
Can a woman serve as president of the Southern Baptist Convention? - Albert Mohler | Ask Anything 

Southern Seminary
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Watch full episode here: • Albert Mohler - Ask An...
Albert Mohler, president of Southern Seminary answers questions covering a wide a range of topics from theology, parenting, ethics, ministry, and more.



30 май 2019




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@coleymoke6709 3 года назад
Albert Mohler is a smart man, which is not to be confused with being a wise man.
@torbreww 4 года назад
The local church is the church. A convention of pastors is also the church. So the same teaching applies to both unless we think the biblical definition of church is something different.
@SAOProductions1955 4 года назад
It seems to me, an outsider to the SBC that, what made Dr. Mohler a man for his time when he almost single handedly saved Southern Seminary, is now repeating those same sorts of errors he fought so hard against with unwavering devotion to the sifficiency of Scripture and their power to effect Godly change. Seems he has forgotten all that.
@KristiLEvans1 4 года назад
🥺 WHAT happened to Albert Mohler’s boldness??
@BugattianVeyronian 4 года назад
It's long gone. That's why he parted ways with J Mac and GCC.
@unclebrayn 4 года назад
What did he say wrong? He is just trying to be clear
@KristiLEvans1 3 года назад
@@unclebrayn lol. He sounds like a politician. Yes? Or, no? President of the SBC? Yes, he says we can have a woman at the top. *Pastor*? He immediately equivocates like a politician caught in a whorehouse. No. That is not “being clear”. Yes? Or... No?
@KristiLEvans1 3 года назад
@@unclebrayn in no known universe is that answer considered “clear”.
@KristiLEvans1 3 года назад
@@unclebrayn I’m old enough to remember the Al Mohler of the ‘early 90’s. This man is not the man we saw 30 years ago. He apparently hid who he was.
@WalkingInTruthMinistry 4 года назад
Al has fallen into the realm of politics. His speaking abilities are great but he does not speak biblically with boldness nor respond questions with direct and clear answers. He dances around the issues trying to appease all sides. Once a favorite of mine, so sad.
@hotice8885 3 года назад
Do not fail to PRAY over Him, using God's logic and priorities, rather than your own!
@livnonord1502 4 года назад
Shabbat Shalom! Saturday, April 11th, 202🥝. Shabbat Shalom! Hi Southern Baptist Convention, how are you? How about If the leader can teach better than preaching is that and acceptable way to deliver the Goodnews? [ Part 2. ] I have a question.... is all your churches streaming online currently or do you know? Luvienne Nonord
@-Red-Beard- 3 года назад
Fast forward to Sep 2020 and the SBC is being “redefined”. Convenient
@rosariomarlon5430 4 года назад
Just say YES or No... With your experience and knowledge, you should know better... Unless...
@jasonsmith3202 3 года назад
They can't, because they're type of people Bible warned about. Romans 16:17-19 ~ I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.
@WexyFlex 3 года назад
What took Paul two verses to say, it takes this man a whole page and many loopholes.
@examinetheLAW 4 года назад
YES! or NO!
@WexyFlex 3 года назад
A body of believers are the church and should be ran as one. I've worked in Christian organizations and for whatever reason people start to divorce themselves from scripture when it's not in a Sunday "church " building. Scripture has everything we need to guide us in righteousness.
@howfararewenow1683 4 года назад
So what you are saying Al is that the constitutional responsibilities say YES but the "function" says NO...which means maybe the constitution should be changed to reflect reality??? Many things in the SBC are one way on the books but another way off the books. The SBC website says that they do not take a definite stance on divorced individuals in leadership, yet you'll never see one because the SBC will kick the church right out if it happens.
@josephscala6707 4 года назад
This is what you god said: Timothy 2:11-12. A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. 45 minutes ago
@claudiacanales2662 2 года назад
A strong “YES!” to open his other remarks would have been appreciated. Dancing around the answer makes me think his true response is “NO!”
@andrewcoleman77 4 года назад
Hey Dr Mohler! Love you very much and appreciate you and all that you stand for. Super practical question... Why don't you look into the camera when making these videos? It seems just a tad awkward for you to be looking above the camera. Might make it slightly more impactful for those happening to be watching instead of merely listening. Again -- thankful to God for you. Just watched again... perhaps they put two cameras in front of you and you were directed to look at the wrong one.
