
Are Eastern Catholics part of the Antichrist's system? One crazy priest thinks so. 

Fr. Jason Charron
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Protestant converts to Orthodoxy and Catholicism bring challenges to their new churches, and Fr. Zachariah Lynch is one such example of a man whose manifest ignorance of Eastern Catholic history and whose open hostility to the papal office threatens to upend the good relations Orthodox and Catholic theologians have established over the past generation.



16 май 2024




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@robertdaley1194 Месяц назад
I went to Divine Liturgy at Our Lady of Pocheav and St Andrew Edinburgh Scotland ,how beautiful it is ❤🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿☦️✝️⚜️
@CenterPorchNP Месяц назад
As Roman Catholic, looking at the Orthodox Church, I see it as the second lung of the church. I was told by a friend that If I was interested in the Eastern part of Christendom, to look at the Eastern Rite of the Catholic Church.
@Art-mo5bt Месяц назад
St. Irenaeus of Leon pray for us through the merits of Christ Jesus. ☦
@TheBadgerDad_TheByzantineLife Месяц назад
Thank you for your staunch defense of Uniatism and clearly articulating the errors of our sadly schismatic brethren.
@chriscovington6315 Месяц назад
Nailed it!
@katywarner5823 Месяц назад
Glory forever! Thank you, Father.
@timfronimos459 Месяц назад
I had a Greek Orthodox father and an Irish Catholic mother. Unity is normal and God's will. Despite the differences over one thousand years, human sinfulness rots the church structures and often blots out grace, holiness and charity. This is an awesome video. Many thanks from someone who has lived and 'battled' this fight my whole life.
@davidbasaraba457 Месяц назад
I was raised Uniate. Once I saw the nationalism and now globalism, I converted to Orthodoxy. I stand with Kievan Rus. So many Ukrainians who have come to America really have stepped away from Kievan Rus and want the West. So tragic.
@newglof9558 Месяц назад
So your conversion was due to geopolitical reasons, not theological ones?
@davidbasaraba457 Месяц назад
@@newglof9558 if you mean the geopolitical actions of the Catholic Poles and Jesuits subjugating Galicia and forcing them into union with Rome, then yes.
@MUSIC-MARY Месяц назад
St. Ignatius an apostle of St. John: (107 A.D.) “Where there is Jesus Christ there is the CATHOLIC church.” (Letter to the Smyrnaeans 8:2) (110 A.D.) “Repent and return into the unity of the church, follows a SCHISM he shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.” (Avoid Schismatics 3:2, 3:3, 4:1, 4) (412 A.D.) St. Augustine: “Whoever is separated from this Catholic Church the wrath of God rests upon him.” (Letters 141:5) (253 A.D.) Bishop Cyprian: “Throne of Peter, the chief church, the Romans.” (Epistle 54:14) “One Church, one chair… another altar cannot be set up, nor a new priesthood… whoever gathers elsewhere scatters.” (Letters 43[40]:5) “He that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” (Mathew 12:30) “Serpent (Satan) invented heresies and schisms he might corrupt the truth.” (De Catholicae Ecclesiae Unitate 1, 3-4) (e.g., orthodox, protestants etc.,) (367 A.D. St. Optatus): “Rome… sat Peter, the head of all the Apostles… ONE Cathedra (Chair)… Apostles might claim separate Cathedras, he would already be a schismatic and a sinner.” (Against the Donatists, Book 2 Chapter 2) (CCC 552) (412 A.D.) St. Augustine: “Whoever is separated from this Catholic Church the wrath of God rests upon him.” (Letters 141:5)
@EasternChristian333 Месяц назад
What of the catholics forcibly converted to orthodoxy in and around ukraine by communists and their ally puppet the russian orthodox church? Or is that allowed?
