals retain some human dignity, but by not also mentioning their victims, it robs the victims of human dignity.
@user-hf8nb9mb4e 4 месяца назад
who cares about the pope? just mind your own business !
@jb-evans2995 4 месяца назад
So disrespectful of the Holy Father. Get a job
@gtaylor178 4 месяца назад
Francis needs prayers for his conversion, name something holy he has done? I am amazed to hear what you think he has done that is holy as I know of so many bad things he has done as to make him frightening.
@cynthiaquiroga6240 4 месяца назад
Here in Canada we LOVE Pope Francis….100% ❤❤….. by the way, please don’t send Gansweing to Canada….Thank you.🙏
@BCSTS 4 месяца назад
NO, HERE IN CANADA WE DO NOT LOVE POPE FRANCIS 100% ! Why would you feel it is correct to speak for the rest of us ? Curious ......
@cynthiaquiroga6240 4 месяца назад
@@BCSTS We love him and we respect him! I don’t care where are you from but you are the 0.01%. Goodbye 👋
@nikadgod5152 4 месяца назад
Canada is basically communist at this point so this doesn't surprise me
@anthonytoinks3295 4 месяца назад
I dont like him..
@nikadgod5152 4 месяца назад
Why did my comment get deleted
@JCrow-kz4nw 4 месяца назад
He has been a great Pope. Much needed.
@2945antonio 4 месяца назад
John, with respect, I find your speculation about Pope's motivations in nominating Bishop Ganswein as Nuncio to the Baltics, judgmental and particularly mean spirited. I suggest you stay with facts and leave your listeners to form their views. Thank you.
@patgordon113 4 месяца назад
Re: Pope’s numbers.Time and again, Raymond Arroyo’s trio finds bad things to harp about Francis. There’s no let up; no balance. What a horrible witness.
@TedSeeber 4 месяца назад
Hard to be balanced about absolute relativism. You either have faith that sin does not matter or you do not.
@carolynkimberly4021 4 месяца назад
Raymond is not a sniveling Popesplainer. He tells the truth
@Criticalthink21st 4 месяца назад
If you find your faith augmented by an opportunist who feeds on the fears and prejudices of gullible reactionaries-you might find yourself more at home in one of the quasi Christian Protestant churches. Their substitution of nationalism for faith in Christ, their focus on financial expediency, appeal to hidden racism and misogyny - take your pick. There’s a lot of insulated echo chambers where Christianity can be feigned and used as justification for escaping the demands of our perpetually pilgrim Church. ….The Universal, Catholic Church is not really reflected in a broadcast network based in the heart of the confederacy or a discredited entertainment network who’s new’s division depends on the likes of intrinsic Protestants such as Arroyo. The man needs to get a real job and wean himself from the noble efforts instituted by Mother Angelica.
@Criticalthink21st 4 месяца назад
@@carolynkimberly4021I’m sure you’re doing the best you can. God will understand- not so much for Ray on judgement day.
@gtaylor178 4 месяца назад
Could you provide any "balance" - name something good Francis has done, as I can name so many dozens of bad things he has done/is doing. Please wake up and pray for Francis.
@Etihwkcirtap 4 месяца назад
I was Catholic. I went to eastern rites and traditional Latin as I studied early church I'm now home with ROCOR.
@carolynkimberly4021 4 месяца назад
Are you asking for absolution?
@ConanTheLibrarian-n5q 4 месяца назад
I am a liberal Catholic and a centrist Democrat. I love Francis and loathed JPII and B16
@bobm2331 4 месяца назад
What the heck is B16? And I don't live under a rock.😂
@rappmasterdugg6825 4 месяца назад
Benedict the 16th
@TedSeeber 4 месяца назад
Liberal is the opposite of moral. No wonder you like Mercy better than Justice.
@germanvazquez4844 4 месяца назад
What is a liberal Catholic what do they believe in
@TedSeeber 4 месяца назад
​@@germanvazquez4844moral relativism, infinite dignity, infinite divine mercy, no crime bad enough for hell.
@majy1735 4 месяца назад
Neither John Allen nor Francis Bergoglio is catholic.
@ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc 4 месяца назад
Jorge Bergoglio aka Pope Francis based on things he has been saying, matches the beliefs of Universalist religion.
