
Cancel Culture Removing God From Schools Debated In 1958 On National TV 

David Hoffman
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You are watching a portion of a prime time ABC television special from 1958 which weekly presented the one hour public affairs program, “Answers For Americans. The show took a generally politically conservative point of view and was supplied with the subjects that it presented and the people who appeared by an organization called Facts Forum, a conservative think tank. The think tank was subsidized by H. L. Hunt and generally criticized the liberal political point of view.
Facts Forum presented conservative perspectives at that time. Basically they included 1930s isolationism. Staunch and strong anti-Communism. Strong States Rights, and support for academic freedom in schools so that religion and God and Jesus could be freely discussed in high schools and on college campuses.
The two people speaking on this program speaking are Professor Hodges, a pastor and Bible scholar, and Godfrey Schmidt, on the board of The National Review, a conservative lawyer and outspoken critic of liberalism.
The moment when this is taking place on national television is important to consider. This is just months after the Russians - the Soviet Union - launched Sputnik, the world's first satellite in space. It was seen by many, especially political leaders, as a great threat to America and many from all political stripes began to criticize American education as stodgy and not able to produce the kinds of scientists needed to fight and beat the Russians with rocketry and in efforts to reach "outer space."
The debate over America's educational failures and how to change them was broad reaching. Meetings were taking place in every town, at every PTA, in most local and national newspapers, and in our religious institutions and in the media. 1958 was the time when President Eisenhower created a commission to study science and a commission to study how to improve education. American Senators and Congressmen visited the Soviet Union trying to understand why their system may have been better.
It was fascinating for me to have this clip in my collection because what Godfrey Schmidt is saying reflects a strong point of view presented by many today about what is happening - cancel culture - on American colleges and universities.
Please excuse the MacDonald watermark. He was a friend of mine who have all this wonderful content transferred to digital. He gave me footage to use time and again but included his watermark.
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@DavidHoffmanFilmmaker 2 года назад
What It Was Like To Be A Teenager Back In The 1950s - Uptight - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-CrYX9j3Tqzw.html
@iamwhoyousayiam6773 2 года назад
This is the most valuable YT channel I've ever come across for preservation
@DavidHoffmanFilmmaker 2 года назад
Thank you for your comment. I am who I say I am (not you) as well. If your resources allow, I would sure appreciate your using the THANKS button under any of my videos including the one you have commented on. It is something new that RU-vid is beta testing and would mean a great deal for my continuing efforts. David Hoffman filmmaker
@TB47005 2 года назад
Truly fascinating. Thank you for the upload!
@ianboddy4368 2 года назад
Separation of church and state is not cancel culture, E pluribus unum should have NEVER been replaced by in god we trust.
@conrad4667 2 года назад
While technically replacing our motto, E Pluribus Unum, in culture, In God We Trust is in addition to the motto. (Out Of, (From) Many One), In God We Trust, Liberty. You can see three everyday on any U.S. coin. E Pluribus Unum is still as commonplace as it was before being replaced, if people would only acknowledge it or focus on it.
@iamwhoyousayiam6773 2 года назад
Yes it was. It was the first, albeit major step. Demoralization
@iamwhoyousayiam6773 2 года назад
To be more specific, it's removal destroyed our homogeneity
@tarekyoungapelian4542 2 года назад
@@iamwhoyousayiam6773 Ah there it is. The blatant racism & xenophobia hidden behind your “religiosity” that you keep spouting all over this video’s comment section.
@iamwhoyousayiam6773 2 года назад
@@tarekyoungapelian4542 And there it is, you reading what you want to to have a problem because it's the only way you know how to get your dopamine rush 🙄 Here's a tip: ASK SOMEONE WHAT THEY MEAN BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO READ THEIR MIND. YOU ARE NOT CHARLES XAVIER. OR ERIC CARTMAN (😂). _Homogeneity as in a basic agreement on fundamental values such as múrdering is bad. YOU are Brainwashed into thinking you know how others think, but sadly you are taught the opposite, militantly, of how they usually do. We were united by love and compassion before your ideology divided everyone by hate, while claiming others are hateful._ A house divided cannot stand. A group was misrepresented to you and so you are mad at a phantom that doesn't exist. You will never see that though, you know nothing else. No frame of reference for what is good and decent.
@JesusisJesus 2 года назад
In Australian schools in the’80s a parent could authorise for their kids to opt out of any religious teaching at school. Otherwise it was a volunteer from a local church doing a quick half hour session per week in their own time.
@Auroradiluculum 2 года назад
This is so fascinating to me. I thought all this kind of talk was new to our times. I certainly have been enlightened. It gave me a wierd feeling, sort of like deja vu but not exactly.
@linusp9316 2 года назад
I love that part of the guy's proof that we're a religious nation is the "In God We Trust" on the currency..which was only added TWO years before this clip was recorded. It replaced "E pluribus unum" in 1956.
@exon5336 2 года назад
Honestly religion should have no hand in how we govern ourselves we aren't a theocracy. And even then religion isn't just cut and dry, not everyone follows the same religion and trying to force one as a primary is unethical for those that follow other religions.
