
Bravoland: Ons vir jou Suid-Afrika www.bravoland.co.za 

Karina de Jager
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Die Republiek van Bravoland, die kuberstaat vir die Boere-Afrikaner.
Bravoland het al verskeie saamtrekke en aksies bygewoon, onder andere:
1. 'n Besoek aan generaal C.R. de Wet se plaas, Cornelia, by Rooipoortdam naby Koppies,
2. die geboorte van Bravo01, die eerste lid van Bravoland se beeskudde,
3. die Bravoland Bivak Braai,
4. Pretoria Bly Pretoria-versetaksie, en
5. die Paardekraal Geloftefees 2007 waar van die klippe van die klipstapel weer onder die Paardekraal-Monument gepak is. In 1880 is hierdie klipstapel deur die Boere in Krugersdorp gepak as belofte aan mekaar dat hulle nie sal ophou veg totdat hulle hul vryheid herwin het nie. In 1901, in opdrag van Lord Roberts, is hierdie klippe in die Vaalrivier onder die treinbrug gegooi. Clive Derby Lewis het met behulp van polisieduikers van die klippe uitgeduik en toestemming aan die Paardekraal Verkenners gegee om dit terug te plaas.



8 янв 2008




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@voltanthorismund4286 11 лет назад
@TravelingTom1 7 лет назад
You have my support! Greatings from Norway
@looseheadprop19 15 лет назад
I just believe that there are so many people talking Afrikaans and being educated in Afrikaans that it doesn't need preserving! It's not even close to being a threatened language. We're doing just fine.
@karafuto1776 14 лет назад
Zeja good! Danki!
@MoreEvilThanYahweh 13 лет назад
Suid Afrika is best Africa!
@confusedagain 15 лет назад
Thanks for the free PR guys. Cheers! -Norwegian
@swissnor 16 лет назад
Dankie vir die Vid.
@X_85 15 лет назад
Karina,ek dank die Hemelse Vader vir jou. Jy kry dit elke keer reg om my weer aan te spoor om harder te probeer veg vir Afrikaans! Baie dankie! God seen elke Afrikaner,elke dag!
@lappimistras 15 лет назад
Sterkte, lieve Afrikaanse broers! Groeten van harte uit Polen!
@Xeferah 16 лет назад
I hope all of you in South Afrika manage to kick out all the criminals and put all those corrupt politicials in jail. It's time ALL the citizens in SA stand united for a better country and a better environment for everyone living in SA, black or white, red or yellow. United you shall be victorious (I hope). Work hard, all of you :-D
@Afrikanermeisie 16 лет назад
SA is facing a HUGE energy crisis and Afrikaners are leaving the country in their hundreds. But we will stay strong and fight for the country our ancesters bought at such a high price in the Anglo Boer War, 27 000 children and women died in concentration camps (of starvation, ill treatment and poor medical services). This is MY country, the Afrikaner and Afrikaans will survive! We will fight!
@SuperSlyFox89 12 лет назад
Wel maak gou, voor dat dit te laat is. Holland is die beste want die Afrikaaners kom daarvan.
@Afrikanermeisie 16 лет назад
Dankie dunnobe! Bravoland is 'n kuberstaat van die Boere-Afrikanervolk wat ontstaan het uit die Volk se versugting na vryheid. Besoek ons gerus by bravoland . co . za Die liedjie is gesing deur Bok van Blerk en Robbie Wessels en die titel is "Ons vir jou Suid-Afrika" dit kan afgelaai word by Rhythym Records.
@Gaiajohan 15 лет назад
Geweldig :). Oranje blanje blou!