@fernandoduranmanzano Месяц назад
I am in absolute agreement as far as these "zealous" converts to Orthodoxy are concerned. They truly represent a spirit that can hardly be identified with the Spirit of God, but rather show the same symptoms that the prophet Jonah showed around the Ninevites; something that I call the "Pharisee Syndrome" and that is certainly doing a lot of damage. I think I can say that I fully agree with all the criticisms that have been made as far on Fr. Lynch's interviews and statements and on all those who act similarly to him. These are indeed not sincere exponents of true Orthodoxy and certainly every Christian should be careful with these wolves in sheep's clothing. That being said, I believe that for the sake of honesty, one should not condemn something, and at the same time be doing the same thing, only this time directed at another Christian tradition. Although the assertions that Father makes in this video about the (ab)use that some make of principles like Sola Scriptura and tradition may apply to some of the evangelical (charismatic) groups, such as the Assemblies of God (where Fr. Lynch comes from), it would not apply at all to Magisterial (historic) Protestantism. None of these, and I can speak from Confessional Lutheranism, teaches or incites to the private interpretation of the Scriptures or similar about the use of Tradition. That is why there is such a thing as the Book of Concord (which is confessed to be a perfect exposition of the Scriptures) and in it the testimony of the Scriptures and of the Church (including the Church Fathers) is gathered to support the teachings in the content. The study of the Scriptures is encouraged to be done congregationally and in the end everything has to be evaluated and judged by the Prophetic and Apostolic Writings (Word of God). A Lutheran, when thinking of Ecclesiology, understands that preaching the Word of God automatically involves preaching the Church, both in a pure and unaltered way. Also in my opinion, the assertion made here about communion between churches and Christian unity is too overloaded with emotion and enthusiasm, so much so that it loses objectivity. The Orthodox do believe in the visible Church as the body of Christ, they simply confess that Rome is like the branch that has broken off from the vine. It is for that very reason that in Rome there is no Orthodox Patriarch, but it is respected that this is the Bishop of Rome, which, together with the Latin church is in a state of schism. Nor do I agree with the fact that within the communion of Eastern churches there is so much confusion about "who is in communion with whom", nor do we see anything that has not always existed in the Church (I believe that already in the second/third century the churches of Rome and Antioch had interrupted communion between them; being reestablished some time later). Even when communion is interrupted between two Patriarchates, this does not affect the other Patriarchates within the Orthodox communion, which can continue in communion with those Patriarchates involved in some kind of dispute between them. As stated in the video, they understand that the union of the visible Church occurs in a spiritual way, union in faith and doctrine beyond being reduced to a bishop (to which there is no testimony in the Scriptures, no matter how much the Pontiff insists on it). This form of unity also guarantees the independence of each jurisdiction and territory. Something that has always been so since the times of the primitive church and that is reflected in the many local councils that have been held prior to the schism. Nor do I consider it consistent to say that the Orthodox cannot call a Great Council because there is no Pope or Emperor to convoke it. Examples of this being possible is the Council of Jerusalem (17th century). This does not imply that these local synods have not continued to be celebrated, some examples are those of the Russian Orthodox Church. Another thing that has seemed to me a little inconsistent, as well as somewhat hypocritical, is the criticism made in relation to the situation in Alexandria and the different Patriarchates functioning on this territory, being that Rome itself has its own Coptic "section" in Egypt and in other countries like Ethiopia or Eritrea in communion with the Vatican. Places that already have an Orthodox representation and that is really the historical one of the place. We are all guilty of this sin. I also dare to question the claims always made by those in communion with the Bishop of Rome, that he guarantees or represents Christian unity, when within the very walls of the Latin church there are many internal divisions, namely the traditionalists (driven by a sectarian spirit), confusing cases such as Levfebre and his followers or the current situation with Der Synodale Weg in Germany and the LGTBQ agenda that has been promoted in these lands for years. Not to mention, the depth of the divisions within the Latin church that have been exposed after the publication of Fiducia Supplicans. I am not an expert in the history surrounding the Union, beyond what I was researching when I was considering the possibility of joining one of them, but what I can say is what I always had in mind about it: "it was not fundamentally wrong, but it was fundamentally incomplete".
@feeble_stirrings Месяц назад
People are often so wishy washy and fickle, molding themselves constantly to the current cultural climate, that when someone actually sticks to their guns and says something in alignment with their deepest convictions, we’re a bit shocked. The Orthodox Church sees itself as THE Church, not a mere denomination. We believe Rome has erred in separating from us and has sadly continued on a trajectory further and further away from the historic Faith. This isn’t a new stance and shouldn’t be a surprise, it’s always been the EOC’s position. I’m not surprised when a Catholic insists on Papal infallibility or when they say the East has strayed. It’s the position of the Catholic Church. There’s no (or least shouldn’t be) hate, or judgement; only sadness at our continued separation. I would love nothing more than a reunion based in truth and fidelity to the Faith “once for all delivered to the Saints”.
@MUSIC-MARY Месяц назад
(367 A.D. St. Optatus): “Rome… sat Peter, the head of all the Apostles… ONE Cathedra (Chair)… Apostles might claim separate Cathedras, he would already be a schismatic and a sinner.” (Against the Donatists, Book 2 Chapter 2) (CCC 552) St. Ignatius an apostle of St. John: (107 A.D.) “Where there is Jesus Christ there is the CATHOLIC church.” (Letter to the Smyrnaeans 8:2) (110 A.D.) “Repent and return into the unity of the church, follows a SCHISM he shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.” (Avoid Schismatics 3:2, 3:3, 4:1, 4) (412 A.D.) St. Augustine: “Whoever is separated from this Catholic Church the wrath of God rests upon him.” (Letters 141:5)
@MUSIC-MARY Месяц назад
You dont have a leader, its CHAOS!!!! Imagine the USA without a president leader, it would be a mess!!!