@glof2553 2 года назад
The question isn't "should religion", the question is "which religion"
@glof2553 2 года назад
@@DeanStrickson U mensa verified, freethought boy?
@exon5336 2 года назад
@@glof2553 the question isn't which either though since people shouldn't be forced into a religion they don't wish to learn from. We live in a country of religious freedom and it should remain as such
@elisekrentzel27 2 года назад
America IS a theocracy. In God we Trust, the Family, Protestant values excluding everyone else. Our ties to religion are as intertwined as England’s is to the Church of England.
@CliffRichardFan2001 2 года назад
Well said.
@JakobHill 2 года назад
2:14 This is what's wrong with America. If parents really care that much about what their kids are learning, they can explain their cultural values to their kids or homeschool them.
@rolanddeschain9880 2 года назад
Actually not only in america In whole west
@youknowme1475 2 года назад
@@rolanddeschain9880 yes
@youknowme1475 2 года назад
@@rolanddeschain9880 I don’t really see anything wrong with that tho tbh, some parents are too soft towards their children so if they become a bully they won’t really learn consequences or what they did wrong?
@AndrewVaillant 2 года назад
What's really cool about first world countries is religious freedom. If you shove someone into Catholic school for 10 years of their life when they actively don't want to be there, you're wasting time, you're wasting money, you're wasting an educators time, and you're effectively doing the opposite of what you set out to do originally. 10 years of Catholic school later, the second that person can breathe, they'll want nothing to do with God. Please don't bring up homeschooling either. The very idea in the modern world that we need accredited documentation from state-owned educational facilities to be able to function in normal society, really counteracts the idea of homeschooling to begin with, as you need to be told by the state that you are fit enough to school your children yourself while still having that education be valid enough for the modern world nowadays.
@youknowme1475 2 года назад
@@AndrewVaillant the thing is you dont need to believe in him or be practicing you just need to do good deeds and relatively try to be a good person. Many people who are Christians nowadays don’t really believe I god but do it out of culture?
@conrad4667 2 года назад
“Which man?” Is a very important question. Who gets to decide that?
@stevesand8845 2 года назад
Which god should we trust? Zeus? Poseidon? How bout the gold that murdered the whole world with a flood? If we don’t want dictators we certainly don’t want gods.
@californiavirus3566 2 года назад
@@stevesand8845 Dictators try to override free will, though. I'd prefer God's system where rights are innate as opposed to privileges granted by a person or bureacracy.
@conrad4667 2 года назад
@@stevesand8845 The God of the Bible, who gave us The Ten Commandments. Some people have experienced the love of God and know Him to be anything but a dictator, although admittedly, He can certainly be described as such. Continuing a point, even if society agrees to “follow the one true God”, because God can’t be scientifically proven, it can be said that we aren’t following anything but our own agreement. That, is the point, that we agree to follow “good” laws. With or without God, anyone who wants power or control over another is wrong. With God, you are worried about His power and control over you. Without God, there is no power or control over you from God, only from “bad” men. “Good” men do not want power over or control others. With God, He allows you free will to not subjugate yourself to Him. Try that with man. The very fact that they won’t allow you your freedom is proof they are “bad”.
@yekkub9425 2 года назад
@@conrad4667 Saying "God can't be scientifically proven" is misleading if not outright false. There are many valid logical and historical arguments/evidence for the existence of the Christian God. The latter may not be "falsifiable," but that is because they simply follow from deductive logic, arguably making them MORE grounded than scientifically proven ideas.
@leonhardable 2 года назад
@@yekkub9425 bro im christian but shut the fuck up There is NO evidence for god. Our belief is a man made system, thousands of years old, but freaking brillant regarding mental health and wellbeing of a popupace. That's ALL it is, but it does not ever need to be more. We are our own gods, and we are really freaking good a it, but only as long as we stay honest, a quality that was lost hundreds of years ago.
@keybyss98 2 года назад
Side note: It’s weird seeing a full-bearded man in 1958 like this. You always see guys being shaven and “clean faced”, lol.
@batman5224 2 года назад
I just think it’s ironic that I was taught to say under God in school, but was never taught what that meant. Even today, school hasn’t completely divorced itself from God, but is lost in a sea of secular and religious contradictions. At the very least, I think public schools should teach the cultural relevance of the Bible. Whether we like it or not, it’s a fact that the Bible has had an enormous influence on our cultural beliefs and assumptions. One cannot teach most other subjects without occasionally referring to the Bible. Now, some people say that if public schools teach one religion, they’ll have to teach all religions, but other religions haven’t had the same cultural impact in America as Christianity. This is a simple statement of fact. Now, teachers might have to be impartial as to the miracles of the Bible, but not as to the social relevance.
