
Couple Faces Serious Charges After Their Children Said They Felt Unsafe At Home 

CBS Pittsburgh
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An Allegheny Township couple is facing multiple felony charges after their children told police they felt unsafe in their home.



8 фев 2022




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@angelicavelasquez3365 2 года назад
There's nothing worse than being hurt by the people meant to protect you. These poor children
@UntamedHeart1234 2 года назад
It’s honestly the most saddest thing. 😞
@GioOmerta 2 года назад
Jesus christ sounds like it needs to happen more often with the Karen's in this world
@stugotz986 2 года назад
@@GioOmerta Be quiet Mule. Take your Karen BS and shove it!!
@lizsmith1796 2 года назад
from experience this is true......My mother gave up her parental rights for my molester and my father tried to kill me and let his GF abuse me. As an adult, I have major trust issues
@TaDarling1 2 года назад
Absolutely. Let's hope they don't grow up troubled because abuse from parents can leave children with "baggage" they have to deal with when they become adults.
@dezbiggs6363 2 года назад
This shocks me because I'm surprised they removed them for a non physical reason. Usually mentally and emotional abuse is brushed off. Glad the kids are safe
@taliagoodwomanmann 2 года назад
The mental and emotional abuse ran into physical abuse when the evidence showed how they were not supplying food to the children or proper clothing in weather that is dangerously cold.
@michaeleverest3487 2 года назад
If a parent locks up their children and tells them all sorts of things like "if you speak about this to anyone I'll kill your sister...", it isn't physical, but that's in line with abuse and perhaps even torture and unlawful imprisonment
@theoldschooldiva374 2 года назад
@@taliagoodwomanmann exactly
@southernbell7 2 года назад
Well in my opinion starving your children and keeping them locked up like animals is abuse to me
@TheBLGL 2 года назад
Keeping food locked up and sending them to school in freezing weather with hardly any clothes on IS physical, but okay. Thankfully the cops are smart enough to realize the physical repercussions of these things. Basement was probably also freezing.
@lindac6919 2 года назад
I'm an adopted child. I grew up not knowing who my birth parents were. On the other hand, there are children who wish they DIDN'T know who their parents are.
@samuelschick8813 2 года назад
I was approached by a man years ago. Turns out a woman went to her small village and gave birth to a boy. Soon as she delivered she beat feet out of there abandoning the boy. The guy asked me if I would take the boy as the village could not feed him. Now that 2 week old baby boy is a 14 year old young man doing his studies in the next room. No regrets here.
@samuelschick8813 2 года назад
@@serenepeacefulrelaxingmusi3874, He brought him up with the midwife ( or grandmother, can't remember which) that delivered him. They had to borrow clothes, bottle and such from others and take back with them. The woman was crying as they left. Son knows nothing about any of this.
@harumskarum3481 2 года назад
People need to take these abusive actions as seriously as if they were being beaten. It’s just as damaging.
@harumskarum3481 2 года назад
@@auntkaren3803 same. 😞
@DarkManSonian 2 года назад
It’s so weird because as a child I never even knew what I was experiencing was abuse. I’m happy these kids knew and decided that this was enough
@ninana143 2 года назад
Jep, me too. AFTER I was taken from the situation and only after 6 months being safe did a lightbulb click.
@TaDarling1 2 года назад
Me too. As a child I thought accepting the abuse of parents is how everybody lived. I thought it was normal. It wasn't until my mid-50's that I began to understand that my mother was a narcissist and I needed to estrange myself from her for my own well-being.
@DarkManSonian 2 года назад
@@ninana143 hell I just hit 30 and realized I was in the same abusive situation I was as a child. I was trying to help my mother but she always falls back into her abusive patterns and I just never knew that it’s acceptable to say, “I don’t agree with how you are treating me and I’m removing myself from this situation” to one’s family.
@carms5054 2 года назад
My parents were very immature and had 5 kids all one year part, they would fight and quarrel with each other a lot, they provided the basics but no real useful advice to apply to my life while growing up, then there was the religious indoctrination. it was years after I moved out that I realize what a bunch of phony crap it really was
@DarkManSonian 2 года назад
@@TaDarling1 I can only hope you have found a family that loves you and cherishes you. This world is hard enough let alone with out the very basics of a caring family with a focus on protecting and growing. Blessings to ya and not from some sky fairy, from my heart, one human to another.
@FreeSpirit47 2 года назад
It's too late for me, I'm glad that it's not too late for these children. My parents would have done jail time for what they did to me & my siblings. For many years, my siblings tried to say that none of the abuse ever happened. It was only after both parents had passed on that they would admit that the horrors happened in our childhoods. I went through a full year of going to a counselor Mon, Wed, Fri, 3 hours each session to get myself straightened out. It was gut wrenching as I told the counselor what my parents had done that was damaging yet normal for me & my siblings. I'm glad that the abuses in some childrens homes are being identified & stopped.
@Kurr63 2 года назад
Take care Brenda, your story is nearly identical to my own life story. God bless and hang in there.
@resilientred1699 2 года назад
Praying for you and your family.
@clover5668 2 года назад
Wishing you the best!!
@FreeSpirit47 2 года назад
@@Kurr63 I'm sorry you went through that, too. From so many people opening up about childhood abuse by their parents, it's sad that this was more common than it was once believed to be.
@lisa9867 2 года назад
My dad used to beat my mother. He did it from some of my earliest memories unitl my late teens. I don't thing he beat her after they were both in their 60's. This happened frequently and if front of me and my 2 siblings. They are both gone and we are all in our 50's but they tell people I make up stories of things that didn't happen. I don't have a relationship with either of them.
@bangbutton8322 2 года назад
I tried to tell school counselors, therapists... everyone. I was shoved, threatened and verbally abused every day growing up. I remember as a very young girl just wishing I would just not wake up the next day. I'm glad these kids got out. This is real and happens around the world daily. The result is a broken adult.
