
darktide community lets have a chat..... I hate all of you sincerely yours Tanner. 

Tanner Lindberg
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17 окт 2024




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@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
Comments off on this video. Since Reginald is giving the okay to his fans to come here and hate on me. I've gotten a huge influx of hate. Something I should clarify this isn't me throwing a temper tantrum over a few comments. It's the fact that EVERYWHERE I go. I see people talking about me and it's NEVER positive. I have wanted to say this for a long time. i have gotten NOTHING but hate and vitriol from you darktide players. from my very first video. its been this way. NONE of you fucking people have ever shown a single shred of empathy or kindness. my discord has been open since day one any one can dm me at anytime. i love talking to people. ANY of you assholes could of talked to me for as long as you wanted before forming an opinion. but no a few minutes of a youtube video is enough to determine someones entire life story and personality now. i fucking hate what the internet has done to people. Anyways can't wait to wake up tomorrow. To a ton of hate comments like usual
@wheniwasfuckingmydogmycatc6322 3 месяца назад
Hey Tanner, I appreciate your info on the game and I think it's a shame how people treat you. Not everyone has to make super refined videos to get their point across. I actually appreciate trimming the fat. I clutched my first auric mission because I followed your video on how to deal with chaos spawn solo. Without it I'd fail. Ty for the advice and hopefully see you next time.
@krampus9361 3 месяца назад
i love you c:
@catwthcpu8064 3 месяца назад
Hey tan,not sure if u wanna take my words considering I’m just a dude on the internet but these pricks on the internet are doing this because they think they know better.They don’t.I am also on the spectrum of autism and it sucks to hear so much hate from a place that has no idea abt what shit they say abt ya.If u want we could talk on discord and have some meaningful conversation.I got a lot to say abt your darktide vids lol.but the point is..don’t listen to these losers.If they have time to be assaults on RU-vid then thy have time to be standup people rather than human refuse.My dms are open and if u want someone who also plays warframe I’m there.tbh I’m kinda struggling rn mentally but hearing u talks lights a fire in me abt my favorite topics.Hope for the best and it will come!
@Weeohhweeohh 3 месяца назад
No matter how many comments... don't read them.
@alehshan0714 3 месяца назад
I'm glad i watched a few of your streams, cus this ain't the first time I've seen someone with a realistic and less rose tinted glasses view on things that gets hate for it
@WT_776 3 месяца назад
As someone who was getting into Darktide, conveniently when you were just starting to upload videos about it, I found them extremely helpful with how dense and straight to the point they were informationally. Thinking back to them I genuinely don't even know why or how they could garner you as much hate as they have since. I feel like you said a few times people could use what they wanted to at the end of the day and your videos were from a meta/what is best pov. I guess it's simply because you don't act in a way that's easily palatable to some peoples' sensibilities but in my opinion it helps you stand out more and helps give the impression you'll give opinions/thoughts that aren't altered through a variety of filters like you can expect from some people. It's so bizarre to me that people will talk about someone you don't like as often as they do. I feel like most people should have better things to do with their time than that.
@Sound_Reaver 3 месяца назад
*The Darktide community has fallen...* *Billions must smite...*
@chef3997 3 месяца назад
I agree, also, I am infertile from eating scented candles. the
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
TSD when?
@mikestyles27 3 месяца назад
I hope this video was cathartic for you, you certainly deserve some relief from all the hate you get. The short time I got to spend in your discord showed me a different side of you, and I'm thankful for that. I know I'm nowhere near your level, but without your insight, I would be that much worse still. It's unfair, but expected, that the internet crucifies someone like you for the .01% of mistakes (all of which are not actually your fault, but had been since changed or are innacurately noted in game) , when everything else is so solid and demonstrably effective. I don't expect much more darktide content from you, you've won, after all. I hope you'll still keep sharing your insights in the future, your no bs attitude is refreshing. Seriously, I learned more from watching your review of someone else's gameplay than all other DT videos combined. Thanks Tanner.
@approximately27goats 3 месяца назад
What is this discord? Where can I join it?
@Faminetheblack 3 месяца назад
If it's any consolation, your advice on weapons and builds made me more effective on auric maelstrom and helped me improve.
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
comments like this do make it all worth it i love hearing that someone was helped by something i posted.
