
Pope claims Benedict XVI’s death was instrumentalized: Last Week in the Church with John Allen Jr. 

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In this episode: Pope claims Benedict XVI’s death was instrumentalized. Catholics in India & risk of “Saffron Taliban”. Does the Pope’s trip to Africa matter? Cardinal Ouellet steps down to fight sexual assault charges. Vatican releases nuns from vows, kicks them from convent.
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6 фев 2023




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@2945antonio Год назад
The decision to refuse the simple accommodation of the nuns's request lacks, in my view, the spirit of Charity that I thought is Central to the Teachings. Hard to understand and defrocking the nuns makes it even worse.
@zengerann Год назад
@thedangeroussaint Год назад
It would have been so simple to just let this 97 year old nun live out the rest of her life in peace. This decision was extraordinarily petty.
@joan5856 Год назад
It was disgusting/ This is a woman who had spent her life in the service of God. I have no doubt somebody has a greedy intent for that convent, money says all!
@Blissblizzard Год назад
@@joan5856 All those doors, and nooks and crannies? Niche market Sauna and "Spa".
@Seeker3k Год назад
Yet he condones fake Catholic politicians who support abortion .
@Seeker3k Год назад
If the Tridentine mass is now a sin, so is the Church itself.
@Seeker3k Год назад
Can a Pope be a bold faced liar? I ask in Jesus’ Name.
@rentregagnant Год назад
Three nuns in a richly endowed convent belonging to a religious order... Mmm... So, when the dust settles, the land, property and income will go to the Vatican and not to the order. That's the big story here.
@briandfallon74 Год назад
@margaretmitchell1020 Год назад
Not addressing China's presence/influence/money, abuse of children in cobalt mining in Congo.
@cosmic4037 Год назад
Sick to death of Pope Francis.
@fredphilippi8388 Год назад
"Weaponizing" might be a better translation than "instrumentalizing."
@dollyschwall8537 Год назад
Absolutely you are right ..I could not follow what is instrumental
@Jimboken1 Год назад
It's just a lie peddled by Team Francis acolytes across all media platforms. The translation is immaterial. The idea suits those who hate the Church. whether Team Francis are conscious of it or not. Pope Francis generally, intentionally or not, suits those who are the enemies of the Church.
@brendanbutler1238 Год назад
The Pope calls people who follow the teachings of the Catechism politicians first, whereas he follows left wing ideology rather than the Catechism and he isn't a politician first ?
@sophiachavez3377 Год назад
Since Francis has been caught lying so many times, who still believes anything he says?
@ikatydid Год назад
Frances doesn't understand womens souls We are natural nesters & it's traumatic to leave your home ie it's very difficult to get an elderly woman to move from her home where her memories are to a new place & sometimes detrimental to her wellbeing
@Fiat.Voluntas.Tua22 Год назад
He lacks the charity to care.
@brittalbach416 Год назад
Francis is slave to his masters, the St Gallen group
Starve the beast…stop giving them your money.
@sylvia54lobo76 Год назад
Wow! How many so called educated THINK like you. God bless.
@galaxyn3214 Год назад
The reds of China and the saffrons of India will doubtless continue to make life difficult for the Christians of the orient.
@Corolla97ww Год назад
@alexk48 Год назад
With Francis assistance.
@here_we_go_again2571 Год назад
As will the Muslims.
@fredphilippi8388 Год назад
To be factually accurate, India is the 6th largest economy in the world (not the 5th), following the U.S., China, Japan, Germany and the U.K.
@skybird5526 Год назад
So sad about the nuns. Could you please give an update on the 2 younger nuns? I read that the Vatican did let the 97yr. nun stay as she is not in good enough health to move, but what about the younger nuns? Thanks
@LS-ei7xk Год назад
So who is taking care of her? Or is she just supposed to languish without food and water? Pro-life, indeed!
