
Church Isn't Supposed to be Fun 

Brian Holdsworth
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I recently saw a sign outside a church that was listing off all the qualities that made it great and one of them was that it was “fun”.
This got me thinking about this mentality because there have definitely been times when I’ve seen church leaders try to make moves towards embracing a more sacred appreciation of Sunday worship only to get this kind of push back that says, “if we do that, then it won’t be as much fun.”
I don’t think Church is supposed to be fun for a variety of reasons that all seem to boil down to this one reason: life, itself, isn’t about having fun.
The only people who seem to have this idea that they are entitled to fun and entertainment wherever they go are people who have become excessively exposed to it and if I’m going to be really honest with you, that demographic is a very, VERY, small and very privileged minority when you consider the scope of humankind .
Most people, when compared to a middle class Westerner like me, have lived lives marked by poverty, political oppression, a lack of medical care, higher mortality, war, and on and on. What their lives aren’t contextualized by is a whole lot of fun.
And because their lives don’t revolve around the pursuit of fun and pleasure, they don’t anticipate it or expect it. They have more important things to worry about. We who are accustomed to fun are the only ones who think we’re entitled to it wherever we go and whatever we do.
The average person’s life is marked by struggle and adversity and if we can appreciate that, truly, then our relentless and entitled expectation for fun, should subside to some degree.
And if we’re honest with ourselves we should be able to recognize that our biggest steps forward in maturity and personal growth have almost always come through adversity.
Self discipline, wisdom, courage, strength, nobility, compassion; these are the kinds of qualities that are wrought from overcoming struggle and hardship… not pleasure.
So knowing that we are so abnormally saturated in pleasure as a quality of our unprecedented privilege among human society, we should also be willing to try to find opportunities to withdraw from that lifestyle to think about the important questions around meaning and purpose.
Going to Church is one of the few times we can stop and reflect on what really matters. Ultimate questions about life, death, faith, hope, and love. This is not a time to insist that we be distracted by entertainment and fun as we are throughout the rest of the week. This is a time for serious contemplation.
And that doesn’t even begin to address that the breaking of bread on Sundays is a commemoration of the sacrifice of Jesus on the alter. It’s a kind of re presentation of the cross. If you ask me, it’s not really the occasion for us to be saying, hey, this isn’t fun enough for me.
When kids come to Church, we often create separate programming for them that is about playing games, singing songs, and coloring pictures of Jesus. The time of life that they enjoy is punctuated by innocence and fun and so it should be. They aren’t culpable for their decisions the way we as adults are.
But if, once you’re an adult, you still expect to be served a child’s version of your religion, one flavored with fun and entertainment, then I think you need to re evaluate your faith. If nothing else, maybe immerse yourself in the Bible a bit and ask yourself how much fun the cast of characters portrayed there are having.
Just so there’s less potential misunderstanding in what I’m saying, I’m not saying that we aren’t supposed to ever have fun and express ourselves joyfully. I’m not saying that we can’t have ecstatically pleasurable experiences in the context of prayer and devotion.
I’m also not saying Church has to be boring or that we can’t have good music. On the contrary. I think everything we do should be as well done and conscientious as possible. I just don’t think we should be judging our church experience on a scale of fun. Instead, we should see it as an encounter with God who is Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.
In remembering Christ’s sacrifice on Sundays, which is what he told us to do at the last supper, I think we can set aside our pursuit of fun and pleasure, at least for that one hour.
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@JindyMarie05 6 лет назад
When I left for college, I looked for a Church. And my friends all chose places of worship that offered "fun." Such as more social gatherings, fun retreats, foods offered after worship, lots of fun music, etc. There weren't many nearby Catholic Churches, so I went with them, thinking as long as I went to a place of worship that celebrated Jesus, then I'm all good. Eventually, I felt empty. I felt as if I just went to church to have fun.... What I've come to find out is that I am to go to church for GOD, for CHRIST... NOT for myself. And this is what I've realized why I love the Catholic Church so much- it's because I'm not easily distracted by other things; that at every mass, we celebrate Christ- the last supper, the sacrifice, His body and blood. I am now going to church solely for CHRIST. Thank you for this video.
@caribaez5711 6 лет назад
January 5th 😊😊
@JindyMarie05 6 лет назад
tim spangler His blood is the sacrifice. He died for OUR salvation. The eucharist and wine is the body and blood of Christ.
@JindyMarie05 6 лет назад
tim spangler Of course not, silly! Lol Christ died for our salvation when he was crucified. Notice in my first post I had commas in between- the last supper, the sacrifice... The main focus here is Christ during mass( church), and not what [fun] we get out of it. It's very emotional. Let the Holy Spirit transcend and lead you, us... to understanding. After I let this happen, I look forward to attending mass bc it's what I can give back to Christ, to worship Him more.
@antoniofirenze 6 лет назад
What do you people mean by fun at Church? What do you do? Cause I'm not Christian.
@petretepner8027 5 лет назад
Lifestyle My Style On a more mundane level, one of the good things about attending Catholic Mass (Orthodox Liturgy too, to be fair) - which I still do, though no longer a believer - is that people basically leave you alone to "get on with it", and you don't get sucked into the false friendliness and "fellowship" of the Protestants. You could argue, on solid theological grounds, that attending Mass is "going to a party", but it shouldn't have the trappings of a worldly party. You can do that afterwards, in the Social Club or the local pub.
@ChristineHebert65 6 лет назад
I don't think children should have a separate "fun" program. This is one of the reasons they always expect to be entertained.