@stevendebernardi8291 3 года назад
An excellent Non-Christian response.
@classicmoviesgross114 5 лет назад
Also an King James Version Bible 1st Corinthians 11 chapter third verse 1st Corinthians 11 chapter 8th verse in the 9 V e RSE
@TheMistysFavs 4 года назад
WHAT are you talking about?? Sounds like "Who's on first" with Albert and Costello.
@classicmoviesgross114 4 года назад
If you read 1st Corinthians 11 chapter the third verse also the 8th verse that explains it
@4bitmultiplexer 2 года назад
Wickedness in plain sight...
@josephscottadams39 5 лет назад
Save you some time watching the video: No. So Beth Moore is out then? 😛
@bobbyrobby3600 5 лет назад
Beth Moore as a false teacher that should not be teaching over men or women.
@Caocao8888 3 года назад
Southern Baptists love traditions, especially as regard women, blacks, gays, tall people, short people…
@marlak1104 4 года назад
Spiritual and family leadership was designed by God to be male, not female.
@hotice8885 3 года назад
Yes, MA'AM!
@elusive4072 3 года назад
@benjamingilley9629 2 года назад
June 2022. That little yeast has grown.
@ldebrobander 4 года назад
This is rationalizing. Women should not be in a leadership role within the body of Christ, especially someone like Both Moore.
@livnonord1502 4 года назад
I fotgot to tell you that picture on your video cover looks so 😋:🎙😋💫sneaky
@robertrobbins5691 3 года назад
With all due respect, Beth Moore and her screeching needs to be addressed in a straightforward, no nonsense way. (Not with smugness like John MacArthur.) When I hear Beth Moore, I hear a Chi Omega who drank way too much caffeine - not a theologian. (My own smugness!) Beth needs to leave the SBC and make some more money with yet another book. SBC - stop tip-toeing around Beth.
@philippeters6994 2 года назад
She would make a grand president. Screeching?
@eric777100763 4 года назад
Short biblical answer no. They're men are to be in Authority in the church unless there is not a man that qualifies.
@chriscravens8318 4 года назад
His inability to give straight answers to questions is annoying at best, troubling at worst.
@brianmears3388 3 года назад
He's completely able to give straight answers but he does not want to.
@duncescotus2342 3 года назад
"Y'all" need bishops. Episkopos is not the same as Presbuteros.This problem is a major issue of ecclesiology. As it is you're following John Knox, not the Bible.
@thewanderingfisherman299 3 года назад
@alanrburt 4 года назад
@philippeters6994 2 года назад
Yes. Beth Moore ASAP!
@johnmathews2022 3 года назад
My question is why in this world would a woman want to be the president of the SBC? There are too many more important things a woman could do to serve others.
@philippeters6994 2 года назад
Such as?
@stevebaker4082 2 года назад
Guys good at dodgeball
@bobmac9070 3 года назад
It very simple NO…… it’s scripture what part of that don’t you understand?
@donnabennett6899 3 года назад
Have you left your strong biblical position? Rather sounds that way
@levipack3835 3 года назад
Where's John MacArthur when you need him?
@saxoncliff8099 3 года назад
If The Real Hard Core Fundamentalist Southern Baptists Had It Their Way Women Would Be Restricted To The Home.
@JohnSmith-ug5ci 5 лет назад
No, not and be biblical due to pastoral/preaching duties.
@cueoneful 4 года назад
So glad we left this Socialist / Marxist organization....along with 287,000 other True Believer's just last year. White Privilege.....Critical Race Theory......Countries without Borders.....Women Pastors....Gay Pastors......BLM......!!
