
Can These BANNED Yu-Gi-Oh Cards Return? 

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@tatsuyas.drakensang4826 2 года назад
Since all the YuGi Tubers are doing videos on that: I really recommend everyone to watch the "Why is banned" series from Duel Logs. There he discusses extensively ,of course, why each card on tje banlist is there, but also what problems would it caused to be unbanned, and, how those cards could be fixed to be okay.
@NotReal-187 2 года назад
Thank you for recommending hours of good content
@broww. 2 года назад
The problem with trunade is floodgates. It allows the player with trunade to turn off all their floodgates for 1 turn and then just reactivate them in your opponents draw phase.
@VixYW 2 года назад
Yeah but that's kinda risky, as some negations need to trigger on activation. If the opponent had no cards to negate the floodgate on the first activation but drew into it later, they can do it on the second after trunade and it screws completely the player that attempted that play.
@BassForever 2 года назад
@@VixYW I imagine most of these decks would bounce their flood gates when they're ready to otk. If you burn your hand traps to not die they can reset the floodgates.
@VixYW 2 года назад
@@BassForever Idk, the one I play is a really slow burn. bouncing my cards would just speed up the process for a turn but wouldn't be enough to finish the job.
@lukemacinnes5124 2 года назад
it also makes cards like tenki way stronger
@DamnSpawN 2 года назад
they already be using hey, trunade in master duel its unbanned
@diamondsanchez224 2 года назад
Cyber Jar: I sort of agree on this one. Resetting the board would be straight-up insane, but I do agree it'd be hard to set this card up. Fiber Jar: Same as Cyber Jar. Giant Trunade: I don't really agree on this one, as Trap or floodgate-heavy decks like Eldlich could use this card to bounce their floodgates, go off, then reset their cards for the opponent's turn. While it would be sacky, it would still be a problem I feel. Heavy Storm: I agree, this could come to 1 easily. Mirage of Nightmares: I'm not sure about this one either. On one hand, yeah it's slow, but I can see handtrap-heavy decks like Salamangreats, Evil Twins, and Sky Strikers abusing this card. Sky Strikers especially could use it to not only draw more handtraps, but also dump more Spells into the GY. Confiscation: I definitely don't see this card ever coming back. Every deck would play it to snipe out a handtrap or combo piece. Trap Dustshoot: Given its restrictions, I agree this could come back and not cause waves. Even Trap decks like Eldlich or Altergeists probably wouldn't run this card, since you have to rely on drawing it on the first turn while you're going first. Return from the Different Dimension: This I don't agree with. While no specific scenarios come to mind, I can see a very grindy deck that banishes a lot taking advantage of this card.
@SuperSilverSerpent 2 года назад
Return from the different dimension ends the game on the spot. Even “back in the day” it was doing this. It’s not quite as good as dimension fusion but it’s still absolutely absurd.
@ericlohndorf9166 2 года назад
Also add to this trunade can bounce pendulums and stuff, also I can kind of see eldlich abusing Heavy Storm
@diamondsanchez224 2 года назад
@@ericlohndorf9166 Eh, it'd be too sacky of a card, and they'd much rather activate their Traps themselves than destroy them all, unless they're destroying them to summon Eldlich.
@ericlohndorf9166 2 года назад
@@diamondsanchez224 what I mean is it wouldn’t be a negative for them if they happen to have back row when using it
@Cursedkitty314 2 года назад
Just as an addendum to your point on Return from the Different Dimension. I agree 100% this card should not return. One of the first decks that came to mind that could abuse this is Tri-Brigade. As a Tri-Brigade player I can tell you that this would be very sacky as 1 of that could easily make you accesscode or just a full face swing.
@alseiygo2284 2 года назад
Cyber Jar is actually such a bad card nowadays. Which is insane cuz it used to be a menace in playground format.
@TobikunOuO 2 года назад
The issue i see with cyber jar is that it's a free plus +4
@bobjones4469 2 года назад
You have no clue what you're talking about.
@blugetsbusy4508 2 года назад
I wouldn’t say bad. Its just slow because of the flip effect in order to resolve the effect, however, that effect in today format is still deadly.
@durphymcbob6951 2 года назад
ending combos by making granite garent and summoning a face down cyber jab would probley be useless but funny
@FabulouslyTerrifyingEnt 2 года назад
I don't ever use a ban list. I leave it up to my opponent on what type of game we're gonna have.
@shipu302 2 года назад
Someone made an interesting point about the Heavy Storm and Duster argument on MBT's most recent Moron's Banlist video. To quote them: "The argument for keeping storm banned is not based on blowing up your own cards at all. The reasoning is based on the total strength and availability of backrow hate. Having 1 storm/0 duster would be weaker than having 0 storm/1 duster, which in turn would be much weaker than having 1 storm/ 1 duster. Konami had multiple options and picked the middle ground." Just some food for thought.
@kinorobloodlust 2 года назад
@partypat7229 2 года назад
agreed. thats the logic I was thinking as well
@jdrmanmusiqking 2 года назад
@Drezen_ Objection unintelligible
@breadeater1194 2 года назад
Solid argument. I do think 1 Storm 0 Duster might not be entirely worse than 1 Duster 0 Storm... but you're right that's the reason. Same how Change of Heart to one is pretty much a step above semi-limiting Mind Control.
@bmcoyne88 2 года назад
I think Ultimate Offering is one of those currently banned cards, from old school Yugioh, that could come back to [at least] one copy per deck. I know dzeeff talked about the card in one of his recent videos. On a personal note, I'd like to see the OCG artwork released as a Lost Art promo card. It would almost definitely be a Konami move to put Ultimate Offering to 1 or more copy per deck, then release a Lost Art promo around the same time. It could generate more nostalgia hype in the media too (even if the card was seen more on playgrounds, then in the anime; of course there was the Pyramid of Light film).
@SunnyHF-nf4bc 2 года назад
Confiscation: The thing about this card is that it’s proactive. TTT requires your opponent have used a monster effect first. For 1000 LP, to be able to snipe a card and get hand knowledge is too good. The alternative, Appointer of the Red Lotus, costs 2000 LP and is a trap card. Confiscation would immediately see play if it came back.
