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CES Letter 50 to 65 Three Witnesses Including a Rebuttal of Dan Vogel's Claims. 

FAIR - Faithful Answers, Informed Response
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@mormonconvert5726 7 лет назад
As an anti-Mormon that became a convert to the church "investigating the BOM witnesses" sealed the deal for me "intellectually". I think because I started my faith journey as a skeptic it required more faith to doubt than to Believe as I really pondered the stories of the restoration. The fact that many of the witnesses left but never denied their testimony also became powerful to me. I simply cannot believe that an anti-LDS approach of using hypnotism to explain the witnesses is a credible approach. I'm embarrassed for them. Having known a hypnosis expert that's studied and practice this craft for years he would never have been able to pull this stunt off with the three men. Great point that this subject was widely unknown in rural America. This makes the entire argument of hypnotism a joke IMO. Great video!
@mormonconvert5726 6 лет назад
Wannabe. Please send me a real picture of Christ and I’ll use it. Thanks.
@karlshaner2453 5 лет назад
I find it interesting that in the face of so much truth, people continue to deny and reject The Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ. They think Joseph Smith simply made up a story that 100+ years later has been shown to be accurate in many ways that no one in the world knew in his day.
@karlshaner2453 5 лет назад
@Carrie-Anne Corley: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-9PiWN0nhYqI.html Here is a question you might ask yourself after watching this lecture...How did Joseph Smith know things that even scholars were unaware of till mid-1900 and later? Have a very Merry Christmas.
@smdh99 5 лет назад
BoM is a joke.
@binmyrtmind 5 лет назад
Jai Mac so when did you read it?
@ralphjenkinsak Год назад
People can be so dumb. On one hand critics claim that he fabricated The Book of Mormon and wrote it himself indicating that he would have to be a highly skilled writer on the level of some of the greatest writers in American history and now they make a claim that he's a highly skilled and trained hypnotist capable of something like this. If he was such an accomplished hypnotist why didn't he Hypnotize The Mob when they took him at carthage? He could have easily avoided the trouble all together when they came to escort him to the Carthage jail. So dumb
@Manic_Mitch.official 5 лет назад
“Nobody has explored or rebuttled the hypnotism theory” uhhh yea i wonder why.. maybe because it’s ridiculous
@markhamblin8194 5 лет назад
Because we all know it wasn't hypnosis but hallucinogenic mushrooms
@scottbennett5649 5 лет назад
I am a clinical psychologist and am trained in hypnosis. (I don't use it in my practice because other tools work better for me) but hypnosis clearly works. And it works better on some ppl and sorta on others and not at all on others. Although, i've never seen these groups presented as 10%/80%/10%. I dont have better percentages i guess. Modern scientists would not go for this theory because they don't believe that anyone sees visions or talks to God or translates ancient records. They dont believe any of the Bible stories or miracles. So they wouldnt believe JS stuff either. So i cant really test your theory on any of my colleagues that practice hypnosis But saying that ppl having visions at other times in their lives as making them succeptible to hypnosis is not accurate or honest It might make them more succeptible to something like schizophrenia or hallucinations or spiritual experiences, but there is no evidence of a connection between visionary experience and that of how well hypnosis works on them. If so, please cite a source. There is a lot of empirical-scientific research that has been done on hypnosis. Look thru the psych journals. You wont find any connection. You will only find scientists who dont believe any of the Bible or BOM stuff
@smdh99 5 лет назад
This is not well written for someone who claims to be so educated. Hmmm
@binmyrtmind 5 лет назад
I can tell you one TRUE thing, I personally, following heart surgery and WIDE awake could see other people in the room while I was speaking with my husband. It was not until they vanished before my eyes that I realized they were not just two people in the ICU unit in the hospital. They were dressed in white suits and ties, one stood next to my bed near my husband (I was sitting up eating a popsicle ), and the other over by the wall, as though they were watching over me until I was out of danger.
@smdh99 5 лет назад
@@binmyrtmind My mom had a similar experience after surgery. They were hallucinations caused by the morphine. She continued to have hallucinations until she was off that drug, then they stopped.
@binmyrtmind 5 лет назад
Jai Mac I am a nurse and completely understand your little quip but I was way too far out of the influence. Besides I cannot tell you everything during my experience so as not to offend the Lord. Thank you though for your reply.
