
Can Reaper be Fixed? | Reaper Rework Idea 

Lain Hemingway
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26 сен 2024




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@SkullGuy207 4 месяца назад
I came up with a small idea for a rework for wraith. When you wraith, it makes a small blast of smoke that hinders enemy vision somehow, and maybe the smoke could follow him as he wraith.
@mysterioso2006 4 месяца назад
reaper is one of my old school pocket DPS picks, back when there were enough players on a team for multiple fights to be happening. this redesign makes him very risk reward and 'selfish' in a way that is cool. potential ideas: could shadow step basically work as a shorter-range, longer-cooldown version of Moira fade? and instead of disappearing, he turns into a cloud of smoke what if his new passive could only be used in 20% max HP increments, and the ability cant cause him to drop below 100 HP. if each 20% of missing health gives him, say, a 10% damage buff, he could walk out of spawn with only 100 HP and an extra 30% damage. sounds fun to me!
@mysterioso2006 4 месяца назад
I guess in that scenario he would have 120 hp and 30% extra damage :0
@eyezwollowcome166 4 месяца назад
Bro I always face this mercy pocketed reaper that generates ult on crack and has like 6k damage every 3 minutes
@bellingtoned 4 месяца назад
Have you done that and you have a ana nano boost you on the last point when everybody is there and they can't do shit about that? Cause that shit is better then crack
@Tiosedan 4 месяца назад
I can see the shotgun thing, letting him pepper enemys from afar. Though I must say that ult is quite forgetable and probably a nightmare to balance and code. I feel with only the wraith form change, shotgun change and maybe faster invulnerabilty on S-step he'd be golden.
@FreewaveFreeway 4 месяца назад
@jayjaygolden5123 4 месяца назад
nahhh the wraith form and shotgun change make him way too mechanically complex. no bueno. the lifesteal and dealing more dmg when low hp are good tho
@zacksmith3002 3 месяца назад
This was exactly what I was going to comment you didn’t mention the passive change as a pro or con but that stays in my opinion as-well.
@skrrrtsusman3450 4 месяца назад
Basically change wraith form into Androxus' Nether Step ability from Paladins, where he can do up to three dashes per cooldown, except he needs to do them within 1.25 seconds of the last one or it goes on cooldown immediately. I like that idea, but if it were me I would make it give 70% dmg reduction and displacement immunity, not full cc immunity, on top of your idea of making it cost hp for extra dashes that cap at three. I would say the instead of controlling each shotgun in each trigger he could leave a shadow trap on the ground that is very difficult to see for the enemy but glows for allies, and only if an enemy gets near it (to prevent immortal reaper bs) then he could recast the ability to teleport to it and maybe weaken the enemies caught in it making them deal less damage for like 2.5 seconds. As for the ult, i think death would be fine, if you could do the dashes mid ult or have it go through eat effects like Dva or Ligma suck. His og teleport could be maybe a shotgun amp to have them temporaily phase through barriers like the pellets themselves have wraithform.
@jackmcmorrow9397 2 месяца назад
THe thing that makes Reaper such a hard sell is how much he struggles against armor and other damage reducing abilities, since it impacts his shotguns per pellet. I think they should give him an ability where, for like 3 seconds, his shotguns completely ignore damage reducing abilities to let him break through armor or chunk down a fortified Orisa or Cardiac mauga or gas-huffing roadhog.
@Blu_Bear 4 месяца назад
I honestly just think that allowing Reaper to use shadow step while in wraith form would be great Give wraith form a reduced cooldown when it's used this way, similar to how Venture's drill dash cooldown is influenced by dig
@tamooz6649 4 месяца назад
It sounds cool I'd just imagine his ult with emp would be annoying 😂
@mysterioso2006 4 месяца назад
Well, it would be different from EMP in that the smoke trail is a visible area on the map that will give this effect if you touch it. he can probably get the ppl immediately fighting him, but flankers and supports could try to avoid it (or risk getting frightened)
@YellowScar2014 3 месяца назад
Before I watch this, I just wanna say all I think he needs is an improved spread like Hog got and a resource meter wraith to stay in a fight with. I don't like the idea of Reaper being a Tankbuster in 5v5, but I sure do love the idea of him being a pseudo-tank like Mei is.