@Jimboken1 Год назад
The three nuns on the Amalfi Coast are illustrative of the Catholic Church Francis style. But you will never have heard about that..... And poor 'ol Francis is always having to "push back" during his in-flight entertainment for the court eunuchs of the Vatican press corps.
@zita-lein Год назад
So, basically, because they’re only three and old, sucks to be them, is that it? Man, that is cold.
@Fiat.Voluntas.Tua22 Год назад
Pope Francis loves to appoint people that seem to hate true Catholicism. This corruption in the church has been foretold by the Blessed Mother and credible Catholic mystics for centuries. We must pray for this pope because he is a wayward child of God. Our Lord desires his soul be saved.
@williamdrake4698 Год назад
@williamdrake4698 Год назад
@ninaluz8710 Год назад
God’s will be done🙏 we’re living in our transgressions ONLY with prayers, fasting and Penance will we see God’s mercy. Our Lady of Fatima back in 1917 for the laity to pray much for the holy father -She didn’t ‘which’ but it seems most of us ignored Her message and therefore the Pope seems to have weakened to the struggles that surround him. I still pray the Rosary daily (recently increased it to 15 Decades) for the good intentions of the holy father And for the intercession of ALL the Angels and Saints in heaven to guard and guide him. “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on us, sinners” “ Jesus I trust in you” 🙏🙏🙏
@josephmclaughlin9404 Год назад
@@williamdrake4698Well said! Please keep in mind regarding the “fast”. In the more modern texts of scripture that offering may be deleted but fasting with prayer has always been the most effective when petitioning heaven. Don’t ignore or reject the need for fasting because your physical constitution cannot handle it, any amount of denial is beneficial. I know from 1st hand experience.
@frankiereinares8892 Год назад
i like the nun's e story on their removal of vows.great story for this week john.✌️🇵🇭
@francismnyele Год назад
It's not nice what they did to the three nuns
@Jimboken1 Год назад
So, the Anglicans have passed same sex 'blessings'....... The Bishop of Oxford, the most senior bishop in the Church of England to have called for a change in doctrine to allow gay marriage, said there is “further to go”. Dr Steven Croft said: “It is very good for us to be able to say today that the church can now offer public services of blessing, but we know that we have further to go.” Veteran campaigner Peter Tatchell described the offer of a blessing only as “an insult” and dismissed the church’s apology for its treatment of LGBTQI+ people as “worthless” without any progress on allowing gay marriage. Can fellow internationalist social justice warrior Francis 'instumentalise' Justin Welby on the 'gay marriage' front at least for fellow priests in the first instance?
@1900trent Год назад
Good weekly piece especially on african trip and the comments re the ‘instrumentalism’ of BXVI. whatever that really means. But really what popes get into any tangle discussing their predecessor and how people view them. This pope should have steered clear, looks petty and nasty. Now 2 Americans in charge of dicasteries. No Australian cardinal anywhere now. But small states Tonga and Singapore and PNG have cardinals with minute Catholic populations. But no Aussie in any See there. Very odd and not good for the Church’s voice.
@erinhebblethwaite2452 Год назад
@erinhebblethwaite2452 Год назад
@erinhebblethwaite2452 Год назад
@Westyrulz Год назад
PF is ruthless.
@MsHburnett Год назад
Meanwhile in voodoo Nicaragua catholic priests and bishops are stripped of all their citizens rights, silence from the pontif
@vernsnith2230 Год назад
Question, Please: Why do you suppose that the Holy Father has never visited his own homeland where the people have prayed for his return for many years now? If the Holy Father were to return it would be one of the greatest day ever in the history of his homeland. Just think of the great joy and happiness that the visit of the Holy Father to his homeland would bring to his people/homeland.
@alexk48 Год назад
Many people in his homeland are not fond of him at all. He is not going because it could be very bad press for him.
@davidwible8946 Год назад
Because he’s a mentally ill narcissist
@TheJwbooth 11 месяцев назад
He may not feel safe there
@robertfeinberg748 Год назад
So who wrote the headline abt Benedict's death having been instrumentalized?
