Fr. Jason Charron
Fr. Jason Charron
Fr. Jason Charron
Biblical and Christian reflections from an Eastern Catholic perspective.
What is Eastern Christian Theology
День назад
Stop Climate Change! Go to Confession!
Месяц назад
11 years on: Francis, Fasting & Fortitude
4 месяца назад
4 месяца назад
St. James the Faster
4 месяца назад
War at 2 Yr Point: Russia and Ukraine.
4 месяца назад
Fr  Roman Galadza
4 месяца назад
Pratulin Martyrs
4 месяца назад
Blessed Leonid Feoderov
4 месяца назад
Russia and Freedom and Putin
5 месяцев назад
Tucker and Putin: Truth and Myth
5 месяцев назад
Fr  Casey Cole: Repent of your false teaching!
5 месяцев назад
Next Pope?
6 месяцев назад
Truth and Error from Three Saints
6 месяцев назад
God became man
6 месяцев назад
7 месяцев назад
7 месяцев назад
My body, My choice
9 месяцев назад
@TRUTHRULES777 8 часов назад
@CarmelZJ 19 часов назад
What is the difference between Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church ? They sound very similar
@FrJason 19 часов назад
Communion with Rome
@jasonarnold9346 День назад
Fr. Jason I would love one of the images from the sisters and would be happy to donate a little!
@MrColmarino День назад
Father Jason, I am a hispanic American that loves this country and want to say that we just witness a miracle through you in your prayer precious to the speech of Donald Trump and how the bullet missed. This is a calling to all catholics to and support your work, specially the altar you are trying to raise in PA. Please count with my support. I will be spreading your message in my community. Thank you for your work, muchas gracias por su trabajo. Que viva cristo rey!!
@FrJason День назад
God bless you !
@DG-ri1lp День назад
Such truth thank you
@marriedkiwi 2 дня назад
thank you Father Jason Charron. you are very courageous. I hope you are alright. I'm a kiwi living in UK with my viet wife. She's fierce rosary driven catholic and been good for me because i was a lukewarm catholic when i met her. I think you made the right decision to give a blessing for Donald Trump. So so much is at stake right now. Europe is in huge trouble. We pray for good news in November and for Donald Trumps health.
@genemyersmyers6710 2 дня назад
So are you Catholic with Byzantine or Eastern Rite ?
@FrJason День назад
Ukrainian byzantine
@thefoxcatch 3 дня назад
Thank you for this video, Father. I think you addressed a number of things that have been on my mind. God Bless!
@EasternChristian333 3 дня назад
If anyone is hinting who Father is talking about its Michael Lofton of "Reason and Theology" and possibly also his new boy toy Alex from "Voice of Reason". Michael is a byzantine catholic but lives and breathes roman catholic theology and clearly shows his belief that the roman way is the superior/supreme way, all other ways being tolerable insofar that they submit to Almighty Rome and bend that knee. Alex is a canonical Roman Catholic who presents himself as a Byzantine Catholic on youtube simply because he allegedly attends a Byzantine Catholic Church. Both make ridiculous videos with their sophistry and act like they slam dunk on Orthodoxy. Meanwhile their arguments are brought through the meat grinder by multiple Orthodox responses. At the end of the day, without lies, Catholicism dies.
@adoseoftheosis 8 дней назад
I'm rejoicing that you're pointing out how there is a disintegration in many canonically Byzantine pop-apologists 👏
@generalyousif3640 9 дней назад
No way this man just called his fellow priest a man of the devil☠️ even tho he misinterpreted everything Fr Cole stated. No love in this video, can’t take you seriously Even tho Fr Casey cole stated homosexual acts are sinful I wonder if this is an SSPX priest Regardless I won’t judge you, but this video is just not something any loving and respectable priest would speak like even if he is correcting an error
@QSD22 10 дней назад
Amen ☦️🫡 Please pray for our Soldiers!
@QSD22 10 дней назад
Is there a link for the icons to help donating to our Sisters?
