
Bible Translations: here's what they hide from you 

Biblical Mastery Academy
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When grammarians translate the Greek of the NT manuscripts into English, they sometimes have a tricky job of making the words of the Apostles coherent.
When coming to Ephesians a translator has an even more difficult task as they find Apostle Paul has been making up words!
In this video I show you the fun behind the scenes of this Pauline Epistle, under the veil of translations.
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@notmyworld44 2 года назад
I read both Hebrew and Greek, and have learned each in its modern phonetics. I can assure you that Greek is vastly easier to read and pronounce, because it is almost 100% phonetic. Hebrew, on the other hand, is a skeletal language, lacking most vowels in its alphabet. However there is a system of vowel points that can be added either under or above the Hebrew consonants, called Nikkud. These are very helpful but most often not present in printed Hebrew. Rdng Hbrw wtht th vwl pnts s smthng lk ths. Y jst hv t b fmlr wth th wrd t knw hw t s prnncd.
@nicerperson1 2 года назад
I took Hebrew classes and asked "how do you know what vowels to put in various words?" and the teacher said "You just have to know" The only way to know, is through deep familiarisation and constant exposure to the language.
@dubblyewjay1133 2 года назад
This fascinates me bcuz this shorthand is how I think and write and even create songs in English.
@theresefournier3269 2 года назад
That here, written even without the vowels, wasn't hard to read. Was it?! ❤️🔥
@Smasher77th 2 года назад
I believe most of the phonetics used today by biblical Greek scholars are just an assumption. Rather than learn the real thing, they always lean towards the "easier", and this "easier" means "turn all sounds to English". Each time I hear "youangelion" instead of "evangelion" or "numa" instead of "pnevma" or "harpatso/harpadzo" instead of simply "arpazo" (I could go on and on), I feel like throwing up! Greek was never spoken in that way. The closest you can come to Koine Greek pronunciation is the modern pronunciation, so one might as well use it. Most other things are pretty much anglicized. You'll never hear a biblical Greek scholar, who is a native Greek speak this. Such a pity because Greek is one of the easiest languages to speak, being a phonetic language. I also think it's wrong to learn a language by learning the spellings of words and how to write it without learning how to speak it, and I mean speak it fluently and accurately.
@randellhillspeaks753 2 года назад
Thank you for the information I will keep that for future references.
@noelfabro8352 Год назад
Physically we are still here on earth but "positionally" we're already in Heaven sitting with Him. in the mind of God who is eternal, we're already there with Him.
@robertwessels9827 2 года назад
In regard to the ad here…..If you vote Democrat in this day and age…..YOU will answer to God! Think about what you are supporting….everything that God abhors…. Abortion, homosexuality.
@revv45acp71 2 года назад
Well done. Thanks. I have 3 years of Greek which is enough to make me thankful for what I see in NA-28 (for those who don't know, NA-28 is a respected "best of" edition of existing Greek manuscripts) AND to convince me that reading Greek sometimes raises as many questions as it answers. Is that Aorist gnomic? Is the genitive subjective? Original languages are a great tool, but we still have some degree of uncertainty and still need humility. What we NEED to know is clear in any popular English translation, but subtleties remain even when one is a master of the original languages. The Holy Spirit makes essentials clear, but we will have unanswered questions as long as we are in this life. Thanks for sharing. Grace to you and peace in Christ.
@TruthwillPrevail7938 2 года назад
There's nothing wrong with our King James Bible. The theologians were much more intelligent men than any who exist today. Millions have been saved through the reading of the King James. Maybe this man will get saved trying to make himself seem intelligent
@NoahHornberger 2 года назад
1. He did not go into right and wrong. 2. Our modern understanding of Christianity can potentially outsmart everyone from the past because we have access to ALL their materials while they only had a subset. 3. Salvation is by grace, and what is grace? It is looking past the faults of another unto the goal of unity in Christ. So as Christ has shown us mercy, we show others mercy! This is the meaning of the togetherness in Christ being taught in this video. It is all all-surpassing forgiveness and looking past the particular perceived faults, it is to stop projecting our ownfaults onto others and to simply share in the love of Christ.
@TruthwillPrevail7938 2 года назад
@@NoahHornberger right, well let's burn our Bibles and all join hands singing we are the world. The king james was translated from the most error free complete transcripts. It is the complete Canon of the old and new testaments. Grace is the unmerited favor of God toward us sinners in the cross of Jesus Christ. Without the Bible and the guidance of the holy Spirit we would OOO and AHHH at mr brilliant there
@markharbour5175 2 года назад
first time I have seen and heard a teaching straight from the Greek Scriptures, thank you for this wonderful ministry
@ItsInMyShortsvids 2 года назад
Look up truth and grace ministries
@alanbrados2574 2 года назад
Here is proof from your bible that jesus was only a prophet of god just as moses, Abraham, Noah etc. Also here is proof that your bible predicted the coming of prophet muhammed and the fact muhammed exist in your bible but in english version it was taken out! Deuteronomy 6:4 - Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. “This is indication that jesus telling the israelis and the people that there is only one god the same god as moses, abraham, etc. jesus never claimed to be god Matthew 26:39- He went on a little farther and bowed with his face to the ground, praying, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” Jesus believed in one god and he bowed down to worship him as well! Mark 13:32- However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows. Bible predicts the coming of prophet Mohammed: Solomon 5:16 “His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely (mahmadim). This is my beloved, this is my friend, daughters of Jerusalem.” Translate this from hebrew to english you will see the name Mohammed in it! Deuteronomy 18:18 your lord your god will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their own people; I will put my words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them everything that I command. Deuteronomy- He said, "The Lord came from Sinai, And dawned on them from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran, And He came from the midst of ten thousand holy ones; At His right hand there was flashing lightning for Isaiah 42 Behold, My Servant, whom I uphold; My chosen one in whom My soul delights. I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the nations. 2 He will not cry out or raise His voice, Nor make His voice heard in the street. 3 A bruised reed He will not break And a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish; He will faithfully bring forth justice. 4 He will not be disheartened or crushed Until He has established justice in the earth; And the coastlands will wait expectantly for His law." How much more proof can someone need to realize jesus was a prophet and that Mohammed PBUH was the last and final messanger of god came for all humanity not just a sect!
@dannsetzer3689 2 года назад
Jesus did claim to be God. Not the Father, reread the new testament
@ItsInMyShortsvids 2 года назад
@@dannsetzer3689 “So the Jews said to him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?” Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” So they picked up stones to throw at him, but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple.” ‭‭John‬ ‭8:57-59‬ ‭ “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.” The Jews picked up stones again to stone him. Jesus answered them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you going to stone me?” The Jews answered him, “It is not for a good work that we are going to stone you but for blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself God.” Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I said, you are gods’? If he called them gods to whom the word of God came-and Scripture cannot be broken- do you say of him whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’? If I am not doing the works of my Father, then do not believe me; but if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.” Again they sought to arrest him, but he escaped from their hands.” ‭‭John‬ ‭10:28-39‬ ‭
@dannsetzer3689 2 года назад
@@alanbrados2574 sir, look up the Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus flat out told her He is the Messiah.
@douglastriplett1083 2 года назад
Here's one the "Comforter" is so much deeper in meaning than someone or thing that comforts. It actually is legal terminology meaning "Advocate" or "Attorney". Which makes more since in the text "I will not leave you comfortless, but will send you another Comforter and He shall Testify of Me, and you to shall become my witnesses." You see the Holy Spirit and our spirit are the testimony of two that in Mosaic Hebrew Law said that you must have in a court of law to be saved. You see your spirit and God's Spirit testifies in a Heavenly language and "another tongue" comes forth as evidence that you are saved!. Not to be confused with the gift of tongues that should always be followed by interpretation of the message in tongues.
@donnaleveron6511 2 года назад
Parakletos, 3875 Greek, Intercessor, Consoler, Comforter, Advocate, where we get the word paraclete.
@SeranaKnight 2 года назад
Saved by grace by believing and if you love him, keep his commandments, love your neighbor and love God.
@lenka156 2 года назад
In my language (slovak) the translator also made new words bc of this and it maybe sounds strange, but is very accurate and it has the same meaning as in Greek.
@christianchris1517 2 года назад
Praise the Lord for that!! The translator was more obedient to God than men!!
@B4RT0Lomei 2 месяца назад
@nust8235 11 месяцев назад
I’m sure Paul definitely put words that literally don’t exist in the Bible
@tellitlikeitis1828 2 года назад
It is amazing to me how many people want to believe God can preserve them, yet he is so incompetent as to not preserve his words AS HE PROMISED!!! (Psalm 12:6:7). Get a King James Bible, read it, and believe it because you will be judged by it. (Jn 12:48).
@ChaplainBobWalkerBTh 2 года назад
@teelowkee 2 года назад
@craigchambers4183 2 года назад
So, the translator were NOT trying to hide anything, they were trying to accurately translate for the English reader. Your assessment of the text is fine, albeit these do not seem to be made-up words, but what Greek speakers would understand perfectly; the title to your video is what is misleading (I suppose because it attracts attention to disparage the translators and this gets lots of hits). I understand 'neopagan' just as well as 'neo' and 'pagan.' Still, I appreciate your labor in the Word and accuracy to the text, thank you.
@doug2993 2 года назад
I have to agree Craig, good assesment. Clickbate? Shouldn't do that as a believer.
@sisterinchrist6639 2 года назад
Yes, through the power of the Holy Ghost who Jesus said he would send. Spiritually we are in Christ if we walk in his commandments which is our proof that we love God and are in Christ. Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments.
@edhall3719 2 года назад
Jesus said Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God . John 3 5 . Jesus said John indeed baptized with water but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost . Acts 11 16 on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost . Acts 10 45 washed us from our sins in his own blood . Revelation 1 5 . Jesus said Ye shall indeed drink of the cup that I drink of and with the baptism that I am baptized with shall ye be baptized . Mark 10 39 . and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon him . Matthew 3 16 . Come Holy Spirit Heavenly Dove old hymn , Come to Calvarys Holy Mountain old hymn
@1ivestreamer 2 года назад
Its Yahusha HaMashiach and he did not abolish the law that was set. So follow he 10 commandments i beg you so you dont end up like that old serpent!! They made an fake version of the messiah and even uses his name but its not his real name. The church version of what you know as *jesus* is one that the preachers say allows you to go and eat pork and other unclean foods and even saying you dont have to follow the 10 commandments.. WHICH ISNT TRUE! Please STUDY the bible the instructions and law of it. And please listen closely to what Yahusha HaMashiach and Yahweh is saying! To love another is not what you think! Its to rebuke one another so they wont be cast out where is there is eternal suffering!
@4alicia 2 года назад
Yes, the Holy Ghost is Christ. The word Christ or Greek word Christos means anointed. So Jesus Christ isn't just a name it a description, Jesus the anointed. After he ascended into heaven the anointing that descended on him like a Dove has now descended into a new body (the church). That's how we're together with him
@Freedom-IXOYE 2 года назад
We are in Christ if we believe in the death burial and resurrection of our Savior Christ Jesus, walking in God’s commandments is something that we are not able to do, thus we needed a savior. We had the Holy Spirit who prompts us to live as we should by following God‘s word however we will never fully wok in Christ Commandments until we are caught up. Faith and faith only in the death burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus is what makes us to be “in Christ”.
