
Creation Kit Tutorial (Animal Followers) 

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@Darkfox127 11 лет назад
If you open your eyes you may notice the annotation slapped across the screen. I re-created this tutorial as my first was not the greatest. I can accept constructive feedback but you have just mouthed off like a child.I create my RU-vid content free of charge and a lot of time and effort goes into them. Trolls like you don't deserve the RU-vid service at your fingertips.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
Not sure what your issue is, the dialogue should not change anything as it's seperate from the NPC stats, check over your fox's stats and data and be sure you don't have Essential ticked on the Traits tab.
@Sinnstudios 12 лет назад
cool video i hope you make more and are you going to add him as a mod for the workshop an nexus ?
@realcynderDREAMWORLD 11 лет назад
its having trouble launching its saids unable to launch complie what do I need to do? Am I doing something wrong?
@angryglock 9 лет назад
This video really helped me with a project. I created a better Familiar. I wanted a strong wolf to summon. I created a Dire Wolf based on the encWolf summon. Your video allowed me to make it a lot better. With its own Race I was able to give it some elemental resistances as a racial trait. I made him larger than the average wolf and gave him a unique name "Frostbite" which fits his ghostly visuals from being a summoned Familiar. I may tinker with the spell that gives it the ghost effect to make it stand out a bit more. I'd also like to give it a Frost Cloak damage affect but I'm concerned about Friendly Fire on NPCs if he happens to around any. I'll work that out first. Thanks for the great series of tutorials. I recommended the one about merchant voices to the fellow that does the JK town/village mods. He has an blacksmith NPC that has no voice. He choose the wrong voice type. Don't know if he will read the post or will alter it but your video should help if he does want to build better merchants into his otherwise terrific mods.
@Reconskulldan16 9 лет назад
I get a 404 page not found for the link in the description.
@mme1792 11 лет назад
I can't even talk to my sabre cat or wolf, they just walk around Riverwood and look at me when I stop to stare at them and wish I could have them follow me. *sighs sadly* unfortunately I can't for some reason and I've followed every step correctly....
@werewolf74 6 лет назад
I wonder if you can set his Aggro to WARN you but the other 2 warn/attack and attack to like 99999 or whatever... then he can warn you when danger is near by growling.
@taylorhocutt5636 10 лет назад
I copy and pasted the line "(pDialogueFollower as DialogueFollowerScript).DismissAnimal()" in the papyrus fragment for the first dialogue section and i get the following error Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "Tezzdis"... c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\Tezzdis.psc(9,1): variable pDialogueFollower is undefined c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\Tezzdis.psc(9,19): cannot cast a none to a dialoguefollowerscript, types are incompatible No output generated for Tezzdis, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on Tezzdis any idea where exactly I went wrong with that?
@snapdrgn4841 10 лет назад
Not sure if you ever solved this one, but I ran into the same issue and did the following: 1) Copied (pDialogueFollower as DialogueFollowerScript).DismissAnimal() into the papyrus fragment tab and then compiled it and let it fail. 2) Edited the script that was generated and copied in the following: ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment ;NEXT FRAGMENT INDEX 7 Scriptname IsabelleDismiss Extends TopicInfo Hidden ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_6 Function Fragment_6(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef) Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor ;BEGIN CODE (pDialogueFollower as DialogueFollowerScript).DismissAnimal() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment Quest Property pDialogueFollower Auto ************* 3) Set the property of pDialogueFollower to DialogueFollower 4) No compile errors I renamed the script to match my FrostSpider's name Isabelle.
@Darkfox127 11 лет назад
Out of over 1500 people there are only a few which come back saying that is does not work. There are a number of reasons why things may not work and I have shown you in the video, myself creating the mod and it working, so if it does not work on yours then you have done something wrong or something else is causing the problem. It is easy to slip up even when you are sure it is correct.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
I have seen people attempt to create dragon conjurables and they have trouble with the lack of areas for the dragon to land. They tend to not understand how to follow you around too much and it would be difficult to get them to stop following if they are in the air. Dragon's are just not designed to be followers in any way so your better off just using the shouts throughout the game to have them as assistance.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
1. Your follower will go straight home after dismissal, if they do not it is usually a navmesh issue as they don't know how to go home. 2. The dialogue on mine seems to work, all you do is copy the dog follower scripts and make the adjustments, the kit isn't perfect and has many glitches. 3. When you try to use the base follower skins the npc ends up being invisible and you also need to do this because of the minor changes you need to make to have the follower script compatible.
