
Case Study: What are the Common Values that Unite Progressive Christians? With Natasha Crain 

Alisa Childers
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Natasha Crain joins the podcast today to discuss some common values and beliefs that unite progressive Christians. We use the popular book, If God is Love, Don’t be a Jerk, by John Pavlovitz, a progressive Christian blogger, author, and speaker. This episode is not a book review, but rather, a case study in popular ways progressive Christians define words, identify their key beliefs, and live out their values. We walk through how to apply critical thinking and biblical truth to respond to these ideas.
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29 сен 2024




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@lmcc756 Год назад
As a recovered catholic, former "new ager, progressive, know-it-all" turned born-again Christ -follower, I can tell you I was incredibly arrogant and saw myself as superior to the fools who bought into the archaic book of fables called the Bible. This was before I came face to face with my need for Christ. I firmly believe the enemy fills these poor people with a false sense of having "greater knowledge" and "enlightenment" directly implying the ignorance and inferior thinking of those who believe the Bible to be the Word of God. (A fool says in his heart, "there is no God.") Before encountering Christ, it had never occurred to me that Truth is unchanging, not needing any improvements or evolution, and that is a wonderful thing! It is our flesh that desires to be like God in our knowledge of the world and if we don't have Jesus we will fall for the enemy's schemes that feed our pride every time. Thank you ladies for everything you do to truly shed light on the darkness masquerading as the church! I pray your platform's reach countless souls for the Gospel! 🙏🏼🙌
@bradleymarshall5489 Год назад
I'm considering writing a book on the motivations and mindset of progressive Christians. Excellent video keep up God's work Alisa!
@larriveeman Год назад
another characteristic of Love is truth, if you Love someone you should tell the truth, the scripture is truth
@ardbegthequestion Год назад
What about stuff that isn’t in scripture? Can those things be true? It’s a bit of a trigger, if I were honest, how I used to conflate, theological ideas with (T)ruth. And then to parse it out even more, there’s fact’s and then there’s truth. Truth speaks about facts or the content of the truth proposition, not the other way around. There’s the ontological state of affairs, and then the truth that we derive by breaking it down or apart or contextualizing the facts. Sorry this went deep, like I said, a bit of a thing that I’ve been really chewing on.
@sanjeevgig8918 Год назад
Yahweh/Jesus showing his Love for children and infants. 1 Samuel 15:3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys. LOL
@ardbegthequestion Год назад
@@sanjeevgig8918 - oops... & then there's this that no miscarried baby says because they got recalled for no given reason. "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them."
@GaelynCunningham Год назад
@@sanjeevgig8918 Context is important.. sin = death. God made a covenant with the Israelites in the Old Testament that explicitly stated that those who curse them will be cursed. The Amalekites were aware of this covenant and chose to ignore it. Without sin, there would be no death. We chose sin and have a to live in a world filled with sin (and death). At the end of the day, yes, we can blame God for all of these things. Because without Him, we cease to exist. Rather than do that, understand that He created us to love BUT wanted to provide us the choice to love. Love God First and Love Others as ourselves. Our choices have consequences, a nation's choices have consequences... you get it.
@sanjeevgig8918 Год назад
@@GaelynCunningham You seem to be a devout follower of Yahweh/Jesus. If your god commands you to KILL YOUR CHILD, will you do it ?? (Don't say he won't. He actually did this.) You don't get to ask why. God has morally sufficient reason to command you to kill your child. Is your answer guided by "objective morality" ? Or are you just following a Yahweh Controlled Morality ?
@brat7776 Год назад
I just finished reading Faithfully Different and I absolutely loved it! It came at a time where I really felt like I needed it. Highly recommended.
@darrenmiller6927 Год назад
Home run ladies. Very helpful. Nice to feel your good motives shine through. Big sisters all the way. And I think I'm older than both, lol. Maturing Christians have a special elegance about them.
@KellyannMitchell Год назад
Recently finished your latest book and I loved it. ( Read your first “Another Gospel” also and loved that one too. It was truly informative and most needed in the culture that we are in. Keep doing what you are doing and know your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ are all praying for you.
@godsgospelgirl Год назад
I need to read "Live Your Truth" - it sounds so good!
@paulajames6149 Год назад
So good!! Thanks for the clarity. Everytime I learn more I want to pass it on to my teens. They are entering into this world and will be immersed in inaccurate theology. I need to help equip them in defining these words and comparing these ideas to the Bible. Already picking out scriptures 😊.
@nelidascott6917 Год назад
Such a good conversation ! I'll re watch this for reference ! ♥️
@Mojo19693 Год назад
I love these insightful episodes, so valuable for all believers. Just takes some time to listen to, wish they were a little shorter.
@hoytlucas Год назад
"The depravity of man is at once the most empirically verifiable reality but at the same time the most intellectually resisted fact.". Malcolm Muggeridge
@NebraskaVacation 11 месяцев назад
God is love. He is also light and in Him there is no darkness.
@ProverbsOne7 Год назад
We humans keep trying to make God in our own image. Then the conviction of how sinful we really are can be avoided. Self on the throne. Pain & suffering mostly comes from the denying our flesh and submitting to Christ in everything. This is such a great expose' of the so called "progressive" Christianity. Thank you!!