@FrJason 9 дней назад
@QSD22 10 дней назад
I am in love with EC. I love knowing there can be a love for Primacy and life in the Divine Liturgy. Ever since discovering EC, my life and that of my family have had a huge spiritual rejuvenation!!!
@CatholicByzantineEvangelist 10 дней назад
Thank you Father!
@danrocky2553 11 дней назад
The icon on your wall is beautiful 😍 ☦️. What is it called?
@byzantinedeacon 11 дней назад
I feel like pulling out my hair every time the Internet Roman apologist affirms our validity by how well we align with Latin theology.
@CatholicByzantineEvangelist 10 дней назад
Amen Fr. Deacon
@QSD22 10 дней назад
@henryconner780 9 дней назад
For me, 90% of the internet I see is younger people, like me, saying how terrible Icon/Venerating is. SMH 🤦🏼‍♂️ oh well.
@EasternChristian333 3 дня назад
Especially given that Roman Catholicism is heretical and little more than papal protestantism. There is no longer any reason to remain Byzantine Catholic when to be fully Byzantine and fully Catholic means to embrace Holy Orthodoxy.
@byzantinedeacon 3 дня назад
@@EasternChristian333 my church is over 1000yrs old. We were the first to receive the faith from Cyril and Methodius. My church came into communion with Rome. It did stop being the church it was before that. This so-called Orthodoxy that you are proclaiming is no different to me than the Catholicism of the Roman apologists both have nothing to do with the apostolic church that I belong to.
@byzantinedeacon 11 дней назад
Happy 4th. M.E.G.A.
@peterselo7707 11 дней назад
Much of Europe also enjoy this religious freedom - the exception is Russia where the FSB-infested Russian Orthodox Church has become the psychopath and oligarch at prayer.
@isawthelight 11 дней назад
Glory to Jesus Christ!! Happy Independence Day. And p.s happy Canada Day. May God continue to bless both our countries and may our people turn to Jesus Christ and his Church on Earth.
@TheBadgerDad_TheByzantineLife 11 дней назад
Happy Treason ("Independence") Day, otche! Canucks forever!
@adthetree 11 дней назад
Glory to Jesus Christ Father! How do Eastern Catholics specifically properly engage in catechesis, apologetics, and other elements of faith oriented towards the intellect? How do we express our Byzantine tradition/theology while still being authentically Catholic in theology in communion and union with Rome?
@rushmonk3545 9 дней назад
Glory to him forever! While I’m not Fr., and simply a part of the laity, I have some experience I can share. For catechesis, I advise that you volunteer with your parish to assist with classes. Get to know the seekers, offer to make yourself available for a coffee, or a call when they might find it necessary. Approach them with grace and love, let your grace be the defense for the joy within you. For apologetics, you need to tailor the conversation to be pragmatic towards the other person, again, approaching with grace. Be well grounded and knowledgable with your faith before you approach some type of logical defense. Our communion with the Roman pontiff is just this. He is our patriarch. Submit yourself to the hierarch. In doing so, you’ll avoid the schismatic tendency in being the “other” inside the church. Engage with novus ordo Catholics in good faith, lift up their piety and love by exemplifying it.
@EasternChristian333 3 дня назад
​@@rushmonk3545the Pope is Patriarch of the Latin Church. Not of any of the Eastern Churches.
@rushmonk3545 3 дня назад
@@EasternChristian333 thanks for the reply. Factually, not quite right. I’m Italo-Greek, which would typically fall under the italo-Albanian designation of rite. As we never left communion with Rome, and our rite comes from the Italian peninsula itself, we had no patriarch within the church in reunification. Our metropolitan is the highest authority in our ecclesiastic structure, and he is directly under the pope. Your assessment would be correct for someone like the melkites, who did reunify with a patriarchate structure.
@rushmonk3545 3 дня назад
@@EasternChristian333 to be clear, a metropolitan is the equivalent of an arch-bishop in the Roman structure.
