
Canon Events DON'T EXIST! (Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse Theory) 

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today we discuss across the spider verse once again, this time touching on canon events and why they might be a LIE
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29 сен 2024




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@ExquisiteKinkyCoils Год назад
@PaveltheBugFan Год назад
Shootout of 3 people?
@yoshi_wrld4892 Год назад
Repent of sin and Trust in Jesus! John 14:6 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Matthew 7:13-23 13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. John 3:16-21 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
@CamoBuilds Год назад
spot wasnt in mumbattan because miles was there, he was there because there was an alchemax in mumbattan, spot was going around the different dimensions looking for alchemax, not miles. the attack would have happened whether miles was there or not.
@Spawnofgolden Год назад
Miles created him when he blew up the collider. Without miles he would have never existed.
@LonderwOo0 Год назад
@@Spawnofgolden no cause if peter from earth 1610 blew it up it would have been the same anyway, if it wasn't for the collider that brought the spider here then spot would never exist
@ollidragon3146 Год назад
@@LonderwOo0 we don't know how it would've happened, i don't think we ever saw him the first time in the collider so it's possible that he just wasn't there that day for one reason of another.
@LonderwOo0 Год назад
@@ollidragon3146 valid arguement but "possible" is not a strong word. Idk let's just wait for the 3rd movie
@AphidKirby Год назад
​​​​@@LonderwOo0 i dont think the collider would've blown up (or at least not as violently) if it had been shut down via the goober as intended, Miles deciding to throw a whole electrified Kingpin into it to short circuit it is likely what lead to such an explosive reaction
@Prodighee Год назад
Dr. Strange said it best, "The Multiverse is a concept of which we know frighteningly little." 2099 simply doesn't have the full picture and how can he when we're dealing with infinite universes of infinite possibilities, his method so far may have worked but he's not aware of the other myriad of methods to stabilizing the Multiverse that both Miles and Gwen are starting to pick up on.
@flamesofchaos13 Год назад
Dr. Strange also stated to Spider-Man that the Multiverse doesn't care if a few people die. It's Cold Calculus. Peter 1 and his friends rejected that...The events of No Way Home happen. Miguel knows of those events and considers both Strange and Peter 1 as fuck ups. Even when they fix it find a different method...Miguel doesn't care. Because Miguel will not stop what he's doing no matter what...He's gone insane he's gone evil.
@tobsonasanya4765 10 месяцев назад
​@@flamesofchaos13eh he ain't evil
@acyofspades-816 7 месяцев назад
@@flamesofchaos13 he's not evil, it's just that his personal experience scarred him so much that he is so fixated on it, that can't think of other options, or at least, doesn't think he have time to think of other options. And also, peter 1 and strange didn't fix it cleanly, yes they stopped other people from getting into their universe, but it still caused problems on the multiverse, like strange himself said so in the of nwh, and what we saw in MoM.
@tonypeppermint5329 2 месяца назад
@VGbeck22 2 месяца назад
@@flamesofchaos13speaking of no way home. Does Miguel know about Tom hollands Spider-Man? Wasn’t the end of that movie making EVERYONE across all dimensions forget who he is?
@Jamer508 Год назад
I think the writers are introducing what is call an information hazard. The moment you consider all possible things being linked and that the things that don't happen around you happen somewhere else is the moment you can no longer believe that only your existence is important. If your universe is not special then it makes it expendable. It's a cognitive dissonance in your mind to simultaneously believe your universe is important while also believing other universes exist. Miles represents the person who lets go of this dissonance and simply accepts the existence of all worlds while Miguel represents someone who believes that no universe is special, not even his. It's the extremes of decision making. You can either calculate the perfect next step you take in life or you simply take that next step and do your best.
@a1m3v Год назад
Great video! i just wanted to mention another detail. when we first meet Prowler Miles, his face is lit up with blue and red. Spider-Man colors. And the strike team Miguel brings along w/ him to catch Miles ALSO dont have the same canon events as everyone else! Ben Reilly is a clone, so he was BORN with spider powers, he was never bitten. And Jessica Drew was never bitten by a spider either! her backstory changes a lot in the comics, from being injected with a spider-blood serum, or originally being a spider that evolved into a human being. She was never bitten either. Its really interesting that Miguel’s team also aren’t traditional spider people!
@Ms.Divine2024 2 месяца назад
Naw I heard she was born with it or mind controlled by Hydra to believe she was a spider.
@СтефаноНачев Год назад
6:50 Miles : ,,CLAWS?? Are you even a Spider-Man” Miles HIMSELF said it
@catholicfemininity2126 7 месяцев назад
I still don't understand how Miguel's universe was "erased" or "moved" just because he took the place of someone else's dad for a year. We have seen other people live in other universes just fine. Is it because Miguel was there for a long time? Wasn't it just 1 year though? Did he do too many heroic deeds as a spiderman and 'dad' in another universe that it completely changed everything? Well how does that explain Miles' universe and the earth 42? IT was completely changed and is fine. Even Gwen's dad quit.... I don't understand. OR maybe did something happen to Miguel's daughters' universe that had nothing to do with him? He just assumed that he caused all the damage?
@joshuarias5001 Год назад
I'm waiting for the destiny weaver and the 'other' to come in at the third movie and say "miguel your canon even theory doesn't work"
@peterrealar2.067 Год назад
Yeah 2099 IS the Anomaly. He's a narcissist or he's projecting. He's blaming Miles for what he is guilty of.
@memeboyr6177 Год назад
If you notice the universe destruction effect is different between Mumbattan and 2099's backstory, one is a black hole similar to spots, and the other is the same effect as the super collider from the first movie. This leads me to believe that the destruction of these universes is an external factor and not the whole "Canon event" shtick. That external factor, however, in both cases it has to do with the alchemax super collider. Also, since the Spot is the second external factor for Mumbattan, who's to say that someone didn't mess with 2099's super collider and destroyed that entire universe. Someone who would want all the Avengers 2099 dead. Someone like Kang. Now the Kang part might be far fetched but my point still stands. Now for canon events i say that they actually just signify what's the most probable thing to happen to someone important to spiderman and can actually be prevented with no problems.
@BigKazzYT Год назад
I think Inspector Singh would have died no matter what, considering what happened in 'What If...', Doctor Strange's first attempts to break the Canon didn't work as his wife keeped dying after every time he went back and changed the past to try and stop her death. And once he did break the Canon, the same thing happened to his dimension, as it was engulfed by the black stuff. Also I'm pretty sure Miguel injected himself with the venom from the spider that bit Peter, which in turn makes him spider-man. Miguel may be wrong, but he's only trying to protect Miles' dimension from collapsing
@crossedoutpebz Год назад
good point❤️❤️
@zyzzyz7035 11 месяцев назад
Miguel is not a Spider-Man. He is a Prowler.
@dragonstouch1042 10 месяцев назад
I also subscribe to that theory
@bfvet117 Год назад
Technically Miguel is the original anomaly for time travelling in the first place he also isn't Spider-Man for those who refuse to call Miles Spider man but are quick to call Miguel Spiderman without hesitation dude can't even stick to walls nor was he bit by a spider
@aquaponieee Год назад
like, the spot came in and triggered the canon event, and then miles swooped in and disrupted it, completely changing the entire story. if the spot hadn't come, the canon event wouldn't have been triggered then, but it would've still happened later on in the future our miles was experiencing all the canon events the other miguel was supposed to experience, whilst the other miles met the fate our miles was supposed to meet, so i guess the 2 dimensions kinda swapped roles. except for one thing: in our dimension, there was Peter Parker, who was supposed to fight and stop the Prowler (miles), but died instead (because of miles, as spiderman 2099 claims), whilst in the other dimension miles was supposed to become spiderman and defeat the Prowler (uncle aaron) himself. so maybe um, the dimensions didn't collapse immediately because the canon events continued to happen as normal, but i think that maybe they would've slowly started making no sense because of the small differences until they eventually both collapsed in the future? i wonder if a major plotline of beyond the spiderverse could be miguels's dimensions starting to fall apart miguel's point was that if miles wasn't bitten by the spider, peter parker wouldn't have died, the quantum collider would've been shut down in time, the dimensions wouldn't have gotten off route by the consequences of the collider and the spot would've never came to be. also one last detail i have noticed in mumbattan, is that, the black matter didn't appear out of nowhere and didn't appear upon the disruption of the canon event: it appeared when the spot absorbed the collider, and started slowly eating alchamax hq causing it to fall in the first place, and then slowly expanding. in miguel's flashback, the dimension didn't get eaten by dark matter, it started glitching until it no longer was
@Ironapple09 Год назад
I feel Miguel isn’t being fully truthful. The cannon event that happened in Mumbatten to me looks to be caused by the collider explosion as the black liquid slowly covers the building and Jessica Drew even calls it a quantum hole. The other reason I believe this is in the footage Miguel shows of him breaking the cannon. It looks more like the waves from a collider like seen like ITSV. I believe a collider has to be involved to destroy a universe and not what Miguel says. At the end of the Movie spider-man India is on Gwen’s band. If miles had caused his universe to implode why would he be there?
