
Are Akitas Smart? Dog Intelligence Test 

The Akita Life
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In the pet world, people seem to brag about two things when it comes to their dog’s intelligence: How smart their dog is, or how loveably dumb their dog is. While there are certainly some endearing qualities for a goofball of a dog, I think we’d all prefer to have a smart one. Smart dogs are easier to communicate with and thus typically easier to train. Smart dogs are also less likely to get themselves into trouble, like running out into traffic if they get loose.
Check out the full article with the intelligence test here:
So that begs the question, are Akitas smart? Akitas are considered to be a highly intelligent breed, but just like humans this will vary from one Akita to the next. One of the biggest indicators of how intelligent your dog is, is how easy it is to train them. I can tell you from personal experience, that our Akita, Haga, was learning how to come and sit at only 7 weeks of age, and he was house trained shortly thereafter.
How to Tell if Your Akita is Intelligent?
There are different types of intelligence for dogs just like there are for humans. Your Akita might have good problem solving skills, emotional intelligence, etc…
I find that our American Akita, Haga, isn’t easily tricked. For example, some dogs when you pretend to have a treat in your hand, will come running at the first promise of food, however your Akita will likely be skeptical of you if they didn’t see you grab the treat from the bag. If you’re curious if your Akita is smart or not, try suddenly pretending to see if you have a treat in your hand see if they react!
If you’re wondering if your Akita has emotional intelligence, try to take note of their behavior when you’re sad or upset. I remember a recent situation where I was having a rough couple of days, and during that time my Akita, Haga never left my side, and was extra cuddly.
American Akitas are also typically very good at identifying potential threats. While some people believe that Akitas don’t like strangers in general, it has been my experience that Akitas don’t like people that are untrustworthy. A great example of this is how our American Akita, Haga, reacts to the neighbors in the neighborhood while we’re out for a walk. There is a wonderful family down the street from us and Haga is always excited to see their kids and play with them, but on the other side of the town lives someone who isn’t exactly the most savory character, and our Akita always barks and shows his teeth when this person walks by. It’s because of this reason I always trust my dog’s instincts when around strangers.
It’s important to also keep in mind the proud history of Akitas, as they were originally bred as working dogs for hunting bear in the snowy mountains of Japan. According to the incredible book Dog Man: An Uncommon Life on a Faraway Mountain by Martha Sherrill (click here to get it on Amazon). The technique used by the hunters was to have their Akita encircle the bear and box it in so the hunter could then kill the bear. It’s clear Akitas must be quite smart to participate in such an event, given that their life and their owners life was on the line during bear hunts.
#Akita #dogtraining #americanakita



29 сен 2024




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@williamferguson3223 Год назад
My akita is deaf...I was able to teach him basic commands like sit, lay,stay,and come to me in sign language in no time flat...he's super smart and hyper vigilant...best dog ever!!! My reason to even get up in the morning.
@TheAkitaLife Год назад
Give him a pat on the head for me and Haga
@Shuntae-p9o Год назад
Awww I'm sorry to hear that unfortunately after having my akita for almost 11 years he fractured his paw so the vet put him on tramadol for pain well one day my son was on the floor with Kimpachi rubbing him looking at him he said MOM his ear is bleeding we told the vet she said that medicine could make him deaf we immediately stopped using that I was so mad at her like WHY didn't you say that could happen before prescribing him that so he lost his hearing in that ear that ear that was bleeding SMH but we still love him he can still hear us I don't know how much but he can and he's VERY Smart my old man now
@cyrus7457 2 месяца назад
thats what im sayin..... a dog will change your life.... for good
@plasmarun544 4 дня назад
Yeah ,same here I have 6 Akitas the first one I got as a female puppy put after a couple of weeks I really stated thinking something is very wrong so I had a pro come in to evaluate her and learned she was totally deaf, I was upset to say the least and thought now I have to make some hard choices. I decided to keep her and taught myself some sign language so I can train her and WOW I was surprised how fast and easy she picked up on all the commands it was harder for me then her Hahaha usually first time is all it took then I set up more stuff like big button bussers at the back door inside and out and she learned to press them with her snout if she needed to go out or come back in it took her 2 times to learn it but after a while I just got tired of the busser sound on the inside and went with a wind chimes showed her once then to my surprise one day I heard the windchimes thinking ok got up from the couch went to the back door and it was my male Akita standing there waiting to go out not her and just smiled and said good boy, well things just took off from there as the pack grew they all learned the silent language, she became a happy go lucky giddy Akita that absolutely loved being in water the colder the better, lay in it ,roll in it swim in it what a character she became.
@williamferguson3223 4 дня назад
@plasmarun544 your Akita likes water? No chance in hell is mine going near water on purpose except his water bowl and even then he's careful not to step in any that's gotten on the floor...it's a near next level cat like hatred for it...he also won't walk backwards....it's the funniest thing to watch...if he can't turn around he ain't going that way...and if there is something in his way even partially like a paper bag or a shoe in the hallway he won't go around it or go over it he literally stands and stares at it sometimes for hours until I come pick up or move it out of the way...does yours "dance" hop up and down when you feed them or let them do something they want? Is that something all Akita do?