@deborahklinkner1730 Год назад
This is great because I had an interface with someone from my past & now I realize he is a progressive "christian" & he bothered me & now I realize I was bothered by his condesending talk. I blocked him because he wouldn't leave me alone & I didn't have the skills to deal with him on a continuing basis even across the country. It did come across as arrogant even though he pulled off mr nice guy to mask it
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
Treat others as you would like to be treated would be a good start. The god that Jesus obeyed (his father in heaven) was sorry he had made mankind and decided to drown nearly all of them. He knew this would happen long before he created them.
@karigross4596 Год назад
No, coming to terms with the claims of Jesus Christ is the good start.
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
@@karigross4596 Jesus was a wandering doomsday preacher who believed in angels and demons. He had no sympathy for his enemies and could not end human suffering.
@sanjeevgig8918 Год назад
The problem of evil is that Xtians simultaneously say these two things: 1. Yahweh/Jesus/God is all good and all powerful. 2. There is such a thing OBJECTIVE good and evil. The problem of evil is the problem that an all good, all powerful Yahweh/Jesus/God allows for things which Xtianity qualifies as objective evil to occur.
@Quake1983 Год назад
Before I watch the video post. . God did not make a place of torture. He made Sheol-Hades (Psalm 16:10, Acts 2:27) . The rebelling angels made "The Pit" in Sheol-Hades. How do I know this? Scripture says so. . Psalm 9:15 The nations have sunk in the pit that they made; in the net that they hid, their own foot has been caught. . 3 minutes worth of researching "The Nations" as a phrase in old and new testaments reveals that "The Nations" in certain verses are the Psalm 82 gods. . Let all that SINK IN.
@sherynngofa6175 Год назад
At 17:50 As a Christian, I define love by for 1 Corinthians 13. Anything less than that is not God’s idea of love. If this man is a progressive, what are you? I prefer to stick with what unites us and not with what divides us. The deciding factor is the Word of God. Why are we fighting? Why are we holding the world to our standards as believers? My duty is to love people as they are and assure them to Christ. The transformation happens only by the Holy Spirit, not by my intolerance or refusal to accept other people’s choices for life. Do I agree with them? Absolutely not. I will overcome evil with love.
@michelleelizabeth5268 Год назад
We can’t unite with those who don’t hold to biblical truth. 1 Cor. 13 includes truth as part of what love is. By not talking about these things people with less discernment will be sucked in by progressive Christianity. (It almost happened to me, and I am grateful for Alisa and Natasha)
@terezka5340 Год назад
Hello please don´t keep Christ to yourself by affirming those in sin in their sin. I was homosexual idolator. I was so lucky I met Christians who taught me what Christ is teaching. Love for the sinner rejection of sin. Have I not met them and have I met Christians who teach sin is not a sin or are afraid to speak up I would be lost to salvation. Now few years later, God healed me from homosexuality by healing sexual abuse from childhood and I am free child of god. I wouldn´t be if Christians I met held your view. You are daughter of Christ you know him - share him with everything - so that those who don´t know him can come to him fully. As sinners who are willing to reject their sinfor his sake. Tehy cannot know they are sinners if Christians don= t tell them what sin is. And how grave consequence it has.
@anarchorepublican5954 Год назад
6:45...whatever theological background of the Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, to the congregation's credit they apparently fired him...plus he is described only as a Youth Pastor...so "mega church Pastor" is a gross exaggeration...both the congregation's moderate size and his leadership role in it.....from wikipedia "...Ministry After college, (John) Pavlovitz joined a Methodist church, where he married his wife Jennifer. He attended Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary and became a youth minister at the church. Pavlovitz later worked for nearly a decade as youth pastor, in a program serving several hundred students at the Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, a "megachurch" in Charlotte, North Carolina before being fired. In 2022 he launched Empathetic People Network, a private paid social media network for "kind humans"..." For what it is worth Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, in Charlotte, North Carolina appear to be fairly conservative for Methodists...no clear woke cult declarations of "Open and Affirming" nor 🏳‍🌈Rainbow flags etc....
@lavaldouglas7729 14 дней назад
Gods timing is not ours
@berglen100 Год назад
You must have have largest book ever existed able to record it all that wasn't big enough to record what is beyond books but keep trying.
@reality1958 Год назад
After reading the bible for so many years I came away believing that such a god is a god of violence, bloodshed and cruelty. I could defend it no more. Whether it’s designed suffering, or a hell or whatever, it wasn’t justifiable.
@PneumaticTube Год назад
I read the Bible regularly and am overwhelmed by the beauty, power, truth, and love of God.
@reality1958 Год назад
@@PneumaticTube it’s like life. There is beauty and ugliness. A mix of both. It being written by humans, of a more primitive and barbaric time, it is not surprising
@jeanboshears6689 Год назад
If he is the potter and I’m the clay doesn’t he have the right to break me, and remake me even if it hurts. Are we to question a righteous judge of which he is? But I do understand where you’re coming from. His ways are above our ways and not always easily understood. He has confirmed things to me and made himself known to me in amazing ways.