@TronicSSJ07 10 месяцев назад
What if Miguel is the one who wants the Multiverse to end so he can remake it in his image.
@mop-kun2381 Год назад
also if disrupting a canon event lead to a dismension collapse, then why earth 42 is still there ? no spider => no Spider-man => not a single "canon" event could happen, but Earth 42 still exist ??
@LAGator-qu7tc Год назад
We have to discuss something that's VERY overlooked. Johnathan Ohms pulled a genetic spider from a world that DOES not have a spiderman. Do you understand what that means... That means there is no disruption. Miles in turn swapped fates with his Earth 42 counterpart but Miles isn't inherently evil and I think 42 version is more hardened due to his father passing. Sure Uncle Aaron died but he was a criminal who was redeemed due to the fact his nephew was there. Jeff has been in places where he should've died multiple times. Hes the type of man to put himself on the line a true hero. Jeff is a earnest man, to lose someone like him could impact anyone. Around that time Miles is trying to find himself and his defining moment of becoming spiderman was when his dad talked to him.... My point being is Miguel might be right due to Miles Dad is a double whammy. Aarons death was the trade off to Peter's but there wasn't a trade of to Miles becoming Spiderman. To balance his concerns is the death of Jeff but in timeline 42 Aaron is alive which tells me he was never really suppose to die in the first movie. He only died cause Miles was spiderman. Miles isnt so much so as an anomaly like Miguel calls him, he more of a one who was accidentally gifted the chance to break the matrix to show things can be different.
@zhaf Год назад
By Miguels logic shouldn't the right thing to do, to keep the cannon event going on track, to send Miles back to his universe? Miguel said that the canon event where a captain dies is when the captain tries to save a child while spiderman fights his nemesis. If Miles isn't back in his universe he can't fight spot. Thus breaking the canon event. Same when Miguel says the 42 spider bite 1610 Miles is the first/original abnormality. The colider event summoning the 42 spider would then technically be the first/original abnormality. Also it's not just Miguel not sharing anything with Peter Parker "canon events". His inner circle of Scarlet "Ben Riley" Spider and Jessiuca Drew Spider Woman. None of them share any similarities with Peter Parker "canon events". But I actually think that Miguel and the whole Spider societys undestanding of canon events are flawed. They don't have the whole picture and have been acting on what they believe is correct. I don't think Miguel is the villain, he have just been acting on the wrong conclusions about canon events. I think it's Spot traveling the fabrics of spacetime causing these events to create spider man/woman, put them on the "right" path so a colider event happens so he (Spot) can go to that universe and become more powerful. And the events that ends universes is just an consequence of Spots actions. And sometimes they are not severe enough that the Spider society can save it.
@crybabyteej Год назад
I legit thought of this yesterday and im SO glad to not be the only one who pieced it together. If anything, Miguel IS the first anamoly BECAUSE of him going into another verse with his daughter and it falling apart thus leading him to make the 'spider league'. (I legit can't stand 2099 and I hope the next movie makes him regret his words) I'm wondering now, with both Miles, if they'll team up since the cartel 6 is running rampant in 42.
@eli2210 Год назад
Cape isn’t disrespectful, Spider-Man unlimited has a cape and a very cool one, plus he can turn it on and off at will, and Peter B Parker says having the cape is cool
@homslic Год назад
Also, notice, in the chase scene when Miguel is using his claws, miles says, "Are you even spiderman?" He was angry at miles before, but when miles said that, he went *BESERK*.
@silindokuhlemthabela9010 Год назад
Miles should lead the spider team Miguel just a wannabe. Miles showed us by beating and outsmarting him
@Dethgears Год назад
Well the spot would have destroyed alchemax whether or not Miles was there, but without miles getting bit, 1610 spiderman would have stopped the collider in time meaning that the Spot would have never been concieved, thus, no cannon event.
@scottwoodward7103 Год назад
Eh. It seems pretty clear to me from the movie that the mechanics behind all of this Canonicity stuff are not entirely understood by anyone including Miguel. I don't think he's lying to anyone as such. I think he truly believes what he's saying. The problem is that I think he has an incomplete understanding of how the multiverse works (there's clearly SOMETHING to canon events and why so many spiders have parallel tragedies and so on, but I don't think we've been given a full understanding of how any of that works just yet). More importantly, I think Miguel has convinced himself this is how it all works because 1.) It may be easier to believe that than face the idea that he COULD have saved his daughter and just flat out failed and/or 2) It may be easier to believe that than let go of the pain of that and try to forgive himself for that failure. In other words if Miguel is lying to people its an unintended side effect of him lying to himself. A big part of his animosity towards Miles is already pretty clearly misplaced self loathing about his own supposed anomalous nature. Also also I think when he says the spider wasn't meant for Miles I understood that to mean the Miles we've seen in the past two movies, not every Miles in every universe. In other words, it could well have been the Miles on universe 42 that was intended to be Spider-man, but it wasn't meant for the Miles in the collider universe (the setting of the first movie, does that universe have a number?) to be bitten. And that being said I think you are dead wrong about Miles being intended to become the Prowler. We don't have enough information to say that- for one thing I think the movie strongly implies Universe 42 never had a Spider-man of its own to begin with (no Peter Parker), so that's already a huge difference from the collider universe. Second we have no idea when Mile's father died or how long Uncle Aaron has been supporting his family and influencing 42's version of Miles. I think it most likely has been going on for awhile now- its hard to imagine a Miles whose life has run in parallel to the one we are familiar with becoming a villain...I have to assume their lives diverged much earlier and 42 has had a much harder life than our Miles.
@Mav3rickwood 11 месяцев назад
Miles is the original anomaly, However saving Captain Sign was breaking Canon. The spot would've always gone to mumbattan to regain his powers which would've lead to Captain Sighn Death but because miles went through Gwens portal. That is what broke Canon because from that point onwards the spot would've recieved his powers then went back to Miles Earth and caused future Canon events to happen. Miles earth re-alligned itself after he was bitten and Earth 42 Miles became the prowler because of that. The only difference is now Miles knows about his fathers death. It could potentially break canon, However Miles vision was of his dad running to save the child not the actual seath of his father. In both Earths only one figure dies otherwise Earth 42 Uncle Aaron would be dead too.
@LabiLabi777 Год назад
Ok, so the math isn't mathing here. If he wasn't meant be Spider-Man then why is he getting canon events for Spider-men? Don't no one try to make sense of this, IT ISN'T SUPPOSED TO MAKE SENSE. They pulled this sh*t on purpose and that fact that this is being brought up means that the writers have achieved what they've set out to do. We aren't supposed to trust Miguel nor will he ever be right by the end of the third film. You can say that his future downfall will be a... *canon event* .
@prodginm Год назад
i like that part where u say the canon wouldnt have even happened without miles because since spot created miles and miles created spot, the whole event where insp. singh is "supposed" to die was done by spot
@gluteusmaximus5094 Год назад
"Miguel is the Spanish/Portuguese form of Michael, which comes from Hebrew and means "Who is like God?" miguel is actually a michael morbius variant. or not. idk.
@lizard5030 Год назад
i mean miguel wasn't bitten by a spider, he's half spider because of an experiment gone wrong, so yeah i think he himself could be the original anomaly or maybe even spot. miles being an anomaly doesn't make sense either, and i feel like what happened with gwen also shouldve disrupted her universe. her dad was supposed to become captain, but he stepped down. shouldn't that have disrupted her universe too???? i think miguel is either lying or there are just some serious flaws in the information he's saying
@tokyomanji96 Год назад
But in the halfway point of the move, the spot was in India before miles so he could go get stronger so miles shouldn’t have been there
@merrycrusade653 Год назад
I think Spider-Man No Way Home also had bug fixes during it’s second week…
@dipstick4486 Год назад
Another thing that i havent heard anyone talk about is that after Miles saves the captain in Mumbattan, the hole that takes the fallen building is one that looks alot more like how the spots holes look (hypothetically more so after the spots transformation), and not how the universe unraveled in Miguel's flashback. or Miguel's lying for some other reason.
