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John Barnett Online Teaching
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At the end of days, Satan empowers one man to win the world.
He offers to satisfy all of mankind’s desires for peace & safety.
He becomes Satan’s substitute for Jesus Christ, in the person of the antichrist.
Today we are looking at how God describes the launch of this event.
But why are we doing so? Because:
Revelation Shows Us: God is in Charge
Before we dive into God directing the ending, of human history, as we know it, you may be asking whether or not a study of eschatology has any real, personal applicability.
Revelation lessons are great, you may think, but I just lost my job, or my kids are getting bullied at school, or my parents just got so ill we have to care for them, or my daughter is dating a fellow that isn’t even saved and she seems to be turning away from us and the Lord; or any of thousands more personal struggles we collectively face.
As you listen today you will note that God knows everything in advance.
That means not just the seals of chapter 6, but also the job you lost this week, the health of your baby about to be born, and the outcome of next week’s surgery or job interview.
A study of Revelation confirms the Doctrine of God:
Nothing misses His sight. He knows ALL of history in advance.
God is not passive. Almighty God is at work guiding every event, every disaster, every gain or loss, and does so perfectly.
A study of Revelation also reminds us of the Doctrine of Redemption:
God redeemed us with Christ's blood. God just wants our undivided devotion. Almighty God wants us to listen to Him, follow Him, and love Him so much that we trust Him.
Join the LAND OF THE BOOK channel to get access to weekly video releases over the next year totaling 50+ EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS that feature weekly in-depth Bible Study lessons with John & Bonnie. Clips are taken at just one of the places where we are taking our virtual journey through all the Lands of the Bible & Great Museums of the Bible on the Paul's Life & Letters Course. Plus all the assigned HOLY LAND, Paul's Life & Letters Course STUDY RESOURCES, and John's two most loved books--David's Spiritual Secret & Living Hope for the End of Days at:
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5 сен 2024




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@YallMFsNeedJesus 7 месяцев назад
Those who believe have nothing to fear. Pray for those who don’t.
@goshu7009 7 месяцев назад
Just believing is not enough. It was enough 2000 years ago. Wisdom is no longer a luxery, but a nesecity, a need to survive.
@changstein 7 месяцев назад
Only God can give faith - so it's not really up to the individual, it's decided by God. Luckily, God will save everyone at the end of the eons ( 1 cor. 15:22)
@Styles1991 7 месяцев назад
Yeah you wanna make sure you don’t leave out any unrepentant sins. Always apologize for everything
@timothy4557 6 месяцев назад
​@austinwillis6776 Amen ! Thank you Austin.
@timothy4557 6 месяцев назад
​@@Styles1991Kind of like checking the boxes and crossing the fingers.
@annairwin8147 6 месяцев назад
At 75 I SO THANK God for letting me have the BEST Christian parents on this Earth 🙏🙏.
@dawnwoolven5794 7 месяцев назад
Whoever sees this,please pray for my son mike,he is in really bad pain..😢please ask yours brothers and sisters to pray for him too..🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️
@TT67X 7 месяцев назад
@user-gy4qt6ic9t 7 месяцев назад
Praying for Mike
@sabinefanger827 7 месяцев назад
Thank you Abba❤😢❤
@EvangelioEterno123 7 месяцев назад
What's his last name?
@rogerbrown8866 7 месяцев назад
God knows his last name. @@EvangelioEterno123
@user-nr3oh3fu8j 7 месяцев назад
I, Gary Hall surrender my soul, life and salvation to our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit forever and ever amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌🙌🔥🔥🔥🔥👑👑👑👑😇😇😇😇
@humbledaughter777 7 месяцев назад
Welcome, brother. Now, you best get into that Word. 😉
@Disgruntled_Old_Man 6 месяцев назад
Just remember you openly said this next decade. Will you continue to belong to God openly when the luciferins make you decide if you want access to heaven or access to modern amenities. I promise you next decade we will be persecuted.
@deniselucasblanchek6357 6 месяцев назад
Welcome, Brother in Christ ! God Bless You & Yours ! 💜🙏🏻🔥✝️🔥🙏🏻💜
@rw8009 6 месяцев назад
Sin no more, love God's laws, obey those. Don't be deceived, Sunday is not the 7th day of the week.
@davidwoods6015 6 месяцев назад
@@rw8009This very thing is very problematic!!! Insisting on Saturday worship to keep the Old Covenant going in spite of the fact that Jesus destroyed the Mosaic Covenant in 70 a d in the " wrath of the Lamb" from Rev.6:16 in 70 a.d.!!!!!!
@KRUS3 6 месяцев назад
I've already heard the fake Jesus' voice. Without the discerning of Spirits people will have a very hard time. He's very cunning. I'd liken him to the leviathan. He lures you in with empowering words and tries to tell you he'll be your humble servant. At first it seemed the antichrist spirit didn't lead me into temptation, but I realized this voice was encouraging me to embark on a pursuit of power and glory. Truly a wolf in sheep's clothing. - Daniel
@brianschmidt704 7 месяцев назад
We are truly blessed to have such a faithful teacher of the Word of God as Pastor John. His teaching is such an encouragement and His insights are a product of a lifetime of digging into the Word, not just reading what others have said.
@robertjstrand 7 месяцев назад
Gods got it all in control. Amen!
@WeAreAwakeTV 2 месяца назад
If that's the case. He is a crappy God. I think the God of earth is not the creator of all. Pretty obvious. If it is its not God I want to worship. Disintegrate my soul I want out of this.
@robertjstrand 2 месяца назад
@@WeAreAwakeTV I certainly do not care about what you think! Enjoy!
@chuckw8391 7 месяцев назад
Thank you Dr.Barnett, I get so much from your teachings. Bless you and your family🙏🏼❤️
@garystanfield2274 6 месяцев назад
That's because you are brain washed in the lies of Christianity.
@benhudman7911 7 месяцев назад
Every generation has had the man ready. That’s a valid argument.
@eppiegallegos102 7 месяцев назад
Pretty soon my brother's and sister's we the body of Christ shall be hated by All Nations, but he that endureth till the end shall be saved. Matt 10:22. Tribulation a coming and we must be the light 🕯️ of the world 🌍 and the salt of the earth we are a living Testimony. Don't be afraid of what to come if Christ for us who can be against us. God going to use the vessels of dishonor to take us to our cross He'll even use the Harlot and her daughters denomination's, just as they did to our Lord and Master Christ Jesus. We must follow the Narrow Road, follow the example of Christ Jesus, He said forgive them for they know what they do. Soon satan and his demons shall be cast down to the earth 🌍 and he shall make war with the saints we the body of Christ are called saints, saints means sanctified one's set apart. Rom 1:7 ; 1Cor 1:1 ; 2Cor 1:1 ; Col 1: 2 ; Eph 1: 1; So run the race that is set before you that no man takes away your crown 👑.
@eppiegallegos102 7 месяцев назад
@@user-gw7um2te4c 2THESS 2:1. Now we beseech you, brethren , by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ ( before Jesus Christ comes in the clouds of glory, His coming in His saints it's called the epiphanie a corporate body of the man - child ministry, the 2 witnesses to minister to the church in the tribulation Rev 12:5,6; 2Thess 1:10, Hos 6:1-3; psalm 149:5-9; Isa 60:1,2; Acts 2:16-21; Rev 10:9-11; to preach the everlasting gospel to all creation ), and by our gathering together unto Him ( we gather unto Jesus Christ not religion nor denominations or man ) 2. That ye be not soon shaken in mind ( that's your soul area ), or be troubled, neither by spirit (wrong revelation, doctrines of demons , religious spirits , anti-christ spirit 1Jn 4:1-6; 2Jn verse 7; 2Pet 2:1-3; 1Tim 4:1 ), nor by word ( what's being preached, or taught, Lk 8:15. Jesus told His disciples to be careful with the leaven of the pharisees those are the preacher's of today, and to be careful with the leaven of herod that's your government ), nor by letter ( books, magazine's ,tracks ), as from us, as that the day of the Lord is at hand. 3. Let no man ( preacher, pastor, teacher, false prophet ) deceive ( beguile, trick you, tickle your ear ) by any means: for that day shall not come ( the coming of the Lord ), Except there come a falling away first ( Apostasy defecting from the truth, a great rebellion. 1Tim4:1; 2Tim3:1-5; 2Pet 2:3; Jude 18; Jn 6:66=666) , and the man of sin ( inside of each of us is the man of sin it's called the old man ) be revealed the son of perdition ( Judas iscariot was called the son of perdition by Jesus in Jn 17:12; Jn 13:26,27 SOP means son of perdition or destruction ). 4.Who opposeth and exalteth himself ( we must not exalt Self, the old man, the carnal man, the earthly man, the devilish man, the beastly nature of man, psalms 73:22 King David said , So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. We must deny Self, Matt 10:38,39; and die to Self the old man has to be crucified, the book of Roman's is the 6th book in the NT, chapter 6, and verse 6=666, the old man has to be crucified, so the born again, spiritual man, born from above. Christ in you the hope of glory rules your temple) above all that is called God, or is worshipped ( man likes to be worshipped, Self likes to be worshipped, false prophets, pastors, teachers, false apostles, Christian artists, even people in the secular world etc. Just like Lucifer Isa 14:13,14; Ezek 28:1-9; 2Tim 3:1-5; 2Cor 11-1-15 ); so he as God sitteth( look where he sitteth )in the temple of God ( we are the temple of God, God does not dwell in temples made with human hands, our spiritual man is the Holy of holies, the soul is the Holy place, the body is the outer court, Acts 17:24,25; 1Cor 3:16,17; ), shewing himself ( there's that word Self ) that he is God.5. Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things ( the apostle Paul always warned the church of Christ Jesus ) ? 6. And now ye know what withholdeth ( restraineth means to hold back ) that he ( the son of perdition ) might be revealed in his time ( let's go back to verse 3 and will see when the son of perdition will be revealed at the falling away first ).7. For the mystery of iniquity ( lawlessness ) doth already work ( it was already working in Paul's day ): only he ( the Holy Ghost ) who now letteth will let, until he ( the son of perdition ) be taken out of the way, or come out of the midst ( it's a corporate body of son of perdition in the temple of Christ spiritualy speaking, just as Judas iscariot was, the disciples didn't have a clue it was Judas iscariot until he betrayed Jesus Christ with a kiss, when he dip the Sop into the dish satan entered him, and history is going to repeat itself again, the sons of perdition are going to betray the brothers to death. Matt 24:9,10 ) 8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed ( in the NT, they are corporate bodies, Jesus has His body and that's the true church in means called out one's out of religious babylonian churches . Satan also has a body and it's all the children of disobedience among the people of God, the tares, and the goat's, they have a anti christ spirit ). Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.9. Even him ( it's a corporate body of false prophets, Jesus said many false prophets not prophet but many would come in His name. Many serve a different Jesus and a different gospel and a different spirit ) whose coming is after the working of Satan ( that's his body the sons of perdition 2Cor 11:4,13-15; Gal 1:6-9 )with all power and signs (all kinds of deceptions, and counterfeit,) and lying wonders.( Jesus saidm if it were possible the elect could be deceived )10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness( 1Jn 2:15-29; James 4:4 )in them ( the apostate people of God )that perish; because they received not the love of the Truth, ( the real true Gospel , they were spiritually blind to truth Isa 66:4), that they might be saved.11. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, ( listen now ) that they should believe a lie ( such as a pre- rapture ) : That they all might damned who believe not the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord said He would send the comforter the Holy Ghost and He would be with us and in us, and lead us into all truth. If you have the love of the truth you will not be deceived by the false prophets, and many doctrines of religion and denominations out there. CHRIST IS NOT DIVIDED INTO RELIGION OR DENOMINATIONS. Those are babylonian churches. The Mother Harlot has many daughters, and she and her daughters persecuted Jesus and the apostles and handed them over to be Roman beast of that time. Rev 17:56; Rev 18:24, Matt 23; and history repeats itself again, it's going to happen to the church the body of Christ in the tribulation, if the church believes it or not. You ain't going to fly away, or be raptured up unless you die before the tribulation. The church of Christ Jesus will prevail and come out victoriously and give her life for the Master and Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Rev 6:9-11; Rev 13:7; Rev 12:11; and Rev 15:2; Rev 20:4,6
@ChristopherMartin-qf9xs 7 месяцев назад
Blame it on the false teachers such as mega church pastor politicians who resembles the same tyle of the devil
@ReformedNotRestless63 7 месяцев назад
Look into the origins of what he is teaching. Search John Nelson Darby and Cyrus Ingerson Scofield (Scofield Reference Bible). They are the two men that basically invented this false doctrine he's teaching back in the 19th & early 20th centuries.
