
Being Diagnosed With Autism, ADHD, and EDS 

Aaron Ansuini
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8 июн 2018




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@wonkybee7612 6 лет назад
Also it's really normal to sort of get "obsessed" when first learning you are neurodivergent. It literally became a whole special interest for me.
@iswearimnormal8105 5 лет назад
I'm nonbinary, autistic, and have EDS. This video makes me feel less alone.
@850kell531 6 лет назад
I just finished my bachelor's degree and I only took 2-3 classes at once because thats all i could handle. Nothing wrong with it! And it was the best feeling to walk the stage at graduation knowing that I did it my own way. So happppyyyy you're back!!!
@XigXag 6 лет назад
Kelly Dunn how long in total did you spend to get your degree? I want to go to college but I’m not sure I can handle more than one hard and one easy class at a time lol
@850kell531 6 лет назад
XigXag it was about 6 1/2 years. (where if you take the normal 4 classes/semester for the bachelors it would take 4 years)
@SwashBuckTief 6 лет назад
Thank you for joining people like Chase and Aaron in making me feel like it's possible to finish my bachelor's, even if I do it slowly. 💜
@barbarahall2135 6 лет назад
I’m just now working on coming to terms with the fact that I’ll have to do this as well!!! It’s so nice to know other people are doing this as well!
@bornwithoutconsentobviously 6 лет назад
I am seriously going to kill myself if I don't make it this time. I am in this shit to get my bachelors for 5,5 years now. I should have finished 1,5 years ago. Seriously. Shoot me.
@emgonzales1799 6 лет назад
I'm trying to get tested for ASD, I always felt bad for "shopping" for a diagnosis. But I know its a big possibility for me to have ASD, or sensory processing disorder. Your video really helped me, so thank you so much!!!!
@Mary-op8hi 6 лет назад
"Diagnosis shopping" is a completely bullshit ableist concept. There is absolutely nothing wrong with "shopping" for a doctor with whom you jive (and this really can take some extensive "shopping around") and who cares enough about actually helping people to listen to you and do the appropriate tests. Like OF COURSE one is going to "shop" for a diagnosis when they're struggling with unexplained symptoms. Especially because without a diagnosis they can't begin any treatment or join any support groups (of which membership has proven to help alleviate psychological/emotional/social stress that often comes along with having an illness)!! Note: I absolutely do not mean for this comment to come across as harsh, in fact it's quite the opposite; I don't want you feeling any shame, nor do I want you limiting your search for answers as a result of this completely nonsense idea.
@Alex-fc8xn 6 лет назад
I feel this. I have a laundry list of diagnoses and I'm still working on being taken seriously to get tests for other things I probably have (like ASD and possibly EDS or at least a hyper mobility disorder.) Whenever I talk about all my problems some people seem to think I'm "proud" of them or enjoy collecting labels, but I just like knowing what the heck is wrong with me so I can figure out how to live with it more easily. After hearing that kind of thing so often I even feel like if I find a doctor who actually listens to me (unlike my current one who misdiagnosed a torn shoulder on one occasion and torn achilles tendon on another because they didn't believe I could handle that much pain and I still had a wide range of motion from hyper flexibility,) then I won't trust the actual diagnosis because I'll be afraid I influenced them to tell me what I "wanted" to hear. Funny enough, everyone I know with chronic illnesses, especially the ones I suspect I may have, have always supported me and never accused me of "shopping for a diagnosis" or anything. It's only ever healthy people who are dicks about it.
@jvance6 4 года назад
My mom talks about how Drs are just giving out diagnoses...I'm not ASD but my kid is. I don't believe that at all. They are just getting better at recognizing those who are less obvious. Lots of older people (not calling you old) struggle, because they weren't diagnosed. If a diagnoses that you received doesn't really answer your why's then of course you should look elsewhere for answers.