@LesIsMoreFilms 6 лет назад
Amen! That was the only flawed thing I heard him say. Either than that everything he said was spot on!
@judithfurmston3731 6 лет назад
I agree. The more bored they get the more likely they'll start to think for themselves and stop going as Adults.
@marcihf217 5 лет назад
I know people who sent their kids to the kid's church service and all they did was make bracelets, sang songs, colored pictures, etc. Now that they are older they don't go to church anymore.
@joannabuk 5 лет назад
You are so right. Go to St. Edmund Catholic Church in Edmonton on Sunday at 4:00 for Latin mass and you will see little kids very attentive and participating in a "adult" Holy Mass.
@hayleychipper6458 3 года назад
Finally someone else who thinks this!! I’ve never agreed with separate age based programs - the Gospel is for everyone of all ages
@JM-qs8up 6 лет назад
Excellent! Worship is not about what it can do for us! It's what we owe to God!
@opfipip3711 6 лет назад
We "owe" something to God? Really? Love only exists in freedom. "No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you." (John 15, 15) When I love my friends I am compelled from within to do good things to them not because they force me to do so. So I want to please Christ. Yes and he bought me with a high prize so i am his property. But despite of that he does not treat me like a slave. If i see myself kind of "compelled" by the spirit in me to serve God that is fine. But it is still not God who forces me or intimidates me or treats me like a creditor urges a debtor. God is my father. So I want to honor him. That´s it.
@thespiritualmonk4139 6 лет назад
Julia Mary Martin Luther made some great points... worth a look.
@opfipip3711 6 лет назад
Luther and his life had light and darkness. Luther wasn´t a great theologian. But he discovered that he had not to try to make God merciful by good works or maybe better expressed that he had not to change Gods mood or intentions toward him so that God shows him mercy, because God already showed his mercy at the cross. "Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?" (Romans 2,4) You may say that it was always the teaching of the RCC that God wants to be full of grace. But DE FACTO many Catholics do not know that and try very hard to be good enough so that they will not go to hell. And that makes life very hard and is not compatible with Gods character.
@opfipip3711 6 лет назад
notformebeaky: First: Maybe we both do not mean the same when we use the term "religion". Second: I think it is fair to say that true christian faith has and had the most impact on making the world a better place. Third: But nevertheless it is NOT the primary goal of the gospel to make the world a better place. This is only a side effect. Because the gospel does both: It reveals the best in people = that what God is doing in and through a person who puts his trust in him AND the worst in people = that what the enemy is doing in and through a person who rejects Gods mercy.
@teenherofilms 4 года назад
JM so, exactly what do you owe to "God"??? You didn´t ask to be born. How do you "owe" this "God" anything?
@rumrunner8019 6 лет назад
I'm a Buddhist, and this video is so awesome and makes sense for ANY religion. People seek religion NOT to embrace the issues and confusion of modern life, but to get AWAY from it. That's why traditional/conservative churches are growing while liberal/modernist ones are dying: if people wanted a fun-social club, they would join one.
@thespiritualmonk4139 6 лет назад
rum runner All the best in your Spiritual journey. Just wondering as Buddhist how do you have atonement for sins ?
@rumrunner8019 6 лет назад
Every Buddhist tradition is different in how they handle "sins" (bad karma) and how the atone for them, but they all have the same general ideas. I follow Tibetan Buddhism, and we have rituals and meditations to wash away the our misdeeds...BUT, that is mostly for transgressions that didn't directly harm anyone. For example: I perform a meditation/prayer for the healing quality of Lord Buddha (medicine Buddha) to atone for doing dumb things all humans do (be lazy, angry, etc.) And we practice "confession" in the form of admitting our faults, but it need not be to a lama (ordained Buddhist), but it often is. If the deed was against another, than the thing to do is not just a meditation or a prayer, but also to make it right and try to fix what was done wrong. And if that isn't possible, than at least try to do some good in the same area. Example: one guy at my temple used to be a drug dealer (and use them). He went to jail and found the dharma there. Now, he volunteers at a treatment center and goes to schools and talks about the mistakes he made. In short, we believe in faith AND works. And it should be noted that even in Buddhism, the temples that are doing best are the more traditional ones, same as churches. Those social-clubs who just meditate a little and don't ask much of their members are usually never as large as sanghas (congregations) like mine that actually teach the dharma as a way of life with a real moral code, traditions, and responsibilities. Our temple is joyful and peaceful...but NOT fun, nor should it be.
@thespiritualmonk4139 6 лет назад
rum runner Wow thats so interesting. Thanks for the insight i appreciate you taking the time. I don't think there is enough works in the world to cover my sins. Lol God Bless.
@rumrunner8019 6 лет назад
I don't think there is enough I can do in this life to fix my bad karma...that is why we have faith as well. But still, I was never a fan of "faith alone." One of the many things I respect about Catholicism is that it emphasizes penance and not just grace. If one does become changed through religion, one would want to at least try to fix a wrong. And if one does wrong, there should be some judgement for it. I was never a fan of the born-again idea that a serial killer could be "saved" on the day before their execution and receive the glory of heaven without dealing with any consequences, either in purgatory or in there next lifetime.
@thespiritualmonk4139 6 лет назад
rum runner Yes i understand your thinking. I also have had a hard time with all of your valid pionts. My piont is simply this.. Paul's teaching is not only hard to except and process because of the nature of the Free Gift of grace, but it is also very clear and unmistakable that grace through Christ is by faith alone and not of works. This grace , once excepted produces the good works and now out of appreciation for God your works go forth and not from a heart of self effort and self preservation. Hope that makes sense.
