
President Speaks On Prayer Banning In U.S. Schools (1962) 

British Pathé
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Washington, United States of America USA.
American commentary, transcript on file.
MS. Reporters seated in the State Department Auditorium awaiting President's J Kennedy weekly press conference. VS. Mostly CU. of President Kennedy speaking he gives his views on the Supreme courts decision banning prayers in schools.
(Comb. F.G.)
FILM ID:3056.17
British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website. www.britishpat...



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Комментарии : 178   
@melissapadilla812 2 года назад
This didn't age well, just look at this generation.
@Charlemagnetheman 2 года назад
I’m gen z and I feel completely alone in my worldview. It’s sad
@ghostofsilence2697 2 года назад
What about this generation specifically has you upset at it?
@melissapadilla812 2 года назад
@@ghostofsilence2697 Everyone is divided, prayer brings unification, makes people feel loved, and creates a strong foundation, even for non believers.
@ghostofsilence2697 2 года назад
@@melissapadilla812 I understand where you're coming from but to me it doesn't seem so cut and dry. We have two sets of prayer now. Those who use it as a unifying force and those who use it as a sword to cut down their opposition at every turn. It created a fracture within the church and as a former believer myself I'm simultaneously glad I'm no longer taking part in either side of that but also saddened by the fact that it's gotten as bad as it is. Worst part is now we're seeing legislators and even the Supreme Court trying their damndest to mandate religion in other facets of life. No other developed nation seems to have this problem. People should have the freedom to choose and be left alone if they wish. But that's unfortunately not what we're seeing nowadays.
@timkeen1727 2 года назад
@@melissapadilla812 how does prayer bring about unification when I, and many others, are nonreligious??? Prayer in public schools alienates non religious folk and those who believe in other faiths besides Christianity
@carpenoctem775 Год назад
Prayer should be allowed in school, and anywhere in public for that matter, but not enforced. You have that right as an American. Duh! It’s unconstitutional to deny people their religious freedoms by law. My 2 cents for the day.
@catholicfemininity2126 Год назад
Too bad they're already trying to enforce wierd lgbtabc on students, acting all holier than thou.
@samturner64 Год назад
You have religious freedom in the US. Government buildings are the only places where constitutional rights can be limited. That is not a new concept, and it has always been like that.
@louiethegreater1 Год назад
Your two cents is correct, thank you for posting it.
@adonisblox9198 Год назад
Are you ok with LGTBQ ima schools then?
@carpenoctem775 Год назад
@@adonisblox9198 Stay on topic. That has absolutely nothing to do with my post. smh….
@HumanDignity10 Год назад
Many public schools now teach anti-Christian messages under the guise of "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion". They did this at a public school my son attended for 2 years, and I pulled him out.
@Zlervo Год назад
Good on you for pulling him out of that God-less school.
@jesuscaresaboutyou100 Год назад
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
@tedmarley4341 Год назад
Ok white man. Cry me a river!
@ClubstepMonsterOfficial Год назад
@@Zlervo You christofascists are insane. You complain about the second amendment being violated while you are pushing to violate the first amendment. God has no place in school.
@JeremiahArt65 Год назад
Are you mad over not having kids being forced to pray?
@neoncat9573 Год назад
"If God does not exist, then everything is permissible." -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky That's the reason these supposed "leaders' in the United States and other countries want God out of the schools, out of your life, out of my life and, most of all, out of their own lives. That way they can do their evil deeds without a conscience.
@patrickphilip777 Год назад
Yep! Plus immorality leads to make them money.
@jesuscaresaboutyou100 Год назад
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
@Almafan Год назад
@@patrickphilip777 If religion is moral and non religion immoral as you suggest, why are the biggest religioses groups also the richest? This shouldn't be the case if immorality leads to making money. Religion squeeses money out of people since money exist with there products "Hope" and "Forgivness".
@Almafan Год назад
They want fairness, because some people are not christians or religious at all. Why should they pray christian prayers, if they believe in something else or lack in believe?
@jesuscaresaboutyou100 Год назад
​@@Almafan Now, people need to learn what's good and bad. The world is turning bad.
@jonsolo4776 Год назад
"...at home. " that last part was like a chilling threat.
@johnniesmith1124 2 года назад
NOT to rile any believers - BUT - When the TEN Commandments left U.S. Schools the CURVE OF MORALITY & CRIME BECAME OUR NEIGHBOR .....
@kninezbanks 2 года назад
So you are saying that it is up to schools to teach morality.....not parents at home? But when those same schools want to teach safe sex education, birth control etc......many of these same parents say that those should be up to the parents, not the school....it's very simple....conservative parents want their kids to be taught things they agree with........and be quiet to their kids about things they disagree with......nothing wrong with prayer, it just shouldn't be forced......especially one type of prayer....Christian prayer on all students....you can't favor one religion over others.
