
Aprilia Scarabeo 400 antifreeze too concentrated causes overheating and affects camshaft sensor,4K 

Auto Moto how to?
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Salut , am sa va spun problema intalnita la scuterul meu Aprilia Scarabeo 400 Piaggio Engine , fostul proprietar a adaugat antigel in forma pura in sistemul de racire ceea ce este foarte rau iar punctul de fierbere este mult mai jos decat la apa , el trebuie diluat 50% / 50% , dar un tester de temperatura te ajuta mai mult in functie de regiunea ta , revenim la problema mea , motorul se incalzea mult peste limita normala si mult prea repede ventilatorul de racire functionand aproape continu cand eram oprit , toate asta a afectat senzorul ax cu came RPM care se dilata foarte tare si nu mai functiona oprind motorul in mers si nu mai vroia sa porneasca , initial am suspectat ceva electronic cum ar fi CDI , releu sau pompa de benzina , dupa ce el statea putin timp si se racorea pornea din nou , am zis sa incerc sa demontez unul din capacele carenei care inconjoara motorul si surpriza a fost ca el se ventila bine in mers si nu se mai oprea , am facut 130 km fara probleme , asta ma trimis cu gandul sa verific antigelul si da intradevar nu era conform , acum dupa ce lam diluat si iam adus punctul de inght la -10 grade celsius totul e ok nici ventilatorul de racire nu mai porneste , functioneaza corect , tineti cont ca termostatul are 2 circuite , bafta.
Hi, I will tell you the problem with my scooter Aprilia Scarabeo 400 Piaggio Engine, the former owner added pure antifreeze in the cooling system which is very bad and the boiling point is much lower than water, it must be diluted 50% / 50%, but a temperature tester helps you more depending on your region, we return to my problem, the engine was heating much above the normal limit and much too fast the cooling fan running almost continuously when I was off, all this affected the RPM camshaft sensor which expands very much and no longer works stopping the engine running and did not want to start, initially I suspected something electronic such as CDI, relay or gas pump, after it stayed a while and the cooling started again, I said to try to disassemble one of the hull covers that surrounds the engine and the surprise was that it was well ventilated while running and did not stop, I did 130 km without problems, that sent me with the thought of checking the antifreeze and yes it really was not compliant, now after I diluted it and brought the freezing point to -10 degrees Celsius everything is ok the cooling fan doesn't start anymore, it works correctly, keep in mind that the thermostat has 2 circuits, good luck.
Hei, jeg skal fortelle deg problemet med scooteren min Aprilia Scarabeo 400 Piaggio Engine, den tidligere eieren la til ren frostvæske i kjølesystemet som er veldig dårlig og kokepunktet er mye lavere enn vann, det må fortynnes 50% / 50 %, men en temperaturtester hjelper deg mer avhengig av din region, vi kommer tilbake til problemet mitt, motoren varmet mye over normalgrensen og altfor fort kjøleviften gikk nesten kontinuerlig når jeg var av, alt dette påvirket RPM-kamakselen sensor som ekspanderer veldig mye og ikke lenger fungerer stopper motoren i gang og ville ikke starte, i utgangspunktet mistenkte jeg noe elektronisk som CDI, relé eller bensinpumpe, etter at den holdt seg en stund og kjølingen startet igjen, sa jeg å prøve å demonter et av skrogdekslene som omgir motoren og overraskelsen var at den var godt ventilert mens den kjørte og stoppet ikke, jeg gjorde 130 km uten problemer, det sendte meg med tanken på å sjekke frostvæsken og ja den var virkelig ikke kompatibel, nå etter at jeg fortynnet den og brakte frysepunktet til -10 grader celsius er alt ok kjøleviften starter ikke lenger, den fungerer riktig, husk at termostaten har 2 kretser, lykke til.
Hola les comento el problema que tiene mi scooter Aprilia Scarabeo 400 Motor Piaggio, el antiguo dueño le agrego anticongelante puro en el sistema de enfriamiento el cual es muy malo y el punto de ebullición es mucho mas bajo que el agua, hay que diluirlo al 50%/50 %, pero un probador de temperatura te ayuda más dependiendo de tu región, volvemos a mi problema, el motor se calentaba mucho por encima del límite normal y demasiado rápido, el ventilador de refrigeración funcionaba casi continuamente cuando estaba apagado, todo esto afectaba el árbol de levas de RPM sensor el cual se expande mucho y ya no funciona parando el motor en marcha y no queria arrancar, inicialmente sospeche algo electronico como CDI, rele o bomba de gasolina, despues de que se quedo un rato y volvio a empezar la refrigeracion, dije que intentara desmonte una de las tapas del casco que rodea el motor y la sorpresa fue que estaba bien ventilado en marcha y no paraba, hice 130 km sin problemas, eso me mandó con la idea de revisar el anticongelante y sí, realmente no cumplía, ahora después de diluirlo y llevar el punto de congelación a -10 grados centígrados, todo está bien, el ventilador de enfriamiento ya no arranca, funciona correctamente, tenga en cuenta que el termostato tiene 2 circuitos, buena suerte.



13 окт 2024




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@Danielzz4you 6 месяцев назад
Greetings! Please tell me your opinion, why antifreeze may disappear after winter. The scooter was standing on the street. Naturally, everything was normal and the level too. I didn’t see any puddles or drops of antifreeze under the scooter in winter.
@AutoMotohowto46 6 месяцев назад
has it dropped at all?
@Danielzz4you 6 месяцев назад
@@AutoMotohowto46 The top tank under the steering wheel is completely empty
@AutoMotohowto46 6 месяцев назад
@@Danielzz4you and did you check before winter and the jar was full?
@Danielzz4you 6 месяцев назад
@@AutoMotohowto46 yes it was full and the cooling system worked properly. Frosts were down to -35, maybe this had some effect?
@AutoMotohowto46 6 месяцев назад
@@Danielzz4you you have a broken hose somewhere in my opinion, it's a lot of lost quantity...
@Tutovnik-info 2 года назад
I beg your pardon, but I see no any way how the coolant could cause the camshaft sensors failure or misreading.
@AutoMotohowto46 2 года назад
@Tutovnik-info 2 года назад
@@AutoMotohowto46 But the sensor is in the head, it is not cooled by the coolant anyway
@AutoMotohowto46 2 года назад
@@Tutovnik-info it doesn't matter, it expands a lot and gets stuck, after this operation I didn't have any more problems
@Tutovnik-info 2 года назад
@@AutoMotohowto46 oooh, not so good. Great that you've fixed it. I have a Big Beo and I love that thing.
@gk7619 2 месяца назад
А где антифриз который он сливал
@AutoMotohowto46 2 месяца назад
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