@tonguemybumb 6 лет назад
well said. reminds me of my previous church hillsong in sydney before I got confirmed in the catholic church and now attend a FSSP parish.
@kimfleury 6 лет назад
I am uplifted by their music ... as I'm commuting to/from work, cleaning house, doing bills, etc.
@WestsidePredator 6 лет назад
Hello, fellow convert to traditional Catholicism!!!
@tonguemybumb 6 лет назад
yep currently doing traditional catechesis not the RCIA which has too many horror stories for me to do it. I'm keen for truth and conviction something that's hard to find in novus ordo parishes but I have found it in FSSP and the parish I go to.
@bradleesargent 6 лет назад
Welcome home
@thespiritualmonk4139 6 лет назад
God bless Pastor Brian and the Church in Australia.
@ZachGonringVlogs 6 лет назад
I think the distinction needs to be made of what "fun" means, the contrast between short-term material and physical happiness vs. fulfilling spiritual joy. Life is a pursuit of happiness, I think we're all oriented towards finding some ultimate fulfilling happiness. So church maybe isn't supposed to bring about some kind of tangible short-term entertainment, but I certainly find a sense of joy in partaking in the mass, and receiving Christ in the Eucharist. Which I hope anyone watching is able to understand the difference between. I totally get what you're saying, I just think some people might take this the wrong way by their interpretation of the word "fun".
@WestsidePredator 6 лет назад
100% true. Although I’m always reminded of my sins during the Kyrie... that usually illicit an emotional response of sorrow.
@kimfleury 6 лет назад
Urban II *elicits
@WestsidePredator 6 лет назад
KA Fleury thanks bro!
@BeingCatholicMedia 6 лет назад
Zach Gonring yes indeed 👍
Zach Gonring Life Is Not Pursuit Of Happiness, but a quest for truth.
@dane3365 6 лет назад
What we consider boring is one of the precise reason the western culture is deteriorating. If you're thinking about fun or boredom when attending church, you better check yourself and make your election sure.
@c.inesr.7292 6 лет назад
Thank you Brian. Very well said.
@Tia_13 6 лет назад
So so so well articulated Brian- best explanation I’ve heard on this topic. Your channel is a blessing
@unalee1591 6 лет назад
So true. We can spend a minimum one hour to worship our Lord and reflect upon our doing in the past week, so as to plan for our coming week.
@teresavarghese1177 4 года назад
As children we went together for mass as a family. There wasn't a separate mass for children and it was fine.
@RandolphCrane 6 лет назад
Church can be fun. I had fun reading Chesterton, e. g. But more than that: Catholics know how to throw a party. We know how to be festive. And I find especially the Corpus Christi procession fun. Carrying our Lord through the Streets with music, splendid vestments, and many, many people? That I would call fun. It's a spectacle. But other than that, the purpose of the Church is not to bring fun to the people, but to sanctify their souls. Liturgy is not about personal experience, but about the objective adoration of the terrible majesty of the eternal, almighty God. It's not fun, it's serious (although I could agree that being present at a Pontifical Solemn High Mass in the Vetus Ordo can be considered fun, but not for secular reasons). Some parish priest we had where I live used to make Holy Mass "fun": He would play games with the congregation, sing songs, perform dances, do funny things with the sacred species, splash us with the ablution water, or perform magic tricks. Is this what Church is about?
@RandolphCrane 6 лет назад
However, I think this "fun" attitude is the logical consequence of the theological shift after V2. The theology was centered around the congregation. Mass is about the congregation, the priest and the people form a closed circle, the priest has become the moderator and entertainer, not the intercessor and pontifex between Man and God. The theology you find in the GIRM is no different from a Protestant theology of assembly. People have lost the sense of the sacred, so of course, they want entertainment. And entertainment is what they get. For over 40 years, guitars and keyboards are being played at Mass, dances and songs performed, the priest has become a mere clown. And why? Because people don't understand that this is true and real contact with God. If the faith in the Real Presence os weakened, what are people supposed to believe? When the bishops and priests tell the people: "Nah, we don't believe in _that_ anymore! It's about community!", people will accept and adopt that. We cannot destroy our faith, and then expect people to be pious Eucharistic worshippers.
@Numenorean921 2 года назад
Church can be fun, but fun shouldn't be the goal
@luiginocm 5 лет назад
Very good meditation. I like the end when you say that dedicating 1 hour a week for non-fun is the least we can do.
@barbaraszostak8459 4 года назад
You are so much talented, when you describe an issue and even it is sth what I kind of know, you do it in a such clever, logic and intresting way that it looks like totally new to me! I am grateful for your content :))
@jackcimino8822 6 лет назад
What is your opinion on the Novus Ordo and Vatican II?
@brianmthrs 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing this perspective! It's a breath of fresh air. I haven't been to a traditional church in almost 2 decades now. I left because I felt the outreach was lacking and they basically insulted any of the fun churches and worship music. Now I'm on the opposite spectrum in California surrounded by fun churches and feel I want to go to a traditional church. Really I just want to find my church family and tired of fighting. We are all brothers and sisters It's a shame we can't get along. This church that I was checking out literally said this is a place for people who hate church. Maybe I'm just looking for people who love church and a savior who gave himself up for the church. It's challenging being in the church these days.
@billcharly3174 6 лет назад
Please...Still praying! God Bless you!
@joannabuk 5 лет назад
Brian, you are so young ...and so wise. God bless!
@JennConary 4 года назад
These are great videos. Many of these videos would be great to watch with my kids. Your arguments are logical, conscientious, and Biblical.
