
Christian pastor exploring LDS Church in Youtube channel shares what he's learned 

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IDAHO FALLS - For Jeff McCollough, the beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are lot more nuanced than he initially thought and he's realized the core teachings have a lot in common with the rest of the Christian world.
The 41-year-old is a Christian pastor from Illinois doing a deep dive into the doctrine, history and culture of the LDS Church. His RU-vid channel, Hello Saints, has nearly 19,000 subscribers. In the last six months, he's explored many facets of the faith, including its turbulent history, what members believe about God, baptism, life after death, temples and more.
While he doesn't agree with everything the Church teaches, McCullough tells EastIdahoNews.com he's struck by the complex history and the emphasis members place on Jesus.
"For me as an evangelical, it always comes back to the cross," McCullough says. "I'm actually finding Latter-day Saints are more focused on the cross and his atoning sacrifice and his death than I initially thought they were. That was unexpected."
And he's intrigued by how many similarities there are with other Christian denominations.
But that's not something he would have said just six months ago.
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@justinewert2166 2 года назад
3 Nephi 11 = my conversion. Another witness that Christ did indeed resurrect from the grave and he is the Lord and Savior.
@saragroves4103 Год назад
Thank you for sharing why you have not read the Book of Mormon, yet! It makes so much sense. I love your approach to the different aspects of the Church... your sharing your understanding of teachings from the Bible... your openness and honesty as you learn... and the respect you show towards the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints and the Church, its self! Here is a thought... when you are ready to read the Book of Mormon... invite your wife to read with you. I assume that you and she read the Bible together, so, do they same with the Book of Mormon. That is just a thought that just came to me! Again, thank you for allowing us to take this journey with you. I'll be 81 years old this month and my journey through life has been with my Savior, Jesus Christ at my side. I can't see Him yet, but I feel Him next to me everyday. Have a blessed day and continue on this journey, because I love the walk!
@daviddrysdale8882 2 года назад
I'm glad you asked the question regarding The Book of Mormon... After all is said and done, Jeff may have to embrace Moroni 10: 3-5... Study, ponder, and pray! Time, lots of time on our knees!
@BGCflyer 2 года назад
…I know this is sometimes hard to understand. I was right where you are at, only a few years ago. Christians don’t believe the Bible is authentic or real based on feelings, it’s based on archeological facts and thousands of manuscripts showing the validity of the Word. They believe God is real, perhaps based on some feelings. As amazing as the Book of Mormon seems, there are no manuscripts from the prophets, there are no archaeological findings and in detail, there are some doctrinal differences. I’ve felt the Holy Spirit both in the church and outside of the church. So, most evangelical Christians will be highly reluctant to simply pray about a book claiming to be scripture that doesn’t have the same archeological and manuscript evidence as the Bible has. My family and I are still devoted to Jesus and we attend a wonderful local Christian church. We don’t hate Latter Day Saints. I still enjoy their friendship and engaging in respectful dialog. I wanted to share this to possibly shed light on to why someone with an extensive evangelical Christian backroad, would probably not simply pray to know if the Book of Mormon was true.
@shireecox122 2 года назад
We believe God has revealed, and will yet reveal, many great and important things, pertaining to the Kingdom of God. I’m so grateful for that understanding, that we aren’t shut out from receiving more Good News from our Creator. He loves us now as much He loved the people of the Old Testament, New Testament, and Book of Mormon times. He’s a kind and just God, who wants to save ALL His children. So why wouldn’t He speak to men today, like He did before? Why wouldn’t He REVEAL His secrets to prophets of today, as He did before? He is the same God today, yesterday, and forever.
@fescot6659 2 года назад
God does indeed still speak today and whatever He speaks is not and cannot be contrary to the Good News already given. To suggest that God will continue to reveal "new" truths is to negate that His words already given are sufficient to what mankind needs for life in Him. The role of the Holy Spirit is to remind us and encourage us in what has already been revealed that: All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:14-17). To suggest further new truths is to suggest what has already been given is incomplete.
@shireecox122 2 года назад
@@fescot6659 you’re putting a stop or a block to what God can and cannot do. What gives anyone that right?
@fescot6659 2 года назад
@@shireecox122 In no way am I "putting a block on what God can do". The only thing God can't and won't do is reveal "new" truths that contradict what has already been revealed and been done. As I said in my above statement, to suggest that God continues to reveal "new truths" makes what He has revealed through the Bible, insufficient. The word of God as revealed in the Bible, is sufficient for what humanity needs regarding salvation, individual and community growth in God. While you suggest that I confine God, Mormonism puts words in God's mouth, creating "new truths" that fit the false agenda and teachings of the LDS. The Bible constantly warns those that would come in His name, but are ultimately preaching a different Gospel; one based on laws, ritualistic behaviors and practices in order to find salvation.