@wolfyxdwolfyxd7426 Год назад
This probably wouldn’t happen at all if Kingpin never thought of activing or use the collider to bring back his family in the first place so technically kingpin is the anomally but he kind of fixed the issue where there isn’t supposed to be 2 spiderman in 1 universe where he killed earth 1610 spiderman/peter parker trying to save Miles. But at the same time Miles also blew up the collider so it’s kinda kingpin’s fault were in this mess in the end kingpin died so yeah
@caos1925 Год назад
kingpin didn't die did he? Miles left him webbed up outside looking like a kite for the cops to arrest.
@baderalbalool1869 Год назад
kingpin isn't the anomaly since (I think) the collider was supposed to be used but spot brought spider 42 into 1610 which makes the spider the first anomaly (or spot)
@Precious_Beann Год назад
Imagine if he is Vemon straight up. That would be cool.
@con_the_artist6823 Год назад
ik I might be 100% wrong because i know about spider-man 2099 from the comics and how different he and his backstory are from other spider-men, but i don't think this Miguel is spiderman, I think he's a prowler variant. in the movie I thought that it was going to be revealed and was surprised when it wasn't, but I still heavily support the theory that this miguel o'hara is the prowler and not a morally skewed, much different spider-man
@FredCactus Год назад
yea but the collider would have started anyway, so inspector sang would have been in danger anyay
@ChristopherBond-k1w Год назад
That spider was slide to bite earth 42 miles in the movie it shows the earth 42 spider in miles room near him before it teleported
@kingpatrick7730 Год назад
Look its fate when the spider 42 got teleported before it could bite miles 42 that's why it became a problem but the spider 42 itself was meant for miles thats why it went on to bite miles 1610 it just wasn't supposed to do that in the 1610 reality but anyway fate itself tried to fix both universes by having to switch destiny and from a certain perspective miles 1610 is an anomaly but at the same time he isn't. But your right spider-man 2099 lackes any spider-man persona whatsoever but you cant say thats not canon cause spider man 2099 story wasn't caused by anyone or anything that wasn't from his universe. We just gotta wait for beyond spider verse to get an actual answer
@csillafleischman1880 Год назад
I also noticed that Miguel was way too upset about Earth 42 not having a Spider-man. I mean I get it, it could destroy the fabric of reality but... It didn't so far. And the way he looks makes it feel... personal. Like it is somehow personal to him. !Long theory/analysis coming up, read at your own expense! As for the "Miguel is lying" I had 2 thoughts. 1: Miguel has a very similar aesthetic to the prowler. When he decides to let Gwen join, he does this thing with his... claws? His hand. And it's not even a blink and you'll miss it detail since the frame is only his hand. And it was exactly how Aaron in the first movie extended the claws on his prowler suite. Like exactly the same movement just opposite hands. (I think maybe it's the same hand.) When we first see him he has a cape. This isn't that big of a deal, but I think it's worth mentioning in this context. His mask is very similar to the Earth 42 Prowler mask (that is a little subtler but it's still pretty noticeable in my opinion.) His way of fighting miles is more prowler than spidey. I mean the moment they fight on the train is just too similar to the rooftop fight between Aaron and Miles to be a coincidence. Miguel's theme is different enough that I didn't notice while watching but that also is similar enough that I can't put it down as a coincidence. That is just an observation I made. I have no clue what this could mean (if it means anything, I tend to read too much into things) 2: What if it's the Spot making Miguel and everyone else believe in canon events? He wants to destroy Miles' life and what is the best way to do that? Make him an outcast among people who are supposed to believe in him. Turn all his friends against him, while he believes he will have to stand by as someone close to him dies. Like that would be a brilliant plan. And we know that time travel is possible with multiversal travel so he could pull it off after his "glow up". *KHM* That became long. These are my takes but I've only seen the movie once so maybe I missed something that undermines my points.
@crossedoutpebz Год назад
damn dude that was an interesting read.. thank you so much for commenting!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@csillafleischman1880 Год назад
@@crossedoutpebz It was my pleasure. Thanks for reading it😁
@doomi_no.17 Год назад
Research 2099 spiderman
@titanusprimus Год назад
if superior spider man is in the next movie, he might explain like changing fates or events in other universes can make a good way since in his character he is doc ock which is evil that took over spiderman's body but turned good because of having Peter's mind, so maybe my theory he might have his own spider team like the spider society but trying to create good fates
@NadersJJBA Год назад
Your theory on miles 1610 being supposed to be the prowler and then earth 42 miles supposed to be Spider-Man is true. Confirmed
@eat.more.chicken Год назад
Original anomaly is actually Loki because him killing Kang created the multiverse which includes the spider verse.
@koolaidii Год назад
I don't understand the fact that Miguel states that miles is the original anomaly, because, in the first movie, miles is bitten by the radioactive spider before the events leading to the so-called "bagel effect" so how could the radioactive spider possibly be located in earth 1610 if the spot wasn't created yet? It really doesn't make any sense. (EDIT: correct me if im wrong but im pretty sure the spot said he ran a collider test before the "bagel effect" happened and brought a spider from another dimension, thus creating a new spider man. So miles may actually be the original anomaly) As for the whole inspector Singh and canon events situation, I believe canon events can only be "disturbed" by anomaly's as Qwen prevented her fathers death, but she is not an anomaly, and her canon event was basically just broken down to be later reformed on someone else (it might be miles, as the state miles is in could lead to his death as, keep in mind, beyond the spider verse will be the final movie of the trilogy), but in her case it's like a form of nature, for inspector singh, the only reason that universe was soon to be annihilated, is because miles, an anomaly prevented it, I think that when miles heard the spider people talking about how there's a chance they can prevent it, miles realized that maybe there was a chance he could save his universe and his father as he says specifically, "why can't spider man do both?" Asking Miguel why he can't take that chance. as for miles whole, anomaly, canon event situation, he did not disturb a canon event, he just bended the canon, (similar as to how Qwen is reshaping her canon) not disturbing it, i believes that if he himself disturbed or prevented his canon event, it would completely normal as Qwen in her own universe prevented her canon event with her father, but nothing happened as that is her original universe so she wouldn't be considered an anomaly, i believe the same will be said for miles in the next movie.
@carinsurance_1 Год назад
Wait so if miles from Earth 42 was ment to be bitten then if it did happen miles 1610 was supposed to be the universe without a spider man which means if somehow it changed miles would be the one who would not have a spider man in his universe
@Rarkss Год назад
No 1610 had a spiderman
@gmmworld9848 Год назад
I think he was part of the hologram was because he could understand why it happened to him and that « he’s not the only one » My theory about this is that uncle Aaron was never supposed to die in the first place. In Miles’s story his father has to die(like in universe 42). Sinds this Miles was never supposed to be Spider-Man his uncle died. Just like his Peter’s version. The problem is that Miles’ father also has to die because that is what’s supposed to happen in the original story.(in universe 42) So the universe is trying to adapt in order to continue existing. It needs his father to die as a hero.
@Mr.A2099 Год назад
My theory is that miles g will be good then try to stop the spot, sacrificing himself in the process. also miles 1610 will learn that he has to let his dad die, and uncle aaron, after losing miles, will replace jeff as the father figure of miles 1610 and therefore live in 1610
@Eheiou Год назад
First when Miguel was gonna bite him, he wasn't trying to off him, just capture, his fangs have a venom that temporarily paralyzes opponents. Miguel does lose his mother, and his authoritarian father at the end of his comic story, so he's not missing canon events. The thing isn't that Miguel is malicious, it's that he's wrong. Hear me out, Miguel explains that the universe his family was in was erased because of him being there. Understandable...........Except that makes no sense. Why? 1. The Miguel of that universe wasn't Spider-Man, he was a normal guy. We see the Spider-Man of that Earth, so Miguel didn't interfere with that Spider-Man's canon. 2. If presence was enough, Earth-1610 should be completely gone, Peter B and the others were there for days, existing in 1610 and helping Miles, and the spider that bit Miles (who is the original anomaly) IS STILL THERE, part of Spot's collection. So there's no way Miguel caused the erasure. Another thing, Miguel blames Miles for the Mumbattan Incident, due to him disrupting the canon..........Except, that's not the reason, let's not forget why the building was falling: Spot...........oh and the Collider, mixed with Spot's energy, dropping stories, upon stories out the sky and hitting the ground. Hence why the 'erasure' looks like Spot's energy. On top of this, Miguel's universe didn't get wiped out by energy that looks like Spot's, so Mumbattan isn't being erased by Canon Disruption. There's no evidence that disrupting canon events actually does anything.
@niwntawt Год назад
I'm pretty sure what happened in mumbattan(that black stuff) wasn't caused by the disruption of the canon event, because we see the black before the canon event is even predicted when the building is first splitting. what happened was that it spread around after the building fell. also, the reason the canon events are considered canon is most likely because some algorithm decided it was one, and that happens because some events are so common miguel decides that they thus MUST happen, or... more likely, he's lying. the spot wasn't in mumbattan because miles was there he was there to become more powerful. miles become an "anomaly" because he was bit by the spider why does that make miles the ORIGINAL anomaly and not... the spider, or spot?