@AnnInFL 6 лет назад
Great message, especially during this season of Lent. Thank you.
@sirtinley-knot2944 6 лет назад
agree 100% Brian. you summarised perfectly what I have thought for a long time... one of the reasons I became Catholic. thank you and God bless.
@almay9962 Год назад
when I was a kid, I went to c youth group every week but as an adult, I sometimes skip weeks in a row
@momanon8789 6 лет назад
Love this! I leave the Mass fed and joyful. Love our faith!
@davidhumphrey7874 6 лет назад
"Church is one of the few opportunities we can stop and reflect on what really matters"... YES!!!! THANK YOU!!!!
@Rome_77 6 лет назад
Great content
@zwolfe 5 лет назад
I will described as ecstasy. Beyond fun. It is an indescribable feeling, like the way you said in other video, it is getting phisical and one with our Lord.
@frankeastbrook2530 3 года назад
"Catholicism is characterized not by a hug, but the cross" - Milo Yiannopoulos
@lifebeginsat4081 6 лет назад
My heart!
@BP26P 6 лет назад
Pope Saint John Paul II: "The celebration of the Liturgy is an act of the virtue of religion which, in keeping with its nature, must be characterised by a profound sense of the sacred. Both the individual and the community must be aware that, in a special way, through the Liturgy they come into the presence of Him who is thrice holy and transcendent. Consequently, the disposition required of them is one that can only flow from that reverence and awe deriving from an awareness of being in the presence of the majesty of Almighty God. Did not God Himself wish to express this when he commanded Moses to remove his sandals in the presence of the burning bush? Was it not because of this same realization that Moses and Elijah did not dare gaze on God . "The People of God require a comportment in their priests and deacons that is completely imbued with reverence and dignity since it allows them to penetrate invisible realities without words or explanations. The Roman Missal, promulgated by Saint Pope Pius V, and the various Eastern Liturgies, contain many very beautiful prayers with which the priest expresses a profound sense of reverence and humility before the Sacred Mysteries. These prayers reveal the very substance of every Liturgy. "A liturgical celebration, at which the priest presides, is an assembly of prayer, gathered in faith to hear the Word of God. Its primary object is to offer to God the living, pure and holy Sacrifice made once and for all time by Jesus Christ on Calvary, and which is rendered present at every Holy Mass celebrated by the Church so as to worship God in spirit and in truth." Source: Address to the Plenary Meeting of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (September 21, 2001).
@kimfleury 6 лет назад
As Zach Gonring said in these comments: Joy is not the same thing as "fun." Last autumn my pastor's school friends visited our parish with their toddler and newborn. There is grace working in that toddler, who's about 18 months old. He focused on every part of the Mass, and even anticipated the movements of the ones doing the work of the Mass. I don't watch people around me, but this baby captured my attention, and he showed me things that had escaped my notice just by the way he was watching everything. Then, at the Consecration, he was staring intently at the ceiling of the Sanctuary with great expectation -- and then he started screaming like he was at a Beatles concert, waving his hands and laughing with joy, all the while looking at the ceiling of the Sanctuary, and at the Blessed Host, until Father consumed the Precious Blood. After that, the baby lost interest in the Mass and acted like a normal toddler. His parents said he does that at every Mass, which is why they bring him as close to the front as possible. I want that joy, not "fun." In the veil of the flesh, I have to trust that God fulfills His promises, and that my suffering offered united to the Cross is redemptive for the whole Church, so that we can all have that joy eternally. If we have "fun" at church, maybe we've already had our reward.
@BlessedForever888 Год назад
awww :)
@ceciliahernandez9517 6 лет назад
I agree that mass is not about having fun. In many protestant churches they seek entertainment and what fits their personal preferences. Depending what style they want they can attend different services. If they want loud music and flashing lights or relaxing environment. My boyfriend is in RCIA right now about to be recieved in the Catholic faith this Easter season and he has told me about the different churches he would attend. Some even had coffee shops inside and chairs with cup holders as if the people are attending are there to watch a show. At mass we are not there to watch a show. We are there because Christ is truly present there in the Eucharist. How awesome is that? Some Catholics just go to mass out of habit like robots without realizing what they are truly receiving. I am guilty of that too sometimes. In mass we are there to recieve nourishment to be send forth and make disciples and to give up ourselves as living sacrifices. But realistically speaking many of us Catholics take mass too lightly and don't even engage and acknowledge what truly is happening at mass. Can't we give God one hour out of the week with our full attention? Heck we can spend hours on RU-vid or Netflix.
@ramirreyes6414 6 лет назад
We had a priest here who sings excerpts of songs on the middle of sermons. He also throws some humor into his speech. That was "fun".
@BeingCatholicMedia 6 лет назад
Brilliant... She true. Seeking pleasure constantly is exsaustimg and provides no growth. CK
@candyclews4047 6 лет назад
You're right, 'fun' is not the key word - it is 'serenity, prayerful and peaceful'. Visiting an evangelical friend's Church, out of respect since she asked me, I found it disconcerting when chocolates were thrown into the congregation, loud rock music crashed out deafening tones and folk were sipping on their Starbucks straws. She, in turn, came to a Catholic Mass and was really touched by the experience. She hasn't stopped asking questions - so who knows!
@ajayNemintane 6 лет назад
The church is suppose to be a refuge for sinners. To some degree, humanity could sense their spiritual and material poverty.
