
Bride of Christ: “His word: an ornament to grace your neck” 

Christ’s Prodigal Daughter
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The Lord has impressed upon me, strongly, to share the importance of knowing His truth, by abiding in His word: remembering His commandments.
This word is related to the previous dream shared about the three arches and the flood.
His word is our rock! It can only be a rock if we know it well.



29 сен 2024




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@sister.catherine14 6 месяцев назад
Dearest sister, yes, we should meditate on what we read in the Scriptures. May I tell you what the Lord taught me as one of the first things? Many see the Passion of the Lord mentioned only in Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53, but if we change "he" to capitalized "He" and read carefully, we discover that David was not only a king, but also a prophet because in almost all psalms are verses about Jesus! But it is not only in the psalms that our Lord's passion is described. Sometimes events are also predictions for the future. We read at the death of Absalom: (2 Sam:18) that Absalom rode on a donkey... (A prince on a donkey?) His head got stuck in branches... (Jesus with a crown of thorns) He stayed stuck in the tree between heaven and earth... (Jesus hung on the wooden cross - the tree of life - between heaven and earth) in verse 11 there is mention of pieces of silver and Joab pierced the king's son with three spears. (The Son of God was nailed to the cross with three nails) and to top it off ; David wept as if Absalom were his only son. (They call these kinds of predictive events in the Bible typology and actually, when I realized that I saw many of them! In this day and age, many contradictions are indeed posted on the Internet. Whole discussions about who the Bride of Christ is. Some say the Church, but that is the Body of Christ. Others say it is the Holy Spirit and call Him a She. But the Holy Spirit is male, because He impregnated Mary with Jesus. And why would Jesus marry the Holy Spirit or all woman, man and children? We known the Holy Spirit is Wisdom, but because the Bride of Christ has received the Holy Spirit, she bears also the name 'Wisdom'. A text in which this becomes clear, that Wisdom is also a woman and a person, is found in Proverbs 8 ; such as verse 3-4 : She cried at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors. Unto you, O men, I call ; and my voice is to the sons of man… and then a speech follows. The book of Wisdom is the book that Solomon wrote. The king who was known for his wisdom. The book has been removed from the KJV, but contains verses about the Bride and about the rapture. It is an important book ; Wisdom 7 : 22-23 In her is a Spirit that is wise, holy, unique, versatile, subtle, mobile, penetrating, spotless, clear, invulnerable, mindful of good, sagacious, irresistible, beneficent, humane, steadfast, unwavering, unconcerned, all-powerful, all-seeing, pervading all minds, how wise, pure and subtle they also may be. Wisdom 8 : 4 She has been initiated into God's knowledge and she is a sharer in his works. - Some believe that Jesus' bride is the Heavenly Jerusalem and forget to read the word AS. So one of her names is also Zion. Is she really a woman of flesh and blood? - Isaiah 54 : 5-6 ‘He who made you is your husband, the Lord Almighty is his name, and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel, who is called the God of all the earth. You were a rejected and distressed woman when the Lord called you; Does a man put away the wife of his youth? says your God.’ She has several names; Jeremiah 33 : 16 Jerusalem will dwell safely. And this is the name by which SHE will be called: “The Lord our righteousness.” Jeremiah 23 : 6 And this is his name wereby HE shall be called: “The Lord our righteousness.” Hosea 2 : 21-22 ‘I take you as my Bride forever, as my Bride in justice and in righteousness, in goodness and compassion, as my Bride in faithfulness.’ Psalm 45 : 14 She shall be brought unto the King in raiment of needlework. The virgins her companions that follow her shall be brought unto Thee. - And why do we read 'Bride of the Lamb' and not the Bride of Jesus? 🤔Because it means that she follows in his footsteps for sacrifices ; Revelation 19:7-8 Let us rejoice and be glad and give glory to Him! The time has come for the marriage of the Lamb, his Bride has already prepared herself. She is permitted to dress in linen, white and spotless, for the linen symbolizes the good deeds of the saints. Song of songs 6 : 9 Like my Dove, like she there is only one… Our Lord is so in love with her and yet some write that she is a whore. Why? Because they read on and don't ask the Lord if it is right what they think. Would the Lord choose for himself a woman who is a whore? A whore as the mother of his firstborn Firstborn? - Isaiah 54:1 Salvation to Jerusalem : Shout for joy, O barren woman who has never given birth! - What happens when a groom and a bride are married? They unite : Rev:12:1-6 These verses tell us that she will give birth to a son on earth. As soon as the firstborn is born, she is taken to safety and the firstborn to God and his throne. Why does she give birth on earth and not on the Holy Mountain, the place where the raptured Christians are located? .... (Psalm 50: 2-6 From Zion, that pearl of beauty, God has appeared in splendor. Our God will come and break the silence; consuming fire goes before Him, around Him the storms rage. The sky above and also the earth He calls for judgment on His people: “Gather my faithful ones”... And heaven declares, “Justice is He, God himself is the judge.” ) .... Because it is her duty to fulfill prophecies. Does she then come back to earth from the Heavenly Jerusalem, from the place called the Holy Mountain? Yes, and she will appear to the bridesmaids and groomsmen left behind during the Great Tribulation (Mtt 25: 1-13) - Appear as a spirit? No. As a woman of flesh and blood, as Jesus appeared in a glorified body after his resurrection and until his ascension. Wow, what revelations the Lord shares with those who love Him! The Lord's coronation and His marriage to His chosen Bride takes place on the Holy Mountain, the Heavenly Jerusalem and not on earth. Many think that our King is already king, but He still needs to be crowned : Song of Songs 3:11 Daughters of Jerusalem, come out, daughters of Zion, go out to meet the King. HE WEARS THE CROWN WITH WHICH HIS MOTHER CROWNED HIM ON THE DAY OF HIS MARRIAGE, the day of the joy of His heart… The typology of this is that: King David also had to wait years for his crown... Jesus is the New Adam and she is the New Eve (and they are NOT the two witnesses in the Book of Revelation - a new strong deception in this days) And like Adam and Eve, they will provide offspring. That is why we also find verses about the daughters of Zion! Jesus is the only one who shall have children during the Millennial Kingdom in the HEAVENLY Jerusalem. His people, during that time, are like the angels in heaven: Mark 12:25 'When people rise from the dead, they no longer live as married people. Then they live like the angels in heaven.' 1 Corinthians 51-52 And now I tell you a mystery: We shall not all die, but we shall all be changed, suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will rise incorruption, and we will be changed. 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, then God will bring along with him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus. And this we can tell you according to a word from the Lord: We who are alive until the coming of the Lord will in no way precede those who have fallen asleep. For when the command is given, when the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God sound, then the Lord himself will descend from heaven, and the dead who are in Christ will rise first; then we who are still alive will be caught up together with them in the twinkling of an eye in the clouds of the air to meet the Lord. - What a time we live in! God's bless, sister!💝🙏