@maeveliv2517 3 месяца назад
The main issue with reaper is the same as mauga, you cannot have life steal inna character who isnt meant to be consistent like moira, moira life steal is fine because contrary to what golds may tell you, moira isn't a dps and her goal is to tickle you and apply minor constant pressure onna target while healing or looking for flank opportunities on low hp targets (or if you're in gold, anyone who cant aim) So the issue with reaper and mauga is they're not supports and thus they need to fill certain dps and tank quotas, so as a dps they need burst dmg and kill potential and same with tanks, only tanks also need to be able to have midigation options that allow them to actually make choices, that's how you have a tank trade, thered actual options for how Winston or d.va use their midigation, hell even orisa has options, do you just straight up face tank with spinny spear or do you displace them or do you run away to reposition? Theres actual options while mauga and reaper are incentivized to walk at you and hold their fire buttons, if they look away or miss some shots its limiting them so the best play as reaper or mauga will always be to get in your face and simply just hold the kill button and if done successfully your opponent has no answer to it, so it's an all in play that takes all their options away and is miserable to be on the receiving end of a character that insta wins up close. Which is why life steal should not be a fuction in the game for anyone but supports, and even the one support who has it is very problimatic lol, so I would propose you shift the self heal to one of reapers abilities so he can separate his self heal from his dmg and actually have options, same with mauga. Otherwise theyll always be brain dead heros who just walk at you thus theyll never be allowed to be good above gold and theyll always be hated in gold and below, as we will soon find out after the devs think life steals his identity and his rework falls flat as it just overtunes his problimatic identity like what happen with sombra, hog and orisa 😂 but hey the devs gotta eventually figure out that adding bloat to a problimatic character isnt fixing them and rather is making their game worse right? Right?
@tau-5794 4 месяца назад
My own rework idea: 1. Tighten the spread of his shotguns so they can actually do some good damage at range, but lower their total damage per shot from 120 to 100 2. New ability on right click- concussion launchers: replace shotguns and pull out two grenade launchers with four shots in total, grenades fire quickly and explode on impact, have light knockback but do relatively low damage, like 30-40 impact and 30 blast 3. Increase passive healing when at critical health, but lower its base percentage, from current 35% to 25% and 50% at critical health 4. Allow shadow step's destination to be placed in a specific location within LOS, activating the ability a second time teleports you more quickly than current ability, functionally similar to pre-rework translocator just with LOS and range restrictions 5. Give death blossom an optional secondary mode activated by holding down primary fire, which concentrates the damage down a narrow, longer ranged cone shape, sacrificing area denial for range and damage These changes are mostly based on Reaper as he was in the OW cinematic trailer, with the grenade launchers and focusing death blossom, but I do think they could work pretty well as a rework, with the coming tank and armor changes the grenades would give him some ability to do decent burst damage to armor since his sheer weapon damage and tankbusting power is going down, but wouldn't actually be stronger than his primary fire outside of specific interactions like hitting a sniper outside of falloff range. The tighter shotgun spread would also allow him to duel lighter classes at medium range, and the small decrease to damage doesn't affect how well he fights them anyways.