@ReformedNotRestless63 7 месяцев назад
@@user-gw7um2te4c Are you sure you meant to reply to me? I didn't mention anything about Satan or antichrist. Btw, there is no one singular antichrist figure like some super villain in the future. The definition of antichrist is found in 1 John 2:18, 22-23, 4:3 & 2 John vs. 7. It just means those who deny that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God who came in the flesh. All the cuts, the Jews, Muslims, and just non-Christians who deny this are antichrists.
@mwmann 7 месяцев назад
This brother pastor has been a blessing to me ever since I found this channel on youtube. God bless this man and his flock of my fellow Christians who worship with him. He truly delivers the Word of God our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Hallelujah and Amen.
@tommiepattonkendrickiii1617 7 месяцев назад
You and me BOTH my brother... I was a New Age guy for MOST of my life. I watched 'Ancient Aliens' like it was my religion. It WAS my religion. Then, I FINALLY came to repentance. It was January of 2020. Since then, the Holy Spirit has led me to Robert Breaker, Barry Scarborough, The Watchman, Watchman On The Wall '88, Watchwoman65, Generation2434, and DTBM (John Barnett). Since THAT Day in my life, I CRAVE The Word. It's as I I can't get enough! I know NOW what it means to have a RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ, with God The Father... I was led HERE by the Holy Spirit, and I've learned SO SO SO SO much! Barnett and Breaker are the two I go to MOST for my studies and such... much MUCH love from Western Massachusetts! May The Lord bless you and keep you! ❤ ✝️
@eppiegallegos102 7 месяцев назад
​@@tommiepattonkendrickiii1617Pretty soon my brother's and sister's we the body of Christ shall be hated by All Nations, but he that endureth till the end shall be saved. Matt 10:22. Tribulation a coming and we must be the light 🕯️ of the world 🌍 and the salt of the earth we are a living Testimony. Don't be afraid of what to come if Christ for us who can be against us. God going to use the vessels of dishonor to take us to our cross He'll even use the Harlot and her daughters denomination's, just as they did to our Lord and Master Christ Jesus. We must follow the Narrow Road, follow the example of Christ Jesus, He said forgive them for they know what they do. Soon satan and his demons shall be cast down to the earth 🌍 and he shall make war with the saints we the body of Christ are called saints, saints means sanctified one's set apart. Rom 1:7 ; 1Cor 1:1 ; 2Cor 1:1 ; Col 1: 2 ; Eph 1: 1; So run the race that is set before you that no man takes away your crown 👑.
@eppiegallegos102 7 месяцев назад
@@tommiepattonkendrickiii1617 Pretty soon my brother's and sister's we the body of Christ shall be hated by All Nations, but he that endureth till the end shall be saved. Matt 10:22. Tribulation a coming and we must be the light 🕯️ of the world 🌍 and the salt of the earth we are a living Testimony. Don't be afraid of what to come if Christ for us who can be against us. God going to use the vessels of dishonor to take us to our cross He'll even use the Harlot and her daughters denomination's, just as they did to our Lord and Master Christ Jesus. We must follow the Narrow Road, follow the example of Christ Jesus, He said forgive them for they know what they do. Soon satan and his demons shall be cast down to the earth 🌍 and he shall make war with the saints we the body of Christ are called saints, saints means sanctified one's set apart. Rom 1:7 ; 1Cor 1:1 ; 2Cor 1:1 ; Col 1: 2 ; Eph 1: 1; So run the race that is set before you that no man takes away your crown 👑.
@eppiegallegos102 7 месяцев назад
@@tommiepattonkendrickiii1617 anti christ is already here his in the American churches preaching a different jesus and a different gospel and a different spirit. Making merchandise of the Word of God. But the sheep 🐑 are too blind to see
@truth7800 7 месяцев назад
totally agree
@harpazohockey2812 7 месяцев назад
Preacher, you are truly a wonderful blessing! Thank you for your ministry, it has helped have a deeper understanding of God's Word! Prayers and blessings from Canada!♥️🇨🇦✝️
@HISdudeNE55 7 месяцев назад
He’s an amazing teacher. I found him recently and can’t quit watching his lectures and sermons. He’s anointed by God to teach us in these days I’m sure of it. God bless from America!
@beverlyann9929 7 месяцев назад
I’m Newfoundland canada and I’ve been watching for a few yrs. Love you Jesus
@harpazohockey2812 7 месяцев назад
​@@HISdudeNE55Blessings to you!
@harpazohockey2812 7 месяцев назад
​@@beverlyann9929Charles Lawson is also a great preacher. Blessings to!
@benhudman7911 7 месяцев назад
Excellent message. Thank you for the work.
@pipersnowton2161 6 месяцев назад
Jesus Christ is in Control ❤
@WeAreAwakeTV 2 месяца назад
He isn't doing a good job.
@LuciferNingishzida 6 месяцев назад
Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Let thy will be done, not mine. 🙏 ❤
@weinatalie6132 7 месяцев назад
You're an excellent bible prophecy teacher
@eppiegallegos102 7 месяцев назад
2THESS 2:1. Now we beseech you, brethren , by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ ( before Jesus Christ comes in the clouds of glory, His coming in His saints it's called the epiphanie a corporate body of the man - child ministry, the 2 witnesses to minister to the church in the tribulation Rev 12:5,6; 2Thess 1:10, Hos 6:1-3; psalm 149:5-9; Isa 60:1,2; Acts 2:16-21; Rev 10:9-11; to preach the everlasting gospel to all creation ), and by our gathering together unto Him ( we gather unto Jesus Christ not religion nor denominations or man ) 2. That ye be not soon shaken in mind ( that's your soul area ), or be troubled, neither by spirit (wrong revelation, doctrines of demons , religious spirits , anti-christ spirit 1Jn 4:1-6; 2Jn verse 7; 2Pet 2:1-3; 1Tim 4:1 ), nor by word ( what's being preached, or taught, Lk 8:15. Jesus told His disciples to be careful with the leaven of the pharisees those are the preacher's of today, and to be careful with the leaven of herod that's your government ), nor by letter ( books, magazine's ,tracks ), as from us, as that the day of the Lord is at hand. 3. Let no man ( preacher, pastor, teacher, false prophet ) deceive ( beguile, trick you, tickle your ear ) by any means: for that day shall not come ( the coming of the Lord ), Except there come a falling away first ( Apostasy defecting from the truth, a great rebellion. 1Tim4:1; 2Tim3:1-5; 2Pet 2:3; Jude 18; Jn 6:66=666) , and the man of sin ( inside of each of us is the man of sin it's called the old man ) be revealed the son of perdition ( Judas iscariot was called the son of perdition by Jesus in Jn 17:12; Jn 13:26,27 SOP means son of perdition or destruction ). 4.Who opposeth and exalteth himself ( we must not exalt Self, the old man, the carnal man, the earthly man, the devilish man, the beastly nature of man, psalms 73:22 King David said , So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. We must deny Self, Matt 10:38,39; and die to Self the old man has to be crucified, the book of Roman's is the 6th book in the NT, chapter 6, and verse 6=666, the old man has to be crucified, so the born again, spiritual man, born from above. Christ in you the hope of glory rules your temple) above all that is called God, or is worshipped ( man likes to be worshipped, Self likes to be worshipped, false prophets, pastors, teachers, false apostles, Christian artists, even people in the secular world etc. Just like Lucifer Isa 14:13,14; Ezek 28:1-9; 2Tim 3:1-5; 2Cor 11-1-15 ); so he as God sitteth( look where he sitteth )in the temple of God ( we are the temple of God, God does not dwell in temples made with human hands, our spiritual man is the Holy of holies, the soul is the Holy place, the body is the outer court, Acts 17:24,25; 1Cor 3:16,17; ), shewing himself ( there's that word Self ) that he is God.5. Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things ( the apostle Paul always warned the church of Christ Jesus ) ? 6. And now ye know what withholdeth ( restraineth means to hold back ) that he ( the son of perdition ) might be revealed in his time ( let's go back to verse 3 and will see when the son of perdition will be revealed at the falling away first ).7. For the mystery of iniquity ( lawlessness ) doth already work ( it was already working in Paul's day ): only he ( the Holy Ghost ) who now letteth will let, until he ( the son of perdition ) be taken out of the way, or come out of the midst ( it's a corporate body of son of perdition in the temple of Christ spiritualy speaking, just as Judas iscariot was, the disciples didn't have a clue it was Judas iscariot until he betrayed Jesus Christ with a kiss, when he dip the Sop into the dish satan entered him, and history is going to repeat itself again, the sons of perdition are going to betray the brothers to death. Matt 24:9,10 ) 8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed ( in the NT, they are corporate bodies, Jesus has His body and that's the true church in means called out one's out of religious babylonian churches . Satan also has a body and it's all the children of disobedience among the people of God, the tares, and the goat's, they have a anti christ spirit ). Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.9. Even him ( it's a corporate body of false prophets, Jesus said many false prophets not prophet but many would come in His name. Many serve a different Jesus and a different gospel and a different spirit ) whose coming is after the working of Satan ( that's his body the sons of perdition 2Cor 11:4,13-15; Gal 1:6-9 )with all power and signs (all kinds of deceptions, and counterfeit,) and lying wonders.( Jesus saidm if it were possible the elect could be deceived )10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness( 1Jn 2:15-29; James 4:4 )in them ( the apostate people of God )that perish; because they received not the love of the Truth, ( the real true Gospel , they were spiritually blind to truth Isa 66:4), that they might be saved.11. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, ( listen now ) that they should believe a lie ( such as a pre- rapture ) : That they all might damned who believe not the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord said He would send the comforter the Holy Ghost and He would be with us and in us, and lead us into all truth. If you have the love of the truth you will not be deceived by the false prophets, and many doctrines of religion and denominations out there. CHRIST IS NOT DIVIDED INTO RELIGION OR DENOMINATIONS. Those are babylonian churches. The Mother Harlot has many daughters, and she and her daughters persecuted Jesus and the apostles and handed them over to be Roman beast of that time. Rev 17:56; Rev 18:24, Matt 23; and history repeats itself again, it's going to happen to the church the body of Christ in the tribulation, if the church believes it or not. You ain't going to fly away, or be raptured up unless you die before the tribulation. The church of Christ Jesus will prevail and come out victoriously and give her life for the Master and Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Rev 6:9-11; Rev 13:7; Rev 12:11; and Rev 15:2; Rev 20:4,6