@edhall3719 2 года назад
@@Freedom-IXOYE Jesus said If I wash thee not thou hast no part with me . John 13 8 . Jesus said John indeed baptized with water but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost . Acts 11 16 . There is a Fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuels veins and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains . There is a Fountain old hymn in the Bible . Romans 11 25 Job 19 25 Psalm 36 9 John 7 37 Zechariah 13 1 Ezekiel 39 29 KJB . The Jews are the one fold . John 10 16 John 4 22 . This world is in for a big surprise on the day of the Lord . blindness in part is happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. Romans 11 25. I think it's close because there is no pandemic and the shots are not vaccines the plandemic all deception straight from satan and his kingdom . Matthew 4 8 , 9 . Jesus said My kingdom is not of this world . John 18 36
@marialuisacruz7514 2 года назад
All wonderful. BUT I THANK GOD FOR HOLY SPIRIT THAT MAKES THE word not only understandable But makes it COME ALIVE To the ILLITERATE OR THE NEARLY illiterate. Plus We can have much Knowledge But if we LACK the ANOINTING AND PRESENCE of HOLY SPIRIT Then we will sweat and labor As we teach GOD’s Precious WORD. And may miss miss when it comes to NOURISHING GODS PEOPLE.
@ChosenJulia 2 года назад
I read with the leading of the Ruach ha-Kodesh. I also ask for wisdom, knowledge, discernment and revelation as I read the Scriptures to understand the will of God in His desires for me in doing His will, being a light to others and to make me usable for His kingdom and to bring glory and honor to His Name. I have no worries with what the Ruach gives me in discernment. But maybe there are some who need this 'discernment' of understanding of Scriptures by word meaning and translation. God bless you all with the Lord's peace, hope and joy in the Lord's return in the future!
@abbyfox2980 2 года назад
I got the English translation from Aramaic. The camel through the eye of a needle parable always perplexed me. In fact gamal in Aramaic means rope not camel. Thus, it is easier for a rope to go through the eye of a needle.....makes a lot more sense.
@ΓραικοςΕλληνας 2 года назад
The New Testament text original language is greek
@joseg.solano1891 2 года назад
That's most likely a myth
@kristinaperez1254 Год назад
The entrance to the city used to be called the eye of a needle because it was so small. That's why they say it, they don't actually mean a needle like one qould sew with. Back in jesus's day they would have to remove everything that was packed on the camel for it to fit through the entrance to the city. That's what they mean easier than getting a camel through the eye of the needle.😊 Hope this helps!
@@kristinaperez1254 wowwooowowowwo
@TheInterestedObserver Год назад
@@kristinaperez1254 So all i need to get into the kingdom of heaven is show enough effort to unload my camel, get it through and then load it up again? Seems a bit simple to me. That rich man has probably done way more difficult things to become rich!!
@followjesusonly1 2 года назад
It's not hidden in English, it's spiritual and those of the Spirit understand it no matter what language is used. The mysteries of the bible are not founded in the letter or the language, it's founded in the Spirit. This is the mistake the 'scholars' make and why they miss out on the revelations of the true mysteries of scripture. Nothing wrong with wanting to learn another language, but it can never take the place of the Holy Spirit as our teacher.
@sigalsmadar4547 2 года назад
I contest that. Study Hebrew. You will find that the Holy Spirit expressly uses the intricacies of the language to communicate His Intricacies and Nuances. BTW you don't get the "spirit" of the Torah, Father God's Instructions to His family not rules of how to *attain* entrance into that family, without the "letter" of Torah. Grace and Truth go together. If you have all Truth and no Grace, you have harsh justice. If you have all Grace and no Truth, you just have a feel good message sending the person to hell.
@followjesusonly1 2 года назад
@@sigalsmadar4547 The law came by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ and it is Jesus who tells us how to attain the entrance into his family. Also, the law is spiritual therefore it is spiritually discerned so that only those of the Spirit can do it. You contest the Holy Spirit as our teacher, yet Jesus told us that when the Spirit of Truth comes he will lead us into all truth and bring to our remembrance everything Jesus said. So if what you say about the Holy Spirit using the intricacies and nuances of the Hebrew letter of the torah was correct then why would God tell us in Isaiah 28:11-12 For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear. And why would Jesus say in Matthew 13:11-15 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath. Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. Studying Hebrew is not a requirement, but studying the scriptures are and even more important than this is going to Jesus directly to receive the life that opens the way of attaining entrance into the family of truth. May you receive this blessing in Christ.
@c7bluerose 2 года назад
Amen! Completely agree!
@louisesamchapman6428 2 года назад
Paul received the gospel (the good news that he preached Acts13.38,39 Matt24.14) directly by revelation from the resurrected Jesus!...Gal 1.11,12 Thus his words about unity ,there in Ephesians, perfectly reflect Jesus thoughts on that same topic. In John, chapter 17, we find Jesus own words concerning this unity, in his fervent prayer to God for all his followers. Read and reread these words and realize when and for whom Jesus is praying! He is praying directly to our Creator for each one of us! (John17. 20,21)
@idjles 2 года назад
TLDR- Paul likes the word “together”. Too many Greek “scholars” make much ado about nothing.
@bma 2 года назад
How do you conclude this is "nothing"?
@hariseldon7645 2 года назад
Not trying to be rude here, I love the presenters passion but this video is very misleading. You can come to the same conclusion by picking up 1 of about 200 version of an English Bible, preferably a King James or ESV. You come to the same conclusion faster without having to learn Greek by just reading the English.
@iggo45 2 года назад
Yes, but reading KJV or NIV or ESV will prevent you of learning my beautiful language, and better communicate with locals during your next visit here. Wouldn't it ? Not to mention all the inscriptions outside churches and icons. 💕🇬🇷
@hariseldon7645 2 года назад
@@iggo45 you are hinting at a completely separate issue. Having another or several languages in your back pocket so to speak is great! But don’t false advertise about having insights from the Greek when you can get the same ones if not More from a King James. For example, the King James was the first to capitalize “the Word” in John 1:1. That’s not in the Greek. Beautiful language though! Absolutely beautiful.
@jjjackson5183 2 года назад
Context is really important. For instance, the word, "sin." Some preachers throw the word around like fiery darts at their reluctant listeners. But, as you will know, is an archery term meaning "falling short of the target." And it is also used as "without," which makes sense in light of the first definition. It makes sense that all events are completed in the Spiritual realm, but still ongoing in the physical. God and the Spiritual realm, are outside of time.
@lindamacdonald1464 2 года назад
Absolutely overwhelmed by your understanding that “all events are completed in the Spiritual realm, but still ongoing in the physical, and that they are outside of time. The Spirit of the living God has revealed this to my husband and I by the tenses in the Old Testament . Is 53 is both past tense and present tense. Time for the believer is irrelevant and has been since the resurrection and ascension to his throne of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
@Christmas-dg5xc 2 года назад
"falling short of the target" I never understood this. It suggests that although criminals mean well (try to hit the mark), they sadly keep accidentally hurting people. "Oops, missed again..."
@cheenjoopearl 2 года назад
@@Christmas-dg5xc It's meaning is in general to the human condition. It is NOT describing the willful rebel who has an evil heart and lives a habitual lifestyle of wickedness.
@cheenjoopearl 2 года назад
Love that last part: "It makes sense that all events are completed in the Spiritual realm, but still ongoing in the physical. God and the Spiritual realm, are outside of time." His will on earth as it "IS" in heaven. Cool stuff.
@Christmas-dg5xc 2 года назад
@@cheenjoopearl "It is NOT describing the willful rebel..." Then willful rebels must not be sinning, right?
@Alx1744 10 месяцев назад
Fun fact; the word "jew" is nowhere to be found in the Greek original bible.
@MikeHagedon 2 года назад
Thanks for promoting the study of Greek! I'm not sure Paul is "making up" words, for two reasons: (1) Several of those words occur outside and prior to the New Testament. For example, συνεγείρω first occurs in our extant literature in Herodotus, then later in Xenophon, Plato, and the Septuagint, among others. I didn't really check non-literary sources. (2) "Making up" words sounds a bit flippant to me, more like what Lewis Carroll did in "Jabberwocky". When Paul is coining terms, he must be following regular Koine Greek rules for combining words. Greek is very comfortable with prepositional prefixes, so I wonder how much the original hearers and readers would have experienced this as "making up" words. That's probably unanswerable. :-)
@bma 2 года назад
Thanks Mike, I agree. Koine does lend itself to crasis much more than English does, though we do change the way we use words in English quite regularly such as “reverence” becoming a verb through usage. Another consideration is that without spaces between words these may not have been considered quite as much of a crasis as first appears.
@joedee1863 2 года назад
Mike Hagedon - if I had seen your comment first I would not have made one. You said all sir, 'right 'on the nail'. Thank you.
@kneegrow8486 2 года назад
Sparkles? Like Button? Probably not? But why? Bc u said the word, sparkles..
@TheKingsComingAlefTav 2 года назад
Why would Paul write in Greek?
@MrRondonmon 2 года назад
@@TheKingsComingAlefTav Because God knew exactly when to send His beloved son in order the be able to reach the *Whole world* and its called Pax Romanus. Ever hear the phrase "All roads lead to Rome?" Well, not only was Paul a Citizen of Rome, as were ALL of their subjects, but that entitled them to travel everywhere in the Roman Empire as a tax paying Roman Subject. So, the Gospel could be spread openly. Next, in order to spread the Gospel unto the whole world, the Hebrew language would not have cut the mustard. But Rome needing to unite all of their subjects in a common language, saw what Greece did and thus understood most of the peoples they had conquered were already using Koine Greek, so they just made it the "common language" kind of like English is pretty much the common language most of the world uses today. Pax Romanus enabled the spreading of the Gospel world wide. Google Pax Romanus, its a fascinating read.
@ingoditrust3945 2 года назад
The holy Spirit reveals all things even when reading an English Bible. We must abide in Him,Yeshua, to understand the great and unsearchable things.
@rickytavilla4259 2 года назад
Yes. Amen
@ingoditrust3945 2 года назад
@Kolypsa I don't know about you but as for me my English Bible works and no one can tell me I need Hebrew Bible or Greek Bible or go through hoops to have an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. My NIV version works by the almighty power of the Holy Spirit. This is what I have been using for many years and trust for Divine guidance as the Spirit leads. We put way too much emphasis on the book and not the Spirit that leads through the Book.
@ScottyNatsar 2 года назад
If i listened to every doctrinal revelation from every Christian claiming the holy spirit told them, I'd believe a lot of abominable things. Too many mistake what their heart is telling them for the holy spirit. The heart, as Jeremiah warns us, is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Also proverbs tells us that it is the glory of God to conceal a matter, and the glory of kings to seek it out. Be ye a seeker. But check all against scripture. But understand scripture from the context of the audience for which it was presented. Context is huge. Such problems have caused the mainstream church to believe christ died so we can have a lawless party.
@seandavid5376 2 года назад
@@ingoditrust3945 well I can tell you 1 thing, his name is not god. The first commandment give`s you a hint listen to it- You shall not have any other gods in front of the creator -so if you calling him god which one are you calling Hmmmmmm
@seandavid5376 2 года назад
@@ingoditrust3945 most people will perish for lack of knowledge says the creator
@jab11110 2 года назад
When I learned to shut out the “teachers” and listen to His Ruach as I read it for myself, I was amazed at what The Word actually says. HalleluYAH ♥️😊
@ChosenJulia 2 года назад
Amen, brother!! Amen!! 😊❤
@PraiseYHWH 2 года назад
Praise ABBA! John 16:13 “Howbeit when he, the Ruach of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.”
