
Christians Smoking Marijuana? - Ask Pastor Tim 

I'll Be Honest
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Why do people smoke marijuana? For some it is for medical purposes; and for many young kids it is due to peer pressure from their "friends". However, for most, it is to intentionally get high and buzzed. Pot brings your mind into a state where you feel better than normal. That is why it is called getting "high" and not getting "low". In this Bible study, Tim discusses some Biblical principles regarding the Christian's view on recreationally smoking marijuana.
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27 сен 2024




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@oscarmarioali313 5 лет назад
It all boils down to you wanting to escape the reality you are in. Why do you feel the need to escape the current situation? Why do you feel you need to add some type of “fun” to your current situation? Is your current situation bothering you? Are you unhappy or bored ? These are all questions I have to ask myself as i fight the urge or I feel myself legalizing my thoughts. It’s not the weed. It’s you using something to escape your current situation. We do it with sex,drugs,alcohol,shopping, etc. if we can’t be happy with all we were born with, than isn’t that the issue? If we can’t stand alone, away from any additions, can we be happy. I know for myself, I’m happiest in Gods presence. I’ll admit there were some times (few) when I would smoke and listen to sermons and yes I’d realize some things I had not due to mind-blocks.....but it’s a slippery slope...and in the end I have to admit, it was when I was fully submitting to God, that I feel most whole. I came to a conclusion: do you want to live a life where your questioning your status with God, or do you want to live in certainty?
@insylum 3 года назад
Great comment
@daughterofthekingofkings9628 3 года назад
Beautifully written
@insylum 3 года назад
I am on day 3 with no weed.. I put in 5 days last week till I realized that I kinda don't like myself. I realize it as a problem in itself but my mind just works so overtime that I get exhausted. I finally smoked a quarter joint and thought in horror of all the tactless facebook posts I had made. I hurried to the activity log and repented and erased most of them and spent more time in prayer and the word than I had all week. I don't like being high and really didn't use it to get high.. there was a voice that said " that's enough" and I listened.. I gotta say I was told I had to take antidepressants all my life and they made me dead inside and suicidal and hopeless. I do not want to offend God but I am very confused because I function far better and to be honest, I feel able to calm my mind and to talk to God. I am so confused.. i want to be obedient but i also miss how i was. It was working. I'm not arguing for or against, but that's where I'm at..
@Garricher5958 3 года назад
The key as with all things that we do is: what are our intentions/motivations? Added to what you said Oscar are people who have been through some type(s) of trauma, and try to use substances to cope, rather than speaking to a councelor/minister etc. and getting help.
@gabrielalvarado3348 3 года назад
Me? I just wanna relax after studying or have a chill gaming session with my friends after a long day. I’m not using it to get baked as heck, more so just to enjoy life more, using it like a supplement to my life, like a bodybuilder would use whey protein. There’s animals proteins and plant proteins (other ways to enjoy life), but sometimes using whey (cannabis) is a good alternative when needed. As long as it’s not the lord of your life, and you love God with all your heart, there’s no reason to spark a J after work the same way some people use melatonin to sleep. Intention is everything
@jessicapowell8353 3 года назад
I was a chronic pot smoker when I was an atheist and self-proclaimed LeVayan Satanist. When I was saved, it was only me, the Bible, and God. I waited to attend church until I knew the Bible well enough to know if the preacher was preaching the truth. No person told me to quit smoking and I never read "thou shall not smoke." The Holy Spirit convicted me out of smoking. I smoked for about a month after I got saved and eventually I could feel in my heart, the Lord was saying you can't go any farther while using this. I had to let go of that habit to draw nearer to God and my love and desire to know God led me to leave it behind. Before I was saved I couldn't go a day without getting high. I can say that smoking pot is not of God, and people that try to hold onto it are unwilling to yield to the Spirit. They are still entertaining the flesh. We are to stay sober and watchful, you can't do that when your senses are dulled.
@dawnkelly804 Год назад
@joeb3874 6 лет назад
People will always justify the sins they enjoy. ALWAYS.
@williammosley6327 6 лет назад
Mayan Empire Because life is a test, and you can't have a test with only right answers.
@williammosley6327 6 лет назад
Mayan Empire I'm not saying weed is bad, but it definitely can be depending on who is using it and for what reason
@AmandaBrownCPSReform 6 лет назад
Mayan Empire why did God make poison ivy? Do you smoke or eat poison ivy too?
@williammosley6327 6 лет назад
Amanda Brown bad argument. Poison ivy is POISON. Marijuana is not poison. Marijuana is also less toxic than alcohol, so why would we be aloud to drink alcohol but not consume thc? Totally see your point though
@AmandaBrownCPSReform 6 лет назад
William Mosley I'm not going to argue, but I will simply say that I used to smoke marijuana and God took it from me and made me become allergic to it. It is not from God, in my experience with it and in my opinion. He also did the a similar thing with alcohol when I began to use it to cope with the loss of my two children. He set me free from it. Then (finally) last year I allowed Him to take cigarettes me! Unfortunately I'm allergic to it now and can't even be around it, but the benefits far out way the bad. I now maintain the best high one could possibly have that is consistent and has no side effects. I believe that ALL of that stuff is bad and it blocks us from connecting to Our Creator & Christ by causing our bodies to remain in a lower vibration that attracts demonic spirits or at least keeps us enslaved to Satan and blind to the Truth. Sorry that was so long. If you made this far then Thank-You for reading a little bit about my experiences and opinion.
@KP-ne1cg 6 лет назад
People in the church that are against cannabis have no clue what their are talking about, Like they know more than God,really? I bet over half the women in the congregation are hooked on prescription pills But yet they put cannabis down. The government made your pills,God made cannabis, who are you going to trust?
@karabo933 6 лет назад
K P if only you knew how Satanists use marijuana as a gateway drug to gain access to your soul, you'd understand why Christians are against marijuana
@danielnoriega7387 5 лет назад
jajajajaja, what a tool.
@RandallSGregory 5 лет назад
@@karabo933 you are wrong CBD has many applications . I bet you think hemp is bad also
@peace_of_mind4204 5 лет назад
I agree. Most Christians don't know what the benefits are or how cannabis even works in our body.
@1MantisPhoenix 5 лет назад
I cracked my skull.. I was saved by God, God then gave me marijuana later in life. Am I sinning suddenyl when Im on weed? no. I agreed 1000% with K P My parents use christianity as entitlement where they can tell me what to do.
@1MantisPhoenix 5 лет назад
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. ...
@patricksy6009 3 года назад
The Lord allowed me to watch this. Ive been smoking weed for a long time and I can hear voices and can see demons standing in front of me while sleeping. Its simple. God wants us to be sober minded. Using weed is the works of the flesh, lets not justify it. To all stoners and weed users out there, please stop it now. Following Christ has a cost. Lets go to the narrow way.