@lilyannrose 6 лет назад
Thank you so much for making this video, dude. I have EDS and it was suspected for a long time that I had ASD and/or ADHD (I experience similar to what you described, but was brushed off by my psychologist so I gave up because I’m too tired to bother.) and you talking about this raises awareness and I appreciate this so much. EDS is hard and the more awareness we have the better, I have to teach my doctors because it’s not very well known and they just didn’t learn about it in school. Videos like this make me feel less alone a diagnosis that has been so scary and impacting on my life. Thank you.
@Mary-op8hi 6 лет назад
Congrats on your diagnoses baybey! This probably seems like a bizarre, or even an inappropriate response to abled folk, but I know you get it. (A note for those who don't get it: when you've spent years and years struggling and in pain, and having everyone accuse you of lying about said pain/struggles and basically invalidating your whole existence, while also barring you from the accommodations you desperately need, finally discovering exactly what the problem is and being able to move forward, and maybe even move forward with hope now that you can actually begin exploring treatment options for the condition(s), is a very complicated almost indescribable feeling, but one that is generally overwhelmingly positive over negative). And even though I've probably already said this to you at some point (go brainfog amirite); welcome to the EDS and spoonie communities, where we make inappropriate memes that make ableds uncomfortable and are always ready to offer up a giant fuzzy sweater hug, or cup of tea, or cat picture, or majestic video compilation of animals accidentally knocking over young children!! I am definitely very excite and very muchly happy to know that I'll be seeing your face more often!! 💕 My service doggo and I are sending you lots of love and spoons 💕
@johnconstable8512 6 лет назад
his white male privilege is showing
@MatNefer 6 лет назад
Abled people who find inappropriate to say things like "congrats on your diagnoses" are actually discriminating, because to find such a response inappropriate means that you think having a disability is somehow a disgrace, or makes you broken/damaged or something less than a person. And honestly the only disgrace are those abled people who see us that way! So who cares of their opinions? Nobody!
@everest7719 6 лет назад
The parentheses through me off trying to read this.
@vanessaarnell 5 лет назад
I'm considered mentally "abled" but I'm happy he made this video (as well:)) I had left a comment above stating my son has ASD, ADHD, and SPD. He , however, is non verbal and cant explain to me what is wrong during his sensory overload . Hearing Aaron talk about it has brought me to tears. It's a huge relief to have waited for years and than to finally be able to understand my son , or start to better understand him, I should say, is amazing. We waited for years for a diagnosis. Once we found out what was going on ( he was four) was a huge relief and I cried for so many reasons. Anyway, my point was , I completely understood ur point even though I'm " abled" :))
@jodyrudd1831 5 лет назад
@@vanessaarnell I would urge you to watch the ask an autistic episodes on here, they are also so insightful.
@Robotfull 6 лет назад
Yay welcome to the Adhd-, autism-, eds- and fibro-club💚 i also though i was stupid and lazy for so long and turns out i actually am super highly functional cognitively but my body just gets tired so easily AND my mind just runs on overheat in “basic” situations since i just see and hear and analyse EVERYTHING happening around me. so yeah. been diagnosed only with depression for years and years until other diagnosis just started dropping on me (i had to fight to get em and im still in the process in some) but life makes so much more sense when you are aware of these atypical things going on in your body. um anyway much love💚
@clairemckinley691 6 лет назад
Dude! I also have Autism, EDS and fibromyalgia as a comorbidity to eds. I’m so glad you were able to get diagnosed, I totally understand how comforting it is to know that all the thing you were struggling with all your life weren’t normal for everyone. It’s really great that now you will be able to get the accomodations you need in order to function most effectively. I’ve found the EDS community to be so supportive and welcoming and there is actually a large overlap with EDS and autistic and trans folks. Thank you for this video. Love from your fellow zebra, Eli 🦓🦓🦓
@yaboi8866 4 года назад
I am a ftm with ADHD the pills to help me with ADHD make me have no hunger. It's stressful thinking that I'm just some distracting "female"
@susie7412 6 лет назад
it's been up a whole 8 minutes AND there's an ad?!?! WOOO
@dan5721 6 лет назад
I have autism, I’m trans and I have marfans which is like a similar thing to eds! For joint pain I really recommend heat packs, and maybe look at getting shoe insoles to support your feet! Also, get into the habit of have paracetamol with you and a couple of plasters because having flat feet makes it super easy to get blisters! Great to see people talking about this stuff! Also for ASD I recommend The Aspie World, he’s an adult living with ASD and ADHD and has loads of content on it!