@feeble_stirrings Месяц назад
@@MUSIC-MARY Proof texting random quotes (and some of those out of contact) does move the conversation. As just one example, St. Augustine's quote isn't using the word "Catholic" in the modern since of 'Roman Catholic". That's not unlike pointing the the use of the word 'Catholic' in The Nicene Creed and saying that proves the Roman Catholic church. The word means something like "whole" or "universal" and is not being used as an identifier with Rome.
@DavidLuebbert Месяц назад
​@@MUSIC-MARY The head of the apostles does not mean the ruler of the apostles. Our Orthodox Nicaean Creed has the same original one, printed in gold at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, that contains no filioque, unchanged, unlike the Roman Catholic version used in its modern masses. We Orthodox have always called ourselves the "Catholic" church. Too bad the Roman Catholic "history" is so short sighted.
@jacobmorin485 Месяц назад
Father Zechariah is my priest and I assure you that he speaks only in love.
@vastalapasta9739 Месяц назад
Hes not criticizing his character though, I agree that he is a very loving person, but his arguments as shown in the video are contradictory and have many misconceptions when it comes to Eastern Catholicism.
@michellestansberry9101 Месяц назад
I hate to say this but I have strong feelings that we Catholics are experiencing just as much confusion and chaos because of our pope. God has a plan and we may not know all details but we do know the ending
@robertdaley1194 Месяц назад
Father Jason I believe there is next year at Nicea a Council which will be attended by Bartholomew and Francis ,Father Heer is pouring cold water on it .
@FrJason Месяц назад
Fr. Heer is a dangerous man. If he's poured cold water on it that means it must be hot. Which bishop is he in communion with?
@triggered8556 Месяц назад
Ecumenism is heretical. Fr. Peter Heers is standing up for the Church.
@michellestansberry9101 Месяц назад
What are your thoughts on Father Mar Mari?
@TonyEspana182 Месяц назад
Father, when are you coming to give a talk at St. Marys Byzantine Church in Indiana?
@FrJason Месяц назад
Any day !
@mikaelrosing Месяц назад
I have been studying orthodoxy trough debates and discussions and reading myself some of the saints and i see what you mean totally. I wanted to become catholic, its hard to decied it when the pope has prayed in a mosque and some strange things in the counsil of trent and vactican 2 i am currently lutheran struggling hard to find a church that is theologically consistent and just consistent in every manner. seeking spiritual guidance and help i havent got in the lutheran church i have been alone about this since my conversion to christianity i have been from baptist end times christians and reached more rational lutheranisme, and its insanely diffecult it feels as if my whole soul depends on it. so im struggling pray for me.
@MUSIC-MARY Месяц назад
St. Ignatius an apostle of St. John: (107 A.D.) “Where there is Jesus Christ there is the CATHOLIC church.” (Letter to the Smyrnaeans 8:2) (110 A.D.) “Repent and return into the unity of the church, follows a SCHISM he shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.” (Avoid Schismatics 3:2, 3:3, 4:1, 4) (253 A.D.) Bishop Cyprian: “Throne of Peter, the chief church, the Romans.” (Epistle 54:14) “One Church, one chair… another altar cannot be set up, nor a new priesthood… whoever gathers elsewhere scatters.” (Letters 43[40]:5) “He that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” (Mathew 12:30) “Serpent (Satan) invented heresies and schisms he might corrupt the truth.” (De Catholicae Ecclesiae Unitate 1, 3-4) (e.g., orthodox, protestants etc.,) (367 A.D. St. Optatus): “Rome… sat Peter, the head of all the Apostles… ONE Cathedra (Chair)… Apostles might claim separate Cathedras, he would already be a schismatic and a sinner.” (Against the Donatists, Book 2 Chapter 2) (CCC 552) (412 A.D.) St. Augustine: “Whoever is separated from this Catholic Church the wrath of God rests upon him.” (Letters 141:5)
@DavidLuebbert Месяц назад
Try going to an Orthodox church. You will find no inconsistencies, despite what this misinformed priest says, and experience it. Christ is risen and you will welcome Him with all your senses.
@kkr6es Месяц назад
@@MUSIC-MARY your quote mines are so disingenuous and do nothing more than insinuate confirmation bias. I can show you quotes where the church fathers say the rock of the church is the confession of peter or quotes that say the rock of the church is Christ himself, either way it would be of no avail. What is worse a catholic quote mining the church fathers to support their views or a protestant quote mining the bible to support their views.
