
CPAC 2007: The Unauthorized Documentary 

The Nation
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The Nation's Max Blumenthal takes us on a revealing (and at times shocking) tour of the Conservative Political Action Conference. Featuring Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Grover Norquist, Mitt Romney, Tom Tancredo, and many more.



29 сен 2024




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@rasoros 17 лет назад
"hey man, whats wrong with the confederacy? You've gotta take your stand!" L*O*L
@wcsxwcsx 5 лет назад
Fascinating. Not much has changed in twelve years.
@reppy 17 лет назад
The only way it could have been better is if you made a Patriot Act joke after Coulter whined about her privacy.
@trebsworld 17 лет назад
I detest the right wing nut cases as much as anyone, but that was a pretty shoddy piece of work, and not worthy to be called a "documentary". The way the opening "interview" with Michelle Malkin was edited only gives fuel to the right. It's a hit piece, and nothing more. A pretty juvenile piece of work.
@aGua421 17 лет назад
interesting documentary on where conservatism has gone today
@CopyboyVideo 17 лет назад
Gosh -your arguments are so intellectual; sure you weren't in that video?
@izregistered 17 лет назад
Interesting video, but Max's voice sounds like a someone's voice you'd hear calling and breathing into your ear. CREEEPY.
@MidnightChimes 17 лет назад
"I made a lot of errors and I acknowledged several errors in my book" -Michelle Malkin Notice the difference there: a lot > several What errors has she not acknowledged?
@KarlBonner1982 11 лет назад
"Like" this if your favorite part of the video is Tancredo's reaction to the White Culture comment...
@gordonmcdowell 17 лет назад
dav1021's diary on Kos. Following her "escape," Mike Stark catches up with her. Stark: "What happened, Michelle? Malkin: "Some punks from the Nation came, and they ambushed me at my book signing." Stark: "Heh, that's real professional." Malkin: "Yeah. Such chickenshits." Stark: "What did they do?" Malkin: "Uh, they had a video camera, and they, uh, started, uh, lambasting my blog. Yeah. I'm sorry, I'm just like, cursing. It's made me [unintelligible]."
@nomatter7326 13 лет назад
Max I will sign it for you! Great tactics in interviewing very smart humans. Now can we have another round in the sheets? Love Tom
@kissfan7 14 лет назад
Malkin's reaction is classic. "I strongly believe in academic openness and honesty. Now, excuse me while I almost literally run away from your questions." She's right though. Internment was very important to the American war effort. That's why the highly important state of Hawai'i also had to imprison Japanese-Americans. Oh wait, NO THEY DIDN'T! By the way, Ms. Coulter. If you have to end a joke with "so" and a long pause, it's not a good joke.
@luxarific 17 лет назад
Fantastic! Thank you so much for sitting through that so we didn't have to! (And for embarrassing Malkin - that was just pure gold.)
@ilovebaconsandwiches 11 лет назад
I just converted from Christianity to Islam to Christianity to Hinduism to Islam and back to Christianity in the past 20 minutes.
@flug747 17 лет назад
Totally cool! Max tiene cojones! To embarass Coulter and Horowitz and Malkin on the same day - not bad, not bad at all.
@Falloutmoon 16 лет назад
"as a black republican" Awesome ! :)
@LASTCARonBROCK 17 лет назад
Wow, Max, this took some serious balls and I salute you for that. And I just love hearing Horowitz say that the Liberal Movement is built on hatred after seeing those reporters getting treated like crap by EVERYONE there!
@magnoid 17 лет назад
lol, "thanks for respecting my privacy" ???
@SuperHardPoop 14 лет назад
Max... you're ROCK dude!!
@dmikeb 17 лет назад
Great video Max.
@AndySternberg 17 лет назад
Awesome. Thanks for doing this, Max, so WE didn't have to! Love, the liberal media.
@SerinaJK 16 лет назад
You go baby! Great work and thank you for revealing the truth about these "icons" that need to take a step down all together. Jennifer Korol
@Yourismouter 8 лет назад
haha! Max Blumenthal boy you got balls of steel, all power to you bro! check out max's superb unembedded independent journalism at alternet.org and donate generously to them
@jaikwillis 17 лет назад
good to hear this perspective on Max from groenhagen for balance. I don't blaim anyone for avoiding service in 1/2 hearted debacles as dumb as Vietnam or Iraq. Bush Sr deserves credit for his millitary service in WW2. Bush Sr's service doesnot reflect on Bush Jr, Blumenthal Sr's service doesn't reflect on Blumenthal Jr. Max was wrong to advocate milltary action in Afghanistan. the Taliban is building, Bin Laden has a new safe haven in Pakistan that has nuclear capacity , oops.