@crazyazmommy 2 года назад
@archam777 2 года назад
Right, because nowhere in scripture does it say we should test the spirits or that the adversary will try to fool you as an angel of light. Sola scriptura!! I'll trust the Word of God over a "feeling" that I am interpreting something correctly. Scripture interprets scripture.....not a burning feeling in your chest. Example of why the Mormons say they know theyre right(a FEELING they have), whats makes your claim different from theirs??? Just an FYI, the splits in the congregation mostly come from 2 people saying EXACTLY what you are claiming here........some go with one interpretation and the rest go with the other. What happens when your "feelings" contradict scripture?? Do you just ignore the contradiction??? Because thats usually what most cults do. Shalom
@crazyazmommy 2 года назад
@@archam777 , I understand where you are coming from until after many Sabbaths studying I realized there truly are contradictions in the book and if we go by the book aka wood we aren’t listening to scripture anyways when it says not to worship idols made of wood or mens hands, the Bible is both of those but definitely is and has truth . I realized If it were solo scriptura what do we do with the places it itself says that it’s been messed with like this - Jeremiah 8: Jeremiah 8:8-9 “How can you say, ‘We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us’? But behold, the lying pen of the scribes has made it into a lie. 9 The wise men shall be put to shame; they shall be dismayed and taken; behold, they have rejected the word of the LORD, so what wisdom is in them? And also that part that says in them we look for life but they are there that bear witness of Yeshua , Christ inside . Yah is love , there is a god in there who asked for sacrifice of animals and another who says He never did we need to find Yeshua through the Holy Spirit then we can get to the Father . Blessings and shalom to you as well , I know we all are seeking and asking and knocking and trying to honor Him May we all continue to do so lovingly through our differences
@noqedbenkefa8566 2 года назад
Now, isn't that something! The heathens have spun the narrative and by so doing created the myth that the Ketubim Natsarim (NT - so called) was written in Greek. Apart from Sha'ul (Paul) also possibly Luke and Timothy, the other writers were not Greek speakers. According to Josephus in 1st Century Yahudah, Greek was only spoken by very few people. It was not a popular language among the Yahudim nor it would seem, of the strangers (Judeans) living among them. Further, even though Sha'ul spoke Greek, there is no evidence that he wrote in Greek, because he ministered primarily to diaspora Y'sralites called gentiles in the Christian bible. Greek has been proved to be only a language of translation, no different to Latin. You all seem to have forgotten the disciples were all Y'sralites sent only to Y'sralites, as shown in Matt 10: 5 - 6
@mihailgae-draghici4864 2 года назад
yeah, Paul is '' CA - DEVER, ROSH CAT HANOTZRIM '
@MistaSCARY 2 года назад
“and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭3:15-17‬ ‭
@codyalexander3290 2 года назад
So basically the New Testament isn’t scripture? Technically?
@catholictruth102 5 месяцев назад
@@codyalexander3290Where does it say that?
@A55563 4 месяца назад
This is a Jesus hating Revelation 2:9 by way of Revelation 3:9 rat fake jew. I'm speaking to the shame and continued condemnation of the producer and presenter of the vid, not the commenter.
@Alx1744 10 месяцев назад
Do you acknowledge the unsealing of this world/the Famine of THE WORDS OF GOD/the mandela effect? Because if you don't acknowledge this, then you have no business teaching.
@EvangelioEterno123 2 года назад
Bro, you should breathe sometimes, from time to time, you talk so fast we can't follow up, even though you should read Romans from cap 1 straight to cap 12 and then Dt 6:1-7, Dt 30:1-20, Ez 36:25-30, Je 31:31-34
@mihailgae-draghici4864 2 года назад
not, ioshke is not haadon
@lukewagner8871 Год назад
Did Paul make those words up? 2 Peter 1:20-21 KJVS Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. [21] For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
@SomeeGuyy 2 года назад
I took Greek years ago. I have found that the CLASSIC Amplified is a wonderful tool to use for those who don't have the time to study Greek itself. This translation saves hours and hours of work trying to pull out the meaning of many passages. It is not perfect, but it is very beneficial.
@notmyworld44 Год назад
The Classic Amplified is my favorite bible. Next is NASB. Addendum to this comment: I have come recently to fully realize that recent editions of BOTH the NASB and the AMPLIFIED have been tampered with by editors and do not read as honestly as the originals. For instance, certain parenthetical elucidations have been added to the Amplified Bible that completely change the obvious meaning of certain passages. Example: Matthew 24:39-41 in the most recent edition. I completely reject this, and I do not trust it, and I feel that it is an egregious insult to the composer of the original Amplified Bible.
@johngregory4801 Год назад
I used to love the old Amplified - I still have the copy I picked up about 35 years ago. I loved it until I realized through my own studies that many, if not most of the additions to the text in brackets are nothing more than the opinions of the translators, opinions that are in no way found in the original languages.
@terrancemccune9289 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for all great relevant
@raygsbrelcik5578 2 года назад
In these, "LAST DAYS," there are going to be, "False Prophets with Itching ears," who are going to teach corrupted doctrine. To say Paul was just, "Making up words," is yet another Stab at introducing a false premise---or, dichotomy. It was GOD Himself that put the very Words in the minds of each "Author," of each book of the Bible. The LORD would not allow the addition of self-made linguistics to get HIS "Word" across. Amen.
@GizmoFromPizmo 2 года назад
Paul was to Christianity as Albert Einstein was to physics. Paul discovered something in the scriptures that no one had ever seen before. Justification by faith was the E=MC² of the kingdom of God. Being a technician myself, I understand how new words get made up and we see it all the time in technology. So I'm not at all surprised that this master technician made up a few words along the way. It's a sign of his technical mastery.
@iggo45 2 года назад
I agree with your comment totally. With the only precaution that "he made up". In Greek prefixes are existing just for that. And many other languages together. To be fixed prior to a certain word, minding to emphasize (give a new blow) to the main word. Its better to work with both the keyboard and the mouse and not only with one, as many UNIX "real men" propose after all. 😂😂😂
@-kepha8828 2 года назад
Probably the best example: Paul said we wrestle against spirits (spiritual) and principalities. The end time battle is spiritual warfare, not a physical battle. If I wanted to teach you the Hebrew word for God, I wouldn’t spell it as, “אֱלֹהִים”-rather, I would spell it as, “Elohim.” This is how transliteration works: I take the closest English letters I can find to help you pronounce the Hebrew word, recognizing that Hebrew letters are likely foreign to you. John uses this same tactic in Revelation 16:16 when he tells his greek readers that the final showdown between God’s army and Satan’s army will happen “at the place that in Hebrew is called Ἁρμαγεδών”-which is what we typically call, “Armageddon” in English. But “Armageddon” actually isn’t the right pronunciation of John’s transliterated Greek word. See that little apostrophe looking thing at the beginning? That’s what is known as a hard breathing mark, which means John expected his readers to pronounce his word with a hard breath at the beginning-that is, “hhhhhh-armageddon.” (There’s no H in the Greek alphabet, so John is doing his best here to help the Greeks pronounce his Hebrew word correctly.) That being said, the correct pronunciation is, “Har Magedon.” Now in Hebrew, “Har” means mountain, so John’s readers would be left thinking of “Mount Magedon.” But the problem is that there is no “Mount Magedon” in the Scriptures. So then what is John talking about? Well, we need to do some more transliterating to find out. Since Hebrew has no vowels, “Har Magedon” would be spelled, “H-R-M-G-D.” We already suspect “H-R” stands for mount, but what about “M-G-D?” Well, as it ends up, M-G-D doesn’t really line up with anything that makes sense in Hebrew. However, if we substitute the “G” for the Hebrew character “ayin” (‘) which also makes a G sound, our Hebrew word would now be pronounced, “Har Mo’ed.” And believe it or not, that mountain actually does exist in the Bible. It’s found in Isaiah 14:13 and in English we call it, “the Mount of Assembly.” This is the special mountain that God reigned from and met with his heavenly assembly-a mountain also referred to as “Mount Zion” or “Jerusalem.” But John doesn’t want us to think blankly of Jerusalem, but specifically of the time it was called Har Mo’ed in the Scriptures. Why? Because Har Mo’ed is the story of why Satan was kicked out of Heaven. Isaiah 14 informs us that Satan tried to usurp God from his mountain in order to gain control over the heavenly assembly. John wants us to remember that story, because at the end of Revelation, he’s picturing Satan as trying to do it all over again. John’s not crafting Revelation entirely out of pure vision and mystery. He’s steeped in the Scriptures and using Bible references and stories through the direction of the Spirit to show us where things are headed. He wants us to know that Satan still wants God’s throne and control of the assembly and that he’s just arrogant and stupid enough to have the audacity to try to take it again. It’s his ultimate endgame. The "moedim" of God are listed in Leviticus 23, to include the 7th day sabbath. Psalm 104:19 states that the MOON must appoint the MOEDIM. And now you know how you've already been deceived into fighting for satan, as he tries to take over and change Gods moedim
@andrewbutler5205 Год назад
To be honest as long as we read the Bible the holy spirit will give us the revelation🙌🏾👍🏽
@ricksonora6656 11 месяцев назад
Too many people think that is true, so they don’t bother to learn and follow principles of interpretation and critical thinking. They think the Holy Spirit is going to do all the work for them, so they skip “study(ing) to be an approved workman, rightly dividing the Word of truth.”
@GoldStar-ol9eb 2 года назад
How much more bible is needed ? When we often don't fulfill the revealed word we already know. John 21:25 Any additional greek should be, expanded love, obedience, holiness, honouring parents, more prayer in church, and not just worship services , stop abusing grace an justifying unholy christian lifestyles. Will more Greek stop racism 👹..John 5:39 will more Greek help cast out demons , heal the sick ,raise the dead, reveal Christ, decreased trials/tribulations, no only obedience to the Holy Spirit will do that !
@kellycoleman715 2 года назад
Thankfully Jesus asked God to send us the Holy Spirit to lead us into ALL truth and things yet to come.
@WhatTruthIs 2 года назад
He also gave us His Word, perfect and pure, in an authorized, all authority, all truth - King James book of God's words.
@wisevirgin3405 2 года назад
LOL.. everything you said can be understood in English - which is why Christian doctrine teaches the concepts you are struggling with. Jews and Gentiles being one FLOCK with one SHEPARD is not some new revelation you found in Greek. It is the traditional doctrine of Protestant theology and is declared clearly in John 10. You are so naive.
@benannalachaise4646 2 года назад
as a translator, albeit in European-languages, I find this most interesting. Thanks for sharing.
@doxholiday1372 Год назад
As a translator, how would you justify replacing the Greek word Ioudaios with "Jew" - considering Ioudaios means a resident of Ioudaia (Judaea), while the definition of Jew is someone born to Jewish parents, regardless of location or citizenship. 2 completely different concepts. "Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew, or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew." -The Jewish Almanac, 1980, p3
@leecooper3852 2 года назад
I doubt Paul made up words...the whole point of any writing is to explain yourself...not leave the meaning open to interpretation because you made up words....more likely we don't understand how the Greek worked, look at English...its very flexible, we combine words as a joke,
@jackc981 2 года назад
I thank Almighty God that He Actually bestowed on us The Holy Spirit that speaks all languages. No confusion at all.