@Faminetheblack 3 месяца назад
@@TannerLindberg Regardless of whether people like or dislike you in the darktide community. You do good work and should be proud of that
@ChaosBladesXL 3 месяца назад
I think you're a pretty cool dude. Your info videos on enemies and strong set ups/builds are half the reason I got super into darktide and play auric maelstrom with my one of my friends to this day. I was able to teach my friends from there and now I enjoy the game a bunch with them. I would rather watch someone that is actually experienced with the game and knows what they are talking about than some idiot content creator that asks for builds from members in their discord or some shit. Every community has its darkside, I'm sure there are a lot of people like me that enjoy your vids and learned alot too in darktide's community, we just don't take time out of our day to talk up about it like the opposite end of the spectrum. Keep up the good work, dude. 👍
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
That's a fair assessment and one I hope is true
@G13ULTRA 3 месяца назад
genuinely have not gotten a guide anywhere else that are half as good and informative as yours are, youve definitely helped me improve a lot as player
@Kurai_69420 3 месяца назад
Look on the bright side, you have a prosperous career in the housing market with all the real estate you own in their heads.
@Slash-ft2fy 3 месяца назад
Tanner. I'm sorry that this keeps happening to you. First Warframe. Now dark tide? Honestly I hope you can find and/or create a community of peace and just having fun learning and teaching each other in such games
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
Don't get me wrong. I get WHY people don't like me. This isn't boo hoo woesy me tanner didn't do nothing. I get it. I'm not likable, trust me. I've heard it my entire life. I just dont understand the LENGTHS people will go to hate me. THEN SAY IM THE ONE WITH THE PROBLEM. LIKE I GET IT I CANT FIT IN ANYWHERE. SO I KEEP TO MY SELF
@Slash-ft2fy 3 месяца назад
No I understand. It's such a shame that people are so mentally inflexible. I will say one thing, I have noticed that you have became a little bit opinionated, which there's nothing wrong with being strongly opinionated. But sometimes the way you do thing comes across as aggressive and assholeish... But then again you can only handle so much before this shit gets to you
@Slash-ft2fy 3 месяца назад
Sorry if half of that shit wasn't coherent. Unless it was, idk.
@Ayzev 3 месяца назад
@@TannerLindberg You are likeable though, that's why we're here. Just not in a conventional, normie, broadly appealing, dime a dozen, overdone, boring way. I wish more people would just let loose like you do and be their most authentic selves
@RayneCro 3 месяца назад
@@TannerLindberg I got banned from Darktide Discord and often get ratio'd by Redditor hivemind because I have somewhat similar personality to you. I'm not a sissy femboy fag, nor am I social outcast IRL, but I don't do "le ebin wholesome" polite speech when speaking actual facts, so people get riled the fuck up. I know why people don't like you, and I know why people don't like me online (unless I put on a mask) - it's because people would rather hear feel good tripe than speak logic and facts. You talk to them like to a hysterical woman, with false platitudes and politeness, if you can even be arsed interacting with them - most of the time I just straight up don't, not worth my time or headaches.
@KovineSkumbre 3 месяца назад
I hope you continue to make videos Tanner and don't let these type of people discourage you. It's rare to find a person on this platform that has this type of passion and being informed on the topics they talk about like you do.
@Kaspii13 3 месяца назад
I absolutely agree with you, even from a perspective of basically no one, Darktide community was giving me cancer each time I tried interacting with it, doesn't matter if it was youtube, discord, steam forums, or directly in game, hence why I've stopped playing random queues or even leaving comments under videos. It's just not worth it to engage.
@tyranoid4 3 месяца назад
The JTC drama when you first posted that video was insane, all the people going "hurr durr, Tanner doesn't like JTC, but he's so wholesome how could you hate the guy" when the entire time you would correct yourself, or apologize when you got worked up, and said multiple times over and over how much you respect him. I'm sorry that youtube has been so sanitized that simply saying you don't agree with someone is the same as saying you want to see them tarred and feathered, and if what you said is true if JTC did say that, that'd be like a stab in the back to me. Does he think people don't know he's autistic? I think it's interesting to see the dichotomy between the both of you, somone that has bent the knee, and someone who refuses to be anything other than themselves.
@SneedRemembrancer 3 месяца назад
Huh I always liked your darktide videos because they cut past the community zeitgeist bs Like the community thinking weapons had to be god rolls to actually mean anything and the damage % had a substantial impact and that unless a weapon was god tier it was completely worthless.
@the_tank_pone890 3 месяца назад
Sorry to hear about that mate. If it makes you feel any better I quite like your videos. At first I didn't like you demeanor and attitude but once I looked past it and actually listened to your advice and presentation of in game evidence. Everything you showed was very knowledgeable and useful. I even seemed you out on Discord to ask a question about a Keybind in hopes of perhaps my idea getting that more brutal and honestly criticism. Anyways thanks for what you've done for the Darktide community as much as it hasn't given back. Try not to have a full psychotic break yeah?