@reality1958 Год назад
@@jeanboshears6689 if a god intentionally inflicts suffering it isn’t a good god. Could an omnipotent god design without harming/suffering living things? If not it is not much of a god
@dale5497 Год назад
That's because your core beliefs about God are wrong. He's not like us in any way. He's the creator and may do as he wishes with anything he created. He owes us NOTHING, but because he's honorable (unlike us) he'll always deliver on his promises, for his sake, not ours. You should be more surprised that he saves anyone at all, not that he doesn't save everyone.
@malp292 Год назад
As a progressive Christian I am keener to read the message of Jesus about how he encouraged us to love others, treat others with dignity and live our lives to the fullest, instead of building castles in the clouds about a heaven that awaits us after we die.
@tanyabaker4809 Год назад
It's important to read the entire Bible and not just the teachings of Jesus. God give us the entire Bible that we may know Him.
@malp292 Год назад
@@tanyabaker4809 If God gave us the entire Bible, then he surely knew nothing about science, life or human rights. 🤣
@karigross4596 Год назад
@@malp292 what makes you a “Christian?” How do you define it?
@pjbostic Год назад
I released an album last year called, “Faith Of Least Resistance”. The second half of this album is a concept collection of songs addressing and calling out progressive Christianity for what it is. Alisa was and still is one of my biggest sources of education on the subject.
@emmanueldeselincourt5044 Год назад
Thanks for clarifying these differences. I realize that I held progressive christian beliefs, for many years without going to a church. Thankfully I started studying the bible (bible in one year app) and then started attending a local church. In terms of values, progressive Christianity may have more in common with secular humanism/ pan-antheism than it does with biblical Christianity?
@jeanettecollazo1612 Год назад
Very good dicussion. I ventured to read some of the comments and noticed that some of them were expressed without understanding the purpose of the analisis. Progressive Christianity is not following the entire biblical message therefore it is another gospel. Jesus and the apostles warned us and asked us to be vigilant. I believe that is what you are doing.
@tanyabaker4809 Год назад
I've noticed a trend among progressive Christians that they do not want to read the entire Bible but only hold to the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels. We saw this red flag at the church we had attended for years. Rejecting the teachings of Paul, for example.
@tonyaradcliffelovell2487 Год назад
This episode has the clarity I've been unable to articulate. Thank you so much for answering the tough questions, taking the time to critically think it through in Truth and Love and sharing. Amen truth seekers. In Jesus' name, amen!
@paulallen7962 Год назад
You are nowhere near the truth if you still believe Hebrew mythology is literally true.
@MarkWCorbett1 Год назад
I thank God for the ministries of Alisa and Natasha and for this video in particular. May God continue to bless them and to work through them to help Christians grow in their faith and to help the true church be on guard against distortions of the gospel such as are found in progressive Christianity.
@gzsaliga Год назад
What a brilliant insightful discussion!
@triciagreen8581 Год назад
Thank you both so much. Such a blessing ❤
@MotherRabbitsKitchen Год назад
Love this conversation! Thank you! ❤
@jaylinn416 Год назад
"the popular book, If God is Love, Don’t be a Jerk, by John Pavlovitz" I have not read this book. But is he saying this about Jesus because Jesus called Pharisees Snakes? If so, Pavlovitz is almost certainly headed to hell! Pavlovitz must think he is smarter than the Savior of the world.
@zenelenhleko3010 Год назад
I get the sense that these people want to glorify themselves instead of God.
@MistyEry Год назад
Sorry. Clarification sake. Which people ?
@zenelenhleko3010 Год назад
@@MistyEry The progressive christians.
@zenelenhleko3010 Год назад
Sorry, should've clarified. It sounds like they're going down the "self help" rabbit whole.
@paulajames6149 Год назад
“If you love me, you will obey my commandments.”
@lark8356 Год назад
Grace and Peace to you. I've never identified myself as an evangelical, but I don't mind if others choose that label.
@terezka5340 Год назад
Buddhism is pragmatic but not nice at all - there is imperfect justice in concept of karma but no mercy. You do good deeds you have it good in the next life, you do bad deeds you go to hell or be reborn as animal and whatnot - there is no niceness it´s cold machine of reward punishment mentality... What we see in western buddhism is more like progressive christianity is to christianity - it has nothing to do with the original thing. I am really glad I am out of that mentality and could find perfect justice, mercy and truth in our savior. In Christianity we are all sinners in need of savior who absolves us - in him we are not punished for our sins because he took punishment on himself. In Buddhism no one is sinner but everyone is sinning and bearing fruits of their bad bhavior in afterlife.... It´s not at all this nice gentle ideology - concept of karma and enlightement through your own work is incredibly hard and merciless....You keep getting points and loosing points just like in Islam. Just terrible.
@iankrawiec4323 Год назад
Keep away from anything that is taking you away from the word of God.
@home4ya Год назад
great pod cast, God rescued me f a mega progressive church, in 16yrs not 1 time was repentance, sin, wrath, justification, glorification, santification, Holiness, hell, nor any of revelation was heard f the pulpit! Tithing. leadership, blah blah blah. They are loving people straight to hell. ;0(... true love shares the GOOD NEWS. ;0) this all feels a bit new agey, me me me rather than sin nature, 1 of satans best tricks, twist scripture to boost our self pride, "selfie generation" and they are hitting their sweet spot, self worship! pride cometh before the fall, the progressives that have commented to me have been NOTHING like they preach, they have been mean, angry, loud, unloving, name calling, etc, we need to pray their eyes are opened...