@shireecox122 2 года назад
@@fescot6659 “A Bible, a Bible, who needs more Bible?” I’m grateful for current, modern revelation. You do you. Shiree out.
@brendabarry8790 Год назад
I appreciate your pure heart thatI feel when watching your RU-vid videos. I appreciate your curiosity without being critical. I'm looking forward to learning where your journey takes you. Thank you!
@stardustgirl2904 Год назад
Pastor Jeff ,has desecrated our chapels while filming 🎥 in our chapel for his RU-vid channel! His faith is evangelical, and they teach classes to hate our church ⛪️ and it's members! I'm so sorry our sweet loving members are falling for his priestcraft! He gets paid to preach in his church, he makes money 💰 off of our members watching him, and he has belittled our Prophet and apostles, from talks they gave in General confidence ! We are a kind and loving people, and we try hard to be like Jesus Christ, but make no mistake, he disagrees with our faith on every level, and he will continue to deceive those around him. He leaves scriptures out of his sermons that don't fit his narrative! He's doing all of this to get gain! David Alexander, joined our church and he's telling everyone what they do to deceive people.
@shireecox122 2 года назад
And maybe you can go into your reading of the Book of Mormon in the spirit of “Thy will, not mine be done.”. Go into it with a prayer in your heart of wanting to know, without a doubt, if it is true or not. God cannot lie. His Spirit won’t lie to your spirit. If it’s true, you will know it. Good luck and happy reading to you.
@matthewmortensen7792 2 года назад
Always thy will and not mine and why the BOM is 👎🏼. The BIBLE is the ONLY scripture one could EVER need to make it back home with our Heavenly Father. You’re are 1,000 percent correct though in the statement His Spirit won’t lie to your spirit and why without a shadow of a doubt I now know Joseph Smith was unfortunately a false prophet In gods eyes and that doesn’t sit well with LDS members.
@chuckmartel1874 Год назад
@matthew mortensen how do you know the Bible is God's word?
@matthewmortensen7792 Год назад
@@chuckmartel1874 The father of lights has blessed me with numerous pieces of candy throughout my life. With all the senses we are gifted with, I have got to experience celestial bodies in person starting at a very young age. I couldn’t possibly share my entire testimony here and now. Still, I’m putting it together to share shortly to untangle the chaos the father of lies has caused since the beginning and direct any who has an ear back to the truth of the Trinity as it has been attacked heavily by the dark powers above. The word became flesh only once, and that was our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. The father is not made up of flesh and bones as ours are, and I humbly want to bring glory back precisely where it belongs and away from idolatry.
@dolphinswimmer99 2 года назад
I appreciate and respect his willingness to investigate outside of his own faith, especially when, as he indicated, he had been taught to fear the LDS religion. I truly believe in the concept of allowing people to believe and worship God as they deem right (and this is actually something that the LDS church teaches - See the reference below) and love hearing him say that we all need to have and show each other respect and allow everyone to maintain their dignity... and he's walking the walk in how he's approaching this. I also appreciated him saying that he's held off on reading the Book of Mormon because he recognizes his own biases and he wants to be able to read it from a more neutral view point (as much as possible). Thank you for being open, respectful, and willing to discuss these important matters in a loving way. I'm always willing to discuss my beliefs (not to change anyone's mind, but to have an open dialogue), but often am reserved in doing so for fear of being attacked for what I believe (that goes for politics too). I wish as a society we could all be more open to discussing things without the judgement or attitude of wanting to make everyone believe as we do, but instead just listen to each other and grow individually and as a community. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has what are called the 13 Articles of Faith, which basically are just 13 short statements that help to explain our beliefs. Number 11 is what I referenced above. 1 We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. 2 We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression. 3 We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. 4 We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. 5 We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof. 6 We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth. 7 We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth. 8 We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. 9 We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. 10 We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory. 11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may. 12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. 13 We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul-We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/article/articles-of-faith
@awalsh8011 2 года назад
How does the LDS church deal with the many failed prophecies of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young? Doesn’t that discredit the supposed Prophet and show he is in error?
@shireecox122 2 года назад
What failed prophecies? Is the world ended yet?