@karencookd 2 года назад
I had two Akitas, a male and a female. They were still too young to mate, so when we went to work we separated them in the yard. They could still move freely, but couldn’t reach each other. Another dog managed to get in the yard and tried to “take advantage” of the female. She actually killed him but she and the foreign dog were entangled in her cable. My male actually managed to release himself from his cable, and went across the street to the house of a neighbor that he knew and brought him back to help the female. Leading me to believe that both of my dogs were highly intelligent and that my female was very selective. Sadly they are both gone and there isn’t a day that I don’t miss them.
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
That is crazy!
@RegentDeMarquis005 Год назад
Thanks so much for sharing your experience.
@michelleelston4518 2 года назад
Hello firstly you are so good , my two Akita’s know half hour earlier that there dad is coming home , and they can open the the door , it could be me but they seem to be smiling, you are so lovely to listen too ,.
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
Thanks so much for watching!
@jewkilla0 2 года назад
Anyone have any advice regarding separation anxiety? I have a 5 year old male American Akita and am unable to leave him alone for even 15 minutes without him weeing in certain spots. Have tried calming sprays, calming plug ins, calming tablets, Anti urine spray, Treats, We have a wobbler which he loves usually but if left alone he wont eat it until we get back. He just paces around frequently barking and howling. Thanks for any help.
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
Have you tried crate training? Out him in a crate with the blanket over the crate so he can't see out.
@christanweber5581 2 года назад
How much does your Akita normally eat/is he a super picky eater. I have a husky Akita mix, and he doesn’t eat nearly as much as our other dogs his size, even tried switching him to a raw diet, meat, eggs, went through most of it.
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
He eats 4 cups of kibble per day + snacks like yogurt, PB and some scraps from our food. He's not a picky eater at all but many Akitas are. The best thing to do is just keep trying food until something sticks. Also not a bad idea to consult your vet to make sure there are no underlying health issues.
@menopassini9348 2 года назад
My Akita is very manipulative. She can get my German Shepherd to chase her all day. The GSD can be chilling chewing on a bone, the Akita will take it away not that she wants the bone, she wants to be chased. GSD will go in the house after a walk No problems. The Akita will go as far a the Door and run away and go into the Zoomies. I will have to chase her for 30 mins until she has had enough of being chased. She will Not Chase the GSD or Me. Just sits there like a Spoiled Brat. She did learn her name, Sit, Stay, No, No Food possession, wait to be given permission to eat and come in to the house, house trained all in 3 days at 10. Weeks. She never pooped in the house. Peed yes, but only when I don't wake up fast enough to let her out. She is very upset that she peed by the door and not outside. She only poops in the bushes. Never on the sidewalk. Grass, or drive. Knows how to get her way. GSD is about family and always taking the short end on the stick and Happy to get that. I Love them both, but the GSD is less wirk and time.
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
Our Akita was the same with house training. Very easy to do!
@teresaclark7291 2 года назад
My female akita does the same thing to my old boy hes a mastiff x to get him to chase her she teases him with the dentalstick
@ingeborgroos9415 2 года назад
Do you find that a GSD and akita is a good mix? I'm mostly curious about when the GSD is a couple years older and then getting an akita puppy :) thanks :)
@Yarndragonvideos 2 года назад
Oh for sure Akitas are smart. My Akita has 3 buttons to help me know what she wants. Water, Walk, and Outside. And the outside button is the most useful button, definitely when I’m in a different or part of the house. But one example that really shows off her intelligence is, when I let her outside in the morning and go back in bed, they way she tells me she wants back inside is she gives out a quiet little howl by the back door. But if I don’t get up and open it quickly she’ll go to my bedroom window and howl instead. I was surprised she knew it was the same window since I usually have the curtains down. But shows she has great spatial awareness.
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
@_La_Knight 2 года назад
When I let my Akita out he would rattle the wind chimes back and forth until I heard it to come back inside. Never barked. I also had a brand new gallon water jug sitting on the table. I left out real quick. He opened the new jug. Drank some. The jug fell over and worried that he was going to get in trouble he sat it back upright on the table (half the water now spilled) like I wouldn’t notice the open jug or water everywhere.
@Nighthawk799 2 года назад
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
That's awesome haha
@kumasakitaadventures 2 года назад
Bahaha clever boy
@Cattulus00 Год назад
clever dog, lol, they can be super sneaky.
@Rick_Sanchez_C137_ Год назад
I had a pair of Shiba Inus, the boy was a goofball and not a genius but not terribly stupid, the girl was smart but so aloof even trying to get her to play along with most things like this would have been impossible, but she knew what the leash was for (and I quickly had to go to using a harness for walks and she quickly learned to help get the harness on). She really lived up to the “catlike” moniker given to the Japanese breeds….
@jeffdavis3038 2 года назад
As all I have to do is look at him tilt my head and he knows we're going out side.
@sfpontius 2 года назад
The leash is not ambiguous. We have to hide the leashes in our house if we are just moving them so they don't see them and lose their minds. I love the part of the Akita that makes them their own person. They are more like people that way. I think the more people like they are the more intelligent they are.
