

Julies WIDM
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Welcome to a new video! 😃
In this video, I present you Hints & Theories of Episode 5 of the Belgian "De Mol".
Who do you think could be a good mole? 😃
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18 апр 2023




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@H0lyMoley Год назад
Everyone seems way more definite than I am. Thomas had some really suspicious moments this week, I'll grant you. This season has a bit of an echo of WIDM Serie 23 in that the candidates are not looking great. I love that they're deliberately eschewing advantages. But I feel like the obvious thing to say would be: "Well, the flyers know that we can only get two pasvragen each if they all fly. Therefore the one guaranteed way to make sure we don't is if one of them doesn't fly." At least two of the film buffs are not the Mole. Can you not figure that one out? Top suspects are Thomas and Toos. At this point it's difficult to see who else it could be. Comfort doesn't look like a possibility at this point. Of the two, I agree Thomas is way more suspicious on the face of it. HOWEVER: Toos' attitude is really interesting. In one episode he gives up the chance of a free pass (removing £3000 from the pot by the way) but in the next he fights tooth-and-nail for the spot in the bunker where the candidates believe the pasvragens are located? Something is definitely not adding up there. Toos has low-key kept a bunch of money out of the pot, and I'm worried I'm looking past him in the same way that I looked past Season 9's mole. My prime suspect, as with many people, is Thomas. But I'm not by any means sold on him. Toos would be #2. Ruben is #3 and I'm really worried I'm overlooking him. Comfort is #4, and Lancelot brings up the rear.
@H0lyMoley Год назад
Also this has been the second heartbreaker in a row (although personally I was really sad to see Samya leave too.) I don't think anything will ever top De Mol Belgie season 2, way back in the year 1999 (if you've seen that season you know exactly what I'm talking about.) And as far as my absolute favorite candidates being eliminated go, That One Candidate from Season 5 (again, if you've seen the season you know exactly who I'm referring to.) But this was a surprisingly poignant one for me.
@thefuzzyoranges Год назад
So not as much to discuss this week, but there's still a few nuggets that caught my eye that I'm stewing over. For the first challenge, I find it highly suspicious that the hot dog team was shown so little. Sorta makes me wonder if they're hiding something. I had a thought that I can't shake, and it involves the fact that the contestants were blindfolded this challenge. I wonder how easy it would be to find a way to tell your partner that you're the mole somehow, without the others knowing? Like sign language or something. The classic letters M-O-L spelled out with your hands. I just thought, a challenge where you're blindfolded? So easy to sabotage, and even easier to share info with your loved one without anyone else being able to see what's going on. Probably not required in this sort of a challenge (it seemed pretty easy to sabotage), but still something I couldn't not think about. Now here's a really niche fact, which is probably unimportant, but I can't help but notice as well. The bag of chicken wings Comfort picks up? A Good & Gather product, which is a brand sold exclusively by Target stores. It seems weird they have this random bag of chicken wings from Target at Johnny Gibson's Downtown Market. Another weird thing: the website on the billboard outside the store JGDM.com doesn't exist. It's a bunch of random useless facts I present to you that are probably worthless, but you never know with this show. I have a hard time really taking anything away from either of these challenges suspicions-wise, mostly cause the mole could have done absolutely anything they wanted and almost assuredly gotten away with it with everyone blindfolded. And most failed pretty spectacularly to the point that I'm almost reminded of the catastrophe that was the train challenge. On to the second challenge! I'll get the stunt flyers out of the way first: only Ruben was really suspicious, giving poor hints to Lancelot. Even still, I don't really blame him because he was only able to ruin 1 out of 4 hints and I'd probably have a hard time keeping my composure as well. None of the stunt flyers had much of a way to sabotage this challenge, so I definitely knock them down several pegs on the suspicion board. The airstrip was where the real sabotaging seemed to be at, and I absolutely agree with you that Thomas only getting the Sigourney Weaver hint made him VERY suspicious. I feel like getting either the 'Who you gonna call?' or the music hint would be a dead giveaway for that one, so sabotaging the low and high rings was vital here. And going first in general, so his failures don't look all that bad since they're all just learning how to get the hang of it? Brilliant. And not mentioning the name of Robin Williams' character in his clip??? Oh Thomas, you sly subtle minx. The candidates don't know his name was said, so it's a lovely bit of moling because they'll never know about it until they watch this episode and realize that he neglected to say it. The funny thing was that I didn't even know the name of the movie until the kid literally said the line, and it suddenly