@awalsh8011 2 года назад
@@shireecox122 Please read Deuteronomy 18:21-22. Joseph had many failed prophecies, the rapture would happen before 1891, the US Government would be overthrown by 1850; Congress would be broken up, God would damn them and nothing would be left of them; Temple to be built in Zion Missouri, etc, etc. You are in a false system of belief and Jesus Christ is Lord from everlasting to everlasting. He was not created and is not the Spirit brother of Satan. His Grace is a free gift and not something you can earn. Please read the Bible as a child and ask God for help in understanding. Please also watch Micah Wilder's testimony on RU-vid, it is amazing! God bless you
@shireecox122 2 года назад
@@awalsh8011 ok, you’re getting some mixed info from somewhere on the 1891 one. The truth is, Joseph was told in a vision, after asking the Lord about the second coming. He was told that if he (Joseph) lived to be 85 (I think) that he would see the coming of the Son of Man to the earth. Well, we know he didn’t live that long. He died in his fourties’. So of course that one didn’t happen. Joseph himself said, that he would either live to see the Second coming, or he would die and not see it, but that it wouldn’t come before that time. And on that, he was absolutely correct. There’s always more to a story than just one side, and it’s important to search for the whole truth.
@shireecox122 2 года назад
@@awalsh8011 and I’ll for sure look into the others as well, but I do know the Temple in Missouri will be built when the time is right. You see, the Lord gave some commandments to Joseph that didn’t happen at the time due to much persecution. So some things had to wait till later. That doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen. It just hasn’t happened, yet. Look into the Civil War Prophecy given to Joseph several years before it broke out. And I can honestly say, that the government hasn’t been a whole, healthy working entity for very long time.
@philhoover717 Год назад
I am deeply Evangelical, and love your videos
@daviddrysdale8882 2 года назад
Joseph Smith taught that the "atonement" was central to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that everything else was just an appendage!
@saragroves4103 11 месяцев назад
I've been following your videos for sometime, but this video I've never watched. I love to listen to each of these videos and learn why you believe what you believe and see your understanding of the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints come forth. The one major thing that I don't understand evangelicals believe is how you push the Atonement from Gethsemane aside and seem to teach the Atonement basically from the cross. The Bible teaches first Christ went into the Garden, even asked 3 of his apostles to watch and pray with him twice and his suffering became more intense each time he returned to the Garden. An angel even had to come and encourage him... he sweat "great drops of blood" because of the pain he had to endure! On the cross, he relived the pain that he felt, but the suffering was done in the Garden! And he had to endure all that mistreatment, trials and mockery before making it to the cross. On the cross, he finished his work and "gave up the ghost"! Please, reread your Bible and do a video strickly on the time and suffering Jesus did in both the Garden and on the Cross at Calvary. I know the suffering on the Cross was necessary and important, but I know the suffering in the Garden was essential for all mankind. I hope you will consider a study and video of both these events. Thank you for letting me share my heartfelt love for our Savior and the importance of both the Garden of Gethsemane and the Cross on Calvary! Please forgive me, but I just saw that i made a comment on this one year ago! So I must have watched it then...I just didn't remember it! But my question is still valid and I hope you will answer it. 🤗
@pamdavis6604 2 года назад
The Church of Jesus Christ believes in the Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon. ***We do not practice "plural" marriages. You would be excommunicated . We believe in CHRIST. That is the name of our church. Pray for guidance and read your book of Mormon. We are not perfect as no other church is perfect. Loving wishes to everyone ❤️❤️❤️
@Nihilzero2 2 года назад
Doesn't your "prophet" have two wives he's sealed to?
@SweetUniverse Год назад
I like how people can agree to disagree. I went to high school in UT & met people who were LDS. I didn't buy into any of it. In fact, 15 yrs later I'm an atheist. I don't believe in any gods or that Jesus lived. He's a mythological figure. And a person can definitely have a meaningful, happy life full of kindness and service without believing in any religion or god. No one will ever change my mind about that, either. Like I said - it's nice to be able to disagree. ✌️✌️
@VolleyballMama 2 года назад
This guys is pretty cool. He seems to have a good heart too. For me, I just want to make Heavenly Father proud. I don’t want to disappoint Him. I want to help here on the earth. I read about the parables. I love them. I pray to truly have a Christ like heart. When I read the Book of Mormon I knew it was true. I can only share my own testimony but to each one of us we all have to humbly on our knees seek truth. Ask for God to protect you from Satan while you search. Again Pastor I thank you for your love and respect. We need to all respect each other even if we disagree. We are all brothers and sisters trying to get back Home.