@greatdanerescuemom1 2 года назад
the teachers are supposed to report any abuse they see. any changes in the kids. no lunches sent, clothing dirty shoes with holes etc. i went thru this with my grandson and went off on the principle when he said the teachers ? a lot of things but NEVER asked my grandson who was 6 OR reported it. what has happened to humans. i am so sorry for you. blessings
@hellofoodiebeauties 2 года назад
My gr.2 teacher called CAS after my mom hit me with a table (because I didn't want to practice my spelling test for another 3 hours) and left a gash on my arm, which I still have the scar at age 33... CAS came, but my dad lied to make them leave, and save the family... then he wonders why I don't have any respect for him... my mom was an aweful person, Karma dealt with her when I was 21... she beat me and my sisters repeatedly until my dad kicked her out when I was 10... she used to tell me I ruined her body, that she got fat after having me... at 12 I asked her to move in with her and she told me I ruined her life once she wasn't going to let it happen again... she even told me to quit college if I couldn't handle her passing away because I was crying at the hospice the last time I visited her... I ignored her the last 2 weeks of her life after she told me that... Bi*** right up till the end... sad part is my sisters asked for her forgiveness... I think she should have apologized to us... I'm never going to be normal because she was too selfish to put us first.
@greatdanerescuemom1 2 года назад
you have to let it all go if you want to move on in life. if not then you are still giving her your power, which seems to be what most abusers crave. do it for you not her. she is paying the price now for what she did to her children. children are a gift from the LORD GOD, and trust me, she is paying for it now. but for you, forgive what she did and move forward. heal from the inside, release her control over you , so you can enjoy your life. Jesus loves you and knows every thiing you went thru. i am so sorry, but take your power back. blessings
@hellofoodiebeauties 2 года назад
@@greatdanerescuemom1 thank you, I hope I can forget what happened and move on... I do not know what to do about my trust issues with others though... hopefully with time that will change.
@greatdanerescuemom1 2 года назад
@@hellofoodiebeauties you wont be able to forget what happened, it is part of your life, but dont let what happened to you define WHO you are. take back your power for your own strenght. you cant let it define you. use it to make you stronger. it happened you cant change it, and you had no control over it, but you do have control over what happens from this point on. trust is very hard, but the person who broke your trust is gone, it wont happen again to you, so cut that cancer out of your life, and walk forward. past abuse cant overpower you unless you let it. blessings. ask GOD for strenght he will give it.
@FLOG2EMIT 2 года назад
I'm glad these kids realized they weren't in a safe place. Bless them and all who helps!
@jeanneswift2005 2 года назад
And they NEVER should be in the custody of their “parents” Ever Again!
@thatdude3977 2 года назад
You know this is just the beginning for those lil terds. The foster system will be worse. Rip though the cycle continues
@chickedee1085 2 года назад
@peachyswirl396 2 года назад
@sparkleh-wy7jz 2 года назад
@@thatdude3977 not all are. My neighbor was grateful that he was in the system and was adopted by a loving family.
@patriciaperry7606 2 года назад
Agree Jeanne Swift!! YES ! Please, please, DO NOT let the children go back to their parents. They’re all at risk! Retribution from parents and continued abuse all their lives! Please find them good loving caring homes! Wish I’m able to take them! God bless them and y’all thanks 🙏
@MrsznewyawkRN 2 года назад
SOO HAPPY - The kids were actually believed, most stories DONT have this outcome - praying that the parents do not gain back custody and, those poor children end up missing or worse 😞
@GameChanger597 2 года назад
The Turpin children almost weren't believed. The cop dismissed the girl that escaped as simply a troubled run away and was ready to bring her home until she showed him a picture of her sister's arm bruised and chained to the bed.
@BolitaDeKetica 2 года назад
The children are believed, right away, especially when the neglecter is the father. The mother?! Gets probation and therapy.
@rondaallen7211 2 года назад
i'm glad they were so brave.
@SkyValleyStuff 2 года назад
tell me one thing ilegal about this
@GameChanger597 2 года назад
@Christine BonaventureWhat I'm saying is accusations like this should always be taken very seriously and not so easily dismissed just bc they seem unlikely or hard to believe. These cops should aways investigate before making up their mind one way or another.
@Neckromorph 2 года назад
I'm glad that the kids were aware enough to recognize their situation as abnormal and contact the authorities about it. I imagine a lot of the time in similar cases the children do nothing because they think what their parents are doing is normal.
@dont-touch-mepg1392 2 года назад
Wow what a bunch of sheep down here! Name what the parents did that was illegal? U can loose ur fucking children for having cameras and making sure they eat good?!?! The news just has to frame things a certain way and u democrats question NOTHING! As usual!
@Shadowwarrior2288 2 года назад
I went through some of the worse mental and emotional abuse as a child into my teens. Bless any child that can be HEARD.
@StephieGsrEvolution 2 года назад
Me too, Doll 😓 I'm so sorry you had to endure it! EMDR helped me a lot, but it's still difficult. Wishing you peace. 💜
@deb9784 2 года назад
Sorry to hear that, Cass! It sounds like your plea wasn't heard! Please remember you had the COURAGE to speak up! Many of us do not! Hopefully these children with have opportunity to heal, recover, and to grow! GOD BLESS YOU, SWEETHEART! 💜
@DarkJustice1999 2 года назад
It’s so sad that people treat their children worse than animals. May these children be able to grow up healthy.
@bagpipes978 2 года назад
No Animals should EVER be mistreated either!! ALL living beings deserve nothing but loving kindness and safety, shelter, food, and water. Basic loving kind care at the very minimum.