@Pickup_man_1973 4 года назад
Early Church Fathers on Peter Being the First Bishop of the Church of Rome Clement Recognitions book 1 (27-97 ad) The epistle in which the same Clement, writing to James the Lord's brother, informs him of the death of Peter, and that he had left him his successor in his chair and teaching, and in which also the whole subject of church order is treated, I have not prefixed to this work, both because it is of later date, and because I have already translated and published it. But I do not think it out of place to explain here what in that letter will perhaps seem to some to be inconsistent. Since Linus and Cletus were bishops in the city of Rome before this Clement, how could Clement himself say that the chair of teaching was handed over to him by Peter? Now of this we have heard this explanation, that Linus and Cletus were indeed bishops in the city of Rome before Clement, but during the lifetime of Peter: that is, that they undertook the care of the episcopate, and that he fulfilled the office of apostleship; as is found also to have been the case at Caesarea, where, when he himself was present, he yet had Zacchaeus, ordained by himself, as bishop. And in this way both statements will appear to be true, both that these bishops are reckoned before Clement, and yet that Clement received the teacher's seat on the death of Peter. Tertullian Prescription Against Heretics ch 22 (160- 240 ad) Was anything withheld from the knowledge of Peter, who is called "the rock on which the church should be built," who also obtained "the keys of the kingdom of heaven," with the power of "loosing and binding in heaven and on earth?" Tertullian Prescription Against Heretics ch 32 (160- 240 ad) For it is evident that those men lived not so long ago,--in the reign of Antoninus for the most part,--and that they at first were believers in the doctrine of the Catholic Church, in the church of Rome under the episcopate of the blessed Eleutherus, the 13th Bishop of Rome until on account of their ever restless curiosity,with which they even infected the brethren, they were more than once expelle Tertullian The Prescription Against Heretics ch 32 [160-240 AD] "[T]his is the way in which the apostolic churches transmit their lists: like the church of the Smyrneans, which records that Polycarp was placed there by John, like the church of the Romans, where Clement was ordained by Peter" (Demurrer Against the Heretics 32:2 [A.D. 200]). Caius Fragment 2 AGAINST THE HERESY OF ARTEMON ch 1 (180-240 ad) For they say that all those of the first age, and the apostles themselves, both received and taught those things which these men now maintain; and that the truth of Gospel preaching was preserved until the times of Victor, who was the fourteenth bishop in Rome after Peter, Origen Commentary on the Gospel of John Book 5 par 3 (185-254 ad) And Peter, on whom Christ had to build his church, against which the gates of hell shall not prevail left only one epistle of acknowledged genuineness. Cyprian of Carthage Epistle 45 par 2 [200-270 AD] We," they say, "know that Cornelius, the twenty-first bishop of the most holy Catholic Church elected by Almighty God, and by Christ our Lord. We confess our error; we have suffered imposture; we were deceived by captious perfidy and loquacity. For although we seemed, as it were, to have held a kind of communion with a man who was a schismatic and a heretic, yet our mind was always sincere in the Church. For we are not ignorant that there is one God; that there is one Christ the Lord whom we have confessed, and one Holy Spirit; and that in the Catholic Church there ought to be one bishop." Cyprian of Carthage epistle 74 par 16 (200-270 ad) But what is the greatness of his error, and what the depth of his blindness, who says that remission of sins can be granted in the synagogues of heretics, and does not abide on the foundation of the one Church which was once based by Christ upon the rock, may be perceived from this, that Christ said to Peter alone, "Whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." And again, in the Gospel, when Christ breathed on the apostles alone, saying, remitted unto them, and whose soever sins ye retain they are retained." Therefore the power of remitting sins was given to the apostles, and to the churches which they, sent by Christ, established, and to the bishops who succeeded to them by vicarious ordination. But the enemies of the one Catholic Church in which we are, and the adversaries of us who have succeeded the apostles, asserting for themselves, in opposition to us, unlawful priesthoods, and setting up profane altars, what else are they than Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, profane with a like wickedness, and about to suffer the same punishments which they did, as well as those who agree with them, just as their partners and abettors perished with a like death to theirs? Cyprian of Carthage epistle 72 par 7 (200-270 ad) But it is manifest where and by whom remission of sins can be given; to wit, that which is given in baptism. For first of all the Lord gave that power to Peter, upon whom He built the Church, and whence He appointed and showed the source of unity--the power, namely, that whatsoever he loosed on earth should be loosed in heaven. And after the resurrection, also, He speaks to the apostles, saying, "As the Father hath sent me, even so I send you. And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and saith, unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost: whosoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whosoever sins ye retain, they are retained." Whence we perceive that only they who are set over the Church and established in the Gospel law, and in the ordinance of the Lord, are allowed to baptize and to give remission of sins; but that without, nothing can either be bound or loosed, where there is none who can either bind or loose anything. Cyprian of Carthage epistle 54 par 14 (200-270 ad) After such things as these, moreover, they still dare--a false bishop having been appointed for them by, heretics--to set sail and to bear letters from schismatic and profane persons to the throne of Peter, and to the chief church whence priestly unity takes its source; and not to consider that these were the Romans whose faith was praised in the preaching of the apostle, to whom faithlessness could have no access. Cyprian of Carthage Epistle 51 par 8 [200-270 AD] "Cornelius was made bishop by the decision of God and of his Christ, by the testimony of almost all the clergy, by the applause of the people then present, by the college of venerable priests and good men, at a time when no one had been made bishop before him-when the place of Pope Fabian, which is the place of Peter, the dignity of the sacerdotal chair, was vacant. Since it has been occupied both at the will of God and with the ratified consent of all of us, whoever now wishes to become bishop must do so outside. For he cannot have ecclesiastical rank who does not hold to the unity of the Church"
@dr.k.t.varughese3151 5 лет назад
Word of God equaly applies to men and women. Any person, whether woman or man who can comply to 1 corinthians 7 32 can be a Pastor who shall giv e first importance to Jesus. If one cannot give first importance to Jesus in accordance with 1 corinthians 7 :32 even if that person is a male Pastor, he can't do a very good job as Pastor. .