@hoihallo9685 16 лет назад
really, really beatiful anthem!!!! let the boer state return
@Afrikanermeisie 16 лет назад
Baie dankie Xeferah, ons kan dit lees en verstaan. En baie dankie ook vir die ondersteuning, ons het dit dalk nou meer nodig as ooit. Vriendelike groete
@jeffjohnsonss3353 11 лет назад
Ik ben nooit in Zuid - Afrika geweest maar ik vind de geschiedenis van het land en van de Afrikaners machtig interessant. Ik ben nog jong en zal Zuid Afrika zeker een keer gaan bezoeken. Ik neem absoluut afstand van de apartheid, maar niet van de Afrikaners. Ik probeer me in te leven in de Afrikaners ookal wordt me dat denk ik door velen kwalijk genomen. PS: Wat is dat wat we zien op de foto's rond 03:00 ? Groet aan die Afrikaners vanuit Nederland!
@DutchTiger1981 9 лет назад
Mooi lied! Ga door met jullie strijd voor een onafhankelijke boeren staat!;-) Gr.uit Nederland
@vertxxgg 5 лет назад
ons vir jou Suid Africa 1985 2019
@Afrikanermeisie 16 лет назад
Good day Novice, here are a lot of proud white Afrikaans speaking Afrikaners left. This video was made about a month and a half ago.
@Xeferah 16 лет назад
Ons vir jou Suid-Afrika About the artist.... no idea, but it appears someone else listed it already :-) Other topic: Ik weet niet waarom, maar hoewel ik geen familie heb in Suid Afrika voel ik me wel verbonden met land. Mijn steun hebben jullie mensen ! Van een Nederlander :-D Ik hoop dat alle Afrikaners dit kunnen lezen :-D
@sgtunix 16 лет назад
Ek kom van Noorwëe en inderdaad dit lyk soos ons vlag, maar daai vlag se hoof kleur is oranje, ons vlag is rooi...
@uglyrage 16 лет назад
@swissnor 16 лет назад
Great vid.
@rodrigoleclercq7272 11 лет назад
Hallo vriende Afrikaner my groete aan jou en weet dat jy so meer as welkom om my land, Chili
@Afrikanermeisie 16 лет назад
Barbaartjie, Bravoland is op die oomblik virtueel, maar ons het groot planne vir hierdie jaar, ons poog om 'n maatskappy te stig en dan wil ons grond koop. Dit is egter nie so maklik nie, baie stappe sal moet gevolg word. Bravoland bestaan nou eers 9 maande en in hierdie tyd het ons alles in plek gekry en die groeipyne uitgesorteer, nou kan ons begin werk!
@karafuto1776 14 лет назад
Danke! Ich habe Gänsehaut beim hören dieses Liedes. Danke!
@Denniesz 15 лет назад
Mooi lied! :)
@hoihallo9685 15 лет назад
dat zijn der wel meer ja!
@Afrikanermeisie 16 лет назад
dan die interessantste deel van ons geskiedenis vir my is waar die Groot Trek begin het in die 1830's en Bloedrivier 1838, Piet Retief 1838, Majuba 1881, Eerste Vryheidsoorlog, Anglo-Boereoorlog 1899 - 1902, konsentrasiekampe, De la Rey, De Wet, Paul Kruger... Al die inligting is op Wikipedia beskikbaar.
@ctcoet 15 лет назад
I dont agree with looseheadprop19. Thanks a milion for trying to learn Afrikaans, and if you need any help, i will be more than happy to help! Our old motto was "eendrag maak mag" (unity is power). if we unite with people like you we can be go far!
@dunnobe 16 лет назад
Mooie video & muziek. Wat is Bravoland? Een liedje van Bok van Blerk? Wat is de naam van de zanger en de titel van het liedje? Dank u!
@Afrikanermeisie 16 лет назад
Bravoland's flag is called the Triumph flag, it is similar to the flag of Norway, but the colours are different and the measurements are also different. It was designed by someone living in Pretoria (South Africa). This song is actually about rugby, but it is bases on the South African Anthem, we will live, we will die, for you our country SA. But it has a very patriotic feel about it, so I implemented it in a different way - the patriotic way.
@rynhardtvanrensburg2187 5 лет назад
Vierkleur is die vlag van die Boermense en nie van afrikaners nie!
@mashalx2 16 лет назад
excellent vid.but what is bravoland?
@Baltvilks 16 лет назад
Go Boer, Go! I salute that flag!