@jasiahadler3902 2 года назад
@@bagpipes978 I really hope your vegan because if not you are the biggest hypocrite. “It’s ok when I murder and abuse animals for my taste buds but not ok when someone mistreats an animal, lmao.” You people say one thing yet your actions are the opposite of what you are preaching. I’m a vegan but I can stand when people kill pigs but hate when people kill and eat dogs in China especially when many people own pet pigs and pigs are more intelligent than a dog or a cat and is similar to a toddler. After all that is said and done I really hope you are vegan because if not you contribute to animal suffering, rape(forced insemenation), and killing of many animals that want love and not death. These animals that have their throats slit want love as well. It is selfish to breed them just to kill them. If I were that cow or pig I’d just rather not be born if I will just end up being killed for people sick desires. All animals deserve loving so please don’t be a hypocrite. If you are vegan then disregard this message I just can’t stand hypocritical people.
@kimberlysteller2556 2 года назад
No different than the treatment the govt. Gives its citizens
@knock3x 2 года назад
@@kimberlysteller2556 gives? This is completely different. These are children that are supposed to be dependent on their parents at their age. How old are you? I would guess too old to be making this about you. Not everything is political. not everything is about you.
@izzdogg80 2 года назад
May the parents die horrible deaths and suffer until that day comes!
@jmfs3497 2 года назад
A person's brain is still forming permanent pathways up until the age of 25. Extreme discipline of children doesn't create a better person, it creates a damaged one with a permanent sense of insecurity, lack of self-love, and fear of others. Hopefully these kids will have great therapy and great guardians who understand these obstacles and their individual paths to healing. Good job calling the cops.
@resilientred1699 2 года назад
My thoughts exactly. OMG. Bless them.
@samie7025 2 года назад
Yeah and you have ppl who support this shyte! Fugk em
@d.o.l1998 2 года назад
Or they will b abused worst in foster care or care centres. I hope they ll b with relatives or any one who can give them.love+ time+ understanding.
@cindyj5522 2 года назад
Now let us hope that their circumstances change for the better rather than more of the same in unmonitored, shitty children's foster care, where they age out @18 and get kicked to the curb with nothing but a black trash bag of clothes and $20.
@cindyj5522 2 года назад
@@crobnson I was on that same road except as an adoptee from Europe. Nothing but abuse and neglect by every single parental iteration I had. I often think of how amazing it is that I have lived this long without killing myself, OD'ing or going to prison. What was lost, for both of us, is a tragedy.
@MissUofH 2 года назад
I lived in a foster home until almost 9 and we wouldn’t dare go in the kitchen…didn’t eat anything unless it was given to us for meals and we had to finish those meals or we would either get punished or have that same cold meal in front of us the next time it was time to eat and never dared to asked for more food…now my son can’t stay out the kitchen, constantly wasting food and not wanting to eat anything healthy but if I did him like I was done in the 90s I’d be in jail I guess…my son doesn’t know how blessed he is
@necilya 2 года назад
Sorry that happened to you. I was also forced to eat my meals, and if I didn’t it was presented to me later. However in my case it wasn’t abuse. I was spoiled. Never wanted to eat healthy. I had loads of snacks and my favourite food was and is still ice cream. I don’t have kids, but if I did I would inspect them to ask before they grab a snack. They can’t just open the fridge when ever they feel like it. Until they are 12 at least. I’m from france and I don’t believe in snacking all day. We eat at set times and snack at set times. I hope you are having a lovely life.
@doby1buddy2 2 года назад
There is a middle ground, you don't have to be one or the other. Teach your kid how to eat properly because it affects your child's total development. We have too many obese kids and ones who aren't too bright thanks to poor nutrition.
@shotpusher 2 года назад
Your son sounds like a normal teenager.
@MissUofH 2 года назад
@@shotpusher lol he’s 9 but think he’s a teenager
@ab935 2 года назад
Sorry that happened to you, but don't waste good food.
@Jennifer-jv3rg 2 года назад
It’s heartbreaking for children to say they feel unsafe at home , when a home is supposed to be everyone safe comfort place .. I’m so glad they spoke up and someone listened . Idk what’s going on with “parents” being so evil to their own children .
@venusmontgomery7984 2 года назад
So, I guess if you go to the zoo and state you DonT feel safe, I guess they will arrest all the animals. What if their teen sons DonT fear their parents or the police?
@jonathanwilde783 2 года назад
Lol! Children can be manipulated easier than a burning hand to ice water. What part of this story was heartbreaking? None of it sounds like abuse to me!
@jonathanwilde783 2 года назад
I was beat and abused as bad as a person could be as a kid. Glimpse? Stripped naked at 6 years old by my father who held scissors over my penis and threatened to cut it off because I had flashed my penis to my sister. I was 6! Beat with a belt so bad for peeing the bed that I was kept home from school for a week and made to sit in a papasan chair and stair at the wall. I was told I was grounded from school for being bad yet in reality I was beat so bad they couldn't risk the potential consequences of their actions. I know abuse when I see it and locking away food or putting up cameras in the house to monitor what is going on is not it.
@ScreamingDucksShotMyMother 2 года назад
@@jonathanwilde783 OH so because you experienced worse, anything less isn't abuse? You make no sense, and your trauma clearly destroyed your empathy. I truly hope you get help. It looks like your bad upbringing turned you into a bad person.
@archenema6792 2 года назад
$25K bond? Should be $2 million. The corrupt revolving door judge who assigned that ridiculously paltry sum should be removed from office and disbarred from ever practicing law in the US again.
@michelesmith2620 2 года назад
Right. Judging by the house, it looks like the parents have money. That was just a drop in the bucket.
@nicke1903 2 года назад
Eh the TX School Shooter got a low rent bond,posted it,went and partied, claimed self defense... except when you leave point A with threat then return to point A with a firearm IS NOT SELF DEFENSE.Im honestly not surprised about it, I see ppl with drug charges have higher bonds than violent offender's... how does it happen? I mean I don't support drug dealers but when you have a rapist or someone that's done serious bodily harm to others getting less of a bond is crazy....just for them to likely offend again.
@mikewhocheeseharry5292 2 года назад
Doesn’t it depend on the crime? The kids are alive. Also, this bond system… who gets the money? It seems wrong all the around on who can afford their way out of crime.