@greenbriar49 2 года назад
I enjoy singing all the parts at mass. Told "i sound great" then i just try to say humbly it is gods gift n perhaps not only am i uplifting myself as singing is my outlet n antidepressant,but maybe encouraging another to do same n reap benefits. I tell people we all got different gifts n different ways n i appreciate what tge Lord has given me. So i certainly am not going to get guilty about enjoying myself too much this way if it pleases the lord to be generous n guve me the gift. I make church to be "fun"
@BlessedForever888 Год назад
Thank you. This rings true.
@landry3341 Год назад
My college ministry was definitely fun. But that was certainly to the detriment of the seriousness and maturity of the theology and worship that we were supposed their for. Spot on
@LesIsMoreFilms 6 лет назад
You are awesome!
@TheWavelengthStudios 6 лет назад
Great video. I totally agree. I'm curious if you've been to a ukraniane/latin/orthodox rite mass before?? I have and found it eye opening for allot of the reasons you brought up in your video. Also because they displayed a greater sense of awe and wonder and reverence to God
@cabellero1120 6 лет назад
Chris Nault its called Divine Liturgy
@cabellero1120 6 лет назад
Chris Nault Orthodox it's called Divine Liturgy
@StephenDeagle 2 года назад
Church being "fun" was one of the major factors in my (a former fundamentalist Evangelical) losing faith in the purpose of church just shy of two decades ago. Should we be surprised how many people self-identify as "spiritual but not religious" in our day and age? When "religious" here means attending an empty building to enact empty rituals to music and liturgy emptied not only of proper reverence but of even a hint of having entered into a sublimative space separate from the mundane, secular world outside, ought we be surprised?
@altpraize6708 6 лет назад
I attend a protestant church but agree with you on this topic. I have witnessed many of the things that you confront in this video.
@kimlevesque6103 2 года назад
Excellent! What I tell my grandkids! Thanks!
@crystalbrooks2684 5 лет назад
Agreed. We go to church to encounter God and worship Him. To learn more about Him and about what He wants us to do. Although I think God definitely doesn't want our church services to be stuffy and boring.
@janpetsch620 5 лет назад
Excellent points. And even those of us fortunate enough to live an easier lifestyle will have struggles, great struggles. To put it in the most simple terms is God does know what is best for us. Self-discipline and some sacrifice is prepares us for further struggle, financial loss, ending of relationships and the deaths of our loved ones. Sadly I had to be pretty old to realize this...and now I'm sure many just think I'm a typical "little old lady". :)
@cabellero1120 6 лет назад
I agree. It seems that many of these "mega-churches" are bent on entertaining people...lightshows, live music, dancing and such. Church Isnt a nightclub its not Club Med. Our current culture...perhaps more than any other, is preoccupied with having fun & being entertained...an almost hedonistic approach to life. Such people live to block negative experiences from life but Who can Do that?? The thought today is... We must make Church more fun to keep kids interested.... When Jesus was a child, Did they make Synagogue or study of the Torah...fun? Was attending Temple for the Sabbath or a Jewish holiday, fun?? The point is ...2000 years ago young males were trained and educated in the ways Jewish worship and thought.....How to live as a devout Jew. Why then should these newer generations ...be made to expect...even demand that everything be Fun and Entertaining?? Adversity and Sorrow will be present in Every life! People attend Church or meditate because they want to connect with something Bigger than themselves!
@TheHomeWoodShop 2 года назад
"Fun" is a superficial word that usually indicates superficial things. The first question info the Westminster Shorter Catechism is, "What is the chief end of man?" Answered, "Man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever." This is the tradition I have spent most of my adult life in and I love the distinction between the word "fun" and "enjoyment". Recently, in attending mass, I have found a deep enjoyment in the solemn, reverent worship I find there. I very much enjoy your videos and I completely agree with everything you said here, but it's important that no one believe that they should be miserable in church just because they thin it's the opposite of fun. 🙂
@Britfan06 3 года назад
On point!!
@philkim2328 5 лет назад
Church should be engaging which means it should challenge to grow and be involved I have found that belonging to a good local church can be fun because of what I wrote in start.
@willb48207 3 года назад
I wish I could give this more thumbs up!
@pbaylis1 6 лет назад
Many feel the same. Church isn't supposed to be fun. I wish I could understand this mentality. Could someone who thinks Church should be fun please comment so we can understand your mentality.
@wickywoo1635 3 года назад
Yes church is supposed to be fun an enjoyable. That's what God wants he wants heaven and a relation to him to be joy......
@fggtgy7660 5 лет назад
God wants us to have a good time on this earth
@minasoliman 6 лет назад
Well said, but you should do a part two of this. I think if you give concrete examples, you will hit the point home better, like contemporary Christian music in worship and emotionalism for example, rather than the stillness that is promoted in true liturgy. The dumbing down of religion, rather than challenging yourself in the faith which is a form of “growing up.” Etc.
@TheTrueHolyDarkness 5 лет назад
Christianity is supposed to be about growth as obtainable in all forms. It is supposed to be "fun." It is also supposed to be about suffering. It is also supposed to be about the mastery of one's mind and emotions. It is *mostly* supposed to be about learning how to love God, love thy neighbor, and love thyself, *even and especially* when circumstances make it harder than natural. To ascend beyond natural love, and to obtain the SUPERnatural power to love unconditionally, no matter how much you are being persecuted by insecure zealots who seek to force others to bow in the name of appearances. It is not about happiness. Happiness is fleeting and does not require anything beyond the natural. Its about BOTTOMLESS JOY as promised in John 4:13-14, which is obtainable only by repenting, forsaking your ego, and becoming at one with Him and the full security that He provides. It is good for Church to be simple fun for the children. At a certain point though, it is time to grow up by learning the real meaning of "Love."
