
Catholic Answers Focus: Dead People Need Prayers 

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Guest host, Chis Check, asks Fr. Hugh to defend praying for the dead. Fr. Hugh explains why praying for the dead is every Christian's duty.



30 сен 2024




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@Yasminjohnblessed 3 года назад
We pray for souls 🙏😇❤️ Amen
@ericleming1734 3 года назад
Today pray for me for my sins and that I can be forgiven by the lord.
@sandragoss48 3 года назад
You can also say the St. Gertrude Prayer & Chaplet.The Prayer of St. Gertrude Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.
@Stephenstyles. 4 месяца назад
And about Pagatory, can i live as a Catholic but sinful life hoping I'll be prayed for in the pagatory?
@Stephenstyles. 4 месяца назад
Can confession lead me into a habit of ''sin to confess instead of "a sin no more" that Jesus told the adulterous woman?
@carolinehansen4563 3 года назад
They need prayers, certainly. They don’t need to be used as a political Weapon. God help those who misuse them.
@tomandrews1429 3 года назад
God help those that think an election is being stolen without any evidence.
@candyclews4047 2 года назад
@@tomandrews1429 watch the documentary, 2000 mules and you will see the evidence.
@tomandrews1429 2 года назад
@@candyclews4047 Why wasn't this evidence used in court to overturn the election results?
@candyclews4047 2 года назад
The doco has only just been released. Presumably it took time to gather the evidence but I should watch it and then direct your question to the film maker.
@lisawalkusky8370 3 года назад
What is he reading from in the beginning?
@paul_321 2 года назад
Lazarus died and was prayed for. Why? Because prayer for the dead does matter
@mpalos14 Год назад
Do you guys read the Bible?
@candyclews4047 2 года назад
I think the Protestants feel that under Jesus' New Covenant, if we believe in Him, then we all have eternal life (which is akin to going to Heaven). You are presenting arguments that are attributed to events prior to this - no?
@Artaxian_Debacle 5 месяцев назад
It’s heartbreaking that my supposedly catholic mother refuses to pray for the dead
@coffeetam2275 Год назад
Prayer for the dead is not bad..as simple as that..God is mercy full..
@charnelallan7159 3 года назад
We r saved by faith , sainthood is a heavenly adornement chasity,charity, does not deem an individual a saint
@kkdoc7864 3 года назад
Praying for dead people has pagan roots. You cannot cross that void with words, prayers TO dead people or FOR dead people, unless you also practice divination, witchcraft and the like.
@kkdoc7864 2 года назад
@@nosuchthing8 that’s why scholars agree that book is not inspired. It disagrees with the gospel which should be your first clue. It’s also been placed in the Old Testament well before Jesus came and presented the New Covenant.
@kkdoc7864 2 года назад
@@nosuchthing8 Jerome who is responsible for the Vulgate was entirely aware the books were not inspired.
@kkdoc7864 2 года назад
@@nosuchthing8 Yes, sadly the RCC overruled Jerome’s (of Latin Vulgate fame) huge objections to including these uninspired books.
@kkdoc7864 2 года назад
@@nosuchthing8 It’s all about whether or not a body of humans are teaching the true gospel. Because the RCC does not, it cannot be followed. Your salvation is at risk if you don’t completely trust that Jesus Christ actually sacrificed Himself ONCE for ALL completely paying for all sins on Calvary, and that there is nothing your works can do to gain any more righteousness. Righteousness only comes from faith in Christ. Period.
@kkdoc7864 2 года назад
@@nosuchthing8 No human being is the “”Rock” on which Christ’s church is built. It is the declaration of Peters revealed to him by God. That’s why He said “this Rock” and not “you”. The apostles and others who gave us God’s Word have given us the true gospel. Gal 1: 5-9. Anything that runs contrary to it or is added to it is heresy, and those who teach it are cursed. . That is why the ROMAN church which mingled with paganism under Constantine fell off the rails. It no longer teaches what the apostles taught or believed. That means, it has a different gospel. “Protesters”,, including Paul, were warning of evil teachings starting to arise even when they were still alive. Luther was just a later version who managed not to get murdered by the RCC. You need to look at the history of the papacy and how politically powerful the RCC was during the dark ages. There were thousands of Luthers who were tortured, burned at the stake and murdered . Remember Gal 1 6-9. And if you want to know truth, stop the confirmation bias, and really search. That’s how I got out of that system.
@Baseball_Mickey 2 года назад
Praying for the dead is not Biblical
@mpalos14 Год назад
i know its crazy
@charnelallan7159 3 года назад
Stop preaching false gospel
@elitetopia8071 3 года назад
The Bible never forbids praying to the dead, it only says not to conjure spirits and ask for stuff. James 5:16 Romans 15:30-32 Job 42:8 Genesis 20:7 Revelation 4:10 Revelation 5:8
@charnelallan7159 3 года назад
@@elitetopia8071 its programmes like thèse that brings certainty that catholicism contradicts scripture, pratices necromancy, lord have mercy
@elitetopia8071 3 года назад
@@charnelallan7159 HAHA you know what necromancy is right? It’s conjuring or summoning spirits. The Bible strictly prohibits conjuring up spirits. But it DOESN’T say you can’t pray to them to ask God on our behalf.