@robertfeinberg748 Год назад
Sorry, I found the treatment of instrumentalization, but it's quite vague. It elides into benefits for gay couples.
@casadechris923 Год назад
IF its true to form, someone within the Holy See must have seen second season of White Lotus and seen that a former convent in the south of Italy was converted to a high end luxury resort and decided they would sell this convent and make a pretty euro. We don't need to go too far and look at the problems the late great Cardinal Pell had when he tried his financial reforms. Men like "cardinal" Becchiu got involved with real estate in London and now they stand trial for corruption. I go once in a while to Spain and I have started in hotels that were before Vatican II aka before the 1970s were active convents, monasteries and seminaries. Numbers dwindled and they were either sold off but dioceses who enjoyed the new found financial cow or were taken away from their respective communities by the Holy See. Not even the great Spanish Civil War of 1930s was able to remove, execute or demolish these sacred places due to the republic communist sympathizers. The destruction came from within the Church.
@trumpvanempowertrump1013 Год назад
Interesting aside's you give . wont waste the time of seeing what you are about again
@Fiat.Voluntas.Tua22 Год назад
Pope Fracis is breaking the Sacred Heart...that is what we should be worried about.
@johannesnicolaas Год назад
The divisions who opened up after the death of ex pope Benedict... now I must smile... I never noticed they were closed. Ganswein also tried to influence Benedict in a bad way. Or better said: he tried to make the image of his former boss in a way he liked himself>
@iMatti00 6 месяцев назад
I’m not Catholic, and generally I support Pope Francis. But if he took the convent buildings from the nuns who were taken care of the 97 year old lady win otherwise they did not have the right to take the property, that’s horrible. That’s what it sounds like your story. They basically offered the Catholic Church $50 million to stay there for another couple years, they took the 50 million and kick them out anyway. And that’s beyond disgusting if I’m understanding correctly.
El futuro cardenal es de madre española y padre franco italiano, además de desarrollar su carrera en Perú. Y agustino.
@TheLeonhamm Год назад
And Papa Bergoglio would know .. for he is a well-known instrumentaliser of contexts, in and out of context - Pelagianists, Traditionists, LGBT(xyz-ism), Environmental (disasterism), Synodal Synodality (from St Paul VI and The Council), with the personnel and personalities involved, et al. I'll take his expert word on it. Keep the Faith; tell the truth, shame the devil, and let demons shriek. God bless. ;o)
@davidwible8946 Год назад
There is no room for doubt now that we don’t have a true Pope. He’s fallen into heresy.
@Jimboken1 Год назад
Sounds like he 'accidentally' tripped into heresy? Or more likely he's wilfully, with malice aforethought, rushing the Church headlong into it before opposition is allowed to form..... as is leftists' wont.
@mariemiller8740 Год назад
David Wible he has been like this from beginning just hid it I believe he is a marxist
@davidhawkins5329 Год назад
Your comments are un charitable and you are materially in schism with Christ's Church and the hierarchy he created. Don't become formally a heretic or you have excommunicated your soul. ✡️✝️🇨🇦
@Jimboken1 Год назад
@@davidhawkins5329 Maybe this will help: Ed Fesser, Academic Catholic theologian and philosopher: "Catholic teaching has always acknowledged that popes can make grave mistakes of various kinds when they are not exercising the fullness of their authority in ex cathedra decrees. Usually, errant popes exhibit serious failings of only one or two sorts. But Pope Francis seems intent on achieving a kind of synthesis of all possible papal errors. Like Honorius I and John XXII, he has made doctrinally problematic statements (and more of them than either of those popes ever did). Like Vigilius, his election and governance have involved machinations on the part of a heterodox party. The Pachamama episode brings to mind Marcellinus and John XII. Then there are the bad episcopal appointments, the accommodation to China’s communist government, and the clergy sexual abuse scandal, which echo the mismanagement, political folly, corruption and decadence of previous eras in papal history. And now we have this repeat of Victor’s high-handedness. Having in this way insulted a living predecessor, might Francis next ape Pope Stephen VI by exhuming a dead one and putting the corpse on trial? Probably not. But absolutely nothing would surprise me anymore in this lunatic period in history that we’re living through."