@spongybananas6967 Год назад
I mean your just wrong about the anomaly stuff. Spot went to Mumbatten for the collider not because Miles was there. If .lies didn't go it wouldn't have mattered because spit had already gone there that was the reason for why gwen went there in the first place. Miles not being there still wouldn't have changed the Canon event that the police captain was going to die because of spot
@francisstarrk2813 Год назад
i mean if we go with the very little info we got so far, its not too far fetched for 2099 to be both right and wrong. Miles IS the original anomaly, but change isn't always bad. Idk if they are subtly trying to vindicate miles' first introduction to the world with this storyline (lets remember when he was first introduced, everyone was pissed off he wasn't another peter, but then everyone ended up loving his story) so by going historically it's just a poetic way to cement miles as a spiderman in the movies the same way the comics did, by eliminating the standard peter=spiderman and fighting through the hate. This time not by readers but by the supposedly leader of the spidermen who "knows better", that in itself is creative and funny. Little theory: Since he's the anomaly that started it all, he becomes the new standard, just like what they said in the first movie. Anyone can be spiderman, peter's spiderman has uncle ben die and other bs happen to him, miles' spiderman has his uncle aaron die and other bs, 2099's spiderman has his happy family dreams crushed or never existing and other bs..and while they all go through suffering and harsh life lessons to get there, it doesn't mean they all have to go though them the same way. There is already a version of this very alive and very accepted even among these spidermen under 2099: ARMORED SPIDERMAN, u know the rich guy that got everything going well for him, his uncle still alive and well...his universe aint gone. he learned to listen much better than most of other peters, and while this peter listented well to his uncle, that made his uncle's death useless for him to become spiderman, but our more known peters, the one's uncles have died, very much NEEDED that death.. cause yeah they heard uncle ben say it, but didnt sink in until the death happened. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah miles is another story, still a spiderman, but another kind of spiderman, his own story and that's pretty much how i thnk its gonna end ..proving 2099 wrong.
@AlexStalin-ph2do Год назад
That was the entire point not A theory
@malcolmgray255 Год назад
I don’t think it’s as simple as you’re going about it. I get what you’re saying but it’s kinda ignoring the idea that these things can just happen regardless. The sequence of events can and have still happened. You in a weird way by bringing up earth 42 Miles and 1610 Miles in an odd way swapped roles. I kinda think that’s why the world wasn’t effected. Additionally Miguel himself when talking about a world he witnessed collapsed as done overtime by constant tampering by him being anomaly and as well him causing changes in the ‘canon’. Granted I do think you’re on to something in saying there is something more to this, but I don’t think it is becuase Miguel isn’t Spider-Man or because he is evil. It would undercut and cheapen what he represents. He had many similarities to Miles in initially being a different Spider-Man, a successor to Peter, inspired by Peter, Donald designs, both wanted to explore the multiverse. In fact the end credit scene shows Miguel’s goal as to achieve that multiverses travel. He represents what can happen to Miles when the loses who he is. When his individuality is scuffed out and he can’t move on as Uncle Aaron wished of Miles to do as he died. Miguel in this movie is what Miles can become is he doesn’t “protect that little boy”. Miguel is for sure the antagonist, but is is not a lesser Spider-Man and not a hero because if it. He is clearly fighting his demons and his actions show he is holding a lot of the grief in. That grief he hasn’t been able to move on from, especially considering the first real shot that established his character outside of cool badass is him looking as a recording of his family. He clearly holds himself responsible with the death of not only his alternate universe family, but that entire existence. So to see Miles in a very similar circumstance and with a similar want to explore as he use as seen in the post credit probably doesn’t help. So yeah, the way I see it Miguel is simply someone who stumble a bit on the path and is overcompensating becuase he feels it is responsibility to do so. His inner monolgue conveys that blatantly. I think in the end Miles will get through to Miguel and the canon event issue will be solved by way of not doing to in secrecy with everyone not tampering with other universe, but more so going to the extreme with Spider-Men operating n all these different universes. I think the answer is to embrace and normalize that public exceptence rather than hiding away. It fits many of the themes presented in the movie
@erikarosales3955 Год назад
i think the spider senses go green and purple means his spider senses are telling him that the goblin is in the room but he is new for becoming spiderman so its late
@pauldhoff Год назад
The story is still unraveling.
@candyapple4897 Год назад
I kinda want gwen to go off on miguel that hes wrong and miles was right it was the spots fault,bc if earth 42 miles was suppose to be spider man why is his world still ok and its been over a year since miles got bit,or gwens world when her dad quit being captain her cannon event wont happen anymore and her world is still fine and its been a few months since she left her world
@gmmworld9848 Год назад
6:03 Not so sure. Peter was probably going to cause the Spot’s existance. Then the Spot would be there and be the reason inspector Singh got crushed. Then he would’ve been after Peter for « ruining » his life. Then the canon events would still happen and Miles wouldn’t be there.
@gmmworld9848 Год назад
Correction: Lego Peter Parker said « we got an anomaly » after the spot showed his face in that universe. That means the spot shouldn’t even have been in Mumbattan. Maybe something else was gonna kill inspector Singh. Or maybe it was still gonna be because of the spot but yeah we’ll see anyways.
@Deadpool-mcu2024 7 дней назад
My whole life has always been a canon event 💀
@iltiziocongliocchiali2301 Год назад
My theory is that it's the Spot that is the original Anomaly, he is the one who first opened holes in the Multiverse and cause the events of Spiderverse 1 (alongside Olivia Octavius), the Spot created Spider-Miles and then he gave powers to the Spot with the whole Bagel Effect thing. The Mumbattan Canon Event was not supposed to happen but Spot changed the story to include himself in it. Miguel then called the stories of all the Spiders as "The Web of Life and Destiny", which in the comics is the thread that connects all universes toghether and allow them to communicate with each other safely like we see in all other Spiderverse stories. However, unlike previous stories, the Spot is opening holes in the web and making the connections weaker causing parts of the web to fall apart. I believe that Miguel is only misunderstanding what is causing the connections to get weaker and believing that is because of the Canon Events when in reality is the Spot going around causing trouble. The reason why Miguel's alternate universe collapsed is because 2099 is the not only a different dimension but also the future for many of the Spiders (the future of universe 616 and 616B, for example). Miguel is desperate to maintain the Canon as is because if his universe's connection with the others weakens because they change too much, his future stops making sense and his universe is then destroyed. In a meta sense, the canon of the past is changed too much for 2099 to exist so the comic line has to be either scrapped or severely changed. Originally, Miles didn't exist and Miguel became Spider-Man as a successor to Peter, but if Miles is the successor then the canon doesn't make sense. Miguel wants to eliminate Miles from the canon so that 2099 can survive. What the Spiderverse ultimately needs is for someone who understands the Web fully and can maintain the connections strong. In the comics we have Madame Web, I wonder if are going to see someone like that in Spiderverse 3. Finally, what Miguel doesn't understand is that a Spider-Man that stands by when someone needs help is the most Non-Canonical thing for Spider-Man to do. Miles saving his dad or the chief in Mumbattan is actually making the Canon stronger, not weaker In my opnion.
@wivx9408 Год назад
the spot can’t have caused spiderverse 1 because he became the spot only because of miles throwing kingpin into the supercollider
@iltiziocongliocchiali2301 Год назад
@@wivx9408 The Spot made the events of SpiderVerse 1 happen, he collaborated with Olivia Octavius to build the machine for Kingpin. By how he talks I believe that the supercollider project was mostly his idea that Olivia then made happen since he replicated the whole thing in his apartment to recharge his powers. The supercollider brought Spider 42 and made Spider-Miles by changing his destiny and in turn Miles changed the destiny of a background character by making him the Sport.
