
Ben Hogan / Moe Norman Secret - Golf 

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bit.ly/x0vcTs - Hitting balls at the beach and some casual talk about Moe Norman, Ben Hogan and the Ben Hogan Secret.



19 сен 2024




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@nikegolfer5602 7 лет назад
Trying to swing horizontally is the secret. It's like if you were to swing at a golf ball on a baseball tee that lowers the closer the club head gets to it. It's that intent that gets you shallow and helps you maintain tush line. Horizontal Intent my friends. Like throwing a side arm pitch or skipping a rock. Combine that with a centered pivot and some depth and you're solid. The only thing you can argue at that point is whether or not you want a roll release for power or a square release for accuracy.
@teeno684 Год назад
Wished there’s a video for this explanation
@brentireland9866 4 года назад
I first met Mow at Earl Grey course here in Calgary in 1982. I've thought about what he said in practice rounds I played with him whenever he came to western Canada, and I think the secret is in the dirt. Great job!
@DASH1ful 14 лет назад
The secret is in the dirt (ground) . Any force applied onto the ground is met with an equal and opposite resistance, from the ground. When a player turns their weight onto the front of their right foot, in the downswing, they are then in a position to press down on the ground with the front ot their right foot. The resistance from the ground will make the body and the right hip turn through the ball; and stabilize the swing, keeping it balanced.
@deanw0rmer 15 лет назад
My brother played the Canadian Tour back in '75 and has some funny Moe stories. One time all the guys were talking about money and Moe pulled out a wad of money ( around 10k) and just laid it on the green for several hours. He said "money, money that's what I think of money" lol classic. He said that wad laid on the green for 3 or 4 hours and noone touched it!
@jordanaug81 12 лет назад
Sevam1, your videos have helped me greatly with my ballstriking. You possess a very natural swing that inspires and is great to watch. Just by planting my right leg into the ground (along with a grip change) and watching your videos my consistency, ball-striking and finish has improved dramatically escpecially with the irons. The secret truly is in the dirt, thank you for your simple and revealing instruction its been a true revelation for me.
@timetogo888 15 лет назад
In a nutshell Hogans main secret or move is in the downswing,the right leg holds while the left leg moves forward or laterally,in slow mo you can see how it bows out,but he does'nt make the mistake of loosing height with the right side,or transphere his weight left to early,as his left knee moves the right knee will take its place and his right side can rotate fully while still maintaining spine angle.The reason for keeping the elbows close is for a constant swing radius,left elbow stays down.
@sevam1872 15 лет назад
I won't argue that "educated hands" are a great benefit. I will argue that a "timed release" is a manipulation that I don't want in my action. In my action the release of the clubhead is governed by my lower body and footwork rather than my hands. My release is a reaction rather than an action. I set the face square to the arc very early on the downswing and just drive it through. There is no turning of the clubface at the bottom and no rolling over of the hands until the ball is long gone.
@TheMonkeyBoyMike 14 лет назад
nice swing, great speed through the ball. Another way to think of it is physical ( not psychological), relaxation, creates speed in the golf swing. The real secret is that no matter how good you are you have to trust that your good. without trust the greats wouldn't be great
@sevam1872 16 лет назад
You step in and square the club and the right foot to the line of flight. The right foot goes first so you can easily see the flight line and get that foot square to it. The left foot goes into position next because the bottom of the arc will be relative to the left foot. The right foot then is moved back relative to the type of shot he is going to play. Now a look at the target while shuffling left and then right again. Boom!! Right Left Right Left Right Left always a mirror of the pivot!
@TimFlaherty 15 лет назад
I found "the secret" in the dirt in Sept....shot 68 at my home course....it's best each player finds it for themselves...
@divotdigger247 14 лет назад
jeez, all these people leaving negative comments, what has the world come to eh?! the secret is in the dirt, mike isnt talking about hitting divots or actually understanding soil, more the relationship of the inside of your right leg and the ground (or dirt) underneath it, as the primary pivot point in the swing. understanding that is one of the key aspects of a repeatable, consistent and powerful swing.
@sevam1872 16 лет назад
noun -a pin, point, or short shaft on the end of which something rests and turns, or upon and about which something rotates or oscillates. --verb -to turn on or as on a pivot. In the golf swing you have two things to pivot around...the right leg and the left leg. You pivot around the right leg on the backswing through transition and around the left on the follow through.
@sevam1872 16 лет назад
Carry between 265 and 280. What that maxes out at depends on a few things. I can fly it further but rarely try. I'm 41 years old and not in near the shape I should be to long ball it any more. Fluked one in 1998 in competition that flew 340, hit the cart path crossing the fairway on the fly, finished 430 from the tee. That's my long drive story. I have not considered becoming a pro. I may teach. Never had much patience for the finicky finesse stuff you have to have to be a great player.