@IamGrimalkin 2 года назад
I'd see confiscation as a combination of appointer and called by the grave. Since called by the grave is at 1, if nothing else it's inconsistent to bring confiscation back.
@shulker7442 2 года назад
I don’t think it’s that similar to called by. Sure it discards the card, but it doesn’t negate, so if they have 2, or could chain it ahead of time( like maxx c in MD) it doesn’t get rid of it. It is a great hand trap counter tho, but called by also has such good effects even against hand traps, it’s justified why it’s limited to 1. I think Confi is just far too good. If they have no HT and maybe 1 starter u pretty much can make them not play with one card that is a spell and has pretty much no cost
@thekittenfreakify 2 года назад
Having 2 is very unlikely with the 9-12 hand trap decks you barely get 1 at 80% chance
@IamGrimalkin 2 года назад
@@shulker7442 Called by can't always stop those either though, so it balances out. Called by can't stop imperm or nibiru (while confiscation can). Also, unlike called by, it's still somewhat effective against these handtraps even when it doesn't stop them. If your opponent uses imperm , called by does nothing. If you use confiscation and they chain artifact lancea, you now know lancea is live and won't go into combo lines that trap you jnto banishing cards (also, if you use confiscation as the first action game 1, they may not chain lancea as they don't know what you're playing).
@nitrocide1746 2 года назад
Mirage of Nightmare would be a horrorshow given that there are archetypes that can pop cards on your side of the field. Not to mention the threat of DPE. Maybe my PoV is skewed cuz of masterduel but Draw 4 for no downside doesn't sound like a good idea. True Draco could also plus off of it, but they're more annoying than anything.
@shawnjavery 2 года назад
There are a lot of scenarios where the card is bad and does nothing. Its a strong card for sure, but i don't think it would be broken. Honestly drawing 4 on your opponent's turn, which is the best case for it, doesn't really justify the initial minus one in a lot of instances.
@Nephalem2002 2 года назад
DPE is shit without Verte
@illustriousspellcaster5252 2 года назад
What do you mean “minus 1”? The card is card neutral when it is activated. Also, the argument that “Mirage of Nightmare” is bad in a lot of situations is such a flimsy argument as it could be applied to nearly every other card ever printed. You honestly don’t think that decks that only really need one card to get going, such as Zoodiacs and they being able to utillize “Mirage of Nightmare” to be a problem?
@shawnjavery 2 года назад
@@illustriousspellcaster5252 no, it does nothing until the sp of the next turn. So you use 1 card for an effect that doesn't do anything until your opponent's turn. Also the card is bad in a lot of situations, that is to say its a situational card. The decks that are going to get the draw 4 off consistently aren't going to be able to abuse it, while hand trap heavy decks can't get it live to that extent often.
@illustriousspellcaster5252 2 года назад
Okay. Let’s suppose for a moment that you are correct, and that “Mirage of Nightmare” does not do anything in a lot of cases. What exactly does it prove? That still is not a valid point for the card to ever come back in the modern metagame.
@soren5021 2 года назад
Completely agree with you! People panic so much yet they forget we're not in 2005 anymore. Is Change of Heart so strong of a board breaker compared to Forbidden Dropplet or Lightning Storm? Is Cyber Jar such an issue when it can be hand trapped, negated on board or just pop'ed before battle phase? There are so many of these cards that while being strong, don't match the current level of 1-2 cards combos leading into full boards with several negates and/or interruptions.
@zhubwat 2 года назад
Prank Kids just died going to a 3 card combo, so honestly, this is probably the way. At worst, unbanning these cards makes playground YGO more fun, and some budget decks have alternate cards at your locals. The only people running these cards are gonna be people who can't afford Forbidden Droplet at like, $80.
@SuperSilverSerpent 2 года назад
Mirage of Nightmare obscure? Yugioh GX really brought the card to light. In a world with DPE I would say it’s way too good, but with the Verte banning it’s probably not as bad. The trick with it is that if you have any way to pop it without actually going down cards, it’s absolutely absurd. It also seems horribly miserable to be fighting True Draco with access to it.
@kristian7160 2 года назад
See I thought of this as well, classic mirage/emergency provisions bs. But really - how often will a meta deck end their turn with less than 3 or 4 cards in hand? All that effort to effectively draw 1 - you have to waste an interaction on your own card to pull it off
@SuperSilverSerpent 2 года назад
@@kristian7160 that’s what I’m saying, without DPE giving you a free pop on your own board it’s probably not as broken, but there are a few decks that would definitely abuse it.
@kristian7160 2 года назад
@@SuperSilverSerpent I’m saying that even with DPE, it’s probably not even worth the effort of running it. You’re better off using your dpe as an interaction because you’ll already have 3-4 cards in hand
@skybattler2624 2 года назад
​@@SuperSilverSerpent Eldlich, Sky Strikers, any deck that can afford Twin Twisters or has a quick-effect backrow removal or negation.
@iatdtv4996 2 года назад
I would play mirage of nightmare immediately. In control decks, I'd find it very useful. Combo decks I think would still play it just to draw into more hand traps.
@thekittenfreakify 2 года назад
Zombir synchro would benefit a lot same for dark synchron with how gy heavy the decks are. Maybe infernoid and former grass decks would play it.
@Retro_Mage 2 года назад
Exactly it's a better Card of Demise
@lunadachi4792 2 года назад
I get your argument for all of these except Mirage of Nightmare. Even though you acknowledged the hand trap argument (which is justifiable enough to keep it banned imo), there are too many decks that play on the opponent’s turn that make use of cards in the hand. Floowandereeze, True Draco, Drytron Herald (which becomes slightly more feasible with this). Then there’s the hand trap heavy decks like Striker, Salamangreat, Tri-Brigade, Zoo, and others that have crazy advantage generation or absurd consistency that already use hand traps as their primary disruption, which would benefit disproportionately
@Zetact_ 2 года назад
Confiscation and Forceful Sentry would be too powerful since the game ALREADY requires you open multiple hand traps, it'd be sacky if your opponent could rip one out. I think Duo is the one that's actually the most likely to be taken out because you only get a chance to hit the hand trap and the second discard can have them set up their GY. Self-bounce cards are just better to keep hit, especially if they're too huge. Konami has been designing more cards under the assumption that self-bouncing won't be common. Mirage is probably format dependent. If it was around back when Verte was legal? Free +3 by just popping it with DPE. Backrow heavy decks also could use it to dig through their deck and have it act as a deterrent from your opponent popping their back row. Might not be a problem but wouldn't really make the game more enjoyable since it'd mainly buff decks that are already annoying to deal with. Trap Dustshoot could probably get abused by Labrynth but the deck isn't seeming to be that viable in the first place (wasn't seeing that much play even before the new tier 0 deck).