@wivx9408 Год назад
@@iltiziocongliocchiali2301 oh yeah u right my bad
@dragongirl3148 Год назад
This is actually a really good theory. I think Miguel has misunderstood the causes of the destruction of the multiverses but he does not realise this and rather prevent anyone from taking a risk as he did not want to see another universe being destroyed like his own. The fact that Gwen’s universe didn’t even collapse despite her father not becoming captain anyone should be a “disruption of canon events” yet nth happened. This therefore supports the theory that Miguel has misunderstood smt. Also the holes that formed to “destroy” Indian Spider-Man’s universe looked more like the holes that Spot creates compared to the one that destroyed Miguel’s universe. This could mean that Miguel had assumed that Miles disrupting the “canon” event as the cause when it’s actually the doing of Spot. The fact that the only reason why the life of Captain in the Indian Spider-Man’s world was put in danger was because Spot (an anomaly) appeared and destroyed the building. This meant that the Captain wouldn’t have died regardless if spot wasn’t there in the first place
@iltiziocongliocchiali2301 Год назад
@@dragongirl3148 Precicely. This movie is very meta with all the references to other Spider-Man stories, and in all of those the multiverse never collapsed because other people interfeared: Shattered Dimendions, Edge of Time, Spider-Verse comic event and the multiverse episodes in the '90s cartoon prove this. If Canon Events are to be taken as real across all Spider-Man media then the MCU, many of the past games and cartoons and even the main comic universe break that rule in spades already and they are completely fine. Miguel is just mistaken about the whole thing and is heavily projecting his own insecurities and fears on Miles. The thing he says about Miles not meant to be Spider-Man is obviously referring to himself as he is the only Spider-Man not having been bit by a spider but rather having been mutated with spider DNA in his origin. The other Spiders that follow him closely are also like that: Spider-Woman Jessica Drew is also like Miguel and in the real world meta she only exist for copyright reasons, while Ben Reily is a clone of Peter born with powers and still only exist in the canon because fans like him from the '90s cartoon and because his suit looks cool.
@BasicBro99 Год назад
There is a subtle parallel between kingpin from the first movie and Miguel. Both of them tried to use multidimensional travel to unite with family members and this action destabilized the multiverse. Perhaps it isn’t canon events and their breaking which destabilizes things but the attempt to undo events already done.
@vcnx. Год назад
I think the canon for 1610 and 42 miles have swapped with each other. Miguel shows Miles a scene of his dad dying but what if this was the canon from for 42 Miles because his dad is dead and 1610 Miles has expierienced his one with his uncle dying. This would lead to 1610 Miles' father staying alive during the next movie.
@sirhostiile5144 Год назад
that’d make sense because the event that killed miles uncle was actually the event that made the prowler. and the event that killed miles dad was the event that created spiderman
@tonypeppermint5329 2 месяца назад
Huh, interesting.
@steventrofka7783 Год назад
It seems Hobbie Brown knows something about Miguel and knew Gwen would need a watch in the future but for Miles...he told him "make your own watch". Which to me means Hobbie Brown knows Miles can make a watch if he needed to.
@luismiH20 Год назад
My thought is that Miguel is jealous of Miles, because Miles became Spider-man when he is not supposed to and not only his world remained safe, but also other Spider people (Gwen and Peter B Parker) started changing their destinies without causing anomalies; while Miguel's only anomaly he created ended up destroying the entire world, I think even the entire Universe. Hence, his violent tendencies towards Miles.
@gmmworld9848 Год назад
Fair enough but I don’t think he would bother then. He didn’t want Miles to be part of them because Miles could cause problems if he knows that he is the reason the universe isn’t stable. Miles came and that’s exactly what happened.
@TheInfamousWolf Год назад
If that's the case then, ALL the other Spiders would have tried to stop him, so that claim is REACHING.
@luismiH20 Год назад
@@TheInfamousWolf Well, if you noticed, he was nice and logical in front of the other Spider people, moving to rude and violent when it was just him and Miles.
@idreadFell365 Год назад
I was kinda expecting him to be jealous of Peter B Parker because Peter B Parker gets to keep his daughter.
@luismiH20 Год назад
@Idread ? And why Peter B Parker had a kid? Because of his interaction with Miles.
@machariawanjagi5353 Год назад
I also think that it's not a coincidence that the 3 spiderman that chase miles at the end (Jess, Ben and Miguel) are spidermen that got their powers from uncommon ways.
@swenong4936 Год назад
I would like to give my theory on the canon events. I think canon events can be disrupted, as in changed but not completely stopped, it needs to have a logical continuation like how a storyteller would tell a story for the canon event to continue on. For example, Gwen's dad didn't undergo the death set by the canon event because he quit his job as captain after learning Spider Woman's identity. While for Inspector Singh, the canon event was stopped because Miles (counted as an anomaly as he came from another dimension) swooped in and save Inspector Singh. From a storytelling perspective of the Mumbattan world, it makes zero sense, therefore creating the black hole. The canon event was always meant to happened for Inspector Singh, its just that Spot came and the storyline rewritten itself to kill him (again, it was a matter of time before the own research team activated the collider and caused the Alchemax building to be destroyed, Spot just made the event happened earlier).
@crossedoutpebz Год назад
dude thats actually really good🤔🤔🤔❤️❤️❤️❤️
@swenong4936 Год назад
@@crossedoutpebz Thanks I’ve been thinking about it for quite a while after the movie😂
@theswagman1263 Год назад
I also think the destruction of a universe, like what happened to Miguel, happens when a universe's storyline is disrupted beyond repair. I personally think Miguel may be lying, and killed the alternate version of himself he replaced, which messed up the storyline beyond repair. From a meta perspective, if a Spiderman storyline is completely botched, that comic line might come to an end, destroying the universe the storyline happens in. Also been thinking about this a lot lol
@sonicmaster1231 Год назад
Sheeah this is rly good theory
@ParixDidntDie Год назад
Plot holes fr (Edit: If you don't get what I mean, this is a pun, I don't mean that there's a literal plot hole in the movie.)
@fallingstars8331 Год назад
I have a theory. There are two types of anomalies. A trigger and a fuse. What you explained in the video about the Miles and Spot in Mumbatthan, Spot is a anomaly and Miguel says Miles is a anomaly too. Since Miles blew up the collider in 1610, it caused Spot to be an anomaly. Spot is the fuse anomaly and Miles is the trigger, since Spot was in Mumbattan, Miles came to Mumbattan and Miles caused the Spot to travel to Mumbattan in search of getting more powerful.
@crossedoutpebz Год назад
thats actually very interesting🤔🤔❤️❤️❤️
@fallingstars8331 Год назад
So to explain further, since Miles is described as a anomaly by Miguel, Miles caused a disruption in 1610 where that Peter died and Spot was created. Spot is a confirmed anomaly who is in search of getting more powerful because of Miles pulling the “trigger” to Spot’s “fuse”. Although there are some grey areas like how Miles saved Captain Singh because of Spot destroying Alchemax, and Miles going to Mumbattan because Spot was there, but the original cause to it was Miles setting off a chain reaction.
@Kaiclysm Год назад
Wouldn’t the spot be the original anomaly though? The whole reason the spot exists is because he brought the spider from Earth 42 over when he was still working at Alchamex. The spider bit miles and then miles got involved with all the super collider stuff and made the spot. It wouldn’t have happened if the 42 spider hadn’t been transported from a diff universe by him.
@fallingstars8331 Год назад
@@Kaiclysm the Spot wouldn’t have been the original anomaly since he was just a normal human when he transported the spider across.
@jasmine-fw4yq Год назад
THISSSSS is what i’ve been trying to explain!! although we don’t see any “technical” signs of the canon being broken directly because of Miles, his existence as spider-man caused a chain reaction that still poses a great threat to the multiverse: The Spot. you said everything perfectly
@matthewzaslavets8423 Год назад
I think the world Miles was in didn't change, because no canon event was truly disrupted. While Peter Parker died, miles sort of took his place as the Spiderman, so that the world wouldn't realise anything changed. It would work the opposite way with Miguel: Spiderman 2099 died, but since Miguel took his place, the world took it as if he is the same person and thus the canon event (Spidermans death) didn't trigger, leading to destruction
@FunkeMunke_ Год назад
This literally is contradictory If miles replaced spiderman the same thing that happened to Miguel would've happened to Miles. You're also missing a key factor which is the fact that Gwen revealed herself to her father which caused the anomaly which actually SAVED her father. As Miguel stated if a police captain is known their fate is destiny, but Gwen contradicts that by making him quit when she reveals herself. Hence why he was so pissed off and probably jealous.
@matthewzaslavets8423 Год назад
@@FunkeMunke_ you're missing the point. Miguel was supposed to die, but since the other one replaced him - the canon broke. Spiderman was not supposed to die, he only did because of Miles, which is why Miles replacing him is not breaking the caonon. As for Gwen - she's didn't break the canon, it would seem. No capitan has been saved, it is likely if she meets another one - he'll die.
@sirhostiile5144 Год назад
@@matthewzaslavets8423 bro i get it now, (miles universe) so peter died at the collider trying to protect miles, which is his fault (anomaly). so when he gets bit the universe stablizes. (miguel’s universe) in miguel’s universe he died(canon event), story for spiderman over, but main miguel hops into that one’s spot(anomaly). making the universe like “hold up, tf” causing a black hole. therefore the universe never stabilizes. that’s what i got from your comment
@matthewzaslavets8423 Год назад
@@sirhostiile5144 yep, that's my theory
@matthewzaslavets8423 Год назад
@@ch42965 it sounds fun and actually reasonable
@evangeliaiviioannou8405 Год назад
I think what's even weirder is how Miguel knows these things. The existence of the society in general. If he truly believed that we spider people shouldn't interrupt each others' universes since it would disturb canon events, why give them watches? Why allow them to go to each oher's universes? How did he even know this is possible? How does he know who is an anomaly and who isn't? It's very weird. I don't trust Miguel.