@elitetopia8071 3 года назад
@@charnelallan7159 why should you ask others to pray for you if you can just ask God directly? It’s just an extra pray.
@charnelallan7159 3 года назад
@@elitetopia8071 no Wonder catholicism is on gréât down spiral ,ur truths are all coming to life including ur false gospel as said in the book of revalations come out of her my people
@charnelallan7159 3 года назад
False false false the bible contradicts this prove it the holy book says after death comes judgement
@danielvinzent2520 3 года назад
Yes, it does say there comes judgment. But it does not say that purgatory and then heaven is not a possible outcome of that judgment.
@charnelallan7159 3 года назад
Eccl 9 5 and 6 contradicts this false teaching tell me wat text biblically supports this blasphemy
@Baseball_Mickey 2 года назад
There is no purgatory. This day, you will be with me in paradise.
@paul_321 2 года назад
Jesus didn’t go to Heaven that day. Where was the guy before Christ went to paradise?
@Baseball_Mickey 2 года назад
@charnelallan7159 3 года назад
Purgatory is nottt biblical
@jilld8711 3 года назад
Luke 12: 43-48
@tomandrews1429 3 года назад
@@jilld8711 Huh? Those verse have nothing to do with purgatory.
@charnelallan7159 3 года назад
@@tomandrews1429 amen
@charnelallan7159 3 года назад
Omg r u serious thanks u guys preach false doctrines
@jilld8711 3 года назад
@@charnelallan7159 How do you interpret those verses
@ContendingEarnestly 3 года назад
Praying for the dead happens exactly nowhere in the new testament. The other example in the o.t. with Saul didn't turn out too well for him did it? God wants our prayers to Him. Paul said let all your requests be made known to God. If the best of the best example is Rev 5 or 8 then its an extremely weak position to begin with.
@danielvinzent2520 3 года назад
"Paul said let all your requests made known to God". Yes, and he also wrote that the members of Christ's body take care of one another. Do you think death can seperate us from beeing a member of the body of Christ? If not: Why should the members of the body already on the otherside stop praying for the ones on this side and the other way around like the they did before some died?
@ContendingEarnestly 3 года назад
@@danielvinzent2520 No but how do you 'care' for someone in heaven? We care for each other who are alive on this earth. Not once did Paul or anyone else make the argument you are right here. Those in the here and now need our prayers. Not those that have gone before us.
@danielvinzent2520 3 года назад
@@ContendingEarnestly Of course, the souls in heaven do not need our care. But they seem to care for the situation on earth as you can see in the passages you mentioned from Revelations. Regarding the other way around (we praying for passed away members of Christ’s body): Where does scripture say that there is no kind of purification necessary for those who died in Christ but still have some attachment to sin and minor bad habits? Especially if you consider that nothing impure can enter heaven. What is your opinion on 1Cor 3,15 and Mt 5,26 which seem to mention such a purification? We also have the Book of Wisdom 3,5 (which you likely consider not as scripture but at least you can see that also the Jews believed in such a purification). If there is such a purification than it is consistent that also the members of Christ’s body on earth care for that: “If one member suffers, all suffer together…” (1 Cor 12,26) Another question because I am curious: Do you think we should only do things that are explicitly mentioned in the Bible? If yes: Where does the Bible say so? Do you pray to the Holy Spirit? (There is no passage in the NT where somebody is praying to the Holy Spirit directly).
