
Day 449: Playing chess every day until I reach a 2000 rating 

Chess with Patrick
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Watch out Hikaru Nakamura and Magnus Carlsen! I'm coming for you!
This is another day in my quest for a 2000 rating on chess.com.
Caro-Kann Defense: Tartakower Variation
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10 сен 2024




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@shazilla4 Месяц назад
dont you see the clock in the corner as we do?
@canefan17 Месяц назад
@chesswithpatrick Месяц назад
Wait!! You see it there all the time?!?!?! For some reason it only comes into view when I'm significantly down on time lol
@arant86 Месяц назад
In my opinion move 23, fxe5 was a vital mistake. The engine does not completely hate it, because it probably sees a way to navigate through, but you killed all your three pieces with that capture. Having a healthy pawnstructure can be nice but you really seem to overestimate it a lot. It,s not worth it, if you at the same time are taking away the open files from your pieces.
@xklepx Месяц назад
Yeah, I am only 1100, but blocking his doubled rooks and hindering his own bishop movement to fix pawn structure felt bad to me
@Deleeter Месяц назад
yeah I was thinking he just deactivated three pieces. Not surprisingly the game effectively ended a few moves after that.
@screamingliner Месяц назад
It's one of those things the engine doesn't mind but from a human point of view you're killing all your pieces to "fix" the pawn structure. It's probably fine if you have a plan in mind to reorganize the pieces. Easier to take with the bishop and pick up a tempo on the b2 pawn while maintaining the doubled rooks on an open file.
@Mathemagical55 Месяц назад
It's fine if you recognize the danger of allowing White to seize the d-file and have a plan to untangle.
@sleep99PS3 Месяц назад
Same issues. Time management. (5:30) we just can't be spending 3 mins on any move in a 10 min game let alone on a simple exchange. Can see why you played a lot of blitz/bullet off camera to force you to move faster but you need to think and calculate faster.
@neverbrokeagain191 Месяц назад
Patrick, you need to realize that if you don't fundamentally change what you're doing you could make these videos every day until the day you die and never get there. If you really want to even get to 1600, you need to start doing a ton of puzzles, learning middlegame strategy, learning endgames, etc. And you need to play a longer time control. This clearly isn't working if you have any intention of improving.
@shazilla4 Месяц назад
I agree....
@jacobpallesen3558 Месяц назад
You are spot on sir. But this has been said over and over. This " journey to whatever " is of course never happening if this goes on. BUT , im sure a solid player ( 1800 or more ) , could help Patrick a lot to get him back on track. NOW THAT WOULD BE NICE WATCHING. Some solid progress.
@danielward7008 Месяц назад
2000 just isn't happening. It is top car crash entertainment though 😅
@someguyontheinternet7628 Месяц назад
He needs to move faster
@blogattacker Месяц назад
Patrick gave up a time ago
@chandramoulidas4268 Месяц назад
26:10 Qh1+ Ke2 only move , you win the knight back
@skyltdockan Месяц назад
Actually Rb8 is just as good. White has to stop Rxb2 or it will be force mate due to blocking the e2 escape square.
@mikebass4511 Месяц назад
@@skyltdockanI think he was just letting Patrick know that it wasn’t just a positional sac but a sac for a piece
@ralphderkapitaen9875 Месяц назад
@@skyltdockan that knight on G2 was definitely on the chopping board to get..:-)
@steventhornton4506 Месяц назад
Are these videos just a troll at this point? I don't even know why I'm watching, it's so frustrating watching you be as slow as you can be calculating the same stuff over and over without even asking why the opponent played their last move to the after 2 minutes play something passive instead and be caught out when they take. You'll run out of time every game if you don't change how you play. Honestly it's painful.
@adamgorz9679 Месяц назад
I've thought the same thing about him being a troll secretly he's a 2000 elo. His moves are insanely passive and slow almost like its intentional. You could take a 900 elo that only plays 5min games and he would mop the floor with patrick.
@avaught20 Месяц назад
This was legitimately the worst time management you’ve ever had and that’s saying something. Nh5 removing the kings only defender isn’t a hard move to find at all. Then you didn’t even use the engine to see qh1+ wins the knight back if he played ng2.