@dawnkelly804 Год назад
True that!!!Amen
@Ashclayton1994 6 лет назад
if weed is a sin why did god create us with canibinoid receptors in our body
@landowar2162 5 лет назад
Because these receptors were made for endocannbinoids which the body produces on its own. THC and CBD mimics these endocannabinoids. Did you really think these receptors exists exclusively for weed?
@josephkuzara2609 5 лет назад
industrial hemp that has high levels of cannabidiol (CBD) but very very low THC does not achieve drunkenness in moderation, but also helps the mind and body as a natural medicinal. But cannibus having high levels of THC can in low dosages/moderation cause drunkenness/psychoactivity of which is spoken against in scripture. So industrial Hemp is ok wherever it is legal to have and consume, but cannibus is not legal nor ok with God because of it's psychoactivity in low dosages/moderation that will lead to be passive to debauchery. Regardless of ones subjective objections or tolerance, God knows better and speaks against drunkenness for our protection.
@josephkuzara2609 5 лет назад
@Austin Friedner the debate boils down to drunkenness/psychoactivity and I would even add mental addiction that can occur even though there is no physical property that causes physical addiction as nicotine. God opened our eyes to the reality that drunkness/psychoactivity leads to being passive to debauchery. It does not matter if a substance has a positive property as it's negative property being drunkenness in moderation outweighs the benefits and why it is spoken against by God. But Hemp being a variety of the sativa kind is non psychoactive, which has similar beneficial properties as cannibus but with moderation does not cause psychoactivity when consumed. Your assuming I'm being arrogant or even ignorant even though in my discussion I did not say that cannibus has within it's properties only negatives. You assumed this because I was debating against the negative properties of cannibus without providing information of it's benefits. That is not being arrogant or ignorant. strategic? yes, in keeping people focused on why God is against cannibus vs Industrial hemp but not arrogant or ignorant. So i pointed out why it should not be used being that what is negative of it, is spoken against by God which out wieghs any benefit it does have. TABACCO has beneficial properties too as an sedative that suppresses hunger,anxiety and stress but its negatives of addiction, cancer, stroke,heart attacks, cardiovascular issues, weakening the immunity out wieghs any beneficial properties especially sense it damages the body in low dosages. But ultimately because God speaking against addiction and consuming something that in moderation could damage His temple being our body that He owns. So just because an plant or synthetic has beneficial properties does not mean it is ok to consume if it does damage in moderation, causes addiction and causes drunkenness in moderation.
@coke378 5 лет назад
@@josephkuzara2609 fuk outta here now u making up your own rules you ain Gods Speaker STFU
@josephkuzara2609 5 лет назад
@Evangelist Baptist Johm Worley one sip of alcohol is not sin, as God had allowed alchohol in moderation both old testament and new testament. We are to not become addicted to booze nor a drunkard. There is no talking against drinking it, just the dissipation of it which leads to drunkenness and addiction.
@Swillafornia 5 лет назад
I don't smoke weed but as a Christian I believe anything that is mind altering by getting stoned or using alcohol to get drunk is distirting your journey with the Lord. I would prefer to live a sober lifestyle.
@Bc232klm 5 лет назад
You can use cannabis and remain sober.
@minisight2000 5 лет назад
Not everyone is in the same level maturity wise.. therefore it's based on there relationship with Christ!!!
@dongrimm5347 6 лет назад
That isn’t why weed was banned in the beginning at all.
@alecdalziell7128 3 года назад
Nah it was made illegal due to racism
@insylum 3 года назад
It took away from pharma profits and the textiles companies actually funded "Reefer madness".
@maseybonbon1672 3 года назад
@@alecdalziell7128 ot was not racism, it was the companies making paper by chopping down trees would of gone out of business due to hemp paper being so easy to make and recycleable. so they made anyone who smoked it look crazy, by aslo using racism, but its foundation was not racism.
@kennycaveman4738 4 года назад
I want to see someone use an open mind and no go into bias because this guy said he smoked and I don’t believe it for a second 100% cap and he continually dawgs people who smoke you scaring people away from truth you have the Bible open and ain’t even lookin at it! I was not pressured into smoking at all I had interest in it and looked into my self
@JohnDoe-qn7rw 5 лет назад
You need to do some actual research on why marijuana was banned cuz yr wrong and the government is the real issue and you speak about obeying it
@thrills120 5 лет назад
Cannabis was made illegal because Nixon hated the hippies and it gave him a reason to throw them in jail and make everyone hate them...he hated the hippies because he wanted a war in Nam' and the damn tree huggers were stopping the napalm from flowing. That's why marijuana was truly made a schedule 1 drug.
@impalaman9707 4 года назад
Romans 13:1-2: "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resists the power, resists the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation." I see nothing here that says obey the only the laws you agree with.
@bassman619 4 года назад
@@thrills120 it was made illegal 30+years earlier. Look up Harry Anslinger and the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937
@desertm44 6 лет назад
Thank you I’ll Be Honest for allowing comments! 👍🙏
@SeekJesusFindLife Год назад
Weed was the last thing to let go of for me. It was my pet sin and it got to a point I knew it was getting in the way of growing in Christ.
Same brother
@southwoodside 6 лет назад
Pastor Tim, I had some similar dabbling in drugs in my young unsaved years. I was always more of a heavy alcohol user, and felt uneasy when I took cannabis. Like you, I wish my mind was unaffected but I think it's all had long term effects. I also relate to you on migraines and medication for it being quite dubious. Great address. Very edifying.
@kalibrrrgaming 6 лет назад
Reading thru these comments my heart breaks. So many Christians judging your neighbor this pastor as well judging his peers and congregation. In many States it’s not illegal, in many cases it saved lives on the brink of death. Who are you to say someone can not use something that does real physical and psychological healing? Who are you to tell someone when they read the Bible high and hear the voice of God it is not real, it is not your place to judge... many times people place judgement on their strongest enemy and the land between that enemy and you is owned by the devil! All the negativity you grasp from that enemy (cannabis) is judgement from the devil! He is feeding you your argument and there you sit gossiping about something you own no right to discuss unless it is your personal “affliction” Who are you to use the devils thoughts and words on something someone might consider their spiritual time. We as Christians need to open our hearts to the lords word and see that enemy for its good understand it’s good. It might not be good for you but the Lord created that enemy of yours in his very image whether it be the cannabis itself or a fellow stoner. They were created by God and it is not your place to cast Judgement. God is Love
@JoshuaJamesWagoner 6 лет назад
God granted me repentance from this sinful activity 9 months ago. It’s been hard to let it go because it was so available. I got my medical license last year, but gave it up eventually because I felt convicted by the Holy Spirit.