@eppiegallegos102 7 месяцев назад
2THESS 2:1. Now we beseech you, brethren , by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ ( before Jesus Christ comes in the clouds of glory, His coming in His saints it's called the epiphanie a corporate body of the man - child ministry, the 2 witnesses to minister to the church in the tribulation Rev 12:5,6; 2Thess 1:10, Hos 6:1-3; psalm 149:5-9; Isa 60:1,2; Acts 2:16-21; Rev 10:9-11; to preach the everlasting gospel to all creation ), and by our gathering together unto Him ( we gather unto Jesus Christ not religion nor denominations or man ) 2. That ye be not soon shaken in mind ( that's your soul area ), or be troubled, neither by spirit (wrong revelation, doctrines of demons , religious spirits , anti-christ spirit 1Jn 4:1-6; 2Jn verse 7; 2Pet 2:1-3; 1Tim 4:1 ), nor by word ( what's being preached, or taught, Lk 8:15. Jesus told His disciples to be careful with the leaven of the pharisees those are the preacher's of today, and to be careful with the leaven of herod that's your government ), nor by letter ( books, magazine's ,tracks ), as from us, as that the day of the Lord is at hand. 3. Let no man ( preacher, pastor, teacher, false prophet ) deceive ( beguile, trick you, tickle your ear ) by any means: for that day shall not come ( the coming of the Lord ), Except there come a falling away first ( Apostasy defecting from the truth, a great rebellion. 1Tim4:1; 2Tim3:1-5; 2Pet 2:3; Jude 18; Jn 6:66=666) , and the man of sin ( inside of each of us is the man of sin it's called the old man ) be revealed the son of perdition ( Judas iscariot was called the son of perdition by Jesus in Jn 17:12; Jn 13:26,27 SOP means son of perdition or destruction ). 4.Who opposeth and exalteth himself ( we must not exalt Self, the old man, the carnal man, the earthly man, the devilish man, the beastly nature of man, psalms 73:22 King David said , So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. We must deny Self, Matt 10:38,39; and die to Self the old man has to be crucified, the book of Roman's is the 6th book in the NT, chapter 6, and verse 6=666, the old man has to be crucified, so the born again, spiritual man, born from above. Christ in you the hope of glory rules your temple) above all that is called God, or is worshipped ( man likes to be worshipped, Self likes to be worshipped, false prophets, pastors, teachers, false apostles, Christian artists, even people in the secular world etc. Just like Lucifer Isa 14:13,14; Ezek 28:1-9; 2Tim 3:1-5; 2Cor 11-1-15 ); so he as God sitteth( look where he sitteth )in the temple of God ( we are the temple of God, God does not dwell in temples made with human hands, our spiritual man is the Holy of holies, the soul is the Holy place, the body is the outer court, Acts 17:24,25; 1Cor 3:16,17; ), shewing himself ( there's that word Self ) that he is God.5. Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things ( the apostle Paul always warned the church of Christ Jesus ) ? 6. And now ye know what withholdeth ( restraineth means to hold back ) that he ( the son of perdition ) might be revealed in his time ( let's go back to verse 3 and will see when the son of perdition will be revealed at the falling away first ).7. For the mystery of iniquity ( lawlessness ) doth already work ( it was already working in Paul's day ): only he ( the Holy Ghost ) who now letteth will let, until he ( the son of perdition ) be taken out of the way, or come out of the midst ( it's a corporate body of son of perdition in the temple of Christ spiritualy speaking, just as Judas iscariot was, the disciples didn't have a clue it was Judas iscariot until he betrayed Jesus Christ with a kiss, when he dip the Sop into the dish satan entered him, and history is going to repeat itself again, the sons of perdition are going to betray the brothers to death. Matt 24:9,10 ) 8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed ( in the NT, they are corporate bodies, Jesus has His body and that's the true church in means called out one's out of religious babylonian churches . Satan also has a body and it's all the children of disobedience among the people of God, the tares, and the goat's, they have a anti christ spirit ). Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.9. Even him ( it's a corporate body of false prophets, Jesus said many false prophets not prophet but many would come in His name. Many serve a different Jesus and a different gospel and a different spirit ) whose coming is after the working of Satan ( that's his body the sons of perdition 2Cor 11:4,13-15; Gal 1:6-9 )with all power and signs (all kinds of deceptions, and counterfeit,) and lying wonders.( Jesus saidm if it were possible the elect could be deceived )10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness( 1Jn 2:15-29; James 4:4 )in them ( the apostate people of God )that perish; because they received not the love of the Truth, ( the real true Gospel , they were spiritually blind to truth Isa 66:4), that they might be saved.11. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, ( listen now ) that they should believe a lie ( such as a pre- rapture ) : That they all might damned who believe not the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord said He would send the comforter the Holy Ghost and He would be with us and in us, and lead us into all truth. If you have the love of the truth you will not be deceived by the false prophets, and many doctrines of religion and denominations out there. CHRIST IS NOT DIVIDED INTO RELIGION OR DENOMINATIONS. Those are babylonian churches. The Mother Harlot has many daughters, and she and her daughters persecuted Jesus and the apostles and handed them over to be Roman beast of that time. Rev 17:56; Rev 18:24, Matt 23; and history repeats itself again, it's going to happen to the church the body of Christ in the tribulation, if the church believes it or not. You ain't going to fly away, or be raptured up unless you die before the tribulation. The church of Christ Jesus will prevail and come out victoriously and give her life for the Master and Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Rev 6:9-11; Rev 13:7; Rev 12:11; and Rev 15:2; Rev 20:4,6
@froggy7570 7 месяцев назад
Lord, God Almighty! You are so good, so awesome! I fall so short and fail all the time. Lord Jesus, I pray and repent. I pray to hear Your glorious voice and ask for Your wisdom, strength and courage. You promised to never leave us nor forsake those whom believe in Your holy name and have faith. Lord... I don't know what I am supposed to do or how to do it! I am so unworthy. Praise Jesus!
@gercekyldzueberwinder5984 7 месяцев назад
Amen ❤❤❤
@tillyjohnson958 7 месяцев назад
A en ❤️🙏🏼
@420Yako 7 месяцев назад
@danielstanford9041 7 месяцев назад
Thank u FATHER GOD AND THE SON OF GOD AND GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!! Love y’all brothers and sisters
@eppiegallegos102 7 месяцев назад
2THESS 2:1. Now we beseech you, brethren , by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ ( before Jesus Christ comes in the clouds of glory, His coming in His saints it's called the epiphanie a corporate body of the man - child ministry, the 2 witnesses to minister to the church in the tribulation Rev 12:5,6; 2Thess 1:10, Hos 6:1-3; psalm 149:5-9; Isa 60:1,2; Acts 2:16-21; Rev 10:9-11; to preach the everlasting gospel to all creation ), and by our gathering together unto Him ( we gather unto Jesus Christ not religion nor denominations or man ) 2. That ye be not soon shaken in mind ( that's your soul area ), or be troubled, neither by spirit (wrong revelation, doctrines of demons , religious spirits , anti-christ spirit 1Jn 4:1-6; 2Jn verse 7; 2Pet 2:1-3; 1Tim 4:1 ), nor by word ( what's being preached, or taught, Lk 8:15. Jesus told His disciples to be careful with the leaven of the pharisees those are the preacher's of today, and to be careful with the leaven of herod that's your government ), nor by letter ( books, magazine's ,tracks ), as from us, as that the day of the Lord is at hand. 3. Let no man ( preacher, pastor, teacher, false prophet ) deceive ( beguile, trick you, tickle your ear ) by any means: for that day shall not come ( the coming of the Lord ), Except there come a falling away first ( Apostasy defecting from the truth, a great rebellion. 1Tim4:1; 2Tim3:1-5; 2Pet 2:3; Jude 18; Jn 6:66=666) , and the man of sin ( inside of each of us is the man of sin it's called the old man ) be revealed the son of perdition ( Judas iscariot was called the son of perdition by Jesus in Jn 17:12; Jn 13:26,27 SOP means son of perdition or destruction ). 4.Who opposeth and exalteth himself ( we must not exalt Self, the old man, the carnal man, the earthly man, the devilish man, the beastly nature of man, psalms 73:22 King David said , So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. We must deny Self, Matt 10:38,39; and die to Self the old man has to be crucified, the book of Roman's is the 6th book in the NT, chapter 6, and verse 6=666, the old man has to be crucified, so the born again, spiritual man, born from above. Christ in you the hope of glory rules your temple) above all that is called God, or is worshipped ( man likes to be worshipped, Self likes to be worshipped, false prophets, pastors, teachers, false apostles, Christian artists, even people in the secular world etc. Just like Lucifer Isa 14:13,14; Ezek 28:1-9; 2Tim 3:1-5; 2Cor 11-1-15 ); so he as God sitteth( look where he sitteth )in the temple of God ( we are the temple of God, God does not dwell in temples made with human hands, our spiritual man is the Holy of holies, the soul is the Holy place, the body is the outer court, Acts 17:24,25; 1Cor 3:16,17; ), shewing himself ( there's that word Self ) that he is God.5. Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things ( the apostle Paul always warned the church of Christ Jesus ) ? 6. And now ye know what withholdeth ( restraineth means to hold back ) that he ( the son of perdition ) might be revealed in his time ( let's go back to verse 3 and will see when the son of perdition will be revealed at the falling away first ).7. For the mystery of iniquity ( lawlessness ) doth already work ( it was already working in Paul's day ): only he ( the Holy Ghost ) who now letteth will let, until he ( the son of perdition ) be taken out of the way, or come out of the midst ( it's a corporate body of son of perdition in the temple of Christ spiritualy speaking, just as Judas iscariot was, the disciples didn't have a clue it was Judas iscariot until he betrayed Jesus Christ with a kiss, when he dip the Sop into the dish satan entered him, and history is going to repeat itself again, the sons of perdition are going to betray the brothers to death. Matt 24:9,10 ) 8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed ( in the NT, they are corporate bodies, Jesus has His body and that's the true church in means called out one's out of religious babylonian churches . Satan also has a body and it's all the children of disobedience among the people of God, the tares, and the goat's, they have a anti christ spirit ). Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.9. Even him ( it's a corporate body of false prophets, Jesus said many false prophets not prophet but many would come in His name. Many serve a different Jesus and a different gospel and a different spirit ) whose coming is after the working of Satan ( that's his body the sons of perdition 2Cor 11:4,13-15; Gal 1:6-9 )with all power and signs (all kinds of deceptions, and counterfeit,) and lying wonders.( Jesus saidm if it were possible the elect could be deceived )10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness( 1Jn 2:15-29; James 4:4 )in them ( the apostate people of God )that perish; because they received not the love of the Truth, ( the real true Gospel , they were spiritually blind to truth Isa 66:4), that they might be saved.11. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, ( listen now ) that they should believe a lie ( such as a pre- rapture ) : That they all might damned who believe not the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord said He would send the comforter the Holy Ghost and He would be with us and in us, and lead us into all truth. If you have the love of the truth you will not be deceived by the false prophets, and many doctrines of religion and denominations out there. CHRIST IS NOT DIVIDED INTO RELIGION OR DENOMINATIONS. Those are babylonian churches. The Mother Harlot has many daughters, and she and her daughters persecuted Jesus and the apostles and handed them over to be Roman beast of that time. Rev 17:56; Rev 18:24, Matt 23; and history repeats itself again, it's going to happen to the church the body of Christ in the tribulation, if the church believes it or not. You ain't going to fly away, or be raptured up unless you die before the tribulation. The church of Christ Jesus will prevail and come out victoriously and give her life for the Master and Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Rev 6:9-11; Rev 13:7; Rev 12:11; and Rev 15:2; Rev 20:4,6
@chuckw8391 7 месяцев назад
@uyiosadanielmuhammaduyi8089 6 месяцев назад
@antheaphilander55 7 месяцев назад
Amen. God have mercy on all your people.Let us all repent and come to Jesus. Maranatha❤
@wesleyouma6064 7 месяцев назад
Friends of Jesus, let's watch, let's look forward for the soon appearance of our Great GOD & savior JESUS CHRIST -& not the Antichrist 😊😊. Grace abound,,,😊
@eppiegallegos102 7 месяцев назад
2THESS 2:1. Now we beseech you, brethren , by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ ( before Jesus Christ comes in the clouds of glory, His coming in His saints it's called the epiphanie a corporate body of the man - child ministry, the 2 witnesses to minister to the church in the tribulation Rev 12:5,6; 2Thess 1:10, Hos 6:1-3; psalm 149:5-9; Isa 60:1,2; Acts 2:16-21; Rev 10:9-11; to preach the everlasting gospel to all creation ), and by our gathering together unto Him ( we gather unto Jesus Christ not religion nor denominations or man ) 2. That ye be not soon shaken in mind ( that's your soul area ), or be troubled, neither by spirit (wrong revelation, doctrines of demons , religious spirits , anti-christ spirit 1Jn 4:1-6; 2Jn verse 7; 2Pet 2:1-3; 1Tim 4:1 ), nor by word ( what's being preached, or taught, Lk 8:15. Jesus told His disciples to be careful with the leaven of the pharisees those are the preacher's of today, and to be careful with the leaven of herod that's your government ), nor by letter ( books, magazine's ,tracks ), as from us, as that the day of the Lord is at hand. 3. Let no man ( preacher, pastor, teacher, false prophet ) deceive ( beguile, trick you, tickle your ear ) by any means: for that day shall not come ( the coming of the Lord ), Except there come a falling away first ( Apostasy defecting from the truth, a great rebellion. 1Tim4:1; 2Tim3:1-5; 2Pet 2:3; Jude 18; Jn 6:66=666) , and the man of sin ( inside of each of us is the man of sin it's called the old man ) be revealed the son of perdition ( Judas iscariot was called the son of perdition by Jesus in Jn 17:12; Jn 13:26,27 SOP means son of perdition or destruction ). 4.Who opposeth and exalteth himself ( we must not exalt Self, the old man, the carnal man, the earthly man, the devilish man, the beastly nature of man, psalms 73:22 King David said , So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. We must deny Self, Matt 10:38,39; and die to Self the old man has to be crucified, the book of Roman's is the 6th book in the NT, chapter 6, and verse 6=666, the old man has to be crucified, so the born again, spiritual man, born from above. Christ in you the hope of glory rules your temple) above all that is called God, or is worshipped ( man likes to be worshipped, Self likes to be worshipped, false prophets, pastors, teachers, false apostles, Christian artists, even people in the secular world etc. Just like Lucifer Isa 14:13,14; Ezek 28:1-9; 2Tim 3:1-5; 2Cor 11-1-15 ); so he as God sitteth( look where he sitteth )in the temple of God ( we are the temple of God, God does not dwell in temples made with human hands, our spiritual man is the Holy of holies, the soul is the Holy place, the body is the outer court, Acts 17:24,25; 1Cor 3:16,17; ), shewing himself ( there's that word Self ) that he is God.5. Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things ( the apostle Paul always warned the church of Christ Jesus ) ? 6. And now ye know what withholdeth ( restraineth means to hold back ) that he ( the son of perdition ) might be revealed in his time ( let's go back to verse 3 and will see when the son of perdition will be revealed at the falling away first ).7. For the mystery of iniquity ( lawlessness ) doth already work ( it was already working in Paul's day ): only he ( the Holy Ghost ) who now letteth will let, until he ( the son of perdition ) be taken out of the way, or come out of the midst ( it's a corporate body of son of perdition in the temple of Christ spiritualy speaking, just as Judas iscariot was, the disciples didn't have a clue it was Judas iscariot until he betrayed Jesus Christ with a kiss, when he dip the Sop into the dish satan entered him, and history is going to repeat itself again, the sons of perdition are going to betray the brothers to death. Matt 24:9,10 ) 8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed ( in the NT, they are corporate bodies, Jesus has His body and that's the true church in means called out one's out of religious babylonian churches . Satan also has a body and it's all the children of disobedience among the people of God, the tares, and the goat's, they have a anti christ spirit ). Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.9. Even him ( it's a corporate body of false prophets, Jesus said many false prophets not prophet but many would come in His name. Many serve a different Jesus and a different gospel and a different spirit ) whose coming is after the working of Satan ( that's his body the sons of perdition 2Cor 11:4,13-15; Gal 1:6-9 )with all power and signs (all kinds of deceptions, and counterfeit,) and lying wonders.( Jesus saidm if it were possible the elect could be deceived )10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness( 1Jn 2:15-29; James 4:4 )in them ( the apostate people of God )that perish; because they received not the love of the Truth, ( the real true Gospel , they were spiritually blind to truth Isa 66:4), that they might be saved.11. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, ( listen now ) that they should believe a lie ( such as a pre- rapture ) : That they all might damned who believe not the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord said He would send the comforter the Holy Ghost and He would be with us and in us, and lead us into all truth. If you have the love of the truth you will not be deceived by the false prophets, and many doctrines of religion and denominations out there. CHRIST IS NOT DIVIDED INTO RELIGION OR DENOMINATIONS. Those are babylonian churches. The Mother Harlot has many daughters, and she and her daughters persecuted Jesus and the apostles and handed them over to be Roman beast of that time. Rev 17:56; Rev 18:24, Matt 23; and history repeats itself again, it's going to happen to the church the body of Christ in the tribulation, if the church believes it or not. You ain't going to fly away, or be raptured up unless you die before the tribulation. The church of Christ Jesus will prevail and come out victoriously and give her life for the Master and Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Rev 6:9-11; Rev 13:7; Rev 12:11; and Rev 15:2; Rev 20:4,6
@darnellgriffin6005 7 месяцев назад
@gercekyldzueberwinder5984 7 месяцев назад
Yes but the Antichrist must revealed first,that's why we wonder who he will be....and we WILL KNOW BY TIME
@shauneden4229 7 месяцев назад
The biggest mismatch in history.
@eppiegallegos102 7 месяцев назад
@@shauneden4229 Yes the church Will go through the 7yrs of the Tribulation. God's bringing tribulation to the church, God's bringing in the beast system the New World 🌎 Order, God's bringing in the mark of the beast. To do a separation between His Sheep 🐑 from the goat's 🐐, His Wheat 🌾 from the tare's, His True Bride from the false bride, His True Church from the Harlot and her daughter's denomination's, His True son's and daughter's from the children of disobedience, His going to purge His body from all the son's of perdition just as Judas' Iscariot. Run the race that is set before you that no man takes away your crown. God's judgement is coming upon Apostate Christianity especially on the preacher's who are not preparing the church for her wilderness tribulation experience.
@waynemiller1737 7 месяцев назад
Thank You brother John for the truth of the 📖 Book of Revelation.❤ From: A fellow Pastor and Servent of Jesus Christ the Almighty God!!!
@sabianova4304 7 месяцев назад
Sooo happy I found this channel. Wonderful teachings ❤🙏🙏💕💕
@eppiegallegos102 7 месяцев назад
Pretty soon my brother's and sister's we the body of Christ shall be hated by All Nations, but he that endureth till the end shall be saved. Matt 10:22. Tribulation a coming and we must be the light 🕯️ of the world 🌍 and the salt of the earth we are a living Testimony. Don't be afraid of what to come if Christ for us who can be against us. God going to use the vessels of dishonor to take us to our cross He'll even use the Harlot and her daughters denomination's, just as they did to our Lord and Master Christ Jesus. We must follow the Narrow Road, follow the example of Christ Jesus, He said forgive them for they know what they do. Soon satan and his demons shall be cast down to the earth 🌍 and he shall make war with the saints we the body of Christ are called saints, saints means sanctified one's set apart. Rom 1:7 ; 1Cor 1:1 ; 2Cor 1:1 ; Col 1: 2 ; Eph 1: 1; So run the race that is set before you that no man takes away your crown 👑.