@matthewzaslavets8423 Год назад
I'm pretty sure he hand picks everyone in the organisation, meaning he has a level of trust towards everyone that has a watch. So there is no need to worry most of the time, everyone knows the consequences and no spiderman picked by Miguel would do something bad. He also only found out about the effects of disrupting the canon events after creating the society, since we can see many spiderman in the recording of a worlds destruction. How does he know it's possible? He's a scientist of the future, it is likely he invented the technology trying to find a world where he could be with his family again. We've been shown in the movie that the spider society has a way of knowing which world has an intruder (they found out where the Spot was), meaning it's just abother scanning technology
@marcosdheleno Год назад
it actually makes sense if you think about it. its possible that he created the watch because there was villain who crossed into his universe. and he realized what happened. so he went on to "fix it", with the help of others.
@TipoIrritable Год назад
These watches allowed them to fight the anomalies MCU Peter made or other anomalies that are made (Vulture) Its explained in the Movie.
@catspaw3092 8 месяцев назад
I don't trust him either he's being very shady & secretive look at how he chooses who gets to be part of his special strike team despite her skills against the Vulture & Jessica asking him he didn't want Gwen on his team. And when Gwen refused to accompany them to find Miles he sends her home saying "I knew it was a mistake" meaning he knew he couldn't trust Gwen from the beginning but he wanted to see how loyal she was to him. He never answered Gwen's question about the cannon he did an about face, got in Gwen's face to assert his power & dominance over her like "How dare you question me minion."
@kevinsarow8655 Год назад
Miguel does have spider powers they are just different from the typical Spiderman powers. He has the usual enhanced speed strength healing etc, venomous fangs like a spider which paralyze, he has organic webbing, enhanced eye sight ( can see farther, see better in the dark), he also has talons like that of a spider. if anything I'd say that Miguel is the most like a spider than other spider people.
@donkeymonkey2518 Год назад
But one thing all these spiders have in common is that they have spider sense and Miguel doesn't have that thanks genetically altered DNA
@kevinsarow8655 Год назад
@@donkeymonkey2518 indeed so, but I don’t think that makes him not spider man per-se. Anyone can wear the mask.
@LoveAIChatGPTMoneyMaking23 Год назад
theres a difference between being a spider and being a spider-man
@donkeymonkey2518 Год назад
@@kevinsarow8655 I get that, but spider sense is part of a bigger spectrum that interconnects all the spider people in every universe together, like what happened when gwen could sense miles was in another universe
@dan1435 Год назад
I think that what happens in Spider-Man Indias universe just happened because of the spot, when Miguel is showing his backstory and that universe being destroyed it looks like the whole universe is glitching, but in Mumbattan it looks like a black hole, like the spot. I think Miguel’s whole theory is wrong, Mayday is an anomaly, Gwen’s dad after he quits, even Miguel and his 2 closest people to him (Jessica Drew and Scarlet Spider) are anomalies. Miguel’s powers came from an experiment, Jessica Drew’s from the high evolutionary (I think) and the scarlet spider is a clone. None of these have the proper cannon events
@kingpinpasta2934 Год назад
The real imposters were among us the whole time
@Ms.Divine2024 2 месяца назад
What "High Evolutionary"? Do you mean Hydra?
@sputnikmann6541 Год назад
I mean, technically speaking Miles-42 is the first Anomaly. Pre-Bagel Spot warped Spider-42 away from Earth-42, meaning Miles-42 didn't become Spider-Man when he was supposed to. It was only some time _after_ that event did Miles-1610 get bitten and receive his powers. So Miguel is already jumping to conclusions without thinking.
@tobiaszbrzezinski9473 Год назад
we dont rly know if miles was the one to become spiderman in earth 42. My guess would be that Peter Parker didn't become spiderman there, leading to many deaths and crimes including father of Miles 42 and by the lack of these two good rolemodels Miles leaned towards Aarons ways of working and became the prowler.
@tobiaszbrzezinski9473 Год назад
also in into the spiderverse when Miles meet Spiderman and their spider sense kicks in, Miles's colors shift from green and purple to red and blue indicating that he was leaning towards his uncles ways
@sputnikmann6541 Год назад
@@tobiaszbrzezinski9473 In the exposition scene where Spot explains his origin, you actually see Spider-42 creeping up on Miles-42 before Spot warped it to Earth-1610. Miles-42 was supposed to be that world's Spider-Man. Spot changed things, so he and Miles-1610 effectively swapped destinies.
@tobiaszbrzezinski9473 Год назад
@@sputnikmann6541 good point apparently i missed it edit: oh it's in the video here, but i wrote my comments before watching XD
@AshenHawk96 Год назад
Honestly when Miles disrupts the Canon Event in Mumbattan, I don't think *that* caused the singularity to form, the singularity was from Spot. You can see that the Alchemex building that's falling down is building up with some sort of black substance that looks just like his portals, and it would make sense considering he just absorbed the energy of the particle accelerator and blew up the building doing so. On top of that, it's very clear that Miguel isn't telling everyone the full story, but I'm not 100% sure what the real story is. Either he's leaving out important details as to what caused his second reality to be destroyed, or he doesn't quite know what the rules of the multiverse are and is just assuming. I have some crackpot and unconfirmed theories such as maybe he meddled with that reality too much, or maybe that the reality we see as his "home" isn't actually where he's from, but I haven't been able to rewatch the movie to find evidence on either front.
@surrealpsalms Год назад
That is true about spot, because in Miles’ universe, when spot used an energy source to create more spots, everything imploded causing multiple dozens of his “holes” to shoot & spread everywhere throughout the building he was in.
@steventrofka7783 Год назад
Did anyone else notice about 51 minutes into the movie the computer screens Miguel was watching? One had Spider-Punk, a few have the Spot and the big one that goes floating by has Miles and Gwen on the roof looking at Gwen's watch. I wonder how long Miguel has been watching them. And why is Miguel more concerned with Miles then the Spot. It doesn't add up.
@Foxthatisaplush Год назад
If Prowler 42 was supposed to be spiderman, then why is His Universe Not Unraveling Yet?
@fynaglin9075 Год назад
I had seen elsewhere someone pointed out, if this canon theory is to be believed, there are three outliers. Specifically people who were not actually bitten by a radioactive spider (Or in Spider-Ham's canon a radioactive pig...) Those three are Miguel, Reilley, and Drew. In the comics, Miguel had half his DNA spliced with a spider's DNA as part of a plot to keep Miguel from leaving Alchemax. He has physical attributes of a spider, (claws/talons, super-strength/speed/durability, fangs and venom glands) but he does lack the spider-sense and the ability to stick to surfaces (he uses his claws and talons to climb). Reilley canonically was clone of Peter Parker (I assume 616) who was created to fight Peter. And while it could count as being bitten since he is a clone, his DNA was post-bite Peter so that may not count. Drew is a mixed bag, and probably the biggest wildcard. Originally she was created as a one-off placeholder for a copyright of Spider-Woman (back when Marvel and DC were fighting for copyrighting heroes and names) When her one-off took off, they initially made her origin to be an actual spider evolved into a human. That idea was quickly scrapped and they made a whole thing where she was the daughter of scientists and she had some rare disorder. Her father experimented on a cure, used irradiated spider blood in it, and inject his infant daughter with it and put her in an incubator. Mom died and dad left the incubator with family, and thanks to SCIENCE Drew emerges from the incubator after a month nearly-full-grown and with spider powers. Writers and editors didn't really have a real handle on Drew as a character, so she was tossed around in stories as people left their work on her to the next editor/writer. So technically she wasn't bitten by a radioactive spider. Another interesting thing I noted was Drew's pregnancy in the movie was... maybe halted... time-wise? When they meat Gwen she looked very pregnant (which is fine of course) but when you fast-forward "a few months" when Gwen goes to Earth-1610B. That could be a nothing-something, but worth noting since you get a sense the team doesn't seem to leave random things lying around. The way I see it, what will happen in Beyond will have to center around Spider-42. Specifically the how and the why from the collider being used. If you go back and watch ITSV, as Miles heads to his new school his former classmates ask about, "that earthquake last night." I get a feeling that earthquake was the collider being used to pull the 42-spider to 1610B, time-wise it lines up with Miles getting bitten. As an amusing final note, you can see Earth-42 has very little info and most of it is related to the movies (with a bit related to Miles comic canon). It may seem the number is random, but I don't think it is. Those of us who are Douglas Adams fans know the number. 42 is "the answer to life, the universe, and everything" from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
@Farrell_instincts Год назад
I think Miguel was the original anomaly and either knows or doesn't know and then puts the blame on miles. I do believe he knows he's the villain. He says miles being Spiderman caused the other Spiderman to die in his universe however when Miguel travels to be with his daughter the spiderman in that universe didn't die and he somehow remained after it's thread 'unravelled'.
