@@lisah9561 "There are no financial contributions to public health insurance in Hong Kong. The government simply provides healthcare for everyone at virtually no cost. This system includes not only Hong Kong citizens and permanent residents, but also non-permanent residents. Therefore, as soon as you are in Hong Kong with a valid visa and have acquired the Hong Kong ID card, you are eligible for public healthcare." That sounds like Socialised Healthcare.
It's funny as theses nhs workers are fighting for better wages saying they are struggling to live thqt why they are stiking lose day pay in the process and making patient suffer but can pay a union to do fuckall and this union can give a donation to labour that's millions of pound a year wtf
GB News as much use as a chocolate teapot maybe all the Tory MP’s they have hosting shows should stay there because they’re not much use anywhere else.
It’s like she forgets what shes talking about towards the end of every sentence. GB struggling to get anyone who isn’t thick as mince to work for them. 😂
@@lisah9561 If the government hadn`t cut incomes by over 30% there wouldn`t be a reason to strike? It is government policy which is putting lives at risk!
@@lisah9561Unfortunately you don’t all seem to get it. There are opportunities elsewhere and in few years you won’t have to discuss Dr’s strike at all cos you won’t have them in your hospitals. I laugh at the ignorance I read online lol.
It never gets mentioned that the strikes haven't just been triggered because of pay, but also due to cuts made to the general budget, affecting working conditions, money for new equipment, maintenance, refurbishment and new investments. For example, where are those 40 new hospitals that were promised? Let's also not forget, the government also saved a lot of money by having staff come in from the EU, who were trained on their governments money instead of ours. Now we don't have easy access to those staff.
I find it absolutely disgusting that people should have to pay a loan of over 100 thousand pounds back! for learning a trade that saves and improves lives of the British public and THAT THE COUNTRY CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT! Disgusting. End university fees for any healthcare professionals.
@@Zarken26 I am certain that with an attitude of "f**k em all, I'm alright Jack" you would prefer to keep ALL of your money and pay no contribution to our society whatsoever, or perhaps you would like the government to ask you personally where you want your money spent? I would happily let you off for ALL of your taxes, providing of course you were instantly barred from using *anything* that has been paid for by tax payers, and that includes the roads, the footpaths, you ain't paid towards them then you can't use them, any infrastructure which depends on the tax payers to fund, police fire ambulance etc, YOU can't use those either, neither can any member of your family, not unless you pay first. I would also like to make the same offer I make to everyone who complains about the taxes they pay, I would be happy to pay double whatever you pay in taxes, and you can pay mine, ... so long as we swap bank accounts and income too. Not once has any of these 'poor put upon high tax rate payers' taken me up on my offer. So cry me a river about your high tax bill. My concern is firmly with those who are actually suffering and dying every single day as a direct result of this vile governments war on the poor and the weakest in our society. they truly are "Lower than vermin" *For the many NOT the few*
@@Zarken26 I often find that people who accuse others of "virtue signalling" do so because they lack any 'virtue' and feel threaten by people who DARE not to share their (usually right wing) opinions. As for 'donating more of 'my money' to *our* NHS, how do you know what I do with 'my money'? Fact is I am a pensioner without a pot to piss in, although I DID *willingly* pay my taxes without complaint for my entire working life because I have always believed everyone should contribute towards OUR society, and that the amount should rise with the level of income for each individual, obviously. As I said previously, I would be happy to pay *double* the current top rate of income tax, as long as I also got the bank account and other 'assets' of the average higher tax rate payers. I never said you can't spend your money on private medicine, knock yourself out, it's your money, once you have fulfilled your legal taxation payments etc. Just a final thought, perhaps the NHS would be "worth your money" if so many greedy selfish 'people' weren't either of those two things, We are all a part of our society and its our duty to contribute where we can.
I wonder what the overtime rate is for a consultant providing cover for a striking junior doctor? I wonder if it is the same as the consultant's overtime rate for clearing the backlog caused by his or her strike action.
OR greedy fat Tories who prefer to spunk millions, or billions, of pounds of *OUR* money up against a wall by giving their friends and donors HUGE amounts of free cash disguised as 'funding' for the production of PPI, they gave millions to one person who had no experience in running a company let alone setting up and running a company to manufacture PPI. then, ... they decide it's not worth the 'hassle of troubling their friends' for the money back, best let them keep it eh? "Duh what ARE we like?" but they still 'can't afford' to give our heroic NHS workers the pay rises they thoroughly deserve. Cory Tunts.