@joshuavarner8554 6 лет назад
Joshua James I recently too gave it up and I was always and advocate of marijuana but the HOLY SPIRIT has been working on me and lead me away from a lot of things that were bad for me. I can't say enough how mercyful God is in Christ Jesus our LORD. Praise HIS MIGHTY name. God bless
@stizzyraxx 5 лет назад
@johngraham1274 5 лет назад
it wasn't the Spirit that convicted you... it was your dead and powerless religion.
@benliftin4awhile 5 месяцев назад
I’m trying, I have serious sleeping issues as well as issues that marijuana helps me from past trauma in life and mainly the military. I’d say I let it go too far, it was way too much, but if I’m only using it during my worst episodes, I wonder, I believe I feel conviction from the Holy Spirit, so I will attempt to stop completely, right now I’m onllllly doing it when I need it, sincerely, I’ve cut my use down probably 80 to 90 percent. This is a massive grey area that lies heavy on my heart. Which is why I should probably just try and stop.
@confessjesus-now3606 5 лет назад
My single biggest question about this is how can pastors preach against smoking marijuana to stay healthy but encourage people to take chemo...?
@cathyhamlin3611 3 года назад
You can't compare apples and oranges, chemo saves lives, cannabis doesn't
@confessjesus-now3606 3 года назад
@@cathyhamlin3611 that's funny... And disingenuous. We know chemotherapy kills thousands every year. How many bodies does cannabis account for?
@Jake-vc1ry 3 года назад
@@cathyhamlin3611 It helps people eat sleep also takes away the pain they have to deal with what the hell are you on about????
@Jake-vc1ry 3 года назад
@@confessjesus-now3606 A good ole zero also no physical withdrawls cannabis seems to be the most safe and effective medication known to man that you can literally grow in your backyard. And big pharma just doesn’t like that
@benliftin4awhile 5 месяцев назад
@@cathyhamlin3611chemotherapy violently killed my sister, it melted her from the inside out, she had a year left and was dead in 45 days, kind of bitter at you a bit.
@jareddrogose1470 6 лет назад
I'm glad you left the comments open. Just a couple of things: I sense the apprehensiveness when you mentioned you said you've done it. I still hold you in high esteem. I will submit to you this, as one who studies demonology, witchcraft and the occult etc., there is a word in the Greek known as Pharmakea which translates to sorcery. "Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts." I believe that most of revelation has happened however, we still see these actions continue with paraphernalia use and distribution. As far as the sorcery part comes into play, substances that alter the mind are used in occult practices to commune with dieties, spirtis of the dead, etc. From that fact alone, I would not recommend partaking in substances that are also administered to conduct mediumship and/or necromancy.
@tashachasse7239 6 лет назад
Jared Drogose this makes me wanna do it more tbh
@RAY_FILET 3 года назад
Doesn't alcohol alter the mind?
@melodystepp1762 3 года назад
Thank you for holding to real truth! So needed.
@midnightdevil.3803 6 лет назад
I am a disabled veteran that suffers from PTSD and two damaged knees and a damaged shoulder. I also suffer from anxiety and nightmares from my time fighting overseas. I smoke marjuana for these problems because it relieves my pain, anxiety, nightmares, and Ptsd. It does not make you a couch potatoes, i am a highly motivated and ambitious person. The only thing that hinders me is my broken body from the explosion i experienced. Instead of peforming stories i had to shift to writing stories. I have not finished the novel because it will expand to a lord of the rings type of novel. Which is a novel that expands 6 or more books. Im going to try to finish before 20 years go by but to create a world for your story takes a massive amount of information.
@SaItyStudios 3 года назад
Hey whenever you finish that book I’d like a copy
@cathyhamlin3611 3 года назад
I wasn't a couch potato, but it made me lazy and unmotivated, the dope friends I knew were going nada with their lives, plus it affects memory, and paranoid with killer anxiety
@cathyhamlin3611 3 года назад
By the way, are you a christian?
@midnightdevil.3803 3 года назад
@@cathyhamlin3611 yes I am a christian
@sistergrace9833 3 года назад
I have been a Christian since I was eight and in ministry for decades Smoking pot is not a sin No more than taken insulin I began at 40 Changed my life Weed much safer than the pharmaceutical industry. He is merely given his opinion we all have one. God alone is the judge
@robertholley2195 Год назад
I used know whether pot affected ones memory or not, but I cant remember where I read it.!?🤕
@impalaman9707 4 года назад
I've been looking all over the internet to see where the CHURCH is on this issue, and unfortunately, the silence is DEAFENING! Martin Luther once said: "If I profess with loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except that little point which the world and the Devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ." Right now, we are letting the culture dictate to the church how to think on this issue, and they are WINNING! I am a firm believer that what doesn't get preached from the pulpit gives license to the pew. Right now we have people in our churches smoking illegal substances because Romans 13 is simply not taught. You know, the chapter where God commands us to be subject to all governing authorities, whether we agree with them or not. Unfortunately, its going to become even harder as more states legalise the substance. So far, every state that has made it legal for "medical" use, has gone "recreational" within 5 years! It never remains "medical"! Can't we just be honest with ourselves and admit that this "medical" is just a "trojan horse' to make it "recreational"? If you want to make it 'recreational", just come out and say so! Stop using the "medical" excuse, because we all know where it eventually leads. The church needs to have an answer for this, and so far I don't hear one that's compelling
@christopherrafferty7512 3 года назад
Not sure if this is the most pressing issue in the church. I thought it was going out in the world and preaching the Gospel so the list can be saved.
@hikaringuyengrandejackson8057 4 года назад
@danielpenn1734 6 лет назад
I don't have crazy thoughts. This is getting like the movie in the 20s,30s. Refer madness.!!!! I don't loose control. I'm not paranoid. Come on.
@tylersecrest5536 5 лет назад
This guy has EVERY clue about cannabis because he's listening to the Word of God. Thank you Tim!! This is extremely encouraging as I try to prevent peers from trying weed out.
@Bc232klm 5 лет назад
The word of God tells us cannabis is there for us to use.
@tylersecrest5536 5 лет назад
@@Bc232klm Nope. www.equip.org/article/bible-teach-cannabis-plant/
@branc6927 5 лет назад
He doesn't tho Lmfaooo
@romasliv 6 лет назад
can you do a video about videogame adiction?
@Daniel-rk4pc 5 лет назад
Doubt any of these people defending marijuana for the sake of getting "buzzed" are even born again. NEVER knew a so called "christian" pot smoker who i would consider a born again new creature. BEHOLD ALL THINGS ARE NEW.
@endwatch 5 лет назад
1003003 dl “...who i would consider...” Thank God you’re not God.