@diannt9583 2 года назад
@AntiCringe I think it depends on the rules of the jurisdiction the court system is in. Don't ASSume the judge is a likely a child abuser himself. Maybe not truly educated about this happening, instead. Or constrained by the laws previously set in place. I am grateful however that these "parents" aren't allowed contact with their children without supervision - which means they won't see them again.
@billieerickson2868 2 года назад
@AntiCringe yes, you are in my opinion correct. 😉
@ncredbird3998 2 года назад
Those poor kids. So brave to speak out against the parents. I can't imagine how scared they had to be. Now if the legal system works as it should they will never have those kids again.
@marys3127 2 года назад
Hopefully, sane family members will step up to help. Many foster homes are ‘abuse’ centers.
@samie7025 2 года назад
@@marys3127 Exactly. The Turpin children were removed but some of he siblings were placed in abusive homes. So, idk how the govt can explain that one away cuz wtf.
@GameChanger597 2 года назад
I can't believe the teacher didn't report something first about the 9-year-old girl wearing the t-shirt in 20 degree weather without leggings. Unbelievable!
@miranda13c 2 года назад
The legal system when it comes to helping abused children really needs to improve.
@michelleodes2292 2 года назад
There should never have been a bond. $25,000 is crazy. $2 million is it. The legal system and CPS is yet to be desired.😰
@jking0.o121 2 года назад
Too many weirdos have children these days. Makes me sick. There's nothing more rewarding than being a good parent.
@LynnRedwine800 2 года назад
I cannot for the life of me, understand why parents withhold food from children. Why was it necessary to have high tech locks on the cabinets?? This is insane. I hope these children will be placed in a healthy, proper environment and begin to live normal lives.
@ab935 2 года назад
Type 1 diabetes and no will power on the part of the kid, however I doubt that was the case here.
@catsinskates 2 года назад
@@ab935 even then, why not just give them healthy food? They want candy, offer them fruit or something? Locking up the entire food supply is incredibly unnecessary even in that case.
@ab935 2 года назад
​@@catsinskates aside from that, here's an fyi most fruit has too much sugar in it to be healthy in large quantities. Healthy food is sardines, dandelion greens etc. Some people just like high tech. My cheapo android gets the job done. Why would I want the latest iphone. There must be more to this story, because what was presented was not torture. Did you see the one about the woman going to jail because she let her 14 yo babysit? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-mrkLwOxychA.html
@beckiejani7782 2 года назад
My father told me he kept an inventory of our chocolate so they'd know when I was up to no good... But regular food was always available.
@ab935 2 года назад
@@beckiejani7782 HA HA you're a lucky woman, what a good dad!
@mpalmer7800 2 года назад
How evil humans have to be to treat their children this way.
@quez285 2 года назад
Like I just can’t find a reason someone would do it, I’m truly confused
@ghoul4748 2 года назад
@Proud Mary Teachers are only paid to make sure kids are at school not that they're doing alright at home. Stop expecting complete strangers that are paid money to do a parents job.
@teddylumidi 2 года назад
@@ghoul4748 even strangers can have authority over you if you mistreat your kids
@reformer6666 2 года назад
And both parents.
@BeanBag343 2 года назад
@@ghoul4748 Lol you don't know anything about the educational system. I've been a teacher for 6 years and twice a year all the teachers, principals, cooks, cleaners, and counselors have to go through mandatory trainings to identify child abuse. We are required to report any form of abuse. Why no one at that school, or many schools sadly, didn't say anything is beyond me. But yes, recognizing and reporting abuse is something teachers are supposed to do
@uhavetobekiddingme8932 2 года назад
Because of issues such as this, this is exactly why I am becoming a foster parent. I hope things get better for these kids.
@reformer6666 2 года назад
And not for a check?
@uhavetobekiddingme8932 2 года назад
@reformer6666 hell no! I actually want to help these kids. I don't care about the little bit of money. This is a kid that I have a chance to help out. It makes me sick that people do it for money.
@patriciaperry7606 2 года назад
@@reformer6666why are you suspicious that there are people who care for children’s well-being. You’re one over the Three 666. Any connection to the Biblical Number of the Beast! Lol 😂 Gee, maybe nobody gets paid for these kind of services!
@thechosenone9769 2 года назад
@@reformer6666 I'm trying to be an adoptive and foster parent. In my state the amount paid is so small that I will end up spending MORE on them than I would get. And if there was extra left over it would go into a safe investment until they are grown up to help them get a start on college or a car or an apartment.
@joanclaytonjohnson3630 2 года назад
I'm happy to hear this. I have taken care of special needs and medical need children for 10 years. When I hear this or other cases like new Hampshire it is so heartbreaking.
@tyardovdabulldht2340 2 года назад
You just never know what goes on behind closed doors. Prayers for the children!
@christinaFaith84 2 года назад
What's really sad is that this happens so much in foster homes but it's covered up. It's time we expose that too!! Good parents who's children were taken for dumb reasons or hearsay try to speak out about the horrible conditions their children are in only get their rights or visitation taken away for speaking out about the abuse in foster care. It's sad and it's sick that the Government let's them get away with it.
@rhondaburke5700 2 года назад
Yes. I agree! That whole system is broken. It needs total revamping.
@armysenior1780 2 года назад
What scares me most in these stories is the realization of the thousands upon thousands of children living in these conditions and worse. Children who have tried to ask for help who weren't believed and returned to their parent's custody. It breaks my heart.
@pegjones7682 2 года назад
Not to mention all those in residential homes and orphanages who were abused,ran away and returned by the police!
@RipleysSanatorium 2 года назад
@@pegjones7682 well, the courts put them there...
@venusmontgomery7984 2 года назад
Where is the abuse? You people are bedwetters, grow tough skin!
