
Daniel 4 and Revelation 9 | Bible Prophecy Revealed | Daniel 4 | Lesson 11 

Torah Class
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Daniel 4, an in-depth explanation from the Hebrew perspective by Tom Bradford. In this episode, Tom Bradford journeys through Daniel 4 in detail, as he finds some astonishing comparisons between the books of Daniel and Revelation, which was written by John, the prophet.
Join Torah Class in this Bible Study on Daniel 4.



7 июл 2024




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@PopleBackyardFarm 7 дней назад
please pray for Billy my nephew physical problems needs healing
@lukewagner8871 19 дней назад
One thing that many commentators miss, is that in the Greek manuscript the word, “and” is used as the first word in most of the verses in the book of Revelation. It has this meaning. Strong's Definition Apparently a primary particle having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force; and also 6 even so 6 then too etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words: - and also both but even for if indeed likewise moreover or so that then therefore when yea yet. That is how a person would write an account of what he saw in a vision. Similar of a person describing what they saw in a movie. The book of Revelation certainly is prophecy. 2 Peter 1:20-21 KJVS Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. [21] For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. Theologians always like to present the writers of the Bible, as using their own words when writing the gospels and epistles. I think they do it because it opens the door for them to present their opinion as carrying equal weight when it comes to matters of the divine. So what John saw in his version, and what he wrote, was breathed to him by the Holy Ghost. Men should always be mindful of an admonition regarding the book of Revelation. Revelation 22:18-19 KJVS For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: [19] And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. John saw what he saw, and wrote what he saw through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Have sense enough to leave it alone.
@user-si9hl3oi7j 19 дней назад
Great, great, great! Thanks!
@ChiliMcFly1 18 дней назад
God is forevermore he is the creator.
@user-si9hl3oi7j 19 дней назад
What is the meaning of the seven times, and leaving the tree's stump & roots in the ground? Is it finished or does this tree carry a spiritual meaning for our times?
@TheRealSuzeeQ 20 дней назад
I live is Goshen as we are supposed to, Thanks Tom YOU ARE TERRIFIC~
@TorahClass 19 дней назад
Thank you for listening. Praying blessings for you.
@pln8503 19 дней назад
Isn't it wonderful that YHWH has given us the ability to know from His word that none of us are perfect, and that our trangressing of His commandments, no matter how great or small, is as filthy, menstrual rags. Just imagine what it will be like when the Mashiach returns, and we are all shown the total picture, for even Sha'ul admitted that he hadn't reached that goal yet, while doing nothing but encouraging the set apart ones to run the race.
@TheMastersHarvest 19 дней назад
We can be certain "when" we are on God's prophetic calendar. It is written in the book of 2nd Esdras. Chapter 11 contains a prophecy that describes a line of American presidents, five of whom are still alive, and two of them are being kept until "the end." All of them are old men. "The end" is fast approaching. I have condensed the prophecy into a series of short lessons - my gift to you. Please allow me to guide you through them, step by step, and into understanding. Blessings to you and your loved ones.
@KenJackson_US 19 дней назад
Does this period match anything in secular history?
@humboldthammer 17 дней назад
The writing has been on the wall in THIS Babylon, ever since all the Prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) proclaimed Trump CHOSEN by God to build a New Temple in Jerusalem, and the Republican CHURCH (not the Party) became the synagogue of Satan -- Revelation 3: 9. 100's of millions deceived. Matthew 24: 24. "Weighed -- Found Wanting." What did Jesus teach about that Temple? The Rapture is a LIE. "Left Behind" is ass-backward fiction. Matthew 13: 30.
@2018wrxaddict 20 дней назад
The comments here. My goodness. Very entertaining yet also pretty scary. Praying for you all.
@Elysiel_ParadiseOfGod 19 дней назад
Humanity needs all the prayers they can get. They're so blind that they know not what they're doing!
@DedicatedtoYAH 16 дней назад
Right! The greatest of these is Love and people are arguing about names in the comments. 🙏🏼
@user-ju7wy7oc6x 20 дней назад
Remember Jeremiahs vision of the two bowels of figs Jeremiah 24
@richardhaithcox6512 20 дней назад
Numbers ballers at more than you would think how are you supposed to do the Taurus kit buying area code if you have induced number spaces 3:37
@xanatax1844 19 дней назад
“let 7 cycles pass over him.” 😮 7 days in a week, because Genesis Ch1 … and, that is a cycle itself … so, 49 days? like, “counting the omer,” after the Passover holiday. Jubilees are 7 yrs, and 49 years?