@ItsJillStrif Год назад
This is so great
@angelbianchi4786 Год назад
I hear Jordan Peterson talk to lots of men in the "religious" and Christian world. I would love to watch him discuss with these ladies 🥰
@brianetheredge7323 Год назад
Thanks for letting me hear this conversation. I'm a former Catholic who left the Church for repentence/faith in Christ as a teenager, and I've been hammered with this way of thinking about faith in Christ since then (progressive Catholics can be as bad as progressive Protestants). This has caused me to grow a pretty thick skin, I suppose, but I've been known to take that a little too far at times. I really try to keep a soft heart with these folks, sometimes I just lose my patience and hammer them with truth...I know that God calls me to be a peacemaker (Matt 5:9), and I feel convicted to communicate with God first, before communicating back to those who would insult and attack me for being a Christian, a Christ-follower. Pray for me, pls, as I pray for both you and Natasha.
@tomhitchcock8195 Год назад
A nice unholy God would not create hell.
@NewCreationInChrist896 Год назад
Flee from temptation, run Forrest run. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God."
@gardenladyjimenez1257 Год назад
I like and agree with your analysis of the ideas of Pavlovitz. However, I suggest that much of the discussion is challenged by sticking with the "God Is Love" phrase (including God is...justice/truth...etc). This distances God from Christ and the Holy Spirit - the Trinity. In God's love, by giving Christ to us, God not only "speaks love," God lives and demonstrates love in the words/actions/commands/challenges/miracles...and suffering...of Christ. Love is Christ. It looks and sounds like Christ. As the Son of God, Christ loves us...which includes His reproaches/challenges/rebukes...etc. I am not drawn to Progressives for all the reasons you outline here. But I find that much of the challenge in refuting their claims is that we leave Christ and the Gospels on the shelf, sticking with a discussion of God. Christ makes God more understandable in human terms and clearly demonstrates your points in very specific ways. Your thoughts?
@tomkeller6982 Год назад
As I listen to your discussion about Atheist's/Progressive's filtering of God's love through their own intellect, I'm reminded of Richard Wurmbrand's book, "In God's Underground." Richard was a prison pastor for 14 yrs in communist Romania. At one point, because of TB, he was put into the dreaded "Room 4" - where no-one ever returned from alive due to late stage disease. The guards were too afraid to enter. This gave Richard the unimpeded opportunity to minister to dozens of others placed in that room. He explained ... "Many prisoners entered Room 4 as firmly convinced unbelievers. He saw their unbelief collapse always in the face of death. A true conviction must survive enormous pressure, and atheism does not." They all knew deep inside that they were sold under sin and in need of redemption. Richard lead dozens of such men to Christ by his selfless care and sharing the Biblical Gospel. The seemingly dreadful Room 4 turned out to be God's "love-chapel" to prepare their hearts to receive the Savior. What a rich illustration of why we must never attempt to filter God's love according to our limited perspective.
@sheilacabrera3986 Год назад
Jesus, from Genesis to Revelation is BOTH (inseparable), therefore "love" void of Truth & "truth" void of Love, are neither & only capable of reproducing in the world the LIE they represent.
@photoionized Год назад
So, just wanting to point out that Alisa’s statement at approximately 27:00 seems to mischaracterize the whole notion of “not being able to love someone if you believe they’re going to hell”. The idea is echoed by well-known modern theologians such as Hans Urs von Balthasar or David Bentley Hart building off of many of the (sometimes overtly) universalist theologies of early church fathers (and Saints) such as Gregory of Nyssa or Isaac of Nineveh. Regardless of what you believe is a more accurate depiction of hell, the whole notion that clearly hell == eternal conscious torment isn’t found in the majority of the early witness of the church which had plenty of annihilationists and universalists (so long as they didn’t believe in the pre-existence of souls and subsequent apokatastasis, which was condemned in the 6th century). I think that there are plenty of things wrong with Pavlovitz’ characterizations of Christianity - but this is probably not the main thing to address, because frankly it’s messy and (believe it or not) a secondary issue of church doctrine.
@kennethwentworth7725 4 месяца назад
Great coversation ladies. The more that I listen to valuable voices and ideas, like yours, the more that I'm convinced that proggressive christianity adherents basically subscribe to a critical race theory mixed with woke ideology, covered by a venere of christianity for the purpose of them being their own god. They are the arbitors of right and wrong in there own minds and that is what is important to them. They dont want the biblical God. Thank you for a grest conversation.
@rexbaligod2513 Год назад
The NT is written in Greek and it defined love in 4 specific terms namely Eros, Sturge, Fileo, and Agape. God's love is agape love which is not natural to human being unless he is indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
@tomkeller6982 Год назад
Thanks so much, both of you, for the tremendous job you're doing to help us understand why we're observing what we're observing in society during this time. It's a hard, laborious study, but extremely necessary. Keep going ladies!