@MUSIC-MARY Месяц назад
(253 A.D.) Bishop Cyprian: “Throne of Peter, the chief church, the Romans.” (Epistle 54:14) “One Church, one chair… another altar cannot be set up, nor a new priesthood… whoever gathers elsewhere scatters.” (Letters 43[40]:5) “Serpent (Satan) invented heresies & schisms he might corrupt the truth.” (De Catholicae Ecclesiae Unitate 1, 3-4) (e.g., orthodox, protestants etc.,)
@DavidLuebbert Месяц назад
There was no Roman Catholic Church when those things were written. There were simply Christians who called themselves Christians. It is so funny how a heterodox church can act so orthodox and original when it has deviated from the original faith so completely! Absolutely hilarious.
@zechariahlynch9635 Месяц назад
This is the third comment that I am trying to post, since this video is directed at me, Fr. Zechariah. It is rather sad that my other brief and respectful comments have been removed, for whatever reasons. You are free to disagree with my premise, but I would like to invite people over to my blog, the Inkless Pen, to read my own words on the subject, the first article is called "The unity of Christ and the collective of antichrist." subsequent articles are linked from there. That seems reasonable since you've opened up a discussion about this subject. The reader will see that I reference historical information and in the second article a number of Papal statements. Of course, the philosophical/historical interpretation I apply may be disagreed with, but that is a different subject. I've left the direct link out, as that may have been a reason my other comments were removed. Thank you again for the designation of "a crazy priest." All the best to you. I'll thank Fr. Jason for allowing this comment to remain, in the spirit of dialogue. Thank you.
@FrJason Месяц назад
Fr. Zachariah, thank you for the post. I want you to know that this is the first comment of yours I've seen. I certainly didn't remove anything. Feel free to insert the link to your blog, I'm supportive of the best argument winning hearts and minds. As for "crazy priest" I couldn't help myself. When my brethren and I are trying to live the unity of the 1st millennium but are lumped in with the "spirit of the antichrist", but Kiril's church is considered acceptable, then I just think that is crazy.
@zechariahlynch9635 Месяц назад
Thank you. I don't know that happened to my other comments, strange. All the best. @@FrJason
@samuelmayer421 Месяц назад
Comments with links usually don't stay. RU-vid removes them automatically. I think it's to prevent people from being scamed or hacked.
@Markusctfldl 12 дней назад
@@FrJason You think the murder of Darya Dugina and Vladlen Tatarsky was acceptable, and defend the government that ordered it.
@pisopiloto7504 Месяц назад
You are so right ,father.Those protestant converts to "orthodoxy" are real pain in the neck.And are carring to be like that ,when they return back to calvinism after being done with "exotics".
@bakerelkins469 Месяц назад
Is agree with the first 8 minutes, but then you ended up straw manning and presenting a bastardized image of the Orthodox Church.
@rickfilmmaker3934 Месяц назад
Please do more of these half hour teaching videos, they are excellent!
@forgingicehole4750 Месяц назад
Thank you so much for responding to this Protestant Priest, Father Lynch, Father! I'm disgusted withis GIGANTIC Online So Called, Orthodox Voice, that is in fact, for the most part coming from Former Protestants. Not to name call, all thought that is what I am doing, I call them: Patristic Protestants. This voice IS the loudest voice on line for Eastern Orthodox Apologetics and Polemics, maybe not so much for the Oriental Orthodox, perhaps. They are the reason as to why I don't think I'll ever be able to become Orthodox, as attracted to, and as home that I feel withe practice of Eastern Christianity.
@DavidLuebbert Месяц назад
Funny that you blame your own Roman Catholic spawn, the protestants, for evil in the Orthodox Faith. Father Lynch is not getting back at Roman Catholics through Orthodoxy, but just warning his new family of us Orthodox worshipers what the RCs and other New World Order nuts are trying to accomplish, again, doing like the RCs: take the guidance of the Holy Spirit away from its leadership and give it to crazy humans.
@cofresidotexe Месяц назад
I tend to very much like the content on their channel. But I was listening to this video of theirs in the background, with an open mind to the subject matter while I worked on something, and eventually I felt a chill. As if there was something unholy about my continuing to listen to his polemic, perhaps because I wasn’t giving it my undivided attention and I wasn’t using my full faculties of reason to prevent certain ideas from invading my internal ethos. So I turned it off, knowing discerning spirits to be a power we all possess and have a responsibility for. Thanks be to God you are responding to this Father Jason. I feel a fortitude in a place in my conscience where I was otherwise unsettled. I hope the message is received and that it can play a small but important part in the overall witness towards Our Lady of Fatima, and the eventual conversion of Russia.
@EasternChristian333 Месяц назад
When a little russian girl asked sr lucia about the conversion of russia sr lucia allegedly told her it would be converted by the eastern orthodox church
@stevew1669 Месяц назад
Some important truths here. Thank you, Father. I love the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Although I'm a Roman convert. Beautiful liturgy! However, i also know where Fr Lynch is coming from. This papacy is hugely problematic and horribly political.