@armysenior1780 2 года назад
@@venusmontgomery7984 I truly hope you don't have children if you find this situation normal. My skin is plenty tough because I was taught by my parents to love myself and have confidence. They didn't even have to put me under 24 hour surveillance, lock up all the food in the house or deny me warm clothes.
@armysenior1780 2 года назад
@@RipleysSanatorium What's your point though?
@neoudi2024 2 года назад
Praying for the poor children! Protect them O Lord
@ms.sunshine2u635 2 года назад
🙏🏾 🙏🏾 🙏🏾 🙏🏾
@niatoolit 2 года назад
@@ms.sunshine2u635 🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕💕
@kevdmiller5150 2 года назад
Where was he when this shit was happening? He picks and chooses when to help people?
@niatoolit 2 года назад
@@kevdmiller5150 God works in mysterious ways 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🤣
@Albotat 2 года назад
I am fairly certain that if your lord were going to protect them he had 16 years to do it. Your god has NOTHING to do with this.
@pinkrose1438 2 года назад
I pray these children are placed in a safe home filled with love❤️.God bless and protect them🙏❤️
@luckyme2636 2 года назад
So sad..I grew up in a very abusive household..I loved school it was the only time I felt safe and had my only meals..then I did end up in the system and that was just as worse...but I eventually found my own home and family..I hope those poor children grow up to be stronger than ever! I'm so glad they told someone!!
@moosehead1183 2 года назад
The teachers in the schools where these children went must have turned a blind eye to what they were seeing for years.
@olivegreen337 2 года назад
People aren't caring as the old days!
@kathymcmc 2 года назад
The teachers didn't care as long as they weren't Conservatives.
@rowredround7206 2 года назад
@@olivegreen337 in the old days? When children got thumped at school?
@Glimmmerra 2 года назад
@@olivegreen337 Teachers never cared in the old days, many were abusive and allowed bullying right under their noses. *eyeroll*
@joankearney4029 2 года назад
If there were no physical signs, what could the teachers notice? Probably too busy teaching the CRT garbage.
@brandyb2931 2 года назад
If this is how you plan to treat your kids, don't have any.
@FLOG2EMIT 2 года назад
My wife works at a school on a military base. There are some kids that thank her so much for giving them a second lunch or giving them an extra apple to take home for dinner. They go home and dont get fed or locked in their room with no food for the weekend until they get to school on Mondays. It's so hard to hear this stuff from her and not being military our selves makes it near impossible to call these people out.
@divineorder7695 2 года назад
That's so sad but I can believe it. There's a way to communicate discreetly about these conditions to the Command where this school is located. Teacher(s) can also type an anonymous letter and send to the Command or have a person (not involved) drop it off.
@venusmontgomery7984 2 года назад
Your wife sounds like an intrusive busy body.
@Pugetwitch 2 года назад
That's so sad. I wish I could put my hands on those parents. Makes me sick!!!!
@rhiannonbedford4039 2 года назад
This breaks my heart…. No child should ever feel unsafe but especially in the place they call home with the two people who are supposed to provide love and safety… I really hope they do well and get help because that has to be so traumatizing … they are in my prayers ❤️❤️❤️
@ohmeowzer1 2 года назад
These poor children. I pray they feel safe and fed and warm now .,.God Bless them
@lisakenitz1104 2 года назад
💔😭prayers for these children all children of this evilness of failed adults ...💞🙏💞
@bridgetamato6182 2 года назад
Good! We need community centers for parents with anger issues and psychological counseling available 24/7.
@StephieGsrEvolution 2 года назад
Need too much $ for wars instead 😓
@abductedbyaliens9425 2 года назад
I’m glad the kids found the courage to speak up. Most of the time you never hear about the kids speaking up until it’s to late.
@StephieGsrEvolution 2 года назад
Or believed!
@abductedbyaliens9425 2 года назад
@@StephieGsrEvolution oh absolutely! Yes some kids lie, but when it comes down to matters of being neglected or abused I feel there needs to be immediate action that goes straight into looking into the claims whether you don’t believe it or not.
@Rose-kp4ow 2 года назад
Why do these kinds of people even have kids? Their as bad as those kinds of people who keep their dogs chained up outside all day 💔
@bridgetamato6182 2 года назад
Keep your eyes open. Open your home to a child in need! Provide a safe space for children.
@vixxcottage 2 года назад
These children have had a difficult life but this is the first step to turning things around.
@commonsensecorner7275 2 года назад
The parents clearly hadn’t heard of the Turpin children or thought they would never get caught!!! 🤷🏽‍♀️😞 Lord keep them safe, because we know that not every foster parent always have good intentions!!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
@suzanneadams7321 2 года назад
@lisaderenard4467 2 года назад
They just thought they had their children brainwashed so well that the children would never tell anyone, or if they told nobody would do anything about it. They will probably change their will and disinherit them now. God bless the child who has his own, it all comes from God anyhow. Amen.
@lauramason97 2 года назад
Yes, the children definitely deserve parents who will love ❤️ and embrace them .
@lorishoe12 2 года назад
The Turpin children went through a whole hell of a lot worse than these kids. This is nothing compared to other stories of abuse that children have been through. I monitor my girls constantly, for there protection and some parents have to lock food up. I saw one story of a kid who ate constantly and kept gaining weight and his mom HAd to put lock on the cabinets. Also, at least these kids were able to go to school and get out of the house and weren't locked in cages or to their beds. I don't believe the whole story is being brought to light here. Any kid can say they don't feel safe in their home and bam the kids are taken away, smh .
@mevv 2 года назад
@@lorishoe12 constant surveillance can create a psychological complex. I feel bad for those kids.
@miamoore1666 2 года назад
You’re telling me this little girls teacher noticed nothing? I don’t think so! She didn’t want to get involved. And that’s too bad because it’s part of an oath you take as a teacher.
@janalu4067 2 года назад
There is no oath.
@marleeamato4944 2 года назад
@@janalu4067 really? There is a responsibility to report for a dental hygienist, but not a teacher?