@KaosandRiot 7 месяцев назад
Such god given wisdom and common sense approach to scriptures and life. Love this channel for the timely lessons that drop in our life when my wife and I need it
@Wahldotheshuffler 6 месяцев назад
You are a God send. Thank you for your godly service
@RitaAletor-cp6nq 7 месяцев назад
Thank you pastor God bless you all
@eppiegallegos102 7 месяцев назад
2THESS 2:1. Now we beseech you, brethren , by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ ( before Jesus Christ comes in the clouds of glory, His coming in His saints it's called the epiphanie a corporate body of the man - child ministry, the 2 witnesses to minister to the church in the tribulation Rev 12:5,6; 2Thess 1:10, Hos 6:1-3; psalm 149:5-9; Isa 60:1,2; Acts 2:16-21; Rev 10:9-11; to preach the everlasting gospel to all creation ), and by our gathering together unto Him ( we gather unto Jesus Christ not religion nor denominations or man ) 2. That ye be not soon shaken in mind ( that's your soul area ), or be troubled, neither by spirit (wrong revelation, doctrines of demons , religious spirits , anti-christ spirit 1Jn 4:1-6; 2Jn verse 7; 2Pet 2:1-3; 1Tim 4:1 ), nor by word ( what's being preached, or taught, Lk 8:15. Jesus told His disciples to be careful with the leaven of the pharisees those are the preacher's of today, and to be careful with the leaven of herod that's your government ), nor by letter ( books, magazine's ,tracks ), as from us, as that the day of the Lord is at hand. 3. Let no man ( preacher, pastor, teacher, false prophet ) deceive ( beguile, trick you, tickle your ear ) by any means: for that day shall not come ( the coming of the Lord ), Except there come a falling away first ( Apostasy defecting from the truth, a great rebellion. 1Tim4:1; 2Tim3:1-5; 2Pet 2:3; Jude 18; Jn 6:66=666) , and the man of sin ( inside of each of us is the man of sin it's called the old man ) be revealed the son of perdition ( Judas iscariot was called the son of perdition by Jesus in Jn 17:12; Jn 13:26,27 SOP means son of perdition or destruction ). 4.Who opposeth and exalteth himself ( we must not exalt Self, the old man, the carnal man, the earthly man, the devilish man, the beastly nature of man, psalms 73:22 King David said , So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. We must deny Self, Matt 10:38,39; and die to Self the old man has to be crucified, the book of Roman's is the 6th book in the NT, chapter 6, and verse 6=666, the old man has to be crucified, so the born again, spiritual man, born from above. Christ in you the hope of glory rules your temple) above all that is called God, or is worshipped ( man likes to be worshipped, Self likes to be worshipped, false prophets, pastors, teachers, false apostles, Christian artists, even people in the secular world etc. Just like Lucifer Isa 14:13,14; Ezek 28:1-9; 2Tim 3:1-5; 2Cor 11-1-15 ); so he as God sitteth( look where he sitteth )in the temple of God ( we are the temple of God, God does not dwell in temples made with human hands, our spiritual man is the Holy of holies, the soul is the Holy place, the body is the outer court, Acts 17:24,25; 1Cor 3:16,17; ), shewing himself ( there's that word Self ) that he is God.5. Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things ( the apostle Paul always warned the church of Christ Jesus ) ? 6. And now ye know what withholdeth ( restraineth means to hold back ) that he ( the son of perdition ) might be revealed in his time ( let's go back to verse 3 and will see when the son of perdition will be revealed at the falling away first ).7. For the mystery of iniquity ( lawlessness ) doth already work ( it was already working in Paul's day ): only he ( the Holy Ghost ) who now letteth will let, until he ( the son of perdition ) be taken out of the way, or come out of the midst ( it's a corporate body of son of perdition in the temple of Christ spiritualy speaking, just as Judas iscariot was, the disciples didn't have a clue it was Judas iscariot until he betrayed Jesus Christ with a kiss, when he dip the Sop into the dish satan entered him, and history is going to repeat itself again, the sons of perdition are going to betray the brothers to death. Matt 24:9,10 ) 8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed ( in the NT, they are corporate bodies, Jesus has His body and that's the true church in means called out one's out of religious babylonian churches . Satan also has a body and it's all the children of disobedience among the people of God, the tares, and the goat's, they have a anti christ spirit ). Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.9. Even him ( it's a corporate body of false prophets, Jesus said many false prophets not prophet but many would come in His name. Many serve a different Jesus and a different gospel and a different spirit ) whose coming is after the working of Satan ( that's his body the sons of perdition 2Cor 11:4,13-15; Gal 1:6-9 )with all power and signs (all kinds of deceptions, and counterfeit,) and lying wonders.( Jesus saidm if it were possible the elect could be deceived )10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness( 1Jn 2:15-29; James 4:4 )in them ( the apostate people of God )that perish; because they received not the love of the Truth, ( the real true Gospel , they were spiritually blind to truth Isa 66:4), that they might be saved.11. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, ( listen now ) that they should believe a lie ( such as a pre- rapture ) : That they all might damned who believe not the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord said He would send the comforter the Holy Ghost and He would be with us and in us, and lead us into all truth. If you have the love of the truth you will not be deceived by the false prophets, and many doctrines of religion and denominations out there. CHRIST IS NOT DIVIDED INTO RELIGION OR DENOMINATIONS. Those are babylonian churches. The Mother Harlot has many daughters, and she and her daughters persecuted Jesus and the apostles and handed them over to be Roman beast of that time. Rev 17:56; Rev 18:24, Matt 23; and history repeats itself again, it's going to happen to the church the body of Christ in the tribulation, if the church believes it or not. You ain't going to fly away, or be raptured up unless you die before the tribulation. The church of Christ Jesus will prevail and come out victoriously and give her life for the Master and Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Rev 6:9-11; Rev 13:7; Rev 12:11; and Rev 15:2; Rev 20:4,6
@zippy2641 7 месяцев назад
Notice in 2 Thessalonians 2, that "our gathering together" with Him ("rapture") does not occur until after the AC is revealed and the great falling away...
@henrydacus949 7 месяцев назад
@werewolfsaves2179 7 месяцев назад
Thank you Dr Barnett. All praise , glory and honor to Jesus Christ.
@Aamanadoododoo 6 месяцев назад
I Kayla Ethel Mchenney, surrender my soul my life and salvation to your heavenly father. In the bame of Jeuse !!! Amen
@multiversechronicles6749 7 месяцев назад
Just found this channel, it's binge worthy!! My soul crazy truth! The Holy Spirit within me craves the word of the Lord!! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!!🙏🕊️🔥🕊️🔥🕊️
@SteveM-nr2xr 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for your words of wisdom.
@nevillewaite7308 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for your encouraging word.
@H0DLTHED0R 7 месяцев назад
For your work and dedication. Thanks!
@mrsemilybartrum 7 месяцев назад
I love seeing new members here!
@eppiegallegos102 7 месяцев назад
2THESS 2:1. Now we beseech you, brethren , by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ ( before Jesus Christ comes in the clouds of glory, His coming in His saints it's called the epiphanie a corporate body of the man - child ministry, the 2 witnesses to minister to the church in the tribulation Rev 12:5,6; 2Thess 1:10, Hos 6:1-3; psalm 149:5-9; Isa 60:1,2; Acts 2:16-21; Rev 10:9-11; to preach the everlasting gospel to all creation ), and by our gathering together unto Him ( we gather unto Jesus Christ not religion nor denominations or man ) 2. That ye be not soon shaken in mind ( that's your soul area ), or be troubled, neither by spirit (wrong revelation, doctrines of demons , religious spirits , anti-christ spirit 1Jn 4:1-6; 2Jn verse 7; 2Pet 2:1-3; 1Tim 4:1 ), nor by word ( what's being preached, or taught, Lk 8:15. Jesus told His disciples to be careful with the leaven of the pharisees those are the preacher's of today, and to be careful with the leaven of herod that's your government ), nor by letter ( books, magazine's ,tracks ), as from us, as that the day of the Lord is at hand. 3. Let no man ( preacher, pastor, teacher, false prophet ) deceive ( beguile, trick you, tickle your ear ) by any means: for that day shall not come ( the coming of the Lord ), Except there come a falling away first ( Apostasy defecting from the truth, a great rebellion. 1Tim4:1; 2Tim3:1-5; 2Pet 2:3; Jude 18; Jn 6:66=666) , and the man of sin ( inside of each of us is the man of sin it's called the old man ) be revealed the son of perdition ( Judas iscariot was called the son of perdition by Jesus in Jn 17:12; Jn 13:26,27 SOP means son of perdition or destruction ). 4.Who opposeth and exalteth himself ( we must not exalt Self, the old man, the carnal man, the earthly man, the devilish man, the beastly nature of man, psalms 73:22 King David said , So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. We must deny Self, Matt 10:38,39; and die to Self the old man has to be crucified, the book of Roman's is the 6th book in the NT, chapter 6, and verse 6=666, the old man has to be crucified, so the born again, spiritual man, born from above. Christ in you the hope of glory rules your temple) above all that is called God, or is worshipped ( man likes to be worshipped, Self likes to be worshipped, false prophets, pastors, teachers, false apostles, Christian artists, even people in the secular world etc. Just like Lucifer Isa 14:13,14; Ezek 28:1-9; 2Tim 3:1-5; 2Cor 11-1-15 ); so he as God sitteth( look where he sitteth )in the temple of God ( we are the temple of God, God does not dwell in temples made with human hands, our spiritual man is the Holy of holies, the soul is the Holy place, the body is the outer court, Acts 17:24,25; 1Cor 3:16,17; ), shewing himself ( there's that word Self ) that he is God.5. Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things ( the apostle Paul always warned the church of Christ Jesus ) ? 6. And now ye know what withholdeth ( restraineth means to hold back ) that he ( the son of perdition ) might be revealed in his time ( let's go back to verse 3 and will see when the son of perdition will be revealed at the falling away first ).7. For the mystery of iniquity ( lawlessness ) doth already work ( it was already working in Paul's day ): only he ( the Holy Ghost ) who now letteth will let, until he ( the son of perdition ) be taken out of the way, or come out of the midst ( it's a corporate body of son of perdition in the temple of Christ spiritualy speaking, just as Judas iscariot was, the disciples didn't have a clue it was Judas iscariot until he betrayed Jesus Christ with a kiss, when he dip the Sop into the dish satan entered him, and history is going to repeat itself again, the sons of perdition are going to betray the brothers to death. Matt 24:9,10 ) 8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed ( in the NT, they are corporate bodies, Jesus has His body and that's the true church in means called out one's out of religious babylonian churches . Satan also has a body and it's all the children of disobedience among the people of God, the tares, and the goat's, they have a anti christ spirit ). Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.9. Even him ( it's a corporate body of false prophets, Jesus said many false prophets not prophet but many would come in His name. Many serve a different Jesus and a different gospel and a different spirit ) whose coming is after the working of Satan ( that's his body the sons of perdition 2Cor 11:4,13-15; Gal 1:6-9 )with all power and signs (all kinds of deceptions, and counterfeit,) and lying wonders.( Jesus saidm if it were possible the elect could be deceived )10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness( 1Jn 2:15-29; James 4:4 )in them ( the apostate people of God )that perish; because they received not the love of the Truth, ( the real true Gospel , they were spiritually blind to truth Isa 66:4), that they might be saved.11. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, ( listen now ) that they should believe a lie ( such as a pre- rapture ) : That they all might damned who believe not the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord said He would send the comforter the Holy Ghost and He would be with us and in us, and lead us into all truth. If you have the love of the truth you will not be deceived by the false prophets, and many doctrines of religion and denominations out there. CHRIST IS NOT DIVIDED INTO RELIGION OR DENOMINATIONS. Those are babylonian churches. The Mother Harlot has many daughters, and she and her daughters persecuted Jesus and the apostles and handed them over to be Roman beast of that time. Rev 17:56; Rev 18:24, Matt 23; and history repeats itself again, it's going to happen to the church the body of Christ in the tribulation, if the church believes it or not. You ain't going to fly away, or be raptured up unless you die before the tribulation. The church of Christ Jesus will prevail and come out victoriously and give her life for the Master and Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Rev 6:9-11; Rev 13:7; Rev 12:11; and Rev 15:2; Rev 20:4,6
@adriennepayne5474 7 месяцев назад
You help me understand so much. And I am just growing in the Lord daily, but I wanted to thank you. Your videos are so helpful, much love from Southwest Oklahoma.
@Luigi_davola 7 месяцев назад
Every time I’m with my unbeliever friends, I tell them, isn’t it crazy the 260,000 years later, the bible predicted what is happening now? Everything every sing thing, and that usually gets them thinking and I hope to slowly slowly plant that seed in their hearts
@sabinefanger827 7 месяцев назад
Amein. Prayers dear friend..❤
@dg-po4sl 7 месяцев назад
thank you for your clear teaching and making the Bible understandable to all.
@byroneveson 7 месяцев назад
Keep in mind that Amos advises us not to look forward to the day of the lord for it will be terrible. Also the end times will span only one generation (approx. 20 years) so once ity starts happening, it will progress very quickly
@richardhaley3347 7 месяцев назад
We are in the last 20 years approaching the last seven years beginning on Yom Teruah 2024.
@ericmyers4982 6 месяцев назад
Jesus said (John 12:49kjv) he didn't speak his own words, someone else told him what to say & how to speak. His God is 100% spirit his God can't be seen. (John 14:17kjv) He (God) abides in you (the only truthful spirit) & He can't be seen... Ezekiel 2:2kjv... the spirit of truth being one with Ezekiel abiding with him as His son (Ezekiel is told not to speak his own words) Ezekiel 2:7kjv John 16:10kjv : You will see me no more... Jesus Said you will not see him again bc God will use another. John 16:7-11kjv. Jesus Said (John 16:13) when he comes "he will not speak of himself" but "what he hears he will speak". This is because God is using another messenger. This one will abide always, forever, for eternity. Isaiah 60kjv. See how God is the light of this man? See how people are bowed down at his feet? See how the sky goes dark being the day of the lord? See how everyone comes to him? Revelation 3:9: Jesus said: I will make them bow down at your feet. Revelation 21:23 see the man in Isaiah 60 having the light of God, also having no need for the sun or moon? It's showed clearly in Revelation. See the people bowed down at his feet?. Jesus won't return because it's written before Jesus came exactly what his God plan was in the Old Testament, speaking his God words in the New Testament. Isaiah 49 also. Many confuse men for God's. Matthew 3:16: see how the spirit of God descends upon Jesus? It's the same in the Old Testament with every prophet sent with God's word. Revelation 21:2kjv: see the spirit of God coming down? Isaiah 49&60, where God's spirit is being a light, all people come to it. That's the fulfillment of scripture.