@filipesimoes1343 4 месяца назад
Id like his tp to work close to how ventures Burrow works, except it would move Faster, go up walls and take more time to enter and leave, like on his normal tp
@4Saken__ 4 месяца назад
Neat ideas, I still think wraith form and shadow step should remain the same but buffed (remove the animation coldown for shadow step since it is REALLY outdated everyone elese with a teleport is instant and I'm sure it was only like that because it was the first true teleport) and increased speed for wraith form faster with a lower cooldown. For the ult maybe it can also have a "marked" effect similar(ish) to sombra where a marked target takes additional damage (10% to not ruin tanks fun even more, I am a tank main and it's rough rn) for x amount of time after the the actual smoke form is over and he can shoot again
@RunningShovel 4 месяца назад
I haven't played Overwatch since... Echo was added? But I still casually keep up with some content creators and Hero releases. It struck me in the intro that I had genuinely forgotten that Reaper was in the game. Mans got left behind hard 💀
@egorkey808 4 месяца назад
Another idea: Tighten shotguns spread, give in secondary fire greenades which will work like baps healing bombs, each shot eats 2 ammo, it deals 50 dmg total and making big smokescreen for 3 seconds, reapening lifesteal increase to 50% (dps passive bytw, its not scary to heal for 50 hp per shot at all) warith form use recourse meter with 4 second full length, there his speed can be decreased to 40 speed boost. full refill is 8-9 seconds. Tp just faster, quiter, longer and reloads ammo too. Ult can deal more damage for wider radius and longer time and bigger dps, plus can be focused in a narrow way for option, but self heal from ult can decrease from 50% back to 35/3-% lifesteal cuz of increased dps
@masonfoster7954 4 месяца назад
rework idea: tighten his shotguns to a pinpoint accurate shot. remove invulnerable wraith form and make it more like a roll type thing, replace teleport with a frame one hitscan projectile that resets ult charge and removes a random ability from a hero permanently, change his ult into cassidy’s high noon
@hellfrozenphoenix13 3 месяца назад
I commend the attempt, but I disagree with the vast majority of the ideas. The seperating fire idea is not s good idea imo, but maybe a right click with a CD that fires both at the same time, to add burst but forces him to take a little longer toccontinue firing. It could be used akin to how one uses Quick Melee. If it finishes off, good value but ir not, then its a DPS loss. The reworked wraith form sounds like a more limited Moira shift. I say give him more speed, shorter duration and give him flight for a few seconds during and after (5 total) that drops if he takes a hit Remove Shadow Step. With the above change, Wraith fills its role in an interactive way. To replace this, I was thinking a "Shadow Burst" from himself that heals him for like 50 or something baseline and attemlts to hit foes around him. If it lands, he heals for more. As for ultimate, I think it can still be fine but if not, then I say he marks a foe and turns invisible and inciperal for foes while the twrget does the same, and they both go to a "Shadow Realm" where they are forced jnto a 1v1 duel for like 6 seconds. If you are familiar with Mordeikaiser from League, its like that
@d3t3kt_ 4 месяца назад
I feel like reaper is kinda fine right now minus some number tweaking on his self heal and his teleport. On ladder he does well into heroes like soldier and tracer even up to GM, in owcs he could use just a little help into brawl maybe as a tracer alternative.
@prez.cookie980 4 месяца назад
Except, he sorta breaks every time a tank gets reworked. He's probably gonna choke again when the armor reworks drop. Giving him some type of TLC or independence would make him less of a balance issue
@4Saken__ 4 месяца назад
Reaper is in a dire spot rn for what he' "supposed" to be, the spread is way too large to be effective and his get out tools show their age when we have things like kiri teleporting to narnia and venture just going underground. Then there's reaper who's way too vulnerable on shadow step startup and shows basically a beacon as to where he's going and wraith form is simply too slow / short for it's worth given how close you need to be to be effective. His kit is basically plays like sombra without the invisibility or movement, hope you don't get spotted
@d3t3kt_ 4 месяца назад
@@4Saken__ what Im saying but idk if an insta teleport would be a good idea. Like yeah he could use it but it would also be super corny and feel terrible to counter play.