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
They definitely have unique personalities
@Shuntae-p9o Год назад
We don't hide the leash but once we pick it up my big boy gets so excited its time for a walk 😊
@ralphboon1417 2 года назад
😭😭😭😭😭 Do you know how many times I’ve thrown a ball in a field and I had to go get it myself. Never knew Akita’s didn’t like to play fetch I thought she just didn’t want to bring it back to me.
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
@liliansp5063 2 года назад
This is so funny. Typical from akitas🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Baztey 2 года назад
Yes they are smart. In less than a month we an out of ways to fool our akita puppy into staying outside. We ended up giving up and letting her in xD
@aarondavis5850 2 года назад
Our Akita mix (her other parent was a Shepherd/Retriever mix of some type) was always a quick study but definitely had a mind of her own. It took her about 10 minutes to learn how to turn lights on and off, but after a few months she got tired of it and when given the command would either make halfhearted attempts or just whine and refuse. She could also always tell when we were talking about her even if we weren't using her name. She didn't like it and would get up, look at us, and leave the room. 😂 She also had ear mites a couple of times and hated the treatment, Afterwards when she overheard the word "ears" in a conversation she would get concerned and sometimes hide.
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
She sounds like a real trickster 🤣
My 2 year old male AKITA knows I'll be taking him out when I put my hat and gloves on
@pattysouza2954 8 месяцев назад
My first Akita was incredibly intelligent. My husband traveled for work which left my daughter and me home alone. We live in a 2 story home and as soon as he left she would station herself at the foot of the stairs in a dark spot. In order for anyone to go upstairs where we slept they would have to get past her in the dark. As soon as my husband came home she went back to sleeping next to my daughter's bedside.
@TheAkitaLife 8 месяцев назад
love that!
@LeighClark-zf8oi Год назад
We have had 2 Akitas and I would say they adapt to their environment/take on the family dynamics. They are the most human like breed I have ever had and I have had a German Shepherd, English Mastiff, Cocker Spaniel and a mix breed rescue. It seems key that the Akita know who is alpha or else they run the show.
@Cattulus00 Год назад
I had a Akita for ten years, he was super clever, and huge problem solver. And yes, super emotionally tuned in to their owner, almost scary how in tune they are, loved him to death...best dog ever.
@RegentDeMarquis005 Год назад
Best Wolf 🐺 canine ever
@pattiinla 8 дней назад
My dog is very independent. He is an Akita Inu. I have had 3 American Akitas my female had a high IQ. She would line up her toys on the window ledge. She was a LAPD neighborhood Rep. She was the queen B of the dog park and never got into fights. She would go to Disneyland and she was very good with children including ones with disabilities. Before we got to the dog park she would stand up in the back seat to make sure I was driving the correct direction. She was a rescue. All my Akita's are rescues including my current Akita Inu.
@richardramos1492 Год назад
My Akita Kai which is an American Akita he can open up doors that have levers and he also can open up a wrought iron gate with his nose . And if a bedroom door is not shut properly he'll just barge into any room and make himself comfortable
@TheAkitaLife Год назад
Smart boy!
@Pearly4444 21 день назад
So my Akita mix (whose mom is a full Akita and dad is a collie / lab- pretty much looks and acts exactly like a short 80lb Akita) just attacked my brothers dogs who have been living on my property for two months due to an unfortunate situation of my brothers and he nearly killed the male dog. He has three kerr female boar hunting dogs that he’s totally fine w but when the boys are out my dog tries fighting them through the window. Two days later my dog and the male dogs who one is a sweet & dopey skinny 50lb lab and the other is a 12gr old blind and deaf kerr dog living the retired hunting life somehow they all managed to open the door and it happened round 2. It was hell- I saved my dog from almost being strangled to death by my brother and then my dog showed me teeth inside and it’s not the first time he’s done that. Im a female, he would never do that to my brother bc he knows whose alpha- but does that affect the dog over time? He’s 3 and I wonder if he would ever turn on me when he knows he’s bad? Or can this be supported w training? Otherwise he’s like a giant teddy bear and a lover. Easy w my daughter
@subbareddy-je8vk 2 года назад
If I take care of my Akita very well will my American Akita live 14 to 15 years?
@camillahunt3247 2 года назад
I can't believe I just found this channel. I love your content. I have always wanted an Akita. However, I was a first time dog owner and Akitas weren't really a first time dog for most people. I went with a GSD female who is now 3. I worked with a trainer and she is extremely well trained. My question is, I feel I am ready for an Akita. Has anyone had any experience bringing an Akita puppy into a home with another dominant breed? Any advice would be helpful.
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
Can't speak for GSD, but Akitas can be okay with another dog as long as they aren't the same sex.