@Darkfox127 11 лет назад
Thank you, if your interested I'm going to be creating an advanced version of this tutorial later on today. It will involve adding most follower dialogue options along with the basics. I appreciate the feedback.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
A number of people have been reporting issues when creating their Animal Follower scripts, the one common issue is with having the wait option showing before the follow command so you say wait and then the follow command should be there. The only other issue is usually having missed out some script or your Creation Kit is being its usual self. Past that I can't help too much.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
The animal followers is a confusing tutorial due to having to change script, this tutorial is a little more advanced than using the Creation Kit for most other general things. Just follow the tutorial carefully and you will be fine. Good to start with the simple stuff first though. 8D
@Darkfox127 11 лет назад
No problem, this Creation Kit seems to get worse everytime you load the thing up. Apologies if I appear a little on edge. Some of the trolls you can receive on the Internet annoy you and sometimes writing does not convey words how you want.
@Darkfox127 11 лет назад
Google it or use the pause button and take it a step at a time. Stick to the basics with the kit first if your not too familiar with everything. Making an animal follower can be a confusing process but if you just go through slowly you should be fine.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
This tends to be a slight issue I have also noticed, if you select dismiss the follow option should then appear, not too sure why this is. Another idea may be to take a look at the script used in Dawnguard as that includes animal followers.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
Not too sure, I have not messed with getting the inventory to work as this requires much more scripting work and I do not have much scripting knowledge, taking and editing script from the game and creating new script is a little different.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
You must have slipped up somewhere or have a problem with your kit, I can't help with the problem when I can't see what's happening. You will have to seek some help from the Skyrim Forums or Creation Kit Wiki and see if there are any addition tips on there.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
Your kit is either glitched or something is wrong with the mod, or you have mistyped something, you will have to just double check it. I don't fully understand the scripting myself, all you do is edit the dog follower script to fit your follower.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
Not too sure, as long as you use the script from the dogfollower script and change the script accordingly there shouldn't be any problem, it's usually if you have missed something, other than that I'm unsure why it wouldn't work.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
It should be yes, you just change the sabre cat to a Spriggan and duplicate and edit the Spriggan skins instead of the sabre cat's. Also be sure not to put growl as the dialogue in the response text or it most likely won't sound how it should.
@Darkfox127 11 лет назад
I will be looking to do some modders resource stuff and I am currently thinking about the "Join Nexus" situation but my priority for the next few days is just getting a few of my new mods up and running.
@Darkfox127 11 лет назад
Sometimes you will end up with guard dialogue in there which is normal. As long as you have the other dialogue in there you should be ok. If you don't have it all there then you have one something wrong.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
No, I'm afraid not. All I have done is copy the dog follower script which does not include it, I'm sure theres a way of editing script from other followers though to work with animals.
@Darkfox127 11 лет назад
No, you can't seem to resize any windows but the main three. Only way is setting your screen to a higher resolution to fit more on.
@Darkfox127 11 лет назад
If you are new to the Creation Kit I recommend you check out my basics tutorials on my channel. Thanks for viewing.
@Darkfox127 11 лет назад
Not sure why that is but a script is a script, nothing more to it. It should not be causing your game to crash.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
You will need to change the NPC's AI data and set their aggression down.
@Darkfox127 11 лет назад
Not too sure, the normal followers may work a little differently too.
@Gunz77LT 11 лет назад
This tutorial was wonderful. I credited you as help when I made my horker follower mod and put it on Nexus. Couldn't have done it without this tutorial. Thanks for the great tips and downloadable copy of the papyrus scripts. Made my day when I found this.
@cadence4527 4 месяца назад
I followed this tutorial to do what I feel needs to be done, but I’m not going to be releasing my mod. Anyone who is familiar with “Badly Translated Skyrim” will know the real High King of Skyrim is a cave bear named “The King of Rice”. Haven’t tested it yet, but I plan to have him use the MaleOrc voice.
@cordelephant 11 лет назад
AWW YEAH! worked with a dwarven sphere. i made an ironman mod with ironman armor, stark's lab and one kick ass dwarven sphere follower named "jarvis". uploading to steam right away. i am so surprised and happy that it all worked.
