
Deconstructing Sarah Palin: What's the Appeal? - Max Blumenthal 

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Complete video at: fora.tv/2009/09/29/Republican_...
Journalist Max Blumenthal analyzes how Sarah Palin appealed to Republicans on both political and cultural levels. Naming her an "archetype of the right-wing woman," Blumenthal believes Sarah Palin's campaign never fully concluded.
Award-winning journalist and documentary videographer Max Blumenthal has become one of the most important journalists writing about how the Religious Right fringe movement became the Republican Party mainstream.
Whether it was his revelation of Sarah Palin's involvement with a Kenyan pastor who boasted of epic battles with witches, or his expose of the eccentric theocratic multimillionaire behind California's Prop 8 anti-gay-marriage initiative, Blumenthal's reporting goes almost instantly viral, shocks thousands, has been cited everywhere from MSNBC to the New York Times, and has landed him interviews on Fresh Air and The Rachel Maddow Show. - Berkeley Arts and Letters
Max Blumenthal is one of the most constantly cited young liberal journalists in America and is regularly featured on the Rachel Maddow Show, Democracy Now and the Countdown with Keith Olbermann.
His articles and video documentaries have appeared in The Daily Beast, The Nation, The Huffington Post, Salon.com, Al Jazeera English and many other publications. He is a correspondent for The Daily Beast, a research fellow for Media Matters for America and a Puffin Writing Fellow for the Nation Institute. Visit him at www.maxblumenthal.com



5 окт 2009




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@scotteklof5082 3 года назад
Max is a man worth listening to. No cow is sacred. Max is incredibly well informed and well spoken. I am sure a lot of people wish he would shut up, but not to many would like to debate him
@teddybearroosevelt1847 2 года назад
* too
@seamoremonster 14 лет назад
Well said. There are certain people who should never be given a badge or a whistle...Palin is one of them.
@LeGioNoFZioN 14 лет назад
I agree, je suis d'accord mr
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Well, that's good at least. But... not having malaria, being able to flush our bodily waste away from us, being able to live in climate controlled homes, having refridgerators to keep our food fresh longer, having access to more and better information on demand, being able to cure diseases, being able to travel across the world in only a few hours... this isn't improving QUALITY at all? Well, I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree on that... but that's pretty amazing to me.
@seamoremonster 14 лет назад
@hollywoodartchick 14 лет назад
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is not a joke and should not be used casually as an insult against someone we simply disagree with. It is normal for successful politicians to have high self-esteem, even to be salesmen of ideas. It is not normal mentally for an aspiring statesperson to imagine that their past record of fumbled follow-thru is the result of some hidden evil force instead of her own ineptness.
@Claymor621 14 лет назад
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Well, now that I know that you think all money used in any way is evil, that question makes sense to me... but the reality is a capitalistic society works for EVERYONE who is willing to work and earn... which should be ALL of us. Capitalism is not corrupt. Corruption can just occur within it... just like with socialism.
@Natheya 14 лет назад
Interesting perspective. Solid talking points and good correlations drawn. Need to work on the delivery a little.
@bapyou 14 лет назад
Isn't that what you said?
@skellymom 14 лет назад
Ted Haggard seen on the corner with a garden hose and a bottle of Crisco oil?! Sounds like he was "anointing" more than the intersection...LOL
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Are you serious? You aren't familiar with A) the fact that we cannot become energy independent in America because of all of the restrictions we have imposed on domestic energy supplies? Not just oil either. Coal shale, natural gas, nuclear energy too. And because of this we are frequently at the mercies of other nations in regard to energy prices. The skyrocketing gas prices of '07 and '08 were a huge factor in the economic meltdown. Government has failed to deal with this for decades. Then...
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Oh, I'm not at all saying that this is the best we can do, but I am saying that in many ways it is the best we have ever done. Not in every way, but we have access to more information, we have higher mortality rates, we know more about health issues and have made HUGE medical advances. No, we can't force anyone to learn or be healthy, but we have the information and the freedom to choose whether or not we take advantage of it. But as a society we are both physically and mentally lazy, I agree.