@albertojbh 5 лет назад
Hello I am a Christian i smoke marijuana I am not a judge mental Christian here i’m not looking for any religious debates or anything I’m probably going to get a lot of hateful comments for being honest God made marijuana for a reason it’s none of my business how people use it but it’s used in a very positive way to help people for example cancer patients and other general stuff people use it for in a good perspective. I smoke it and I’m a Christian and the reason I smoke because it helps me relax and helps me sleep It helps me focus with the right dosage and there’s other reasons why are used too i use it for medical purposes personally As a Christian I will be bold enough to admit that I do smoke because it really has helped me in my lifetime and I think God every day for it. I support marijuana usage! Godbless you all have a good day thank you for reading my testimony :)
This is not a testimony
@KevinBreidenbach-id3fj 13 дней назад
Cannabis is medicine. It's not what goes in the body but what comes out
@DaGubah501 3 года назад
I love you Jesus, there’s no place like peace
@momsmushroomsjodyfoster5786 5 лет назад
God judges us based on the motives in our hearts. He doesn't simply judge us based on (the what) but rather based on (the why) or (the reason) we do what we do. Thats one reason He is a perfect judge. Because He can see us on the inside. Man only sees (the what) thats why men aren't the best judge of other men. I personally use marijuana to treat the symptoms of Lupus. The nausea, fatigue, depression, joint stiffness and nerve pain. I do not use to the point of dullness or detachment. I've spoken with my elders and pastor and they have NOT condemned me. Pastor Tim is wrong in saying there's no reason to use pot except for getting high. This is him passing judgement wrongly on others. Because he is declaring to know (the why). Only The Father can see our motives.
@momsmushroomsjodyfoster5786 5 лет назад
Further more is it a glory to God for His children to suffer and be unable to function?? Absolutely not. Jesus did a complete work on the cross. All the necessary suffering ended there with Him. Jesus died so that we may have fullness of life. There is no glory to God through us by us being a martyr of sickness and pain.
@momsmushroomsjodyfoster5786 5 лет назад
As Christians my main issue with using pot. Is that it may be a matter of confusion for folks on both sides of the matter. For example a young Christian may think its fine for them if an older Christian smokes. But, as with everything we do it should bring us closer to God or atleast not farther away. If my use of pot caused new beleivers to stumble then its a sin for me to use it. Lets not be an offense to Gods young ones.
@cottonmouth8394 6 лет назад
You ask why marijuana has been made illegal in every state as if each state chose. It was made illegal federally, in one stride, by the desperate for funding DEA and their war on drugs. I ask, why is marijuana, a plant that been around since ancient China, suddenly made illegal in the past 90 or so years? Money
@cottonmouth8394 6 лет назад
Please just look up 1935 marijuana propaganda, and you will see the exact nonsense that was spread about marijuana. The word itself actually comes from Mexican tobacco, they used it because Mexicans were feared and hated by Americans in the early 1900’s
@cottonmouth8394 6 лет назад
I also wanna add, that I respect you for opening the comments for other points of views, because of this I’ll keep trolling on a minimum
@AshleyMarieMommy 6 лет назад
Someone with cerebral palsy I understand someone with seizures if that really works I understand. But anybody who is doing this for recreational use; there’s also those who lie and say it does this or does that but it’s really just to get high! I know God save me from drug addiction six years ago this February! The drug is a drug is a drug!
@leefeegreenz 3 месяца назад
Marijuana was medicine for thousands of years and in many tinctures in US medicine but then big pharma convinced gov to make it illegal because it was actually helping people and it's natural
@TimpBizkit 3 года назад
Remembering your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and God values our health, so assuming that since God is picky about what meats we eat e.g. turning away from pork, shrimp, rabbit (horse and camel and cat and dog), then something that is rolling smoke into the lungs like tobacco or weed, and alcohol too. Keeping the mind clear and healthy is best because we need a lot of thinking capabilities to properly follow the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you are really set on obeying Jesus, it's time to eat clean and weed out the drugs and junk food.
@vladtheimpaler5550 6 лет назад
it brought the unseen realm to me, and that is why I stopped. It scared me half to death. Stay away.
@viam7951 5 лет назад
VLAD THE IMPALER what did it do to you?
@cathyhamlin3611 3 года назад
Amen, I had paranoia, and extreme anxiety, no fun
@C4SolvesEverything 5 лет назад
@Pastor Tim, as a fellow Christian I would love to get in touch with you and discuss the facts about cannabis. Not a discussion of opinions, just medical and statistical facts. You are misinformed about quite a bit and I would be interested to know your believes on cannabis after knowing all the facts.
@cathyhamlin3611 3 года назад
Did you hear his testimony? That's enough for me, marijuana was not a positive substance for me either Became very unmotivated, had panic attacks, paranoia, affected my grades, when I became a Christian, I threw away my weed and pipe, praise Jesus, I was set free!
@C4SolvesEverything 3 года назад
@@cathyhamlin3611 Yes but personal experience does not change facts of what something is. He stated what he felt about it and how God convicted him. Not questioning his personal conviction, that is different everyone, as it is personal. But how you feel about something doesn't change what it actually is. You could think dogs are all bad because you got bite by one, but that doesn't mean it's true. I can't go around saying every dog in the world is bad, cause it's just simply not true. As here some of the scientific facts listed are simply not true. Now you could come up with a different conclusion on what is good for you, but shouldn't that conclusion be come from something true instead of a lie? Is this case miss information about what cannabis actually is and does to your body.
@MR.Nobody9.11 Месяц назад
The use of Aspirin and Tylenol is because you don't want to be in pain.You're scaping reality food for thought
@TheHelenhunter 3 года назад
I don't know about weed but I need the church to speak on sugar please. And processed foods and overeating. All accepted in the church. Also I don't get why weed is a problem when wine is ok and was created by Jesus. They were drinking for days, I don't think you stay sober minded when drinking non stop.
@RosannaMiller 4 года назад
Love this, brother. God bless you, in Jesus name, Amen.
@tom103tv7 3 года назад
Thank you so much for this kind of channel, I am blessed. I hope that my channel will grow and Christ will be known as well through my channel. God Bless Pastor Tim!
@brianwood4204 2 года назад
Weed doesn’t make you forget your driving
@laynekurtchris4122 4 года назад
“But that’s not what we’re talkin’ about” 🧐
@GalaxyDaveD 5 лет назад
If this video doesn't convince a believer to abstain from drug use, then I seriously doubt anything else will. A clear mind that prays regularly helps one govern a disciplined Christian life.
@cathyhamlin3611 3 года назад
Amen, we are to be sober minded
@lukesanchez1024 3 года назад
Weee isn't a drug its the opposite of what drugs do to people!!!
@normanconnor8647 2 года назад
The eyes could be red because of allergies-your mood could be altered by prescription medications or drinking wine. Lol.
@3rdtimothy176 6 лет назад
How about thank the Lord You Never Killed Someone instead of getting pulled over
@YeahxxOk 6 лет назад
Really good practical Godly teaching.