@Satchel334 17 лет назад
I gotta say, Max nailed these right wingers. Especially the coward Malkin and the hatemonger Coulter who has a very active social life, dating life, and sex life. Yet she's in her 40's and never married! Yeah, she's some devout Christian, not! Rock on, Max!
@jaikwillis 17 лет назад
Max could have had better questions, but hats of for his consistant boldness, he at least sparks debate, and finds other hypocrites
@bapyou 13 лет назад
Tancredo at 2:55 " . . . I guess you could also just ask them whether they think Miami is becoming a third world country." Ohhhh . . . SNAP! Tommy boy. I guess you should also have repeated that comment to a crowd full of Miami right-wing Cubans, the overwhelming majority of whom are Spanish-speaking Republicans. But then, doing so wouldn't have scared the lilly-white crowd to whom the comment was targeted. Gotts love these deracinated right-wing Italian-Americans.
@bapyou 13 лет назад
@0spiker "you really think Coulter had that much control that he was allowed to select who voted?" Your knowlegde of what happened is incorrect. What occurred was this: When Phelps-Dodge miners struck, the company hired replacement workers. Management then allowed the replacements to vote for the decertification, locking the original employees out of voting. John Coulter was involved with the process step by step. Charles Perry's book 'Operating during Strikes' was his guide.
@bapyou 15 лет назад
No, Blumenthal does not "attack people instead of ideas." He lets people speak for themselves. They hang themselves with what they say. Blumenthal certainly does deal with ideas in his book. For instance, the whacko notions promoted by James T. Dobson, the big mahat of Focus on the Family. That is certainly within the realm of ideas and not character assassination in the least. These people's character speaks for itself. The only dehumanizing going on is the right-wing propaganda, IMO.
@bapyou 15 лет назад
I agree Coulter's books are rants. But it's incorrect to dismiss Blumenthal's book as some sort of mirror response to the Republican right. 'Republican Gomorrah' is well-researched and extensivley footnoted; it's hardly a "rant." It's a serious, well-reasoned expose of the roots of the far religious right that has hi-jacked the GOP since Reagan's time. As such, it was written as much for moderate Republicans who feel left out of their party as it was for Democrats or liberals.
@lustreboy 17 лет назад
I don't know a whole lot about any of the people interviewed in this video, but I thought it was interesting that Ann Coulter goes straight for the personal insults. Obvioulsy the "3 failed engagements" was an inflamatory statement but for her to go "you're ugly, I bet you dont' get much" was just so base, so childish, I hope she looks back and goes "oh my god, you idiot.. you looked a real twat up there Ann." and defiles her underwear in shame. conservatism seems to attract some nasty people.
@thewah 17 лет назад
"What most Americans believe in is the Constitution and the rule of law." Yes, and Malkin/Coulter are the kind of "Americans" that aren't so hip to that particular piece of paper....and have made millions off "this sort of Left Vs. Right crap". It's their claim to fame.
@Exiio 17 лет назад
The only part in the video I didn't like was the "promoting white power." The one person made a great part, illegal immigrants is what it is, "illegal." They weren't saying anything about race, just about how they should come to the country legally.
@Johnf85 17 лет назад
are you the gaurdian of this video or something? everywhere i look jaikwillis has commented. do you pay taxes or do you just live in you parents basement like most liberals who have a lot of time on their hands
@nocturnezero 13 лет назад
@0spiker That's another discrepancy I disagree with. I don't think the state has any legitimate power to block new entries because I don't think the state has the same reign over land as I do over my house - not least of all because I am a sentient human while the state is a lifeless organization, and because I have authority to do as I please in and with my house, while if we give the state that same power that I exercise in my home, it could abuse it to infringe upon the rights of citizens.
@Piglatinsuperstar 14 лет назад
When these people are FORCED to face the truth this happens. Usually she just puts up her hand as in "talk to the hand" and raises her eyebrow when someone is stressing her out. In this case first she try the lie "I said there were errors in it" (at least when she knows someone is on to her) and eventually will run off with her tail between their legs, their shame out in the open But for the most part they are the disingenuous type, expecting you to believe what they say even when they dont
@Piglatinsuperstar 14 лет назад
How come when Cheney was on with Limbaugh a couple years ago he was asked about the deficit spending on Iraq and Dick told Rush that deficit spending was good and Rush went along with him? Cheney said deficits were good for the country and Limbaugh agreed with him! So you hypocrites shouldnt be complaining becuz if Cheney said it it must be true! That means spending right here on our own- domestically on jobs and on healthcare is ever better Republicants dont have a health care plan
@hollywoodartchick 15 лет назад
Ha ha - Horowitz sure can spin! So that is the argument - "The Left just hates the Right." Sadly, people choose to believe that. He is a great marketing tool for ideas that don't make any sense. He and Ari Fleischer must go to the same Toastmasters chapter. Ann thinks it's OK to jab into the sensitive personal matters of others, but when someone does the same to her, she won't respond.