@lagpressure 15 лет назад
I played and won on the Canadian Tour in the 80's when Moe was around and got to spend a lot of time with him. I too have seen the flip book sevam speaks off. Hogan and Moe would be totally disgusted with the shape of golf now. Back in their day, players hit persimmon woods that drove the ball 250. These guys had to hit long irons, and well. You needed a better golf swing back then. Now it's just a long drive-wedge-putting contest. stack and Tilt is how they hit short irons in the old days.
@sevam1872 15 лет назад
You are right and quite observant. I was wondering when someone would catch that one. I was hitting draws. The Cameraman is a lefty and, as I guess everyone knows by now, he gets a little confused from time to time.
@sevam1872 16 лет назад
Thank you for the compliment and you are most welcome!
@sevam1872 16 лет назад
I'm not sure that I ever said that. You can see the pivot particularly well from behind. That's for sure. How it will help you other than knowing what it looks like for visualizing or something I have no idea.
@pinkintine 15 лет назад
great swing my friend ....
@sevam1872 15 лет назад
That is a very, very accurate description of Hogan's pivot.
@downtoscratch 16 лет назад
sevam1, You mention Moe's flipbook of Hogan's swing in your video. My brother played a round of golf with Moe at Lambton in Toronto and at the completion of play Moe went to his car and revealed a notebook with random notations and stick figure drawings. He showed it but really just allowed a glance. Were you also shown Moe's golfing notes and if so whatever became of them? Did anyone save any of his writings to your knowledge. downtoscratch
@bunkerputt 15 лет назад
Pardon the late reply. That exchange was a bit like watching Tyson box a french poodle. Great work Mike. Enjoying the vids.
@lagpressure 15 лет назад
Sevam has a wonderful swing. Clearly he has done his homework and applied it well. "Golfvince", golf is a totally different game now. In the old days it was much more about ball striking. The greens weren't so good. When I asked Moe about his best round, he said "7 pins". In Hogan's era they had to pepper the pins to shoot low. Now Padrig makes every 30 footer on perfect greens. Golf is two different sports, a biathalon. Hogan's secret is non anywhere near a putting green.
@addamsmith 14 лет назад
Hi Mike Mate love the Videos, Great to here you are working with The Elk All the Best to the Secret in the dirt crew for the new year. Regards Addam smith
@jimheckert5383 Год назад
Fantastic swing. Thanks
@sevam1872 16 лет назад
Basically yes. It's mostly all there in the video I did called The Move. It is all explained further in the forum on golfwrx.
@jamespeterson7100 Год назад
Oh thanks I understand the secret now it’s in the dirt! 🤪🤪😂
@golfbulldog 16 лет назад
re. 18th at Olympic 1955 play-off against Flack, quoting James Dodson in his biograghy "Ben Hogan"... "as he launched his tee shot, Ben's foot slipped on the slightly sandy top-dressed surface of the tee, and he yanked his drive sharply to the left off the neck of his driver. His ball dived into wet and dense rye grass about 250 yards out..." He took 3 shots to get out of the rough, his fifth hit the green and 6th was holing a 44 foot putt for double. The secret is in the dirt...
@davidmcnamara3243 Год назад
Apperently Hogan told Mo the secret and Mo said "its like nothing you've ever heard before". Mo was sworn to secrecy and like Hogan took it to the grave!
@cccobby 11 лет назад
Do you implament spine tilt at address like Moe did? It seems like your spine tilt at address is different from your Moe to Hogan swings. I was told that Moe said the hardest thing in golf is the move from the address position to shifting your spine angle to allow for deep slotting. ofcourse Moe's setup eliminated that.
@Lavitan87 11 лет назад
I've learnd mutch from watching your videos Maves! i Relley like your swing ideas! Take a look at what i've learn if you have the time :) the most inportent thing for me is to start with the hips from the top and the free ride of the hands on the may down :)
@Left-Foot-Brake 15 лет назад
Thats a technical swing thought :-)
@cpond007 14 лет назад
Mike spelled out the secret (in his youtube videos)>however, you have to dig it for yourself. I can't wait for the weather to break in Michigan!!! It's stupid simple when you get it!!
@RussellParker 15 лет назад
first of all... SEV you are so right about setting that right foot...it has made me a real golfer... secondly...I have a theory... here it is...Hogan was hooking everything...as he's described in his interview...ok so.... I'm guessing... he set that right foot torqued to the right in an efffort just to get the ball to go right... and INADVERTANTLY stumbled onto the secret in the dirt...you know what I'm saying?... he just thought... well hell... maybe if i preload everything right..anyhoo THANKS
@sevam1872 16 лет назад
Torque in feet created live tension and triggered/automated Hogan's transition move.