@Pentazoid111 14 лет назад
so far he has shown himself to be no more than an empty politician?
@TankYouVeryMuch 14 лет назад
WinterFairy777's arguments are very persuasive.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
I don't think the problem in this country is "Corporate America". It is larger government. It is higher taxes. It is productivity-killing restrictions. Expansion of government and "social justice" aren't the solutions we need. Palin IS discussing the damaging effects of these two dynamics. Why is Obama so driven when it comes to healthcare, cap and trade and global warming when the American people want him to take meaningful actions to help our economy!?! And you talk about "central problem?
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Yes I did. Well, that's not entirely true, but I am not sure there is such a thing. Some work because it is their passion. Some because they know that it is the right thing to do. Most however work to earn a paycheck so they can support their families, pay their bills, and prepare for retirement. They work to subsidize what matters to them. Those are perfectly valid reasons to work and have personal meaning and provide community benefits. What kind of work does not? Yes, I enjoy my job usually.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Then the housing bubble. Many warned us that the high risk loans the likes of Barney Frank forced lenders to grant would create a false sense of security and inflate the housing market beyond it's true capacity. Then... as many predicted, this "bubble" burst. Many agree that the primary cause of this phenomenon was these high risk loans. Is that specific enough for you? Energy prices and the housing bubble bursting were the two primary causes of our current economic state.You would not agree?
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
And Palin? Well, many of us feel that she is closer to on target in regard to MOST of these issues than the status quo. She embraces God, her husband, her children, her state, her country, hard work, traditional values, straight talk, letting the American people keep more of their hard-earned money, getting out of the way of REAL progress, and standing up for real God-given liberty. Washington elitists think they know better than we do what is best for us. Palin actually shares our values.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Well, I don't know if "extensively" is the best word to use, but I have read a great deal, enjoy reading history books, etc. Hmm... no, not those three, but I do love the Declaration of Indepence, the Constitution, and the Federal Papers. I have also read a decent amount about and by the Founding Fathers, former U.S. Presidents, and lots of independent research sessions on historical and political events. Just off the top of my head.
@hollywoodartchick 14 лет назад
I have spoken with many other children of women with narcissistic personality disorder and can only conclude she has that condition herself. They are good at fooling people because they are so self-righteous, always have some "mission," won't honor the restraints of the teams they are supposedly part of, and have very black and white perceptions of who is for them and who is against them. They are shitty on follow-thru, though, and they ultimately disappoint those who get behind them.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
I just wish that BOTH sides could stop hating each other because they disagree politically. Let's stop ad hominem attacking and attacking people's character and intelligence just because we disagree. Just because you love socialism and I love capitalism doesn't make either of us more intelligent than the other. Doesn't make one of us evil and the other noble. It simply means we disagree. We both care about this country. We simply disagree on solutions. That doesn't make us enemies. Just American
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
I guess, but it seems to me a little difficult to argue with the advances we have made and how much they have done for the world. Just one example... millions die from malaria every year... but not in the U.S. Sure, not everyone in the world is benefitting from those advances equally, but this COULD be changed if we worked to help other nations learn from the secrets of our success and promote economic advancement in their country so they could enjoy higher standards of living as well.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Wow... that is a really sad statement. Money puts a roof over your head, food on your table and gas in your tank. You earn it by working and use it to pay for things you need and want. Money hasn't "destroyed humanity" (a little melodramatic, don't you think?) You could put a wad of cash on a table and leave it there and it would never destroy anything... until someone uses it destructively. It is what we DO with the money that can be the problem. HUMAN NATURE is the problem, not money.
@cavejourney 14 лет назад
Um....I think Ted Haggard had a different purpose for the Crisco.
@SharMess 14 лет назад
It's obvious Max has got the hots for Sarah Palin.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
OK, I am glad we can at least agree on that point. She is a fascinating development in American politics... but I submit not for the reasons you imply. As for the second half of your comment... Honestly it was a pretty elitist thing to say. I am also educated. And yes, arguably we should be electing people "like us". Look where NOT electing people "like us" is getting us! "Leaders" who are making decisions for us but are completely out of touch! No more Washington Elitist Establishment!