@terrypaul7706 Год назад
Hell is here and we choose it by desiring things and then suffering! We burn within which creates seperation, anger, jealousy, bitterness , fear, hate. We feel seperate which is seperate from the source of life and what we are. That is hell. Your idea is simply an illusion created by your carnal mind which is the adversary of truth. ( Satan). That’s why satan owns hell! God IS LOVE! But your idea of that is if I don’t get what I want then God is against me, when it is your mind ( ego) accusing you, not the Father
@SugarMama787 Год назад
Creating a "god" of their own design by cherry-picking the Bible to fit their ideals. I have a cousin who has been living this over the last 10 years and I never knew what to call it. It's heart-breaking. Thank you for bringing this conversation to us and shedding light on the way words are used too. Several years ago, God helped me to see that God's love, His agape love, always does what is best for us. Sometimes that means discipline to help us grow and be better people. As a loving "parent" he corrects and encourages us for our best good. It seems like these progressives want the less committed phileo or brotherly love. Boy, what they are missing out on!!
@anarchorepublican5954 Год назад
...the extremely arbitrary and subjective nature of so called " rational thinking Christianity"...is a christian culture shock...
@robertdouglas8895 Год назад
Mercy and punishment are irreconcilable. "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love." So Jesus could never have said: "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."
@user-vg2lk6yr1z Год назад
You recognize rightly the disconnect between talking about love as a necessary christian belief but not loving in practice. This is a major error that dates back to the beginnings of the reformation. Christians argued doctrinal interpretations but did not live them. It’s like arguing all the scientific points of the true dangers of smoking and continuing to smoke. What’s going on here? Are we dismissing God as the authority?
@feetfirstspeks Год назад
Why do genuine Christians call the place of eternal punishment "Hell"? That term comes with a lot of baggage and the word itself doesn't fit well with the original Greek of the New Testament.
@rosehammer9482 11 месяцев назад
The colleges and universities have managed to tear down the faith of many young people. I was thinking how would you reach the others who are not in these colleges and universities in order to promote the current worldview . Progressive movement is pushing the same worldview that the universities, media and Businesses are promoting.
@jimmeyer6781 Год назад
The righteousness God requires is the righteousness that His righteousness requires Him to require. He IS love and he IS wrath and He IS righteous. He can do and be nothing else. A man in sin can not stand in God’s presence because our God is a consuming fire by very nature of His holiness.
@bobbybixon7183 Год назад
Another fantastic video/interview! Help me with the end about Hell. I was saved at this time and grew to love Christ after that. I believe one of the main points of the gospel is that we will go to hell if we are not saved. I don't see a ything wrong with preaching that. Of course we need to preach God's love it it doesn't make any sense, but heaven or hell are our options, no two ways about it. Why is it wrong to use fear as a means to an end? We have to explained why we will be going to hell, and why our loving God doesn't want us there. Am I wrong on this???
@AlgyPug Год назад
It is fascinating how each of these ladies admits to being a piece of trash (in the Biblical sense) and then claims authority in interpreting the Bible. If a person is corrupt, so must be his or her understanding. Therefore how can we be certain that his or her interpretation of the Bible - or "truth" - is correct?
@GmaJoKeepingitReal Год назад
Excellent!! Would love to connect with Natasha if anyone knows how.. please let me know. Blessings GmaJo
@paulajames6149 Год назад
Not sure why they even use scripture when they think it is outdated and oppressive. Just leave the Christian name altogether.
EXACTLY: 12:30 our 'definition' of love is the key.
@aaronadams8166 Год назад
We only know what love is by looking at all that the scriptures revealed about God.
@KathyakaNina Год назад
Thank you for this video & it was helpful for me to see because I know many that went to Christian University with me have unfortunately went to the Progressive route. Praying God continues to bless you ladies & your ministries
@oikodomay Год назад
I was always taught that, above all, the most essential attribute of God is that he is holy.
@michellepeterson6320 8 месяцев назад
33:00 a "personal redacted Bible"...wow
@TheMirabillis Год назад
The majority of humanity is not saved. They have died in their sins or will die in their sins. Therefore, according to the Bible and Christian Theology, the majority of humanity will suffer and be in torment for all of Eternity Future in Hell / Lake of Fire which God created. Just think about that. However, our moral reason and our moral conscience will tell us that God having the majority of Humanity suffer for all of eternity future is morally absurd. This is why I no longer believe. And no I am not scared. And no I am not frightened. Namely, because I just really don’t believe a Morally Perfect God would have the majority of His creation burn in torment for ever and ever.
@anarchorepublican5954 Год назад
💕🐶💦⇢🌎☭✊🏿🏳‍🌈⚧🚫📖💍⛪ Pavlovi✝z's Dog
@maggiegarber246 Год назад
Mainly because if a person doesn’t believe in God or rejects God…why would God force that person to spend eternity with Him?
@keilana6 Год назад
Deconstruct God's Word? Keep it simple enough for children as Yeshua said.. I don't even understand those words you brought up-complementarinism etc. Bible, Old & New Testaments, was written by primarily Jewish men so how does white supremacy fit in there?