Jacqueline's argument is quite confusing. Does she support doctors working privately or not. Exactly what do you think is going to happen to your already deficit workforce. On top of that a junior doctor can't exactly compete with a consultant offerring the same service. She has no idea of the personal cost for setting up a private practice or the details. Yet happy to inform thousands of her ignorant views?
She was like a snake. She couldn't say it louder that she wants privatisation of the NHS but she hinted towards it. " NHS needs a complete overall of the system" "Some docs do private consultation, which I FULLY SUPPORT btw". What a nasty woman.
As long as they have the same wait times and limited access the rest of us do, strike away. Our docs n nurses in my hometown are getting progressively worse over the years. Stay healthy folks, and off the pharma train.
100% solidly behind the right to strike for any worker in any job, with perhaps the exception of the military and the police, although they should have a very strong independent representative body to look into any disputes. Tories, just doing what they always do, shitting on the working class.
@@mynameisnobody5295 of the 23000 consultants, 16000 do private practice according to BMJ, you think they’ll cancel their private clinics on the day of striking 🤷♀️
@@zoefree3950 There are already strict rules on working in private sector while working for the public sector (BMA). Doctors have had a real term cut in wages by 17% in real terms since Tories came into power. If we don't pay them enough they are worth they will go to the private sector including overseas. In my opinion this is intended as they want to privatize the NHS and turn it into the US system.
😂😂😂the government are responsible for looking after the public purse. Last time I looked the deficit was three trillion is this woman having a laugh. Or maybe she needs to see a doctor
Just took my wife to a French hospital after a fall in holiday, no queues , saw a Doctor straight away ,in and out in an hour ,that's service ,imagine same in UK still be waiting ,third world country
I've been around hospital for years now, caring for my late mother and now my father. I now have a terminal illness myself. The whole system has failed. My GP doesn't give a t..... I had a telephone appointment with 'my consultant ' ..a locum who didn't even know me or have my records available!
Well maybe if Bojo had kept another of untruths he blabbed on about before during and after Brexit the NHS and doctors and nurses wouldn’t feel the way they do eh
NHS have gone down so far. Waiting list lol ask me about it. Five years ago i was waiting for a left knee replacement. Five years later i am now waiting for 2 knees and 2 hips, ask me about my quality of life thanks to the lousy NHS being in pain every day, i've only paid in for 50 years as well. Why on the NHS am i still waiting after FIVE YEARS ?
Your quality of life is terrible and you are suffering because there's not enough staff to do routine hip and knee procedures, the good ones that do them are leaving, and now there are barely enough just to look after patients who have had trauma and need urgent surgery. Sadly the UK has voted for the same people again and again who have record of 10 years of underinvestment in the NHS, cutting doctors pay by 25% in real terms, and selling the NHS off to american corporations like operose which on average have fewer doctors per GP practice compared to independent GP surgeries. If you want a good service, you cannot trust disingenuous hacks with public office
Why should they care when they're taking a pay cut for every year that passes? These people break their backs in poor conditions to apply care to people who frankly don't deserve it. The strikes act is suppression of our ability to reasonably bargain and rolling over and claiming moral superiority is unrealistic when we live in a capitalist society.
‘Strikers are just not bothered’? When most of the general public are tucked up in bed at night who do you think is awake (destroying their own health in the process) looking after all our relatives, who is missing Christmas/NYE/weekends to look after our country. These ‘strikers’ are.
@@ThatHappyChap no, they might get more money but they will lose credibility as doctors. After all, don’t they believe in bonus holes and birthing people and that untested medication is ok to give to patients. Kudos to those that chose to work.
@@thebittersweetmyke1 on the past you did not need thousands of doctors, by being available 24/7 every day of the year meant you only got a locum to help out for a short while, you also knew your patients very well. The change to appointments occurred in 1980.
@@carolnoble4344 it’s not the 1980s, we have an aging population with much more complex medical needs. If you expect doctors to work even more hours than they currently do then you are delusional. Doctors already work excessive amount of hours. Many of which are unpaid.