@Roaddog223 6 месяцев назад
@@ericmyers4982 ”“I was watching in the night visions, And behold, One like the Son of Man, Coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days, And they brought Him near before Him. Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, That all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, Which shall not pass away, And His kingdom the one Which shall not be destroyed.“ ‭‭Daniel‬ ‭7‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
@Roaddog223 6 месяцев назад
@@ericmyers4982 ”“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, ‘These things says He who is holy, He who is true, “He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens”: “I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie-indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” ’“ ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3‬:‭7‬-‭13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
@Roaddog223 6 месяцев назад
@@ericmyers4982 ”And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever- the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. “A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also. At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”“ ‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭16‬-‭21‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
@jessehide7606 7 месяцев назад
I didn't notice on the reason Why people would believe in antichrist. Your explanation made it clear. Thank you. God bless you.
@shirleylai5386 7 месяцев назад
Amen praise the Lord, God bless you, brother
@dawnwoolven5794 7 месяцев назад
I'm glad I came upon this channel! I feel alot of loving people here!❤❤❤
@roshneeshunmagum1945 7 месяцев назад
@eppiegallegos102 7 месяцев назад
2THESS 2:1. Now we beseech you, brethren , by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ ( before Jesus Christ comes in the clouds of glory, His coming in His saints it's called the epiphanie a corporate body of the man - child ministry, the 2 witnesses to minister to the church in the tribulation Rev 12:5,6; 2Thess 1:10, Hos 6:1-3; psalm 149:5-9; Isa 60:1,2; Acts 2:16-21; Rev 10:9-11; to preach the everlasting gospel to all creation ), and by our gathering together unto Him ( we gather unto Jesus Christ not religion nor denominations or man ) 2. That ye be not soon shaken in mind ( that's your soul area ), or be troubled, neither by spirit (wrong revelation, doctrines of demons , religious spirits , anti-christ spirit 1Jn 4:1-6; 2Jn verse 7; 2Pet 2:1-3; 1Tim 4:1 ), nor by word ( what's being preached, or taught, Lk 8:15. Jesus told His disciples to be careful with the leaven of the pharisees those are the preacher's of today, and to be careful with the leaven of herod that's your government ), nor by letter ( books, magazine's ,tracks ), as from us, as that the day of the Lord is at hand. 3. Let no man ( preacher, pastor, teacher, false prophet ) deceive ( beguile, trick you, tickle your ear ) by any means: for that day shall not come ( the coming of the Lord ), Except there come a falling away first ( Apostasy defecting from the truth, a great rebellion. 1Tim4:1; 2Tim3:1-5; 2Pet 2:3; Jude 18; Jn 6:66=666) , and the man of sin ( inside of each of us is the man of sin it's called the old man ) be revealed the son of perdition ( Judas iscariot was called the son of perdition by Jesus in Jn 17:12; Jn 13:26,27 SOP means son of perdition or destruction ). 4.Who opposeth and exalteth himself ( we must not exalt Self, the old man, the carnal man, the earthly man, the devilish man, the beastly nature of man, psalms 73:22 King David said , So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. We must deny Self, Matt 10:38,39; and die to Self the old man has to be crucified, the book of Roman's is the 6th book in the NT, chapter 6, and verse 6=666, the old man has to be crucified, so the born again, spiritual man, born from above. Christ in you the hope of glory rules your temple) above all that is called God, or is worshipped ( man likes to be worshipped, Self likes to be worshipped, false prophets, pastors, teachers, false apostles, Christian artists, even people in the secular world etc. Just like Lucifer Isa 14:13,14; Ezek 28:1-9; 2Tim 3:1-5; 2Cor 11-1-15 ); so he as God sitteth( look where he sitteth )in the temple of God ( we are the temple of God, God does not dwell in temples made with human hands, our spiritual man is the Holy of holies, the soul is the Holy place, the body is the outer court, Acts 17:24,25; 1Cor 3:16,17; ), shewing himself ( there's that word Self ) that he is God.5. Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things ( the apostle Paul always warned the church of Christ Jesus ) ? 6. And now ye know what withholdeth ( restraineth means to hold back ) that he ( the son of perdition ) might be revealed in his time ( let's go back to verse 3 and will see when the son of perdition will be revealed at the falling away first ).7. For the mystery of iniquity ( lawlessness ) doth already work ( it was already working in Paul's day ): only he ( the Holy Ghost ) who now letteth will let, until he ( the son of perdition ) be taken out of the way, or come out of the midst ( it's a corporate body of son of perdition in the temple of Christ spiritualy speaking, just as Judas iscariot was, the disciples didn't have a clue it was Judas iscariot until he betrayed Jesus Christ with a kiss, when he dip the Sop into the dish satan entered him, and history is going to repeat itself again, the sons of perdition are going to betray the brothers to death. Matt 24:9,10 ) 8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed ( in the NT, they are corporate bodies, Jesus has His body and that's the true church in means called out one's out of religious babylonian churches . Satan also has a body and it's all the children of disobedience among the people of God, the tares, and the goat's, they have a anti christ spirit ). Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.9. Even him ( it's a corporate body of false prophets, Jesus said many false prophets not prophet but many would come in His name. Many serve a different Jesus and a different gospel and a different spirit ) whose coming is after the working of Satan ( that's his body the sons of perdition 2Cor 11:4,13-15; Gal 1:6-9 )with all power and signs (all kinds of deceptions, and counterfeit,) and lying wonders.( Jesus saidm if it were possible the elect could be deceived )10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness( 1Jn 2:15-29; James 4:4 )in them ( the apostate people of God )that perish; because they received not the love of the Truth, ( the real true Gospel , they were spiritually blind to truth Isa 66:4), that they might be saved.11. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, ( listen now ) that they should believe a lie ( such as a pre- rapture ) : That they all might damned who believe not the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord said He would send the comforter the Holy Ghost and He would be with us and in us, and lead us into all truth. If you have the love of the truth you will not be deceived by the false prophets, and many doctrines of religion and denominations out there. CHRIST IS NOT DIVIDED INTO RELIGION OR DENOMINATIONS. Those are babylonian churches. The Mother Harlot has many daughters, and she and her daughters persecuted Jesus and the apostles and handed them over to be Roman beast of that time. Rev 17:56; Rev 18:24, Matt 23; and history repeats itself again, it's going to happen to the church the body of Christ in the tribulation, if the church believes it or not. You ain't going to fly away, or be raptured up unless you die before the tribulation. The church of Christ Jesus will prevail and come out victoriously and give her life for the Master and Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Rev 6:9-11; Rev 13:7; Rev 12:11; and Rev 15:2; Rev 20:4,6
@kymoninazarenediscypleofyah 6 месяцев назад
lord is a pagan title not a name meaning baal satan 1167-1190 strong concordance numbers
@shasannyyyy 6 месяцев назад
I needed this, this was so out of the blue-but right on cue. Thank YOU
@Fredgangai 7 месяцев назад
Great a longer sermon and prayer and the gospel. God bless you Brother.
@Maytrix777 7 месяцев назад
Oh thank you Lord for this man! Good bless you! Powerful message!
@michaelarchangel12-1 7 месяцев назад
Seeing videos like yours reminds me of how truly lost this world actually is. Scripture could be so clear, obvious, concise, and yet the truth is twisted, James 3.
@dionwest8484 7 месяцев назад
@ronnonyabizness5240 7 месяцев назад
God gives us a very important clue regarding his timing. In Revelations, the anti-christ enters the rebuilt jewish temple, and proclaims himself God, 3.5 years after his reign starts. Currently, there is no rebuilt temple. Cant have the Rapture withhout a rebuilt temple. Keep your eye on israel.
@TargttdGma 7 месяцев назад
Impressive. THE END of the BEGINNING. GREAT for me to keep in mind, while processing events, soon in actual time.
@rogerbrown8866 7 месяцев назад
God bless you all from Wyoming.
@CFkatehudson 4 месяца назад
Even while lost in sin, I believe that our Lord kept His hand on my life. I tried to kill myself with 80 pills,tramadol and colodipine, and I lived. My stroke came close but God kept me alive. Those and many other things and I stayed in rebellion. Thank God for His mercy and longsuffering for a wretch like me.
@kristinekhuda1102 7 месяцев назад
I sleep every night with your channel. You’re such a blessing to me. thank you Holy Spirit I love you so much ❤
@LawofMosesHere 6 месяцев назад
I pray you listen to Jesus every night to sleep.
@MichaelErnest666 7 месяцев назад
Amazing.. 🙏
@beadoll8025 7 месяцев назад
Great teaching and very edifying. ❤❤❤ Side note: The comment of "He's all flappy now. "😂😂😂
@MariaLopez-mi4ol 6 месяцев назад
@billyflores3360 7 месяцев назад
Amen, Jesus IS sufficient for the worlds sin
@garystanfield2274 6 месяцев назад
I don't know how if Yahweh is the true Messiah's name.
@uyiosadanielmuhammaduyi8089 6 месяцев назад
@garystanfield2274 6 месяцев назад
@danielmuhammaduyi8089 Jesus, Christ, God, Amen, Sacred, Adonai, and Angel are all sun deity names and Christianity is of Satan to put people in the Lake of Fire not to save people from it.
@missnix6151 7 месяцев назад
Amen 🙏🏻 I love you Jesus
@billyflores3360 7 месяцев назад
Fantastic sermon pastor!