@eleanorrigby1629 6 лет назад
Thats why everybody should be a Rad Trad✌✌✌👌
@TheBelovedDisciple144 3 года назад
The joy of the Lord is our strength my friend.
@Thelangster5 6 лет назад
+Brian Holdsworth in regards to your thoughts on fun, how does this train of thought lead into your other video talking about having kids and relearning the fun of youth. Is fun wrong sometimes, I struggle with this question. I deal with mental illness and don't think God call us to live a life of suffering, but maybe I am wrong. I hope people's lives are full of joy and happiness. Can do a video on the Joy of life in the faith.
@BrianHoldsworth 6 лет назад
Absolutely. I'm not saying we have to be suffering all the time or that Church can't be joyful or even "fun" but I'm saying that it shouldn't be how we measure the value of our faith or spiritual practices. Fun and leisure are a healthy part of life. They just shouldn't be our constant pursuit.
@LostArchivist 4 года назад
If you want to enjoy the Mass, conform to it, do not have it conformed to you. I am not saying that all decisions should be made without the people in mind. Just that having to make some effort and sacrifice your preferences and comfort in the course of it is well, a sacrifice. And, taking part in Christ's pure sacrifice of Himself is exactly what we are called to be doing at Holy Mass. God bless you who read this.
@JesusRodriguez-gu1wv 3 года назад
I think that fun def has its place in Church. Learning and contemplating CAN be fun but I agree that it's not fun like I am playing video games or bowling. In place of fun, there is peace, reverence, turmoil, closeness. About half of those would constitute as possible fun but the rest is serious but certainly not boring. I think that people often think that the absence of fun is boredom which if you think about it is not true. The church does not have to be fun all the time but just because it is not fun does not mean it is boring either. Even in more extensive sports and workouts the workouts are not FUN but it certainly is not boring, it is only boring when you mentally check out which is not what Church is, it should be contemplation and communion with God in prayer and with each other in joy and confession if not awkward from time to time but hey family can be awkward. The absence of fun does not mean boring, if it is I personally think that either the church is unhealthy or the person is or at worst both. Meeting with God and confessing to him is not fun but it should not be boring.
@juiceboxkisses 4 года назад
When having a relationship with God, it can be seen as Father and Child. Why can't that relationship entail a certain level of fun? Yes our relationship with God should be one of reverence and of fear, but also of love and joy. Healthy relationships between fathers and their children not only exhibits respect and love, but fun as well. Are there times where church should be serious and solemn? Yes, but why can't there be times where it is fun too? Why can't we enjoy our relationship with God? Proverbs 23:24 says "The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him." God himself has feelings of great pleasure and happiness with us, why can't we have the same with our church as we all worship together? Proverbs 15:13 "A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken." Proverbs 17:22 " A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones." Ecclesiastes 2:24 " There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labor. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God." There are many verses that say we must rejoice in the Lord. I love my relationship with God. I know I won't always be happy, but I know that I can always find joy in the Lord so why not share that with others while on our journey here on Earth.
@LCRBuff 2 года назад
heres one thing maybe we find serving others fun and making other people happy fun which is a part of joy in itself so "fun" isnt really fun its joy were after and netflix, hulu youtube, etc its only temporary joy
@enriqueolmosswp2833 5 лет назад
I agree sir!!!
@SovereignPlace 6 лет назад
Well, is the opposite of “fun” mourning? If fun doesn’t conceptualize the liturgy shouldn’t rejoicing be the aim according to Philippines 4:4? and children is a great example of this mode of being according to Matthew 19:14. Perplexing none the less, thank you as always
@tecomaman 2 года назад
Church should be beneficial ,you should go out better than as you went in,Good preaching ,I wish , church is for encouraging one another , caring and sharing, not to be an audience of a performance,which all churches are
@dosmastrify 6 лет назад
Brian, please help uninformed find good music. What it that playing at the end of your videos?
@marcib6767 6 лет назад
dosmastrify I believe at the end of his video he played Gregori Allegri’s “Miserere Mei, Deus”
@BrianHoldsworth 6 лет назад
^ That's the one!
@michaelflores9220 3 года назад
As a former Catholic I was taught the Eucharist is supposed to be the biggest fun of all, a "preview" of The Beatific Vision.
@chriszablocki2460 4 года назад
The word and communion. I'm willing to give up fellowship for lent.
@jerry18291 2 года назад
I totally agree. I'm all for having fun but when it comes to serious than I'm all in. Sadly the Church today is all about entertainment, how can we make church services more fun and entertaining so " seekers " will show up and it's wrong
@megangoad7679 Год назад
Actually most churchs rarely have childrens activities so I don't really know what you are saying
@socksumi 3 года назад
No one says church needs to be fun. That's not a valid excuse for being boring. How about stimulating, interesting, engaging, awe inspiring or addressing a different theme in the here and now each week. These are qualities that make for a satisfying church experience without committing the sin of being "fun".
@smeatonlighthouse4384 6 лет назад
Fun. Never. It is God's presence we are in. There must be a godly reverence. Joy. Now that is a different matter. The joy of knowing the Lord Jesus Christ personally, the joy of fellowship with the Father, the joy of the knowledge of sins forgiven, the joy of a sure hope of Heaven, the joy of eternal Life in Christ Jesus, the joy of knowing that when we pray through our Lord Jesus Christ that we have assured access to the Father, the joy of the Holy Spirit giving us power to live daily for our God and Father, the joy of knowing that the Lord Jesus is coming to the air one of these days to take us to Himself in the Father's house, the joy of knowing that we will not come into wrath, whether at the judgement seat of Christ or the great tribulation period which we will not have to pass through as we will be in Heaven with Christ. The joy of peace of mind through peace with God, the peace of God and the God of peace being with us. The list goes on, BUT, do YOU have any of this joy in your life, when we can rejoice in the Lord at all times no matter what the circumstances we have to pass through - WHY - because God loves us and is in control.