came to me. Oh so clever. My other favorite thing about the airstrip group is that the contestant who was picking out the stunts can actually get a perfect view of the other two contestants flying the drone through the obstacle course. So if the mole is at that position, they can actually determine whether or not to get the hint right depending on how well the other two are doing. Other two doing amazingly well? Just get the final hint to look good. Other two don't land on the helipad in time? Get the hint to look good but don't describe it well enough to the other two so no money is earned. They get like one hint only? No clip for you! To me there was just so much money on the line in this challenge, and so much went wrong at the airstrip, that there's just no way the mole wasn't in this group. And with Lieselot out of the picture, and with Lancelot not taking pasvragen last week, and him being made a bit too suspicious by production...let's just say my Thomas tunnel just keeps getting more and more comfy. The eliminations of the people I least suspect continues with Lieselot's departure. Wonder if Comfort will go home next week, if for no other reason than she's the next one I least suspect. I also kinda assume Toos is all-in from now on, and I thought he might suspect Thomas, but I found it really weird that he didn't choose to pair up with Thomas on either task this week. What kind of strategy is it to have a prime suspect but not try to pair up with them in challenges? Looks like next week he's buddying up with Ruben again too. I'm starting to wonder if Toos is really on to Thomas or not. I had him and Comfort and Thomas as my final three, but I'm really starting to think that we might get a surprise Toos elimination next week. Hmm.
@windfallsofdreams Год назад
The way the candidates divide themselves up for the assignments has been a little confusing to me for the last couple of episodes. I mean, I basically have no clue at this point who people’s top suspects are, so that’s definitely part of it. But still...some of the choices seem really odd. You have Lancelot, who doesn’t even pick a group half the time, but just ends up in whatever spot is left over after everyone else has chosen. You have Toos, who suspects Thomas (??) but then never waits to see which group Thomas is going to be in. You have Comfort, who presumably switched suspects this week (unless her middle name is Soy), but she wasn’t with Thomas in either task, so who exactly did she switch to? And who the heck even knows what goes on inside Ruben’s head, other than various song lyrics, lol. I really don’t get the impression that anyone is going out of their way to work with/observe Thomas. Or anyone else, for that matter. Weird.
@thefuzzyoranges Год назад
@@windfallsofdreams Dude, I howled at this comment, between Comfort Soy and Ruben's inner songs XDDDD I LOOOOOVE love love LOVE the fact that we don't know anyone's suspicions until the end on this show. Makes it fun to try to suss it out. I know you haven't seen previous seasons, but there's been some really fun showdowns with contestants in the past, some duos hardcore suspecting each other so they would consistently pair up in challenges. You kinda sorta had a vibe that they were onto each other but then one goes home and the other looks DEVASTATED. Then you see the bloodbath of incorrect suspicions in the reunion as a montage and it's hilarious. That's what also makes Toos even more confusing. After declaring going all-in last week, he only pairs up with Comfort in both challenges...and out of all the people to suspect, she's like the least likely to be the mole? This week may not be the best to make assumptions though; we had only two challenges. The first got divided up based on shopping vs cooking, and maybe Toos is a terrible cook? And Thomas was one of the last to pick, so it's not like he could follow suit. Then the second you get a once-in-a-lifetime daredevil opportunity, so you sacrifice a challenge with the mole to have fun, which is fair when you're only on episode 5. I still wonder if he's going to be out next week or not. The fact the show tells us he's all-in on someone kinda makes me think he won't make it to the end anymore. There was another season a few years back where they actually showed you that 3 of the final 4 contestants suspected one person as the mole. The problem came up at the end of that episode when the person all 3 suspected got eliminated. One was obviously the mole, but it was hilarious to see the reaction of the other two as their mole went home. Never assume anyone's onto the mole, even at this stage in the game. That season, the mole only got sussed out in the last episode.
@julieswidm Год назад
@@thefuzzyoranges Hehe, I know which season you mean in your last paragraph and I loooooved it! 🤭 About Toos: Yeah, you're probably right. In the beginning, I thought he was suspicious but his behaviour in the last weeks just didn't really feel mole-like. I just think that Thomas has been in so many groups which I would place the mole in. The others keep switching. Last week: the zoo group definitely was better than the Bingo group. Toos and Lancelot both ended up in the Bingo group. I don't see why the mole would like to be in this one. Maybe the question is: Would the mole give up the chance of losing a lot of money for a once-in-a-lifetime experience? I just doubt that but you never know...