@Kalibr91 3 месяца назад
The hero we don't deserve, but the one we need.
@alexandreparent5754 3 месяца назад
I like Tanner's content and ive been watching every single video and used to like chilling in its discord channel back in the days. The thing is that 1st impressions are really important and the tone and intensity of voice can truly make Tanner look like a constant rager, the issue is that he's not, he's always like that and sadly it takes multiple videos to make this observation. Something that makes it hard to empathize with him at times is that he's calling people stupid, retarded or tell them to ltg themselves at times. An example in this video is that he did put everyone in the same basket by saying YOU people and litteraly everyone in the Darktide community, but his videos had high engagement and mostly likes so I think the majority might even like him instead of hate him but this observation could be flawed. Another thing is that whenever he's right about something he doesn't sugarcoat it at all, the way he tells people that they are wrong is very confronting and is oftentimes packed with insults which will turn people against him. Its difficult to understand what exactly Tanner is responsible and has control and what is litteraly core to his being. I think overall Tanner has a very dry personnality which makes him either very likeable to some people or very detestable for some other which would explain the intensity of the toxicity among some people he discussed here. Its litteraly not to defend anyone in the Darktide community or justify their actions but I can understand why it could bring this kind of negative attention. I mean, some people threatened Tanner with violence and harass him and in no way it is acceptable and he doesn't deserve that imo. I hope my input was useful in a way or another, I was hesitating, but in case it would be useful I made it. If you're reading this Tanner, thanks for making me a good Darktide player, I will always be grateful for what you did.
@xYamakaze 3 месяца назад
1:07 Tanner society arc
@curiouswind9196 3 месяца назад
"They hated him for telling the truth". Seriously it's such a shame people attack people who they don't like just because they don't "act nice" or "put on a mask".
@chef3997 3 месяца назад
It's normal to be respectful and act nice, but up to a certain point, when dealing with human-shaped sludge it's normal, maybe even expected to get miffed, putting on a mask can go to hell at that point.
@Ayeshire 3 месяца назад
das what da mask is~
@chef3997 3 месяца назад
@@Ayeshire I wish I could send pictures in RU-vid comments....
@Ayeshire 3 месяца назад
@@chef3997 i wish i could kiss you through youtube comments
@sceinceguy 3 месяца назад
"Tanner is toxic" _Laughs in 2009 CoD MW2 lobbies_
@dominique_trifler 3 месяца назад
A lot of people with no life in the vermintide/darktide community. Engaging with them was highly unpleasant for the most part. As a result, I minimized communication, and when I did challenges, I did so without any commentary.
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
I noticed that in your runs it's just an hour of gameplay. Which is an esthetic I very much enjoy
@dominique_trifler 3 месяца назад
Appreciate it @@TannerLindberg! I aim to keep the focus on the gameplay.
@BlueEyesWhiteViera 3 месяца назад
This is gonna be a good one
@Mandelbroh 3 месяца назад
Dude, most of the community in darktide are absolutely smooth brains. I’ve learned so much from your guides, you’re truly one of the best players to touch this game
@char_name 3 месяца назад
Like a hive of wasps drawn to the sweetest nectar.
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
Yeah I do kind of make my self an easy target
@char_name 3 месяца назад
A content burrito too spicy for the normies and psychos but we like it hot and sweaty. I should stop with the metaphors.
@sentient9478 3 месяца назад
Little bit late to the party of comments here I suppose, but I would like to tell you this Tanner, The content you do put out, whether it be Darktide or something else entirely, it is good content. You stay relevant to the topic you want to discuss and only give your opinion on something when you've taken the time to understand it. Your videos deliver a LOT of energy, and I understand for the most part, that energy comes from your passion about stuff. This video is a first (at least for me) where your motivated by (completely justified) anger. I'll try not to drag on any longer, I've probably contradicted myself or said all this in a way that sounds more sarcastic than anything else. (This isn't supposed to be sarcastic I genuinely mean all of this) I just want to end on this note, I believe you are an OBJECTIVELY good person, and I will continue to watch your content because more than anything, I appreciate having A REAL FUCKING PERSON share REAL OPINIONS and REAL FACTS. Keep doing what you're doing man. The people who stay are the people you can count on being real people just like you.