@nicksum29 14 лет назад
Please, please, please, pray the Palin away.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Come on. Neither of us "knows" definitively what she is truly like as a person since we don't know her. But you are asking me to prove to you that she is not shallow or opportunistic? You know I can't do that any more than you can prove to me that she IS. Oh, OK. How is that exactly? What have I said about Palin that is not intellectually honest?
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Not so. Not at all. No one is surpressing gays. They have the same rights as the rest of us. Yes we do... and I feel the same toward you. It is refreshing to have civil dialogue and be able to agree to disagree. I wish more Americans could get to this place and we could all get past all of the hatred and ugliness. We ALL care about this country and our fellow man. We just disagree on the specific solutions. That is no reason for us to hate each other, wouldn't you agree?
@mavaddat 14 лет назад
Absolutely. He's using rhetoric, but not well, so it appears contrived. He'd do well to tone down his delivery until he can speak more naturally. His point, however, is deadly correct.
@teddybearroosevelt1847 2 года назад
I would say his style is that of an intellectual, which is often more difficult to follow, but for people with high IQs it’s easier to follow than the more easily digestible types of speeches aimed at a wider audience
@Pentazoid111 14 лет назад
What about the appeal that obama has received? He recieve let more admiration than sara palin I mean, he is just another politician like every other politician, yet at one time , he drew crowds that rivaled the crowds that a beatles concert would attract, his presidency had the largest attendance of a presidential inauguration in history or the history of any event in washington , people got emotional over his presidential win, his just a politician, yet people treat him like a rock god!
@ContrarianExpatriate 14 лет назад
@RookhKshatriya All true. Palin's greatest appeal lay in her being different than the largely panned John McCain. She was a conservative when he was not. However, she is not presidential material. She is simple-minded, provincial, and crude, all traits admired by the white working class set. She will long have a place at the debate I'm afraid, but she has no hope of becoming President of the US.
@bapyou 14 лет назад
People got emotional over Obama winning because he is the first black American to hold the office. It was a great acheivment. It has made many black folks all over the world feel as though they're enfranchised. In that respect, it's the symbology of his candidacy and election that have mattered.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Yes, socialism vs. capitalism (both in a broad sense) do indeed matter. I don't know that I would necessarily agree with your assertion that education is primary factor. If so, Americans are doomed. Our schools suck... and my wife is a teacher.
@Dochirin 14 лет назад
Sí, así es. Me alegra ver que tu interés es sincero ya que tu ortografía hace evidente que has escrito tu el comentario sin utilizar un traductor en línea. Algunas correcciones: "más bien" es incorrecto, simplemente di "mejor" y "querer" lleva una sola r. Cualquier cosa si deseas practicar tu español podemos seguir hablando por mensajes privados así no desvirtuamos esta charla.
@teddybearroosevelt1847 2 года назад
Great move, commenting in Spanish to a video in English. Comprendo español pero es no normalmente. ¿Cuando yo puedo aprender cinco idiomas, porqué tu no puedas aprender sólo dos?
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
I don't agree with Obama on his version of healthcare reform, cap and trade, energy policies, economic policies, foreign policy, war policy, "climate change", socialism, Marxism, "Fairness Doctrine", the "stimulus package", and most other things... but I don't hate him. I will debate his policies, but I have no interest in calling him names or attacking his character. I don't like it when people on the Right do that. I watched the Left be completely unfair to Bush over bullshit for 8 years.
@Vader21690 14 лет назад
@bapyou You're wrong facts are facts. If Hitler hated socialists so much why were He and Stalin so close before the war? Why did they call themselves socialists? Why did they accept Soviet help for training and supplying them to start WW2? Why did they make sure to put the red in their flag to attract the communists? He only turned on them when Stalin abandoned his part in the invasion of Poland to make it look like Hitler started the war. I don't want to read the words of madman Hitler.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
I don't agree at all. I guess it depends on what your definition of "success" is. It has not crashed violently every 30 years. Economic slowdown is not synonymous with "crashed violently". Standard of living has increased and medical, technological, and scientific advancement has increased far beyond what it has in any other society in history. Period. We have gone from horse and buggy and pony express to post sound barrier aircraft and the internet in roughly 200 years. Who can rival this?