@alanbrados2574 2 года назад
Here is proof from your bible that jesus was only a prophet of god just as moses, Abraham, Noah etc. Also here is proof that your bible predicted the coming of prophet muhammed and the fact muhammed exist in your bible but in english version it was taken out! Deuteronomy 6:4 - Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. “This is indication that jesus telling the israelis and the people that there is only one god the same god as moses, abraham, etc. jesus never claimed to be god Matthew 26:39- He went on a little farther and bowed with his face to the ground, praying, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” Jesus believed in one god and he bowed down to worship him as well! Mark 13:32- However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows. Bible predicts the coming of prophet Mohammed: Solomon 5:16 “His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely (mahmadim). This is my beloved, this is my friend, daughters of Jerusalem.” Translate this from hebrew to english you will see the name Mohammed in it! Deuteronomy 18:18 your lord your god will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their own people; I will put my words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them everything that I command. Deuteronomy- He said, "The Lord came from Sinai, And dawned on them from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran, And He came from the midst of ten thousand holy ones; At His right hand there was flashing lightning for Isaiah 42 Behold, My Servant, whom I uphold; My chosen one in whom My soul delights. I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the nations. 2 He will not cry out or raise His voice, Nor make His voice heard in the street. 3 A bruised reed He will not break And a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish; He will faithfully bring forth justice. 4 He will not be disheartened or crushed Until He has established justice in the earth; And the coastlands will wait expectantly for His law." How much more proof can someone need to realize jesus was a prophet and that Mohammed PBUH was the last and final messanger of god came for all humanity not just a sect!
@jackc981 2 года назад
@@alanbrados2574 ,truth doesn't require explanation .you cannot Reject what wasn't available. Jesus is God regardless of our Opinions.
@billhuffman4327 2 года назад
It's called the Cloven Tongue..We all spoke it until God confused the languages @ the tower of Babylon!
@Ryan-gz6ym 2 года назад
@@alanbrados2574 fake. Yahshua Christ was God in the flesh. You are picking and choosing Scriptures.
@ChosenJulia 2 года назад
Amen! 😁
@geraldwmson 2 года назад
So what are you "really" trying say? You think GOD is going to allow billions of people to be misled from reading HIS Word? Brother... please get off of it and go talk about how Allah calls himself the best deceiver in the Quran!! Spread that around and convert Muslims to Christ!
@davidmcintosh3468 2 года назад
I liked it! I prefer the greek majority text over the NA/UBS critical text, but thanks for the presentation! God bless you all! PS: I also prefer Brenton's septuagint over Akiba's "masorete" text
@Michael-Archonaeus Год назад
@phylliscalkins1607 11 месяцев назад
I tried to watch this, but only made it half way through. I was unable to understand what you were saying. I practice prayer and several spiritual techniques that enable me to have experiences that are beyond words. But listening to your explanation, left me unclear about your message.
@pooru1231 2 года назад
Im blown away by this kind of video. I can speak Japanese and there are similarities that share these made up words. Very interesting!
@williammcintyre8570 2 года назад
He that hath an ear. Ponder, understand. Debate if your of a mind to . If you do read and reread . There was a Professor Scott a strict atheist. But as a teacher he decided that he needed to understand the words in the Bible. So he researched the words all the way back to the time and place (culture). Twenty miles or twenty years could make like sounding words mean different things even opposite things. Well that Professor done a complete about face. Became a biblical teacher of God's words and a true believer. He has passed away but his wife who started as a student has carried on his ministry. Her name is PASTOR MELISSA SCOTT. You can find her right here on RU-vid. No matter where you learn true words of The Lord's if you have doubts search and you will find. May God Bless you in you seeking The Lord
@sethtbaguley 2 года назад
Excellent work Darryl - I think these kind of videos are really good for helping motivate students who are still getting through first year or beginning Greek. Again, I can't praise highly enough your Student Edition which helped me to get reading the New Testament.
@bma 2 года назад
Glad it was helpful! Thanks for your support!
@alanbrados2574 2 года назад
Here is proof from your bible that jesus was only a prophet of god just as moses, Abraham, Noah etc. Also here is proof that your bible predicted the coming of prophet muhammed and the fact muhammed exist in your bible but in english version it was taken out! Deuteronomy 6:4 - Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. “This is indication that jesus telling the israelis and the people that there is only one god the same god as moses, abraham, etc. jesus never claimed to be god Matthew 26:39- He went on a little farther and bowed with his face to the ground, praying, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” Jesus believed in one god and he bowed down to worship him as well! Mark 13:32- However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows. Bible predicts the coming of prophet Mohammed: Solomon 5:16 “His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely (mahmadim). This is my beloved, this is my friend, daughters of Jerusalem.” Translate this from hebrew to english you will see the name Mohammed in it! Deuteronomy 18:18 your lord your god will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their own people; I will put my words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them everything that I command. Deuteronomy- He said, "The Lord came from Sinai, And dawned on them from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran, And He came from the midst of ten thousand holy ones; At His right hand there was flashing lightning for Isaiah 42 Behold, My Servant, whom I uphold; My chosen one in whom My soul delights. I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the nations. 2 He will not cry out or raise His voice, Nor make His voice heard in the street. 3 A bruised reed He will not break And a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish; He will faithfully bring forth justice. 4 He will not be disheartened or crushed Until He has established justice in the earth; And the coastlands will wait expectantly for His law." How much more proof can someone need to realize jesus was a prophet and that Mohammed PBUH was the last and final messanger of god came for all humanity not just a sect!
@Gkdi872 2 года назад
It took 54 translators many of whom spoke Greek as it were plain English. Unless you have the same talent as some of these original translators - best be cautious and careful that you do not promote another "Bible" where many of those translators now in our age, was interested only in the monetary aspect of their works. So sad. Stick with the King James Version, as it was "filtered" and "corrected" 14x over during the 16th century period. If for any reason money is the point of interest, then all "blah blah" are not going to be blessed by the true Author, God.
@bukharagunboat8466 2 года назад
I read this passage in Greek for the first time recently, and my Latin is much better than my Greek. The question I found myself asking: is Christo in 2.5 a dative of accompaniment (as in pretty much all the translations) or a dative of instrument? Is Paul emphasizing our unity together with Christ or our unity with one another by means of Christ? It seems to me that both are beautiful statements of truth. I assumed that as a general rule when a compound syn- verb has an indirect object it's always an accompaniment. But then you say these words are neologisms, so I find myself asking my question again. Of course the Vulgate is less than helpful by supplying IN Christ...
@k-dogg9086 2 года назад
Both, In Christ we have Unity with Him and with one another.
@kaleidoscope8743 2 года назад
And I beg to differ on the point of his title. The English language is full of a lot of hybridized words and tons of invented words that were created to name, define, describe things experiences situations and inventions especially technological inventions and medical discoveries because a word or phrase doesn't exist in our own language. The idea of hybridizing words in the English language comes from the hybridized words that Greek and Latin writers did. Other modern-day languages such as German and French also create hybridized and new words in their language. Natural part of human communication. It is not unique to Paul's writing. This man is not a language scholar or he's deceptive to put up RU-vid content intended to take advantage people's minds who don't understand these language anomalies if exist in almost every language. And the subtle insinuation here is that it makes translating the Bible into English and inaccuracy. But the English translation says exactly what Paul said in the Greek even though he did it with a singular hybridized word that we had to do in a phrase including the pronoun. In both French and English the pronoun "you" can be implied without being specifically spoken or written. An example of this is "pass the butter". Instead of saying "You pass the butter." In the wording in Greek In this passage he is writing to people as if he is speaking to them it first person. The pronouns you and us are implied. We have implacable pronoun usage in the English language. This is a natural anomaly that we're familiar with in our own language. It should not be mean mystifying that the Greeks did it in their language.
@jacques3402 2 года назад
I really appreciate this type of video. This, along with your video "Spirit Filled: How Can You Know?" are two of my favorites so far. Thanks a lot!
@bma 2 года назад
Thanks for watching!
@WhatTruthIs 2 года назад
THE Everlasting Gospel is to; Fear God, give glory to Him, and worship God *alone*. Jesus made Saul an Apostle by revelation and named him Paul. Paul is your Apostle and my Apostle. He wrote thirteen 'epistles' to the church and the first epistle to appear is also called Paul's Gospel. Paul preaches the Everlasting Gospel, also called the gospel of peace, also called the gospel of Jesus Christ, also called the gospel of our salvation from Hell fire, in the first FOUR chapters of his first epistle. The first epistle from Paul, also called his Gospel, is the book of Romans. Read the first four chapters of the book of Romans, from God's authorized book, the all authority, all truth, King James book of God's words. After reading or hearing Romans 1:1 to 4:25, stop and consider what you have just read or heard for a few minutes. If you have been seeking God in truth and in Spirit, God will enable you to experience moral compunction. You can feel sorry for your lifetime of sin, which will allow you to turn back to God. That's what it means to repent. Now God waits for you. He is waiting for you to DO something. He will know when you do it. Romans 3:24-25 tells you what God is waiting for you to DO. And after you DO it, everything will change for you. You will be forgiven. Justified in the sight of God. Jesus is alive. Jesus is called The Word. He says that His Word is ALIVE. When You read Him, He reads you back! Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. God is waiting for you. The Everlasting Gospel is to fear God, give glory to Him, and worship God alone. Go back and read Romans 3:24-26. He is waiting for you to DECLARE HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. That is giving glory to God. With your mind and your mouth, give all glory to God alone. When you DO that, God will know. THAT is when He will in turn, impute His righteousness on you. Right then and there. God promises to make Himself known to you. He gives you His Spirit to live in you. Now God wants to manifest the life of Jesus in your body. You have been justified and saved by God. You see, God does not hear and respond to the the prayers of sinners. John 9:31. In the first four chapters of Romans, God tells you to STOP YOUR MOUTH! So that all men can become guilty before God. Nobody will be able to plead with God "PLEASE SAVE ME. I PRAY ALL THE TIME", or "SAVE ME GOD! I GIVE TO THE POOR". He tells everyone to stop their mouths. SO EVERYONE IS GUILTY. SO EVERYONE CAN LISTEN AND DO THE SIMPLE THINGS YOU MUST DO TO GET SAVED. Read Romans 1:1-4:25. Declare the righteousness of God. Worship God alone. Anyone can do that, if they are seeking Him in truth and in Spirit and make the choice they WANT TO, because there ARE people who LIKE THEIR SINNING and WANT TO GO TO HELL. Listen. You will have peace with Him while you are on Earth and after you take your last breath be assured that you will be flown into Paradise. THAT IS A PROMISE THAT GOD CAN'T BREAK BECAUSE HE CANNOT LIE. If you listened and did what I suggested above, Just put your trust in Jesus, and have faith His shed blood is propitiation for your lifetime of sin and be fully persuaded just like Abraham, that God, who cannot lie, will do everything He has promised in HIS Word. Now continue your reading of Romans at Chapter 5, as a fully justified saved person. God says you can now understand His words because you are no longer just a natural man. You are a spiritual man too now. 1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. And keep reading until you get to Romans 16:25-27 where God gives you, the newly justified and saved believer, a special commandment He expects you to obey by faith. Romans 5: 1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. KEEP READING! Until Romans 16:25-27 If you are not sure you are believing enough, or believing rightly, ask God "help my unbelief!". I hope to see you in heaven.