@j_uice 3 месяца назад
came back into darktide abt 2 months ago after a losing interest, your videos, gameplay reviews, and willingness to give opinion on gear/stats/strategy/etc. has really helped me wrap my head around the game. I appreciate your darktide content and you should know you've helped me enjoy the game much more!
@torm0 3 месяца назад
We may have argued over a few things previously but you've always been respectful and I changed my mind a lot on your character. As someone who believes I am undiagnosed autistic myself I have been told I am too loud, opinionated, harsh, cold, wierd and have tried so hard to conform to societal expectations in the past that I became a people pleaser and hated myself for it. I feel more confident these days and I like how confident you come across despite me thinking you probably struggle a lot. I enjoy your content and your advice has improved my darktide builds massively. Thank you. X
@xYamakaze 3 месяца назад
7:17 I was so early I had to refresh the video so I could see that wall of text in 1080p, and I thought I wrote essays for comments! Is it really that serious to these "people"?
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
yeah and his only problem with me. is i didnt read his comment and incorporate HIS changes into MY videos. guess i got an enemy for life now. by the time he leaves me alone he'll have written a book about a guy hes never talked to.
@jonsafi3565 3 месяца назад
Just saw this video after your videos about all the classes carried me thru my work shift. I love your darktide content and think it’s hilarious and informative. Youre a rare breed of youtuber, and i think that many others would agree my friend. Thank you so much for your content and your personality.
@xGarrusV 3 месяца назад
it probably won’t mean much but i’m sorry to hear what you go through. personally i’ve enjoyed a wide variety of your content both recent and late and your personality is a large tribute to that. its one thing to express many opinions in video form as you do but it saddens me that people have been taking that and unwind it into such extreme, personal harassment. i look forward to seeing whatever you may feel like posting about next all the same.
@KanaKaname 3 месяца назад
I hope you get some relief tanner, I was in a similar but milder situation when I was much younger and this feels totally relatable. One thing that continues to amaze me is the length people are willing to go to keep their ways even if they're just sabotaging themselves. At some point I simply become indifferent to their struggle because why even give them anything if they just hate me for it? Shitty people deserves each others and that's the conclusion I came to.
@xYamakaze 3 месяца назад
Funny that you mention people ragging on you for the way you talk. This afternoon my mother and sister both ragged on me for it and my "volume". I'm sorry I can't control how loud I talk. The whole time I was growing up I was always told to speak louder so that people could actually hear me, so I feel natural talking at the volume I do and I can't tell if it's overly loud or not. Blame yourself and the school system for your suggestions becoming a reality, so why should I have to change now that all of a sudden it's a problem? What do I care if people overhear me anyway? Clowns.
@Zopporillo 3 месяца назад
YES, I have friend at work who does the same! Instead of being toxic to him just because he is loud is not right, so I'm the only one who has respect from him because I LISTEN. Love new trend where people realise they have no thoughts, so maybe we were right that half of the population is a brandead drones to support this hellhole system. P.S. Thanks for the vid, Tanner
@wifeburger 3 месяца назад
i think at this point you should continue making darktide guides that are intentionally riddled with subtle misinformation and bad tips just to fuck with low functioning redditards
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
Thats.... not a bad idea actually
@Neddicus 3 месяца назад
Ooooo good idea
@Vane-p1l 3 месяца назад
I've started watching you because of your Darktide videos. When I started playing the game I've found your videos to be the most accurate and helpful to learn the game quickly. They were quick, to the point, no bullshit, just facts and good advice. So thank you for the content, I really appreciate the work you put into it.
@waterisnotdry3057 3 месяца назад
Tanner you are my favorite shouty boy. Keep up with your vids, i love them
@ICONOCLAST_762 3 месяца назад
for what it's worth man, i personally really appreciate your content. i discovered you through your darktide guides (which helped me a ton in becoming a competent player), but still end up checking out your other vids whenever they release. you're entertaining and your takes are almost always spot on. take it ez as you can, you deserve more respect than these rats bitching in the comments give you.
@sammydecafthethird 3 месяца назад
For what its worth, i only discovered your channel, like, today; but i was looking for psyker builds 'cause i havent played in a year, and found your video on it. Your frantic energy definately keeps the viewers attention, although i'll admit you lost me on some of your tangeants, haha. I can definitely say that you are one of the more unique youtubers ive come across in terms of atritude, but i think your thoughts and opinions one the games mechanics are valid, and ill be subscrbing to see what you do next!