@Freeseselj 15 лет назад
Please God!
@KL437 15 лет назад
I'm American. Mother is British. I had two great uncles kileed in the Boer war. Sad. At any rate. I am trying to learn Afrikaans. i think it is a strong language that should be preserved. Any thoughts?
@Afrikanermeisie 16 лет назад
Bravoland is op die oomblik nog 'n kuberstaat op die internet, maar ons het baie saamtrekke en woon baie Volksdae by, die volgende een is Majuba! Jy kan Bravoland besoek by ww w. bravoland . co . za
@karafuto1776 14 лет назад
wunderbar! was ist das für ein lied? wer singt?
@hendrikdevries9540 10 лет назад
@QNN Who says that's the Norwegian vlag?
@KrzysztofSilesia 16 лет назад
Artists: Bok van Blerk & Robbie Wessels Title yhhh I don't know. I'm so sorry mate! Cheers!
@Afrikanermeisie 16 лет назад
Hallo Hein, jy moet nou eers help, na watter oorwinnigsvlag is jy op soek? In hierdie video is net die Republiekvlag (Ou SA) Vrystaatse en Transvaalse Virekleure en die Triomfvlag (Bravoland se vlag "die oranje en blou kruisvlag")??? Watter een soek jy?
@davidszkandera8327 10 лет назад
Her admiration you Boers Boers admire you and pray at you it
@sgtunix 16 лет назад
Ek hou van interessante tale om te leer. Ek praat reeds engels, noors en duits. Maar die belangrikste rede is dat ek bly en werk in Stellenbosch en dit is 'n baie afrikaanse plek. My 15 kollegas is almal afrikaners en hulle verkies om afrikaans te praat. Ek het vir hulle gesê dat ek moet meer afrikaans praat! Lekker dag verder!
@Afrikanermeisie 16 лет назад
Jou Afrikaans is baie goed! Ek ken nie die N-VA nie, maar ek het al baie oor Vlaams Belang gelees. Ek is nou 24, amper 25. Die Afrikaner het 'n baie ryk geskiedenis, daar is verskillende tye vandat Jan van Riebeeck aan die Kaap geland het en hulle vestiging aan die Kaap en...
@dallanaat1001 11 лет назад
Similar thing can be asked about the flags of Romania and Chad,also Lithuania and Myanmar, Indonesia and Monaco.You must actually be happy about it,it shows that the people of Bravoland likes the concept of the Norwegian flag.
@Prussiaaccount 13 лет назад
0:25 Very similar to the Norwegian flag :D
@happymark1805 13 лет назад
@shuttlecorp onzin, het is gewoon oud Nederlands, door de jaren meer een eigen dialect geworden, maar nog steeds van Nederlandse oorsprong.
@nwofoe2866 4 года назад
@hoihallo9685 15 лет назад
niet er waren toch maar 2 boeren staten?
@dallanaat1001 11 лет назад
I am sorry but this flag does not "promote apartheid".It is used to promote Afrikaner nationalism and patriotism.The British did not complain about the Americans taking the British East India Company flag and placing stars in the place of the small British flag.So why must you?
@eduardobraivein8496 5 лет назад
dalla naat Greetings from Israel.
@manq211 14 лет назад
@multimediaperson why are you using my country's flag?
@PS2djX 11 лет назад
prinzevlaag ?!
@6904011 12 лет назад
Suid Afrika bly mar tops!!! Ons almal is "Boere" mens kan "Boere" van twee redenaasies bekyk, Ek is trots om n Boer te wees!!!
@looseheadprop19 15 лет назад
Ek stry nie teen die geskiedkundige bande tussen die Hollanders en die Afrikaners nie. Ek is ook bewus van Holland se steun in die Boere Oorlog, maar al wat ek wil se as dat daar nie nou 'n oorlog is nie. Ons het nie hulp nodig nie. Ten spyte van die ANC regering se vergrype doen meeste Afrikaners beter as ooit.