@janalu4067 2 года назад
@@marleeamato4944 they are mandated reporters, yes. But no oath. I wish there was, maybe it would push people to take it seriously. I also feel for the teachers and other mandated reporters. Where I have worked, the information was well, obscure and the work involved to do it was bound to seriously mess up a person's work week. Not good as most are struggling to get home on time to do family duties. Add to this all the horror stories we hear from within and about 'the system' makes folks think that alerting CPS is often worse than doing nothing. This is a sentiment that has repeatedly been backed by data, when looking at various outcomes for children aging out of the system.
@StephieGsrEvolution 2 года назад
Teachers don't always notice everything.
@thegmom7812 2 года назад
@@janalu4067 teachers are mandatory reporters ! They are required to report abuse if they see or even suspect it !!!
@goldenquartz3236 2 года назад
What is wrong with ppl nowadays omg how can you do something so heartless to innocent children
@annhans3535 2 года назад
Thank you to these officers for taking this seriously.
@ameliawilder28 2 года назад
As someone who grew up with abusive parents, I feel the pain. I was in tears hearing this. Just disgusting. I hope the kids get the help they need and I'm glad they were able to get cops to investigate their pleas. Foster care saved my life, and hopefully those kids get another relative or foster home to care for them. They deserve to have a happy life. Every child deserves to live a fulfilling life. My life has forever been changed as now I struggle with GAD and panic disorder for nearly 2 decades. I wish them a healthy recovery, a good life, and that they each find something they are passionate to persue. For me story telling got me through my trauma, and now I'm working to be a producer, script writer, and actor. It won't be easy for especially for the 16 year old since the oldest will have a very good memory of the trauma. The youngest two will still suffer, but at least most of their trauma will be a blur. I'm so sorry for what these children endured. I don't get why couples have kids if this is how they treat them.
@cjasse 2 года назад
You should be so proud of yourself for working so hard to get where you are. I'm sorry you went through all that. God bless you.
@veramae4098 2 года назад
This is one clear reason for legal abortion.
@ac4498 2 года назад
@@veramae4098 Sadly, these parents decided to keep their kids
@7thswansong152 2 года назад
My father did not want kids. He sure let us know. I don't know what my mother was thinking, but she loved us so much. But she didn't leave until he kept hurting her in his 80's. He was being manipulated by my brother to change the Trust.
@christinam1649 2 года назад
Hugs 💛
@karenwhite4141 2 года назад
A SHIRT for a dress?! Teacher should've reported that. I'm sure it's not the first time. Smh
@shellykeathley3878 2 года назад
She was at home
@JosedeJezeus 2 года назад
It was a beautiful shirt, though!
@thegmom7812 2 года назад
@@shellykeathley3878 they sent her to school wearing a shirt as a dress !!
@TheOnlyLacyLavender1 2 года назад
@@thegmom7812 What's the big deal? I've worn shirts as dresses myself! SO many of you people are SO brainwashed by MSM! You're pathetic.
@kennamitchem1713 2 года назад
Wow horrible ppl 😢🤦‍♀️ I’m praying these kids can recover
@samuelschick8813 2 года назад
Think that's bad? Watch the Netflix documentary " The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez".
@bilalahmed2123 2 года назад
This is horrible. Some people are just crazy ! How did this go on for this long ?
@dont-touch-mepg1392 2 года назад
Wow what a bunch of sheep down here! Name what the parents did that was illegal? U can loose ur fucking children for having cameras and making sure they eat good?!?! The news just has to frame things a certain way and u democrats question NOTHING! As usual!
@fayveniawhitfield8696 2 года назад
I could never! My daughter passed and left me with 4 children 15,16,17boys 8year old girl. My job is too protect them by any means necessary. I love my grandchildren so much and they love Grandma (me).
@leeyaferguson9019 2 года назад
We've, unfortunately, heard this sad story, over, and over, and over again!!!! My prayers for these children!!
@suspicious2delicious 2 года назад
There was a recent story just now about a adoptive 14 year boy being locked in a small garage all day; only time he was out was to attend to school.
@DISGUYROX 2 года назад
Rather than what lazy, confused and frightened people do while sitting on their couches and DOING NOTHING as they "pray", I would like to be locked in a room with these two so called parent. Unfortunately you who pray do not understnad what taking real action means. Just keep wringing your hands while safe on your couch.
@siouxgirl2703 2 года назад
💜💜💜 So glad those kids spoke up. More kids need to do this and actually be listened to.
@jenl1107 2 года назад
Makes me want to have a nice, clean, safe home so I can foster kids like this. Poor kids 😔
@whitediamond5230 2 года назад
WHAT'S WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE? They needs to be held accountable to the FULLEST!!!!! No child should have to live like that or feel unsafe in their own home. SILENCE OF THE LAMB ROOM? This is disgusting!!!!! Poor children!!!!! EVIL and WICKED again!!!!!
@FalloutNewVegasMods44 2 года назад
so your mad because they put locks on things? what was the crime? not letting your child become an obese whore, where is the abuse? the cop saying it looked like a movie? The state taking kids is nothing new, no crimes were articulated.
@strnglhld 2 года назад
@@FalloutNewVegasMods44 No crimes need to be articulated for CPS taking the children. That’s never been the standard. Many bad parents are bad without committing crimes. Their stepdad had three cameras in the kitchen as well as food locked up. Abnormal. Also both parents got drunk and fought. Also, none of this would influence the kid’s future sex lives. Much like the rest of your comment, that makes no sense.
@luluinterrupted9213 2 года назад
@@FalloutNewVegasMods44 the fact you see nothing wrong with this is beyond disturbing
@sudilos1172 2 года назад
@@FalloutNewVegasMods44 Thumbs up because I am split. But the abuse they said was verbal intimidation. Also if they had the oldest living in the well in the basement then that would be abuse
@Paigedavisfit 2 года назад
order n the house . what it sounds like the kids cant be bad cz they being watched and they cant go into the food n snacks when they want too cz its locked up and cant mess up the bathroom n house so use it down stairs. Idk
@jevonk 2 года назад
I hope the kids never have to be put back into the custody of their parents again.