@phillipgaley 15 лет назад
1)"justifying"? she simply posits points for discourse in reason; 2)those who are of the feminine persuasion aprehend utility in "profiling" -- Max is a man; 3) "And so we're gonna to get her to sign this." -- but then, "Let not he who putteth on his armor boast as he who putteth it off."; and as is sometimes said of such, Max's puerile thrust against Ms. Malkin, is as though "He came to the shoot out at the OK Corral, with his cap-gun.". 4) "I love your book." - Max dissembles the facts. 5) "Wh
@edgarcasey 15 лет назад
rikicheever, I'm sorry - I hit the wrong button! (I'll be sure to be much more careful going forward) I cannot agree with you more. People like Michelle "In Defense of Internment" Malkin are filled with hate. Self-indulgent? Most definitely. To hell with her and her holier-than-thou attitude. What are her aspirations? To emulate Ann Coulter? My, what a noble objective. Ann Coulter makes my skin crawl. That she has such legions of fans is profoundly disturbing and deeply disheartening.
@liberal4ever 17 лет назад
Ok, fine, anti-jewish then. And I think the Jewish people earned their right to take back a small part of their once much larger kingdom due to the centuries of pogroms and Holocausts. This is also a case for a Kurdish state as well. And also a Palestinian one. In the words of the oracle-"We're all here to do what we're all here to do. And believe me, the best way to get there is together."
@cenewgent 17 лет назад
i like some of blumenthal's points, but his idea that not supporting amnesty is racism is unfounded. i'm not altogether patriotic myself, but i'm far from globalist. there is a way to immigrate legally, and to grant amnesty to everyone who is trying to go about it the right way is a slap in the face to the latter. It's not racist for the U.S. to try to take care of their own before reaching charity beyond our borders.
@djmaverickoop 17 лет назад
The most depressing thing about this whole struggle between liberals and conservatives is everybody thinks it a "team-based" idea. If someone's on on the republican side, and you're a liberal, they are your enemy(and vice versa). Quite honestly, historically, communist were liberals and Nazis/Fascist were conservative- they are not pretty backgrounds. I say, who cares if your a democrat or a republican, just try to help the world one way or another!
@JackArbitrage 17 лет назад
Mitt Romney said "You are about to hear from Ann Coulter, that is a good thing. I think it's important to hear from moderates." When you cut it off at "You are about to hear from Ann Coulter, that is a good thing"... It took it completely out of context. The person who made this movie isn't a hero, like he thinks he is. He is manipulative dishonest man that is nervous about Mitt Romney's potential.
@rhudsonrte66 12 лет назад
In the insect world when the nest is attacked all the insects start yelling in their insect language "PROTECT THE QUEEN, PROTECT THE QUEEN! I think they're screaming the same at the offices at Americans For Tax Reform. Grover Norquist is now constantly surrounded by tall men with guns where ever he goes.
@nocturnezero 13 лет назад
@RyanR3volution Correct. Assuming a political spectrum exists, one side is anarchy, the opposite is authoritarianism. We can call these up/down, or, if you please, left/right; whatever directions are not taken would be assigned the terms of what we know as left and right. That is, anarchy/statism are just two sides of a square spectrum.
@bush1tman 14 лет назад
Oh and I almost forgot. As a 10 year old in a new school I was attacked on the grounds by the biggest kid in the school. A crowd formed to see me wipe the floor with him after he was winning for about 15 seconds. And I took a two by four to a real big guy at a county fair once so I can take care o' bidness dude.
@honsou48 16 лет назад
I really want to be on this guys side. But hes so inflammatory that it kinda makes me embarrassed that i have to deal with a guy like him. He could of went though this in a very classy way, talking about the points, and making them look bad. But no in this he made him self look bad, and in the end all liberals look bad.
@FlackNCoke 17 лет назад
Let me point out that political parties, along with everything else, change. A wise man once said that your army is only as good as the people in it. I think that can be said of political parties as well, and frankly, the Conservative Republicans don't have great people on their side. Say all you want about the past, but that's all said and done. It's the present that matters.