@DavidLuebbert Месяц назад
There is no comparison between the cold, impersonal worship of the Catholic mass and the spirited, all-chanted enhanced prayer of the Orthodox Divine Liturgy.
@know_not_wickedness Месяц назад
I enjoyed this video, thank you for taking the time to create it. I attended both Orthodox and Catholic Catechism, but in both cases I chose not to be baptized and formally join either church. I was raised Protestant and have not felt "at home" in any of the three major churches. I love and believe the Holy Bible but find every group strays away from it at some point and fills in the blanks with human wisdom. I randomly attend two Catholic Churches, one Protestant, and two Orthodox Christian. By avoiding dogma, debates, and apologetics I have found the inspiration I needed to love the Holy Father, Son, and Spirit without reservations and guilt. I pray for all of you and again, thank you Father.
@MikeM-cz5ln Месяц назад
I asked a Russian Orthodox priest if his Church is guided by the Holy Spirit. He replied "Indeed, it certainly is guided by the Holy Spirit." I followed up by asking him to explain the change in Orthodox Church teaching on contraception. He replied " You got me, there is no good answer."
@user-qf7ve4gn6h Месяц назад
never happened
@MikeM-cz5ln Месяц назад
@@user-qf7ve4gn6h I am not a liar.
@iakov1906 Месяц назад
Besides the fact you made this up, you're also deluded because we have the same teaching on contraceptive as you guys. Snake
@MikeM-cz5ln Месяц назад
@@user-qf7ve4gn6h I'm not a liar.
@kkr6es Месяц назад
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12279632/ here is a .gov site that even tells you the obvious all forms of abortion are absolutely despicable and continuous use of these will result in excommunication. In fact, your church used to do the same thing and excommunicate all women who got abortions until their death bed until your heretical pope decided it is merely a mortal sin.
@kkr6es Месяц назад
I am only apart of the laity in the Orthodox Church but what he said is not far from what I would say, or what many contemporary saints have had to say. Imagine a church that portrays it self as the true church in every shape and form and even confesses the beliefs of said church at first glance but once you remove the veil it is something completely different, this is the example of wolf in sheep's clothing. To be an orthodox Christian is not merely an eastern expression of the faith it is also to adhere to the doctrines and dogmas set in place by our fathers before us. Uniate churches do not even recite the filioque in their creed during liturgy. Why? you confess the filioque you commemorate pope Francis and you adhere to all dogmas of the Roman Catholic church. Your church is not Orthodox, and it will never be Orthodox for as long as it is not in communion with a canonical Orthodox Church. I would expect a Roman Catholic to say the same thing about western rite Orthodoxy, that doesn't afflict me in any way they are being consistent to their beliefs and convictions. Why do you expect us to call you "byzantine" Catholics our brethren if you reject our church as heretical. Why are you even concerned with what an Orthodox priest has to say about an Orthodox Christian belief. YOU ARE CATHOLIC! I assure you that most Orthodox Christians either "zealots" as you so call them, or a faithful laity uninvolved with the internet will tell you the same thing this priest has to say. Your church is that of a wolf in sheep's clothing a fruit of the antichrist. That being said I hope you nothing but the best, and pray for your repentance and consequential forgiveness In The name of The Father The Son and The Holy Spirit, amen.
@dansedevie123 Месяц назад
We don't have to agree with each other, but we should be truthful when speaking about each other's faiths, and be careful before accusing people of being wolves in sheep's clothing/ anti-Christ. You can disagree with parts of what a church teaches and still recognize the good. Who are we to say how and where God works, who are we to judge the intentions and hearts of others? I wouldn't call an Anglican or a Western Rite Orthodox a wolf in sheep's clothing, clearly many of them seek the truth and the Lord. Eastern Catholics do not omit the filioque just to pretend to be someone they are not. And they truly see it as a different way of expressing the same faith, not claiming one and believing another. If a Catholic wrongly misrepresents Orthodoxy, or even a non-Christian religion, I would be (and have been) bothered by it too and would speak up. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, we should stand for the truth.
@ienjoyapples Месяц назад
We have modern Orthodox saints who, I believe, would agree with Fr. Zechariah on this issue. I think it's misguided and unfair to disparage convert priests as "zealots" and to declare your lukewarm "Orthodox friends" as the guardians of the faith.
@user-qf7ve4gn6h Месяц назад
RC doesnt care... do whatever you want as long as you're under francis (clown mass, uniates, pachamama, so called "trads", etc etc)
@michaelciccone2194 Месяц назад
It's not "Protestants on steroids"......this Fiducia Suplicans edict released by the RCC on 12/18/23 is heterodox. Blessings for those in mortal sin is beyond horrific
@TairyGreen89 Месяц назад
You are a hypocrite, sir. You claim that Father Zechariah is misrepresenting Eastern Catholics and then you turn right around and claim that converts to Orthodoxy from Protestantism are in someway flawed or deficient or not really Orthodox. They are different in a bad way from those who you claim to know that have been Orthodox for generations. What a sweeping generalization that is obviously false and ridiculous to say the least.