@@thebittersweetmyke1 I agree we have an aging population, I am 74 and have more than 15 physical ailments some of which are very serious. Three years ago I lost my husband just as the covid restrict tions were coming in and it was not due to Covid. The Trust were insistent that he take a drug we had already learned he was allergic too. It was for a research project but instead of officially recruiting him they were determined use his information without his permission. Tests were applied for but neither he nor I were told the results. I know from other situations that doctors are not being taught what they need to know. This affected me too. I tried the complaint procedures up to Ombudsman lr el but has to pull back from a court case because the courts were overflowing with covid cases. I needed to find time to grieve and also used.the research to help learn as much as I could about my.own health. I am still alive. My mind is still funtini g and recently independently I learned the CQC hasd checked that trust and found 2 out of 5 categories required improvement, the most important being the long category regarding safety which requires improvement but the Trust is still functioning as normal. Would like to go to a Trust which is known to at times be unsafe, especially regarding patient care?
So you advocate for public sector workers to not have rights… do you realise how little the government would pay if striking wasn’t an option?! We would all be on minimum wage
100k a year is not a good wage for a doctor. It may be a good wage for you, but not a doctor. Its like how £250k a year might be a great wage for a division 4 center back but not for Lionel Messi. There are levels to this and a small mind can only dream small dreams, £100k is not a massive wage.
@@Zarken26 They are not public sector workers, they are doctors who happen to work in the public sector. Guess what? The worlds population is expanding rapidly, there are constant advancements in medical technology but the workforce can't keep up pace to deliver this healthcare globally. Everywhere is short of doctors. America is hiring, Canada is hiring, the Middle East is hiring, Ireland is hiring, Australia is hiring....and they are all paying 3-4x times the measley NHS salary for a consultant physician. Doctors are far too in demand and important to listen to your entitled little moaning about how much or how little you think they should earn - you are completely irrelevant to the discussion. Its really strange you can't equate the fact that the NHS pays such poor wages compared to the global market with the fact that the standards and care in the NHS are poor and unreliable. Do you not understand what a free market is or are you a communist who just refuses to engage with one?
We need 2170 doctors just to cover legal immigrants that arrived last year. Cut DEI cut pointless middle-management. You can have open borders or you can have a NHS that can cope. Pick one
@@Bobisalive Its a scandal that so many Doctors come to Britain we should be training more of our own. We got plenty of people willing and able to fill medical school places but there are limited spaces. We are doing things on the cheap by robbing other countries of their trained medical staff.
@@ancietman Well it costs the student around £150k to study medicine at university (fees and average living), plus it costs the tax payer around £230k to train each doctor. Not all people are suited to be doctors. And on top of that 5,000 of them are leaving to go work abroad every year as well
Funny I’ve a friend who is a Nhs consultant he bought his kids Rolex’s has a yacht, rover overlander. So I don’t know I was an engineer finished my work as an engineer for a German company good salary but no pension from them! unlike doctors, consultants who’s have bullet proof pensions at least compared with mine.
@@Bringon-dw8dxmany do consultancy for the nhs for free. That’s an indicator of how much they earn I. The private sector. It they just have to do a few junior doctors shifts and there’s that Rolex.
@@dwayne_dibley look I’m not saying he doesn’t deserve it, I mean are things that bad they have to go on strike I don’t think so. Also my granddaughter is a student nurse and she ( I presume by the management) is having to fill in for striking doctors it seems strange that a student nurse just into her second year has had to do CPR I was very surprised at that , well shocked actually
This strike goes against everything that a doctor should stand for, this isn't a factory strike, this will cost lives and already has, we are losing unpresidented amounts of young people because of these strikes, this is about right and wrong and this is wrong
And that’s why it’s taken 15 years for doctors to finally say enough is enough, we spent years before the strikes were organised asking sit down with health secretaries and discuss this. They constantly refused. What’s wrong is the government won’t even come to the table.
What? He said his sister a Doctor doesn't have or want a private practice. Surely private practices are negative for the NHS. She just doesn't know what she wants.
No support from most people i should imagine.Anyhow have you ever seen a empty nurses station.Glued to the chairs and eating fucking hob knobs.Try working like most of us do.
Guess the 72 hours I worked last week, including 4 nights, were not enough for you. I got a break (30mins) on only 3 of those shifts. Don’t work hard enough I guess.