@highlightning6693 Год назад
"White supremacy " doesn't fit in there at all. The progressives, which is to say actual neo-Marxists, lie and say that "white supremacy " (their own made up definition of the term) has tainted our understanding of the Bible. It's merely yet another way for them to discredit and undermine the Lord's Word in order to lead people away from it or, at least, to make it powerless in their lives.
@daniellerubino3433 Год назад
I think another huge point is, how does he define a jerk? Is a jerk someone that holds a different view or more importantly, holds to the truths of God’s word and historic Christianity?
@LadyoftheBunnies Год назад
Great discussion!
@KarinAllison Год назад
I admire the ladies' patience with this author they're reviewing. It's a cringe fest, especially for Calvinists. A grown man wrote that he wants to found a "church of not being horrible"? What a whiny beta male.
@davidstewart8687 Год назад
I'll need to go back to listening to this, but a couple of observations from the mischaracterization section. 1. (Arrogant) Condescension - I picked up on this when the arguments rejecting the historic Christian ethic, because they did have our words then or the language we do today. Forget the conceptual aspect. 2. Supressing voices - The irony is their objections to reasonable, long-held, long-accepted conscience protections on religious grounds to certain types of services. Also, the PC(USA) is notorious now for giving lip service to all voices should be heard, but yet, much of the leadership do not believe or adhere to that part of its polity. A perfect example is a commissioner drafted response to Dobbs, where the initial draft of the item reputiated a 2012 item, which noted that people can disagree in good faith and stated that those adhering to a traditional position are not doing so in good faith. The final version adopted a call for theological reflection, but I have serious doubts that there will be anything less radical. In fact, the PC(USA) follows the ECUSA, so in light of a delegate passed resolution condemning crisis pregnancy centers, I am expecting the worst.
@omnikevlar2338 Год назад
Very good video! We should want our beliefs to be aligned with truth as close as possible. Now how could one come to verify that the Bible is the authority of truth? That is something I have yet to found out.
@blahblahblah14411 Год назад
I recommend you read Alisa’s book “Another Gospel”, she talks about this exact topic there and has some really great points on why we should take Bible as the authority of truth.
@omnikevlar2338 Год назад
@@blahblahblah14411 If she has an audiobook I’m more than happy too. I think a concern for me is the epistemic bar we place that grants authority in the first place that I question. Plus there could be another ideology or religion that comes out with more evidence where do we draw the line?
@godsgospelgirl Год назад
I LOVE when you two interview each other.
@aferguson5403 Год назад
Bcz of the fallen angle called satan
@bartvermeulen3582 Год назад
Thanks for the information .
@leeleedart1367 Год назад
The wages of sin is death, not eternal suffering. The Bible NEVER teaches this. We suffer now as Christians and nonChristians, but after Christ returns and judgment comes, those who are in Christ live forever, those who are not in Christ die forever. That is justice.
@markhorton3994 Год назад
"Where the fire does not go out and the worm does not doe" "Outer darkness where there will be groaning and gnashing of teeth".
@leeleedart1367 Год назад
Yes, those passages, properly exegeted, actually harmonize with the above truth, my brother.
@RainbowMan. Год назад
@jeanboshears6689 Год назад
Sin is falling short of his perfect will, which is revealed in His word Part of His will is the 10 Commandments. Our savior didn’t sin; he kept those 10 Commandments which the church is not teaching. The fourth one; keeping the sabbath holy. It’s actually the commandment with the most instruction and the one that we are told to remember. Most people have forgot it but actually call the first day of the week Sabbath but it isn’t; Sabbath is the seventh day. Check history and you’ll find out why and how it happened
@yabits Год назад
The various factions of Christianity -- progressive or non-progressive -- suggest to me a Tower of Babel. Because I accept the Hebrew scriptures -- the Tanakh -- I cannot accept Christianity as a true and valid path. Square One for knowledge of the ONE TRUE G-D happened at Mount Sinai when nearly TWO MILLION freed children of Israel witnessed HIS voice and presence -- calling to Moses to come and receive the Torah. The ONLY mass-revelation in recorded human history. If, that is, you believe what is recorded in Exodus. The very first Psalm, first two verses, lay out the duty of a wise person. Psalm 119 lays out the beauty of what Solomon reveals about the Torah -- that it is actually the Tree of Life that was present in Eden. In contrast, the Greco-Roman pagan idolaters turned the Torah into a legalistic code -- as seen through their eyes. But yet, through G-d's will, they saw fit to slap their Greek writings onto the Tanakh. The world is slowly waking up to this reality. As foretold by Isaiah, the nations of the world -- and Rome -- will be SHOCKED to learn who is the real "messiah."
@robertdouglas8895 Год назад
Hell is the projection of this emotional world onto life after death. God created neither one. Jesus spoke of the "world" as a seeming existence that is invented by the prodigal son. We may think we are 'on' the earth but we are not 'of' the earth. We are still of the kingdom of heaven, which Jesus said is still within us. It's within our mind which we connect with through prayer. That's our connection with truth." Judge not by appearance but judge by righteous judgment "which comes to us through prayer.
