

Julies WIDM
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Welcome to a new video! 😃
In this video, I present you Hints & Theories of Episode 4 of the Belgian "De Mol".
Who do you think could be a good mole? 😃
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30 июл 2024




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@rkapoor7533 Год назад
I assume the age of candidates is that of the moment of the recordings , they were in autumn 2022 i believe. If that is the case , it is likely Thomas was indeed born in 1980 , but he could be born in 1979 and have had his birthday in late 2022 becoming 43 years of age.
@julieswidm Год назад
Good point!
@emiliedekker9491 Год назад
Yes, the mole can get a red screen.
@thefuzzyoranges Год назад
Oh girl yes I'm ready to talk about this episode!!!!!! I have a lot of thoughts after this one, so hold on to your cowboy hats! Let's start in a what would be a normal starting position but is strange this week: the beginning. Like the 'last week on De Mol'/contestant overview beginning, before the episode even starts. There's a moment that's shown that was not in the episode last week, and that's after Conny leaves in the car. There's a brief shot of Thomas, head in hands, sad. Lieselot is in front of him, supporting him by grabbing his knee and looking at the other candidates sitting. Lancelot is next to Thomas, looking at him and clapping him on the back in support. Comfort is looking at Thomas. Leila and Ruben look back and forth between Thomas and Toos. And Toos? He's looking at Thomas' reaction with a smile on his face. His hand goes to his chest, and appears to laugh to himself. And if it isn't the strangest reaction that I've ever seen to someone's upset response to a friend leaving the game. UNLESS...unless...I will not hide my denial, I've got eagle eyes on Thomas this week, and boy does Toos' reaction make me think he thinks Thomas is the mole and what a wonderful front seat he has to his acting ability (even though it's unlikely to be a faked reaction; I think Conny was genuinely his friend even if he is the mole). Boy oh boy does that little grin of his make me wonder things. For the newspaper: there's a few little things I have my eye on. One, for the hidden hint you mentioned, had to do with the domain holder of the website that the QR code links to. The email address for the owner is d*********s@w*********s.be. The @w part is woestijnvis.be (most likely) and is probably unimportant, but the beginning part could be demolthomas@, or demolistoos@, or anything else that starts with a D, ends with an S, and has 9 letters in between. Seems a reasonable hidden hint, but nothing I'm going to build a solid case on. Two, there's 3 names hidden in the article about the explosion. There's Kent Brockman (news reporter on The Simpsons), Irene Landry (old lady client--and bingo player!--in Better Call Saul), and Kevin Malone (accountant on The Office). I have to wonder if it's just coincidence, if there's something these characters all have in common, or maybe they're all just characters in shows that the mole and/or producers of the show like to watch. Three, just something that was hilarious that I wanted to point out: Gilles' name is spelled incorrectly under his photo XD For challenge 1: I think the goal of the mole (mole goal?) in this challenge is two-fold: 1) Get underground. You can't sabotage the lift (or not sabotage it? You can't make the lift work correctly by sabotaging the codes) if you're above ground. This challenge it is imperative that the above ground duo get a chance at the pasvragen to lose the $5000, so a mole must...thrive underground (baddum-chh). 2) Sow some seeds of distrust, so it would make the underground group less willing to share their codes/believe the final two AND make the duo up top more likely to take the pasvragen (revenge for being left behind by their selfish teammates so to speak). Easiest way to do that? Run as quick as possible to the element signs. Who are the primary culprits? Thomas, Lieselot, and Leila. Leila's obviously not the mole, and if Lieselot is the mole she's got a lot of explaining to do. Holy moley was Thomas suspicious this episode. My favorite part here too is that he watches Lieselot first and doesn't make a move until she does. Lovely mole choice. But let's continue. Thomas was again suspicious in the underground bunker by being the first one down there. How easy would it be to press the button to activate the blacklight as a nice reminder of the correct pathway before the others get down there and the game actually starts? You'll notice him holding his hands over his eyes a lot, most likely to help him remember what he saw and block out the others' attempts. Although honestly getting through this part of the challenge isn't absolutely necessary for the mole, it certainly makes things easier to be in the final room. For the final part of this challenge, things I found weird. 1) Thomas spends some time by the bomb digging around with a shovel. I don't know what that was about but I found it odd. You can see him in the background while Toos is talking to the others on the walkie talkie. 