@kumasakitaadventures 2 года назад
We had an American Bulldog and he had a great temperament for the 11 years he was with us ❤️ We still have an 11 year old whippet mix. A couple weeks ago, we brought home an 8 week old, male American Akita. Our baby girl has done an incredible job mothering and teaching Kuma (our Akita puppy) how to play nice, share, go outside, be polite, etc. He has so much love and respect for her and never challenges her, always submits. That being said, he has attempted to dominate almost ever smaller dog he has met (3 French bulldogs, 1 Bichon frise, and an English bulldog who is slightly larger than him, but looked just like an English bully he grew up with). He is just over 10 weeks old now and we're prepared for more extreme behavior when he goes through puppy puberty. Loki does an excellent job correcting him when he plays with other dogs, but his behavior may change as his testosterone starts to impact his behavior. If you do decide to get an Akita, be patient and firm and loving. They are tough, stubborn dogs. Before we committed to a puppy, we evaluated our experience with our American Bulldog and did a TON of research on the breed (kudos for doing your own and asking for advice). Just remember, when training a puppy/dog - do what is RIGHT not what is easy.
@camillahunt3247 2 года назад
@@kumasakitaadventures Thank you for the advice. I am actually talking to a few breeders now. I have decided on getting a male. I have also talked my trainer that helped me Venus, my GSD, who has agreed to help me with the puppy once I get him. I am excited about this decision!
@kumasakitaadventures 2 года назад
@@camillahunt3247 That's awesome! Congratulations! Loki is flourishing with a new critter to mentor. Our American Bulldog "trained" an English Bulldog when he was about a year old - they were both males and were great together. Am. Bullies are definitely not as primitive as Akitas, but their working lineage and breed traits are very similar. The two biggest things we looked for with my breeder were the health tests they performed on the parents (we didn't consider any breeders that didn't do OFA testing, or at least have OFA test records for the 4 grandparents) and the temperament of the parents. Good luck during your journey! We'd be happy to answer any questions you have - or help you find the answer, at the very least.
@camillahunt3247 2 года назад
@@kumasakitaadventures OFA testing is definitely on my "must have" list! It was something I required when I got my GSD as well. I am surprised that some breeders don't have that. My main concern is temperament. Something else seemed weird to me as well...two of the breeders I spoke with had clauses in the contract that I would not train the Akita for protection. I didn't run across that when looking for a breeder for my GSD. Did you experience that?
@edwardandcynthiabest5840 Год назад
Yes! So smart our Akita shinju is 6 months most amazing dog we have ever had! Definitely self willed, but I swear he understands everything we say! When he does not like it he turns is back to us, when he wants to go out he goes to his leash and hits it with his nose, if we don’t respond he make a noise, he learns so fast he has sat, lay, place, fetch (although on his terms) since he we got him at 10 weeks, never an accident (great breeder as well) he seemed to be potty trained, he goes to bed between 9-10 pm and gets up about 7. If we are not up he wants us up and if myself or my husband do not go on his morning walk with him he wants to know why, he is sweet, funny and tender hearted. We socialize him all the time he loves people he can be rough with play he’s 67.2 pounds right now!! We love this guy!❤
@TheAkitaLife Год назад
Sounds like you are good doggy parents!
@msgj8128 4 месяца назад
I had a female Akita, Kiku, in the early '70s. The owners of her father, Niko, moved and couldn't take him so we adopted him. Once, my mother was cooking hamburgers and made some miniburgers for the dogs. Niko ate his, then snatched Kiku's. After he left the kitchen, my mother made another for Kiku. Instead of eating it, she took it and dropped it on the floor where Niko could see it. When he came to investigate Kiku attacked him and pinned him to the floor, then went back and ate the burger while he watched. This shows that Kiku recognized an offence, planned retaliation, and successfully executed it. Niko was smart enough to stay put. After that they could eat from the same bowl without a problem. Niko was not a shrinking violet. In Japan champion dogs were determined by facing off two dogs rather than what they looked like. The winner was the dog that stood his ground. If a dog lunged or cowered it lost. At an Akita club meeting his former owner foolishly faced Niko off against another dog. The other dog's owner couldn't control his dog and Niko stood his ground, then won the resulting fight.
@NewVenomH2O Год назад
This is going to sound dumb… but I got my Akita/Dutch Shepherd mix thinking it was a Belgian Malinois until I had him embark tested. He is insanely bright and he is the best drug detection, security and protection dog I could ask for. The purebred Malinois follows orders blindly and stupidly to a fault without minding who enforced those orders. Zeus the Akita/Dutchie he will comply but only if that makes me his juman happy. If he got a logic test he would excel and he has abstract reasoning about the past present and future.
@tetsu1000 3 месяца назад
I remember a reddit post by a gay man that got fucked in front of his Akita, and next day the dog started to stare him judgefully and ignore his orders.
@kumaboyy.7443 Год назад
Akitas do everything on their terms!😂 yes, I agree! But he would protect me from any danger!
Mine is 14 and very stubborn, wouldn't say he was ever that intelligent, stubborn and very spoiled
@lisica8458 Год назад
Chow chows are in the same category as Akitas: They won't respond to a command unless they perceive that there's something in it for them. I consider that intelligent.
@albertocordoba1798 Год назад
I may sound like a proud parent, but I truly believe my Akita is the smartest; for example, he learned to communicate all his needs; He sleeps in my room every night and when he needs to poop or pee I wake up at night to take him out, he has learned to open the door, to get on the public bus and to know how he has to be there, no matter how full the bus is . He knows how to behave, when we're at home he learned where he can't enter and many other things that most of us don't teach him, maybe I only told him once, and that was enough, there are other things that were difficult to make him understand; for example, not to fight with all the dogs on the street; but with a lot of patience and perseverance now he learned to behave everywhere.