@phiustin 5 лет назад
I totally agree with this video! To everyone here who thinks that it is better to have a "fun", "joyous", "lively", or "entertaining" form of worship, isn't deeply reflecting on the mystery and the love of God to mankind through the incarnation, ministry, passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ that we commemorate in the HOLY Eucharist, enough to give us a sense of fulfillment in our hearts and lives of which the SACRED Sacraments and the SACRED Liturgy of the Holy Roman Catholic Church provides us with? If not, then I guess you really need to change your perspective in life and in the teachings of the prophets of old, of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the apostles, of the apostolic fathers, of the great Doctors of the Church, of the Saints, and of almost two millennia worth of Catholic theology and doctrines. I'm no theologian nor a liturgist, but worship should be giving us a sense of joy, peace, serenity, understanding, and love towards God and our neighbors. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that people, and sadly, most of the parishes these days, have taken the Holy from the Holy Mass. But hey, don't take it from me, take it from the guy who's holding the tambourine.
@tornay131 5 лет назад
I enjoy a good sermon.
@seasonalliving2881 6 лет назад
While I don’t think will always be “fun” in the traditional sense of the word, I would say joy should and will most definitely be a part of Mass.
@travismorrison9160 3 года назад
I agree 100%
@kwalla2429 5 лет назад
How do you define fun? Going within and connecting with God is pure fun and feeling good. Your definition is an egocentric definition of fun as "entertainment" and outside gratification. You can go within, connect with your higher self, and feel the energy of God. One can also see and experience God in each other. Now...that's fun!
@mangaranwow2543 5 лет назад
I think here is where religion does the most harm with all those man made rules that, although very well intended, in the end keep people from our Heavenly Father. The relationship with my Heavenly Father is for me, one of eternal gratitude and overwhelming joy ( a.k.a fun ). This joy can be expressed in many, many, many, many, ( and i keep on here for a while ) different ways, only few make it in a Church service. Tradition, is one of the reasons why other ways are not allowed in the service, but to say that Church should not be fun is in my opinion completely wrong. Every day, I have so many things to be grateful for, that I am alive, healthy, have food, clothes, family, friends, that our heavenly Father cares so much that he reaches out to us on a daily basis. That our Heavenly Father send His son to us, so we could see what God is like in real life, that he redeemed us and the list can go on. If this doesn't create joy in your life I don't know what will, and expressing that joy definitely deserves a place in a Church, and when we are expressing joy in an unjoyful matter, for me that is like lying.
@richardwalker4110 6 лет назад
Church is for true worshippers and whose who respect God and this commandments.
@niboe1312 6 лет назад
Just an atheist stumbling across this because it was on the side of a video called "fun church" which is a work that appeals to a very niche audience. Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, life is about fun. This isn't just entertainment, but hanging out with a good friend, reminiscing on a life fulfilled, or really anything that brings joy in any way. Giving not only makes other people's lives better, but it is inherently fun in and of itself.
@joelaschmidt36 5 лет назад
Well church is suposed to make us happy and fullfilled. Who would want to learn about the love of Jesus if you as a christian dread it? There is heartship but there has to be fun or better joy
@realduox 5 лет назад
Mass is fun though , I'm a protestant , but Mass is a blast worship style. I would love a church that worshiped like catholics without putting Jesus in a box and over glorifying (she deserves to be respected and honored but Catholics massively over due it) Mary and didn't have life ruining ideals like if you die after committing a mortal sin you go to hell even if youve lived a Pious life and loved God deeply.
@levisando 5 лет назад
Where is the line when it comes to respecting and honoring Mary? When does it become too much?
@mrnoedahl Год назад
You are absolutely correct. Immature carnal people are just interested in fun. Also the elders are to be in control of the church not the youth. Part of becoming a mature person is realizing the unimportance of entertainment. 1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
@megangoad7679 Год назад
No offense but I totally disagree with what you said fun doesn't mean you're immature not having fun makes and being a buzz kill is very immature and very baby like
@mrnoedahl Год назад
@@megangoad7679 How important was fun to Jesus and his disciples?
@megangoad7679 Год назад
Brian Pompeii I don't know what you are talking about
@ferreus 6 лет назад
@cabellero1120 6 лет назад
A Priest or Minister's job is Not to entertain or keep the congregation engaged or stimulated, It's Church ..not a theme park! The Priest or Minister should be leading the people in worship of the one true God
@meanbeagles306 5 лет назад
I’ve been a Christian my whole life I just turned 17 and I’ve realized that not just Christianity but all religions are just what powerful people used to control and contain the majority of people and I don’t know about the afterlife and I don’t want Christianity not to be true I really really want it to be but it’s just not and I’ve prayed and prayed since I was 15 for god to just show me a sign any sign to show he’s their and nothings happened if anyone has any actual factual truth to gods existence please tell me
@oambitiousone7100 4 года назад
I left religion at 18-19 years old and have lived 20+ years without religion. Early last year, I watched Jordan Peterson's lectures on "Genesis" (RU-vid). His intellectual portrayal of God as the top of the hierarchy and ultimate standard of our Rights and of what is right -- without the stale, familiar context of religious wording to which I had grown deaf -- shoved me out of my assumptions. It's not an easy series to watch; he builds upon his points gradually. You may not be able to make sense of it in one viewing, and it may not be the catalyst YOU need, but consider it,...and please keep asking...