@ContendingEarnestly 3 года назад
@@danielvinzent2520 *Of course, the souls in heaven do not need our care. But they seem to care for the situation on earth as you can see in the passages you mentioned from Revelations.* Where in Revelation does it say they 'care' for us here on earth? *Regarding the other way around (we praying for passed away members of Christ’s body):* *Where does scripture say that there is no kind of purification necessary for those who died in Christ but still have some attachment to sin and minor bad habits?* *Especially if you consider that nothing impure can enter heaven.* Where does the bible say we leave this life (those in Christ) with sin attached to us? Verse please.. Nothing impure enters heaven. But how and by whom are we purified? Who makes us able to stand in His presence? Us or God? I'll take the latter.. Titus 2:14 14 who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and *purify for Himself a people* for His own possession, zealous for good deeds. NASB Who purifies? God Jude 24 24 *Now to Him who is able* to keep you from stumbling, *and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless* with great joy, NASB Who does that? Not you. 1 Cor 15:50-52 50 Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. 51 Behold, I tell you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but *we shall all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.* NASB God does this in the twinkling of an eye. No purgatory necessary. *What is your opinion on 1Cor 3,15 and Mt 5,26 which seem to mention such a purification?* *We also have the Book of Wisdom 3,5 (which you likely consider not as scripture but at least you can see that also the Jews believed in such a purification).* 1 Cor 3:12-15 12 Now if any man builds upon the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, 13 *each man's work will become evident;* for the day will show it, because it is to be revealed with fire; *and the fire itself will test the quality of each man's work.* 14 *If any man's work* which he has built upon it remains, he shall receive a reward. 15 If any man's work is burned up, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as through fire. NASB Whats the obvious context here? Works. If what we did for the kingdom is good it remains and we receive a reward. If its not so good its burned up and we lose reward. Not a shred of evidence that YOU are the one suffering. And no, i do not consider wisdom scripture. *If there is such a purification than it is consistent that also the members of Christ’s body on earth care for that: “If one member suffers, all suffer together…” (1 Cor 12,26)* 1 Cor 12:24-26 But God has so composed the body, giving more abundant honor to that member which lacked, 25 that there should be no division in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. 26 And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. NASB This is the church on earth. In a local body or even worldwide if members are hurting don't we all hurt? Someone gets cancer. Someone is persecuted. We all feel it. It has nothing to do with purgatory. *Another question because I am curious: Do you think we should only do things that are explicitly mentioned in the Bible?* *If yes: Where does the Bible say so?* No, not necessarily. But scripture is our highest and final authority. What we do, say or teach should be consistent with what the bible says. The bible isn't silent on prayer, atonement, sin....So when the rcc comes along and says 'listen to me' (ccc 100) and those teachings contradict the bible then we stop listening to those people and turn to God. *Do you pray to the Holy Spirit? (There is no passage in the NT where somebody is praying to the Holy Spirit directly).* The Holy Spirit is God. We bring our prayers to Him. Phil 4:6-7 6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving *let your requests be made known to God.* 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. NASB
@danielvinzent2520 3 года назад
@@ContendingEarnestly First of all: Thanks for the fact-bound discussion. This is no matter of course on RU-vid. I totally agree with you that God is the final author of our purification. This is clear from tradition and the verses you mentioned. But don’t you think that God’s grace desires our cooperation in form of our faith, our will, our prayers, our sacrifices and so on? If our prayers don’t matter in view of conversions and purification of ourselves and others why should we pray at all for the sinners and for ourselves when we feel our addiction to sin? One example in view of that: Jesus heals a man physically and spiritually through forgiveness BECAUSE OF THE FAITH of four OTHER man: “And when he saw their faith, he said, “Man, your sins are forgiven you.” (Luke 5,20). I believe God works through second causes because he does not only want to bring us in relationship with him (which is of course most important) but also in relationship with others. (That's why he for example is preparing his people for the arrival of Christ THROUGH John the Baptist.) This is also the metaphor of the body which we talked about before. For sure we suffer together when somebody is sick (you mentioned cancer). But we also suffer together whenever our brothers in Christ struggle with temptations and their spiritual weakness and pray for them so they can overcome those things, don’t we? You asked: ”Where does the bible say we leave this life (those in Christ) with sin attached to us?” Counterquestions: Do you think all Christians leave this live perfectly pure? To me it seems rather that most Christians have not completed the way of sanctification yet when they die. I have no doubt that God COULD purify us instantly. But maybe you agree that at least in this life he doesn’t so. He helps us and grants us many graces but nevertheless it is sometimes painful and a long progress for us to get rid of bad habits and our attachment to fading things. And we help each other through prayers in that progress, right? Based on that now back to purgatory: If it would be true, that those who die are purified instantly without pain, then it would not make much sense to take all those efforts described above in this live. We could just sit there and trust in Jesus but not fight sin and temptation which is hard stuff. That’s why purgatory is reasonable and just: Those who accepts God’s grace fully and cooperate with it during the road of sanctification (like the martyrs and saints) do not need that last step of purification. Others do. Regarding the instant purification you mentioned 1 Cor 3:12-15: I agree it is also speaking about works that do not pass the test. But wouldn’t it be painful to see that some of the works you did and some of the time you spend did not have any value for eternity? That pain is purgatory. In addition to that the text says: “HE HIMSELF shall be saved, yet so AS THROUGH FIRE.” So, the person itself passes the figurative fire which is an image for pain. Regarding 1 Cor 15:50-52: Would you agree that this passage speaks about the last day and Christ's return (“at the last trumpet”)? I think so because it speaks about the restauration OF OUR BODIES and because of 1 Thess 4 which also speaks about the “last trumpet” and 1 Thess 4 is a clear passage regarding Christ’s return. I see no contradiction to a temporal purification of our soul as described in 1 Cor 3:12-15 and Mt 5,26 BEFORE the last day. Please also consider the consequences of an instant purification that I described above. However, purgatory is not an issue that should divide the church. There are other topics which are more important, aren’t there? For example the canon itself: So may I for what reasons do you reject Wisdom as scripture?
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