@TheAkitaLife Год назад
That's awesome!
@albertocordoba1798 Год назад
​@@TheAkitaLife j​ @Tletmeta ​ @The Akita Life j​ @The Akita I'll put something cleare; he is who wake me up at middle of the night if wants to go to pee or poop; he knows that inside the house that it isn't allow; no matter when, even when he has been sick with "Giardia" (a stomach infection) he did.
@satrixremix7111 2 года назад
Yes they are smart and learn pretty quickly too , it's only when you ask them to perform is when it's like nope not doing but I will do it for me lol
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
Totally! They are not easily entertained haha
@nadjepauw 2 года назад
I'm very sure Thai my Americain Akita. is as you. mentioned smarter then they ranked him he has a high EI Emotional intelligence
@maricrisgraceberones8206 2 года назад
Theres this one time my Akita wanted to pea. The only person awake was my housemate. Housemate did not pick up my Akitas intention so my Akita Bullet peed infront of him. My son awaken and cleaned the pee and use a cloth to squeeze the pee in the bucket. When my son is done, Bullet look at my friend and tip the bucket off spilling the pee again infront of my housemate. He wants my housemate to clean it up and not my son. I guess because Bullet ask for his attention first. And everytime he accidentally pees and someone cleans it up Bullet is like a manager he checks if its really clean 3x going back and forth the spot.
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
Lol that's hilarious
@maricrisgraceberones8206 2 года назад
@@TheAkitaLife definitely. He is so stubborn hahahah
@evas_chat Год назад
When I feed my Akita on the balcony, he waits before eating to see if I leave the balcony door open or close it. Knowing this is more important in his eyes than immediately rushing to eat. It makes him look very smart, I think.
@TheAkitaLife Год назад
@janiezapata9019 2 года назад
My Akita tobi open the door to get in my room
@KUNTAR 2 года назад
I have a male and a female Akita. My female isn't that bright. She doesn't problem solve at all. If she gets wrapped around a tree with her line out back she will just stop and sit there and make no sound nor attempt to unwind. She would stay out there for HOURS until someone finally went out and unwound her from being wrapped around a tree. She is also very slow to obey commands. It doesn't seem so much that she is just stubborn, it seems more like she is just slow to pick up on what you want her to do. Now... my male on the other hand seems like a genius. He will run out back on the line and wrap around the tree causing him to become stuck... but then he will turn around and immediately retrace his steps and unwind. That doesn't mean he NEVER gets stuck, because in one spot there are multiple trees next to each other and sometimes he won't hit the end of the line until he's gone around in a knot. Once he realizes he is wrapped around the tree in this situation he only sometimes manages to get himself unwound. However, in the situations where he cannot unwind he will stop, sit, and bark. Not and endless bark, but a periodic bark to let us know that he is stuck so we can come unwind him. He also opens up gates. We have put up a gate at the bottom of our stairs and my female has NEVER figured out how to open it. My male did from a very young age, and even when I put a bungee cords on to hold the gate closed he chewed through them and opened up the gate. He has also picked up command of more tricks/commands than my female despite being about 9 months younger (both are still very young with her being 3 in June and him just turning 2 yesterday). He knows not only that the leash means walk but as soon as I touch the drawer the leash is in he gets excited. Even if I put my shoes on he gets excited to go for a walk. He knows certain words and eavesdrops on us humans. So if I am talking to my wife of kids and he hears me say the word "outside" he immediately gets up. He knows that word means outside, and even without me talking to him he gets up hoping it means I will let him out. Definitely he is the smartest dog I have ever had. He always pays close attention to me, especially when I am talking. Even if I am not talking to him. He has his faults, however. He is so bonded to me that he doesn't even care overly much for my kids or my wife. He can be bossy with them even though I put him in his place every time and also work on them giving him commands before every treat or pet. He is very grumpy with everyone else as well, and when he is tired or doesn't want to be bothered (which doesn't apply to me as I can bother him whenever I want) he will growl. At my wife and kids. He hasn't bit, but he is very dominant and they aren't in showing enough authority towards him, so he sees himself above them in the pack order. He's my best bud but I do not like this part of him at all.
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
That's so funny because the females are usually smarter than the males!
@kenharrah6212 Год назад
Owned two Akitas....My friend was visiting with her newborn who was just starting to crawl...my Akitas were in the living room with the newborn a s newborn started to crawl behind the new projection TV I had purchased the male Akita gently picked up the newborn by the diaper and brought her into the kitchen and sat her down, every time she would try to crawl away my male Akita would block her my female Akita was blocking the open space between the new TV and the wall IF THAT'S NOT INTELLIGENCE THEN PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IS😮😮
@TheAkitaLife Год назад
Haha that's awesome
@brankamrksic8342 Год назад
Akitu ke nemoguce ne voleti.imaju jak karakter i svesni su sebe .to je ono cime plene i zarobe te.