@EasternChristian333 День назад
Which is the highest your ecclesiology goes. The Pope is Patriarch of the Latin Church. He is not an Eastern Catholic, canonically speaking. ​@@rushmonk3545
@R.C.425 12 дней назад
I love attending Divine Liturgy. Thank you
@HasanAhmadis 16 дней назад
May God let it be done.
@kocanka4389 18 дней назад
Love this!
@user-gs7kn4tj4t 20 дней назад
Thank you Jesus for salvation
@SknappCFA 29 дней назад
People, including Catholics, who call homosexuality a sin have a problem. Research strongly suggests a genetic source for same-sex attraction. Meaning, gays don’t choose to be gay. If it’s not a choice, the requirements for it to be sinful are not met. If not sinful, what is the church to do and teach about it? Pope Francis is seeking to sort this out, and I will cheer him on. The church believes in one truth that reconciles science, reason, and faith. They cannot be in conflict. Galileo was imprisoned by the church because he observed the Earth rotating around the Sun, despite what scripture says. Eventually the truth won and he was vindicated by the church. I have high confidence that will happen again regarding homosexuality.
@pjelpers 21 день назад
Even if all this is true ("gays don't choose to be gay"), it's still sinful. To give non-homosexual examples, a unmarried man who sleeps with women can't just say "well, it wasn't sinful. I was born with these attractions." By your standard, are we all just "not sinning" when acting on desires that we were born with? Explain how this isn't moral relativism. If science proves that a desire to rape or murder are things people are "just born with", do these suddenly become not sins? And even in cases where habits, societal pressure, addictions, etc may reduce one's culpability in an act to where it may not qualify as mortal sin, it's still sin. It should still be fought against, rather than justified as "this is how I was born, so it's ok for me to act on".
@SknappCFA 21 день назад
@@pjelpers good questions, but I think they’re based on a category error. Can heterosexuals live a holy life based in monogamy? Of course. Therefore, rape and adultery are sinful behaviors that are not compelled by sexual orientation. I think your questions are still good ones because they lead to others. Should the church deprive one group with genetically based same-sex attraction from the sacrament of marriage while another group with genetically based opposite-sex attraction is given its blessing? Maybe the church can arbitrarily say you’re in and you’re out, but that turns the principle of justice upside down. I think that’s what the pope is attempting to sort through (being gay “isn’t a crime”) and I applaud him for not ignoring the issue.
@pjelpers 21 день назад
@SknappCFA My point was you're using "born this way" to determine what's sinful, but only arbitrarily for sexual orientation and not for other desires or inclinations. I understand you're saying "No, this is specifically for sexual orientation", but why is that the cut off point? You say the church "arbitrarily gives one group it's blessing and the other not", but "arbitrarily" is precisely what it's not doing. There are natural law principles being applied, and using those, homosexual acts are disordered. Reproductive organs are complementary, and so are only a union when used within opposite sex acts. There's no union occurring within same sex acts; i.e. you can't join 2 male fittings when plumbing; you join male fittings to female fittings.
@zita-lein Месяц назад
Loved this 100 percent! ❤️💙
@splinterbyrd Месяц назад
@@abilea4081 What scripture says is _"Jesus declared, '‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment._ _"'And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.'"_ Mt 22 v37-40 So we hang our law on these two commandments. That's why it's called Christianity and not "Biblicism" Given that 360 children are dying of malnutrition across the world *every hour,* I doubt Jesus is terribly interested if adults do funny things in a bedroom. Go hang some law.
@EsseQuamViderity Месяц назад
Man you’re going so hard, it’s almost like you beat off to gay prn or something and don’t want us to know.
@flick1302 Месяц назад
@veredictum4503 Месяц назад
Amen to all that. Here's the elephant dancing in the room. Bergoglio (he's excommunicated himself as far as I'm concerned) but as long as he wears the white and the Cardinals don't depose him, the world calls him pope. He has now 3 times congratulated, encouraged "Fr" James Martin. Cardinal Fernandez whom Pope JPII stopped from teaching, Bergoglio has promoted him to Cardinal, and made him head of doctrine. On and on and on... book length heresies and scandals. How then, do we tell anyone - Protestant, Hindu, atheist - about any truths? It's like the current US president - how do you tell another country about democracy, that Legal system is impartial and not witch-hunting politicians based on Party, that the president cares for human rights when babies in the womb are killed, that the country is strong when any legless terrorist can stroll across the southern border? It is impossible.