@terezka5340 Год назад
I used to believe like you - hearing bible verses being turned into psychological metaphors which sounded noble and as so attractive. I ended up possessed and I was incredibly lucky I met with Christians who held biblical worldview and were teching Jesusś word in the way he taught it including all the presently unpopular topics as sin and it´s consequence. I accepted him and was healed from homosexuality through healing sexual abuse from childhood as well as I have been in process of liberation from demonic possession ever since. Before I went through tens and tens of new age teachers, progressive Christians, therapists... Only after I accepted Christ for whom he was he could start healing and liberating me. I had no idea how much healing will be needed. I thought I was nice and spiritual and deeply loving person. Now I know I am a sinner who needs Jesus. He is the goodness in myself and the world. I by myself am wicked and inclined to evil. You cannot come out of sin unless you acknowledge there is a sin and how grave are consequences of it... The reason for these misinterpretations of bible and new age spirituality is mostly caused by unwillingness to suffer and bear your cross. Jesus said: take your cross and follow me. You have to b willing to suffer. That´s how easy it is. People hate to hear that though.
@robertdouglas8895 Год назад
@@terezka5340 I'm glad you found healing of your mind and relief from the pain those false ideas were causing you, the prodigal son.
@MistyEry Год назад
@@terezka5340 Beautiful testimony. Thankyou for sharing.
@chardo24 Год назад
Alisa and Natasha, they both need God in their llives.
@jbrubaker9399 Год назад
We all need to be reconciled to God. That's why we need Jesus to save us.
@chardo24 Год назад
That is exactly the point. How blessed are those who know their need of God said Jesus in the Sermon on the Mountain. Why is that? The Kingdom of God is theirs. It is yours now that if you know your need of God to be absolute.
@WordsToday-sy7ys Год назад
There is no hell.
@terezka5340 Год назад
Yes there is. There is hell, there is Satan, there are damned souls suffering for ever. There is forgivenss of sin through Jesus Christ and salvation and eternity with God.
@troyr9357 Год назад
So you think that someone new to Christianity who has anger issues has to be sanctified through Holy Spirit but God is wrath and gets angry but he’s completely perfect and holy and loving but the man isn’t??
@terezka5340 Год назад
Man´s anger is disordered consequence of sin. It has no similarity to God´s wrath. God´s wrath is chastisment of sin - it is perfect because it is providing perfect justice for those who commited sin as well as victims of it. Because he is perfectly merciful he gave himself to bear chastisments for all sins of humanity- in past, present, future... Man´s anger is lashing out disorderly because of being pissed. God´s wrath is external presentation of his perfect justice. It´s perfect because it´s perfect justice. And it´s perfectly merciful because he is taking all wrath of justice on himself to spare th worst of sinners from consequence of their behavior. If they accept Jesuses sacrifice and are washed in his blood when God looks at them he sees Jesus´s sacrifice and justice already done on him. That´s how he is both perfectly just and perfectly merciful. That´s how god´s wrath is perfect. There is no point in comparing perfect creator with feelings of fallen humanity...
@troyr9357 Год назад
@@terezka5340 wrath is wrath. You can dance around religious doctrines all you want. Sin is missing the mark and when someone does something that is not of love they get the consequences in this life! That’s sowing and reaping (karma) and Gods judgement. He doesn’t hold anything on anyone! The whole book is about you. Every character every place every number is about you and what goes on in you. God can keep his commandments but your saying that he can’t and you are better than God cause he murdered all these people in Old Testament and expects you not to hurt anyone. You wouldn’t burn someone alive forever? But God would? That’s crazy!! Maybe you and most just don’t get it because of you don’t seek you don’t ask of spiritual things therefore you see God as a war God coming back to kill everyone. The rapture happens everyday. You are either taken by the spirit and out of the bullshit lies you’ve been fed or your left in this dimension in the fire of deception waiting for your saviour to come. who is in you! The truth doesn’t need defending God doesn’t need defending. Not that scripture is wrong but that you are reading it wrong. You not willing to ask the hard questions or step outside what you think you know. Will blow you away when you really know the truth!
