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Curators in Conversation: The "Thoughtography" of Ted Serios 

The Image Centre
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Join IMC Director Paul Roth and Emily Hauver, Guest Curator of Mind’s Eye: The Psychic Photographs of Ted Serios, for a virtual talk exploring the photographic process of Ted Serios, a Chicago bellhop who claimed he could capture his thoughts on film.
Mind’s Eye: The Psychic Photographs of Ted Serios
January 25-April 1, 2023
Between 1964 and 1967, American psychiatrist Dr. Jule Eisenbud conducted experiments with Ted Serios, a man from Chicago with the purported ability to psychically transfer his thoughts onto Polaroid film in a process he named “thoughtography.” Questioning the limits of the human psyche, the supposed objectivity of photography, and notions of scientific neutrality, Mind’s Eye presents a selection of Serios’ mysterious photographs, along with ephemera and experimental data from the Jule Eisenbud Collection on Ted Serios and Thoughtographic Photography, a highlight of the Special Collections at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Organized in collaboration with the Albin O. Kuhn Library and Gallery, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), United States.
Emily Hauver is Curator of Exhibitions in the Library Gallery at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She holds a MS in Museum Studies from Johns Hopkins University and a BA in Visual Arts from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She has curated two exhibitions exploring the paranormal output of Ted Serios: Mind’s Eye: The Psychic Photographs of Ted Serios will debut at The Image Centre at Toronto Metropolitan University in 2023; Psychic Projections/Photographic Impressions was presented at UMBC’s Library Gallery in 2011. Her other curatorial projects are often situated at the intersection of contemporary photography and important social issues of the day, including Louie Palu: Distant Early Warning (2022) and Tom Kiefer: El Sueño Americano/The American Dream (2019). Emily is a contributing author of the forthcoming publication Ted Serios: The Mind's Eye (Atelier Editions, 2023).
© The Image Centre, Toronto Metropolitan University
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@Chrisdrumz 2 месяца назад
These 2 actually think Serios was legit??
@RumbleFish69 Год назад
I really wanted to say that this video was interesting, but the only takeaway for me was how trusting people can be. And it's not just the two people in this video, but for the sake of this specific video, I will refer to these two people. And, how these two seemingly logical and educated people fell for this fraud stunt so easily. And, how these same two people are now too invested to exercise logic and reason. Paul Roth has been following Ted Serios since he was 10-years old, which basically makes him a child who grew up watching Superman and believing, now as an adult, that Superman is real and somewhere out there. And Emily Hauver is no better than Mr. Roth because she refuses to even consider that Ted Serios could be a fraud. It's no wonder that they hit it off! Likeminded people somehow tend to find each other. For me, I don't care what day of the week I'm asked the question, my answer will always be the same, Ted Serios is a fraud! And the worst thing is that these two appear proud of the fact that this exhibition was presented without any attempt to answer whether or not Ted Serios was a fraud. When it comes to Serios, that is easily the most important question in the world. However, these two individuals would have us believe that this question should be placed on a shelf, ignored and never addressed. So, they simply bury their heads in the sand, consider this man to be legitimate and then expect all of us to do the same! The Ted Serios stunt has all of the earmarks of a magic trick, an illusion, or simple slight of hand. The props, the theatrics, the alcohol consumption...These are all things that are meant to create an illusion, and distract away from the con. However for me, the most telling thing was the Polaroid camera itself...Stay with me! Apparently, Polaroid cameras were used in order to ensure honesty, however for me, these particular cameras were the only way to execute this trick successfully. A polaroid camera simply would have been the easiest way to fake this stunt. Prepackaged films will mean little, if the film itself has already been tampered! Of course, everything in this case should have been examined closely, but the camera's film should have been examined more than anything else. I'm pretty sure that if Ted Serios was put in a different room, and all of the pictures inside the camera were snapped, while he was in another room, one or two of those pictures would have produce Ted Serios-like images! And, hat makes me wonder if anyone ever did anything remotely close to that while they were doing these stunts! Or, did they all just assume the prepackaged film was legit? And by the way, why wasn't there ever an attempt at using a regular camera just to see what developed? Or maybe they did but the results were not noteworthy! They say that it takes a village to raise a child, but I believe that it also takes a village to make a stunt like this work successfully! Today, cons, grifts, complicated slight of hand stunts are executed with the help of dozens of people on the magician's staff. When David Copperfield made the statue of Liberty disappear, there were dozens of people, at least, involved in making that trick happen the way it did, which is to say, appear real! So, I am pretty sure that back when this Ted Serios grift was being executed, it was no different to have dozens of people in on it. If I had make a run at this trick, I have a pretty good idea of how I would get it done... First, before anything, people need to ask themselves who would benefit the most from this stunt. To me, I believe that the Polaroid film company and its executives would have benefited the most. It is very simple economics and the trick itself is even simpler....One camera, one pack of film