@EinSilverRose 2 года назад
"There's a hand trap for this" is not a good argument when so many TCG players think Maxx C is the worst designed card in the game when there are hand traps to answer it. I really wouldn't want KoA to unban more cards that have been banned for so long just because the power level of the modern meta decks either don't care about said cards or can play through them without to much trouble. It would just make rogue decks suffer even more than they already do and make matches more luck based than usual.
@chimeratcg07 2 года назад
Return from the Different Dimension definitely won't come back, it's basically Soul Charge for your banished monsters and you can always pay half your life points.
@skybattler2624 2 года назад
Also, RTDD gives a TON of pluses for Thunder Dragons, Chaos Decks, and Dragon Link.
@AkioKota 2 года назад
Mirage of Nightmare is too good, if you pop the card after you draw 4, then you won’t discard 4 cards on your standby phase. So it’s just pure advantage.
@AkioKota 2 года назад
Imagine Rokkets using this, free draw 4, then pop it with Tracer for a rokket summon. Now you get 5 cards with no downside. And that’s just 1 example.
@cbrycem 2 года назад
@@AkioKota with DPE around its free plus 4 any turn
@gravethestampede3454 2 года назад
Verte is gone so DPE should be less ubiquitous in general
@broww. 2 года назад
@@cbrycem Or Crystron Halqifibrax with T.G. Wonder Magician.
@gasaiyuno6021 2 года назад
And even WITH the effect going off without you stopping it, plenty of decks wanna discard to set up grave anyways. So in every sense it's pure advantage and way too much. It's literally Card of demise on crack.
@payne9682 2 года назад
I need Blaster (the Dragon Ruler) back for my Volcanic Deck :)
@digitalstatictv 2 года назад
Seriously I want to see the Rulers get errata'ed to where you can't banish other Dragons. Blaster being Fire support is glorious.
@wingofshu 2 года назад
Just unban all baby and adult dragon rulers to 4 even, what can possibly go wrong?
@tanngrisnir6089 2 года назад
i think least likely is that confiscation and trap dustshot would be fair in game. a card that i think would not be that problematic is "Butterfly Dagger - Elma". I just think the combos with this card would not be really competitive just like cyber stein.
@leonardoluiz7487 2 года назад
The one aspect I think it wasn't mentioned is the fact that some effects can be a problem if stacked: for exemple you mentioned you don't think there's enough upside that make Heavy Storm better then HFD, so it could come out. At that point we would have BOTH HFD and Heavy Storm at the same time and you could argue that either of them are ok, but both start to become a different problem. It's sorta the Snatch Steal / Change of Heart effect. Even if either of them can be limited, if you make both limited then you have to deal with 2 of them, instead of either one of them. EDIT: There's also another aspect for Confiscation. You get to take a card from your opponent's hand, but also get full info on his hand. Let's say you go for confiscation and the opponent have Ash and Nibiru, not only you can take out the most annoying to play around, but you also know exactly what you need to bait. Maybe you take nibiru and bait ash, maybe you see your opponent has both so you take ash and go into a negation for nibiru before the 5th summon.
@lavalord96 2 года назад
Also another note with trap dustshoot the opponent, if they're going second or they just have an open spell/trap zone, they can set some spells/trap cards so that they only have like 1-2 cards in their hand, and THEN search a monster or card in general. However this only applies if you didn't brick for the most part XD.
@braindeadborgerboi8736 2 года назад
For the most part I agree, but the problem with mirage of nightmare is the ability to pop it on your opponent's turn to avoid the discard, and we have DPE in the format. Yeah verte is banned, but I could see some decks that don't use their normal running the scorpio engine to search FD out. In those kinds of decks mirage would be just a plus 4.
@cbrycem 2 года назад
The problem with heavy storm/trunade/feather duster is if they are all limited, you might as well just have one of them at 3.they al serve the same purpose and would all be ran together
@robertflintoft5614 2 года назад
was just about to comment the same thing I assume that's the main reason and you go feather duster as its strong doesn't have a potentially negative effect and is a minor boost to an anime deck
@kristian7160 2 года назад
So I haven’t even watched the video yet so sorry if these points get brought up, but the thing with both storm and trunade is they can actually serve the player more than duster since it affects their own cards. You can loop stuff with trunade, you can trigger destruction effects with storm. That’s why only duster has come off the list so far.
@traincore1955 2 года назад
Considering people complain about floodgates a whole lot mind as well unban them
@kristian7160 2 года назад
@@traincore1955 nah man trunade would make it worse. You can turn off your own floodgates then set them back down
@zhubwat 2 года назад
​@@kristian7160 It's super surreal that we're arguing in a world where destroying your own cards has the potential to be so much more powerful than just destroying your opponent's. Like, we just live in the GY, now. Harpie's at 2 might not be as bad as limited Heavy Storm/Harpie's/Giant Trunade.
@simonpetrikov3992 2 года назад
Paul a lot of those cards you mentioned have a sacky feel to them at one like CBTG or Red Reboot Note: i mentioned those two because IO is banned and skill drain is unlimited
@phantom_mist1726 Год назад
The only one I agree is too much is confiscation and MAYBE mirage of nightmare. But everything is eh imho. Cbtg and red reboot are very good cards and are immediately useful.
@NAPH170 2 года назад
I don't like the idea of sacky one ofs in yugioh. Doesn't feel good to get sacked or to put one in your deck and not see it when you really need it. I think all the monsters you mentioned and the less reliable spells/traps (dustshoot, for example) could come back, but the rest should stay banned for the health of the game.
@thekittenfreakify 2 года назад
I disagree people shoukd be punished fir iveeextending.
