Put a temporary filter sock somewhere in your sump, get a 1/2-3/4 hose and siphon out the golden algae directly into the filter sock. Then remove and clean filter sock. Do this every couple days. You will get ahead of it eventually. I know this from my own experience. I went through the same thing. Dino x is a huge gamble. It might be ok it might not. Just rolling the dice.
That’s my challenge, siphoning out regularly. I do it about 1 (sometimes 2) times a week. I need to do it every couple of days to let other surface dwelling microbials take over the area.
I’m dealing with the same issue right now. I’ve did everything every forum said to do trying to go about it the most natural way,with no changes months in. I just did my first dose tonight after being vey hesitant about using Dino-x ..hope it works for you
It’s been a couple days for you. What has your experience been so far? I’d love to know. I haven’t started the process yet. To be honest, I’m a bit gun shy with it after reading the data sheet on Fauna Marin’s website - No real rain except for it calling out, or warning, about negative impact on urchins.
This might help> so last year i had the same problem. so what i did was on jan 1 i started treating with Dino X ( i did a full month) for the hole month i didn't did not do any water changes which brought my nutrients to high numbers and skimmed heavy and all the brown algae was gone.. on the 1 Feb to 6 feb i ran carbon which took out the Dino X and gave me a masive hair algae bloom which was good bkz it kept brown stuff away from coming back from 6 feb to 17 feb i just my tank sit and let all the good algae build up..at this point i did 20 gal water change for 3 days straight (i have a waterbox marine x 60.2) 60 gal tank. after that i had to deal with the hair algae which was easy i managed my nutrients scrubbed my rock work and utilized cleanup crew to help me and my tank is almost pristine. Notes: 1) i had all LPS goni,torch, hammer and etc. i did not lose any coral 2) dino X will bring back you tanks age back meaning your tank will have to resettle it self with time 3) i was fighting with this for 7 months what i learned was chemical solution are temporary 4) do not use flux rx or any algae after the 30 day treatment with Dino X bkz it may kill the good algae that is preventing bad algae from coming back and taking over.. i might have missed a lot of small things but i hope this can help you in any way possible.. sorry my english is not perfect it's not my first language.. lol Happy reffing bro
I would suggest podding the crap out that tank. Just keep dosing copepods. And at the same time inoculate with live sand from a known good source (AquaBiomics sells some). From all the chemical treatments I'm guessing your microbiome has taken a huge hit.
Turning lights down is was an initial step. But being chrysophytes these can sustain on silicates and the light will largely not affect them. But I have turned down photo period.
First you have dinos second you need test you nitrate and phosphate is too low you need up this parameter and you need stop dosing nopox and reduce you period of light I have this problem two months ago and is because my nutrients is low
These may look like a dinoflagellate but they are Chrysophytes. So my nutrient levels are quite high (PO4 of .2 and Nitrate at 20). Reduction of photo period is not very effective with this type of nuisance algae.