@sevam1872 14 лет назад
@MiniMoeNorman 69 and Low Qualifier Medalist in my section for Ontario Amateur was my best competitive round (but not lowest) The weather was crappy and only 2 people broke par that day. Lowest was a 67 in a qualifier for the Ontario Match Play but I was actually not low qualifier so I think the 69 was actually better.
@coffeefish 15 лет назад
It looks like a great swing.
@sevam1872 15 лет назад
tigercatcheshair, I did a little dog an pony show for some pro's on a range in Key West around the time of the Orlando PGA Show. I think some people took some film of that. I will try to get ahold of it and post some of it for you.
@sevam1872 15 лет назад
You are most welcome.
@sevam1872 16 лет назад
Pretty much. That's the transition move. It starts from the ground up.
@garre71 16 лет назад
Do you have a picture or a video when he slipped at olympia 1955?
@sevam1872 16 лет назад
No. I don't know if a pciture or video of that shot at Olympic exists.
@garthdownton8645 7 лет назад
IMO the comment , " secret is in the dirt " was coined based on the playing conditions of the soil in Texas where Hogan, Nelson , and Trevino learned to play . Hard clay like soil forced them to develop swings the had shallow or no divots ! Could be dead wrong !
@sevam1872 15 лет назад
Don't judge too quickly. Remember there is always more to every story. Come to think of it this just might be a little bit like you yourself Ray Finkle..... Or is it Lois Einhorn? On the surface it is one thing. Dig a little deeper and you might just find something else. : ) Sevam1
@golfdaddie69 14 лет назад
Hogan fought a hook....the secret is in the dirt...simple...when he hooked he used his hands as a motor...he got rid of the hook by using "the dirt"... swinging from the ground up...the hands are not a motor anymore but now become a "link ".like a small chain between a pair of nunchucks the proper footwork creates the centrifigul force which make the clubhead heavy at the bottom causing the release..thats the secret..hands regulate grip pressure..thats all..using the dirt creates proper rotation
@timetogo888 15 лет назад
nice swing too,pretty compact.
@FredCDobbs-er4qd 7 лет назад
Let's go back to the very first time "The Secret" was ever mentioned. Hogan was being interviewed after one of his tour victories and the reporter asked, "How do you do it, Mr. Hogan?" Ben's answer was, "I've got a secret". That's it. That's all. The rest was all blown out of proportion by the media. What else is new? For the most part, Hogan disliked reporters. He felt that they didn't do their homework and mostly just made things up to fill out their stories. He answered their questions with one word answers if he could. "I've got a secret" was just another way to blow off another lazy reporter. End of story.
@davidmcnamara3243 Год назад
I know the secret direct from someone, who knew Hogan and told ittomy grandfather in the early sixties. When you get to the top of the backswing what's the first move???? The secret is : there isn't one!!!!
@davidmcnamara3243 Год назад
When you get to the top of the backswing provided that your weight is correctly biased, there is no move, you simply relax your arms, delts, traps, lower back and legs switch yourbrain off and surrender to gravity centrifugal force and the reactive brain!!!!
@davidmcnamara3243 Год назад
The club is like a runaway train. It's got so much potential energy contained, within the shaft, there is nothing you can do to manipulate, or steer it. Your only option, is to surrenender at transition and the club will find its own way to the ball, without impedance!!!!
@sevam1872 15 лет назад
Oh and sorry about being at my face. I wasn't digging for gold, but it was very very hot that day so my face was sweating and those pants were sticking to my legs. I had to keep hiking the left pantleg up befor each swing because it was sticking at the knee. The conversation kept going so I kept hiking up the left pantleg until I actually started to hit because it was annoying me.
@scagrunner 16 лет назад
Thanks for the video's. Could you talk more about the loading down into the right leg, and the transition. What about grip pressure? Where are you from? You are so right about instruction today. It's an endless parade of confusion.
@sevam1872 16 лет назад
There is a thread on this at Golfwrx and where I set up a mystery to be solved. The next video to watch is The Move.
@CaptainAndrewWiggins 12 лет назад
so if it's not about practicing what does "in the dirt mean" - pls pls pls help me understand!
@aking3rr 15 лет назад
The camera man is a lefty, so it's a fade to him. PS. this guys method works!
@MiniMoeNorman 14 лет назад
Just curious, what's your lowest competitive round? Thanks.