@phantom_mist1726 Год назад
Idk I feel like yugioh will always be somewhat sacky. Sometimes people have all of the cards they need, Sometimes they draw that "one of" it just happens.
@redcastlefan Год назад
I love how cyberjar is now back and it's even in the thumbnail of this video.
@ViroVeteruscy 2 года назад
Love that new strats with Yata are already being looked into. Would love to see Cyber Jar again since there are several cards to get Flip effects to trigger faster :3
@Sintra4 2 года назад
Mirage of Nightmare would SO sacky in combonation with DPE. Anaconda being banned make this less of an issue, but there's plenty of cards you could use to pop MoN if you don't want to pay the cost, which, as you said, some decks would happily pay, anyway.
@temporaltomato3021 2 года назад
I wonder, if multiple hand-peek cards came back, whether people would start running Mind Crush again. There was a time, around when Qli's were popular and a little before and after, where Mind Crush actually saw play in the TCG. You could play it immediately after your opponent searched a card and just call that card name, and it discards ALL copies of the named card. But it's especially powerful if you've already seen your opponent's entire hand, which is why it was played in combination with Dragged Down to the Grave in Dark World as well. It's not quite Gumblar Dragon levels of easy discard, but it might be another deck building consequence to consider if cards like Confiscation came back, beyond just the power of those cards individually.
@Zetact_ 2 года назад
"Search Judgment Arrows" "Mind Crush, Judgment Arrows" "I don't HAVE Judgment Arrows" "Okay..."
@Always.Smarter 2 года назад
why would you want to bring handloop cards back? handloop is the least fun and most unfair thing you can possibly do in the game. imo appointer should be banned, but its way more fair than these cards. the only ones i really agree with in this video are the jar cards and heavy storm. of all the things on the banlist, these are some pretty spicy picks...
@chrisshorten4406 2 года назад
I remember using "Return from the Different Dimension" in my Banifish deck. Even though it's not the best deck, using Return would allow me to use Skystar for a second attack, and Airorca for a second pop.
@stersorcerer7918 2 года назад
@koyoyoyo1170 2 года назад
Confi/forceful would be the best hand trap counter. Imagine discarding an ash/nib then knowing which combo line to take to counter the opps hand.
@That1powergamer 2 года назад
Mirage would actually be great for stuff like skull servants and a few others for grave yard set up. But like Paul said it probably wouldn't be THAT bad at 1 if anything it gets hit with Cyclone and bang gone.
@hunterhensley5740 2 года назад
I would use RFTDD in albaz one thing i do like about this list u gave paul is that back in the old school days we knew everyone had these cards at some point it was a matter of knowing when u drew them. In todays game most boards are set up on turns 1 or 2 so honestly some of these cards may actually slow the game down in away and im all for that.
@ashuraahunter 2 года назад
Cyber Jar could return to 1 copy and nobody would ever attempt to utilize it outside of perhaps troll and mill-based decks. Not only is it a Flip monster, but many cards are protected from destruction nowadays, meaning that it has the potential to provide your opponent with advantage if they've already set their board up (small monsters are just free Link material!). Fiber Jar would be a rulings nightmare. Never lift it. Giant Trunade... eeehhhhh. This card has already been retrained as Hey, Trunade!, and certain decks being able to effortlessly toggle their floodgates would be a killer effect, even at 1 (which would make it feel a little too luck-based). Skill Drain is still at 3, people. Heavy Storm is probably fine. Sure, trashing your own backrow can be beneficial in some cases, but I feel as though this would just be decked as another blind second alternative to the backrow cleaners like HFD and Twisters. Lightning Storm would probably have to come to 2-1, but I can see it. Mirage of Nightmare? Without an errata, goodness no. This thing is way too easy to pop and go +3 off of without detriment. Maybe if the effect lingered even after removal and made you banish cards face-down instead? Even so, it would be ridiculous and basically override Card of Demise entirely. Confiscation can rot on the banlist just like The Forceful Sentry. On-demand intel collection and handtrap removal is insane when you're going first, and it barely even has a cost. Discarding's not as strong as shuffling or banishing, but it's still a card that was mistakenly printed at best. Trap Dustshoot is actually a card I can support the return of wholeheartedly. At 1 copy, it wouldn't be a reliable draw, and it would only be good going first anyway. When you have it set, you'll likely flip it at the most opportune moment, but by that time, a.) you likely would have been handtrapped already, and b.) chances are your opponent's best combo starter is already on the field, unless they're trying to bait your own handtraps. Not only that, but it can only target monsters, and is only able to be activated once your foe's holding over 3 cards, giving it clear downsides to Appointer of the Red Lotus. Your opponent has Imperm? Too bad, you can't take that from them. Fusion Destiny to fish out DPE? Also tough luck. The knowledge you get is crazy, sure, but you absolutely have to live turn 2 in order to capitalize on it. It's why it's super balanced in comparison to any Spell counterparts. Return from the Different Dimension can also stay banned. It's almost like a last-minute Soul Charge that can bring back banished monsters. Given how lots of people already frown on Omega for being able to interact with face-downs in the banish pile and the entire state of Swordsouls, we're better off not having this in the game, and more so for when more decks inevitably get released that use it as a 'third hand' of sorts.
@hunterhensley5740 2 года назад
The main issue with heavy storm for me was pends it was soeasy to pop pendscales them summon them back pends arent really these days even with the new beyind the oendulum yet so maybe this one card could help some of those decks come back
@megahades8296 2 года назад
giant trunade could 100% come off and change nothing, it is literally just a 1 turn negate for spells since the only deck playing traps is eldlich.
@vxicepickxv 2 года назад
I could see it in a Mystic Mine OTK build.
@dustinmoore2528 2 года назад
You will never see Mirage Of Nightmare off the Forbidden list. As an Evil Twin player I would literally jizz myself off a +5 Trouble Sunny into Lil-La play.
@DualSwordBesken 2 года назад
As a Magic player, I would absolutely adore playing Confiscation. It is basically the spitting image of the Magic card "Thoughtseize" but in Yu-Gi-Oh design, and I love casting turn 1 Thoughtseize. That said, I very much acknowledge the glaring differences in the games, and given that sniping any single nonland card in a Magic hand tends to be strong despite games being on average slower, I can only imagine how crushing sniping a key card or interaction piece from a Yu-Gi-Oh hand is when you have less turns to recover from that disruption.