@Seasonal-Shadow_4674 11 месяцев назад
@connorfarrell3391 the whole movie of ATSV is about standing out and going against the norm and doing your own thing and being different but did Miles really do that if he did something everybody (audience) could get behind and sided with him and shit on Miguel? Wouldn’t applying the lesson IRL mean siding with Miguel? Also I love how Spider-Man fans say Miguel is completely wrong and unreasonable but would hate any spider-man adaptation in which uncle Ben lived and didn’t die, and fans wanted MCU Peter to suffer consequences and loss and not have it all/the easy way out, and would NWH and PS4 be as popular as they were if Aunt May didn’t die? A lot of people that just shit on Miguel are blinded by their emotional hormones and lack any rational intelligence and can’t consider the other side and only see black and white and can’t see that neither side is completely right or wrong Spider-Man fans do not want to be wrong and always want to be right and on the winning side Miguel is meant to represent the Spider Man fandom as a whole. directors pointed out that this idea of the canon acts as a critique of spiderfans who act as though all Spider-Men have to go through the same "canon" moments. And that any adaptation that doesn't is "an anomaly" or wrong and is treated harshly. It sounds like Spider-Man fans are projecting their self absorbed and insecure demands onto Miguel and don’t want to be wrong People are so caught up in calling out the already established inconsistencies in the canon event idea that they don’t understand or acknowledge the thematic significance of canon events as a representation of “necessary story beats (especially for Spider-Man)” that they for years want to happen all the time but can’t admit they were wrong or were challenged by that.
@Kozmokast 20 дней назад
@@Seasonal-Shadow_4674 what is blud yappin’ about?
@Seasonal-Shadow_4674 20 дней назад
@@Kozmokast The truth
@mushy6296 Год назад
What’s insane is that IMDb put this movie in the number 11 spot for the top 250 movies of all time, I hope this is the first animated movie to win an Oscar for movie of the year
@jjmanzano9 Год назад
I think it will get a nomination for best film. It’s a shoo in to win best animated film.
@me-myself-i787 Год назад
It's not going to happen. The original was even better, and it didn't win. It wasn't even nominated. Bohemian Rhapsody was nominated that year.
@dreyishere Год назад
@@me-myself-i787 tf is the slander between animated films. HOW DID BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY GET NOMINATED BUT NOT SPIDERVERSE!
@@dreyishere the awards shows are so out of touch it’s honestly painful
@Cri_Jackal Год назад
That scene where Miguel is about to bite Renaissance Vulture isn't a kill move, he has venom in his fangs that harmlessly paralyzes anything he bites, he's trying to end the fight non-violently.
@stinkypu Год назад
I saw a theory somewhere that the Miguel we see in Across is actually an impostor and the real Miguel (the real spider-man with powers) is trapped somewhere trying to get back to his universe and they will help the real Miguel get out in Beyond.
@fireredninja9320 2 месяца назад
I would prefer that and could be part of theory why miquel always wears the watch even in universe
@npcCosine Год назад
Technically he didn’t lie, he just said Miles 1610B WASN’T supposed to be. What happened was, and this, like yours, is just a theory. I believe that Miles’ canon was changed: His destiny, like you said. He WAS once not supposed to be real. I like your theory, but we already know Spot was jumping universes for more power already. No hate though, I think you are half right, but he’s not lying. Love the vid bro but think about my points and I’ll think bout yours!
@Atomicdogeyoshi Год назад
Something that interests me is that although Miles may be considered the original anomaly, it wasn't his choice to be bit. If I remember correctly Miguel said he's been watching to make sure no anomalies go to a different universe but if he was watching why didn't he stop the spider from biting Miles? Was it already too late to stop the events that were about to occur? Why is he being blamed for all this when it was the Spot who originally did the experiment that made the spider go from earth 42 to earth 1610? Another thing I want to know is what if the spider bit earth 42 Miles and before getting smacked gets transported to earth 1610 and bites that version of Miles? Would both worlds start to destroy themselves? I personally don't trust Miguel as when Gwen started to interrogate him about the canon events being true he shouted "do you want to find out?!" as if he didn't want to admit he doesn't know everything about the canon events but doesn't want to risk it as one universe did collapse.
@briochelover Год назад
I assumed that anomalies only started crossing dimensions after 1610's alchemax first tore the hole that allowed interdimensional crossing, so considering the first ever instance of an anomaly was the 42 spider i doubt Miguel would have even started monitoring the different dimensions yet. I guess he was already monitoring his own universe and then became aware of the rip in the spiderverse that allowed travel between dimensions, which led him to become the overseer of all the universes and to form the spider society. He's still suspicious but he also might have just got stuck with the job since he's a scientist in the universe with the most advanced tech that we've seen and is probably the only one who knows how to use it
@JJafan. Год назад
In the post-credits scene in the first movie you can see how Miguel had only just finished making the watch after the events of the movie had happened. He mentions something like he was only gone for like 2 hours and all of that had happened so he had no idea of the spider from earth 42 being in the wrong universe. This means this is also before he made the spider society and had known about miles before meeting any other spider person, which in my opinion is very interesting.
@Atomicdogeyoshi Год назад
@@JJafan. that's actually interesting, I completely forgot about the post credits scene but the thing that's confusing for Miguel is why didn't he ever intervene before the spot started traveling dimensions during the second movie instead of only sending Gwen knowing she was in his words a "liability"
@Atomicdogeyoshi Год назад
@@briochelover That's honestly why I don't trust him, he seems to know so much so he seems to make himself the leader of the spider society despite not even having the same abilities like other spider people that being spidey sense and the ability to stick and climb onto walls and when hes asked if what he believes in is true he doesn't elaborate as if hes hiding something but we're just going to have to wait and see for beyond the spiderverse
@zereaux56 Год назад
Something else, is that Miguel says that Miles' dad has to die for him to lose someone close to him, but Miles already did. He lost his Uncle Aaron in the first movie, and Miguel's explanation of the multiverse even calls back to that.
@captainfalcon3742 Год назад
You know what other canon death happened to Miles? Peter Parker. Two people he's looked up to has already died in front of him
@-441- Год назад
@@captainfalcon3742 Miguel be like: NOPE we gotta make it 3 just to be safe!
@Useruser26154 Год назад
I have a question. If our miles(E-1610) was supposed to be the Prowler, then why did uncle Aaron became the Prowler* instead of Miles??
@D.Ku_03 Год назад
maybe if the spider didn't bite E-1610 Miles, Aaron would still be the Prowler. Then something makes him face Spiderman and die (or more likely get executed by Kingpin after failing to kill him), which caused Miles to learn about his identity if he hadn't done it up to that point, and he then takes a grudge on Spiderman and becomes the Prowler. And since now there's no Spiderman on E-42, Aaron would give Miles the mantle of the Prowler after something happens (that may or may not have something to do with Jeff's death). Where, as mentioned before, if there was a Spiderman, Aaron would be dead, instead of being what looks like a henchman.
@jenna145645678 Год назад
​@D.Ku_03 yeah miles may have just gone through uncle aaron's home and randomly come across the suit. Kinda like harry osborn becoming green goblin - he found norman's secret lair
@voidisepiclive Год назад
spot in the first movie, (when he was working for funny big man) stole the earth 42 radioactive spider, and managed to accidently let it go loose causing it to end up by the subway somehow and biting our miles. either miguel is mistaken for thinking miles is the problem or he is not who he says he is, thats just what i think though.
@Lucca735 Год назад
Always found weird how Miguel managed to get this many spider-people without actually having full on spider powers. Comicswise he should have some of the spider-people’s powers but much weaker and with no spidersense. Hope they get into that on the next one. Great video, loved to see someone else noticed the inconsistencies on the movie haha
@vibingwithjoseph4100 Год назад
You’re wrong Miguel is stronger than Peter and all his sense are amplified by a lot so that makes up for the spider sense that he doesn’t posses. He also has his fangs and claws so if he bites Peter it’s over for him same thing with miles all he has is his camouflage and venom blast but that ain’t gonna help if Miguel can sense Mike’s while invisible and that venom blast wouldn’t kill Miguel so spider man 2099 is just stronger than both
@crossedoutpebz Год назад
exactly my point, his means of attack are more lethal, while our spider man only tries to deter his enemies not kill them, on a certain level miguel is no better than the villains hes fighting
@SeismicRacer991 Год назад
@@vibingwithjoseph4100no he’s not stronger
@Lucca735 Год назад
@@vibingwithjoseph4100 Overall Miguel is still weaker, but he doesn’t seem to have limitations, as stated on the video things like killing dont seem to be off the table for him. While Peter and the spider people have to constantly restrain themselves to not punch people’s jaw off like Doc oc did with scorpion in superior spiderman after taking peter’s body. Miguel just doesn’t really have that raw power so he compensates with other stuff.