@cruzcontrol8717 3 месяца назад
Kinda late to this video but i wanted to add that around the time you came around there was severe lack of information regarding the intricacies of darktide. Usually soneone like jsat would cover niche and intricate topics regarding mechanics in tide games. You filled the gap and did a great job getting the information across and I appreciate that about your darktide content Tanner :).
@solarupdraft 3 месяца назад
Your videos have been helpful to me; I hope your community experience improves.
@Lehriesv 3 месяца назад
Sorry you've had such a rough interaction with the community. I've always found your videos to be informative and objective and you for sure helped my play style.
@sirroy2733 3 месяца назад
After getting darktide in the summer sale, I used a lot of your videos to understand mechanics and builds so ty. I did my first auric maelstrom about few days ago and I thank you for a lot of the help lol
@ChiTownTx 3 месяца назад
It's ok Tanner, I still love you.
@barneypenghoun7655 3 месяца назад
I just have to say that I genuinely really appreciate your content and I love hearing a literal standpoint on a game that I enjoy. I find it completely ridiculous that people have this unnecessary stupid need to harass you for pretty much no reason. I appreciate you and your content for making me a far better darktide player and we need more literal straight to the point type of people in this world. So I just have to say thank you for being who you are and I hope this needless conflict ends but I know how most people on the internet are just hate fueled automatons.
@dbank6107 3 месяца назад
The key [which myself is constantly practicing] is to not let whatever people say 'hurt' you or cause a reaction. What people think about you is there problem. Be you.
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
Yeah that's the exact mentality that caused all this.
@dbank6107 3 месяца назад
@@TannerLindberg So your gonna change to suit others? Of cause not.
@quantum6009 3 месяца назад
I have always liked your Darktide videos, I'm glad you're not going to change yourself to satisfy what some random people on the internet expect you to be
@Neddicus 3 месяца назад
0:14 thats basically all i run into. There are those 1 in 100 games where the randoms are like finding old friends, and it rebuilds your faith in the community. but its mostly all assholes tryna see who's smells the best.
@EleanorTerenuum 3 месяца назад
I recently found your channel and think your videos are super informative, I'm not surprised there is a lot of hate considering blind fanboyism is rampant in a lot of these communities. Regardless I wish you well and hope for more videos.
@LiddleCat 3 месяца назад
I don't think I've left a comment on a video in a long long time, but for what it's worth, you've helped me go from being timmy darktide, barely able to complete low difficulty garbage without dying 50 times, to being able to carry my auric damnations after like...a week or so of play, while drilling the info in your videos into my head. Your videos are good, and I think you're pretty funny. Thanks for the helpful information, and I hope people are less shit toward you in the future.
@xYamakaze 3 месяца назад
@dkelrk1 3 месяца назад
It's important to draw the line somewhere. People IRL, much less those from the Internet, are really bad at respecting personal space.
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
That's my point from my pov these guys are psychotic.
@TheKingOfBears. 3 месяца назад
Incoming trade offer: I receive: good Darktide build/guide. Tanner receives: The ability to insult me in the build/guide video. Sounds fair to me, I'll take it.
@ezio1598 3 месяца назад
Sorry to hear the hate mate, just want to say I've always enjoyed your perspective in games. Thanks for making the content you want to make
@Jeficus 3 месяца назад
I can empathize with this, I hide some pretty unhinged comments from people in the DT community every day, especially on some of my more critical videos. I really don’t understand the repeat offenders. If I know I don’t like somebody’s videos I simply don’t watch them. I’d never go out of my way to open a video up to ATTACK someone repeatedly.
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
i am always shocked at the pure lengths that people will go. after they decide that they do not like something slash someone to then CONTINUE to make said thing or person a focal point they dont stop thinking about.
@kamryncupler7880 3 месяца назад
Never once had an issue with your videos tanner. Watched your darktide vids and love them. Tell us what’s good, bad and just how to play the game in the most optimal way. If someone doesn’t like the content, don’t watch it. Have a good one tanner, keep being better than the shittards.