@IamGrimalkin 2 года назад
The difference with Thoughtseize it it actually requires mana. If confiscation had any meaningful cost or restriction, it would not be as broken.
@midshipman8654 Год назад
I think a single “look into your opponents hand” at 1 would be pretty neat. something you cant rely upon, but gives you forknoledge if you do
@darkangel999 2 года назад
Despite be a „slow“ trap card I feel return from a different dimension could have a huge impact even first turn. Imagine Halq tag out in Formular synchron and quick synchro in basically everything or IP link in everything. And even thunderdragons could profit a lot just by getting there cards banished again.
@chrismiller3548 Год назад
Mirage of nightmare could not come back simply because it discards for effect which triggers a ton of effects. It would also be able to gotten rid off easily the same way scythe was (like popping it with dpe). Also the drawing handtraps thing that you mentioned. It would probably be a sacky one of
@zeo4481 2 года назад
A - A card should be healthy for the game (no floodgate cant summon forever bs) B - Before a card comes off we should consider how it interacts whit current meta and whether or not it breaks a certain mechanism in the game( specifically special summoning) C - Counting how many times it's been on the banlist and whether or not it would look bad on Konami for banning a card then semi-limiting it 2 mounts later (looking at you Pot of Desires ) D - Disregard the last 3 rules if the card in question is called ,,Last Turn" - card's that have such terrible wording are impossible to make rulings for and would break any IRL tournament cuz no one can concretely say what it do.. E - Everyone has right for an oppinion but if you think 3 MaxC is good for a TCG environment you are COPING and should be put in a mental institution!
@shakeweller 2 года назад
Based and true
@chimeratcg07 2 года назад
Besides the slow as hell flip effect monsters, the only card that I could see come off the banlist from this video that I would actually play is Trap Dustshoot, especially with the huge popularity of hand traps.
@theholy1191 2 года назад
This kind of discussion makes me wish we could talk about it together, cause these are good points, but it does feel like there are other factors to consider in some of these.
@noddyjoe 2 года назад
I'll never forget my favourite RFTDD memory Hitting it on 500LP to wipe my opponent out and sneak into my first ever regional T8 on an x-2 Beautiful card 😍
@MorganAshire 2 года назад
Anything that can pop their own Mirage of Nightmare would love to see that card back. From what I know, if it's removed from the field before the next standby phase, you don't have to discard the 4 that you drew. I think it's far too easy to out to be allowed back on an essentially free +3.
@phantom_mist1726 Год назад
There is no guarantee that you'll see it, and you have to have no carda in your hand to actually draw 4. I think it's strong but I just don't know if it's broken anymore imho. Paul is right, like actually think about it. I think it's a decent card for rogue decks and stuff, but not really anything else. I could be wrong on this but I just think it deserves a chance to be put to 1 and see what happens.
@pandoranbias1622 2 года назад
A lot of cards that were banned either have been power crept out of meta or people run so many negates it just doesn’t matter.
@ZeroEscape2074 2 года назад
Giant trunade: maybe with an errata like "you can't set or use the spell/trap that was returned to your hand that turn", then I can see it limited Heavy storm: I think 1 is fine, we have dark hole at 3? I think and all the field removal, heavy storm wouldn't be that bad confiscation: triple tactics talent is a thing, sure it requires monster effects to activate in order to use it, but most deck have some kind of monster effect to activate, maybe limited forceful sentry: same as confiscation
@SuperNickid 2 года назад
@Team APS Plus!: You can only ash blosom cyber jar if he is flip summoned, or flip face-up without an attack, because if it is an attack, the flip effect happen during the damage step, ans ash blossom can not be activated during the damage step, because it only negated the effect, and not the activation
@jdrmanmusiqking 2 года назад
All of the others can come back except Mirage and Return from The DD 1. Honestly Return is much more broken than Dimensions Fusion and its not even close. Its always live like Solemn since half your LP can always be paid not 2000. Too many Decks like Tri-Brigade, Altergeist, Prank Kids etc loves doing shit on your opponents turn so flooding the field with monsters for extra disruptions is just too much. Return also doesnt negate effects so thats potential for even more disruptions on your opponents turn 2. Mirage could be played in almost every deck. Usually cards are either versatile (DPE) or powerfull (Dragoon) but Mirage has an absurd power ceiling and amazing versatility. Not only does it suck up handtraps like you said, but it also forces your opponent to think about whether they wanna nuke your backrow with Harpie's or Lighting Storm since destroying it would give you a freakin +4. But NOT Dusting of your opponents floodgates like Skill Drain, There can Only Be 1, etc can be an auto lose so youre boned either way Return from the Different Dimension and Mirage should never come back. Especially Mirage thats one of the 10 most powerful cards ever created and it really gets stronger as the game speeds up
@IyoMaestro 2 года назад
Ok but what would you do to get extra disruptions with Return? In most cases it just summons a bunch of monster that get banished at the end phase and that during your opponents turn. It would only be really broken if you get at least 2 disruptions out of that but I can't think of a single consistant way to get 1.
@jdrmanmusiqking 2 года назад
@@IyoMaestro Bruh come on... Theres like 10000 cards and a bunch of them can be disruptive if summoned on your opponent's turn Just off top the top of my head, water decks tend to banish alot of monsters so summoning dropping a Water Barrier statue on them in the middle of a choke point would devastate someone Ghost ogre can be used while on the field not just in your hand Haliq exists... Flooding the field with monsters during your opponent's turn would give insane flexibility on what Synchos you could summon as most Halq combos lead to a specific monster Thats just off the top. Summoning any monster with a floodgate or negate in general is powerful even just for a turn come on you didnt even try dude
@phantom_mist1726 Год назад
@@jdrmanmusiqking so you're really about to depend on a card you can't search? What water decks banish like that?? You have to set it up. I'm not saying it could never be a problem, but I just really don't see it. Unless you're using i:p. I don't see this as good as ddf. It's strong but consistency and immediate use Trump almost everything else. Maybe it could end up being to much but I just can't see it. I think it deserves to at least be at 1 and see what happens.