@dionwildman 6 лет назад
You helped me realize I might be on the autism spectrum. I'm currently seeking a diagnosis. Thank you!
@loldontcare4623 6 лет назад
Dion Thomas same! listening to his experiences and others has really opened my eyes
@deadboy5678 6 лет назад
OMG PLS MAKE THE STUDYING WITH ADHD VIDEO I NEEEEEED Also I missed ur vids bb 😘😘 you really do look so happy and stufffs!! I screm ✨✨✨✨✨✨
@starrychan33 6 лет назад
I think I have ADHD and/or autism spectrum disorder but it's really hard to get diagnosed as an adult, especially here in the U.S. i'm glad you were able to get diagnosed and are doing well :)
@maxemmett2902 6 лет назад
I've watched you for a while and followed you on social media and I always really related to you a lot. Then you got diagnosed with EDS and I relate to you even more because I was diagnosed with it 3 years ago!! And when you started talking on twitter about ASD I was literally getting my evaluation set up (which is happening in 2 days). It's nice to really really relate to someone because I feel like I'm not alone, so thank you for being so open about everything and talking about what you go through! I'm really excited to see the future videos and things you put out!!!!
@Mary-op8hi 6 лет назад
I completely agree; since pretty much day one I have always felt a particular connection to you my deary Aaron (I really really hope that that doesn't come across as creepy) because of your absolutely magnificent sarcasm and wit, how you brazenly speak your mind and throw out hefty truth bombs, your love and respect for animals, your struggles with ED and body image .. I could go on. And then on top of all that I find out (although I think on some level I always had a suspicion just based on the symptoms you would occasionally mention on the podcast etc) that we share some of the same chronic health issues!!
@Mary-op8hi 6 лет назад
@Max Emmett If you are looking for a good support group for people with chronic illness/disability and are veg I would be happy to add you to this little facebook one of which I am a member. But support group or not, vegan or not, I highly recommend you check out the yt channels; Vlogging with EDS, Amy's Life, Life With Stripes, and Chronically Jaquie. They all have EDS and use their channels as forms of awareness and advocacy while simultaneously being very entertaining and funny. And lastly, if you ever need someone who gets it to talk to, or need some advice, or whatever, you can find me on instagram under the same name. I hope you are having a spoon-filled day!! 💕💜💕💜
@sleepwalker4332 6 лет назад
I love your whole aesthetic. So cute! You are one of my favorite people, love seeing you!
@sycamore33 6 лет назад
When I tested positive for ADHD, it was honestly such a relief. I finally knew why I always ran out of time on tests, why I kept drifting off in class, and why I had sensory problems as well (it's not uncommon in ADHD folk from what I understand). Idk if you're looking for suggestions or not, but when I read for fun I underline everything as I go - I find that my mind skips around the page a lot, so underlining lets me see what I have and haven't read. For digital text I sometimes use things like Spreeder - it shows you a few words at a time at a constant pace (you choose how many words & how fast)
@XigXag 6 лет назад
redcloudofrandomness yeah when I read I skip half pages at a time and get super confused. Audio books and reading through multiple times are also two more helpful strategies
@clairemckinley691 6 лет назад
Another tip that’s good or if you have a library book and don’t want to mark the pages is to put a bookmark underneath the line you’re reading so your eyes don’t skip ahead. It helps me focus while reading
@Isirian 6 лет назад
On the topic of being exhausted by one class and worried about college: You need to remember that you were going through some big changes these past several months, which probably took a toll on you and probably added to your exhaustion. You were trying to get diagnosed, you were getting to the bottom of your health problems, seeing doctors, making appointments, changing medication... That's a LOT to accomplish on its own and yet you still managed to be great at your class. When you get to college, things will be a little calmer, you'll have the medication that helps you, you'll know more about managing your mental and physical symptoms and all that, so it might not be as bad as you imagine. I'm not trying to tell you that it will all be great and you just worry too much, just... trying to be encouraging? Anyway, you're great and I love you!