@Nrixus21 11 лет назад
i did everything u said dude and i even turned his aggro to unagressive and he keeps attacking me and everyone i turned off his agrro ratio or thingy to he just keeps attacking me i dont get it please someone help
@xXRAKKAXx 8 лет назад
Having trouble. I've been searching for what to do about this: Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "EbonyDismiss"... (0,0): Unable to find flags file: TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\EbonyDismiss.psc(3,0): Unknown user flag Hidden No output generated for EbonyDismiss, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on EbonyDismiss ^So far I can't find an answer. If you're able to let me know, that will be greatly appreciated. :) Thank you for your videos. Hopefully I can make an animal follower one day.
@xiiTzVenommmHD 9 лет назад
Problem and Idk what's wrong: Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "Richard"... (0,0): Unable to find flags file: TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg E:\Games\Fallout 3\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\Richard.psc(3,0): Unknown user flag Hidden No output generated for Richard, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on Richard
@cordelephant 11 лет назад
i had the same problem. be sure not to include quotation marks. ("these things") or else it will not work.
@mme1792 11 лет назад
good side: I got it to finally work, ran into him in Riverwood and he started following me. Didn't have to talk to him. crazy side: I made him small enuff so I can walk around him thru doors, (he got huge inside the Luxury Suite (beefcake) mod) then went back to his normal size afterwards sad side: dialogue options don't show up. but am happy that he does follow and fight with me, just the no dialogue & going back 2 reg size prob have wolf, but he jst walks arnd Riverwood. no follow or dialogue.
@InflowON 12 лет назад
When I'm at about 13:00, I copy that piece of your script in to that papyrus fragment and when I press compile it gives me a window named Papyrus Errors with some text like C:\Users\Janne\Desktop\Pelit\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\TIF__01000D67.psc(9,1): variable pDialogueFollower is undefined C:\Users\Janne\Desktop\Pelit\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\TIF__01000D67.psc(9,19): cannot cast a none to a dialoguefollowerscript, types are incompatible Help?
@yukiyoru345 12 лет назад
I'm trying to make an animal follower that should be able to pick up items, i added the dialogue and scripting for different actions one action at the time. I got it to work to the point were i was able to ask my follower to do something or to wait at the pointed location. After that i tried to make it so i was able to open it's inventory/empty the inventory to mine, but now i'm unable to even open a dialogue. Any help/advice?
@little_isalina 12 лет назад
1. I found out that i had set DefaultSandboxCurrentLocationXX as AI Package, that was what made it stay in place, i sqitched it with ...EditorLocationXX and it worked. 2. I found that it isnt the dialogue options that aren't functioning as intended. It is actually that the animal is set to follow the moment i talk to it. I saw you delete soemthign from the dog script but i must have missed something else. 3. I see, thanks.
@little_isalina 12 лет назад
A great tutorial. I do have a few questions. 1. Is it normal that the follower will just wait in place if you dismiss it? (it displays the "your dog is heading home" message at the top of the screen but the follower just stays put) 2. have you figured out how to fix the dialogue (that it actually gives you the follow option when the follower is not following)? 3. are the follower skin and model necessary, cant you just prompt the follower race to use the base race's default?
@TheHogwartsguy 11 лет назад
Hello! I was just wondering if you have a sollution for my problem. I try to follow your tutorial and do everything you say, but when i test the mod out, the animal does not work to talk to, the (E)talk does not show up. But he still follows me, but i really wan't to tell him when to stay or follow. Thanks man, BTW nice tutorial!
@RuecianXII 12 лет назад
Alright! had to go through the video and make sure everything matched before it worked, but I got it working. (my creature had a skin set under the traits tab and made it impossible to talk to him somehow) Now I'm off to learn how to have it cast spells, thanks for the tutorial!
@yukiyoru345 12 лет назад
So far, i saw that the dog follower had a "remove all items" script on him in the open inventory tab so i tried that. Have not yet tried the usual follower open inventory script but will try it in like 20 min. Editing one of these two scripts should do the trick i think.
@joshuaearl8387 12 лет назад
OK so ive followed your step im pretty sure exactly and the dialogue does not appear within my follower. Instead I have some weird riften dialogue script in there your help is much appreciated im just wondering is there something messed up with my kit or have a made an error some wheres ??