@brandonogden2210 2 года назад
Since *Change of Heart* is limited to *1* now, people say that they need cards like *Pot of Greed* , *Graceful Charity* or *Heavy Storm* limited to *1* . The reason why old school YuGiOh players are talking about how these banned cards in the past needed to get off the banlist and make some erratas to them even limit certain classic cards because they want to give the players the nostalgia feel and from a market stand point. These cards, *Pot of Greed* and *Graceful Charity* can be negated by *Ash Blossom* . These old school cards have such great nostalgia, even if Konami decided to unbanned and limit certain classic cards, it can make it more healthier for the Meta in the future.
@malareon 2 года назад
Mirage of nightmare seems like a nightmare in eldlich, all ur backrow floats when sent but you can just pop it with conquistador anyways. confi just forces you to run 30 hand traps in your deck cause you cannot afford to open less than 3 while it's around.
@darkstriker00 2 года назад
Mirage of nightmares can draw you into hand traps which are quite usable not to mention you can send it away with droplets or Destroyer Phoenix enforcer. It would see, most definitely, a lot of play.
@Mt.Berry-o7 2 года назад
Most of the choices seem reasonable ant at least worth releasing for a format to see where they land. But I don't agree with releasing mirage of nightmare, nor confiscation, one bit.
@breadeater1194 2 года назад
I think handtraps give mirage a must-needed boost. As is, the card is a consistent break even in card advantage. Add the fact that more cards now than back then can be used during your opponents turn, and I can't see it coming off. Also this might be very surface level, but DPE has potential to combo with it. Sure, it's safer to pop DPE with DPE so your opponent can't do any non-destructive removal on it, but there's also a lot of ways your opponent can negate the DPE revive. Of course, DPE is gonna be seen a lot less now, but Fusion Destiny is still solid.
@melzick5086 2 года назад
Nah man confi will make going 2nd much harder even if it is a one of
@DaviRenania 2 года назад
In theory, a deck with Snow and Return from a Different Dimension could build an entire board of interuptions, use all of them, then use I:P to summon Apollousa, then banish all of the with Snow and summon all the non-hopt interuptions back with Return from a Different Dimension.
@Yugiohdeckmaster41 2 года назад
on mirage the only issue i got is their so many single card remover draw 4 then remove mirage keep the cards draw no discarding mst cosmic cyclone twin twister basically any trap or quickplay spell card tho as a 1 of maybe it be ok but still could be a blow out too
@makeththeman9519 2 года назад
Let me fix the issue people seem to be having regarding understanding cyber jar. The book cards (IE book of moon and book of taiyou) are not once per turn. There are also plenty of cards that flip and draw cards constantly. At my locals, we have a banned card tournament where each player is allowed one copy of any one banned card. A guy made morphing jar FTK using cyber jar as an extender. It takes the event by storm. Bare in mind swordsoul get protos back, and imperial order is back in that format, and they can’t touch it. The only successful deck I’ve seen go against this is Virtual world turboing out True king of all calamities going first. The main reason it works is because the deck has 20 ways to flip and set morphing jar, 8 ways to search it or cyber jar, a few ways to revive the jars, and the rest is all draw spells that force both players to draw and discard. Everything is quickplay so if the pilot is right, it plays around everything. The only other monster the deck plays is one outstanding dog Mary to stop the jar player from decking themselves out completely. Just being back at one copy, cyber jar had taken “empty jar” from being a meme deck, to literally beating full power decks using banned cards by essentially being a 4 card free mill and emptying the deck. If a card comes off the banlist, some players will find some despicable ways to abuse it. Just a reminder that nobody thought yata lock would do anything, it’s currently seeing play in top cut in UK locals in board breaker decks.
@Bomberman204 2 года назад
I've felt like Mirage of Nightmare and Cyber Jar would be fun to bring back for some time now. I think they could work in decks where they have a specific niche, like I've had builds of decks and thought they would fit in perfectly without being broken, just helpful. Return from DD would be cool, I feel the game is too fast now for it to be broken... might be my Maju bias as well 😅 Confiscation on the other hand 😬 they banned Smoke Grenade not too long ago, granted it's an equip spell and easier to search, but it actually has a decent activation requirement to balance it... I sure miss it in my Gearfied Deck... stupid meta decks making my super casual decks even worse 🤣
@skybattler2624 2 года назад
Things I disagree: Giant Trunade and Heavy Storm: the ability to reset the backrow is massive for decks like Trickstar, Evil Twin, Eldlich, and Sky Strikers, and Heavy Storm especially can easily set up the Sky Striker and Eldlich boards while also removing the enemiy backrow at the same time. Mirage of Nightmare: Phoenix Enforcer, Twin Twister, Galaxy Cyclone, and any other Quick-Effect Spell/ Trap removal can remove Mirage of Nightmare during your own Draw Phase or the Enemy's End Phase to not trigger Mirage of Nightmare's Discard Effect (while also choosing to set up the board). DPE and Twin Twister makes it have extra mileage even. The anime even showed Mirage of Nightmare + Emergency Provisions Combo. Conscription/Trap Dustshoot: Destroys Going Second Decks if the opponent looks and chooses to remove key combo pieces that makes the combo going. Return from the Different Dimension: Chaos Decks, Thunder Dragons, Dragon Link, etc. are enough reasons to make sure this card will not come back.
@minepool4343 2 года назад
Mirage of nightmares can be destroyed on the field to keep the cards whithout having to discard, thats a big point to consider
@deadlineuniverse3189 2 года назад
Mirage of nightmare worst case reads: Try to get 4 more hand traps. Best case it’s a draw 4 because you DPE style pop it before you have to discard cards.
@Gelstorm2010 2 года назад
They should unban Sixth Sense because not only that it is a trap card, it's also requires you to be lucky.
@joejaboy 2 года назад
Dimension fusion does have a 2000 lp cost, and it special summons both player's banished monsters
@P4brotagonist 2 года назад
The biggest issue with Mirage is if you are running a deck with quick effect spot removal. You could basically pull a plus +2 out of it(if you are using twin twisters or MST or something) to nuke it before your next standby phase.
@BLonsdale912 2 года назад
I appreciate you adding the card image to the video. Big help in understanding
@apsamplifier 2 года назад
Glad it was helpful!