@HParadoxa 6 лет назад
As an autistic trans guy it's always fucking great to see you talk about your experiences. Representation is soo empowering. Anyway I hope you'll do fine your awesome.
@AliTheFlightlessBird 6 лет назад
damn, your subcutaneous injection video was SO helpful. i just started T and it was one of the only videos i could find that weren’t on IM injections dang
@allyas 6 лет назад
I got diagnosed with ADHD last year and it's been amazing ever since. I take methylphenidate for studying or for organizing meetings and stuff where I need to be focused and suddenly I am able to do stuff. It's like a miracle. I would appreciate a video on learning techniques, because I'm just winging it now and am always open to trying new things, especially now near the exams.
@NewView638 6 лет назад
Aaron, welcome back! I was just diagnosed with ADHD at age 53 and it has been a tremendous relief for me too! All my life I was ashamed of my mental exhaustion, anxiety and depression and lack of ability to perform at my intellectual potential. But I am also a more creative, kind, compassionate person because of my life experiences. Just started ADHD meds this week. I am happy for you. Thank you for all your transparency. You make a difference in people’s lives.
@mawithaxdd 6 лет назад
I’m 23 and was diagnosed with ASD about 6 months ago. It explains everything that I have experienced and will continue to experience throughout my life. I can only take 12 credits at a time at the absolute most. I have issues with focusing and learning, especially with sensory issues. Classrooms are not meant for atypical people and it sucks. I don’t excel like I should because I have to work 3x as hard just to be at the level as some of the lower classmates.
@kckazcoll1 6 лет назад
I'm also overwhelmed by a high study workload and deadlines. I haven't been diagnosed with anything, but I don't feel "neurotypical". Thanks for this, Aaron
@dalejason 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing your experience… I have struggled at life for 50 years and got my ADHD / ASD diagnosis in May 2021. I also suffer from Anxiety & Depression which I now know were also caused by ADHD. My life is slowly turning around and the Elvanse (now 60mg) has also been a game changer 👍
@Truerealism747 6 месяцев назад
Do you have eds
@jamieo2147 6 лет назад
Never been so happy to watch a dog food ad
@plauged191 6 лет назад
I’ve known someone with severe EDS. I’m so sorry for your diagnosis. I’m also just finding out that I have ASD. It’s okay. Im okay with it. I know how you feel about the diagnosis improving your life. I’m trying to go back to my PhD after having a meltdown from emotional overload two years ago. Don’t give up!
@emgonzales1799 2 года назад
This may seem a little weird, especially since it's been three years since you posted this video, but I just want to thank you. Your videos were the reason why I thought I might be autistic. You talking about your experience being autistic pushed me to do more research and seek a diagnosis. This august 9th(my birthday) will be the 4 year anniversary of my autism assessment, and I know I wouldn't be at this point if it wasn't for you. I am truly great full. You have made a huge difference in my life.
@stephaniebray-voorhes4398 6 лет назад
When your body doesn’t make the neurotransmitters you need, store bought is fine :-)
@drewg.4779 6 лет назад
I love your new set up! It’s super cute!
@pmbluemoon 6 лет назад
Like a happy comfy couch that you could just sink into and enjoy the video :)
@laurelissen2887 3 года назад
WOW! I've only recently been diagnosed with EDS and just got the other two diagnoses as well this month and I can relate to SO MUCH of what you've said. Especially when you were talking about how it seems like everyday life and especially the things you love end up causing you harm.. when you were talking about piano, I have had the same thing with dance, haven't really been able to dance for years. So much harder than the joint pain is the pain of not being able to do the things we love. But also a lot of my superpowers seem to come from each of these things and also the uniqueness of combining them. So I hope we can both find ways to perhaps find other artistic outlets that let us find new things we love, or return to the passions we hold dear
@amandafigueras2385 6 лет назад
I sympathize with you because I have ADHD and Autism and I find that my medication and all the accommodations I get through my college help.