@reissecupfilms 2 года назад
Yeah even as an atheist that sounds pretty reasonable
@troubleshooter166 2 года назад
Totally agree. If you travel overseas or move in immigrant neighborhoods, you will notice a difference. We take a great deal of influence for granted. Thank you for video Mr Hoffman. And thank you for your reflection I comments
@billhicks8 2 года назад
If schools taught the Bible now, it would begin a culture war where one group would attempt to teach students of the bloodiness of the Old Testament, inconsistencies, contradictions, the history of colonialism stemming from the Bible, etc. It would be self-important, reductive, disrespectful to wider Christianity, but perhaps reasonably accurate text-wise. The other group would call this something like "Critical Bible Theory", and assert that this was corrupt teaching brainwashing children to hate God and become Godless Commies, and they would instead lobby for only promoting an infallible Creationism where Christianity becomes an excuse to hate homosexuals and other minorities, despise scientists, worship conspiracy theories, and support efforts that would otherwise just be called Fascism ~84 years ago. You know this is true, and you know you don't want it. Lol.
@iamwhoyousayiam6773 2 года назад
You're forgetting the most important fact: God was not pushed aside willingly... $$$$$$$
@dantheman6808 2 года назад
I'm a middle school social studies teacher. We do teach the significance of the bible in schools. Christianity is, if anything, over represented in most school curriculums.
@sporedoutofmymind 2 года назад
After suffering years of needless cruelty at the hands of legislators that claim to be doing God's will I have no faith in any legislator claiming to be doing work in his name. It has brought me nothing but misery and isolation. Progressives brought me community, friendship, and good cheer for who I am, while the church only gave it to me contingent on conformity and agreement.
@yekkub9425 2 года назад
On the surface, when one doesn't think with the long term consequences in mind/has low delay discounting ability, it may seem this way. However, the church and conservatism (if you're not looking into one of the corrupt churches or spineless neocons) are actually much better in the long term. This is evident in terms of the issue of "obscene material" and "relations" outside of marriage (I don't want my reply to be deleted). Progressivism advocates for both of these activities to be seen as intrinsically neutral and even good, while conservatism asserts that they are harmful and evil. In the short term, it seems good to indulge in those since they give a lot of instant gratification. In reality however, both of those things have been shown to be harmful in the long run, while abstaining from them obviously has the opposite effect.
@maggie937 2 года назад
Oh look a talking sheep 🐑
@sporedoutofmymind 2 года назад
@Homem Minhoca Spent 16 years in religious schooling.
@sporedoutofmymind 2 года назад
@@yekkub9425 I'm 40 years old and I have noticed very marked long term effects. If this is "low delay".. well, either it's too low delay to be noticeable, or does not exist. If half a lifetime isn't sufficient, then how much do you propose? Although the other guy's comment is kind of proving my experience, and is indicative of what I experienced once I began questioning.
@DankusMemicus 2 года назад
Well, now it's progressives that give friendship contingent on conformity and agreement. See how quickly they turn against you if you don't fully agree with them.
@TheZigzagman 2 года назад
The incredible bias towards Christianity in this comment section makes me very grateful these decisions are made by folks with an interest in promoting public welfare over self interest.
@bilbo1778 2 года назад
Exactly. Please don't let us suffer the tyranny of the masses in the USA especially when it comes to religion. That being said non-religious affiliation continues to grow by leaps and bounds year over year - I think we're 15-20 years away or so from finally removing a religious sniff-test from electing our politicians (excluding deeply rural areas).
@skagaguineapig 2 года назад
Promoting public welfare ? The society back then practiced racial segregation! They are not a good example of Christianity .
@eriknervik9003 2 года назад
@@bilbo1778 “Non affiliated” generally equals selfish. It would be good to reverse this trend, starting with open promotion of Christianity in schools
@TheZigzagman 2 года назад
@Corporate Overlord That's not even true from a nihilistic or anarchistic standpoint.
@amyjoyce2301 Год назад
@@eriknervik9003 There's very good argument for that, in theory. Looking at the massive rise in selfishness, crime, disrespect for "authority" what has replaced Christianity has been an utter failure. I'm actually more of a proponent that we reverse the powers back to local and keep govt out of schools (crt; transgenderism; sex ed; partisan ideology).
@MRCAB 2 года назад
Would be curious to watch the whole thing.
@lisarogers4933 2 года назад
Yes I agree I'd like to see the whole thing
@chefbetsy9094 2 года назад
This could be on Fox current day! Just an observation in my opinion. Don't come for me!
@dimthecat9418 2 года назад
You’re opinion is incorrect Fox News hates talking about cancel culture
@sorellman 2 года назад
@@dimthecat9418 So, you don't watch FOX News. Good for you! Stay off CNN and MSNBC too, and sanity will slowly be restored into your life.
@dimthecat9418 2 года назад
@@sorellman I don’t get my political opinions from biased media
@D.C89 2 года назад
All news networks are not equal. University studies have shown that individuals who consume Fox news are less knowledgeable of current events than individuals who consume no news media whatsoever.
@SilentEcho9194 2 года назад
@@dimthecat9418 They've created their own cancel culture as well. They and others in conservative media.