@tigerscott2966 2 года назад
We could understand the bible more if we had access to the 14 books removed from the original bible by the Vatican...that does not include the book of Jaser or the book of Mary....
@victoryartist1641 2 года назад
So all of us who make up words to make a point have something in common to Paul. 🤗
@beeyondblessedorganics945 2 года назад
We are Gods chosen people. Who will create a new language in Christ once we rein with HIM. Creatiffly speaking.
@turkwelsch 2 года назад
Excuse me if all scripture is inspired by God how could it be possible that Paul is making up words? To me and any true Bible believer you would think it would be understood that the Holy Spirit is causing Paul to use these words and he’s causing him to use these words because he has a purpose in it . I have some great advice for all you out there leave the words as written English in your KJV version
@chrystale888 2 года назад
My Greek grandpa used to say "there is only one reason to learn Greek that is to study the new testament, there is nothing like it, its beauty in the Greek language is unsurpassed. Much like the old testament in Hebrew, the Greek does not compare to it." Then G-d gave us the whole of the bible in the King James English that waxes lyrical you can actually feel the heart of G-d in His words. Now after 2000 years, what a miracle the Word of G-d is, clearly He knew what He was doing.
@maestroaxeman 2 года назад
Yup. Native tongues explain regionally the occurrences recorded in any script...but even Jesus "in his time" called out scribes for arguing semantics🤔 The apostle Peter FINALLY "gets it" by the 2nd Peter epistle & semantics over "what to eat, what to wear & what to say in prayer" were ultimately found to be utterly moot IF The Holy Spirit of The Father through Jesus was NOT present in reverent praise🤔 Tell me: Is it "lesser praise" or "lesser holy" for ME to testify of Christ in my obvious Bostonian American English Accent...OR in "Old King's Language"...possibly IN Aramaic (Jesus' native tongue) OR Latin/Greek/WHATEVER🤔 Semantics is boring & turns me off to EVERY religion...yet: Because of Jesus, I Am NOT An Atheist. "I know I have faith in Jesus & I'm convinced He is able to keep His promise to me on the very day of my redemption & salvation." (paraphrased from an epistle from the apostle Paul) Really, people...this "perfect translation" garbage is total nonsense🙄😒 (much like the "gobbledygook blabbering" I hear in pentecostal churches called "tongues")🙄😒
@fiddlerontheroof4942 2 года назад
There are many beautiful languages - if not all of them That is not the point. There is only one language that was used by the Almighty - and that is Hebrew. Shakespeare is the best in old English, Thomas Mann - in German, Dostoyevski - in Russian, but the Bible - in Hebrew (and Aramaic where it makes sense). Greek was a quick fix so to say, to bring the idea (not the whole picture!) to the gentiles.
@doxholiday1372 Год назад
​@@fiddlerontheroof4942 ??? Greek wasn't a "quick fix" for anything, the entire region had been Hellenized for centuries by the time the gospels were written. The old covenant scriptures were translated into Greek during the 3rd century BC, which Jesus directly quoted most of the time. As for so called "gentiles", when the word gentilis was originally used to translate the Greek word ethnos into Latin, it meant "of the same family, tribe, or nation". It wasn't until after the middle ages that the word underwent a radical change of definition from it's original meaning due to the advent of Zionist propaganda which claimed that Palestine had been given to "Jews", rather than the 12 tribes of Israel as the scriptures attest, and that these "Jews" don't believe in Jesus because "God has temporarily blinded them". In reality the so called gentiles the gospel was taken to were descendants of Israelites from the tribe of Dan who sailed to Greece from Egypt prior to the exodus, the northern 10 Israelite tribes carried away captive to Assyria 744-722BC, and those from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin taken in 712BC. Which makes perfect sense since the entire reason for the institution of the New Covenant was to redeem the 12 tribes from the punishment for failing to uphold the first one. "Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people." Jer 31:31-33 "And the children of Israel did so as Joshua commanded, and took up twelve stones out of the midst of Jordan, as the LORD spake unto Joshua, according to the number of the tribes of the children of Israel, and carried them over with them unto the place where they lodged, and laid them down there." Jos 4:8 "Thus saith the Lord GOD; This shall be the border, whereby ye shall inherit the land according to the twelve tribes of Israel: Joseph shall have two portions." Eze 47:13 "But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Mat 10:6 "But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Mat 15:24 "And now I stand and am judged for the hope of the promise made of God unto our fathers: Unto which promise our twelve tribes, instantly serving God day and night, hope to come. For which hope's sake, king Agrippa, I am accused of the Jews." Act 26:6-7 "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting." Jas 1:1
@Michael-Archonaeus Год назад
The KJV gets a lot wrong in the translation
@Michael-Archonaeus Год назад
@@fiddlerontheroof4942 So was it a quick fix, when Jesus read the Greek Septuagint aloud in the synagogue?
@davidverville2021 2 года назад
You have confused me more than any other given discussion of translation, I think I will continue use of the Blue Letter translation tool. you have made me sad.
@juneevans4394 2 года назад
I've been using an Interlinear Bible with a Strong's Concordance and it's been an enlightening albeit painstaking process. I am so excited to learn about this!
@alanbrados2574 2 года назад
Here is proof from your bible that jesus was only a prophet of god just as moses, Abraham, Noah etc. Also here is proof that your bible predicted the coming of prophet muhammed and the fact muhammed exist in your bible but in english version it was taken out! Deuteronomy 6:4 - Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. “This is indication that jesus telling the israelis and the people that there is only one god the same god as moses, abraham, etc. jesus never claimed to be god Matthew 26:39- He went on a little farther and bowed with his face to the ground, praying, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” Jesus believed in one god and he bowed down to worship him as well! Mark 13:32- However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows. Bible predicts the coming of prophet Mohammed: Solomon 5:16 “His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely (mahmadim). This is my beloved, this is my friend, daughters of Jerusalem.” Translate this from hebrew to english you will see the name Mohammed in it! Deuteronomy 18:18 your lord your god will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their own people; I will put my words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them everything that I command. Deuteronomy- He said, "The Lord came from Sinai, And dawned on them from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran, And He came from the midst of ten thousand holy ones; At His right hand there was flashing lightning for Isaiah 42 Behold, My Servant, whom I uphold; My chosen one in whom My soul delights. I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the nations. 2 He will not cry out or raise His voice, Nor make His voice heard in the street. 3 A bruised reed He will not break And a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish; He will faithfully bring forth justice. 4 He will not be disheartened or crushed Until He has established justice in the earth; And the coastlands will wait expectantly for His law." How much more proof can someone need to realize jesus was a prophet and that Mohammed PBUH was the last and final messanger of god came for all humanity not just a sect!
@marjoriebourgouin2782 2 года назад
​ @Alan Brados well where do i start. The truth is not debatable. Jesus accepted worship, gave new commandments, forgave sins, every thing was created through him and for him. He said I AM and they wanted to stone him for the law of blasphemy, because being a man making himself, GOD, the bible gives him all the attributes of God, he is called God in the flesh etc.. enough said. Jesus said you have seen me means you have seen the father etc.. He has revealed his true identity to many muslims who were truly seeking truth not just wanted to debate. Islam is a creation of vatican, please research Be blessed
@beeyondblessedorganics945 2 года назад
Compare and contrast Deuteronomy 29 and Matthew 21:15 . Aliens are not foreigners and Incense is not indignant.
@archam777 2 года назад
@@alanbrados2574 Lol, David Wood/Islam Critiqued DESTROYS everything you stated in your comment. They literally have a video concerning/dismanteling EVERYTHING you've claimed here. Anyone buying into your "skubalon", should go visit their youtube channels. Heres the truth, more people are leaving your false religion than ever in recorded history, and your "prophet" was a murderer/slave trader/ and pedophile. "SKEET SKEET PRAY!!!" Just ask Ayisha.
@krzysztofciuba271 2 года назад
@@alanbrados2574 Are u in a cave still? Check youtube, PfinderFilms@his associates, for example, R.Spencer, Did Muhammad exist"? 2021. Hm, why Don't u see the logical idiocy of your Quran? have u heard about logic, and hermeneutics (of any text)?
@jesuschristbiblebiblestudy 10 месяцев назад
Go with at least 4-5 translations, e.g. NASB, ESV, KJV, NET and NKJV. Best way for exegesis.
@WhatTruthIs 2 года назад
Deuteronomy 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you. Deuteronomy 8:3 And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live. Proverbs 30:5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. 6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. Revelation 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. Luke 8:12 Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved. Psalm 119:160 Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever. Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Psalm 12:6 The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 7 Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. Psalm 119:140 Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it. 1 Chronicles 15:16 Be ye mindful always of his covenant; the word which he commanded to a thousand generations; Psalm 119:89 For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:101 I have refrained my feet from every evil way, that I might keep thy word. Isaiah 40:8 The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever. Isaiah 59:21 As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the Lord; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the Lord, from henceforth and for ever. Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. 1 Peter 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. 1 Peter 1:25 But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. 2 Peter 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. God is the only that can translate HIS Word, into any particular tongue. It is a faith issue. You cannot use two books. You cannot use ten. You can only use one book. If one book is perfect and pure, a second book cannot be. God is not the author of confusion. Take a KJV and put it next to any or all other books in English that purports to be God's Word. They are all confusion except the KJV. I can prove that any book you use that is not an authorized King James is a satanic counterfeit. It is very easy to do. If your native tongue is English, the only book you can use is an authorized King James Version. You cannot use a New King James Version. You can't use an ESV, NIV, DRA, CJB or ASV or any other book in English that purports to be God's Word because they just are not. God says His Word is perfect and pure. So if you accept more than one book, you are either calling Him a liar, or you don't know what word to rely on. Jesus has a particular voice. A particular tone. And it is all truth. In the case of God's Word, an authorized, all authority, all truth King James Version of God's Word is God's words. The 54 Holy men commissioned by King James SPAKE as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance, and their WORDS were WRITTEN DOWN. God has protected and preserved the King James text, and here is a link to a chart so you can see the preservation of the text. God defines scripture as the Written Word. Holy men of God SPAKE and their WORDS were written down. IN ENGLISH. God says man lives by every WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. The ESV is missing 33,00 words, 17 complete verses from the New Testament alone. The ESV is missing a complete sentence in Romans 11:6! You cannot find ANY reference to the missing text in the margin notes! It's GONE! That is because the ESV is a satanic book that purports to be God's Word, but is just counterfeit text. How do you corrupt the incorruptible Word of God? You produce counterfeit copies and convince people it's not only the word of god, but convince them it "is easier to understand". That is how Satan screws with God's Word. I am here to tell you, God's real word for people of the English tongue is an authorized KJV. When a person whose native tongue is English, gets saved by God; the authorized, all authority, all truth King James Version book of His Word becomes the easiest-to-understand-in-the-whole-world because it is alive! Jesus IS the Word. He is ALIVE. When you read Him, He reads you back. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. To get saved, using an authorized King James book of God's words, read the first four chapters of Romans. If you have been seeking God in truth and in Spirit, and are willing to let Him replace all the bullshit you have learned with His truth, then stop here for a moment and think about what you have just read. God can enable you to experience moral compunction. You can feel sorry for your lifetime of sin. If so, you can turn back to God. That's what it means to repent. Put your trust in Jesus. Have faith His shed blood is propitiation for your life time of sin. You can be fully persuaded, just like Abraham, that God - who cannot lie - WILL DO EVERYTHING He has promised. Re-read Romans 3:24-26 and realize that God is waiting for you. God is waiting for you to DO something, so He can impute His righteousness on you. The everlasting gospel of peace, also called the gospel of Jesus Christ, also called the gospel of our salvation from Hell fire, is to FEAR GOD. GIVE GLORY TO HIM. WORSHIP GOD ALONE. You can fear God after reading the first four chapters of the book of Romans. You can give glory to Him, and if you are seeking Him in truth and in Spirit and give glory to Him alone, God will give you His Spirit to live in your body with your soul. You will be marked and assured of everlasting life with Him. Worship God alone every day. Do not pray to imaginary virgins or to any other idol. Romans 3:24-26 shows God is waiting for you to DECLARE HIS GLORY, so He can impute His glory on you, a believer in the Jesus of the right book. His glory, His righteousness, IS the holy Spirit of promise. When you receive the holy Spirit, God comes to live in your body. You have peace with God now while you have the breath of life in your body, assurance of entrance into paradise after taking your last breath on Earth. You are justified. Now you can continue on your reading of the book of Romans beginning at Chapter 5 as a fully justified and saved person. Continue reading until Romans 16:25-27 and then listen to God's most important commandment He gives to the newly saved believer. Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Nice to meet you brother or sister, if you did what was explained above. See you in heaven!