@looseheadprop19 15 лет назад
At no point did I deny our Dutch origin. I'm quite proud of it in fact. But there are a large number of Afrikaners who are of German, French or even British descent. I'm just saying that Afrikaners should be proud of being African. Secondly I do appreciate the Dutch support but I don't agree with some pessimistic Afrikaners who are convinced there is something we need help with! I have a big problem with one or two racist Dutch comments when they don't understand the dynamics of our society.
@PS2djX 11 лет назад
rhodezya ?!
@norwegianbaptist 11 лет назад
die 'triomfvalg bravoland' lyk 'n bietjie soos die Noorse vlag! (Ek is Noors)
@hoihallo9685 15 лет назад
wel grappig dat we mekaar gewoon verstaan, alleeen woorden die na dat zuid-afrika niet meer nederlands was zijn gekomen zijn anders. p.s. ze hebben die vlag megenomen naar de spar, das wel grappig.
@Pinard7 9 лет назад
The flag used by the author of this video is using the flag created & adopted by the Bravoland web community based on preserving Afrikaans culture. It is not a Norwegian flag as the Norwegian flag is red not orange as is the flag of Bravoland. This Scandinavian Cross style flag is not as odd a selection as some might think as a number of Boers are in fact descended from Danish roots [ like Louis Trichardt ] - or at the very least from folks who were originally from Denmark [ such as those who bear the van Tonder surname ] before being taken by the VOC to the Cape. It could even be more representative of Boer roots than the red / white & blue tricolor - seeing as how the Boers do not have as much outright Dutch ancestors as we were often misled to think because the specific ancestors of the Boers are actually mostly from the north western areas of where the modern German state is today - not from the actual Dutch ethnic group of the Netherlands. This is because the VOC were trying to get rid of their ethnic minorities when they sent out the VOC servants to the Cape in the mid 17th cent. One thing I would caution on strongly is that the Boers are not Afrikaners as the term Afrikaner is simply a political term that was used from the late 19th cent. to denote a local pan White ideology that had as its aim the dispossession of the Boer people / nation because the Boer people are a MINORITY under the Afrikaner designation seeing as how the Cape Dutch descendents are LARGER than the Boer group. A lot of people cling to the Afrikaner term insisting that many Boers called themselves Afrikaners long before the 20th cent. BUT what they often fail to factor into the equation is that the Cape Dutch NEVER called themselves Afrikaners before 1875 [ when they suddenly usurped the term for POLITICAL purposes ] since they NEVER considered themselves to be Africans part of Africa & have always look to Europe & were loyal to the Colonial powers no matter who they were whether they were British or Dutch. The Cape Dutch intellectuals like S J Du Toit & Gideon Malherbe were smart to usurp the term Afrikaner because it was already a term that the Boers were familiar with seeing as how they often considered themselves African which was the context on how the Boers used the term. THEY NEVER IMPLIED or ever suggested that they were the "same" as or part of the estranged Cape Dutch since the Cape Dutch never even used the term Afrikaner until 1875. AND they only usurped the term Afrikaner because they were trying to build a pan Afrikaans & even a pan White "nationality" [ you cannot artificially create a nationality ] in order to dispossess the Boers' of their independence in their Boer Republics to the north in order to claim access to the gold & diamonds that were discovered a few years earlier. [ noted by local Transvaal Republic resident author C H Thomas in 1900. ] Professor Wallace Mills notes that the Boers of the frontier saw themselves as DIFFERENT form the Cape Dutch of the then Western Cape region where the Cape Dutch coalesced into a group at a time when the Boers were emerging on the Cape frontier [ circa 1700s ] & becoming an independent oriented people who cut all ties to Europe unlike the Cape Dutch who remained close to & connected to Europe. This fact is still relevant to this day as the Cape Dutch OUTNUMBER the Boers under the dispossessing Afrikaner designation & control finance & the levers of power. The Boer people have been struggling for freedom & self determination ever since their Boer Republics were conquered. As noted with the Maritz Rebellion of 1914 / then the movement of the 