@smdh99 5 лет назад
@@binmyrtmind I'm sure the Lord already knows. 👀👀
@richardgaines9450 6 лет назад
Is our being children of God (" Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God" -- Acts 17:29) mean that ultimately we are limited to being Angels in Heaven ? or something more ? Does a huge Sequoia start out as a tiny seed? Can anyone envision that a tiny little seed will eventually become a magnificent tree? " Jesus answered them, is it not written in your law, I said (Jesus -- as Jehovah -- spoke Psalms 82:6), ' Ye are Gods ? ' If He called them Gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture can not be broken (ie, denied or gainsayed), say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified.....'thou blasphemest ?? ' ; [John 10:34-35] "...who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God..." [ Phillippians 2:6 ] " to him that overcometh will I (Jesus) grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in His throne. " [ Revelation 3;21 ] " if we suffer, we shall also reign with him..." [ 2 Timothy 2:12 ] " to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ " [2 Thessalonians 2:14 ] " and I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them ....and they shall reign for ever and ever..." [Revelation 20 : 4 ; Revelation 22 : 5 ] "for every one that is perfect shall be as his Master"....."of a truth, I say unto you, He will make him ruler over all that He hath".... [ Luke 6:40 & Luke 12:44 ] " Thou madest him (mankind) a little lower than the Gods " [ Hebrews 2;7 ] (rendered as 'Gods' in the original Hebrew, but the Greeks later substituted 'angels' for 'Gods' because they were un-comfortable with this truth ) "for ALL things are yours. Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas (Peter), or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come ; ALL ARE YOURS. And ye are Christ's ; and Christ is God's. [ 1 Corinthians 3: 21-23 ] This truth was lost to all Christian denominations in the Dark Ages --- despite the presence of all these Bible scriptures in their own day --- but with the Restitution of ALL THINGS (Acts 3:19-21) that Jesus brought to the prophet Joseph Smith beginning in 1820, God has RESTORED this to mankind once again. as a former Catholic and former atheist, I testify that the RESTORATION through the prophet Joseph Smith is true. Dr Richard M. Gaines, DC
@smdh99 5 лет назад
Everyone seems to be a doctor. If you're a doctor then you should be smart enough not to fall for this.
@smdh99 5 лет назад
11111111122211 22e)d~w)~/eww^^www^2ww2
@dcarts5616 Год назад
@@smdh99 plenty of doctors have graduated from atheism. ;)
@briguy9915 8 лет назад
Just read Richard L Anderson's "Investigating the Book of Mormon Witnesses" That book really helped me understand who the witnesses were and why their testimonies are so valid.
@pankfull12 5 лет назад
It seems that there really is little evidence for the Authors claims, but merely he tries to sow seeds of doubt by trying show what he feels are “plausible” evidence that “could” refute the churches claims. In essence try to get people to redefine their experiences as something other than what they thought. The hypnosis ploy, was I think, the most absurd.
@stever808 Год назад
Attacking the witnesses is just a distraction. The main issue is: How could the Book of Mormon been written in 1830? It is incredibly complex and filled with Hebrew poetry and parallelisms, like chiasmus. Chiasmus was not discovered in the BOM until the 1960’s, and Joseph not only could not have known about it. For him to write the BOM in this style, using these unknown techniques, and then to fill the BOM with it and never mention it to anyone is just to much of a stretch. It would have been impossible for Joseph, or any committee of experts in 1830 to have written the BOM. It’s very existence proves it was translated from an ancient record, written by persons of Hebrew decent. None of the anti-kingdom of God propaganda addresses any of the textual evidence found in the BOM. The CES letter is just a collection of spin and lies that fail to prove anything and never address the BOM text itself.
@kvanderstel 8 лет назад
The whole hypnosis thing is so ridiculous I'm surprised you even took the time to address it, but nevertheless you did a great job. Keep up the good work
@markhamblin8194 5 лет назад
Mushrooms maybe?
@BlaineHeggie 8 лет назад
Very well done. Very clear and detalied.
@AmySnively 6 лет назад
No comment on the content. I just want to know: why is he speaking as if to little children? Very irritating narration delivery. :-(
@scottbennett5649 5 лет назад
I agree. But cummon lol. Some ppl have accents, some have a lisp, cleft pallat, whatever. Guy is not gifted orater, but doing it anyway. Give em a break
@smdh99 5 лет назад
@@scottbennett5649 Trying to sound like a professional psychologist is really not working for you. A lisp? A cleft pallet? She was saying he is talking down to us, not that he has a speech impediment. Wow! 😂
@jwjbros7926 4 года назад
These are irrelevant appeal comments. What's that have to do with the substance of the argument? Your comment reminds me, the time when the Pharisees accuse Jesus of healing on the sabbath day.
@jwjbros7926 4 года назад
Making this video takes a lot of time to educate people, so be greatful.
@joeshawcroft7121 Год назад
Interesting. I didn't get the feeling that he was taking down to anyone. Maybe that's just the tone of his voice as he's reading a script? It's really easy to judge without knowing the facts.
@CFoukas 8 лет назад
Lol Hypnotism, wow.
@XcapeArtist1111 4 года назад
This is so stupid. They could either stick to their ridiculous lie or be publicly known as liars and con-artists by everyone.
@truthbebold4009 4 года назад
Is sock top a thing? Never heard that before. I think I agree with you.
@XcapeArtist1111 4 года назад
@@truthbebold4009 yeah you're right, definitely not a thing. "Stick to"
@truthbebold4009 4 года назад
@@XcapeArtist1111 Whee! Auto-correct is funny sometimes. Maybe we could start a new idiom with this one.
@dcarts5616 3 года назад
They were known to be liars, but only after they joined the church. Then they left the church and were not seen as liars, and then when they reaffirmed their original testimonies they’re liars again? I’m sooo confused.
@XcapeArtist1111 3 года назад
@@dcarts5616 nope, still liars.
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