@Hectrev08 4 месяца назад
Dumb show.
@miriame3hope93 4 месяца назад
Stop bashing the Holy Father!!!! Cut it out. You are disgruntled Opus Dei associated and he is on to all of you.
@ryanscottlogan8459 4 месяца назад
Get mental help.
@TedSeeber 4 месяца назад
This Pope, if he were truly humble, would worship Jesus Christ instead of the infinite dignity of condemned criminals (DI paragraph 34)
@miriame3hope93 4 месяца назад
@@TedSeeber you are not Catholic
@TedSeeber 4 месяца назад
​@miriame3hope93 by what definition? I was baptised Catholic. My beliefs are well within the teachings of Vatican I and Vatican II. Or perhaps you mean because I am one of those evil straight white men, I am no longer welcome in your feminist LGBTQ+ utopia.
@mariamartins5796 4 месяца назад
No pope is not doing his job not is fault I believe he as very liberal bishops around him If they do abominations, everything will go down, as Jesus Himself said if we see abominations entering his church, run to the mountains. The great purification will start. And that is exactly what our lady is saying. She is asking us to stay firm on the teaching of the church, not only that some time back in Brazil she spoke about ,they will change the teaching of the catechism, and the bible ,she spoke about women priests. It all seems to be happening. Heaven not very pleased.
@johannesnicolaas 4 месяца назад
Mgr. Ganswein the evil spirit behind pope Benedict.
@DianeManganese-co4st 4 месяца назад
I don't think Pope Francis has gone far enough in any of his pronouncements. I was ready for him to welcome gays and divorcees into the church and he could allow female deacons as a start. I'm not thinking there's anything particularly Jesus Christian about being hetero or long time married or a man as a priest instead of a priestess. I would say all that's more Mosaic law and Catholic Christians are specifically told in Corinthians that those who follow mosaic law still have a veil over their hearts. The pope is it genuine sensitive man - and does write beautifully - but unless he puts them out in Tick Tock videos, most people, not even Catholics, will ever hear them. I'd say the pope has the MAGA Johnson effect. Too Liberal for conservatives, Not MAGA enough for the Knights of Columbus and the Latin Mass crowd. He's 87 years old and has been in failing health for the past 10 years. I don't know that the Catholic church is going to maintain any vibrancy into the new age. Has a lot of baggage
@patrickparsons2378 4 месяца назад
You're ignorance about the early Christian Church is as astounding as your moral bankruptcy. If you think Bergoglio hasn't gone far enough then I would advise you to leave the Church now, and don't let the door hit you in the way out. He has done more damage to the Faith and the Church in the past 11 years than all the heresies of the past 1800 years. There are plenty of heretical sects that will take you in.
@TedSeeber 4 месяца назад
In other words, you prefer kicking all the men to the curb and having a female only religion. Why don't you go create one that has no evil male Jesus to get in the way?
@Jimboken1 4 месяца назад
You have no idea about the Catholic Church. Apparently you believe that whosoever the leader is determines Church teaching. It's too stupid for words.
@ryanscottlogan8459 4 месяца назад
You are a heretic.Good luck with any of your wishes coming true.Christ will never abandon his Church.Go down the block to the Episcopal Church.You are an Anglican already.
@carolynkimberly4021 4 месяца назад
Francis is the albatross around the Holy Church's neck.
@hazelandliamdonnelly8400 4 месяца назад
Francis is brilliant. We love him
@gtaylor178 4 месяца назад
Francis is a wicked snarling wolf, are you sleeping?
@rentregagnant 4 месяца назад
Many diplomatic posts are very sleepy. Baltic states?? Tiny Catholic community... Zzzzzzzz - Snooze cruise, I think. Worth it to silence Archbishop Gadfly, I think
@tjdomerny4847 4 месяца назад
Excuse me?? The most famous unemployed bishop in the Catholic church has LONG been the eponymous Cardinal Burke, now retired.
@tjdomerny4847 4 месяца назад
Retired from what? you may ask. Nothing. He had been without an actual job for 9 years.
@carolynkimberly4021 4 месяца назад
Didn't a Democrat politician have his head shrunk in Papa Nuguini in the 60's?
@tjdomerny4847 4 месяца назад
Another episode of the John Allen Gossip Shoppe.
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