I'm kind to myself
I like to talk about myself kindly. I deliberately observe only my own qualities to create even more of them. I send love in the form of light there, where the soul rests in the body. It gives me that real inner peace and contentment. I remember my life achievements, which always make my heart joyful. I have a nice opinion of myself and that only matters.
I am thankful to have life on earth that allows me to physically taste the world. I am happiest when I can make others happy. I give myself a lot of what is consistent with me. Peace, quiet, and nature give me the strength and courage to dare to be who I am. Although I get a lot of Love every day, I often hug myself and brag healthily, I give myself a feeling of fullness. I focus on the thoughts that evoke pleasant feelings in me. I give myself more than enough time for all my tasks to keep up with my rhythm. I am the master and creator of my life. When I repeat this to myself several times, I believe in it more and more, and that is why I experience it and live this way.
Every day I ask myself what makes me happy, how can I make my day even better, what should I make myself happy with? It usually comes into my reality on its own, and in parallel, I remember that this is due to my questions. I am pleased with myself for what I have written today for myself and for all of you, Damijan.
Do sebe sem prijazen
O sebi rad govorim prijazno. Sam s seboj namenoma opazujem le svoje kvalitete, da si jih s tem ustvarim še več. Pošiljam si ljubezen v obliki svetlobe tja, kjer v telesu počiva duša. To mi daje tisti pravi notranji mir in zadovoljastvo. Spominjam se svojih življenskih dosežkov, ob katerih mi vedno zaigra srce. Imam lepo mnenje o sebi in le to je pomembno.
Hvaležen sem, da imam življenje na zemlji, zaradi česar lahko še fizično okušam svet. Najbolj sem srečen, ko lahko osrečujem druge. Dajem si veliko tistega, kar je skladno z menoj. Mir, tišina in narava mi da moč in pogum, da si upam biti to kar sem. Čeprav dnevno dobim ogromno Ljubezni, se večkrat objamem tudi sam in se zdravo pohvalim, dam si občutek polnovrednosti. Osredotočam se na misli, katere v meni vzbujajo prijetne občutke. Dam si več kot dovolj časa za vsa svoja opravila in naloge, da je skladno z mojim ritmom. Jaz sem gospodar in kreator svojega življenja. Ko si to večkrat ponavljam, v to bolj in bolj verjamem, in zato to doživljam in na ta način živim.
Vsak dan se vprašam kaj me osrečuje, kako si lahko samemu sebi še polepšam dan, s čim naj se osrečim? Po navadi pride samo od sebe v mojo realnost, jaz pa se vzporedno spomnim, da je to posledica mojih vprašanj. Zadovoljen sem sam s seboj, kar sem danes napisal zase in za vse vas, Damijan.
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31 окт 2024