@jayslonger5302 2 года назад
@@kninezbanks Just stating facts.....!
@caseymckenzie3951 Год назад
That’s because these mfs did it on purpose
@neoncat9573 Год назад
@ johnnie smith: If I could jump up and down in support of your comment, I would do so. You are absolutely right. Taking down the Ten Commandments was the Beginning of the End.
@AlanDeMoss Год назад
You morons REALLY don't know the 10 Commandments is a man made movie. Right? There exists no list of 10 in scripture. Basically a graven image, worshipers of dogma if it's displayed anywhere. You imbeciles are the exact hate that hung Jesus in the story. Pathetic
@ghostofsilence2697 2 года назад
Damn right, prayer should be an individual activity, or if there is a congregation it should be a choice, no one should be forced against their will to adhere to any religion or lack there of.
@JoelJ777 2 года назад
As a Christian conservative, I totally agree.
@johnpaulabocad6941 2 года назад
If you don’t want to pray don’t join in it
@caseymckenzie3951 Год назад
I don’t look at how America is with out it
@onewildandcrazyguy9213 Год назад
​@@johnpaulabocad6941 don't have state employees leading School prayer
@lordmortee9274 Год назад
@@johnpaulabocad6941 so you'd be okay if we rotated the prayer every day. 1 day is a Jew prayer, next a Muslim prayer, next a Christian prayer.... after all your kid wouldn't have to stand up... Ass hat
@doublevision84 4 месяца назад
Biggest mistake America ever made
@Byzantineeditz 7 месяцев назад
Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing
@robertbrown7470 9 месяцев назад
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. How many decades ago did they gain control over our political parties? The early 60's were turning points, especially in 1963.
@gregjames9875 Год назад
1st-Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
@TheHillbillyHeretic814 Год назад
Correct which is why teacher lead prayer was banned.
@gregjames9875 Год назад
@@TheHillbillyHeretic814 "Establishment" of religion, not "practice".
@TheHillbillyHeretic814 Год назад
@@gregjames9875 right. And what does establishing a religion mean? What is it when a government entity says "hey now, children we are going to recite morning prayer to jesus."? In a facility those children are compelled by law to attend? Would you be making the argument if say pastafarianism was what the prayer was centered around? What about Islam? Satanism? The teachers choice?
@TheHillbillyHeretic814 Год назад
@@gregjames9875 the law specifically banned teacher lead prayer. Individuals can choose to pray whenever they like provided they are not causing a disturbance. The kids are also free to form bible clubs or other religious clubs. This right has been upheld repeatedly in court.
@gregjames9875 Год назад
@@TheHillbillyHeretic814 The Founding Fathers did not want there to be a Church of America. They were trying to get away from The Church of England.
@Tylerbngjk 19 дней назад
Jefferson's letter to the Danbury baptist association was about letting all christian denominations in America, Jefferson said the state cannot establish one christian denomination but they are to allow all denominations that's why the context of the letter matters the court took the letter out of context, and I can't say it enough context!! Context!! Context!! Matters
@jonsolo4776 Год назад
How else can you carry out the great commission? The Bible says we are to pray at all times... this has always been over reach of power in my opinion. Freedom of speech except for when it goes against government. Well, we must obey God above all else, even when it goes against the rulers that deny God. Government is given for our benefit and safety from God, but the LORD is the Supreme Authority
@thedrummersclub3667 11 месяцев назад
So remove Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance and add LGBT education??? 😂 good luck people 🏴‍☠️
@FelipeValdez-og2tg 11 месяцев назад
Yuppp! Prayer was banned and now we have LGBT Garbage
@HogExeNadoUser 8 месяцев назад
I say this as a 9th grader No lgbt education is being taught
@ronburgundy2738 Год назад
pray ourselves ❤❤❤
@ThomasMcConville-x9k 13 дней назад
Not the right stance or position for JFK to uphold regarding the banning of school prayer by the Supreme Court in 1963. His statement here during this press conference was an affront to the majority of Catholics, as well as Protestants who supported and voted for him. He should have offered an alternative for public school students to meet in a private room, or be allowed to pray, at least silently outside the classroom. Private, silent forms of prayer were eventually allowed in public schools, to accommodate students of other beliefs and faiths. President Kennedy might have endorsed this right, but I don't believe he ever articulated it and endorsed the idea while in office, and as the first Catholic President. That said, he was one of our greatest presidents and moved our country into world leadership in space exploration and technology. Our nation was secure and prosperous, despite the Cuban Missile Crisis, a very tenuous and worrisome period. His leadership and resolve diffused it and kept America from nuclear war due to his superb leadership.
@louiethegreater1 Год назад
When Jesus was taken out ,by demonic people, than the devil moved in. Now what is our children being taught?