@cottonmouth8394 6 лет назад
televmj .......he’s lying to your face. So confident in your beliefs? Let’s talk
@michellesvortex7237 Год назад
It doesn't matter if it's medicinal recreational or good or bad or high greater low grade The Bible does speak directly to this and it says he wants you to be absolutely mind You're not absolute mind when you smoke weed I know because the smoke weed I want to be pleasing to God but I've got a thousand excuses why he wouldn't mind or would probably excuse me... I do a lot of other things they are not good according to the Bible and I wish I didn't but knowing it and doing it are entirely different species that's the hard part
@lorenolive492 3 года назад
I've being thinking about the medicinal case (using it as medicine) and where is the line between medicinal and recreative
@lorenolive492 3 года назад
10:40 Because my mind is really noisy and it's chaos, when I smoke I can clear my mind in a way. I've been trying to listen to the bible and follow Jesus every day, so I came across this: Because of my noisy mind I Went to a doctor and he gave me medicine, The medicine made me have suicidal thoughts as a side effect, I almost killed myself, Now I found Jesus and have being trying to be like him, When I smoke I feel closer to him, A doctor didn't gave me a paper allowing me to use it, But a friend gave me and said that it would be good for me, And that it has been helping him a lot (he is also a Cristian) So... I don't use it to stay in the couch stonned or to go to parties, But to help me clear my mind and be productive, Btw.. Where I live is Legal to use it
@lorenolive492 3 года назад
But the thing is, when I use it I start to doubt if I'm sinning or not, and that alone seems to be a solid reason to don't do it
@lorenolive492 3 года назад
That's why I go to the bible, And it seems to be in a grey area 🤔
@isaiflores904 5 лет назад
Honestly, I disagree that smoking marijuana makes you lack motivation and that it holds you back from learning. Although I agree with some of the stuff he does say though. Honestly, I don't think marijuana is a sin as long as it isn't being abused and as long as it's being used for the purpose of medicine and therapy.
@kissingcandles 5 лет назад
Isai Flores I AGREE
@kraiggaddis2636 4 года назад
Isia Flores You disagree with the statement that marijuana makes people lack motivation? I know from personal experience that it does make people lazy and dumb downed, including myself. . I am 59 years old, and I smoked weed for over 40 years, I wanted to be a professional athlete growing up, but I got involved with the wrong group of friends and started getting high on all kind so drugs, and my aspirations of being a sportsman were blown by my choices. I started with marijuana and went on to many harder more dangerous drugs. It is a gateway drug, and that is a fact/jack.
@R.t598 9 месяцев назад
The bible makes it very clear that the ways of a man are always before the Lord and so many people are going to be in for a rude awakening when they stand before the judgment seat of God.
@JTK639 Год назад
Herb is the healing of the nations. Now I see that wisdom was giving to the Blackman😊
@brianwood4204 2 года назад
I’m alert , work so much better . I can do anything and I do know what I’m doing . You’d never even know I used it trust me
@darrelldison5528 8 месяцев назад
There's no place in history of marijuana. Did you see anybody get high and cause an accident that killed someone? And if you have other drugs were mixed with it or alcohol. Alcohol is killed more people than terrorist. You're sending me a message saying. It's okay to drink in moderation, but it's not okay to smoke marijuana. I have PTSD and smoking marijuana saves people's lives because my temper is so angry at times with stupid drivers. Because I lost my daughter to a drunk driver. The marijuana helps me mellow out so I'm not violent. I don't smoke it to get high. I smoke it to change my attitude towards people. So I can love him like Jesus. Without this drug without Mari, wanna. It's hard for me to love people that recklessly endanger other people's lives behind the wheel
@deanfawkes7554 2 года назад
On the legal argument. According to the law Abortion is legal , tolerance or acceptance of transgender legal. So if tomorrow pot was made legal does that make it not a sin? No, alcohol is legal, it’s how it is used . In my opinion.
@briangilley5093 2 года назад
The biblical word your looking for is pharmakeia Greek translation to sorcery.
@zionsoldier7556 2 месяца назад
The question of, is smoking marijuana ok for Christians, shouldn't even be discussed. The answer is, NO. I myself was a heavy marijuana user for 30 years. When Christ finally rescued me, I still smoked. However, I got convicted by the Holy Spirit to stop everytime I smoked. Marijuana is demonic and none who belong to Christ should smoke it. His grace is sufficient. That is the answer to this question.
@zionsoldier7556 2 месяца назад
One more thing. Marijuana is from the Hindu god Shiva. That alone should tell you it ain't right. I know all about this stuff. I grew up with my Hindu grandmother in the West Indies and I followed rasta culture as well before Christ rescued me. So-called Hindu holy men smoke marijuana as part of their culture. Actually, they are the ones who introduced it to the rastas when the British brought them here as indentured laborers. I tell you, Shiva is a demon and marijuana is his stuff. That should answer your question.
@CT--km1le 6 лет назад
I've been heavily smoking for about 15 years now so I'm well experienced and I have to say I agree with everything he is saying. I'm trying to get off it but I seem to have a chemical dependency since I been doing it a lot for a long time. I'm not just dealing with that but other issues like cigs and sexual immorality. How can God save people from multiple addictions or is it even possible?
@adamfisher4457 6 лет назад
You have to focus on Jesus, and everytime you fall get back up and try harder, grow in repentance, and grow in trust of the Lord. Especially when it comes to sexual immorality.
@jessekim509 5 лет назад
God loves you. Never forget that. Let Lord Jesus Christ be your foundation. 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
@ChurchinnameofJESUSCHRIST 2 года назад
Ct how ypu doing now
@JacobBrown-mr3lx 3 года назад
I love Pastor Tim but he spoke a lot of the third-person from a first-person perspective like he knows everyone's intentions and everyone's benefits from it
@aaronjones7438 2 года назад
I'm a Christian but my question is that it's a plant that God created
@briangilley5093 2 года назад
I'm a skydiver, we live in a world where living inside a second is our world. I had two friends that sat and smoked weed all day and went on a jump. They both had cypress fires which is an auto deploy device that is activated when the main chute isn't deployed. It activates at 800 ft. Bammmm. They were both kicked off the DZ.
@noloyou8377 4 года назад
Why does someone need a car? Why does someone need food other than a pill containing all nutrients needed.
@johnevitts1687 4 дня назад
Genesis chapter 1 verse 29
@Kyle-yw2hw 4 года назад
It’s sad but all too often we see pastors that preach their emotions and opinions instead of the word of God, trying to say that you should not smoke marijuana but they cannot back up their statements through the scripture at all because the scripture does not say that you should not smoke marijuana, well guess what... it’s not about you and your opinion and your emotion, it’s about the word of God and like I said, no where in the Bible does it state that you should not smoke marijuana, period
@vishalramtiane4331 6 лет назад
truth will stay the truth. In scriptures Exodus 30:23 in hebrew language you will see what it say about hemp. when you are an elect of our Father you must seek for the truth first before speaking. All you say about drugs is rigth but kenah bosm is not a drugs because it is used in the making of oil anoitment during moses time. And in genesis it says that we can use plants that have seeds and gives fruit for food . Ok there is something i want to say the word of the father say whatever gets in you does not kill your soul but what comes out can kill you soul. the only way is the word of the father and the ruach ah kodesh to show the way. Be bless all.