@sevam1872 15 лет назад
The pivot! How he used the ground! Watch the video I did called The Move and you will get a good bit of it.
@sevam1872 16 лет назад
It would only take 30 seconds, but I'm not telling. I will tell you where the dirt is though. It is on the 18th hole at Olympic.
@sevam1872 14 лет назад
@stiznef go to the Secret In The Dirt website and watch the videos that I did with Elk about hawking down the left to to gain stability in the lead leg.
@sevam1872 14 лет назад
@anyhitchcock I have a set and was never a huge fan of them for some reason that I have not been able to put my finger on. I like just about every Apex and Bounce sole model that they ever produced but the Medallion didn't turn me on.
@sevam1872 16 лет назад
We'll try to have a little less fun next time we go to the beach.
@sevam1872 15 лет назад
I know who Eddie Merrins is and he certainly knows what he is talking about, but the dirt I am talking about isn't the dirt beneath the ball.
@DASH1ful 14 лет назад
I think you have misunderstood what I have said. I don't for a minute think that the secret is in the "dirt" anymore than it is in the air. I was trying to apply "science" to the statement in the video, which is baffling. It is a scientific fact that any force asserted on the ground will be met with an equal and opposite resistance. Talent utilises the effect of gravity . People say that Roger Federer has a flawless game. This is not true. Without the foor he wouldn't have anything to play on.
@garre71 16 лет назад
What is understanding dirt?
@sevam1872 16 лет назад
@bhuotari 15 лет назад
Why are people so mean...angry? I found interesting info in every video. By the way, Sevam, I solved an issue I had letting the toe turn over too quickly watching you stay square as long as you do. Thanks.
@MiniMoeNorman 14 лет назад
@sevam1 Thanks for the reply.
@g.hanninen 13 лет назад
@anyhitchcock are you serious? that is amazing ! congrads!!!! now the nexxt few strokes are going to be the hardiest! you can do it
@RobertJohanssonRBImGuy 4 года назад
still laughing at this btw Mike
@86boyz 14 лет назад
its in the DIRT!
@FairwayJack 11 лет назад
Hogan's code...only the illuminati know
@cayman187 14 лет назад
@DASH1ful explain further please.....i almost understand.
@bigsleep32 13 лет назад
These guys sound like the cast of "Fargo".
@sevam1872 16 лет назад
@joshb729 14 лет назад
@sparklefag10 You are clearly are missing the point of "The Secret In The Dirt".
@MrPigg11 14 лет назад
I feel like I'm watching Strange Brew
@jimmyvespegolf3834 Год назад
I think he would have elaborated more... rumors he did tell Schlee, Knudson, Venturi etc. But later in life he got Alzheimers and it all went down the drain.
@flopardo 14 лет назад
I've been digging for years and I still suck.
@sevam1872 15 лет назад
Very hot that day. Boxers or briefs would not have mattered....the pants would have been sticking to my thighs no matter what and briefs wouldn't have stopped the sweat running off of my nose that day either.
@kiwijohn01 14 лет назад
Great golfers can never tell you what the secret is ... because they don't know either ! W+Ever asked one? They all smile and say something stupid like practice, or talent or "The Dirt" ha ha ha How does the dirt create good timing or choose the right line? Golf is talent / patience / art and science which is why no-one has THE secret. Now go practice !
@billycharles 2 года назад
Why does he keep brushing the grass with his golf club?
@ozmoe754 2 года назад
@sevam1872 16 лет назад
I think that perhaps you may not know what this is all about.
@sevam1872 15 лет назад
You're funny.
@sevam1872 15 лет назад
Fair enough!!! If you are a 12 and swing miles better than me you should probably quit. You must putt like you kick field goals.
@horacewild 15 лет назад
he is trying to bew Moe NOrman to the tee. lol
@Klistern2 13 лет назад
went right and faded back? and your a right hander. erm?
@lutzchoco1 12 лет назад
Pro golfers are tricksters : so to all of you out there keep searching for the trick and i found it !!!
@garre71 16 лет назад
Do the secret have something to do with his pelvis?
@chm97chm97 15 лет назад
He should be on the tour taking Tigers money.......yeah....right....lol,,,
@jstbcuz11 15 лет назад
What? That sucked! "It went right and then faded back"? Doesn't that mean it went farther right if it faded?? Waste of time...thanks. Keep picking your nose your good at that.
@thrillamanilla2545 Год назад
Moe > Hogan
@megantaylormichaels Год назад
Ok but what is the secret? Click bait.
@BourneAccident 15 лет назад
I love this guy ... but ... will somebody... please... GET A LAWNMOWER AND CUT THE FREAKIN' GRASS!!!! .....
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