@όαγωνιστής-θ6θ 2 года назад
Become orthodox
@WhatTruthIs 2 года назад
@@όαγωνιστής-θ6θ No thanks. I want my name to be in the book of LIFE.
@teelowkee 2 года назад
See you In Heaven!
@WhatTruthIs 2 года назад
@@teelowkee Amen!
@όαγωνιστής-θ6θ 2 года назад
@@WhatTruthIs the Orthodox Church is the body of Christ
@genez429 2 года назад
"Raised together in Christ." The woman was "in Adam" before she was revealed.... And, we are the bride of Christ awaiting to be revealed in the resurrection. We will be 'bone of his bones and flesh of his glorious body.' Right now, we are 'in Him.'
@johngregory4801 2 года назад
Wow. Everything that you spoke about learning Greek to understand can be understood simply by reading Ephesians and taking the words as translated to mean what they say. I read the King James primarily, have for over three decades, and every meaning you spoke of in this study I already knew and believe. Where English translators TOTALLY botched the Greek in every translation I know of is in translating "eleeo", "eleos" and their various tenses. They mean nothing more not less that "faithfulness or loyalty to the covenant". They have no relation to '"mercy" as its understood in English. For instance, put the literal translation into the story of Blind Bartimaeus. Isaiah 35 promised that when the Messiah came he would, among other things, give sight to the blind. Bartimaeus hears that this Jesus he's heard of us walking past him and starts crying out, "Jesus, thou son of David, show covenant loyalty to me!". People tell him to shut up and he gets louder, "Thou son of David, show covenant loyalty to me!" He shouted that at Jesus until Jesus called him over and asked what he wanted. Well, what the dude wanted was indeed promised in the covenant, so Jesus granted it because he couldn't be faithful to his Father's covenant with this man without doing as he believed. Bart got his sight and "followed Jesus in the way." Because "eleeo", "eleos" and their derivatives mean "covenant loyalty", not "mercy" as we English speakers understand it.
@DavidLoveMore Год назад
What is your understanding of ελεεω based on?
@demo4444 Год назад
Curious about your interpretation as well. Source?
@johngregory4801 Год назад
​​@@demo4444Annnnd... Seeing your response is when I found out my response to the first query was deleted, presumably by "Biblical Master Class". Eleos, according the the Septuagint, is the Greek translation of the Hebrew "checed". Eleos is, as Bible Hub's Lexicon says, "mercy as defined by loyalty to God's covenant". 30 years (or so) before I read that, the Lord started me down a path to understand his checed mercy. In October of 2002, after 11 years of studying out God's actions towards those faithful to his covenant (and those who weren't), my wife asked me what "mercy" would mean in Hebrews 4:16 if Paul was speaking of obtaining God's checed. After meditating on all that checed means and plugging that into this verse, I had a vision - myself perched on Father God's right shoulder, with Jesus seated on his throne at God's right hand. I watched a Christian come to the Throne of Grace, kneel and say, "Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus". Jesus held out his Sceptre of Righteousness to this man (Esther 5:1-2; Psalm 45:6--7; Hebrews 1:8-9), looked up to our Father and said, "He's confessed my name before men". (Matthew 10:32) Father God rose from his throne and declared for all to hear, "That's MY boy! EVERYTHING I have is HIS! EVERYTHING I am is HIS! EVERYTHING I can do is HIS!" (Isaiah 65:24; Matthew 7:7-11; John 16:23) Now, before anyone freaks out and speaks against this because I saw my Father, please remember the parameters God himself set concerning seeing him - before he showed his "hinder parts" to Moses, he said "for no one shall see my FACE and live"... And Jesus said that those who are born again can both SEE and ENTER the kingdom of God. Only those who embrace God's curse placed upon man at the Fall (Isaiah 64:4; 1 Corinthians 2:7-9) and rejoice in not being able to see or perceive what God has laid up for those who love him can't see and enter God's kingdom, for they have willfully closed their own eyes, refuse to hear the Spirit and won't allow knowledge of God's plans and blessings into their hearts... Thus falling under Jesus' judgment in Matthew 13:13-15. What the Lord spoke here in verses 11-12 and 16 belongs to those who live by 1 Corinthians 2:10-12.
@DavidLoveMore Год назад
@@johngregory4801 So, as always the king James is correct. It means mercy, and if you used the King James as the dictionary instead of man's lexicon maybe you'd understand its connection to the various covenants much better.
@johngregory4801 Год назад
@@DavidLoveMore It wasn't the King James that taught me covenant love (agape) and faithfulness (eleos). That was Holy Ghost doing the job Jesus sent him to do, using numerous references and teaching by example to guide into all truth. Young's Literal Translation is actually the most accurate English language Bible. Jimmy is next. No others come close, but some are much worse due to the practice of dynamic translation, translating according to accepted denominational doctrine and worst of all... Using the NU manuscripts.
@rinkevichjm 2 года назад
Actually you missed the Holy Spirit doing the union.
@springflowerblosomnorris9721 2 года назад
So what's the Greek word we are talking about that can't be translated into English?
@DouglasJenkins 2 года назад
It can't be translated into one English word, unless we make it up, too!
@springflowerblosomnorris9721 2 года назад
@@DouglasJenkins Can you translate it in other language, maybe French, German, Spanish?
@DouglasJenkins 2 года назад
The Greek words were the ones beginning with suv (sun) ... These have no single English word equivalents. These may be in the language you mention, but I do not know.
@springflowerblosomnorris9721 2 года назад
@@DouglasJenkins Domenica in Latin would be one of them?
@gk10101 Год назад
words are overrated. The WORD is underrated, forever.
@stoobpendous 2 года назад
How about where Peter says the angels that sinned were thrown into Tartarus? I was raised Jehovah's Witness and the WatchTower organization taught that the term "Tartarus" appears once in the Bible. I was surprised to learn that in Greek the word is not actually Tartarus in as much the phrase "imprisoning a convict" does not literally contain the noun "prison".
@WhatTruthIs 2 года назад
You are deceived.
@jeffpeff 2 года назад
Watchtower lies about many things. The NWT is heavily altered to fit their false doctrines.
@heathermcd12 2 года назад
You are going to have a hard time breaking your false teachings of JW unfortunately. I would suggest learning Dispensation from channels of Robert Breaker and Gene Kim and then Andy Woods.
@jeffpeff 2 года назад
@@heathermcd12 Gene Kim, Robert Breaker and Andy Woods have proven themselves to be false teachers.
@heathermcd12 2 года назад
@@jeffpeff Uhmm no, they are spot on with scripture and it is JW’s and others that have twisted everything. In fact, JW’s meet criteria for a cult: control of what you can and cannot read, changing the script on the Bible to suit their organization, leaving out scripture because it’s “untranslatable” [this one is laughable and yet sad because of the warning at the end of Revelation NOT to add or detract from the word.]. False teachers are all the prosperity ones, mega churches, etc and the JW’s, SDA’s, Mormons, Catholics…yet in each church are overcomers [believers] who are saved. I came out of Catholicism and my ex came out of JW so we studied a lot and by being a Berean, found the truth for ourselves.
@pierreabbat6157 2 года назад
What version is that? I'm using the Majority Text, which has συγκληρονομα και συσσωμα και συμμετοχα, with no indication that these words have manuscript variations.
@thecriticalnous 2 года назад
Greek Orthodox Church doesn’t get enough credit . We don’t use a translation. We use the word. Period. Enjoyed your video and appreciate your efforts . However if you’re gonna teach others about Greek , the least you can do is properly pronounce the words . For example : Συν isn’t pronounced Soon. It’s pronounced “Seen” furthermore Paul wasn’t inventing new words. They are words that already existed since ancient times and found in texts from Herodotus and Plato. If you’d like some help with meaning and pronunciation reach out to me , I can help. God Bless you
@barryb3079 2 года назад
It won't help, God either gives you discernment or he doesn't !
@kathyborthwick6738LakotaEmoji 2 года назад
The Ethiopian Bible, the oldest Bible thus far includes 88 books and the Old Testament, the Septuagint is included! The New Testament - The Apostles refer to and quote the Septuagint a lot! What do you think?
@cyrilsneer5957 2 года назад
Exactly. Check out and Subscribe to haderekh Nazarene Israel assembly. You will like the content on there it's in line with what you just said.