@tarynwilcher9591 5 лет назад
Shalawam. Can we talk?
@moptop7575 5 лет назад
GEN 1-29 Its in the first chapter, of the first book of the bible. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is. proverbs on the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat Or .Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress. I GUESS THAT BIBLE IS A PROP. two thumbs down false teacher.
@Najgee 6 лет назад
Thank you 🙏🏾✝️😇
@Bc232klm 5 лет назад
A drunk driver trying to tell us cannabis is worse... wow
@Bc232klm 5 лет назад
And a methead coke addict... yikes
@ezekieltucker4154 5 лет назад
The word devil means slanderer. He is not a drunk and drug user, present tense, he is a blood washed born again ex sinner now saint. Are you?
@theparagoon8312 9 дней назад
Do u drink coffee mate ? Why ? Don’t lie. It’s not the taste. Coffee tastes shit. You do it to keep up. It’s a pride thing. You’re scared of not performing like your peers. Coffee alters the mind. Coffee is as bad as weed. Face it.
@melvinjohnson7981 4 года назад
The Bible tells us to be sober minded! Avoid anything that could open the mind to demonic influences!
@christopherrafferty7512 3 года назад
Lol everyone in these comments is so confused about cannabis and what God thinks about it. If you enjoy it and love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as you love yourself AND it doesn’t take Gods place in certain areas of your life then you don’t have anything to worry about (that would be myself). If you dislike it and want nothing to do with it and you serve the Lord as I mentioned before that is also wonderful. Honestly the Word doesn’t say much if anything about cannabis use specifically but it does mention gluttony and idolatry. Both sins can be easily committed with any of our desires and if your not in your Word and you are not mature enough to enjoy certain desires then you are more susceptible to be subject to such sin. Know and love God and know and love yourself people.
@kellymcclelland6545 3 года назад
That’s wrong, smoking weed doesn’t glorify God. A Christian is supposed to live in a way that is glorifying to God.
@christopherrafferty7512 3 года назад
@@kellymcclelland6545 I completely agree that our lives should glorify Christ. Can you explain to me how moderate cannabis use takes away from my glorification of God?
@kellymcclelland6545 3 года назад
@@christopherrafferty7512 Absolutely, and I can hope that you will see that my intent is ultimately for edification and not condemnation. For starters, let us take a look at the fact that when cannabis is consumed, it results in intoxication. There’s really no way to consume cannabis, whether smoked, vaped or eaten that doesn’t result in getting high. It doesn’t matter if the high is only a little high or totally baked, getting high is getting high. The cannabis itself isn’t necessarily the problem, but the intoxication it causes is. We are commanded in many places to remain sober minded, which is the opposite of being intoxicated. “Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”” ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭1:13-16‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “For the time that is past suffices for doing what the Gentiles want to do, living in sensuality, passions, drunkenness, orgies, drinking parties, and lawless idolatry. With respect to this they are surprised when you do not join them in the same flood of debauchery, and they malign you; but they will give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. For this is why the gospel was preached even to those who are dead, that though judged in the flesh the way people are, they might live in the spirit the way God does. The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.” ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭4:3-7‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5:8‬ ‭ESV‬‬ Keeping my previous statement in mind about intoxication, lets compare it and contrast it to alcohol. Cannabis is similar to alcohol in the fact that it causes intoxication of some kind. It is different though because it is possible to consume small amounts of alcohol without becoming intoxicated. Now most people who drink end up drinking more than the small amount mentioned and intoxication results, therefore also being wrong. Keeping in mind that both can result in intoxication, with alcohol resulting in drunkenness and cannabis resulting in getting high, lets look at some scriptures. If we are being honest with ourselves, we could see how taking out the word drunkenness and inserting getting high would still give the same message. “Let us walk properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭13:13-14‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit,” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:17-18‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, are drunk at night. But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation.” ‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:6-8‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6:9-11‬ ‭ESV‬‬ The last scripture really sends home the message the best. It points out that we as Christians were once those people, but have been called to live differently and are being changed by our God and Savior. Our lives when we were lost were about us living for us and for our fleshly desires. We are called to put away the desires of our flesh and present our lives as living sacrifices to God, being conformed to His image. Getting high, drunk or intoxicated in any other way just doesn’t fit into that. In other words, where could we try to justify that consuming cannabis is how we are trying to live conformed to Christ’s image?
@jesuschrist9275 5 лет назад
When I smoke marijuana I let spirits in unwelcomed spirits it is not from the Father but of the world .
@paulleaner6969 4 года назад
"Preacher" Do some research! Smoke 1,500 pounds of Marijuana in 15 minutes to overdose. Constant daily headache conflicts with every little detail during my day.
@tyierakins2111 4 года назад
You had that bible open for 20 minutes now and have not read one scripture that tells me I shouldn't smoke
Are you sober when you smoke weed?
@Rose-wx2ct 4 года назад
I have a Christian friend and he said he will never forgive me that i say i think smoking weed is a sin...He smokes everyday and says its good for his health mental and fizical...that his blood tests are amazing when he smokes...I said also about the alkohol-one glass its not going to affect his thinking,walking or anything else...i drink it for blood iron sometimes....but he was so angry that i needed to leave their home...He dont want to admit that is addictive and that is changes your perspective and clear thinking...Its sad that people are defending drugs just not to face some issues they have...
@juliethomas8161 5 лет назад
I'm betting you have found the balance in God's word on alcohol because your denomination is ok with it, as the Bible allows, and I wonder, do you drink? You are submitting to the "peer pressure" of that, that has control over what you can publicly preach. Look up the mis-translated word mentioned in the ingredients of the Annointing oil of the temple. Some translate as calamus. Kaneh Bosm Please, as your spirit filled friend, preach the balance you know in your heart is true. All those you offend, away from the Gospel,because you are not teaching the balance, knowingly drawing a line where God does NOT, you will be held accountable. Preach the truth or dont preach at all. We love you. God bless your New year of no compromise and bringing the balance of God's Word, even if it cost you your job. His kingdom over yours my brother. Peace. P.S. alchohol = sober Do those word hang out often? Come on.... Laughter is what? What does the Bible say about laughter?
@bearmusic4986 6 лет назад
Marijuana can heal cancer i dont believe in doing it but i dont believe in not doing it and i use it sometimes when i get depressed or sad or just for recreational use but not often and im trying to become a rapper because i like that i dont see what is wrong with rapping but both sides make good points to where i think i will have to wait for God to awnser it for me not a person.