1940s supported notably by the Ossewa Brandwag / then the movement started by Randburg founder Robert van Tonder of 1961. etc. The Boers were stopped from restoring the Boer Republics during the 1940s by the Afrikaner establishment [ further evidence that Boers cannot use the term Afrikaner to describe themselves since the folks who control the Afrikaner designation organize AGAINST them ] & both D F Malan & Jan Smuts [ both from the Cape Dutch people not from the Boers despite Smut's participation on the Boer side during the war & despite Malan's tepid attempt as part of the 1919 delegation ] joined forces to STOP the Boers from restoring the Boer Republics. Prime Minister Hans Strijdom was the first Boer to run South Africa since Louis Botha & then mysteriously died in office [ being the shortest serving Prime Minister of South Africa ] just a few months after writing & proclaiming that "the only solution to the southern tip's problems is to restore the Boer Republics". [ as noted by Boervolk Radio founder Theuns Cloete who had brief access to a book noting this assertion on the part of Strijdom. ] Which sent shock waves through the Afrikaner & British establishment [ which controlled the Afrikaner establishment ]. Remember also that the Cape Dutch were pro British during the 19th cent. [ Cecil Rhodes and The Cape Afrikaners by Mordechai Tamarkin. ] & only feigned anti-British sentiment after the Jameson Raid in order to further their control over the destiny of the Boer Nation. During the 19th cent. The ideology of the Afrikaner Bond political party of the Cape was gaining traction among some prominent Boers like F W Reitz [ who belonged to it ] but most Boers rejected any association with the Bond & both President Paul Kruger of the ZAR & President Marthinus Steyn of the OVS rebuffed the overtures of the Afrikaner Bond. Kruger in particular did not want too many Cape Dutch coming to the ZAR as he felt they were too pro British or strongly influenced by the British. The ideology of the bond later found its way into the Afrikaner Broederbond thus cementing the dispossession of the Boer people & their inherent right to self determination. Since by the time the National Party [ the Broederbond's open political tentacle ] rose to power: Smut's childhood friend D F Malan was leading the entire White Afrikaans speaking macro population onto a path that led directly to the Afrikaner subjugation of the Boer Nation. This Afrikaner subjugation of the Boer people is still going strong to this day as the Afrikaans mainstream press always propagates strongly against the Boer people & their inherent right to self determination. All those Boers who go along with consenting to the erroneous notion that they belong to or are part of the Cape Dutch Afrikaners are destroying any hope that they can ever safeguard their people & culture because the Afrikaner establishment works hand in glove with the ANC & the macro elite in general to MAINTAIN the status quo. Sanlam alone gives lots of money just to the ANC alone. The only way the Boers can get out of the current subjugation that they are under is to reassert their independence especially from the so called Afrikaners who simply USURPED the term Afrikaners in the first place just to establish an illegitimate control over the smaller & historically independent oriented Boer people / nation. Remember that it was the Boer people who established republics on the Cape frontier in 1795 in opposition to Dutch / VOC rule while the Cape Dutch did not & were quite happy with Dutch rule. It was the ancestors of the Boer people that left the Colonial Cape in the late 17th cent [ just a few decades after the arrival of van Riebeeck ] to trek into the Cape frontier as Trekboers & continued to do so all through the 1700s as they chaffed the most under the autocratic VOC rule. It was these descendents who later left on the Great Trek during the 19th cent to escape British Colonialism to found more Boer Republics while the Cape Dutch were once against quite content with Colonial rule as per usual. The Cape Dutch opposed the Boers so much that they actually assisted the British during the second Anglo-Boer War & helped to round Boers up into the British concentration camps so it perplexes me why any self respecting Boer would want anything to do with the Afrikaners particularly the Cape Dutch group. The term Afrikaner is thus compromised because of this because the decision making power will naturally rest with the Cape Dutch segment & its leadership in particular.