@iakov1906 Месяц назад
Yeah this dude is a snake and a kweer
@FrJason Месяц назад
I stand by my comment. Not all converts to Orthodoxy embody the "savior of the ship" mentality but the vast majority of the "savior of the ship" mentality Orthodox were previously Protestant. It is an obvious truth. Look at this at the personal level: note the tenor of the conversation between Greek-Catholics/Orthodoxy from the same villages in Syria/Lebanon where they have attended each other's churches for generations and you will see mutual respect bordering on unity of heart. Listen to the older Greek-Catholics/Orthodox from the Izmir/Chois areas of modern day Turkey who were forcibly relocated (very few such people still alive, but I knew one such) and you will hear that they shared that mutual respect bordering on unity of heart. Now, fast forward to the USA and speak to an Assemblies of God convert to Russian Orthodoxy and you will be hard-pressed to find that same mutual respect leading to a unity of heart. Why? Part of it is because of ideology, part of it is because of idealization, part of it is because it is not a life based on lived tradition in a community of real people with real relationships with real faith.
@iakov1906 Месяц назад
@@FrJason no that's a bunch of bull. You citing Arabs and Greeks involved in decades of the heresy of ecumenism is not something to boast about.
@iakov1906 Месяц назад
@FrJason "not being an ecumenist is evidence of a lack of real faith". Scum
@TairyGreen89 Месяц назад
​@@FrJasonDo you level that same criticism against the Protestant converts to Roman Catholicism?
@Petroseni Месяц назад
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Way to go Father Jason! Blessings to our Orthodox Christians…. COME HOME… our churches united to Rome and St Peter await you!
@MUSIC-MARY Месяц назад
St. Ignatius an apostle of St. John: (107 A.D.) “Where there is Jesus Christ there is the CATHOLIC church.” (Letter to the Smyrnaeans 8:2) (110 A.D.) “Repent and return into the unity of the church, follows a SCHISM he shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.” (Avoid Schismatics 3:2, 3:3, 4:1, 4) (253 A.D.) Bishop Cyprian: “Throne of Peter, the chief church, the Romans.” (Epistle 54:14) “One Church, one chair… another altar cannot be set up, nor a new priesthood… whoever gathers elsewhere scatters.” (Letters 43[40]:5) “He that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” (Mathew 12:30) “Serpent (Satan) invented heresies and schisms he might corrupt the truth.” (De Catholicae Ecclesiae Unitate 1, 3-4) (e.g., orthodox, protestants etc.,) (367 A.D. St. Optatus): “Rome… sat Peter, the head of all the Apostles… ONE Cathedra (Chair)… Apostles might claim separate Cathedras, he would already be a schismatic and a sinner.” (Against the Donatists, Book 2 Chapter 2) (CCC 552) (412 A.D.) St. Augustine: “Whoever is separated from this Catholic Church the wrath of God rests upon him.” (Letters 141:5)
@DavidLuebbert Месяц назад
You got it backwards, dude. Check your history and come back and tell me the same verbage.
@johnpalomo1688 Месяц назад
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church is not a puppet church Metropolitan Onuphry has spoken out against the war from day one they continue to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine the UOC is not under Moscow they severed those ties in 2022 please do your research as well Father.
@FrJason Месяц назад
John, Realpolitik. I respect your desire to believe the ostensible, pro-forma claims of the UOC. However, after visiting their headquarters (Pecherska Lavra) in Kyiv in 2023 and listening to them (monks and laity alike) and seeing their literature, the simple truth impressed upon me was that the UOC is clearly a Moscow-controlled body. Religion is actively utilized by them as a conduit for broader political, cultural, financial interests. This is difficult for we Westerners to grasp because the political waters in which we swim eschew public religion for statecraft. So when we see someone practicing a faith we think it a personal and/or cultural manifestation. But for the UOC it was apparent to me in 2023 that little had changed from their positions in the 1990s when I lived there. Another way to look at it: are they in Eucharistic communion with Kiril? Yes. Is their Metropolitanate structure subjugated to the Patriarchal structure of the ROC? Yes. Is the ROC in vassalage to the political power of the Kremlin, a nation engaging in a murderous campaign against an innocent neighbor? Yes. Therefore, UOC ‘s claims to independence are merely the war-time Realpolitik of a fifth column seeking self-preservation. Fr. Jason
@stevensonrf Месяц назад
“Spiritual snake oil “😂 love it! Father Jason, you’re the man!