@redlightclinicdrummer 2 года назад
The more billionaires that exist the more broken homes are made.
@rolanddeschain9880 2 года назад
More billionaires exist more jobs exist and economy is growing
@thenullvoidabyss 2 года назад
@@rolanddeschain9880 😂. Economy has been shrinking while the wealth of corporations and billionaires are increasing. The Faith in billionaire seems to be replacing God is USA
@kerrygold6494 2 года назад
Not true. Single parent households are a huge problem, you just have to look at the prison stats to realize the impact that has on society. Nobody forces a parent to abandon their child, they do so of their own free will. The number of prisoners that come from single parent households is shocking.
@thenullvoidabyss 2 года назад
@@kerrygold6494 cough cough Nixon and The war of “drugs”
@kerrygold6494 2 года назад
@@thenullvoidabyss we are past the age of Nixon
@dimthecat9418 2 года назад
Why is this titled canceled culture removing God? That wasn’t really a term back then, and weren’t complaining about cancel culture in the same way as today
@JonnyZye 2 года назад
In order to gain more views, the algorithm will recommend it to more people.
@DavidHoffmanFilmmaker 2 года назад
That is correct. It is challenging to work with the algorithm so it shares the opportunity to see my video with the most possible viewers. David Hoffman filmmaker
@dimthecat9418 2 года назад
@@DavidHoffmanFilmmaker I see
@FlatEarthMath 2 года назад
As a public school teacher of 27 or so years, I can say that one of the worst things to happen in this country is Progressive Education. Up is down and Left is right. Let's toss out what works in favor of what theoretically should work. When it doesn't work (to children's detriment) simply increase the budget.
@dave623 2 года назад
Education today, at least in well funded suburban schools, is far better than it was 30 years ago.
@FlatEarthMath 2 года назад
@@dave623 I disagree. Many of the basics like grammar, spelling, arithmetic, and geography are gone. History has been replaced by "Social Studies." And critical thinking is nothing but a memory. You might want to look into Common Core math, and you'll find it doesn't include calculus. Thus schools still teaching calculus are literally "going against the standards."
@bishop8000 2 года назад
The man here is advocating what Plato called a noble lie.. That if enough people believe something that results in behavior that benefits society then it doesn't matter if there's no evidence for it or if it's not really true. I've never subscribed to that argument. I think we're always better off with the best approximation of the truth. The way you get to the truth, at least the kind of truth we can all agree on, is by critically examining the evidence and there's never been any objectively verifiable evidence for a god. I also think that describing the removal of theology from public education as an example of 'cancel culture' expands the definition of cancel culture too broadly. Cancel culture is an act of public boycott against a person or commercial entity because they've said or done something that offends a lot of people. That's very different from removing the publically administrated teaching of an idea that is completely without a basis in objectively measurable facts. Whether you believe in a god or many gods or no gods, all reasonable people should be able to agree that it's an open enough question and there's enough ambiguity about it, and a great enough variety of opinions exist, that it shouldn't be part of the state system.
@joeoliver4266 2 года назад
I think the reason “cancel culture” is included in the title is to highlight how similar this Schmidt guy’s rhetoric is to much of what you hear from the conservatives of today. In other words, the language has changed, but the ideology is still the same.
@conrad4667 2 года назад
Too bad if anything offends “a lot” of people. That is no criteria to “cancel” anything. Cancel culture does not use “objectively measurable facts.” We are all seeing the objective truths in science being tossed willy nilly away. It seems to me that we were better off with the “noble lie” of The God of the Bible, who gave us The Ten Commandments, than the “For the sake of argument, let’s imagine there 50+ genders, gender fluidity, men can give birth” crowd. Even if society agrees to “follow the one true God”, because God can’t be scientifically proven, it can be said that we aren’t following anything but our own agreement. That, is the point, that we agree to follow “good” laws. With or without God, anyone who wants power or control over another is wrong. With God, you are worried about His power and control over you. Without God, there is no power or control over you from God, only from “bad” men. “Good” men do not want power over or control others. With God, He allows you free will to not subjugate yourself to Him. Try that with man. The very fact that they won’t allow you your freedom is proof they are “bad”.
@DavidHoffmanFilmmaker 2 года назад
Thank you Joe. That is correct. I am sorry that Dean thinks I should be ashamed. The title is not ridiculous especially when I consider all of the thousands of comments I get on the subject using those words. David Hoffman filmmaker
@joeoliver4266 2 года назад
People will talk about whatever they hear their favorite media personalities talk about, and cancel culture sure seems like a hot topic. I’m not surprised you get so many of those comments!
@yekkub9425 2 года назад
Saying "there's never been any objectively verifiable evidence for a god" is misleading if not outright false. There are many valid logical and historical arguments/evidence for the existence of the Christian God. The latter may not be "falsifiable," but that is because they simply follow from deductive logic, arguably making them MORE grounded than scientifically proven ideas.
@johnharris8057 2 года назад
I believe that we are now seeing the repercussions of past decisions that were based in taking God out of the equation.