@rayaugustus6413 6 лет назад
The part of eds that gave me a really realiving moment is I have "Fog Brain" I just completely forget things sometimes and now I know I'm not crazy my brain stem just wiggles Also you are amazing for making this I apreciate it
@italiasalinasordonez6769 6 лет назад
Also! You should make a video on financing top surgery, credit lines, and and advice on saving money! You briefly talked about it in one of the podcasts and it was so interesting.
@sebAO301 6 лет назад
I totally understand the need for diagnosis’s, it really helps you come to terms with everything and makes it real so you stop doubting yourself. I also have tennis elbow from banging my elbow against a door frame, elbow braces really help if that’s something you could get.
@TheSquirrelQueen 6 лет назад
Holy shit I relate so much to the thing you said about reading and getting confused and having to reread things and the thing about tests where you get the answers right the second time even though you were positive they were right the first time. And I also have ADD and "high functioning" autism, (which I've known about since I was like 5) and I'm also trans and it's just really cool to see someone like myself who's older and more experienced and shit. I honestly don't know where this comment is going. Sorry for rambling.
@Some1SuperAwesome 6 лет назад
Happy for you, Aaron. So so happy :)
@ivankavoutchkov650 6 лет назад
aaron, this video was incredible!
@Nomadic_psyche_ 6 лет назад
I’m super thankful that you’ve posted this (and a few others) being open and honest about all your different diagnosis. You’ve made me feel so much better just by seeing this video. I’m 28, I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was like 6, I was finally given a diagnosis of ME/cfs as well as fybromyalgia last year, after years of not knowing what the hell was wrong with me. I seeked out getting a mental health diagnosis because of struggling with various issues for so long and got told I have GAD, and that contributing to ocd and depression. I also really relate with the being overwhelmed by to much, with like work and study. I just appreciate this video and your openness so much, because I’ve been really struggling with talking about how all these things affect me, because of the stigma associated with all those things. Really hard to feel understood and with having so many various mental health and physical health diagnosis, it can make you feel like a walking medical dictionary haha. I worry a lot about what people think and if they think I’m just like pathetic . When actually these are all prominent issues I deal with daily. So thank you for being so open about who you are and all your diagnosis’s. You e made me feel better about having quite a few of my own (and almost the same as yourself) ! What I’m trying to say is, You’ve helped make me feel at ease and less ashamed for having quite a few legit issues. So thank you! Gah sorry that was long! Haha
@asparaguslord6790 6 лет назад
*gets a 30 second, non-homophobic ad* YESSSS
@JL-vx1rb 2 года назад
@cosmowells6471 6 лет назад
Sooooo glad ur back XX
@macmcc 6 лет назад
Thanks for the video! Excited to see the others :)
@rainesavage510 6 лет назад
I am very proud of you Aaron 💕
@camrobinson2613 6 лет назад
I love the setup dude
@gabe2777 6 лет назад
it's so cool to see that you're figuring things out, glad to have you back again :)
@averageaiden8246 6 лет назад
the thing about reading is such a mood I feel you
@MissAmericanPie 6 лет назад
Oh my word, I just got diagnosed with ASD and I also have ADHD and wow. I don't think I've ever related to someone more when it comes to my school life.
@CCaron-ku7od 6 лет назад
AARON IS BACK! I got so excited to see you lovely face on my feed! Also everyone is getting ads on your video which is super cool!
@wren1288 6 лет назад
“ im not neuro typical and thats ok” got me teary eyed! the trauma associated with school is real, but its so good to hear that you’re accessing alternatives! love, another italian-canadian trans boy ❤️
@cameronblue89 6 лет назад
Congrats on doing so well in your class! Don’t feel bad about not being able to handle a full course load. Lots of my friends take only a couple classes at a time and they do well.
@ashwillows4567 6 лет назад
i love this video!! thank you for talking about these topics! lonely new set-up, by the way!
@pastelroyce 6 лет назад
Damn, that bit about school really hit home. I dropped out of college over two years ago for more or less the same reasons. My family suspected I had autism when I was three, but they took the word of a pre-K teacher in 1994, so since then I've just been "lazy". Thanks for getting your story out, really helps with understanding.