@LadderOfDescent Месяц назад
No I think Fr Zachariah is right. The Body of Christ has ALWAYS been one. It does not need to be created, it needs to be joined and submitted to. Anglicans and Eastern Catholics have good intentions I believe, but it really is a hard sell to alot of people that the Church actually failed. It’s either the Orthodox Church or the Catholic Church. Those are the only options.
@UltraX34 Месяц назад
ECs are part of the Catholic Church
@DavidLuebbert Месяц назад
When the RCC finally studies its errors in history and repairs them, then maybe the true faith might consider it. Until then, the RCC' arrogance will forever turn us Orthodox off.
@LadderOfDescent Месяц назад
@@DavidLuebbert Yep! Union isn’t even complicated. It’s simply to become Orthodox. 🤙
@3devdas777 Месяц назад
It is a totally mythology that Fr. Zechariah and those like him are merely disaffected Protestants with an axe to grind. In Orthodoxy we follow saints who were guided by the Holy Spirit and are not to blindly follow academic Ecumenists with no holiness and no signs of being guided by the Holy Spirit. We do not have a Papal view that ordination or consecration imparts any kind of infallibility. There are many good books, especially from Uncut Mountain Press on the Papacy and how the saints have viewed it over time, the most comprehensive text being “The Orthodox Patristic Witness Concerning Catholicism” which has the testimonies of countless saints (most of whom were not converts) regarding the Papacy. On Uniatism, St. Paisius Velichkovsky, also not a convert, expressed the Orthodox understanding in a letter to a Uniate priest, urging him to not delay entering the Orthodox Church lest he repose a Uniate and be counted among the unbelievers at the judgment: “Further, all the holy ecumenical teachers who have interpreted the scripture as if with one mouth say that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, and nowhere have they written that He proceeds from the Son also. Thus, if the Uniates think exactly like the Romans in such a serious heresy, what hope do they have for salvation, unless they openly renounce this Spirit-fighting heresy and become united again with the Holy Orthodox Eastern Church? "Spare neither property nor relatives if they do not wish to listen to you, but by all means save your own soul from perdition; because there is nothing more needful for you than the soul for which Christ died. but in fleeing, do not look back in your heart for the sake of swiftly perishing possessions; It is better for you to remain in poverty than to blaspheme the Holy Spirit as the Romans blaspheme Him. Depart and flee from the Unia as speedily as possible, lest death overtake you in it and you be numbered among the heretics and not among the Christians. And not only go away yourself, but advise others to go away also, if in your conscience you know that they will hear you. And if they will not hear you, then at least depart yourself from the nets of the enemy and be united in soul and heart with the Holy Orthodox Church, and thus, together with all the faithful holding the inviolate faith and fulfilling the commandments of Christ, you will be able to be saved." From “Blessed Paisius Velichkovsky: The Man Behind the Philokalia,” pp. 201-202
@user-qf7ve4gn6h Месяц назад
@@drjanitor3747 dont insult the saints
@user-qf7ve4gn6h Месяц назад
dont bother, the whole religion of RC is defense and worship of the pope
@MUSIC-MARY Месяц назад
St. Ignatius an apostle of St. John: (107 A.D.) “Where there is Jesus Christ there is the CATHOLIC church.” (Letter to the Smyrnaeans 8:2) (110 A.D.) “Repent and return into the unity of the church, follows a SCHISM he shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.” (Avoid Schismatics 3:2, 3:3, 4:1, 4) (110 A.D.) St. Ignatius: “Those who hold heterodox do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of Jesus and are perishing.” (Letter to the Smyrnaeans 6:2, 7:1) (253 A.D.) Bishop Cyprian: “Throne of Peter, the chief church, the Romans.” (Epistle 54:14) “One Church, one chair… another altar cannot be set up, nor a new priesthood… whoever gathers elsewhere scatters.” (Letters 43[40]:5) “He that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” (Mathew 12:30) “Serpent (Satan) invented heresies and schisms he might corrupt the truth.” (De Catholicae Ecclesiae Unitate 1, 3-4) (e.g., orthodox, protestants etc.,) (367 A.D. St. Optatus): “Rome… sat Peter, the head of all the Apostles… ONE Cathedra (Chair)… Apostles might claim separate Cathedras, he would already be a schismatic and a sinner.” (Against the Donatists, Book 2 Chapter 2) (CCC 552) (354-430 A.D.) St. Augustine: “The one true Church, the catholic Church, fighting all heresies.” (A Sermon to Catechumens on the Creed, 14) (412 A.D.) St. Augustine: “Whoever is separated from this Catholic Church the wrath of God rests upon him.” (Letters 141:5)
@DavidLuebbert Месяц назад
@@MUSIC-MARY The Orthodox Church has always been Catholic, since 33 AD.