@dxpsman 17 лет назад
That's unfortunately the case. That's why I support true conservatism, not the Republican "right" whose interests are almost entirely economic. Still, the Jewish left (ie: the American Jews) is completely militant against the conservatives. It's a conflict of interest for them, not me or my affiliation.
@aGua421 17 лет назад
Well we can speak against illegal immigration is a constructive way, without invectives. Like the women said, every group has been immigrants at one point. There was great hostility towards Eastern Europeans and the Irish when they arrived in the 19th century. Many Americans are very hostile to foreign elements.
@dxpsman 17 лет назад
Congratulations! You've made a comment that contained absolutely no relevant points whatsoever. You're assuming that I'm a republican - which I'm not. I'm afraid there are more than two parties of political thought in the world. Just because I support conservatism does not mean I support the Republican party. Grow up.
@BrenttheGreat 17 лет назад
Speaking negatively against illegal immigrants is bad for getting minorities votes? Of course it is. Some people care about doing what is right, not just being popular. Teaching truth, and what is best for the country is much more important than becoming popular by saying what people want to hear.
@dxpsman 17 лет назад
Oh, and I was being sarcastic about being shocked. What you've just seen is a heavily-edited video created by yet another Jew that is militant toward the right-wing. Yes, he riled some conservatives up, but this guy was very childish in the way he dealt with this.
@hoyaman 17 лет назад
Why was that guy covering up the Confederate flag lapel? It's not like the Confederacy was the sworn enemy of the Union. Or was it? ANd, let's forget about Ann's broken engagements, and think about her more criminal intentions regarding voter registration. Keep rocking in the free world, Max.
@nocturnezero 13 лет назад
@RyanR3volution I wouldn't say that. The Democrat-Republican dichotomy is false, but the ideas of a left and a right to the political spectrum, along with an up (authoritarianism) and a down (libertarianism) are completely valid.
@desiachar 16 лет назад
Among those who said they have already voted at an early voting location or sent in an absentee ballot, Barack Obama picked up 60 percent of the vote in the new poll to John McCain's 39 percent. ---------------ABC-Washington Post Tracking Poll
@jerodini 15 лет назад
she is not a private citizen because she is openly sharing her opinions- so she is allowed to be criticized for that! take out all of the dirty laundry brother!! america stinks needs double rinse cycle turned on haha
@horsesflu 17 лет назад
I loved the three big hypocrites: the guy defending the multiculturalism of his party -- while covering his confederate icon, the "black" republican, and Ann Coulter's unchecked hypocrisy / speechlessness in response 5 stars
@mbassan 17 лет назад
What we can see from here is the inevitable shift that always occurs from one side to another in a two-party system after one ideology gets worn out. I guess we'll see where politics in the US goes next...
@saureco 17 лет назад
Love the Confederate flag segment. "Why won't you show it?" "Because you have a camera in my face." Waiting on '08. All the Republicans will look back at eight years of "what the fuck were we thinking...?"
@MadHamlet 17 лет назад
Because that's not debate- that's propaganda, the antithesis of debate. Any form of media for the sole purpose of resulting in an emotional response, not a rationale one, is propaganda. Coulter, Moore, it doesn't matter.
@windfall 17 лет назад
Blatant homophobia is a brilliant political move, I agree. To come out and voice the bigotry and hatred that the right truly feels just let's everyone know where they come from. It's all out on the table now.
@Patriot0987 17 лет назад
Rosie O'Donnell always thought Tom Cruise was a good looking man too. Well, it turned out that was the way she covered for being homosexual. Seems that Man Coulter has something in common with Rosie O'Donnell hmmmm?
@TroyOi 15 лет назад
"The black Republican was priceless. Ahahaha." Yeah, amazing. I know Republican organizations are striving to be more inclusive... but I think they may be a bit unclear on the concept. LOL.
@prestodan 17 лет назад
I love the guy at the Black Republican table! He's conservative, black, and proud! Power to the people, and damn the liberal man for keepin' a struggling brother like him down! Y'all don't understand!
@evilsqurrel420 17 лет назад
I think that chick is blasian (black and asian) either way, hot. Its too bad her ignorance is such a turn off, plus anyone that o'reilly would bring close has no credibilty in the first place.
@joeytj 17 лет назад
Socialist Elities? Baraka Heusen? Soo... i hope for Ron Pauls sake that you aren't the norm when it comes to his supporters. Well, i don't like Ron Paul, so yeah. Continue with this :D. Nevermind!.