@sertaki 2 года назад
In a country that on paper has separation of religion and state, arguing for religious control of state education is chilling. And i am confused how exactly this debate reflects what is nowadays called "cancel culture" by some? This isn't a call to bad somebody from a public office because of their behavior, this is a discussion on basic legislature and fundamental questions of secular vs religious education. Highly unfitting and warped video title.
@maiamaiapapaya 2 года назад
I agree. Cancel culture is the wrong word for this title
@DavidHoffmanFilmmaker 2 года назад
He is debating what was a real issue back then and is to some extent today. To what extent should religious education be taught in the schools. School prayer in the morning etc. You can read up on him and find out more about his thinking. He felt that public school systems were rejecting/cancelling religion and God and blocking conversation in the classrooms. David Hoffman
@sertaki 2 года назад
@@DavidHoffmanFilmmaker I get what the man's point was. My first paragraph was a commentary on his position, which I find quite disturbing. But my main argument is: This video is not actually related in any shape or form to what some people call "cancel culture". That would imply that religion is being publicly called out for its wrongdoings, and how can a concept be called out? People, groups, organizations and such can be "cancelled" in the modern sense of the word, but not religions.
@sertaki 2 года назад
@@smittycity42 Institutions of any kind are groups of people. One could argue that there is for example a slow "cancellation" of the Catholic church happening for it's covering up of pedophilia cases, or of Russia-supporting Eastern Orthodox churches in the wake of the current invasion.
@frederickwise5238 2 года назад
Could you please direct me SPECIFICALLY to the piece of paper and place within that paper, where separation of religion and state is defined. It is NOT in The U.S. Constitution.
@peterpipertrulite8629 2 года назад
Would love to see the entire broadcast 👍
@RWSCOTT 2 года назад
There's always an argument that the benefits of religion are self-evident, yet I've personally seen no evidence in my lifetime (or in history I've read) that belief in god makes an individual, a community, society or nation function better.
@californiavirus3566 2 года назад
I think you have to watch how generations change over time to really decide if it matters. Have go look at the children of those without religion and how their children turn out with the morals but without the spirituality, and how their children turn out, with the morals as they've been passed on with spirituality generations removed. If the newer generations dont have kids, maybe that could be related too.
@leonhardable 2 года назад
Well you just need to upate your history lessons, ngl Islam unified the middle east and brought grea cultures and wealth Christianity held together a crumbling roman empire against outer influences for some time, and then was the only reason antique knowledge was preserved in the dark ages of europe The only reason the west coast was settled, was the drive of american-anglican christians, who believed in the "bootstrap-god" Like for real - stop listening to what your (and mine) unknowing teacher taught you, because they "learned" in school, tha religion is bad and useless. Religion itself ist just a moral codex, and because theres usually history and tons of time behind it, they're pretty well thought out for their environment, esp if they are reformable
@aurograce2983 2 года назад
Just in the last two years God has drastically changed my life. Perhaps listen to testimonies from Christians from atheism, naturalism, and other religions and see how they were affected on a personal level. You don’t have to agree or even believe them, just listen.
@andylindsey 2 года назад
Oh wow, this is great. 2 1/2 min is just so short! I would love to hear this in full, I was very invested in the end. I'd like to hear what the men have to say.
@EvansBrosRacing 2 года назад
I grew up in the 60's in So. Calif. , and there was no God or religion brought up in our classes , and there should NOT have been , that is up to your parents .
@EvansBrosRacing 2 года назад
@@peterdeis1487 I sure as hell did not need a U.S. government run school telling me what religion to follow . Are you saying we should have been taught about God in public schools ?
@ThaTruFily 2 года назад
No religion no flag no fear
@valfrancis5692 2 года назад
Which God???
@kwgm8578 2 года назад
Thank you, David, for this material. Very appropriate.
@tallsmile28 2 года назад
This is why our founding fathers wanted separation of church and state.
@allenefremov9459 2 года назад
If we had god in schools we wouldn’t be where we are at today…
@Sochi314 2 года назад
If you are a Christian or whatever religion wouldn't God be with you wherever you go? I feel like people make this statement because it sounds good. People have God in their lives and get raped, lose their income, are beaten, hurt others, etc. Do you think once a religious child walks past the threshold of their school, God disappears?
@kebertxela941 2 года назад
Mr. Schmidt was right.
@rccpromotions 2 года назад
People were a lot more eloquent back then. I wonder what they would say if they saw the state of our schools now.
@kerrygold6494 2 года назад
As countries become more atheistic, does their economy and freedoms get better, do the lives of children improve? Genuine question.
@aurograce2983 2 года назад
They may have more technology, food, and opportunities but depression, anxiety, and suicide rates are around 4 times higher than that of poorer and more religious areas
@aurograce2983 2 года назад
Just check suicide and depression rates between United States high schoolers and high schoolers from other countries. Note- I am not sure of my facts nor can I give a source, but hey, this is the internet, where everything is 100% reliable all the time.