@haroldmcallister8180 7 месяцев назад
2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 New International Version 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
@eppiegallegos102 7 месяцев назад
2THESS 2:1. Now we beseech you, brethren , by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ ( before Jesus Christ comes in the clouds of glory, His coming in His saints it's called the epiphanie a corporate body of the man - child ministry, the 2 witnesses to minister to the church in the tribulation Rev 12:5,6; 2Thess 1:10, Hos 6:1-3; psalm 149:5-9; Isa 60:1,2; Acts 2:16-21; Rev 10:9-11; to preach the everlasting gospel to all creation ), and by our gathering together unto Him ( we gather unto Jesus Christ not religion nor denominations or man ) 2. That ye be not soon shaken in mind ( that's your soul area ), or be troubled, neither by spirit (wrong revelation, doctrines of demons , religious spirits , anti-christ spirit 1Jn 4:1-6; 2Jn verse 7; 2Pet 2:1-3; 1Tim 4:1 ), nor by word ( what's being preached, or taught, Lk 8:15. Jesus told His disciples to be careful with the leaven of the pharisees those are the preacher's of today, and to be careful with the leaven of herod that's your government ), nor by letter ( books, magazine's ,tracks ), as from us, as that the day of the Lord is at hand. 3. Let no man ( preacher, pastor, teacher, false prophet ) deceive ( beguile, trick you, tickle your ear ) by any means: for that day shall not come ( the coming of the Lord ), Except there come a falling away first ( Apostasy defecting from the truth, a great rebellion. 1Tim4:1; 2Tim3:1-5; 2Pet 2:3; Jude 18; Jn 6:66=666) , and the man of sin ( inside of each of us is the man of sin it's called the old man ) be revealed the son of perdition ( Judas iscariot was called the son of perdition by Jesus in Jn 17:12; Jn 13:26,27 SOP means son of perdition or destruction ). 4.Who opposeth and exalteth himself ( we must not exalt Self, the old man, the carnal man, the earthly man, the devilish man, the beastly nature of man, psalms 73:22 King David said , So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. We must deny Self, Matt 10:38,39; and die to Self the old man has to be crucified, the book of Roman's is the 6th book in the NT, chapter 6, and verse 6=666, the old man has to be crucified, so the born again, spiritual man, born from above. Christ in you the hope of glory rules your temple) above all that is called God, or is worshipped ( man likes to be worshipped, Self likes to be worshipped, false prophets, pastors, teachers, false apostles, Christian artists, even people in the secular world etc. Just like Lucifer Isa 14:13,14; Ezek 28:1-9; 2Tim 3:1-5; 2Cor 11-1-15 ); so he as God sitteth( look where he sitteth )in the temple of God ( we are the temple of God, God does not dwell in temples made with human hands, our spiritual man is the Holy of holies, the soul is the Holy place, the body is the outer court, Acts 17:24,25; 1Cor 3:16,17; ), shewing himself ( there's that word Self ) that he is God.5. Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things ( the apostle Paul always warned the church of Christ Jesus ) ? 6. And now ye know what withholdeth ( restraineth means to hold back ) that he ( the son of perdition ) might be revealed in his time ( let's go back to verse 3 and will see when the son of perdition will be revealed at the falling away first ).7. For the mystery of iniquity ( lawlessness ) doth already work ( it was already working in Paul's day ): only he ( the Holy Ghost ) who now letteth will let, until he ( the son of perdition ) be taken out of the way, or come out of the midst ( it's a corporate body of son of perdition in the temple of Christ spiritualy speaking, just as Judas iscariot was, the disciples didn't have a clue it was Judas iscariot until he betrayed Jesus Christ with a kiss, when he dip the Sop into the dish satan entered him, and history is going to repeat itself again, the sons of perdition are going to betray the brothers to death. Matt 24:9,10 ) 8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed ( in the NT, they are corporate bodies, Jesus has His body and that's the true church in means called out one's out of religious babylonian churches . Satan also has a body and it's all the children of disobedience among the people of God, the tares, and the goat's, they have a anti christ spirit ). Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.9. Even him ( it's a corporate body of false prophets, Jesus said many false prophets not prophet but many would come in His name. Many serve a different Jesus and a different gospel and a different spirit ) whose coming is after the working of Satan ( that's his body the sons of perdition 2Cor 11:4,13-15; Gal 1:6-9 )with all power and signs (all kinds of deceptions, and counterfeit,) and lying wonders.( Jesus saidm if it were possible the elect could be deceived )10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness( 1Jn 2:15-29; James 4:4 )in them ( the apostate people of God )that perish; because they received not the love of the Truth, ( the real true Gospel , they were spiritually blind to truth Isa 66:4), that they might be saved.11. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, ( listen now ) that they should believe a lie ( such as a pre- rapture ) : That they all might damned who believe not the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord said He would send the comforter the Holy Ghost and He would be with us and in us, and lead us into all truth. If you have the love of the truth you will not be deceived by the false prophets, and many doctrines of religion and denominations out there. CHRIST IS NOT DIVIDED INTO RELIGION OR DENOMINATIONS. Those are babylonian churches. The Mother Harlot has many daughters, and she and her daughters persecuted Jesus and the apostles and handed them over to be Roman beast of that time. Rev 17:56; Rev 18:24, Matt 23; and history repeats itself again, it's going to happen to the church the body of Christ in the tribulation, if the church believes it or not. You ain't going to fly away, or be raptured up unless you die before the tribulation. The church of Christ Jesus will prevail and come out victoriously and give her life for the Master and Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Rev 6:9-11; Rev 13:7; Rev 12:11; and Rev 15:2; Rev 20:4,6
@jpxmodz 7 месяцев назад
What a wonderful timely message. I pray this message finds all of Gods people...
@jayonnaj18 7 месяцев назад
We're still living in the DISPENSATION OF THE GRACE OF GOD (see Ephesians 3:1 - 9), and the prophetic program has not yet commenced! The 70th week of Daniel (aka the Tribulation) will not happen until Israel signs the 7 year covenant! Please see DANIEL 9:24 - 27!
@mouthpiece200 7 месяцев назад
Covenant is not with Israel specifically. King Charles is the antichrist.
@J-_-C 7 месяцев назад
Thank you
@byronumphress3805 7 месяцев назад
@ForrestChapman 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for committing your life to teach our Makers word! Truly, you are fulling your calling! Again, thank you!
@cl-rf9ez 6 месяцев назад
We ought to rejoice when our love one finish their work on planet earth. And get to go home to be with the Lord ( 2 corinthians 5:8) Amen Amen Amen❤
@WilliamNewberry 6 месяцев назад
It is all. God's plan , certainly not ours , who is a mere man to ascertain the works of God Almighty 🙏 We are on this path we just need to follow our hearts and trust him ,regardless of satan . Jesus Christ has already won this war , the prophecies are being fulfilled. I love you Father with all my heart and all my Soul. Amen
@JayBee-JB69 7 месяцев назад
It's already started with the addition of new doctrines like the 'prosperity gospel'.
@jellyface401 3 месяца назад
30:50 so that's where the good feeling of you dropping your crown king meme.
@sharronjoannekellerman7057 7 месяцев назад
@licakoroi3010 7 месяцев назад
Praise God❤❤
@mcalli8272 6 месяцев назад
John B. I don't know if you remember me. But you and your wife helped instill the word of God into me and my little brother @TBC back in the early 90s. My mother and father spoke so well of you during my childhood, if your reading this, I could sure use some prayer. My life isn't going very well and I had asked God to show me something of value here on YT. And lo and behold the video I clicked on is the man who helped me find God as a child. I owe you so much for guiding my mother, my father and ultimately my whole family. Now my family is in need of prayer, we don't know where my father is and his mental health is deteriorating his name is Chris C. If you can't reach out to me personally, I ask you to pray and help me and my family find and bring my father back home to us. We all love and miss him very much, btw my name is Matthew C. and we're from Bixby, OK ty for your time & God bless
@wills7817 6 месяцев назад
I prayed for Chris C. Your father. I'm a random on the internet. My name is Will. All things for the glory of God.
@mcalli8272 6 месяцев назад
@wills7817 I appreciate that sir. He ended up calling me a few days ago, strangely after I posted this comment. He's not willing to come back home buy atleast we know he's alive and not in a ditch somewhere. I pray he continues to call and check up w us 🙏
@mattprell2550 7 месяцев назад
Thankyou Pastor 🙏
@elvirewebster8800 7 месяцев назад
My prayer is for all of God's people to be cure,and to be at peace. I am tired of death and suffering. Come, Lord Jesus, come!!!
@AsherSolomon777 7 месяцев назад
I can only liken it all to a pool table magic trick where the balls are broken and all go into the pockets in one shot. From the perspective of a ball , it is complete chaos , but from the perspective of the magician , nothing is left to chance
@shauneden4229 7 месяцев назад
Good analogy.
@Yahuah-is-Master 6 месяцев назад
That's why He's True Name is YAHUAH ✨✨✨
@debrarisdon9250 6 месяцев назад
i will always be for Israel
@505kylacakes 7 месяцев назад
This is so good!!! I'm so glad I found this video🙏 all glory be to God❤
@TheFrayman 6 месяцев назад
So glad I found you on youtube, great sermons!
@Patriccist 6 месяцев назад
I still don’t understand how we can have three will, but at the same time everything is known in advance..
@user-yp8ic9rz7m 7 месяцев назад
Deception is a powerful tool
@user-or4jw2jj4n 6 месяцев назад
Well said!!
@user-ry5mj9fw1r 6 месяцев назад
The borne again Christians will not be deceived. Those who are borne of God's spirit, has God living inside of them and God cannot be deceived. The borne again Christians names are written in the Lamb's book of life, and will not worship the antichrist. Shalom! Read Matthew and revelation. Peace!
@malcolmwatt7386 7 месяцев назад
He's already here.
@DMV8662 6 месяцев назад
Yes... Just not revealed yet... Working behind the scenes... He will soon be unveiled...
@se5720 6 месяцев назад
The abomination of desolation sits in the holy place now. Look up what the holy place is. It’s a book. The Bible is supernaturally changing and the wolf is lying with the lamb in Daniel.
@malcolmwatt7386 6 месяцев назад
@@se5720 No we got a fake Jesus, powerful but without a beast and Superman. There's a giant roaming around too, all of them the creation of science. The Muslims regard this as insolence.
@tressabowles5817 7 месяцев назад
Shabbat shalom brothers and sisters....