@gqsmoothie 14 лет назад
If Palin wins the Presidency in 2012 I'm moving outta the U$.
@nilesnelson 14 лет назад
So what was his point? Was there one? What a bizarre critique--not one mention of any political activity of Gov. Palin. I'm sure he would find Catholics and confirmation ceremonies equally strange. Gee, why do these people do these things, how spooky! This is the weird world of the elite.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Yes, you do... Not so sure about the genius part. Yeah, I think it is clear by your heros that we don't at all share the same values. Maybe that's why I can be happy in my existense and you can be happy in yours? Because our values are so COMPLETELY different? Just a theory.
@fearfactor22 14 лет назад
Your right about that, public education is a total joke lol, especially in Tennessee and the rest of the South where I'm from. Shit teachers, poor funding, influence of pop culture, lack of enthusiasm for learning in students, and more emphasis on sports and other nonsense rather than education. Countries like Japan, Sweden, Amsterdam, Norway, Denmark, and Korea now far surpass the U.S. in terms of education of their children.
@felixthehuman 14 лет назад
Right on-you'd never know from this guy's (or a lot of other people's) commentary that Alaska is one of the least religious states in the Union, on the longer video he talks about evangelist turning out to deprive homosexuals of some civil right (I don't think he was specific), as if the same thing didn't just happen there in Cali. When I listen to him I hear shades of Stephen Glass.
@MySpace662 14 лет назад
Lucille Ball had more brains than Sarah Palin! Sarah has found her level of intelligence in the tea party movement,
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Industrialization has allowed us to make radical advances in medicine, health, nutrition, technology, and many other areas. It has helped us reduce costs, produce more, and advance our ability to communicate and deliver goods. It has also improved standards of living throughout the world. I think it is a little sad how cynical you seem to be about the amazing advances we have made in the last century... advances that so many other nations could benefit from if they embraced the free market.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Tell you what... We CLEARLY don't agree much on politics... and I doubt we ever will. That's fine with me. Neither of us is probably going to persuade the other... but that was never my intention here. You expressed that you wanted to understand what was behind people supporting and embracing Palin. I attempted to explain it, but you apparently couldn't accept my explanation. That's fine, but I was merely trying to help. Perhaps we should stop wasting each other's time here.
@walkermydawg 14 лет назад
those enumerated in your post, along with the rest of the planet's population, laughed at the avon lady when she was merely nominated.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
OK, perhaps I should have said it this way: "Oh, you don't know that she is shallow, empty or an opportunist." Is that better? Fact stands, neither of us truly knows... but you were the first one to declare her as "shallow, empty, and an opportunist", so I think YOU should be the one backing of their original statement, not me. ;) I can play that game too.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Why am I not surprised? There is a HUGE difference between totally theocratizing and simply allowing prayer or the occasional Christian image or Biblical reference. Do we really need to sanitize every single speck of religion from public arenas? Most conservatives don't want to base all laws on just the Bible. That is absurd. I don't really care what gays think about religion. After all... they don't seem to care what I think about homosexuality.
@LeGioNoFZioN 14 лет назад
that's right, same handle on Xbox Live and PSN, ever up for some pwnage, add a bredren. Teabagging is best online in front of many.
@Yourismouter 8 лет назад
superb journalism, I highly recommend people read max Blumenthal at alternet.org and donate generously to them.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
I'm sorry... what specifics did I neglect to site? I thought the specific numbers and percentages were fairly specific, but I guess not. And "partisan fool"? Weren't you the one who accused me of being "contentious" earlier? Interesting. So... who am I a partisan for exactly? That is very amusing to me. I am not a Republican, just FYI. So... not sure who you think I am a partisan for. And "fool"? Now you are just name calling. Let's try to stick to substantive comments about issues, OK?