@btorres5x Месяц назад
aint no way the opponent ended with 8+ min...wtf? we gota speed the fuck up boii lol
@GoodKnightChess Месяц назад
Okay, I just watched the whole game and while watching I was taking some notes. Any advice I give comes from what I feel would make sense practically, not necessarily what the engine will recommend. I haven't analyzed the game with an engine or anything like that. 2:43 You could've held off pushing the pawn immediately and played a move like ...Qc7 getting the queen off the backrank, connecting rooks and defending the pawn all at the same time or Bxf3 damaging the pawn structure around White's King which would give you something to look forward to (a possible future attack on the king) ...b5 itself may not have been a bad or losing moves but it could cause some problems in future. For example, white might play a4 at some point to attack the pawn and undermine it and also potentially open up the a file for their rook. So basically, b5, while probably not a bad move (again I haven't checked with the engine) could make things practically difficult as it gives white some counterplay, if they know what they're doing. 8:00 It was a little difficult for me to decide on a move in this position, while Re6 does seem like a decent move, I'd have probably settled for ...Qd5 hitting the knight on f3, supporting a future h5 and forcing white to make a decision. If Nh2 black can follow up with ...h5 undermining the structure on the King side considering white had weakened it by pushing the pawns unnecessarily. If Nh4 we can trade on d3 first and then follow up with ...h5 with the same idea of undermining and destroying the pawns. The Queen from d5 controls the h5 square so if gxh5 we can recapture with the queen and even if the engine might say white is okay or whatever, the position slowly becomes practically difficult as the possibility for them to make a mistake increases. 10:23 Here's a very good example of what I mean when I say the engine might say a move is fine but if you don't see the lines it sees you can't understand why it says it's fine. Taking on c4 was not a good idea strategically but it works out tactically. It's not good strategically because it opens the c-file and leaves black with an isolated pawn on the the c6 square which could be attacked once white starts to double up on the c file. it works out tactically because white's king is exposed and after white played Qxc4 I think black actually has the move ...Nh4 attacking the white knight even though our knight is hanging. Again, this is possible due to how vulnerable the white king is, if white takes the Knight on h4, black has ...Qh2+, Kf1 Qxh3+ forking the king and knight, exposing the white king even further and winning back the piece plus and extra one or two pawns.it wouldn't really matter even if black ends up down a pawn or two at the end of the line, the most important factor is the exposed king, which you should always have at the back of your mind in such position. An exposed king allows several possibilities, just always remember that and be on the lookout. So, basically, if the king wasn't exposed taking on c4 would've been a bad move but since it works out tactically, it's fine but then it's not fine because you probably didn't see the follow up and now you're just left with a weak c6 pawn. 12:25 you still had the chance to play Knight h4 here, if white takes the queen you can insert the intermezzo Kxf3+ as this comes with check and even if white attacks the knight with Kh2 you can insert another intermezzo with Nxf1+ winning the rook as this comes with check also and then when white captures the knight you take the queen and end up up a rook😁 13:00 fxe5 was a decent move, you wanted to undouble the pawns, get a better structure etc but in this position Bxe5 was the better move. Chess can be confusing at times😂, I just talked about you having a bad structure after taking the pawn on c4 and now I'm saying it wasn't the best idea to fix the doubled pawns😂but in every phase of the game, piece activity is the most important thing. You already had two rooks doubled on the e file and if you'd played Bxe5 you'd have caused some problems for white immediately as they'd have to figure out a way to protect the pawn on b2. They can't push it as that would leave the rook hanging and playing a move like Rb1or Bc1, which is what they might be forced to do if they don't want to lose the pawn, ties white down a bit and gives black the opportunity to carry on with other plans and create more problems. 13:35 ...a5 would've been a good move here, it undermines the pawn on b4 and also threatens to open up the a -ile which would give black some counter play once you're able to swing a rook over to that side of the board and if white play bxa5 that's even better as it leaves white with an isolated weak pawn on the a file. You can then follow up with a move like ...Ra8 (not recapturing the pawn immediately) and then doubling up and increasing the pressure on teh a2 pawn after capturing the pawn on a5. 14:30 Ree8 would've been a better moves here, it aids in the fight for the open file which was the most strategic strong hold at that point in the game. Alright I'm kind of tired now😅I'd probably just make a video next time if I want to do something like this. GG and good luck on your journey🫱🏾‍🫲🏼
@MrLaeddis1 Месяц назад
Nobody is going to read that 5 page thesis
@chesswithpatrick Месяц назад
Try not to pay attention to some of the comments on here, @goodknightchess. I have to agree with your feedback. I didn’t realize that the pawn push to b5 was giving them the open file which now I see is a bad move strategically. Focusing on developing over anything else would have addressed this which I always have trouble remembering in the game for some reason. I was perhaps blindsided by only focusing on attacking moves. In my analysis I did see how Nh4 was a great move for several points in the game given the battery but did not see it in the game. Also at the end doubling up rooks on the e file to protect the pawn seems like a reasonable thing to do. While I can’t commit to replying and studying all comments with this much detail, I can assure you that I read all of them and appreciate the amount of time it takes to watch, and provide feedback. And I hope you get as much enjoyment watching as I do playing. And I hope your cellmates do too.