@sanderh.c.1927 6 лет назад
Daddyyy, so happy to see that you're back! Just because a patreon and I'm so happy to see that you're doing better. I hope things really change for the better because you deserve all the good things that you have in your life (and more!) ❤️❤️
@sage7238 5 лет назад
Your videos mean everything to me aaron, thank you 💚💙
@sarajamesjulien7397 6 лет назад
Im glad youre back, and happy! Congrats on finally getting a diagnosis, i know that can be really tough. Its nice to see you smileing!!!
@allthatishailey 6 лет назад
Aaron! I am so jazzed for you! It is so plain in how you carry yourself in this video that you are feeling better about everything - stronger, more at peace, more comfortable with yourself. I am just so thrilled for you. And that is so exciting that you got 100% in your class!! Congratulations! Also, I really like your new setup. I hope this new stage in your life leads to more videos, 'cause you're really good at them. Cheers, friend!
@katieabdai2011 6 лет назад
Love you boi! Glad to see you back :) ps: love your new setup AND the hair
@wesley6594 6 лет назад
Ah, this is really sweet to hear after all your struggles. I'm so happy to hear you understand and can look after your body better now
@mattrose99 6 лет назад
Im really glad to see you uploading videos again, and I'm excited to see you more than just for podcasts! I'm excited to see the new content you make and the new background is so aesthetic
@jeristovall5465 6 лет назад
It is so good too see you back Aaron!! I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. Keep it up! Love you boo 💙💜🌱
@drewharris7785 6 лет назад
I'm so glad you're doing better, and on a complete side note, I absolutely love your voice.
@italiasalinasordonez6769 6 лет назад
I love u bb 🦋🧜🏼‍♂️🖤 Glad to hear you’re feeling better.
@alexandermitcham7721 6 лет назад
Love the new setup and so happy to see you back again. I hope to see more of you and that RU-vid quits their shit. Stay safe 💚
@finntheace6205 6 лет назад
Yyyeeeesssss more content I love it Id love to hear about how each diagnoses affects schooling and just in everyday life
@madzombiebaby 6 лет назад
I am so so so happy for you. I know the feeling when you get diagnosed and everything starts to make sense, I had this experience with my adhd diagnosis. I understand myself so much better, I am patient with myself and treat my body and mind like a partner and not an enemy. Feeling pumped for you, looking forward to the coming videos :)
@maxshumate427 6 лет назад
I understand how much of a relief an asd diagnosis is. I grew up crying at night wondering what was wrong with me comparing myself to mentally healthy people. I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 20 and suddenly everything made sense. Much love!
@graceness6178 6 лет назад
Your set up is awesome! I can totally relate to your searching for diagnosises, when i was diagnosed with Crohn's disease it changed my life for the better because could fianlly focus my treatments instead of blaming everything on anxiety/depression! Thanks for sharing!!
@lpsthorn 5 лет назад
I would just like to thank you so much for speaking about this. You spoke the exact same symptoms that I have been juggling with for years and I am more motivated now to get a diagnosis. 💞💞💞
@CelesteM 6 лет назад
I love your new setup! I'm looking forward to your other videos on this topic and I know they'll be super helpful for others struggling with the same things!
@adoor3901 6 лет назад
I really appreciate this. I was recently diagnosed with ASD as well and I love hearing other people’s experiences and knowing I’m not alone.
@Fedstrix 6 лет назад
Thank you. This really resonate with me. I have depression, ADD, anemia, and some old injuries that leave me less physically able so I really liked hearing you talk about how getting your diagnosis helped you understand what's going on in your body. I'm really high functioning with my nero issues so this also helped remind me that I don't NEED to hold myself to nerotypical standards. And I think having a name for what is happening makes it much less scary. It can have a huge positive impact on your life. I, most of all, love hearing people say 'oh, this is what is going on? That makes so much sense now.'