@tavias.7604 2 года назад
Heartbreaking to hear any kids having to live that kind of life with the very people they should feel nothing but love and nurturing from. I don't care where you live or what the circumstances are, abuse is abuse and impacts a child's life. Shame on people who abuse children or anyone for that matter. Disgusting!
@dont-touch-mepg1392 2 года назад
Wow what a bunch of sheep down here! Name what the parents did that was illegal? U can loose ur fucking children for having cameras and making sure they eat good?!?! The news just has to frame things a certain way and u democrats question NOTHING! As usual!
@venusmontgomery7984 2 года назад
They lived a hard life because the parents monitored them? The parents. Shouldn't monitor their activities, to protect them from drag queen story hour? Stop with the child worship!
@venusmontgomery7984 2 года назад
@@dont-touch-mepg1392 so glad I am not the only one who is passed at these bedwetti g Globalists! Sick tickets!
@tavias.7604 2 года назад
@@venusmontgomery7984 what video did you watch? Really hope you don’t have kids.
@venusmontgomery7984 2 года назад
@@tavias.7604 What video did you watch. You saw a dirty cop evoking your emotions! Emotions are not laws! I heard the neighbors and educators say nothing was abnormal. Globalists are Hell bent on teaching lap dances by drag queens to our children! The LGQ endorses CPS. The current government adm. Is flying kidnapped foreign children all over the country, dropping them off to perverted celebrities. Ask Ron desantis give. Of Fl. Parents committed no crimes.
@alvarussell2728 2 года назад
Hands up to the schools that reported this. Hats off thank you
@t-bonena3609 2 года назад
$25'000 bond means they only had to pay 10 percent of that amount to get outvof jail. $2,500 and they are free. Hope they get jail time. Then then they'll know what it's like to have food restricted from them.
@downhomesunset 2 года назад
Sometimes just 5%…..
@anonymousprepper1463 2 года назад
You don't eat anytime you want, period. or it will increase issues of concern on one's health. Where this children under weight? If not, it's a bullshit claim of food restriction.
@aria6596 2 года назад
Poor babies 😢😢😢 I hope the rest of their childhood is full of joy. No child deserves this, so sad
@jttoering9084 2 года назад
This hurts my heart. Love, Strength and Prayers to those kids
@babysimba11 2 года назад
“ if they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they would have never believed what the children claimed was going on inside their home” that right there is a very problematic statement.
@LearnTheParableOfTheFigTree 2 года назад
Poor children, hope they have family, because CPS is just as bad, more children come from placements with horror stories!! But this goes heavily ignored 😔
@julierogers1155 2 года назад
This comment is ACCURATE and exactly describes the state of the system. These kids need all the luck they can get.
@mattscott8512 2 года назад
Yes!!! CPS is just as worse
@IronskullGM 2 года назад
I don't think they ever clarified if the kids were foster kids or not.
@keepruvthknight 2 года назад
@@julierogers1155 They need all the prayers and blessings also.
@julierogers1155 2 года назад
@@IronskullGM The point the original commenter is making is that many times kids removed from biological parents and placed in foster care may fare WORSE than they would have with substandard bio parents ... or some related family member.
@Sara-tl6gu 2 года назад
Poor kids. Very brave of them.
@RoccosVideos 2 года назад
I hope the children get the help and love they need.
@d_exiled_1arisen385 2 года назад
I pray all these children stay together. I was abused as a child and it has messed Me up. I still don't speak to My dad. God walk with these children, give them the strength I couldn't find, guide these children in the righteous path and allow these children God to forgive their parent's mistakes. 🙏🏾 Amen 🇵🇷✊🏾
@jbsang54 2 года назад
What monsters! They should never get them back. Children should SUE the parents (?) for their mental abuse!! Poor kids. :(
@jb6712 2 года назад
Funny thing; it's always apparent when a viewer/commenter speaks from their emotions, and not from any kind of genuine knowledge base. If you were to do some in-depth research first, you'd very likely find that such a lawsuit would be ill advised by most attorneys. But then, you're not involved with this issue, so why should you care what the outcome is; it's not your mental health on the line, it's not your reputation being smeared, it's not your children being maligned because of their story being splattered as sensationalism all over the country. No, it's just your big mouth blasting off an unnecessary comment that, hopefully, nobody will pay attention to, and will just figure another "Karen" has opened its mouth....again.
@schlagie 2 года назад
@@jb6712 I think you have a few screws loose
@supersquirrel7546 2 года назад
Soon these parents will know how it feels to be locked up, under constant 24/7 surveillance and zero access to food (unless it's specific meal times). They won't be able to control anything or anyone behind bars. Let's see how they'll like these restrictions.
@siesiechampion 2 года назад
Now they will be in separate home being assaulted smh
@JerseyJulieBlues 2 года назад
Excellent report. Thank the universe these children are and remain safe!
@Usos2024 2 года назад
Wow they should never ever get those kids again. And lock them up when they go back to court they wicked foreal.
@markharrisllb 2 года назад
The words "…under constant surveillance" are terrifying, even before considering the possibility of SA were they monitored doing the really private things like defecating? Was one of the daughters at an age where she was menstruating? It’s truly vile. What’s with the locks, we’re the children so starved they were scared they would steal rather than say "Please May I have a…"? I have two beautiful daughters and three amazing grandchildren, they are the best, most valuable gifts I’ve had in my life. My greatest joy is watching them grow and bloom.
@Miss.circle_oreo919 2 года назад
@AntiCringe this report seems... sensationalist af. The reporter used big and scary words but didn't really say anything.
@vivica8207 2 года назад
@@Miss.circle_oreo919 probably cause there are juveniles involved and the police are not going to release all the details to them, since it is an ongoing investigation and the parents haven't gone to trial yet.