2) Getting Thomas' code wrong when it was, y'know, right in front of them as an answer. It is really hard sometimes in this show to determine what is a sabotage and what is human error, but this felt inherently moley to me. 3) Ruben not giving his code was reasonably suspicious. I feel like Comfort could have felt comfortable giving her code when she knew Ruben wouldn't if she were the mole, but I also felt that would be a risky venture. If she were the mole, Toos and Thomas could've brute forced Ruben's answer and won $5000. It's not like she knows they messed up Thomas' code. Too risky. 4) If you watch the part where Toos and Thomas are reading the newspaper clipping slowly, when it's showing the timeline of events, you can see an imprint of words from (I'm assuming) the back page. It's hard to tell what it says since it's a faint imprint and written backwards, but what I can make out at the 4:55 frame: first line 'away says Toos' second line '-miles away from'. 5:00 '-agen a term'. Ooofta, I don't think there's much to take from this, but with all the backwards imagery we've had this episode I didn't wanna overlook this. 5) I don't think I can live in a world where Lieselot is the mole. She just keeps putting money in the pot. I don't use the term impossible often on this show, but there's no way she's the mole. I had to keep Lancelot around because he's been suspicious these last few weeks without contributing much so it was refreshing this episode to have him drop down a peg on the mole suspect list. He just seemed to go with the flow this challenge and I don't think the mole would do that here. 6) Toos says on the walkie talkie that they have to cut the power to a scissor lift, even though it's never explicitly mentioned in the newspaper that it's a scissor lift...and it is a scissor lift that Lancelot and Lieselot use. Slip of the tongue? Or did Thomas mention it first off camera? Or just an educated guess? Did he see it earlier somehow? Curious. So much suspicious behavior in this challenge, mostly belonging to Thomas but you can make a strong argument for Toos or Ruben. For challenge 2: I mean, nothing happens in the bingo hall at all that I would deem suspicious. Even more interesting that all 3 signed up for it, which really dropped them all down my suspect list (although Lieselot's already bottomed out on that front). But after losing out on that $5000 challenge yesterday? AND with the diary of the mole confession? You know the mole wanted to get their hands dirty in this challenge. I'll ignore the bingo kids because there just wasn't anything suspicious here. Let's head to the zoo! Not a lot of things to talk about, so I'll just lay it out flat: the boys were hella more suspicious than the girls. Ruben and Thomas are responsible for the answers for the $500 and $1500 bingo boards and they fail both times. The girls are responsible for the answers on the $1000 bingo board and they succeed. In regards to performance, on the answers that they differ on opinion, Ruben gets both the jaguar and alligator question right and Thomas gets both wrong. Also Thomas is just plain lollygagging to the exhibits. Ruben's practically speed walking. And when they encounter their first old lady, Ruben is clearly looking away, so thus doesn't spot her. Thomas seems to be looking in her direction but doesn't say anything. And Ruben looks genuinely frustrated at the second old lady encounter. I dunno, Thomas. You keep looking really sus this episode. For challenge 3: So. I had Comfort pretty high on my suspect list for a while, so I was EXTREMELY surprised to see her get the initial red screen. Like I was left REELING. It's not like in her confessional she said I'm going all-in on one suspect the way Toos and Leila seemed to, and Ruben to an extent. But removing myself from that shock, it mostly immediately eliminated her as a mole suspect to me. I just don't think the mole gets the red screen here. Doesn't matter how much money is on the docket, I just think it supremely unfair to the contestants to tell them of this twist only to then have the mole end up in the car. And well, assume Comfort is the mole for a moment. What if there's a world where everyone out there decides to help her? Then what? She's forced to earn $3000 and has no sway at all. No no no, for numerous reasons the mole wants to stay out of this whole mess. Let the contestants fight it out for the bottom spot, then sway the leftover candidates to not help so it's more likely they lose money. You're also not put on the spot to act surprised/nervous/terrified/guilty as all hell the way Comfort was (which felt supremely genuine). Win-win-win situation. Helps if the mole has proven to be a more competitive spirit and is a somewhat leader the way Thomas has been. The only logic that makes me think Comfort could still be the mole: she saw Thomas' baby photos and didn't immediately recognize him as baby D with his crazy wide eyes. Like his, Toos', and Lieselot's were so obvious to me it wasn't even funny. I don't know how she missed him unless she's moling XD I'm not surprised Leila went home, because this season the people I suspect the least have all left. I still don't know how people suspected her after doing nothing suspicious in the first episode, but I digress. I'm assuming Lieselot will go next week just to start whittling the girls down even more which will be some BS. Also assuming we're getting the family member visits next week.