@michaelart4878 20 дней назад
@hermanehrentraut4956 20 дней назад
Shalom, Rev 9:1-12 Is describing the Roman empire and Rev 9:13-19 is describing the Mongolian empire. 2 points need to be made 1. The word "earth" in Daniel and Revelation does not mean planet it meant land, so Nebuchadnezzar's proclamation was all over the land not the planet. 2. The word "all" in Revelation does not mean every one but means every kind of. Both points are easily understood but these and other points allow for false teachings to perpetuated as truth such as this and most end time teachers do. If a prophecy speaks about a land it makes the event non-global, which means the event does not and most like is not future but has actually already happened. This picture used in this video is a common depiction of angels being humanoid with wings but they are not angels but are Greek Nikes in other words demons. Revelation in Greek is Apocalypse which means unveiling but in Hebrew the word is ervah and means to uncover a person's nakedness/shame. It's a euphemism for sin. Revelation then is the uncovering the sins of the church from the first century AD until it's destruction in the future. Throughout this history we also see YHWH's/Abba's judgments that are chastisements but each judgment shows they wicked do not repent of their sin, one in particular is how they choose to worship the beast, worship the image of the beast, receive the mark of the beast. Nicene Christians teach these three events are only future because if they admitted that Nicene Christianity was formed by false apostles who worship the antichrist in the fourth century AD and what they started is still being practiced today centuries later. Rev 9:7-10 Locusts looked like horses fitted for battle because they are horses this is referring to the Roman empire armoring of horses called barding. Locust is just one of many references to the Roman sun god Apollo who is their King meaning their Christ which is what the false apostles did they combined Christ with Apollo, who today is better known as Jesus Christ. Hair of women refers to the hair style in an era "regis crinti". Teeth were like those of lions refers to face masks worn in battle. Chest were like iron breastplates is misleading breast plate only covers the front, the word should be corselet which covers both front and back, further the Roman army did have armor made of iron that made them look like locusts loricas segmentata. Sound of the wings horse armor in barding is layered like feathers and the sound the metal made was like chariots. Scorpion refers to a common Roman weapon that was used but in the 14th Century AD was given a new name crossbow, which was also around the same time the NT was being translated into other languages than Latin and Greek. Five months is taught incorrectly by end time teachers. This channel loves to talk about God principles well there is one he either overlooks or ignores entirely and that is in prophecy 1 day = 1 year as is found in Number when the Israelites were condemned to spend 40 days in the wilderness 1 year for every day they were in the promised land, 70 weeks of Daniel said the Messiah would come before the completion 70 weeks was 490 years not 490 days, and Revelation should be no different so 5 months is 150 years for an event not 150 days, but this truth exposes most end time teachers as perpetuate false teaching whether their own or what they were taught. Rev 9:17-19 The colors were the actual colors of the Mongolian empire, horses having head of lions refers to how the mane of the horses used by the Mongolian armies appeared because they never cut their manes. From their mouth issued fire smoke and sulfur is describing the use of gunpowder and guns where to fire the gun had to be raised up appearing as if coming from ones mouth. third of mankind does not mean out of all the people on the planet 1/3 were killed but if it is taught that way it makes the event and almost all the events in Revelation future because events on the global scale as is taught has not ever happened. But when you consider the prophecy is about the land not the planet, Rev 7:17-19 is YHWH's/Abba's judgment against the people in Rev 9:1-12. The whole segment where Tom speaks about inclusion today and the reason he gives concerning Muslims is the same inclusion that happened in the 4th Century by Christians concerning the Roman empire which led to Nicene Christianity and the State Church which dominated for over 1,000 years, which the colonists of North America fought a Revolution over 200 years ago to escape from. Unfortunately President Grant violated separation of church and state when he made Christmas a Federal holiday, but since it glorifies the christ and god of Nicene Christianity and most Christians were and still are, hardly anyone spoke against it. The interesting thing is both John in his letters and Paul in his letters warned of not just these things but even identifying what communities would be involved John wrote to Ephesus and Paul to Thessalonika. John's came true council of Ephesus in 431 AD and edict of Thessalonika in 380 AD. I think the following encapsulates most end time teachers Rom 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, Rom 1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
@Ds74-pmrq 19 дней назад
2 Peter 3:8 beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
@hermanehrentraut4956 19 дней назад
@@Ds74-pmrq Shalom, if you take the Peter verse as an absolute you are ignoring Num 14:33 And your children shall wander in the wilderness forty years, and bear your whoredoms, until your carcases be wasted in the wilderness. Num 14:34 After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise. Lev_25:4 But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land, a sabbath for the LORD: thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard. Lev_25:5 That which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest thou shalt not reap, neither gather the grapes of thy vine undressed: for it is a year of rest unto the land. Lev_26:34 Then shall the land enjoy her sabbaths, as long as it lieth desolate, and ye be in your enemies' land; even then shall the land rest, and enjoy her sabbaths. Jer_25:11 And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years. Dan 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Dan 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. Dan 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. Because none of these prophecies happened in days nor did they happen in millenia, but happened in years despite the prophecy being spoken using days.