@everthevillain188 2 года назад
Ok...this Is terrible...but let's not act like North America is not rife with homes fully outfitted with these video "security" systems. This is how morons with no tech savvy opened up their homes and kids bedrooms to the world in the name of perceived safety. Not excusing anything here, but any of these things COULD easily be found in a non abusive home.
@everthevillain188 2 года назад
@@Miss.circle_oreo919 agreed. All sizzle, no steak.
@Winter.aka.Winnie 2 года назад
Stuff like this can either make you look back and appreciate ur childhood or look back and realize how abused you were but thought everyone lived that way.
@robyntrotter1127 2 года назад
Good job kids you spoke up. Thanks for believing these children.
@virginiapurvis3917 2 года назад
Damn. How has this been going on? The school should have figured out something was going on at home. It's a damn shame they tortured their own kids and got a $25,000 bond.
@MrGHawaii 2 года назад
When I was kid, I was threatened with more abuse if I said anything.
@JoDo777 2 года назад
This is VERY, VERY COMMON. Stop sweeping child abuse under the rug
@alphabetazeta5373 2 года назад
Thank you PD
@jaycraccn783 2 года назад
I feel for these kids in the 90's I was in a foaster home just like this smh a lot of abuse I pray that those kids are safe and in a better home💙🏡
@daynashallenberger6256 2 года назад
@puggirl007 2 года назад
S sorry this ha to you. I hope your doing better as an adult. And that your life is full of positive love ❤
@jaycraccn783 2 года назад
@@puggirl007 thank you so much and yes my life is way better now 😊 god bless you!!!
@Prosperity85 2 года назад
@@jaycraccn783 Thank god you remained strong and no longer suffering in that situation. I’m glad you didn’t let what happened to you overtake your life in a negative way. I was a foster child when I was in middle school and I didn’t go through what you did. But my small children who were put in foster care had strict foster parents and I hate that I put them in that predicament to be mistreated like that. God help me get out that long deal situation and they are now back in my custody.
@jaycraccn783 2 года назад
@@Prosperity85 god bless you and ur children I'm glad there bacc in ur arms never give up n always have faith god loves you 💙
@greensage395 2 года назад
Thank GOD someone reacted! People have lost their Minds!
@mindyourself7063 2 года назад
How dense would you have to be to think no one would get wise. This couple answers that question.
@trurush 2 года назад
Makes me think of the Turpin kids. So so so happy that these kids had the courage to reach for help. And the adults they reached to saw and heard. It’s soooo encouraging.
@jackiejenson 2 года назад
This makes me sick. As an adult that experienced childhood trauma, I can empathize so much with their situation. I hope they are safe now and get the support they need. But unfortunately those parents caused a lifetime of pain on those innocent children. I hope they are severely punished for this!
@StephieGsrEvolution 2 года назад
They won't get punished. They may even get their kids back, knowing how this system is.
@mscupcakedreamson36 2 года назад
This is a creepy reality for those children. The saddest part of the story is, the state will most likely turn them back over to those monsters. Let’s pray they don’t.
@59Schnauzermom 2 года назад
That's the scary part of this story
@bruhism173 2 года назад
I was verbally and mentally abused at my school, the same teachers are still employed, I had my grades sabotaged due to them, and because of that I refused to work with them and now I'm completely behind.
@masunshine2970 2 года назад
Absolutely horrible. I pray those kids never are allowed to be around those parents again. I pray somebody takes them in and treats them the way children should be treated. God Bless the children. Hope the parents are jailed for child abuse and go to prison for a few years so they know how it feels.
@reynardfoxx6753 2 года назад
One never knows what happens behind closed doors of those big, beautiful homes.
@stevenchase8124 2 года назад
Everyone deserves to feel Love and Safe.
@jacintacody133 2 года назад
I'm so glad these kids were finally listened to 💜🙏💜🙏💜
@rebeccalucas6063 2 года назад
Why were these animals allowed bail?!😠😠 Fire that judge!
@lindamichigan5471 2 года назад
I’ll pray that these incredibly bright courageous children heal in all ways and God helps them thru the process
@TheDAT573 2 года назад
Thank God for the Police, that rescued the children from that horrific situation.
@joeo7257 2 года назад
What was the abuse? In grade school and high school I wasn't allowed to raid the refrigerator or pantry. That food may have been saved for our family's dinner. Wearing just a shirt? What was the temperature INSIDE the house? Were other clothes available if she wanted them? We had 2 bathroom. We had to stay out of our parents bathroom.
@shirleyhansford6047 2 года назад
One of the parents had to convince the other that the children deserved to be treated like that No woman and man who together both think this is a normal way to raise kids. So glad kids spoke up and hopefully are in safe environments now.
@preese100 2 года назад
There are no words to explain the cruelty, hatred and injustices of this world. It's all around us,,,everyday..everywhere!
@relivethesplendor9302 2 года назад
Good job to the kids for speaking up, and not staying silent!
@ijustchangedmyname7794 2 года назад
So grateful these kids spoke up.
@ms.susandawson14 2 года назад
Praying from Illinois, God Bless them Kids
@kingdoc3262 2 года назад
@dawn2wells 2 года назад
My sister was a nanny and the house was just like that. All the bedrooms had security highteck locks. The husband would call his wife to make sure she was working out ...AND ON TIME. The wife had a very strict set of rules the house had internal cameras. The husband was a doctor in Toledo. My sister got freaked out and left.
@joycelindsey6123 2 года назад
Sister should have reported the parents
@dawn2wells 2 года назад
@@joycelindsey6123 I know! I told her to give me their information. But she wouldn't
@dawn2wells 2 года назад
And crazier yet...the wife DID NOT WORK! Why would you need a nanny? My sister had a strict set of rules too.
@shellycooper1210 2 года назад
Sending hugs and prayers
@gnormanhayes 2 года назад
My sister would often where things my parents didn't approve of and wouldn't catch every single day she left for school
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