@isuperwang 17 лет назад
Coulter:"thank you for respecting my right to privacy"-CPAC 2007 Coulter:"The right to abortion is based on nonexistent penumbras from a nonexistent right to privacy."-jewish world review 9/12/2000
@EinhanderSn0m4n 17 лет назад
This looks a hilariously fun bit of guerilla journalism. I see some fallout coming out of this little victory. :) GG Max! Indeed you are a good looking guy (I'm gay as a three dollar bill :)
@israelx7 17 лет назад
How lame...you think three broken engangements makes her a hypocrite...? Maybe three broken engagements becuase she doen't take marriage lightly, and would rather end a relationship than a marriage...
@bush1tman 14 лет назад
I'm betting that she grew up in New Jersey and changed her name to Malkin when she married a man named Mr Malkin. How much is the bet going to be for? Do you have ANY money at all? lol
@MidnightChimes 17 лет назад
soon to be replaced by the new pilgrims...the immigrants. We're both right.
@Piglatinsuperstar 14 лет назад
With all those errors she admits to if she had any decency she should recall her book and refund the money-all of it To everyone except Doug Ross. he like that shit!
@wjcynx2 17 лет назад
I am a liberal but this was a very slanted, unfair video...he made huge generalizations and used cheap shots rather than thought-out points...'the daily show' this isn't.
@DaHonestAbe 15 лет назад
MLK was a republican? Ok, lets talk about the factors that forced the parties to switch sides before spouting that drivel. That is such a disingenous t-shirt.
@dxpsman 17 лет назад
He's a Jew with an agenda - there's nothing intellectual about that. There's a reason RU-vid limits comments to 500 characters. This isn't a debate forum.
@AlbertMondback 14 лет назад
Win. Bet she would've signed that picture in a heartbeat if Blumenthal hadn't been the one asking for the signature.
@devourerofbabies 15 лет назад
Well of course! If the parties that exist to stifle social progress were out of the way, social progress would be easier! It's kind of undeniable.
@darost 17 лет назад
I'm sure Michelle Malkin would be happy to be in a prison camp if it made the nation safer. Of course her hair's too nice ever to be considered suspect.
@Piglatinsuperstar 14 лет назад
HAHAHAHA! Bushman just removed all his comments telling me to bring it on to cover his tracks But you too late, I already reported you
@WellConditioned 17 лет назад
Well said - absolutely correct. The impact would've been much more absorbed, even though the bitch walked away from a much less important issue.
@tsferg 17 лет назад
Didn't the liberals just win congress or something like that? Im Canadian, wasn't really paying attention. But your statement seems a bit off.
@bryanbarton 17 лет назад
Thanks for the advice about how to save the GOP. I'm sure that you and "the nation" really want to do that.
@asquinas 17 лет назад
I'll save you all 7 minutes with the transcript. Max Blumenthal: Waa! Waa!. Unintelligible...Waa! It goes on like this for 7 minutes.
@Johnf85 17 лет назад
jesus christ do you go through all the comments or something? damn man dont you have anything better to do?
@getatmedude 17 лет назад
It's time to end the 2 party domination a let other voices in. most of the democracies in the world have more than 2 parties.
@mynameislort 17 лет назад
It's all well and good exposing the conservatives for what they are but what's the point when nothing ever comes of it..
@wolfeye7 17 лет назад
I think she Ann got a little nervous there and the Confederate guy definitely has got some skeletons in the closet
@rapsody123 17 лет назад
how much more hypocritical can michelle malkin get? she practices this type of journalism and worse on a daily basis.
@Nimnoms 17 лет назад
And what does she have against the photo? If she has had open debate, why won't she explain why she won't sign it?
@NoMoreBlatherDotCom 17 лет назад
The tactic Blumenthal is using is refered to as "red-baiting"; if you aren't familiar with that term, look it up.
@halflifeproductionz 14 лет назад
haha "white culture that's bullshit" blah blah blah, what a funny dude with the moustache!
@vik238 16 лет назад
ever heard of the phrase christian fascism? That's what it says underneath the sign "Welcome to Alabama".
@GregHuston22 17 лет назад
The chubby college republican hispanic chic was pretty cute too bad she's confused and in the wrong party.
@Bizziboy 16 лет назад
Yeah I like this guy.. "Do as I say not as I do..." Alex, is it: What is Government?
@Nimnoms 17 лет назад
Really, I don't see how she did that. She never made an argument on why she shouldn't sign the picture.
@aGua421 17 лет назад
not everyone is either liberal or conservative. Many Americans, including congressman, are moderate
@bush1tman 14 лет назад
Oh yeah. I bought a box of gorilla cookies and there's a picture right on the front package there.
@roba81 17 лет назад
wow the intellectual discourse is astounding. nice one RatkoUSA i guess you dont get around much!
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