@lego_pepe7887 Год назад
​@Minty I agree that he has "more lethal" ways of attacking but he never uses it, he used it once where he accidentally killed a specialist, but besides that he hasn't used it. And his fangs produce a non lethal venom
@Zosso-1618 Год назад
Additionally, why doesn’t Earth 42 implode either? You could think having no Spiderman at all would be a pretty big deal for any canon events. Without a Spiderman, you don’t get canon events, period. And if canon events are so important to the fabric and stability of any given universe, why isn’t their total lack in Earth 42 completely devastating?
@brainydude8666 Год назад
Note: There's this thing called absolute point in time, which is literally a canon event that is applied to individuals instead of a group of people. Anyways I think miles is a different kind of anomaly. His universe is intact because he's still spider man nonetheless and part of the web of life and destiny, meaning he is vulnerable to canon events. Earth 42 miles wasn't bitten yet and therefore no canon events. When the collider went off and wasn't supposed to in the original timeline in the final battle of itsv, it caused the multiverse disruption. As for miguel lying or being wrong, the spot is supposedly an anomaly because he wasn't supposed to exist. In what if episode 4, doctor strange tries to save christine, but whatever he tries, she'll just die in a different way because it's an absolute point in time. So I'm guessing even if the spot wasn't there, the inspector still would've died, just in a different way. Miguel's the leader because he has the multiverse technology from 2099 obviously.
@Multi-fandomEldingArum Год назад
Miguel also said that if Miles wasn’t bit, his Peter Parker wouldn’t have died, but do we know that? How do we know that if Miles wasn’t there, the same result wouldn’t have happened? It’s possible that he wouldn’t have died, but do we know that for sure? I think Miles’s Peter probably still would’ve died because it was Prowler who jumped him before he could shut off the machine and he was also fighting Goblin as well. We may never know.
@matthewzaslavets8423 Год назад
We know that Miguel can run simmulations of auch events (he told Miles when his dad will die thanks to it, as said in the movie). Considering such simulations are used to predict the time of events, they seem to be reliable enough
@luismiH20 Год назад
Well, I think Peter Parker's resilience to stop the collider decreased knowing that if he fails, someone else will stop them. After all, I'm pretty sure he saw the other Spider people before the collider exploded.
@4ntok Год назад
I personally think that not just spider people experience canon events, but just people in general. Basically, all villains would have a canon event, Kingpin losing his family, The Spot getting hit by a bagel(?), And Miles, if he was never bitten by Spider-42, losing uncle, blaming Spider-Man for his death, and becoming the Prowler.
@tommy_swim243 Год назад
Miguel caused an incursion. The canon isn’t real. Well that’s what I’m guessing. I just think that there is a specific reason why when Miguel shows a hologram of what he describes as “EVERYTHING”, it’s no coincidence why it looks exactly like the sacred timeline from Loki after it started branching off.
@steventrofka7783 Год назад
In away, the Peter Park of earth1610 who died, was a bit of an anomaly or at least not cannon. He was happily married to Mary Jane and he was a well liked and repected hero. He seemed to have had a charmed life as Spider-Man. Where don't most Spiders end up as outlaws because of J. Jonah Jameson? But, I am not all that knowledgeable anymore in all things Spider-Man.
@sachinryan8573 Год назад
Miguel is the original anamoly
@Zosso-1618 Год назад
Is Miguel even supposed to be a Spiderman? In his backstory, we see that he gets his powers not from a radioactive spider, but because he injected something(?) into himself. Given how big of a deal this movie makes out of being bitten specifically as the impetus for becoming Spiderman, what does it mean for Miguel to not have been bitten at all?
@kevingutierrez6005 Год назад
No every spider-man has to be bitten ex spider-ham spider-man 2099 and spider-man India
@Zosso-1618 Год назад
@@kevingutierrez6005 SpiderHam was bitten. If you go back to the first movie, when he’s explaining his backstory alongside Penny and SpiderNoir, you can see he was bitten. Not by a spider, but still bitten. Spiderman 2099 is precisely the point at issue. I don’t think he can be used as evidence that he’s a Spiderman, that’s just begging the question. Miles himself even raises the question of whether Miguel is a Spiderman when he uses his claws to climb up the train. So I don’t think the question can simply be discarded. We don’t know if Pavitr was bitten. The movie does not show us one way or the other.
@MiroSynthBit Год назад
@@Zosso-1618 I call miguel a half spiderman. He isn't a spiderman but he's half of it basically.
@tevee9586 Год назад
\\\\\SPOILERS///// I think that the way that the "canon" works is that you can change the canon but you cant disrupt it. Pavitr's canon event was caused by an anomaly (The Spot) but it wasn't the reason why the dimension has a hole in it. It was caused by Miles saving the chief in Pavitr's universe, the canon was caused by something not from that universe, thus it was changed, but it was disrupted cause the chief didn't die if it was the spidermen and woman, would've seen the hole earlier. A great example of my theory is Mile's spider. If you pay attention to The Spot's origin story you can see that the dimension that Mile's spider comes from is from a dimension that, that dimension's Mile's was supposed to be bit, if that makes sense, but that fact matters A LOT. Because since the spider still bit Miles the canon wasn't disrupted, it was changed, even if it was a Miles from another dimension. But then you're probabaly thinking "Well Peter wasn't supposed to die in Mile's universe" and that's where you're wrong. SPIDERMAN wasn't supposed to be killed not Peter, and spiderman didn't die, because Miles was bit before Peter died, meaning that Miles was Spiderman and thus Spiderman never died, thus the canon wasn't disrupted, it was changed. Gwen's dad also didn't die beacuse he quit, the chief of police closest to Spiderwoman was supposed to die, not Gwen's dad, that's why he didn't die, the canon wasn't disrupted, it was changed. TLDR: So my theory is the canon can be changed, not disrupted. A good example is Mile's spider. The earth 42 Spiderman was supposed to be the Miles in that universe, but since our Miles got bit it still counts, since Miles Morales still got bit, even if it's in another universe. And Spiderman wasn't supposed to die in Mile's universe, not Peter, and he didn't, since Miles got bit before Peter died, he was Spiderman meaning Spiderman never died.
@The8-10Remix Год назад
My theory is that Spider-Man 2099 isn’t a real Spider-Man he’s just a guy who injects himself with a liquid that gives him his powers in the end the only non technological thing about him are his teeth and his incredible eye-sight
@ricardozamudio3889 Год назад
Miguel is not a vampire, his fangs are actually filled with venom like a spider that can paralyze the Hulk or anything bigger than him. So for those who think he's a vampire, he's not read the Spider-Man 2099 comics or learn more about his comic origins on youtube.
@NewFerrett Год назад
Also gwen stopped her dad from being a cop but you know that might be different
@megasean3000 8 месяцев назад
Why does the universe collapse simply by saving someone from another universe? Wouldn’t a death that wasn’t supposed to happen also ruin the canon? If every Spider-Man’s story is foretold as canon, wouldn’t crossing dimensions and interacting with other Spider-People also be considered canon? If that’s not true, then wouldn’t simply crossing over to a different universe be breaking the canon? Wouldn’t Miles, the walking talking anomaly be corrupting everything he touches? Wouldn’t Spot? We are missing a bunch of details and I hope someone with more knowledge, like Madam Web, comes in to explain it.
@42nT1n0 Год назад
But did you know that Miguel's half spider so technically he's more sqider than every single Spider-Man there is That's why he's the leader (and he has fangs and claws like a sqider)
@maciejmaecki9358 Год назад
In my opinion, every spider man has a canon of losing the sex of close people by villains and it is usually 2 men and 1 woman e.g. Peter B Parker lost his uncle captain stacy and gwen by villains Andrew Garlfield lost his uncle , gwen and captain stacy Tom Holland lost his uncle (or not), aunts and Tony Stark (captain), Peter P ( ps4) he losted aunt , uncle and jefferson because villans And Miles lost through the villain Kingpin - uncle Aaron And Peter Parker (which i think that was his captain)so miles should through Spot now lose one female character And I think it's Rio
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