@WorldOfSinMusic 10 месяцев назад
My Akita watched me open the bin, fridge, doors etc. and then started opening them too. But if I told him to sit he sometimes laid down (and vice versa). They are super smart when it's beneficial to them :)
@stevewright2813 2 года назад
My Akita pal figured out how to enter through a closed door that has a lever type door knob. 🐕
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
Smart pup!
@saramomo7927 10 месяцев назад
My 6 month old did his in less than 3 minutes lolol
@Pedrodemelo84 3 месяца назад
My boy is extremely intelligent.
@niktniewiem4785 Год назад
That intelligence list is BS, I've read all about it, it was not done in a reliable scientific way. It also only takes into account how easy a dog is to train, and ofc Akita is not the easiest, but from what I've heared from just every Akita owner and breeder and from my experience I'd say Akita is in top 10 for sure.
@TheAkitaLife Год назад
It's not perfect but likely better than any other "data" out there.
@kylemadison1296 Год назад
All dogs have relatively similar intelligence. Sure, some dogs may be better at one thing or another, just like humans. It is common for people to anthropomorphize their dog and think they own an exceptional dog, but the reality is most dogs mental abilities fall within a 2 to 2 and half year human child regardless of breed.
@TheAkitaLife Год назад
I agree most people talk as if their dog is a genius. I think some breeds are demonstrably smarter than others though.
@jeffdown9259 2 года назад
Did you name Haga after the Japanese motorcycle racer? I did, his name was Nori. He was very intelligent, once caught a cat that could have easily slipped through the metal fence. 3 weeks later he caught a crow! I thought it was dead but he just pinned it on it’s back, just like the cat, both were unharmed. Just having fun I guess? His vet had never heard anything like this, but I have 2 witnesses! He also wasn’t intimidated by the deer with a full set of antlers and wouldn’t let it come in the yard to eat my shrubs. I have a video of him stalking the deer!
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
Yes! You're the first person in two years to get the reference. That's so funny about Nori. He sounds like he was a good boy!
@tep492 Год назад
I'll add that our Akita Kenosha knowd the command "go around". We use a retractable leash and she will follow the leash out of whatever brush, or around trees, to get back to the path on her own.
@TheAkitaLife Год назад
That's impressive!
@kateackerly6559 2 года назад
I'm learning about Akitas. And I am trying to figure out what my mutt pup is an amalgamation of. I keep coming back to Akita because of certain traits. My vet says shepherd mix. Rumor has it the momma dog was a Sheltie. Azimutt is smart. Has been exceptionally easy to house train (only 2 accidents in the first week). He's been very good to the cats, who have seniority around here, and while my cats are no dummies (yes I am biased), they have not caught on to offers of friendlies as quick as Azimutt does. It's coming around, though. He's catching on to word meanings eerily fast. Human and cat habits as well. A bit hard headed on the obedience training attempts, but I admit, it's been half a century since I have had a pup to train, and I was on a farm back then, so requirements were different. So I need training as much as the pup does!
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
You could always do a DNA test
@garypudup2109 Год назад
Why do I think my Akita is smart? Because she's got my wife and I trained just the way she likes.
@TheAkitaLife Год назад
Haha sounds like an Akita
@lewiswalker6646 Год назад
Myn used to wait for me to go out and lay on sofa where he wasn’t allowed ..when my van pulled in drive he would get down and lay on the floor 😂 smart dog but didn’t realise he left a warm patch and a pile of dog fur where he lay
@TheAkitaLife Год назад
@haleypannell7699 2 года назад
Could you do a video about Akita mixes? I know you used to have an akita dalmatian mix, and it would just be interesting to hear your thoughts on various Akita mixes
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
I'll put it on the list.
@supa89live18 Год назад
My akita opens doors
@donnachase4899 2 года назад
I think my Akita is just too smart because when you fool her of something you cannot do the same thing to her. We think also that she can count too because a certain snack we usually give her 6 but sometimes if we give only 4 or 5 she is still looking for more. In conclusion we can fool her only once not the second time.
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
Thats a smart pup!
@solarescapist8976 2 года назад
My akita also “cries” a lot. She normally has tears around her eyes. Is that normal?