@chrismiller3548 Год назад
Trap dustshoot is basically a more situational appointer of the red lotus and appointer is fine so I think it could come back
@filiplucic 2 года назад
They should give Brain Control its original effect back, after releasing Change of Heart. Altough I can see Konami not wanting to essentially have two copies of that card in the format, since no one really sets monsters anymore
@shakeweller 2 года назад
Trap Dustshoot is OK, Confi is broken af. Mirage of Nightmare...just one thing: DPE.
@megacyber11 2 года назад
Mirage Of Nightmare: It could be used in Tru Dracos to refresh their hands after setting everything and after using Card Of Demise to get their hands on more cards to fuel with their True Draco Heritage (draw = sent True Draco cards), and Disciples Of The True Dracophoenix). Not to mention that their traps can summon more True Dracos during the opponent's turn. That would be great for them, but not go great for everybody else. Cyber Jar/Fiber Jar: Great cards to have fun with. Cyber Jar can be searched or special summoned with Gallant Granite and could be used in conjunction with cards that are unaffected by other card effects to clear the field and regenerate lost advantage. Very slow, but also very game changing if it works out. Heavy Storm, Trap Dustshoot, Giant Trunade: These cards are double-edged swords. They could work for and against duelists in any given situation. Though Giant Trunade resets floodgates, so I don't think that card has any chance of coming back unless it was errata'd like Brionac was. A decent list of cards to debate about. I mean, if they brought back Change Of Heart and Yata-Garasu (for who knows how long it'll last), then they could do just about anything as long as it isn't completely insane. Only time will tell.
@Citizen_Nappa23 2 года назад
My personal take on heavy storm it should have been taken off the banlist a long time ago. It would have made sense to limited to 1, sure it can wipe the back row but with the cards in current yugioh that's everyday occurrence. And with modern yugioh I think having it unlimited would be fine.
@phantom_mist1726 Год назад
Me too, I think it's overrated and fine these days. Duster is way more sacky and even that's fine these days.
@UmDevoto 2 года назад
My guy just said confiscation could come back💀💀💀💀
@HapsterHap 2 года назад
I think the fact that Mirage of nightmare really needs until turn 3 to gain advantage and that “hoping you draw into handtraps” is not a very good strategy means it could probably come back at 1. At its worst, it could be a huge boost to decks that want to discard/want stuff in the GY
@Chadfill8348 2 года назад
Lemme remind that Mirage of Nightmare downside can be countered with cards that destroy other cards during the opponent turn
@internetmovieguy 2 года назад
No to giant trunade and heavy storm. The reason they are still banned is because of flood gates. You can activate flood gates on your opponent’s turn then use these cards to not have to deal with them on your turn.
@OTheDetective 2 года назад
If return from the different dimension came to one I know as a Kozmo player, we would all play it. It would be a massacure bringing back all the ships and Dark Lady would make people scoop faster than a formula 1 with nitro boosters.
@dragonmaster951753 2 года назад
Funny enough... you couldn't hand trap cyber jar if you didn't do it the first time. Every hand trap is level 4 or lower. You can't draw into ash cause it would get summoned on the field. Impermanence is mostly dead cause you'd likely have their hand traps on the board. Funny enough this would play around hand traps better than morphing jar. Don't play it it sucks but the counter play you mentioned actually loses to this card since most hand traps would be summoned.
@bryncollier7120 2 года назад
Heavy storm I reckon would be the next unbanned card. I mean the almost exact argument was with dark hole and raigeki and that had almost no impact.
@g_sm0ke 2 года назад
Great video, let's talk about the other old cards on the banlist.
@jacobbowser1158 2 года назад
Heavy Strom was legal at 1 in the ocg until recently, and Return from the different dimension is still at 1 in the ocg. I feel that those two are the most like to become limited in the tcg.
@aRetailArchitect 2 года назад
I don't now what you're smoking, but Return from the different Dimension has been banned for a very, very long time now in the OCG, and so has Heavy Storm.
@jacobbowser1158 2 года назад
@@aRetailArchitect HS was banned in 2015 in the ocg. When was RFDD banned?
@thekittenfreakify 2 года назад
Mirage of nightmare is perfect for mill decks and control decks that require since you can pop it with a quick-play
@thekittenfreakify 2 года назад
Confiscate is a needed tool in the upcoming game state.
@the_intolerance 2 года назад
There are already so many broken cards in the game I have no idea how the banlist isn't bigger. I don't get how there can be so many cards that allow for OTK's to happen or that can negate everything you try to do, but cards that reset or wipe the field are "OP" lol I said this in another comment on an older video, but until there is an introduction to some sort of "mana" system to this game, it'll always have unbalanced gameplay. Like we have a banlist, but numerous "OP" cards are still allowed to be played, even as 3 copies in one deck sometimes. They should either re-work most cards to force players to pay lifepoints or sacrifice some sort of resource, otherwise I don't understand how so many cards just let you use their effects "for free". Most of the time all you have to do is just draw the certain card and then play it...like where's the "risk" or "punishment" for trying something that could end the game in one turn, or inside the next 3-4? So far the only thing I can think of that would be close is forcing you to pay LP or tributing monsters to the GY or banishing them ... but again so many cards exist already that either reverse those effects or get stronger because of those effects that it just makes no sense to ban cards that let you create resets.
@abstraction6212 2 года назад
**unbans pot of greed and Graceful chairty at 3** Chaos
@andych92 2 года назад
Some good points but: Fiber jar won't come off solely because of time rules. Konami doesnt want to deal with that. Cyber Jar I feel is just too broken, free bodies on field plus spells for use in your hand. Confi, hand knowledge + disruption (discarding their searcher or whatever), dont know about that one chief, same goes for dustshoot.
@chimeratcg07 2 года назад
I honestly want Trap Dustshoot back to 1 because it's a neat way to deal with hand traps, it would be a slower CbtG or Designator these days.
@shadowdragon714 2 года назад
Tho Cyber's destruction effect also kinda gets canceled out since damn near everything has destruction immunity. So The resources gained will be alot less even on good pulls. So that something to consider.