@thefuzzyoranges Год назад
@@julieswidm I have really started to think that (maybe) Toos is suspicious of Ruben. The elimination where he decided to go all-in is the episode where Ruben refuses to give up his code in the underground bunker and is at the zoo, where he would assume the sabotaging came from since nothing really went wrong at the bingo hall from his perspective. And it's not like he knows how many good answers Ruben gave at the zoo. He's gotta take everything they did secondhand. If he wanted to go full on one contestant here, Ruben would make a lot of sense. Since Ruben and Thomas were on the same team at the zoo, it would also explain how Toos escaped that elimination, because there'd be some overlap in answers between Ruben and Thomas. Would also kind of explain how he got through last episode, since he and Ruben were also together at the hot dog task. I've held this position for a while now, and it's that the mole isn't always in the best position to mole in every challenge (talking about De Mol...WIDM did things rather...differently...this past year). I think production realizes that the mole becomes a bit obvious if they're always in the perfect spot. That being said, I think it's important to A) limit those positions, and B) make sure you're in the good positions on the challenges that really matter. For instance, it would seem really weird to me if the mole wasn't at the zoo in episode 4, since there had been the massive failure the night before of the bunker challenge. I just think it would be such a bust of an episode if the mole lost the pasvragen/$5000 and then did nothing the following day in the bingo hall. There's some challenges the mole can sorta take a back seat on, but that one didn't really feel that way. Sorta the same thing with the airstrip challenge this week. The first challenge was...obviously sabotaged (not just by the mole XD), sure, but the way more interesting challenge this week was the airplane challenge, so it felt like the mole really kinda needed to be there. Watching the mole sabotage at the grocery store or hot dog task in the reunion montage is...not going to be that exciting. Watching them mess up the movies and drone will be a lot more entertaining. I think Thomas has had a lot of great places to sabotage, and might be the most suspicious just from that alone. You can argue that being off the train in the second episode was the worse place to sabotage, but there's still ways to do so. Could've slowed down the tool game, messed up the PVC contraption, pushed the contestants to put the catching nets close to the fence, not pressed the walkie talkie correctly so when he's telling Comfort how far away the nets are from the train his team heard him but the other team didn't. Besides this one challenge (where there is still some good ways to mole), he's been in the best position every other challenge. Toos was in the first episode's exemption game, building nets with Thomas, at the bingo hall, and on the stunt plane, which are not great positions to mole. Ruben was also building nets, playing stable hand with Lieselot, and was on the stunt plane. Lancelot had really bad positioning in episode 4, between being stuck up top for the bunker assignment and then going to the bingo hall. Comfort's worst position which honestly counts the most out of all of them put together was entering the DeLorean. My sister watches this show with me and came over this weekend to binge the last two episodes, and she reckons I'm a bit crazy about being obsessed over that clip of Toos smiling at Thomas' sadness after Conny's elimination. She thinks it could just be an awkward reaction from Toos, about not knowing how to react to someone else being upset. It's making me think Toos doesn't have Thomas in his radar. I'm starting to envision a Thomas/Ruben/...Lancelot? final 3 now. Sorta wonder if Comfort's gonna botch her time travel advantage. I hope not, I'd love Comfort to win this season! But there's something about her trying everything in her power not to have the other team earn pasvragen that makes me think she's not confident in her suspicions.