@mitchewawa 3 месяца назад
Seriously your style of video is the best, most efficient way of delivering and discussion real information - what's good and why, what's bad (important!) and why, + quick examples. It feels like 99% of VG meta/build/guide videos online are impossible to draw anything useful from for someone looking to better understand a game at the meta level, because it's all done by people who want to be a Personality rather than an expert (or even simply good) I know it's cliche ratchet n shit to say this but honestly forget the haters - it's just text on a screen from a bunch of r f's. You're a real G to me
@mitchewawa 3 месяца назад
Like they'll spend half the video talking about the news of their lives or making a shitty joke then drop a borderline roleplay build, read out a barebones levelling path or description of it's tools like "yeah this is pretty good at smiting hordes of heretics" and be done with no elaboration. Then title the video some shit like 'Gods Warrior Build - STRONGEST OP HIGHEST DIFFICULTY EASY CLEAR GUIDE' so it launches to the top of the algorithm and buries the real information Sick of seeing videos like this, communities need more creators like you
@Nacrohenes 3 месяца назад
Your content was a breath of fresh air and i loved all of it, straight to the point, no "everything is balanced and wonderful!" Kept watching ur videos even while i wasnt played the game
@NotLukeYT 3 месяца назад
After getting a few comments on a video i made about how to get Auric Storm Survivor Title i noticed how some of this community are, so i understand why you made this video
@watchouttheresRATS 3 месяца назад
Those with something worth saying are always polarizing -- people either love them or hate them and nothing in between. And remember, for every ten people that hate you, there's a couple who recieve a lot of joy from your work. Which group do you think is the wheat and which is the chaff?
@The_Archdiocese_of_Sol 3 месяца назад
I (and others) still love you Tanner.
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
this is true i just wish then umber of people who hated me was smaller
@EricNguyen-i6e 3 месяца назад
Recently got back in Darktide after over a year, and you are the only content creator I trust for this game. Let the haters hate man. You save a guy who has limited time to game a lot of frustration. Your content is hilarious 😂
@_R_G. 3 месяца назад
I don't understand the hate you are getting. Your videos are amazing and helpful, your voice and character are funny and entertaining. You helped me get better at the game. I hope you will feel better. You are a good person.
@MayTheJuggalosFindGod 3 месяца назад
i have schizotypal that makes me talk extremely strange no matter if i'm using a script or trying to mask as normie or anything, in fact i practically articulate like I have dementia. but i do not. i can think clearly. the words just come out wrong. i've never had a problem with the way you talk at all and i relate to some of the things you said here a lot. i think it helps that i have a pottymouth and i think cursing is extremely, extremely funny so u throw some f-bombs and im laughing instead of seething mad or something.
@ThugBoat 3 месяца назад
playing with u in ur old discord was really fun it makes me sad that the community is constantly so misunderstanding of you. I really hope people watch this video and understand why you have such a distaste for the larper good guy babies of darktide. Ur a good guy.
@ClaytorYurnero 3 месяца назад
*_They hated him because he spoke the truth._*
@twizted6967 3 месяца назад
don't listen to those people just need to grasp at anything to try to tear others down cause no-one loves them.
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
no this is the average darktide community member. i cant go anywhere with out getting crap like this.
@twizted6967 3 месяца назад
@@TannerLindberg people cant just take the blunt truth you're straight forward with what you say and thats a good thing but everyone as i said cant take it. sadly its how the internet is nowadays
@WhoLetTheGameOut 3 месяца назад
Dam, crazy. New build vid when?
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
Comeing never to a theater near you
@mememan7196 3 месяца назад
Your videos made me better at psyker so I'll always appreciate you
@orangutanenthusiast 3 месяца назад
People will talk their talk, but blaber on about nothing they know. Tanner, i'm sorry you're dealing with this. I don't really comment much but this is ridiculous for you to be going through. Edit: This world is full of hate, people hate to see you doing good for yourself in life. People will try everything to bring you down, especially online. Again, sorry you've had to deal with all these witch hunters coming for your throat.
@supdude4292 3 месяца назад
i could never hate you, you taught me how to dodge and not die when fighting also got my ass off ogryn and hopped on zealot and vet and have gone from damnation to auric maelstrom you have forged a gamer and i thank you for it 👍
@shleepz 3 месяца назад
Why can't these people just act normal I honestly don't get it
@MrZacdeath 3 месяца назад
They are obsessed with the media they enjoy to an unhealthy degree.
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
To them this is normal.
@MrZacdeath 3 месяца назад
As someone whos had to deal with maybe a 100th of this kinda hate, yeah, fuck these people. They suck. Also, they are obsessed with you. It's insane too because YOU TRIED TO HELP THESE PEOPLE GET BETTER AT THE FUCKING GAME. You're guides made me WAY FUCKING BETTER at the game. These people have nothing going on and are so obsessed with the media they consume that if you ask them to be critical for one second they lose their ability to be rational. I hope you don't let it get to you too bad. Again, I've had to deal with 100th, hell probably 1000th of the hate you've gotten and it sucks when people lie and shit on you for no fucking reason other than they don't like you. Stay strong Tanner.