@peterkinberger9741 2 года назад
The Septuagint was the official rabbinical release of the Old Testament to the great library in Alexandria. It purposely differed from the Old Testament the rabbi's of Israel used. The rabbi's held that certain knowledge was to be retained by the Israelites be ause it was so holy that it should not find it's way into non-Israeli hands. The Ethiopian Bible was essentially pieced together to form the bible they used. The Septuagint is the old testament written in Greek so the Greek scholars who requested the copy could read it insread of the Tanakh which was written in Hebrew. The New Testament was added as a result of christian missionary efforts. It is my understanding that the Apocrypha was also added after the Romans conquered Egypt. The Apocrypha are not holy writings or a part of scriptural canon but rather a history of things that transpired in the 400 years between the two testaments. It explains never before observed holidays and other jewish observances along with various travesties foisted on the jewish people along with how the jews fought all of these things and were still fighting them in the time of Christ.The Dead Sea Scrolls , which aren't in the Ethiopian text are an excellent companion to the apocrypha's historicity. These scrolls pick up information starting about 200 yrs after the Apocrypha and on into the time of Christ. Other Essenic writings also exist. The accuracy of scriptures, old and new are backed up in the documents found in Qumran, where the scrolls were found. Historically the old and new scriptures trace the spiritual aspect of biblical understanding. The Apocryphal period represents much lessened genuine spiritual activity. It is best to start out with the King James version to get the most accurate information as it is largely based on the Masoretic texts which are considered most accurate and having familiarized yourself with these Christian and Jewish translations yòu can then move on to the Peshitta, the Samaritan and other ancient biblical texts. One of the primary differences between the Septuagint and the Masoretic text is in numbers. To understand the number differences you must do a study on the meaning of numbers, numbers have meanings like words, and the system of numbers known as gematria. Gematria is used in both ancient Hebrew and in Greek. The English Alphabet and words have no such system though they can be systemized to a degree. An example is when Jesus called Herod a fox in the new testament. An anglicized version of the numbers behind the letters would equate to 666. Fox in english number letter equivalents would be the number 666. Ancient Rabbi's, priests and prophets treasured the word-number meanings. The systems are done in multiple ways. You have probably heard of the Bible Code, which is another different system where every 50th, 30th or 70th letter is a letter for a word. To discover the word you have to count up that many hebrew words to get to the next letter. Eventually you have a word. Continuing on you do the same thing for the next word and the next word and so on and then putting it all together you have a sentence or a phrase. This is called equal letter skip distancing. There are so many different codes that are woven together to create a fabric of understanding. Any Bible that cannot pass this test is not genuine, some may be partly genuine. Without the correct numbers in the correct places indicates an anomaly that requires investigation of the text. I know this all sounds complex, it is ! But this is how we know that with everything in the right place, we are reading a genuine article and it doesn't matter what language it is in. Even certain words are codes for other words. No computer or AI can even come close to decoding all the things that are in the Bible. A person would have to know a specific system is in there and how it works before he could touch even one of the systems and the computer or AI could not stop calculating, ever, for a scientist or computer expert to know what it is on to. Many have tried and all have failed. I have studied the Holy Scriptures for over 40 yrs and know that I haven't even begun to unravel anything, yet it is there. I posess more knowledge than many but what I have is inadequate. I have learned to continually seek truth because it is there and love because that is the subject of the entire Bible. I hope this helps your understanding of the Ethiopian Bible and any other Bible. I have a very large collection of bibles and ancient biblical writings that I am constantly studying, it would surprise you to see them all. I even have writings from the disciples of the apostles and on up through history along with Jewish Pseudepigrapha. The only two books that I would love to add to my collection is the complete Babylonian Talmud and the complete Jerusalem Talmud. I have many questions which these two writings can answer. I am a follower of Jesus Christ as you may have already suspected. I bid you farewell and please know that I love you enough to answer your question. I hope and pray that you will find him and turn to him. He will give you more knowledge than any book or human teacher can and He loves you. Please take care and I will pray good things come your way ! Thanks for reading this !
@cyrilsneer5957 2 года назад
@@peterkinberger9741 Joshua the christ is the only name that saves.
@barbt.9211 2 года назад
@@peterkinberger9741 Thank you so much for your study and effort To enlighten us.
@kathyborthwick6738LakotaEmoji 2 года назад
@@peterkinberger9741 Thank You for taking the time to explain! I understand and as such a revision here is required-Will add the KJV asap! May Creator continue to Bless and Guide you! Your experience is priceless and so glad you commented Peter!☀️🙏🏽☀️🍃🦅🍃🦬🍃🦌👵🏽👋🏾😊
@xceptamanbbornagainnokingd5836 2 года назад
Or you could just believe that God preserved his words perfectly in English in the form the King James Bible therefore cutting out all of this Greek nonsense. Greek is a dead language. English is the major language now, just as Hebrew was in the Old Testament and the Greek WAS during the early times of the Christians and during God’s earthly ministry
@jonnyhawt8973 2 года назад
@yomama...isaverynicelady 2 года назад
No. Greek is just a thing for the new testament cause Paul (a greek) coopted christianity. And the english translations have tons of manipulations.
@xceptamanbbornagainnokingd5836 2 года назад
@@yomama...isaverynicelady what do you mean "coopted christianity" and also, greek may have been the primary language for the new testament times and writing of it, but the old testament and new testament together perfectly preserved as the old and new testaments were in the first two languages, so are they in the english language collaborated together. because i don't think i have to tell you that in the time of the new testament when it was fresh, they did not have all of the scriptures together. neither did they in the old testament but in these last days, it is all available to us in a single, perfect volume of books called the Bible
@AVKingJamesBible 2 года назад
When someone tells you that you need to “go back to the Greek” what they are really saying is that you need a “different translation”. Different languages are translated all the time. The fallacy that you have to “go back to the Greek” is just that, a fallacy. The 50+ translators that worked on the KING James Bible already did all the translation into English that you need. The fact that you are able to speak in English right now to explain to us how we have to “go back to the Greek” proves that Greek can be translated into English just fine. The King James Bible is all you need!
@jacobburton7613 2 года назад
You know the KJV has added texts that aren't in any other scriptures, and extra verses. The only reason for KJV is so he could sin, divorce his wife, and not be held accountable by the Church.
@AVKingJamesBible 2 года назад
@@jacobburton7613 🤦‍♂️
@jacobburton7613 2 года назад
no comment about the additional text to scripture in the KJV? or that we have more and better sources than King James' scribes at the time? or about WHY he created his church and his Bible? just an emoji? very nice 👌🏼
@AVKingJamesBible 2 года назад
@@jacobburton7613 yes. An emoji is all your utterly absurd comment deserves. First of all, it’s wildly inaccurate and indicates you have likely spent very little time researching the History of The Bible. I would also hazard a guess to say you have likely spent ZERO time actually reading The Bible for that matter. I also don’t owe you a debate. I have other things to do at the moment. I invite you to get a Bible (King James) and read it. After that, The books “The History of The New Testament Church” by Ruckman is a good place to start. I STRONGLY urge you to get and read the book “51 Reasons Why The King James: A Path From Doubt To Faith” by David W. Daniels. Also, read “New Age Bible Versions: An Exhaustive Documentation of the Message, Men & Manuscripts Moving Mankind to the Antichrist's One World Religion “ by G. A. Riplinger There is a good reason why Satan attacks the King James. From a brief look at the garbage you have “favorited” on your page we both know why you attack The Bible. You literally have favorited a video from “the church of 666” and a gem called “this is exactly why I’m an atheist”. Why is it always the lost, blind, and spiritually dead people that try to argue Scripture with me. 🤦‍♂️ There is another emoji for you. Have a nice day. Begone
@jacobburton7613 2 года назад
@@AVKingJamesBible yeah I'm saved bro, and so is the poster of the Church of 666, watch his videos to better understand the symbolism and "apocalyptic" texts of scripture. I'm sorry you idolize a man of earth "king" James. I'll worship the true King, Jesus Christ. your dismissive tone and inability to answer questions is what pushes people away from the faith.
@robertkuhlmann1897 2 года назад
47 highly professional people translated the King James within 7 years. They discussed and decided about every single "problem" you mention and their decisions are very accurate . Just many people don't read the original, that includes the sidenotes for cases where there are alternative translations that they did not want to leave out. Look into the original print of 1611 and you'll see the very good quality of this translation. I don't need to learn to read the Bible in Greek and Hebrew, because I will never reach the level of knowledge the 47 together had. I'm translating the King James to German and other languages.
@ralphgoreham3516 2 года назад
Modern translations in general are more accurate because in 1611 they only had a few full manuscripts, today we have some 6000 re NT, and some 2000 inthe Hebrew. Some of these go back to the middle of the 2nd century. The dead sea scolls have been dated at about 100 BC. KJV of 1611 has served the nations well but it is now time to choose an accurate as possible translation. The ASV of 1901 is one, as is the NASV. If you google "What scholars have said about the New World Translation" you can do no better than NWT. Others that render YHWH all 6,823 times as Jehovah (Latin English), or Yahweh, The Jerusalm Bible, Amarican Standard Version, The divine Name King James Bible, and the recently released Legacy Bible. If you choose one of many Bibles that have expunged the Divine Name you do so at your own risk. Mal 1:11. Jesus and the early disciples could not write or say the NAME lest Jesus would have been killed before his time and the disciples even persecuted worse than they were. See Mal 2:1,2 Jer 23:27.
@robertkuhlmann1897 2 года назад
@@ralphgoreham3516 You want to tell me and the readers here, that the highly manipulated New World Translation, the one of the sect Jehovas Witnesses, is the best "translation"? It is not even a Bible translation but a result of massive fraud and manipulation to eradicate the diety of Jesus from the Bible. Concerning the available manuscripts in 1611: You don't know what you are talking about. Just stating something doesn't make it true. They had sources at hand, where some of them we meanwhile miss. And the translators involved so did put all their knowledge about the scriptures into the project from wherever they came. But to tell somebody, the NWT being a "Bible translation" is a laugh You tell people to read "the Greek" and "the Hebrew", but what you do is telling them how they have to understand it. And of course many will experience it as different from their known Bibles, because you manipulate then to "understand" the texts according to the NWT and therefore the JW interpretation of the Bible. Sorry, but the best that is to say about your approach is "heresy". Revelation 22:18 Deuteronomy 4:2 Proverbs 30:6
@jasonwallace3319 2 года назад
Do you know the word "firmament" yet? It's actually very important.
@chazayah5985 2 года назад
Have to look it up in Hebrew
@fiddlerontheroof4942 2 года назад
Or expanse. Rakia.
@DouglasJenkins 2 года назад
"beaten out" as one would do with metal, to thin it, shape it.
@jasonwallace3319 2 года назад
@@DouglasJenkins nope. Try again
@DouglasJenkins 2 года назад
@@jasonwallace3319 No need to ... translated that back in 1983.
@fourwinds9947 2 года назад
No one is hiding anything from anyone in the title of your video it’s just disgusting
@dooglitas 2 года назад
Thanks for what you are doing. You should have 10 times as many subscribers. Learning Greek many, many years ago was one of the most important things I have done in my life. It has been a continuing learning experience ever since.
@davidrhodes7128 Год назад
Hi, I am English. I find it easier to read in English.
@TheKingsComingAlefTav 2 года назад
Who took the Hebrew and turned it into Greek translations? That's what I want to know
@yomama...isaverynicelady 2 года назад
Yeah everyone conveniently ignores that fact. The bibles about christianity (and judaism) but not a direct historical record. More like a biased guess from people alive way after Jesus (for the NT).
@chazayah5985 2 года назад
White people
@toomanymarys7355 2 года назад
The New Testament was written in Greek. Period.
@toomanymarys7355 2 года назад
@@yomama...isaverynicelady your fantasies aren't reality.
@chazayah5985 2 года назад
@@toomanymarys7355 so Paul wrote to the Hebrew in Greek who hated the Greek with a passion?
@MichaelHenryChesed 2 года назад
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus through the will of God, to the saints that are at Ephesus, and the faithful in Christ Jesus: -Ephesians 1:1 The first half of Ephesians really seems to me that Paul is writing it to “the faithful in Christ Jesus”. When I see “in Christ Jesus”, I tend to see that as code for Jesus in heaven, whereas when we see “Jesus Christ” that was or will be Him on Earth. So, maybe that’s why it seems so odd when we directly and only apply what Paul says to currently living believers?
@terrymcclendon8715 2 года назад
totally waste of time!
@Gkdi872 2 года назад
@Gkdi872 2 года назад
Same technique used to raise money for some people - thus so many "perverted Bibles" promoted i the name of "were the only ones who can speak Greek kind of thing - so were better than everyone else" - careful you do not fall into the same situation. Read Revelation 22:18-19. This is the reason why we have so many "perverted Bibles" today. I would not want to be in anyone's shoes when faced by God about His Words.