@KeepMeLord05 2 года назад
Only Jesus makes Him proud we can't.
@VolleyballMama 2 года назад
@@KeepMeLord05 I’m sure when we treat people kind, help our neighbors, serve others, feed the hungry, stop judging etc, we do put a smile on our Fathers face. He loves us all. So it only makes sense that He would be proud of us. But, you are free to think otherwise and that’s ok.
@jetfocus1152 2 года назад
Interesting stuff but you cannot do a deep dive into the church without reading the Book of Mormon.
@jamesrainey4704 2 года назад
@matthewmortensen7792 2 года назад
You don’t even need to read the Book of Mormon knowing it teaches against the Bible, ONE father(ALMIGHTY), and ONE Son, and ONE holy spirit created by the father that created everything unseen (the godhead and all eternal beings like angels and such) and seen (what for the most part unless blessed glory be too GOD to see a celestial being we can only see with our eyes or feel with our senses). THAT GOD the one and only says there is NONE besides him. 100,000,000 testimonies from something not taught by GOD can never be TRUTH in his eyes but only the eye of the beholder. And another reason it’s important to gain your own testimony and not lean on others words. Ask the source and always the source as the Holy Spirit says in the Bible it is not a lie when he speaks. So yes there is a godhead and ONE GOD ALMIGHTY. Jesus = God but he is most definitely NOT GOD ALMIGHTY THE FATHER, Jesus’s FATHER is GOD ALMIGHTY (The mind and source of ALL THINGS) and the WORD (Gods spirit spoken of by the father seeded Mary and bam we have Jesus which one is GOD made flesh and is the ‘the Physical Body’ of CHRIST) He says there is not eternal amounts of fathers beside him and I have to tell ya I believe the Holy Ghost
@nataliacoronado1300 2 года назад
@@matthewmortensen7792 I'm honestly curious about this question: How does the Book of Mormon teach against the Bible?
@matthewmortensen7792 2 года назад
@@nataliacoronado1300 right off the bat it teaches God is an exalted man and that in and of itself is not truth alone and eclipses what works GOD ALMIGHTY has done and takes away from his glory because there is only ONE GOD and he created man kind.. Not man became GOD and he then created more of him in HIS likeness. It’s just been twisted unfortunately 🧎
@nataliacoronado1300 2 года назад
@@matthewmortensen7792 oooooh so the BOM teaches that God was a man on earth before becoming a God and doing his creations (including people of his own likeness)? Or that Jesus Christ did the creations and not God? 🤔
@MikolDawn 2 года назад
This is an interesting journey. I'm following somewhat. I have read the Book of Mormon over 20 times and I've recieved a personal witness ( about 30 yrs ago) that it is true and I can't deny that witness. The moment of my witness is too sacred to me to talk about but God knows that I know. I did what is written in Moroni 10:3-4 and I got my answer so I'm sticking by it. That's just my personal experience with the Book of Mormon
@rodbrannon1647 2 года назад
I absolutely love this guy. More and more as I watch his videos. Very smart man. He should read over and over again the Sacrament Prayers. He's an LDS fellow in embrio. Read the BOM. He'll make an outstanding LDS Bishop someday. I'm 27 years his senior. I'd love him 2B my Bishop, B4 I die.
@turmoil3161 2 года назад
What is the difference between LDS and Jehovah Witness please
@shireecox122 2 года назад
Lots and lots. If you really want to know, you can look up the LDS missionaries.
@jenniferhall3047 10 месяцев назад
I thought Christs death reconciled us to God. It is not what we do, but what he did for us.
@mrnt1257 2 года назад
I’ve read much of the Book of Mormon and it convinced me more than ever that they are far from Christianity
@shireecox122 2 года назад
Oh really? Did you make it all the way to 3 Nephi? If not, you might want to give it another go.
@mrnt1257 2 года назад
@@shireecox122 You have to take it as a whole and since there are so many things that are contrary to Christianity, I won’t accept it as such.
@shireecox122 2 года назад
@@mrnt1257 ok. Of course, you have the right to believe that way. Good luck to you. Shiree out.