@FelipeValdez-og2tg 11 месяцев назад
Yuppp, Kicked God out and Moved the Devil In . Sad
@HogExeNadoUser 8 месяцев назад
What demonic things are being taught in school?
@HogExeNadoUser 8 месяцев назад
I’m a 9th grader and I see no demonic things in school
@louiethegreater7019 8 месяцев назад
@@HogExeNadoUser Thats because you don't recognize them, the world has been so corrupted that you really would not recognize lack of Christian Values. For example, do you have prayer to start each day. Are you being taught the WOKE values.
@HogExeNadoUser 8 месяцев назад
@@lavochat15 I know, I was trying to bait out an answer like that
@auniversalwoman 17 дней назад
The beginning of the end... the devil was gleeful when they banned prayer.
@songkim117 Месяц назад
We should be able to prayer where the heaven we want.
@LoudaroundLincoln Месяц назад
Yeah, fine. Just as long as it dont interefere with school work or your job then no one else cares.
@naftalikleinman 2 месяца назад
Strongly disagree
@Toto-cl8rw Год назад
It was a good decision to take prayers out of school. The separation of church is important and upheld as in the constitution.
@catholicfemininity2126 Год назад
Nah, I notice that serial killings and drug use and f0rnicati0n went up after they banned prayer and bibles in schools. If anything, society without Jesus, is trashy. Look at how people are acting now, they have no grip on reality. They think they're snails that can switch genders.
@melindamassey14 4 месяца назад
So is Islam, Satanism, witchcraft and the like. Leave them out of govt, media and keep it at home! Right????
@chuckwalch8025 19 дней назад
Separation of church and state, is to pertect the church from the state, not the state from the church.
@Toto-cl8rw 19 дней назад
@@chuckwalch8025 The important issue is that the church stays out of politics.
@mahirrahman7 Год назад
Prayer at schools if allowed should be allowed for any religion NOT just Christianity. America was founded not even on Christianity, the founding fathers were Deist, that God came down manufactured the whole universe and then left it to us to be caretakers, and that thereby God is in each and every one of us. But, in Islam God never left, he has been nd always is there.
@aaronsaunders6974 6 месяцев назад
dear president kennedy, this ban would’ve been unconstitutional. just read the 1st amendment-prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
@123rockfan 5 месяцев назад
It only banned prayer organized as a group. A school is not a freaking church. No one in their right mind would ban someone privately praying. That’s literally thought crime lmao
@alexjames1397 8 месяцев назад
Really poor choice to ban public school prayers.
@HogExeNadoUser 8 месяцев назад
And why is that?
@toddbonny3708 Год назад
At home is where prayer belongs.
@alanbourbeau24 Год назад
I honestly completely disagree. As a Catholic Christian and a Knight of Columbus, I think the student should be allowed to pray in a public school. Regardless of what the school administration says. As for me, I went to public schools in my past life and I wasn’t allowed to pray in public schools and wasn’t allowed to express my religious beliefs and views. As for what President Kennedy did, I think he made a big mistake.
@toddbonny3708 Год назад
@@alanbourbeau24 you can pray all you want. But just as one can't forbid you from praying, they cant force, coerce, or pressure you to do it either. Having any authority figure in a school lead a prayer has that effect.
@nick_phi11ips Год назад
prayer belongs wherever the believer happens to be at the time of prayer
@catholicfemininity2126 Год назад
In public and at home and at church is where prayer belongs. Deal with it. ;)
@HogExeNadoUser 8 месяцев назад
@@nick_phi11ips and that shouldn’t be at a public school
@privateprivate1865 2 года назад
Pray in private. Or shut up
@yeelanma9165 2 года назад
Crime is in schools today U communist deny culture and tradition ur reason for decay and u will be eliminated
@vincentgiasullo 2 года назад
@@yeelanma9165 🤡🤡🤡
@privateprivate1865 2 года назад
This was my old perception. Pray whenever.. but a friendly suggestion is to pray woth the heart. Thats all. Peace Love and Light
@PunkShockRock 2 года назад
@@privateprivate1865 another case overturned. So in the words of Nelson muntz. HAHA lol
@kninezbanks 2 года назад
@@PunkShockRock Nothing was overturned, it simply said that individuals groups can still pray in school......but it's not school administration routine enforced on everybody, like it was in the past.
@spacechimp6442 Год назад
If only Jesus spoke on the subject of prayer in public.
@teresawhetstone1832 Год назад
That was weak
@HogExeNadoUser 8 месяцев назад
@allaboutmini8169 5 месяцев назад
Verybad for our children and nation and Roe v Wade closely followed, then decades later gay marriage, all against the word of God - no, i will not support the supreme court in any of this‼️ psalm 33:12
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