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
She keeps appearing on the media because people like YOU can't stay away from her! They know she is great for ratings because those who love her AND hate her can't resist watching her in the media! You are actually HELPING HER STAY RELEVANT!! If you truly think she is so irrelevant... then just ignore her! How difficult is this to understand??? Wow...
@angelinaanderson481 4 года назад
Sadomasochism? Hitler? Hatred? Seriously? Black Comedy perhaps? It’s got to be, it’s totally laughable!
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
OK... you and I clearly have different outlooks on money. I don't see cash as a "pollutant". I don't see "profit" or "success" as bad words. They are often a sign of achievement... but I suspect we also have very different outlooks on achievement as well. There are ways of getting money without haveing to be a disconnected elitist. I don't have any problem with millionaires. I have a problem with out of touch elitists. You don't have to rich to run for office. You can get financial support.
@socksfan360 14 лет назад
I love how people say her beliefs and what she did (e.g. witchcraft) made her crazy. I can't help but think to myself, how is that different from the faith practiced by most of the politicians in the first place? How is believing in witchcraft any more farfetched than someone walking on water or coming back from the dead? I hated Palin's guts but this hypocrisy in regards to her religion was just too much for me to stomach.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Wasn't accusing you of being a Socialist necessarily. But if you espouse taking money from some and giving it to others in one form or another, then you espouse some socialist ideals. Not sure why Socialists never admit they are socialists. After all, socialism shouldn't be a bad word to a socialist... not that you are one. Not a big fan of Savage at all, but Levin and Limbaugh don't live off hate. Hate has almost nothing to do with what they do. You only think that because you disagree.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
You don't have to have a television to help someone's ratings. Giving her attention on the internet or talking about her to friends also indirectly contributes to driving the public's interest in her. I'd be happy to discuss it with you in a non-contentious way, if you have a genuine interest... but I am suspicious that you don't. Many Americans have embraced her because they feel they can relate to her. We are tired of the status quo "Washington Establishment".
@Dochirin 14 лет назад
variablast, Spanish.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
I answered your question... and this is the best you can do? "Sigh"? Interesting, to say the least. Perhaps this is why you can't grasp the Palin phenom? I just think it is tragic that all of the things I just mentioned... God, family, values, hard work and liberty... these thinks seem to mean NOTHING to you. You don't seem to value ANY of these. If that is truly the case, what DO you value? Anything? Your lackluster response to those concepts sadly illustrates my previous point.
@RookhKshatriya 14 лет назад
If Palin were fat and ugly would anyone listen to her? Of course not. Her appeal is sexual, pure and simple. More, she has an 'attainable', 'hot neighbor' appeal (unlike snotty fashion models, actresses and other American female celebrities) that ordinary Joes find irresistible. Simple, really.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Umm... OK, but I suspect I am at least a little bit right. If she was just at a bar and you didn't know her as "the" Sarah Palin, and you sat next to her at the bar (an agrarian establishment, of course) and had a beer... and the two of you started talking about non-political things... do you think that you would honestly think she was an absolute idiot still? Or is it just in the political arena that she is an idiot to you? Or just as a Presidential prospect?
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Right... why am I not surprised that you think my assertion is insane. After all... you think money is 100% evil. Kind of difficulty to persuade someone who seems money as 100% evil 100% of the time that capitalism might just be a good idea, isn't it? I am really starting to realize just how much I am REALLY wasting my time here.
@Generatorhead 14 лет назад
@mizzoulibertarian Without a doubt the finest example of satirical humor I've seen in some time. Palin is humble...woo-hoo...I'm splitting my sides over that one. Incredible.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
You hate Palin because she symbolizes a wife and mother who has worked hard, earned success, embraces family values, faith, morality, hard work, the free market, life, liberty, sovereignty, the constitution, energy independence, and more... and you have expressed that you HATE many of those things.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Well, you have to admit she is a bit of a phenomenon, no? Isn't she the reason you and I are discussing things right now? And she is not shallow, empty or an opportunist. You just disagree with her politics. I think you need to be more intellectually honest about this.
@adastraperaspera99 14 лет назад
I pray to god she runs in 2012. It would be the greatest electoral landslide victory in U.S. history.............for Barack Obama :)
@LeGioNoFZioN 14 лет назад
just trying to keep it real
@bobsmith962 3 года назад
Sarah Palin 2024!