@jenniferhall3047 10 месяцев назад
The fact is Mormonisn is based on works righteousness. Paul says, " even when I think I am doing good, I and doing bad because sin lives in me." Paraphrased. The works I do are out of the free gift of grace I have received. My works will not bring me a higher level of salvation. Christ was a fulfillment of the law of Moses. We can not dismiss the law, because the law leads us to our need for Christ. We no longer need to be lead by apostles and prophets because Christ gave us himself through the Holy Spirit. God with us. A major doctrine difference is the unbelief that GOD is in three persons. Father , Son and Holy Spirit. Much like being the living water Christ talks about being. Water is represented in three forms: Solid, liquid, gas, but it is all water. So, there are so many differences in theology. Regardless of history, culture, spirtual activity it is false doctrine. I was Baptized in the LDS church, I preformed baptisms for the dead in the LA Temple, I studied seminary, (which is high school study and I attended Institute during college. I love the wonderful love and care they hold for others. They literally live out, what I think our call to love others is. Unfortunately, their is heresy in it as well. Satan is the great deceiver. We are justified by faith not works. As, long as we believer we hold some power of our own outcome eternally, we put ourselves before what Christ did for us on the cross.
@shireecox122 2 года назад
Have you read, and prayed about the Book of Mormon?
@fescot6659 2 года назад
Does the Bible teach to read it to see if it's true? The Bible would be true wether we believed it or not. The fact that LDS teach to read the BOM to see if it is true opens the possibility or probability of it not being true.
@shireecox122 2 года назад
@@fescot6659 I personally the Bible is true as far as it is translated correctly. I also believe the Book of Mormon to be the Word of God.
@fescot6659 2 года назад
@@shireecox122 Biblical truth does not depend upon our belief in or rejection of it. Our asking with a sincere heart (which is deceitful above all things) does not validate or invalidate God's word. Is it our own heart and sincerity that brings conviction? Nope. It's the role of the Holy Spirit of God to bring conviction of our need for a savior, not to enlighten us if the word of God is true or not.
@nataliacoronado1300 2 года назад
@@fescot6659 The bible and book of mormon both have the same teachings. And talk about the love of God and Jesus Christ. Everyone knows and is familiar with the bible but not the book of mormon. When an investigator or someone is curious, we invite them to read, ask questions, have a prayer that the holy spirit will give them an impression aka a feeling. It's a simple invitation used to prompt nonbelievers of God or Christ or curios people of other to understand Latter- Day saint's beliefs and why we believe the book of mormon is also the word of God.
@fescot6659 2 года назад
@@nataliacoronado1300 does the Bible teach that the role of the Holy Spirit is to give humanity and impression or a feeling on whether or not God's word is true? Truth is truth regardless of how we feel or don't feel about it. The role of the Holy Spirit is to convict us of our sins so that we would believe in the One (Jesus) whose sacrifice makes forgiveness and salvation possible. Whether or not one accepts or rejects that truth does not have any bearing on its truthfulness. Can you point to one scripture from the Bible that says we are to pray or ask with sincere hearts to be convinced of its (the Bible's) truthfulness? If you can't, then the Bible and Book of Mormon do not say the same thing.
@saracooper7904 2 года назад
@michellehudson8436 2 года назад
I have watched most of his videos. I wanted to believe his honesty but he is really trying to pull Latter Day Saints away from the gospel. He believes we don’t believe in the true Jesus, so we will not be saved, mostly because we don’t believe like every other Christians of the Trinity. I have asked him why if Joseph Smith was starting a church he would start with a separate Father and Son. He also explains why baptism for the dead is wrong, how any baptism isn’t necessary. That the Bible is never to have added scripture. So no matter what he will never accept the Book of Mormon even though he said he will read it he said he thinks it’s so lowly. He hasn’t attend a Sacrament Meeting or talked to any missionaries. He has picked and chosen where he can find what he believes as cracks. He also believes we use our families as idols in replacement of the Savior.
@Mint-kj9kw 2 года назад
Sweetie....All Christians know that the LDS religion is a cult. Mormonism has nothing to do with Christianity.
@robertbradley6942 2 года назад
It shocks me how many people talk about a "deep dive" into what the church believes, but don't know that we have 13 Articles of Faith that we have from when a news article simply asked the church what we believe (in the 1800s), and it was all written down there. In our youth, we memorize them. They are very concise, and you could learn the core principles of our church by reading them in 15 mins. or so.
@danieldosanjos8126 2 года назад
I watched all his videos and that was not my impression. I find him to be very honest and respectful. I learned a lot about what protestants believe without disminishing my own believe in the LDS church. He is creating bridges between faiths and that really is remarkable. We need to encourage understanding and cooperation between God fearing people. There is a lot of faithless forces trying to attack us and understanding makes us strong together.
@shireecox122 2 года назад
I’ve had similar thoughts, but I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt. If he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing, we’ll know.
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