@ermeloer 16 лет назад
ek will net se ek is mal oor dit en of ek kan vra of jy dit in engels kan verduidelik want my man is engels en hou baie van ons geskiedenis hy maak al die oorlog goed bymekaar en lees alles wat hy kan
@hoihallo9685 15 лет назад
en transvaal met oranje randje
@llareek 16 лет назад
norwegian flag is red, not orange
@jeffjohnsonss3353 11 лет назад
Ik zou ook willen dat Nederland jullie zou ondersteunen, maar laten we eerlijk zijn dat gaat niet meer gebeuren. In iedergeval niet door de staat, natuurlijk zullen er wel individuen zijn die zich geroepen voelen.
@MegaSwissWatch 11 лет назад
teach me afrikaans :(
@happymark1805 13 лет назад
@GrootHolland1572 - Wij vergeten nooit onze landsgenoten ook al zijn ze nog zo ver weg
@ZanH0 11 лет назад
And that's all the help world gives to those farmers, killed by hate crimes world wont tolerate, but somehow they tolerate south african whites dying.
@Afrikanermeisie 16 лет назад
Ons laat maak gewoonlik die Triomfvlag by Flag Factory in die Kaap, maar dit is baie duur, dit wissel so van R375 tot R500. Ek het geen idee waar mens Vrystaatvlae kan koop nie, dalk by die Voortrekkermonument in Pretoria, Vierkleure is maklik om te kry, maar die ander vlae is skaars.
@neitilinvandring 16 лет назад
Absolutely no link what so ever! They are Dutch immigrants that think they are Africans. We have the same problem with African immigrants in Norway.
@w.c.b1573 11 лет назад
Jeg ar Nederlandsk og snaker liten Norsk. Ek skryf nie so goed Afrikaans nie, maar jy vertaan ook Nederlands? Hilse!
@Afrikanermeisie 16 лет назад
Jy is doodreg, 'n virtuele Volkstaat. Ek wens julle alle sterkte toe met Vlaamse Belang! Mag julle onafhanklikheid verkry!
@modesthorse 15 лет назад
no idea waht the heck this is?
@ctcoet 15 лет назад
Moet nie praat vir ons almal nie! Het jy vergeet EENDRAG MAAK MAG? saam met Holland, kan ons baie meer verder kom! YOU DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE IF YOU DONT KNOW WHO YOU HAVE BEEN!!!
@hoihallo9685 15 лет назад
nog wat: op 2.16 zie ik allemaal vlaggen: de nederlandse, de prinsevlag, de transvaal vlag, de oranje vrijstaat, de natal, nog een transvaal, en een transvaal met niet de nederlandse maar met de vlag van het duitse keizerrijk (zwart, wit, rood) en een transvaal met een kwart gedraaide italiaansche vlag er in. waarom die laatste 2?
@karafuto1776 14 лет назад
Ein schönes lied, danke. Ich verstehe dich ganz gut. Politische Correctheit ist die pest unserer zeit. Aber die wirklichkeit wird uns einholen hier bei uns in Europa. Ich sehe die zukunft in 10, 15, 20jaren sehr tragisch. Was denkst du davon?
@dunnobe 16 лет назад
Ek is ni vir die Vlaams Belang ni. Ek het vir N-VA (Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie)gestem. Vlaams Belang is 'n bietjie rasistis & ek is ni lief vir rasisme ni. Ons het wel dieselfde doel. Ok, ek het my best gedaan om 'n bietjie Afrikaans te skryf. Zo, wat vind jij van mijn Afrikaans? Een beetje goed? Hoe oud ben jij Afrikanermeisie? (how old are you?) Weet jij waar ik over Zuid-Afrika en Afrikanercultuur/geschiedenis kan lezen?
@looseheadprop19 15 лет назад
Alhoewel ons die ondersteuning van die Hollandse mense waardeer, wil ek dit net duidelik maak dat die Afrikaners hulle self heeltemal geskei het van die Hollanders toe ons honderde jare gelede on self Afrikanders begin noem het. Ons is NIE Europeers nie en ons is NIE Hollanders nie. Enige Afrikaner wat anderste dink besef nie wat die term "Afrikaner" beteken nie.
@mashalx2 16 лет назад
excellent vid.but what is bravoland?
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