@kittykittykittywhere 2 года назад
Thank you for this. I was in first grade in Canada, when they announced, that the government had decided to dissolve the Our Father from morning rites in its public schools. It was the end of my first year at school, and I was so grief-stricken by the news that I cried in front of everybody.
@redman958 2 года назад
It's kinda sad how much the culture has changed over the years. It would be impossible to imagine prayer being said in public schools today.
@dennisbenn2065 2 года назад
Mr. Hoffman do you have the rest of this program? It would be interesting to see all of it. Or others in this series. Thanks for your wonderful channel!
@matthewfarmer6830 2 года назад
Thanks again for sharing nice old stuff, good clean video in your vault.🎥👍👍🙂
@dkkeyz8815 2 года назад
Thank you but…… I wanted more of his arguments. You sir are a true gem in capturing our history and saving those videos. It makes me want to archive videos and press conferences. But then I realize that it’s all on the internet now and always will be. You sir have captured the internet before there was an internet. Thank you
@dkkeyz8815 2 года назад
@@mbgrafix time will only tell.
@radornkeldam 2 года назад
Amazing. Even with two or three men talking over each other, this recording is clear enough that you can understand them. With all of today's modern AV technology, when you get just two people talking over each other on live TV, it all turns into an unintelligible mess.
@idiotwind2248 2 года назад
I was just starting to get good & angry with this guy's bible thumping rap.. then the video ended. I remember this argument in the 60,s. - my mom made sure I got a good dose of God ,by keeping me in Catholic school for 10 years.
@iamwhoyousayiam6773 2 года назад
At least they weren't teaching séx to friggin' 5 year olds!!!!! BRING BACK GOD
@SilentEcho9194 2 года назад
They're actually trying to teach 5 year olds that no one has the right to touch them without their consent. Body autonomy.
@Schmidtelpunkt 2 года назад
What a well selected snippit. Very thought provoking in the typical neutral Hoffman fashion, where both sides can feel attacked and confirmed at the same time.
@DavidHoffmanFilmmaker 2 года назад
Thank you Herr Schmidt.
@fearisthemindkiller387 2 года назад
If there’s an all loving, all wise, all knowing and all powerful God out there…they have a lot to answer for.
@leonhardable 2 года назад
Oh wow what a unique argument never brought up in the history of kindergarteners before!
@MrDonut-mb6ms 2 года назад
this is so, so much different from television “debate” today
@lynns4426 2 года назад
I'm happy to see that generation wasn't happy about spending for war either! Even if they removed it from schools they've been in the shadows navigating education politics since then lol. I'm so over both parties playing hot potato with any "failure". Everyone plays a part. You can't just destroy resources for schools outside your area that you don't live in or vote in, that's not fair for those communities. A child doesn't care if their school is in a red or blue district they just want equal opportunities to learn and grow.
@kennethmurphy8122 2 года назад
These guys are all Christian's the atheist after the quote "if you take God out of the picture then man alone is responsible for the difference between right and wrong". I believe would say "Yes exactly mankind is responsible."
@kennethmurphy8122 2 года назад
Oh ya ordered a couple of tees should be here tomorrow or Uber Morgan
@alexgg7499 2 года назад
This is what started what we got today the 60s mess
@eleanorcramer7986 2 года назад
Teach civics history and how to budget
@TheTruthlady 2 года назад
I’d like to hear the entire discourse
@AbronHawkins 2 года назад
Kids in American schools were taught to say the Pledge of Allegiance, but what good is it when God is being removed from the schools since 1962?
@yourthought2333 2 года назад
As important a debate today as it was then.
@hud86 2 года назад
I miss these sorts of debates
@Starius2 2 года назад
sad thing? alotta their worries back then have come to pass
@tylertimmons5543 2 года назад
Man should be the difference between right and wrong. The only thing stopping you from being a bad person shouldn’t be god, it should be your own morality.
@chauffeurdrivenbimbo5850 2 года назад
If I express my opinion, I may get cancelled. A belief is a belief
@gokurocks9 2 года назад
Just some good Americans defending "Separation of Church and State"
@wptx2827 2 года назад
64 years later... we have children sexualized by adults and pumped with hormone blockers, millions of murdered children, a devasting divorce and single motherhood rate, and a high suicide and overdose rate... I think Mr. Schmidt gets a W.
@wptx2827 2 года назад
@@ArbitraryFilmings okay now do the other things I mentioned
@lynnannecoolidge8680 2 года назад
Very interesting. I will have to listen to this a few times more.
@michelm306 2 года назад
Thank you, very interesting upload
@matthewfarmer6830 2 года назад
Hey David Hoffman I was wondering if your the same David Hoffman that on the library mutual commercials 😁
@DavidHoffmanFilmmaker 2 года назад
I am not Matthew
@Siggyroka 2 года назад
When things started going to hell (pun intended)
@SilentEcho9194 2 года назад
Makes me wonder why so many out there would like to return to that era. Perhaps media is to blame with the "Leave it to Beaver" and those types of shows influencing how we think the average person lived then.