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
I wouldn't say "normal" but definitely common. Sometimes their eyed need to be flushed, or they could have what's called entropian where the eyelid curls in and irritates the eye. I would definitely consult your vet about it
@rakitakhan 2 года назад
I've had 2 Akitas and both were intelligent. It takes time and patience to train most of them. I found it easier to treat my dogs like a human and talk to them as I would my friends. I remember my last Akita, Khan, wanted to go outside. I was busy on my computer and told him to wait a minute. He proceeded to go to the door and jab the knob with his nose. My reply to him was"Go plant your ass a minute !". He did exactly that. He walked to the couch and sat with his butt on the couch and front feet on the floor. I was laughing so hard that I just turned off my computer and went out and played with him instead. He passed in 2005 from an aggressive cancer in his chest. One day he was acting "off"...kinda weak and just out of it. I knew something was wrong so I immediately got him to our vet. He saw the vet quite often as my wife was a GM of a large no kill shelter. The cancer had grown and spread very quickly. There was nothing that could be done. 3 weeks later he was gone. Not to brag but he was a model Akita. 120lbs and pinto with brindle patches that looked like tiger stripes. Not a show dog but his personality, manners, and attitude towards people and even other dogs was incredible. It took loads of time socializing and training. He could walk the shelter with my wife off leash and go thru the dog kennels and cat room with no issues. Usually dogs in the kennels were barking. When Khan came in they were silent. Even the aggressive Shar Pei that would normally rush the cage door put his head down. Some of the cats were weirded out by him at first but they came to tolerate him also. He was a spectacular dog. It would 16 yrs before I got another dog. My sons decided to get me a pup...a Great Pyrenees. He 's a very good dog but my heart belongs to American Akitas. I saw your video and seeing your dog brought me to tears. Haga is gorgeous. I know exactly how you feel with him. There's something special about Akitas that no other dog matches. I wish you all the best my friend. Sorry about writing a small book here.
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your experiences! Khan sounds like a great dog, may he rest in peace!
@rakitakhan 2 года назад
@@TheAkitaLife I forgot to share about him protecting my wife while at work. Some guy was yelling at her and got in her face. Khan came from behind the counter and slammed the man to the ground and just stood over him. He never showed any real aggression. She called Khan off and he sat at her side. The man got up slowly and left. I was impressed that he didn't bite, growl, or even show his teeth. I'm convinced that American Akitas are aware of what they are capable of and show great restraint. Other guard breeds go from 0 to 10 in a heartbeat. I was so proud of him.
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
@@rakitakhan That's a good guard dog right there!
@greatmack1265 Год назад
feel your loss i had to mine put to sleep in 2018 cancer he was only 8 but bit the bullet again picking my new puppy up in 2 weeks kind of nervous as my last akita was over a year-old when we got him so fingers crossed i can train the new one. im sure i will get there
@jaytemp4203 Год назад
My 8 month old Akita, Kane, is literally the dumbest dog I've ever seen
@TheAkitaLife Год назад
Haha sometimes it happens
@jaytemp4203 Год назад
@@TheAkitaLife 😂 wouldn't change him though
@hermes6587 Год назад
We are down to our second Akita a female. Her big brother passed 1.5 years ago. Both showed signs of being highly intelligent. I recall when our big boy was a puppy he would basically inhale is food. To try to slow his eating down and following advice of another dog owner, I placed a tennis ball in his food bowl. He walked over to his bowl and instantly picked up the ball, dropped it on the floor and proceeded to inhale his meal. We ended up purchasing a maze style bowl for him. We purchased the same puzzle you demonstrated for our girl which she solved in under 2-minutes. That puzzle was rated at 1-2 levels, we are now on another puzzle rated at levels 3-4 which on her first try she solved in just under 5-minutes. She now does it in under 3-minutes. A funny story indicating intelligence. One morning I was laying in bed trying to wake up and she started pawing and repeatedly licking me, significantly more than she ever had. Thinking she was desperate to go for a walk to do her business, I jumped out of bed, quickly threw on some clothes. I turned around after dressing to find her in our bed, in my place asleep. These are only 2-small examples but they both constantly impressed us with their intelligence and problem solving abilities. I agree with your take on dog intelligence tests and how accurate they may or may not be since there are many factors making up intelligence and not all covered by the tasks in these tests.
@aubreydavis8772 Год назад
At 5 months, my American Akita could open our front and back doors. About a month later he figured out how to open our chain link gates. I can also tell him to find one of my kids and he will go to them. He hasn't been trained to do it. We think he knows their names. Lol We trained our coonhound to do this when she was young, but that was a year before we got our Akita. Yes, we have a Coonhound and Akita. 😂
@TheImageRevelation 2 года назад
Near the end of a 5k beach walk 5 kids aged 3 -12 out front i watched our guy ( wounded leg ) move up due to teenagers partying on beach ahead. He then nudged and grabbed youngest kid and basically reorganized the pack - then placed himself between, no barking or fuss
@venetiasmith2233 Год назад
My Akita did that same puzzle at about 5 months old....yes, boring lol. It took him less than a minute lol.
@peterbarnes2845 Год назад
The dogs smarter than you mate
@TheAkitaLife Год назад
Too bad he doesn't know how to use a camera. I could sit back and collect.
@cc66bb44 Год назад
as you know, akita intelligence is not related to trainability, right?
@TheAkitaLife Год назад
Of course intelligence is related to the ability to train a dog.
@cc66bb44 Год назад
@@TheAkitaLife specifically in re to Akitas. they are too smart, they know what you are asking of them, but they just don't feel the need to listen.
@blkvikng3593 2 года назад
They new what I meant when I spelled the word "Walk, leash, raw meats, some sign language, she learned from me teaching to my German Shepherd 🥰
@colbydmurillo2128 2 года назад
100% agreed with your final conclusion great video 👌🏻
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
Thank you for your support!