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Right... I forgot that you don't share these values with me. You don't value God, family, country, and character. Apparently that is why you can't understand the Palin phenomenon. Makes total sense to me now. Sad... but now I understand. Probably why all you can do is muster a sign when I mention things that I think every American should hold in high regard... but apparently not all of us do. Thanks for shedding light on that for me.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
You have to learn to stop accusing people of being HATEFUL just because they disagree with you. That would be like me saying you hate freedom, success, hard work, ethics, and honesty just because you are a liberal (again... if you were one). I doubt you truly hate those things, many on both sides of the aisle make ad-hominem attacks like this against each other every day and it is terrible. We are on the same side. We have REAL enemies out there in the world. Let's not fight each other.
@Pentazoid111 14 лет назад
Whats your point? Thats nothing to get emotional over, and I am a black female; There have been blacks in prominent political positions since the 60's , there would eventually be a black president; Black people and every one else should cry when personal freedoms are severely limited , not when we elect another politician who makes the same familar empty promises made by other politician; There has never been a women vice president and the majority(90 percent) of women did not support palin.
@bapyou 14 лет назад
"Thrilla from Wassilla" LOL!
@bradwatson7324 14 лет назад
Sounds like I need to join an evangelical megachurch and get myself lots of action.
@ghenulo 5 лет назад
I wouldn't count on it.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
OK... but I create really rich and creative learning experiences for a health network. I don't find it empty or pathetic at all. I make a good living at it too. What do you do all day? I kind of think Thoreau's perspectives (the few that I have seen anyway) are kind of pathetic. He sounds elitist, emotionally imature... and lazy.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Did you seriously miss my entire point about hate??? Wow... Tell me, which of those "talking points" as you refer to them... which of them is not a real and meaningful issue on the table right now? I realize that is one of the Left's favorite methods to employ in an attempt to avoid any real discussion of real issues... by dismissing them with the dengrating "talking points" title in hopes that they will just somehow vaporize into thin air... but that doesn't work with me either.
@MassZombicide 14 лет назад
Tea bagger movement is so well worded
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Wow, that's a fancy word there... but kind of a sad thing to be, don't you think? OK... go ahead and contend that. I guess just not my kind of reading. Don't seem like my flavor. Too depressing and cynical. Really? Do I really have to answer that? You don't think, just for example, that NOT getting malaria might make someone kind of happy? How about NOT having to sleep in extreme heat or cold?
@brian4480 14 лет назад
oh god, lolololol the "tea-bagger movement" that is just epic.
@bapyou 14 лет назад
"US is socialist duh..that's your logic" No ... as I've explained, that is YOUR logic. Not mine, YOURS. You wrote: Hitler + Stalin = socialist Therefore: It must follow ... Roosevelt + Stalin = socialist. Get it now? This is the logic YOU are using to characterize Hitler as socialist. Therefore I am using YOUR logic to show that America must also be socialist also. Got it? OK? The only thing socialist about nazis was in the name. Their ideology was FAR RIGHT anti-communist & nationalist.
@RookhKshatriya 14 лет назад
@ContrarianExpatriate People like Palin make me wonder whether uneducated people should be allowed to vote. Perhaps people should have to pass an elementary IQ test (registering a score of 100 or more) before they are given the franchise.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Look... you are seriously going to ask me to start citing sources on RU-vid with a 500 character limit? Just look at the entry for "sub-prime mortgage crisis" on Wikipedia for a start. Or how about this New York Times article "Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgate Lending". That should give you a good start.
@ghenulo 5 лет назад
Ĉu bela viro en fora televidilo?
@CooperLordOfAll 14 лет назад
@DaHonestAbe probably something not to want to be called O.o
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Are you actually quoting statistics in regard to religion? That's a bit ironic, but that's OK though. So... I am just curious... How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? The reason I ask is... the paradigms you are expressing sound like paradigms that are commonly held by young adults. Are you a guy or a gal? If you don't want to answer, you don't have to. Not trying to get too personal, just curious as to how I am talking to. I am a 37 year old male from Indiana.