@Daniel__2005 4 месяца назад
He is absolute dog shit now, “he’s kinda fine” stop lying 🤣🤣
@mrminiature11 4 месяца назад
I think the rework that was rumored for him at the end of season 9 went to ball instead because tanks are in such a tough spot. Aside from Reaper sometimes being tough to play, he can just be boring.
@jayjaygolden5123 4 месяца назад
i dont love all your ideas here, but some of em are good. I think youre generally trying to add too much mechanical complexity to a hero whose gameplay identity consists in part of his simplicity.
@biggie6150 4 месяца назад
i got a better idea let's go back to 6v6 so we don't need to rework half the cast
@fullnelson4986 4 месяца назад
Real ass comment💯
@Zhohan- 4 месяца назад
It’s actually getting ridiculous how many rework videos I’ve seen pop up in the last few months. 5v5 has failed. The characters were fine.
@fidelcahflow8429 4 месяца назад
How does 6v6 fix reaper’s problems
@batatanna 4 месяца назад
Because he was fine for 6 years when the game was 6v6? ​@@fidelcahflow8429
@scumknight6074 4 месяца назад
More cover, more ult charge, less heal dependence, less focus, better opportunities to flank.
@ToddHowardWithAGun 4 месяца назад
The problem with having damage that scales inversely with health is that it makes the game more inconsistent. In general, pro players know damage thresholds and know exactly how much punishment they can take from an incoming character. Having reaper's damage vary wildly makes the game more random and thus less competitive.
@prez.cookie980 4 месяца назад
Others have suggested making the damage passive be incremental, therefore easier to predict
@filipesimoes1343 4 месяца назад
Id not switch The ult, but The rest is quite cool
@scumknight6074 4 месяца назад
Just give him a right click like old Roadhog.
@eliasnether4644 4 месяца назад
"only works in certaned situations" "only works in some metas" me a reaper player who goes for supports and have lots of fun youre rework would make him less susanable against squishies wich isnt fun. controlling his shotguns separatly with les damage and making him a worse dps mauga with shotguns and would make him LESS fun., changes to the wrath form making it shorter and would make him a WORSE flanker wich would be LESS fun. the changes to shadow step would make him more fun and actully add a anoter rescorce to spend a new ult? a NEW ULT? no just no deth dance is good and FUNNNNNNNNNN all in all id think this rework as a nett nerf of fun since if theres an strong hero who isnt fun to play then WHY PLAY EM so i can tell there was effort put in and the consept of the singular things arent bad but the way you describe it is that its less fun overall
@AntLeonardi01 4 месяца назад
Wrecking ball is the most left behind. Ow2 hero. But yeah reaper isn’t terrific.
@chrov 4 месяца назад
Cool ideas
@AntivenomOW 4 месяца назад
Awkward disproves all of this so easily lmao
@deenut5582 4 месяца назад
if overwatch reworked him they would give him a dash and nothing else
@fidelcahflow8429 4 месяца назад
I love reaper and he’s a lot of fun but every time he feels good in the meta he’s so boring to play because you just fight the tank all game
@CryoByte115 4 месяца назад
reaper, rein, tracer, The day That blizzard reworks overwatchs most iconic heroes because of 5v5, it will be the day the game dies.
@regooddevil 4 месяца назад
Braindead ult
@neogalactic1195 4 месяца назад
I say, get rid of the teleport, while yes it is a crucial part of his identity, it literally freezes you in place and I'm still of the opinion it has no place in the game. I say give him a shadow grenade that he can "cook" to have it detonate sooner after throwing, give it a reset on killing blows with some sort of internal cooldown so he can't keep spamming, let the grenades inflict a slow effect as well. This will allow him to poke as an option but his nice of being a tank buster would still be the best way to get damage in. Rework or change his wraith form, maybe give him some damage reduction instead of invuln but he can still attack in that form. Last give him another movement ability but i'm drawing a blank on how it would be designed
@aapakaanngua6549 4 месяца назад
go back to 6v6. easy. stop coping for 5v5.
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