@SeanAedan.007 Месяц назад
@mariaugarte6785 Месяц назад
The present confusion in the Catholic Church should shame us all. We made your mission almost impossible. I pray for all faithless christians: myself the number one
@ThanksStJoseph Месяц назад
@irienerd8178 Месяц назад
@R.C.425 Месяц назад
😊 Yes, I fully agree. MEGA ❤
@themysteriousdomainmoviepalace Месяц назад
I'm puzzled how a certain deomgraphic that should not be priests, can offer a valid mass. MEGA indeed!
@ericholmberg2963 Месяц назад
Awesome! Add to that the power of excommunication to bring grace, repentance, healing and change. This is perfectly reflected in the account of Emperor Theodosius, Bishop Ambrose, and the Massacre at Thessalonica (390 AD). Anyone reading this, google it and be blessed. MEGA! Hey Father Jason, isn't India the most intense place you've ever visited? I've been once, and I was so overwhelmed with the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes, it took me three days before I was able to sleep.
@byzantinedeacon Месяц назад
Now you can sell MEGA merch on your channel. I would love to have one of those hats
@danielbernier6095 Месяц назад
Dear Father. I truly appreciate your great message this morning and pray that my own "luke warmness" doesn't lead to my own excommunication. I love your new MEGA slogan and will take it to heart. I long had thought of such a slogan "MAAGA" Make Almighty God Great Again only to realize he is and always will be Great. Rather we simply need to make "Him" known again. Continue to lead us from afar Father.
@shepherdessinthefray Месяц назад
I unfortunately know all too well the blindness involved in being a degenerate calling myself Christian without batting an eye. It’s God’s mercy through St Theophan the Recluse who splashed water in my face and made me see my errant way. God have mercy on us and help us be His living icons.
@peterselo7707 Месяц назад
The name of Christ has also been besmirched by self-identified Christians who refer to Putin's Russia in all its moral squalor as some kind of bulwark of "traditional Christian values."
@josephinamaljar9416 Месяц назад
I support you Father 100%! God bless you for your courage.
@speedygonzales9993 Месяц назад
@IanVinh Месяц назад
New Slogan for Faithful Catholics
@HeyyoGG Месяц назад
Calling someone a demon is a big NO NO. Matthew 12:22-24 Then one possessed with a demon was brought to Him, blind and mute, and He healed him, so that the blind and mute man both spoke and saw. All the people were amazed and said, “Is He not the Son of David?” But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, “This Man does not cast out demons, except by Beelzebub the ruler of the demons.” Your video reminds me of the Gospel of Matthew.
@libradetucker1280 Месяц назад
HAHAHA! This video makes me laugh. Calling someone the firstborn of Satan is ABSURD! Even if someone has memorized THE ENTIRE BIBLE, understands the meaning behind all the verses, and can really explain it to everyone with legitimate historical or geographical references (or I dont know), it does not always mean they're right and valid. You just missed the message of love. This reminds me of the Pharisees who knew all the scriptures but accused Jesus Christ of being a demon because He could cast out demons.
@user-qh4dr1vy9d Месяц назад
behind me satan. God's law couldn't be clearer. You are free to do your wicked thing but just so you know you won't be condoned here. Repent
@chriscovington6315 Месяц назад
Nailed it!
@chriscovington6315 Месяц назад
My wife celebrated the Easter Vigil at the Basilique du Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre this year. She loved it. Your project also reminds me of Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal, founded by a humble brother of the Congregation of Holy Cross St. André Bessette. After listening to you on The Catholic Talk Show a few months ago Father I got very excited for this project. Let's build this shrine!
@FrJason Месяц назад
Wow, thank you! Pray if God is calling you to help build this.