@jessi_starr 6 лет назад
I love how this new filming location looks. Its lovely! Also, I'm so happy you finally got some answers with your health and you can navigate through things better. 💙
@SunkistLee 6 лет назад
You are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your experiences. My partner is suffering from the effects of a concussion. With has caused him to have trouble with sensory overload as well as add. Watching your videos has really helpped me understand how it affects him. He has a very difficult time putting it into words, but when you describe it he says yes that's it. Thank you!
@airohwalker2478 6 лет назад
It’s so amazing that can better understand how your brain works and how to cope :)
@iloveadamduritz 6 лет назад
I'm so glad you are feeling better and putting the pieces together to improve your life.
@jay_jay_thejetplane7021 6 лет назад
I can’t wait for your videos! The EDS one because I can relate to it, and the ASD and ADHD ones because my brother can relate to those.
@tiffaniwisemore2872 6 лет назад
Omg, love the set up! Also seeing a video about how you study would be really cool. Hope you can get to filming it😁
@thuviels 6 лет назад
I love the new set up the lighting and colours are so nice! And it's really good to see you again too, I'd love to see more videos about ADHD and ASD, and videos about art and your rats too
@PracticallyDivineSage 6 лет назад
Glad things are falling into place for you and there's been some clarity in your life! I still have a lot of my own things to figure out 😅 💜
@noahthompson9642 6 лет назад
thank you so so much for this. could you possibly do a video on the differences between ADHD and ASD and how to tell if you have one or the other, or if you have both?? i recently got an adhd diagnosis but have been looking into an ASD diagnosis as well, and I'm finding that a lot of the symptoms tend to overlap and I'm having trouble parsing out what's an ADHD thing that acts like ASD in certain contexts and what's just straight up ASD, if that makes sense?? idk. thank you for existing, you are wonderful. ♥
@GaiaSteinbuch 6 лет назад
Congratulations on getting some answers :)! I look forward to those videos you have planned (will watch the ADHD study one now).
@solkattz 6 лет назад
i really really look up to you and have also recently been diagnoised with autism and would love to hear abt ur experiences with getting diagnoised and stuff! im glad you could find a sense of self and help yourself!! 💕
@drewmatthews9578 6 лет назад
You're awesome man. I have Aspergers so I understand what it's like doing so much before you feel so drained and panicky. I'm learning to cope with it, though. I'm glad you're back even if it's briefly. You're great, Aaron :)
@michaelaspiro8160 6 лет назад
I am so happy you finally have answers about what is going with your body and your mental state ... Your finally getting the help you have deserved for so long . I have been watching Your so brave for so long and chases channel and to see this happen for you just warms my heart. Sometimes getting that answer is like a door which for years has been locked is opened and you can finally breathe and experience life as you always were meant to .. I hope this new found peace of mind , diagnosis will allow you to succeed and to have the best quality of life you deserve it ... ❤️😘
@rowan.27 5 лет назад
Thinking that sensory overload is panic attacks = yes!! I did the exact some thing, even though my friends who actually have panic attacks had dissimilar experiences to mine. I'm so glad I have an autism diagnosis now so I get it all and this video is so validating! ❤
@rachelahrens9696 6 лет назад
Looking forward to the next video!
@demetrioion5805 6 лет назад
I'm so happy for you! And I'm glad you decided not to stop doing videos because of a strike, don't let them get you down! :)
@selfinversion5462 6 лет назад
Oh god I've been waiting for you to talk about this for months now!!! I have me/cfs (amongst other things) and I've had to put my studies on hiatus because the brainfog is so bad, and I have to use a cane now because being upright makes me so dizzy I walk like a drunk person without a one. Hearing other people talk about what they're going through helps make my experience feel less isolating and soul crushing. 👍
@MuunaFunny 6 лет назад
I will tune in for the ADHD and study videos for sure! I was diagnosed a while ago and have started to figure out things.
@0MGitsRayRay 6 лет назад
im struggling to write a comment about how much i appreciate this vid bc my mind is zooming with thoughts that i cannot keep up with, but i relate a lot.