@kuntekinte6246 18 дней назад
You seem to be very knowledgeable with the word. I have a honest question.I have been struggling with and I've reverted back many times to verses people claim that shows proof of a rapture. I just don't see it maybe it's because of my ignorance. If there is a rapture could you lead me to the Most Highs words. I have never believed in the rapture but the last several years all I hear from comments and preachers is the rapture. So maybe I have been wrong all along. Thank you.
@hermanehrentraut4956 18 дней назад
@@kuntekinte6246 Shalom, you can rest you mind at ease the fact that you don't see the rapture in those verses is a sign that you are not being deceived. The rapture as is taught in churches today and was made crazy popular by Tim Lahaye is fiction specifically its the foolish imaginations of some Nicene Christians. When Nicene Christianity and their version of christ which John calls the antichrist became the state religion of the Roman empire, a translator of the NT into Latin saw it was not just speaking of Nicene Christianity but exposed them as being made up of false apostles and teaching the doctrine of the Nicolaitans among other things. The translator named Jerome edited Revelation 9 to shift focus off not just Rome but also the church. Over a thousand years later as the Bible began being translated into languages other than Latin and Greek people started seeing the truth, so two Jesuit priests wrote about Revelation the first one said it all pointed to destruction of Jerusalem and that Nero was the antichrist, in short Revelation is an allegory. The second one said it pointed to a future when a great apostasy would come from the church, the events in Revelation would take place 3.5 years before Christ's return, the temple in Jerusalem would be rebuilt, the antichrist would be accepted by the Israelites as the messiah. This first view is Preterism and the second view is Futurism.. It would be this second view that would be adopted by protestants and merged with the rapture teaching. The thing about the rapture is how its used by both sides that are actually the same. Pro-rapture believers use the verses as proof of their is a rapture but Anti-rapture believers use the same verses as proof their is not rapture but both groups advocate Nicene Christianity which means the worshiping of the beast, worshiping the image of the beast, and receiving the mark of the beast and have for centuries, but in a continued deception they all agree that those 3 things are still yet future instead of teaching they are past and present because to do so would expose them as false teachers and Nicene Christianity as being the great apostasy the apostles wrote about. For clarity I went from not believing the rapture as a Nicene Christians, to coming to believe in the rapture as a Nicene Christian, to studying the text and realizing its a false teaching no longer as a Nicene Christian. I do not know how old you are so you make not get this reference in the 19th and 20th century there were men who traveled around peddling snake oil these men were con artists who knew they were lying but continued to do so because they were able to make money from this, the preachers that preach the rapture are just the 21st century version but instead of selling snake oil they are selling eternal damnation which people foolishly are buying believing for them will be an easier way.
@hermanehrentraut4956 17 дней назад
@@kuntekinte6246 Shalom, I have not ignored your question because it is so very important in fact I thought I did answer it yesterday but it does not seem to be here. I am sorry for not noticing this earlier but I will again answer you I pray it reaches you this time. My original answer went into greater detail I will try to remember as much as i can. I do not know how old you are, in the sense you may remember the con artists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries that sold people snake oil which supposedly would either cure people or prevent them from ever getting sick. Those who teach the rapture and for that matter end time events as they do are just the 21st century version of snake oil con artists. The sad thing is the Pro-rapture and the Anti-rapture people are two sides of the same coin, they both practice Nicene Christianity and worship their version of Christ which John called the antichrist and Paul called another gospel, and Christ called false christ. I am again sorry that I do not recall more of my original answer, if you want more information such as how this and other end time false teaching came to be in the church it's origins can be traced to the 4th Century AD which I will gladly explain as well as answer any question you may have, thank you
@kevinmcclainsr.2706 20 дней назад
You fail to understand that God is in control of all things.
@joshuastavos4376 20 дней назад
Tom Bradford is not failing to understand that Yahweh is in control. He is warning us not to be fooled by these deceivers. We all must help educate each other.
@kevinmcclainsr.2706 20 дней назад
@@joshuastavos4376 God is still in control of all things no matter what is happening in the world today. Never forget that.