@windfallsofdreams Год назад
Great video Julie!! I am going to keep my initial comment shorter this week. First assignment: You bring up an interesting point about the hot dog task-we really didn’t get to see very much of it! I hadn’t noticed that, but you are absolutely right. It would have been helpful to see at which stage in the hotdog-making process each of the duos failed. I was a little surprised, and almost disappointed that my mole (Thomas) chose the hot dog task, because in my opinion the grocery store group had the potential to earn much more money for the pot, and so I would have liked to see the mole sabotage that task instead. If the mole was indeed in the hot dog group, I think they took the easy way out of this challenge. I agree that Comfort’s behavior in the grocery store was very Mole-like. I really wish she hadn’t miraculously finished the 5k run in episode 2, and that she hadn’t seen the red screen last week, because then she would still be a top suspect for me. Second assignment: Thomas had several very good sabotages in this assignment. There were 2 that really stood out to me. The first was the way that he described the Robin Williams film clip to the group. In the film clip, the little boy called Robin Williams’s character “Peter.” This is a VERY IMPORTANT piece of information! Peter->Peter Pan->Captain Hook-> Hook. As soon as the clip ended, I said to myself “If Thomas doesn’t tell the group that the main character in the film is named Peter, then he is the mole 1000%.” And of course, he doesn’t tell them! The second, more impressive moment was when he convinced Lancelot and Lieselot that Comfort was on that plane. You could tell from how calm Comfort’s voice was that she wasn’t actually flying. Lieselot sensed this. Lancelot also remarked that Comfort’s instructions were incredibly clear and easy to follow. But somehow Thomas convinced both of them to listen to him rather than to their own brains. That’s the type of mole action I like to see! Take the egg out of their pocket and drop it in front of them, then give them a hug. Read “these beats” out loud twice, and make them think you don’t see any spelling mistakes. Convince them that their own intuition is wrong. Lol!
@julieswidm Год назад
Thank you! 🤗 I felt so sorry for you when Lieselot had to leave since you wished that she would win in the end :( Oh thanks for pointing that Peter Pan - The Hook part out! I don't know the movie which is why did not realize that this was also a mole action! You're right. Thomas is really good at sabotaging the others
@adrianperks6855 Год назад
I'm thinking Ruben... Call me crazy! I keep thinking how he did not want his number reading on the suit in the bunker
@julieswidm Год назад
Still could be! You're not alone in the Ruben tunnel either. There are some people out there who suspect him 😄
@windfallsofdreams Год назад
I was also paying close attention to things that Thomas said before the assignments, to see if I could spot anything that would go along with Orange’s theory from last week. The only thing that I noticed was when the group was choosing who would be in the film group and who would be in the flying group. Thomas said that he was afraid he wouldn’t actually want to go up in the plane, and so he gets placed in the film group (exactly like he wanted, I’m sure). I know, it‘s not technically an “on the nose” comment like the examples from previous episodes were. But to me this comment is still very interesting, because he is planting the idea in everyone’s mind that all 3 candidates in the flying group MUST fly. Maybe to make it easier for him to manipulate the joker decision later on? [edit: I know, the group technically didn’t know yet that the task involved a plane, but rather some sort of daredevil, “ride of a lifetime” type stunt. Same thing. You understand what I’m saying 🙂].
@thefuzzyoranges Год назад
Oh ho ho, are you ready for my 'On the Nose' theory this week? Two options to tickle your fancy: one, when they're seeing their loved ones/robots for the first time, Thomas says 'He's not feeling well,' which I found a slightly odd comment to make to a loved one. But makes perfect sense if you're referencing the competitive hot dog eater you're about to face off against, or to refer to the future assignment of being in a plane and doing all those crazy stunts. Option two, maybe a stronger contender, is when Thomas is directing Lancelot through the drone obstacle course. Comfort says she's going forward, then Thomas says the same thing. He says 'up up up,' then Comfort is shown immediately saying the same thing (even the black bars at the top of the screen move up as he says it, which I found the cherry on top of the sundae). They do some mirroring between the drone and the plane in this challenge, but only Thomas is shown mirroring someone else's comments on the plane. Maybe obviously it doesn't really point to 'foreknowledge' from Thomas per se, but I still like the theme of saying/doing something the same as the other team.
@thefuzzyoranges Год назад
Even better that he mentions the movie Copycat earlier too. Oh how cozy the Thomas tunnel has become.
@DexterSagar Год назад
My brain has been between Toos and Ruben after catching up... mostly cause it feels weird to actively turn down an exemption when it benefits the group... and Ruben constantly messes up the games with his actions.
@julieswidm Год назад
I totally get what you mean! Toos has been highly on my suspect list too, I just didn't see him do anything too suspicious this week 😄
@emiliedekker9491 Год назад
I think Comfort is the mole.
@julieswidm Год назад
Oh that's interesting! Why do you think so?
@emiliedekker9491 Год назад
@@julieswidm Getting a red screen knowing she would get the opportunity to make some new questions, how she did shopping, not going to fly (a mole wants to stay on the ground / underground).
@julieswidm Год назад
@@emiliedekker9491 She definitely had some mole-like behaviour 👍
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