@foodope Месяц назад
After playing Ng6 you spent a total of 11 secs calculating and then dismissing Ng4 even before they played a move. Then you spent 3 minutes of your time not looking at it once while it still was the best move in the position.😢
@benjaminjaton3597 Месяц назад
Ahhhh the sac with your knight is not better positionally, you could have taken the knight if you then checked on H1, King has to move away from knight and you take the knight. The engine says there is an even better move but the knight still hangs regardless.
@wuudturner Месяц назад
Too often I see you get into a spot where you just freeze. You waste 2-3 minutes trying to decide what to do, just dithering. Then the next move, you spend a few more minutes. No plan made still. Then before you know it, you are down to only a minute or less, and well, things naturally just fall apart. A lot of this is time management. You need to watch the clock more. But also, I wonder if this is happening just a bit after the opening. You know enough about the openings to manage to develop your pieces. But then you are unsure what to do. Even in the end game though, where you have a virtually forced move, with 30 seconds to go. I've seen you spend 10-20 of those seconds making the only possible move. I've also seen games where you had a nicely winning position, but you fell apart due to lack of time. To me, this suggests some facets of your game where you need to improve. Time management! Accept that spending 3 minutes of a 10 minute game to find the perfect move is a bad idea, unless that perfect move gets you a very fast forced checkmate. That will be rare. Next, I think you need to learn more about the various openings, and what your plans will generally be for them. Next, spend more time doing puzzles. You need to get your speed up, reaction time down. Again, a lot of this is time related. It is things like the above (and much more I am sure) that you need to do to become competitive with players even a few hundred points higher than you. It will take some effort on your part, a conscious effort to improve. And, no. You don't need to do any of this. You can just have fun. Continue playing exactly as you do. But then you cannot pretend you are trying to improve.
@GoodKnightChess Месяц назад
Who else is watching from prison?😎
@ChessAscension Месяц назад
I’m watching from the prison in my head 🤔
@em4six348 Месяц назад
Yooo, Leavenworth or Shawshank?
@Misha_Ponziani Месяц назад
What are you doing in the prison? What happened to you?
@muhammedga7303 Месяц назад
What were you charged with? Hanging the queen on move 3?
@dg3872 Месяц назад
Haha, me too!
@MarcelFuret Месяц назад
Patrick 2 minutes on 1 move on a 10 minute game is carzy!
@12spanku Месяц назад
No it isn't. Spending two minutes on a move or two each game on a 10+5 time control is perfectly fine.
@Cookies-ov3kk Месяц назад
​@@12spanku Yeah sometimes it can be worth it to spend more time in critical positions. But here he went from 8 min to 3 min in 4 moves trying to get some advantage, when he easily could have kept even position without burning clock. Ok, it is still doable if you have the ability to play decent chess in time trouble. But if he gets in time trouble, feels like he blunders and loses 80-90% 😅
@BrianMillerChess Месяц назад
Let's keep grinding, Pat! We're both on different journeys!
@diablitosegura Месяц назад
Dude im really happy about this game!! Although the results weren’t what we wanted you played the opening really great!!
@radscorpion8 Месяц назад
I love how you're the only one who types good game and literally no one else cares LOL (me included :P)
@willbollman6246 Месяц назад
You learned something valuable today...sometimes you have to go with your instincts. You felt the correct play in your gut but let your brain over complicate matters. Remember that
@NelsonChan-pm5fk Месяц назад
I tend to exchange pieces when I am low on time so I think you may have been feeling time pressure here. You saw the knight sac during your calculations but stopped 1 move short - as others pointed out, Qh1 gets the knight back. It's instructive for me watching you and learn to calculate as far as possible (time permitting of course)
@blogattacker Месяц назад
I think Patrick gave up a long time ago. It is what it is.
@rossfraser4668 Месяц назад
You’re playing 1000 chess stuffing around waiting for a blunder. You had the opportunity to push the diagonal to h2 but instead you did not push.
@dg3872 Месяц назад
He's 930 in blitz, so he should play 1000 chess
@danielward7008 Месяц назад
To be fair 1000s aren't the type to sit around waiting for blunders as they're the kings of one move threats in my experience.
@pedrots1987 Месяц назад
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein
@jamonh Месяц назад
I thought you played very well in this game Patrick. It was entertaining. Only real issue was spending so much time on that one move at 23:46; you spent a lot of time in a situation where I think trading would have made sense and would have been a fairly fast move.
@ralphderkapitaen9875 Месяц назад
26.17...the point of going out with the queen into kings territory, was to give him another check and snag that knight on G2.......:-)
@adammueller6587 Месяц назад
You like my brother, he's a good player but takes way to long on a few moves. It's crazy how many games your up against the clock.