@Drayano2009 11 лет назад
Can't get mine to work. Did what you say in your tutorial, and added the script, but must be missing something. I go in-game and have the option to talk to my pet but nothing happens, no dialog, just the button. Can you help, please...
@AymanRSaleh 12 лет назад
I believe I my have seen the tutorial that you used to figure this out, and I have been able to get the follow and wait commands to work, but dismiss simply doesn't. I've copied your text to the letter. Do you know why this could be?
@MiniMolson 11 лет назад
when i start and load into my skyrim save my ingame turns completely black, then after around 20-30 seconds the game crashes, is this due to the script being able to be used on a previous patch? Please respond :P
@FableAddz 12 лет назад
Nice Tutorial, but I got a problem. I cant talk to my follower and in CK in the actor window the dialogue doesnt appear. I´ve already checked everything I have no idea what could be the issue. Would be awesome if you could help.
@yukiyoru345 12 лет назад
If you are interested in this, I managed to get it working with the follower open inventory script. And the dialogue seemed to be a bug that disables mod dialogue or something(internet searching).
@lilyskitty123 11 лет назад
My race window is too big and won't let me make it smaller,making it amazingly hard to click any buttons, even when I move my toolbar to the side. Is there a way to resize it?
@Sinnstudios 12 лет назад
ok i have search a lot of video and i can not find a video on how to add a room to a existing house. or even one that shows some one building a castle or village from scratch.
@joshuaearl8387 12 лет назад
Aright well thank you yeah ive tried to eliminate the slip up by creating several followers and things but each time the riften dialogue appears in my followers dialogue
@kingkon312312 11 лет назад
for my error it says that it could not write a temporary source so therefor it wont let me edit the source (ive copyed you exctly) please someone help me?
@Trykon95 11 лет назад
@DARKF0X127 ok thanks anyway I wasn't saying that the video is wrong and it doesn't work I was just wondering why it wouldn't work for me but thanks anyway.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
Making a new shout is easy enough but your going to have to dig deep into game options to get the amount of animal followers you want and I'm unsure as to how it's done, also consider that having too many NPC's in one place at any given time could bring up performance issues depending on a persons PC specifications. There is a menu in the Kit for changing game options in terms of maximum summonables for example.
@FreddyHollensen 11 лет назад
Creation Kit Wiki - Disposition Base: Not used. What does this actually do? And why would my follower growl at me if the value is less than 70 :( ?
@Aeliuz 12 лет назад
Great tutorial, just one question. I don't have any problem, and my pet is working as expected. But i'm just wondering if it's possible to make an animal follower that doesn't engage in combat unless it itself is attacked, or not at all? I don't want it to charge the enemies as soon as i put an arrow in one of them.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
The only way I can think that you can do this is by setting the option for Assistance in the AI Data to give no assistance but this still may not work as it's part of a followers job to assist in battle. You could also try setting them as cowardly so they run away from battle rather than help out.
@Drayano2009 11 лет назад
Never mind I found a really cool mod called "Amazing Follower Tweaks" on steam. It fix my problem, and added some cool features... Thanks...
@FireFoxBancroft 12 лет назад
The good news is I get the prompt to talk to my Fox follower. The bad news is it doesn't do anything. No dialog comes up and he just stands there.
@rahnefan 12 лет назад
Is there a way to have it say something other than "your dog" heads home, if it is not a dog you are dismissing? Thank you for posting this.
@Darkfox127 11 лет назад
That's a strange one, usually they won't follow at all if that happens. It's very easy to miss something or have something not work the first time. When this happens to myself I usually find it's something to do with the armour and skins not setup correctly.
@Owingsmillion 11 лет назад
Mine did the same thing. delete the sound file you just made and try again. i did the second one first but im not sure if that matters.
@mudmud123 12 лет назад
I followed your video to the letter and the only options on my wolf follower is dismiss, I cant get follow or wait to appear, any advise?
@DigitalCleaner 11 лет назад
Just want to say why I like your tutorials over most others. Most people stammer and go down the rabbit hole instead of just moving along and sticking to the point like you do. Kudos and thanks for these tut's without the gayness :P
@MrpotatoChips 11 лет назад
It's not compiling the script. The script name matches the one given to the entry, and yet it still fails to compile. Got any ideas?