@SmithsnMoz Год назад
FRANCIS...The Woke Pope! ..
@eamonbreathnach4613 Год назад
Where was the nuns vows of poverty????
@alexk48 Год назад
Vows of poverty, as in personal ownership of only necessary possessions does not include donating buildings for sinful purposes. i.e. secular use, adding to the coffers of a corrupt Vatican bank, contributing to the opulent retirement of homosexual fake priests.
@eamonbreathnach4613 Год назад
@@alexk48 Nonsense talk
@LS-ei7xk Год назад
@@eamonbreathnach4613 From what I just heard, they are not the ones who have a problem with poverty vow, but those above them.
@garywesthoven1745 Год назад
This audience appears to be a very conservative Catholic group. Catholic means universal, the conservative and the liberal. Generally it seems conservatives liken themselves to the ‘correct’ view of Catholicism. Remember, the tPharisees also likened their traditional views to Judaism as well. Jesus didn’t find fault with the laws, but rather with the high and mighty attitude that the Jewish leaders took of their interpretation of how things should be. Jesus summed up all their rules, laws, the Ten Commandments with, love God and love your neighbor. All His admonitions were to cause the Jews to see that the effect of all the laws was to bring love to the fore and not laws for laws sake and laws to raise me higher than you. I’m open to a pounding but I am not one to think that a priest, or parishoner, or a pope is the Antichrist as many souls believe and portray Francis as.
@Blissblizzard Год назад
Then drop your blatant straw manning.🙄 How a devout liberal could confuse legalism with deep reverence and God fearing, is, a paradox wrapped in a mystery encased in a fortune cookie.
@Jimboken1 Год назад
It's not policing rules by your imagined police force that is important but the reasoning behind the rules which are the cross we individually have to bear. For public figures who are overtly thumbing their noses at the 'rules', this normalises sinful behaviour and it has to be addressed. Great efforts are made to make such corrections discreetly. Persistent proud sinning has to be publicly corrected by bishops. It's not hard.
@johnschuh8616 Год назад
No, our complaint is that Pope Francis ought to have held his tongue rather than confirm much of what his critics say about him.
@alexk48 Год назад
Universal does not include heretics + atheists. Christ said "I come NOT to abolish the law but to complete it". He did not say he came to abolish the law as in giving communion to pro abortion/ murderers, unnatural acts/homosexuals, discarding your wife and taking up with another/ adulterers + fornicators. He showed mercy by telling sinners "go and sin no more". That is hardly relativism which is what you seem to be supporting and of which Pope Benedict warned against. I'm sure St. Paul interpreted Christ's words more accurately + in the correct spirit when he said, " some of you used to be these things...."
@Jimboken1 Год назад
@@johnschuh8616 There are cardinals of the Church advocating same sex 'blessings' if not marriage and Holy communion is cool for divorced and remarried. Are they just okay and balanced with some conservative cardinals? The problem is far from Francis just giving ammunition to his enemies. If you don't understand that we are at a radical juncture for the Church and Francis is but a symbol then you have your head in the sand......or worse.
@fatima01917 Год назад
Pope Benedict XVI didn't give up the Munus so he was still the pope. If so, how can Bergoglio be the pope?
@zygmuntkonstancinski2518 Год назад
Pope Francis advice: future based on peace and reconciliation. Definitely. And not on Christ. Definitely. What a successor of Peter!
@sylvia54lobo76 Год назад
Successor of Zjudas iscariot. Wake up world's so called educated ZOMBIES.