@makeupbykaylenejacobs 2 года назад
I remember around 2014 harpies feather duster was banned and now its back so maybe these will too
@FakeHeroFang 2 года назад
I wonder if Tri Brigade would even play Return if it's at one. It's less disruptive than Revolt and unsearchable, but you can keep the cards around and make something else besides Shuraig on your next turn. You also can't use Revolt and then Return because your cards all get sent back to the gy, so they don't synergize either. I dunno, it's less immediately impactful but gives you more options later, kind of a weird one tbh.
@skylermorrow4849 2 года назад
I wanted to mention that if you pop mirage of nightmare before your forced to discard or even in reaponse to the effect you wont need to discard. Dpe for example
@apsamplifier 2 года назад
Yeah, that might be an issue.
@raseruuu3742 2 года назад
Pendulum Endymion's battle float can search Giant Trunade... then you can bounce your own spell counter cards back?
@zen4realfightman426 2 года назад
I love the comeback strategies I honestly hate fields of negates cuz some people can get them so well that there's almost nothing you can do on your turn when they literally have negates that make it impossible for you to even summon a monster
@d.k.t.3380 2 года назад
Cyber Jar could probably come off just because it's a flip card and there are a lot of options to deal with that before the effect activates, but the number of Lv4 and lower monsters that have effects when special summoned would make this debatable. making handtraps like "Ash Blossom" and "Effect Veiler" hit the field instead of staying in the hand would be interesting tech to counter the current meta, though... Fiber Jar is a degenerate stall card and would best be used in degenerate stall for draw tactics. That's the big reason it's still banned. Trunade and Heavy Storm Aren't on the ban list for what it does to your opponents, but for players destroying their own floodgates on their turns after locking their opponent out. Don't forget: "Hey, Trunade" only sends your opponent's cards back, and never sees play. The game is too fast for "Mirage of Nightmare" to come back: extra cards for one turn of handtraps is all you need these days. Add in discard decks like Danger! that want to be discarded and this could not come back. "Confiscation" could not come back just for the "look at your opponent's hand" ability, let alone the discarding one card of your choice: knowing exactly what handtraps to play around for 1,000LP alone would make this a "play as many as legally possible" card in any deck. "Trap Dustshoot" might - MIGHT - be able to come back, but only because it's a trap card. Shuffling a card into the deck (especially if they've already drawn for turn and it's their only starter) is BRUTAL though. This would be a sideboard card for anyone that is going first. and as many as is legal to run. "Return from the Different Dimension" is ridiculously broken: As a trap card it has to stay on the field for one turn, but dissuading an opponent from attacking for one turn, one turn of a banished monster's effects, even any sac/destroy/extra deck summons options would be too much. It just puts too many monsters on the field at one time, at a state of the game where most top removal options are exhausted, or in a deck that just gets to magically reset their board and go full combo again. I think back to the heyday of "Cyber Dragons" where they just had too much rebuild-ability and had to have pieces hit on the ban list. This card does that for any banish deck.
@OmegaRpg953 2 года назад
Honestly I have bean saying for wile now that all jars at one would do nothing cus there two slow and there no way to dig them out of deck effectively and old you play them deck would do nothing Great vid Paul hopeing next list a nother one or two old cards come back just to make the ban list a little smaller and nother thing just saying if all the spell cards came to one at the same time I mean yea you could but them all in your deck but it would be making it less consent and for siding there just other things you probs need too side based what is toping or at your locals so they probs will see some use but not as much like In the day
@fanix92 2 года назад
Smoke Granade is a worse and slower Confiscation and it broke Infernobles not even two years ago. That card is way too good and unfair to deal with.
@LinusIslamTips 2 года назад
Yo, where can I get that cap of yours brother?
@apsamplifier 2 года назад
I found it on some random website that I can't seem to find anymore lol
@firekobold191 Год назад
I think they ocuyld brig back pot of greed if they make it a hard one per duel so its not spamable with loop effects. Just a free +1 once in the duel, not like there aren't hundreds of cards that do that now anyways but aren't once per duel/turn 🙂
@abstraction6212 2 года назад
Unban Premature burial and put it at 3. It may still give some equip cards bonuses, but it's to vunerable to negation in this format with constant negation lockdowns
@howlingwolfart8380 2 года назад
I can see where you're coming from. So many of these cards could be countered fairly easily. Many of them are fairly slow now, so maybe. I guess it would just really depend on how significant a chain would build up from reaction to the cards. I guess it also depends on just how significant the legacy of these cards would affect the reaction to these cards. Makes me even wonder about Delinquent Duo a bit, now. Sure, the opponent goes minus two in the hand, but now they go plus two in the grave where they can conceivably be more dangerous long term. Hard to say.
@AzizidarkReborn Год назад
The problem with jar cards is simply that they create unfun game states, make people's setups feel irrelevant and waste people's time. In a format like Master Duel, that would be fine probably. But having played against Fiber Jars in the past, it's never ever fun, even when there IS counterplay to it. I agree with almost everything else.
@synchrofanatic510 2 года назад
Think the only ones I disagree with coming back from these cards are Confiscation and Fibre Jar. Fibre Jar just because it’ll just cause salty scenarios between players/judges that I can see mayyyybe causing arguments that could lead to fisticuffs (dramatic you might think but we saw one locals recently had this happen to them so 🤷🏻‍♂️). And no one would play this seriously either so I see zero benefit for this coming back. Confiscation just places itself into the “sacky 1 of” group that will piss people off because their killer handtrap got sent. Like I know alot ofpeople despise called by being at 1 for this reason and while confiscation doesnt have the utility called by does, I dont think it creates any unique combo plays/syngies for me personally to find value in unbanning it. Also say the same for Forceful Sentry as well as thats just a different blend of the hand rip card. Nice video topic though this is interesting to discuss. I’d be interested to see people trying to get mirage of nightmare to work.
@bloodarcher7841 2 года назад
Yep with how they organize tournaments and time ? Nope
@Beraka114 2 года назад
and the good things is we can see this in master duel card like trunade that didnt get ban in MD and you didnt see in your average duel
@beastlikeswords 2 года назад
I know it will never ever ever happen. I kinda wanna see a BANLIST for cards used in conjunction with others. Some cards aren't even good but just used one way that breaks the way it was intended to be played.
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