@thefuzzyoranges Год назад
My comment was so long I had to split it in two XD Welp, halfway through the season and I feel like I'm finally putting myself in the Thomas tunnel. I think I'm ready to take the plunge. Toos and Ruben I've got as backups, but neither appeal to me the way Thomas does. It's their reactions sometimes that feel too genuine to me. Too excited when they win money, too annoyed when they don't or something doesn't pan out the way they want, and in Ruben's case too startled in his video of the light falling behind him in episode 2. Also more meta-gamey but it's time for an older mole and Thomas fits the bill splendidly. If we're not getting a female mole this year (which most signs point to no after this last challenge), I'm really hoping for Thomas. I'll make a guess now of final 3: Thomas, Comfort, and Toos. (Although knowing the history of people having advantages like this on these shows, Comfort will probably go home next week--see Bertrand from De Mol South Africa and Soy from...WIDM South Africa. Funny coincidence it's from the same location). Okay okay, final hidden hint thought I had. I'll have to rewatch episode 1, but I swear Thomas has clever moments in every other episode where he says something that seems a little too on the nose for what another group is doing, almost like foreknowledge. Episode 2, while making the catching devices he says he could use a drink. What is the team on the train doing? Drinking. Episode 3, after having ran his ass off getting a horseshoe, he collapses and says he thinks he's lying in the poop. What's the other team doing? Sifting through poop. In this episode, he says he thinks the number of meerkats is between 9 and 12, and what answer choices does the other team have? 9, 10, 11, and 12. Actually hilarious.
@windfallsofdreams Год назад
Thank goodness I’m not the only one who recognized Thomas IMMEDIATELY in his baby photo! I couldn’t believe Comfort got that one wrong! Has she seen Thomas? Lol!! But Lieselot’s photo was the complete opposite for me...I NEVER would have gotten that one right. Actually, Comfort’s reaction when Lieselot identified her photo was one of the things that helped to convince me that Comfort couldn’t be the mole. The fact that she got suspicious and wondered whether Lieselot was trying to fool her made her seem very contestant-like to me. I mean, I KNEW that Lieselot was trying to help Comfort, but I still thought for a split second that she might have been lying, because to me that photo looked NOTHING like her whatsoever, lol!
@windfallsofdreams Год назад
I also really like your hidden clue idea with Thomas’s “on the nose” remarks! I definitely noticed the poop thing last week. And I sort of noticed “between 9 and 12” this week, but I didn’t fully realize the significance of it until I read your comment (I guess I had assumed that Comfort/Leïla had read the answer choices out loud to Thomas and Ruben? But then his answer really wouldn’t make sense, lol). I am very curious now about episode 1! You know, there is actually one Thomas moment from episode 1 that I can think of off the top of my head. It could be nothing. But it was when Thomas and Leïla were matching the quotes to the candidates. They read Matteo’s quote about never having guessed the mole correctly in 10 years. And then Thomas says “Ooof.” I just think it would be kind of funny if they showed the mole reacting to that quote. You will have to let me know if you find anything interesting during your rewatch!