@joshuastavos4376 20 дней назад
@@kevinmcclainsr.2706 Of course, but we must know his laws and commandments and his warnings and live accordingly. He has blessed us with the ability to learn and exercise discernment and to take responsibility for our decisions and each other. We are not supposed to be passive, only worry about ourselves, and let evil prevail when we can intervene. We cannot always intervene for many reasons, but we should when we can.
@kevinmcclainsr.2706 20 дней назад
@@joshuastavos4376 this is why I say to you. God is still in control. Trust in him.
@TheRealSuzeeQ 20 дней назад
Please LEARN CREATOR'S NAME, its so horrifying to realize SO MANY DO NOT KNOW HIM. His name is Yahuah. His Son is Yahusha. ANY OTHER PRONUNCIATION is NOT respectful. I don't care WHO it comes from! He IS HEBREW you can change his HEBREW NAME to suit the HEATHEN~
@Frank-st6gd 16 дней назад
Proof of A Pre trib Rapture. Pay Attention to the Cloud and Clouds Jesus appears In and With. Acts chapter 1 verses 9 10 11 Cloud. In Red Luke chapter 21 verses 27 and 28 Jesus is coming In A Cloud the Rapture. In Revelation chapter 1 verse 7 Jesus is coming With the Clouds when he comes back to the Mt of Olive the second coming KJV. That's What.
@tawhidiimam-8701 18 дней назад
Day Divine off and night Divine running. God, s massenger status. All the prophetic the Divine time is over before five hundred years ago. Full lights moon, one night Divine time running now by judgment of the God. Divine time accept judge didn't of God. So need Divine time judgment of the God of all the Humans.
@user-wq3tf4uh3r 20 дней назад
How is a tree visible from all earth if it was a ball 😅
@SeedOfElijah 20 дней назад
Easily. Imagine you are on the surface and the tree, being in the middle or shall we say, center...this is the only place that can be seen by all the surface inhabitants. Since it is a dream, imagine a clear balloon, with the tree in the center that can be literally seen. Youve just described a round earth
@KenJackson_US 19 дней назад
Dreams froth with symbolism. If you insist on taking that so literally, then how do you take Pharaoh's dream in which skinny cows ate well-fed cows?
@user-wq3tf4uh3r 19 дней назад
@@KenJackson_US what is symbolism it is symbolism. What is literally it is literally.. if u insist in symbolism then what does flat earth symbolize ??
@user-wq3tf4uh3r 19 дней назад
@@SeedOfElijah only it would be stupid to suggest that trees grow inside earth or shall we say in the lava core center of earth as we are told by scientists so called
@KenJackson_US 19 дней назад
@@user-wq3tf4uh3r There's no flat earth in the Bible.
@carmenmarentes7558 20 дней назад
Why do you use jesus ? He is a pagan sun god. Created by catholicism. I came out. Found Yeshua.
@waitandsee9345 20 дней назад
Oh my. It's His name in greek. Even ur NT is clear abt those languages John 19:20 (KJV) This title then read many of the Jews: for the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city: and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin. Peter's original name is not peter. 🙄
@Elysiel_ParadiseOfGod 19 дней назад
​@@waitandsee9345 the name Jesus was used to trick people into worshipping a life sucking vampiric entity instead of Heavenly Father. Sure, the name is Greek. But Yeshua was doing his mission for Heavenly Father, and knowing the true human name helps people reach Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael is a smaller version of the Eternal Father, who is the size of the Universe and is beyond human sight.
@helenbrown6612 19 дней назад
​@@Elysiel_ParadiseOfGod oh my goodness. In 2016 when I cried out the name of JESUS in my great distress...guess what...? He showed up (not literally in person) and healed me in the blink of an eye. I've never been the same since that moment. Obviously as I grew in my faith and in studying the scriptures I learned his Jewish name is Yeshua and so I prefer to use that. For the sake of love amongst the brethren and the love of all that is good and beautiful in this world don't be so elitist to think YOU know that God will 'only' respond to his Jewish name. Simply be glad that He saved a wretch like YOU and a wretch like ME.
@waitandsee9345 15 дней назад
@@Elysiel_ParadiseOfGod wrong. I'm pleiadian and my guides are including gargoyle order of MichaEl. 🙃 And MichaEl is latinisation of MikaEl 🤣🤣🤣
@MrGuitarman8000 18 дней назад
Blasfemia there can't be two most high God's the 3 in one God comes to earth in human form in the fire! The Spirit of God gives understanding to call God the most high God and God the Father is in heaven because God the Father doesn't let sin in his domain! If God the Father came to earth in all heavenly glory then all sin would be wiped out! Especially sinful man
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