@kobrax0341 3 месяца назад
I've come to recognize a pattern throughout all of the internet. If someone starts shit under the pretense that THEY are logically or morally in the right, and go on these moral crusades. THEY are often the shitbags who are in the wrong but get walls of people to harrass and slander the ones they disagree with
@henriboteule 3 месяца назад
I'm with you on this one. I unsubscribed from you a while ago, but I still think it's cool that you have your own way of saying what you want to say and that you've found your audiance, even if that exculdes me. The hate is absolutely unecessary.
@Orlok13415 3 месяца назад
Your channel actually taught me how to play the game at a higher level so .. fuck it. They not like us
@ghost-_-- 3 месяца назад
This is my favorite video from you so far. I have been watching you since the warframe days and the whole drama. I always loved the pure passion that came from you, and seeing these cucks come for you for no good reason is annoying. Tanner, keep being you because that is why i watch.
@OrAngelicBlitz8633 3 месяца назад
Ooh, the jtcLIVE dude lore has expanded?! Damn, I had a feeling they were too defensive for their own good, or simply over justification. I can't stand people most weeks and I have to separate myself from others to not engage too much or else I get upset like this. It's like being upset for a completely abstract reason, but except it's only abstract from other's perspectives. It's like im the only person that logically understands why I'm mad and others simply avoid understanding what I may mean. I don't get it all the time, but I do see myself a bit in this video as well; just getting scorned for things I can't or can barely control.
@samprentice1178 3 месяца назад
My friend showed me a video, and the first line i heard was "...a five piece Tanner with femboy sauce." Thank you.
@kobrax0341 3 месяца назад
At first you left a bad taste in my mouth, but seeing you make more and more good moral and logical points made me realize you deal with legit sociopaths all the time
@approximately27goats 3 месяца назад
Where can I find you on discord man? Let's vibe dude. I would really like to just play some aurics and chat
@TheBaralinChannel 3 месяца назад
I kinda got as much from the DT community whenever I visited practically any discussion forum. Everywhere, everywhere you go for darktide discussion, it's riddled with hypocrisy and toxicity. Like the people who are accusing you partake in the exact same bollocks they're "calling out". Without knowing much of anything about anyone, they formulate this profile of your entire person based on the fact you.. occasionally cuss and call out bad plays and objectively terrible opinions. I'm not always fond of your delivery, I'm happy to admit. Sometimes the tone rubs me the wrong way too. And that's fine. But I'd never make an assumption about your whole entire life and character based on it. Even if the aforementioned tone isn't always to my taste, I've made an attempt to look at the videos you make for what they are and to take in the information you've worked hard to deliver. Many a times I've recommended your videos to my friends, who don't play Darktide as often as I do, and find the game mechanically complex or vague. And, no joke, everyone I've recommended your work to has improved as a player. 2 such friends I now run Maelstrom with every other day after work, whilst they used to play mostly Heresy and Malice prior. Darktide really is filled with an ungodly amount of manbabies evidenced whenever you look at any spot of discussion about the game. And I could really care less if they weren't so damn loud that it kills any and all discourse about the game or its creators. Like people itching at the bit for a spot of drama. Either way. Not much else to say. I find it ridiculous that a certain subgroup of players just have you in the back of their mind and try to stir shit from nothing. Something to be said about living rent free in someone's head, I suppose, despite the fact they do not know anything about you outside of feeling called out over a video game...
@pyrosupreme4473 3 месяца назад
I appreciate the good info on darktide and elden ring, thanks for the videos Tanner ❤
@gumbo8043 3 месяца назад
can i hear you do the hate monologue from i have no mouth but i must scream please.
@sage_bruh 3 месяца назад
i dont really play the same games as u so most of the time idk wtf ur talking about but its clear that ur knowledgable when ur talking about shit its a breath of fresh air and im a fan
@b1on1k638 3 месяца назад
Wow, I’m sorry you’ve been treated this way. As someone who just likes Darktide I didn’t think shit like this even happened. But, what’s Reginald have to do with any of this?
@swaws7810 3 месяца назад
fuckin get em tanner edit: my god there's still another 7 minutes
@T405_MN 3 месяца назад
pretty much why I hate the internet tbf.
@gunaruni4564 3 месяца назад
I think your enthusiasm is something lacking in people nowadays, not like the annoying austistic but the kind of person that sounds excited. I may not agree with everything you say, but you are a cool dude and I'm a normie npc.