@colbydmurillo2128 2 года назад
@@TheAkitaLife no problem this channel have help me so much
@petermiller1041 2 года назад
You make some very good points about intelligence vs trainability. Our bitch Akita was a real smarty pants. She’d open the conservatory door and let her brother out, so that she could get some piece and quiet from him. He wasn’t smart enough to open it himself - whereas she would come and go with ease
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
That's amazing
@ninamc6116 Год назад
Akitas are cunning & very clever. My boy has a sense of humor. He’ll do stuff to make me laugh, he definitely knows what he’s doing. You’re fortunate with Haga because Samurai (my Akita) would’ve shredded the towel. He’s bad about that.
@TheAkitaLife Год назад
My Akita also has a sense of humor. Big time personality
@williamread8153 2 года назад
? ???????
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
@williammessinger9819 Год назад
When I was younger our Akita followed my school bus 4 miles down the road to school wanting to go with me. I remember my mom coming to school to get him it was kinda hilarious for me as a child. We always went camping with him he would always come to me on command no matter if you couldn’t see him. Sadly years later during a big move out he unlocked and opened the door. Protected our house from a black bear that came out of the woods. He was always protective over me and our female Akita. He was the best friend anybody could ask for. Years later I’m adult now and his memory pops up every time I watch my neighbors dogs. Your channel and me watching my neighbors pets is inspiring me to gain the courage to have my 3rd Akita. For my current living space it would be very unfair for the Akita but the other day a job opportunity arose and would allow me to have the space to have one roam more freely and comfortably. (Akitas definitely have their alone time or mine did atleast) Thank you to you and Haga for teaching me some things I didn’t know raising my first 2.
@TheAkitaLife Год назад
Thank you for watching! School would have been a lot more fun with an Akita haha
@gregzivic8184 2 года назад
Hi have a chow/akita male mix and a female papered akita both rescues, very very smart best dogs i ever had, but they both like to do things when they want to lol 😆
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
Haha yup. Two very stubborn Asian breeds!
@waynepower766 2 года назад
My Akita' was on many meds many times a day if we forgot his tablets he would come and tell us he was well clever .like you say show them the task and they will do it with no command his job was to keep us and property safe he would come check us then go out and keep watch if anything change in the garden no matter how small he New..if your Akita's come to you and shake there head from side to side doing a kind of dance then something needs doing or something is up.and yes there to smart to bring a ball or stick back couple of times maybe.but then there like that's pointless
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
Haha yep, two is the limit on fetch!
@msredbone74 2 года назад
Lens cleaning in progress 🤣🤣 please hold 🤣🤣🤣 that is the funniest🤣🤣🤣🤣
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
Haha yeah it was too cute not to share
@yarik14 Год назад
My American Akita has taught himself to open the gate to our yard, what he does is stand on 2 legs, the right paw on the gate itself for weight support and the left paw on the gate door - directly on the handle, he then shoves his nose in the gap he has created, he then gets down and proceeds to thrust his whole head in, in order to open the gate. He also knows how to greet my youngest brother and mom who are physically weaker than the rest of the family properly. What I mean by that is that instead of jumping on them he is being more gentle, also when playing tag of war and during walks. They do not take him for walks by themselves but from time to time I let my brother hold the leash and so our dog walks slower when he is with him and does not pull as much (he does pull sometimes but we never had any major problems with his walking habits). There are many more examples I could give, such as the fact that he remembers where certain dogs live, he'd look at houses of dogs he plays with or doesn't like (it really depends), even if they live inside the house. He is very aware of his surroundings and even realizes my friends who pet him from far away. He is a strange Akita tho, very playful, always happy to meet other people, quite good with other dogs (no problem at all with females, but doesn't get along with every male), not that territorial and the list goes on.
@yarik14 Год назад
Another thing he does is give me the leash whenever he wants to go on a walk when it's in his reach, we put it in a drawer he can't get to. He also made the connection between me wearing the boots I always wear when I'm taking him out and going for a walk, the moment I wear them he starts to yawn (because he doesn't bark...)
@TheAkitaLife Год назад
Haha I kove it when they do that
@paus006 2 года назад
That thumbnail picture is aweome
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
Haha thanks bro
@hallehannahhale2093 2 года назад
my akita does things out of spite. she’s very spiteful and that caught me off guard.
@hallehannahhale2093 2 года назад
i absolutely love her and her spiteful attitude though
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
They have bold and complex personalities for sure!
@markbarr1646 2 года назад
A+ thumbnail😂
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
haha thanks! I got really lucky with that photo, he didn't sit like that for too long.
@Nighthawk799 2 года назад
I have two akitas.one male and one female.The male is a freaking monster. He is a problem solver. He was rescued and I found out how smart he was when he was opening drawers and doors to get stuff to pick up.He was literally testing us . I ve got several games for him at different levels.It takes him a few minutes to find the solution. The female is smart but not so quick to find the solutions. Problem is that he is always there when we play with these puzzles and he is quicker to find the solution! 😁🙄
@TheAkitaLife 2 года назад
That's actually surprising as most people say their male Akitas are more goofy/silly and the females are more intelligent, but just goes to show that every dog is different!
@Nighthawk799 2 года назад
@@TheAkitaLife they are just awesome dogs and extremely sweet and affectionate! And FUNNY!!
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