@terezka5340 Год назад
@@troyr9357 I pray to God I will not be again in the place of self not even self of rapture I no longer care for it. It is not about me at all it used to be. It is about God now - nothing else... I think here is very visible the difference between original Christianity and progressive "Christianity" which adopted so much from new age it no longer has anything to do with Christ... You no longer need him - you are your own salvation your own rapture of present moment... There is no perfect justice or perfect mercy for you - you exchanged it for concept of cold machine of karma which gives you points when you act well and takes points away when you do bad... Only it´s new age version of Karma which is all about now and is to original Karma what is progressive "Christianity" to Christianity. Original karma is always directed towards next lives. In this life you are reaping fruits of karma from your previous life and sow new karma for the next life. New age is so seductive because it takes these ancient concepts and turns them into nicely sounding empty shells... I used to be a buddhist nun before Christ called me. And what west is doing with Buddhism is same butchery as what it is doing with Christianity... But Buddhism is a false teaching so I don´t mind that much. But taking truth of Christ and turning it into self centered teachings where you no longer need a god because you yourself are a god - that´s just tragic. I so hope more Christians will not fall for this even though I think many will. It sounds nice, it is easy... To follow Christ means to take you cross and follow him. Not becoming God. Admitting truth of being sinner in need of God, stop running away from suffering, taking your cross and following narrow way of Jesus. Not wide way of new age cult of self.... When it comes to "supernatural" experiences of bliss, void and whatnot - it´s empty glitz. It means nothing. Feeling good doesn´t equal goodness - I had to learn the hard way. You believe that when you experience all sorts of rapturous positivity it gives proof to your self centered believes... I did. Maybe you don´t I don´t know you... I used to believe because I am so deep spiritual person and so loving and kind to everyone it automatically means what I experience is good and from God or universal consciousness... But what new age doesn´t tell you - there is spiritual warfare going on and these practices are incredibly dangerous - when you empty yourself of God because you want to worship your self - call it higher self or consciousness or whatever, what is opposite of god now have possibility to enter you. And don´t fool yourself demons can imitate all these experiences of bliss and rapture and changed consciousness... I ended up possessed but because it felt so positive it never occured to me it was demonic. Only after my heart was set on Jesus - real Jesus not puppet of self Jesus as he is abused by progressive "Christians", it showed it´s true face - and stopped pretending positivity and showed what it really was - possessive forces of Satan. As he exists just as hell exists. Just as evil exists just as demons exist. How much healing and liberation Christ did for me and my family who as well holds these new age believes - very similar to yours - I wouldn´t believe. But when you are emptying yourself of him to have more space for your special god self you are running away from him in opposite direction right in the arms of the enemy. But God is faithful, he will hunt you and run after you because you ar special - not for yourself though or your inherent goodness but for image of God to which you were created. It is never about you it is only about God. St.Mary Chambon was given prayers of holy wounds rosary and promis: whoever prays the following prayer will find conversion. So here it is - if ever you wanted to get to know the truth and God which has nothing to do with self and universal consciousness etc... but your inner obstacles would be far to great to attempt - you can say this prayer and god will remove the obstacles and you will be able to convert - here it is: Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ. To heal the wounds of our souls.
@troyr9357 Год назад
@@terezka5340 you cannot love anyone until you learn to love and forgive yourself and that’s the truth. I didn’t know anything about any religion or want to until nearly 5 years ago. And I’ve been through every part of Christianity from following the law to sacred name to signs and wonders and healing to once saved always saved. You will not be able to try and tell me about what you think you can label me as “ progressive Christian”. Isn’t that what it’s supposed to be? Glory to glory?? Jesus says behold the kingdom of heaven is within you. Does Buddha teach the same and Krishna? Jesus says if your eye be single your whole body shall be full of light. Not talking about physical 2 eyes. Meditate is what we are told to do. Peter was on top of a roof in a trance getting visions. Are we that blind?? Jesus went away to a high mountain by himself??? Go into your closet and close the door?? You do not worship yourself you worship God because he is within you. He is within everyone else too or how else do they have their being. He is everything. You understand you have to pick up your cross which means kill your ego and false belief of separation. You know the actual sun goes through the 12 star signs (disciples). Is the (light of the world) is buried for 3 days and is resurrected into new life (summer). There is no coincidence nature is perfect the message is everywhere. You follow your “God of revenge” and “justice” and I’ll follow the true source of life which is love, peace, joy, kindness. Humble is a good one, show me a humble Christian these days. Humble yourself and admit you could be wrong??? I’ve done it many times and I know it’s hard. I think Christian’s God is there 66 book bible. They worship a book like it’s actually God. It’s sad cause even Jesus said take no script on your journey. You take care Terezka because you went from committed wise Buddhist to false doctrine hypocrite Catholics by the sound of it
@lvnndtruth8862 Год назад
As a 54 year old man, I have been a believer in Jesus from early childhood. My best friends through out my life have been Christian. My whole family are professing Christian's; although, for most of them they never really seemed to take it very serious. Maybe that was the reason that they never became bothered by what the Bible actually teaches. What I have finally come to realize is that the Bible is not the infallible representation of God. If God does exist, and He is all knowing, all powerful and He does actually love all the people that He created; the Bible can not be infallible. Perhaps some of the Bible is inspiring and loving; but then some of it is absolutely Horrifying!!! You cant honesty have it both ways. Once a person breaks out of the religion buble, and begins scrutinizing the Bible with some level of honest logic and sound reasoning, it is only a matter of time before it all begins crumbling down. That's the real truth.
@aaronconner2010 Год назад
The Bible is infallible!
@xenoman2238 Год назад
Whilst the 'problem of evil' and 'judging God' has been well and sufficiently answered, and too long to repeat here, I think that it would be right to tell you that knowing God both personally and intimately is possible. My question to you is: does the Scripture explain how a person may return that position of knowing God on His terms if we want to?
@tanyabaker4809 Год назад
If we study the Bible because we truly want to know God, and wrestle with the areas we find difficult, He Will be found by us and make things clear. He promises this. And I have experienced this as one that is reading chronologically through the Bible and has wrestled quite a bit! If we approach the Bible as an excuse for our doubts then we are going to stay in our doubts.
@jeffreydavid999 Год назад
Galatians 5:22 is the measuring stick. This man is not living by the Fruit of the Spirit.
@jeffreydavid999 Год назад
He’s placing himself above God.
@joshcornell8510 Год назад
Because He’s good
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