@infrared6973 3 месяца назад
Considering darktide has been crashing consistently since the path of redemption update and fatshark is now going on vacation I really cant bring myself to play anymore. It is so frustrating playing a game with performance as bad as darktide. I’ll find something else to play in the meantime.
@ZanettesPlace 3 месяца назад
Tbh, if more people who made content about this game were less LARPy, and would just tell Fatshark "Hey, there are only 3 characters in the game, only one meta weapon, and basically no build variety", maybe we would have a better game instead of this toxic positive excuse for a meta
@googlegames8363 3 месяца назад
darktide just lost a real one ....
@WickedWombat-13 3 месяца назад
I've always enjoyed your content, its informative about mechanics and entertaining. Don't let the mouth breathers get to you.
@RoleplayUnderMaintenance 3 месяца назад
As someone who is autistic and over-empathetic. The amount of hate you get for fucking nothing... Like I can't comprehend how people can despise you with such vitriol for opinions in a VIDEOGAME! Not even political opinions. Not hatespeech. Not being misinformed with bad info. (These are not pointed towards Tanner, I just used them as examples of "logical" hate) You'd think they'd hate someone for these reasons! But nonono! How DARE you make a video calling a weapon or style of play worse than another with receipt. Absolutely incomprehensible
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
I genuinely can't understand. I fail to be likeable. Since what they consider likeable is physical outside if things I can comprehend
@Vac302 3 месяца назад
Is Darktide still worth picking up?
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
yes. it is a very good game. and if the crafting re work is good it will be a god like game.
@vivaukraine5651 3 месяца назад
you do good man , i love your vids about darkitde ,even if you make vids about games i d'ont play i wach them anyway
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
Well thank you :D
@thedankcloud840 3 месяца назад
its crazy to me how often this shit happens with you, over the years of watching you sure theres been a few vids youve made where you say smth that i dont agree with or like but that has never been any reason to dislike you as a person or harras you, 2nd community ive seen this in now and its really sad
@Arnveld 3 месяца назад
I'm sorry you have to deal with this. Those people are awful.
@liammcguinness139 3 месяца назад
I gotta say, like him or not, the man is right, even about gaming in general. How many games do you play nowadays where a portion of the community you come across are adamant they are the best theres ever been, but only use meta because a youtuber told them or use gliches and exploites unironically because without it they wouldnt be able to compete at high levels of gameplay, all without even just playing the game for themselves and learning a play style they personally like. They don't even know how much they don't know but feel theyre opinions are more important and outweigh people who have basically devoted their lifes to learning and mastering the game, and then proceed to become increadibly toxic when they get put in their place, but aye sure he's the bad one cause he's calling these clowns out...
@pokerpahom1872 3 месяца назад
Feels good being in 10% who deserve air what they breath 💅
@sorydash2218 3 месяца назад
Don’t think you deserved the hate, for what you’ve done for people. I wish having a perspective of things in a game of all things, would be considered and talked about in a healthy and constructive way for the community. But instead, it’s usually, “His opinion is against the most commonly accepted idea, so it’s bad.” I wish instead it was, “His perspective is different, I should try and experiment with it, and see if I should agree or not.” And even if they don’t agree, the should just be content with that. No need to shame someone, because of the way they view a game. Idk how much it means, but there’s many people that enjoy the educational content you put up. They just never said anything, such as myself, until now. Stepping into Darktide after doing Vermintide Solos, Legend not Cataclysm unfortunately, not that good yet; I thought I would have an easier time than I thought, when I did higher level content. Your content has allowed me to improve on Auric Maelstrom missions. Chances you won’t see this comment, because you may find it a healthier choice to avoid looking at this video, in general. But if you do, I wish you well man, truly. You’ve improved my ability in the game, as well as my ability to see differing viewpoints with maturity. Even if you don’t do Darktide anymore, or as much, I’ll still be a fan of you man. Have fun in your life, Tanner and don’t let others bring you down for your hobby.❤
@小猪快跑-o4i 3 месяца назад
Actually love your darktide content,keep up the good work, my fellow cpc agent
@Gusativo 3 месяца назад
We appreciate you, Tanner
@damaskusseraph6046 3 месяца назад
Hey Tanner, I just found out about your channel and sorry to hear your getting alot of hate for the way you speak. It does sound very agressive and in your face but seeing as thats just the way you speak i cannot fault you for that. your advice is genuinly good from what ive seen in the comments. i just hope poeple get over their dislike of you. Keep up your cool videos. Hope you do well.
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