@thomasusher8877 5 лет назад
What kind of rap? Biblical/Christian rap? I do that and write some real deep lyrics of truth
@thomasusher8877 5 лет назад
Okay I listened to one of your tracks, definitely not edifying to God at all! I use to rap worldy too, not anymore. You cant serve two masters. What do you think God thinks of those lyrics? Just speaking from what I listened to bro. Ill sent you some of my lyrics....
@thomasusher8877 5 лет назад
This is another page in my erra, so much pain and terror when the chains embrace they will scare ya. Let me tell ya' when I stare in the mirror, I see a man with an arrow pierced in His heart. but I wont let up I gotta' keep my head up and continue to march, God let's me see clear through the venues of dark. These days the world makes me feel so eerie I'll barf. The Word of a God keeps me zoned in so hard. I'll deny the devils mark and embark in the bread of life to not starve.This is where destinations starts beyond the earths devistation and scars. Forsakin' the ways of the nation cuz' Satan's at large. I gotta stear clear from paths that man made. yet it's hard to percieve truth while stuck in theese shoes on this landscajpe. Yet I know through Christ I am saved and slay away Demons and rebuke false doctrines. Otherwise I'll be Judged for not talkin', Reincarnation is not real that's our own conscience lost in nonsense. I walk by faith not by sight, I'm cautious.
@MistakenMystery 6 лет назад
This guys perception on cannabis is childish and immature. Cannabis is a life saving, cancer curing herb that helps many people in many different ways. I can smoke weed and then snowboard down a mountain at 60 miles an hour and be more focused than ever. Coffee impairs me more than cannabis, and that's the truth.
@cloudsbelow9285 6 лет назад
MistakenMystery anything to justify your sin
@MistakenMystery 6 лет назад
god created all plants for humans to use, except that one, that one is bad...see how stupid that sounds?
@romasliv 6 лет назад
there lot of poisonous plant, do you use them?
@MistakenMystery 6 лет назад
yes I do, it's called homeopathic medicine
@jamesmcallister9645 3 года назад
If the Holy spirit has not convicted you that smoking weed is wrong then as a bornagain christain you are not obeying God's word and thinking with sober judgement, i cant speak for anyone else but when i smoked weed i use to be stoned out of my mind Remaining in habitual sins or to continue living in the sinful lifestyle before you got saved is living in disobedience-lukewarm , As a Christian you know in your heart the warning Jesus christ gives to lukewarm christains in revelation. So stop making excuses and remember the pain, suffering, etc,etc, etc,etc,etc and why a Holy and righteous God sent Jesus christ to die on the cross to save you,. Wakeup, wakeup, wakeup.
@minisight2000 5 лет назад
It hurts to hear this guy..rambles, and rambles instead of just SAY IS IT RIGHT OR WRONG? IS IT BIBLICAL OR NOT?? WHAT IF U SMOKE ONCE IN A WHILE?
@cathyhamlin3611 3 года назад
I think his testimony speaks volumes about this topic
@minisight2000 3 года назад
@@cathyhamlin3611 well 2 years later and I got the answer when I was born again... anything that is unchrist like in my life is a sin... smoking weed is definitely one of them.. in other words if christ didn't do it I don't want to do it..
@mathewconklin6063 5 лет назад
I disagree on the part that you can't enjoy the taste certain strains of marijuana have different tastes and smells I use it at the moment for my stomach to help settle after I eat the only reason why I'm watching this video it's cuz I'm not sure if it's a sin or not since I'm new to this religion but you say that they're lying because they enjoy the taste is false and is your opinion
@1MantisPhoenix 5 лет назад
Genesis 9:3 ESV / 554 helpful votes Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.
@Daniel-rk4pc 5 лет назад
That doesn't mean we grab marijuana and roll it into a joint. Neither group heroin from the poppy plant and inject it. Neither does it mean that we should drink alcohol to the point of being drunk.
@1MantisPhoenix 5 лет назад
@@Daniel-rk4pc You only lose self control if you go beyond the little amount. You have THC in your body's DNA naturally. Thanks God. dl your logic is flawed.
@johnross4541 6 лет назад
If you are listening to this more than a few minutes for an answer, you may very well be of this world and not one of God's children. Get to the Word of God first and foremost, how else will you discern truth and lies.
@alexnicole5657 6 лет назад
N 'Tune. Ok. Peace. Dont want to argue. God bless
@thewayofholiness8851 6 лет назад
I was smoking cannabis til October, I had supernatural experiences including visions which I came to know those experiences were from the kingdom of darkness. I understand we have no reason whatsoever to trust the government this guy speaks of. I believe that cannabis is the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, I Prayed asking God to do whatever it takes to get me off weed and the outcome was a satanic presence within me, terrifying.. It is not of God, this guy is 100% right in this case.
@johnross4541 6 лет назад
Victoria Gramalis His views on marijuana and other drugs is on point. The Lord wants all of us. Television was my idol for years as when I wasn't working that were my mind was focused. I remove it from my home. I now dedicate all my day time to him in all that I do. I was also a pot head and meth user. Truly now, through Christ,I am free.Still get accused of using meth because I have become more energetic and alive. His love abounds in me. I want it no other way. The devil was attacking me with free dope for years now. Three months ago he brought me back to the truth. Life is wonderful again so long as I obey his commandments. God bless you in your walk with him.
@bldlightpainting 6 лет назад
Mind-altering substances such as the flammable liquid alcohol and the psychotropic narcotic drug marijuana are poisons to the human body and mind, thus not fit for followers of Christ to consume. That should be a no-brainer for any intelligent adult.
@AmandaBrownCPSReform 6 лет назад
Victoria Gramalis your experience sounds a lot like mine. I thought that I was using it for the "right" reasons (my addiction only last 8 mths, Praise God), but I sensed my world getting darker and darker. I was within the clutches of Satan. God made me become allergic to it. My sensitivity has only grown towards it since then. I can't even be around someone that's smoked it recently or I'll have SEVERE pain and coldness throughout my body. It makes me physically sick. Thank God/Jesus that He has also set me free from alcohol and cigarettes. Right after becoming allergic to cigs last year (idk _why_ He makes me allergic to these things) I had an Awakening in my Faith that no one I know or heard of has experienced. Now I feel "high"/elated ALL the time without any of the side effects and it's SO much better than ANY substance on this Earth.
@generatingideas 3 года назад
Wow “dont come to our church” if you want to smoke? How is that going to bring people closer to Christ? Kicking them out for their sins? How dare you. What if we do that to alcoholics and homosexuals and adulterers? This guy is very mean spirited and ignorant. We should be inviting people in who are misguided, in hopes that our influence will bring them closer to Christ.