@Ethab_youtube Месяц назад
This is the reason I quit chess
@iratemetsfan Месяц назад
I was yelling knight to h4 but didn't realize they could block. Still the best move tho.lol
@jamesmcavoy5440 Месяц назад
Set youself a rule not to trade queens unless you are a minor piece up. Your opponent wanted to trade because you had a checkmate threat and their king was exposed. They had no threats . The trade really favoured them. You had them on the ropes and you needed the queen to checkmate them.
@Niam_Human Месяц назад
wonder what would have happened at 5:16 should you take the bishop with the rook.
@jpdemont Месяц назад
Sometimes you take a lot of time to make a move because you don't have a clear understanding of what makes a move good or bad. Your speed will increase as your tactical insight improves (by doing lots and lots and lots and lots of puzzles) and by practicing endgames. Also, you should slowly and carefully review the opening in each game. I've seen you make the same mistake on move 3 or 4 several times. Never make the same opening mistake twice.
@stamps151 Месяц назад
You would have won this if you had more killer instinct. You have to attack them. Your queen and bishop were lethal on that diagonal and you didn't uses them - you allowed a queen swap and lost your most powerful piece, which must have delighted your opponent. And you went to all that trouble of doubling up your rooks on the E file, then put your own pawn in front of them, totally neutering them. You gotta go for the jugular, mate.
@mstefa007 Месяц назад
If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got!
@user-te3ti9tp9w Месяц назад
Damn you had a winning position there’s no need to trade queens like… What advantage do you get By trading
@LJones69 Месяц назад
Patrick, why are you not going for a draw at the end instead of thinking you have to win or lose?
@davidyoung3452 Месяц назад
You'd already seen the Nh4 idea and then forgot it about it !
@Misha_Ponziani Месяц назад
Patrick you don't play chess, you are suffering and I'm suffering with you together my friend. I think you will need at least a couple of years, may be more to get 2K elo rating. Are you ready for the long way? I hope, you are. I hope you will able to do it.
@montagdp Месяц назад
He's been going for almost a year and a half and isn't any higher than he was when he started. If he's going to reach 2k, it's not going to be by doing the same things he has been. He's going to need to seriously dedicate himself to study and improvement, which may not be feasible given his current work and family situation. I honestly think he should give up the 2000 goal for now and just try to reach and stay above 1500 instead.
@dg3872 Месяц назад
He's played over 2 thousand blitz games, and is rated 930. He was rated above 1000 over a year ago, so ofc he will never be close to 2K in blitz. The rapid rating is a joke at the lower end so he might get to like 1700-1800 rapid ish, but never 2K (unless the rapid rating inflation keeps getting worse)
@rileys2750 Месяц назад
He won’t even touch 1600
@blogattacker Месяц назад
Six to seven years
@Roberto-bd9fq Месяц назад
Instead of the queen exchange Bb6. Also, you made your own bishop bad. Was it fun? I don't think so. You dither over moves that are all equally bad and then choose the wrong one Just play any move then you will have more time to play more bad moves. What fun. There is one way to get out of it. Resign. Analysis: You had a winning position, then you blew it Then drawing chances, but then threw those away. Let's be real for a change. You dither over bad moves and then make excuses for your game. That is not what analysis is for. It is for finding errors and eliminating them from your play. Instead, you tend to rush through analysis and later make the same mistakes again, and same excuses. I ran out of time for one. Btw you did see Nh4 earlier but did not see the follow up. It is not a sacrifice if you get the piece back right away, plus a pawn, if he takes the knight. If he blocks check with the knight, you get the piece back with a single move. Can you find it? Oh you did find it instantly, Qh1+ the second time you looked at it. Why could not see that a first glance, the first time. I guess it is still better too one move, but it's no good at all unless you find it. If Someone shoves their queen up for an exchange it is usually not a good idea to exchange, and yet you do that quite often. You made a number, half a dozen, questionable moves in the ending but no analysis as to what a better move was.
@danielmccachern2307 Месяц назад
You should learn some new openings, play the Caro-Kann and the Vienna less. This might stimulate your brain and make things fresh.
@vlaer81 Месяц назад
oh, dude, so slow,. But so much fun to see how you play on seconds :) Just play 3 min blitz with no increment. That will teach you how to control you time and opponents time. Every second game in rapid you have time trouble and you don't know what to do.
@OpticIlluzhion Месяц назад
This was a good game in my eyes, even if you lost. You had good time management in the opening, all of the moves that gave you a winning advantage or kept the game going did not look easy to find at all. Your opponent just happened to have a better game which is unfortunate
@MarcelFuret Месяц назад
We will agree to disagree, lol
@tomwaters8409 Месяц назад
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