@thefuzzyoranges Год назад
@@windfallsofdreams I'm on the hunt in challenge one before bed. Few potentials. One, Thomas is the first to call out Matteo. Although it's not quite as striking as a 'foreshadow to future challenge' moment as the others, it would still technically count I suppose. Maybe a bigger moment, although it's quick, is when they're walking toward the second 'mini task' (the snake/spider wrangling), Matteo mentions how he's on the lookout for snakes. Thomas assures him they'll be well-behaved...right before encountering the animal handler and her well-behaved snake.
@windfallsofdreams Год назад
@@thefuzzyoranges I had completely forgotten about that snake conversation! I remember thinking at the time that it was weird how they just happened to be talking about snakes right before they found out they would be handling one. And I’m pretty sure that I double-checked the “well-behaved” remark with google translate just to make sure that I was understanding it correctly, because it seemed like such an odd thing for him to say. I would love to know who actually brought up the topic of snakes. Maybe Matteo was on the lookout for them because someone else (**cough** Thomas **cough**) had mentioned them earlier...
@windfallsofdreams Год назад
Just had a random thought here, regarding Thomas’s code being entered incorrectly/changed. If Thomas is the mole (which I’m pretty sure he is) wouldn’t it have been safer for him to enter Toos’s code incorrectly? Toos can’t see what is written on his own back, but he CAN see what is written on Thomas’s back. Presumably Toos read out Thomas’s code and then Thomas read out Toos’s code. Toos has no way of knowing if his own code is right (other than taking off his suit and reading it himself I guess, lol) but he could have easily double checked and realized that Thomas’s was wrong, no? So that was a pretty bold move.
@julieswidm Год назад
Yep, absolutely agree with you! Actually, I tend to think that it was a "shadow-mole action" from Toos since I watched that scene one more time 🤔 I still think that Thomas is the mole though (yeah, the tunnel gets deeeeeper) and then ofc it would have been a good way for him to just go along with Toos' "mistake". Maybe it was also Toos' idea to test whether or not Thomas would react to it (although this scenario seems a bit unlikely, simply because I doubt you keep that code in mind just because another person read it out loud once).
@julieswidm Год назад
I'm not sure why but your long comment seems to be gone again... 🤨☹
@windfallsofdreams Год назад
@@julieswidm ughhhhhh! I will try one more time!
@windfallsofdreams Год назад
@@julieswidm I posted it in 3 parts and I think only the first part is visible? I give up! Hopefully people will be able to see my episode 5 comment 🙁
@julieswidm Год назад
@@windfallsofdreams I think even part 1 is gone now too but at least I read the first part yesterday. I also started reading the second part but before I could finish, it was gone again 🙁 I have no idea why this keeps happening. I'm sorry! I cross my fingers that this issue will not appear again in the comment section of upcoming videos. Maybe it's just the Mole trying to sabotage your good ideas 🙃 I can remember a bit of what you wrote but I can't comment it yet since I have already episode 5 knowledge 🙈😅
@lexter2000 Год назад
Definitely way too risky! Especially risky to be 2nd worst (as Leila did) and not even have the chance to save yourself. Totally agree with your thoughts on Commy. I think it’s possibly Commy could still be the mole, but everything just felt so so natural from her (even her facial expressions in the car before knowing the results). I think a mole might play it more determined than emotional if they decided to go for the red screen.
@julieswidm Год назад
Yep, I agree! Yeah, you're right. That's a good point.
@adrianperks6855 Год назад
Thanks for your lovely videos. I did not like the elimination in this episode, because potentially more than one person played to get the red screen. people played to be the loser, and therefore potentially Leila was not the second worst performer on the elimination if we had a true elimination. But I guess that's her choice to make. She did take it with good grace though.
@julieswidm Год назад
Yes, I agree with you!
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