@johnatienza4029 6 лет назад
i think you need to know when church suppose to rejoice and mourn...
@mayap3292 6 лет назад
I like the meaning but I feel church shouldn’t be something people dread going to because they get so bored they want to stop I think that church is exciting and that it is a place of celebration for the love of Jesus and God
@gregorythepoodle2508 Год назад
If church isn't supposed to be fun, then why the he'll would anyone want to go there? I hate it when I'm forced to go there.
@thespiritualmonk4139 6 лет назад
Its impossible not to have fun at a church that is operating under the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Healing, Deliverance, prophecy..... its automatic joy and fun. This is church and if its not at your church you should be asking questions.
@jerrywayne7466 Год назад
I agree and disagree with your comments. Should church be fun well it all depends on what kinda fun it is. I'm not religious nor do I go to a religious church or denomination. I am a born again and therefore I go to a christian church. I agree that church should not be fun as far as entertainment goes and trust me I've experienced my share of entertainment. On the other hand church should not be boring either. I grew up in a religious/traditional church (by no means do I say this to argue nor to trash any church) I have a very hyper personality and I get bored very easily, what I mean by saying a traditional church is that it's routine. There is a certain order of service, it has to be want your long with a twenty minute message. Churches should be upbeat but it not boring
@PjotrII 5 лет назад
Having fun doesn´t take away any of the serious things. Should the church be dull? It is enough so by it´s conservative burden already. The fun doesn´t mean fun ALL THE TIME, fun means you CAN have fun in the church too. As an example, in my culture, we are "silent", walk slowly etc when someone has died and it is a funeral... other Christians in Africa, can celebrate the death... their view is that finally the person has gone to God in heaven, and it´s worth celebrating. We can look differently at things. From conservative circles or traditional churches, going to a more modern church can be FUN as the songs and sermon may be more colorful.
@kaotic_egg Год назад
I thought church was fun because I went to a church and someone got healed there
@mr.miracle4933 6 лет назад
Shout out to fun church
@TellYourFriends 6 лет назад
@Alexiscom1 6 лет назад
On my opinion, Church is fun , bit not the same kind of fun, it is much more fun then the conventional fun.
@crowbirdryuell 3 года назад
That why i attend Novus Ordo not Novus Ordont
@TheColaGoodfellow 6 лет назад
Maybe, but at the same time it's not supposed to be boring or out of date either.
@Chaos3000and3 6 лет назад
I think the point is being missed if we view liturgy merely on a "fun or boring" scale. I think Brian does a good job of addressing this towards the end of his video. He states that he doesn't think the Church has to be boring, but he does think that we should all try our best when we participate in the liturgy, either as a minister or as part of the congregation. Ideally, when this happens, the liturgy is not boring. Alternatively, boredom is a feeling, and feelings always manifest themselves within a person. I would argue that if someone feels bored at mass, that person should not look to the liturgy to be more entertaining, but rather look within him or herself and ask why they feel bored. Is there a proper interior disposition to the liturgy? Has there been proper preparation for attending this liturgy? Are there unnecessary distractions that are preventing full engagement in the liturgy? All of these things are internal in nature, and can make the liturgy feel boring to someone. So when you say, "it's not supposed to be boring," you're not wrong, but I think you're missing the point.
@BrianHoldsworth 6 лет назад
Quote: "it's not supposed to be boring: Reply: 3:45 Quote: "or out of date either." Reply: "O Beauty ever ancient, ever new." - St. Augustine
@dane3365 6 лет назад
Make your election sure!
@lindsaymae 6 лет назад
I think if you want some "fun" around your faith you could totally join a Bible study group or a social club with other Catholics. I'm joining a youth social club in my Parrish and it's actually fun, we pray and listen to Christian music and talk about our experiences as young members of the Church. We read the Bible and learn from it and share experiences about carrying our faith on our daily lives. But that's just a part of how I live my faith, it isn't our worship, we still attend mass and understand it should be solemn because it's a time of communication with God where we recognise His sacrifice for us and also we give ourselves to Him and we take it seriously. Both parts aren't mutually exclusive of each other, they're both part of the way I live my faith daily, but they shouldn't mix. I don't want mass to be around a bonfire while we eat sandwiches and play guitar, that's not the reverence mass should have. Love~
@jennifersambrosia 6 лет назад
I absolutely revere you and your ministry, but I have to disagree. The Latin mass *is* fun after one learns how to follow along. It takes at least 3 visits before getting the hang if it. I do it because, why be Ordinary when I can be part of the Extraordinary?
@lindsaymae 6 лет назад
Jennifer Wilson I think there's a difference between finding enjoyment and fulfilment in living your faith and expecting mass to be "fun" so you can go through it. I agree in what he says, you can join Bible study groups and clubs that have faith and prayer as a centre piece and fulfill your faith with joy, but your faith shouldn't just be that. Mass is a time of reflection and conversation with God and it should be solemn, because we're offering a sacrifice to him and giving ourselves to Him and you can find joy in it but it doesn't have to be fun or entertaining. Love~
@cabellero1120 6 лет назад
LindsayNeliel I agree, totally
@donellbailey64 3 года назад
I’m gonna fall asleep in church man
@citizensnid3490 5 лет назад
My church services resemble psychology seminars not what I expected of Christian worship
@barbarasmith5011 2 года назад
The main reason for church is to worship God!
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