@lukeghost542 6 лет назад
Missed u Aaron ❤
@lukeghost542 6 лет назад
Aaron keep fighting we fight too along with you. Ill be sending someing soon to help
@nick8358 4 года назад
Omg finally someone who speaks how I feel every day
@MaddMaddox77 6 лет назад
Regarding the medication issue, I have bipolar disorder and it took 6 years of misdiagnosing and trying so many medications I can't possibly remember all of them before I got a diagnosis that made sense and a med combination that worked and allowed me to pay off enough student debt so I could go back to college. I spent those 6 years arguing with friends and family about my decision to take the prescribed medication, but it was ultimately the right choice for me. I'm saying this because I want to remind people that sometimes the search for the right medication to treat a mental health condition can be long and arduous, but for many of us who have mental health issues medication is the only way to function productively.
@omnichrome9784 6 лет назад
Maddox Rowland My mother suffered from a mental illness and also was diabetic....I don’t think they ever got the medication for her mental illness correct, even after 20 years....so, it is really great that you finally got what you needed and works for you. My father was really supportive (of my mother taking her meds, etc) they just didn’t know enough about how to help her. We need to keep making progress and stop stigmatizing certain health issues (I’m not just talking about mental illness).
@MaddMaddox77 6 лет назад
It doesn't help that, at least in the US, doctors can receive kickbacks from drug companies for prescribing their medication. The most life-ruining medication I took, as well as the most expensive (it was Abilify, btw), was prescribed by a doctor that I discovered received a bunch of kickbacks from the pharmaceutical company that makes it. There's currently a lawsuit against that company because one of the (then) unlisted side-effects was lowered impulse control and for some people that side effect was the main effect of Abilify on their body. For me, the extremely decreased impulse control caused me to decide to just go off all my medicine, which sparked life-destroying mania. Once I came down 6 months later, I started looking for a different psychiatrist.
@omnichrome9784 6 лет назад
Maddox Rowland Yup....that also happens and is pretty discouraging, but I *know* there are practioners who do actually care about their patients and don’t take kickbacks. Unfortunately, they may be hard to find. Especially if you live in a rural area.
@MaddMaddox77 6 лет назад
Omni * I'm lucky that I live near Michigan State University. They have a psychiatric clinic where residents train under supervision of a professor/practicing doctor. Best care I've ever received!
@naoisedonohoe1167 6 лет назад
I’d love to see a video about studying with adhd! I struggle a lot with concentration but trying to get a diagnosis I so expensive :’) Can’t wait to see more videos!
@elliottmichael8644 6 лет назад
I am FTM and have a diagnosis of ASD. I received my ASD diagnosis when I was a kid. It’s nice to hear another ftm talk about some of the issues that can come about with the intersection of being trans and having an ASD diagnosis. I met you once at the PTHC but didn’t say much at all because I really want to be in a community of my own people but I really struggle with socializing. I hope if I ever meet you again I can say more than hi. Thank you for positing this video.
@elijahpinney3415 6 лет назад
Im so happy to actually hear about someone else with EDS. I feel so not alone anymore.
@zoeym101 6 лет назад
Welcome back! Keep it up man and TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF first. I'll follow you wherever you go tumblr twitter wherever. #youcan'tdeleteus
@crispyyrosee 3 года назад
Thank you for existing and making this video. This is pretty much exactly what I deal with on a daily basis. I have been trying to build my channel for EDS awareness. Thank you for being so open about all of your conditions! You experience things the same way as I do; yet I have been taught to hide it all. You're an inspiration!
@rowan9456 6 лет назад
I got an ad featuring a gay couple for an hiv prevention/educational campaign! All very unstigmatised as well so yay. Also thanks for speaking about your diagnoses, I've got asperger's (when that was still a thing that is) but even after 6 years I still have a hard time accepting that. People like you help me a lot.
@TheLucyblades 6 лет назад
This video was great, would love to see more about these topics. So happy for you Aaron. Really enjoy your vids and livestreams on YN. Fcuk the RU-vid ad noise! #BoughtAShirt
@fractaliauniversum 4 года назад
I have all the same health issues and experience everything the way you do! Ive never met or come across anyone who has, youre putting it all into words! Thank you for making this 💜
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