@chesterproudfoot9864 2 года назад
Is there a link anywhere to the full show?
@samanthacrump1976 2 года назад
I took my religion class Jr. High through High School as on of my optional classes to take. I never regretted taking the class. Having a place or class that’s quite and peaceful place to go was wonderful.
@linusp9316 2 года назад
My public high school still has religion classes, in 2022. But, they're optional - like they should be. It's not "cancel culture", it's the Constitution (and Supreme Court rulings which clarify the Constitution). Meaningless buzzwords are unhelpful and just obnoxious.
@iuhosprrt 2 года назад
How crazy is this. Back in 1958
@atiredblue 2 года назад
Seems to him…. Exactly
@TRULYKITE 2 года назад
Was 1958 also the year that influential American leaders then had the first discussion on Artificial Intelligence? This is great David, I believe in God and I believe God is the answer to everything and is in control of everything because he made everything. God says in His living word “He made our lives simple, yet we have made it complicated.” He saved me from my wicked past and He can do the same for you. ❤️
@AfroReporter 2 года назад
Wow, so pertinent and germane today. Truly scary.
@jasonbourne2171 2 года назад
God out of schools/government is a little different than cancel culture
@BillySBC 2 года назад
God: "Oh wow, they passed a law saying I can't exist in a classroom... Guess I can't go there now... Oh well, back to creating parallel universes."
@Jagueyes1 2 года назад
Quantum universes, makes sense. Maybe the millennium has already come and gone somewhere else! Truth IS stranger than fiction..
@gpaj-l5n 2 года назад
@DavidHoffmanFilmmaker 2 года назад
Thank you so much for the support. It matters to my efforts. David Hoffman Schumaker
@Sochi314 2 года назад
If only history wasn't so whitewashed. The truth is there is a need for the separation of church and state. How many Christians would truly accept their child learn about Islam, Hinduism or anything but what they deem as the correct religion? Yoga is banned in Alabama for goodness sake.
@vzwopx 2 года назад
Oh to have these problems today
@EatRawGarlic 2 года назад
I don't quite see the link with what is happening at American colleges and universities today, or what is generally understood to be Cancel Culture. Though I am uncomfortably observing what is happening in the US (e.g. at Evergreen College) from across the pond. Did one of the debaters loose his job (or worse) for speaking out? Or was something he said in the past, blown up and made public in an attempt to shame him, as to avoid a discussion based on substance?
@kerrygold6494 2 года назад
Bret Weinstein was a professor at Evergreen, he has a RU-vid channel called dark horse.
@EatRawGarlic 2 года назад
@@kerrygold6494 I'm aware, and can highly recommend it, especially to those who still believe they're in the clear because they consider themselves left-wing. Dark Horse is also on Odysee by the way, in case youtube ever decides it has had enough of their fact-based counter narrative.
@alejandroooom 2 года назад
He is saying we are in the shadow of a third world war, What war was he reffering to?
@paulmartin7309 2 года назад
Some things never change.
@popologynetworks3483 2 года назад
Wow This is Awesome!
@t.dwhitaker8808 2 года назад
The guy makes a good point can you please show the whole thing
@Ydce1891 2 года назад
We need to remove all religion from school and government unless you are a religious school. Separation of church and state. Idk one religion, ✝️… can’t seem to get around the idea that America is not a Christian government. It’s a government that was intended for religious freedom.
@deserttortoise2227 2 года назад
The strange thing is that the whole reason we have mandatory public education was the puritan belief that everybody be forced to read the Bible.
@eyesup9542 2 года назад
Wow! This is excellent and so timely. Thank you for posting. I agree @Russian Waifu!! Come Lord Jesus, come 👑🕊💕
@jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj0 2 года назад
1:30 good point
@DMaria216 Год назад
Cancel culture didn't remove anything. Common sense did.
@patrickhamilton7849 Год назад
Common sense tells you there is a God.
@aparise1 2 года назад
I hate the phrase cancel culture, as much as oppressive culture
@DavidHoffmanFilmmaker 2 года назад
I am not particularly fond of it either but it is a phrase that the RU-vid algorithm picks up on and that means it will offer it to potential viewers who hopefully will watch it. David Hoffman filmmaker
@aparise1 2 года назад
@@DavidHoffmanFilmmaker very true
@queruba. 2 года назад
I really don't agree with him. Then again, he IS a conservative from before the 1960s
@karinesavard2016 2 года назад
Whoh 😲 good video 👍
@allandill2033 2 года назад
Funny how the same broken arguments are being used now as they were back then. And they are just as bad and ineffective
@LMason-qd7sq 2 года назад
Why not make a religion on responsibility?
@kathybumgardner4773 2 года назад
OIknoW god. Will look at Gop republican chtristians and say I NEVER KNEW YOU
@misspm8157 2 года назад
Never was there any religion in our public schools. There were religious schools for parents that chose too... Keep whatever sky daddy n book of fairy tales out of our schools.