@wayneburks5872 2 года назад
I don't understand your point. I don't read read greek and I understood this just by reading it in English. But I think I will try to learn to read greek. Thank you very much. I did give you a like.
@iggo45 2 года назад
In maths there is a way of verifying the result of a hand-made division or multiplication. By learning Greek, (easiest than riding a bicycle), is the same. You verify you didn't got scammed by translators. 😉😊💕🇬🇷
@barneytrubble 2 года назад
I can't think of specific examples, but I used to read the NIV a lot and would often find certain connections in English that I thought were amazing, until I later found out that the connections were not in the Greek or Hebrew texts and were simply based on how it was translated. Perhaps my English degree lets me down, as I'm used to seeing interesting connections with English words. I no longer read the NIV as much because I found I would often end up seeing really interesting connections in English that were not there in the original languages (I wonder if this is something to do with the NIV translation philosophy as it has happened a lot when reading it). I have now learned to double check Greek/Hebrew words before coming to a conclusion. My guess is that translators can be so focussed on ensuring that the English words reflect the original language, that they find it hard to forget the original language when reviewing the English text. Therefore they fail to see how an English text could be misinterpreted because they constantly have the Greek/Hebrew texts in mind when reading it in English.
@bma 2 года назад
This is the reason translations are best done in groups (“committees”) to critique and consider different ways of writing. At the end of the day, it really is impossible to create a single ideal translation. Thanks for your comments!
@matthewmencel5978 2 года назад
@@bma in this example, our friend is criticizing an actual committee based translations. So apparently, even some committee translations don't take into account how normies might interpret their work.
@ranitastallings6959 2 года назад
In comparison to the Septuagint, it is to my belief that the NIV keeps you earthly bounded; whereas the Septuagint embellishes the history of the origin and accuracy, (with regard to the ancient versions) of the Scriptures in heavenly places; from the version of the Law into Greek.
@ranitastallings6959 2 года назад
THE COMPANION BIBLE (THE AUTHORIZED Version OF 1611 KJV) with the Structure s and Critical, Explanatory, and Suggestive Notes and with 198 Appendix. Notes and appendix by E.W BULLINGER . It has an amount of information ( much of it hitherto inaccessible to the ordinary English reader in it's wide margins not to be found in any edition of the A.V. extant. It's position, in these respect, is unique.. It is called the Companion Bible because it is intended to be a Companion to the Text; and the whole is designed as the Companion of all readers. The 198 appendixes info such as : the seventy weeks, the 12 gates, the siege of Jerusalem, the Spiritual Significance of numbers, the Book of The Law, Persian Kings too much to mention . 198 Appendix. I purchased mine from Amazon around $90 in addition to the STRONG'S Concordance if the KJV. ( This book is a dictionary if the Bible, it take words back to their prime. For example, the word 'tree' has three different meanings and one is identified as Satan. The tree of knowledge as Ezekiel, God, and Jesus Matt 24:32 , Mk 37-40. Let us not lean to our own understanding. The Bible has been rewritten several times since then, mostly by the Kenites ( children of Cain), who were keeping the books (1 Chr2:55). They were the ones who are of the Synagogue of Satan. crept in unaware. They are among us today, Joshua took an oath ( Josh 2:17- 20) with them unbeknoweth to him. They are call the Nethinims... In the book of Ezra, they could not show their genealogy, the 8th chapter. The Kenites are the children if Cain Number 24:22... the fall angels. A member of the Canaanite tribe.
@ranitastallings6959 2 года назад
198 Appendixes
@eddieclayton1022 11 месяцев назад
in 382 Esubieus Jerome is the one that took the Hebrew text ‘ translated it into Latin , it’s a proven fact that the word was in Hebrew or at least the names of the father { YAHUAH } and his Son { YAHUSHA }
@strappedfatman7858 11 месяцев назад
Yahweh is from the Samaritans. John 4:22 Samaritans had their own temple! Within the region of Samaria, in the city of Sychar, was Jacob’s well. This was the location of Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman, who asked, “Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his livestock?” (John 4:12). Later in the conversation, she brought up a centuries-old controversy: “Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem” (verse 20). “This mountain” is a reference to Mount Gerizim in the central Samaritan highlands, the place where the Samaritans had built their own temple, which they considered the true temple of God. John 4:22 You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, because salvation begins with the Jews.
@hightechredneck3362 2 года назад
I see the problems, they are compounded for me since I read neither Hebrew or Greek. But by diligence, I have been able to dig a few things out. For instance, Genesis 22:8-- (KJV) "And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together." Many other translations say "God himself will provide the sacrifice." Subtle difference, but we could possibly see the major impact if we were take Genesis 22:8 and struggle with the concept. "And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself AS THE lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together." Here's another-- John 20:29-- "Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." However, reading a Greek-English interlinear, it comes closer to "Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not YET seen, and believed." This also meshes better with the whole concept of a personal encounter of Christ.
@peterkinberger9741 2 года назад
Consider the fact that Jesus was not a burnt offering, now what do you think after some deliberation ? I would be genuinely interested to know. He was not burnt at the cross nor is burning in store for him anywhere in the future. Maybe you could help me understand. Thank you !
@hightechredneck3362 2 года назад
@@peterkinberger9741 ​ @Peter Kinberger I cut and pasted the verse from the KJV. Other versions say "God will provide himself the sacrifice." No mention of burnt sacrifice. I tried to be brief, not bring multiple points. But I appreciate your question. The fact that the KJV says burnt offering may be an example of the translator interpreting from a cultural norm, the societal practices of the times. They may have filled in the gaps and went from" provide himself the sacrifice" to "provide himself the burnt offering."
@toomanymarys7355 2 года назад
The "himself" is there to substitute for grammatical markers that modern English lacks. It doesn't mean God will provide HIMSELF AS a sacrifice, rather that God HIMSELF (and no one else) will provide the sacrifice.
@toomanymarys7355 2 года назад
In the same way, the "yet" is to indicate a subtlety of verb tense that we don't have in English. We will all see Jesus at the Resurrection, but we have not seen him now in the flesh nor will we until then.
@jamesgarvey6224 2 года назад
St. Paul wrote to us WITH THE POWER AND INFLUENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT !! If Paul wrote it, that is what the Holy Spirit CAUSED him to write
@brainfocuslab9274 2 года назад
Very insightfull video. Thank you!
@thegoodtest 2 года назад
@Gavin Miller. "Why would Paul write in Greek?" Paul was: the "Apostle to the Gentiles". Obviously he was writing to Greek speaking people, so he would write to them in Greek.
@rdrift1879 2 года назад
Nothing wrong with the teaching here. Pretty standard for expository teachers. The headline is deliberately misleading, however. Click bait.
@rayhchc6451 2 года назад
Must admit, I also expected something more dramatic or controversial. The reason I believe so is because the title/headline wanted me to believe so 😉 That, indeed, amounts to click baiting‼️
@you-tell-me000 2 года назад
I enjoy your content, but the title implies malice
@fiddlerontheroof4942 2 года назад
How it is - Biblical Greek? Who spoke it? I mean, it is no more Biblical than English as it is also a translation from the real Biblical language - Hebrew. Or Aramaic for this matter. Jesus spoke Aramaic. And also, Paul and other Apostles had to invent new words because they did not have those terms in Greek. Yes, Greek helped to spread the Gospel, but it also was a source of all kind of predicament the Church gotten into ( antisemitism et cetera). To really understand what the disciples and the sent-ones meant, you need to learn the Holy language - Hebrew. Greek has never been a Holy language, sorry.
@mihailgae-draghici4864 2 года назад
Yeah, " Greek has NEVER been a Holy language " , B"H!
@brucecraig2934 2 года назад
The Greek is not the original, Hebrew and Aramaic are the originals. Every Greek translation has numerous errors. This is just one example: "Simon the leper." The original Aramaic is "Simon the jar maker." Only an handful of Scriptures translate the Aramaic to English correctly, and none of the Greek sources have the correct translation from the Aramaic, so that error in translation gets carried over into every English NT translated from any of the Greek sources.
@fiddlerontheroof4942 2 года назад
@mintyhanson7373 2 года назад
“Making up” a word sounds rather flippant. The gravity of sharing truth to Christ’s body ( in Pauls age as well as the the future generations) Would lead me to believe that the scriptures, as the divinely inspired word of God, does not need to be tweaked in “fun” . Don’t know the answer but my gut says that this is discrediting the fact that the Holy Spirit wrote the Bible and men penned it as they were led by HIM.
@NoahHornberger 2 года назад
After reading a whole book on the history on the Bible I can tell you that God chose Paul to write as his everyday self, that is creative and he was allowed to use his normal state of mind to write. Then those writings, being of such high quality and retaining the mark of the Spirit of God's holiness, were preserved and included in the bible because they did not disagree with anything doctrinal, and were good for teaching the good news. Our idea of 'Biblical inspiration" is wildly imaginary. These were regular men, with a passion for the Lord, doing his work in earnest, filled with the spirit, yet using their normal human lives to get the work done. The letters had a practical purpose and were sent to specific people to communicate specific messages. We are so blessed to have them to study! To take the letters out of their original context is to misunderstand what the Bible really is.
@edmitchell3863 2 года назад
What word did Paul make up??🤣🤣
@dealexander8457 2 года назад
If God wanted us to have the Bible in Greek or Hebrew then he would have preserved it in Greek and Hebrew. Get u a KING JAMES BIBLE leave it alone!
@dealexander8457 2 года назад
@Steven Kirchner u would be the fool to use sign language to evacuate a burning building. Are you so ignorant to think that God promised to preserve his WORDS and expect you to know them then turn around and and put them in a language that no one knows. U must have a college education. 1 Corinthians 1:20. &3:19
@kensmith8152 2 года назад
Martin Luther had to do the same when he translated the Bible to German. There were limits in German language to get a clear translation.
@beckyd3546 2 года назад
The biggest problem is that Paul was JEWISH and spoke and wrote his letters inHEBREW. Each word, each letter had a picture meaning as well. So even more nuances missed with the modern translation.
@mchevalier-seawell4438 2 года назад
Paul was probably at least bilingual. Maybe trilingual. Hebrew was the language of Hebrew scholars, Greek the language of government and markets, and then there was Roman, but I read that Greek was more the official language and besides Paul was from Tarshish,
@ragingoracle6239 Год назад
I thought Hebrew was the oldest version and the one that should ultimately be translating from.. Paul did write in greek did he?
@bma Год назад
Yes, Paul wrote in Greek - but the Hebrew OT was written well before Paul's time!
@spicehedge Год назад
Raised from the dead = awakened from a coma.
@repairerofthebreach777 2 года назад
Making up words!? Lol.. sun just means plus. Sintaxidiwtis.. co traveler
@repairerofthebreach777 2 года назад
Co rulers. Etc.. Paul didn't make these words ul
@bethanystevenson4508 2 года назад
What texts are used for this? Textus Receptus? Latin vulgate? Alexandrian texts?
@mihailgae-draghici4864 2 года назад
the 4th century!!!
@cboli9418 2 года назад
I’m sure the New Testament was first written in Hebrew so Greek is not conveying all the meaning.
@fiddlerontheroof4942 2 года назад
There is Delitzsch's Hebrew translation of the New Testament. Super interesting.
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