@johnfisher247 Год назад
Benedict's death has not been instrumentalised. He did not like conflict and was very long suffering while still speaking his mind. Seewald in his biography of Benedict gives the example of how Ratzinger while a Professor had a very bullying secretary. He did not say anything...but was relieved when he left his employ. Benedict's words about Francis and the new regime in Rome are his intelligent criticisms. Francis is a failure as pope. We need to be exact. Countries that criminalise buggery or certain sex acts, are not persecuting feelings or inclinations but behaviour. The criminalization of buggery is ver3h apllicable for cases of rape, sex abuse and sexual war crimes against males, females and children, incest and sexual trafficking. Why would Francis confuse Africans by going anywhere near those corrupters Welby and the Church of Scotland...which isn't really Presbyterian but a decadent parody. Francis really needs to stop talking on flights. He is product of the 1960's seminary formation. He is ignorant and confusing. Also he does not grasp what his role as Pope is. Benedict did understand it and articulate it.
@zygmuntkonstancinski2518 Год назад
31+ minutes of analysis of current state of Church as seen from Vatican. And no mention of Christ. Christ who is "where two or three are gathered in His name". And He really IS. Not in this program, though.
@driggsbaylon4655 Год назад
Doesn't John's love for the Church and for Christ shine through?
@driggsbaylon4655 Год назад
Cui amor Deus!
@alexk48 Год назад
Zygmut, in his name not in sin, relativism + heresy. Christ also never preached that looting was a virtue.
@ruthmaryrose Год назад
This whole piece, particularly the summation, makes the Church sound very bad, and could have been produced by anti-Catholics.
@Fuk_Xin Год назад
He shd be thankful to B16 for B16 made him the Poop
@MsHburnett Год назад
Has pope Francis changed his pronouns yet? They / them?
@celinezubiri4533 Год назад
The pope is infalliable! How can a bishop or cardinal question the Pope? My Goodness
@Jimboken1 Год назад
Ed Fesser, Academic Catholic theologian and philosopher: "Catholic teaching has always acknowledged that popes can make grave mistakes of various kinds when they are not exercising the fullness of their authority in ex cathedra decrees. Usually, errant popes exhibit serious failings of only one or two sorts. But Pope Francis seems intent on achieving a kind of synthesis of all possible papal errors. Like Honorius I and John XXII, he has made doctrinally problematic statements (and more of them than either of those popes ever did). Like Vigilius, his election and governance have involved machinations on the part of a heterodox party. The Pachamama episode brings to mind Marcellinus and John XII. Then there are the bad episcopal appointments, the accommodation to China’s communist government, and the clergy sexual abuse scandal, which echo the mismanagement, political folly, corruption and decadence of previous eras in papal history. And now we have this repeat of Victor’s high-handedness. Having in this way insulted a living predecessor, might Francis next ape Pope Stephen VI by exhuming a dead one and putting the corpse on trial? Probably not. But absolutely nothing would surprise me anymore in this lunatic period in history that we’re living through."
@LS-ei7xk Год назад
He's only infallible when speaking "ex cathedra".
@eamonbreathnach4613 Год назад
Pope Francis is a great Christian.
@alexk48 Год назад
Catholics are the only true Christians and it appears Francis does not care to be one.
@Jimboken1 Год назад
Anglican 'christian' perhaps, but is he Catholic?
@amyexner Год назад
OUR HOLY FATHER BENEDICT WAS A GENIUS; NEVER WILL THEY SEE THIS AGAIN. I’ve read Gänswein’s book and he never instigated in his book that their was a worthy tension between His Pope Benedict and Francis. And it was true that Our Holy Father Benedict was hurt by the changes made concerning the Holy Latin Mass. Francis is half the brain Our Holy Father Benedict was; thus, his actions are impulsive and political; not spiritual.
@romanhamerski9192 Год назад
One heretic about another heretic so you have fun, however your podcast has no value
@mickbillane4683 Год назад
I'm an Irish catholic D O B Dec 1950 I am catholic and know the Catholic faith, the argentian dressed in white is everything But not a catholic, this is my opinion, let him choose whichever religion suits his mood at the time.
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