@skellymom 14 лет назад
Arequipa1-Are you being sour like your avatar? Hee, hee... XP
@acme181169 13 лет назад
Never Heard of this guy before. He is very good. Presentation is a little wobbly here and there, but content is EXCELLENT. I think we'd all prefer a diamond in the rough to a polished turd (O'Reilly)
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Yes, she does freak you all out. You won't admit it, but we both know the truth. If Palin was really just a non-threatening joke to you, then you wouldn't work overtime attacking her ad-hominemly. Neither Palin or her supporters lack intelligence. You just ATTACK their intelligence because they don't agree with you. Trust me... you are far from setting the standard on intelligence. You don't set the bar very high at all.
@bapyou 14 лет назад
Blumenthal is a "hater"? You should read his book. If you're a whacko conservative, you'll learn quite a bit that you didn't know about the roots of your insanity.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
You think Palin is an idiot because she dares disagree with YOU. Kind of arrogant, don't you think? I agree with Obama on almost nothing, but I don't think he is an idiot. Just really, REALLY wrong on SO many levels. And Biden... he gaffes left and right. He is even more wrong than Obama in my opinion, but I don't think he is an idiot either. Idiot is a pretty strong word. I'd be tempted to use it to describe Biden... but if I did it would not be in the literal sense.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
You DO hate her for irrational reasons. You hate her because she disagree with you politically. That IS an irrational reason. That is no reason to hate someone. That is just a reason to disagree with them. I clearly disagree with you on quite a bit... but I don't hate you at all. I disagree with President Obama on lots... but I dont' HATE him. That would be absurd.
@felixthehuman 14 лет назад
This video is disturbing on two levels- the content and the delivery. At the same time he's dissecting Palin, he's using the same sort of evangelistic tactics, so he comes across as a propagandist instead of a journalist.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
No, it is because you disagree with her politics. See... you are on shakey ground when it comes to intellectual honesty again. At the time of our last Presidential election, Palin had demonstrated these qualifications WELL beyond Barack Obama... but I'd put money on you having voted for him. Am I right? At least she had executive experience. Obama was only a "community organizer". But you are willing to give Obama a pass because he is Liberal. Just admit it.
@fedup1940 14 лет назад
obamadidit2008 - Jesus died for you. I'm asking him to open your eyes to His forgiveness. All of us are sinful and are in need of His saving grace.
@bapyou 14 лет назад
You'e a consequentia-what? Oi vay! The people that voted for Palin just disagree with me? Well, that's an obvious observation. You mean it's OK that they wanted to elect someone a heart beat away from the Presidency who is obviously a dunce? Wow. If the only thing you can think to say is that "should be OK", you obviously have no functioning critical faculties.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
OK, well I couldn't agree less with Auden. These jobs do harm how exactly? Those are the only jobs that deserve respect? Can you say "elitism"? WOW that is elitist. I sit in a cubicle and stare at a screen all day... and I am happy. I work with fun people, do creative things, and have a good time. I consider myself blessed. Don't bother feeling sorry for me. I actually feel sorry for you a little bit. You sound like a really unhappy person.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
That is really sad that you think God is a waste of time, but your choice. Also... really sad that you feel that me making God a priority makes me un-American. A little frightening, actually. How do my religious beliefs make me un-American exactly? So much for freedom of religion. That is just a really sad and un-informed thing to say as an American. Am I misunderstanding you? If not... you really need to re-think that attitude.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
Then why don't you relocate to an agrarian society if that's what you want so badly? Because I can PROMISE you that the vast majority of your fellow Americans don't share your desire to play "Pioneer House". Almost everyone enjoys being able to drive to work, have air conditioner, running water, electricity, microwave ovens, gas heat, flush toilets, cell phones and the internet. You are very much in the minority on that front.
@nieten7642 14 лет назад
No, but seriously... I think it is really sad that God, values like honesty and hard work are "social bullshit" to you. That is unbelievably sad. I hope you will someday reconsider this outlook of yours. I fear you are far more cynical about life than you should be.
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