@DavidLuebbert Месяц назад
Perhaps this RC priest is threatened by the fact that so many of his own members are leaving his RCC to discover Orthodoxy and it is getting to him. He might be out of a job and lose his retirement if that happens. How are American people to become Orthodox if they do not come from somewhere? The Orthodox faith does not even reach out and advertise like the RCs do. But people are discovering the true faith anyway, as God is leading them there. So what, maybe they were protestant, but many were Roman Catholic, who got tired of seeing their own church change year after year. Many have found a faith in Orthodoxy that they were always disappointed at not finding in their own RCC, without all the in-fighting, disagreements, weird practices and traditions, horrible music, gay priests, etc. There is a surge in new Orthodox Christians who are being blessed with finding the pearl of great price.
@SolidSnake0 Месяц назад
Excuse me father, but you rather missed the point in your attack on Father Lynch. He never said anything mean-spirited towards you or your religion. Orthodoxy is a closed faith. I understand that's not your belief, but you've gone beyond disagreeing with his argument to being intolerant of him and his beliefs. And yet despite making this argument that he has declared himself the sole authority on Orthodoxy for simply repeating the teachings of the church and the Orthodox saints, you have set yourself to be the sole interpreter as to what Orthodoxy is and what Orthodoxy believes. And yet, no practicing Orthodox would agree with you that Orthodoxy is this open faith you claim it to be. You're just not correct about that, at all. And the rest of your video further demonstrates how little you actually understand about Orthodox Christianity as a faith because you're not correct about any of that either. And no before you say it, I'm not a protestant, I'm a former catholic and this type of behavior is one of the major reasons why I left catholicism. You make an argument to an Orthodox leader, they say "interesting let's explore this together" and they will respectfully do so. But Roman catholics are filled with such anger everytime you bring up anything they cannot immediately understand or refute. It's a very anti-Christian attitude. There's no need for that father. Please be respectful in your responses and set a trend to do so. Only when we can communicate properly with our fellow man can we truly walk in the ways of Christ. God bless father
@brandonleap1673 Месяц назад
If your belief about the Orthodox temperament is true, then why haven't Patriarch Bartholomew and Patriarch Kirill had a "come on let's talk this out moment"? I understand that they are busy men, but 6 years is a long time to ignore a schism that will damn up to half of Orthodox adherents to hell.
@Gaz4113 Месяц назад
Inferring they have the spirit of the Anti-christ is a mean spirited thing to say about any fellow Christian.
@SolidSnake0 Месяц назад
@@Gaz4113 you didn't watch the video sir. He never said "catholics have the spirit of the anti-christ." What he's talking about is how endless ecumenism leads to the anti-christ. In the end times every religion is going to worship the anti-christ just about. How does that come about? And the answer is, it's all this sacrifice of what we all believe in, in hopes of endless unity. We do not need endless unity. We do not need endless ecumenism. There are a lot of things are uniquely orthodox. There are a lot of things are uniquely catholic. And the problem is, Roman catholics who do not respect that the Orthodox are not catholic, are getting easily scandalized by Orthodox beliefs. Tbh it's very simple, you're not Orthodox, you're not converting to Orthodox. Should you have a say in what Orthodox beliefs are? What if I, a former catholic, walked into one of your catholic churches and demanded your priests follow my stance on the afterlife and renounce purgatory on the spot? Now of course I would never do that, but do you think that's appropriate? Because that's how some Roman Catholics act towards the Orthodox all day long. It's this entitlement when they want Orthodox to believe like them, and this anger when they get told we're different religions, please respect that this isn't your religion. The same way catholic priests don't hand communion to protestants that visit. Orthodox do not share communion with anyone outside of the Orthodox faith. You don't have to agree with it. But you should be respectful in your discourse my friend. Hope this was helpful, and you have a blessed day!
@SolidSnake0 Месяц назад
@@Gaz4113 I'm sorry my friend, I wrote out an entire response to what you said but it seems youtube deleted it. They do that sometimes. Rather than write another comment that'll just be removed again let me just at least take a second to wish you a blessed day and a sincere hope that this Sunday will truly be the start to a great week for you and for all
@MUSIC-MARY Месяц назад
“The ‘power of KEYS’ designates authority to govern the house of God, which is the church.” (CCC 553) Why is Peter the main authority? The apostles have authority to BIND or LOSE, however Jesus gives ONLY Peter the KEYS to Heaven (CCC 881) (Mathew 16:19, 18:18-20) & makes him the ROCK the FATHER to the CHURCH! YES! (Mathew 16:18) (John 21:17) David gives Eli’akim the KEYS to Judah to BIND or LOSE & makes him the PEG the FATHER to the HOUSE of JUDAH! (Isaiah 22:15-23) (451 A.D.) Council of Chalcedon: “Elder Rome… foundation of the Catholic Church and orthodox faith.” (Session 3)
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