@gabrielmartinez-ss4ez 5 лет назад
Ok he has no clue saying there not studying it but they have company’s dedicated to study it
@DonjohnsonBG 3 года назад
Sir why you turned off the comments on is SDA occult? I know for sure a SDA member would love to defend themselves on their faith and to share with you the position Sister White holds in the Church
@illbehonest 3 года назад
Comments were never turned on on that video, or about 400 other videos that were posted in a period of few years. We only started turning commets on a few years ago. it has been difficult to moderate them, and we tend to be behind in our email correspondence.
@dang5203 6 лет назад
Why comments allowed here and not on your attack against Seventh Day Adventists?
@briangilley5093 2 года назад
Can you just see Conway working at a blueberry farm?
@sibusisoshuze3903 2 года назад
I don't believe alcohol is good either. They are both ways in which the devil can get a foothold. Justify it with as many bible verses as you want. I don't believe it's good, you can moderate weed just as much as you can moderate alcohol. Still don't belive it's right, I think telling Christians that it's okay to moderately drink alcohol because of what the Bible says is a dangerous argument, that can lead to the downfall of many.
@mraaaservices 5 лет назад
Ok why did God create cannabinoids, and why is it present in breast milk, and why does it heal and prevent so many illness's?
@nanoevent 3 года назад
What a bunch of nonsense. Why are so many Christians so dishonest when it comes to the facts of cannabis?
@christopherrice5345 6 лет назад
Shame on you, your not being honest at all. I pray the Lord convicts your heart.
@thenoblenomads1520 5 лет назад
This is depressing. Preaching hypocrisy is sooo unhealthy.
@tyierakins2111 4 года назад
Watered down wine!!!! Really wine is wine you tried it, it has alcohol buddy
@timothycourtney6894 5 лет назад
I'm a little curious on how people can ask a question and instally be accused of trying to justify what you are doing. I smoke and I'm trying to follow God and his ways and u will not lie I do smoke bc I enjoy it like I enjoy playing my games or hiking or even sex. I'm not very well versed in the bible as I am still on my walk to gain knowledge so i can do right by God and resist the devil. I dont believe as of right now that weed is bad but when you let it keep you from studying the word or going to church or anything that can take away from God is a sin so in turn if doing it responsibly it will not be a sin now dont take my words seriously as I'm not at saying I'm right you must decide that on your own and check me bc God has said to check everyone so do not take my word as it's not a sin. I'm on my way to figure that out myself but we need to stop and think and come together to figure this out bc I hear on both sides they feel the holy ghost convicting them well we both can not be right it eaither is or not so who is actually telling the truth. Now I wish to not lead anyone astray God forbid I do that if so I'm truly sorry. But judging people or making up lies on weed is not good eaither. I have never hallucinated, nor have I been so far gone on weed. I only smoke it bc it gets me high and helps me look at things in a different light to see both sides of the coin. I wanna serve God I can give it up if that's what he asks of me mo sweat. Bit if it's ok for me to do so as to enjoy it from time to time I wont stop doing it but only if God says get rid of it. I do not think that is a bad way to approach this and to accuse people straight out that they just wanna justify their sin I wrong some may do that but it turns people who are generally trying to find out if it is truly a sin.
@guywade5413 6 лет назад
First you must know what your subject is your talking about. Torah called it cannabis not marijuana. Propaganda is why they outlawed this medicine.
@johnnywhite1681 5 лет назад
Do you realize your body, that includes your mind, is altered by anything you put in it. Altering your mind with coffee is okay and not changing reality!? What goes in the mouth goes out and does not defile our soul. You sound awfully concerned with what people think of you. Teach people to follow Christ, not you. You are still trusting in yourself for salvation. You still believe your mind and discernment will save you. When you get to the full realization that Christ ALONE, is what will save your soul for heaven, you can be free from condemnation and stop putting chains of condemnations on others. " I like the effects of coffee, where it sharpens mind so God is okay with that but I don't like the effects of marijuana so God doesn't like it. " Again you've fallen into worshipping your own mind and have lost sight of the love, grace and power of God. Beware of teachers who want to put chains on ypur salvation. Salvation is only given by God. None of our actions will save us. The realization that Jesus Christ paid for all comes from God not intellect of man. The Holy Spirit is just ad strong for all of us who seek so dont think you must call someone else father or teacher. For God alone can be your holy teacher. Read your Bible, pray in private. Ask God into ypur heart and follow him, not some person who likes to be called teacher, pastor, father priest...something more than you laymen. Fellowship with Brothers and Sisters who trust in Christ alone and act as God leads them.
@KandC6102000 5 лет назад
Johnny White, Amen!
@cathyhamlin3611 3 года назад
How dare you judge Tim! I've been listening to him for some time, his teahing on this subject is biblically correct, coffee is such a different kind of thing, I can totally relate to what he said about weed, it wasn't a good thing in my life, smoked alot but whenI was born again, I pretty much put it down don't miss it
@Veewoj Год назад
Ur crazy to say coffee alters ur mind remotely in even the tiniest similar way to marijuana. That is apples and oranges
@briangilley5093 2 года назад
@cameronpyles7748 5 лет назад
I understand what he is trying to get across but I’m hearing more of his personal experiences and opinions. Which is fine! Although I HAVE felt (on many occasions) while being high going deep into prayer, or praise feeling closer and connected than ever before because I don’t have the negative FEELINGS holding me back. If my brother in Christ wants to speak his opinion about weed along with what scripture says that’s cool I get that. Although not everyone’s reason, experience, or outcome of using marijuana is the same. Yes there is a lot of people who abuse it and lie about the reasons the smoke it, although it doesn’t mean every user does? I don’t, I get high to sleep after a very busy day when I can’t seem to turn my mind off. I believe weed can be used for the greater good. Obviously in the medical field, but also recreationally. Why? Because it all comes down to choices. Someone can still make good decisions while high. Good decision and good judgement in preparation for what you are doing that day. The Bible talks about not being drunk, I know by personal experience being stoned or fried is the weed version of drunk... and can be avoided by simply drinking water, eating and most importantly watching how much you smoke. Now weed is not for everyone, some like it some don’t. There IS definitely a fine line with weed that a lot of people cross over because they have the free will to get high as they want.. aka stoned, fried, etc. IF you have self discipline you can maturely discipline yourself to have a proper dose (1 hit is all you need) it’s turns into abuse I think, WHEN someone CONTINUES to hit and hit again and again when they’re already high. That “feeling” is the thc working. It helps people with anxiety, depression, and pain. The “high” is the the same thing as “pain relief” when a aleve pill kicks in. One is natural and one is man made. The Bible talks about how all plants are for use to use but also the Bible speaks about doing things in moderation. (Not trying to start any arguments here but feel free to pitch in what you think!) God bless yall
@tashachasse7239 6 лет назад
You Christians are SO dramatic. What happened to live and let live?
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