and one film manufacturer! This means that no other manufacturer could ever be involved. One manufacturer meant total control over the film stock during the entire time. And, it also means that getting the film pack to the right hands was just as easy! So, this is the million dollar question.....During this entire Ted Serios time period, did anyone ever bother to check Polaroid sales and company growth before and after this stunt went public? Probably not, but if I were a betting man, I would bet that sales probably went through the roof with all of America trying to duplicate "Thougtography" once all of America knew that this man existed. Luckily this information can be looked up today....So, I looked it up. guess what I found..... Ironically, in the early '60s Polaroid was on the verge of bankruptcy. Somehow, they managed to find some kind of magical solution in the mid '60s and by the late '60s and '70s, they controlled about 25% of the film an photo marketshare! Hmm, what an unbelievable coincidence, if you ask me! All it would take to make this happen is just one Polaroid executive with a brilliant idea that he would willingly take to his grave! It would begin with careful and meticulous planning, hiring the right people, placing the images on the film ahead of time, making the images slightly different in order to appear credible, and then stocking every drug store and convenience store with the doctored film for miles around M.I.T.. Of course, paying off a few drugstore clerks, possibly committing some unspeakable crimes in order to ensure silence, because greed tends to murder, but after all that, they were off to the races! And on top of that, whose to say that Jule Eisenbud was not involved in coordinating this stunt. What better way to ensure success than by being personally involved...I did say that it takes a village! And by the way, pulling off a stunt like this was far easier back then than it is today. In those days there was no social media, no security cameras, and a whole lot of people who were willing to believe in the paranormal and take a bribe! If there was ever a clear argument for Occam's razor, this would be it! The problem here is that it's hard to consider the simplest solution when everyone who reports on this has their heads buried in the sand! And, if we're relying on the people in this video to clarify things, or find the truth, forget about it! That will simply never happen because these two individuals are way too invested personally! In the end, this entire Ted Serios thing just goes to show that any person, no matter how educated, can get carried away by something that the little kid inside of them wants so desperately to believe! Anyone can be fooled...Anyone can be made to believe in unicorns...Unicorns and Ted Serios!
@dalelerette206 Год назад
Not many people realize light becomes liquid when at Absolute Zero -273.15 degrees Celsius, or -459.67 Fahrenheit. What will be even stranger is when we understand that Absolute Zero is Relative to its native conditions. 'Liquid' light shows social behavior. But keep in mind G. K. Chesterton’s words when he said that only the truth can be exaggerated because nothing else can stand so strong - nothing else can stand the strain. And perhaps that is why Chesterton says that the test of good religion is whether you can joke about it. It is true that the Medium is the Message. The nature of the medium -- the channel through which a message was transmitted -- is more important than the meaning of the message. This phase, spoken by Marshall McLuhan, signified his belief that it was the way someone receives information that mattered as much as -- or more than -- the actual information itself. That in turn demonstrated both the power of and the problems with the way the media can shape our understanding. Once we have surrendered our senses and nervous systems to the private manipulation of those who would try to benefit by taking a lease on our eyes and ears and nerves, we don't really have any rights left. Marshall McLuhan This seems to be a prescient warning about the way in which the Internet’s ability to bring people together and alter the ways we perceive the world would then be harnessed by private companies in order to profoundly change the world around us. “The medium is the message” is a phrase created by Marshall McLuhan meaning that the form of a medium embeds itself in the message, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived. I am reminded of Curators in Conversation: The "Thoughtography" of Ted Serios
@RumbleFish69 Год назад
@@dalelerette206 You certainly rely on other people's works and words to try and make your point. Which, in my opinion, have kind of fallen short. However, since you decided to crutch yourself against the work of others, then I will do the same.... "There's a sucker born every minute." - P.T. Barnum Marshall McLuhan's words, nor the amount of liquid that your light can become, can ever compare with P.T. Barnum's famous and truly accurate words, and especially how these words relate to Ted Serios and his pioneering scam. And yes, that is the most that I am willing to concede to Ted Serios. And that is the fact that he was one of the earliest, notable scam artists....along with his team. It's true that people having been scamming since the dark ages but Ted Serios brought scamming to a whole other level!
@dalelerette206 Год назад
@@RumbleFish69 “I do not think that word means what you think it means” - Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride. I am just saying ghosts only exist to those who can imagine them. Peace.
@RumbleFish69 Год назад
@@dalelerette206 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@dalelerette206 Год назад
@@RumbleFish69 When the Apocalypse speaks of the Nicolaitans, it should be noted the Nicolaitans had dared to insinuate that freedom in Christ granted them a blank check to sin. The fault of believers in Pergamum was not so much that they had followed this pernicious teaching but that they had allowed it to be vocalized in the congregation.
@rachelwarmeant8056 Год назад
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