@AymanRSaleh 12 лет назад
Well, mine compiles just fine, and when I check the dialogue on the actor creation screen, it's there. It just doesn't show in game.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
Thanks, I have only created Bodger in the video for the tutorial, I don't post anything up on the Nexus as I only use the Steam Workshop. I have a Sabrecat called Bodger on my Merchants Pack mod however.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
The reason people don't really show a tutorial as specific as that is due to the fact that each type of area has it's own pieces which you have to figure out how each connects together, it's like having a hundred different jigsaw puzzles. From knowing the basics you then have to just choose a type of area to create and then figure out what fits with what. As for just adding a room to an existing house you just need to look at the existing pieces and find them in the drop down lists and build.
@Reconskulldan16 11 лет назад
i followed every step on this video but when i go to check the dialogue on my follower I get Riften guard dialogue please help.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
I can't really help too much I'm afraid, you just have to be sure you have the scripts how they should be and double check everything else, the creation kit is full of problems and dialogue is one of them. Many people are having these issues since Patch 1.6.
@mme1792 11 лет назад
ok I've done everything u did, and my dialogue is not showing up in the dialogue window for CK......any suggestions??? thx
@the3watt 12 лет назад
Damn. Damnit. F**k... Just uploaded the same fking tutorial using a sabre cat as well... Peeps gone think I copied ya...
@DigitalCleaner 11 лет назад
Do you know where I can get the scripts for followers instead of the animal ones you provide here? I had to make a custom race for my draughr guards and the animal ones dont work :(
@Jon62491 12 лет назад
I am also having problems with the Dismiss setup. When I try to save it says compilation failed. I have followed this video to the letter and don't know what could be going wrong.
@Trykon95 11 лет назад
Im having the same problem but for me when i click the dialogue option it comes up with a riften guard one
@Darkfox127 11 лет назад
Thanks for the feedback, glad it helped. Many people just don't follow the instructions carefully enough and then want to blame me for their errors lol. It can be a pain but once you get the hang of it, it's not too bad.
@the3watt 12 лет назад
Even more pissed that I spent about 12 fucking hours trying to figure it out, and then found this tut...
@Darkfox127 11 лет назад
I know what I meant lol. Difficult to remember all this stuff when I'm not exactly getting paid to do any of it and it's a side hobby. The longer route around it is creating your own scripts which is too much hassle to be honest.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
Just double check you have done everything, it's easy to miss a bit of script out, the creation is also not perfect and it may be glitching.
@cordelephant 11 лет назад
anyone know if this works with a Dwemer Sphere or Centurion?
@inc6117 11 лет назад
my in-game windo is grey and im new to the creation kit can anyone tell me how to get this to work
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
Be sure you have followed the video, you need to be sure you also change the one part of the script to match the name of it.
@Darkfox127 11 лет назад
There are mods for allowing multiple followers so I imagine that there is a way to do the same for animals but I have not bothered with finding out how.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
Yes you can find the AnimalFollowerMessage and just change it to something like "Your companion heads home". It will change it for the dogs too but it's more generalized for everything.
@gg77FR 11 лет назад
A question: How to have (to make) several animal followers at the same time ? is it possible ? (Thanks !)
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
Glad it works for you, I cant take all the credit though, I got the information from multiple sources. Thanks for the feedback.
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
I wouldn't worry about it lol There's a ton of things on RU-vid been done by different sources.
@DigitalCleaner 11 лет назад
Awesome Tut.. Dont know where i went wrong but, I couldnt make this work for a draugr :(
@gg77FR 11 лет назад
...with the same race (chocoborace/chickenrace !) and differents NPC (differents colors)
@gg77FR 11 лет назад
Very good tuto....my new follower chocobo works ! Thanks ! (in a future mod ??)
@Darkfox127 11 лет назад
No problem. No need to give credit really, just sharing knowledge, but thank you.
@kaitamashi4898 5 лет назад
lol for some reason it said the video was over 10 hours long haha
@Darkfox127 12 лет назад
Yes there is a major glitch with dialogue now after patch 1.6.
@MiniMolson 11 лет назад
i just figured out that the mod may not be the problem
@realcynderDREAMWORLD 11 лет назад
Never mind I reinstall it n its working know so far
@gg77FR 11 лет назад
yes... Summon Dwemer Mechanical Mounts and Followers
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