@lynnemurphy114 2 года назад
I watched this debate in full and the sweet man talking about God was spoke wisely....I wonder what his family thinks I think he spoke sence
@dougmattis9293 2 года назад
Mr. Schmidt's framing of status and his egregious associative determination in regard to his view of god-fearing (or lack thereof) falls apart entirely looking at data and legislative moves for 100 years prior to his empassioned rant, here. I admire his righteous, pious, indignant energy! But absolutely NOT as a legislative and codified invective, which would have ignited polarization like rocket fuel and matches.
@eklektek5032 2 года назад
Talking about dictatorship without god but is advocating to force the fear of god on the youth. Sounds like a dictator to me.
@stemartin6671 2 года назад
We still have roman Catholic schools here in the UK, I used to have to sing hymns every morning I'm school assembly, and the first Monday and last Friday of every month was church day, and every Thursday afternoon was Benediction. I'm not religious now though. Not in a Catholic way, anyway.
@redman958 2 года назад
Here in Canada the Catholic schools are even funded by government tax dollars.
@Nightbird1914 2 года назад
I think that is how most Private Christian schools teach in the USA. Catholic and Protestant although I never attended one. I am a Catholic but non practicing in part because the Church is divided by politics. My priest told me we must vote for the pro life candidates no matter if they are the least moral overall. Our diocese Bishop does not condone that view. I considered complaining to him but I’m in the minority in my Parish.
@iVenge 2 года назад
Catholic schools should never have been allowed in this country.
@davidmicalizio824 2 года назад
What a square!!
@GonjaSensai 2 года назад
One of the worst decisions in America's history.
@eleanorcramer7986 2 года назад
The people who came tortured raped and stole the land from first people and have monopolized the social structure can’t whine about prayer being missed as a tool for the good of all people ( not just for big money and power brokers)
@leonhardable 2 года назад
Not all anglicans were terrorists, most were nice simple people just living their life, it's racist to just label all of them as criminals 😊
@eleanorcramer7986 2 года назад
@@leonhardable nope just the leaders who pushed and led and directed many groups. Sad the rotten ones can spoil the lot.
@A_Simple_Neurose 2 года назад
I really disagree with that first speaker's point of view. Of course it's natural for people to decide what's right and wrong amongst people. From a theological point of view, if that's what gets you kicked out of heaven then that's most likely what will get you back up there too - the cultivation of a righteous society. Simply offloading that responsibility to some concept of godhood or religion won't do it because at that point you're not putting in the effort yourself anymore, you're simply doing what you're told or what is "recommended", which is hardly what any religion that seeks enlightenment should be about. Especially one that seeks to integrate with a system that is friendly and even harmonious with good child-rearing!
@silverpairaducks 2 года назад
Nailed it....
@GENERALWACKASS 2 года назад
WTF? This has been around for 80 years?
@charlespeterwatson9051 2 года назад
The separation of church and state is not cancel culture. It's a constitutional remedy for theocracy. Read the Establishment Clause of the Constitution.
@yekkub9425 2 года назад
Theocracy doesn't sound that bad. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@charlespeterwatson9051 2 года назад
@@yekkub9425 Ever heard of the Taliban? The Inquisition? Salem Witch Trials? Blood guilt and Easter pogroms? Oliver Cromwell?
@yekkub9425 2 года назад
@@charlespeterwatson9051 Ever heard of the Chinese Cultural Revolution? The Paris Commune's murder of priests? The Khmer Rouge? Abortion and the persecution of religious people in the French Revolution? The Red Terror? Pol Pot?
@charlespeterwatson9051 2 года назад
@@yekkub9425 Yes, none of which were solely constructed or implemented in the achievement of an immoral anti-religion regime. The restriction on theocratic influences was only one tenet in the creation of a society where faith never usurped reason to retard human progress.. The horrors that were incurred under those aforementioned events and regimes were no more different than that incurred by authorities of a theocracy, except the law-bringer of a theocracy is credited as a celestial entity and not a tangible source.
@yekkub9425 2 года назад
@@charlespeterwatson9051 Haven't you any self-awareness? None of the things you mentioned were "solely constructed or implemented in the achievement of an immoral" pro-religion "regime" either. Also, the difference you bring up with theocratic law-bringers being regarded as a "celestial entity" becomes more and more idiotic once you realize that cults of personality do exist, and that people of the same religion can simply believe that the theocracy's law-bringer is a false "celestial entity" (Ex: how Protestants and even some Catholics view the Pope as a false leader of the Church).
@martymcfly3986 2 года назад
u sure it was in 1958?seems like yesterday so current it is
@coalescententity6651 2 года назад
How the hell is this related to cancel culture, or is this just clickbait?
@DavidHoffmanFilmmaker 2 года назад
My experience. Cancel culture blocks some areas of free speech especially in colleges. What this gentleman is talking about was happening in high schools then around the country. Schools were rejecting the discussion of religion in class and the Supreme Court I believe rejected school prayer at the start of each day. Not clickbait to me. David Hoffman filmmaker
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