@bobbyrobby3600 5 лет назад
Everyone who gives first importance to Jesus will read the word and obey the word. Women cannot be pastors or teachers or men.
@dr.k.t.varughese3151 5 лет назад
@@bobbyrobby3600 But that type of everyone is not known, unless you mention some names.
@TheMistysFavs 4 года назад
@@dr.k.t.varughese3151 I am an "Everyone". The SBC is NOT an "everyone".
@PurplesparrowFlys 4 года назад
This a weak excuse to support woman serving as president of the SBC. Apparently Mohler does not have the spine to stand up to the liberal influence in the SBC. The next thing he will be saying it is Okay for women to preach. The leadership need to go back and study scripture.
@brianmears3388 3 года назад
He's part of the liberal influence. In fact, he's the perpetrator of it.
@scotthorton7786 5 лет назад
@carolbrock5798 4 года назад
ABSOLUTELY NOT. I DO NOT ALLOW A WOMAN TO TEACH OR EXERCISE AUTHORITY OVER A MAN. IS JESUS CHRIST BUILDING HIS CHURCH? My sheep hear My voice and I know them and they follow Me. Thus, The Lord has spoken!!!!
@ethanross8265 5 лет назад
“I don’t think biblically that a woman should serve in that role.” i call sexism on that! this man does so much jumping around it is absolutely ridiculous.
@TheMistysFavs 4 года назад
+Ethan Ross..Call "sexism" all you want to. Biblically, they are considered Bishops - who are "the husband of one wife". NO woman can be the "husband of one wife". Or do you not read the Bible like 90% of whoever says they're Christians?
@KristiLEvans1 4 года назад
Complimentarianism. Not “sexist”. If you aren’t a Biblical Christian, you probably shouldn’t comment.
@bachrattler4771 5 лет назад
But uh but uh but uh.
@atestring100 4 года назад
Anyone that has given a Lottie Moon offering believes in women preachers!
@leebrown1803 3 года назад
Lottie Moon WAS NOT a preacher! She was a missionary.
@classicmoviesgross114 5 лет назад
And the King James version Bible it is reading from the beginning from Genesis the second chapter vs21 22 23 in 24 is written how Jehovah God create a man first and then woman so that's how God has created it and it should be observed that way man is over woman like Jehovah God is over Jesus and Jesus is over the man a man is over woman
@TheMistysFavs 4 года назад
+classic movies gross --God is not over Jesus. The Godhead is EQUAL persons of ONE God.
@classicmoviesgross114 4 года назад
1st Corinthians 11 chapter 3rd verse explains the godhead also John 3:16
@1160cg 3 года назад
The Christian leaders need to have devotions in Ezekiel 34:1-10 and James 3:1-12. I don't trust Albert Mohler.
@btc23114 4 года назад
Such ignorance in this video. Ugh
@4bitmultiplexer 2 года назад
This is the exact reason why I did not subscribe to this channel. He is crafty and selective with his words...
@1SG1956 3 года назад
This guy should sell used cars.
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