@eppiegallegos102 7 месяцев назад
2THESS 2:1. Now we beseech you, brethren , by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ ( before Jesus Christ comes in the clouds of glory, His coming in His saints it's called the epiphanie a corporate body of the man - child ministry, the 2 witnesses to minister to the church in the tribulation Rev 12:5,6; 2Thess 1:10, Hos 6:1-3; psalm 149:5-9; Isa 60:1,2; Acts 2:16-21; Rev 10:9-11; to preach the everlasting gospel to all creation ), and by our gathering together unto Him ( we gather unto Jesus Christ not religion nor denominations or man ) 2. That ye be not soon shaken in mind ( that's your soul area ), or be troubled, neither by spirit (wrong revelation, doctrines of demons , religious spirits , anti-christ spirit 1Jn 4:1-6; 2Jn verse 7; 2Pet 2:1-3; 1Tim 4:1 ), nor by word ( what's being preached, or taught, Lk 8:15. Jesus told His disciples to be careful with the leaven of the pharisees those are the preacher's of today, and to be careful with the leaven of herod that's your government ), nor by letter ( books, magazine's ,tracks ), as from us, as that the day of the Lord is at hand. 3. Let no man ( preacher, pastor, teacher, false prophet ) deceive ( beguile, trick you, tickle your ear ) by any means: for that day shall not come ( the coming of the Lord ), Except there come a falling away first ( Apostasy defecting from the truth, a great rebellion. 1Tim4:1; 2Tim3:1-5; 2Pet 2:3; Jude 18; Jn 6:66=666) , and the man of sin ( inside of each of us is the man of sin it's called the old man ) be revealed the son of perdition ( Judas iscariot was called the son of perdition by Jesus in Jn 17:12; Jn 13:26,27 SOP means son of perdition or destruction ). 4.Who opposeth and exalteth himself ( we must not exalt Self, the old man, the carnal man, the earthly man, the devilish man, the beastly nature of man, psalms 73:22 King David said , So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. We must deny Self, Matt 10:38,39; and die to Self the old man has to be crucified, the book of Roman's is the 6th book in the NT, chapter 6, and verse 6=666, the old man has to be crucified, so the born again, spiritual man, born from above. Christ in you the hope of glory rules your temple) above all that is called God, or is worshipped ( man likes to be worshipped, Self likes to be worshipped, false prophets, pastors, teachers, false apostles, Christian artists, even people in the secular world etc. Just like Lucifer Isa 14:13,14; Ezek 28:1-9; 2Tim 3:1-5; 2Cor 11-1-15 ); so he as God sitteth( look where he sitteth )in the temple of God ( we are the temple of God, God does not dwell in temples made with human hands, our spiritual man is the Holy of holies, the soul is the Holy place, the body is the outer court, Acts 17:24,25; 1Cor 3:16,17; ), shewing himself ( there's that word Self ) that he is God.5. Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things ( the apostle Paul always warned the church of Christ Jesus ) ? 6. And now ye know what withholdeth ( restraineth means to hold back ) that he ( the son of perdition ) might be revealed in his time ( let's go back to verse 3 and will see when the son of perdition will be revealed at the falling away first ).7. For the mystery of iniquity ( lawlessness ) doth already work ( it was already working in Paul's day ): only he ( the Holy Ghost ) who now letteth will let, until he ( the son of perdition ) be taken out of the way, or come out of the midst ( it's a corporate body of son of perdition in the temple of Christ spiritualy speaking, just as Judas iscariot was, the disciples didn't have a clue it was Judas iscariot until he betrayed Jesus Christ with a kiss, when he dip the Sop into the dish satan entered him, and history is going to repeat itself again, the sons of perdition are going to betray the brothers to death. Matt 24:9,10 ) 8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed ( in the NT, they are corporate bodies, Jesus has His body and that's the true church in means called out one's out of religious babylonian churches . Satan also has a body and it's all the children of disobedience among the people of God, the tares, and the goat's, they have a anti christ spirit ). Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.9. Even him ( it's a corporate body of false prophets, Jesus said many false prophets not prophet but many would come in His name. Many serve a different Jesus and a different gospel and a different spirit ) whose coming is after the working of Satan ( that's his body the sons of perdition 2Cor 11:4,13-15; Gal 1:6-9 )with all power and signs (all kinds of deceptions, and counterfeit,) and lying wonders.( Jesus saidm if it were possible the elect could be deceived )10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness( 1Jn 2:15-29; James 4:4 )in them ( the apostate people of God )that perish; because they received not the love of the Truth, ( the real true Gospel , they were spiritually blind to truth Isa 66:4), that they might be saved.11. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, ( listen now ) that they should believe a lie ( such as a pre- rapture ) : That they all might damned who believe not the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord said He would send the comforter the Holy Ghost and He would be with us and in us, and lead us into all truth. If you have the love of the truth you will not be deceived by the false prophets, and many doctrines of religion and denominations out there. CHRIST IS NOT DIVIDED INTO RELIGION OR DENOMINATIONS. Those are babylonian churches. The Mother Harlot has many daughters, and she and her daughters persecuted Jesus and the apostles and handed them over to be Roman beast of that time. Rev 17:56; Rev 18:24, Matt 23; and history repeats itself again, it's going to happen to the church the body of Christ in the tribulation, if the church believes it or not. You ain't going to fly away, or be raptured up unless you die before the tribulation. The church of Christ Jesus will prevail and come out victoriously and give her life for the Master and Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Rev 6:9-11; Rev 13:7; Rev 12:11; and Rev 15:2; Rev 20:4,6
@DavidJohnston-wo8ef 7 месяцев назад
He's a nice guy I like him then I didn't things but today makes perfect since I thank you lord for this man
@PVT_Ryan_769 7 месяцев назад
“The truth is often what we make of it; you heard what you wanted to hear, believed what you wanted to believe. Only a sith deals in absolutes.” ~ Obi-Wan Kenobi
@yashua04 6 месяцев назад
Those how have ears can go to the church and hear the spirit, we don’t love darkness we love truth 27:45. That’s weird to even try to declare that. And listen to what Jesus says Matthew 19:17 thy must keep the commandments if thy wants to be safe.
@rockadoodlefarm4823 6 месяцев назад
This world is controlled by the devil,god is turning it for good,have faith! I have recieved devine healing,God wants us well! With his stripes ye were healed! Mark 11 ;23-24
@user-or3eb3kf1g 6 месяцев назад
Thabk you lord for doing such amazing things
@deanspanley4472 6 месяцев назад
@elvirewebster8800 7 месяцев назад
Jesus Christ Yeshua said,watch and pray.!🌈🔥
@heather9842 6 месяцев назад
We need to stay alert so we are not deceived!
@InfoArtistJK 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this teaching. Clarification. God sends the Antichrist/deceiver so that WE, thru the Holy Spirit, can perceive who is a believer and who is not. God already knows.
@LEFTBEHINDTIMES 7 месяцев назад
Already here
@user-or4jw2jj4n 6 месяцев назад
Yes u right!! The white horse is a white wild man. He's deceitful and disobedient
@uniform.001 7 месяцев назад
good channel bro
@eppiegallegos102 7 месяцев назад
2THESS 2:1. Now we beseech you, brethren , by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ ( before Jesus Christ comes in the clouds of glory, His coming in His saints it's called the epiphanie a corporate body of the man - child ministry, the 2 witnesses to minister to the church in the tribulation Rev 12:5,6; 2Thess 1:10, Hos 6:1-3; psalm 149:5-9; Isa 60:1,2; Acts 2:16-21; Rev 10:9-11; to preach the everlasting gospel to all creation ), and by our gathering together unto Him ( we gather unto Jesus Christ not religion nor denominations or man ) 2. That ye be not soon shaken in mind ( that's your soul area ), or be troubled, neither by spirit (wrong revelation, doctrines of demons , religious spirits , anti-christ spirit 1Jn 4:1-6; 2Jn verse 7; 2Pet 2:1-3; 1Tim 4:1 ), nor by word ( what's being preached, or taught, Lk 8:15. Jesus told His disciples to be careful with the leaven of the pharisees those are the preacher's of today, and to be careful with the leaven of herod that's your government ), nor by letter ( books, magazine's ,tracks ), as from us, as that the day of the Lord is at hand. 3. Let no man ( preacher, pastor, teacher, false prophet ) deceive ( beguile, trick you, tickle your ear ) by any means: for that day shall not come ( the coming of the Lord ), Except there come a falling away first ( Apostasy defecting from the truth, a great rebellion. 1Tim4:1; 2Tim3:1-5; 2Pet 2:3; Jude 18; Jn 6:66=666) , and the man of sin ( inside of each of us is the man of sin it's called the old man ) be revealed the son of perdition ( Judas iscariot was called the son of perdition by Jesus in Jn 17:12; Jn 13:26,27 SOP means son of perdition or destruction ). 4.Who opposeth and exalteth himself ( we must not exalt Self, the old man, the carnal man, the earthly man, the devilish man, the beastly nature of man, psalms 73:22 King David said , So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. We must deny Self, Matt 10:38,39; and die to Self the old man has to be crucified, the book of Roman's is the 6th book in the NT, chapter 6, and verse 6=666, the old man has to be crucified, so the born again, spiritual man, born from above. Christ in you the hope of glory rules your temple) above all that is called God, or is worshipped ( man likes to be worshipped, Self likes to be worshipped, false prophets, pastors, teachers, false apostles, Christian artists, even people in the secular world etc. Just like Lucifer Isa 14:13,14; Ezek 28:1-9; 2Tim 3:1-5; 2Cor 11-1-15 ); so he as God sitteth( look where he sitteth )in the temple of God ( we are the temple of God, God does not dwell in temples made with human hands, our spiritual man is the Holy of holies, the soul is the Holy place, the body is the outer court, Acts 17:24,25; 1Cor 3:16,17; ), shewing himself ( there's that word Self ) that he is God.5. Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things ( the apostle Paul always warned the church of Christ Jesus ) ? 6. And now ye know what withholdeth ( restraineth means to hold back ) that he ( the son of perdition ) might be revealed in his time ( let's go back to verse 3 and will see when the son of perdition will be revealed at the falling away first ).7. For the mystery of iniquity ( lawlessness ) doth already work ( it was already working in Paul's day ): only he ( the Holy Ghost ) who now letteth will let, until he ( the son of perdition ) be taken out of the way, or come out of the midst ( it's a corporate body of son of perdition in the temple of Christ spiritualy speaking, just as Judas iscariot was, the disciples didn't have a clue it was Judas iscariot until he betrayed Jesus Christ with a kiss, when he dip the Sop into the dish satan entered him, and history is going to repeat itself again, the sons of perdition are going to betray the brothers to death. Matt 24:9,10 ) 8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed ( in the NT, they are corporate bodies, Jesus has His body and that's the true church in means called out one's out of religious babylonian churches . Satan also has a body and it's all the children of disobedience among the people of God, the tares, and the goat's, they have a anti christ spirit ). Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.9. Even him ( it's a corporate body of false prophets, Jesus said many false prophets not prophet but many would come in His name. Many serve a different Jesus and a different gospel and a different spirit ) whose coming is after the working of Satan ( that's his body the sons of perdition 2Cor 11:4,13-15; Gal 1:6-9 )with all power and signs (all kinds of deceptions, and counterfeit,) and lying wonders.( Jesus saidm if it were possible the elect could be deceived )10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness( 1Jn 2:15-29; James 4:4 )in them ( the apostate people of God )that perish; because they received not the love of the Truth, ( the real true Gospel , they were spiritually blind to truth Isa 66:4), that they might be saved.11. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, ( listen now ) that they should believe a lie ( such as a pre- rapture ) : That they all might damned who believe not the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord said He would send the comforter the Holy Ghost and He would be with us and in us, and lead us into all truth. If you have the love of the truth you will not be deceived by the false prophets, and many doctrines of religion and denominations out there. CHRIST IS NOT DIVIDED INTO RELIGION OR DENOMINATIONS. Those are babylonian churches. The Mother Harlot has many daughters, and she and her daughters persecuted Jesus and the apostles and handed them over to be Roman beast of that time. Rev 17:56; Rev 18:24, Matt 23; and history repeats itself again, it's going to happen to the church the body of Christ in the tribulation, if the church believes it or not. You ain't going to fly away, or be raptured up unless you die before the tribulation. The church of Christ Jesus will prevail and come out victoriously and give her life for the Master and Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Rev 6:9-11; Rev 13:7; Rev 12:11; and Rev 15:2; Rev 20:4,6
@loriflynn78 7 месяцев назад
Kids cant be away from their phones for more than 5 minures and to them its 4 minutes and 59 seconds too long. Im sitting here watching this video with headphones while my 13 yr old neice is listening to cardi b while faacetiming with a boy all day long.
@DMV8662 6 месяцев назад
And you sit by idle watching her do it without even a word to HER but to strangers on the internet... That's what wrong with society.. Right there..😔
@columbiabasincorp5685 7 месяцев назад
The zionists brought it on themselves. Pray for the sane Israelites.
@danwatson171 7 месяцев назад
The Antichrist character in that deluded book of lies resembles Donald Trump almost perfectly.
@RoaringRanger 6 месяцев назад
Sounds like Biden me. Is this methed out drunk hunter with TDS commenting for his daddy.
@ron3537 7 месяцев назад
Yes! If the teaching is not simple, it's most likely a lie. Jesus' Sermon on the Mount was simple to understand for the humble. But to the proud, it was too simple for them to understand.
@dannymcpherson6164 7 месяцев назад
Yeah, he’ll look average the first 3 1/2 years but when he is supposedly resurrected at the 3 1/2 year mark, he will return as a hybrid giant
@user-gm9mw6gg1t 6 месяцев назад
Yes I heard those Jules from USA who was building secret tunnel was saying that their Messiah resurrected and he told them to build this tunnel, for Christians, Jule Messiah is antychryst. God bless You all 🙏
@tedprice5828 6 месяцев назад
Christ is the new Israel.
@StandOnGuard4Thee 6 месяцев назад
Ive been living a life of sin and far from god and feel the need to repent.
when you have plan B 😂
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